THIS CONSULTING  AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement") is made and entered into by
and between GAFF GROUP, INC., a California corporation (the "Client") and EQUITY
GROWTH  SYSTEMS,  INC., a publicly  held  Delaware  corporation  with a class of
equity securities  registered under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act" and "Equity Growth,"  respectively;  the
Client and Equity  Growth  being  hereinafter  collectively  referred  to as the
"Parties" and generically as a "Party").

                                   PREAMBLE :

       WHEREAS,  Client  is  engaged  in  the  real  estate  industry,  as  more
       particularly  described in the materials  annexed  hereto and made a part
       hereof as composite exhibit 0.1; and

       WHEREAS,  the Client desires to become a reporting  company under federal
       securities laws with a publicly traded class of securities; and

       WHEREAS,  Equity Growth personnel have  substantial  experience with law,
       accounting   and  the  regulatory   obligations   imposed  under  federal
       securities laws and regulations, and provide assistance to companies that
       desire to attain  reporting  status under  Section  12(g) of the Exchange
       Act; and

       WHEREAS,  Equity Growth is agreeable to making its services  available to
       the Client,  on the terms and subject to the conditions  hereinafter  set

       NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration for Equity Growth's agreement to render
       the hereinafter described services as well as of the premises, the sum of
       TEN ($10) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
       and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged,  the Parties,  intending to
       be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:


                                   ARTICLE ONE
                           OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES


(A)    Equity Growth will assist the Client's legal counsel, or, as
       set forth below, provide its own legal counsel, to register
       its securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission
       (the "SEC"), and thereafter, will assist the Client to make
       arrangements required to permit trading of the Client's
       securities on the OTC Bulletin Board operated by the National
       Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., including
       introductions to one or more potential market makers and
       assistance in the preparation, filing and management of the
       SEC and NASD Rule 15c2-11 compliance filings which will be
       required by any broker dealers publishing quotes in the
       Client's securities.


(B)    Equity  Growth  will  assist the Client to obtain a CUSIP  number for its
       securities,  to obtain a stock trading symbol and to list the Client in a
       Standard  & Poors or  comparable  securities  manual  complying  with the
       manual exemption from Blue Sky registration in 15 or more states.

(C)    Because of the Client's anticipated status under federal
       securities laws, in any circumstances where Equity Growth is
       describing the securities of to a third Party, Equity Growth
       shall disclose to such person the compensation received from
       the Client  to the extent required under any applicable laws,
       including, without limitation, Section 17(b) of the
       Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act");
       however, the Parties acknowledge they do not contemplate that
       Equity Growth shall be involved in any activities on behalf
       of the Client requiring such descriptions or disclosures, or
       that the Services involve any activities subject to
       regulation under federal or state securities laws, except for
       the introduction of  the Client and its principals to
       licensed broker dealers in securities, securities analysts
       and appropriate corporate information and stockholder
       relations specialists.


       In rendering its services,  Equity Growth shall not disclose to any third
party  any  confidential  non-public  information  furnished  by the  Client  or
otherwise obtained by it with respect to the Client.


(A)    The Parties recognize that certain responsibilities and
       obligations are imposed by federal and state securities laws
       and by the applicable rules and regulations of stock
       exchanges, the National Association of Securities Dealers,
       Inc. (collectively with its subsidiaries being hereinafter
       referred to as the "NASD"), in-house "due diligence" or
       "compliance" departments of licensed securities firms, etc.; 
       accordingly, Equity Growth agrees that it will not release
       any information or data about the Client to any selected or
       limited person(s), entity, or group if Equity Growth is aware
       that such information or data has not been generally released
       or promulgated.

(B)    Equity  Growth shall  restrict or cease,  as directed by the Client,  all
       efforts  on  behalf  of  the  Client,   including  all  dissemination  of
       information   regarding   the  Client,   immediately   upon   receipt  of
       instructions  (in  writing  by fax or  letter)  to that  effect  from the



(A)    (1)    The Client shall issue, directly to Equity Growth's
              stockholders of record on the 30th day following the
              date of this agreement, pro rata based on their
              ownership of common stock in Equity Growth, a quantity
              of the Client's common stock equal to 15% of the total
              outstanding capital stock of the Client, immediately
              following such issuance, subject to anti-dilutive
              rights for a period of 12 months following the
              original date of issuance (the "Public Shares").

       (2) The Public Shares shall be issued either:

        (a)   in reliance on either Rule 504 of SEC Regulation D or Section 4(6)
              of the Securities Act, and comparable provisions of the securities
              laws in each of the recipient's state of domicile, or

        (b)   pursuant  to a  registration  on  SEC  Form  SB-1  or  SB-2,  or a
              notification statement pursuant to SEC Regulation A;

              and Equity  Growth  will  assist  the  Client to prepare  and file
              required  documentation  associated  therewith,  at  the  Client's

       (3)    Prior to the  issuance  of the Public  Shares  Equity  Growth will
              assist the Client to comply  with any  obligations  under SEC Rule
              10b-17 pertaining to dividends.

       (4)    The Parties  hereby agree that for auditing,  tax, Rule 504 or SEC
              filing fee  purposes,  the  reasonable  market value of the Public
              Shares  is  the  lesser  of   $50,000  or  15%  of  the   Client's
              stockholders equity.

(B)    (1)    In the event that the Client desires to avail itself
              of the legal services of Equity Growth's general
              counsel to prepare and file the required SEC
              registration statements, it will pay Equity Growth the
              sum of $15,000, plus out of pocket costs and expenses,
              provided that not more than four amendments thereto
              are required, and that the Client provides timely and
              complete assistance in responding to SEC comment
              letters (additional costs resulting from failure of
              such assumptions being billed at such counsel's normal
              hourly fees for securities related filings).

       (2)    Equity  Growth  believes  that  the  Client  will  have to pay the
              following  additional  costs  in  conjunction  with  the  projects
              contemplated by this Agreement:

        C.    Auditing costs, the amount of which the Client is not
              competent to determine;

        D.    The costs of obtaining a CUSIP number and listing with  Standard &
              Poors or  another  comparable  manual,  which is  estimated  to be


        E.    Transfer agent set up and certificate distribution
              costs which will vary, based on the agency selected
              and the initial services required, but should not
              exceed $15,000 for physical delivery of certificates
              to each stockholder, assuming that such delivery can
              be structured over several months.  In the event that
              book entry recording in lieu of physical delivery is a
              legally available alternative and the costs of
              certificates are born by stockholders requesting them,
              then the costs can be cut dramatically (in the $5,000 

        F.    Filing  fees to the  SEC and  State  regulatory  authorities,  not
              expected to exceed $5,000;

        G.    Travel,  long distance  telephone,  overnight  postage and mailing
              expenses, not expected to exceed $2,500.

(C)    In  addition  to the  compensation  described  above  with  reference  to
       services during the Initial Term of this Agreement and whether or not the
       following services are rendered during such Initial Term:

       (1)    In the event that Equity Growth  arranges or provides  funding for
              Client on terms more  beneficial  than those reflected in Client's
              current  principal  financing  agreements,  Equity Growth shall be
              entitled, at its election, to either:

        (a)   A fee equal to 25% of such savings, on a continuing
              basis; or

        (b)   If equity funding is provided though Equity Growth or
              any affiliates thereof, a discount of 10% from the bid
              price for the subject equity securities, if they are
              issuable as free trading securities, or, a discount of
              50% from the bid price for the subject equity
              securities, if they are issuable as restricted
              securities (as the term restricted is used for
              purposes of SEC Rule 144);  or

        (b)   If funding is provided by any person or group of
              persons introduced to the Client by Equity Growth or
              persons associated with Equity Growth, directly or
              indirectly, but is not provided by Equity Growth or
              its principals as described in the preceding sub
              section, then Equity Growth shall be entitled to an
              introduction fee equal to 5% of the aggregate proceeds
              so obtained;  and

       (2)    In the event that Equity Growth generates business for the Client,
              then,  on any sales  resulting  therefrom,  Equity Growth shall be
              entitled to a commission  equal to 10% of the gross income derived
              by the Client therefrom, on a continuing basis.

       (3)    In the event that Equity Growth or any affiliate  thereof arranges
              for an  acquisition  by the Client,  then Equity  Growth  shall be
              entitled to compensation equal to 10% of the compensation paid for
              such acquisition,  in addition to any compensation  negotiated and
              received from the acquired entity or its affiliates.


(D)    The Client will assure that its legal counsel promptly
       prepares all reports which then existing holders of the
       Client's securities (including Equity Growth, its affiliates
       and  successors in interest) are required to file with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission as a result of the
       Client's reporting status, including Securities and Exchange
       Commission Forms 3, 4 and 5, Schedules 13(d) and Schedules
       13(g), and shall submit all such reports to the subject
       stockholders for prompt execution and timely filing with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission.

(E)           (1) In addition to payment of fees, the Client will be responsible
              for payment of all costs and disbursements  associated with Equity
              Growth's services either:

        (a)   Involving less than $50 per item and $200 in the aggregate  during
              the preceding 30 day period; or

        (b)   Reflected in an operating budget approved by the
              Client; or

        (c)   Approved in writing by the  Client;  provided,  however,  that the
              refusal  by the Client to approve  expenditures  required  for the
              proper   performance  of  Equity  Growth's  services  will  excuse
              performance of such services.

       (2)    All of  Equity  Growth's  statements  will be paid  within 10 days
              after receipt.

       (3)    In the event  additional  time for  payment  is  required,  Equity
              Growth will have the option of selling the account  receivable and
              the Client  agrees to pay interest  thereon at the monthly rate of

       (4)    In the event collection activities are required, the Client agrees
              to pay all of  Equity  Growth's  out of  pocket  costs  associated

       (5)    There  will be no change or  waiver  of the  provisions  contained
              herein,  unless such charge is in writing and signed by the Client
              and Equity Growth.


(A).   (1)    All work requiring legal review will be submitted for
              approval by the Client to the Client's legal counsel
              prior to its use.

       (2)    Final drafts of any matters  prepared for use by Equity  Growth in
              conjunction with the provision of the Services will be reviewed by
              the  Client  and,  if  legally  required,  by the  Client's  legal
              counsel, to assure that:

        (a)   All required information has been provided;

        (b)   All materials are presented accurately; and, 

        (c)   That no materials  required to render  information  provided  "not
              misleading" are omitted.

       (2)    Only  after  such  review  and  approval  by the  Client  and,  if
              required,  the Client's legal counsel, will any documents be filed
              with  regulatory  agencies or  provided to Equity  Growth or third

       (3)           (a)   Financial   data  will  be  reviewed  by   competent,
                     independent,  certified public accountants  experienced and
                     qualified  in   securities   related   accounting,   to  be
                     separately retained by the Client.

        (b)   Such  accountants  will be  required  to review  and  approve  all
              financially  related  filings,  prior to release to Equity Growth,
              other third parties or submission  to the  appropriate  regulatory


(B)    (1)    The Client shall supply Equity Growth on a regular and
              timely basis with all approved data and information
              about the Client, its management, its products, and
              its operations and the Client shall be responsible for
              advising Equity Growth of any fact which would affect
              the accuracy of any prior data and information
              supplied to Equity Growth.

       (2)    The Client  shall use its best efforts to promptly  supply  Equity
              Growth  with  full and  complete  copies of all  filings  with all
              federal  and state  securities  agencies;  with full and  complete
              copies of all shareholder  reports and  communications  whether or
              not prepared with Equity  Growth's  assistance,  with all data and
              information supplied to any analyst, broker-dealer,  market maker,
              or  other  member  of  the  financial  community;   and  with  all
              product/services brochures, sales materials, etc.

       (3)    The Client shall  promptly  notify  Equity Growth of the filing of
              any  registration  statement for the sale of securities  and/or of
              any other event which triggers any restrictions on publicity.

       (4)    The Client shall be deemed to make a continuing  representation of
              the accuracy of any and all material facts, material, information,
              and  data  which it  supplies  to  Equity  Growth  and the  Client
              acknowledges  its  awareness  that Equity Growth will rely on such
              continuing  representation  in performing its functions under this

       (5)    Equity  Growth,  in the  absence  of  notice in  writing  from the
              Client,   may  rely  on  the  continuing   accuracy  of  material,
              information and data supplied by the Client.

                                   ARTICLE TWO

2.1 TERM.

       This  Agreement  shall be for an initial term of 180 days,  commencing on
the date of its complete  execution by all Parties,  as evinced in the execution
page hereof,  but shall be  extended,  as required to permit  completion  of the
projects   contemplated  hereby  (attaining  trading  status  for  the  Client's
securities as an issuer filing reports with the SEC pursuant to Section 12[g] of
the Exchange Act (the "Initial Term").

2.2    RENEWALS.

       Subject  to prior  agreement  as to  additional  compensation  payable to
Equity Growth, this Agreement shall be renewed  automatically,  after expiration
of the original term, on a continuing annual basis, unless the Party wishing not
to renew this  Agreement  provides  the other Party with  written  notice of its
election not to renew ("Termination  Election Notice") on or before the 30th day
prior to termination of the then current term.


(A)    Upon termination of this Agreement and payment to Equity
       Growth of all amounts due it hereunder, Equity Growth or its
       representative shall execute and deliver to the Client a
       receipt for such sums and a release of all claims, except
       such claims as may have been submitted pursuant to the terms
       of this Agreement and which remain unpaid, and, shall
       forthwith tender to the Client all records, manuals and
       written procedures, as may be desired by the Client for the
       continued conduct of its business; and


(B)    The Client or its representative shall execute and deliver to
       Equity Growth a receipt for all materials returned and a
       release of all claims, except such claims as may have been
       submitted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and which
       remain unpaid, and, shall forthwith tender to Equity Growth
       all records, manuals and written procedures, as may be
       desired by Equity Growth for the continued conduct of its 

                                  ARTICLE THREE


(A)    Equity Growth acknowledges that, in and as a result of its
       entry into this Agreement, it will be making use of
       confidential information of special and unique nature and
       value relating to such matters as the Client's trade secrets,
       systems, procedures, manuals, confidential reports;
       consequently, as material inducement to the entry into this
       Agreement by the Client, Equity Growth hereby covenants and
       agrees that it shall not, at anytime during the term of this
       Agreement, any renewals thereof and for two years following
       the terms of this Agreement, directly or indirectly, use,
       divulge or disclose, for any purpose whatsoever, any of such
       confidential information which has been obtained by or
       disclosed to it as a result of its entry into this Agreement
       or provision of services hereunder.

(B)    In the event of a breach or threatened breach by Equity
       Growth of any of the provisions of this Article Three, the
       Client, in addition to and not in limitation of any other
       rights, remedies or damages available to the Client, whether
       at law or in equity, shall be entitled to a permanent
       injunction in order to prevent or to restrain any such breach
       by Equity Growth, or by its partners, directors, officers,
       stockholders, agents, representatives, servants, employers,
       employees, affiliates and/or any and all persons directly or
       indirectly acting for or with it.


       In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would  undoubtedly occur
to the  Client and its  clients as a result of a breach by Equity  Growth of the
covenants or agreements contained in this Article Three, and in view of the lack
of an adequate  remedy at law to protect the Client's  interests,  Equity Growth
hereby covenants and agrees that the Client shall have the following  additional
rights and remedies in the event of a breach hereof:

(A)    Equity Growth hereby  consents to the issuance of a permanent  injunction
       enjoining  it from any  violations  of the  covenants  set  forth in this
       Article Three; and

(B)    Because it is  impossible  to  ascertain  or estimate the entire or exact
       cost,  damage or injury which the Client or its clients may sustain prior
       to the effective  enforcement  of such  injunction,  Equity Growth hereby
       covenants and agrees to pay over to the Client,  in the event it violates
       the covenants and agreements contained in this Article Three, the greater

       (1)    Any payment or  compensation of any kind received by it because of
              such violation before the issuance of such injunction, or

       (2)    The sum of One Thousand Dollars per violation,  which sum shall be
              liquidated damages,  and not a penalty,  for the injuries suffered
              by the Client or its  clients as a result of such  violation,  the
              Parties  hereto  agreeing  that such  liquidated  damages  are not
              intended as the exclusive  remedy  available to the Client for any
              breach of the covenants and  agreements  contained in this Article
              Three,  prior to the  issuance  of such  injunction,  the  Parties
              recognizing  that the only  adequate  remedy to protect the Client
              and its clients from the injury caused by such  breaches  would be
              injunctive relief.



       Equity Growth hereby  irrevocably  agrees that the remedies  described in
this Article Three shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any of the
rights or  remedies  to which the Client and its  clients are or may be entitled
to, whether at law or in equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.


(A)    Equity Growth hereby represents, warrants and acknowledges
       that its members or officers and directors have carefully
       read and considered the provisions of this Article Three and,
       having done so, agrees that the restrictions set forth herein
       are fair and reasonable and are reasonably required for the
       protection of the interests of the Client, its members,
       officers, directors, consultants, agents and employees;
       consequently, in the event that any of the above-described
       restrictions shall be held unenforceable by any court of
       competent jurisdiction, Equity Growth hereby covenants,
       agrees and directs such court to substitute a reasonable
       judicially enforceable limitation in place of any limitation
       deemed unenforceable and, Equity Growth hereby covenants and
       agrees that if so modified, the covenants contained in this
       Article Three shall be as fully enforceable as if they had
       been set forth herein directly by the Parties.

(B)    In  determining  the  nature of this  limitation,  Equity  Growth  hereby
       acknowledges,  covenants  and agrees that it is the intent of the Parties
       that a court adjudicating a dispute arising hereunder  recognize that the
       Parties  desire  that these  covenants  not to compete or  circumvent  be
       imposed and maintained to the greatest extent possible.


       Equity Growth shall not be required to devote all of its business time to
the affairs of the Client,  rather it shall devote such time as it is reasonably
necessary in light of its other business commitments.

                                  ARTICLE FOUR


(A)    The Client acknowledges that, in and as a result of its
       engagement of Equity Growth, the Client will be making use of
       confidential information of special and unique nature and
       value relating to such matters as Equity Growth's business
       contacts, professional advisors, trade secrets, systems,
       procedures, manuals, confidential reports, lists of clients,
       potential customers and funders; consequently, as material
       inducement to the entry into this Agreement by Equity Growth,
       the Client hereby covenants and agrees that it shall not, at
       anytime during the term of this Agreement, any renewals
       thereof an for two years following the terms of this
       Agreement, directly or indirectly, use, divulge or disclose,
       for any purpose whatsoever, any of such confidential
       information which has been obtained by or disclosed to it as
       a result of its employment of Equity Growth, or Equity
       Growth's affiliates.

(B)    In the event of a breach or threatened breach by the Client
       of any of the provisions of this Article Four, Equity Growth,
       in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights,
       remedies or damages available to Equity Growth, whether at
       law or in equity, shall be entitled to a permanent injunction
       in order to prevent or to restrain any such breach by the
       Client, or by the Client's partners, directors, officers,
       stockholders, agents, representatives, servants, employers,
       employees, affiliates and/or any and all persons directly or
       indirectly acting for or with it.


       In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would  undoubtedly occur
to  Equity  Growth as a result of a breach  by the  Client of the  covenants  or
agreements  contained  in this  Article  Four,  and in  view  of the  lack of an
adequate remedy at law to protect Equity Growth's  interests,  the Client hereby
covenants  and agrees that Equity  Growth  shall have the  following  additional
rights and remedies in the event of a breach hereof:


(A)    The Client  hereby  consents to the  issuance  of a permanent  injunction
       enjoining  it from any  violations  of the  covenants  set  forth in this
       Article Four is and

(B)    Because it is  impossible  to  ascertain  or estimate the entire or exact
       cost,  damage or injury  which  Equity  Growth may  sustain  prior to the
       effective enforcement of such injunction, the Client hereby covenants and
       agrees  to pay  over to  Equity  Growth,  in the  event it  violates  the
       covenants and agreements contained in this Article Four, the greater of:

       (1)    Any payment or  compensation of any kind received by it because of
              such violation before the issuance of such injunction, or

       (2)    The sum of One Thousand Dollars per violation,  which sum shall be
              liquidated damages,  and not a penalty,  for the injuries suffered
              by Equity Growth as a result of such violation, the Parties hereto
              agreeing  that such  liquidated  damages  are not  intended as the
              exclusive  remedy available to Equity Growth for any breach of the
              covenants and agreements  contained in this Article Four, prior to
              the issuance of such injunction,  the Parties recognizing that the
              only  adequate  remedy to protect  Equity  Growth  from the injury
              caused by such breaches would be injunctive relief.


       The Client hereby  irrevocably agrees that the remedies described in this
Article  Four  shall be in  addition  to, and not in  limitation  of, any of the
rights or remedies to which Equity  Growth is or may be entitled to,  whether at
law or in equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.


(A)    The Client hereby represents, warrants and acknowledges that
       its officers and directors  have carefully read and
       considered the provisions of this Article Four and, having
       done so, agree that the restrictions set forth herein are
       fair and reasonable and are reasonably required for the
       protection of the interests of Equity Growth, its members,
       officers, directors, consultants,  agents and employees;
       consequently, in the event that any of the above-described
       restrictions shall be held unenforceable by any court of
       competent jurisdiction, the Client hereby covenants, agrees
       and directs such court to substitute a reasonable judicially
       enforceable limitation in place of any limitation deemed
       unenforceable and, the Client hereby covenants and agrees
       that if so modified, the covenants contained in this Article
       Four shall be as fully enforceable as if they had been set
       forth herein directly by the Parties.

(B)    In  determining  the  nature  of  this  limitation,   the  Client  hereby
       acknowledges,  covenants  and agrees that it is the intent of the Parties
       that a court adjudicating a dispute hereunder  recognize that the Parties
       desire that these  covenants  not to compete or circumvent be imposed and
       maintained to the greatest extent possible.


                                  ARTICLE FIVE


       All notices,  demands or other written communications  hereunder shall be
in writing,  and unless  otherwise  provided,  shall be deemed to have been duly
given on the first  business day after  mailing by United  States  registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:


           8001 DeSoto Woods Drive;  Sarasota,  Florida  34243  Telephone  (941)
             358-8182; Fax (941) 358-8423
               Attention: Charles J. Scimeca, President

                                 with copies to

                           THE YANKEE COMPANIES, INC.
           902 Clint Moore Road, Suite 136; Boca Raton, Florida 33487
             Telephone (561) 998-2025; Fax (561) 998-3425
              Attention: Leonard Miles Tucker, President

                      THE YANKEE COMPANIES, INC.1941 Southeast 51st
                    Terrace; Ocala, Florida 34471
             Telephone (352) 694-9179; Fax (352) 694-9178
     Attention: Vanessa H. Lindsey, Chief Administrative Officer


                                GAFF GROUP, INC.
    2698    Junipero Avenue, Suite 110; Long Beach,  California 90806 or at such
            address, telephone and fax numbers
          as are reflected on the SEC's EDGAR Internet site;
  Attention: George A. Frudakis, President & Chief Executive Officer

in each case,  with copies to such other address or to such other persons as any
Party shall designate to the others for such purposes in the manner  hereinabove
set forth.


       No modification, waiver, amendment, discharge or change of this Agreement
shall be valid unless the same is in writing and signed by Parties.

5.3    MERGER.

(A)    This  instrument,  together  with the  instruments  referred  to  herein,
       contains all of the  understandings  and  agreements  of the Parties with
       respect to the subject matter discussed herein.

(B)    All prior agreements  whether written or oral are merged herein and shall
       be of no force or effect.


5.4    SURVIVAL.

       The several  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  of the Parties
contained  herein  shall  survive the  execution  hereof and shall be  effective
regardless of any investigation  that may have been made or may be made by or on
behalf of any Party.


       If any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement, other
than a conditions precedent, if any, or the application of such provision or any
portion  thereof  to any  person  or  circumstance  shall  be  held  invalid  or
unenforceable,  the  remaining  portions  of such  provision  and the  remaining
provisions of this Agreement or the  application of such provision or portion of
such provision as is held invalid or  unenforceable  to persons or circumstances
other than  those to which it is held  invalid  or  unenforceable,  shall not be
affected thereby.


       This  Agreement  shall be  construed in  accordance  with the laws of the
State of Florida and any  proceeding  arising  between the Parties in any matter
pertaining or related to this Agreement  shall, to the extent  permitted by law,
be held in Palm Beach County, Florida.


(A)    In  the  event  of any  dispute  arising  under  this  Agreement,  or the
       negotiation  thereof  or  inducements  to enter into the  Agreement,  the
       dispute  shall,  at the  request of any Party,  be  exclusively  resolved
       through the following procedures:

       (1)           (a) First, the issue shall be submitted to mediation before
                     a  mediation  service in Palm Beach  County,  Florida to be
                     selected by lot from six alternatives to be provided, three
                     by Equity Growth and three by the Client.

        (b)   The mediation  efforts shall be concluded within ten business days
              after their initiation unless the Parties  unanimously agree to an
              extended mediation period;

       (2)    In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of the
              dispute then at the request of any Party, the Parties shall submit
              the dispute to binding  arbitration before an arbitration  service
              located in Palm Beach County, Florida, to be selected by lot, from
              six alternatives to be provided, in the manner set forth above for
              selection of a mediator;

       (3)           (A)  Expenses  of  mediation  shall be borne by the Parties
                     equally if  successful  but if  unsuccessful,  expenses  of
                     mediation and of arbitration shall be borne by the Party or
                     Parties against whom the arbitration decision is rendered.

        (B)   If the terms of the arbitral  award do not  establish a prevailing
              Party, then the expenses of unsuccessful mediation and arbitration
              shall be borne 1/2 by the Client and 1/2 by Equity Growth.

(B)    Judgment upon the award rendered by the  arbitrator(s)  may be entered in
       any court having jurisdiction thereof.

(C)    In any action  between  the  Parties to enforce  any of the terms of this
       Agreement or any other matter arising from this Agreement, the prevailing
       Party  shall be entitled  to recover  its costs and  expenses,  including
       reasonable  attorneys' fees up to and including all negotiations,  trials
       and appeals, whether or not litigation is initiated.


       The terms and  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and
inure to the benefit of the Parties,  jointly and severally,  their  successors,
assigns, personal representatives, estate, heirs and legatees.

5.9    CAPTIONS.

       The captions in this Agreement are for convenience and reference only and
in no way define,  describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or the
intent of any provisions hereof.

       All pronouns and any  variations  thereof shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or
Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns may require.


       The Parties hereby agree to do, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause
to be done, executed, acknowledged or delivered and to perform all such acts and
deliver all such deeds, assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney,
assurances,  stock certificates and other documents,  as may, from time to time,
be required herein to effect the intent and purpose of this Agreement.

5.12   STATUS.

(A)    Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall be  construed  or shall  constitute  a
       partnership, joint venture, employer-employee relationship, lessor-lessee
       relationship, or principal-agent relationship.

(B)    Throughout  the term of this  Agreement,  Equity  Growth  shall  serve an
       independent  contractor,  as that term is defined  by the  United  States
       Internal  Revenue  Service,  and  in  conjunction  therewith,   shall  be
       responsible for all of his own tax reporting and payment obligations.

(C)    In  amplification  of the  foregoing,  Equity  Growth  shall,  subject to
       reasonable   reimbursement   on  a  pre-approved   budgetary   basis,  be
       responsible  for  providing  its own  office  facilities  and  supporting


(A)    This  Agreement may be executed in any number of  counterparts  delivered
       through facsimile transmission.

(B)    All executed counterparts shall constitute one Agreement  notwithstanding
       that all  signatories  are not  signatories  to the  original or the same

5.14   LICENSE.

(A)           (1) This Agreement is the property of The Yankee Companies,  Inc.,
              a Florida  corporation  which serves as a strategic  consultant to
              Equity Growth ("Yankees").

       (2)    The use hereof by the  Parties  is  authorized  hereby  solely for
              purposes  of  this  transaction  and,  the  use of  this  form  of
              agreement or of any  derivation  thereof  without  Yankees'  prior
              written permission is prohibited.

       (3)    This  Agreement  shall  not  be  construed  more   stringently  or
              interpreted   less  favorably   against  Equity  Growth  based  on

(B)    The Client hereby acknowledge that neither Yankees nor Equity Growth is a
       law  firm  and  that  neither  provided  it with  any  advice,  legal  or
       otherwise, in conjunction with this Agreement,  but rather, has suggested
       that it rely solely on its own  experience  and advisors in evaluating or
       interpreting this Agreement.


       IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Parties have executed this Agreement,  effective
as of the last date set forth below.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
       In Our Presence
                                                                GAFF GROUP, INC.
- ----------------------------

____________________________        By:    ____________________________
                                         George A. Frudakis, PRESIDENT
Dated:  _____________________
                      Attest:       ____________________________
                                         George A. Frudakis, SECRETARY
                                           EQUITY GROWTH SYSTEMS, INC.
- ----------------------------

____________________________        By:    ____________________________
                                        Charles J. Scimeca, PRESIDENT 
Dated:  _____________________
                      Attest:       ____________________________
                                      G. Richard Chamberlin, SECRETARY



       THIS CONSULTING  AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement") is made and entered into by
and between GOLDEN JERSEY PRODUCTS,  INC., a Florida  corporation (the "Client")
and EQUITY GROWTH  SYSTEMS,  INC., a publicly held Delaware  corporation  with a
class of equity  securities  registered  under Section  12(g) of the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the  "Exchange  Act" and  "Equity  Growth,"
respectively;  the Client  and  Equity  Growth  being  hereinafter  collectively
referred to as the "Parties" and generically as a "Party").

                                   PREAMBLE :

       WHEREAS,  Client is engaged in the development and marketing of dairy and
       dairy  substitute  products,  as  more  particularly   described  in  the
       materials annexed hereto and made a part hereof as composite exhibit 0.1;

       WHEREAS,  the Client desires to become a reporting  company under federal
       securities laws with a publicly traded class of securities; and

       WHEREAS,  Equity Growth personnel have  substantial  experience with law,
       accounting   and  the  regulatory   obligations   imposed  under  federal
       securities laws and regulations, and provide assistance to companies that
       desire to attain  reporting  status under  Section  12(g) of the Exchange
       Act; and

       WHEREAS,  Equity Growth is agreeable to making its services  available to
       the Client,  on the terms and subject to the conditions  hereinafter  set

       NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration for Equity Growth's agreement to render
       the hereinafter described services as well as of the premises, the sum of
       TEN ($10) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
       and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged,  the Parties,  intending to
       be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:


                                   ARTICLE ONE
                           OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES


(A)    Equity Growth will assist the Client's legal counsel, or, as
       set forth below, provide its own legal counsel, to register
       its securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission
       (the "SEC"), and thereafter, will assist the Client to make
       arrangements required to permit trading of the Client's
       securities on the OTC Bulletin Board operated by the National
       Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., including
       introductions to one or more potential market makers and
       assistance in the preparation, filing and management of the
       SEC and NASD Rule 15c2-11 compliance filings which will be
       required by any broker dealers publishing quotes in the
       Client's securities.


(B)    Equity  Growth  will  assist the Client to obtain a CUSIP  number for its
       securities,  to obtain a stock trading symbol and to list the Client in a
       Standard  & Poors or  comparable  securities  manual  complying  with the
       manual exemption from Blue Sky registration in 15 or more states.

(C)    Because of the Client's anticipated status under federal
       securities laws, in any circumstances where Equity Growth is
       describing the securities of to a third Party, Equity Growth
       shall disclose to such person the compensation received from
       the Client  to the extent required under any applicable laws,
       including, without limitation, Section 17(b) of the
       Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act");
       however, the Parties acknowledge they do not contemplate that
       Equity Growth shall be involved in any activities on behalf
       of the Client requiring such descriptions or disclosures, or
       that the Services involve any activities subject to
       regulation under federal or state securities laws, except for
       the introduction of  the Client and its principals to
       licensed broker dealers in securities, securities analysts
       and appropriate corporate information and stockholder
       relations specialists.


       In rendering its services,  Equity Growth shall not disclose to any third
party  any  confidential  non-public  information  furnished  by the  Client  or
otherwise obtained by it with respect to the Client.


(A)    The Parties recognize that certain responsibilities and
       obligations are imposed by federal and state securities laws
       and by the applicable rules and regulations of stock
       exchanges, the National Association of Securities Dealers,
       Inc. (collectively with its subsidiaries being hereinafter
       referred to as the "NASD"), in-house "due diligence" or
       "compliance" departments of licensed securities firms, etc.; 
       accordingly, Equity Growth agrees that it will not release
       any information or data about the Client to any selected or
       limited person(s), entity, or group if Equity Growth is aware
       that such information or data has not been generally released
       or promulgated.

(B)    Equity  Growth shall  restrict or cease,  as directed by the Client,  all
       efforts  on  behalf  of  the  Client,   including  all  dissemination  of
       information   regarding   the  Client,   immediately   upon   receipt  of
       instructions  (in  writing  by fax or  letter)  to that  effect  from the



(A)    (1)    The Client shall issue, directly to Equity Growth's
              stockholders of record on the 30th day following the
              date of this agreement, pro rata based on their
              ownership of common stock in Equity Growth, a quantity
              of the Client's common stock equal to 10% of the total
              outstanding capital stock of the Client, immediately
              following such issuance, subject to anti-dilutive
              rights for a period of 12 months following the
              original date of issuance (the "Public Shares").

       (2) The Public Shares shall be issued either:

        (a)   in reliance on either Rule 504 of SEC Regulation D or Section 4(6)
              of the Securities Act, and comparable provisions of the securities
              laws in each of the recipient's state of domicile, or

        (b)   pursuant  to a  registration  on  SEC  Form  SB-1  or  SB-2,  or a
              notification statement pursuant to SEC Regulation A;

              and Equity  Growth  will  assist  the  Client to prepare  and file
              required  documentation  associated  therewith,  at  the  Client's

       (3)    Prior to the  issuance  of the Public  Shares  Equity  Growth will
              assist the Client to comply  with any  obligations  under SEC Rule
              10b-17 pertaining to dividends.

       (4)    The Parties  hereby agree that for auditing,  tax, Rule 504 or SEC
              filing fee  purposes,  the  reasonable  market value of the Public
              Shares  is  the  lesser  of   $50,000  or  10%  of  the   Client's
              stockholders equity.

(B)    (1)    In the event that the Client desires to avail itself
              of the legal services of Equity Growth's general
              counsel to prepare and file the required SEC
              registration statements, it will pay Equity Growth the
              sum of $15,000, plus out of pocket costs and expenses,
              provided that not more than four amendments thereto
              are required, and that the Client provides timely and
              complete assistance in responding to SEC comment
              letters (additional costs resulting from failure of
              such assumptions being billed at such counsel's normal
              hourly fees for securities related filings).

       (2)    Equity  Growth  believes  that  the  Client  will  have to pay the
              following  additional  costs  in  conjunction  with  the  projects
              contemplated by this Agreement:

        H.    Auditing costs, the amount of which the Client is not
              competent to determine;

        I.    The costs of obtaining a CUSIP number and listing with
              Standard & Poors or another comparable manual, which
              is estimated to be $4,000;

        J.    Transfer agent set up and certificate distribution
              costs which will vary, based on the agency selected
              and the initial services required, but should not
              exceed $15,000 for physical delivery of certificates
              to each stockholder, assuming that such delivery can
              be structured over several months.  In the event that
              book entry recording in lieu of physical delivery is a
              legally available alternative and the costs of
              certificates are born by stockholders requesting them,
              then the costs can be cut dramatically (in the $5,000 

        K.    Filing  fees to the  SEC and  State  regulatory  authorities,  not
              expected to exceed $5,000;

        L.    Travel,  long distance  telephone,  overnight  postage and mailing
              expenses, not expected to exceed $2,500.


(C)    In  addition  to the  compensation  described  above  with  reference  to
       services during the Initial Term of this Agreement and whether or not the
       following services are rendered during such Initial Term:

       (1)    In the event that Equity Growth  arranges or provides  funding for
              Client on terms more  beneficial  than those reflected in Client's
              current  principal  financing  agreements,  Equity Growth shall be
              entitled, at its election, to either:

        (a)   A fee equal to 25% of such savings, on a continuing
              basis; or

        (b)   If equity funding is provided though Equity Growth or
              any affiliates thereof, a discount of 10% from the bid
              price for the subject equity securities, if they are
              issuable as free trading securities, or, a discount of
              50% from the bid price for the subject equity
              securities, if they are issuable as restricted
              securities (as the term restricted is used for
              purposes of SEC Rule 144);  or

        (b)   If funding is provided by any person or group of
              persons introduced to the Client by Equity Growth or
              persons associated with Equity Growth, directly or
              indirectly, but is not provided by Equity Growth or
              its principals as described in the preceding sub
              section, then Equity Growth shall be entitled to an
              introduction fee equal to 5% of the aggregate proceeds
              so obtained;  and

       (2)    In the event that Equity Growth generates business for the Client,
              then,  on any sales  resulting  therefrom,  Equity Growth shall be
              entitled to a commission  equal to 10% of the gross income derived
              by the Client therefrom, on a continuing basis.

       (3)    In the event that Equity Growth or any affiliate  thereof arranges
              for an  acquisition  by the Client,  then Equity  Growth  shall be
              entitled to compensation equal to 10% of the compensation paid for
              such acquisition,  in addition to any compensation  negotiated and
              received from the acquired entity or its affiliates.

(D)    The Client will assure that its legal counsel promptly
       prepares all reports which then existing holders of the
       Client's securities (including Equity Growth, its affiliates
       and  successors in interest) are required to file with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission as a result of the
       Client's reporting status, including Securities and Exchange
       Commission Forms 3, 4 and 5, Schedules 13(d) and Schedules
       13(g), and shall submit all such reports to the subject
       stockholders for prompt execution and timely filing with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission.

(E)           (1) In addition to payment of fees, the Client will be responsible
              for payment of all costs and disbursements  associated with Equity
              Growth's services either:

        (a)   Involving less than $50 per item and $200 in the aggregate  during
              the preceding 30 day period; or

        (b)   Reflected in an operating budget approved by the
              Client; or

        (c)   Approved in writing by the  Client;  provided,  however,  that the
              refusal  by the Client to approve  expenditures  required  for the
              proper   performance  of  Equity  Growth's  services  will  excuse
              performance of such services.

       (2)    All of  Equity  Growth's  statements  will be paid  within 10 days
              after receipt.

       (3)    In the event  additional  time for  payment  is  required,  Equity
              Growth will have the option of selling the account  receivable and
              the Client  agrees to pay interest  thereon at the monthly rate of

       (4)    In the event collection activities are required, the Client agrees
              to pay all of  Equity  Growth's  out of  pocket  costs  associated

       (5)    There  will be no change or  waiver  of the  provisions  contained
              herein,  unless such charge is in writing and signed by the Client
              and Equity Growth.



(A).   (1)    All work requiring legal review will be submitted for
              approval by the Client to the Client's legal counsel
              prior to its use.

       (2)    Final drafts of any matters  prepared for use by Equity  Growth in
              conjunction with the provision of the Services will be reviewed by
              the  Client  and,  if  legally  required,  by the  Client's  legal
              counsel, to assure that:

        (a)   All required information has been provided;

        (b)   All materials are presented accurately; and, 

        (c)   That no materials  required to render  information  provided  "not
              misleading" are omitted.

       (2)    Only  after  such  review  and  approval  by the  Client  and,  if
              required,  the Client's legal counsel, will any documents be filed
              with  regulatory  agencies or  provided to Equity  Growth or third

       (3)           (a)   Financial   data  will  be  reviewed  by   competent,
                     independent,  certified public accountants  experienced and
                     qualified  in   securities   related   accounting,   to  be
                     separately retained by the Client.

        (b)   Such  accountants  will be  required  to review  and  approve  all
              financially  related  filings,  prior to release to Equity Growth,
              other third parties or submission  to the  appropriate  regulatory

(B)    (1)    The Client shall supply Equity Growth on a regular and
              timely basis with all approved data and information
              about the Client, its management, its products, and
              its operations and the Client shall be responsible for
              advising Equity Growth of any fact which would affect
              the accuracy of any prior data and information
              supplied to Equity Growth.

       (2)    The Client  shall use its best efforts to promptly  supply  Equity
              Growth  with  full and  complete  copies of all  filings  with all
              federal  and state  securities  agencies;  with full and  complete
              copies of all shareholder  reports and  communications  whether or
              not prepared with Equity  Growth's  assistance,  with all data and
              information supplied to any analyst, broker-dealer,  market maker,
              or  other  member  of  the  financial  community;   and  with  all
              product/services brochures, sales materials, etc.

       (3)    The Client shall  promptly  notify  Equity Growth of the filing of
              any  registration  statement for the sale of securities  and/or of
              any other event which triggers any restrictions on publicity.

       (4)    The Client shall be deemed to make a continuing  representation of
              the accuracy of any and all material facts, material, information,
              and  data  which it  supplies  to  Equity  Growth  and the  Client
              acknowledges  its  awareness  that Equity Growth will rely on such
              continuing  representation  in performing its functions under this

       (5)    Equity  Growth,  in the  absence  of  notice in  writing  from the
              Client,   may  rely  on  the  continuing   accuracy  of  material,
              information and data supplied by the Client.


                                   ARTICLE TWO

2.1 TERM.

       This  Agreement  shall be for an initial term of 180 days,  commencing on
the date of its complete  execution by all Parties,  as evinced in the execution
page hereof,  but shall be  extended,  as required to permit  completion  of the
projects   contemplated  hereby  (attaining  trading  status  for  the  Client's
securities as an issuer filing reports with the SEC pursuant to Section 12[g] of
the Exchange Act (the "Initial Term").

2.2    RENEWALS.

       Subject  to prior  agreement  as to  additional  compensation  payable to
Equity Growth, this Agreement shall be renewed  automatically,  after expiration
of the original term, on a continuing annual basis, unless the Party wishing not
to renew this  Agreement  provides  the other Party with  written  notice of its
election not to renew ("Termination  Election Notice") on or before the 30th day
prior to termination of the then current term.


(A)    Upon termination of this Agreement and payment to Equity
       Growth of all amounts due it hereunder, Equity Growth or its
       representative shall execute and deliver to the Client a
       receipt for such sums and a release of all claims, except
       such claims as may have been submitted pursuant to the terms
       of this Agreement and which remain unpaid, and, shall
       forthwith tender to the Client all records, manuals and
       written procedures, as may be desired by the Client for the
       continued conduct of its business; and

(B)    The Client or its representative shall execute and deliver to
       Equity Growth a receipt for all materials returned and a
       release of all claims, except such claims as may have been
       submitted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and which
       remain unpaid, and, shall forthwith tender to Equity Growth
       all records, manuals and written procedures, as may be
       desired by Equity Growth for the continued conduct of its 

                                  ARTICLE THREE


(A)    Equity Growth acknowledges that, in and as a result of its
       entry into this Agreement, it will be making use of
       confidential information of special and unique nature and
       value relating to such matters as the Client's trade secrets,
       systems, procedures, manuals, confidential reports;
       consequently, as material inducement to the entry into this
       Agreement by the Client, Equity Growth hereby covenants and
       agrees that it shall not, at anytime during the term of this
       Agreement, any renewals thereof and for two years following
       the terms of this Agreement, directly or indirectly, use,
       divulge or disclose, for any purpose whatsoever, any of such
       confidential information which has been obtained by or
       disclosed to it as a result of its entry into this Agreement
       or provision of services hereunder.


(B)    In the event of a breach or threatened breach by Equity
       Growth of any of the provisions of this Article Three, the
       Client, in addition to and not in limitation of any other
       rights, remedies or damages available to the Client, whether
       at law or in equity, shall be entitled to a permanent
       injunction in order to prevent or to restrain any such breach
       by Equity Growth, or by its partners, directors, officers,
       stockholders, agents, representatives, servants, employers,
       employees, affiliates and/or any and all persons directly or
       indirectly acting for or with it.


       In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would  undoubtedly occur
to the  Client and its  clients as a result of a breach by Equity  Growth of the
covenants or agreements contained in this Article Three, and in view of the lack
of an adequate  remedy at law to protect the Client's  interests,  Equity Growth
hereby covenants and agrees that the Client shall have the following  additional
rights and remedies in the event of a breach hereof:

(A)    Equity Growth hereby  consents to the issuance of a permanent  injunction
       enjoining  it from any  violations  of the  covenants  set  forth in this
       Article Three; and

(B)    Because it is  impossible  to  ascertain  or estimate the entire or exact
       cost,  damage or injury which the Client or its clients may sustain prior
       to the effective  enforcement  of such  injunction,  Equity Growth hereby
       covenants and agrees to pay over to the Client,  in the event it violates
       the covenants and agreements contained in this Article Three, the greater

       (1)    Any payment or  compensation of any kind received by it because of
              such violation before the issuance of such injunction, or

       (2)    The sum of One Thousand Dollars per violation,  which sum shall be
              liquidated damages,  and not a penalty,  for the injuries suffered
              by the Client or its  clients as a result of such  violation,  the
              Parties  hereto  agreeing  that such  liquidated  damages  are not
              intended as the exclusive  remedy  available to the Client for any
              breach of the covenants and  agreements  contained in this Article
              Three,  prior to the  issuance  of such  injunction,  the  Parties
              recognizing  that the only  adequate  remedy to protect the Client
              and its clients from the injury caused by such  breaches  would be
              injunctive relief.


       Equity Growth hereby  irrevocably  agrees that the remedies  described in
this Article Three shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any of the
rights or  remedies  to which the Client and its  clients are or may be entitled
to, whether at law or in equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.


(A)    Equity Growth hereby represents, warrants and acknowledges
       that its members or officers and directors have carefully
       read and considered the provisions of this Article Three and,
       having done so, agrees that the restrictions set forth herein
       are fair and reasonable and are reasonably required for the
       protection of the interests of the Client, its members,
       officers, directors, consultants, agents and employees;
       consequently, in the event that any of the above-described
       restrictions shall be held unenforceable by any court of
       competent jurisdiction, Equity Growth hereby covenants,
       agrees and directs such court to substitute a reasonable
       judicially enforceable limitation in place of any limitation
       deemed unenforceable and, Equity Growth hereby covenants and
       agrees that if so modified, the covenants contained in this
       Article Three shall be as fully enforceable as if they had
       been set forth herein directly by the Parties.


(B)    In  determining  the  nature of this  limitation,  Equity  Growth  hereby
       acknowledges,  covenants  and agrees that it is the intent of the Parties
       that a court adjudicating a dispute arising hereunder  recognize that the
       Parties  desire  that these  covenants  not to compete or  circumvent  be
       imposed and maintained to the greatest extent possible.


       Equity Growth shall not be required to devote all of its business time to
the affairs of the Client,  rather it shall devote such time as it is reasonably
necessary in light of its other business commitments.

                                  ARTICLE FOUR


(A)    The Client acknowledges that, in and as a result of its
       engagement of Equity Growth, the Client will be making use of
       confidential information of special and unique nature and
       value relating to such matters as Equity Growth's business
       contacts, professional advisors, trade secrets, systems,
       procedures, manuals, confidential reports, lists of clients,
       potential customers and funders; consequently, as material
       inducement to the entry into this Agreement by Equity Growth,
       the Client hereby covenants and agrees that it shall not, at
       anytime during the term of this Agreement, any renewals
       thereof an for two years following the terms of this
       Agreement, directly or indirectly, use, divulge or disclose,
       for any purpose whatsoever, any of such confidential
       information which has been obtained by or disclosed to it as
       a result of its employment of Equity Growth, or Equity
       Growth's affiliates.

(B)    In the event of a breach or threatened breach by the Client
       of any of the provisions of this Article Four, Equity Growth,
       in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights,
       remedies or damages available to Equity Growth, whether at
       law or in equity, shall be entitled to a permanent injunction
       in order to prevent or to restrain any such breach by the
       Client, or by the Client's partners, directors, officers,
       stockholders, agents, representatives, servants, employers,
       employees, affiliates and/or any and all persons directly or
       indirectly acting for or with it.


       In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would  undoubtedly occur
to  Equity  Growth as a result of a breach  by the  Client of the  covenants  or
agreements  contained  in this  Article  Four,  and in  view  of the  lack of an
adequate remedy at law to protect Equity Growth's  interests,  the Client hereby
covenants  and agrees that Equity  Growth  shall have the  following  additional
rights and remedies in the event of a breach hereof:

(A)    The Client  hereby  consents to the  issuance  of a permanent  injunction
       enjoining  it from any  violations  of the  covenants  set  forth in this
       Article Four is and

(B)    Because it is  impossible  to  ascertain  or estimate the entire or exact
       cost,  damage or injury  which  Equity  Growth may  sustain  prior to the
       effective enforcement of such injunction, the Client hereby covenants and
       agrees  to pay  over to  Equity  Growth,  in the  event it  violates  the
       covenants and agreements contained in this Article Four, the greater of:


       (1)    Any payment or  compensation of any kind received by it because of
              such violation before the issuance of such injunction, or

       (2)    The sum of One Thousand Dollars per violation,  which sum shall be
              liquidated damages,  and not a penalty,  for the injuries suffered
              by Equity Growth as a result of such violation, the Parties hereto
              agreeing  that such  liquidated  damages  are not  intended as the
              exclusive  remedy available to Equity Growth for any breach of the
              covenants and agreements  contained in this Article Four, prior to
              the issuance of such injunction,  the Parties recognizing that the
              only  adequate  remedy to protect  Equity  Growth  from the injury
              caused by such breaches would be injunctive relief.


       The Client hereby  irrevocably agrees that the remedies described in this
Article  Four  shall be in  addition  to, and not in  limitation  of, any of the
rights or remedies to which Equity  Growth is or may be entitled to,  whether at
law or in equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.


(A)    The Client hereby represents, warrants and acknowledges that
       its officers and directors  have carefully read and
       considered the provisions of this Article Four and, having
       done so, agree that the restrictions set forth herein are
       fair and reasonable and are reasonably required for the
       protection of the interests of Equity Growth, its members,
       officers, directors, consultants,  agents and employees;
       consequently, in the event that any of the above-described
       restrictions shall be held unenforceable by any court of
       competent jurisdiction, the Client hereby covenants, agrees
       and directs such court to substitute a reasonable judicially
       enforceable limitation in place of any limitation deemed
       unenforceable and, the Client hereby covenants and agrees
       that if so modified, the covenants contained in this Article
       Four shall be as fully enforceable as if they had been set
       forth herein directly by the Parties.

(B)    In  determining  the  nature  of  this  limitation,   the  Client  hereby
       acknowledges,  covenants  and agrees that it is the intent of the Parties
       that a court adjudicating a dispute hereunder  recognize that the Parties
       desire that these  covenants  not to compete or circumvent be imposed and
       maintained to the greatest extent possible.


                                  ARTICLE FIVE


       All notices,  demands or other written communications  hereunder shall be
in writing,  and unless  otherwise  provided,  shall be deemed to have been duly
given on the first  business day after  mailing by United  States  registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:


           8001 DeSoto Woods Drive;  Sarasota,  Florida  34243  Telephone  (941)
             358-8182; Fax (941) 358-8423
               Attention: Charles J. Scimeca, President

                                 with copies to

                           THE YANKEE COMPANIES, INC.
           902 Clint Moore Road, Suite 136; Boca Raton, Florida 33487
             Telephone (561) 998-2025; Fax (561) 998-3425
              Attention: Leonard Miles Tucker, President

                      THE YANKEE COMPANIES, INC.1941 Southeast 51st
                    Terrace; Ocala, Florida 34471
             Telephone (352) 694-9179; Fax (352) 694-9178
     Attention: Vanessa H. Lindsey, Chief Administrative Officer


                          GOLDEN JERSEY PRODUCTS, INC.
        780 United States Highway 1, Suite 301; Vero Beach, Florida 32962
Telephone (800) 588-6455; Fax (561) 569-6617; and, e-mail 
            or at such address, telephone and fax numbers
          as are reflected on the SEC's EDGAR Internet site;
  Attention: Joseph A. DiBruno, President & Chief Executive Officer

in each case,  with copies to such other address or to such other persons as any
Party shall designate to the others for such purposes in the manner  hereinabove
set forth.


       No modification, waiver, amendment, discharge or change of this Agreement
shall be valid unless the same is in writing and signed by Parties.

5.3    MERGER.

(A)    This  instrument,  together  with the  instruments  referred  to  herein,
       contains all of the  understandings  and  agreements  of the Parties with
       respect to the subject matter discussed herein.

(B)    All prior agreements  whether written or oral are merged herein and shall
       be of no force or effect.


5.4    SURVIVAL.

       The several  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  of the Parties
contained  herein  shall  survive the  execution  hereof and shall be  effective
regardless of any investigation  that may have been made or may be made by or on
behalf of any Party.


       If any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement, other
than a conditions precedent, if any, or the application of such provision or any
portion  thereof  to any  person  or  circumstance  shall  be  held  invalid  or
unenforceable,  the  remaining  portions  of such  provision  and the  remaining
provisions of this Agreement or the  application of such provision or portion of
such provision as is held invalid or  unenforceable  to persons or circumstances
other than  those to which it is held  invalid  or  unenforceable,  shall not be
affected thereby.


       This  Agreement  shall be  construed in  accordance  with the laws of the
State of Florida and any  proceeding  arising  between the Parties in any matter
pertaining or related to this Agreement  shall, to the extent  permitted by law,
be held in Marion County, Florida.


(A)    In  the  event  of any  dispute  arising  under  this  Agreement,  or the
       negotiation  thereof  or  inducements  to enter into the  Agreement,  the
       dispute  shall,  at the  request of any Party,  be  exclusively  resolved
       through the following procedures:

       (1)           (a) First, the issue shall be submitted to mediation before
                     a  mediation  service in Palm Beach  County,  Florida to be
                     selected by lot from six alternatives to be provided, three
                     by Equity Growth and three by the Client.

        (b)   The mediation  efforts shall be concluded within ten business days
              after their initiation unless the Parties  unanimously agree to an
              extended mediation period;

       (2)    In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of the
              dispute then at the request of any Party, the Parties shall submit
              the dispute to binding  arbitration before an arbitration  service
              located in Palm Beach County, Florida, to be selected by lot, from
              six alternatives to be provided, in the manner set forth above for
              selection of a mediator;

       (3)           (A)  Expenses  of  mediation  shall be borne by the Parties
                     equally if  successful  but if  unsuccessful,  expenses  of
                     mediation and of arbitration shall be borne by the Party or
                     Parties against whom the arbitration decision is rendered.

        (B)   If the terms of the arbitral  award do not  establish a prevailing
              Party, then the expenses of unsuccessful mediation and arbitration
              shall be borne 1/2 by the Client and 1/2 by Equity Growth.

(B)    Judgment upon the award rendered by the  arbitrator(s)  may be entered in
       any court having jurisdiction thereof.


(C)    In any action  between  the  Parties to enforce  any of the terms of this
       Agreement or any other matter arising from this Agreement, the prevailing
       Party  shall be entitled  to recover  its costs and  expenses,  including
       reasonable  attorneys' fees up to and including all negotiations,  trials
       and appeals, whether or not litigation is initiated.


       The terms and  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and
inure to the benefit of the Parties,  jointly and severally,  their  successors,
assigns, personal representatives, estate, heirs and legatees.

5.9    CAPTIONS.

       The captions in this Agreement are for convenience and reference only and
in no way define,  describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or the
intent of any provisions hereof.


       All pronouns and any  variations  thereof shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or
Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns may require.


       The Parties hereby agree to do, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause
to be done, executed, acknowledged or delivered and to perform all such acts and
deliver all such deeds, assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney,
assurances,  stock certificates and other documents,  as may, from time to time,
be required herein to effect the intent and purpose of this Agreement.

5.12   STATUS.

(A)    Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall be  construed  or shall  constitute  a
       partnership, joint venture, employer-employee relationship, lessor-lessee
       relationship, or principal-agent relationship.

(B)    Throughout  the term of this  Agreement,  Equity  Growth  shall  serve an
       independent  contractor,  as that term is defined  by the  United  States
       Internal  Revenue  Service,  and  in  conjunction  therewith,   shall  be
       responsible for all of his own tax reporting and payment obligations.

(C)    In  amplification  of the  foregoing,  Equity  Growth  shall,  subject to
       reasonable   reimbursement   on  a  pre-approved   budgetary   basis,  be
       responsible  for  providing  its own  office  facilities  and  supporting



(A)    This  Agreement may be executed in any number of  counterparts  delivered
       through facsimile transmission.

(B)    All executed counterparts shall constitute one Agreement  notwithstanding
       that all  signatories  are not  signatories  to the  original or the same

5.14   LICENSE.

(A)           (1) This Agreement is the property of The Yankee Companies,  Inc.,
              a Florida  corporation  which serves as a strategic  consultant to
              Equity Growth ("Yankees").

       (2)    The use hereof by the  Parties  is  authorized  hereby  solely for
              purposes  of  this  transaction  and,  the  use of  this  form  of
              agreement or of any  derivation  thereof  without  Yankees'  prior
              written permission is prohibited.

       (3)    This  Agreement  shall  not  be  construed  more   stringently  or
              interpreted   less  favorably   against  Equity  Growth  based  on

(B)    The Client hereby acknowledge that neither Yankees nor Equity Growth is a
       law  firm  and  that  neither  provided  it with  any  advice,  legal  or
       otherwise, in conjunction with this Agreement,  but rather, has suggested
       that it rely solely on its own  experience  and advisors in evaluating or
       interpreting this Agreement.


       IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Parties have executed this Agreement,  effective
as of the last date set forth below.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
       In Our Presence
                                          GOLDEN JERSEY PRODUCTS, INC.
- ----------------------------

____________________________        By:    ____________________________
                                          Joseph A. DiBruno, PRESIDENT
Dated:  _____________________
                      Attest:       ____________________________
                                             Gary D. Deshon, SECRETARY
                                           EQUITY GROWTH SYSTEMS, INC.
- ----------------------------

____________________________        By:    ____________________________
                                        Charles J. Scimeca, PRESIDENT 
Dated:  _____________________
                      Attest:       ____________________________
                                      G. Richard Chamberlin, SECRETARY



       THIS CONSULTING  AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement") is made and entered into by
and between  SUNTEL  COMMUNICATIONS  GROUP,  INC., a Delaware  corporation  (the
"Client") and EQUITY GROWTH SYSTEMS,  INC., a publicly held Delaware corporation
with a  class  of  equity  securities  registered  under  Section  12(g)  of the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended (the  "Exchange  Act" and "Equity
Growth,"   respectively;   the  Client  and  Equity  Growth  being   hereinafter
collectively referred to as the "Parties" and generically as a "Party").

                                   PREAMBLE :

       WHEREAS, Client is a recently organized corporation,  acting as a holding
       company for two wholly  owned  subsidiaries  each  heretofore  engaged in
       different aspects of the telecommunications industry as more particularly
       described  in the  materials  annexed  hereto  and made a part  hereof as
       composite exhibit 0.1; and

       WHEREAS,  the Client desires to become a reporting  company under federal
       securities laws with a publicly traded class of securities; and

       WHEREAS,  Equity Growth personnel have  substantial  experience with law,
       accounting   and  the  regulatory   obligations   imposed  under  federal
       securities laws and regulations, and provide assistance to companies that
       desire to attain  reporting  status under  Section  12(g) of the Exchange
       Act; and; and

       WHEREAS, the Client desires to induce Equity Growth to make
       its services available to the Client; and

       WHEREAS,  Equity Growth is agreeable to making its services  available to
       the Client,  on the terms and subject to the conditions  hereinafter  set

       NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration for Equity Growth's agreement to render
       the hereinafter described services as well as of the premises, the sum of
       TEN ($10) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
       and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged,  the Parties,  intending to
       be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:


                                   ARTICLE ONE
                           OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES


(A)    Equity Growth will assist the Client's legal counsel, or, as
       set forth below, make available Equity Growth's own legal
       counsel (at the Client's expense), to register the Client's
       securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
       "SEC"), and thereafter, will assist the Client to make
       arrangements required to permit trading of the Client's
       securities on the OTC Bulletin Board operated by the National
       Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the "NASD"),
       including introductions to one or more potential market
       makers and assistance in the preparation, filing and
       management of the SEC and NASD Rule 15c2-11 compliance
       filings which will be required by any broker dealers
       publishing quotes in the Client's securities.


(B)    Equity  Growth  will  assist the Client to obtain a CUSIP  number for its
       securities,  to obtain a stock trading symbol and to list the Client in a
       Standard  & Poors or  comparable  securities  manual  complying  with the
       manual exemption from Blue Sky registration in 15 or more states.

(C)    Because of the Client's anticipated status under federal
       securities laws, in any circumstances where Equity Growth is
       describing the securities of to a third Party, Equity Growth
       shall disclose to such person the compensation received from
       the Client  to the extent required under any applicable laws,
       including, without limitation, Section 17(b) of the
       Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act");
       however, the Parties acknowledge they do not contemplate that
       Equity Growth shall be involved in any activities on behalf
       of the Client requiring such descriptions or disclosures, or
       that the Services involve any activities subject to
       regulation under federal or state securities laws, except for
       the introduction of  the Client and its principals to
       licensed broker dealers in securities, securities analysts
       and appropriate corporate information and stockholder
       relations specialists.


       In rendering its services,  Equity Growth shall not disclose to any third
party  any  confidential  non-public  information  furnished  by the  Client  or
otherwise obtained by it with respect to the Client.


(A)    The Parties recognize that certain responsibilities and
       obligations are imposed by federal and state securities laws
       and by the applicable rules and regulations of stock
       exchanges, the National Association of Securities Dealers,
       Inc. (collectively with its subsidiaries being hereinafter
       referred to as the "NASD"), in-house "due diligence" or
       "compliance" departments of licensed securities firms, etc.; 
       accordingly, Equity Growth agrees that it will not release
       any information or data about the Client to any selected or
       limited person(s), entity, or group if Equity Growth is aware
       that such information or data has not been generally released
       or promulgated.

(B)    Equity  Growth shall  restrict or cease,  as directed by the Client,  all
       efforts  on  behalf  of  the  Client,   including  all  dissemination  of
       information   regarding   the  Client,   immediately   upon   receipt  of
       instructions  (in  writing  by fax or  letter)  to that  effect  from the


(A)    (1)    The Client shall issue, directly to Equity Growth's
              stockholders of record on the 30th day following the
              date of this agreement, pro rata based on their
              ownership of common stock in Equity Growth, a quantity
              of the Client's common stock equal to 10% of the total
              outstanding capital stock of the Client, immediately
              following such issuance, subject to anti-dilutive
              rights for a period of 12 months following the
              original date of issuance (the "Public Shares").


       (2) The Public Shares shall be issued either:

        (a)   in reliance on either Rule 504 of SEC Regulation D or Section 4(6)
              of the Securities Act, and comparable provisions of the securities
              laws in each of the recipient's state of domicile, or

        (b)   pursuant  to a  registration  on  SEC  Form  SB-1  or  SB-2,  or a
              notification statement pursuant to SEC Regulation A;

              and Equity  Growth  will  assist  the  Client to prepare  and file
              required  documentation  associated  therewith,  at  the  Client's

       (3)    Prior to the  issuance  of the Public  Shares  Equity  Growth will
              assist the Client to comply  with any  obligations  under SEC Rule
              10b-17 pertaining to dividends.

       (4)    The Parties  hereby agree that for auditing,  tax, Rule 504 or SEC
              filing fee  purposes,  the  reasonable  market value of the Public
              Shares  is  the  lesser  of   $50,000  or  10%  of  the   Client's
              stockholders equity.

(B)    (1)    In the event that the Client desires to avail itself
              of the legal services of Equity Growth's general
              counsel to prepare and file the required SEC
              registration statements, it will pay Equity Growth the
              sum of $15,000, plus out of pocket costs and expenses,
              provided that not more than four amendments thereto
              are required, and that the Client provides timely and
              complete assistance in responding to SEC comment
              letters (additional costs resulting from failure of
              such assumptions being billed at such counsel's normal
              hourly fees for securities related filings).

       (2)    Equity  Growth  believes  that  the  Client  will  have to pay the
              following  additional  costs  in  conjunction  with  the  projects
              contemplated by this Agreement:

        M.    Auditing costs, the amount of which the Client is not
              competent to determine;

        N.    The costs of obtaining a CUSIP number and listing with  Standard &
              Poors or  another  comparable  manual,  which is  estimated  to be

        O.    Transfer agent set up and certificate distribution
              costs which will vary, based on the agency selected
              and the initial services required, but should not
              exceed $15,000 for physical delivery of certificates
              to each stockholder, assuming that such delivery can
              be structured over several months.  In the event that
              book entry recording in lieu of physical delivery is a
              legally available alternative and the costs of
              certificates are born by stockholders requesting them,
              then the costs can be cut dramatically (in the $5,000 

        P.    Filing  fees to the  SEC and  State  regulatory  authorities,  not
              expected to exceed $5,000;

        Q.    Travel,  long distance  telephone,  overnight  postage and mailing
              expenses, not expected to exceed $2,500.


(C)    In  addition  to the  compensation  described  above  with  reference  to
       services during the Initial Term of this Agreement and whether or not the
       following services are rendered during such Initial Term:

       (1)    In the event that Equity Growth  arranges or provides  funding for
              Client on terms more  beneficial  than those reflected in Client's
              current  principal  financing  agreements,  Equity Growth shall be
              entitled, at its election, to either:

        (a)   A fee equal to 25% of such savings, on a continuing
              basis; or

        (b)   If equity funding is provided though Equity Growth or
              any affiliates thereof, a discount of 10% from the bid
              price for the subject equity securities, if they are
              issuable as free trading securities, or, a discount of
              50% from the bid price for the subject equity
              securities, if they are issuable as restricted
              securities (as the term restricted is used for
              purposes of SEC Rule 144);  or

        (b)   If funding is provided by any person or group of
              persons introduced to the Client by Equity Growth or
              persons associated with Equity Growth, directly or
              indirectly, but is not provided by Equity Growth or
              its principals as described in the preceding sub
              section, then Equity Growth shall be entitled to an
              introduction fee equal to 5% of the aggregate proceeds
              so obtained;  and

       (2)    In the event that Equity Growth generates business for the Client,
              then,  on any sales  resulting  therefrom,  Equity Growth shall be
              entitled to a commission  equal to 10% of the gross income derived
              by the Client therefrom, on a continuing basis.

       (3)    In the event that Equity Growth or any affiliate  thereof arranges
              for an  acquisition  by the Client,  then Equity  Growth  shall be
              entitled to compensation equal to 10% of the compensation paid for
              such acquisition,  in addition to any compensation  negotiated and
              received from the acquired entity or its affiliates.

(D)    The Client will assure that its legal counsel promptly
       prepares all reports which then existing holders of the
       Client's securities (including Equity Growth, its affiliates
       and  successors in interest) are required to file with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission as a result of the
       Client's reporting status, including Securities and Exchange
       Commission Forms 3, 4 and 5, Schedules 13(d) and Schedules
       13(g), and shall submit all such reports to the subject
       stockholders for prompt execution and timely filing with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission.

(E)           (1) In addition to payment of fees, the Client will be responsible
              for payment of all costs and disbursements  associated with Equity
              Growth's services either:

        (a)   Involving less than $50 per item and $200 in the aggregate  during
              the preceding 30 day period; or

        (b)   Reflected in an operating budget approved by the
              Client; or

        (c)   Approved in writing by the  Client;  provided,  however,  that the
              refusal  by the Client to approve  expenditures  required  for the
              proper   performance  of  Equity  Growth's  services  will  excuse
              performance of such services.

       (2)    All of  Equity  Growth's  statements  will be paid  within 10 days
              after receipt.

       (3)    In the event  additional  time for  payment  is  required,  Equity
              Growth will have the option of selling the account  receivable and
              the Client  agrees to pay interest  thereon at the monthly rate of


       (4)    In the event collection activities are required, the Client agrees
              to pay all of  Equity  Growth's  out of  pocket  costs  associated

       (5)    There  will be no change or  waiver  of the  provisions  contained
              herein,  unless such charge is in writing and signed by the Client
              and Equity Growth.


(A).   (1)    All work requiring legal review will be submitted for
              approval by the Client to the Client's legal counsel
              prior to its use.

       (2)    Final drafts of any matters  prepared for use by Equity  Growth in
              conjunction with the provision of the Services will be reviewed by
              the  Client  and,  if  legally  required,  by the  Client's  legal
              counsel, to assure that:

        (a)   All required information has been provided;

        (b)   All materials are presented accurately; and, 

        (c)   That no materials  required to render  information  provided  "not
              misleading" are omitted.

       (2)    Only  after  such  review  and  approval  by the  Client  and,  if
              required,  the Client's legal counsel, will any documents be filed
              with  regulatory  agencies or  provided to Equity  Growth or third

       (3)           (a)   Financial   data  will  be  reviewed  by   competent,
                     independent,  certified public accountants  experienced and
                     qualified  in   securities   related   accounting,   to  be
                     separately retained by the Client.

        (b)   Such  accountants  will be  required  to review  and  approve  all
              financially  related  filings,  prior to release to Equity Growth,
              other third parties or submission  to the  appropriate  regulatory

(B)    (1)    The Client shall supply Equity Growth on a regular and
              timely basis with all approved data and information
              about the Client, its management, its products, and
              its operations and the Client shall be responsible for
              advising Equity Growth of any fact which would affect
              the accuracy of any prior data and information
              supplied to Equity Growth.

       (2)    The Client  shall use its best efforts to promptly  supply  Equity
              Growth  with  full and  complete  copies of all  filings  with all
              federal  and state  securities  agencies;  with full and  complete
              copies of all shareholder  reports and  communications  whether or
              not prepared with Equity  Growth's  assistance,  with all data and
              information supplied to any analyst, broker-dealer,  market maker,
              or  other  member  of  the  financial  community;   and  with  all
              product/services brochures, sales materials, etc.

       (3)    The Client shall  promptly  notify  Equity Growth of the filing of
              any  registration  statement for the sale of securities  and/or of
              any other event which triggers any restrictions on publicity.

       (4)    The Client shall be deemed to make a continuing  representation of
              the accuracy of any and all material facts, material, information,
              and  data  which it  supplies  to  Equity  Growth  and the  Client
              acknowledges  its  awareness  that Equity Growth will rely on such
              continuing  representation  in performing its functions under this

       (5)    Equity  Growth,  in the  absence  of  notice in  writing  from the
              Client,   may  rely  on  the  continuing   accuracy  of  material,
              information and data supplied by the Client.


                                   ARTICLE TWO

2.1 TERM.

       This  Agreement  shall be for an initial term of 180 days,  commencing on
the date of its complete  execution by all Parties,  as evinced in the execution
page hereof,  but shall be  extended,  as required to permit  completion  of the
projects   contemplated  hereby  (attaining  trading  status  for  the  Client's
securities as an issuer filing reports with the SEC pursuant to Section 12[g] of
the Exchange Act (the "Initial Term").

2.2    RENEWALS.

       Subject  to prior  agreement  as to  additional  compensation  payable to
Equity Growth, this Agreement shall be renewed  automatically,  after expiration
of the original term, on a continuing annual basis, unless the Party wishing not
to renew this  Agreement  provides  the other Party with  written  notice of its
election not to renew ("Termination  Election Notice") on or before the 30th day
prior to termination of the then current term.


(A)    Upon termination of this Agreement and payment to Equity
       Growth of all amounts due it hereunder, Equity Growth or its
       representative shall execute and deliver to the Client a
       receipt for such sums and a release of all claims, except
       such claims as may have been submitted pursuant to the terms
       of this Agreement and which remain unpaid, and, shall
       forthwith tender to the Client all records, manuals and
       written procedures, as may be desired by the Client for the
       continued conduct of its business; and

(B)    The Client or its representative shall execute and deliver to
       Equity Growth a receipt for all materials returned and a
       release of all claims, except such claims as may have been
       submitted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and which
       remain unpaid, and, shall forthwith tender to Equity Growth
       all records, manuals and written procedures, as may be
       desired by Equity Growth for the continued conduct of its 

                                  ARTICLE THREE


(A)    Equity Growth acknowledges that, in and as a result of its
       entry into this Agreement, it will be making use of
       confidential information of special and unique nature and
       value relating to such matters as the Client's trade secrets,
       systems, procedures, manuals, confidential reports;
       consequently, as material inducement to the entry into this
       Agreement by the Client, Equity Growth hereby covenants and
       agrees that it shall not, at anytime during the term of this
       Agreement, any renewals thereof and for two years following
       the terms of this Agreement, directly or indirectly, use,
       divulge or disclose, for any purpose whatsoever, any of such
       confidential information which has been obtained by or
       disclosed to it as a result of its entry into this Agreement
       or provision of services hereunder.

(B)    In the event of a breach or threatened breach by Equity
       Growth of any of the provisions of this Article Three, the
       Client, in addition to and not in limitation of any other
       rights, remedies or damages available to the Client, whether
       at law or in equity, shall be entitled to a permanent
       injunction in order to prevent or to restrain any such breach
       by Equity Growth, or by its partners, directors, officers,
       stockholders, agents, representatives, servants, employers,
       employees, affiliates and/or any and all persons directly or
       indirectly acting for or with it.



       In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would  undoubtedly occur
to the  Client and its  clients as a result of a breach by Equity  Growth of the
covenants or agreements contained in this Article Three, and in view of the lack
of an adequate  remedy at law to protect the Client's  interests,  Equity Growth
hereby covenants and agrees that the Client shall have the following  additional
rights and remedies in the event of a breach hereof:

(A)    Equity Growth hereby  consents to the issuance of a permanent  injunction
       enjoining  it from any  violations  of the  covenants  set  forth in this
       Article Three; and

(B)    Because it is  impossible  to  ascertain  or estimate the entire or exact
       cost,  damage or injury which the Client or its clients may sustain prior
       to the effective  enforcement  of such  injunction,  Equity Growth hereby
       covenants and agrees to pay over to the Client,  in the event it violates
       the covenants and agreements contained in this Article Three, the greater

       (1)    Any payment or  compensation of any kind received by it because of
              such violation before the issuance of such injunction, or

       (2)    The sum of One Thousand Dollars per violation,  which sum shall be
              liquidated damages,  and not a penalty,  for the injuries suffered
              by the Client or its  clients as a result of such  violation,  the
              Parties  hereto  agreeing  that such  liquidated  damages  are not
              intended as the exclusive  remedy  available to the Client for any
              breach of the covenants and  agreements  contained in this Article
              Three,  prior to the  issuance  of such  injunction,  the  Parties
              recognizing  that the only  adequate  remedy to protect the Client
              and its clients from the injury caused by such  breaches  would be
              injunctive relief.


       Equity Growth hereby  irrevocably  agrees that the remedies  described in
this Article Three shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any of the
rights or  remedies  to which the Client and its  clients are or may be entitled
to, whether at law or in equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.


(A)    Equity Growth hereby represents, warrants and acknowledges
       that its members or officers and directors have carefully
       read and considered the provisions of this Article Three and,
       having done so, agrees that the restrictions set forth herein
       are fair and reasonable and are reasonably required for the
       protection of the interests of the Client, its members,
       officers, directors, consultants, agents and employees;
       consequently, in the event that any of the above-described
       restrictions shall be held unenforceable by any court of
       competent jurisdiction, Equity Growth hereby covenants,
       agrees and directs such court to substitute a reasonable
       judicially enforceable limitation in place of any limitation
       deemed unenforceable and, Equity Growth hereby covenants and
       agrees that if so modified, the covenants contained in this
       Article Three shall be as fully enforceable as if they had
       been set forth herein directly by the Parties.

(B)    In  determining  the  nature of this  limitation,  Equity  Growth  hereby
       acknowledges,  covenants  and agrees that it is the intent of the Parties
       that a court adjudicating a dispute arising hereunder  recognize that the
       Parties  desire  that these  covenants  not to compete or  circumvent  be
       imposed and maintained to the greatest extent possible.


       Equity Growth shall not be required to devote all of its business time to
the affairs of the Client,  rather it shall devote such time as it is reasonably
necessary in light of its other business commitments.


                                  ARTICLE FOUR


(A)    The Client acknowledges that, in and as a result of its
       engagement of Equity Growth, the Client will be making use of
       confidential information of special and unique nature and
       value relating to such matters as Equity Growth's business
       contacts, professional advisors, trade secrets, systems,
       procedures, manuals, confidential reports, lists of clients,
       potential customers and funders; consequently, as material
       inducement to the entry into this Agreement by Equity Growth,
       the Client hereby covenants and agrees that it shall not, at
       anytime during the term of this Agreement, any renewals
       thereof an for two years following the terms of this
       Agreement, directly or indirectly, use, divulge or disclose,
       for any purpose whatsoever, any of such confidential
       information which has been obtained by or disclosed to it as
       a result of its employment of Equity Growth, or Equity
       Growth's affiliates.

(B)    In the event of a breach or threatened breach by the Client
       of any of the provisions of this Article Four, Equity Growth,
       in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights,
       remedies or damages available to Equity Growth, whether at
       law or in equity, shall be entitled to a permanent injunction
       in order to prevent or to restrain any such breach by the
       Client, or by the Client's partners, directors, officers,
       stockholders, agents, representatives, servants, employers,
       employees, affiliates and/or any and all persons directly or
       indirectly acting for or with it.


       In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would  undoubtedly occur
to  Equity  Growth as a result of a breach  by the  Client of the  covenants  or
agreements  contained  in this  Article  Four,  and in  view  of the  lack of an
adequate remedy at law to protect Equity Growth's  interests,  the Client hereby
covenants  and agrees that Equity  Growth  shall have the  following  additional
rights and remedies in the event of a breach hereof:

(A)    The Client  hereby  consents to the  issuance  of a permanent  injunction
       enjoining  it from any  violations  of the  covenants  set  forth in this
       Article Four is and

(B)    Because it is  impossible  to  ascertain  or estimate the entire or exact
       cost,  damage or injury  which  Equity  Growth may  sustain  prior to the
       effective enforcement of such injunction, the Client hereby covenants and
       agrees  to pay  over to  Equity  Growth,  in the  event it  violates  the
       covenants and agreements contained in this Article Four, the greater of:

       (1)    Any payment or  compensation of any kind received by it because of
              such violation before the issuance of such injunction, or

       (2)    The sum of One Thousand Dollars per violation,  which sum shall be
              liquidated damages,  and not a penalty,  for the injuries suffered
              by Equity Growth as a result of such violation, the Parties hereto
              agreeing  that such  liquidated  damages  are not  intended as the
              exclusive  remedy available to Equity Growth for any breach of the
              covenants and agreements  contained in this Article Four, prior to
              the issuance of such injunction,  the Parties recognizing that the
              only  adequate  remedy to protect  Equity  Growth  from the injury
              caused by such breaches would be injunctive relief.


       The Client hereby  irrevocably agrees that the remedies described in this
Article  Four  shall be in  addition  to, and not in  limitation  of, any of the
rights or remedies to which Equity  Growth is or may be entitled to,  whether at
law or in equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.


(A)    The Client hereby represents, warrants and acknowledges that
       its officers and directors  have carefully read and
       considered the provisions of this Article Four and, having
       done so, agree that the restrictions set forth herein are
       fair and reasonable and are reasonably required for the
       protection of the interests of Equity Growth, its members,
       officers, directors, consultants,  agents and employees;
       consequently, in the event that any of the above-described
       restrictions shall be held unenforceable by any court of
       competent jurisdiction, the Client hereby covenants, agrees
       and directs such court to substitute a reasonable judicially
       enforceable limitation in place of any limitation deemed
       unenforceable and, the Client hereby covenants and agrees
       that if so modified, the covenants contained in this Article
       Four shall be as fully enforceable as if they had been set
       forth herein directly by the Parties.

(B)    In  determining  the  nature  of  this  limitation,   the  Client  hereby
       acknowledges,  covenants  and agrees that it is the intent of the Parties
       that a court adjudicating a dispute hereunder  recognize that the Parties
       desire that these  covenants  not to compete or circumvent be imposed and
       maintained to the greatest extent possible.

                                  ARTICLE FIVE


       All notices,  demands or other written communications  hereunder shall be
in writing,  and unless  otherwise  provided,  shall be deemed to have been duly
given on the first  business day after  mailing by United  States  registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:


           8001 DeSoto Woods Drive;  Sarasota,  Florida  34243  Telephone  (941)
             358-8182; Fax (941) 358-8423
               Attention: Charles J. Scimeca, President

                                 with copies to

                           THE YANKEE COMPANIES, INC.
           902 Clint Moore Road, Suite 136; Boca Raton, Florida 33487
             Telephone (561) 998-2025; Fax (561) 998-3425
              Attention: Leonard Miles Tucker, President

                      THE YANKEE COMPANIES, INC.1941 Southeast 51st
                    Terrace; Ocala, Florida 34471
             Telephone (352) 694-9179; Fax (352) 694-9178
     Attention: Vanessa H. Lindsey, Chief Administrative Officer


                        SUNTEL COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC.
                  Post Office Box 49750; Orlando, Florida 32802
Telephone (407) ___-____; Fax (407) ___-____; and, e-mail 
            or at such address, telephone and fax numbers
          as are reflected on the SEC's EDGAR Internet site;
   Attention: Richard Kirkwood, President & Chief Executive Officer

in each case,  with copies to such other address or to such other persons as any
Party shall designate to the others for such purposes in the manner  hereinabove
set forth.


       No modification, waiver, amendment, discharge or change of this Agreement
shall be valid unless the same is in writing and signed by Parties.

5.3    MERGER.

(A)    This  instrument,  together  with the  instruments  referred  to  herein,
       contains all of the  understandings  and  agreements  of the Parties with
       respect to the subject matter discussed herein.

(B)    All prior agreements  whether written or oral are merged herein and shall
       be of no force or effect.


5.4    SURVIVAL.

       The several  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  of the Parties
contained  herein  shall  survive the  execution  hereof and shall be  effective
regardless of any investigation  that may have been made or may be made by or on
behalf of any Party.


       If any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement, other
than a conditions precedent, if any, or the application of such provision or any
portion  thereof  to any  person  or  circumstance  shall  be  held  invalid  or
unenforceable,  the  remaining  portions  of such  provision  and the  remaining
provisions of this Agreement or the  application of such provision or portion of
such provision as is held invalid or  unenforceable  to persons or circumstances
other than  those to which it is held  invalid  or  unenforceable,  shall not be
affected thereby.


       This  Agreement  shall be  construed in  accordance  with the laws of the
State of Florida and any  proceeding  arising  between the Parties in any matter
pertaining or related to this Agreement  shall, to the extent  permitted by law,
be held in Marion County, Florida.


(A)    In  the  event  of any  dispute  arising  under  this  Agreement,  or the
       negotiation  thereof  or  inducements  to enter into the  Agreement,  the
       dispute  shall,  at the  request of any Party,  be  exclusively  resolved
       through the following procedures:

       (1)           (a) First, the issue shall be submitted to mediation before
                     a  mediation  service in Palm Beach  County,  Florida to be
                     selected by lot from six alternatives to be provided, three
                     by Equity Growth and three by the Client.

        (b)   The mediation  efforts shall be concluded within ten business days
              after their initiation unless the Parties  unanimously agree to an
              extended mediation period;

       (2)    In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of the
              dispute then at the request of any Party, the Parties shall submit
              the dispute to binding  arbitration before an arbitration  service
              located in Palm Beach County, Florida, to be selected by lot, from
              six alternatives to be provided, in the manner set forth above for
              selection of a mediator;

       (3)           (A)  Expenses  of  mediation  shall be borne by the Parties
                     equally if  successful  but if  unsuccessful,  expenses  of
                     mediation and of arbitration shall be borne by the Party or
                     Parties against whom the arbitration decision is rendered.

        (B)   If the terms of the arbitral  award do not  establish a prevailing
              Party, then the expenses of unsuccessful mediation and arbitration
              shall be borne 1/2 by the Client and 1/2 by Equity Growth.


(B)    Judgment upon the award rendered by the  arbitrator(s)  may be entered in
       any court having jurisdiction thereof.

(C)    In any action  between  the  Parties to enforce  any of the terms of this
       Agreement or any other matter arising from this Agreement, the prevailing
       Party  shall be entitled  to recover  its costs and  expenses,  including
       reasonable  attorneys' fees up to and including all negotiations,  trials
       and appeals, whether or not litigation is initiated.


       The terms and  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and
inure to the benefit of the Parties,  jointly and severally,  their  successors,
assigns, personal representatives, estate, heirs and legatees.

5.9    CAPTIONS.

       The captions in this Agreement are for convenience and reference only and
in no way define,  describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or the
intent of any provisions hereof.


       All pronouns and any  variations  thereof shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or
Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns may require.


       The Parties hereby agree to do, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause
to be done, executed, acknowledged or delivered and to perform all such acts and
deliver all such deeds, assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney,
assurances,  stock certificates and other documents,  as may, from time to time,
be required herein to effect the intent and purpose of this Agreement.

5.12   STATUS.

(A)    Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall be  construed  or shall  constitute  a
       partnership, joint venture, employer-employee relationship, lessor-lessee
       relationship, or principal-agent relationship.

(B)    Throughout  the term of this  Agreement,  Equity  Growth  shall  serve an
       independent  contractor,  as that term is defined  by the  United  States
       Internal  Revenue  Service,  and  in  conjunction  therewith,   shall  be
       responsible for all of his own tax reporting and payment obligations.

(C)    In  amplification  of the  foregoing,  Equity  Growth  shall,  subject to
       reasonable   reimbursement   on  a  pre-approved   budgetary   basis,  be
       responsible  for  providing  its own  office  facilities  and  supporting



(A)    This  Agreement may be executed in any number of  counterparts  delivered
       through facsimile transmission.

(B)    All executed counterparts shall constitute one Agreement  notwithstanding
       that all  signatories  are not  signatories  to the  original or the same

5.14   LICENSE.

(A)           (1) This Agreement is the property of The Yankee Companies,  Inc.,
              a Florida  corporation  which serves as a strategic  consultant to
              Equity Growth ("Yankees").

       (2)    The use hereof by the  Parties  is  authorized  hereby  solely for
              purposes  of  this  transaction  and,  the  use of  this  form  of
              agreement or of any  derivation  thereof  without  Yankees'  prior
              written permission is prohibited.

       (3)    This  Agreement  shall  not  be  construed  more   stringently  or
              interpreted   less  favorably   against  Equity  Growth  based  on

(B)    The Client hereby acknowledge that neither Yankees nor Equity Growth is a
       law  firm  and  that  neither  provided  it with  any  advice,  legal  or
       otherwise, in conjunction with this Agreement,  but rather, has suggested
       that it rely solely on its own  experience  and advisors in evaluating or
       interpreting this Agreement.


       IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Parties have executed this Agreement,  effective
as of the last date set forth below.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
       In Our Presence
                                     SUNTEL COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC.
- ----------------------------

____________________________        By:    ____________________________
                                           Richard Kirkwood, PRESIDENT
Dated:  _____________________
                      Attest:       ____________________________
                                       ____________________, SECRETARY

                                           EQUITY GROWTH SYSTEMS, INC.
- ----------------------------

____________________________        By:    ____________________________
                                        Charles J. Scimeca, PRESIDENT 
Dated:  _____________________
                      Attest:       ____________________________
                                      G. Richard Chamberlin, SECRETARY



       THIS CONSULTING  AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement") is made and entered into by
and between  SPORTS  COLLECTIBLES  EXCHANGE,  INC., a Florida  corporation  (the
"Client") and EQUITY GROWTH SYSTEMS,  INC., a publicly held Delaware corporation
with a  class  of  equity  securities  registered  under  Section  12(g)  of the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended (the  "Exchange  Act" and "Equity
Growth,"   respectively;   the  Client  and  Equity  Growth  being   hereinafter
collectively referred to as the "Parties" and generically as a "Party").

                                   PREAMBLE :

       WHEREAS,  Client is engaged in the sports  collectible  business which it
       intends  to  expand  into  the  following  areas:  Internet  collectibles
       trading; certification program for sports collectible appraisers; a minor
       league baseball hall of fame; and,  development and maintenance of sports
       collectibles price guides,  all, initially  concentrating on minor league
       baseball ; and

       WHEREAS,  the Client desires to become a reporting  company under federal
       securities laws with a publicly traded class of securities; and

       WHEREAS,  Equity Growth personnel have  substantial  experience with law,
       accounting   and  the  regulatory   obligations   imposed  under  federal
       securities laws and regulations, and provide assistance to companies that
       desire to attain  reporting  status under  Section  12(g) of the Exchange
       Act; and

       WHEREAS,  Equity Growth is agreeable to making its services  available to
       the Client,  on the terms and subject to the conditions  hereinafter  set

       NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration for Equity Growth's agreement to render
       the hereinafter described services as well as of the premises, the sum of
       TEN ($10) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
       and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged,  the Parties,  intending to
       be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:


                                   ARTICLE ONE
                           OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES


(A)    Equity Growth will assist the Client's legal counsel, or, as
       set forth below, provide its own legal counsel, to register
       its securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission
       (the "SEC"), and thereafter, will assist the Client to make
       arrangements required to permit trading of the Client's
       securities on the OTC Bulletin Board operated by the National
       Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., including
       introductions to one or more potential market makers and
       assistance in the preparation, filing and management of the
       SEC and NASD Rule 15c2-11 compliance filings which will be
       required by any broker dealers publishing quotes in the
       Client's securities.


(B)    Equity  Growth  will  assist the Client to obtain a CUSIP  number for its
       securities,  to obtain a stock trading symbol and to list the Client in a
       Standard  & Poors or  comparable  securities  manual  complying  with the
       manual exemption from Blue Sky registration in 15 or more states.

(C)    Because of the Client's anticipated status under federal
       securities laws, in any circumstances where Equity Growth is
       describing the securities of to a third Party, Equity Growth
       shall disclose to such person the compensation received from
       the Client  to the extent required under any applicable laws,
       including, without limitation, Section 17(b) of the
       Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act");
       however, the Parties acknowledge they do not contemplate that
       Equity Growth shall be involved in any activities on behalf
       of The Client requiring such descriptions or disclosures, or
       that the Services involve any activities subject to
       regulation under federal or state securities laws, except for
       the introduction of  the Client and its principals to
       licensed broker dealers in securities, securities analysts
       and appropriate corporate information and stockholder
       relations specialists.


       In rendering its services,  Equity Growth shall not disclose to any third
party  any  confidential  non-public  information  furnished  by the  Client  or
otherwise obtained by it with respect to the Client.


(A)    The Parties recognize that certain responsibilities and
       obligations are imposed by federal and state securities laws
       and by the applicable rules and regulations of stock
       exchanges, the National Association of Securities Dealers,
       Inc. (collectively with its subsidiaries being hereinafter
       referred to as the "NASD"), in-house "due diligence" or
       "compliance" departments of licensed securities firms, etc.; 
       accordingly, Equity Growth agrees that it will not release
       any information or data about the Client to any selected or
       limited person(s), entity, or group if Equity Growth is aware
       that such information or data has not been generally released
       or promulgated.

(B)    Equity  Growth shall  restrict or cease,  as directed by the Client,  all
       efforts  on  behalf  of  the  Client,   including  all  dissemination  of
       information   regarding   the  Client,   immediately   upon   receipt  of
       instructions  (in  writing  by fax or  letter)  to that  effect  from the


(A)    (1)    The Client shall issue, directly to Equity Growth's
              stockholders of record on the 30th day following the
              date of this agreement, pro rata based on their
              ownership of common stock in Equity Growth, a quantity
              of the Client's common stock equal to 15% of the total
              outstanding capital stock of the Client, immediately
              following such issuance, subject to anti-dilutive
              rights for a period of 12 months following the
              original date of issuance (the "Public Shares").


       (2) The Public Shares shall be issued either:

        (a)   in reliance on either Rule 504 of SEC Regulation D or Section 4(6)
              of the Securities Act, and comparable provisions of the securities
              laws in each of the recipient's state of domicile, or

        (b)   pursuant  to a  registration  on  SEC  Form  SB-1  or  SB-2,  or a
              notification statement pursuant to SEC Regulation A;

              and Equity  Growth  will  assist  the  Client to prepare  and file
              required  documentation  associated  therewith,  at  the  Client's

       (3)    Prior to the  issuance  of the Public  Shares  Equity  Growth will
              assist the Client to comply  with any  obligations  under SEC Rule
              10b-17 pertaining to dividends.

       (4)    The Parties  hereby agree that for auditing,  tax, Rule 504 or SEC
              filing fee  purposes,  the  reasonable  market value of the Public
              Shares  is  the  greater  of  $15,000  or  15%  of  the   Client's
              stockholders equity.

(B)    (1)    In the event that the Client desires to avail itself
              of the legal services of Equity Growth's general
              counsel to prepare and file the required SEC
              registration statements, it will pay Equity Growth the
              sum of $15,000, plus out of pocket costs and expenses,
              provided that not more than four amendments thereto
              are required, and that the Client provides timely and
              complete assistance in responding to SEC comment
              letters (additional costs resulting from failure of
              such assumptions being billed at such counsel's normal
              hourly fees for securities related filings).

       (2)    Equity  Growth  believes  that  the  Client  will  have to pay the
              following  additional  costs  in  conjunction  with  the  projects
              contemplated by this Agreement:

        R.    Auditing costs, the amount of which the Client is not
              competent to determine;

        S.    The costs of obtaining a CUSIP number and listing with  Standard &
              Poors or  another  comparable  manual,  which is  estimated  to be

        T.    Transfer agent set up and certificate distribution
              costs which will vary, based on the agency selected
              and the initial services required, but should not
              exceed $15,000 for physical delivery of certificates
              to each stockholder, assuming that such delivery can
              be structured over several months.  In the event that
              book entry recording in lieu of physical delivery is a
              legally available alternative and the costs of
              certificates are born by stockholders requesting them,
              then the costs can be cut dramatically (in the $5,000 


        U.    Filing  fees to the  SEC and  State  regulatory  authorities,  not
              expected to exceed $5,000;

        V.    Travel,  long distance  telephone,  overnight  postage and mailing
              expenses, not expected to exceed $2,500.

(C)    In  addition  to the  compensation  described  above  with  reference  to
       services during the Initial Term of this Agreement and whether or not the
       following services are rendered during such Initial Term:

       (1)    In the event that Equity Growth  arranges or provides  funding for
              Client on terms more  beneficial  than those reflected in Client's
              current  principal  financing  agreements,  Equity Growth shall be
              entitled, at its election, to either:

        (a)   A fee equal to 25% of such savings, on a continuing
              basis; or

        (b)   If equity funding is provided though Equity Growth or
              any affiliates thereof, a discount of 10% from the bid
              price for the subject equity securities, if they are
              issuable as free trading securities, or, a discount of
              50% from the bid price for the subject equity
              securities, if they are issuable as restricted
              securities (as the term restricted is used for
              purposes of SEC Rule 144);  or

        (b)   If funding is provided by any person or group of
              persons introduced to the Client by Equity Growth or
              persons associated with Equity Growth, directly or
              indirectly, but is not provided by Equity Growth or
              its principals as described in the preceding sub
              section, then Equity Growth shall be entitled to an
              introduction fee equal to 5% of the aggregate proceeds
              so obtained;  and

       (2)    In the event that Equity Growth generates business for the Client,
              then,  on any sales  resulting  therefrom,  Equity Growth shall be
              entitled to a commission  equal to 10% of the gross income derived
              by the Client therefrom, on a continuing basis.

       (3)    In the event that Equity Growth or any affiliate  thereof arranges
              for an  acquisition  by the Client,  then Equity  Growth  shall be
              entitled to compensation equal to 10% of the compensation paid for
              such acquisition,  in addition to any compensation  negotiated and
              received from the acquired entity or its affiliates.

(D)    The Client will assure that its legal counsel promptly
       prepares all reports which then existing holders of the
       Client's securities (including Equity Growth, its affiliates
       and  successors in interest) are required to file with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission as a result of the
       Client's reporting status, including Securities and Exchange
       Commission Forms 3, 4 and 5, Schedules 13(d) and Schedules
       13(g), and shall submit all such reports to the subject
       stockholders for prompt execution and timely filing with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission.

(E)           (1) In addition to payment of fees, the Client will be responsible
              for payment of all costs and disbursements  associated with Equity
              Growth's services either:

        (a)   Involving less than $50 per item and $200 in the aggregate  during
              the preceding 30 day period; or

        (b)   Reflected in an operating budget approved by the
              Client; or

        (c)   Approved in writing by the  Client;  provided,  however,  that the
              refusal  by the Client to approve  expenditures  required  for the
              proper   performance  of  Equity  Growth's  services  will  excuse
              performance of such services.


       (2)    All of  Equity  Growth's  statements  will be paid  within 10 days
              after receipt.

       (3)    In the event  additional  time for  payment  is  required,  Equity
              Growth will have the option of selling the account  receivable and
              the Client  agrees to pay interest  thereon at the monthly rate of

       (4)    In the event collection activities are required, the Client agrees
              to pay all of  Equity  Growth's  out of  pocket  costs  associated

       (5)    There  will be no change or  waiver  of the  provisions  contained
              herein,  unless such charge is in writing and signed by the Client
              and Equity Growth.


(A).   (1)    All work requiring legal review will be submitted for
              approval by the Client to the Client's legal counsel
              prior to its use.

       (2)    Final drafts of any matters  prepared for use by Equity  Growth in
              conjunction with the provision of the Services will be reviewed by
              the  Client  and,  if  legally  required,  by the  Client's  legal
              counsel, to assure that:

        (a)   All required information has been provided;

        (b)   All materials are presented accurately; and, 

        (c)   That no materials  required to render  information  provided  "not
              misleading" are omitted.

       (2)    Only  after  such  review  and  approval  by the  Client  and,  if
              required,  the Client's legal counsel, will any documents be filed
              with  regulatory  agencies or  provided to Equity  Growth or third

       (3)           (a)   Financial   data  will  be  reviewed  by   competent,
                     independent,  certified public accountants  experienced and
                     qualified  in   securities   related   accounting,   to  be
                     separately retained by the Client.

        (b)   Such  accountants  will be  required  to review  and  approve  all
              financially  related  filings,  prior to release to Equity Growth,
              other third parties or submission  to the  appropriate  regulatory

(B)    (1)    The Client shall supply Equity Growth on a regular and
              timely basis with all approved data and information
              about the Client, its management, its products, and
              its operations and the Client shall be responsible for
              advising Equity Growth of any fact which would affect
              the accuracy of any prior data and information
              supplied to Equity Growth.

       (2)    The Client  shall use its best efforts to promptly  supply  Equity
              Growth  with  full and  complete  copies of all  filings  with all
              federal  and state  securities  agencies;  with full and  complete
              copies of all shareholder  reports and  communications  whether or
              not prepared with Equity  Growth's  assistance,  with all data and
              information supplied to any analyst, broker-dealer,  market maker,
              or  other  member  of  the  financial  community;   and  with  all
              product/services brochures, sales materials, etc.


       (3)    The Client shall  promptly  notify  Equity Growth of the filing of
              any  registration  statement for the sale of securities  and/or of
              any other event which triggers any restrictions on publicity.

       (4)    The Client shall be deemed to make a continuing  representation of
              the accuracy of any and all material facts, material, information,
              and  data  which it  supplies  to  Equity  Growth  and the  Client
              acknowledges  its  awareness  that Equity Growth will rely on such
              continuing  representation  in performing its functions under this

       (5)    Equity  Growth,  in the  absence  of  notice in  writing  from the
              Client,   may  rely  on  the  continuing   accuracy  of  material,
              information and data supplied by the Client.

                                   ARTICLE TWO

2.1 TERM.

       This  Agreement  shall be for an initial term of 180 days,  commencing on
the date of its complete  execution by all Parties,  as evinced in the execution
page hereof,  but shall be  extended,  as required to permit  completion  of the
projects   contemplated  hereby  (attaining  trading  status  for  the  Client's
securities as an issuer filing reports with the SEC pursuant to Section 12[g] of
the Exchange Act (the "Initial Term").

2.2    RENEWALS.

       Subject  to prior  agreement  as to  additional  compensation  payable to
Equity Growth, this Agreement shall be renewed  automatically,  after expiration
of the original term, on a continuing annual basis, unless the Party wishing not
to renew this  Agreement  provides  the other Party with  written  notice of its
election not to renew ("Termination  Election Notice") on or before the 30th day
prior to termination of the then current term.


(A)    Upon termination of this Agreement and payment to Equity
       Growth of all amounts due it hereunder, Equity Growth or its
       representative shall execute and deliver to the Client a
       receipt for such sums and a release of all claims, except
       such claims as may have been submitted pursuant to the terms
       of this Agreement and which remain unpaid, and, shall
       forthwith tender to the Client all records, manuals and
       written procedures, as may be desired by the Client for the
       continued conduct of its business; and

(B)    The Client or its representative shall execute and deliver to
       Equity Growth a receipt for all materials returned and a
       release of all claims, except such claims as may have been
       submitted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and which
       remain unpaid, and, shall forthwith tender to Equity Growth
       all records, manuals and written procedures, as may be
       desired by Equity Growth for the continued conduct of its 


                                  ARTICLE THREE


(A)    Equity Growth acknowledges that, in and as a result of its
       entry into this Agreement, it will be making use of
       confidential information of special and unique nature and
       value relating to such matters as the Client's trade secrets,
       systems, procedures, manuals, confidential reports;
       consequently, as material inducement to the entry into this
       Agreement by the Client, Equity Growth hereby covenants and
       agrees that it shall not, at anytime during the term of this
       Agreement, any renewals thereof and for two years following
       the terms of this Agreement, directly or indirectly, use,
       divulge or disclose, for any purpose whatsoever, any of such
       confidential information which has been obtained by or
       disclosed to it as a result of its entry into this Agreement
       or provision of services hereunder.

(B)    In the event of a breach or threatened breach by Equity
       Growth of any of the provisions of this Article Three, the
       Client, in addition to and not in limitation of any other
       rights, remedies or damages available to the Client, whether
       at law or in equity, shall be entitled to a permanent
       injunction in order to prevent or to restrain any such breach
       by Equity Growth, or by its partners, directors, officers,
       stockholders, agents, representatives, servants, employers,
       employees, affiliates and/or any and all persons directly or
       indirectly acting for or with it.


       In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would  undoubtedly occur
to the  Client and its  clients as a result of a breach by Equity  Growth of the
covenants or agreements contained in this Article Three, and in view of the lack
of an adequate  remedy at law to protect the Client's  interests,  Equity Growth
hereby covenants and agrees that the Client shall have the following  additional
rights and remedies in the event of a breach hereof:

(A)    Equity Growth hereby  consents to the issuance of a permanent  injunction
       enjoining  it from any  violations  of the  covenants  set  forth in this
       Article Three; and

(B)    Because it is  impossible  to  ascertain  or estimate the entire or exact
       cost,  damage or injury which the Client or its clients may sustain prior
       to the effective  enforcement  of such  injunction,  Equity Growth hereby
       covenants and agrees to pay over to the Client,  in the event it violates
       the covenants and agreements contained in this Article Three, the greater

       (1)    Any payment or  compensation of any kind received by it because of
              such violation before the issuance of such injunction, or

       (2)    The sum of One Thousand Dollars per violation,  which sum shall be
              liquidated damages,  and not a penalty,  for the injuries suffered
              by the Client or its  clients as a result of such  violation,  the
              Parties  hereto  agreeing  that such  liquidated  damages  are not
              intended as the exclusive  remedy  available to the Client for any
              breach of the covenants and  agreements  contained in this Article
              Three,  prior to the  issuance  of such  injunction,  the  Parties
              recognizing  that the only  adequate  remedy to protect the Client
              and its clients from the injury caused by such  breaches  would be
              injunctive relief.



       Equity Growth hereby  irrevocably  agrees that the remedies  described in
this Article Three shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any of the
rights or  remedies  to which the Client and its  clients are or may be entitled
to, whether at law or in equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.


(A)    Equity Growth hereby represents, warrants and acknowledges
       that its members or officers and directors have carefully
       read and considered the provisions of this Article Three and,
       having done so, agrees that the restrictions set forth herein
       are fair and reasonable and are reasonably required for the
       protection of the interests of the Client, its members,
       officers, directors, consultants, agents and employees;
       consequently, in the event that any of the above-described
       restrictions shall be held unenforceable by any court of
       competent jurisdiction, Equity Growth hereby covenants,
       agrees and directs such court to substitute a reasonable
       judicially enforceable limitation in place of any limitation
       deemed unenforceable and, Equity Growth hereby covenants and
       agrees that if so modified, the covenants contained in this
       Article Three shall be as fully enforceable as if they had
       been set forth herein directly by the Parties.

(B)    In  determining  the  nature of this  limitation,  Equity  Growth  hereby
       acknowledges,  covenants  and agrees that it is the intent of the Parties
       that a court adjudicating a dispute arising hereunder  recognize that the
       Parties  desire  that these  covenants  not to compete or  circumvent  be
       imposed and maintained to the greatest extent possible.


       Equity Growth shall not be required to devote all of its business time to
the affairs of the Client,  rather it shall devote such time as it is reasonably
necessary in light of its other business commitments.

                                  ARTICLE FOUR


(A)    The Client acknowledges that, in and as a result of its
       engagement of Equity Growth, the Client will be making use of
       confidential information of special and unique nature and
       value relating to such matters as Equity Growth's business
       contacts, professional advisors, trade secrets, systems,
       procedures, manuals, confidential reports, lists of clients,
       potential customers and funders; consequently, as material
       inducement to the entry into this Agreement by Equity Growth,
       the Client hereby covenants and agrees that it shall not, at
       anytime during the term of this Agreement, any renewals
       thereof an for two years following the terms of this
       Agreement, directly or indirectly, use, divulge or disclose,
       for any purpose whatsoever, any of such confidential
       information which has been obtained by or disclosed to it as
       a result of its employment of Equity Growth, or Equity
       Growth's affiliates.

(B)    In the event of a breach or threatened breach by the Client
       of any of the provisions of this Article Four, Equity Growth,
       in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights,
       remedies or damages available to Equity Growth, whether at
       law or in equity, shall be entitled to a permanent injunction
       in order to prevent or to restrain any such breach by the
       Client, or by the Client's partners, directors, officers,
       stockholders, agents, representatives, servants, employers,
       employees, affiliates and/or any and all persons directly or
       indirectly acting for or with it.



       In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would  undoubtedly occur
to  Equity  Growth as a result of a breach  by the  Client of the  covenants  or
agreements  contained  in this  Article  Four,  and in  view  of the  lack of an
adequate remedy at law to protect Equity Growth's  interests,  the Client hereby
covenants  and agrees that Equity  Growth  shall have the  following  additional
rights and remedies in the event of a breach hereof:

(A)    The Client  hereby  consents to the  issuance  of a permanent  injunction
       enjoining  it from any  violations  of the  covenants  set  forth in this
       Article Four is and

(B)    Because it is  impossible  to  ascertain  or estimate the entire or exact
       cost,  damage or injury  which  Equity  Growth may  sustain  prior to the
       effective enforcement of such injunction, the Client hereby covenants and
       agrees  to pay  over to  Equity  Growth,  in the  event it  violates  the
       covenants and agreements contained in this Article Four, the greater of:

       (1)    Any payment or  compensation of any kind received by it because of
              such violation before the issuance of such injunction, or

       (2)    The sum of One Thousand Dollars per violation,  which sum shall be
              liquidated damages,  and not a penalty,  for the injuries suffered
              by Equity Growth as a result of such violation, the Parties hereto
              agreeing  that such  liquidated  damages  are not  intended as the
              exclusive  remedy available to Equity Growth for any breach of the
              covenants and agreements  contained in this Article Four, prior to
              the issuance of such injunction,  the Parties recognizing that the
              only  adequate  remedy to protect  Equity  Growth  from the injury
              caused by such breaches would be injunctive relief.


       The Client hereby  irrevocably agrees that the remedies described in this
Article  Four  shall be in  addition  to, and not in  limitation  of, any of the
rights or remedies to which Equity  Growth is or may be entitled to,  whether at
law or in equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.


(A)    The Client hereby represents, warrants and acknowledges that
       its officers and directors  have carefully read and
       considered the provisions of this Article Four and, having
       done so, agree that the restrictions set forth herein are
       fair and reasonable and are reasonably required for the
       protection of the interests of Equity Growth, its members,
       officers, directors, consultants,  agents and employees;
       consequently, in the event that any of the above-described
       restrictions shall be held unenforceable by any court of
       competent jurisdiction, the Client hereby covenants, agrees
       and directs such court to substitute a reasonable judicially
       enforceable limitation in place of any limitation deemed
       unenforceable and, the Client hereby covenants and agrees
       that if so modified, the covenants contained in this Article
       Four shall be as fully enforceable as if they had been set
       forth herein directly by the Parties.

(B)    In  determining  the  nature  of  this  limitation,   the  Client  hereby
       acknowledges,  covenants  and agrees that it is the intent of the Parties
       that a court adjudicating a dispute hereunder  recognize that the Parties
       desire that these  covenants  not to compete or circumvent be imposed and
       maintained to the greatest extent possible.


                                  ARTICLE FIVE


       All notices,  demands or other written communications  hereunder shall be
in writing,  and unless  otherwise  provided,  shall be deemed to have been duly
given on the first  business day after  mailing by United  States  registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:


           8001 DeSoto Woods Drive;  Sarasota,  Florida  34243  Telephone  (941)
             358-8182; Fax (941) 358-8423
               Attention: Charles J. Scimeca, President

                                 with copies to

                           THE YANKEE COMPANIES, INC.
           902 Clint Moore Road, Suite 136; Boca Raton, Florida 33487
             Telephone (561) 998-2025; Fax (561) 998-3425
              Attention: Leonard Miles Tucker, President

                      THE YANKEE COMPANIES, INC.1941 Southeast 51st
                    Terrace; Ocala, Florida 34471
             Telephone (352) 694-9179; Fax (352) 694-9178
     Attention: Vanessa H. Lindsey, Chief Administrative Officer


     14950 Southeast United States Highway 441; Summerfield, Florida 34491
           Telephone (352) 694-6714; Fax (352) 694-9178; and, e-mail
                  or at such address, telephone and fax numbers
          as are reflected on the SEC's EDGAR Internet site;
Attention: G. Richard Chamberlin, President & Chief Executive Officer

in each case,  with copies to such other address or to such other persons as any
Party shall designate to the others for such purposes in the manner  hereinabove
set forth.


       No modification, waiver, amendment, discharge or change of this Agreement
shall be valid unless the same is in writing and signed by Parties.

5.3    MERGER.

(A)    This  instrument,  together  with the  instruments  referred  to  herein,
       contains all of the  understandings  and  agreements  of the Parties with
       respect to the subject matter discussed herein.

(B)    All prior agreements  whether written or oral are merged herein and shall
       be of no force or effect.


5.4    SURVIVAL.

       The several  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  of the Parties
contained  herein  shall  survive the  execution  hereof and shall be  effective
regardless of any investigation  that may have been made or may be made by or on
behalf of any Party.


       If any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement, other
than a conditions precedent, if any, or the application of such provision or any
portion  thereof  to any  person  or  circumstance  shall  be  held  invalid  or
unenforceable,  the  remaining  portions  of such  provision  and the  remaining
provisions of this Agreement or the  application of such provision or portion of
such provision as is held invalid or  unenforceable  to persons or circumstances
other than  those to which it is held  invalid  or  unenforceable,  shall not be
affected thereby.


       This  Agreement  shall be  construed in  accordance  with the laws of the
State of Florida and any  proceeding  arising  between the Parties in any matter
pertaining or related to this Agreement  shall, to the extent  permitted by law,
be held in Marion County, Florida.


(A)    In  the  event  of any  dispute  arising  under  this  Agreement,  or the
       negotiation  thereof  or  inducements  to enter into the  Agreement,  the
       dispute  shall,  at the  request of any Party,  be  exclusively  resolved
       through the following procedures:

       (1)           (a) First, the issue shall be submitted to mediation before
                     a  mediation  service  in  Marion  County,  Florida  to  be
                     selected by lot from six alternatives to be provided, three
                     by Equity Growth and three by the Client.

        (b)   The mediation  efforts shall be concluded within ten business days
              after their initiation unless the Parties  unanimously agree to an
              extended mediation period;

       (2)    In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of the
              dispute then at the request of any Party, the Parties shall submit
              the dispute to binding  arbitration before an arbitration  service
              located in Marion County, Florida, to be selected by lot, from six
              alternatives  to be  provided,  in the manner set forth  above for
              selection of a mediator;

       (3)           (A)  Expenses  of  mediation  shall be borne by the Parties
                     equally if  successful  but if  unsuccessful,  expenses  of
                     mediation and of arbitration shall be borne by the Party or
                     Parties against whom the arbitration decision is rendered.

        (B)   If the terms of the arbitral  award do not  establish a prevailing
              Party, then the expenses of unsuccessful mediation and arbitration
              shall be borne 1/2 by the Client and 1/2 by Equity Growth.

(B)    Judgment upon the award rendered by the  arbitrator(s)  may be entered in
       any court having jurisdiction thereof.

(C)    In any action  between  the  Parties to enforce  any of the terms of this
       Agreement or any other matter arising from this Agreement, the prevailing
       Party  shall be entitled  to recover  its costs and  expenses,  including
       reasonable  attorneys' fees up to and including all negotiations,  trials
       and appeals, whether or not litigation is initiated.



       The terms and  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and
inure to the benefit of the Parties,  jointly and severally,  their  successors,
assigns, personal representatives, estate, heirs and legatees.

5.9    CAPTIONS.

       The captions in this Agreement are for convenience and reference only and
in no way define,  describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or the
intent of any provisions hereof.


       All pronouns and any  variations  thereof shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or
Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns may require.


       The Parties hereby agree to do, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause
to be done, executed, acknowledged or delivered and to perform all such acts and
deliver all such deeds, assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney,
assurances,  stock certificates and other documents,  as may, from time to time,
be required herein to effect the intent and purpose of this Agreement.

5.12   STATUS.

(A)    Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall be  construed  or shall  constitute  a
       partnership, joint venture, employer-employee relationship, lessor-lessee
       relationship, or principal-agent relationship.

(B)    Throughout  the term of this  Agreement,  Equity  Growth  shall  serve an
       independent  contractor,  as that term is defined  by the  United  States
       Internal  Revenue  Service,  and  in  conjunction  therewith,   shall  be
       responsible for all of his own tax reporting and payment obligations.

(C)    In  amplification  of the  foregoing,  Equity  Growth  shall,  subject to
       reasonable   reimbursement   on  a  pre-approved   budgetary   basis,  be
       responsible  for  providing  its own  office  facilities  and  supporting


(A)    This  Agreement may be executed in any number of  counterparts  delivered
       through facsimile transmission.

(B)    All executed counterparts shall constitute one Agreement  notwithstanding
       that all  signatories  are not  signatories  to the  original or the same

5.14   LICENSE.

(A)           (1) This Agreement is the property of The Yankee Companies,  Inc.,
              a Florida  corporation  which serves as a strategic  consultant to
              Equity Growth ("Yankees").

       (2)    The use hereof by the  Parties  is  authorized  hereby  solely for
              purposes  of  this  transaction  and,  the  use of  this  form  of
              agreement or of any  derivation  thereof  without  Yankees'  prior
              written permission is prohibited.

       (3)    This  Agreement  shall  not  be  construed  more   stringently  or
              interpreted   less  favorably   against  Equity  Growth  based  on

(B)    The Client hereby acknowledge that neither Yankees nor Equity Growth is a
       law  firm  and  that  neither  provided  it with  any  advice,  legal  or
       otherwise, in conjunction with this Agreement,  but rather, has suggested
       that it rely solely on its own  experience  and advisors in evaluating or
       interpreting this Agreement.


       IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Parties have executed this Agreement,  effective
as of the last date set forth below.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
       In Our Presence
                                    SPORTS COLLECTIBLES EXCHANGE, INC.
- ----------------------------

____________________________        By:    ____________________________
                                      G. Richard Chamberlin, PRESIDENT
Dated:  _____________________
                      Attest:       ____________________________
                                         Vanessa H. Lindsay, SECRETARY
                                           EQUITY GROWTH SYSTEMS, INC.
- ----------------------------

____________________________        By:    ____________________________
                                        Charles J. Scimeca, PRESIDENT 
Dated:  _____________________
                      Attest:       ____________________________
                                      G. Richard Chamberlin, SECRETARY
