This Lock-Up & Voting  Agreement (the  "Agreement")  is made and entered into by
and among Equity Growth Systems,  inc., a Delaware  corporation  with a class of
securities  registered under Section 12 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended (the "Holding Company" and the "Exchange Act,"  respectively) and the
officers  directors  and  principal  stockholders  of the Holding  Company  made
signatories to this Agreement (the "Holding Company's Principals"),  the Holding
Company  and  the  Holding  Company's  Principals  being  sometimes  hereinafter
collectively  referred to as the "Parties" and each being sometimes  hereinafter
generically referred to as a "Party").


         WHEREAS,  the  Holding  Company and the  Holding  Company's  Principals
desire to induce American Internet Technical Centers, Inc., a Nevada corporation
originally  organized as Ascot  Industries,  Inc. (the "Target Company") and the
individuals  and  entities  which are  listed  in  exhibit  0.1 to the  proposed
reorganization  agreement  between the Holding Company,  the Target Company (the
"Reorganization Agreement" and the "Subscribers."  respectively),  to enter into
and close on the  Reorganization  Agreement,  as a result  of which  the  target
Company  will  become  a 90%  owned  subsidiary  of  the  Holding  Company  in a
transaction  intended to meet the  requirements  of Section  368(a)(1)(B) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; and

         WHEREAS,  the Subscribers desire to engage in such transaction provided
that they receive  additional  assurances  from the Holding Company that certain
covenants in the  Reorganization  Agreement  which require ongoing action by the
directors and  stockholders  of the Holding Company are confirmed by the Holding
Company's Principals, as set forth below; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Holding  Company's  Principals  are  agreeable  to  such
confirmation through entry into this Agreement:

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, as well as the mutual
covenants  hereinafter  set forth,  the Parties,  intending to be legally bound,
hereby agree as follows:



First    Voting Agreements

         The Holding Company's Principals,  jointly and severally,  hereby agree
that  during the five year  period  following  the  Closing  (as  defined in the
Reorganization  Agreement,  all capitalized  terms not otherwise defined in this
Agreement having the meanings  defined in the  Reorganization  Agreement),  they
will, in their roles as members of the Holding  Company's Board of Directors and
as stockholders in the Holding Company, at all meetings of the Holding Company's
stockholders  or of  Board of  Directors,  vote in such a  manner  as to  secure
approval  of  the  following  covenants  made  by  the  Holding  Company  to the
Subscribers in Section 4.6 of the Reorganization Agreement, to wit:

         "During the five years following the Closing, the Holding Company shall
         use its best efforts to assure that:

         (1)      At least one  designee of the  Subscribers  is  nominated  for
                  membership on the Holding Company's Board of Directors at each
                  meeting of the Holding Company's  stockholders or directors at
                  which  the  membership  of its  Board of  Directors  is up for
                  election,  and to  use  their  best  efforts  consistent  with
                  applicable law to secure such nominee's election,  so that the
                  membership  of  the  Holding   Company's  Board  of  Directors
                  includes at least one designee of the Subscribers;

         (2)      Designees  of the Subscribers  are  elected  to  at least two
                  thirds of the seats on the Target Company's Board of Directors

         (3)      On one occasion  only,  [the Holding  Company]  provide "piggy
                  back"  registration  rights  covering  up to an  aggregate  of
                  35,000 shares of the Holding Company's Stock obtained pursuant
                  to this  Agreement  to Messrs.  Bruce  Drezner  and Gary Walk;
                  Theodore  Gill and Susan  Gill,  his wife,  as  tenants by the
                  entireties; and, Lyn Poppiti."

Second:  Stock Lock-Up Agreements

         During the following  periods,  the Holding  Company's  Principals will
         refrain from any sales of the Holding Company's  securities,  except as
         specified below:

         (a)      During the 90 day period following  closing on this Agreement,
                  the Holding Company's  Principals will not engage in any sales
                  of the Holding Company's common stock; and

         (b)      (1) From the 91st  through  the 270th  day  following closing
                      on this  Agreement,  the  Holding  Company's Principals
                      will  not  engage  in  any sales of the Holding Company's
                      common  stock in excess of 10,000 shares per month;


                  (2) For purposes of this Section  2-b only,  the  persons  or
                      entities   included   within each   separately   numbered
                      subsection  shall  be  deemed  to  be acting in concert as
                      part of a related   group  for  purposes  of  determining
                      such 10,000 shares  per  month limitation:

                           1.      Charles J. Scimeca, on his own behalf and on
                                   behalf of his affiliates.

                           2.      Anthony Q. Joffe, on his own behalf and on
                                   behalf of his affiliates.

                           3.      Penny Adams Field, on her own behalf and on
                                   behalf of his affiliates.

                           4.      G. Richard Chamberlin Esquire, on his own
                                   behalf and on behalf of his affiliates.

                           5.      Jerry C. Spellman, and on behalf of his

                           6.      The Yankee Companies, Inc., on its own behalf
                                   and on behalf of its affiliates.

                           7.      The Granville-Smith Group: Mark Granville-
                                   Smith, on his own behalf and on behalf of his
                                   affiliates; and, Edward Granville-Smith, and
                                   on behalf of his affiliates.

                           8.      The Calvo Group:  Cyndi N. Calvo, on her own
                                   behalf, on behalf of her affiliates and as a
                                   trustee  for the  Calvo  Family  Spendthrift
                                   Trust;  and,  William A. Calvo,  III, on his
                                   own behalf,  on behalf of his affiliates and
                                   as a  trustee  for  his  children,  William,
                                   Alexander & Edward.

                           9.      The Tucker Group:  Leonard Miles Tucker,  on
                                   his own behalf,  on behalf of his affiliates
                                   and on behalf of  Carrington  Capital  Corp.
                                   (exclusive  of the 50,000 shares as to which
                                   Equitrade    Securities    Corporation   has
                                   purchase    rights    under   two    covered
                                   option/leap agreements,  each dated December
                                   18, 1998);  and, Michelle Tucker, on her own
                                   behalf,  on  behalf  of her  affiliates,  on
                                   behalf of Blue Lake Capital Corp.,  and as a
                                   trustee for her children Shayna and Montana.

                           10.     The Radcliffe Group: Joseph D. Radcliffe, on
                                   his  own   behalf   and  on  behalf  of  his
                                   affiliates;  Dennis V. Radcliffe, on his own
                                   behalf  and on  behalf  of  his  affiliates;
                                   Michael J. Radcliffe,  on his own behalf and
                                   on behalf of his  affiliates;  and,  Vanessa
                                   Radcliffe,  on her own  behalf and on behalf
                                   of her affiliates.


         (2)      Notwithstanding  anything in this  Agreement to the  contrary,
                  nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as an agreement
                  by the Holding Company's Principals to engage in any concerted
                  or group  activities  involving the Holding  Company's  common
                  stock,  as determined for purposes of Commission  Rule 144, or
                  Sections 13, 14 or 16 of the Exchange Act.

Third:   Miscellaneous

3.1      Amendment.

         No  modification,  waiver,  amendment,  discharge  or  change  of  this
Agreement  shall be valid  unless the same is  evinced by a written  instrument,
subscribed  by the Party  against which such  modification,  waiver,  amendment,
discharge or change is sought.

3.2      Notice.

(a)      All notices,  demands or other  communications given hereunder shall be
         in  writing  and shall be  deemed to have been duly  given on the first
         business day after  mailing by United  States  registered  or unaudited
         mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

         To the Holding Company's Principals (other than The Yankee Companies,
         Inc. ["Yankees"]):

         At such addresses as they provide the Holding Company's  transfer agent
         for such purpose, with a copy to G. Richard Chamberlin, Esquire (at the
         address  set  forth  below),  who is  hereby  appointed  by each of the
         Holding Company's  Principals,  as his, her or its authorized agent for
         purposes  of  initialing  each  page  of  this  Agreement,   and  as  a
         supplemental recipient of notices.

                             To the Holding Company:

                           Equity Growth Systems, inc.
                8001 DeSoto Woods Drive; Sarasota, Florida 34243;
                  Telephone (941) 358-8182; Fax (941) 358-8423
            Attention: Charles J. Scimeca, President; with a copy to
                 G. Richard Chamberlin, Esquire; General Counsel
                           Equity Growth Systems, inc.
                  14950 South Highway 441; Summerfield, Florida
            34491 Telephone (352) 694-6714, Fax (352) 694-9178; and,
                           e-mail, GrichardCh@aol.com.

                                   To Yankees:

                           The Yankee Companies, Inc.
           902 Clint Moore Road, Suite 136; Boca Raton, Florida 33487
            Telephone (561) 998-2025, Fax (561) 998-3425; and, e-mail
                 carrington@flinet.com; Attention: Leonard Miles
                        Tucker, President; with a copy to


                           The Yankee Companies, Inc.
                1941 Southeast 51st Terrace; Ocala, Florida 34471
 Telephone (352) 694-9179, Fax (352) 694-9178; and, e-mail wacalvo3@atlantic.net
                Attention: William A. Calvo, III, Vice President

         or such  other  address  or to such  other  person as any  Party  shall
         designate to the other for such purpose in the manner  hereinafter  set

(b)               (1) The Parties acknowledge that Yankees serves as a strategic
                  consultant  to the Holding  Company and has acted as scrivener
                  for the  Parties  in this  transaction  but  that  Yankees  is
                  neither a law firm nor an agency  subject to any  professional
                  regulation or oversight.

         (2)      Because  of  the  inherent  conflict  of  interests  involved,
                  Yankees has  advised all of the Parties to retain  independent
                  legal and accounting  counsel to review this Agreement and its
                  exhibits and incorporated materials on their behalf.

3.3      Merger.

         This  instrument,  together  with the  instruments  referred to herein,
contains all of the understandings and agreements of the Parties with respect to
the subject matter discussed  herein.  All prior  agreements  whether written or
oral are merged herein and shall be of no force or effect.

3.4      Survival.

         The several  representations,  warranties  and covenants of the Parties
contained  herein shall survive the execution  hereof and the Closing hereon and
shall be effective  regardless of any  investigation  that may have been made or
may be made by or on behalf of any Party.

3.5      Severability.

         If any  provision or any portion of any  provision  of this  Agreement,
other than one of the conditions precedent or subsequent,  or the application of
such  provision or any portion  thereof to any person or  circumstance  shall be
held invalid or unenforceable,  the remaining portions of such provision and the
remaining  provisions of this Agreement or the  application of such provision or
portion of such  provision  as is held  invalid or  unenforceable  to persons or
circumstances  other  than those to which it is held  invalid or  unenforceable,
shall not be affected thereby.


3.6      Governing Law.

         This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with the  substantive
and  procedural  laws of the State of  Delaware  (other  than  those  regulating
taxation  and  choice  of  law)  but  any  proceedings  pertaining  directly  or
indirectly to the rights or obligations of the Parties  hereunder  shall, to the
extent legally permitted, be held in Broward County, Florida.

3.7      Indemnification.

         Each Party hereby  irrevocably  agrees to indemnify  and hold the other
Parties  harmless from any and all liabilities and damages  (including  legal or
other expenses incidental  thereto),  contingent,  current, or inchoate to which
they or any one of them may become  subject as a direct,  indirect or incidental
consequence of any action by the  indemnifying  Party or as a consequence of the
failure of the  indemnifying  Party to act,  whether pursuant to requirements of
this Agreement or otherwise.  In the event it becomes  necessary to enforce this
indemnity through an attorney, with or without litigation,  the successful Party
shall be entitled to recover from the  indemnifying  Party,  all costs  incurred
including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees throughout any  negotiations,  trials or
appeals, whether or not any suit is instituted.

3.8      Litigation.

(a)      In any action  between  the Parties to enforce any of the terms of this
         Agreement  or  any  other  matter  arising  from  this  Agreement,  the
         prevailing  Party shall be entitled to recover its costs and  expenses,
         including   reasonable   attorneys'   fees  up  to  and  including  all
         negotiations,   trials  and  appeals,  whether  or  not  litigation  is

(b)      In the  event of any  dispute  arising  under  this  Agreement,  or the
         negotiation  thereof or inducements  to enter into the  Agreement,  the
         dispute shall,  at the request of any Party,  be  exclusively  resolved
         through the following procedures:

         (1)               (A) First,  the issue shall be submitted to mediation
                           before a mediation service in Broward County, Florida
                           to be  selected  by lot from six  alternatives  to be
                           provided,  two by  Yankees  as agent for the  Holding
                           Company's Principals,  one by the Holding Company and
                           three by the  Subscribers  acting  by  majority  vote
                           (based  on  their  relative  stock  ownership  in the
                           Holding Company).

                  (B)      The mediation  efforts shall be concluded  within ten
                           business  days  after  their in  itiation  unless the
                           Parties  unanimously  agree to an extended  mediation

         (2)      In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of
                  the  dispute  then at the  request of any Party,  the  Parties
                  shall  submit the  dispute to  binding  arbitration  before an
                  arbitration  service located in Broward County,  Florida to be
                  selected by lot, from six alternatives to be provided,  two by
                  Yankees as agent for the Holding Company's Principals,  one by
                  the  Holding  Company and three by the  Subscribers  acting by
                  majority vote (based on their relative stock  ownership in the
                  Holding Company).


         (3)               (A)  Expenses  of  mediation  shall  be  borne by the
                           Holding   Company,   if   successful.   Expenses   of
                           mediation,  if unsuccessful and of arbitration  shall
                           be borne by the  Party or  Parties  against  whom the
                           arbitration decision is rendered.

                  (B)      If the terms of the arbitral award do not establish a
                           prevailing  Party,  then the expenses of unsuccessful
                           mediation and  arbitration  shall be borne equally by
                           the Parties.

3.9      Benefit of Agreement.

         The terms and  provisions of this  Agreement  shall be binding upon and
inure  to the  benefit  of the  Parties,  their  successors,  assigns,  personal
representatives, estate, heirs and legatees.

3.10     Captions.

         The captions in this Agreement are for  convenience  and reference only
and in no way define,  describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or
the intent of any provisions hereof.

3.11     Number and Gender.

         All pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or
Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns may require.

3.12     Further Assurances.

         The Parties agree to do,  execute,  acknowledge and deliver or cause to
be done,  executed,  acknowledged  or delivered and to perform all such acts and
deliver all such deeds, assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney,
assurances,  stock certificates and other documents,  as may, from time to time,
be required herein to effect the intent and purpose of this Agreement.

3.13     Status.

         Nothing in this  Agreement  shall be  construed  or shall  constitute a
partnership,  joint  venture,   employer-employee  relationship,   lessor-lessee
relationship, or principal-agent relationship.


3.14     Counterparts.

(a)      This  Agreement  may be  executed  in any number of  counterparts.  All
         executed  counterparts  shall constitute one Agreement  notwithstanding
         that all  signatories  are not  signatories to the original or the same

(b)      Execution by exchange of facsimile transmission shall be deemed legally
         sufficient  to bind the  signatory;  however,  the Parties  shall,  for
         aesthetic  purposes,  prepare a fully executed original version of this
         Agreement, which shall be the document filed with the Commission.

3.15     License.

(a)      This  Agreement  is the  property  of Yankees and the use hereof by the
         Parties is authorized hereby solely for purposes of this transaction.

(b)      The use of this form of agreement or of any derivation  thereof without
         Yankees' prior written permission is prohibited.

         In Witness  Whereof,  the  Parties  have caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed effective as of the date last set forth below.

Signed, sealed and delivered
         In Our Presence:
                                                     Equity Growth Systems, inc.
- - ---------------------------------

_________________________________               By:_____________________________
                                                        Charles J. Scimeca
                                                     Personally and as President
         (Corporate Seal)
                                                G. Richard Chamberlin, Secretary
Dated:   June __, 1999

                                               The Holding Company's Principals:
- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------                  --------------------------
                                                     Charles J. Scimeca
                                               Officer, Director and Stockholder
Dated:   June __, 1999


- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------                  --------------------------
                                                      Anthony Q. Joffe
                                                    Director and Stockholder
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------                  --------------------------
                                                    Penny Adams Field
                                                    Director and Stockholder
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------                  --------------------------
                                                  G. Richard Chamberlin Esquire
                                               Officer, Director and Stockholder
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------                  --------------------------
                                                  Mark Granville-Smith, Director
                                              and Stockholder, on his own behalf
                                         and as attorney-in-fact for his father,
                                                      Edward Granville-Smith
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------                --------------------------
                                             Edward Granville-Smith, Stockholder
                                             on his own behalf and on behalf of
                                             his affiliates
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------                --------------------------
                                                Jerry C. Spellman, Stockholder
                                              on his own behalf and on behalf of
                                              his affiliates
Dated:   June __, 1999


- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------             --------------------------
                                              Cyndi N. Calvo, on her own behalf
                                              and as a trustee for the Calvo
                                          Family Spendthrift Trust, Stockholders
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------              --------------------------
                                        William A. Calvo, III, on his own behalf
                                     and as a trustee for his children, William,
                                            Alexander & Edward, Stockholders
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------              --------------------------
                                              Leonard Miles Tucker, on his
                                              own behalf and on behalf of
                                         Carrington Capital Corp., Stockholders
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------              --------------------------
                                             Michelle Tucker, on her own behalf,
                                           on behalf of Blue Lake Capital Corp.,
                                           and as a trustee for her children
                                           Shayna and Montana, Stockholders
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------            --------------------------
                                          Joseph D. Radcliffe, on his own behalf
                                            and on behalf of his affiliates,
Dated:   June __, 1999


- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------                --------------------------
                                         Dennis V. Radcliffe, on his own behalf
                                          and on behalf of his affiliates,
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------              --------------------------
                                         Michael J. Radcliffe, on his own behalf
                                         and on behalf of his affiliates,
Dated:   June __, 1999

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------              --------------------------
                                         Vanessa Radcliffe, on her own behalf
                                         and on behalf of her affiliates,
Dated:   June __, 1999

                                                   The Yankee Companies, Inc.
- - ---------------------------------

_________________________________         By:
                                              Leonard Miles Tucker, President
         (Corporate Seal)
                                             William A. Calvo, III, Secretary
Dated:   June __, 1999
