This Settlement Agreement and Release is entered into this day of 24 day of
June  1999 by and  between  Lawrence  S.  Benjamin  ("Benjamin'),  and  American
Internet Technical Center ("American Internet").


         WHEREAS,  the  parties are  involved in a dispute  which is the subject
maker of certain  litigation in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas styled
Lawrence S. Benjamin v USA Cellular,  et al., designated as Case No. 355845 (the

         WHEREAS,  Benjamin  alleges that American  Internet  sent  unauthorized
business solicitations via facsimile to Benjamin.

         WHEREAS, Benjamin alleges that the facsimiles violate 47 U.S.C. 227(b)

         WHEREAS, American Internet disputes Benjamin's allegations.

         WHEREAS,  the Defendant  American Internet debuts all liability alleged
in the Plaintiff' s Complaint and the Plaintiff and Defendant  American Internet
agree that this  Settlement  Agreement does not effect the status of the denials
by Defendant American Internet.

         WHEREAS,  Benjamin and American  Internet  wish to amicably  settle all
claims and disputes between them regarding the lawsuit and anything  relating to
the facsimiles delivered to Benjamin by


American Internet.

         NOW, THEREFORE:,  it is the desire of Benjamin and American Internet to
state in writing the details of their  agreements.  For money paid and  received
and other valuable  consideration  between the parties, it is mutually agreed as

     1. American Internet agrees to pay Benjamin  $7,500.00  ("Settlement  Sum")
within seven (7) days of the date of the execution of this Settlement  Agreement
and Release,  and upon receipt of the Settlement Sum the Plaintiff shall dismiss
with prejudice the action as against Defendant American Internet.

2. The Settlement Sum shall be in full satisfaction of Benjamin's claims arising
out of the lawsuit.

     3. In  consideration  of the terms stated  above,  Benjamin does hereby for
himself, his heirs,  executors,  administrators,  successors,  agents,  assigns,
insurers, and attorneys,  releases and forever discharges American Internet, its
executors,  administrators,   successors,  subsidiaries  and  parent  companies,
affiliates,  and  respective  past  and  present  officers,  directors,  agents,
successor assigns, insurers,  attorneys, and employees of those corporations and
their  predecessors  and  successor  companies,  and  assigns,  all of which are
included  collectively or individually in the defined term "American  Internet,"
from  all  debts,  claims,   demands,   damages,   actions,  causes  of  action,
controversies,  costs, obligations, lawsuits and liabilities whatsoever, past or
present, both known and unknown, in law or equity, from the beginning of time to
the  date  of the  execution  of  this  Settlement  Agreement  and  Release  and
particularly,  without  limiting the  generality of the  foregoing,  all matters
relating to the Lawsuit,  and the facsimiles delivered from American Internet to

     4. In  consideration  of the terns stated  above,  American  Internet  does
hereby for itself, its executors,  administrators,  successors, its subsidiaries
and parent  companies,,  its affiliates,  and their  respective past and present
officers,   directors,   agents,  successor  assigns,  insurers  attorneys,  and
employees of those  corporations and its  predecessors and successor  companies,
and  assigns,   releases  and  forever  discharges   Benjamin.   its  executors,
administrators,  successors,,  agents, insurers and attorneys, and assigns, from
all debts, claims, demands, damages,  actions, causes of action,  controversies,
costs, obligations,  lawsuits and liabilities whatsoever,  past or present, both
known and unknown,  in law or equity,  from the beginning of time to the date of
the execution of this Settlement Agreement and Release and particularly, without
limiting the  generality of the foregoing,  all matters  relating to the Lawsuit
and the facsimiles delivered from American Internet to Benjamin.

     5. This  Settlement  Agreement  and Release  constitutes  the  complete and
exclusive  agreement  of the  parties and  settlement  of claims  regarding  the
Lawsuit,  and anything  relating to the delivery of  facsimiles to Benjamin from
American Internet.

     6. The terms of this  Settlement  Agreement and Release may not be modified
except in writing and signed by all the parties.


     6. The rights and obligations of the parties hereto and the  interpretation
of this  Settlement  Agreement  and Release shall be governed by the laws of the
State of Ohio.  Cuyahoga  County  shall be the  designated  venue for any issue,
dispute,  cause of action,  or any other  matter,  uncles or arising out of this
Settlement Agreement and Release.

     7. Except where otherwise required by the context, words of any gender used
herein  shall be deemed to include  any and all  genders  and the  singular  and
plural shall be interchangeable.

     8. If any term or provision of this Settlement Agreement and Release or any
application  thereof shall be invalid or  unenforceable,  such term or provision
shall be deemed to be severed and the remainder of this Settlement Agreement and
Release  and any  other  application  of such  term or  provision  shall  not be
affected or invalidated thereby.

     9. The individuals  who have signed this  Settlement  Agreement and Release
represent  that they have  full  authority  to bind the  parties  herein  and an
understanding of all of the terms of this Settlement Agreement and Release.

     10 The parties hereto represent that in reaching this Settlement  Agreement
and Release that they have been  represented by legal counsel and received legal
advice as to their respective rights.

     11.  Confidentiality.  All  information  regarding  American  Internet  and
Lawrence  Benjamin  obtained in the course of this litigation not made a part of
the public record and all the terms and  conditions of the  settlement  and this
Agreement,  including all demands and offers and the contents of all discussions
preceding settlement and the signing thereof, are and will be confidential;  and
the  undersigned  agree  not to  disclose  any of that  information,  terms  and
conditions,  demands and offers;  and neither the  undersigned nor the agent nor
representative  of any of them  may or  will  disclose  any of the  confidential
information,  unless given  permission  in writing from all  signatories  to the

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures
on the date and at the place first written above.

                                                      SIGNED AND ACKNOWLEDGED:
                                                         LAWRENCE S. BENJAMIN

_______________________________                       By: Lawrence S. Benjamin

_______________________________                 Date: ________________________


                                              AMERICAN INTERNET TECHNICAL CENTER

_______________________________                      By: J. Bruce Gleason

_______________________________                           Date:

STATE OF OHIO              )
COUNTY OF _______ ) SS:

         SWORN to and  subscribed in my presence this _ day of _______,  1999 by
Lawrence S. Benjamin, who acknowledges that this was his free and authorized act
and deed.

- - -------------------------
Notary Public

STATE OF FLORIDA               )
COUNTY OF __________) SS:

         SWORN to and  subscribed in my presence this ___ day of _____ , 1999 by
authorized   representative   of  American  Internet   Technical   Center,   who
acknowledges that this was his free and authorized act and deed and the free and
authorized act and deed of said company.

- - -------------------------
Notary Public
