Rescission Agreement

         This Rescission Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by
and among  American  Internet  Technical  Centers,  Inc.,  a Nevada  corporation
originally  organized as Ascot Industries,  Inc.  ("American  Internet Nevada");
American  Internet  Technical  Center,  Inc.,  a Florida  corporation  (American
Internet  Florida");  Dale B. Finfrock,  Jr., a Florida  resident also sometimes
known as "Dale B. Finfrock" ("Mr.  Finfrock");  Donald F. Mintmire,  Esquire, an
attorney  residing  in  the  State  of  Florida  ("Mr.  Mintmire");  Mintmire  &
Associates,  an entity  engaged in the  practice  of law in the State of Florida
controlled  by Mr.  Mintmire  ("Mintmire &  Associates");  J. Bruce  Gleason,  a
Florida  resident ("Mr.  Gleason");  and,  Michael D. Umile, a Florida  resident
("Mr. Umile;" Mr. Umile and Mr. Gleason being collectively  hereinafter referred
to as the "Original American Internet Florida  Stockholders";  Mr. Finfrock, Mr.
Mintmire and Mintmire & Associates (being hereinafter  collectively  referred to
as the "Original  Ascot  Group"),  the Original Ascot Group,  American  Internet
Nevada,  American  Internet Florida and the Original  American  Internet Florida
Stockholders  being  sometimes  hereinafter  collectively  referred  to  as  the
"Parties"  and each being  sometimes  hereinafter  generically  referred to as a


         WHEREAS,  American  Internet Nevada,  American Internet Florida and the
Original  American  Internet Florida  Stockholders  have entered into and closed
upon a  reorganization  agreement (the  "Reorganization  Agreement") with Equity
Growth  Systems,  inc., a publicly  held  Delaware  corporation  with a class of
securities  registered  under  Section 12(g) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended ("Equity Growth" and the "Exchange Act," respectively),  a copy
of which (without  exhibits) is annexed hereto and made a part hereof as exhibit
0.1, as a result of which Equity Growth has acquired 90% of the capital stock of
American  Internet  Nevada,  with the unilateral  right under Section 4.9 of the
Reorganization  Agreement to change the transaction to an acquisition of 100% of
the capital  stock of American  Internet  Florida and all the assets of American
Internet Nevada; and

         WHEREAS,  Equity Growth has elected its rights under Section 4.9 of the
Reorganization  Agreement,  and  requires  that the Original  American  Internet
Florida  Stockholders,  American  Internet Nevada and American  Internet Florida
facilitate such election by entry into this Agreement; and


         WHEREAS,  the Original  American  Internet  Florida  Stockholders,  the
Original Ascot Group,  American  Internet Florida and American  Internet Florida
desire rescind the agreement between Ascot Industries, Inc. ("Ascot," the former
name of American  Internet  Nevada) and the Original  American  Internet Florida
Stockholders,  a copy of which is  annexed  hereto  and  made a part  hereof  as
exhibit  0.2 (the  "Stock  Exchange  Agreement"),  subject  only to  payment  of
$2,581.86  by  American  Internet  Florida to  Mintmire &  Associates  for legal
services related to the Stock Exchange Agreement:

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, as well as the mutual
covenants  hereinafter  set forth,  the Parties,  intending to be legally bound,
hereby agree as follows:

                                   Article One
                              Rescission Provisions

1.1      Recitation of Applicable facts and Conclusions

(D)      Annexed  hereto  and  made a  part  hereof  as  exhibit  1.1(a)  is the
         statement  of fees due from  American  Internet  Nevada to  Mintmire  &
         Associates, which American Internet Florida hereby agrees to assume and
         pay immediately following execution of this Agreement.

(E)      The   Parties   hereby    acknowledge    that   there   were   material
         misunderstandings concerning the Exchange Agreement which have led them
         to elect to rescind it, but that this  Agreement does not constitute an
         admission by any Party concerning the conclusions of any other Party or
         Parties as to the reasons for such misunderstandings.

1.2      No Admission of Liability

         Without  limiting the  generality  of the  foregoing,  no Party to this
Agreement  admits any of the claims,  allegations  or  conclusions  of any other
Party in  conjunction  with the Exchange  Agreement or any  transactions  by any
other Party involving Ascot.


     1.3  Effectuating  Actions by Ascot,  the Original Ascot Group and American
Internet  Nevada Ascot,  the Original Ascot Group and American  Internet  Nevada

(A)      Irrevocably consent to the rescission of the Stock Exchange Agreement,
         ab initio.

(B)      Relinquish all rights to the name American Internet  Technical Centers,
         hereby assign it to American Internet Florida, and agree to immediately
         change American Internet Nevada's name back to Ascot Industries,  Inc.,
         by repealing its recent change of name amendment;

(C)      Hereby transfer and assign all of its right,  title and interest to any
         and all of Ascot's  or  American  Internet  Nevada's  assets,  wherever
         located,  whether  tangible  or  intangible,  current or  inchoate,  to
         American Internet Florida;

(D)      Waive the arbitration rights reflected in the Exchange Agreement;

(E)      Recognize Mr. Bruce Drezner ("Mr.  Drezner") and Mr. Gary D. Walk ("Mr.
         Walk"),  as  holders of 30,000  shares of  American  Internet  Nevada's
         common  stock  each  (60,000  shares  in the  aggregate),  received  as
         compensation for their  introduction of the Original  American Internet
         Florida Stockholders to the Original Ascot Group;

(F)      If they so elect,  recognize Mr. Theodore Gill and Mrs. Susan Gill, his
         wife , both  residents of the State of New Jersey ("Mr. & Mrs.  Gill"),
         as holders of 10,000 shares of American  Internet Nevada's common stock
         and  warrants  to  purchase  an  additional  10,000  shares of American
         Internet  Nevada's common stock at $0.50 per share, in consideration of
         their payment of $10,000 therefor;

(G)      If she so elects, recognize Ms. Lyn Poppiti, a resident of the State of
         Florida,  as the holder of 8,000 shares of American  Internet  Nevada's
         common stock and warrants to purchase an  additional  10,000  shares of
         American  Internet  Nevada's  common  stock  at  $0.50  per  share,  in
         consideration of her payment of $8,000 therefor;

(H)      Agree to  immediately  notify all Ascot and  American  Internet  Nevada
         stockholders   other  than  the  Original   American  Internet  Florida
         Stockholders of the foregoing.

(I)      Agree to return to  American  Internet  Florida all  American  Internet
         Florida documents,  agreements, stock certificates,  (including but not
         limited to original stock  certificates  in the names of Mr. Gleason or
         Mr. Umile,) stock powers,  stock ledgers,  including but not limited to
         all such items in the possession of Mintmire & Associates.

     1.4  Effectuating   Actions  by  the  Original  American  Internet  Florida
Stockholders & American Internet Florida

     The Original American  Internet Florida  Stockholders and American Internet
Florida hereby:

(A)      Irrevocably consent to the rescission of the Stock Exchange Agreement,
         ab initio.


(B)      Relinquish  all rights to the name Ascot  Industries,  Inc., and hereby
         assign it to the Original Ascot Group, and agree to immediately  change
         American  Internet  Nevada's  name back to Ascot  Industries,  Inc., by
         repealing its recent change of name amendment;

(C)      Waive the arbitration rights reflected in the Exchange Agreement;

(D)      Agree,  immediately after receipt of a completely executed copy of this
         Agreement, tender to Mintmire & Associates an American Internet Florida
         check in the amount of $2,852.86.

1.5      Special Covenants of the Parties

         Each of the  Parties,  as a  material  inducement  to entry  into  this
Agreement by all of the other Parties, hereby covenants and agrees, as follows:

(A)      Each of the Parties, on its own behalf and on behalf of his, her or its
         family and affiliates, hereby relinquish all rights, whether accrued or
         inchoate,  under any  instruments,  indentures,  charters,  agreements,
         understandings,  commitments,  promises or any other basis between him,
         her, her or its family or his, her or its  affiliates and all the other
         Parties  and  their  affiliates,  other  than  those  created  by  this

(B)      Each of the Parties  hereby  irrevocably  covenants and agrees that he,
         she or its will maintain all  information  heretofore  shared with him,
         her or its by any other Party, or any other Party's members,  officers,
         directors,  stockholders,   employees,  agent  or  affiliates,  whether
         related to the  business of any of the Parties or to other  business or
         financial  matters or to personal  matters,  totally  confidential  and
         shall not disclose any such  information to any other person or entity,
         for any reason  whatsoever,  unless compelled to do so under process of

(C)      Each of the Parties  hereby  irrevocably  covenants and agrees that he,
         she or it will refrain from making any disparaging remarks, directly or
         indirectly,  specifically, through innuendo or by inference, whether or
         not  true,  about  any  other  Party,  or any  other  Party's  members,
         officers,  directors,  stockholders,  employees,  agent or  affiliates,
         whether  related to the business of the Parties,  to other  business or
         financial matters or to personal matters.

(D)      In  consideration  for the  exchange of covenants  reflected  above but
         excepting only the obligations  created by this Agreement,  the Parties
         hereby each release,  discharge and forgive each other Party,  and his,
         her or its affiliates,  members, officers, directors,  partners, agents
         and  employees  from  any  and  all  liabilities,  whether  current  or
         inchoate, from the beginning of time until the date of this Agreement.

(E)      Each Party hereby  irrevocably  agrees to indemnify  and hold the other
         Parties  harmless from any and all liabilities  and damages  (including
         legal or other expenses incidental  thereto),  contingent,  current, or
         inchoate  to which  they or any one of them  may  become  subject  as a
         direct,  indirect  or  incidental  consequence  of  any  action  by the
         indemnifying   Party  or  as  a  consequence  of  the  failure  of  the
         indemnifying  Party to act,  whether  pursuant to  requirements of this
         Agreement  or  otherwise;  provided  that,  such claims are asserted by
         third parties unrelated to the Parties.

(F)      In the event it becomes necessary to enforce this indemnity through an
         attorney,  with or without  litigation,  the successful Party shall be
         entitled to recover from the  indemnifying  Party,  all costs incurred
         including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees  throughout any  negotiations,
         trials or appeals, whether or not any suit is instituted.


                                   Article Two
                      Reorganization Agreement Ratification

(A)       Except as modified by Equity  Growth  Systems,  inc., a publicly  held
          Delaware  corporation  with a class  of  securities  registered  under
          Section  12(g) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended
          ("Equity  Growth"  and  the  "Exchange  Act,"  respectively)   through
          exercise  of its  rights  under  Section  4.9  of  the  reorganization
          agreement  entered into by Equity Growth,  American  Internet Florida,
          American  Internet Nevada and the Original  American  Internet Florida
          Stockholders   on  or  about  June  25,   1999  (the   "Reorganization
          Agreement"),  and as a  result  of  the  rescission  of  the  Exchange
          Agreement,   nothing  in  this  Agreement   shall  be  interpreted  as
          detrimentally affecting the rights of Equity Growth, American Internet
          Florida  or  Messrs.   Gleason  or  Umile  under  the   Reorganization
          Agreement,  including  the rights to receipt  of  deferred  contingent
          shares of Equity  Growth's  common stock,  and to Equity Growth's full
          ownership of all of the capital stock of American Internet Florida and
          American Internet Florida's ownership of all assets formerly belonging
          to American Internet Nevada.

(B)       American  Internet  Florida  hereby  agrees that if they so elect,  to
          treat Mr. Theodore Gill and his wife Susan Gill, both residents of the
          State of New  Jersey  ("Mr.  & Mrs.  Gill"),  and Ms. Lyn  Poppiti,  a
          resident of the State of Florida (Ms.  Poppiti"),  as  stockholders of
          American  Internet  Florida entitled to receive common stock in Equity
          Growth,  at their option, in lieu of common stock in American Internet
          Florida or American  Internet  Nevada,  as if they were parties to the
          Reorganization  Agreement who held  10/10,178ths (Mr. & Mrs. Gill) and
          8/10,178ths (Ms.  Poppiti),  of the common stock in American  Internet
          Florida prior to the closing on the Reorganization Agreement.

(C)      Equity  Growth  shall  be  deemed  a third  party  beneficiary  of this
         Agreement  for all  purposes  and  shall be copied  in all  notices  to
         Parties or other required by this  Agreement,  as if it were directly a
         Party  hereto;  however,  no Party herein shall be deemed in privity of
         contract  with  Equity  Growth for  purposes  of  enforcing  any rights
         against it not otherwise  enforceable solely pursuant to the provisions
         of the Reorganization Agreement.

                                  Article Three
                            American Internet Nevada

         Messrs.  Gleason and Umile,  currently the only executive  officers and
the only  members of the Board of  Directors  of American  Internet  Nevada (the
"Directors")  and the  holders  of  10,100,000  shares  of the  common  stock of
American  Internet  Nevada,  being in  excess of 80% of its  outstanding  common
stock;  and,  Mr.  Finfrock,  formerly the sole  executive  officer and the only
member of the Board of Directors of Ascot and then American Internet Nevada, and
with Mr. Mintmire,  the holders, on their own behalf and as the trustee or agent
for a number of other  persons of a majority  of the  common  stock of  American
Internet Nevada and Ascot, prior to the Exchange Agreement,  in their respective
roles as


directors and  stockholders,  by execution of this  Agreement  hereby  convene a
special  meeting of the Board of Directors and of the  stockholders  of American
Internet  Nevada,  waiving  notice  thereof,  and  hereby  adopt  the  following

         RESOLVED,  that pursuant to authority granted under Sections 78.315 and
78.320 of the Nevada general Corporation Law and as permitted by its constituent
documents,  this Corporation  hereby adopts ratifies and confirms the rescission
agreement  between  American  Internet   Technical   Centers,   Inc.,  a  Nevada
corporation  originally organized as Ascot Industries,  Inc. ("American Internet
Nevada");  American  Internet  Technical  Center,  Inc.,  a Florida  corporation
(American  Internet  Florida");  Dale B. Finfrock,  Jr., a Florida resident also
sometimes  known as "Dale B.  Finfrock"  ("Mr.  Finfrock");  Donald F. Mintmire,
Esquire, an attorney residing in the State of Florida ("Mr. Mintmire"); Mintmire
& Associates,  an entity  engaged in the practice of law in the State of Florida
controlled  by Mr.  Mintmire  ("Mintmire &  Associates");  J. Bruce  Gleason,  a
Florida  resident ("Mr.  Gleason");  and,  Michael D. Umile, a Florida  resident
("Mr. Umile;" Mr. Umile and Mr. Gleason being collectively  hereinafter referred
to as the "Original American Internet Florida  Stockholders";  Mr. Finfrock, Mr.
Mintmire and Mintmire & Associates (being hereinafter  collectively  referred to
as the "Original  Ascot  Group"),  the Original Ascot Group,  American  Internet
Nevada,  American  Internet Florida and the Original  American  Internet Florida
Stockholders  being  sometimes  hereinafter  collectively  referred  to  as  the
"Parties"  and each being  sometimes  hereinafter  generically  referred to as a
"Party");  concurrently  with the  promulgations  of this  resolution by written
consent in lieu of special meeting of the  Corporation's  Board of Directors and
in lieu of special meeting of the  Corporation's  stockholders  (the "Rescission
Agreement" and this "Instrument," respectively); and be it FURTHER

          RESOLVED,  that Mr.  Finfrock  be, and he is  hereby,  elected to this
Corporation's Board of Directors, effective immediately ; and be it FURTHER

         RESOLVED,  that  pursuant  to  its  obligations  under  the  Rescission
Agreement,  this Corporation  hereby repeals the amendment to its certificate of
incorporation  changing  its name from  "Ascot  Industries,  Inc." to  "American
Internet technical Centers, Inc." originally adopted and implemented on or about
February  28,  1999,  as a  result  of  which  its name  shall  again be  "Ascot
Industries,  Inc." and that Mr. Gleason is hereby  appointed as the president of
this  Corporation  and Mr.  Umile is  hereby  appointed  the  secretary  of this
Corporation   for  the  purpose  of  executing  all   documents,   certificates,
resolutions or other  instruments  required to effect the foregoing on behalf of
this Corporation; and be it FURTHER

         RESOLVED,  that  pursuant  to  its  obligations  under  the  Rescission
Agreement,  this  Corporation  hereby  assigns to  American  Internet  Technical
Center, Inc., a Florida corporation,  all right title and interest in and to the
name  American  Internet  Technical  Centers and to all of its assets,  wherever
located, whether tangible or intangible, current or inchoate; and be it FURTHER

         RESOLVED,  that  pursuant  to  its  obligations  under  the  Rescission
Agreement,  this Corporation  hereby waives the arbitration  rights reflected in
the Exchange  Agreement and agrees to indemnify  and hold the Original  American
Internet  Florida  Stockholders,  American  Internet Florida and its affiliates,
officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents and advisors, harmless from
any and all liabilities  pertaining,  directly or indirectly,  to any actions or
failures to act by this Corporation,  the Original Ascot Group or as a result of
the Parties' entry into this Agreement; and be it FURTHER

     RESOLVED,  that Mr. Finfrock be, and he is hereby,  directed to immediately
notify  all Ascot and  American  Internet  Nevada  stockholders  other  than the
Original American Internet Florida Stockholders of the foregoing.


                                  Article Five
                            American Internet Florida

         Messrs.  Gleason and Umile,  currently the only executive  officers and
the only  members of the Board of Directors  of American  Internet  Florida (the
"Directors")  and  the  holders  of  a  proxy  pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the
Reorganization  Agreement, from Equity Growth, the holder of at least 10,100,000
shares of the common stock of American Internet Florida,  being in excess of 80%
of its outstanding  common stock to vote such securities in the manner set forth
below (the "Equity Growth Proxy"),  in their  respective  roles as directors and
proxies for the stockholders of this Corporation, by execution of this Agreement
hereby  convene  a  special  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Directors  and  of the
stockholders of American  Internet Florida,  waiving notice thereof,  and hereby
adopt the following resolution:

         RESOLVED,  that pursuant to authority  granted under Sections  607.0704
and  .0821 of the  Florida  Business  Corporation  Act and as  permitted  by its
constituent documents,  this Corporation hereby adopts ratifies and confirms the
rescission agreement between American Internet Technical Centers, Inc., a Nevada
corporation  originally organized as Ascot Industries,  Inc. ("American Internet
Nevada");  American  Internet  Technical  Center,  Inc.,  a Florida  corporation
(American  Internet  Florida");  Dale B. Finfrock,  Jr., a Florida resident also
sometimes  known as "Dale B.  Finfrock"  ("Mr.  Finfrock");  Donald F. Mintmire,
Esquire, an attorney residing in the State of Florida ("Mr. Mintmire"); Mintmire
& Associates,  an entity  engaged in the practice of law in the State of Florida
controlled  by Mr.  Mintmire  ("Mintmire &  Associates");  J. Bruce  Gleason,  a
Florida  resident ("Mr.  Gleason");  and,  Michael D. Umile, a Florida  resident
("Mr. Umile;" Mr. Umile and Mr. Gleason being collectively  hereinafter referred
to as the "Original American Internet Florida  Stockholders";  Mr. Finfrock, Mr.
Mintmire and Mintmire & Associates (being hereinafter  collectively  referred to
as the "Original  Ascot  Group"),  the Original Ascot Group,  American  Internet
Nevada,  American  Internet Florida and the Original  American  Internet Florida
Stockholders  being  sometimes  hereinafter  collectively  referred  to  as  the
"Parties"  and each being  sometimes  hereinafter  generically  referred to as a
"Party");  concurrently  with the  promulgations  of this  resolution by written
consent in lieu of special meeting of the  Corporation's  Board of Directors and
in lieu of special meeting of the  Corporation's  stockholders  (the "Rescission
Agreement" and this "Instrument," respectively); and be it FURTHER

         RESOLVED,  that  pursuant  to  its  obligations  under  the  Rescission
Agreement,  this  Corporation  hereby  assigns to  American  Internet  Technical
Centers, Inc., a Nevada corporation,  all right title and interest in and to the
name Ascot Industries; and be it FURTHER

         RESOLVED,  that  pursuant  to  its  obligations  under  the  Rescission
Agreement,  this Corporation  hereby waives the arbitration  rights reflected in
the Exchange Agreement and agrees to indemnify and hold the Original Ascot Group
and  American   Internet  Nevada  and  its  affiliates,   officers,   directors,
stockholders,  employees,  agents  and  advisors,  harmless  from  any  and  all
liabilities  pertaining,  directly or indirectly,  to any actions or failures to
act by this Corporation or the Original American Internet Florida or as a result
of the Parties' entry into this Agreement.


                                  Article Four

4.1      Amendment.

         No  modification,  waiver,  amendment,  discharge  or  change  of  this
Agreement  shall be valid  unless the same is  evinced by a written  instrument,
subscribed  by the Party  against which such  modification,  waiver,  amendment,
discharge or change is sought.

4.2      Notice.

(a)      All notices,  demands or other  communications given hereunder shall be
         in  writing  and shall be  deemed to have been duly  given on the first
         business day after  mailing by United  States  registered  or unaudited
         mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

                                To Equity Growth:

                           Equity Growth Systems, inc.
                8001 DeSoto Woods Drive; Sarasota, Florida 34243;
                  Telephone (941) 358-8182; Fax (941) 358-8423
                Attention: Charles J. Scimeca, President; with a
                                     copy to

                           The Yankee Companies, Inc.
           902 Clint Moore Road, Suite 136; Boca Raton, Florida 33487
                   Attention: Leonard Miles Tucker, President
                  Telephone (561) 998-2025, Fax (561) 998-3425;
                   and, e-mail carrington@flinet.com; and to

                 G. Richard Chamberlin, Esquire; General Counsel
                           Equity Growth Systems, inc.
                  14950 South Highway 441; Summerfield, Florida
            34491 Telephone (352) 694-6714, Fax (352) 694-9178; and,
                           e-mail, GrichardCh@aol.com.

              To the Former American Internet Florida Stockholders:

                      J. Bruce Gleason and Michael D. Umile
               440 East Sample Road; Pompano Beach, Florida 33056
                  Telephone (954) 943-4748; Fax (954) 943-4046;
                       e-mail aitc2@bellsouth.net; and to

                          To American Internet Nevada:

                    American Internet Technical Centers, Inc.
               440 East Sample Road; Pompano Beach, Florida 33056
                     Attention: J. Bruce Gleason, President.
                  Telephone (954) 943-4748; Fax (954) 943-4046;
                       e-mail aitc2@bellsouth.net; and to

                        In care of Mintmire & Associates
            265 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 204; Palm Beach, Florida 33480;
                  Telephone (561) 832-5696, Fax (561) 832-5371


                  Attention Donald F. Mintmire, Esquire, Agent
                          To American Internet Florida:

                    American Internet Technical Center, Inc.
               440 East Sample Road; Pompano Beach, Florida 33056
                     Attention: J. Bruce Gleason, President.
    Telephone (954) 943-4748; Fax (954) 943-4046; e-mail aitc2@bellsouth.net;
                      To Ascot or the Original Ascot Group:

                        In care of Mintmire & Associates
            265 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 204; Palm Beach, Florida 33480
                  Attention Donald F. Mintmire, Esquire, Agent
                  Telephone (561) 832-5696, Fax (561) 832-5371

         or such  other  address  or to such  other  person as any  Party  shall
         designate to the other for such purpose in the manner  hereinafter  set

(b)               (1) The Parties acknowledge that Yankees serves as a strategic
                  consultant to Equity Growth and, together with general counsel
                  to Equity  Growth  (who  also  serves as  general  counsel  to
                  Yankees)  has  acted  as  scrivener  for the  Parties  in this
                  transaction  but that  Yankees  is  neither  a law firm nor an
                  agency subject to any professional regulation or oversight.

         (2)      Because  of  the  inherent  conflict  of  interests  involved,
                  Yankees has  advised all of the Parties to retain  independent
                  legal  counsel to review this  Agreement  and its exhibits and
                  incorporated materials on their behalf.

         (C)      The  decision  by any Party not to use the  services  of legal
                  counsel in conjunction with this  transaction  shall be solely
                  at their own risk,  each Party  acknowledging  that applicable
                  rules of the  Florida  Bar  prevent  Equity  Growth's  general
                  counsel,  who has reviewed,  approved and caused modifications
                  to  this   Agreement   on  behalf  of  Equity   Growth,   from
                  representing   anyone   other  than  Equity   Growth  in  this

4.3      Merger.

         This  instrument,  together  with the  instruments  referred to herein,
contains all of the understandings and agreements of the Parties with respect to
the subject matter discussed  herein.  All prior  agreements  whether written or
oral are merged herein and shall be of no force or effect.

4.4      Survival.

         The several  representations,  warranties  and covenants of the Parties
contained  herein shall survive the execution  hereof and the Closing hereon and
shall be effective  regardless of any  investigation  that may have been made or
may be made by or on behalf of any Party.


4.5      Severability.

        If any  provision or any portion of any  provision  of this  Agreement,
other than one of the conditions precedent or subsequent,  or the application of
such  provision or any portion  thereof to any person or  circumstance  shall be
held invalid or unenforceable,  the remaining portions of such provision and the
remaining  provisions of this Agreement or the  application of such provision or
portion of such  provision  as is held  invalid or  unenforceable  to persons or
circumstances  other  than those to which it is held  invalid or  unenforceable,
shall not be affected thereby.

4.6      Governing Law.

         This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with the  substantive
and  procedural  laws of the State of  Delaware  (other  than  those  regulating
taxation  and  choice  of  law)  but  any  proceedings  pertaining  directly  or
indirectly to the rights or obligations of the Parties  hereunder  shall, to the
extent legally permitted, be held in Broward County, Florida.

4.7      Indemnification.

         Each Party hereby  irrevocably  agrees to indemnify  and hold the other
Parties  harmless from any and all liabilities and damages  (including  legal or
other expenses incidental  thereto),  contingent,  current, or inchoate to which
they or any one of them may become  subject as a direct,  indirect or incidental
consequence of any action by the  indemnifying  Party or as a consequence of the
failure of the  indemnifying  Party to act,  whether pursuant to requirements of
this Agreement or otherwise.  In the event it becomes  necessary to enforce this
indemnity through an attorney, with or without litigation,  the successful Party
shall be entitled to recover from the  indemnifying  Party,  all costs  incurred
including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees throughout any  negotiations,  trials or
appeals, whether or not any suit is instituted.

4.8      Litigation.

(a) Except as provided below in conjunction  with reduction of this Agreement to
a judgment:

         (1)      In any action  between the Parties to enforce any of the terms
                  of this  Agreement  or any  other  matter  arising  from  this
                  Agreement,  the prevailing  Party shall be entitled to recover
                  its costs and expenses,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees
                  up to and  including  all  negotiations,  trials and  appeals,
                  whether or not litigation is initiated.

         (B)      In the event of any dispute arising under this  Agreement,  or
                  the  negotiation  thereof  or  inducements  to enter  into the
                  Agreement,  the dispute shall, at the request of any Party, be
                  exclusively resolved through the following procedures:

         (C)               (A) First,  the issue shall be submitted to mediation
                           before a mediation service in Broward County, Florida
                           to be  selected  by lot from six  alternatives  to be
                           provided,  one by Mr. Finfrock,  one by Mr. Mintmire,
                           one by Ascot, one by Yankees as agent for the current
                           Directors and  stockholders of Equity Growth,  one by
                           American  Internet  Florida  and one by the  Original
                           American  Internet  Florida  Stockholders  acting  by
                           majority   vote  (based  on  their   relative   stock
                           ownership in Equity Growth).


                  (B)      The mediation  efforts shall be concluded  within ten
                           business  days  after  their in  itiation  unless the
                           Parties  unanimously  agree to an extended  mediation

         (4)      In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of
                  the  dispute  then at the  request of any Party,  the  Parties
                  shall  submit the  dispute to  binding  arbitration  before an
                  arbitration  service located in Broward County,  Florida to be
                  selected by lot, from six alternatives to be provided,  one by
                  Mr.  Finfrock,  one by Mr.  Mintmire,  one  by  Ascot,  one by
                  Yankees as agent for the current Directors and stockholders of
                  Equity Growth, one by American Internet Florida and one by the
                  Original  American  Internet  Florida  Stockholders  acting by
                  majority  vote (based on their  relative  stock  ownership  in
                  Equity Growth).

         (5)      (A)      Expenses of mediation shall be borne by the parties
                           to the mediation equally, if successful.

                  (B)      Expenses  of  mediation,   if  unsuccessful   and  of
                           arbitration  shall be borne by the  Party or  Parties
                           against whom the arbitration decision is rendered.

                  (C)      If the terms of the arbitral award do not establish a
                           prevailing  Party,  then the expenses of unsuccessful
                           mediation and  arbitration  shall be borne equally by
                           the Parties involved.

4.9      Benefit of Agreement.

         The terms and  provisions of this  Agreement  shall be binding upon and
inure  to the  benefit  of the  Parties,  their  successors,  assigns,  personal
representatives, estate, heirs and legatees.

4.10     Captions.

         The captions in this Agreement are for  convenience  and reference only
and in no way define,  describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or
the intent of any provisions hereof.

4.11     Number and Gender.

         All pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or
Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns may require.

4.12     Further Assurances.

         The Parties agree to do,  execute,  acknowledge and deliver or cause to
be done,  executed,  acknowledged  or delivered and to perform all such acts and
deliver all such deeds, assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney,
assurances,  stock certificates and other documents,  as may, from time to time,
be required herein to effect the intent and purpose of this Agreement.


4.13     Status.

         Nothing in this  Agreement  shall be  construed  or shall  constitute a
partnership,  joint venture,  employer-employee  relationship  or  lessor-lessee

4.14     Counterparts.

(a)      This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts.

(b)      All   executed    counterparts    shall    constitute   one   Agreement
         notwithstanding  that  all  signatories  are  not  signatories  to  the
         original or the same counterpart.

(c)      Execution by exchange of facsimile transmission shall be deemed legally
         sufficient  to bind the  signatory;  however,  the Parties  shall,  for
         aesthetic  purposes,  prepare a fully executed original version of this
         Agreement which shall be the document filed with the Commission.

4.15     License.

(a)      This  Agreement  is the  property  of Yankees and the use hereof by the
         Parties is authorized hereby solely for purposes of this transaction.

(b)      The use of this form of agreement or of any derivation  thereof without
         Yankees' prior written permission is prohibited.

(c)      This Agreement  shall not be construed more strictly  against any Party
         as a result of its authorship.

4.16     Exhibit Index.

Exhibit           Description
0.1               The Reorganization Agreement
0.2               The Exchange Agreement
1.1(a)            The Mintmire & Associates Statement

         In Witness  Whereof,  the  Parties  have caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed effective as of the date last set forth below.

Signed, sealed and delivered
         In Our Presence:
                                       American Internet Technical Centers, Inc.
                                                  (A Nevada corporation)

- - ---------------------------------

_________________________________           By: _______________________________

                                            J. Bruce Gleason, President
         (Corporate Seal)
                                            Attest:  __________________________
                                                  Michael D. Umile, Secretary
Dated:   July 8, 1999


                                                Dale B. Finfrock, Jr., Director

                                        American Internet Technical Center, Inc.
                                             (A Florida corporation)


________________________________            By: _______________________________
                                                  J. Bruce Gleason, President
         (Corporate Seal)
                                         Attest:  ______________________________
                                                   Michael D. Umile, Secretary
Dated:   July 8, 1999

                                             Original American Internet Florida

- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------               ------------------------------
                                                      J. Bruce Gleason
- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------               ------------------------------
                                                      Michael D. Umile
Dated:   July 8, 1999


                                                    Original Ascot Group
- - ---------------------------------

- - ---------------------------------                ------------------------------
                                                     Dale B. Finfrock, Jr.
- - ---------------------------------

- - --------------------------------                  -----------------------------
                                            Donald F. Mintmire, Esquire, on his
                                            own behalf and as the authorized
                                            agent for Mintmire & Associates
Dated:   July 8, 1999

                     Exhibit 0.1for the Rescission Agreement
                          The Reorganization Agreement
                         (See Exhibit 2.8 of the 8-KSB)

                    Exhibit 0.2 for the Rescission Agreement
                             The Exchange Agreement
                         (See Exhibit 2.6 of the 8-KSB)

                   Exhibit 1.1(a) for the Recission Agreement
                       The Mintmire & Associates Statement

                              Mintmire & Associates
                          265 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 204
                              Palm Beach, FL 33480

American Internet Technical Center, Inc.
1500 East Atlantic Blvd.
Pompano Beach, FL 33060


Date         DESCRIPTION                                Hours             AMOUNT
of Service
2/3/1999     Conference- clients                         0.5              100.00
2/23/1999    General Corporate 504 Private Placement     1.6              320.00
2/23/1999    Draft of Document- 504PPM                   1.5              300.00
2/23/1999    Telephone Conference with client            0.1               20.00
3/1/1999     Telephone conference- client                0.2               40.00
3/8/1999     Telephone conference- Mike Umile            0.1               20.00
3/15/1999    Telephone conference- Dale Finfrock         0.1               20.00
3/17/1999    Draft document- 504 Private Placement       1.25             250.00


3/18/1999    Draft document- 504 Private Placement       1                200.00
3/19/1999    Draft document- Private Placement Memorandum  2.1            420.00
3/22/1999    Telephone Conference- Mike Umile              0.1             20.00
3/22/1999    Telephone conference- Mike Umile              0.1             20.00
3/24/1999    General corporate- 504 Private Placement      1.2            240 00
3/25/1999    General corporate                             0.4             80.00
3/30/1999    General corporate                             0.4             80 00
3/31/1999    Telephone conference- David Gunning           0.2             40.00
4/2/1999     Review document-fax from David Gunning        0.1             20.00
4/4/1999     Renew document- Complaint                     0.25            50.00
4/9/1999     Telephone conference- Dale Finfrock           0.2             40.00

                                                      Page 1

Mintmire & Associates
265 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 204
Palm Beach, FL 33480

American Internet Technical Center, Inc.
1500 East Atlantic Blvd.
Pompano Beach, FL 33060

Date    DESCRIPTION                                     Hours             AMOUNT
of Service
4/13/1999         Telephone conference- clients         0.8               160.00
4/15/1999         General corporate                     0.2                40.00
4/29/1999         Draft document- opinion               0.5               100.00
5/6/1999          Conference-Interoffice                0.1                20.00
6/29/1999         Document review letter                0.1                20.00
7/1/1999          Telephone conference-Richard Chamberlain 0.2             40.00
7/1/1999          Conference-Interoffice                0.1                20.00
7/1/1999          Document review-file                  0.1                20.00

                  Total attorneys fees                                  2,700.00

                  Costs Advanced (photocopies, long distance calls,
                   postage, epic.)                                        135.00

6/3/1999          Federal Express charges,                                 16.86


                                                      Page 2
