Certificate of Amendment to Certificate of Incorporation
                           Equity Growth Systems, inc.

         Pursuant  to the  provisions  of  Sections  222 and 242 of the  General
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware,  this Delaware profit corporation does
hereby  adopt the  following  certificate  of amendment  to its  Certificate  of

First:   Amendments adopted:

(d)      Articles First, Second, Third, Fifth and  Tenth, are hereby repealed.

(e)      The following new Article First is hereby adopted, changing the name of
         this  Corporation  from  "Equity  Growth  Systems,  inc." to  "AmeriNet
         Group.com,  Inc." As amended,  Article  First will  henceforth  read as

         FIRST:   Name:

         (A)      The name of the Corporation is "AmeriNet Group.com, Inc."

         (B)      The  Corporation's  Board of Directors  is hereby  authorized,
                  without stockholder  approval,  to amend this Certificate from
                  time to time, in order to change the name of the Corporation.

(f)      The following Articles are hereby adopted,  replacing repealed Articles
         Second, Third, Fifth and Tenth:

         SECOND:           Registered Agent


         (a)     The street address of the registered office of this Corporation
                 in the state of Delaware is 25 Greystone  Manor, Lewes Delaware
                 19958,  situate in Sussex County,  and the name of the initial
                 registered agent of this Corporation at such address is Harvard
                 Business Services, Inc.

         (b)     The registered  agent's telephone number is 1-800-345-2677 and
                 its E-Mail address is rick1@ix.netcom.com.

         THIRD:            Purposes:

         This  Corporation is organized for the purpose of  transacting  any and
         all lawful business; provided, however, that it shall not:

         (A)      Engage in any  activities  that would subject it to regulation
                  as an investment  company under the Federal Investment Company
                  Act of 1940 (the "Investment Company Act"), as amended, unless
                  it shall have first qualified and elected to be regulated as a
                  small business development company pursuant to Sections 54 et.
                  seq., thereof, and limits its investment company activities to
                  those permitted thereby; or

         (B)      Engage in any activities  which would subject the  Corporation
                  to  regulation  as a broker  dealer in  securities  subject to
                  regulation  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
                  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act")  or as an  investment  advisor
                  subject to  regulation  under the  Investment  Advisors Act of
                  1940, as amended (the "Investment Advisor's Act"); or

         (C)      Engage in any other  activities  requiring the  Corporation to
                  comply with governmental registration and supervision,  unless
                  it has completed such registration and conducts itself in full
                  compliance with such supervisory requirements.

         FIFTH:            Amendments of Certificate by Board of Directors:

         The  Corporation's  Board of  Directors is hereby  authorized,  without
         stockholder  approval,  to amend this Certificate from time to time, in
         order to:

         (a)      Effect splits or reverse splits of the Corporation's common or
                  preferred stock;

         (b)      Increase the Corporation's authorized capital; and

         (c)      Decrease the Corporation's  authorized capital;  provided that
                  such  decrease  may not  affect  any  issued  and  outstanding


         TENTH:            Quorum:

         Unless otherwise  provided for in the Corporation's  Bylaws, a majority
         of the  shares  entitled  to vote,  represented  in person or by proxy,
         shall be required to constitute a quorum at a meeting of stockholders.

(c)      The following new Articles are hereby adopted:

         ELEVENTH:         Indemnification

         (a)      The Corporation  shall  indemnify its Officers,  Directors and
                  authorized  agents  for  all  liabilities  incurred  directly,
                  indirectly  or  incidentally  to  services  performed  for the
                  Corporation,  to the fullest extent  permitted  under Delaware
                  law existing now or hereinafter enacted.

         (b)      Funds required to pay expenses reasonably  necessary to defend
                  allegations   that  would   raise  the   foregoing   right  of
                  indemnifications  shall be advanced by this Corporation at any
                  time that the person claiming such expenses appears reasonably
                  likely to become entitled to indemnification and enters into a
                  binding  agreement with this Corporation to repay advances for
                  such  expenditures  in  the  event  that  he,  she  or  it  is
                  eventually found not to be entitled to indemnification.

         TWELFTH:          Limitation on Stockholder Actions

         (b)      Stockholders  shall  not have a cause of  action  against  the
                  Corporation's Officers, Directors or agents as a result of any
                  action  taken,  or as a result  of their  failure  to take any
                  action,  unless  deprivation of such right is deemed a nullity
                  because,  in the  specific  case,  deprivation  of a right  of
                  action  would be  impermissibly  in  conflict  with the public
                  policy of the State of Delaware.

         (c)      No  stockholder  may assert a  derivative  cause  of action on
                  behalf of  the  Corporation,  rather,  any  claims  that would
                  give rise to  derivative  causes of action shall be submitted
                  in writing, specifying the nature of the cause of action and
                  providing  all   evidence  associated  with such claim,  to a
                  special  committee   of the Board of  Directors  comprised of
                  members who do not also  serve as officers of the Corporation
                  and are not   reasonably  involved  with the subject cause of
                  action,  or  if no  such  directors  are  serving,  to  legal
                  counsel  designated by the  Corporation in which no  attorney
                  holds  shares  of  the  Corporation's  securities,  holds any
                  office or  position  with  the  Corporation  or is related by
                  marriage  or through   siblings,  parents or  children to any
                  officer or director of the  Corporation,  and the decision to
                  litigate,  or not to  litigate by such  special  committee or
                  special  counsel shall  be binding on the Corporation and the
                  submitting stockholder  or stockholders; unless the foregoing
                  procedure  has  not  been   followed  within  90  days  after
                  completion of the  submission  by the subject stockholder.


         (d)      The fact that this Article  shall be  inapplicable  in certain
                  circumstances  shall not render it  inapplicable  in any other
                  circumstances  and the  Courts  of the State of  Delaware  are
                  hereby  granted the  specific  authority to  restructure  this
                  Article, on a case by case basis or generally,  as required to
                  most fully give legal effect to its intent.

         THIRTEENTH:                Take Over Defenses:

         (1)      The Board of  Directors  of this  Corporation  shall  have the
                  broadest  possible  authority  and  discretion in adopting and
                  maintaining resistance to, and defenses against, takeover bids
                  that  it  deems  not  to be  in  the  best  interests  of  the
                  Corporation,   including  (without  limitation)  adopting  and
                  maintaining  any form of  shareholder  rights  plan or "poison
                  pill"  comprised  of such terms and  features  as the Board of
                  Directors   deems  to  be  in  the  best   interests   of  the

         (2)      Without  limitation on the  foregoing,  the Board of Directors
                  shall have the authority and  discretion to adopt and maintain
                  a shareholder  rights plan or other  defensive  mechanism that
                  may be deactivated or redeemed only:

                  (a)      By vote of continuing  directors (i.e., the directors
                           who  put  such  shareholder   rights  plan  or  other
                           defensive   mechanism  in  place  or  the  designated
                           successors  of such  directors)  to the  exclusion of
                           newly elected  directors  nominated or supported by a
                           takeover bidder or bidders;

                  (b)      After a prescribed delay period following election of
                           directors  making  up a  majority  of  the  Board  of
                           Directors  if such new  directors  are  nominated  or
                           supported by a takeover bidder or bidders; or

                  (c)      Before election of directors  making up a majority of
                           the  Board of  Directors  if such new  directors  are
                           nominated  or  supported  by  a  takeover  bidder  or

         (3)      No bylaw shall limit in any way the  authority of the Board of
                  Directors  of  this  Corporation  to  adopt  or  maintain  any
                  shareholder  rights  plan or  otherwise  to  resist  or defend
                  against any takeover bid that the Board of Directors finds not
                  to be in the best interests of the Corporation.


         FOURTEENTH:                Affiliated Transactions:

         This   Corporation   shall  not  be  subject  to  the  restrictions  or
         requirements for affiliated  transactions imposed by Section 203 of the
         Delaware General Corporation Law, as permitted by the waiver provisions
         of Section (b)(1) thereof.

         FIFTEENTH:        Compromise & Arrangement

               (A)  Whenever a compromise  or  arrangement  is proposed  between
                    this  Corporation  and its creditors or any class of them or
                    between this  Corporation and its  stockholders or any class
                    of them,  any court of  equitable  jurisdiction  within  the
                    State of Delaware  may, on the ap plication in a summary way
                    of  this  Corporation  or of  any  creditor  or  stockholder
                    thereof or on the  application  of any receiver or receivers
                    appointed for this Corporation  under Section 291 of Title 8
                    of the Delaware  Code or on the  application  of trustees in
                    dissolution  or of any receiver or receivers  appointed  for
                    this  Corporation  under  Section  279  of  Title  8 of  the
                    Delaware  Code order a meeting of the  creditors or class of
                    creditors or of the stockholders or class of stockholders of
                    this Corporation, as the case may be, to be summoned in such
                    manner as the said court directs.

               (b)  If a majority in number  representing three fourths in value
                    of  the   creditors   or  class  of   creditors  or  of  the
                    stockholders or class of  stockholders of this  Corporation,
                    as the case may be, agree to compromise or  arrangement  and
                    to any  reorganization of this Corporation as consequence of
                    such  the  said  compromise  or  arrangement  and  the  said
                    reorganization   compromise   or   arrangement,   the   said
                    compromise or arrangement and the said reorganization shall,
                    if sanctioned by the court to which the said application has
                    been  made,  be  binding  on all the  creditors  or class of
                    creditors,  and or on  all  the  stockholders  or  class  of
                    stockholders,  of this Corporation,  as the case may be, and
                    also on this Corporation.

Second:           The date of each amendment adopted is:      July 7, 1999.

Third:       The  capital of the  Corporation  was not  reduced by virtue of the
             foregoing amendment.

Fourth:  Adoption of Amendments:

         The amendments were adopted by the shareholders after recommendation by
         the Board of  Directors.  The number of votes  cast for the  amendments
         were sufficient for approval, to wit, 6,246,947 in favor, 2,222,177 not


                  In Witness Whereof, we have subscribed our names this 7th day
of July, 1999.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
         In Our Presence
                                                   Equity Growth Systems, inc.
- - ----------------------------

_____________________________               By:       ________________________
                                                  Charles J. Scimeca, President
                                          Attest:   ________________________
                                                  G. Richard Chamberlin, Esquire
