ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION



         The  undersigned  subscriber to these  Articles of  Incorporation  is a
natural  person  competent to contract and hereby form a Corporation  for profit
under Chapter 607 of the Florida Statutes.


         The name of the  Corporation  is AMERICAN  INTERNET  TECHNICAL  CENTER,
INC., (hereinafter, "Corporation").

                       ARTICLE 2 - PURPOSE OF CORPORATION

         The  Corporation  shall  engage in any  activity or business  permitted
under the laws of the United States and of the State of Florida.

                          ARTICLE 3 - PRINCIPAL OFFICE

         The address of the principal  office of this  Corporation  is 1500 East
Atlantic Boulevard,  Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 and the mailing address is the


                            ARTICLE 4 - INCORPORATOR

The name and street address of the incorporator of this Corporation is:

                                  Elsie Sanchez
                               343 Almeria Avenue
                           Coral Gables, Florida 33134

                              ARTICLE 5 - OFFICERS

The officers of the Corporation shall be:

President:        J. Bruce Gleason
Vice-President:   Michael D. Umile
Secretary:        Michael D. Umile
Treasurer:        J. Bruce Gleason

 whose addresses shall be the same as the principal office of the Corporation.

                             ARTICLE 6 - DIRECTOR(S)

                  The Director(s) of the Corporation shall be:

                                J. Bruce Gleason
                                Michael D. Umile

  whose addresses shall be the same as the principal office of the Corporation.


         7.1 The maximum number of shares that this Corporation is authorized to
have  outstanding at any time is SEVEN  THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED  (7,500) shares of
common stock, each share having the par value of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00).

         7.2 No holder of shares of stock of any class shall have any preemptive
right to  subscribe to or purchase any  additional  shares of any class,  or any
bonds or convertible securities of any nature; provided, however, that the Board
of Director(s) may, in authorizing the issuance of shares of stock of any class,


confer any preemptive  right that the Board of Director(s) may deem advisable in
connection with such issuance.

         7.3 The Board of  Director(s)  of the  Corporation  may  authorize  the
issuance  from time to time of shares of its stock of any class,  whether now or
hereafter authorized,  or securities convertible into shares of its stock of any
class, whether now or hereafter authorized,  for such consideration as the Board
of Director(s) may deem advisable,  subject to such restrictions or limitations,
if any, as may be set forth in the bylaws of the Corporation.

         7.4 The  Board of  Director(s)  of the  Corporation  may,  by  Restated
Articles of  Incorporation,  classify or reclassify any unissued stock from time
to time by setting or changing the  preferences,  conversions  or other  rights,
voting powers,  restrictions,  limitations as to dividends,  qualifications,  or
term or conditions of redemption of the stock.

                      ARTICLE 8 - SUB-CHAPTER S CORPORATION

         The  Corporation  may  elect to be an S  Corporation,  as  provided  in
Sub-Chapter S of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         8.1 The  shareholders  of this  Corporation  may elect and, if elected,
shall continue such election to be an S Corporation as provided in Sub-Chapter S
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, unless the shareholders of the
Corporation unanimously agree otherwise in writing.

         8.2 After this Corporation has elected to be an S Corporation,  none of
the  shareholders  of this  Corporation,  without the written consent of all the
shareholders of this Corporation  shall take any action, or make any transfer or
other disposition of the shareholders' shares of stock in the Corporation, which
will  result  in the  termination  or  revocation  of such  election  to be an S
Corporation,  as provided in Sub chapter S of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended.

         8.3 Once the Corporation has elected to be an S Corporation, each share
of stock issued by this Corporation shall contain the following legend:

"The shares of stock  represented by this  certificate  cannot be transferred if
such  transfer  would void the  election  of the  Corporation  to be taxed under
Sub-Chapter S of the Internal Revenue Code of 1 986, as amended. "


         All of the  shares of stock of this  Corporation  may be  subject  to a
Shareholders'  Restrictive  Agreement  containing  numerous  restrictions on the
rights of shareholders of the Corporation and  transferability  of the shares of
stock of the Corporation.  A copy of the Shareholders' Restrictive Agreement, if
any, is on file at the principal office of the Corporation.


                       ARTICLE 10 - POWERS OF CORPORATION

         The  Corporation  shall have the same powers as an individual to do all
things necessary or convenient to carry out its business and affairs, subject to
any limitations or  restrictions  imposed by applicable law or these Articles of

                         ARTICLE 11 - TERM OF EXISTENCE

This Corporation shall have perpetual existence.

                         ARTICLE 12- REGISTERED OWNER(S)

         The  Corporation,  to the extent permitted by law, shall be entitled to
treat the person in whose name any share or right is  registered on the books of
the  Corporation  as the owner thereto,  for all purposes,  and except as may be
agreed in  writing by the  Corporation,  the  Corporation  shall not be bound to
recognize  any  equitable or other claim to, or interest in, such share or right
on the part of any other  person,  whether  or not the  Corporation  shall  have
notice thereof.


         The  initial  address  of  registered  office  of this  Corporation  is
AmeriLawyer,  located at 343 Almeria Avenue,  Coral Gables,  Florida 33134.  The
name and address of the registered agent of this Corporation is AmeriLawyer, 343
Almeria Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida 33134.

                               ARTICLE 14- BYLAWS

         The Board of Director(s) of the Corporation  shall have power,  without
the  assent or vote of the  shareholders,  to make,  alter,  amend or repeal the
Bylaws of the  Corporation,  but the  affirmative  vote of a number of Directors
equal  to a  majority  of the  number  who  would  constitute  a full  Board  of
Director(s) at the time of such action shall be necessary to take any action for
the making, alteration, amendment or repeal of the Bylaws.

                           ARTICLE 15 - EFFECTIVE DATE

         These Articles of  Incorporation  shall be effective  immediately  upon
approval of the Secretary of State, State of Florida.

                             ARTICLE 16 - AMENDMENT

         The Corporation  reserves the right to amend,  alter,  change or repeal
any provision contained in these Articles of Incorporation,  or in any amendment
hereto,  or to add any provision to these  Articles of  Incorporation  or to any
amendment hereto, in any manner now or hereafter prescribed or permitted by the


provisions  of any  applicable  statute of the State of Florida,  and all rights
conferred upon  shareholders in these Articles of Incorporation or any amendment
hereto are granted subject to this reservation.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal,  acknowledged
and filed the foregoing Articles of Incorporation under the laws of the State of
Florida, this APR 14,1998

/s/ Elsie Sanchez, Incorporator /s/

                          IN ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

         AmeriLawyer,  having a business  office  identical  with the registered
office  of the  Corporation  name  above,  and  having  been  designated  as the
Registered  Agent in the above  and  foregoing  Articles  of  Incorporation,  is
familiar with and accepts the  obligations  of the position of Registered  Agent
under the applicable provisions of the Florida Statutes.


By: /s/ Natalia Utrera, Vice President /s/

               Articles of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
                    American Internet Technical Center, Inc.

         Pursuant to the provisions of Section 607.1006,  Florida Statutes, this
Florida profit corporation does hereby adopt the following articles of amendment
to its Articles of Incorporation:

First:   Amendments adopted:

(3)     Section 7.1 is hereby repealed and replaced by the following new Section

         "7.1     The  maximum  number  of  shares  that  this   Corporation  is
                  authorized  to have  outstanding  at any  time  is  20,000,000
                  shares  of  common  stock,  each  share  having a par value of

(4)      The current  provisions of Article 6 will be  re-designated  as Section
         6.1 and the  following  new Section 6.2 is hereby  adopted and added to
         the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation:


         "6.2     The  Corporation's  Board of Directors  is hereby  authorized,
                  without prior stockholder approval, to amend these Articles of
                  Incorporation, from time to time, in order to:

                  (1)      Effect splits or reverse splits of the  Corporation's
                           common or  preferred  stock;  increase  the amount of
                           authorized capital stock and determine the attributes
                           thereof,   provided  that  such   amendment  may  not
                           detrimentally   affect   the  rights  of  holders  of
                           outstanding  capital stock, other than as a result of
                           pro rata dilution;

                  (2)      Create a class of preferred  stock and  designate the
                           attributes of such preferred stock;

                  (3)      Change the name of the Corporation; and,

                  (4)      Such  other  matters  as may be  otherwise  permitted
                           under then applicable laws of the State of Florida."

(5)     Articles 5, 8, 14, are hereby repealed and replaced by the following new
        Articles 5, 8 and 14, adopted and added to the Corporation's Articles of

                                   ARTICLE 5

                  The Corporation  shall  indemnify its Officers,  Directors and
         authorized agents for all liabilities incurred directly,  indirectly or
         incidentally  to  services  performed  for  or at  the  request  of the
         Corporation,  and shall advance funds required for such purposes to the
         person  indemnified,  to the fullest extent permitted under Florida law
         existing  now or  hereinafter  enacted,  subject  to  such  contractual
         conditions or limitations as the Corporation and the indemnified person
         may have agreed to in a written and subscribed instrument.

                                    ARTICLE 8

         In the event  that  this  Corporation  at any time has more than  three
stockholders,  none of which owns more than 95% of the Corporation's outstanding
common stock of all classes and series,  then the following  provisions shall be
applicable  as to all  stockholders  who own less than 50% of the  Corporation's
outstanding common stock of all classes and series ("Minority Stockholders"):

         (1)      Minority Stockholders shall not have a cause of action against
                  the  Corporation's Of ficers,  Directors or agents as a result
                  of any action taken, or as a result of their failure


                  to take any action, unless deprivation of such right is deemed
                  a nullity  because,  in the specific  case,  deprivation  of a
                  right of action would be  impermissibly  in conflict  with the
                  public policy of the State of Florida.

         (2)      No  Minority  Stockholder  may  assert a  derivative  cause of
                  action on behalf of the Corporation,  rather,  any claims that
                  would  give  rise to  derivative  causes  of  action  shall be
                  submitted  in writing,  specifying  the nature of the cause of
                  action and providing all evidence  associated with such claim,
                  to a special committee of the Board of Directors  comprised of
                  members who do not also serve as  officers of the  Corporation
                  and are not  reasonably  involved  with the  subject  cause of
                  action, or if no such directors are serving,  to legal counsel
                  designated  by the  Corporation  in  which no  attorney  holds
                  shares of the  Corporation's  securities,  holds any office or
                  position  with the  Corporation  or is related by  marriage or
                  through  siblings,  parents  or  children  to any  officer  or
                  director of the Corporation,  and the decision to litigate, or
                  not to litigate by such special  committee or special  counsel
                  shall  be  binding  on  the  Corporation  and  the  submitting
                  Minority  Stockholder  or  Minority  Stockholders;  unless the
                  foregoing procedure has not been followed within 90 days after
                  completion  of  the   submission   by  the  subject   Minority

         (3)      The fact that this Article  shall be  inapplicable  in certain
                  circumstances  shall not render it  inapplicable  in any other
                  circumstances  and the  Courts  of the  State of  Florida  are
                  hereby  granted the  specific  authority to  restructure  this
                  Article, on a case by case basis or generally,  as required to
                  most fully give legal effect to its intent.

                                   ARTICLE 14
                             AFFILIATED TRANSACTIONS

                  This  Corporation  shall not be subject to the restrictions or
         requirements for affiliated  transactions imposed by Sections 607.0901,
         Florida  Statutes,  as  permitted by the waiver  provisions  of Section
         607.0901(5)(b) thereof."

Second:           The date of each amendment adopted is:      February 10, 1999.

Third:   Adoption of Amendments:

         The amendments were unanimously adopted by the shareholders. The number
         of votes cast for the amendments were sufficient for approval.


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I have  subscribed  my name this 8th day of July,

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
         In Our Presence

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                                                    J. Bruce Gleason, President
