AmeriNet, Inc.

               Non-Qualified Stock Option & Stock Incentive Plan

                        Effective as of January 1 , 2000

                            AmeriNet, Inc.
          Non-Qualified Stock Option & Stock Incentive Plan Indenture

State of Florida}
County of Palm Beach} ss.:

     Pursuant to a duly adopted resolution of the Board of Directors,  currently
in effect, and as authorized by the certificate of incorporation, bylaws and all
applicable  federal and state laws,  AmeriNet,  Inc., a publicly held
Delaware  corporation with a class of securities  registered under Section 12(g)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended  (hereinafter  referred to as
the  "Corporation"),  intending  to be legally  bound,  hereby  establishes  and
publishes an incentive compensation plan to be known as the "AmeriNet,
Inc. Non-Qualified Stock Option & Stock Incentive Plan" (hereinafter referred to
as the "Plan"), as follows:


                                  ARTICLE ONE

(a)Pursuant to the provisions, conditions and requirements set forth below, this
Plan hereby  authorizes the grant of  Non-Qualified  Stock Options and Incentive
Stock  Options,  as such  terms  are  defined  in the  Code  and the  rules  and
regulations promulgated thereunder.

(b)This Plan shall become effective on January 1, 2000.

(c)The  purpose of this Plan is to promote  the success and enhance the value of
the  Corporation by linking the personal  interests of  Participants to those of
the Corporation's  stockholders by providing  Participants with an incentive for
outstanding performance.

(d)This  Plan is further  intended to assist the  Corporation  in its ability to
acquire compatible  businesses and to retain the services of,  Participants upon
whose  judgment,  interest  and  special  effort the  successful  conduct of the
Corporation's  operations  is largely  dependent,  and to align  their  personal
interests with those of the Corporation and its stockholders.

                                  ARTICLE TWO

     For purposes of this Plan, the following  terms shall be defined as follows
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(a)"Award   Agreement"  shall  mean  the  written  agreement,   executed  by  an
appropriate  officer  of the  Corporation,  pursuant  to  which a Plan  Award is

(b)"Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

(c)"Commission" shall mean the United States Securities and Exchange

(d)"Code"  shall mean the  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  and the
rules and regulations thereunder.

(e)"Committee"  shall  mean all  Outside  Directors  of the  Corporation  or all
Outside Directors appointed by the Board of Directors to serve as the Committee;
provided  that the  Committee  must always be  comprised  of not less than three

(f)"Common Stock" shall mean the common stock, par value $.001 per share, of the


(g)"Consultant"  shall mean an  individual  who is in a Consulting  Relationship
with the  Corporation  or any Parent or Subsidiary,  other than one  principally
engaged in promoting the securities of the Corporation, as defined by applicable
rules of the  Commission  excluding  persons  so  engaged  from  eligibility  to
participate in registration of securities on Commission Form S-8.

(h)"Consulting  Relationship" shall mean the relationship that exists between an
individual and the  Corporation (or any Parent or Subsidiary) if such individual
or any  entity  of which  such  individual  is an  executive  officer  or owns a
substantial equity interest has entered into a written consulting  contract with
the Corporation or any Parent or Subsidiary.

(i)"Corporation" shall mean AmeriNet, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

(j)"Disability"  shall have the same  meaning as the term  "permanent  and total
disability" under Section 22(e)(3) of the Code.

(k)"Employee" shall mean a common-law employee of the Corporation or of any
Parent or Subsidiary.

(l)"Exchange  Act" shall mean the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
and the rules and regulations thereunder.

(m)"Executive"  means  an  employee  of  the  Corporation  or of any  Parent  or
Subsidiary whose compensation is subject to the deduction  limitations set forth
under Code Section 162(m).

(n)(1)"Fair  Market  Value" of the  Corporation's  Common Stock on a Trading Day
shall mean the last  reported  sale  price for Common  Stock or, in case no such
reported  sale takes place on such  Trading  Day, the average of the closing bid
and asked  prices for the Common  Stock for such  Trading Day, in either case on
the principal national  securities  exchange on which the Common Stock is listed
or  admitted  to  trading,  or if the Common  Stock is not listed or admitted to
trading   on  any   national   securities   exchange,   but  is  traded  in  the
over-the-counter  market,  the closing  sale price of the Common Stock or, if no
sale is publicly  reported,  the average of the closing bid and asked quotations
for the Common  Stock,  as reported by the National  Association  of  Securities
Dealers,   Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation   registered  as  a  self  regulatory
organization  by the Commission  (the "NASD"),  through its NASDAQ Stock Market,
Inc.,  subsidiary's  Automated  Quotation  System  ("NASDAQ") or any  comparable
system or, if the Common Stock is not listed on NASDAQ or a  comparable  system,
the closing sale price of the Common Stock or, if no sale is publicly  reported,
the average of the closing bid and asked prices,  as furnished by two members of
the National  Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc. who make a market in the
Common Stock selected from time to time by the Corporation for that purpose.


   (2) In  addition,  for  purposes of this  definition,  a "Trading  Day" shall
mean,  if the Common  Stock is listed on any  national  securities  exchange,  a
business  day during  which such  exchange was open for trading and at least one
trade of Common Stock was effected on such exchange on such business day, or, if
the Common Stock is not listed on any national securities exchange but is traded
in the over-the-counter market, a business day during which the over-the-counter
market was open for trading and at least one "eligible dealer" quoted both a bid
and asked price for the Common Stock.

    (3) An  "eligible  dealer" for any day shall include any  broker-dealer  who
quoted  both a bid and  asked  price for such day,  but  shall not  include  any
broker-dealer  who quoted only a bid or only an asked price for such day. In the
event the  Corporation's  Common Stock is not publicly  traded,  the Fair Market
Value of such Common Stock shall be determined by the Committee in good faith.

(o)"Good Cause" shall mean:

     (1) A  Participant's  willful or  gross  misconduct  or willful  or  gross
negligence in the  performance of his  duties  for  the  Corporation  or for any
Parent  or Subsidiary   after  prior  written  notice  of such   misconduct  or
negligence and the continuance  thereof for a period of 30 days after receipt by
such Participant of such notice;

     (2) A Participant's intentional or habitual neglect of his  duties  for the
Corporation  or for any Parent or Subsidiary  after prior written notice of such

     (3) A  Participant's theft or misappropriation of funds of the Corporation
or of any Parent or Subsidiary or commission of a felony; or

     (4) The direct or  indirect  breach  by the  Participant  of the terms of a
related consulting contract with the Corporation or any Parent or Subsidiary.

(p)"Incentive   Stock  Option"  shall  mean  a  stock  option   satisfying   the
requirements for tax-favored treatment under Section 422 of the Code.

(q)"NASD"  shall,  unless the  context  requires  otherwise,  mean the  National
Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc., a Delaware corporation registered as a
self regulatory organization by the Commission, and its controlled subsidiaries.

(r)"Non-Qualified  Option"  shall mean a stock option which does not satisfy the
requirements  for,  or which is not  intended to be  eligible  for,  tax-favored
treatment under Section 422 of the Code.


(s)"Option" shall mean an Incentive Stock Option or a Non-Qualified Stock Option
granted  pursuant to the  provisions of Article Seven hereof,  as such terms are
defined in the Code and the rules and regulations promulgated thereund er.

(t)"Option  Holder" shall mean a Participant  who is granted an Option under the
terms of this Plan.

(u)"Outside  Directors"  shall mean all members of the Board of Directors of the
Corporation  other  than  those  who  also  serve  as  officers,   employees  or
consultants of the  Corporation  or who hold more than 10% of the  Corporation's
capital  stock  ("Inside  Directors"),   or  who  are  related  by  marriage  or
consanguinity  to  Inside  Directors,   and,  who  are  classified  as  "outside
directors" under Section 162(m) of the Code.

(v)"Parent"  shall  mean a parent  corporation  of the  Corporation  within  the
meaning of Section 424(e) of the Code.

(w)"Participant"  shall mean any  Employee or other person  participating  under
this Plan.

(x)"Plan Award" shall mean an Option granted pursuant to the terms of this Plan.

(y)"Securities  Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and the
rules and regulations thereunder.

(z)"Service" shall mean the United States Internal Revenue Service.

(aa)"Subsidiary"  shall mean a subsidiary  corporation of the Corporation within
the meaning of Section 424(f) of the Code.

(bb)"Termination   of  Consulting   Relationship"   shall  mean  the  cessation,
abridgement or termination of a Consultant's  Consulting  Relationship  with the
Corporation or any Parent or Subsidiary as a result of:

     (1)  The Consultant's death or Disability;

     (2)  The  disqualification of  the  Consultant  from  participation  as  a
          recipient of securities of the Corporation on Commission Form S-8.

     (3)  The cancellation, annulment, expiration, termination or  breach of the
          written consulting contract between the Corporation(or any Parent  or
          Subsidiary) and the Consultant (or any other  entity)  giving  rise to
          the Consulting Relationship; or

     (4)  If the written  consulting   contract  is  not  directly  between  the
          Corporation (or any  Parent  or  Subsidiary) and  the Consultant,  the
          Consultant's   termination of  service  with,  or  sale  of  all  or
          substantially  all of his equity interest in, the  entity   which  has
          entered  into the  written  consulting contract  with the Corporation,
          Parent or Subsidiary.

                                 ARTICLE THREE

(a)  (1) This Plan  shall  be  administered  by  the  Committee,  which shall be
         composed solely of at least two  Non-Employee Directors,  as defined in
         Rule 16b-3(b)(3) promulgated  under  the  Exchange  Act, and  who  also
         qualify as "Outside Directors".

     (2)  Subject to  the provisions of  this Plan, the Committee may establish
          from  time  to time  such  regulations,  provisions, proceedings  and
          conditions of awards which, in  its sole  opinion,  may  be  advisable
          in the administration of this Plan.


(b)  A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, and,  subject to the
provisions  of Article  Six of this Plan,  the acts of a majority of the members
present at any meeting at which a quorum is present, or acts approved in writing
by a majority of the Committee, shall be the acts of the Committee as a whole.

                                  ARTICLE FOUR
                                SHARES AVAILABLE

(a)Subject  to the  adjustments  provided  in Article  Eight of this  Plan,  the
aggregate  number of shares of the Common  Stock  which may be  granted  for all
purposes under this Plan shall be 1,000,000 shares.

(b)Shares of Common Stock  underlying  awards of securities  (derivative or not)
and shares of Common  Stock  awarded  hereunder  (whether or not on a restricted
basis)  shall be counted  against the  limitation  set forth in the  immediately
preceding  sentence  and may be reused to the extent that the related Plan Award
to any individual is settled in cash, expires, is terminated unexercised,  or is

(c)Common Stock granted to satisfy Plan Awards under this Plan may be authorized
and unissued shares of the Common Stock, issued shares of such Common Stock held
in the  Corporation's  treasury or shares of Common  Stock  acquired on the open

(d)Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation's transfer agent and its
general counsel shall:

     (1)  Retain a copy of this Plan, and any amendments or supplements thereof,
          in its records of the Corporation's affairs;

     (2)  Be  provided with and retain copies of all instruments effecting Plan

     (3)  Assure that shares  adequate  to  meet  the Corporation's obligations
          under the Plan are reserved for issuance in compliance therewith;

     (4)  Immediately notify the Corporation  and any  Participants  effected,
          in  the  event  that  shares  adequate  to  meet  the  Corporation's
          obligations under the Plan are not authorized;

     (5)  Assure  that,  in  conjunction  with  the  issuance or transfer of any
          securities under  the Plan, the  holder  complies  with all  reporting
          and registration requirements  imposed under the  Securities  Act, the
          Exchange Act, comparable provisions of applicable state laws, policies
          of the Corporation implemented to assure compliance with all such laws
          and the regulations and rules  promulgated thereunder, or  the legally
          available exemptions therefrom.

                                  ARTICLE FIVE

(a)Officers  and  key  employees  of  the  Corporation,  or  of  any  Parent  or
Subsidiary,  who are  regularly  employed  on a  salaried  basis as  common  law
employees,  and Consultants and directors of the Corporation or of any Parent or
Subsidiary who are not Employees, shall be eligible to participate in this Plan.


(b)Where  appropriate under this Plan,  directors who are not Employees shall be
referred to as "employees" and their service as directors as "employment".

                                   ARTICLE SIX
                             AUTHORITY OF COMMITTEE

(a)This Plan shall be administered by, or under the direction of, the Committee,
which shall administer this Plan so as to comply at all times with Section 16 of
the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations  promulgated  thereunder,  to the
extent such compliance is required,  and shall otherwise have plenary  authority
to interpret this Plan and to make all determinations  specified in or permitted
by this Plan or deemed necessary or desirable for its  administration or for the
conduct of the Committee's business.

(b)All  interpretations  and  determinations  of the Committee may be made on an
individual  or group  basis and shall be final,  conclusive  and  binding on all
interested parties.

(c)Subject  to the express  provisions of this Plan,  the  Committee  shall have
authority, in its discretion, to determine the persons to whom Plan Awards shall
be granted, the times when such Plan Awards shall be granted, the number of Plan
Awards, the purchase price or exercise price of each Plan Award (if applicable),
the period(s)  during which a Plan Award shall be exercisable  (whether in whole
or in part),  the  restrictions  to be  applicable  to Plan Awards and the other
terms and provisions thereof (which need not be identical).

(d)In addition, the authority of the Committee shall include, without
limitation, the following:


     The  arrangement of temporary  financing for an Option Holder by registered
broker-dealers,  under the rules and  regulations of the Federal  Reserve Board,
for the purpose of assisting an Option Holder in the exercise of an Option, such
authority to include the payment by the  Corporation  of the  commissions of the

     (2)Procedures for Exercise of Option.

     The establishment of procedures for an Option Holder to:

          (A)  Exercise an Option by payment of cash;

          (B)  Have  withheld from the total number of shares of Common Stock to
               be acquired upon the exercise of an Option that number of shares
               having a Fair Market Value, which, together  with  such  cash as
               shall be paid in respect of fractional shares, shall  equal  the
               Option  exercise  price of the total  number of shares of Common
               Stock to be acquired;

          (C)  Exercise all or a portion of an Option by delivering that number
               of shares of Common Stock already  owned  by  him  having a Fair
               Market Value which shall equal the Option exercise  price for the
               portion exercised  and, in cases where an Option is not exercised
               in its entirety,  and subject to the requirements of the Code, to
               permit the Option  Holder to deliver  the shares of Common  Stock
               thus acquired by him  in  payment of shares of Common Stock to be
               received  pursuant to the exercise of additional portions of such
               Option, the effect of which shall be that an Option   Holder  can
               in sequence  utilize  such newly acquired shares  of Common Stock
               in payment of the exercise price of the entire  Option,  together
               with such cash as shall be paid in respect of fractional shares;

          (D)  Engage in any form of "cashless" exercise.



     The establishment of a procedure whereby a number of shares of Common Stock
or other  securities  may be withheld  from the total number of shares of Common
Stock or other  securities  to be issued  upon  exercise of an Option or for the
tender of shares of Common Stock owned by any Participant to meet any obligation
of withholding for taxes incurred by the Participant upon such exercise.

                                 ARTICLE SEVEN
                                 STOCK OPTIONS

(a)The Committee shall have the authority, in its discretion, to grant Incentive
Stock Options or to grant  Non-Qualified Stock Options or to grant both types of

(b)Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, an Incentive Stock
Option may be granted only to common law employees of the  Corporation or of any
Parent or Subsidiary  now existing or hereafter  formed or acquired,  and not to
any director or officer who is not also such a common law employee.

(c)The terms and conditions of the Options shall be determined from time to time
by the Committee;  provided,  however,  that the Options granted under this Plan
shall be subject to the following:

     (1)  Exercise Price.

     (A) The Committee shall establish the exercise price at the time any Option
is granted at such amount as the Committee shall determine;  provided,  however,
that the  exercise  price for each share of Common Stock  purchasable  under any
Incentive  Stock Option granted  hereunder shall be such amount as the Committee
shall,  in its best judgment,  determine to be not less than one hundred percent
(100%) of the Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock at the date the Option
is granted; and provided, further, that in the case of an Incentive Stock Option
granted to a person who,  at the time such  Incentive  Stock  Option is granted,
owns shares of stock of the  Corporation  or of any Parent or  Subsidiary  which
possess more than ten percent  (10%) of the total  combined  voting power of all
classes of shares of stock of the  Corporation  or of any Parent or  Subsidiary,
the  exercise  price for each share of Common  Stock shall be such amount as the
Committee, in its best judgment, shall determine to be not less than one hundred
ten  percent  (110%) of the Fair Market  Value per share of Common  Stock at the
date the Option is granted.

     (B)The  exercise price will be subject to adjustment in accordance with the
provisions of Article Eight of this Plan.

     (2)  Payment of Exercise Price.

     (A)The price per share of Common Stock with respect to each Option shall be
payable at the time the Option is exercised.

     (B)Such  price  shall be payable in cash or  pursuant to any of the methods
set forth in Articles Six (d)(2) hereof.

     (C)Shares of Common Stock  delivered to the  Corporation  in payment of the
exercise  price shall be valued at the Fair Market  Value of the Common Stock on
the date preceding the date of the exercise of the Option.


     (3)  Exercisability of Options.

     (A)Except as provided in Article Seven (c)(1)(5) hereof,  each Option shall
be exercisable in whole or in installments,  and at such time(s), and subject to
the fulfillment of any conditions on, and to any limitations on,  exercisability
as may be determined by the Committee at the time of the grant of such Options.

     (B)The right to purchase shares of Common Stock shall be cumulative so that
when the right to purchase any shares of Common Stock has accrued such shares of
Common Stock or any part thereof may be purchased at any time  thereafter  until
the expiration or termination of the Option.

     (4)  Expiration of Options.

No Incentive Stock Option by its terms shall be exercisable after the expiration
of ten (10) years from the date of grant of the Option;  provided,  however,  in
the case of an Incentive  Stock Option granted to a person who, at the time such
Option is granted,  owns shares of stock of the  Corporation or of any Parent or
Subsidiary  possessing  more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting
power of all classes of shares of stock of the  Corporation  or of any Parent or
Subsidiary,  such Option shall not be  exercisable  after the expiration of five
(5) years from the date such Option is granted.

     (5)  Exercise Upon Option Holder's Termination of Employment or Termination
          of Consulting Relationship.

     (A)If the  employment  of an Option  Holder  by the  Corporation  or by any
Parent or  Subsidiary  is  terminated  for any  reason  other  than  death,  any
Incentive  Stock Option granted to such Option Holder may not be exercised later
than three months (one year in the case of termination due to Disability)  after
the date of such termination of employment.

     (B)For  purposes of  determining  whether any Option  Holder has incurred a
termination  of employment  (or a Termination  of Consulting  Relationship),  an
Option  Holder who is both an employee (or a  Consultant)  and a director of the
Corporation  and/or  any  Parent  or  Subsidiary  shall  (with  respect  to  any
Non-Qualified  Option that may have been granted to him) be  considered  to have
incurred  a  termination   of  employment   (or  a  Termination   of  Consulting
Relationship)  only upon his termination of service both as an employee (or as a
Consultant) and as a director.

     (C)Furthermore,   if  an  Option   Holder's   employment   (or   Consulting
Relationship)  is terminated by the  Corporation  or by any Parent or Subsidiary
for Good Cause or if an Option  Holder  voluntarily  terminates  his  employment
other than for  Disability  (or incurs a  voluntary  Termination  of  Consulting
Relationship  other than for Disability) with the Corporation or with any Parent
or  Subsidiary  without  the written  consent of the  Committee,  regardless  of
whether such Option Holder  continues to serve as a director of the  Corporation
or of any Parent or  Subsidiary,  then the Option Holder  shall,  at the time of
such  termination  of employment (or  Termination  of Consulting  Relationship),
forfeit  his  rights  to  exercise  any  and  all of the  outstanding  Option(s)
theretofore granted to him.

     (6)     Maximum Amount of Incentive Stock Options.

     (A)Each Plan Award under which  Incentive  Stock  Options are granted shall
provide that to the extent the  aggregate of the Fair Market Value of the shares
of Common Stock  (determined as of the time of the grant of the Option)  subject
to such Incentive Stock Option and the fair market values  (determined as of the
date(s) of grant of the option(s) of all other shares of Common Stock subject to
incentive  stock options  granted to an Option Holder by the  Corporation or any
Parent or  Subsidiary,  which are  exercisable  for the first time by any person
during any calendar year,  exceed(s) one hundred  thousand  dollars  ($100,000),
such excess shares of Common Stock shall not be deemed to be purchased  pursuant
to Incentive Stock Options.

     (B)The  terms of the  immediately  preceding  sentence  shall be applied by
taking all options,  whether or not granted under this Plan, into account in the
order in which they are granted.


                                 ARTICLE EIGHT
                              ADJUSTMENT OF SHARES

(a)  Recapitalization, etc.

     (1)In the event there is any change in the Common Stock of the  Corporation
by reason of any reorganization,  recapitalization,  stock split, stock dividend
or  otherwise,  they shall be  substituted  for or added to each share of Common
Stock  theretofore  appropriated  or  thereafter  subject,  or which may  become
subject,  to any  Option,  the  number  and  kind of  shares  of  stock or other
securities into which each outstanding share of Common Stock shall be so changed
or for which each such share shall be exchanged,  or to which each such share be
entitled,  as the case may be,  and the per share  price  thereof  also shall be
appropriately adjusted.

     (2)Notwithstanding the foregoing:

     (A)Each such  adjustment  with  respect to an Incentive  Stock Option shall
comply with the rules of Section 424(a) of the Code; and

     (B)In  no event  shall  any  adjustment  be made  which  would  render  any
Incentive  Stock Option  granted  hereunder to be other than an Incentive  Stock
Option for purposes of Section 422 of the Code.

(b)Merger, Consolidation or Change in Control of Corporation.

     (1) Upon:

     (A)The  merger or  consolidation  of the  Corporation  with or into another
corporation  (pursuant to which the stockholders of the Corporation  immediately
prior to such merger or consolidation will not, as of the date of such merger or
consolidation,  own a beneficial  interest in shares of voting securities of the
corporation surviving such merger or consolidation having at least a majority of
the combined voting power of such corporation's then outstanding securities), if
the agreement of merger or consolidation does not provide for the continuance of
the Options,  Stock  Appreciation  Rights and shares of Restricted Stock granted
hereunder or the substitution of new options for Options granted  hereunder,  or
for the assumption of such Options by the surviving corporation;

     (B)The  dissolution,  liquidation,  or sale of all or substantially all the
assets of the  Corporation  to a person  unrelated  to the  Corporation  or to a
direct or indirect owner of a majority of the voting power of the  Corporation's
then outstanding  voting securities (such sale of assets being referred to as an
"Asset Sale"); or

     (C)The Change in Control of the Corporation;

     (1) The holder of any such Option theretofore granted and still outstanding
(and not  otherwise  expired)  shall  have the  right  immediately  prior to the
effective date of such merger, consolidation,  dissolution,  liquidation,  Asset
Sale or Change in Control of the Corporation to exercise such Option(s) in whole
or in part without regard to any  installment  provision that may have been made
part of the  terms  and  conditions  of  such  Option(s)  and  all  restrictions
regarding  transferability and forfeiture on shares of Restricted Stock shall be
removed  immediately prior to the effective date of such merger,  consolidation,
dissolution,  liquidation,  Asset Sale or Change in Control of the  Corporation;
provided that any conditions precedent to the exercise of such Option(s),  other
than the passage of time, have occurred.


     (2) The Corporation,  to the extent practicable,  shall give advance notice
to  affected  Option  Holders  of  such  merger,   consolidation,   dissolution,
liquidation, Asset Sale or Change in Control of the Corporation.

     (3) All such Options  which are not so  exercised  shall be forfeited as of
the effective time of such merger,  consolidation,  dissolution,  liquidation or
Asset Sale (but not in the case of a Change in Control of the Corporation).

(c)Definition of Change in Control of the Corporation.

     As used herein, a "Change in Control of the Corporation" shall be deemed to
have occurred if any person  (including  any  individual,  firm,  partnership or
other entity) together with all Affiliates and Associates (as defined under Rule
12b-2 of the General Rules and Regulations  promulgated  under the Exchange Act)
of such person,  directly or indirectly is or becomes the  Beneficial  Owner (as
defined in Rule 13d-3  promulgated under the Exchange Act), of securities of the
Corporation  representing  40% of  more  of the  combined  voting  power  of the
Corporation's then outstanding securities, except:

     (1) A trustee  or other  fiduciary  holding  securities  under an  employee
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation;

     (2) A corporation owned, directly or indirectly, by the stockholders of the
Corporation in  substantially  the same  proportions  as their  ownership of the

     (3) The Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation; or

     (4) A  Participant  together  with all  Affiliates  and  Associates  of the
Participant, but only with respect to the Option(s) held by the Participant who,
together with his Affiliates or Associates,  if any, is or becomes the direct or
indirect Beneficial Owner of the percentage of such securities.

                                  ARTICLE NINE
                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

(a)Administrative Procedures.

     The  Committee  may  establish  any  procedures  determined  by  it  to  be
appropriate in discharging its responsibilities under this Plan. All actions and
decisions of the Committee shall be final.

(b)Assignment or Transfer.

     (1) No grant or award of any Plan Award (other than a Non-Qualified Option)
or any rights or interests  therein  shall be assignable  or  transferable  by a
Participant  except by will or the laws of descent and  distribution or pursuant
to a domestic relations order.


   (2)During the lifetime of a Participant,  Incentive  Stock Options  granted
hereunder shall be exercisable only by the Participant.

(c)Investment Representation.

     In the  case of Plan  Awards  paid in  shares  of  Common  Stock  or  other
securities,  or, with respect to shares of Common Stock received pursuant to the
exercise of an Option,  the Committee  may require,  as a condition of receiving
such  securities,  that the Participant  furnish to the Corporation such written
representations and information as the Committee deems appropriate to permit the
Corporation,  in  light  of  the  existence  or  nonexistence  of  an  effective
registration statement under the Securities Act and any applicable provisions of
state laws, to deliver such  securities in compliance with the provisions of the
Securities Act and any applicable provisions of state laws, or of the provisions
of any exemptions from such requirements.

(d)Withholding Taxes.

     (1)The  Corporation  shall have the right to deduct from all cash  payments
owed to a Participant for any reason, any federal, state, local or foreign taxes
required by law to be withheld with respect to any Plan Awards.

     (2)In the case of the  issuance or  distribution  of Common  Stock or other
securities  hereunder,  either  directly or upon the exercise of or payment upon
any  Plan  Award,  the   Corporation,   as  a  condition  of  such  issuance  or
distribution,   may   require  the  payment   (through   withholding   from  the
Participant's salary, reduction of the number of shares of Common Stock or other
securities to be issued, or otherwise) of any such taxes.

     (3)Each  Participant may satisfy the  withholding  obligations by paying to
the  Corporation a cash amount equal to the amount required to be withheld or by
tendering to the  Corporation  a number of shares of Common Stock having a value
equivalent  to  such  cash  amount,  or by  use of any  available  procedure  as
described under Article Six (d)(3) hereof.

(e)Costs and Expenses.

     The costs and  expenses  of  administering  this Plan shall be borne by the
Corporation  and  shall not be  charged  against  any award nor to any  employee
receiving a Plan Award.

(f)Funding of Plan.

     (1)This Plan shall be unfunded.

     (2)The  Corporation shall not be required to segregate any of its assets to
assure the payment of any Plan Award under this Plan.

     (3)Neither the  Participants  nor any other persons shall have any interest
in any fund or in any specific  asset or assets of the  Corporation or any other
entity by reason of any Plan  Award,  except to the  extent  expressly  provided


     (4)The interests of each Participant and former  Participant  hereunder are
unsecured and shall be subject to the general creditors of the Corporation.

(g)Other Incentive Plans.

     The adoption of this Plan does not  preclude  the  adoption by  appropriate
means of any other incentive plan for employees, or the grant of any benefits or
compensation,  including,  without  limitation,  securities of the  Corporation,
under any  employment,  consulting or  acquisition  agreements.

(h)Plurals  and Gender.

     Where appearing in this Plan,  masculine  gender shall include the feminine
and neuter genders,  and the singular shall include the plural,  and vice versa,
unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning.


     The headings and sub-headings in this Plan are inserted for the convenience
of reference  only and are to be ignored in any  construction  of the provisions


     In case any  provision  of this Plan shall be held  illegal  or void,  such
illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Plan,
but shall be fully  severable,  and this Plan shall be construed and enforced as
if said illegal or invalid provisions had never been inserted herein.

(k)Payments Due Missing Persons.

     (1)The  Corporation  shall make a  reasonable  effort to locate all persons
entitled to benefits under this Plan; however, notwithstanding any provisions of
this  Plan to the  contrary,  if,  after a period of one year from the date such
benefits  shall be due,  any such  persons  entitled to  benefits  have not been
located, their rights under this Plan shall stand suspended.

     (2)Before this provision  becomes  operative,  the Corporation shall send a
certified letter to all such persons at their last known addresses advising them
that their rights under this Plan shall be suspended.

     (3)Subject to all applicable state escheat laws, any such suspended amounts
shall  be held by the  Corporation  for a  period  of one  additional  year  and
thereafter such amounts shall be forfeited and thereafter remain the property of
the Corporation.

(l)Liability and Indemnification.

    (1) (A)  Neither  the  Corporation  nor  any Parent or Subsidiary  shall be
     responsible in any way for any action or omission of the Committee,  or any
     other fiduciaries in the performance of their duties and obligations as set
     forth in this Plan.

         (B) Furthermore,  neither the  Corporation nor any Parent or Subsidiary
     shall be  responsible  for any act or omission of any of their  agents,  or
     with respect to reliance  upon advice of their  counsel  provided  that the
     Corporation  and/or the  appropriate  Parent or  Subsidiary  relied in good
     faith upon the action of such agent or the advice of such counsel.

     (2) (A)   Except  for  their own gross  negligence  or  willful  misconduct
     regarding  the  performance  of the duties  specifically  assigned  to them
     under, or their willful breach of the terms of, this Plan, the Corporation,
     each Parent and Subsidiary and the Committee  shall be held harmless by the
     Participants, former Participants,  beneficiaries and their representatives
     against liability or losses occurring by reason of any act or omission.


         (B)  Neither the Corporation, any Parent or Subsidiary,  the Committee,
     nor any agents,  employees,  officers,  directors or shareholders of any of
     them, nor any other person shall have any liability or responsibility  with
     respect to this Plan, except as expressly provided herein.

(m) Incapacity.

     If the Committee  shall receive  evidence  satisfactory to it that a person
entitled to receive  payment of any Plan Award is, at the time when such benefit
becomes  payable,  a minor, or is physically or mentally  incompetent to receive
such Plan Award and to give a valid release thereof,  and that another person or
an  institution  is then  maintaining  or has custody of such person and that no
guardian,  committee or other  representative of the estate of such person shall
have been duly  appointed,  the  Committee  may make  payment of such Plan Award
otherwise payable to such person to such other person or institution,  including
a custodian  under a Uniform Gifts to Minors Act, or  corresponding  legislation
(who shall be an adult,  a guardian  of the minor or a trust  company),  and the
release  by such  other  person or  institution  shall be a valid  and  complete
discharge for the payment of such Plan Award.

(n)Cooperation of Parties.

     All parties to this Plan and any person  claiming  any  interest  hereunder
agree to perform any and all acts and execute any and all  documents  and papers
which  are  necessary  or  desirable  for  carrying  out this Plan or any of its

(o)Governing Law.

     All questions  pertaining to the validity,  construction and administration
of this Plan shall be  determined  in  accordance  with the laws of the State of
Delaware,  exclusive of any choice of law provisions  thereof which would result
in the  application  of  substantive  laws  other  than  those  of the  State of

(p)Non-guarantee of Employment or Consulting Relationship.

     Nothing  contained  in this  Plan  shall  be  construed  as a  contract  of
employment (or as a consulting  contract) between the Corporation (or any Parent
or Subsidiary),  and any employee or Participant,  as a right of any employee or
Participant   to  be  continued  in  the  employment  of  (or  in  a  Consulting
Relationship  with)  the  Corporation  (or any  Parent or  Subsidiary),  or as a
limitation  on the  right of the  Corporation  or any  Parent or  Subsidiary  to
discharge any of its employees (or  Consultants),  at any time,  with or without


          (1)Each notice relating to this Plan shall be in writing and delivered
     in person or by certified  mail to the proper  address.  All notices to the
     Corporation or the Committee shall be addressed to it at the  Corporation's
     address  last set forth in a  document  filed by the  Corporation  with the
     Commission and posted on the Commission's Internet web site at,
     in conjunction with the Commission's  current electronic data gathering and
     retrieval system ("EDGAR"), or any successors thereto.

          (2)All notices to Participants, former Participants,  beneficiaries or
     other persons acting for or on behalf of such persons shall be addressed to
     such  person  at  the  last  address  for  such  person  maintained  in the
     Committee's records.

(R)Written Agreements.

     Each Plan Award  shall be  evidenced  by a signed  written  agreement  (the
"Award Agreements")  between the Corporation and the Participant  containing the
terms and conditions of the award.

                                  ARTICLE TEN
                        AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION OF PLAN

(a)The  Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation  shall have the right to amend,
suspend or terminate this Plan at any time,  provided that no amendment shall be
made which shall  increase the total number of shares of the Common Stock of the
Corporation  which may be issued and sold pursuant to Incentive  Stock  Options,
reduce the minimum  exercise  price in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option or
modify the  provisions  of this Plan  relating to  eligibility  with  respect to
Incentive Stock Options unless such amendment is made by or with the approval of
the stockholders  within 12 months of the effective date of such amendment,  but
only if such approval is required by any applicable provision of law.

(b)The Board of Directors of the  Corporation  shall also be authorized to amend
this Plan and the  Options  granted  thereunder  to  maintain  qualification  as
"incentive  stock  options"  within the meaning of Section  422 of the Code,  if

(c)Except as otherwise provided herein, no amendment,  suspension or termination
of this Plan shall alter or impair any Plan Awards previously granted under this
Plan  without  the consent of the holder  thereof,  except as required to comply
with applicable  conditions or requirements of the Code, the Securities Act, the
Exchange Act or any other applicable law of the United States,  or of any states
in which a Participant is domiciled or under which the Corporation is subject to
in personam jurisdiction and regulation.

(d)This Plan shall automatically  terminate on the day immediately preceding the
tenth anniversary of the date this Plan was adopted by the Board of Directors of
the Corporation, unless sooner terminated by such Board of Directors.

(e)No Plan Awards may be granted under this Plan  subsequent to the  termination
of this Plan.

     In  Witness  Whereof,   pursuant  to  a  duly  adopted  resolution  of  the
Corporation's  Board of Directors,  currently in effect,  the  undersigned  have
executed this Indenture, by and on behalf of the Corporation.

                            AmeriNet, Inc.

Dated:August ___, 1999
                              Michael Harris Jordan
{Corporate Seal}
                         Attest: ______________________
                         G. Richard Chamberlin, Esquire
                           Secretary & General Counsel

     Before me, an officer duly  authorized to administer  oaths by the State of
Florida,  did personally appear Michael Harris Jordan and G. Richard Chamberlin,
known to me, who being duly sworn, did certify to me, in my presence,  that they
executed this  Indenture,  in the  capacities  indicated,  on the date set forth
above,  as the  act of  AmeriNet,  Inc.,  a  publicly  held  Delaware
corporation  with a class of  securities  registered  under Section 12(g) of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended (the  "Corporation"),  pursuant to
authority of a duly promulgated and currently  effective  resolution of its duly
elected and serving Board of Directors, and that by such action, the Corporation
has become bound by the terms thereof.

     Witness  my hand and seal,  this ___ day of  August,  1999.  My  commission

{Notarial Seal}
                               Vanessa H. Mitchem
                                  Notary Public
