Employment Agreement

     This  Employment  Agreement (the  "Agreement") is entered into by and among
Michael  Harris  Jordan,  an  individual  residing in the State of Florida ("Mr.
Jordan");  AmeriNet Group.com, Inc., a Delaware publicly held corporation with a
class of securities  registered  under Section 12(g) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  as  amended  ("AmeriNet"  and the  "Exchange  Act,"  respectively,
AmeriNet and all of its subsidiaries,  whether current or subsequently formed or
acquired,  being  collectively  hereinafter  referred  to as  the  "Consolidated
Corporation,"   and  AmeriNet  and  Mr.  Jordan  being   sometimes   hereinafter
collectively to as the "Parties" or generically as a "Party".


     WHEREAS, Charles J. Scimeca,  AmeriNet's president has advised its board of
directors  that in light of its  currently  increased  activities  in the public
sector,  AmeriNet  should  consider  retaining a president  more  experienced in
matters  involving  the  securities  industry,  public  finance  and  securities
regulatory requirements; and

     WHEREAS,  AmeriNet  has  directed  the Yankee  Companies,  Inc.,  a Florida
corporation  which serves as  AmeriNet's  strategic  consultant  ("Yankees")  to
recommend and individual meeting the parameters  established by Mr. Scimeca,  to
serve as its president for the next fiscal year; and

     WHEREAS,   Yankees  has  conducted  an  executive  recruitment  search  and
recommended Mr. Jordan to AmeriNet's board of directors based on the expectation
that during the next  twelve  months  AmeriNet's  development  as a  diversified
Internet  group of companies  will require  substantial  additional  capital and
consequently,  a  president  familiar  with  the  investment  community  and the
practical and regulatory aspects of capital formation; and

     WHEREAS,  after interviewing Mr. Jordan,  AmeriNet's board of directors has
determined that he is experienced and well known in the financial  community and
is thoroughly  knowledgeable  with the obligations  and  restriction  imposed on
public  companies by the Exchange Act and the Securities Act of 1933, as amended
(the "Securities  Act") and has requested that he serve as AmeriNet's  president
during the next fiscal year; and

     WHEREAS,  Mr. Jordan is agreeable to serving as AmeriNet's president on the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth:

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual  promises,  covenants and
agreements hereby  exchanged,  as well as of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and
other good and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt  and  adequacy of which is
hereby acknowledged, the Parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as



                                  Article One
                      Term, Renewals, Earlier Termination

1.1     Term.

     Subject  to the  provisions  set  forth  herein,  the term of Mr.  Jordan's
employment  hereunder  shall be deemed to commence on first  business day of the
first week  following  the last date  appearing  on the  signature  page of this
Agreement  and  continue  until  August 30,  2000,  unless  extended  or earlier
terminated by AmeriNet as hereinafter set forth.

1.2     Renewals.

     This  Agreement  shall be renewed  automatically,  after  expiration of the
original  term, on a continuing  annual  basis,  unless the Party wishing not to
renew  this  Agreement  provides  the other  Party  with  written  notice of its
election not to renew ("Termination  Election Notice") on or before the 60th day
prior to termination of the then current term.

1.3     Earlier Termination.

     AmeriNet  shall have the right to  terminate  this  Agreement  prior to the
expiration of its Term or of any renewals thereof,  subject to the provisions of
Section 1.4, for the following reasons:

(a)     For Cause:

          (1)AmeriNet  may  terminate  the  President's  employment  under  this
     Agreement at any time for cause.

          (2)Such  termination  shall be evidenced by written  notice thereof to
     Mr. Jordan, which notice shall specify the cause for termination.

          (3)For purposes hereof, the term "cause" shall mean:

          (a)The inability of Mr. Jordan,  through sickness or other incapacity,
     to discharge  his duties under this  Agreement  for 21 or more  consecutive
     days or for a total of 45 or more days in a period  of  twelve  consecutive

          (b)The  refusal of Mr.  Jordan to follow the  directions of AmeriNet's
     board of directors;

          (c)Dishonesty;  theft;  or  conviction  of  a  crime  involving  moral

          (d)Material default in the performance of his obligations, services or
     duties required under this Agreement or materially  breach of any provision
     of this  Agreement,  which  default or breach has  continued  for five days
     after written notice of such default or breach.

(b)     Discontinuance of Business:

          In the event that AmeriNet discontinues  operating its business,  this
     Agreement  shall  terminate  as of the  last  day of the  month on which it
     ceases  operation with the same force and effect as if such last day of the
     month  were  originally  set  as the  termination  date  hereof;  provided,
     however,   that  a  reorganization  of  AmeriNet  shall  not  be  deemed  a
     termination of its business.

(c)     Death:

          This Agreement  shall  terminate  immediately on Mr.  Jordan's  death;
     however,  all accrued  compensation  at such time shall be promptly paid to
     Mr. Jordan's estate.


1.4     Final Settlement.

     Upon termination of this Agreement and payment to Mr. Jordan of all amounts
due him hereunder, Mr. Jordan or his representative shall execute and deliver to
the terminating  entity on a form prepared by the terminating  entity, a receipt
for such sums and a release of all  claims,  except such claims as may have been
submitted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and which remain unpaid,  and,
shall forthwith tender to AmeriNet all records,  manuals and written procedures,
as may be desired by it for the continued conduct of its business.

                                  Article Two
                              Scope of Employment

2.1     Retention.

     AmeriNet hereby hires Mr. Jordan and Mr. Jordan hereby accepts such
employment, in accordance with the terms, provisions and conditions of this

2.2     General Description of Duties.

          (a) Mr.  Jordan  shall be employed as the  president  of AmeriNet  and
     shall  perform the duties  associated  with the  position of  president  by
     AmeriNet's bylaws.

          (b) Without  limiting the  generality  of the  foregoing,  Mr.  Jordan

               (1)  Serve  as  the  principal  point of contact between AmeriNet

                    (A)The media (print, electronic, voice and picture);

                    (B)The investment community;

                    (C)AmeriNet's security holders;

               (2)  Be responsible for supervision of all of AmeriNet's other

               (3)  Be   responsible   for  AmeriNet's   compliance   with  all
                    applicable   laws,  including  federal,  state  and  local
                    securities laws and tax laws;

               (4)  Be    responsible    for    supervision   of   AmeriNet's
                    subsidiaries; and

               (5)  Perform  such  other  duties  as are  assigned  to him by
               AmeriNet's  board of directors,  subject to  compliance  with all
               applicable laws and fiduciary obligations.

          (c) Mr. Jordan  covenants and agrees to perform his employment  duties
     in good faith and,  subject to the exceptions  specified in Section 2.4, to
     devote  substantially  all of his business time,  energies and abilities to
     the proper and  efficient  management  and  execution of such  duties.  2.3


2.3 Status

          (a)Mr. Jordan shall serve as an employee of AmeriNet but shall have no
     authority  to  act  as  an  agent  thereof,  or to  bind  AmeriNet  or  its
     subsidiaries  as a principal or agent  thereof,  all such  functions  being
     reserved to its board of directors in compliance  with the  requirements of
     its constituent documents.

          (b)Mr.  Jordan  hereby  covenants  and  agrees  that he shall not hold
     himself out as an  authorized  agent of AmeriNet  unless such  authority is
     specifically  assigned  to him,  on a case by case  basis,  by its board of
     directors pursuant to a duly adopted resolution which remains in effect.

          (c)Mr.  Jordan hereby  represents  and warrants to AmeriNet that he is
     subject  to  no  legal,  self  regulatory   organization  (e.g.,   National
     Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.'s bylaws) or regulatory impediments
     to the  provision  of the  services  called  for by this  Agreement,  or to
     receipt  of  the  compensation  called  for  under  this  Agreement  or any
     supplements  thereto;  and, Mr.  Jordan  hereby  irrevocably  covenants and
     agrees to immediately bring to the attention of AmeriNet any facts required
     to make the foregoing  representation  and warranty  continuingly  accurate
     throughout  the term of this  Agreement,  or any  supplements or extensions

          (d)Annexed hereto and made a part hereof as exhibit 2.3(d) is a letter
     from Sunshine Securities  Corporation,  an NASD member firm,  consenting to
     Mr. Jordan's entry into this agreement.

2.4     Exclusivity.

     Mr. Jordan shall,  unless specifically  otherwise  authorized by AmeriNet's
board  of  directors,  on a  case  by  case  basis,  devote  his  business  time
exclusively to the affairs of AmeriNet;  provided, however, that AmeriNet hereby
recognizes that Mr. Jordan is:

          (a)A party to an agreement with the Southeast  Companies,  Inc., which
     has been assigned  thereby to Yankees,  calling for him to provide services

          (b)The president of Southeast  Counseling & Management,  a division of
     the Southeast Companies, Inc.

          (c)The  president  of  Securities  Counseling  &  Management,  Inc., a
     Florida corporation;

          (d)An officer of Zagreus, Inc., a currently inactive public company in
     the process of reorganization; and

          (e)A registered  representative and registered principal with Sunshine
     Securities  Corporation;  and hereby  consents to his  continuation in such
     roles,  provided that his role as AmeriNet's  president shall take priority
     in allocation of time and  resources to any  activities  pertaining to such
     roles, and that he will resolve any actual conflicts of interest  resulting
     from such roles in favor of AmeriNet.


2.5     Limitations on Services

          (a)The Parties recognize that certain responsibilities and obligations
     are  imposed by federal  and state  securities  laws and by the  applicable
     rules and  regulations  of stock  exchanges,  the National  Association  of
     Securities   Dealers,   Inc.,  in-house  "due  diligence"  or  "compliance"
     departments of Licensed  Securities Firms,  etc.;  accordingly,  Mr. Jordan
     agrees that he will not:

               (1)Release  any financial or other  material  information or data
          about  AmeriNet  without the prior  written  consent  and  approval of
          AmeriNet's General Counsel;

               (2)Conduct any meetings with financial analysts without informing
          AmeriNet's  General  Counsel and board of  directors in advance of the
          proposed meeting and the format or agenda of such meeting.

          (b)In any circumstances  where Mr. Jordan is describing the securities
     of AmeriNet to a third party,  Mr. Jordan shall disclose to such person any
     compensation  received  from  AmeriNet  to the  extent  required  under any
     applicable  laws,  including,  without  limitation,  Section  17(b)  of the
     Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

          (c)In  rendering  his  services,  Mr. Jordan shall not disclose to any
     third party any confidential  non-public  information furnished by AmeriNet
     or American Internet or otherwise  obtained by it with respect to AmeriNet,
     except on a need to know basis,  and in such case,  subject to  appropriate
     assurances that such information shall not be used, directly or indirectly,
     in any manner that would violate state or federal  prohibitions  on insider
     trading of AmeriNet's securities.

          (d)Mr.  Jordan  shall  not  take  any  action  which  would in any way
     adversely  affect the  reputation,  standing  or  prospects  of AmeriNet or
     AmeriNet or which would cause  AmeriNet to be in  violation  of  applicable

                                 Article Three

3.1     Compensation.

     As consideration for Mr. Jordan's services to AmeriNet Mr. Jordan shall
be entitled to:

          (a) (1)An option to purchase up to 100,000 shares of AmeriNet's common
     stock  during the 36 month  period  commencing  at the end of the 365th day
     following  commencement  of the  initial  term  of  this  Agreement,  at an
     exercise price equal to the last reported  price paid therefor  reported on
     the over the counter  electronic  bulletin  board  operated by the National
     Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation and self
     regulatory  organization  registered with the Commission under the Exchange
     Act (the "OTC Bulletin Board" and the "NASD," respectively), provided that:


           (a)He  remains in the employ of AmeriNet for a period of not less
          than 365 consecutive days;

               (b)He has not been discharged by AmeriNet for cause;

               (c)He  fully  complies  with the  provisions  of this  Agreement,
          including, without limitation, the confidentiality and non-competition
          sections hereof;

          (2)Mr. Jordan hereby represents,  warrants, covenants and acknowledges

               (A)The  securities  being  issued  as  compensation   under  this
          Agreement (the "Securities") will be issued without registration under
          the  provisions of Section 5 of the  Securities  Act or the securities
          regulatory  laws and regulations of the State of Florida (the "Florida
          Act") pursuant to exemptions  provided pursuant to Section 4(6) of the
          Act and comparable provisions of the Florida Act;

               (B)Mr.  Jordan shall be responsible  for preparing and filing any
          reports  concerning  this  transaction  with the  Commission  and with
          Florida  Division of  Securities,  and payment of any required  filing
          fees (none being expected);

               (C)All of the  Securities  will bear  legends  restricting  their
          transfer, sale, conveyance or hypothecation unless such Securities are
          either  registered  under the  provisions  of Section 5 of the Act and
          under the  Florida  Act, or an opinion of legal  counsel,  in form and
          substance  satisfactory  to legal  counsel to  AmeriNet is provided to
          AmeriNet's General Counsel to the effect that such registration is not
          required as a result of applicable exemptions therefrom;

               (D)AmeriNet's  transfer agent shall be instructed not to transfer
          any of the Securities  unless the General Counsel for AmeriNet advises
          it that such transfer is in compliance with all applicable laws;

               (E)Mr.  Jordan is acquiring the  Securities  for his own account,
          for  investment  purposes only, and not with a view to further sale or
          distribution; and

               (F)Mr.  Jordan or his advisors have examined AmeriNet's books and
          records and  questioned  its officers and directors as to such matters
          involving AmeriNet as he deemed appropriate.

          (3)In the event that AmeriNet  files a  registration  or  notification
     statement   with  the  Commission  or  any  state   securities   regulatory
     authorities  registering  or qualifying  any of its  securities for sale or
     resale to the public as free trading securities,  it will notify Mr. Jordan
     of such intent at least 15 business  days prior to such filing,  and shall,
     if requested by him, include any shares theretofore issued upon exercise of
     the Options in such registration or notification  statement,  provided that
     Mr. Jordan  cooperates in a timely  manner with any  requirements  for such
     registration  or   qualification  by   notification,   including,   without
     limitation,  the  obligation to provide  complete and accurate  information


(b)In addition to the compensation described above:

          (1)In the event that Mr. Jordan  arranges or provides  funding for the
     Consolidated  Corporation on terms more  beneficial than those reflected in
     the Consolidated  Corporation's  current  principal  financing  agreements,
     copies of which are included among the Consolidated  Corporation's  records
     available  through the SEC's EDGAR web site,  Mr. Jordan shall be entitled,
     at its election, to either:

               (A)A fee equal to 5% of such savings, on a continuing basis; or

               (B)If  equity  funding  is  provided  through  Mr.  Jordan or any
          affiliates  thereof,  a  discount  of 5% from  the bid  price  for the
          subject  equity  securities,  if they  are  issuable  as free  trading
          securities,  or, a discount  of 25% from the bid price for the subject
          equity securities,  if they are issuable as restricted  securities (as
          the term restricted is used for purposes of SEC Rule 144); and

               (C)If equity funding is arranged for the Consolidated Corporation
          by Mr.  Jordan and  AmeriNet is not  obligated to pay any other source
          compensation   in  conjunction   therewith,   other  than  the  normal
          commissions charged by broker dealers in securities in compliance with
          the  compensation  guidelines  of the NASD,  the Mr.  Jordan  shall be
          entitled  to a bonus in a sum equal to 5% of the net  proceeds of such

          (2)In  the  event  that  Mr.   Jordan   generates   business  for  the
     Consolidated  Corporation,  then,  on any sales  resulting  therefrom,  Mr.
     Jordan  shall be  entitled  to a  commission  equal to 5% of the net income
     derived by the Consolidated Corporation therefrom, on a continuing basis.

3.2     Benefits

     Mr. Jordan shall be entitled to any benefits generally made available to
all other employees (rather than to a specified employee or group of

3.3     Indemnification.

     AmeriNet  will defend,  indemnify  and hold Mr.  Jordan  harmless  from all
liabilities,  suits,  judgments,  fines,  penalties or  disabilities,  including
expenses  associated   directly,   therewith  (e.g.  legal  fees,  court  costs,
investigative  costs,  witness fees, etc.) resulting from any reasonable actions
taken by him in good  faith  on  behalf  of the  Consolidated  Corporation,  its
affiliates  or for other  persons  or  entities  at the  request of the board of
directors  of  AmeriNet,  to  the  fullest  extent  legally  permitted,  and  in
conjunction therewith, shall assure that all required expenditures are made in a
manner making it unnecessary for Mr. Jordan to incur any out of pocket expenses;
provided,  however, that Mr. Jordan permits AmeriNet to select and supervise all
personnel  involved in such defense and that Mr.  Jordan waives any conflicts of
interest that such personnel may have as a result of also representing AmeriNet,
their  stockholders or other personnel and agrees to hold them harmless from any
matters  involving  such  representation,  except  such as involve  fraud or bad


                                  Article Four
                               Special Covenants

4.1     Confidentiality.

          (a)Mr.  Jordan acknowledges that, in and as a result of his employment
     hereunder,  he will be developing  for AmeriNet,  making use of,  acquiring
     and/or adding to, confidential information of special and unique nature and
     value  relating  to such  matters as  AmeriNet's  trade  secrets,  systems,
     procedures,  manuals, confidential reports, personnel resources,  strategic
     and tactical plans, advisors, clients, investors and funders; consequently,
     as material  inducement to the entry into this  Agreement by AmeriNet,  Mr.
     Jordan hereby  covenants and agrees that he shall not, at anytime during or
     following the terms of his  employment  hereunder,  directly or indirectly,
     personally use,  divulge or disclose,  for any purpose  whatsoever,  any of
     such  confidential  information  which has been obtained by or disclosed to
     him as a result of his employment by AmeriNet, or AmeriNet's affiliates.

          (b)In the event of a breach or threatened  breach by Mr. Jordan of any
     of the provisions of this Section 4.1, AmeriNet,  in addition to and not in
     limitation of any other rights,  remedies or damages available to AmeriNet,
     whether at law or in equity, shall be entitled to a permanent injunction in
     order to prevent or to restrain  any such breach by Mr.  Jordan,  or by Mr.
     Jordan's partners, agents, representatives, servants, employers, employees,
     affiliates  and/or any and all persons directly or indirectly acting for or
     with him.

4.2     Special Remedies.

     In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would undoubtedly occur to
AmeriNet as a result of a breach by Mr.  Jordan of the  covenants or  agreements
contained in this Article Four, and in view of the lack of an adequate remedy at
law to protect AmeriNet's interests, Mr. Jordan hereby covenants and agrees that
AmeriNet shall have the following additional rights and remedies in the event of
a breach hereof:

          (a)Mr.   Jordan  hereby  consents  to  the  issuance  of  a  permanent
     injunction  enjoining him from any violations of the covenants set forth in
     Section 4.1 hereof; and

          (b)Because  it is  impossible  to  ascertain or estimate the entire or
     exact  cost,  damage or injury  which  AmeriNet  may  sustain  prior to the
     effective  enforcement of such injunction,  Mr. Jordan hereby covenants and
     agrees to pay over to AmeriNet,  in the event he violates the covenants and
     agreements contained in Section 4.2 hereof, the greater of:

               (i)Any  payment  or  compensation  of any  kind  received  by him
          because of such violation before the issuance of such injunction, or

               (ii)The sum of One Thousand  ($1,000.00)  Dollars per  violation,
          which sum shall be  liquidated  damages,  and not a  penalty,  for the
          injuries  suffered  by  AmeriNet  as a result of such  violation,  the
          Parties hereto agreeing that such liquidated  damages are not intended
          as the  exclusive  remedy  available to AmeriNet for any breach of the
          covenants and agreements  contained in this Article Four, prior to the
          issuance of such  injunction,  the Parties  recognizing  that the only
          adequate  remedy to protect  AmeriNet  from the injury  caused by such
          breaches would be injunctive relief.

4.3     Cumulative Remedies.

     Mr. Jordan hereby irrevocably agrees that the remedies described in Section
4.3 hereof shall be in addition to, and not in limitation  of, any of the rights
or remedies to which  AmeriNet  is or may be entitled  to,  whether at law or in
equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.


4.4     Acknowledgment of Reasonableness.

     Mr.  Jordan  hereby  represents,  warrants  and  acknowledges  that  he has
carefully read and  considered  the provisions of this Article Four and,  having
done so, agrees that the  restrictions  set forth herein are fair and reasonable
and are reasonably required for the protection of the interests of AmeriNet, its
officers, directors and other employees;  consequently, in the event that any of
the  above-described  restrictions  shall be held  unenforceable by any court of
competent  jurisdiction,  Mr. Jordan hereby  covenants,  agrees and directs such
court to substitute a reasonable judicially  enforceable  limitation in place of
any limitation deemed  unenforceable and, Mr. Jordan hereby covenants and agrees
that if so modified,  the  covenants  contained in this Article Four shall be as
fully  enforceable as if they had been set forth herein directly by the Parties.
In determining the nature of this  limitation,  Mr. Jordan hereby  acknowledges,
covenants  and  agrees  that  it is the  intent  of  the  Parties  that a  court
adjudicating a dispute arising hereunder  recognize that the Parties desire that
this covenant not to compete be imposed and  maintained  to the greatest  extent

4.5     Unauthorized Acts.

     Mr. Jordan hereby covenants and agrees that he will not do any act or incur
any  obligation  on  behalf  of  AmeriNet  or  American  Internet  of  any  kind
whatsoever,   except  as  authorized  by  its  board  of  directors  or  by  its
stockholders pursuant to duly adopted stockholder action.

4.6Covenant not to Disparage

     Mr. Jordan hereby irrevocably  covenants and agrees that during the term of
this  Agreement  and after its  termination,  he will  refrain  from  making any
remarks  that  could  be  construed  by  anyone,  under  any  circumstances,  as
disparaging,  directly  or  indirectly,  specifically,  through  innuendo  or by
inference,  whether or not true, about the Consolidated Company, its constituent
members,  or  their  officers,  directors,  stockholders,  employees,  agent  or
affiliates,  whether  related to the business of the  Consolidated  Company,  to
other business or financial matters or to personal matters.

                                  Article Five

5.1     Notices.

               (a)All notices,  demands or other communications  hereunder shall
          be in writing, and unless otherwise provided,  shall be deemed to have
          been duly given on the first  business day after mailing by registered
          or  certified  mail,  return  receipt   requested,   postage  prepaid,
          addressed as follows:

To Mr. Jordan:

    Michael Harris Jordan: 21131 Northeast 24th Court; Miami, Florida 33180;
           Telephone (305) 932-0245; Facsimile (305) 932-0645; e-mail


To AmeriNet:

                            AmeriNet Group.com, Inc.
   902 Clint Moore Road, Suite 136; Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Telephone (561)
  998-2025, Fax (561) 998-3425; and, e-mail carrington@flinet.com; Attention:
                     Senior Vice President; with a copy to

                G. Richard Chamberlin, Esquire; General Counsel
                            AmeriNet Group.com, Inc.
              14950 South Highway 441; Summerfield, Florida 34491
 Telephone (352) 694-6714, Fax (352) 694-9178; and, e-mail, GrichardCh@aol.com;
                                     and to
                           The Yankee Companies, Inc.
           902 Clint Moore Road, Suite 136; Boca Raton, Florida 33487
           Telephone (561) 998-2025, Fax (561) 998-3425; and, e-mail
                   Attention: Leonard Miles Tucker, President

or such other  address or to such other  person as any Party shall  designate to
the other for such purpose in the manner hereinafter set forth.

               (b)(1)The Parties  acknowledge that Yankees serves as a strategic
          consultant  to AmeriNet and has acted as scrivener  for the Parties in
          this  transaction but that Yankees is neither a law firm nor an agency
          subject to any professional regulation or oversight.

                  (2)Because of the inherent  conflict of interests  involved,
               Yankees  has  advised  all of the  Parties to retain  independent
               legal and  accounting  counsel to review this  Agreement  and its
               exhibits and incorporated materials on their behalf.

               (c)The  decision  by any Party not to use the  services  of legal
          counsel in conjunction with this transaction  shall be solely at their
          own  risk,  each  Party  acknowledging  that  applicable  rules of the
          Florida Bar prevent  AmeriNet's  general  counsel,  who has  reviewed,
          approved  and  caused  modifications  on  behalf  of  AmeriNet,   from
          representing anyone other than AmeriNet in this transaction.

5.2     Amendment.

               (a)No  modification,  waiver,  amendment,  discharge or change of
          this Agreement shall be valid unless the same is in writing and signed
          by the Party  against  which  the  enforcement  of said  modification,
          waiver, amendment, discharge or change is sought.

               (b)This  Agreement  may not be modified  without the consent of a
          majority in interest of AmeriNet's stockholders.

5.3     Merger.

               (a)This  instrument   contains  all  of  the  understandings  and
          agreements of the Parties with respect to the subject matter discussed

               (b)All  prior  agreements  whether  written  or oral,  are merged
          herein and shall be of no force or effect.

5.4     Survival.

     The  several  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  of the  Parties
contained  herein  shall  survive the  execution  hereof and shall be  effective
regardless of any investigation  that may have been made or may be made by or on
behalf of any Party.

5.5     Severability.

     If any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement,  or the
application  of  such  provision  or  any  portion  thereof  to  any  person  or
circumstance  shall be held invalid or unenforceable,  the remaining portions of
such provision and the remaining provisions of this Agreement or the application
of  such  provision  or  portion  of  such  provision  as  is  held  invalid  or
unenforceable to persons or  circumstances  other than those to which it is held
invalid or unenforceable, shall not be effected thereby.


5.6     Governing Law and Venue.

     This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State
of  Florida  but any  proceeding  arising  between  the  Parties  in any  matter
pertaining or related to this Agreement  shall, to the extent  permitted by law,
be held in Broward County, Florida.

5.7 Litigation.

     (a)In any action  between  the  Parties to enforce any of the terms of this
Agreement or any other matter arising from this Agreement,  the prevailing Party
shall be  entitled  to  recover  its costs and  expenses,  including  reasonable
attorneys'  fees up to and  including  all  negotiations,  trials  and  appeals,
whether or not litigation is initiated.

     (b)In  the  event of any  dispute  arising  under  this  Agreement,  or the
negotiation  thereof or  inducements  to enter into the  Agreement,  the dispute
shall,  at the  request  of any  Party,  be  exclusively  resolved  through  the
following procedures:

               (1)(A)First,  the issue shall be submitted to mediation  before a
          mediation  service in Broward County,  Florida,  to be selected by lot
          from six  alternatives to be provided,  three by AmeriNet and three by
          Mr. Jordan.

               (B)The  mediation  efforts shall be concluded within ten business
          days after their initiation unless the Parties unanimously agree to an
          extended mediation period;

               (2)In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of
          the dispute then at the request of any Party, the Parties shall submit
          the  dispute  to binding  arbitration  before an  arbitration  service
          located in Broward  County,  Florida to be selected  by lot,  from six
          alternatives  to be  provided,  three  by  AmeriNet  and  three by Mr.

               (3)(A)Expenses  of  mediation  shall  be borne  by  AmeriNet,  if

             (B)Expenses  of mediation,  if  unsuccessful  and of  arbitration
          shall be borne by the Party or Parties  against  whom the  arbitration
          decision is rendered.

               (C)If  the  terms  of  the  arbitral  award  do not  establish  a
          prevailing  Party,  then the expenses of  unsuccessful  mediation  and
          arbitration shall be borne equally by the Parties.

5.8     Benefit of Agreement.

               (a)This  Agreement may not be assigned by Mr. Jordan  without the
          prior written consent of AmeriNet.

               (b)Subject to the restrictions on transferability  and assignment
          contained herein,  the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be
          binding  upon  and  inure  to  the  benefit  of  the  Parties,   their
          successors,  assigns,  personal  representative,   estate,  heirs  and


5.9     Captions.

     The captions in this Agreement are for  convenience  and reference only and
in no way define,  describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or the
intent of any provisions hereof.

5.10     Number and Gender.

     All pronouns  and any  variations  thereof  shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or
Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns may require.

5.11     Further Assurances.

     The Parties hereby agree to do,  execute,  acknowledge and deliver or cause
to be done,  executed or  acknowledged or delivered and to perform all such acts
and deliver  all such  deeds,  assignments,  transfers,  conveyances,  powers of
attorney, assurances, recipes, records and other documents, as may, from time to
time, be required herein to effect the intent and purposes of this Agreement.

5.12     Status.

     Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall  be  construed  or  shall  constitute  a
partnership, joint venture, agency, or lessor-lessee relationship;  but, rather,
the relationship established hereby is that of employer-employee in AmeriNet.

5.13     Counterparts.

               (a) This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts.

               (b)Execution  by  exchange  of  facsimile  transmission  shall be
          deemed legally sufficient to bind the signatory;  however, the Parties
          shall,  for  aesthetic  purposes,  prepare a fully  executed  original
          version of this Agreement,  which shall be the document filed with the
          Securities and Exchange Commission.

5.14     License.

               (a)This  Agreement  is the property of Yankees and the use hereof
          by the  Parties  is  authorized  hereby  solely for  purposes  of this

               (b)The use of this form of agreement or of any derivation thereof
          without Yankees' prior written permission is prohibited.

               (c)This Agreement shall not be more strictly  interpreted against
          any Party as a result of its authorship.

     In Witness Whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement,  effective as
of the last date set forth below.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
     In Our Presence
                                                                      Mr. Jordan
- --------------------------

- --------------------------
                                                           Michael Harris Jordan
Dated:August ___, 1999

                                                        AmeriNet Group.com, Inc.
                                                          a Delaware corporation
- --------------------------

__________________________               By: ___________________________
                                                                Anthony Q. Joffe
                                                Director Specifically authorized
                                             to act as the agent of AmeriNet for
                                            purposes of executing this Agreement
                                                  G. Richard Chamberlin, Esquire
                                                     General Counsel & Secretary
Dated:August ___, 1999
