Comco Equipment Lease Agreement
                           EQUIPMENT LEASE AGREEMENT

1611 Huron Trail
Maitland, FL 32751



                     See Attached Schedule A



$1,824.00 (Check must accompany lease)


The words You and Your mean the  Lessee.  The words WE, US, and OUR refer to the
Lessor indicated on reverse.

1. Rental  ("AgreemenT"):  We agree to rent to you and you agree to rent from us
the  equipment  listed  above  ("Equipment").  You  promise to pay us the rental
payment  according to the payment  schedule shown above. The parties intend this
Agreement to be a finance lease under Article 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code.

2. Terms and Rent:  The initial  term shall  commence on the day that any of the
Equipment is delivered to you (The Commencement  Date). The installments of rent
shall be  payable  in advance  at the time and in the  amounts  provided  above,
commencing on the Commencement Date and subsequent  payments shall be due on the
same date of each successive period thereafter until all rent and any additional
rent or expenses  chargeable  under this Agreement shall have been paid in full.
Lessee  obligation  to pay the rent and  other  obligations  hereunder  shall be
absolute  and  unconditional  and are not  subject  to any  abatement,  set-off,
defense or counter-claim  for any reason  whatsoever.

3. No Warranties:  We are  renting  the  Equipment  to you "AS IS".  We make no
warranties,  express or implied,  including  warranties of  merchantability,  or
fitness for a particular purpose in connection with this Agreement.  We transfer
to you for the term of this Agreement any  warranties  made by  manufacturer  or
supplier to us. Neither supplier nor any agent of supplier is an agent of lessor
or is authorized to waive or modify any term or condition of this Agreement.

Lessee              Trilogy International Inc.         Phone # 561-781-7278

Billing Address     526 SE Dixie Highway; Stuart, FL 34994

BY  X__________________________________________________________________

           Authorized Signature                   Title               Date

Print name:  Carol Berardi


The terms and conditions printed within are made a part hereof


To induce Lessor to enter into the within  Agreement,  the undersigned  (jointly
and severally, if more than one) unconditionally guarantees to Lessor the prompt
payment   when  due  of  all   Lessee's   obligations   to   Lessor   under  the
Agreementincluding without limitation every rental installment,  the accelerated
balance of rents,  administrative  charges,  collection  charges,  and interest.
Lessor  shall not be  required  to proceed  against  Lessee or  Equipment  or to
enforce any of its other remedies before proceeding against the undersigned. The
undersigned agrees to pay all reasonable  attorney's fees, court costs and toher
expenses incurred by Lessor by reason of any default by Lessee.  The undersigned
waives notice of  acceptance  hereof and all the other notices or demands of any
kind to which the  undersigned  may be entitled  except demand for payment.  The
undersigned  consents to any  extensions  of time or  modification  of amount of
payment  granted to Lessee and the release and/or  compromise of any obligations
of Lessee or any toher obligors and /or guarantors  without in any way releasing
the undersigned's obligations hereunder. This is a continuing Guaranty and shall
not  be  discharged  or  affected  by  your   administrators,   representatives,
successors and assigns.  Guarantor  waives any right of subrogation,  indemnity,
reimbursement  and  contribution  by Lessee.  This Guaranty shall continue to be
effective or reinstated,  as  applicable.  If at any time payment of any part of
the  obligations  under the  Agreement is rescinded or otherwise  required to be
returned by Lessor upon the insolvency,  bankruptcy, or reorganization of Lessee
or upon the appointment of a receiver, trustee or similar officer for Lessee, or
it's assets, all as though such payment to Lessor had not been made,  regardless
of whether Lessor protested the order requiring the return of such payment. This
Guaranty  may be enforced by or for the benefit of any  assignee or successor of
Lessor.  Nothing shall discharge or satisfy the  undersigned's  liability except
the full  performance and payment of all the Lessee's  obligation to Lessor with
interest. The undersigned consents to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of
the State of New  Jersey with respect  to any action  arising  out of any lease,
guaranty  settlement  agreement,  promissory  note  or  other  accommodation  or
agreement with lessor. This means that any legal action filed against the lessee
and/or  guarantors  maybe filed in New Jersey and and that lessee  and/or any of
the  guarantors  may be required to defend and  litigate  any such action in New
Jersey.  Lessee and all  Guarantors  agree that  service of process by certified
mail, return receipt requested,

Shall be deemed the equivalent of personal service in any such action. Any legal
action concerning this Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to
the laws of the State of New Jersey.

X_____________________________                X________________________________
    WITNESS  SIGNATURE                             GUARANTOR

SIGNATURE                       DATE

- ------------------------------                  --------------------------------
 PRINT  NAME                                       PRINT  NAME


                                                   GUARANTOR SIGNATURE

                                                   PRINT  NAME



4. Ownership Redelivery and Renewal: We are the owner of the Equipment and have
title to the  Equipment.  To protect our rights in the  Equipment,  in the event
this Agreement is determined to be a security agreement,  you hereby grant to us
a security  interest  in the  Equipment  and all  proceeds,  products,  rents or
profits therefrom. In states where permissible, you hereby authorize us to cause
the Agreement or any statement or other  instrument in respect to this Agreement
showing  our  interest  in the  Equipment,  including  Uniform  Commercial  Code
Financing  Statements,  to be filed or recorded and re-filed and re-recorded and
grant us the right to  execute  your name  thereto.  You  agree to  execute  and
deliver any statement or instrument  requested by us for such purpose. You agree
to pay or  reimburse us for any  searches,  filings,  recordings,  stamp fees or
taxes related to the filing or recording of any such instrument or statement. No
more that one hundred eighty (180) days but not less than ninety (90) days prior
to the  expiration of the initial term or any renewal term of this Agreement you
shall give us written notice of your intention to either return the Equipment to
us or purchase the Equipment,  as provided  below.  Provided you have given such
timely notice, you shall return the Equipment, freight and insurance prepaid, to
us, in good repair condition and working order, ordinary wear and tear excepted,
in a manner and to a location  designated by us or remit the purchase option. If
you fail to notify us, or having  notified us, you fail to return the  Equipment
as provided herein,  or fail to remit the purchase option,  this Agreement shall
renew for  additional  terms of twelve (12) months each at a periodic rent equal
to 100% of the rent provided herein.

5. Option to Purchase:  We hereby grant to you,  provided you are not in default
hereunder,   the  option  to  purchase,  "AS  IS"  without  express  or  implied
warranties,  all (not part) of the  Equipment at the  expiration  of the term of
this Agreement for its then fair market value plus all applicable taxes.

6. Maintenance,  Risk of Loss, and Insurance: You are responsible for installing
and keeping the  Equipment in good working  order.  Except for ordinary wear and
tear, you are  responsible  for protecting the Equipment from damage and loss of
any kind.  If the  Equipment  is damaged or lost,  you agree to  continue to pay
rent. You agree during the term of this  Agreement,  to keep the Equipment fully
insured  against  damage  and  loss,  naming us as the loss  payee,  to obtain a
general  public  liability  insurance  policy from a company  acceptable  to us,
including  us as an  additional  insured on the policy.  You agree to provide us
certificates  or other  evidence of insurance.  If you do not, you agree that we
have the right but not the obligation to obtain such insurances.  In which event
you agree to pay us for all costs thereof.

7.  Indemnity:  We are not  responsible for any losses or injuries caused by the
installation,  removal or use of the Equipment.  You shall indemnify and hold us
harmless from and against any claims, actions,  proceedings,  damages,  expenses
and costs (including  attorney's fees and costs) arising out of or in connection
with  the  Equipment  of  this  Agreement  including  without  limitation,   the
possession, use, rental, operation and return of the Equipment.

8.  Taxes and Fees:  You agree to pay when due or  reimburse  us for all  taxes,
fees,  fines and  penalties  relating to use or ownership of the Equipment or to
this  Agreement,  now or  hereafter  imposed,  levied or  assessed by any state,
federal or local  government  or agency.  You agree to pay us a fee of $67.50 to
reimburse us for the expense of  preparing  financing  statements  and for other
documentation costs. Equipment located in various states is subject to sales tax
,which require that tax be paid up front. If you choose to pay this tax up front
you may include,  with your security deposit, your check for the current percent
of tax applied to the cost of Equipment. If you do not include payment up front,
you  authorize  us to advance the tax and increase  your  monthly  payment by an
amount equal to the current tax  percentage  applied to the monthly rental shown


9.  Location  of  Equipment:  You will keep and use the  Equipment  only at your
address shown above.  You agree that the  Equipment  will not be moved from that
address unless you get our written permission in advance to move it.

10.  Default  and  Remedies:  If you (a) fail to pay rent or any  other  payment
hereunder  when due;  or (b) fail to  perform  any of the  terms,  covenants  or
conditions of the Agreement  after ten (10) days written  notice;  or (c) become
insolvent or make an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or (d) a receiver,
trustee,  conservator  or liquidator is appointed  with or without your consent,
you shall be in default under the Agreement and, we may to the extent  permitted
by  applicable  law,  exercise  any  one  or  more  of the  following  remedies;
(i)declare  due, sue for and receive from you the sum of all rental payments and
other amounts then due and owing under this  Agreement or any schedule  thereto,
plus the present  value of (x) the sum of the rental  payments for the unexpired
term of this Agreement or any schedule  hereto  discounted at the rate of 6% per
annum and (y) the  anticipated  value of the Equipment at the end of the initial
term or applicable  renewal term of the Agreement (but in no event less than 15%
of the original  cost of the  Equipment)  discounted at the rate of 6% per annum
and upon recovery of the same in full, the Equipment shall become your property;
(ii) to similarly accelerate the balances due under any other agreements between
us; (iii) to take immediate  possession of the  Equipment,  and to lease or sell
the Equipment or any portion  thereof,  upon such terms as we may elect,  and to
apply the net proceeds, less reasonable selling and administrative  expenses, on
account of your  obligations  hereunder;  (iv) charge you interest on all monies
due us from and  after  the  date of  default  at the rate of one and one  third
percent (1 1/3%) per month until paid but in no event more than the maximum rate
permitted by law;  (v) require you to return all  Equipment at your expense to a
place  reasonably  designated  by us;  (vi) to charge  you for all the  expenses
incurred in connection with the enforcement of any of our remedies including all
costs of collection,  reasonable  attorney's fees and court costs. When ever any
payment  is not made by you when due  hereunder,  you agree to pay us, not later
than one month thereafter,  as an administrative charge to offset our collection
expenses,  an amount  calculated at the rate of ten cents per one dollar of each
such  delayed  payment,  or $15  whichever  is  higher,  but only to the  extent
permitted  by law.  Such  amount  shall be payable in  addition  to all  amounts
payable by you as a result of the  exercise of any of the remedies  herein.  All
our remedies are cumulative,  are in addition to any other remedies provided for
by law and may, to the extent permitted by law, be exercised either concurrently
or  separately.  Exercise  of any one remedy  shall not be deemed an election of
such remedy or to preclude the exercise of any other  remedy.  No failure on our
part to  exercise  any right or remedy and no delay in  exercising  any right or
remedy  shall  operate as a waiver of any right or remedy or to modify the terms
of this Agreement. A waiver of default shall not be construed as a waiver of any
other or  subsequent  default.  We shall  retain  the sum set  forth  above as a
security deposit for your performance of your obligations hereunder. Upon lawful
termination  of this  Agreement,  provided you are not in default,  the Security
Deposit  shall be returned to you. No interest  shall be paid upon said Security
Deposit.  In the event we may apply said  Security  Deposit to cure any default.

11. Assignment:  You have no right to sell,  transfer,  assign this agreement or
sublease the equipment. We may sell, assign or transfer this agreement,  without
notice.  You agree that is we sell,  assign or transfer this Agreement,  the new
owner will have the same rights and benefits  that we have now and will not have
to perform  any of  obligations.  You agree that the right of the new owner will
not be subject to any claims,  defenses,  or set offs that you may have  against
us.  In the  event  of a sale,  assignment  or  transfer,  we  agree  to  remain
responsible  for our  obligations  hereunder.


12.  Consent to  Jurisdiction  and  Governing  Law:  You consent to the personal
jurisidiction  of the  courts of the State of New  Jersey  with  respect  to any
action arising out of this agreement or the equipment. This means that any legal
action filed against you may be filed in New Jersey and that you may be required
to defend and litigate any such action in New Jersey.  You agree that service of
process  by  certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested,  shall be deemed  the
equivalent  of personal  service in any such  action.  However,  nothing in this
paragraph  shall be  construed to limit the  jurisdictions  in which suit may be
filed by any  party to this  Agreement  or the  means of  obtaining  service  of
process in any such suit.  This  Agreement  shall be governed  by and  construed
according to the laws of the State of New Jersey.  To the next extent  permitted
by law,  you waive trail by jury in any action  hereunder.  You hereby waive any
all rights and remedies granted you by section 2a-508 of the Uniform  Commercial

13.  Customer  P.O.: You agree that any Purchase Order issued to us covering the
rental of this  equipment,  is issued for  purposes  of  authorization  and your
internal use only, and none of its terms and  conditions  shall modify the terms
of  this  Agreement.

Entire Agreement: this Agreement contains the entire arrangement between you and
us and no  modifications  of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing
and signed by the parties.

LESSEE: x__________________     TITLE: ________________DATE:_____________



