Fawcett's VideoMarketing
                    Marketing - Production - Communications

DATE:                      AUGUST 1, 1999

TO:                        DENNIS BERARDI

FAX:                       (561) 781-7282

FROM:                      BILL FAWCETT

FAX:                       (949) 363-8609


FAWCETT AGREES TO:         Price for Training Video in Kit $1.50

                           Price for Training Tape Sold Separately $2.50

                           Initial Order of Training Tapes - 1,000

      Master has already been shipped to Florida for duplication (30 days term).

TRILOGY AGREES TO:        Send 100 Pets Have Feelings Too Videos n/c to Fawcett.

                          Send 100 Training Tape Videos n/c/ to Fawcett.

                          Send 100 4/c Trilogy's Best Friends  Catalogue and

                               100 Application  Forms n/c to Fawcett.

DENNIS AGREES TO:          Influence a major  hitter (need not be CA) to sign up
                           in Fawcett's highly-promotional  downline,  that  has
                           the 500 Club, the Travel Certs and the Special Events

FAWCETT AGREES TO:         Supply  50  Vacation  Travel Certificates for Dennis'
                           promotional use (sample enclosed)

                           Supply 250 Vacation Travel Certs  paid for by Fawcett
                           will be used by Q and Bill to promote their 500 Club.


William Fawcett



Dennis Berardi, CEO



                            Fawcett's VideoMarketing
                    Marketing - Production - Communications

March 19, 1999
Trilogy International, Inc.
1050 Southwest Chapman Way
Palm City, Florida 34990

Dear Dennis & Carol:

Pursuant to your request,  Fawcett  Productions,  Inc. is pleased to submit, for
your  approval,  this simple  Letter of Agreement  that sets forth the terms and
conditions to produce the following:

* An innovative Trilogy Recruiting Video
* To Provide On-Going Marketing Consultation


I envision  producing the most innovative and  talked-about  Recruiting Video in
the MLM Industry. Instead of talking to the animals, the animals will talk. Dogs
and cats will pitch the petcare  products.  Who knows better than those who take
the products?

The video will be a  combination  of the  "Wonder  Years"  technique,  where the
animals  think  aloud with  character  voices and  cartoon  bubbles,  along with
minimal  dog and  cat lip  motion.  Of  course,  there  will be  actual  on-tape
interviews with Dr. Jane Bicks,  Dr. Barry Sears and Dennis and Carol Berardi in
California studio.

It is  further  agreed  and  understood  that  Dennis  and Carol will have final
approval of "people" talent prior to production.


     This  Letter  of  Agreement  will  serve  to  confirm  our   conversations,
understanding,  responsibilities and resulting verbal agreements, which shall be
stated as follows:

     In  consideration  of  Fawcett   Productions,   Inc.  producing   Trilogy's
Recruiting Video below cost, Trilogy agrees:

     To  grant:  Fawcett  Productions  the  exclusive  right  to  duplicate  its
Recruiting Video. Trilogy agrees to purchase the 1st 12,000 VHS, G-Zero tapes at
$2.25. Thereafter, Trilogy will purchase said tapes at $1.25 (plus S & h).

     It is also  understood  that,  if Trilogy  wants 4/c labels,  they'll print
video sketches and sleeves and ship to Fawcett for labeling.

     To position:  Trilogy agrees to place William  Fawcett in a  "preferential"
downline, a position where Dennis Berardi will place active distributors beneath
Fawcett.  It's also  understood  that Fawcett will use his contacts,  database &
marketing acumen to help build the downline.

     To  pay:  Trilogy  agrees  to pay a good  faith  deposit  of  $8,500,  upon
execution of the contract.


     To reimburse:  Trilogy agrees to reimburse  Fawcett's  airfare to videotape
Dr. Jane Bicks and Dr.  Barry  Sears if tapings are in a location  other than in
Fawcett's California studio.

     Simply stated,  everything is included...no  surprises.  Once the script is
approved,  Fawcett Productions,  Inc. assumes liability for delivery as outlined
in  this  Letter  of  Agreement.  It is  also  understood  that  price  changes,
additional costs or budget  overruns,  except where  specifically  noted in this
Agreement, will be the liability of Fawcett Productions, Inc.


* Upon Execution of Agreement               $8,500 (Good Faith Deposit)
* Upon Completion of Video Trilogy agrees to order 750 VHS Dubs


Director                            Bill Fawcett
Animation                           Sam Yano
Script                              Bill Fawcett, David Slaughter, Gloria Uhler
Input                               Dennis & Carol Berardi
Talent Coordinator                  Nancy Burkett
Cameramen                           John Gefrom, Jame Habig
Sound                               Sean Levin
Lighting                            Kelly Gee
Editor                              Dean Hamilton
Music/SFX                           Bill Trousdale


Fawcett  Productions,  Inc. is aware that "time is of the essence." Research and
scripting  will commence upon the execution of this Agreement and receipt of the
first  payment.  Fawcett  has  cleared  his April  '99  Production  Calendar  to
accommodate the immediate production of Trilogy's Recruiting Videotape.


Upon receipt of final payment, all rights to this production will be transferred
to the client,  Trilogy,  for its exclusive use. These include music  clearance,
talent releases and other such rights.


This Agreement  constitutes and reflects the entire understanding of the parties
and supercedes and replaces all previous Agreements. No waiver,  modification or
discharge  of this  Agreement  shall be valid,  binding or  effective  unless in
writing and executed by the party  against whom  enforcement  thereof is sought.
Time shall be of essence in this Agreement.


Any dispute  arising under,  or in connection  with, this Agreement or any other
aspect of the  relationship  between or among  parties shall be submitted to and
settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American  Arbitration
Association  then in effect.  Any award rendered shall be final and binding upon
each and all of the parties and judgment may be entered  thereon in any court of
competent jurisdiction.


In any such  proceedings,  or any other further  proceedings,  instituted by one
party hereto against the other with respect to any controversy or matter arising
out of this  Agreement,  the prevailing  party shall be entitled to recover from
the non-prevailing party reasonable attorney fees.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
California.  In any such proceedings or any other further proceedings instituted
by one party hereto against the other with respect to any  controversy or matter
arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover
from the non-prevailing parties reasonable legal costs.
