September 14, 1999

Dennis Berardi
Trilogy International
526 S. E. Dixie Hwy.
Stuart, FL  34994

Re: Contract, Proposal

Dear Dennis,

Here are the prices for the Webpage Genie(tm)  Distributor  Replicator Web Sites
and  Monthly  Minimum  Licensing/Maintenance  Fees  to  accomplish  what we have

Setup Fees:

Waived for first 90 days,  after 90 days we will split what  Trilogy is charging
the  Field Rep for a Setup Fee  50/50.  See  details  below.  Webpage  Genie(tm)
Distributor Replicator Web Sites By Distributed Websites Corp.

( Initial Fee for setting up Trilogy's Graphics etc.)
Initial Up Front Total                                      $ 3,500.00
* Note1 See Notes below for details

Monthly Minimum Licensing/Maintenance Fees:

Monthly Minimum Licensing/Maintenance                       $     4.00ea.
         (due ea. month billed directly to Trilogy )
* Note 2 See Notes below for details


1. Setup Fees

As we discussed  Trilogy will pay a $3,500 up Initial Fee. This includes setting
up Trilogy's  Graphics  and  preparation  of the Webpage  Genie(tm) to link with
Trilogy's  Corporate Site and all set up, programming or other fees from Genesis
or third party  suppliers  associated  with  establishing  Trilogy's  Replicator

All set-up fees will be waived for the first 90 days effective from the date the
Trilogy e-commerce site is fully functional and Field  Representatives  are able
to sign up for, and use, their replicator sites. After that period,  Trilogy can
charge whatever Initial Setup Fee they determine, Genesis would get no less than
$7.00 Initial  Setup Fee for each site  following the 90 day period as described
above on going for the term of this Agreement.

Monthly Minimum Licensing/Maintenance Fees

On the Monthly Minimum  Licensing/Maintenance  Fees, Genesis will charge Trilogy
$4.00 per month up to 10,000  licenses.  In other  words  should  the  number of
Replicator  Sites exceed 10,000 then Genesis will only charge Trilogy for 10,000
Replicator  sites per month.  Trilogy is free to charge whatever  monthly fee it
may establish.

The Monthly Minimum Licensing/Maintenance Fees would be no less than $800.00 per
month for the term of this Agreement.


Delivery Schedule

All  of  the   above   assumptions   are   based   on   fully   functional   and
operational/marketable Replicator Sites being available to Trilogy no later than
September 17 with Trilogy providing  appropriate graphics similar to those being
provided  for the web  site  construction.  Any  delays  as to the  signing  and
implementation  of this agreement would be adjusted by the number of days of the
delays accordingly.  Keeping in mind that the time of implementation is based on
information and graphics furnished to Genesis by Trilogy.


Genesis  Consulting  will track each  Replicator  site sold and invoice  Trilogy
monthly for the Monthly Minimum Licensing/Maintenance Fees and the Initial Setup
Fees.   Should  a  Field  Rep  not  pay   Trilogy   for  the   Monthly   Minimum
Licensing/Maintenance  Fees  and/or  the  Initial  Setup  Fees  then  it will be
Trilogy's  responsibility  to notify  Genesis so that Genesis can deactivate the
Replicator  Site(s) not paid for.  Genesis  will not  invoice  Trilogy for these
deactivated  Sites as long as Genesis  has  received  notice  within one week of
Trilogy  invoicing the Field Rep's.  Genesis will invoice  monthly and our Terms
are: Invoice is Due Upon Receipt, we do not run accounts receivable.

Term of Agreement

This  Agreement  shall be for a period of not less than 1 year (12 months)  from
the signed date of this Agreement.  This Agreement shall automatically renew for
a term of 12 months on the  Anniversary  Date 12 months  from the signed date of
this Agreement unless Trilogy gives Genesis written notice of termination within
60 Days prior to the renewal date.


Distributed  Websites  Corporation  and Genesis both agree to treat all Graphics
and  Confidential  Information  furnished by Trilogy as proprietary  information
belonging to Trilogy.

In addition,  future needs to reach your projected goals can be addressed at the
proper time based on the company's growth and requirements.

I have also  included  our  Standard  Terms &  Conditions  as an article of this
proposal, should you have any questions please feel free to call me.


Dennis R. Ashe
Dennis R. Ashe

Replicator Sites Proposal for
Trilogy International
September 14, 1999

I.     Other Services provided

II.    Implementation Plan and schedule

III.   Fees and payment schedule

IV.   Mutual Responsibilities and Other Issues



1.  Standard terms and conditions
2.  Acceptance criteria

I.  Other Services provided

In addition to the  software,  we would  provide the  following  services at our
standard and or training rate:

1.  Installation of software provided by Genesis. (Included Above)

2. Training in the use of the software  written by  Distributed  Websites  Corp.
(Included  Above) 3. Custom  programming  of new  applications  at our  standard
Hourly  Rate.  4.  Management  consulting  on design of  additional  information
processing requirements.

II.  Implementation Plan and schedule

The implementation plan is as follows:

1.  Commitment

Signing of agreement and placement of order.

2. Phase I - Within 1 day from commitment date

Completion of Programming Specifications for Distributed Websites Corp.

3. Phase II - Within 1-2 days from commitment date

Implementation  of Web Genie  Replicator  Sites,  for  Installation and Setup on
Trilogy's Web Server.

III.  Fees and payment schedule

The prices shown above are exclusive of freight and any applicable Sales Tax.

A one time up front Initial Fee of $3,500.00.  After the 90 day Waived Setup Fee
period each  additional  site will be billed  monthly  according  to terms shown

Monthly Minimum  Licensing/Maintenance Fees $4.00 per month per site up to a cap
of 10,000 as shown  above.  These  Fees will also be  invoiced  monthly as shown

Our standard rate is $125.00 per hour for System  Design,  Network  Engineering,
trouble shooting,  Perl  Implementation on Trilogy's Server and $125.00 per hour
for  programming.  Unless included above, all On-Site  Consulting,  Training and
Installation  is at the  rate of  $1000.00  per day.  Support  is at the rate of
$125.00 per hour with a $45.00 minimum payable by Credit Card or Phone Check.

All  training  and other  services  will be billed when  performed  and due upon
receipt, we do not run Accounts Receivable.

All  reasonable  and  customary  out  of  pocket  expense  incurred  by  Genesis
Consulting,  such as travel and lodging shall be reimbursed upon presentation of


IV.  Mutual Responsibilities and Other Issues
         A.  Statement of mutual responsibilities

It is understood that the Client is responsible for the following:

1.  Adequate backups of data and programs.
2.  Making personnel available for training.
3.  Proper Computer Equipment, to run the Application and supporting Software.

Genesis Consulting is responsible for the following:

1.  Ordering  and delivery of all  applicable  equipment  and programs  selected

2.  Installation of programs at client site (included in quote above).

3.  Training of client personnel (on Genesis Products, included in quote above).

         B.  Acceptance Criteria
         C.  Standard Terms and conditions

The above proposal is valid until September 30, 1999.

If you would like to proceed with the system purchase, please sign below:

An Initial up Front Setup Fee of $3,500.00 is enclosed.


- ----------------------------
for Trilogy

- ----------------------------


The following terms and conditions  apply to all products and services  provided
to Trilogy,  hereinafter  referred to as  "Company",  with  offices at 526 S. E.
Dixie Hwy. Stuart, FL 34994, by Genesis Consulting,  hereinafter  referred to as
"Consultant" with offices at 6503 Hixson Pike Suite H Chattanooga, TN 37343.


1. Ownership

The proposal and the functional  specifications  included therein  represent the
application of Consultant's  proprietary expertise and knowledge,  and have been
developed as a result of substantial effort. These documents shall be considered
to be confidential property of Consultant, and must be returned on demand. While
in possession of Company,  they may not be reproduced in any form or provided to
a third party without written consent by Consultant.


1. Detailed specifications

Any Detail  Specification  provided by  Consultant  to Company shall include the
following,  as  appropriate  to the  nature  of the  modifications  or  programs


          a. General systems flow charts and  descriptions;
          b. Input and output forms,  layouts  and  designs;
          c. File  layouts;
          d. Visual  display terminal layouts;
          e. Hardware and system software requirements ("system configuration");
          f. Coding and numbering schemes; and
          g. Processing rules.

The Detail  Specification  shall be  provided  to Company  within the time frame
specified in the Proposal planning and  implementation  schedule.  Company shall
review the Detail  Specification and Company and Consultant shall mutually agree
to any  revisions  which are to be made to the Detail  Specification  within the
time frame specified in the Planning and Implementation Schedule.

Consultant shall modify the Detail  Specification as required by such revisions,
if any, and  Consultant  shall sign and deliver to Company the final  version of
the Detail Specification. Company shall accept and sign the final version of the
Detail Specification within 15 days from delivery and the Detail  Specifications
shall be incorporated  by reference in this agreement.  Payment shall be made as
set forth in  accordance  with  Consultant's  standard  terms and  conditions as
specified  below and as  indicated  in the Payment and  Implementation  Schedule
agreed to by Company and Consultant.

Company  understands that the process of developing a Detail  Specification  and
agreeing  on  any  revisions  thereto  may  alter  the  scope  of  the  software
development effort. Consultant, therefore, reserves the right to amend all prior
estimates and quotes of price, delivery times and system configuration  required
as a result of the  development of the Detail  Specification  and as a result of
any revisions thereto. At the time of delivery to Company of such final version,
Consultant  shall furnish Company with such amended  prices,  delivery times and
system  configuration  for the  software  development  as  defined by such final

Any  subsequent  changes  to the  final  version  of the  Detail  Specification,
together with any  additional  costs or  adjustments in delivery times or system
configuration,  shall be by mutual  agreement and set forth in a written  Change
Order. Such Change Orders shall be signed by a duly authorized representative of
each party, and shall be incorporated by reference herein.

In the event that the  parties are unable for any reason to agree on the initial
Detail  Specification,  revisions  thereto,  the  final  version  of the  Detail
Specification,  or any  corresponding  amendments in price,  delivery  times, or
system  configuration  within the time frames set forth  above,  this  Agreement
shall  terminate and Company shall pay Consultant  for the services  rendered by
Consultant's  employees  based on Consultant's  then  prevailing  hourly billing
rates  for  such  employees,   and  Company  shall   reimburse   Consultant  for
Consultant's out-of-pocket expenses.

The  Detail   Specification  and  accompanying  written  material  developed  by
Consultant for Company shall belong to Company upon payment to Consultant of the
amounts due it under this  Agreement for said  material.  The parties agree that
Consultant  shall not be precluded from using and disclosing for any purpose the
ideas, concepts, systems designs, programs,  techniques and written descriptions
thereof contained in the Detail  Specification and accompanying written material
in any manner whatsoever.


2.  Acceptance

A "Software  Agreement Plan"  (hereinafter the "Plan") describing in writing the
acceptance  test  procedures  for each  software  product  deliverable  shall be
included  with the  Detail  Specification  initially  delivered  to  Company  by
Consultant.  Company and  Consultant  shall  review and finalize the Plan in the
same  manner as set forth  herein  for the Detail  Specification,  and the final
version of the Plan shall be signed by a duly authorized  representative of each
party and  incorporated  by  reference  herein.  The Plan  shall set forth  each
party's  obligations  with regard to the  equipment,  facilities  and  personnel
availability, test files and test data.

Consultant  shall notify  Company of the  completion  of each  software  product
deliverable.  Company shall conduct the applicable  acceptance test as set forth
in the Plan within the time frame set forth in the Plan.  Acceptance shall occur
upon the  successful  completion  of the  applicable  acceptance  test.  If such
testing is delayed by Company for 15 days or as  otherwise  agreed to in writing
by both  parties,  then  acceptance  shall be deemed to have  occurred  for that
software  product  deliverable.  In the  event  that an  acceptance  test is not
successfully  completed,  then the Consultant  shall have 30 days to correct the
software  and  repeat  the test  until the test is  successfully  completed.  If
Company refuses to complete the acceptance test within the period of time stated
immediately  above,  and provided  further that Consultant has not  unreasonably
refused to make any  corrections  to the software that are necessary in order to
successfully  complete  the  acceptance  test set forth in the  Plan,  then this
Agreement  shall  terminate,  all amounts paid  Consultant  by Company  shall be
non-refundable,  all material  including  software delivered to Company (and all
copies  thereof)  shall be returned to Consultant,  all software  licenses shall
terminate,  and the  rights,  obligations  and  liabilities  of each party shall

3.  Delivery

At the time specified in the applicable "Project Delivery Schedule",  Consultant
shall deliver to Company one copy of the binary code for the software in machine
readable form compatible with the system  configuration  specified in the Detail
Specification.  If the computer products specified the such system configuration
are operational at Company's site at the time of delivery, Consultant shall load
the software as well.

4.  Documentation

At  the  time  of  delivery  to  Company  of the  final  version  of the  Detail
Specification,  Company and Consultant  shall mutually agree to the contents and
description of the documentation to be furnished Company hereunder, and the same
shall be set forth in a writing entitled  "Documentation  Description" signed by
both parties,  and incorporated herein by reference.  At the time designated for
software delivery, or at the time of training, if required therefor,  Consultant
shall provide to Company one copy of said  copyrighted  software  documentation.
Company  may copy  said  documentation,  in whole or in part,  for its  internal
purposes with the proper inclusion of Consultant's copyright notice.

5.  Training

At  the  time  of  delivery  to  Company  of the  final  version  of the  Detail
Specification,  Company and Consultant shall mutually agree to an outline of the
training to be provided, and shall also specify any training,  materials, dates,
duration, site, number of participants and their qualifications.  The same shall
be set  forth in a  document  entitled  "Training  Description",  signed by both
parties, and incorporated herein by reference.


6. Software  License Any licensed  software  provided  hereunder,  including any
subsequent  improvements or updates,  and any parts thereof, may only be used on
the single CPU or Network on which the software is first installed, and may only
be copied,  in whole or in part,  for use on such CPU or  Network.  In the event
that an equipment  malfunction occurs in the above single CPU or Network causing
the software to become  inoperable  on such single CPU or Network,  the software
(or copies  thereof) may be used on another single CPU or Network on a temporary
basis during such  malfunction.  Company  shall not provide,  or otherwise  make
available,  the software or any part or copies  thereof in any form to any third
party (except  Company's  employees or agents directly  concerned with Company's
licensed  use of the  software);  and  Company  shall only use such  software to
process its own  business  records.  No title to or ownership of the software or
any parts thereof is transferred to the Company. Consultant shall have the right
to  terminate  (i) any  software  license for which the license fee has not been
paid, and (ii) any or all of the software  licenses granted hereunder if Company
fails to comply with these license terms and conditions.  Company  agrees,  upon
notice of such  termination,  to immediately  return or destroy the software and
documentation  provided  under such  terminated  licenses  and all  portions and
copies thereof.

7.  Warranty

Consultant  hereby  warrants  that the software  furnished to Company  hereunder
shall perform in  accordance  with the Detail  Specification  for a period of 90
days from the date of delivery. Consultant's sole obligation under this warranty
shall be to remedy any non-conformance to the Detail Specification as soon as is
reasonably  possible  after  receipt by  Consultant  of  written  notice of such
non-conformance  from  Company  at no  charge  to  the  Company.  Company  shall
reimburse  Consultant on a time and materials basis for any warranty claim which
upon  investigation  Consultant  determines is not due to non-conformance of the
software to the Detail Specification.

The above  warranty  shall not apply if Company  modifies the  software  without
consultation  with consultant or misuses the software.  The above warranty shall
also not apply if Company fails to maintain the proper environmental  conditions
for the computer products on which the software is operating, or if the software
is operating on a CPU other than that on which the software was first installed.

Except for the express warranties stated above or on the face hereof, consultant
disclaims all warranties on products furnished hereunder,  including all implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness; and the stated express warranties are
in lieu of all obligations or liabilities on the part of Consultant for damages,
including but not limited to special,  indirect or consequential damages arising
out of or in connection with the use or performance of the products.


Third party products are defined as products  purchased by Consultant from third
parties on behalf of Company. The specific products purchased are defined in the
Proposal and Functional or Detailed Specifications.

1.  Delivery and Installation

Delivery will be made F.O.B.  Third  Party's  plant with shipping  charges to be
paid by Company. Risk of loss shall pass to Company upon delivery by Third Party
to carrier.  Consultant  will select the  carrier,  but by so doing,  Consultant
assumes no  liability in  connection  with the shipment nor shall the carrier be
construed to be the agent of  Consultant.  Company  hereby  grants  Consultant a
security  interest  in the  products  (goods)  and  proceeds  thereof  (accounts


At its expense,  Company shall make available a suitable  place of  installation
with all facilities in accordance with Third Party's site specifications,  which
specifications shall be provided to Company by Consultant.

2.  Acceptance

Company's acceptance of the Third Party's products sold to Company by Consultant
shall  occur  (i)  upon  successful  completion  of the test  procedures  and/or
programs  established by Third Party as evidenced by an acceptance report signed
by Consultant's  and/or Third Party's  representative  for products installed by
Consultant,  or (ii) upon  delivery,  for products not installed by  Consultant,
unless Consultant is otherwise notified in writing within ten (10) days from the
receipt of the  products  by Company  that the  products  do not  conform to the
product  specifications.   Consultant's   obligations  for  such  non-conforming
products  shall be  limited  to repair or  replacement  at  Consultant's  option
pursuant to the Warranty provisions hereof.

3.  Cancellation/reschedule charges

Company  understands  that  Consultant  will order the products set forth in the
proposal attached hereto from Consultant's  suppliers in reliance upon Company's
promise to purchase these products  under the provisions of this  Agreement.  In
the  event  Company  cancels  any  order  or  portion  thereof,  or  requests  a
rescheduling  and such request is accepted by Consultant,  Company agrees to pay
to Consultant any  cancellation  charges  imposed upon  Consultant by any of its
suppliers resulting from Company's cancellation or rescheduling. Company may not
cancel or reschedule any order or portion thereof after delivery.

4.  Product Specification Changes

Consultant reserves the right, without prior approval from or notice to Company,
to make changes to the products (i) which do not affect  physical or  functional
interchangeability  or  performance  at a higher  level of assembly or (ii) when
required for purposes of safety or (iii) to meet product specifications.

5.  Third Party Software License

Company understands that the standard software provided by Consultant to Company
is licensed to Company by Third Parties under the  following  terms.  Such Third
Party   licensed   software   provided   hereunder,   including  any  subsequent
improvements  or updates,  is furnished to Company  under a license for use on a
single  CPU and  many  only be  copied,  in whole or in part  (with  the  proper
inclusion of Third Party's  copyright  notice on the software),  for use on such
CPU.  Company shall not provide or otherwise  make available the software or any
part  of  copies  thereof  in any  form to any  third  party,  except  as may be
permitted in writing by Third Party. No title to or ownership of the software or
any  unmodified  parts is hereby  transferred  to Company.  Third  Party  and/or
Consultant shall have the right to terminate  Company's license if Company fails
to comply with these  license  terms and  conditions  and Company  agrees,  upon
notice of such  termination,  to immediately  return or destroy the software and
all portions and copies thereof.

6. Third Party Hardware Warranty

Third Party Hardware Products set forth in the attached Proposal,  are warranted
against  defects in  workmanship  and material for a period as specified by each
Third Party. If Consultant is to install any products but is prevented by causes
beyond  its  control  from  doing so  within  thirty  (30) days from the date of
delivery,  the warranty  period will commence on the thirtieth  (30th) day after


Consultant's sole  responsibility  under this warranty shall be to either repair
or replace,  at its option,  any  component  which fails  during the  applicable
warranty  period  because  of a defect in  workmanship  and  material,  provided
Company has  promptly  reported  same to  Consultant  in writing.  All  replaced
products or parts shall become  Consultant's  property.  Services provided under
the  warranty  will be  performed  during the period of 8:00 a.m.  to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday to Friday, excluding locally observed Consultant holidays.

It is  Company's  responsibility  to  return,  at  its  expense,  the  allegedly
defective products to Consultant. Company must obtain shipping instructions from
Consultant  prior to returning any products  under the warranty.  Transportation
charges for the return of the products to Company  shall be paid by  Consultant.
If Consultant determines that the products are not defective within the terms of
the warranty, Company shall pay Consultant all costs of handling, transportation
and repairs at the then prevailing Consultant repair rates.

7.  Third Party Software Warranty

Third Party software set forth in the attached  Proposal is warranted to conform
to the Third Party's Software Product Description ("SPD") applicable at the time
of  order.  Consultant's  sole  obligation  hereunder  shall  be to  remedy  any
non-conformance of the software to the SPD for any  non-conformance  reported to
Consultant during the one (1) year period following delivery.

All of the above Hardware and Software warranties are contingent upon proper use
of the product.  These  warranties  will not apply (i) if adjustment,  repair or
parts replacements is required because of accident, unusual physical, electrical
or  electro-magnetic  stress,  neglect,  misuse,  failure of electric power, air
conditioning,  humidity control,  transportation,  failure of rotation media not
furnished by  Consultant,  operation with media not meeting or not maintained in
accordance with Third Party specifications or causes other than ordinary use, or
(ii) if the  product has been  modified  by Company,  or (iii) where Third Party
serial numbers or warranty date decals have been removed or altered. In addition
to the  foregoing  the  on-site  warranty  will not  apply  (i) if  prerequisite
products as specified by Consultant are missing, or (ii) if the product has been
installed  by the  Company,  or (iii) if the  product  has  been  dismantled  or
reinstalled by Company without the  supervision of or prior written  approval of
Consultant.  Products  may  contain  used parts which are  equivalent  to new in
performance when used in the products.

8. Web Genie(tm) Updates & Customization

Any new  features,  refinements,  or  additions  to the Web  Genie(tm)  software
product that  Consultant  deems to improve or enhance the product  shall be made
available  to  Company  at no  additional  charge.  However,  this  in no way is
intended to cover any customization  request made by Company.  Any Customization
requested by Company would be quoted at our then standard hourly rates.

9. Escrow Account

In order to protect the Company's  investment  the  Distributed  Websites  Corp.
agrees to place the Web Genie(tm)  Source Code in an Escrow Account.  Should the
Consultant become insolvent or go out of business for any reason the Source Code
shall then be made available to the Company at no additional charge.  Consultant
agrees to keep  Source  Code in  Escrow  Account  updated  whenever  changes  or
modifications are made.



1.  Independent Contractor

Company  understands that Consultant is an independent  contractor and is not an
agent of its suppliers.

2.  Credit and payment terms

The following general terms and conditions apply to all amounts due from Company
to  Consultant,   as  specified  in  the  attached   proposal  and  Payment  and
Implementation Schedule.

a.   A completed credit application is required to consider payment terms.

b.   All out of  pocket  expenses  incurred  on behalf  of  Company  are due and
     payable immediately upon billing.

c.   All purchases of Third Party equipment and software  purchased on behalf of
     Company are payable as follows:  1/3 upon placement of order,  1/3 two week
     following placement of order 1/3 upon delivery to Company's site

d.   A written commitment by a "Leasing Consultant" acceptable to Consultant can
     be used in lieu of the above.

e.   All programming,  training, and consulting services provided to Company are
     payable as defined in the  attached  Proposal  and  Payment  Schedule.  All
     payments are due in five days from date of invoice.

f.   We reserve the right to withhold,  documentation and other  deliverables in
     the event of non payment. We also reserve the right to disable the software
     in the event of non payment.

g.   We will charge interest of 1.5% per month on all past due accounts.

3.  Non hiring of employees

If Company  solicits for employment or hires any Consultant  employee engaged in
fulfilling  the  terms  of  this  Agreement,  Company  shall  forthwith  pay  to
Consultant  the full unpaid amount of the total dollar value of this  Agreement,
this Agreement shall terminate,  all material  including  software  delivered to
Company (and all copies thereof) shall be returned forthwith to Consultant,  all
software licenses shall terminate,  and the rights,  obligations and liabilities
of each party shall cease.

4. Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable or invalid,
the remaining  provisions of this  Agreement  shall not be affected  thereby and
shall remain in full force and effect.

5.  Taxes

Prices are exclusive of all sales, use and like taxes.  Any tax,  Consultant may
be  required to collect or pay upon the sale,  use of  delivery of the  products
shall  be paid by the  Company  and  such  sums  shall  be due  and  payable  to
Consultant  upon  delivery.  Any personal  property  taxes levied after delivery
shall be paid by Company.  It shall be solely the  Company's  obligation,  after
payment to Consultant,  to challenge the applicability of any tax by negotiation
with, or action against,  the taxing authority.  Consultant agrees to refund any
tax collected which is subsequently  determined not to be proper and for which a
refund has been paid to Consultant by the taxing authority.


6.  Assignment by Company

Company  shall  not  assign  this  Agreement  or  any  of  Company's  rights  or
obligations hereunder without the prior written approval of Consultant,  and any
attempt by Company to assign any rights or  obligations  without  such  approval
shall be void.

7.  Force Majeure

Consultant  shall not be liable  for any  damages,  resulting  from any delay in
delivery or failure to give notice of delay which directly or indirectly results
from the elements, acts of God, delays in transportation,  delays in delivery by
Consultant's  vendors,  or any other  cause  beyond  the  reasonable  control of
Consultant. The delivery schedule shall be extended by a period of time equal to
the time lost because of any such delay.

8.  Limitation of Liability

In no event shall  consultant  be liable to company for (i)  indirect,  special,
consequential or other similar damages, or (ii) any damages whatsoever resulting
from loss of use,  data or profits,  arising out of or in  connection  with this
contract  or  the  use  or  performance  of  products  furnished  by  consultant
hereunder,  whether  in an  action of  contract  or tort  including  negligence.
consultant  shall not be liable  for any  damages  caused by delay in  delivery,
installation or the furnishing of products or services under this agreement.  in
no event  shall  consultant's  liability,  if any,  exceed  the  amount  paid to
consultant by company under the  provisions of this  agreement,  and in no event
shall  consultant be liable for any claim made by company after 2 years from the
effective date of this agreement.

9.  Termination

Company may at its option  cancel this  Agreement at any time upon 30 days prior
written notice to Consultant.  Consultant shall have the right to terminate this
Agreement if Company (i) assigns this  Agreement or any of its rights  hereunder
(the word  "assign" to include,  without  limiting  the  generality  thereof,  a
transfer of a majority  interest in Company),  (ii) neglects or fails to perform
or observe any of its existing or future  obligations  to Consultant  under this
Agreement,  (iii)  makes  an  assignment  for the  benefit  of  creditors,  or a
receiver,  trustee in bankruptcy or similar  officer is appointed to take charge
of all or part of its  property  and/or (iv) is  adjudged a  bankrupt,  and such
condition(s)  is not remedied  within 30 days after written  notice  thereof has
been given to Company.

In the event of  cancellation  and/or  termination  as set forth above,  Company
shall pay Consultant for the services  rendered by Consultant's  employees as of
the  effective  date  of  cancellation  and/or  termination  based  on the  then
prevailing  hourly billing rates for such  Consultant  employees.  Company shall
also reimburse Consultant for its out-of-pocket  expenses,  such as supplies and
travel, as well as any cancellation charges imposed on Consultant by its vendors
occasioned  by the  cancellation  and/or  termination  of  this  Agreement.  All
material,  including  software,  delivered to Company  (and all copies  thereof)
shall be returned  forthwith to Consultant.  Any software licenses granted shall
terminate,  and the  rights,  obligations  and  liabilities  of each party shall

10. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee,  both as
to interpretation and performance.


11.  Attorney's Fees

Should  either party be required to file a legal action to enforce any provision
of this Agreement,  the prevailing party shall be paid its reasonable attorneys'
fees and costs by the other party.

12.  Entire Agreement

The  provisions of this  Agreement  supersede all prior  agreements  between the
parties and no change,  termination or attempted waiver of any of the provisions
hereof  shall be  binding  unless in  writing  and  signed by a duly  authorized
representative of each party.

13.  Notices

Any notices  required or permitted  under this Agreement shall be in writing and
delivered in person or sent by  registered  or certified  mail,  return  receipt
requested  with proper  postage  prepaid,  properly  addressed.  Notice shall be
effective when mailed, or upon delivery if delivered in person.

The above proposal is valid until September 14, 1999.

I have read and understand the terms of the Standard Terms and Conditions, and I
have received a copy of the same.

BY: ____________________________

for Trilogy

Printed Name: ____________________

Title: ___________________________

Date: _____/_____/______

                    6503-H Hixson Pike Chattanooga, TN 37343
                   Telephone: 423-842-1347, Fax: 423-843-0338
                          Web Page:
