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                                INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY

                                    ANNUAL REPORT






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                                  Table of Contents

          Financial Review and Management Analysis  . . . . . . .     3-26

          Consolidated Statement of Income  . . . . . . . . . . .       27

          Consolidated Balance Sheet  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    28-29

          Consolidated Statement of Shareowners' Equity . . . . .    30-31

          Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows  . . . . . . . . .    32-33

          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  . . . . . .    34-62

          Report of Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       63

          Report of Independent Accountants . . . . . . . . . . .       64


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                                Ingersoll-Rand Company
                       Financial Review and Management Analysis

          1993 Compared to 1992

          1993 continued to be a year of challenges and accomplishments for
          the company.  We were challenged by striving to exceed the prior
          year's results while faced with a continued recession in Europe
          throughout the year.  The turnaround in Europe, which we had
          originally expected by the latter half of 1993 did not occur. 
          However, based on stronger domestic markets, principally in the
          automotive, housing, industrial and selected construction
          markets, together with continued benefits from company-wide cost-
          containment programs, the company was able to meet its operating
          goals in 1993.

             The company's outlook for 1994 is for a steady improvement in
          operating results based on continued improvement in our domestic
          markets combined with a gradual recovery in our international
          markets throughout the year.  These expectations are supported by
          our aggressive cost-containment programs, our continuing emphasis
          on total quality management and a focus on reengineering our
          business processes aimed at accelerating our efficiency gains.  

             The company notes two significant events for the year.  The
          first was the full year inclusion of Ingersoll-Dresser Pump
          Company (IDP) in the company's results.  IDP is a joint venture
          between the company and Dresser Industries, Inc., formed
          effective October 1, 1992.  IDP's operating results in 1993,
          which are discussed throughout this report, were adversely
          affected by the European recession, but benefitted from the
          restructuring plan, which was provided for in 1992 but
          implemented for the most part during 1993.

             Second, the company adopted, effective January 1, 1993,
          Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 112,
          "Employers' Accounting for Postemployment Benefits."  SFAS No.
          112 requires an accrual for the expected cost of benefits
          provided by an employer to former or inactive employees after
          employment but before retirement.  These benefits typically are
          associated with the continuation of medical and life insurance
          benefits for employees on short- and long-term disability. 
          Previously, these benefits were expensed as incurred.  The 
          company elected to adopt this standard in the fourth quarter of


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          1993, and recognized the postemployment benefit obligation as of
          January 1, 1993.  The effect of the adoption of SFAS No. 112 for
          the company totalled $21.0 million ($0.20 per share), net of a
          $13.5 million tax benefit.  Aside from the effect of the
          adjustment, the adoption of SFAS No. 112 was not material to the
          company's 1993 financial results and accordingly, the results for
          the first three quarters of 1993 have not been restated to
          reflect this adoption.

             A comparison of key financial data between 1993 and 1992

          o  Net sales for 1993 totalled $4.0 billion, 6.3 percent higher
             than in 1992.  Excluding the sales from the pump units
             contributed to IDP by Dresser, sales would have decreased by
             approximately two percent.

          o  Cost of goods sold in 1993 was 75.0 percent of sales, compared
             to 76.2 percent in 1992.  A partial liquidation of LIFO
             (last-in, first-out) inventories lowered 1993 costs by $12.5
             million ($7.6 million after-tax, or seven cents per share); a
             similar liquidation in 1992 lowered costs by $5.8 million
             ($3.6 million after-tax, or three cents per share).  Excluding
             the benefit of the LIFO liquidations, the 1993 cost of goods
             sold percentage relationship to sales would have been 75.3
             percent versus 76.3 percent for 1992.  This reduction
             represented the benefit from the company's continuing programs
             of aggressive cost-containment and improved volume from some
             of our domestic markets.

          o  Administrative, selling and service engineering expenses were
             17.6 percent of sales in 1993, compared to 17.1 percent for
             1992.  The increase was due to the combined effect of
             including IDP's results for the full year of 1993 and
             increases in salaries, administrative costs and expenses of a
             general nature.

          o  The 1993 restructure of operations charge totalled $5.0
             million and related to the company's decision to sell its
             underground coal-mining machinery business during the second
             quarter of the year.  The sale of this business was finalized
             in July 1993.  The 1992 restructure charges totalled $80
             million, $70 million of which related to the IDP venture and
             was recorded in last year's fourth quarter.  The remaining $10
             million charge was recorded in the third quarter of 1992 and
             related to the company's decision to realign its aerospace
             bearings business.


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          o  Interest expense for 1993 was $52.0 million, approximately
             four percent lower than the $54.1 million reported for 1992. 
             The reduction was due to the combined effect of lower overall 
             outstanding debt and lower effective interest rates in 1993,
             when compared to 1992.

          o  The "other income (expense), net" category is essentially the
             sum of three activities: (i) foreign exchange, (ii) equity
             interest in partially-owned equity companies, and (iii) other
             miscellaneous income and expense items.  In 1993, this
             category totalled a net expense balance of $7.5 million, as
             compared to only $0.7 million for the prior year.  A review of
             the components of this category show that:

             - foreign exchange activity for 1993 totalled $6.6 million of
               losses, as compared to $6.2 million of losses in 1992; 

             - earnings from equity interests in partially-owned equity
               companies decreased by approximately $5 million in 1993,
               when compared to the prior year, principally due to the 1992
               sale of the company's interest in one of these equity
               companies; and

             - other net miscellaneous expense items were approximately
               one-half of prior-year levels, but 1992 included a gain from
               the sale of an equity interest in a company, which offset
               last year's net miscellaneous expense items.

          o  Dresser-Rand Company is another partnership between the
             company and Dresser Industries, Inc.  It commenced operations
             on January 1, 1987, and comprises the worldwide reciprocating
             compressor and turbomachinery businesses of the two companies. 
             The company's pretax profits from its interest in Dresser-Rand
             for 1993 totalled $33.1 million, as compared to $27.6 million
             in the prior year.  The improvement in the operating results
             of Dresser-Rand is attributed primarily to the benefits
             obtained from cost-containment programs and the efficiencies
             generated by maintaining volume levels at their manufacturing


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          o  The Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Company minority interest
             represents Dresser's interest in the operating results of IDP. 
             In 1993, the minority interest was a charge of $11.6 million,
             and represented the portion of IDP's earnings that were
             allocable to our joint venture partner.  The 1992 benefit of
             $35.0 million basically represented the portion of last year's
             $70 million restructure charge for IDP, which was the
             responsibility of our joint venture partner.  IDP's 1992
             fourth quarter results, excluding the restructure charge, were
             essentially at the break-even level.  Overall, the
             restructuring efforts in IDP have been substantially completed
             and the company expects to realize the majority of the
             benefits from these actions in 1994 and beyond.

          o  The company's effective tax rate for 1993 was 35.5 percent,
             which is a modest decrease over the 36.8 percent reported for
             the prior year.  The variance from the 35.0 percent statutory
             rate was due primarily to the higher tax rates associated with
             foreign earnings and the effect of state and local taxes.

          o  At December 31, 1993, employment totalled 35,143.  This
             represents a net decrease of 165 employees over last year's
             level of 35,308.  Acquisitions added a total of 2,610
             employees, while divestitures, attrition and cost-reduction
             programs reduced total employment by 2,775.

          Liquidity and Capital Resources
          Management continues to maximize efforts to utilize assets and
          resources in an efficient manner.  The following table contains
          several key measures of the company's financial performance:

                                                  1993      1992      1991
          Working capital (in millions)           $878      $888      $904
          Current ratio                            1.9       1.8       2.2
          Debt-to-total capital ratio            28/72     30/70     23/77
          Average working capital 
             to net sales                         22.0%     23.7%     22.8%
          Average days outstanding
             in receivables                       64.1      61.1      61.1
          Average months' supply 
            of inventory                           4.4       4.6       4.9


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             Ingersoll-Rand, as a large multinational company, maintains
          significant operations in foreign countries.  The movement of the
          U.S. dollar against foreign currencies has a day-to-day impact on
          the company's financial position.  This impact is not always
          apparent since the company reports its consolidated results in
          U.S. dollars.  During 1993, many foreign currencies weakened
          against the U.S. dollar for most of the year and the effect of
          these foreign currency fluctuations was significant.

             The following highlights the financial results and financial
          condition of the company's operations, with the impact of
          currency variations where appropriate:

          o  Cash and cash equivalents totalled $228.0 million at December
             31, 1993, $11.2 million more than the prior year-end balance
             of $216.8 million.  In evaluating the net change in cash and
             cash equivalents, cash flows from operating, investing and
             financing activities, and the effect of exchange rate changes
             should be considered.  Cash flows from operating activities
             totalled $164.9 million, investing activities used $60.7
             million and financing activities used $86.1 million.  Exchange
             rate changes during 1993 decreased cash and cash equivalents
             by approximately $6.9 million.  

          o  Marketable securities totalled $6.2 million at the end of
             1993, approximately $7.2 million less than the balance at
             December 31, 1992.  Foreign marketable securities decreased by
             approximately $0.8 million during the year due to foreign
             exchange rate fluctuations.  The remaining reduction was due
             to the maturity of the various securities and their
             liquidation into cash and cash equivalents.

          o  Receivables totalled $797.5 million at December 31, 1993,
             compared to $809.6 million at the prior year-end, for a net
             decrease of $12.1 million.  Currency translation decreased the
             receivable balance during the year by $27.7 million, offset
             partially by increased receivables, principally from IDP's
             European operations.  The average days outstanding in
             receivables increased slightly from 1992's level because of
             the higher mix of international receivables, due to the IDP
             joint venture, which traditionally carry longer payment terms
             than domestic receivables.


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          o  Inventories amounted to $713.7 million at December 31, 1993,
             $56.6 million lower than last year's level of $770.3 million. 
             This decrease was a result of the company's aggressive
             inventory control programs, which reduced inventory levels by
             approximately $36 million.  Currency movements accounted for
             an additional $18.8 million reduction in inventory for the
             year.  Acquisitions less dispositions accounted for the
             remaining difference.  During the last three years, the
             company has been able to reduce its inventory by more than
             $100 million (excluding the inventory from the contributed
             pump units of Dresser).  The company's emphasis on inventory
             control was reflected in the reduction in the average months'
             supply of inventory, which was 4.4 months at December 31,
             1993, compared to 4.6 months at the prior year-end.

          o  Prepaid expenses totalled $39.8 million at the end of the
             year, $15.7 million lower than the balance at December 31,
             1992.  Foreign exchange activity had the effect of reducing
             the balance in this account by $0.8 million during the year. 
             The net decrease for the year was split between a general
             decrease in the company's prepaid expenses and the disposition
             of certain assets held for sale.

          o  Deferred income taxes (current) of $116.9 million at December
             31, 1993, represent the deferred tax benefit of the difference
             between the book and tax values of various current assets and
             liabilities.  A schedule of the components for this balance is
             in Note 12 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 
             The year-end balance represented an increase of approximately
             $15 million from the December 31, 1992, level.  Changes due to
             foreign currency movements had an immaterial effect on the
             year's activities.

          o  The investment in Dresser-Rand Company totalled $112.6 million
             at December 31, 1993.  This represented a net decrease of
             approximately $7.1 million from 1992's balance of $119.7
             million.  The components of the change for 1993 consisted of
             income for the current year of $33.1 million, a $37.7 million
             change in the advance account between the entities and a $2.5
             million reduction due to currency fluctuations.


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          o  The investments in partially-owned equity companies at
             December 31, 1993, totalled $158.6 million, $9.3 million
             higher than the 1992 balance.  The components of this change
             consisted of income for the current year of $15.6 million,
             dividends of $3.1 million, a net decrease in the amounts due
             from these units of $7.6 million and currency movements of
             $4.4 million.

          o  Net property, plant and equipment increased by approximately
             $28 million in 1993 to a year-end balance of $875.1 million. 
             Fixed assets from acquisitions during 1993 added $25.9
             million.  Capital expenditures in 1993 totalled $132.0
             million, a slight increase over the prior year's level. 
             Foreign exchange fluctuations decreased the net fixed asset
             values in U.S. dollars by approximately $11.9 million.  The
             remaining net decrease was principally due to depreciation

          o  Intangible assets, net, totalled $105.9 million at December
             31, 1993, as compared to $113.2 million at December 31, 1992,
             for a net decrease of $7.3 million.  Amortization (which was
             charged to expense) accounted for a reduction of $5.9 million. 
             The remaining net change was attributable to currency
             fluctuations and acquisitions during the year.

          o  Deferred income taxes (noncurrent) totalled $90.9 million at
             December 31, 1993.  This net deferred asset arose in 1992
             primarily because of the tax effects related to the adoption
             of SFAS No. 106 (Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions). 
             The 1993 balance was $13.9 million higher than the 1992
             balance, primarily due to the company's adoption of SFAS No.
             112 relating to postemployment benefits.  A listing of the
             components which comprised the balance at December 31, 1993,
             can be found in Note 12 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial

          o  Other assets totalled $130.0 million at year-end, an increase
             of approximately $16.5 million from the December 31, 1992,
             balance of $113.5 million.  The change in the account balance
             was primarily due to an increase in prepaid pensions.  Foreign
             exchange activity in 1993 had a minimal effect on the account
             balance during the year.


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          o  Accounts payable and accruals totalled $762.4 million at
             December 31, 1993, a decrease of $60.7 million from last
             year's balance of $823.1 million.  The majority of the 1993
             reduction related to expenditures made with respect to
             restructure of operations reserves for IDP, which were
             established in the fourth quarter of 1992 but not paid until
             the current year.  All other activity, including acquisitions,
             caused an increase of approximately $20 million in this
             category during the year, while foreign exchange activity
             decreased this account by approximately $21 million.

          o  Loans payable were $206.9 million at the end of 1993, compared
             to $201.3 million at December 31, 1992.  Current maturities of
             long-term debt, included in loans payable, were $82 million
             and $17.2 million at December 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively. 
             Excluding the current maturities of long-term debt, short-term
             borrowings decreased by approximately $49.5 million during
             1993.  This balance can be attributed to a decrease in foreign
             short-term debt and a reduction in the total loans outstanding
             during 1993 of $4.2 million due to foreign currency

          o  Long-term debt, excluding current maturities, totalled $314.1
             million at December 31, 1993, compared to $355.6 million at
             December 31, 1992, a net decrease of $41.5 million.  This net
             decrease was the result of additions to long-term debt of
             $101.8 million reduced by transfers to loans payable for
             current maturities and a $0.6 million reduction from foreign
             currency fluctuations.  The additions to long-term debt
             primarily represented, the February 3, 1993, issuance by the
             company of $100 million of notes at 6 7/8% per annum, which
             are not redeemable prior to maturity in 2003.  The proceeds
             from these notes were used to redeem $68 million of the
             company's outstanding 8.05% Debentures Due 2004 and for
             general corporate purposes.

          o  Postemployment benefits at December 31, 1993, totalled $515.8
             million, an increase of $21.3 million over the December 31,
             1992, balance.  Postemployment benefits include medical and
             life insurance postretirement benefits, long-term pension
             accruals and other noncurrent postemployment accruals.
             Postemployment benefits represent the company's noncurrent
             liability in accordance with SFAS Nos. 87, 106 and 112.  SFAS
             No. 112 was adopted as of January 1, 1993.  See Notes 13 and
             14 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for
             additional information.


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          o  Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Company minority interest, which
             represents Dresser's interest in the IDP joint venture,
             totalled $146.3 million and $146.2 million at December 31,
             1993 and 1992, respectively.  Earnings allocable to IDP's
             minority interest totalled $11.6 million for 1993, which were
             virtually offset by translation adjustments and final
             valuation modifications.

          o  Other liabilities (noncurrent) at December 31, 1993, totalled
             $24.9 million, which were $6.9 million higher than the balance
             at December 31, 1992.  The net increase for 1993 represented
             changes to various accruals, which are not expected to be paid
             out in the company's next business cycle.  These accruals
             generally cover environmental obligations, legal accruals, and
             other contractual obligations.

             Other information concerning the company's financial
          resources, commitments and plans is as follows:

             The average amount of short-term borrowings outstanding,
          excluding current maturities of long-term debt, was $159.1
          million in 1993, compared to $166.5 million in 1992.  The
          weighted average interest rate during 1993 was 7.8%, compared to
          10.4% during the previous year.  The decrease in the 1993 average
          amount of short-term borrowings outstanding was attributable to
          the company's foreign operations, which used short-term debt
          financings as a hedge against currency movements.

             The company had $400 million of domestic short-term credit
          lines at December 31, 1993, and $412 million of foreign credit
          available for working capital purposes, all of which were unused
          at the end of the year.  These facilities exceed projected
          requirements for 1994 and provide direct support for commercial
          paper and indirect support for other financial instruments, such
          as letters of credit and comfort letters.

             At December 31, 1993, the debt-to-total capital ratio was
          28/72, as compared to 30/70 at the prior year-end.  The
          improvement in the ratio at December 31, 1993, was primarily due
          to the company's continuing program to reduce inventory and
          control spending to generate cash to reduce the company's overall
          debt obligations.


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             In 1993, foreign currency adjustments decreased shareowners'
          equity by approximately $31.7 million.  The change was due to the
          strengthening of the U.S. dollar against other currencies in 
          countries where the company has significant operations.  Currency
          fluctuations in the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy,
          Germany, Japan and Spain accounted for virtually all of the
          change.  Inventories, accounts receivable, net property, plant
          and equipment, accounts payable and loans payable were the
          principal accounts affected.  

             In 1993, the company continued to sell an undivided fractional
          ownership interest in designated pools of accounts and notes
          receivables up to a maximum of $125 million.  Similar agreements
          have been in effect since 1987.  These agreements expire in one-
          and two-year periods based on the particular pool of receivables
          sold.  The company intends to renew these agreements at their
          expiration dates with either the current institution or another
          financial institution using the basic terms and conditions of the
          existing agreement.  At December 31, 1993 and 1992, $125 million
          of such receivables remained uncollected.  

             Capital expenditures were $132 million in 1993 and 1992.  The
          company continues investing to improve manufacturing
          productivity, reduce costs and provide environmental enhancements
          and advanced technologies for existing facilities.  The capital
          expenditure program for 1994 is estimated at approximately $160
          million, including carryover from projects approved in prior
          periods.  There are no planned projects that, either individually
          or in the aggregate, represent a material commitment for the
          company.  Many of these projects are subject to review and
          cancellation at the option of the company without incurring
          substantial charges.

             As a result of high inflationary periods in the 1970s,
          experimental disclosure of supplementary information to measure
          the effects of inflation on historical financial statements in
          terms of the constant dollar and current costs was required. 
          While the company presented inflation-adjusted data, the
          information presented was based on assumptions, estimates and
          judgments, which were far from precise indicators of the effects
          of inflation on the company.  High inflationary trends have
          dissipated in recent years and, after a review of the effects of
          inflation, the company has determined that such information is
          neither material nor meaningful at this time.


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          Environmental Matters
          The company is subject to extensive environmental laws and
          regulations.  We believe that the company, as well as industry in
          general, will be faced with increasingly stringent laws and
          regulations in the future.  As a result, the company has been and
          continues to be dedicated to an environmental program to reduce
          the utilization and generation of hazardous materials during the
          manufacturing process and to remediate identified environmental
          concerns.  As to the latter, the company currently is engaged in
          site investigations and remedial activities to address
          environmental cleanup from past operations at current and former
          manufacturing facilities.

             During 1993, the company spent approximately $10 million on
          capital projects for pollution abatement and control and an
          additional $8 million for environmental remediation expenditures,
          including operation and maintenance of existing environmental
          programs.  It should be noted that these amounts are difficult to
          estimate because environmental improvements are generally
          intertwined with the overall improvement costs at a particular
          plant, and the accurate estimate of which portion of an
          improvement or a capital expenditure relates to an environmental
          improvement is difficult to ascertain.  The company believes that
          these expenditure levels will continue and may increase over
          time.  Given the evolving nature of environmental laws,
          regulations and technology, the ultimate cost of future
          compliance is uncertain.

             The company is a party to environmental lawsuits and claims. 
          It has received notices of potential violations of environmental
          laws and regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency and
          similar state authorities, and is identified as a potentially
          responsible party (PRP) for cleanup costs at approximately 29
          federal Superfund and state remediation sites.  For all sites
          there are other PRPs and in most instances, the company's site
          involvement is minimal.  While all PRPs may be jointly and
          severally liable to pay all site investigation and remediation
          costs, to date, there is no indication the company will be
          severally liable at any site.  Additional lawsuits and claims
          involving environmental matters are likely to arise from time to
          time in the future.


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             Although uncertainties regarding environmental technology,
          state and federal laws and regulations and individual site
          information make estimating the liability difficult, management
          believes that the total liability for the cost of remediation and
          environmental lawsuits and claims will not have a material effect
          on the financial condition or the results of operations of the
          company for any year.

          Pending Transactions
          On December 22, 1993, Ingersoll-Rand announced that it has agreed
          to acquire a 12-percent interest in Nuovo Pignone from Ente
          Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI), the Italian government-owned energy
          conglomerate.  Nuovo Pignone is a manufacturer of turbines,
          compressors, pumps, valves and fuel dispensing systems, primarily
          for energy-related industries.

             The agreement with ENI also calls for General Electric, which
          leads the consortium, to acquire a 25-percent share and for
          Dresser Industries to acquire a 12-percent share in Nuovo
          Pignone.  The consortium has invited several Italian banks to
          acquire up to 20-percent ownership.  The remainder of the company
          will be owned by subsidiaries of ENI (20 percent) and public
          shareholders (11 percent).  The purchase price for the company's
          interest totals approximately $73 million.  The transaction is
          subject to antitrust review and is expected to close in the first
          half of 1994. 

             On February 22, 1994, Ingersoll-Rand announced that it signed
          a letter of intent to acquire the sales and service arm of
          ECOAIR, a subsidiary of MAN Gutehoffnungshutte AG (MAN GHH),
          based in Oberhausen, Germany.  In addition, Ingersoll-Rand will
          form a 50/50 joint venture company with MAN GHH to develop and
          manufacture rotary-screw airends -- a key component in certain
          industrial air compressors.  The joint venture, to be based in
          Oberhausen, primarily will market airends to other worldwide
          compressor-packaging manufacturers and also supply airends to
          Ingersoll-Rand.  The relevant activities for MAN GHH's screw
          compressor airend business will be transferred to the new
          company.  The transactions, subject to certain regulatory
          approvals, are expected to be finalized by mid-1994.


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          1992 Compared to 1991
          1992 was a year of accomplishments and challenges for the
          company.  The company succeeded in its efforts to form
          Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Company (IDP), effective October 1, 1992. 
          The original intent to form this joint venture between the
          company and Dresser Industries, Inc. (Dresser), was announced in
          May 1991, but objections from the United States Department of
          Justice were not dropped until September 1992. The company owns
          51 percent of this partnership; therefore, since formation, IDP
          has been included in the company's consolidated financial
          statements with Dresser's minority interest in the net assets and
          financial results of IDP being shown separately.

             It was a challenging year, not only because of IDP and
          changing economic scenarios during the year, but the company also
          adopted, effective January 1, 1992, Statements of Financial
          Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for
          Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions," and No. 109,
          "Accounting for Income Taxes."

             SFAS No. 106 requires an accrual for the expected cost of
          providing postretirement benefits, such as health care and life
          insurance benefits, during the years that the employees provide
          service to the company.  Previously, these benefits were expensed
          as incurred.  In adopting this standard in the fourth quarter of
          1992, the company elected to fully recognize the accumulated
          postretirement benefit obligation as of January 1, 1992, and
          accordingly, the company restated its results for the first three
          quarters of 1992.  The effect of the adoption of SFAS No. 106 for
          the company's worldwide pre-1992 obligation totalled $283.8
          million ($2.73 per share), net of a $145.2 million tax benefit.

             In addition, the company incurred an additional after-tax
          charge of $48.2 million ($0.46 per share) representing the
          company's share of the effect of the adoption of SFAS No. 106 by
          Dresser-Rand Company.  Therefore, the total after-tax charge to
          the company for the adoption of SFAS No. 106 was $332.0 million
          ($3.19 per share).

             SFAS No. 109 changes the method of accounting for income taxes
          from the deferral method to the liability method.  Under the
          liability method, deferred income taxes are determined based on
          enacted tax laws and rates which are applied to the differences
          between the financial statement bases and tax bases of assets and
          liabilities.  The effect of adopting SFAS No. 109 at January 1,
          1992, produced an $18.0 million ($0.17 per share) charge to the


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             Finally, the worldwide economic climate had varying effects on
          the company's operations during the year.  Overall, the domestic
          construction, industrial and automotive markets were stronger in
          1992 than in 1991.  Their strength more than offset the weakness
          in the European markets that developed in the latter part of

             A comparison of key financial data between 1992 and 1991

          o  Net sales for 1992 totalled $3.8 billion, 5.5 percent higher
             than in 1991.  Excluding the fourth quarter sales from the
             pump units contributed to IDP by Dresser, the net sales
             increase would have been two percent.

          o  Cost of goods sold in 1992 was 76.2 percent of sales, compared
             to 76.0 percent in 1991.  A partial liquidation of LIFO
             (last-in, first-out) inventories lowered 1992 costs by $5.8
             million ($3.6 million after-tax, or three cents per share); a
             similar liquidation in 1991 lowered costs by $19.3 million
             ($12.0 million after-tax, or 12 cents per share).  However,
             1992 includes the effect of SFAS No. 106 (Postretirement
             Benefits Other Than Pensions), which added approximately $22.2
             million of additional costs in 1992, which were not in 1991's
             cost of goods sold.  Excluding the benefit of the LIFO
             liquidations and the 1992 effect of SFAS No. 106 from the cost
             of goods sold figures for the appropriate years, 1992's
             percentage relationship to sales would have been 75.7 percent
             versus 76.5 percent for 1991.  This reduction represented the
             benefit from the company's continuing programs of aggressive
             cost-containment and improved volume increases in our domestic

          o  Administrative, selling and service engineering expenses were
             17.1 percent of sales in 1992, compared to 16.6 percent for
             1991.  However, 1992 included approximately $7.4 million of
             additional charges for SFAS No. 106 and, without these
             charges, the 1992 percentage relationship to sales would have
             been 16.9 percent.  This figure represented a slight increase
             over 1991 due to the fourth quarter effect of IDP, and
             increases in salaries, administrative costs and fees of a
             general nature.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 17 of 64

          o  The 1992 restructure of operations charge was comprised of the

             - $70 million charge in the fourth quarter associated with the
               IDP joint venture.  This charge, for the reduction in work
               force and excess facilities, will transform IDP into a
               world-class competitor in the pump business.  The charge was
               shared evenly by the partners of IDP; therefore, the
               minority interest elimination for the restructure was $35.0
               million and the company's portion was $35.0 million ($25.7
               million after-tax, or $0.25 per share).

             - $10.0 million charge in the third quarter relating to the
               company's decision to realign its aerospace bearings
               business due to depressed conditions in the aerospace

             In 1991, the company reported a net benefit of $7.1 million
             from a first quarter restructure of operations, which included
             the sale of Schlage Electronics.

          o  Interest expense for 1992 was $54.1 million, approximately
             nine percent lower than the $59.3 million reported for 1991. 
             The reduction was due to lower effective interest rates in
             1992, when compared to 1991.  At the end of 1992, all
             short-term debt was related to our foreign operations.

          o  Other income (expense) for 1992 was a net expense of $734,000
             representing a favorable variance of over $18 million from
             1991's net expense figure.  The 1992 improvement was generated
             from increased earnings from partially-owned equity companies,
             a $15 million gain from the sale of an equity interest in a
             company and a reduction in costs of a miscellaneous nature. 
             These income improvements were reduced by an $8.7 million
             unfavorable change in foreign currency, which produced a $6.2
             million pretax loss in 1992, as compared to a $2.5 million
             pretax gain in the prior year.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 18 of 64

          o  Dresser-Rand Company is another partnership between the
             company and Dresser Industries, Inc.  It commenced operations
             on January 1, 1987, and comprises the worldwide reciprocating
             compressor and turbomachinery businesses of the two companies. 
             Effective October 1, 1992, Dresser increased its ownership
             interest in this partnership to 51 percent from 50 percent. 
             Dresser-Rand, as previously mentioned, adopted SFAS No. 106,
             "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than
             Pensions," effective January 1, 1992.  The effect of this
             accounting change reduced the company's investment in
             Dresser-Rand by the pretax effect of approximately $73

             The company's pretax profits from its interest in Dresser-Rand
             for 1992 totalled $27.6 million, compared to $40.0 million in
             1991.  Additional charges during 1992 for the postretirement
             accounting change caused $7.2 million of the year-to-year
             decrease, while shipment delays on some large orders and a
             deterioration in operating efficiencies contributed to the
             balance of the reduction.

          o  The Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Company minority interest
             represents Dresser's interest in the operating results of IDP. 
             This item was a decrease in expense to the company because the
             entire $70 million restructure of operations charge was a
             reduction in the company's operating results, and this charge
             was shared equally between the partners.  Excluding the
             restructure of operations charge from IDP's results for 1992,
             the partnership generated a minor amount of earnings for its
             first three months of operation.  Overall, the company
             believes that the full operating benefits of the new venture
             will not be realized until late 1994.

          o  The company's effective tax rate for 1992 was 36.8 percent,
             which is a slight increase over the 36.0 percent reported for
             1991.  The variance from the 34.0 percent statutory rate was
             due primarily to the higher tax rates associated with foreign

          o  At December 31, 1992, employment totalled 35,308.  This
             represents an increase of 4,191 employees over the 1991 level
             of 31,117.  Employees from the pump units contributed by
             Dresser to IDP totalled 4,741 employees and 1992 acquisitions
             accounted for another 156 employees.  Attrition and cost
             reduction programs offset these increases by 706 employees.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 19 of 64

             The following highlights the financial results and financial
          condition of the company's operations, with the impact of
          currency variations where appropriate:

          o  Cash and cash equivalents totalled $216.8 million at December
             31, 1992, $79.9 million more than the 1991 balance of $136.9
             million.  In evaluating the net change in cash and cash
             equivalents, cash flows from operating, investing and
             financing activities and the effect of exchange rate changes
             should be considered.  Cash flows from operating activities
             totalled $169.7 million, investing activities used $106.1
             million and financing activities provided $24.5 million. 
             Exchange rate changes during 1992 decreased cash and cash
             equivalents by approximately $8.2 million.  In addition, cash
             and cash equivalents from the pump units contributed by
             Dresser to IDP accounted for a $10.1 million decrease in the
             cash used for investing activities.  

          o  Marketable securities totalled $13.4 million at the end of
             1992, approximately $12.1 million more than the balance at
             December 31, 1991.  Marketable securities from pump units
             contributed by Dresser totalled $15.2 million.  Foreign
             marketable securities decreased by approximately $1.5 million
             during the year due to foreign exchange rate fluctuations.

          o  Receivables totalled $809.6 million at December 31, 1992,
             compared to $652.3 million at 1991's year-end.  The net
             increase for 1992 of $157.3 million included approximately
             $130.5 million from the pump units contributed by Dresser to
             IDP.  The remaining increase was due to stronger fourth
             quarter sales.  Currency translation decreased the receivables
             balance during the year by $39.5 million.  The average days
             outstanding in receivables remained at the 1991 year-end
             level, but represented a more aggressive domestic collection
             effort reduced somewhat by a higher mix of international
             receivables, with longer payment terms than domestic


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 20 of 64

          o  Inventories amounted to $770.3 million at December 31, 1992,
             which is $23.4 million higher than 1991's level of $746.9
             million.  This increase included approximately $100 million of
             inventory contributed from Dresser's pump units.  Excluding
             this increase from the year-to-year comparison shows that the
             company's aggressive inventory control programs actually
             reduced the inventory level by approximately $37 million and
             currency movements accounted for an additional $40 million
             reduction in inventory for 1992.  During the last three years,
             the company has been able to reduce its inventory by more than
             $100 million (excluding the inventory from the contributed
             pump units of Dresser).  The company's emphasis on inventory
             control is apparent by the reduction in the average months'
             supply of inventory, which was 4.6 months at December 31,
             1992, compared to 4.9 months at the 1991 year-end.

          o  Prepaid expenses totalled $55.6 million at the end of 1992,
             $6.6 million higher than the balance at December 31, 1991. 
             Foreign exchange activity had the effect of reducing the
             balance in this account by $3.6 million during 1992.  The net
             increase for the year was split between a general increase in
             the company's prepaid expense activity and from pump units
             contributed by Dresser.

          o  Deferred income taxes (current) of $101.8 million at December
             31, 1992, represent the deferred tax benefit between the book
             and tax values of various current assets and liabilities.  A
             schedule of the components for this balance is in Note 12 of
             the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.  The year-end
             balance represented an increase of approximately $6.2 million
             from the December 31, 1991, level.  Changes due to foreign
             currency movements had an immaterial effect on the year's

          o  The investment in Dresser-Rand Company totalled $119.7 million
             at December 31, 1992.  This represented a net decrease of
             approximately $22.3 million from 1991's balance of $142.0
             million.  The components of the change for 1992 consisted of
             the $73.1 million reduction for the adoption of SFAS No. 106;
             income for 1992 of $27.6 million; a $26.5 million change in
             the advance account between the entities and a $3.3 million
             reduction due to currency fluctuations.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 21 of 64

          o  The investments in partially-owned equity companies at
             December 31, 1992, totalled $149.4 million, $6.0 million lower
             than the 1991 balance.  The components of this change
             consisted of the following:

             - $20.6 million increase from the company's equity earnings in
               these units;
             - $6.4 million increase in amounts due from these units to the
             - $34.7 million decrease from the sale of the company's
               interest in one of these units;
             - $1.4 million decrease for dividends from these units;
             - $7.3 million increase for investments from the contributed
               pump units of Dresser to IDP; and
             - $4.2 million decrease for the effect of currency
               fluctuations during the year.

          o  Net property, plant and equipment increased approximately
             $64.0 million in 1992 to a year-end balance of $847.1 million. 
             The contributed pump units from Dresser increased net fixed
             assets during the year by approximately $74.6 million (assets
             of $225.2 million less accumulated depreciation of $150.6
             million).  Fixed assets from acquisitions during 1992 added
             $3.5 million.  Capital expenditures in 1992 totalled $131.7
             million, a decrease of $9.3 million from 1991.  Foreign
             exchange fluctuations decreased the net fixed asset values in
             U.S. dollars by approximately $28.1 million.  The remaining
             net decrease was due principally to depreciation expense.

          o  Intangible assets, net, totalled $113.2 million at December
             31, 1992, as compared to $104.5 million at December 31, 1991,
             for a net increase of $8.7 million.  Increases of $6.1 million
             during the year came from the contributed pump units of
             Dresser and acquisitions, as well as an increase in the
             pension intangible asset of $9.1 million.  Reductions came
             from $5.6 million of amortization with the remainder from the
             effect of currency fluctuations.

          o  Deferred income taxes (noncurrent) totalled $77.0 million at
             December 31, 1992.  This net deferred asset arose in 1992,
             primarily because of the tax effects related to the adoption
             of SFAS No. 106.  A listing of the components which comprised
             the December 31, 1992, balance can be found in Note 12 of the
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 22 of 64

          o  Other assets totalled $113.5 million at year-end, an increase
             of $1.0 million from the December 31, 1991, balance of $112.5
             million.  Assets from the contributed pump units accounted for
             a major portion of this increase.  Foreign exchange activity
             in 1992 had minimal effect on the account balance during the

          o  Accounts payable and accruals totalled $823.1 million at
             December 31, 1992, an increase of $201.2 million over 1991's
             balance of $621.9 million.  Liabilities of the contributed
             pump units from Dresser to IDP accounted for $126.1 million of
             the increase, and the reserves established for the company's
             restructure of operations charges during 1992 added another
             $72 million.  All other activity, including the accrual for
             the current portion of postretirement benefits, caused another
             $30.1 million increase in this account for 1992.  Foreign
             exchange activity during 1992 decreased accounts payable and
             accruals by approximately $27 million.

          o  Loans payable were $201.3 million at the end of 1992, compared
             to $118.3 million at December 31, 1991.  Current maturities of
             long-term debt, included in loans payable, were $17.2 million
             at December 31, 1992, and $8.4 million at December 31, 1991. 
             Excluding the current maturities of long-term debt, short-term
             borrowings increased by approximately $74.2 million during
             1992.  Loan balances from the contributed pump units of
             Dresser accounted for $1.3 million of this increase.  The
             remainder of this balance can be attributed to increases in
             foreign short-term debt of $93.0 million, offset by a
             reduction in the value of the total amount of loans
             outstanding during 1992 of $20.1 million due to foreign
             currency fluctuations.  The company uses foreign short-term
             debt as a currency hedge, in addition to its traditional role
             for financing accounts receivables and inventory.

          o  Long-term debt, excluding current maturities, totalled $355.6
             million at December 31, 1992, compared to $375.8 million at
             December 31, 1991, a net decrease of $20.2 million.  This net
             decrease was the result of additions to long-term debt of $2.8
             million reduced by transfers to loans payable for current
             maturities and a $1.8 million reduction from foreign currency


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 23 of 64

          o  Postemployment benefits totalled $494.5 million at December
             31, 1992.  Postemployment benefits represent the company's
             noncurrent liability in accordance with SFAS Nos. 87 and 106. 
             Postemployment benefits include medical and life insurance
             postretirement benefits and pensions.  See Notes 13 and 14 of
             the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for additional

          o  Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Company minority interest totalled
             $146.2 million at December 31, 1992, and represented Dresser's
             interest in the IDP joint venture at year-end.

          o  Other liabilities (noncurrent) at December 31, 1992, totalled
             $18.0 million, which was approximately $11 million lower than
             the comparable balance at December 31, 1991.  The net decrease
             for 1992 represented the reduction caused by currency
             fluctuations during the year and transfers to current
             liabilities of previously established acquisition reserves.

             On May 6, 1992, the board of directors of the company declared
          a two-for-one split of the company's common stock.  The stock
          split was made in the form of a stock dividend, payable on June
          1, 1992, to shareowners of record on May 19, 1992.  All prior
          year per share amounts have been restated to reflect the stock
          split.  Concurrent with the stock split announcement, the board
          of directors also increased the regular quarterly cash dividend
          to a record 17 1/2 cents per common share on a post-split basis.

             Other information concerning the company's financial
          resources, commitments and plans was as follows:

             The average amount of short-term borrowings outstanding in
          1992 was $177.7 million, compared to $239.3 million in 1991.  The
          weighted average interest rate during 1992 was 10.2%, compared to
          10.4% during the previous year.  The decrease in the 1992 average
          amount of short-term borrowings outstanding was attributable to
          the company's foreign operations, which use short-term debt
          financings as a hedge against currency movements.

             The company had domestic short-term credit lines at December
          31, 1992, of $420 million and $280 million of foreign credit
          available for working capital purposes, all of which were unused
          at the end of the year.  These facilities provide direct support
          for commercial paper and indirect support for other financial
          instruments, such as letters of credit and comfort letters.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 24 of 64

             At December 31, 1992, the debt-to-total capital ratio was
          30/70, as compared to 23/77 at the prior year-end.  The change in
          the ratio at December 31, 1992, was primarily due to the
          company's adoption of SFAS Nos. 106 and 109, which reduced the
          company's equity by $350.0 million, effective January 1, 1992. 
          Excluding the effect of these one-time charges, the debt-to-total
          capital ratio would have been 25/75.

             In 1992, foreign currency adjustments decreased shareowners'
          equity by approximately $53.3 million.  The change is due to the
          strengthening of the U.S. dollar against other currencies in 
          countries where the company has significant operations.  Currency
          changes in the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, Germany and
          Spain accounted for over 83 percent of the change.  Inventories,
          accounts receivable, net property, plant and equipment, accounts
          payable and loans payable were the principal accounts affected.  

             In 1992, the company continued to sell an undivided fractional
          ownership interest in designated pools of accounts and notes
          receivables up to a maximum of $125 million.  Similar agreements
          have been in effect since 1987.  These agreements expire in one-
          and three-year periods based on the particular pool of
          receivables sold.  The company intends to renew these agreements
          at their expiration dates with either the current institution or
          another financial institution using the basic terms and
          conditions of the existing agreement.  At December 31, 1992 and
          1991, $125 million of such receivables remained uncollected.  


          Standard Machinery
          Standard Machinery Segment's sales of $1.3 billion were
          approximately $134.4 million lower than 1992's level.  The 1993
          sale of the Mining Machinery Group accounted for approximately
          $50 million of the decline with the balance attributed to weak
          European markets.  Operating income for 1993, before a $5 million
          restructure of operations charge, totalled $89.6 million, which
          was slightly below the $90.9 million reported for the prior year. 
          The restructure of operations charge related to the sale of the
          Mining Machinery Group, which was substantially completed in July


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 25 of 64

             The Construction and Mining Group's sales for 1993 were
          approximately five percent lower than the prior year's level due
          to the European recession, but the group reported a slight
          increase in its operating income margin primarily due to a
          stronger domestic market and cost-containment programs.  Sales
          for the Air Compressor Group also were approximately five percent
          below 1992's levels because of the weak European markets, but it
          essentially maintained its operating income margin at the prior
          year's rate.  Mining Machinery Group's operating results for 1992
          and for the current year, prior to its sale, were essentially at
          the break-even level.

          Engineered Equipment
          Engineered Equipment Segment's sales for 1993 totalled $929.6
          million, as compared to $645.3 million for 1992.  However, 1993
          included approximately $300 million of additional sales from the
          contributed pump units of Dresser to IDP, when compared to last
          year's total.  (See Note 2 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial
          Statements for additional information on IDP).  Operating income
          in 1993 totalled $30.5 million, which was comparable to last
          year's operating income of $29.0 million, before a $70 million
          restructure of operations charge.  Last year's restructure of
          operations charge related to IDP and was for the reduction in
          work force and excess facilities, which was provided to transform
          IDP into a world-class competitor in the pump business.  The
          segment's operations in 1993 were adversely affected by the
          European recession and continued weakness in the pulp and paper

             IDP's sales and operating income for 1993 were hampered by the
          European recession.  However, IDP substantially completed its
          restructuring activities during 1993 and anticipates significant
          operating improvements in 1994 from the results of these efforts,
          assuming that current or slightly higher volume levels are
          achieved in 1994.

             Process Systems Group's sales in 1993 were lower than in the
          prior year, principally due to the uncertainties in the pulp and
          paper industry and the lack of increased pricing for pulp. 
          However, the group's operating income improved over 1992's level
          based on benefits derived from aggressive cost-containment


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 26 of 64

          Bearings, Locks and Tools
          In 1993, this segment reported sales of $1.8 billion, a five
          percent increase over the prior year.  Operating income totalled
          $210.7 million, 25.9 percent higher than the $167.4 million of
          operating income reported for 1992, before a $10 million
          restructure of operations charge.

             Bearings and Components sales for 1993 were approximately
          seven percent higher than the prior year.  Operating income for
          1993 was well above 1992's level even before considering the
          negative effect of last year's $10 million restructure of
          operations charge.  The 1992 restructure charge related to the
          company's decision to realign its aerospace bearings business,
          which was completed during the second quarter of 1993.  Overall,
          strength in the domestic automobile industry during 1993 and
          continued benefits from cost-containment programs were the
          primary reasons for the group's improvement.

             Door Hardware sales were approximately seven percent higher
          than 1992's level.  The improvement in operating income was
          greater than the increase in sales and established a new record
          for the group.  Continued strength in the domestic housing market
          and aggressive cost controls contributed to 1993's record
          operating income.

             The Production Equipment Group's sales for 1993 approximated
          last year's level.  However, the group reported a modest increase
          in operating income over the amount reported for 1992.  Softness
          in sales throughout the European served area were offset by a
          stronger domestic market.  This domestic strength and cost-
          containment programs produced the 1993 operating income


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 27 of 64

          Consolidated Statement of Income                                  

          In thousands except per share amounts
          For the years ended December 31   1993         1992         1991
          Net sales                   $4,021,071   $3,783,787   $3,586,220
          Cost of goods sold           3,016,690    2,881,861    2,725,059
          Administrative, selling and
            service engineering 
            expenses                     707,867      646,687      594,800
          Restructure of operations-
            (charge) benefit              (5,000)     (80,000)       7,090
          Operating income               291,514      175,239      273,451
          Interest expense                51,955       54,129       59,284
          Other income (expense), net     (7,536)        (734)     (18,978)
          Dresser-Rand income             33,090       27,630       40,000
          Ingersoll-Dresser Pump 
            Company minority interest    (11,589)      34,988           --
          Earnings before income taxes
            and effect of accounting
            changes                      253,524      182,994      235,189
          Provision for income taxes      90,000       67,400       84,600
          Earnings before effect of
            accounting changes           163,524      115,594      150,589
          Effect of accounting changes
            (net of income tax benefits):
            - Postemployment benefits    (21,000)          --           --
            - Postretirement benefits
                other than pensions           --     (332,000)          --
            - Income taxes                    --      (18,000)          --
          Net earnings (loss)         $  142,524   $ (234,406)  $  150,589
          Earnings per share of 
            common stock:
          Earnings before effect 
            of accounting changes         $ 1.56       $ 1.11        $1.45
          Effect of accounting changes:
            - Postemployment benefits      (0.20)          --           --
            - Postretirement benefits
                other than pensions           --        (3.19)          --
            - Income taxes                    --        (0.17)          --
          Net earnings (loss) per share   $ 1.36       $(2.25)       $1.45
          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 28 of 64

          Consolidated Balance Sheet                                      
          In thousands except share amounts
          December 31                                    1993         1992
          Current assets:
          Cash and cash equivalents                $  227,993   $  216,832
          Marketable securities                         6,172       13,418
          Accounts and notes receivable, less
            allowance for doubtful accounts of
            $22,089 in 1993 and $23,057 in 1992       797,525      809,646
          Inventories                                 713,690      770,343
          Prepaid expenses                             39,844       55,553
          Deferred income taxes                       116,936      101,839
                                                    1,902,160    1,967,631
          Investments and advances:
          Dresser-Rand Company                        112,630      119,712
          Partially-owned equity companies            158,645      149,389
                                                      271,275      269,101
          Property, plant and equipment, at cost:
          Land and buildings                          521,748      491,899
          Machinery and equipment                   1,143,680    1,143,018
                                                    1,665,428    1,634,917
          Less-accumulated depreciation               790,284      787,813
                                                      875,144      847,104
          Intangible assets, net                      105,855      113,227
          Deferred income taxes                        90,913       76,973
          Other assets                                129,985      113,516
                                                   $3,375,332   $3,387,552
          Liabilities and Equity
          Current liabilities:                               
          Accounts payable and accruals            $  762,387   $  823,122
          Loans payable                               206,939      201,337
          Customers' advance payments                  24,231       17,839
          Income taxes                                 30,767       37,517
                                                    1,024,324    1,079,815
          Long-term debt                              314,136      355,598
          Postemployment liabilities                  515,787      494,527
          Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Company
            minority interest                         146,331      146,216
          Other liabilities                            24,929       18,021
          Shareowners' equity:
          Common stock, $2 par value, authorized 
            400,000,000 shares; issued:  
            1993-108,939,462; 1992-108,276,462        217,879      216,553
          Capital in excess of par value               34,917       17,148
          Earnings retained for use in the business 1,268,472    1,199,438
                                                    1,521,268    1,433,139


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 29 of 64

          Consolidated Balance Sheet  (Continued)                         
          In thousands except share amounts
          December 31                                    1993         1992

          - Treasury stock, at cost                    53,035       53,036
          - Foreign currency equity adjustment        118,408       86,728
          Shareowners' equity                       1,349,825    1,293,375
                                                   $3,375,332   $3,387,552
          Certain amounts have been reclassified for comparative purposes.
          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 30 of 64

     Consolidated Statement of Shareowners' Equity                            

     In thousands except share data
     December 31                                1993         1992         1991

     Common stock, $2 par value:
       Balance at beginning of year       $  216,553   $  107,393   $  107,122
       Exercise of stock options
         and SARs                              1,095          964          164
       Issuance of shares under
         stock plans                             231          135          107
       Two-for-one stock split                    --      108,061           --
       Balance at end of year             $  217,879   $  216,553   $  107,393
     Capital in excess of par value:
       Balance at beginning of year       $   17,148   $  106,265   $  101,983
       Exercise of stock options and
         SARs including tax benefits          14,294       15,592        2,465
       Issuance of shares under
         stock plans                           3,475        3,352        1,817
       Two-for-one stock split                    --     (108,061)          --
       Balance at end of year             $   34,917   $   17,148   $  106,265
     Earnings retained for use
       in the business:
       Balance at beginning of year       $1,199,438   $1,505,881   $1,423,696
       Net earnings (loss)                   142,524     (234,406)     150,589
       Cash dividends                        (73,490)     (72,037)     (68,404)
       Balance at end of year             $1,268,472   $1,199,438   $1,505,881
     Treasury stock-at cost:
       Common stock, $2 par value:
       Balance at beginning of year       $  (53,036)  $  (53,036)  $  (53,036)
       Two-for-one stock split                    --           --           --
       Purchases of stock                         --           --           --
       Disposition of stock                        1           --           --
       Balance at end of year             $  (53,035)  $  (53,036)  $  (53,036)
     Foreign currency
       equity adjustment:
       Balance at beginning of year       $  (86,728)  $  (33,447)  $  (23,341)
       Adjustments due to
         translation changes                 (31,680)     (53,281)     (12,040)
       Sale or liquidation of
         investments                              --           --        1,934
       Balance at end of year             $ (118,408)  $  (86,728)  $  (33,447)
     Total shareowners' equity            $1,349,825   $1,293,375   $1,633,056


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 31 of 64

     Consolidated Statement of Shareowners' Equity (Continued)                

     In thousands except share data
     December 31                                1993         1992         1991
     Shares of Capital Stock
     Common stock, $2 par value:
       Balance at beginning of year      108,276,462   53,696,378   53,561,116
       Exercise of stock options
         and SARs                            547,400      482,175       82,025
       Issuance of shares under
         stock plans                         115,600       67,278       53,237
       Two-for-one stock split                    --   54,030,631           --
       Balance at end of year            108,939,462  108,276,462   53,696,378
     Treasury stock-at cost:
       Common stock, $2 par value:
       Balance at beginning of year        3,672,822    1,836,409    1,836,409
       Two-for-one stock split                    --    1,836,409           --
       Purchases of stock                         --            4           --
       Disposition of stock                      (90)          --           --
       Balance at end of year              3,672,732    3,672,822    1,836,409

     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 32 of 64

     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                                     

     In thousands
     For the years ended December 31              1993        1992        1991

     Cash flows from operating activities:
       Net earnings (loss)                   $ 142,524   $(234,406)  $ 150,589
       Adjustments to arrive at net cash
         provided by operating activities:
         Effect of accounting changes           21,000     350,000          --
         Restructure of operations               5,000      80,000      (7,090)
         Depreciation and amortization         123,521     116,579     108,693
         (Gain) loss on sale of assets          (5,480)    (15,429)      2,468
         Minority interests                     13,571     (33,181)         --
         Equity earnings/losses, 
           net of dividends                    (45,621)    (46,790)    (54,659)
         Deferred income taxes                 (14,767)    (43,575)      6,640
         Other noncash items                       125      44,273      (3,428)
       Changes in assets and liabilities
         (Increase) decrease in:
           Accounts and notes receivable       (11,998)    (54,634)      1,432
           Inventories                          35,500      37,133      62,743
           Other current and noncurrent
             assets                            (22,414)     (9,825)    (25,268)
         (Decrease) increase in:
           Accounts payable and accruals       (73,250)     12,437       4,151
           Other current and noncurrent
             liabilities                        (2,838)    (32,837)    (15,145)
         Net cash provided by operating
           activities                          164,873     169,745     231,126

     Cash flows from investing activities:
       Capital expenditures                   (132,001)   (131,650)   (140,900)
       Proceeds from sales of property,
         plant and equipment                     6,612       5,753       4,623
       Proceeds from business dispositions      55,460      53,971      58,500
       Acquisitions, net of cash and 
         formation of Ingersoll-Dresser Pump*  (42,479)     (2,928)     (2,140)
       Distribution from Dresser-Rand               --          --      74,000
       Decrease in marketable securities         6,416       1,641         566
       Cash (invested in) or advances (to)
         from equity companies                  45,282     (32,902)    (12,629)
         Net cash used in investing
           activities                          (60,710)   (106,115)    (17,980)


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 33 of 64

     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Continued)                         

     In thousands
     For the years ended December 31              1993        1992        1991

     Cash flows from financing activities:
       (Decrease) increase in short-term
         borrowings                            (49,480)     92,955    (160,064)
       Proceeds from long-term debt            101,779       2,806     126,749
       Payments of long-term debt              (78,042)    (12,722)    (27,320)
       Net change in debt                      (25,743)     83,039     (60,635)
       Proceeds from exercise of stock
         options and treasury stock sales       13,116      13,511       1,897
       Dividends paid                          (73,490)    (72,037)    (68,404)
         Net cash (used in) provided by 
           financing activities                (86,117)     24,513    (127,142)

     Effect of exchange rate changes on cash
       and cash equivalents                     (6,885)     (8,231)        658
       Net increase in cash
         and cash equivalents                   11,161      79,912      86,662
       Cash and cash equivalents-
         beginning of year                     216,832     136,920      50,258
     Cash and cash equivalents-end of year   $ 227,993   $ 216,832   $ 136,920

     *Acquisitions and formation
       of Ingersoll-Dresser Pump:
       Working capital, other than cash      $ (25,542)  $(127,313)  $    (225)
       Property, plant and equipment           (25,910)    (78,189)       (551)
       Intangibles and other assets             (2,000)    (19,088)     (1,425)
       Long-term debt and other liabilities     10,973     221,662          61
         Net cash used to acquire businesses $ (42,479)  $  (2,928)  $  (2,140)

     Cash paid during the year for:
       Interest, net of amounts capitalized  $  47,388   $  53,351   $  56,604
       Income taxes                            126,954     140,909      99,719
     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 34 of 64


          Principles of Consolidation: The consolidated financial
          statements include the accounts of all wholly-owned and
          majority-owned subsidiaries.  Intercompany transactions and
          balances have been eliminated.  Partially-owned equity companies
          are accounted for under the equity method.  

          Cash Equivalents:  The company considers all highly liquid
          investments consisting primarily of treasury bills and notes,
          time deposits and commercial paper with a maturity of three
          months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents.  Cash
          equivalents, at cost, which approximates market, were $75,046,000
          and $135,128,000 at December 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively.

          Marketable Securities:  Marketable securities include equity and
          debt securities and short-term instruments with maturities of
          longer than three months.  Marketable securities are carried at
          cost, which approximates market.  Net realized gains and losses
          on the sale of marketable securities were insignificant for all
          years presented.

          Inventories:  Inventories are generally stated at cost, which is
          not in excess of market.  Domestic manufactured inventories of
          standard products are valued on the last-in, first-out (LIFO)
          method and all other inventories are valued using the first-in,
          first-out (FIFO) method.

          Property and Depreciation:  The company principally uses
          accelerated depreciation methods for both tax and financial

          Intangible Assets:  Intangible assets primarily represent the
          excess of the purchase price of acquisitions over the fair value
          of the net assets acquired.  Such excess costs are being
          amortized on a straight-line basis over various periods not
          exceeding 40 years.  Intangible assets also represent costs
          allocated to patents, tradenames and other specifically
          identifiable assets arising from business acquisitions.  These
          assets are amortized on a straight-line basis over their
          estimated useful lives.  Accumulated amortization at December 31,
          1993 and 1992, was $19,657,000 and $21,524,000, respectively. 
          Amortization of intangible assets was $5,852,000, $5,597,000 and
          $6,675,000 in 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 35 of 64

          Income Taxes:  The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
          issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No.
          109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" in February 1992.  The company
          elected to adopt the new standard effective January 1, 1992.
            The new accounting standard requires the recognition of
          deferred tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax
          consequences of temporary differences between the financial
          statement bases and the tax bases of the company's assets and
          liabilities using the enacted tax rates in effect at year-end,
          the "liability method" (see Note 12).
            Prior to 1992, the company deferred the past tax effects of
          timing differences between financial reporting and taxable income
          (the "deferral method").

          Environmental Costs:  Environmental expenditures relating to
          current operations are expensed or capitalized as appropriate. 
          Expenditures relating to existing conditions caused by past
          operations, which do not contribute to current or future
          revenues, are expensed.  Costs to prepare environmental site
          evaluations and feasibility studies are accrued when the company
          commits to perform them.  Liabilities for remediation costs are
          recorded when they are probable and reasonably estimable,
          generally the earlier of completion of feasibility studies or the
          company's commitment to a plan of action.  
          Revenue Recognition:  Sales of products, other than long-term
          contracts, are recorded for financial reporting purposes
          generally when the products are shipped.  Revenues on certain
          long-term contracts are recorded using the percentage-of-
          completion method for financial reporting purposes and a similar
          method for tax purposes.

          Research, Engineering and Development Costs:  Research and
          development expenditures, including engineering costs, are
          expensed when incurred and amounted to $150,100,000 in 1993,
          $138,400,000 in 1992 and $123,800,000 in 1991.

          Foreign Currency:  Assets and liabilities of foreign entities
          operating in other than highly inflationary economies have been
          translated at current exchange rates, and income and expenses
          have been translated using average-for-the-year exchange rates. 
          Adjustments resulting from translation have been recorded in
          shareowners' equity and are included in net earnings only upon
          sale or liquidation of the underlying foreign investment.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 36 of 64

            For foreign subsidiaries operating in highly inflationary
          economies, inventory and property balances and related income
          statement accounts have been translated using historical exchange
          rates and resulting gains and losses have been credited or
          charged to net earnings.
            Foreign currency transactions and translations recorded in the
          income statement decreased net earnings by $4,744,000 and 
          $4,848,000 in 1993 and 1992, respectively, and increased net
          earnings in 1991 by $1,859,000.  Shareowners' equity was reduced
          in 1993, 1992 and 1991 by $31,680,000, $53,281,000 and
          $12,040,000, respectively, due to foreign currency equity
          adjustments related to translation, financial position hedges and
          corresponding tax effects.  In 1991, the cumulative translation
          adjustment in shareowners' equity was reduced by $1,934,000 as a
          result of the sale and/or liquidation of small foreign
          investments and/or subsidiaries.  Tax effects were not
          significant for the periods presented.
            The company hedges foreign currency transactions and firm
          foreign currency commitments by entering into forward foreign
          exchange contracts (forward contracts).  Gains and losses
          associated with currency rate changes on forward contracts
          hedging foreign currency transactions are recorded currently in
          income.  Gains and losses on forward contracts hedging firm
          foreign currency commitments are deferred and included as a
          component of the related transaction; however, a loss is not
          deferred if deferral would lead to the recognition of a loss in
          future periods.
            Cash flows resulting from forward contracts are accounted for
          as hedges of identifiable transactions or events and classified
          in the same category as the cash flows from the items being

          Earnings Per Share:  Net earnings per share of common stock are
          earnings divided by the average number of common shares
          outstanding during the year.  The effect of common stock
          equivalents on earnings per share was not material.  

          Accounting Changes:  Effective January 1, 1993, the company
          adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No.
          112, "Employers' Accounting for Postemployment Benefits."  SFAS 
          No. 112 requires an accrual for the expected cost of benefits
          provided by an employer to former or inactive employees after
          employment but before retirement, such as the continuation of
          medical and life insurance benefits for employees on long-term
          disability.  Previously, these benefits were expensed as
          incurred.  The company elected to adopt this standard in the 


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 37 of 64

          fourth quarter of 1993, and recognized the postemployment benefit
          obligation as of January 1, 1993.  The effect of the adoption of
          SFAS No. 112 for the company totalled $21.0 million ($0.20 per
          share), net of a $13.5 million tax benefit.  Aside from the
          effect of the adjustment, the adoption of SFAS No. 112 was not
          material to the company's 1993 financial results and accordingly,
          the results for the first three quarters of 1993 have not been
          restated to reflect this adoption.  Operating results for the
          years preceding 1993 were not restated for the adoption of SFAS
          No. 112.
            The company adopted effective January 1, 1992, SFAS No. 106,
          "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than
          Pensions" and SFAS No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes."  SFAS
          No. 106 requires an accrual for the expected cost of providing
          postretirement benefits, such as health care and life insurance
          benefits, during the years that the employees provide service to
          the company.  Previously, these benefits were expensed as
          incurred.  The effect of the adoption of SFAS No. 106 for the
          company's worldwide pre-1992 obligations totalled $283.8 million
          ($2.73 per share), net of a $145.2 million tax benefit (see Note
            Also, in 1992, included in the $332.0 million ($3.19 per share)
          after-tax effect of this accounting change was $48.2 million
          ($0.46 per share), representing the company's share of the effect
          of the adoption of SFAS No. 106 by the Dresser-Rand partnership.
            Earnings for 1992, before the effect of accounting changes,
          decreased by $19.5 million ($0.19 per share) for the company's
          worldwide obligations associated with SFAS No. 106.  In addition,
          the company's portion of earnings from Dresser-Rand Company was
          reduced by $7.2 million or $4.8 million ($0.04 per share) after-
          tax for the 1992 earnings effect of this accounting change.
            The company also elected to apply the provisions of SFAS No.
          109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" effective January 1, 1992. 
          SFAS No. 109 changes the method of accounting for income taxes
          from the deferral method to the liability method.  Under the
          liability method, deferred income taxes are determined based on
          enacted tax laws and rates, which are applied to the differences
          between the financial statement bases and tax bases of assets and
          liabilities (see "Income Taxes" and Note 12).  The effect of
          adopting SFAS No. 109 at January 1, 1992, produced an $18.0
          million ($0.17 per share) charge to the company.  This charge
          related principally to the differences between the financial
          statement value of assets and liabilities and the tax bases of
          those items recorded for acquisitions made since 1984.  The
          effect of this adoption on the 1992 earnings of the company was
          not material.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 38 of 64

            Operating results for the years preceding 1992 were not
          restated for the adoption of SFAS Nos. 106 and 109.

          NOTE 2 - INGERSOLL-DRESSER PUMP COMPANY:  Effective October 1,
          1992, the company and Dresser Industries, Inc. (Dresser), formed
          Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Company (IDP), a partnership, owned 51
          percent by the company and 49 percent by Dresser.  This joint
          venture includes the majority of the worldwide pump operations of
          the two companies, and its results have been included in the
          consolidated financial statements of the company since the
          formation date.
            One of the principal purposes of this venture was to create a
          pump company that is capable of competing for business on a
          global basis.  Management believes that the venture will produce
          significantly enhanced efficiency in manufacturing, research and
          development, and marketing.
            The company's consolidated net sales for 1992 included
          approximately $140 million for the pump units contributed by
          Dresser.  The effect of these sales on the company's operating
          income for 1992 was minimal.  However, during the fourth quarter
          of 1992, the company recorded a $70.0 million restructure of
          operations charge for IDP.  This charge was for the reduction in
          work force and realignment charges to relocate production and
          eliminate excess plant and capacity, which will help transform
          IDP into a world-class competitor in the pump business.  This
          charge was shared evenly by the partners of IDP; therefore, the
          minority interest elimination for this item was $35.0 million and
          the company's portion was $35.0 million ($25.7 million after-tax,
          or $0.25 per share).
            The net assets contributed by each partner to IDP were
          approximately $180 million.  

          the company acquired the Kunsebeck, Germany, needle and
          cylindrical bearing business of FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schafer AG
          of Schweinfurt, Germany, for $42.5 million in cash, subject to
          final contract negotiations.  
             In 1992, the company acquired Industrias del Rodamiento, S.A.
          (IRSA), for $14.0 million in cash and $1.8 million in notes. 
          IRSA manufactures and markets an extensive line of bearings, as
          well as wheel kits and automotive accessories.  During 1991, the
          company purchased the net assets of three small business units
          for $2.1 million in cash.  


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 39 of 64

            These transactions have been accounted for as purchases and
          accordingly, each purchase price was allocated to the acquired
          assets and assumed liabilities based on their estimated fair
          values.  The company has classified as intangible assets the
          costs in excess of the fair value of the net assets of companies
          acquired.  The results of all acquired operations have been
          included in the consolidated financial statements from their
          respective acquisition dates.
             The company sold the assets of several small business units in
          1993, as well as substantially all of the assets of its coal-
          mining machinery and aerospace bearings businesses for $55.5
          million in cash.

          NOTE 4 - RESTRUCTURE OF OPERATIONS:  In July 1993, the company
          sold substantially all of its underground coal-mining machinery
          assets to Long-Airdox Company.  In connection with this sale, the
          company recorded a $5.0 million restructure of operations charge
          during the second quarter of 1993.  
             During 1992, the company reported an $80,000,000 charge for
          restructuring of operations consisting of a fourth quarter
          $70,000,000 charge for IDP described in Note 2 and a third
          quarter $10,000,000 charge associated with the company's
          aerospace bearings unit.  The third quarter restructure charge
          was for the realignment of the company's aerospace bearings unit
          resulting from the depressed condition of the aerospace business. 
          The after-tax cost for this charge was $6,200,000 or $0.06 per
            During the first quarter of 1991, the company reported a net
          benefit of $7,090,000 from a restructure of operations.  The net
          benefit was comprised of (i) a $38,609,000 pretax gain from the
          sale on January 18, 1991, of Schlage Electronics, a business unit
          of the company's Schlage Lock Company subsidiary, to Westinghouse
          Electric Corporation for $50,500,000 in cash, (ii) a $14,850,000
          pretax charge for the exit costs associated with the
          discontinuance of certain electronic products of Schlage Lock
          Company, and (iii) a $16,669,000 pretax charge associated with
          the discontinuance and sale of the company's North American
          consumer compressor product line.  This business was sold to the
          DeVilbiss Air Power Company effective as of the close of business
          on April 30, 1991, for cash proceeds of approximately $8,000,000.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 40 of 64

          NOTE 5 - INVENTORIES:  At December 31, inventories were as

          In thousands                                 1993           1992
          Raw materials and supplies               $121,083       $128,605
          Work-in-process                           295,829        282,474
          Finished goods                            462,677        545,940
                                                    879,589        957,019
          Less-LIFO reserve                         165,899        186,676
          Total                                    $713,690       $770,343

            Work-in-process inventories are stated after deducting customer
          progress payments of $14,395,000 in 1993 and $30,361,000 in 1992. 
          At December 31, 1993 and 1992, LIFO inventories comprised
          approximately 38 percent and 43 percent, respectively, of
          consolidated inventories.
            During the periods presented, inventory quantities were
          reduced, resulting in partial liquidations of LIFO layers.  This
          decreased cost of goods sold by $12,506,000 in 1993, $5,801,000
          in 1992 and $19,274,000 in 1991.  These liquidations increased
          net earnings in 1993, 1992 and 1991 by approximately $7,641,000 
          ($0.07 per share), $3,599,000 ($0.03 per share) and $11,957,000
          ($0.12 per share), respectively.

          company has numerous investments, ranging from 20 percent to 50
          percent, in companies which operate in similar lines of business. 
            The company's investments in and amounts due from partially-
          owned equity companies amounted to $131,051,000 and $27,594,000,
          respectively, at December 31, 1993, and $111,569,000 and
          $37,820,000, respectively, at December 31, 1992.
            The company's equity in the net earnings of its partially-owned
          equity companies was $15,641,000, $20,578,000 and $15,904,000 in
          1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.
            The company received dividends based on its equity interests in
          these companies of $3,110,000, $1,417,000 and $1,245,000 in 1993,
          1992 and 1991, respectively.  


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 41 of 64

            Summarized financial information for these partially-owned
          equity companies at December 31, and for the years presented was:

          In thousands                                 1993           1992
          Current assets                         $  355,884     $  366,633
          Property, plant and 
            equipment, net                          256,322        246,151
          Other assets                               23,409         24,561
          Total assets                           $  635,615     $  637,345
          Current liabilities                    $  326,830     $  359,026
          Long-term debt                             44,024         50,006
          Other liabilities                          24,873         25,850
          Total shareowners' equity                 239,888        202,463
          Total liabilities
            and equity                           $  635,615     $  637,345

          In thousands                  1993           1992           1991
          Net sales               $  730,138     $  904,831     $  995,336
          Gross profit               127,467        187,802        196,545
          Net earnings                48,494         42,167         51,788

          NOTE 7 - DRESSER-RAND PARTNERSHIP:  Dresser-Rand Company is a
          partnership between Dresser Industries, Inc. (51 percent), and
          the company (49 percent) comprising the worldwide reciprocating
          compressor and turbomachinery businesses of the two companies. 
          The company's investment in Dresser-Rand is accounted for using
          the equity method of accounting.  
            Summarized financial information for Dresser-Rand at December
          31, and for the years presented was: 

          In thousands                                 1993           1992
          Current assets                         $  489,122     $  468,238
          Property, plant and
            equipment, net                          220,604        237,684
          Other assets and investments               18,531         23,539
                                                    728,257        729,461

          Current liabilities                       321,629        333,059
          Noncurrent liabilities                    188,211        172,586
                                                    509,840        505,645
          Net partners' equity
            and advances                         $  218,417     $  223,816


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 42 of 64

          In thousands                   1993          1992           1991
          Net sales                $1,187,279    $1,232,615     $1,194,135
          Gross profit                241,906       229,396        242,884
          Earnings before
            effect of
            change                     68,112        52,916         80,001
          Net income (loss)            68,112       (93,209)        80,001

            The effect of the adoption of SFAS No. 106, "Employers'
          Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions" for
          Dresser-Rand effective January 1, 1992, was $146,125,000. 
          Operating results for 1992 were reduced by $14,400,000 because of
          this accounting change.  The tax effects associated with this
          change are recorded on the books of the partners.
            The company's investment in Dresser-Rand was $133,867,000 and
          $103,297,000 at December 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively.  During
          1991, Dresser-Rand approved and distributed $74,000,000 of
          capital to each of its partners.  
            At December 31, 1993, the company owed Dresser-Rand $21,237,000 
          and at December 31, 1992, the company was due $16,415,000 from

          NOTE 8 - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCRUALS:  Accounts payable and
          accruals at December 31, were:

          In thousands                                 1993           1992
          Accounts payable                         $201,172       $225,519
            Payrolls and benefits                   121,063        131,303
            Taxes                                    46,842         42,112
            Insurance and claims                     98,474         92,535
            Pensions and severance pay               31,862         47,919
            Interest                                 14,057         12,841
            Plant closings and 
              relocation expenses                    14,743         43,748
          Other accruals                            234,174        227,145
                                                   $762,387       $823,122


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 43 of 64

          At December 31, long-term debt consisted of:

          In thousands                                 1993           1992
          6 7/8% Notes Due 2003                    $100,000       $     --
          9% Debentures Due 2021                    125,000        125,000
          8 3/8% Notes Due 1994                          --         75,000
          8 1/4% Notes Due 1996                      75,000         75,000
          8.05% Debentures Due 1993-2004                 --         60,000
          Other domestic and foreign
            loans and notes, at end-
            of-year average interest
            rates of 8.61% in 1993
            and 9.02% in 1992, maturing
            in various amounts to 2012               14,136         20,598
                                                   $314,136       $355,598

            Debt retirements for the next five years are as follows: 
          $81,962,000 in 1994, $4,523,000 in 1995, $79,919,000 in 1996,
          $666,000 in 1997 and $473,000 in 1998.
            In February 1993, the company issued $100,000,000 of notes at 
          6 7/8% per annum, which are not redeemable prior to maturity in
          2003.  The proceeds from these notes were used to redeem
          $68,000,000 of the company's outstanding 8.05% Debentures Due
          2004 and for general corporate purposes.
            The approximate fair value of the company's long-term debt at
          December 31, 1993, was $349,455,000.  Fair value was determined
          by reference to the December 31, 1993, market value of comparably
          rated debt instruments.
            At December 31, 1993, the company had a $100,000,000 364-day 
          revolving credit line and a $300,000,000 four year committed
          revolving credit line, all of which were unused.  These lines
          provide support for commercial paper and indirectly provide
          support for other financial instruments, such as letters of
          credit and comfort letters, as required in the normal course of
          business.  The company compensates banks for these lines with
          fees ranging from .08% to .125%, per annum.  Available foreign
          lines of credit were $548,177,000, of which $411,609,000 were
          unused at December 31, 1993.  No major cash balances were subject
          to withdrawal restrictions.  At December 31, 1993, the average
          rate of interest for loans payable, excluding the current portion
          of long-term debt, was 7.90% and related principally to foreign


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 44 of 64

            At December 31, 1992, the company had $64,000,000 of short-term
          debt and an equivalent amount of short-term investments, for
          which the company had a right of offset.  Accordingly, the debt
          and investments have been eliminated from the December 31, 1992,
          balance sheet.
            Capitalized interest on construction and other capital projects
          amounted to $2,838,000, $3,460,000 and $4,201,000 in 1993, 1992
          and 1991, respectively.  Interest income, included in "Other
          income (expense)," was $11,720,000, $15,396,000 and $11,595,000
          in 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.

          NOTE 10 - COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES:  The company is involved
          in various litigations, claims and administrative proceedings,
          including environmental matters, arising in the normal course of
          business.  Based on the advice of counsel, management believes
          that recovery or liability with respect to these matters would
          not have material effect on the financial condition or the
          results of operations of the company for any year.
            In the normal course of business, the company has issued
          several direct and indirect guarantees, including performance
          letters of credit, totalling approximately $108,000,000 at
          December 31, 1993.  Management believes these guarantees will not
          adversely affect the consolidated financial statements.
            In 1993, the company continued to sell an undivided interest in
          designated pools of accounts and notes receivable up to a maximum
          of $125,000,000.  Similar agreements have been in effect since
          1987.  During 1993, 1992 and 1991, such sales amounted to
          $518,651,000, $526,090,000 and $490,500,000, respectively.  At
          December 31, 1993 and 1992, $125,000,000 of such sold receivables
          remained uncollected.  The undivided interest in the designated
          pool of receivables was sold with limited recourse.  These
          agreements expire in one- and two-year periods based on the
          particular pool of receivables sold.  The company intends to
          renew these agreements at their expiration dates with either the
          current financial institution or another financial institution,
          using the basic terms and conditions of the existing agreements. 
          For receivables sold, the company has retained collection and
          administrative responsibilities as agent for the purchaser. 
            Receivables, excluding the designated pool of accounts and
          notes receivable, sold during 1993, 1992 and 1991 with recourse
          amounted to $39,284,000, $38,343,000 and $77,481,000,
          respectively.   At December 31, 1993 and 1992, $16,076,000 and
          $19,999,000, respectively, of such receivables sold remained


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 45 of 64

            As of December 31, 1993, the company had no significant
          concentrations of credit risk in trade receivables due to the
          large number of customers which comprise its receivables base and
          their dispersion across different industries and countries.
            At December 31, 1993, the company had entered into forward
          foreign exchange contracts to purchase and sell the equivalent of
          approximately $306,515,000 of foreign currencies principally
          denominated in pounds sterling, yen, French francs, Italian lira,
          Deutsche marks and Canadian dollars.  The fair value for these
          forward foreign exchange contracts approximates carrying value. 
          Fair value is based on dealer quotes.
            The forward contracts have maturities ranging from one to 36
          months. The company's forward contracts do not subject the
          company to risk due to exchange rate movements, because gains and
          losses on these contracts generally offset losses and gains on
          the assets, liabilities or other transactions being hedged.
            The counterparties to these contracts consist of a number of
          major international financial institutions.  The credit ratings
          and concentration of risk of these financial institutions are
          monitored on a continuing basis and present no significant credit
          risk to the company.  
            All principal manufacturing facilities are owned by the
          company.  Certain office and warehouse facilities, transportation
          vehicles and data processing equipment are leased.  Total rental
          expense was $57,949,000 in 1993, $56,218,000 in 1992 and
          $56,936,000 in 1991.  Minimum lease payments required under
          noncancellable operating leases with terms in excess of one year
          for the next five years and thereafter, are as follows:
          $33,863,000 in 1994, $24,618,000 in 1995, $15,818,000 in 1996,
          $8,648,000 in 1997, $6,738,000 in 1998 and $21,449,000

          NOTE 11 - INCENTIVE STOCK PLANS:  Under the company's Incentive
          Stock Plans, key employees have been granted options to purchase
          common shares at prices not less than the fair market value at
          the date of grant.  The plans, approved in 1980, 1985 and 1990,
          also authorize stock appreciation rights (SARs) and stock awards. 
          If SARs issued in conjunction with stock options are exercised,
          the related stock options are cancelled; conversely, the exercise
          of stock options cancels the SARs.  


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 46 of 64

            Changes during the year in options outstanding under the plans
          were as follows:
                                         Shares subject       Option price
                                              to option    range per share
          January 1, 1993                     2,787,400       $ 9.38-31.00
          Granted                               946,200        32.44-36.31
          Exercised                             970,900         9.38-31.00
          December 31, 1993                   2,762,700       $ 9.79-36.31

            Of the shares subject to option, 1,512,500 were granted with
          SARs. In addition, there are 176,000 SARs outstanding with no
          stock options.  At December 31, 1993, 273,160 shares of common
          stock were reserved for future issue, contingent upon attainment
          of certain performance goals and future service.  At December 31,
          1993, options for 1,816,500 shares were exercisable and
          1,622,360 shares were available for future awards.

          NOTE 12 - INCOME TAXES:  Earnings before income taxes and the
          effect of accounting changes for the years ended December 31,
          were taxed within the following jurisdictions:

          In thousands                1993             1992           1991
          United States           $229,503         $120,311       $137,649
          Foreign                   24,021           62,683         97,540
          Total                   $253,524         $182,994       $235,189

          The provision for income taxes before the effect of accounting
          changes was as follows:
          Current tax expense:
            United States         $ 74,912         $ 73,655       $ 50,093
            Foreign                 30,625           37,320         38,603
            Total current          105,537          110,975         88,696
          Deferred tax expense:
            United States            5,261          (36,698)        (9,141)
            Foreign                (20,798)          (6,877)         5,045
            Total deferred         (15,537)         (43,575)        (4,096)
            Total provision for
              income taxes        $ 90,000         $ 67,400       $ 84,600

            As discussed in Note 1, the company adopted SFAS No. 109 as of
          January 1, 1992, and the effect of this accounting change was
          reported in the 1992 Consolidated Statement of Income.  Prior
          years' financial statements were not restated to reflect the
          provisions of SFAS No. 109.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 47 of 64

            The provision for income taxes differs from the amount of
          income tax determined by applying the applicable U.S. statutory
          income tax rate to pretax income before the effect of accounting
          changes, as a result of the following differences:
                                                  Percent of pretax income
                                               1993       1992       1991 
          Statutory U.S. rates                 35.0%      34.0%      34.0%
          Increase (decrease) in rates 
            resulting from:
            Foreign operations                  0.6        3.3        4.4
            Bases difference on dispositions     --         --       (3.6)
            Effect of changes in statutory 
              rate on deferred taxes           (2.2)        --         --
            Earnings/losses of equity
              companies                        (2.2)      (4.4)      (2.5)
            State and local income taxes,
              net of U.S. tax                   1.3        2.3        2.0 
            Other                               3.0        1.6        1.7 
          Effective tax rates                  35.5%      36.8%      36.0%

            The deferred income tax accounts for 1993 and 1992 reflect the
          impact of "temporary differences" between the value of assets and
          liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their related
          value as measured by tax laws.  These temporary differences have
          now been calculated in accordance with SFAS No. 109 and are more
          inclusive in nature than "timing differences" as determined under
          previously applicable accounting principles.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 48 of 64

            A summary of the deferred tax accounts at December 31, follows:

          In thousands                                     1993       1992
          Current deferred assets and (liabilities):
            Differences between book and tax bases
              of inventories and receivables           $ 32,576   $ 32,046
            Differences between book and tax
              expense for other employee related
              benefits and allowances                    42,137     31,373
            Provisions for restructure of
              operations and plant closings
              not yet deductible for tax purposes         5,328     15,718
            Other reserves and valuation
              allowances in excess of tax deductions     27,954     25,604
            Other differences between tax and 
              financial statement values                  8,941     (2,902)
              Gross current deferred net tax assets     116,936    101,839
          Noncurrent deferred tax assets and
            Tax items associated with equity
              companies                                  31,022     29,653
            Postretirement and postemployment
              benefits other than pensions in
              excess of tax deductions                  159,922    150,125
            Other reserves in excess of tax expense      28,136     12,747
            Tax depreciation in excess of book
              depreciation                              (54,855)   (52,841)
            Pension contributions in excess of
              book expense                              (36,607)   (33,719)
            Taxes provided for unrepatriated
              foreign earnings                          (26,353)   (25,600)
              Gross noncurrent deferred net tax assets  101,265     80,365
              Less:  deferred tax valuation allowances  (10,352)    (3,392)
                Total net deferred tax assets          $207,849   $178,812


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 49 of 64

            The information presented above is in accordance with SFAS No.
          109 for the years ended December 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively. 
          The following table identifies the current and noncurrent
          deferred tax items which were part of the company's tax provision
          for the year ended December 31, 1991.

          In thousands                                                1991
          Current deferred:
            Plant closings and resizing costs                     $ (1,956)
            Increase in reserves not currently
              deductible for tax purposes                           (7,825)
            Other                                                     (955)
            Total current deferred                                $(10,736)
          Noncurrent deferred:
            Depreciation                                          $ (3,233)
            Pensions                                                 6,915
            Unrepatriated foreign earnings                           4,760
            Other                                                   (1,802)
            Total noncurrent deferred                             $  6,640

            A total of $26,353,000 of deferred taxes have been provided for
          a portion of the undistributed earnings of subsidiaries operating
          outside of the United States.  As to the remainder, these
          earnings have been, and under current plans, will continue to be
          reinvested and it is not practicable to estimate the amount of
          additional taxes which may be payable upon repatriation.

          NOTE 13 - PENSION PLANS:  The company has noncontributory pension
          plans covering substantially all domestic employees.  In
          addition, certain employees in other countries are covered by
          pension plans.  The company's domestic salaried plans principally
          provide benefits based on a career average earnings formula.  The
          company's hourly pension plans provide benefits under flat
          benefit formulas.  Foreign plans provide benefits based on
          earnings and years of service.  Most of the foreign plans require
          employee contributions based on the employee's earnings.  The
          company's policy is to fund an amount which could be in excess of
          the pension cost expensed, subject to the limitations imposed by
          current statutes or tax regulations.  Ingersoll-Dresser Pump
          Company's costs for the year ended December 31, 1993, and the
          three months ended December 31, 1992, and status of its benefit
          plans at December 31, 1993 and 1992, have been consolidated.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 50 of 64

            The components of the company's pension cost for the years
          ended December 31, include the following:

          In thousands                        1993        1992        1991
          Benefits earned during the
            year                         $  27,749    $ 25,813   $  23,700
          Interest cost on projected
            benefit obligation              72,131      70,543      67,758
          Actual return on plan assets    (124,432)    (84,446)   (199,672)
          Net amortization and deferral     32,685      (7,484)    121,729
            Net pension cost             $   8,133    $  4,426    $ 13,515


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 51 of 64

            The status of employee pension benefit plans at December 31, 1993 and 1992, was as

                                                        1993                          1992          
                                              Overfunded    Underfunded     Overfunded   Underfunded
          In thousands                             plans          plans          plans         plans
          Actuarial present value of
            projected benefit obligation,
            based on employment service to
            date and current salary levels:
            Vested employees                $  (962,348)     $ (84,311)    $ (807,210)     $(67,972)
            Nonvested employees                  (8,067)        (4,764)        (4,878)       (3,146)
            Accumulated benefit obligation     (970,415)       (89,075)      (812,088)      (71,118)
            Additional amount related to
              projected salary increases        (38,713)       (17,361)       (45,873)      (15,704)
          Total projected benefit obligation (1,009,128)      (106,436)      (857,961)      (86,822)
          Funded assets at fair value         1,079,203         46,035      1,026,711        38,523
          Assets in excess of (less than)
            projected benefit obligation         70,075        (60,401)       168,750       (48,299)
          Unamortized (net asset) liability
            existing at date of adoption         (3,344)         4,573         (7,289)        2,826
          Unrecognized prior service cost        13,685         10,015         16,196         9,901
          Unrecognized net loss (gain)           27,103          5,506        (75,026)           --
          Adjustment required to recognize
            minimum liability                        --         (7,060)            --        (1,430)
          Purchase accounting tax benefit
            on unfunded pension liability            --             --             --         3,354
          Prepaid (accrued) pension cost    $   107,519      $ (47,367)    $  102,631      $(33,648)


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 52 of 64

            Plan investment assets of domestic plans are balanced between
          equity securities and cash equivalents or debt securities. 
          Assets of foreign plans are invested principally in equity
            The present value of benefit obligations for domestic plans at
          December 31, 1993 and 1992, was determined using an assumed
          discount rate of 7.0% and 7.5%, an expected long-term rate of
          return on assets of 8.5% and 9.0% and an assumed rate of increase
          in future compensation levels of 4.5% and 5.0%, respectively. 
          The weighted averages of the actuarially assumed discount rate,
          long-term rate of return on assets and the rate for compensation
          increases for foreign plans were 8.0%, 9.0% and 5.5% in 1993, and
          9.0%, 9.0% and 6.5% in 1992, respectively.
            Most of the company's domestic employees are covered by savings
          and other defined contribution plans.  Employer contributions and
          costs are determined based on criteria specific to the individual
          plans and amounted to approximately $20,494,000, $19,106,000 and
          $18,200,000 in 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.  In addition,
          the company maintains other supplemental benefit plans for
          officers and other key employees.
            The company's costs relating to foreign defined contribution
          plans, insured plans and other foreign benefit plans were 
          $307,000, $553,000 and $650,000 in 1993, 1992 and 1991,
            In 1993, 1992 and 1991, 214, 211 and 216 employees,
          respectively, were covered by multiemployer pension plans. 
          Amounts charged to pension cost and contributed to multiemployer
          plans in 1993, 1992 and 1991 were $484,000, $460,000 and
          $459,000, respectively.
            The existing pension rules require the recognition of a
          liability in the amount of the company's unfunded accumulated
          benefit obligation with an equal amount recognized as an
          intangible asset.  As a result, the company recorded a current
          liability of $1,226,400 and a noncurrent liability of $5,833,400
          in 1993.  An offsetting intangible asset was recorded in the
          Consolidated Balance Sheet.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 53 of 64

          fourth quarter of 1992, the company adopted Statement of
          Financial Accounting Standards No. 106, "Employers' Accounting
          for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions," effective
          January 1, 1992.  The company elected to immediately recognize
          the effect of the change in accounting for postretirement
          benefits of $428.9 million ($283.8 million net of income tax
          benefit), which represented the accumulated postretirement
          benefit obligation (APBO) existing at January 1, 1992.  The
          results for the first three quarters of 1992 were restated as a
          result of the adoption.  In addition to the effect, the company's
          1992 postretirement benefits cost increased $29.6 million ($19.5
          million after-tax, or $0.19 per share).  The company continues to
          fund benefit costs principally on a pay-as-you-go basis, with the
          retiree paying a portion of the costs.  In situations where
          full-time employees retire from the company between age 55 and
          age 65, most are eligible to receive, at a cost to the retiree,
          certain health care benefits identical to those available to
          active employees.  After attaining age 65, an eligible retiree's
          health care benefit coverage becomes coordinated with Medicare,
          with the retiree paying a portion of the cost of the coverage.
            Summary information on the company's plans was as follows:

          In thousands                                                    
          December 31                                    1993         1992
          Financial status of plans:
          Accumulated postretirement benefit
             Retirees                               $(286,470)   $(227,327)
             Active employees                        (181,606)    (227,917)
                                                     (468,076)    (455,244)
          Plan assets at fair value                        --           --
          Unfunded accumulated benefit
            obligation in excess of plan assets      (468,076)    (455,244)
          Unrecognized net loss (gain)                 88,325           --
          Unrecognized prior service benefit          (95,269)     (21,700)
          Accrued postretirement benefit cost       $(475,020)   $(476,944)

            The components of net periodic postretirement benefit cost for
          the years ended December 31, were as follows:
          In millions                                    1993         1992
          Service cost, benefits attributed to
            employee service during the year            $ 5.7        $11.4
          Interest cost on accumulated
            postretirement benefit obligation            28.3         32.6
          Net amortization and deferral                  (5.1)          --
          Net periodic postretirement benefit cost      $28.9        $44.0


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 54 of 64

            The discount rates used in determining the APBO were 7.0% and
          7.5% at December 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively.  The assumed
          health care cost trend rates used in measuring the accumulated
          postretirement benefit obligation were 13.0% in 1993 and 14.4% in
          1992, declining each year to ultimate rates of 5.0% and 5.5% by
          2003, respectively.
            Increasing the health care cost trend rate by 1% as of December
          31, 1993, would increase the APBO by 9.3%.  The effect of this
          change on the sum of the service cost and interest cost
          components of net periodic postretirement benefit cost for 1993
          would be an increase of 8.2%.  The company has made several
          modifications to the cost-sharing provisions of its
          postretirement plans.
            In 1991, charges relating to the health care and life insurance
          benefits for retirees were based on benefits paid and expenses
          incurred.  Such charges amounted to $12,916,000 in 1991.

          NOTE 15 - COMMON STOCK:  In May 1992, the board of directors
          declared a two-for-one split of the company's common stock.  The
          stock split was made in the form of a stock dividend, payable on
          June 1, 1992, to shareowners of record on May 19, 1992.  All
          prior year per share amounts have been restated to reflect the
          stock split.
            On December 7, 1988, the board of directors adopted a Rights
          Plan (Plan) and declared a dividend distribution of one right for
          each outstanding share of the company's common stock.  Each right
          entitles the holder to purchase 1/100th of a share of Series A
          preference stock at an exercise price of $130, or, in lieu of
          preference stock, the common stock of the company (or in certain
          circumstances, the stock of an acquiring entity) for a price of
          approximately one-half of its value.  The rights become
          exercisable in accordance with the provisions of the Plan a
          specified number of days following (i) the acquisition by a
          person or group of persons of 20 percent or more of the company's
          common stock or (ii) the commencement of a tender or exchange
          offer for 20 percent or more of the company's common stock.  The
          rights may not be exercisable by holders of 20 percent or more of
          the company's common stock.  The company has reserved 563,000
          shares of Series A preference stock for issuance upon exercise of
          the rights.  The rights may be redeemed by the company for one
          cent per right in accordance with the provisions of the Plan. 
          The rights will expire on December 22, 1998, unless redeemed
          earlier by the company.
            Shares held in treasury at December 31, 1993, will be used for
          employee benefit plans and for other corporate purposes.  


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 55 of 64

          NOTE 16 - BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORMATION:   A description of
          business segments and operations by business segments and
          geographic area for the three years ended December 31, 1993 were
          as follows:

          Ingersoll-Rand's operations are organized into three worldwide
          business segments:  Standard Machinery; Engineered Equipment; and
          Bearings, Locks and Tools.

          Standard Machinery
          The segment's products are categorized into three groups:

          Air Compressor - products include reciprocating, rotary and
          centrifugal air compressors, vacuum pumps, air drying and
          filtering systems and other compressor accessories.  The products
          are used primarily to supply pressurized air to industrial
          plants, refineries, chemical plants, electrical utilities and
          service stations.

          Construction and Mining - manufactures portable and packaged air
          compressors, vibratory compactors, pavement millers, asphalt
          pavers, rock drills, blasthole drills, water-well drills, crawler
          drills, jumbo drills, jackhammers and rock and roof stabilizers
          primarily for the construction, highway maintenance,
          metals-mining and well-drilling industries.

          Mining Machinery(1) - products include continuous and long-wall
          mining machines, crushers, coal haulers and mine-service
          vehicles, which principally serve the underground coal-mining

          Engineered Equipment
          The segment's products are categorized into two groups:

          Pump(2) - manufactures centrifugal and reciprocating pumps. 
          These products serve oil production and refining, chemical
          process, marine, agricultural, electric utility and general
          manufacturing industries.

          Process Systems - consists of pulp and paper processing
          equipment, pelleting equipment, filters, aerators and dewatering
          systems.  This equipment is used in the pulp and paper, food and
          agricultural, and minerals processing industries.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 56 of 64

          Bearings, Locks and Tools
          The segment's products are categorized into three groups:

          Bearings and Components - principal products include needle
          bearings, needle roller bearings, needle rollers, thrust
          bearings, tapered roller bearings, drawn cup bearings,
          high-precision ball bearings, spherical bearings, radial
          bearings, universal joints, dowel pins, swagers and precision
          components. These products are sold principally to durables-
          industry customers primarily in the automotive and aerospace

          Production Equipment - manufactures air-powered tools, hoists and
          winches, air motors and air starters, automated assembly and test
          systems, air and electric automated fastener tightening systems
          and waterjet cutting systems.  These products are sold to general
          manufacturing industries and to the appliance, aircraft,
          construction and automotive industries.

          Door Hardware - major products include locks, door closers and
          exit devices used in commercial and residential construction and
          the retail hardware market.

             The Mining Machinery Group was sold during 1993.
             See Note 2 in the accompanying Notes to the Consolidated
             Financial Statements for information regarding the joint
             venture relating to this group.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 57 of 64

    Operations by Business Segments                                                                  

    Dollar amounts in millions
    For the years ended                          % of                    % of                    % of
    December 31                         1993    total     1992(b)       total        1991       total

    Standard Machinery
    Sales                           $1,250.9      31%    $1,385.3         37%    $1,363.2         38%
    Operating income excluding
      restructure of operations         89.6      27%        90.9         32%        86.8         29%
    Restructure of operations
      (charge) benefit                  (5.0)                --                     (16.7)
    Operating income from
      operations                        84.6      26%        90.9         44%        70.1         23%
    Operating income as % of sales       6.8%                 6.6%                    5.1%
    Identifiable assets                927.1                980.6                 1,000.7
    Depreciation                        25.0                 26.6                    26.3
    Capital expenditures                25.0                 42.8                    46.4

    Engineered Equipment
    Sales                              929.6      23%       645.3         17%       575.7         16%
    Operating income excluding
      restructure of operations         30.5       9%        29.0         10%        55.7         19%
    Restructure of operations
      (charge) benefit                    --                (70.0)                   --
    Operating income from
      operations                        30.5       9%       (41.0)       (20)%       55.7         18%
    Operating income as % of sales       3.3%                (6.4)%                   9.7%
    Identifiable assets                622.3                696.4                   400.2
    Depreciation                        28.1                 19.0                    14.6
    Capital expenditures                29.0                 27.1                    25.4


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 58 of 64

    Operations by Business Segments (Continued)                                                      
    Dollar amounts in millions
    For the years ended                          % of                    % of                    % of
    December 31                         1993    total      1992(b)      total        1991       total

    Bearings, Locks and Tools
    Sales                            1,840.6      46%     1,753.2         46%     1,647.3         46%
    Operating income excluding
      restructure of operations        210.7      64%       167.4         58%       155.3         52%
    Restructure of operations
      (charge) benefit                    --                (10.0)                   23.8
    Operating income from
      operations                       210.7      65%       157.4         76%       179.1         59%
    Operating income as % of sales      11.4%                 9.0%                   10.9%
    Identifiable assets              1,102.7              1,029.8                 1,045.5
    Depreciation                        63.3                 64.0                    59.4
    Capital expenditures                77.8                 61.7                    68.6

    Sales                            4,021.1     100%     3,783.8        100%     3,586.2        100%
    Operating income excluding
      restructure of operations        330.8     100%       287.3        100%       297.8        100%
    Restructure of operations
      (charge) benefit                  (5.0)               (80.0)                    7.1
    Operating income from
      operations                       325.8     100%       207.3        100%       304.9        100%
    Operating income as % of sales       8.1%                 5.5%                    8.5%
    Identifiable assets              2,652.1              2,706.8                 2,446.4
    Depreciation                       116.4                109.6                   100.3
    Capital expenditures               131.8                131.6                   140.4
    General corporate expenses
      charged to operating income       34.3                 32.1                    31.4
    Operating income                   291.5                175.2                   273.5


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 59 of 64

    Operations by Business Segments (Continued)                                                      

    Dollar amounts in millions
    For the years ended                          % of                    % of                    % of
    December 31                         1993    total     1992(b)       total        1991       total

    Interest expense                    52.0                 54.1                    59.3
    Other income (expense), net         (7.5)                (0.7)                  (19.0)
    Dresser-Rand income                 33.1                 27.6                    40.0
    Ingersoll-Dresser Pump
      Company minority interest        (11.6)                35.0                      --
    Earnings before income taxes,
      extraordinary item and effect
      of accounting changes            253.5                183.0                   235.2
    Corporate assets (a)               723.2                680.8                   533.2

    Total assets                    $3,375.3             $3,387.6                $2,979.6

    (a) Corporate assets consist primarily of cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities,
    investments and advances, and other assets not directly associated with the operations of a business
    segment.  (b) The 1992 change in accounting for postretirement benefits decreased operating income by
    $4.7 million for Standard Machinery, $5.3 million for Engineered Equipment and $19.6 million for
    Bearings, Locks and Tools.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 60 of 64

  Operations by Geographic Area                                                                        
  In millions                      United                        Other    Adjustments/
  For the year 1993                States      Europe    International    Eliminations    Consolidated
  Sales to customers             $2,526.9    $1,071.5           $422.7         $    --        $4,021.1
  Transfers between geographic
    areas                           357.3        53.0             33.0          (443.3)             --
  Total sales and transfers      $2,884.2     1,124.5            455.7          (443.3)       $4,021.1
  Operating income excluding
    restructure of operations    $  260.0        35.5             34.7             0.6        $  330.8
  Restructure of operations 
    (charge) benefit                 (5.0)         --               --              --            (5.0)
  Operating income from
    operations                   $  255.0        35.5             34.7             0.6        $  325.8
  General corporate expenses
    charged to operating income                                                                   34.3
  Operating income                                                                            $  291.5
  Identifiable assets at
    December 31, 1993            $1,597.3       780.5            286.7           (12.4)       $2,652.1
  Corporate assets                                                                               723.2
  Total assets at
    December 31, 1993                                                                         $3,375.3
  For the year 1992
  Sales to customers             $2,311.2     1,064.4            408.2              --        $3,783.8
  Transfers between geographic
    areas                           370.7        47.7             44.4          (462.8)             --
  Total sales and transfers      $2,681.9     1,112.1            452.6          (462.8)       $3,783.8
  Operating income excluding
    restructure of operations    $  184.3        54.9             47.0             1.1        $  287.3
  Restructure of operations 
    (charge) benefit                (64.5)      (12.7)            (2.8)             --           (80.0)
  Operating income from
    operations                   $  119.8        42.2             44.2             1.1        $  207.3
  General corporate expenses
    charged to operating income                                                                   32.1
  Operating income                                                                            $  175.2
  Identifiable assets at
    December 31, 1992            $1,564.0       854.3            301.5           (13.0)       $2,706.8
  Corporate assets                                                                               680.8
  Total assets at
    December 31, 1992                                                                         $3,387.6


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 61 of 64

  Operations by Geographic Area  (Continued)                                                           
  In millions
                                   United                        Other    Adjustments/
  For the year 1991                States      Europe    International    Eliminations    Consolidated

  Sales to customers             $2,160.3       980.1            445.8              --        $3,586.2
  Transfers between geographic
    areas                           381.2        49.1             47.8          (478.1)             --
  Total sales and transfers      $2,541.5     1,029.2            493.6          (478.1)       $3,586.2
  Operating income excluding
    restructure of operations    $  149.6        89.2             57.7             1.3        $  297.8
  Restructure of operations 
    (charge) benefit                 20.1       (13.0)              --              --             7.1
  Operating income from
    operations                   $  169.7        76.2             57.7             1.3        $  304.9
  General corporate expenses
    charged to operating income                                                                   31.4
  Operating income                                                                            $  273.5
  Identifiable assets at
    December 31, 1991            $1,459.9       702.8            297.8           (14.1)       $2,446.4
  Corporate assets                                                                               533.2
  Total assets at
    December 31, 1991                                                                         $2,979.6

  International sales of U.S. manufactured products were $580,700,000 in 1993, $577,200,000 in 1992 and
  $564,400,000 in 1991.


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 62 of 64

          NOTE 17 - PENDING TRANSACTION:  On December 22, 1993, Ingersoll-
          Rand announced that it has agreed to acquire a 12-percent
          interest in Nuovo Pignone from Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI),
          the Italian government-owned energy conglomerate.  Nuovo Pignone
          is a manufacturer of turbines, compressors, pumps, valves and
          fuel dispensing systems, primarily for energy-related industries.
            The agreement with ENI also calls for General Electric USA,
          which leads the consortium, to acquire a 25-percent share and for
          Dresser Industries to acquire a 12-percent share in Nuovo
          Pignone.  The consortium has invited several Italian banks to
          acquire up to 20-percent ownership.  The remainder of the company
          will be owned by subsidiaries of ENI (20 percent) and public
          shareholders (11 percent).  The purchase price for the company's
          interest totals approximately $73 million.
            The transaction is subject to antitrust review and is expected
          to close in the first half of 1994. 


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 63 of 64

          Report of Management                                              

               The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been
          prepared by the company.  They conform with generally accepted
          accounting principles and reflect judgments and estimates as to
          the expected effects of incomplete transactions and events being
          accounted for currently.  The company believes that the
          accounting systems and related controls that it maintains are
          sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that assets are
          safeguarded, transactions are appropriately authorized and
          recorded, and the financial records are reliable for preparing
          such financial statements.  The concept of reasonable assurance
          is based on the recognition that the cost of a system of internal
          accounting controls must be related to the benefits derived.  The
          company maintains an internal audit function that is responsible
          for evaluating the adequacy and application of financial and
          operating controls and for testing compliance with company
          policies and procedures.
               The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors is comprised
          entirely of individuals who are not employees of the company. 
          This committee meets periodically with the independent
          accountants, the internal auditors and management to consider
          audit results and to discuss significant internal accounting
          controls, auditing and financial reporting matters.  The Audit
          Committee recommends the selection of the independent
          accountants, who are then appointed by the board of directors,
          subject to ratification by the shareowners.
               The independent accountants are engaged to perform an audit
          of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with
          generally accepted auditing standards.  Their report follows.

          /S/ T. F. McBride
          Thomas F. McBride
          Senior Vice President and
          Chief Financial Officer


                                                       EXHIBIT 13
                                                       Page 64 of 64

          Report of Independent Accountants                                 

          February 1, 1994

          To the Shareowners of Ingersoll-Rand Company:

               In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheet
          and the related consolidated statements of income, of
          shareowners' equity and of cash flows present fairly, in all
          material respects, the financial position of Ingersoll-Rand
          Company and its subsidiaries at December 31, 1993 and 1992, and
          the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of
          the three years in the period ended December 31, 1993, in
          conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.  These
          financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
          management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
          financial statements based on our audits.  We conducted our
          audits of these statements in accordance with generally accepted
          auditing standards which require that we plan and perform the
          audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
          statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes
          examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
          disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting
          principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
          evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We
          believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the
          opinion expressed above.

               As discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial
          statements, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
          Standards No. 112, "Employers' Accounting for Postemployment
          Benefits," effective January 1, 1993 and adopted Statement of
          Financial Accounting Standards No. 106, "Employers' Accounting
          for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions," and Statement
          of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for Income
          Taxes," effective January 1, 1992.

          /S/ Price Waterhouse
          Price Waterhouse
          Hackensack, New Jersey  07601
