Exhibit 10.1


  This Agreement is made this 26th day of September, 1995, by and
between  Inter-Regional   Financial  Group,   Inc.,  a   Delaware
corporation ("IFG"),  and David  A. Smith,  a resident  of  Texas

  Employee has been the President and Chief Executive Officer and
a director  of Rauscher  Pierce Refsnes, Inc. ("Rauscher") and an
Executive Vice  President and director of  IFG.  IFG and Employee
wish to effect the termination of Employee's officer and director
status and  his employment  at the  times and  on the  terms  and
conditions set forth herein.

  In consideration  of the  mutual covenants  contained  in  this
Agreement, IFG and Employee hereby agree as follows:

  1.  Resignation.

  (a) Except as  otherwise specifically provided herein, Employee
hereby resigns all officer, director and other positions with IFG
and each  of  its  subsidiaries  effective  September  30,  1995.
Subject to  the terms hereof, including the terms of Section 1(c)
and  Section   3,  Employee's   employment  shall  be  terminated
effective at  the close of  business on the date (the "Employment
Termination Date")  which is  earliest to  occur of: (i) December
31, 1998;  (ii) any date as of which Employee elects to terminate
his obligations under Section 3(a) as provided therein; (iii) any
date as  of which  Employee becomes  employed by  another firm or
entity and  becomes eligible for health and welfare benefits; and
(iv) any  date as  of which  Employee's employment  is terminated
pursuant to  Section 6.   IFG  and its subsidiaries hereby accept
Employee's resignations effective as of such dates and times.

  (b) From October  1, 1995  through December  31, 1995  (or such
earlier date  as Employee may choose), Employee shall be provided
with office  space and  telephone, secretarial  and other support
services comparable  to what  he received  prior to September 30,
1995, except that Employee's office assignment shall be dependent
upon available  space.   During the  period from  October 1, 1995
through December  31, 1995, Employee shall perform such duties as
shall be  requested or approved by the Chief Executive Officer of

  (c) From January  1, 1996  (or such  earlier date  as  Employee
leaves the  Rauscher executive  offices), through  the Employment
Termination Date,  Employee shall  occupy such  office space  and
receive such telephone, secretarial and other support as he shall
arrange.    Employee  shall  be  reimbursed  for  costs  incurred
therefor through  December  31,  1996,  in  accordance  with  the
provisions of  Section 2(e).   From  January 1, 1996, through the
Employment Termination  Date, Employee will perform the duties of
a retail  commissioned salesperson  for Rauscher  (or such  other
duties as  shall be  mutually agreeable  to IFG and Employee) and
will operate  for regulatory  purposes as  a satellite of another
branch office  of Rauscher.   At  all times  on or  prior to  the
Employment Termination  Date, Employee  agrees to  abide  by  all
compliance and other policies and procedures of Rauscher and IFG,
including all  policies relating  to approval of outside business

  2.  Severance Compensation  and Arrangements.  As consideration
for past services to IFG and its subsidiaries, the noncompetition
and other covenants set forth in Section 3 and the release of any
and all  claims relating to employment as set forth in Section 7,
and subject to the terms hereof, IFG agrees as follows:

  (a) IFG will  pay to  Employee the sum of $16,666.67 per month,
for the months of October 1995 through December 31, 1995.  Unless
otherwise mutually  agreed, such  amount will  be paid  in  semi-
monthly  installments   in  accordance  with  Rauscher's  regular
payroll procedures and shall have deducted from it all applicable
federal and state withholding taxes, FICA and benefits deductions
currently applicable  to Employee.   In addition, IFG will pay to
Employee the  lump sum  of $400,000  (less  the  amount  Employee
previously  elected  to  defer  pursuant  to  the  IFG  Executive
Deferred Compensation  Plan) in  complete payment  of  Employee's
bonus for  the year ended December 31, 1995.  Such bonus shall be
paid in late January or early February 1996, at substantially the
same time  as other  employee discretionary  bonuses for 1995 are
paid (but,  in any  event, no  later than February 29, 1996), and
shall have  deducted from  it all  applicable federal  and  state
withholding taxes  and FICA . Employee shall receive the employer
matching contribution  on the  deferred portion  of such bonus in
accordance  with  his  previous  election  pursuant  to  the  IFG
Executive Deferred  Plan, but shall reimburse IFG for the cost of
any contribution  related thereto  under IFG's  Profit Sharing or
other benefit  plans.   Employee agrees to execute a "Termination
of Pretax  Payroll  Deduction"  form  (SB/PS02)  terminating  his
voluntary participation  in IFG's  Profit Sharing and Stock Bonus
Plans and  to return  such form  immediately  to  IFG's  Benefits
Administration Department.

  (b) Subject to  the provisions  of Sections  2 (c), 3(a) and 6,
for the  period commencing  January 1,  1996, and ending December
31, 1998,   IFG  will  pay  to  Employee  the  aggregate  sum  of
$500,000 ($200,000  per year  annualized for  the first two years
and $100,000  per year annualized for the third year), payable in
equal monthly  installments of  $16,666.67  for the first twenty-
four months  and $8,333.34  for the  final twelve  months.   Such
amounts (which  shall be  characterized as payment for Employee's
noncompetition/ nonsolicitation  covenant and  not as  recognized
compensation for  purposes of  IFG's various benefit plans) shall
be paid  in monthly installments along with, and on substantially
the same  schedule as,  any commissions  to be paid Employee as a
result of  activities contemplated  in  Section  1(c).  All  such
payments shall have deducted from them all applicable federal and
state withholding  taxes, FICA  and benefits deductions currently
applicable to  Employee except  as otherwise provided herein.  In
the event of Employee's death prior to the Employment Termination
Date, such  payments shall continue to be made to the beneficiary
designated for  Employee in  connection with  his interest in the
IFG Profit Sharing Plan.

  (c) From October  1, 1995  through the  Employment  Termination
Date, Employee  will continue  to receive  coverage  under  IFG's
health insurance  plan and basic group life insurance plan at the
levels and  upon the  terms currently being provided to Employee,
subject, in  each case, to the terms and provisions of such plan.
From and  after December  31, 1996, Employee shall be required to
reimburse IFG  for the  premiums incurred  in providing  Employee
such benefits.  After the  Employment Termination  Date, Employee
shall become  eligible to  continue his health insurance coverage
at his  own expense  for up  to eighteen months under the federal
COBRA rules  and shall  be entitled  to any  other  continuation,
conversion or  distribution rights then available under the terms
of IFG's  plans or  federal or  state laws.  Except as  otherwise
specifically provided  herein, Employee  agrees to  reimburse IFG
for all  costs incurred  in  providing  any  benefits  under  any
employee benefit  plans to  Employee from October 1, 1995 through
the Employment  Termination Date.  Employee agrees that any costs
to be  paid or reimbursed to IFG hereunder shall be deducted from
the  compensation  otherwise  payable  to  Employee  pursuant  to
Sections 2(a) and (b) or from any commissions to be paid Employee
as a  result of activities pursuant to Section 1(c).   IFG agrees
that  Employee's  resignations  from  his  director  and  officer
positions  effective   September  30,  1995,  execution  of  this
Agreement,          including           specifically          the
noncompetition/nonsolicitation  covenant   contained  in  Section
3(a)(1), and  termination of  his employment  on  the  Employment
Termination Date  shall, as  of the  Employment Termination Date,
constitute an  "Approved Retirement"   under  the terms  of IFG's
Executive Deferred  Compensation Plan  and Deferred  Compensation
Plan for Excess Contributions.

  (d) IFG will  pay or  reimburse Employee's club membership fees
(excluding meals  and other  use charges) for the balance of 1995
and for  the period  beginning January  1, 1996  (or such earlier
date as  Employee leaves  the  Rauscher  executive  offices)  and
ending December  31, 1996,  and  will  transfer  at  its  expense
ownership of the corporate membership at Glen Eagles Country Club
to Employee  (subject to  any applicable  rules,  regulations  or
restrictions imposed by such club).

  (e) IFG will  reimburse Employee  an aggregate of up to $60,000
for expenses  incurred for  the period through December 31, 1996,
for office  space, telephone,  secretarial and clerical services,
parking, and  outplacement, tax,  accounting, financial  planning
and legal services related to Employee's resignations.

  (f) To the  extent permissible under all applicable laws, rules
and regulations  (including the  rules  and  regulations  of  any
securities exchange  or self-regulatory  body of which IFG or any
of its  subsidiaries is  a member),  as determined  in  the  sole
discretion of  IFG, IFG  agrees to  continue  to  do  all  things
necessary to  assist Employee  in  maintaining  the  currency  of
Employee's securities  licenses and registrations from October 1,
1995 through the Employment Termination Date.

  (g) IFG agrees  that all  stock options  previously granted  to
Employee having  vesting dates  on or  before March  1, 1997  are
listed in  Exhibit A hereto, that the vesting of all such options
with original  vesting dates  occurring after  the date  of  this
Agreement has  been accelerated  and that such options are vested
in full  as of the date of  this Agreement, that the terms of all
options listed  on Exhibit  A have  been modified to provide that
they expire  on March 1, 1996 unless exercised prior to that date
by Employee   and  that Employee  may exercise  such options,  in
whole or  in part,  at any  time and  from time  to time prior to
March 1,  1996, at  which time  any unexercised  options will  be

  3.    Covenants of Employee.

  (a)   Noncompetition/Nonsoliciation.

    (1) "Approved Retirement" Agreement.  In order for Employee's
resignations pursuant  to Section  1 hereof  and the execution of
this Agreement  to constitute  an "Approved Retirement" under the
terms and  conditions of   IFG's  Executive Deferred Compensation
Plan and  Deferred Compensation  Plan for  Excess  Contributions,
Employee agrees,  for the  one-year period  commencing October 1,
1995 and  ending September  30, 1996,  to refrain from performing
any  services   for  or   otherwise  participating,  directly  or
indirectly, in  the business of any broker/dealer or other entity
(other than  IFG and its subsidiaries) engaged in any business in
which IFG  or any  IFG Affiliate (as defined in the IFG Executive
Deferred Compensation  Plan) is engaged in any state in which IFG
or any IFG Affiliate has an office.

    (2) Basic Agreement.   Except  as other wise provided in this
Section (2)(a)(2),  through the close of business on December 31,
1998, Employee  will not,  directly or  indirectly,  without  the
prior written  consent  of  IFG,  (A)  accept  employment  in  or
otherwise become  affiliated or associated any manner or capacity
(e.g.,  as   an  advisor,  principal,  agent,  partner,  officer,
director,  stockholder,   employee,  independent   consultant  or
otherwise) with  any of  the firms (or any affiliate of any firm)
listed on  Exhibit B  attached hereto  or any  other firm or unit
within any  firm primarily  engaging in  any  general  retail  or
institutional  investment  banking  or  securities  brokerage  or
trading business  of any  type generally engaged in by IFG or its
subsidiaries in  any state in which Rauscher maintains an office,
unless the  total revenues derived by such firm or unit, together
with  all  of  its  affiliates,  from  such  investment  banking,
securities brokerage  or trading  business  does  not  exceed  $5
million per  year, or  (B) in  any manner assist or encourage any
employee or  client of  IFG or any subsidiary of IFG to leave the
firm or  to remove,  transfer or materially reduce any investment
account with  IFG or  its  subsidiaries  or  open  an  investment
account with any other brokerage firm, or assist any other person
in carrying  out any  activity that would be prohibited hereunder
if such activity were carried out by Employee, either directly or
indirectly. Ownership  by Employee,  as a  passive investment, of
less than  5% of  the outstanding shares of stock of any firm (or
an  affiliate  of  any  firm)  listed  on  Exhibit  B  shall  not
constitute a  breach of  this Section,  nor shall  acceptance  by
Employee of  employment with  a firm  primarily  engaged  in  the
business  of  banking,  merchant  banking,  asset  management  or
venture capital,  so long  as the department or unit of such firm
in which Employee is engaged does not derive more that $5 million
in  revenues   per  year   from  investment  banking,  securities
brokerage or  trading activities.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
Employee shall be entitled to terminate his obligation under this
Section (a)(2)  for the  period beginning  January  1,  1998  and
ending December  31, 1998  (or any  portion  thereof)  by  giving
written notice  to IFG of his desire to do so, provided, however,
that Employee  will thereupon  forfeit  his  entitlement  to  all
payments under Section 2(b) of this Agreement payable on or after
the date  of such  written notice.  In such event, Employee shall
forfeit the  $100,000 annualized payment provided in Section 2(b)
(or a pro rata portion thereof representing payment for the month
in which such written notice is given through December 31, 1998).
In addition Employee shall be obligated to pay $100,000 to IFG as
consideration for  the acceleration  of the  vesting  of  options
referred to  in Section  2(g).   Employee agrees that such amount
shall  be   deducted  from   amounts  otherwise  required  to  be
distributed to Employee following the Employment Termination Date
from the IFG Deferred Compensation Plan for Excess Contributions.

  (b) Cooperation.  Employee agrees to cooperate with IFG and its
subsidiaries in  effecting a smooth transition.  Employee further
agrees to  cooperate with  IFG and its subsidiaries to the extent
requested or  approved by  the Chief  Executive Officer of IFG in
the management  and conduct  of any  litigation,  arbitration  or
agency or  other investigation,  whether commenced  prior  to  or
after the  date hereof.   After  December 31, 1995, IFG agrees to
pay Employee a per diem of $1,000 per day for each full day (over
3-1/2 hours)  or $500  per day  for each half day (3-1/2 hours or
less) for  time spent  by Employee  at the  request of IFG or its
subsidiaries engaged  in  consulting  or  other  activities  with
respect to  the transition,  any special projects mutually agreed
to by  IFG or  its subsidiaries  and Employee or participating in
any interviews,  analysis, file or document review, deposition or
testifying at  or attending  any  trial,  motion  or  arbitration
hearing  or  other  event  in  connection  with  any  litigation,
arbitration or  agency or  other investigation.   IFG  agrees  to
provide Employee  with reasonable  advance  notice  of  any  such
requested activities  and will  reimburse Employee for reasonable
out-of-pocket travel  expenses actually  incurred  in  connection

  4.  Additional Agreements  of IFG.   IFG  shall  use  its  best
efforts to  offer Employee's  current secretary,  Virginia Morin,
another suitable  position based on her abilities and tenure with
the company.   If  Ms. Morin  is not  offered or  does not accept
another position with IFG or a subsidiary of IFG or resigns or is
dismissed on  or prior  to June  30, 1996 from any position which
she accepts,  Ms. Morin will be offered severance arrangements no
less favorable  than  those  typically  offered  by  IFG  or  its
subsidiaries in the case of a job elimination.

  5.  Confidential Information.   Employee  agrees he will not at
any time  divulge, furnish  or  make  accessible  to  anyone  any
knowledge or  information  held  in  confidence  by  IFG  or  its
subsidiaries which  is not  in the  public domain, including, but
not limited  to, the  identity, financial  situation or  plans of
clients, the  functions, responsibilities or production levels of
employees, the  financial or  competitive position, strategies or
plans of  IFG or  its subsidiaries  or product  or other business
information  (including   technological  information)  considered
proprietary by IFG or its subsidiaries.

  6.  Effect of Breach.  If IFG believes Employee has breached or
violated any  material obligation  imposed under  this Agreement,
IFG shall  give Employee  written notice specifying the breach in
reasonable detail.   If  Employee fails  to  cure  the  specified
breach within  10 days  after Employee  received such  notice  of
breach from  IFG, IFG  shall have  the right  to  terminate  this
Agreement and all further obligations to Employee hereunder or to
those others  whose rights  may derive  from him and to terminate
Employee's employment.  Provided, that if Employee disagrees with
IFG and  gives written notice of such disagreement within 10 days
after Employee  received such notice of breach from IFG, Employee
shall have  the right  to require that the matter be submitted to
arbitration within  30 days  after the  expiration of such 10-day
period pursuant to Section 17 hereof. If Employee's employment is
terminated  pursuant   to  this  Section  6,  Employee  shall  be
obligated to  pay  $100,000  to  IFG  as  consideration  for  the
acceleration of  the vesting  of options  referred to  in Section
2(g).   Employee agrees  that such  amount shall be deducted from
amounts  otherwise   required  to   be  distributed  to  Employee
following the  Employment Termination  Date from the IFG Deferred
Compensation   Plan   for   Excess   Contributions.      Employee
acknowledges that it would be difficult to compensate IFG and its
subsidiaries for  damages for  any violation  of this  Agreement,
including without  limitation the provisions of Sections 3 and 5.
Accordingly  Employee  specifically  agrees  that  IFG  shall  be
entitled to  temporary and permanent injunctive relief to enforce
the provisions  of this  Agreement and  that such  relief may  be
granted without  the necessity  of proving  actual damages.  This
provision with  respect to  injunctive relief shall not, however,
diminish the  right of  IFG or  its  subsidiaries  to  claim  and
recover damages in addition to injunctive relief.

  7.  Releases and Indemnities.

  (a) Employee, for  himself, his  heirs, successors and assigns,
hereby releases and forever discharges IFG and its affiliates and
all  directors,   officers,  agents,  employees,  successors  and
assigns of  IFG or any of its affiliates from any and all claims,
demands, actions,  liability, damages  or  rights  of  any  kind,
whether known  or unknown,  arising out  of or resulting from any
matter, fact  or thing  occurring  prior  to  the  date  of  this
Agreement, including,  without limitation,  Employee's employment
with IFG  and its  subsidiaries, the resignation of Employee from
his director  and  officer  positions,  the  termination  of  his
employment and  the provisions  made herein  with respect thereto
(but excluding  Employee's rights  under this  Agreement and  the
various benefit plans of IFG and its subsidiaries, and Employee's
rights under  the Indemnification  Agreement dated  June 20, 1987
between  Employee   and  IFG   or  otherwise   with  respect   to
indemnification under  the Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws
of IFG  and/or its subsidiaries, directors and officers insurance
carried by  IFG and  its subsidiaries  and under  the laws of the
State of  Delaware).   Employee further  agrees that  he will not
institute nor  authorize any  other party, either governmental or
otherwise, to  institute any  administrative or legal proceedings
against IFG or its affiliates or any directors, officers, agents,
employees, successors  and assigns  of IFG or its affiliates as a
result of  any claims  of any  kind or  character which  Employee
might have  arising from  or related to any matter, fact or thing
occurring prior to the date of this Agreement, including, without
limitation, Employee's  employment with IFG and its subsidiaries,
the  resignation  of  Employee  from  his  director  and  officer
positions, the  termination of  his employment and the provisions
made herein with respect thereto.

  (b) IFG,  for   itself,  its  successors  and  assigns,  hereby
releases and forever discharges Employee from any and all claims,
demands, actions,  liability, damages  or  rights  of  any  kind,
whether known  or unknown,  arising out  of or resulting from any
matter, fact  or thing  occurring  prior  to  the  date  of  this
Agreement, including,  without limitation,  Employee's employment
with IFG  and its  subsidiaries.  IFG further agrees that it will
not institute  nor authorize any other party, either governmental
or  otherwise,   to  institute   any  administrative   or   legal
proceedings against  Employee as  a result  of any  claims of any
kind or character which IFG might have arising from or related to
any matter,  fact or  thing occurring  prior to  the date of this
Agreement, including,  without limitation,  Employee's employment
with IFG and its subsidiaries.

  (c) This Agreement  is intended to extend to and include, among
other things, any claim of discrimination, on the basis of age or
otherwise, arising  under the  Minnesota Human  Rights Act, Minn.
Stat. Section  363.01 et  seq., the  Minnesota Age Discrimination
Law,  Minn.   Stat.  Section   181.81  et   seq.,  and   the  Age
Discrimination in  Employment Act, 29 U.S.C. Section 621 et seq.,
and any  claim arising  under the  Employee Retirement and Income
Security Act,  29 U.S.C.  Section 1001 et seq.  Employee has been
informed of  his right  to revoke  this Agreement  insofar as  it
extends  to   potential  claims   under  the  Age  Discrimination
Employment Act  by informing  IFG of  his intent  to revoke  this
Agreement within  seven (7) calendar days following his execution
of this  Agreement.   Employee has  likewise been informed of his
right to  rescind this release insofar as it relates to potential
claims under  the Minnesota Human Rights Act by written notice to
IFG within  fifteen (15) calendar days following the execution of
this  Agreement.    In  the  event  of  any  such  revocation  or
rescission, IFG  will have  no obligations  whatsoever under this
Agreement, and all payments previously made or benefits conferred
hereunder shall by returned by Employee to IFG.

  (d) Employee has  also been  informed that  the terms  of  this
Agreement will  be open for acceptance and execution by him for a
period of  twenty-one (21) days during which time he may consider
whether to  accept this  Agreement.    No  payments  or  benefits
pursuant to  this Agreement  shall become  due until Employee has
executed this Agreement.

  8.  Successors and Assigns of Employee.  Neither this Agreement
nor  any  of  the  rights,  interests  or  benefits  of  Employee
hereunder shall  be assigned,  transferred, pledged, hypothecated
or otherwise  disposed of  or encumbered  by Employee  (except on
Employee's death  or disability), and, to the extent permitted by
law, no  such rights,  interests or  benefits shall be subject to
attachment,  execution   or  similar   process.    Any  attempted
assignment, transfer, pledge, hypothecation, encumbrance or other
disposition of this Agreement or of any such rights, interests or
benefits, and  any such  attachment, execution,  levy or  similar
process, shall  be null  and  void  and  without  effect.    This
Agreement shall  inure to  the benefit  of and  be enforceable by
Employee's  personal   or   legal   representatives,   executors,
administrators, successors,  heirs and  legatees.    If  Employee
should die  and any  amount is  payable hereunder,  such  amounts
shall be  paid in  accordance with the terms of this Agreement to
Employee's devisee,  legatee or other designee or, if there is no
such designee, to Employee's estate.

  9.  Successors and  Assigns of IFG.  This Agreement shall inure
to the  benefit of  and be  binding upon  IFG, its successors and
assigns, including  without limitation any person, partnership or
corporation that  may acquire  all or  substantially all of IFG's
assets and  business or with or into which IFG be consolidated or
merged or which may hold a majority of IFG's capital stock.

  10. Non-Admissions.   This Agreement  does not  constitute  and
shall not  in any way be construed as an admission by IFG that it
has acted  wrongfully with  respect  to  Employee  or  any  other
person, or that Employee has any rights whatsoever against IFG or
its subsidiaries, and IFG specifically disclaims any liability to

  11. Applicable Law.   This  Agreement and all questions arising
in connection  therewith shall  be governed  by the  laws of  the
State of Minnesota.

  12. Severability.     To  the  extent  any  provision  of  this
Agreement shall  be determined  to be  invalid or  unenforceable,
such provision  shall be  deleted from  this Agreement,  and  the
validity and  enforceability of  the remainder  of such provision
and of  this Agreement  shall be  unaffected.  In furtherance and
not in  limitation of  the foregoing,  Employee expressly  agrees
that should  the duration  or geographical extent of, or business
activities covered  by, any  provision of  this Agreement  be  in
excess of  that which  is valid  or enforceable  under applicable
law, then  such provision  shall be  construed to cover only that
duration, extent or activities that may validly or enforceably be
covered.   Employee acknowledges  the uncertainty  of the  law in
this respect  and expressly  stipulates that this Agreement shall
be construed  in a  manner that  renders its provisions valid and
enforceable to  the maximum  extent (not  exceeding  its  express
terms) possible under applicable law.

  13. Waiver; Amendment.   No  provision of this Agreement may be
modified, waived  or discharged  unless such waiver, modification
or discharge  is agreed  to in writing and signed by Employee and
the Chief  Executive Officer  of  IFG.  No waiver by either party
hereto at any time of any breach by the other party hereto of, or
compliance with,  any condition or provision of this Agreement to
be performed  by such  other party  shall be  deemed a  waiver of
similar or  dissimilar provisions  or conditions at the same time
or at any prior or subsequent time.

  14. Reasonable Restrictions.   Employee acknowledges and agrees
that the  restrictions imposed  in this  Agreement are reasonable
both as  to time  and area.   Employee  further acknowledges  and
agrees that  his compliance  with the  covenants and restrictions
set forth  herein are reasonable and necessary for the protection
of IFG's  and its  subsidiaries' future interest in and the value
of their respective businesses.

  15. Employee's Acknowledgment.   Employee  hereby  affirms  and
acknowledges that he has read the foregoing Agreement and that he
has been  given an opportunity to consult with, and has, in fact,
consulted with  an attorney  prior  to  signing  this  Agreement.
Employee acknowledges  that he  has entered  into this  Agreement
freely  and   voluntarily,  having   obtained  such   advice  and
assistance of  legal counsel  as  he,  in  his  sole  discretion,
determined to be necessary or prudent.

  16. Notices.   Any written  notice permitted  or required to be
given by  Employee to IFG under the terms of this Agreement shall
be addressed  and delivered  in  person  or  by  first  class  or
certified U.S. mail, overnight delivery service or facsimile to:

  Inter-Regional Financial Group, Inc.
  Attn: Irv Weiser, Chairman, President
  and Chief Executive Officer
  Dain Bosworth Plaza
  60 South Sixth Street
  Minneapolis, MN  55402
  Facsimile:  (612)371-7203

Any written  notice permitted  or required  to be given by IFG to
Employee under the terms of this Agreement shall be addressed and
delivered in  person or  by first  class or  certified U.S. mail,
overnight delivery service or facsimile to:

  David A. Smith
  17212 Graystone Drive
  Dallas, Texas  75248
  Facsimile:  (214) 733-0130

  17. Disputes.   In the  event of  a dispute between the parties
regarding any  matter relating  to this  Agreement,  the  parties
hereby agree  to submit such dispute to binding arbitration.  The
decision of  the arbitrator(s)  shall be final and binding on the
parties.   All disputed matters shall be submitted to arbitration
in accordance  with the  rules of  the  National  Association  of
Securities Dealers.   In  connection with  any  such  arbitration
proceeding, the  parties shall  have the same rights of discovery
as in  a civil  proceeding in  this state  courts  of  Minnesota,
except that the notice requirements shall be reduced to 14 days.

  18. Counterparts.     This  Agreement   may  be   executed   in
counterparts with  the same  effect as if each of the parties had
signed the  same document.   All  counterparts shall be construed
together and  constitute one  agreement.   A facsimile  signature
shall be  binding upon any party providing the same and any party
providing a  facsimile signature  agrees to  provide the original
thereof  to the other party within a reasonable period of time.


                      By   Irving Weiser
                           Irving Weiser,
                           Chairman, President and
                           Chief Executive Officer

                           David A. Smith
                           David A. Smith