Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[_] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[_] Confidential,  for  Use  of The  Commission  Only  (as  Permitted  by  Rule
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement and form of proxy card
[_] Definitive  Additional  Materials
[_] Soliciting Material under Rule 14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)


Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required.

[_] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

1.  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


2.  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


3.  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
    Exchange  Act Rule  0-11  (Set  forth the  amount on which  the  filing  fee
    is calculated and state how it was determined):


4.  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


5.  Total fee paid:


[_] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  Number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

1.  Amount Previously Paid:


2.  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


3.  Filing Party:


4.  Date Filed:



                                   [FIC LOGO]

                        Financial Industries Corporation
                             6500 River Place Blvd.
                               Austin, Texas 78730

Dear Shareholder:

     You are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of Financial
Industries Corporation, which will be held at the offices of the Company at 6500
River Place Blvd., Bldg. One, Austin, Texas 78730 on June 4, 2002, at 10:00 a.m.
local time.

     You will  find  information  regarding  the  matters  to be voted on at the
meeting in the following  pages.  For those of you who cannot be present at this
meeting, we urge that you participate by indicating your choices on the enclosed
proxy  and  completing  and  returning  it to us in the  enclosed  postage  paid
envelope at your earliest  convenience.  By returning your proxy  promptly,  you
will assist us in reducing the Company's  expenses relating to the meeting.  You
can revoke your signed proxy at any time before it is used.

     We appreciate your support and cooperation in returning the enclosed proxy.


                                Roy F. Mitte
                                Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer



                        Financial Industries Corporation
                      6500 River Place Blvd., Building One
                               Austin, Texas 78730

                            NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING
                             TO BE HELD JUNE 4, 2002

     Notice is hereby  given that the 2002  Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of
Financial Industries Corporation is scheduled to be held at the 6500 River Place
Blvd.,  Bldg. One, Austin,  Texas 78730 on June 4, 2002, 10:00 a.m., local time,
for the following purposes:

     1. The election of twelve Directors for the ensuing year.

     2. Such other  business  that may  properly  come before the meeting or any
        adjournment thereof.

     Only those  Shareholders  of record at the close of  business  on April 22,
2002 (the  "Record  Date") will be entitled to notice of and vote at the meeting
or any adjournment thereof.

     The Proxy Statement accompanies this notice.

                                    By Order of the Board of Directors

                                    Thomas C. Richmond

April 30, 2002

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

We hope that you will be able to attend the  meeting  in  person.  IF YOU DO NOT
PROMPTLY in the enclosed envelope for which no postage is necessary if mailed in
the United  States.  It will  assist us in reducing  the  expenses of the Annual
Meeting  if  shareholders  who do not attend in person  return the signed  proxy
promptly. You may revoke your proxy at any time before it is voted.



                        Financial Industries Corporation
           6500 River Place Blvd., Building One - Austin, Texas 78730

                                VOTING PROCEDURES

General Information

This Proxy is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation  of proxies by the
Board of Directors of Financial Industries  Corporation ("FIC" or the "Company")
for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders  (the "Annual Meeting") to be held
June 4, 2002, at 10:00 a.m.,  local time, at 6500 River Place Blvd.,  Bldg. One,
Austin,  Texas 78730.  Solicitation of proxies may be made by mail and telephone
and the  expenses  will be  borne  by FIC.  The  Company  intends  to  reimburse
broker-dealers  and others for  forwarding  the proxy  materials  to  beneficial
owners of FIC's common stock. The approximate date on which this Proxy Statement
and the enclosed  Form of Proxy will be sent or given to  shareholders  is April
30, 2002.

Who Can Vote

Only  shareholders  of record at the close of  business  on April 22,  2002 (the
"Record  Date"),  are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.
At the Record Date,  there were  approximately  9,534,203 shares of FIC's common
stock ("Common Stock") outstanding. Each shareholder is entitled to one vote for
each share of Common Stock  registered  in that  person's  name as of the Record
Date,  on all  business  to come  before  the  meeting.  However,  in voting for
directors,  each  shareholder may cumulate votes;  that is, each shareholder may
cast as many votes as there are directors to be elected multiplied by the number
of shares then  registered in his or her name and to cast all such votes for one
candidate or distribute such votes among the nominees for director in accordance
with the  shareholder's  choice.  Since  there are 12  directors  nominated  for
election, each share will be entitled to twelve (12) votes on a cumulative basis
in voting for directors. The right to vote cumulatively may be exercised only in
the event  that a  shareholder  gives  written  notice of his  decision  to vote
cumulatively  to  the  Secretary  of FIC  on or  before  June  3,  2002.  If any
shareholder  complies with the written notice requirement,  all shareholders may
cumulate their votes.  FIC's  management  does not intend to request  cumulative
voting of their shares and is not aware of an intention by any shareholder to do

How You Can Vote

If you return your signed proxy before the Meeting,  we will vote your shares as
you direct. You can specify whether your shares should be voted for all, some or
none of the nominees for director.




Voting Shares Held in Company Plans

Shares  of  Common  Stock  held in the 401K  plan for  employees  of FIC and its
affiliates  are held of record and are voted by the  trustees  of the 401K plan.
Participants  in the 401K plan may direct the  trustees as to how to vote shares
allocated to their accounts. Shares for which the trustees do not receive voting
directions from participants will not be voted by the trustees.

Revocation of Proxies

The proxy  solicited  by this Proxy  Statement is revokable at any time prior to
the exercise thereof at the meeting (1) by written notice submitted to Thomas C.
Richmond,  Secretary,  Financial Industries Corporation, 6500 River Place Blvd.,
Bldg. One, Austin, Texas 78730, (2) by delivery of a subsequent proxy, or (3) by
voting in person at the Meeting.

Required Votes

The holders of a majority of the shares  entitled to vote who are either present
in person or  represented  by proxy at the Meeting will  constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business at the Meeting.  The affirmative vote of a plurality
of the votes cast at the Meeting is required  for the election of  directors.  A
proxy that has properly  withheld  authority with respect to the election of one
or more  directors  will not be voted with  respect to the director or directors
indicated, although it will be counted for purposes of determining whether there
is a quorum.

Additional Information

A copy of FIC's Annual Report of  Shareholders  for the year ended  December 31,
2001,  including financial  statements,  has either been previously forwarded to
Shareholders or is included with this Proxy Statement.

A copy of the Company's Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange  Commission
on form 10-K,  including Financial  Statements and Financial  Schedules,  may be
obtained by  Shareholders  without charge upon the receipt of a written  request
addressed to Robert S. Cox, Financial Industries  Corporation,  6500 River Place
Blvd.,  Bldg.  One,  Austin,  Texas  78730.  Copies  are also  available  on the
Company's website at under the "Investment" section.



                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

The  following  twelve  nominees are proposed for election as directors to serve
until the next annual  meeting of  shareholders  or until their  successors  are
elected and qualified. All nominees are now directors of the Company. All of the
directors,  other than Hans  Annarino and David G.  Caldwell were elected at the
2001 annual shareholders  meeting.  Hans Annarino was appointed as a director in
December 2001, to fill a vacancy created by the retirement of Steven P. Schmitt.
David G. Caldwell was appointed as a director in January, 2002 to fill a vacancy
created by the retirement of James M. Grace.  Proxies  solicited by the Board of
Directors  will be  voted  in favor of the  election  of these  nominees  unless
authorization  to do so is withheld in the proxy. If any nominee for election as
Director is unable or unwilling to serve,  which the Board of Directors does not
anticipate,  the persons  acting under the proxy will vote for such other person
as management may recommend.  An affirmative  vote by a majority of those shares
constituting at least a quorum at the annual meeting of shareholders is required
for the election of  directors.  The Board of Directors  recommends a vote "FOR"
each of the nominees.

The names and ages of the nominees,  their  principal  occupations or employment
during the past five years and other  data  regarding  them are set forth on the
following pages. The data supplied below is based on information provided by the
nominees, except to the extent that such data is known to the Company.

    Name              Age     Since     Director and Other Information

Hans Annarino         59      2001      Director and Vice President of FIC
                                        since December 2001; Regional Vice
                                        President of Family Life Insurance
                                        Company from 1991 through December 2001.

John D. Barnett       59      1991      Director of FIC since 1991.  Vice
                                        President, Investment Professionals,
                                        Inc. from 1996 to present. Vice
                                        President, Investments of Prudential
                                        Securities from 1983 to 1996.

David G. Caldwell     50      2002      Director of FIC since January 2002.
                                        Private legal practice since 1997.

S. Tim Casey          59      2001      Senior Vice President of FIC Property
                                        Management and FIC Realty Services, Inc.
                                        since 1996. Director, Real Estate
                                        Council of Austin since 1998.  Past
                                        President, Building Owners and Managers
                                        Association of Austin.



    Name              Age     Since     Director and Other Information

Jeffrey H. Demgen     49      1995      Director of FIC since May 1995.  Vice
                                        President of FIC since August 1996.
                                        Vice President and Director of
                                        InterContinental Life Corporation since
                                        August 1996.  Director of Family Life
                                        Insurance Company since October 1992.
                                        Executive Vice President of Family Life
                                        since August 1996 and Senior Vice
                                        President from October 1992 to August
                                        1996.  Executive Vice President and
                                        Director of Investors Life Insurance
                                        Company of North America since August
                                        1996 and Senior Vice President and
                                        Director from October 1992 to June 1995.
                                        Executive Vice President and Director of
                                        Investors Life Insurance Company of
                                        Indiana from August 1996 to February
                                        2002 and Senior Vice President from
                                        October 1992 to June 1995.

Theodore A. Fleron    62      1996      Vice President and Director of FIC since
                                        August 1996.  Vice President and
                                        Director of InterContinental Life
                                        Corporation since May 1991.  Senior Vice
                                        President, General Counsel, Assistant
                                        Secretary and Director of Investors Life
                                        Insurance Company of North America and
                                        since July 1992 and Secretary since
                                        September 2001.  Senior Vice President,
                                        General Counsel and Director of
                                        Investors Life Insurance Company of
                                        Indiana from July 1992 to February 2002.
                                        Senior Vice President, General Counsel,
                                        Director and Assistant Secretary of
                                        Family Life Insurance Company since
                                        August 1996 and Secretary since
                                        September 2001.

W. Lewis Gilcrease    70      2001      Dentist practicing in San Marcos, Texas.
                                        Director of ILCO from 1988 to June,
                                        2001.  Director of FIC from 1979 to
                                        July, 1991 and from 2001 to present.

M. Scott Mitte        45      2000      Director of FIC since October 2000.
                                        Executive Director and Vice-President of
                                        the Roy F. and Joann Cole Mitte
                                        Foundation since 1999.



    Name              Age     Since     Director and Other Information

Roy F. Mitte          70      1976      Chairman of the Board, President and
                                        Chief Executive Office of FIC since
                                        1976.  Chairman of the Board, President
                                        and Chief Executive Officer of
                                        InterContinental Life Corporation since
                                        1985 and of Investors Life Insurance
                                        Company of Indiana from 1985 to February
                                        2002.  Chairman of the Board, President
                                        and Chief Executive Officer of Investors
                                        Life Insurance Company of North America
                                        since December 1988.  Chairman of ILG
                                        Securities Corporation since December
                                        1988.  Chairman of the Board, President
                                        and Chief Executive Officer of Family
                                        Life Insurance Company since June 1991.

Elizabeth T. Nash     52      2001      Director of FIC since June 2001.
                                        Director of InterContinental Life
                                        Corporation from 1998 to May 2001.
                                        Member of the Board of Regents, Texas
                                        State University System from 1993
                                        through 1999, Chairman from 1997 to
                                        1998, Vice-Chairman from 1996 to 1997.
                                        Board member of the Development
                                        Foundation of Southwest Texas State
                                        University since 1987, Chairman from
                                        1992 to 1997, Vice-Chairman from 1989
                                        to 1992.

Frank Parker          72      1994      Director of FIC since May 1994. Private
                                        investor.  Prior to June 1997, President
                                        of Gateway Tugs, Inc. and Par-Tex
                                        Marine, Inc., both of which are located
                                        in Brownsville,Texas and were engaged in
                                        operating and chartering harbor and
                                        intracoastal tug boats.

Thomas C. Richmond    60      1996      Director of FIC since August 1996.  Vice
                                        President and Secretary of FIC since
                                        September 2001.  Director of
                                        InterContinental Life Corporation from
                                        March 1994 to August 1996 and from
                                        December 2001 to present.  Executive
                                        Vice President of Investors Life
                                        Insurance Company of North America and
                                        Family Life Insurance Company since
                                        September 2001 and of Investors Life
                                        Insurance Company of Indiana from
                                        September 2001 to February 2002.  Senior
                                        Vice President from January 1993 to
                                        September 2001 of Investors Life
                                        Insurance Company of North America,
                                        Investors Life Insurance Company of
                                        Indiana, and Family Life Insurance



                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

The  following  table sets forth the names and ages of the persons who currently
serve as the  Company's  executive  officers  together  with all  positions  and
offices held by them with the Company. Officers are elected to serve at the will
of the Board of  Directors  or until  their  successors  have been  elected  and

     Name               Age             Positions and Offices

Roy F. Mitte            70              Chairman of the Board, President and
                                        Chief Executive Officer

Jeffrey H. Demgen       49              Vice President and Treasurer

Thomas C. Richmond      60              Vice President and Secretary

Hans Annarino           59              Vice President

In May 1991,  Roy F. Mitte  suffered a stroke,  resulting  in partial  paralysis
affecting  his speech and  mobility.  Mr. Mitte  continues to make the requisite
decisions in his capacity as Chief  Executive  Officer,  although his ability to
communicate and his mobility are impaired.


Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934  requires the  Company's
officers  and  directors,  and  persons  who own  more  than  ten  percent  of a
registered  class  of the  Company's  equity  securities,  to  file  reports  of
beneficial  ownership on Form 3 and changes in  beneficial  ownership on Forms 4
and 5 with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  Officers,  directors  and
greater than ten percent  shareholders are required by SEC regulation to furnish
the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

Based solely on review of the copies of such forms furnished to the Company,  or
written representations that no Form 5s were required, the Company believes that
during the period from  January 1, 2001 through  December 31, 2001,  all Section
16(a) filing requirements applicable to its officers, directors and greater than
ten-percent beneficial owners were complied with.




The following  table presents  information as of April 1, 2002 as to all persons
who, to the  knowledge of the  Registrant,  were the  beneficial  owners of five
percent (5%) or more of the common stock of the Registrant.

                                      Amount and Nature
Name and Address of                   of Beneficial                Percent
Beneficial Owner                      Ownership                    of Class (4)

Roy F. and Joann Cole Mitte
6500 River Place Blvd.
Austin, Texas  78730                  1,552,206 (1)                16.28%

Roy F. Mitte
6500 River Place Blvd.
Austin, Texas  78730                  1,592,007 (1,2)              16.70%

Family Life Insurance Company
6500 River Place Blvd.
Austin, Texas 78730                     648,640                     6.37% (3)

Investors Life Insurance
 Company of North America
6500 River Place Blvd.
Austin, Texas  78730                  1,427,073 (4)                13.02% (5)

Fidelity Management &
Research Company
82 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02109                      1,307,020 (6)                13.71%

Wellington Management
Company, LLP
75 State Street
Boston, MA 02109                        560,200 (7)                 5.88%



(1)  The  Roy  F.   and   Joann   Cole   Mitte   Foundation   is  a   non-profit
     corporation/membership  organization  and its two  members are Roy F. Mitte
     and Joann Cole Mitte.  The Internal Revenue Service has determined that the
     Foundation is exempt from federal  income tax under  section  501(a) of the
     Internal Revenue Code (the "Code") as an organization  described in section
     501(c)(3) of the Code. Roy F. Mitte is also  Chairman,  President and Chief
     Executive  Officer of both FIC and ILCO.  For  purposes of this table,  Mr.
     Mitte is deemed to have  beneficial  ownership  of the shares  owned by the

(2)  Includes 35,401 shares allocated to Mr. Mitte's account under the 401K Plan
     and 4,400  shares  which may be  acquired  pursuant  to  options  which are
     exercisable within 60 days.

(3)  Assumes that outstanding  stock options or warrants held by  non-affiliated
     persons have not been exercised and that outstanding  stock options held by
     Family Life Insurance Company have been exercised.

(4)  Of such  shares,  926,662  shares  are owned by  Investors  Life  Insurance
     Company of North America ("Investors Life") and 500,411 shares are issuable
     upon exercise of an option held by Investors  Life.  All shares are held as
     treasury shares.

(5)  Assumes that outstanding  stock options or warrants held by  non-affiliated
     persons have not been exercised and that outstanding  stock options held by
     Investors Life have been exercised.

(6)  As reported to the Company on a Schedule  13(G) filed on June 11, 2001,  by
     FMR  Corporation,  the parent  company of  Fidelity  Management  & Research
     Company  ("Fidelity") and Fidelity  Management  Trust Company.  The Company
     also notes that  Fidelity  filed a Schedule  13G/A on  February  13,  2001,
     reporting  that its beneficial  ownership had increased to 340,000  shares.
     According to the  Schedule  13(G)  filings,  as amended,  Fidelity  acts as
     investment  advisor to the  Fidelity  Low-Priced  Stock Fund,  a registered
     investment company,  and the Fund is the beneficial owner of 340,000 shares
     of FIC common stock.

(7)  As reported on a Schedule 13(G) filed by Wellington Management Company, LLP
     ("WMC") on February 14, 2002.  According to the Schedule 13(G) filing,  WMC
     acts as investment  advisor to certain clients of WMC and such clients have
     the right to  receive,  or the power to direct the  receipt  of,  dividends
     from, or the proceeds from the sale of, such securities. The filing further
     states  that no such  client  is known  to have  such  right or power  with
     respect to more than five percent of the common stock of the Company.



The following  table  contains  information as of April 1, 2002 as to the Common
Stock  of the  Registrant  beneficially  owned  by each  director,  nominee  and
executive officer and by all executive  officers and directors of the Registrant
as a group.  The  information  contained  in the table has been  obtained by the
Registrant from each director and executive officer,  except for the information
known to the  Registrant.  Except as indicated  in the notes to the table,  each
beneficial  owner  has sole  voting  power and sole  investment  power as to the
shares listed opposite his name.

                                Amount and Nature of            Percent of
Name                            Beneficial Ownership (1,2)        Class

Hans Annarino                        11,807 (2,3,4)                *
John Barnett                          2,000                        *
David G. Caldwell                         7                        *
S. Tim Casey                         15,278 (2,3)                  *
Jeffrey H. Demgen                    11,959 (2,3)                  *
Theodore A. Fleron                   18,457 (2,3)                  *
W. Lewis Gilcrease                       -0-
Roy F. Mitte                      1,592,007 (1,2,3)              16.70%
Michael Scott Mitte                      45                        *
Elizabeth T. Nash                       220                        *
Frank Parker                         12,000                        *
Thomas C. Richmond                   14,236 (2,3,5)                *

All Executive Officers,
and Directors as
a group (12 persons)              1,680,216                      17.62%

*  Less than 1%.

(1)  The  shares  are owned by the Roy F. and Joann  Cole  Mitte  Foundation,  a
     non-profit  corporation/membership  organization  with two members,  Roy F.
     Mitte and Joann Cole Mitte.  The Internal  Revenue  Service has  determined
     that the  Foundation is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(a)
     of the Internal  Revenue Code (the "Code") as an organization  described in
     section 501(c)(3) of the Code. Roy F. Mitte is also Chairman, President and
     Chief  Executive  Officer of FIC. For purposes of this table,  Mr. Mitte is
     assumed to have beneficial ownership of the shares owned by the Foundation.

(2)  Includes  shares  beneficially   acquired  through   participation  in  the
     Company's  401K Plan and/or the Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan,  which are
     group plans for eligible employees.



(3)  Include  shares  issuable upon exercise of options  granted under the Stock
     Option Plan to executive  officers and directors who are also  employees of
     the  Company or its  subsidiaries,  to the  extent  that such  options  are
     exercisable  within 60 days of April 1, 2002,  as follows:  Mr.  Annarino -
     3,667  shares;  Mr. Casey - 4,400 shares;  Mr.  Demgen - 2,200 shares;  Mr.
     Fleron - 2,200 shares;  Mr. Mitte - 4,400 shares;  and Mr. Richmond - 2,200

(4)  Includes 2,157 shares owned by Mr. Annarino's spouse.

(5)  Reflects  open market  sale on March 1, 2002 of 2,200  shares of FIC common
     stock which were acquired by Mr.  Richmond in connection  with the exercise
     on April 12, 2001 of options  granted  under the Stock Option Plan.  At the
     time of exercise,  the Plan issued 2,000 shares of ILCO common stock, which
     shares were converted to 2,200 shares of FIC common stock following the May
     18, 2001 merger of ILCO with FIC.

                         BOARD, COMMITTEES AND MEETINGS

The  business  of the  Company is managed  under the  direction  of the Board of
Directors (the "Board"). The Board met formally eight times during 2001 and each
of the  incumbent  directors at December  31, 2001  attended at least 75% of the
aggregate number of meetings of the Board and respective  committees on which he
or she served. In addition,  the Board took action on items by unanimous consent
six different times during 2001.  Among the committees  established by the Board
are the following:

Audit Committee

The  Audit  Committee  is chosen by the Board  from  those  members  who are not
officers or employees of the Company or its subsidiaries.  The  responsibilities
of the Audit Committee include:  (i) reviewing the scope of the annual audits of
the financial  statements of the Company,  (ii) reviewing the audit results with
the independent  auditors and management and (iii) evaluating the performance of
the independent  auditors of the Company.  The Audit Committee met formally four
times during 2001. The directors serving on the Audit Committee during 2001 were
John D. Barnett,  Frank Parker and W. Lewis  Gilcrease.  Dr.  Gilcrease became a
member of the Audit  Committee in December,  2001,  following the resignation of
Joseph F. Crowe as a director of the Company. David G. Caldwell was appointed as
a member of the Audit  Committee  in January,  2002.  Each of the members of the
Audit  Committee is  "independent",  as defined by the listing  standards of the
Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.("NASDAQ").

Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee is chosen by the Board from those members who are not
officers or employees of the Company or its subsidiaries.  The  responsibilities
of the Compensation  Committee include  recommending to the Board the amount and
nature of the compensation  paid by the Company to the Chief Executive  Officer.
The members of the  Compensation  Committee  during 2001 were: Mr. Barnett,  Mr.
Parker and, until December,  2001,  Joseph F. Crowe. The Compensation  Committee
held one meeting  during  2001,  which was attended by all of the members of the



Executive Committee

The Executive Committee provides advice and counsel to the Chairman of the Board
and the  Chief  Executive  Officer,  and acts on  behalf of the Board as to such
matters as may be  determined by the Board from time to time, as to matters of a
technical or non-policy nature, or where urgent action is required and a meeting
of the Board is not practicable.  The current members of the Executive Committee
are Roy F. Mitte, Thomas C. Richmond, Jeffrey H. Demgen, and Hans Annarino.

The Board does not have a nominating committee.

Family relationships

M. Scott Mitte is Roy F. Mitte's son.


The Audit Committee  operates  pursuant to a Charter  approved by the Board. The
Charter,  a copy of which was appended to the  Company's  annual  meeting  proxy
statement as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2001, sets out
the responsibilities,  authority and specific duties of the Audit Committee. The
Charter specifies, among other things, the structure and membership requirements
of the  Committee,  as well as the  relationship  of the Audit  Committee to the
independent  auditors,  the internal  audit  department,  and  management of the
Company.  Generally, the Audit Committee is responsible for providing assistance
to the Board in fulfilling its  responsibilities  in matters relating to (i) the
annual  financial  information to be provided to shareholders and the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission  (SEC);  (ii) the  system of  internal  controls  that
management has  established;  and (iii) the internal and external audit process.
The  Audit  Committee  makes  periodic  reports  to  the  Board  concerning  its

Report of the Audit Committee

The Audit Committee oversees the Company's financial reporting process on behalf
of the  Board.  Management  has the  primary  responsibility  for the  financial
statements and the reporting process including the systems of internal controls.
In the  performance of its oversight  responsibilities,  the Audit Committee has
reviewed with management the Company's audited financial statements for the year
ended December 31, 2001.



The Audit Committee has discussed with PricewaterhouseCoopers,  LLC ("PWC"), our
independent auditors,  the matters required to be discussed under the provisions
of Statement of Auditing  Standards No. 61 (SAS 61),  Communications  with Audit
Committees.   In  addition,   the  Audit  Committee  has  received  the  written
disclosures   and  the  letter  from  the  independent   auditors   required  by
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees)  and has discussed  with the  independent  auditors the  independent
auditors'  independence.   The  Audit  Committee  also  considered  whether  the
provision of services by PWC not related to the audit of the Company's financial
statements and to the review of the Company's  interim  financial  statements is
compatible with maintaining the independence of PWC.

The Committee discussed with the Company's internal and independent auditors the
overall scope and plans for their  respective  audits.  The Committee meets with
the internal and independent  auditors,  with and without management present, to
discuss the results of their  examinations,  their  evaluations of the Company's
internal controls, and the overall quality of the Company's financial reporting.

In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above, and subject to the
limitations of the role of the Audit Committee,  the Audit Committee recommended
to the Board that the financial  statements referred to above be included in the
Annual  Report of the Company on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 2001
for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The foregoing report is submitted by  the members of the Audit Committee

     John D. Barnett, Chairman
     Frank Parker
     Lewis Gilcrease (1)
     David G. Caldwell (2)

     (1) Mr.  Gilcrease was appointed to the Audit  Committee in December,  2001
     and  participated  in the review and discussion of the Form 10-K report for
     the year ended  December 31, 2001.

     (2) Mr. Caldwell was appointed to the Audit Committee in January,  2002 and
     participated  in the review and  discussion of the Form 10-K report for the
     year ended December 31, 2001.




Summary Compensation Table

The following table sets forth  information  concerning the  compensation of the
Company's Chief Executive  Officer and each of the Registrant's four most highly
compensated  executive officers other than the CEO who were serving as executive
officers at the end of 2001 and received cash  compensation  exceeding  $100,000
during 2001:

     <s>                 <c>        <c>          <c>         <c>               <c>           <c>

                                      Annual Compensation                   Long Term Compensation

  Name and                                               Other Annual     Stock Options   All Other
Principal Position       Year     Salary (1)    Bonus    Compensation     (Shares) (4)    Long Term
                                                         (2, 3)                           Compensation (5)

Roy F. Mitte,            2001     $514,904   $2,500,000      $18,500             -0-           -0-
Chairman,                2000      503,500    2,500,000          -0-             -0-           -0-
President and            1999      503,500    2,500,000          -0-          10,000           -0-
Chief Executive

James M. Grace,          2001      195,000      327,846        3,000             -0-
Vice President           2000      195,000       25,000          -0-             -0-         6,337
and Treasurer (7)        1999      195,000       20,000      191,215          10,000         1,600

Steven P. Schmitt        2001      145,192        3,519        2,500             -0-
Vice President           2000 (6)  108,846       16,000          -0-             -0-         2,004
and Secretary (7)        1999                    10,000

Jeffrey H. Demgen        2001      163,862          -0-       18,000             -0-
Vice President           2000      160,000       20,000          -0-             -0-         2,021
                         1999      150,000       20,000          -0-          10,000         1,600

Thomas C. Richmond       2001 (6)  138,846          -0-       20,690             -0-
Vice President           2000                                                    -0-
                         1999                                                 10,000


(1) On May 18, 2001,  pursuant to that certain  Agreement and Plan of Merger, as
amended (the "Merger Agreement"), dated as of January 17, 2001, among FIC, ILCO,
and ILCO Acquisition Company, a Texas corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of
FIC  ("Merger  Sub"),  Merger Sub was merged with and into ILCO (the  "Merger").
ILCO was the  surviving  corporation  of the Merger  and  became a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  of FIC.  In  accordance  with the Merger  Agreement,  FIC issued 1.1
shares of common stock, par value $0.20 per share ("FIC Common Stock"), for each
share of common stock,  par value $0.22 per share,  of ILCO  outstanding  at the
time of the Merger ("ILCO Common Stock"). In addition, each share of ILCO Common
Stock issuable pursuant to outstanding  options was assumed by FIC and became an
option to acquire FIC Common Stock with the number of shares and exercise  price
adjusted for the exchange ratio in the Merger. Prior to the Merger, the salaries
and  bonuses  set forth in the table were paid by ILCO,  except  that FIC and/or
Family Life authorized payment of a portion of Mr. Mitte's salary in each year.



The executive  officers of FIC have also been executive officers of Family Life,
Investors Life and Investors-IN, the insurance subsidiaries of FIC. Prior to May
18, 2001, FIC and/or Family Life  reimbursed ILCO (or, in the case of Mr. Mitte,
authorized  payment of) the following amounts as FIC's or Family Life's share of
the executive  officers' cash  compensation  and bonus for 1999 and 2000 (i) Mr.
Mitte:  $1,111,821 and  $1,111,821,  respectively;  (ii) Mr. Grace:  $62,694 and
$64,152, respectively;  (iii) Mr. Schmitt: $39,888 (for the year 2000 only); and
(iv) Mr. Demgen:  $76,500 and $81,000 respectively.  In the year 2001, executive
officer  payments have been  apportioned  based on a cost  allocation  agreement
among the life insurance subsidiaries and FIC.

(2) Does not  include  the  value of  perquisites  and other  personal  benefits
because the aggregate amount of any such compensation does not exceed the lesser
of $50,000 or 10% of the total  amount of annual  salary and bonus for any named

(3) Includes the value realized by each executive officer in connection with the
exercise of stock options granted under the 1999 ILCO Non-Qualified Stock Option
Plan (the "Stock  Option  Plan").  See  "Aggregated  Option  Exercises and Value
Unexercised in 2001" below.  In 2001,  Mr. Mitte,  Mr. Grace Mr. Schmitt and Mr.
Demgen exercised options to purchase 2,000 shares of ILCO common stock under the
Stock Option Plan. Mr.  Richmond  exercised  options to purchase 2,000 shares of
ILCO common  stock and 2,200  shares of FIC stock under the Stock  Option  Plan.
Also includes the value realized by Mr. Grace in connection with the exercise of
stock options in 1999. Mr. Grace exercised  options to purchase 24,000 shares of
ILCO's common stock under the former ILCO Non-Qualified Option Plan.

(4) The data in this column  represents the number of ILCO share options granted
to each of the  above-named  executive  officer in 1999. The shares were granted
pursuant to the Stock Option  Plan.  Subsequent  to May 18, 2001,  each share of
ILCO Common Stock issuable  pursuant to  outstanding  options was assumed by FIC
and became an option to acquire  FIC Common  Stock with the number of shares and
exercise price adjusted for the exchange ratio in the Merger.



(5)  All Other Compensation includes:

     (i)  The   executive   officers   of  the   Company   participate   in  the
          InterContinental  Life  Corporation  Employees  Savings and Investment
          Plan ("401K Plan").  For the years 1999 and 2000, ILCO contributed the
          following  amounts and for the year 2001 FIC contributed the following
          amount to the named  participant's  401K Plan account:  (a) Mr. Grace:
          $1,600,  $2,021, and $3,400  respectively,  (b) Mr. Demgen:  $1,600, $
          2,021, and $3,303  respectively,  (c) Mr. Schmitt:  $2,004 in the year
          2000 and $2,903 in the year 2001; and (d) Mr. Richmond: $2,776 for the
          year 2001 only.  (ii) amounts paid by ILCO to Mr. Grace to  supplement
          his benefits under ILCO's  Pension Plan.  The Pension Plan  supplement
          relates to each of the past  service  years for Mr.  Grace  which were
          affected by the limitation on compensation  which the Pension Plan may
          take into account for benefit accrual purposes.  Under federal pension
          rules, an employee's  benefit under a qualified  pension plan, such as
          the ILCO Pension Plan, is limited to certain maximum amounts.

(6) Steven P. Schmitt was  appointed  as an executive  officer in the year 2000,
thus only his compensation for the years 2000 and 2001 are disclosed.  Thomas C.
Richmond was appointed as an executive  officer in the year 2001,  thus only his
compensation for the year 2001 is included.

(7) James M. Grace and Steven P. Schmitt were both officers and directors of FIC
during 2001; however, both retired from active service at December 31, 2001.

Option Grants in 1999

In 1999, the persons named in the Summary Compensation Table, above, in addition
to 41 other  employees  of ILCO,  its  subsidiaries  and  affiliates,  were each
granted options to purchase 10,000 shares of ILCO common stock,  pursuant to the
InterContinental  Life Corporation 1999 Stock Option Plan ("Stock Option Plan").
On May  18,  2001,  each  share  of  ILCO  Common  Stock  issuable  pursuant  to
outstanding  options  was  assumed by FIC and  became an option to  acquire  FIC
Common  Stock with the  number of shares and  exercise  price  adjusted  for the
exchange ratio in the Merger. Prior to the Merger,  78,000 shares of ILCO Common
Stock had been issued  pursuant to the Stock Option Plan.  On May 18, 2001,  the
outstanding  options were converted to options to purchase 389,400 shares of FIC
Common  Stock.  As of March 6, 2002,  options to purchase  64,750  shares of FIC
Common  Stock had been  exercised,  options to  purchase  312,000  shares of FIC
Common Stock  remain to be  exercised  pursuant to the terms of the Stock Option
Plan,  and options to exercise  34,650 shares of FIC Common Stock had terminated
since the date of the Merger.  Additionally,  subsequent  to the Merger,  22,000
options to  purchase  shares of FIC Common  Stock were  granted  pursuant to the
Stock Option Plan.



Aggregated Option Exercises and Value Unexercised in 2001

The following  table sets forth  information  concerning  each exercise of stock
options during 2001 by each of the  individuals  who were executive  officers of
the Company as of December  31, 2001,  as well as the value,  as of December 31,
2001,  of  unexercised  options  of  such  executive  officers.   The  value  of
unexercised  in-the-money  stock  options at  December  31, 2001 shown below are
presented in accordance with SEC rules. The actual amount, if any, realized upon
exercise of stock  options will depend upon the market price of the common stock
of the Company  relative to the exercise  price per share of the stock option at
the time the stock option is exercised. There is no assurance that the values of
unexercised  in-the-money stock options reflected in the following table will be

                       Aggregated Option Exercises in 2001
                             and 2001 Option Values

   <s>                       <c>                      <c>                    <c>                    <c>          <c>
                                                                        Number of               Value of
                                                                        Unexercised             Unexercised
                                                                        Options Held at         In-the-Money
                                                                        December 31, 2001       Options at
                        Shares Acquired                                 Exercisable/            December 31, 2001
Name                    on Exercise(#)(1)       Value Realized($)       Unexercisable           Exercisable/Unexercisable (2)

Roy F. Mitte                2,000                   $18,500             2200 /6600              $ 11,810     $ 35,430

James M. Grace              2,000                     3,000             2200 /   0              $ 11,810     $      0

Steven P. Schmitt           2,000                     2,500             2200 /   0              $ 11,810     $      0

Jeffrey H. Demgen           2,000                    18,000             2200 /6600              $ 11,810     $ 35,430

Thomas C. Richmond          2,000
                            2,200                    20,690                0 /6600              $      0     $ 35,430


     (1) Each exercise of 2,000 shares listed in the above table were  exercises
     of ILCO Common Stock  granted  under the Stock Option Plan prior to May 18,
     2001.  Mr.  Richmond  also  exercised  2,200  shares  of FIC  Common  Stock
     subsequent to May 18, 2001.

     (2) Based on the  closing  price of the  Company's  common  stock on NASDAQ
     (Symbol: FNIN) on December 31, 2001 ($13.55).



Defined Benefit Plan

The following  Pension Plan table sets forth estimated  annual pension  benefits
payable upon retirement at age of 65 under the Company's noncontributory defined
benefit  plan  ("Pension  Plan")  to an  employee  in the final pay and years of
service  classifications  indicated,  assuming a straight  life  annuity form of
benefit.  The amounts shown in the table do not reflect the reduction related to
Social Security benefits referred to below.

                                Years of Service

                                                                  30 or
Remuneration       15               20              25             more

$125,000       $ 29,437         $ 39,250        $ 49,062        $ 58,875
 150,000         35,325           47,100          58,875          70,650
 160,000         37,680           50,240          62,800          75,360
 175,000         41,212           54,950          68,687          82,425
 200,000         47,100           62,800          78,500          94,200

The normal retirement  benefit provided under the Pension Plan is equal to 1.57%
of final  average  eligible  earnings  less  0.65% of the  participant's  Social
Security  covered  compensation  multiplied  by the number of years of  credited
service (up to 30 years).  The compensation  used in determining  benefits under
the  Pension  Plan  is  the  highest  average  earnings  received  in  any  five
consecutive  full-calendar years during the last ten full- calendar years before
the participant's retirement date. The maximum amount of annual salary and bonus
that can be used in determining  benefits under the Pension Plan is $200,000 for
any year prior to 1994 and is $150,000  for 1994,  1995 and 1996 and is $160,000
for 1997 and each subsequent year.

The annual eligible earnings, for 2001 only, covered by the Pension Plan (salary
up to  $160,000)  with  respect  to the  individuals  reported  in  the  Summary
Compensation  Table were as  follows,  with their  respective  years of credited
service under the Pension Plan at December 31, 2001 being shown in  parentheses:
Mr. Mitte,  $160,000 (14 years);  Mr. Grace,  $160,000 (14 years);  Mr.  Demgen,
$160,000 (9 years); Mr. Schmitt, $145,192 (30 years); and Mr. Richmond, $138,846
(13 years).

Compensation of Directors

Directors  who are not  officers or  employees  of the Company are paid a $5,000
annual fee, and are  compensated  $1,000 for each regular or special  meeting of
the Board of Directors  which they attend in person.  In the case of  telephonic
meetings of the Board, non-employee directors who participate in such telephonic
meetings are  compensated  $500 for such meeting.  Directors who participate via
telephone in a regular or special meeting which is held by other than conference
telephone are not entitled to a fee for such a meeting.



Non-employee directors serving on committees of the Board are compensated in the
amount of $500 for each committee meeting they attend whether such participation
is in person or by telephone,  provided that the committee  meeting is held on a
day other than that on which the Board meets.

Employment Agreements and Change In Control Arrangements

     Roy F. Mitte.  Mr.  Mitte and FIC are parties to an  employment  agreement,
providing  for the  employment  of Mr.  Mitte as Chairman,  President  and Chief
Executive Officer of the Company.  The agreement,  which was initially effective
February 25, 1982,  provides for five-year terms and for automatic  renewals for
successive five-year periods, unless otherwise terminated in accordance with the
terms of the  agreement.  The  original  agreement  provided  that the  level of
compensation was to be fixed each year by agreement,  but not less than $120,000
per year, and further provided that Mr. Mitte is entitled to  reimbursement  for
reasonable business expenses, and to participate in all fringe benefit plans and
arrangements  available  generally to employees  of the  Company.  In 2001,  the
employment   agreement  was  amended  as  follows:  (i)  the  minimum  level  of
compensation was increased to $503,500; (ii) Mr. Mitte is entitled to receive an
annual bonus in an amount to be determined by the Compensation  Committee of the
Board of Directors; (iii) upon the occurrence of a change in control (as defined
in the  amendment),  the  amount of the bonus is to be fixed at the rate of $2.5
million per year;  (iv) in the event of the death of Mr. Mitte,  payments  would
continue to his estate for the remainder of the term of his  employment  then in
effect, and that the amount of such payments shall be based on both that monthly
base salary then in effect and the bonus  amount paid to him by FIC and ILCO for
the year 2001; and (v) if the  employment of Mr. Mitte is terminated  during the
term of the agreement,  he is entitled to receive the payments otherwise due for
the remainder of the then current term.

     James  Grace.  On January  8,  2001,  Mr.  Grace and ILCO  entered  into an
employment  agreement  which  superceded  a  prior  employment  agreement.   The
obligations  under the agreement  were assumed by FIC  subsequent to the Merger.
The agreement  provided for the  employment of Mr. Grace through August 12, 2005
at a salary of $195,000 per year.  Mr. Grace's  obligations  were to perform the
duties he performed at the time of the effective date of the agreement, or other
similar duties as may be assigned from time to time.  The agreement  allowed for
termination by the Company only in limited  circumstances.  It further  provided
that in the event of a change of control of the Company,  the remaining  amounts
payable under this  agreement  shall become  immediately  due and payable in one
lump sum and the agreement shall terminate.

In January 2002,  the Company and Mr. Grace entered into a  modification  of the
agreement,  whereby  the  Company  paid to Mr.  Grace the  present  value of the
remaining installments under the agreement.  The amount of the payment, prior to
withholdings,  was $636,311.43.  The Company also agreed to pay the full cost of
medical  insurance  coverage  for Mr.  Grace for the period from January 2002 to
August 2005. In connection  with the  modification  of the agreement,  Mr. Grace
submitted  his  resignation  as an officer  and  director of the Company and its
subsidiaries. In addition, the Company purchased from Mr. Grace 27,424 shares of
FIC  common  stock at a price of $16.80 per share,  which  purchase  was made in
accordance  with the  provisions  of an  agreement  approved  by FIC's  board of
directors in May 2001.



Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

The  compensation  committee  of FIC is chosen by the  Board of  Directors.  The
Compensation  Committee  makes  recommendations  to the Board of Directors  with
respect to the Chief Executive  Officer's  compensation.  The current members of
the  Compensation  Committee are John D. Barnett and Frank Parker,  both outside
directors. The Compensation Committee met once in 2001.

Roy F. Mitte  determines  the  compensation  of all  executive  officers  of the
Company,  other than the Chief Executive  Officer.  Mr. Mitte is the Chairman of
the Board,  President and Chief Executive Officer of FIC. He also determines the
compensation  of all executive  officers of FIC, other than the Chief  Executive

Reports on Executive Compensation

The  following  reports  shall not be deemed  incorporated  by  reference by any
general  statement  incorporating  by reference  this Proxy  Statement  into any
filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or under the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  except to the extent  that the  Company  specifically  incorporates  this
information  by  reference,  and shall not  otherwise be deemed filed under such

        Chief Executive Officer's Report

The  following  report  is made by  Chief  Executive  Officer  with  respect  to
compensation policies applicable to the Company's executive officers, other than
the Chief Executive Officer.

The goal of the Company's compensation policies is to ensure that an appropriate
relationship exists between executive pay and the creation of shareholder value,
while at the same time  motivating  and  retaining  senior  managers.  Executive
compensation is based on several factors, including corporate performance. While
sales, earnings,  return on equity and other performance measures are considered
in making annual executive compensation decisions, no formulas,  pre-established
target  levels  or  minimum  performance  thresholds  are used.  Each  executive
officer's  individual  initiatives and  achievements  and the performance of the
operations   directed  by  the  executive  are  integral   factors  utilized  in
determining that officer's compensation.

The executive officers are provided long-term  equity-based  compensation in the
form of (i) stock  options  granted under the ILCO 1999 Stock Option Plan (which
was adopted by FIC following  the Merger) and (ii) matching  shares issued under
ILCO's Savings and Investment (401K) Plan (which covers employees of FIC and all
of its  subsidiaries).  They also  participate in medical and pension plans that
are generally available to employees of the Company.  The objectives of the ILCO
1999 Stock  Option  Plan and the 401K Plan are to create a strong  link  between
executive  compensation  and  shareholders  return and enable senior managers to
develop and retain a significant and long-term equity investment.



Under the Company's 1999 Stock Option Plan (the "Stock Option Plan"), options to
buy FIC's common stock at 100% of the fair market value on the date of grant but
in no event less than  $6.8181  per share (as  adjusted  upon the merger of ILCO
with FIC on May 18,  2001) can be granted to  officers  of the  Company  and its
subsidiary and affiliated companies. The Stock Option Plan, which was adopted by
ILCO in March,  1999 and became  effective upon its approval by the shareholders
of ILCO at the annual  meeting  on May 18,  1999,  authorized  the ILCO Board of
Directors  to grant  options to  purchase  up to a maximum of 800,000  shares of
ILCO's  common stock.  In  connection  with the May 18, 2001 merger of ILCO with
FIC, each  outstanding  option to purchase shares of ILCO common stock under the
Stock  Option Plan was assumed by FIC and  converted  into an option to purchase
the number of shares of FIC common  stock,  rounded up to the nearest 1/100 of a
share,  equal to the  number of  shares  of ILCO  common  stock  subject  to the
original  option  multiplied by 1.1. The exercise  price per share of FIC common
stock  under the new option is equal to the former  exercise  price per share of
ILCO common stock under the option  immediately  prior to the merger  divided by
1.1, and rounded to the nearest penny.  In accordance with the terms of the ILCO
stock  option plan under which the options were issued,  any  fractional  shares
resulting from the foregoing adjustments will be eliminated.  All other terms of
the options, including the vesting schedule, remain unchanged.

The  Company's   401K  Plan  allows   eligible   employees  to  make   voluntary
contributions  on a tax deferred  basis.  During  1997,  the Plan was changed to
provide for a matching contribution by participating companies. The match, which
was in the form of shares of ILCO common  stock prior to the merger of ILCO with
FIC and FIC shares  subsequent  to the  merger,  is equal to 100% of an eligible
participant's  elective deferral  contributions,  as defined in the Plan, not to
exceed 1% of the participant's plan compensation. Effective January 1, 2000, the
Plan was amended to increase the match percentage from 1% to 2%. Allocations are
made on a quarterly basis to the account of  participants  who have at least 250
hours of service in that  quarter.  In 2001,  the 401(k)  Plan was  amended  and
restated to comply with the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of

The Company  provide medical and pension  benefits to their  executive  officers
that are generally available to employees.

The foregoing report has been furnished by Roy F. Mitte.

        Compensation Committee's Report

The Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors makes a recommendation  to
the Board of Directors each year with respect to the Chief  Executive  Officer's
compensation  for that year. For the year 2001, the Committee  recommended  that
the Chief Executive Officer's  compensation continue at the same level in effect
for the year  2000.  In  addition,  the  Committee  recommended  that the  Chief
Executive Officer receive a cash bonus in the amount of $2,500,000.

The  compensation  policies and  practices  of the  Compensation  Committee  are
subjective and are not based upon specific criteria.  The Committee did consider
the Company's  overall  financial  performance  and its  continuing  progress in
expense  management,  maintenance  of a high quality  investment  portfolio  and
marketing  of insurance  products  designed to generate an  acceptable  level of
profitability. The Committee recognized the Chief Executive Officer's leadership
role in the  Company's  performance  and his  ability  to  select,  recruit  and
motivate  qualified  people  to  implement  the  Company's  policies  that  have
contributed to that performance.



Since  the  Chief  Executive  Officer's  2001  compensation  is not based on any
particular  measures of the  Company's  performance,  such as sales,  earning or
return  on  equity,  there  is no  specific  discussion  in this  report  of the
relationship  of the  Company's  performance  to the Chief  Executive  Officer's
compensation for 2001.

The foregoing report is submitted by  the members of the Compensation Committee.

Deductibility of Executive Compensation under the Internal Revenue Code

Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code generally  limits the  deductibility
of compensation  to the Chief  Executive  Officer and the four other most highly
compensated officers in excess of $1 million per year, provided,  however,  that
certain  "performance-based"  compensation  may be excluded from such $1 million
deduction limitation. For the year ended December 31, 2001, the $1 million level
was exceeded with respect to the Chief Executive Officer.

Performance Graph

The graph and table below compare the cumulative total shareholder return on the
Company's  Common  Stock for the last five  calendar  years with the  cumulative
total  return on The  Nasdaq  Stock  Market  (US) and an index of stocks of life
insurance  companies  traded  on  Nasdaq  over the  same  period  (assuming  the
investment  on December  31, 1996 of $100 in the  Company's  Common  Stock,  The
Nasdaq Stock Market  (U.S.) and an index of stocks of life  insurance  companies
traded on Nasdaq and the reinvestment of all dividends).



                          [PERFORMANCE GRAPH OMITTED]

       <s>                               <c>         <c>        <c>         <c>         <c>         <c>
                                       12/30/96    12/29/97   12/29/98    12/31/99   12/31/00    12/31/01

The Company (1)                        $100.00     $176.90    $142.90     $ 87.90     $ 82.00     $129.30
The Nasdaq Stock Market (US)           $100.00     $122.50    $172.70     $320.80     $193.00     $153.10
Index of Nasdaq Life Ins. Stocks (2)   $100.00     $132.20    $133.30     $115.10     $127.30     $158.30


(1) The dollar  amounts for the Company's  Common Stock are based on the closing
bid prices on Nasdaq on the dates indicated.

(2) The Index of Nasdaq Life  Insurance  Stocks is comprised  of life  insurance
companies whose stocks were traded on Nasdaq during the last five calendar years
(31 issues listed during that period, of which 14 issues were traded on December
31,   2001).   These  peer   companies   were  selected  by  the  Company  on  a
line-of-business basis.




For the period January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001, the Registrant  reports the
following  information in accordance  with the provisions of section  229.404 of
the  Regulations  of the U.S.  Securities  and exchange  Commission.  Management
believes that the  transactions  described herein were in the ordinary course of
business and on terms as favorable to the Registrant and its  subsidiaries as if
the transactions had involved unaffiliated persons or organizations.

(a)  As part of the financing  arrangement  for the  acquisition  of Family Life
     Insurance  Company,  Family Life Corporation  ("FLC"), a subsidiary of FIC,
     entered into a Senior Loan  agreement  under which $50 million was provided
     by a group of  banks.  The  balance  of the  financing  consisted  of a $30
     million  subordinated  note issued by FLC to Merrill Lynch Insurance Group,
     Ins.  ("Merrill  Lynch") and $14 million borrowed by another  subsidiary of
     FIC  from  an  affiliate  of  Merrill  Lynch  and  evidenced  by  a  senior
     subordinated  note in the  principal  amount  of $12  million  and a junior
     subordinated  note in the  principal  amount of $2 million  and $25 million
     lent by two insurance  company  subsidiaries of ILCO. The latter amount was
     represented  by a $22.5 million loan from  Investors Life to FLC and a $2.5
     million  loan  provided   directly  to  FIC  by  Investors-CA   (which  was
     subsequently  merged into  Investors  Life)  (referred to as the "Investors
     Life Loans"). In addition to the interest provided under the Investors Life
     Loans, Investors Life and Investors-CA were granted by FIC non-transferable
     options to  purchase,  in the  amounts  proportionate  to their  respective
     loans,  up to a total of 9.9% of shares of FIC's common stock at a price of
     $10.50 per share  ($2.10 per share as adjusted for the  five-for-one  stock
     split in November  1996),  equivalent  to the then  current  market  price,
     subject to adjustment to prevent dilution.  The original  provisions of the
     options  provided for their  expiration on June 12, 1998 if not  previously
     exercised.  As part of the May 18, 2001 merger of ILCO with FIC, the option
     agreement was amended to substitute  the 9.9%  provision for a fixed number
     of  shares.  The fixed  number of shares - 500,411 - is  equivalent  to the
     number of shares of FIC's common stock outstanding immediately prior to the
     Merger.  In connection with the 1996 amendments to the subordinated  notes,
     as described  below,  the  expiration  date of the options were extended to
     September  12, 2006.  These notes were paid off to  Investors  Life in June

     July 30, 1993, the subordinated  indebtedness owed to Merrill Lynch and its
     affiliate was prepaid.  The primary  source of the funds used to prepay the
     subordinated  debt was new  subordinated  loans totaling $34.5 million that
     FLC and another  subsidiary of FIC obtained from  Investors Life (the "1993
     Subordinated  Loans").  The principal amount of the 1993 Subordinated Loans
     was to be paid in four equal annual  installments  in 2000,  2001, 2002 and
     2003 and bears  interest  at an annual  rate of 9%. The other  terms of the
     1993  Subordinated  Loans are  substantially the same as those of the $22.5
     million subordinated loans that Investors Life had previously made to FLC.



     In June  1996,  the  provisions  of the  Investors  Life Loans and the 1993
     Subordinated Loans were modified. The 1993 Subordinated Loans were modified
     as  follows:  (a) the $30  million  note was  amended to provide  for forty
     quarterly principal payments, in the amount of $163,540 each for the period
     December  12, 1996 to  September  12, 2001;  beginning  with the  principal
     payment due on  December  12,  2001,  the amount of the  principal  payment
     increases to $1,336,458;  the final quarterly  principal  payment is due on
     September  12, 2006;  the interest  rate on the note remains at 9%, and (c)
     the $4.5 million note was amended to provide for forty quarterly  principal
     payments, in the amount of $24,531 each for the period December 12, 1996 to
     September 12, 2001;  beginning  with the principal  payment due on December
     12, 2001, the amount of the principal  payment  increases to $200,469;  the
     final  quarterly  principal  payment  is due on  September  12,  2006;  the
     interest rate on the note remains at 9%.

(b)  The data processing  needs of FIC's insurance  subsidiaries are provided by
     FIC Computer  Services,  Inc. ("FIC Computer"),  a subsidiary of FIC. Under
     the provisions of the data processing  agreement FIC Computer provides data
     processing  services to each subsidiary for fees equal to such subsidiary's
     proportionate  share of FIC  Computer's  actual  costs of  providing  those
     services to all of the subsidiaries. Family Life paid $1,591,341, Investors
     Life paid $1,687,304,  and  Investors-IN  paid $606,466 to FIC Computer for
     data processing services provided during 2001.

(c)  In 1995,  Family Life entered into a reinsurance  agreement  with Investors
     Life  pertaining to universal  life  insurance  written by Family Life. The
     reinsurance agreement is on a co-insurance basis and applies to all covered
     business with  effective  dates on and after January 1, 1995. The agreement
     applies to only that portion of the face amount of the policy which is less
     than  $200,000;  face  amounts of $200,000 or more are  reinsured by Family
     Life with a third party reinsurer.

(d)  In 1996,  Family Life entered into a reinsurance  agreement  with Investors
     Life, pertaining to annuity contracts written by Family Life. The agreement
     applies to contracts written on or after January 1, 1996.

(e)  On January 8, 2001,  the Company  donated  $375,000 to the Roy F. and Joann
     Cole Mitte  Foundation (the  "Foundation").  The Foundation is a charitable
     entity exempt from federal  income tax under section  501(a) of the Code as
     an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Code, and owns 16.31%
     of the  outstanding  shares of FIC's common stock.  The sole members of the
     Foundation  are Roy F.  Mitte,  Chairman,  President  and  Chief  Executive
     Officer of FIC, and their insurance subsidiaries,  and his wife, Joann Cole

(f)  On January 2, 2002, FIC made a donation of $1,000,000 to the Foundation.

(g)  In June, 2001, the Company granted Mr. Roy F. Mitte a loan in the amount of
     $5  million.  The  terms  of the loan  were  disclosed  in the  2001  proxy
     statement  dated July 24, 2001 and filed with the  Securities  and Exchange
     Commission on July 23, 2001. The loan was for a one-year  period;  however,
     Mr. Mitte paid the loan in full on August 22, 2001.



                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

Relationship With Independent Auditors

FIC's  accounting  firm for the  current  year is  PricewaterhouseCoopers,  LLP.
Representatives of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP are expected to be available for
comment at the Shareholders  Meeting and will be given an opportunity to respond
to appropriate questions.

Fees Paid to Independent Public Accountants

PricewaterhouseCoopers,  LLP has billed the Company and its subsidiaries fees as
set forth in the table below for (i) the audit of the Company's annual financial
statements for the year 2001 of and reviews of quarterly  financial  statements,
(ii) financial  information  systems design and implementation  work rendered in
the year 2001 and (iii) all other services rendered in the year 2001.

                                                Design and
                                Audit Fees      Fees              All Other Fees

     Fiscal Year 2001            $283,308       $ -0-             $300,679 (1)

(1)  Includes  expenses  related to tax services  and expenses  related to audit
     work for the Merger.  On May 18, 2001,  pursuant to that certain  Agreement
     and Plan of Merger,  as amended,  dated as of January 17, 2001,  among FIC,
     ILCO, and ILCO Acquisition  Company,  a Texas corporation and wholly- owned
     subsidiary of FIC ("Merger Sub"),  Merger Sub was merged with and into ILCO
     (the "Merger"). ILCO was the surviving corporation of the Merger and became
     a wholly-owned  subsidiary of FIC. In accordance with the Merger Agreement,
     FIC issued 1.1 shares of common stock,  par value $0.20 per share, for each
     share of common stock,  par value $0.22 per share,  of ILCO  outstanding at
     the time of the Merger.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

It is  contemplated by the management of FIC that the next Annual Meeting of the
Shareholders of FIC will be held on or about June 1, 2003.  Proposals  submitted
by any security holders and intended to be included in FIC's Proxy Statement and
Form of Proxy  relating  to the  meeting  must be received by the Company at its
principal  executive  offices no later  than  December  31,  2002 and must be in
compliance  with   applicable  laws  and  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission



                               ADDITIONAL MATTERS

At the date  hereof,  there are no other  matters  which the Board of  Directors
intends to present or has reason to believe  others will present at the meeting.
However,  if any other  matter  should be  presented,  the persons  named in the
accompanying proxy will vote according to their best judgment in the interest of
FIC with respect to such matters.

Date: April 30, 2002
                                          By Order of the Board of Directors
                                          Financial Industries Corporation
                                          Thomas C. Richmond




                  Annual Meeting of Shareholders, June 4, 2002

     Roy F. Mitte and Thomas C. Richmond, or either of them, each with the power
of substitution,  are hereby  authorized to represent and vote the shares of the
undersigned,  with  all  the  powers  that  the  undersigned  would  possess  if
personally present at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Financial Industries
Corporation  to be held on Tuesday,  June 4, 2002,  or at any  postponements  or
adjournments thereof, as indicated below.

   1.       ELECTION OF DIRECTORS               _______         FOR all nominees
                                                                listed below
                                                                (except as

                                                _______         WITHHOLD
                                                                authority to
                                                                vote for all
                                                                nominees listed

If you wish to withhold authority to vote for any individual  nominee,  strike a
line through that nominee's name in the list below.

Hans  Annarino,  John D. Barnett,  David G. Caldwell,  S. Tim Casey,  Jeffrey H.
Demgen,  Theodore A. Fleron,  W. Lewis Gilcrease,  M. Scott Mitte, Roy F. Mitte,
Elizabeth T. Nash, Frank Parker, Thomas C. Richmond

   2.       In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such
            other matters which may properly come before the meeting or at any
            postponements or adjournments thereof.

                                                     (Continued on reverse side)



(Continued from reverse side)

other  business  matters  which may  properly  be brought  before the meeting in
accordance with the best judgment of the proxies.

The Board of Directors  recommends a vote "FOR" on all matters set forth in this
                                             Please date, sign and return in the
                                             enclosed postage paid envelope.

                                             Dated: ___________________, 2002

                                             Signature _____________________

                                             Signature _____________________
                                             (if held jointly)

                                             In the case of joint or common
                                             ownership, each owner should sign.

