Exhibit 11.1

                            EARNINGS PER SHARE
                            PRIMARY COMPUTATION
             (In millions except share and per share amounts)

                                               Three months ended
                                                  September 30,    
                                                1994         1993 
Basis for computation of earnings per 
  common and common equivalent shares:
  Earnings from continuing operations         $ 34.7       $ 35.3
  Deduct dividends on 4% preferred stock         (.1)         (.1)
                                              -------      -------
  Earnings from continuing operations
    available to common shareholders            34.6         35.2
  Loss from discontinued operations              (.8)         (.8)
                                              -------      -------

  Available for common shareholders            $ 33.8       $ 34.4 
                                              =======      =======

Number of shares:
  Weighted average shares outstanding      76,898,893   76,617,398
  Shares issuable upon exercise of
    stock options, net of shares assumed
    to be repurchased                         658,085      750,239 
                                           ----------   ----------
                                           77,556,978   77,367,637 
                                           ==========   ==========

Earnings per common share:
  Continuing operations                        $  .45        $ .45
  Discontinued operations                        (.01)        (.01)
                                              -------      -------

  Net earnings                                 $  .44        $ .44 
                                              =======      =======