Washington, D.C.  20549

                                    FORM 8-K/A

                                   CURRENT REPORT

                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                   November 3, 1997

                                   Mallinckrodt Inc.
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            New York                1-483            36-1263901
  (State or other jurisdiction   (Commission     (I.R.S. Employer
   of incorporation)              File Number)    Identification No.)

 7733 Forsyth Boulevard, St. Louis, MO                    63105-1820
(Address of principal executive offices)                  (ZIP Code)

Registrant's telephone number,                         (314) 854-5200
    including area code

Items 1 - 6  Not Applicable

Item 7.      Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information    
             and Exhibits

     This amendment provides the pro forma financial information
pursuant to Article 11 of Regulation S-X for the period ended June
30, 1997, which was not included in the Company's Form 8-K filed on
September 5, 1997, since the information for the period was not
determinable at such time.

                             Mallinckrodt Inc.
   Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

     On August 28, 1997, Mallinckrodt Inc. (Mallinckrodt) acquired
Nellcor Puritan Bennett Incorporated (Nellcor) through an agreement
to purchase for cash all the outstanding shares of common stock of
Nellcor for $28.50 per share.  The aggregate purchase price of the
Nellcor acquisition was approximately $1.9 billion.

     The acquisition was accounted for using the purchase method of
accounting.  Allocations of the purchase price have been determined
based upon preliminary estimates of fair value, and therefore, are
subject to change.  Adjustments, which could be significant, will be
made during the allocation period based upon a detailed review of the
fair value of assets and liabilities acquired.  In addition, the
integration of Nellcor into Mallinckrodt will result in additional
liabilities being recorded as part of the acquisition accounting. 
The following Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial
Statements are based upon the historical financial statements of
Mallinckrodt and Nellcor, and have been prepared under the
assumptions set forth in the accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro
Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.  The Unaudited Pro
Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year
ended June 30, 1997 has been prepared as if the purchase transaction
and the related financing had occurred at the beginning of fiscal
1997.  The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
as of June 30, 1997 has been prepared as if the purchase had occurred
at that date.  The pro forma adjustments are based upon available
information and certain assumptions that management believes are

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial
Statements do not purport to represent what Mallinckrodt's financial
position or the results of operation would have been if consummation
of the acquisition had occurred on the dates indicated or which may
be achieved in the future.  Management is currently developing a
detailed integration plan.  Anticipated cost savings and related
liabilities from the integration of the two companies have not been
reflected in this presentation.

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial
Statements should be read in conjunction with the historical
financial statements and accompanying notes for Mallinckrodt and

                             Mallinckrodt Inc.
 Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                         Year Ended June 30, 1997

(In millions, except share and per share amounts)

                                                         Pro Forma
                             Mallinckrodt    Nellcor   Adjustments   Combined
                             ------------    -------   -----------   --------   
Net sales...................    $1,861.2      $778.6                 $2,639.8 
Operating costs and
  Cost of goods sold........     1,017.6       410.8    $ (1.1) (A)   1,427.3 
  Selling, administrative
   and general expenses.....       428.7       219.6      52.0  (A)     700.3 
  Research and development
   expenses.................       108.0        57.4            (A)     165.4 
  Restructuring charges.....                     9.7                      9.7 
  Merger and related costs..                    21.7                     21.7 
  Other operating (income)
   expense, net.............        (7.2)                                (7.2)
                                ---------    --------   --------     ---------  
Total operating costs and
 expenses...................    1,547.1        719.2      50.9        2,317.2 
                               ---------     --------   --------     ---------

Operating earnings..........      314.1         59.4     (50.9)         322.6 
Interest income and other
 nonoperating income
 (expense), net.............       22.0          1.3     (22.0) (B)       1.3 
Interest expense............      (48.1)        (1.1)    (69.0) (C)    (118.2)
                               ---------     --------   --------     ---------

Earnings from continuing
 operations before
 income taxes...............      288.0         59.6    (141.9)         205.7
Income tax provision........      102.3         20.8     (43.6) (D)      79.5
                               ---------     --------  --------      ---------
Earnings from continuing
 operations.................      185.7         38.8     (98.3)         126.2 
Discontinued operations.....        4.4                   (4.4) (E)
                               ---------     --------   --------     ---------
Net earnings................      190.1         38.8    (102.7)         126.2
Preferred stock dividends...        (.4)                                  (.4)
                               ---------     --------  --------      --------- 

Available for common
 shareholders...............   $  189.7      $  38.8   $(102.7)      $  125.8 
                               =========     ========  ========      =========

Earnings per common share
Net earnings................    $  2.53                              $   1.68 
                                =========                             =========
Shares used to compute
 earnings per share (F).....  75,060,227                           75,060,227 
                              ===========                          ===========

(The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Unaudited Pro
Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.)

                             Mallinckrodt Inc.
                       Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma
             Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                              Year Ended June 30, 1997

(A)  Intangible and goodwill amortization expense related to the      
     acquisition, less amortization expense previously recorded by    
     Nellcor.  Intangibles and goodwill are amortized on a straight-  
     line basis over 10 to 30 years (weighted average life of 22      
     years).  The amortization expense is based on preliminary        
     allocation and further adjustments, which may be significant and 
     will include integration accruals, are expected during the       
     allocation period.

     The $75.4 million step-up of Nellcor's inventory to fair value   
     at date of acquisition and the $398.3 million purchased in-      
     process research and development are not reflected in this        
     Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of          
     Operations.  These amounts will be charged to operations during  
     fiscal 1998.

(B)  Elimination of Mallinckrodt fiscal 1997 domestic interest income 
     related to cash on hand used to pay for a portion of the         
     acquisition, plus $0.8 million amortization of debt issuance     

(C)  Interest at 6.0 percent on the borrowing to complete the         
     acquisition.  The interest rate is based on the London Interbank 
     Offered Rate plus a margin dependent upon the Company's senior   
     debt ratings.

(D)  Income taxes have been provided for the adjustments referred to  
     in (A), (B) and (C).  The effective tax rate is adversely        
     impacted by goodwill amortization expense which is not tax       

(E)  Discontinued operations primarily relate to the sale of          
     businesses and their results of operations that are eliminated   
     in this statement.

(F)  Earnings per common share amounts were computed based upon the   
     weighted average number of Mallinckrodt common and common        
     equivalent shares outstanding during the period.

                             Mallinckrodt Inc.
      Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
                               June 30, 1997

(In millions)

                                                       Pro Forma
Assets                      Mallinckrodt    Nellcor   Adjustments    Combined
                            ------------    -------   -----------    --------- 

Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents..   $  808.5     $ 43.3    $ (751.6)(A)  $  100.2
  Trade receivables..........      356.0      193.2                     549.2
  Inventories................      315.9      168.1        75.4 (B)     559.4
  Deferred income taxes......       36.8       20.0                      56.8
  Other current assets.......       99.6       20.9                     120.5
                                ---------    -------   ---------     ---------
Total current assets.........    1,616.8      445.5      (676.2)      1,386.1  
Investments and long-term
 receivables.................      126.0                                126.0
Property, plant and
 equipment, net..............      827.9      151.2        10.7 (B)     989.8
Intangible and other assets..      416.2       60.2     1,570.8 (C)   2,047.2
Deferred income taxes........         .8       16.1                      16.9
                                ---------    -------   ---------     --------- 
Total assets.................   $2,987.7     $673.0    $  905.3      $4,566.0  
                                =========    =======   =========     =========

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
  Short-term debt.............  $   11.7     $ 27.2    $1,150.0 (A)  $1,188.9
  Accounts payable............     169.3       53.0                     222.3  
  Accrued liabilities.........     396.1       89.8                     485.9  
  Income taxes payable........      76.4                                 76.4  
  Deferred income taxes.......        .2                   28.7 (D)      28.9  
                                ---------    -------   ---------     ---------
Total current liabilities.....     653.7      170.0     1,178.7       2,002.4  
Long-term debt, less current
 maturities...................     545.2        6.0                     551.2
Deferred income taxes.........     248.7                  206.0 (D)     454.7
Postretirement benefits.......     161.9                                161.9
Other noncurrent liabilities
 and deferred credits.........     127.0       17.6                     144.6
                                ---------    -------   ---------      --------
Total liabilities.............   1,736.5      193.6     1,384.7       3,314.8
                                ---------    -------   ---------      --------
Shareholders' equity:
  4 Percent cumulative
   preferred stock............      11.0                                 11.0  
  Common stock................      87.1          .1        (.1) (E)     87.1
  Capital in excess of
   par value..................     305.9       255.4     (255.4) (E)    305.9
  Reinvested earnings.........   1,292.6       282.2     (282.2) (E)  1,292.6
  Foreign currency
   translation................     (49.9)         .2        (.2) (E)    (49.9)
  Treasury stock, at cost.....    (395.5)      (58.5)      58.5  (E)   (395.5) 
                                ---------    --------  ---------     --------- 
Total shareholders' equity....   1,251.2       479.4     (479.4)      1,251.2
                                ---------    --------  ---------     --------- 
Total liabilities and
 shareholders' equity.........  $2,987.7     $ 673.0   $  905.3      $4,566.0  
                                =========    ========  =========     =========

(The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Unaudited Pro
Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.)

                             Mallinckrodt Inc.
                      Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma
                   Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
                              June 30, 1997

(A)  Cash on hand was used to pay for a portion of the acquisition    
     and the remaining funds required were obtained through           
     additional borrowing.  The Company entered into a $2.0 billion   
     credit facility consisting of a $400 million two-year term loan  
     and a $1.6 billion five-year revolving credit facility.

(B)  Step-up of Nellcor's tangible assets to fair value at date of    

(C)  Intangible assets and goodwill related to the acquisition were   
     $1,604.3 million, less $33.5 million of intangibles and goodwill 
     previously recorded by Nellcor.  The identifiable intangible     
     assets directly related to the acquisition are $925.4 million    
     and include in-process research and development, core and        
     developed technology, trademarks, trade names and the assembled  
     work force.  The residual balance of $678.9 million is goodwill.

     The goodwill balance is subject to adjustment during the         
     allocation period based upon a detailed review of the fair value 
     of assets and liabilities acquired and completion of the         
     integration plan, which will result in additional liabilities    
     being recorded as part of the acquisition accounting.

     The purchased in-process research and development of $398.3      
     million represents the value of medical devices still in the     
     development stage and not considered to have reached technical   
     feasibility.  This in-process research and development is        
     reported as an asset on the balance sheet for this pro forma     
     financial statement presentation only.  This balance will be     
     charged to operations during the first quarter of fiscal 1998.

(D)  Current and noncurrent deferred income tax liabilities were      
     established in conjunction with the inventory, property, plant   
     and equipment, and intangible assets recorded at date of         
     acquisition.  See (B) and (C) above for additional information.

(E)  Shareholders' equity adjustments are the elimination of the      
     Nellcor equity balances at acquisition.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned thereunder duly authorized.

Dated:  November 3, 1997

Mallinckrodt Inc.

Vice President, Secretary
and General Counsel