Washington, D.C.  20549

                                       FORM 8-K

                                    CURRENT REPORT

                      Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                          Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                   July 20, 1999

                                    Mallinckrodt Inc.
                (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             New York                1-483            36-1263901
   (State or other jurisdiction   (Commission       (I.R.S. Employer
         of incorporation)        File Number)     Identification No.)

  675 McDonnell Boulevard, St. Louis, MO                      63134
 (Address of principal executive offices)                  (ZIP Code)

 Registrant's telephone number,                         (314) 654-2000
     including area code

Item 5. Other Events
A press release was issued July 20, 1999.  The relevant portion of the
text of that release was as follows:

(*) Indicates registered trademark


St. Louis, MO, and San Diego, CA, July 20, 1999   Mallinckrodt Inc.
(NYSE:MKG) and Premier Purchasing Partners, L.P., announced today that
they have signed a new Corporate Partnership Agreement, which extends
an existing agreement by two years and broadens the Mallinckrodt,
Nellcor and Puritan Bennett product lines included under the

The new agreement extends the Corporate Partnership through December
31, 2006.  The earlier agreement, which became effective July 1, 1997,
was for seven years.

New Mallinckrodt technologies and products added to the partnership
agreement include Nellcor pulse oximeters and sensors, Liebel-
Flarsheim power injector disposables and Optison(*),
the only U.S.-marketed ultrasound contrast media.  The earlier
Mallinckrodt-Premier partnership agreement covered other Mallinckrodt
contrast imaging agents, radiopharmaceuticals and related products,
endotracheal tubes, tracheostomy tubes and temperature monitoring
systems, all of which remain a part of the new expanded agreement.

"This new agreement provides Premier members access to all of
Mallinckrodt's products and bridges our imaging and respiratory
offerings in a way that delivers exceptional value to the
participating Premier member," said C. Ray Holman, Mallinckrodt
chairman and chief executive officer.  Premier owners and member
hospitals will benefit through increased participation and commitment
to Mallinckrodt.

The new partnership is a reflection of our commitment to Premier as
well as to our objective to provide the highest quality, clinically
useful products for the improvement of healthcare at an affordable
cost," he added.

Lynn Detlor, Premier Purchasing Partners president, said, "This new
partnership agreement illustrates a renewed commitment to
Mallinckrodt, Nellcor and Puritan Bennett branded products that shows
our confidence in Mallinckrodt's superior technology and ability to
meet the clinical and economic challenges of our membership.
Mallinckrodt continues to deliver on all fronts as a Premier business

Premier is a strategic alliance of leading hospitals and healthcare
systems across the country, representing 215 owners and the 868
hospitals and healthcare facilities they operate and approximately 900
other affiliated hospitals.  Total annual purchasing volume for the
alliance reached $10 billion in 1998.

Mallinckrodt Inc., based in St. Louis, Mo., has three healthcare
product groups Imaging, Pharmaceuticals and Respiratory.  The
company operates in more than 100 countries and had fiscal 1998 net
sales of $2.4 billion.  The Mallinckrodt web site address is

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Mallinckrodt Inc.

/s/Roger A. Keller
- ------------------
Vice President, Secretary
and General Counsel

DATE: July 21, 1999