ARTICLE I


          1.1. NAME OF PLAN.  The name of the Plan is the  "Interpublic  Outside
Directors' Stock Incentive Plan."

          1.2. PURPOSE OF PLAN. The Plan is being established to attract, retain
and compensate for service highly  qualified  individuals to serve as members of
the Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation,  but not current  employees of the
Corporation  or any of its  Subsidiaries,  and to enable them to increase  their
ownership in the Corporation's  Common Stock. The Plan will be beneficial to the
Corporation and its  stockholders  since it will allow these directors to have a
greater personal financial stake in the Corporation through the ownership of the
Corporation's  Common Stock, in addition to strengthening  their common interest
with  stockholders  in increasing  the value of the  Corporation's  Common Stock
longer term.

          1.3.  EFFECTIVE  DATE. The effective date of the Plan is June 1, 1994,
or such later date as stockholder approval is obtained.

                                   ARTICLE II


          When used in capitalized  form in the Plan, the following  terms shall
have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

          ACT. "Act" means the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as currently in
effect or hereafter amended.

          COMMITTEE.  "Committee" means the directors of the Corporation who are
not Outside Directors.

          COMMON STOCK.  "Common Stock" means shares of the  Corporation's  $.10
par value common stock.

          CORPORATION.  "Corporation"  means The Interpublic Group of Companies,

          FAIR MARKET VALUE. "Fair Market Value" means the mean of the high and
low prices at which the Common Stock of the Corporation is traded on the date in
question, as reported on the composite tape for New York Stock Exchange issues.

          OPTION.  "Option"  means a right to  purchase  Common  Stock under the

          OPTION PERIOD. "Option Period" means the period beginning on the third
anniversary  of the  date  of  grant  of an  Option  and  ending  on  the  tenth
anniversary of the date of grant.

          OUTSIDE DIRECTORS.  "Outside  Directors" means members of the Board of
Directors of the  Corporation who are not employees of the Corporation or any of
its Subsidiaries.

          PLAN. "Plan" means the Interpublic  Outside Directors' Stock Incentive
Plan, as amended from time to time.

          RESTRICTED  SHARES.  "Restricted  Shares" means shares of Common Stock
granted  pursuant to Article  VIII hereof and  subject to the  restrictions  and
other terms and conditions set forth in the Plan.

          RESTRICTION   PERIOD.   "Restriction   Period"  with  respect  to  any
Restricted  Shares  means  the  period  beginning  on the  date  on  which  such
Restricted Shares are granted and ending on the fifth anniversary of the date of

          SUBSIDIARY.  "Subsidiary"  means a subsidiary of the Corporation  that
meets the  definition of a  "subsidiary  corporation"  in Section  424(f) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

                                   ARTICLE III


          3.1.  CONDITION.  An individual who is an Outside Director on or after
June 1, 1994 shall be eligible to participate in the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                                SHARES AVAILABLE

          4.1. NUMBER OF SHARES AVAILABLE.  An aggregate of Two Hundred Thousand
(200,000)  shares of Common  Stock are  available  for  issuance  under the Plan
pursuant to awards of Options and Restricted Shares. Such shares of Common Stock
may be authorized but unissued shares,  treasury shares,  or shares purchased on
the open market.

          4.2.  ADJUSTMENTS.  The  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  of the
Corporation reserved for awards of Options and Restricted Shares under the Plan,
the number of shares  comprising awards of Restricted  Shares,  and the exercise
price and the number of shares issuable under any outstanding Options,  shall be
subject to  proportionate  adjustment by the Committee to the extent required to
prevent dilution or enlargement of the rights of the grantee in the event of any
stock  split,   stock   dividend,   recapitalization,   merger,   consolidation,
reorganization,  combination,  or exchange of shares or other similar event. All
determinations  made by the  Committee  with  respect to  adjustment  under this
Section 4.2 shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes of the Plan.

Common  Stock of the  Corporation  received by a grantee as a stock  dividend on
Restricted  Shares, or as a result of stock splits,  combinations,  exchanges of
shares,  reorganizations,  mergers,  consolidations,  or other events  affecting
Restricted  Shares,  shall  have  the  same  status,  be  subject  to  the  same
restrictions,  and bear the same legend as the shares with respect to which they
were issued.

                                    ARTICLE V

                                GRANTS OF OPTIONS

          5.1. OPTIONS. The only types of options which may be granted under the
Plan are non-qualified stock options.

          5.2. ANNUAL GRANT. Each year on the first Friday in the month of June,
each  Outside  Director  then  serving  shall  automatically  receive  an Option
covering 2,000 shares of Common Stock of the  Corporation.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  if, on that first  Friday,  the General  Counsel of the  Corporation
determines, in his or her sole discretion, that the Corporation is in possession
of material,  undisclosed  information  about the  Corporation,  then the annual
grant of Options to Outside  Directors  shall be suspended  until the second day
after  public  dissemination  of  such  information.  If  Common  Stock  of  the
Corporation  is not  traded on the New York Stock  Exchange  on any date a grant
would  otherwise be made,  then the grant shall be as of the next day thereafter
on which Common Stock of the Corporation is so traded.

          5.3. OPTION PRICE. The exercise price per share of the Option shall be
the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on the date of the grant.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                                  OPTION PERIOD

          6.1.  DURATION.   An  Option  granted  under  the  Plan  shall  become
exercisable three years after the date of grant and shall expire ten years after
the date of grant, unless it is sooner terminated pursuant to Section 9.1 of the

                                   ARTICLE VII

                        PAYMENT UPON EXERCISE OF OPTIONS

          7.1.  EXERCISE PRICE. The exercise price of an Option shall be paid in
cash in U.S. Dollars on the date of exercise.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                                RESTRICTED SHARES

          8.1. GRANTS. On the first Friday in June 1996, and on the first Friday
in June every five years thereafter during the term of the Plan, the Corporation
shall grant Two Thousand (2,000) Restricted Shares to each person who is serving
as an Outside Director as of such date.

          8.2 ADDITIONAL  RESTRICTIONS.  Each Restricted Share granted under the
Plan shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

               A. Rights with Respect to Shares.

                  A grantee to whom  Restricted  Shares have been granted  under
the Plan shall have  absolute ownership  of such shares, including  the right to
vote the same and to receive dividends thereon,  subject, however, to the terms,
conditions,  and  restrictions  described in the Plan.  The  grantee's  absolute
ownership shall become effective only after he or she has received a certificate
or certificates for the number of shares of Common Stock awarded, or after he or
she has received  notification  that such  certificate or certificates are being
held in custody for him or her.

               B. Restrictions.

                  Until  the  expiration  of the  Restriction  Period  therefor,
Restricted Shares shall be subject to the following conditions:

                  (i)   Restricted   Shares   shall   not  be  sold,   assigned,
transferred, pledged, hypothecated, or otherwise disposed of; and

                  (ii) if the grantee ceases to serve as an Outside Director for
any reason,  then, except as otherwise  provided in Section 9.2 of the Plan, any
Restricted Shares for which the Restriction  Period has not lapsed that had been
delivered  to, or held in custody  for,  the  grantee  shall be  returned to the
Corporation  forthwith,  and all the rights of the grantee  with respect to such
shares shall  immediately  terminate without any payment of consideration by the

               C. Lapse of Restrictions.

                  Except as otherwise set forth in Section 9.2 of the Plan,  the
restrictions set forth in Paragraph B of this Section 8.2 for Restricted  Shares
shall lapse at the end of the Restriction Period with respect to such shares.

               D. Tax Assistance Payments.

                  When the  restrictions  set forth in Paragraph B hereof lapse,
the  Committee  may,  in its  discretion,  direct the  Corporation  to make cash
payments to assist the grantee in  satisfying  his federal  income tax liability
with respect to the Restricted  Shares.  Such payments may be made only to those
grantees  whose  performance  the  Committee   determines  to  have  been  fully
satisfactory  between the date on which the  Restricted  Shares were granted and
the date on which such restrictions lapse. The Committee may, in its discretion,
estimate  the amount of the federal  income tax in  accordance  with  methods or
criteria uniformly applied to grantees similarly situated, without regard to the
individual circumstances of a particular grantee.

               E. Restrictive Legends; Certificates May be Held in Custody.

                  Certificates   evidencing  Restricted  Shares  shall  bear  an
appropriate  legend  referring  to  the  terms,  conditions,   and  restrictions
described  in the Plan.  Any  attempt to dispose  of such  Restricted  Shares in
contravention of the terms,  conditions,  and restrictions described in the Plan
shall be  ineffective.  The  Committee  may enact  rules that  provide  that the
certificates  evidencing  such  shares may be held in custody by a bank or other
institution,  or that the  Corporation  may itself  hold such shares in custody,
until the restrictions thereon shall have lapsed.

                                   ARTICLE IX


          9.1. OPTIONS.

               (A)  Options Granted Prior to June 1, 1996.

                    (i) With  respect to each  grantee who was first  elected or
appointed as an Outside  Director on or after January 1, 1995, and who ceases to
be an Outside Director for any reason other than death,  Options which have been
granted prior to June 1, 1996 and which are exercisable on the date of cessation
of service  shall  continue  to be  exercisable  by the  grantee for ninety days
following the date of cessation of service, but in no event after the expiration
of the Option Period.

                    (ii) With respect to each  grantee who was first  elected or
appointed as an Outside  Director  prior to January 1, 1995: (A) if such grantee
ceases to serve as an Outside  Director (other than because of his or her death)
and, as of the date of such cessation of service is eligible for a benefit under
the Interpublic Outside Directors' Pension Plan, Options which have been granted

prior to June 1, 1996 and  which are  exercisable  on the date of  cessation  of
service  shall  continue  to be  exercisable  by the  grantee  for sixty  months
following  the date of  retirement  from the  Board,  but in no event  after the
expiration of the Option  Period,  and (B) if such grantee ceases to serve as an
Outside Director (other than because of his or her death) and, as of the date of
such  cessation of service is not eligible for a benefit  under the  Interpublic
Outside  Directors'  Pension Plan, Options which have been granted prior to June
1, 1996 and which are  exercisable  on the date of  cessation  of service  shall
continue to be exercisable by the grantee for ninety days following cessation of
service, but in no event after the expiration of the Option Period.

                    (iii)  Upon  the  death of a  grantee  while  serving  as an
Outside  Director,  Options  which have been  granted  prior to June 1, 1996 and
which  are  exercisable  on the date of death  shall be  exercisable  thirty-six
months  from date of  death,  but in no event  after  expiration  of the  Option
Period, by the grantee's legal representatives, heirs or beneficiaries.

               (B)  Options Granted On or After June 1, 1996.

                    With respect to each grantee who receives a grant of Options
on or after June 1,  1996,  and who  ceases to be an  Outside  Director  for any
reason  (including  without  limitation  death),  such  Options  which have been
granted  on or after  June 1,  1996 and  which  are  exercisable  on the date of
cessation  of service  shall  continue to be  exercisable  by the grantee or the
grantee's legal  representatives,  heirs or beneficiaries  for thirty-six months
following the date of cessation of service, but in no event after the expiration
of the Option Period.

          9.2.  RESTRICTED SHARES.  Upon a grantee's  cessation of service as an
Outside  Director  for any  reason  (including  death),  on or after  the  first
anniversary  of the  date on which  the  Restricted  Shares  were  granted,  the
Restriction Period shall lapse on the date of the grantee's cessation of service
with respect to a fraction of the Restricted Shares awarded to such grantee. The
numerator of the fraction  shall be the number of months that have elapsed since
the Restricted Shares were granted, and the denominator of the fraction shall be
the number of months in the Restriction  Period;  provided that in the case of a
fractional  month,  a period of fifteen  days or more shall be treated as a full
month, and a period of less than fifteen days shall be disregarded.

          9.3. FORFEITURE.

               (A) If an  Option  is not  exercisable  on the date on which  the
grantee ceases to serve as an Outside Director, or if an Option is not exercised
in full before it ceases to be exercisable in accordance  with Article VI hereof
and the preceding provisions of this Article IX, the Option shall, to the extent
not previously exercised, thereupon be forfeited.

               (B) If a grantee's  interest in any  Restricted  Shares  shall be
terminated  pursuant  to  Section  8.2B of the Plan,  he or she shall  forthwith
deliver to the  Secretary  or any  Assistant  Secretary of the  Corporation  the
certificates for such shares,  accompanied by such instrument of transfer as may
be required by the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the Corporation.

                                    ARTICLE X


          10.1. ADMINISTRATION. The Plan shall be administered by the Committee.

          10.2. AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION. The Plan may be terminated or amended
by the Committee as it deems advisable.  However, an amendment revising the size
or  frequency  of awards of Options or  Restricted  Shares,  the duration of the

Restriction  Periods for  Restricted  Shares,  or the  exercise  price,  date of
exercisability  or Option Period of an Option shall not be made more  frequently
than every six months unless  necessary to comply with the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended. No amendment may revoke or alter in a manner unfavorable to
the  grantees any Options or  Restricted  Shares then  outstanding,  nor may the
Committee amend the Plan without stockholder  approval where the absence of such
approval would cause the Plan to fail to comply with Rule 16b-3 under the Act or
any other requirement of any applicable law or regulation.

          10.3.  EXPIRATION OF THE PLAN. Options or Restricted Shares may not be
granted  under the Plan after June 7, 2004,  but Options  granted  prior to that
date shall continue to become exercisable and may be exercised  according to the
terms of the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE XI


          11.1. OPTIONS NOT TRANSFERABLE.  No Options granted under the Plan are
transferable other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution.  During
the grantee's  lifetime,  an Option may be exercised  only by the grantee or the
grantee's guardian or legal representative.

                                   ARTICLE XII

                         COMPLIANCE WITH SEC REGULATIONS

          12.1. RULE 16B-3. It is the Corporation's  intent that the Plan comply
in all respects with new Rule 16b-3 under the Act and that the Plan qualify as a
formula plan meeting the  conditions of paragraph  (c)(2)(ii) of new Rule 16b-3.
If any provision of the Plan is found not to be in compliance  with the Rule, or
the Plan is found not to qualify as such formula plan,  any  provision  which is
not in compliance  or does not qualify shall be deemed to be null and void.  All
grants and exercises of Options, and grants of Restricted Shares, under the Plan
shall be executed in accordance  with the  requirements of Section 16 of the Act
and any regulations promulgated thereunder.

                                  ARTICLE XIII

                               RIGHTS OF DIRECTORS

          13.1.  RIGHTS TO AWARDS.  Except as provided  in the Plan,  no Outside
Director  shall have any claim or right to be  granted an award  under the Plan.
Neither  the Plan nor any action  thereunder  shall be  construed  as giving any
Outside  Director any right to be retained in the services of the Corporation in
any capacity.

                                                          Restated and Amended
                                                          Through March 31, 2000

                                                                   EXHIBIT 10(B)

                             SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT

               SUPPLEMENTAL  AGREEMENT  made as of April 1, 2000 by and  between
The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware
(hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation"),  and JOHN J. DOONER (hereinafter
referred to as "Executive").

                              W I T N E S S E T H;

               WHEREAS,   the  Corporation  and  Executive  are  parties  to  an
Employment  Agreement  made as of January  1, 1994 as amended by a  Supplemental
Agreement  made as of July 1,  1995,  September  1,  1997 and  January  1,  1999
(hereinafter referred collectively as the "Employment Agreement"); and

               WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  and  Executive  desire  to amend  the

               NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the mutual promises herein
and in the Employment  Agreement set forth, the parties hereto,  intending to be
legally bound, agree as follows:

               1.   Paragraph  3.01  of  the  Employment   Agreement  is  hereby
                    amended,  effective  as of April 1,  2000,  so as to  delete
                    "$850,000" and substitute "$1,250,000"

               2.   Except as herein above  amended,  The  Employment  Agreement
                    shall continue in full force and effect.

               3.   This Supplemental Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
                    the State of New York.

                                        THE INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES, INC.

                                        By:  /s/ C. Kent Kroeber
                                               C. Kent Kroeber

                                             /s/ John J. Dooner
                                               John J. Dooner

                                                                   EXHIBIT 10(C)

                             SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT

               SUPPLEMENTAL  AGREEMENT  made as of April 1, 2000 by and  between
The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware
(hereinafter  referred  to as the  "Corporation"),  and  SEAN  ORR  (hereinafter
referred to as "Executive").

                              W I T N E S S E T H;

               WHEREAS,   the  Corporation  and  Executive  are  parties  to  an
Employment Agreement made as of April 27, 1999 and

               WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  and  Executive  desire  to amend  the

               NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the mutual promises herein
and in the Employment  Agreement set forth, the parties hereto,  intending to be
legally bound, agree as follows:

               1.   Paragraph  3.01  of  the  Employment   Agreement  is  hereby
                    amended,  effective  as of April 1,  2000,  so as to  delete
                    "Five Hundred  Thousand  Dollars  ($500,000)" and substitute
                    "Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000)".

               2.   Except as herein above  amended,  The  Employment  Agreement
                    shall   continue   in  full  force  and   effect.

               3.   This Supplemental Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
                    the State of New York.

                                        THE INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES, INC.

                                        By:  /s/ C. Kent Kroeber
                                               C. Kent Kroeber

                                             /s/ Sean F. Orr
                                               Sean F. Orr