Exhibit 3(a)      
                       BYLAWS AS AMENDED
                       IES UTILITIES INC.
                   (Amended Through May 7, 1996)

                           ARTICLE I


     SECTION 1.1.  PRINCIPAL OFFICE. - The principal office shall
be established and maintained in the ie: Tower, 200 First Street,
S.E., in the City of Cedar Rapids, in the County of Linn, in  the
State of Iowa.

      SECTION  1.2.   OTHER OFFICES. - The Corporation  may  have
other  offices, either within or without the State  of  Iowa,  at
such  place or places as the Board of Directors may from time  to
time appoint or the business of the Corporation may require.  The
registered  office  of  the  Corporation  required  by  the  Iowa
Business  Corporation Act to be maintained in the State  of  Iowa
may  be,  but need not be identical with the principal office  in
the  State of Iowa, and the address of the registered office  may
be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors.

                           ARTICLE II


      SECTION  2.1.   ANNUAL  MEETING. - The  annual  meeting  of
shareholders for the election of directors and the transaction of
other  business shall be held, in each year, on the third Tuesday
in May at two o'clock in the afternoon (if such day is a holiday,
the  annual  meeting  will  be held at  such  time  on  the  next
succeeding business day) or any other date specified by the Board
of Directors.

meeting  or any special meeting of shareholders shall be held  at
the  principal office of the Corporation or any place, within the
State  of  Iowa, as shall be designated by the Board of Directors
and stated in the notice of the meeting.

      SECTION 2.3.  SPECIAL MEETINGS. - Special meetings  of  the
shareholders  may  be called by the Chairman of  the  Board,  the
President,  the Board of Directors, or the holders  of  not  less
than  ten  percent  of all the shares entitled  to  vote  at  the

      SECTION  2.4.  NOTICE OF MEETINGS. - WAIVER. -  Written  or
printed  notice, stating the place, day and hour of  the  meeting
and,  in  case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes  for
which the meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than ten
nor  more than sixty days before the date of the meeting,  either
personally  or by mail, by or at the direction of  the  Board  of
Directors, to each shareholder of record entitled to vote at such
meeting.   If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered
when  deposited  in  the  United States  mail  addressed  to  the
shareholder at the address appearing on the stock transfer  books
of the Corporation, with postage thereon prepaid.

DATE. -  For the purpose of determining shareholders entitled  to
notice of, or to vote at, any special meeting of shareholders, or
at  any  adjournment thereof, or shareholders entitled to receive
payment  of any dividend, or in order to make a determination  of
shareholders for any other proper purpose, the Board of Directors
of  the  Corporation  may provide that the stock  transfer  books
shall  be  closed for a stated period but not to exceed,  in  any
case,  60 days.  If the stock transfer books shall be closed  for
the purpose of determining shareholders entitled to notice of  or
to  vote at a meeting of shareholders, such books shall be closed
for at least 10 days immediately preceding such meeting.  In lieu
of  closing the stock transfer books, the Board of Directors  may
fix   in  advance  a  date  as  the  record  date  for  any  such
determination of shareholders, such date in any case  not  to  be
more  than  70 days, and in the case of a meeting of shareholders
not  less than 10 days, prior to the date on which the particular
action,  requiring such determination of shareholders, is  to  be
taken.   If the stock transfer books are not closed and no record
date is fixed for the determination of shareholders, the date  on
which  notice of the meeting is mailed or the date on  which  the
resolution  of the Board of Directors declaring such dividend  is
adopted,  as the case may be, shall be the record date  for  such
determination   of   shareholders.   When  a   determination   of
shareholders entitled to vote at any meeting of shareholders  has
been  made as provided in this section, such determination  shall
apply to any adjournment thereof.

      SECTION 2.6.  VOTING RECORD. - The officer or agent  having
charge  of the stock transfer books for shares of the Corporation
shall  make,  at  least  10  days  prior  to  each  meeting    of
shareholders, a complete record of the shareholders  entitled  to
vote  at  such meeting, or any adjournment thereof,  arranged  in
alphabetical order with the address of and the number  of  shares
held  by  each,  which  record shall  be  kept  on  file  at  the
registered  office  of the Corporation and shall  be  subject  to
inspection  by any shareholder at any time during usual  business
hours for a period of 10 days prior to such meeting.  Such record
shall also be produced and kept open at the time and place of the
meeting and shall be subject to the inspection of any shareholder
during  the  whole  time  of  the meeting.   The  original  stock
transfer  book shall be prima facie evidence of the  identity  of
the  shareholders  entitled to examine such  record  or  transfer
books or to vote at any meeting of shareholders.

     SECTION 2.7.  QUORUM. - A majority of the outstanding shares
of  the Corporation entitled to vote, represented in person or by
proxy,  shall  constitute a quorum at a meeting of  shareholders.
If less than a majority of the outstanding shares are represented
at a meeting, a majority of the shares so represented may adjourn
the  meeting from time to time without further notice.   At  such
adjourned  meeting  at  which  a  quorum  shall  be  present   or
represented, any business may be transacted which might have been
transacted   at   the  meeting  as  originally   notified.    The
shareholders present at a duly organized meeting may continue  to
transact   business  until  adjournment  only  if  a  quorum   is
represented throughout.

      SECTION  2.8.   CONDUCT  OF  MEETING.  -  Meetings  of  the
shareholders  shall  be presided over by  one  of  the  following
officers  in the order of seniority if present and acting  -  the
Chairman of the Board, the President, the Secretary, or  if  none
of  the  foregoing  is in office and present  and  acting,  by  a
chairperson  to be chosen by the shareholders.  The Secretary  of
the  Corporation, or if absent, an Assistant Secretary, shall act
as  secretary of the meeting, but if neither the Secretary nor an
Assistant  Secretary is present, or if the Secretary is presiding
over the meeting and the Assistant Secretary is not present,  the
Chairman of the meeting shall appoint a secretary of the meeting.

      SECTION 2.9.  PROXIES. - At all meetings of shareholders, a
shareholder  may  vote  by  proxy  executed  in  writing  by  the
shareholder or by a duly authorized attorney-in-fact.  Such proxy
shall be filed with the Secretary of the Corporation before or at
the  time  of the meeting.  No proxy shall be valid after  eleven
months  from the date of its execution, unless otherwise provided
in the proxy.

      SECTION  2.10.  VOTING OF SHARES. - Each outstanding  share
entitled  to vote shall be entitled to one vote upon each  matter
submitted to a vote at a meeting of shareholders.

standing in the name of another corporation may be voted by  such
officer,  agent  or proxy as the Bylaws of such  corporation  may
prescribe, or, in the absence of such provision, as the Board  of
Directors of such corporation may determine.

      Shares  held  by  an administrator, executor,  guardian  or
conservator may be voted by such person, either in person  or  by
proxy, without a transfer of such shares into that person's name.
Shares  standing in the name of a trustee may be  voted  by  such
trustee, either in person or by proxy, without a transfer of such
shares  into  the  trustee's name.  The Corporation  may  request
evidence  of  such  fiduciary status with respect  to  the  vote,
consent, waiver, or proxy appointment.

      Shares  standing in the name of a receiver  or  trustee  in
bankruptcy  may be voted by such receiver or trustee, and  shares
held  by or under the control of a receiver may be voted by  such
receiver  without the transfer of the shares into  such  person's
name  if authority so to do be contained in an appropriate  order
of the court by which such receiver was appointed.

      A  pledgee,  beneficial owner, or attorney-in-fact  of  the
shares  held  in the name of a shareholder shall be  entitled  to
vote  such shares.  The Corporation may request evidence of  such
signatory's authority to sign for the shareholder with respect to
the vote, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment.

       Neither  treasury  shares  nor  shares  held  by   another
corporation, if a majority of the shares entitled to vote for the
election  of Directors of such other corporation is held  by  the
Corporation,  shall  be  voted  at  any  meeting  or  counted  in
determining the total number of outstanding shares at  any  given

                          ARTICLE III

                       BOARD OF DIRECTORS

      SECTION 3.1.  GENERAL POWERS. - The business and affairs of
the Corporation shall be managed by its Board of Directors.

The number of Directors of the Corporation shall be twelve.  Each
Director  shall  hold  office until the next  annual  meeting  of
shareholders and until the Director's successor shall  have  been
elected  and  qualified,  unless  removed  at  a  meeting  called
expressly for that purpose by a vote of a majority of the  shares
then  entitled to vote at an election of Directors.   A  Director
may  only be removed upon a showing of cause.  Directors need not
be  residents  of  the  State  of Iowa  or  shareholders  of  the
Corporation.  Not more than three Directors shall be officers  or
employees of the Corporation or its subsidiaries.  No person  who
has reached the age of 70 years shall be eligible for election or
reelection to the Board of Directors.

      SECTION 3.3.  REGULAR MEETINGS. - An annual meeting of  the
Board  of Directors shall be held without other notice than  this
Bylaw  immediately after, and at the same place  as,  the  annual
meeting  of shareholders. Unless otherwise provided by resolution
of  the  Board  of Directors, regular meetings of  the  Board  of
Directors, additional to the annual meeting, shall be held on the
first  Tuesday  of February, May, and August, and  on  the  first
Wednesday  of November of each year, at the principal  office  or
any  place  within  or  without the State of  Iowa  as  shall  be
designated  by the Board of Directors without notice  other  than
such resolution.

      SECTION 3.4.  SPECIAL MEETINGS. - Special meetings  of  the
Board  of  Directors may be called by or at the  request  of  the
Chairman  of  the  Board, President or any  two  Directors.   The
person  or  persons authorized to call special  meetings  of  the
Board of Directors may fix any place either within or without the
State of Iowa, whether in person or by telecommunications, as the
place  for  holding any special meeting of the Board of Directors
called by them.

      SECTION 3.5.  NOTICE. - Notice of any special meeting shall
be  given  at  least three days prior to the meeting  by  written
notice  delivered personally or mailed to each  Director  at  the
Director's business address, by telegram, or orally by telephone.
If  mailed,  such  notice shall be deemed to  be  delivered  when
deposited  in the United States mail, so addressed, with  postage
prepaid.   If notice be given by telegram, such notice  shall  be
deemed  to  be  delivered when the telegram is delivered  to  the
telegraph company.  Any director may waive notice of any meeting.
The  attendance  of  a Director at a meeting shall  constitute  a
waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a Director attends
a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction
of  any  business because the meeting is not lawfully  called  or
convened.   Neither  the business to be transacted  at,  nor  the
purpose  of,  any  regular or special meeting  of  the  Board  of
Directors need be specified in the notice or waiver of notice  of
such meeting.

      SECTION  3.6.   QUORUM.  -  A majority  of  the  number  of
Directors  fixed  by  Section  3.2  of  this  Article  III  shall
constitute  a  quorum  for the transaction  of  business  at  any
meeting  of  the  Board  of Directors,  but  if  less  than  such
majority  is  present at a meeting, a majority of  the  Directors
present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further

     SECTION 3.7.  MANNER OF ACTING. - The act of the majority of
the  Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is  present
shall be the act of the Board of Directors.  A Director shall  be
considered present at a meeting of the Board of Directors or of a
committee designated by the Board if the Director participates in
such  meeting  by conference telephone or similar  communications
equipment  by  means  of which all persons participating  in  the
meeting can hear each other.

      SECTION  3.8.   INFORMAL ACTION.  Any  action  required  or
permitted  to  be  taken at any meeting of the Directors  of  the
Corporation or of any committee of the Board may be taken without
a  meeting  if a consent in writing setting forth the  action  so
taken  shall  be signed by all of the Directors  or  all  of  the
members of the committee of Directors, as the case may be.   Such
consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous  vote
at  a  meeting  and  shall be filed with  the  Secretary  of  the
Corporation  to  be  included  in the  official  records  of  the

      SECTION  3.9.  PRESUMPTION OF ASSENT. - A Director  of  the
Corporation who is present at a meeting of the Board of Directors
at  which  action  on  any corporate matter  is  taken  shall  be
presumed  to  have assented to the action taken  unless  (a)  the
Director objects at the beginning of the meeting or promptly upon
arrival to the holding of or transacting business at the meeting,
(b) the Director's dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the
meeting,  or  (c) the Director shall file a  written  dissent  to
such  action  with  the  person acting as the  secretary  of  the
meeting  before  the  adjournment thereof or shall  forward  such
dissent by registered or certified mail to the Secretary  of  the
Corporation  immediately after the adjournment  of  the  meeting.
Such right to dissent shall not apply to a Director who voted  in
favor of such action.

      SECTION  3.10.  VACANCIES. - Any vacancy occurring  in  the
board of Directors and any directorship to be filled by reason of
an  increase  in  the number of Directors may be  filled  by  the
affirmative vote of a majority of the Directors then  in  office,
even   if   less  than  a  quorum  of  the  Board  of  Directors.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing, during the Five Year  Period  (as
such  term is defined in the Agreement and Plan of Merger between
IE  Industries  Inc.  and Iowa Southern Inc. dated  February  27,
1991),  if any of the Company Directors (as such term is  defined
in  the  Agreement and Plan of Merger between IE Industries  Inc.
and  Iowa  Southern  Inc. dated February 27, 1991)  are  removed,
resign  or  cease  to serve, unless a majority of  the  remaining
Company  Directors elects not to fill such vacancy or  vacancies,
then  the vacancy or vacancies resulting therefrom will be filled
by  a  person  selected by the Board of Directors; provided  that
such  person  is  acceptable to at least three of  the  remaining
Company  Directors as evidenced by such Company Directors'  votes
or  written  consents therefor.  A Director so elected  shall  be
elected for the unexpired term of the vacant directorship or  the
full  term  of  such new directorship.  Failure to  attend  three
consecutive  regular  meetings of the Board  of  Directors  shall
disqualify  a Director from further service as a Director  during
the  year  in which the third delinquency occurs and  shall  make
such Director ineligible for re-election, unless such failure  to
attend be determined by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the
remaining  Directors  holding office to be due  to  circumstances
beyond  the  control  of such Director.   A  resignation  may  be
tendered by any Director at any meeting of the shareholders or of
the  Board  of  Directors, who shall at such meeting  accept  the

      SECTION  3.11.  COMPENSATION. - The Directors may  be  paid
their  expenses,  if any, of attendance at each  meeting  of  the
Board of Directors and may be paid a fixed sum for attendance  at
each  meeting of the Board of Directors or may receive  a  stated
salary  as Director.  No such payment shall preclude any Director
from  serving the Corporation in any other capacity and receiving
compensation therefor.  Members of special or standing committees
may   be   allowed  like  compensation  for  attending  committee

     SECTION 3.12.  EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. - The Board of Directors
shall, at each annual meeting thereof, appoint from its number an
Executive Committee of not less than three (3) nor more than five
(5)  members, including the Chairman of the Board and  the  Chief
Executive  Officer of the Corporation, to serve, subject  to  the
pleasure of the Board, for the year next ensuing and until  their
successors are appointed by the Board.  The Board of Directors at
such  time  shall also fix the compensation to  be  paid  to  the
members  of the Executive Committee.  No member of the  Executive
Committee  shall continue to be a member after ceasing  to  be  a
Director  of the Corporation.  The Board of Directors shall  have
the  power  at  any time to increase or decrease  the  number  of
members of the Executive Committee, to fill vacancies, to  change
any  member,  and  to  change  the  functions  or  terminate  the
Committee's existence.

tive  Committee  appointed by the Board  of  Directors  as  above
provided  shall possess all the power and authority of the  Board
of Directors when said Board is not in session, but the Executive
Committee  shall not have the power to: (1) declare dividends  or
distributions,   (2)  approve  or  recommend  directly   to   the
shareholders   actions  required  by  law  to  be   approved   by
shareholders,  (3) fill vacancies on the Board  of  Directors  or
designate directors for purposes of proxy solicitation, (4) amend
the  Articles, (5) adopt, amend, or repeal Bylaws, (6) approve  a
plan of merger not requiring shareholders approval, (7) authorize
reacquisition of shares unless pursuant to a method specified  by
the  Board,  or (8) authorize the sale or issuance of  shares  or
designate  the  terms of a series of a class  of  shares,  except
pursuant  to  a  method  specified by the Board,  to  the  extent
permitted by law.

      SECTION  3.14.   PROCEDURE:  MEETINGS:  QUORUM.  -  Regular
meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at least once  in
each  month on such day as the Committee shall elect and  special
meetings may be held at such other times as the Chairman  of  the
Board,  the  President,  or  any two  members  of  the  Executive
Committee  may  designate.  Notice of  special  meetings  of  the
Executive Committee shall be given by letter, telegram, or  cable
delivered  for transmission not later than during the second  day
immediately  preceding the day for such meeting  or  by  word  of
mouth  or  telephone not later than the day immediately preceding
the  date  for  such  meeting.  No such  notice  need  state  the
business  to  be  transacted at the meeting.  No notice  need  be
given  of an adjourned meeting.  The Executive Committee may  fix
its  own  rules  of procedure.  It shall keep  a  record  of  its
proceedings  and shall report these proceedings to the  Board  of
Directors  at  the regular meeting thereof held  next  after  the
meeting of the Executive Committee.  Attendance at any meeting of
the  Executive Committee at a special meeting shall constitute  a
waiver of notice of such special meeting.

      At  its  last meeting preceding the annual meeting  of  the
Board  of  Directors, the Executive Committee shall make  to  the
Board  its  recommendation of officers of the Corporation  to  be
elected by the Board for the ensuing year.

      The  Chairman  of the Board shall act as  Chairman  at  all
meetings  of  the  Executive Committee, and if  the  Chairman  is
absent,  the President shall act as such Chairman.  The Secretary
of  the  Corporation shall act as Secretary of the  meeting.   In
case  of  the absence from any meeting of the Executive Committee
of  the Chairman of the Board and the President, or the Secretary
of  the  Corporation,  the Executive Committee  shall  appoint  a
chairman  or secretary, as the case may be, of the meeting.   The
Executive  Committee may hold its meetings within or without  the
State  of  Iowa,  as  it  may from time  to  time  by  resolution
determine.   A  majority  of  the Executive  Committee  shall  be
necessary  to  constitute a quorum for  the  transaction  of  any
business, and the act of a majority of the members present  at  a
meeting  at  which a quorum is present shall be the  act  of  the
Executive  Committee.   The members of  the  Executive  Committee
shall  act only as a committee, and the individual members  shall
have no power as such.

      SECTION  3.15.  OTHER COMMITTEES. - The Board of  Directors
may appoint by resolution adopted by a majority of the full Board
of  Directors from among its members, other committees, temporary
or  permanent,  and, to the extent permitted by  law   and  these
Bylaws, may designate the duties, powers, and authorities of such
committees subject to the same restriction of powers as  provided
in Section 3.13.

                           ARTICLE IV


      SECTION  4.1.  OFFICERS. -  The officers of the Corporation
shall be a Chairman of the Board, a President, a Secretary and  a
Treasurer,  each  of  whom  shall be  elected  by  the  Board  of
Directors.   Such  other  officers,  including  vice  presidents,
general counsel and assistant officers as may be deemed necessary
may  be elected or appointed by the Board of Directors.  Any  two
or  more  of  the offices may be held by the same  person  if  so
decided by the Board of Directors.

     SECTION 4.2.  ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE. - The officers of
the Corporation to be elected by the Board of Directors shall  be
elected  annually by the Board at its annual meeting  held  after
each  annual  meeting of the shareholders.  If  the  election  of
officers  shall not be held at such meeting, such election  shall
be  held  as soon thereafter as may be convenient.  A vacancy  in
any office for any reason may be filled by the Board of Directors
for the unexpired portion of the term.

      SECTION  4.3.   REMOVAL OF OFFICERS. - Any officer  may  be
removed  by  the Board of Directors whenever in its judgment  the
best  interests  of the Corporation will be served  thereby,  but
such  removal shall be without prejudice to the contract  rights,
if  any, of the person so removed.  Election or appointment of an
officer shall not of itself create contract rights.

      SECTION 4.4.  CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD. -  The Chairman of the
Board  shall  be the Chief Executive Officer and Chief  Operating
Officer of the Corporation, shall preside at all meetings of  the
Board  of  Directors,  and  shall be a member  of  the  Executive
Committee.   The  Chairman  of  the  Board  shall  have   general
supervision  of  and  be  accountable  for  the  control  of  the
Corporation's   business  affairs,  properties   and   management
subject,  however, to the control of the Board of  Directors  and
the  Executive  Committee.  The Chairman of the Board  shall  see
that  all  resolutions and orders of the Board  of  Directors  or
Executive  Committee are carried into effect and  shall  exercise
such  other  powers  and  perform such other  duties  as  may  be
delegated by the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.

      SECTION  4.5.  PRESIDENT. -  The President shall have  such
powers and perform such duties as the Chairman of the Board,  the
Board  of Directors or the Executive Committee may from  time  to
time prescribe or delegate.

     SECTION 4.6.  VICE-PRESIDENTS. - A Vice President (if one or
more  be elected or appointed) shall have such powers and perform
such  duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time  pre
scribe or as the Chairman of the Board or the President may  from
time to time delegate.

      SECTION  4.7.   TREASURER. - The Treasurer shall  have  the
custody of the funds and securities of the Corporation.  Whenever
necessary  or proper, the Treasurer shall (1) endorse, on  behalf
of  the  Corporation,  checks, notes  or  other  obligations  and
deposit the same to the credit of the Corporation in such bank or
banks  or  depositories as the Board of Directors may  designate;
(2)   sign  receipts  or  vouchers  for  payments  made  to   the
Corporation which shall also be signed by such other  officer  as
may  be  designated by the Board of Directors; (3)  disburse  the
funds  of the Corporation as may be ordered by the Board,  taking
proper  vouchers for such disbursements; and (4)  render  to  the
Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of  the
Board  and the President at the regular meetings of the Board  or
Executive Committee, or whenever any of them may require  it,  an
account  of  the  financial condition  of  the  Corporation.   If
required by the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall give  the
Corporation a bond with one or more sureties satisfactory to  the
board, for the faithful performance of the duties of this office,
and  for  the restoration to the Corporation, in case  of  death,
resignation,  retirement or removal from office,  of  all  books,
papers,  vouchers, money and other property of whatever  kind  in
possession or under control of the Treasurer.

      SECTION  4.8.  SECRETARY. - The Secretary shall record  the
votes and proceedings of the Shareholders, the Board of Directors
and  the  Executive Committee in a book or books  kept  for  that
purpose,  and shall serve notices of and attend all  meetings  of
the  Directors, the Executive Committee and shareholders.  In the
absence  of  the  Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary  from  any
meeting  of  the  Board  of Directors, the  proceedings  of  such
meeting  shall  be  recorded  by such  other  person  as  may  be
appointed for that purpose.

      The  Secretary shall keep in safe custody the seal  of  the
Corporation,  and duplicates, if any, and when requested  by  the
Board  of Directors, or when any instrument shall have been first
signed  by  the Chairman of the Board, the President or  a   Vice
President duly authorized to sign the same, or when necessary  to
attest  any  proceedings of the shareholders or directors,  shall
affix  it to any instrument requiring the same, and shall  attest
the same.  The Secretary shall, with the Chairman of the Board or
the  President, sign certificates of stock of the Corporation and
affix  a  seal  of  the  Corporation or cause  such  seal  to  be
imprinted   or  engraved  thereon,  subject,  however,   to   the
provisions providing for the use of facsimile signatures on stock
certificates under certain conditions.  The Secretary shall  have
charge  of  such  books  and papers as properly  belong  to  such
office,  or  as may be committed to the Secretary's care  by  the
Board  of  Directors  or by the Executive  Committee,  and  shall
perform such other duties as pertain to such office, or as may be
required  by  the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee  or
the Chairman of the Board.

       SECTION  4.9.   ASSISTANT  TREASURERS.  -  Each  Assistant
Treasurer  (if  one or more Assistant Treasurers  be  elected  or
appointed)  shall  assist the Treasurer and  shall  perform  such
other  duties  as the Board of Directors may from  time  to  time
prescribe or the Chairman of the Board or the President may  from
time  to  time  delegate.  At the request of the  Treasurer,  any
Assistant  Treasurer  may  perform  temporarily  the  duties   of
Treasurer in the case of the Treasurer's absence or inability  to
act.   In the case of the death of the Treasurer, or in the  case
of  absence  or  inability to act without  having  designated  an
Assistant   Treasurer  to  perform  temporarily  the  duties   of
Treasurer,  an  Assistant Treasurer shall be  designated  by  the
Chairman  of the Board or the President to perform the duties  of
the  Treasurer.  Each Assistant Treasurer shall, if  required  by
the  Board  of Directors, give the Corporation a bond  with  such
surety  or  sureties as may be ordered by the Board of Directors,
for the faithful performance of the duties of such office and for
the  restoration  to the Corporation, in case of  death,  resigna
tion,  retirement or removal from office, of all  books,  papers,
vouchers, money and other property of whatever kind belonging  to
the  Corporation  in  the possession or  under  control  of  such
Assistant Treasurer.

      SECTION  4.10.   ASSISTANT SECRETARIES.  -  Each  Assistant
Secretary  (if  one or more Assistant secretaries be  elected  or
appointed)  shall  assist the Secretary and  shall  perform  such
other  duties  as the Board of Directors may from  time  to  time
prescribe or the Chairman of the Board or the President may  from
time  to  time  delegate.  At the request of the  Secretary,  any
Assistant  Secretary  may  perform  temporarily  the  duties   of
Secretary in the case of the Secretary's absence or inability  to
act.   In the case of the death of the Secretary, or in the  case
of  absence  or  inability to act without  having  designated  an
Assistant   Secretary  to  perform  temporarily  the  duties   of
Secretary, the Assistant Secretary to perform the duties  of  the
Secretary shall be designated by the Chairman of the Board or the

      SECTION 4.11.  GENERAL COUNSEL. - The General Counsel shall
be  responsible for the management of the Legal Department in its
support  of  all  other  operations of the Corporation  including
management  guidance to assure responsible decisions, information
for  all  employees concerning the legal and judicial environment
and recommended changes of law as deemed advisable.  In addition,
the General Counsel shall be responsible for the coordination  of
outside  counsel  activities in all  instances  as  well  as  the
prosecution of charges against the Corporation or other  judicial
or  regulatory  activities.  This shall include full  information
for the management and employees of judicial, regulatory or other
administrative body rulings and their impact on the  Corporation.
The  duties  shall include approval of all legal and  contractual
documents  of the Corporation, prior to their authorization,  and
full  support to various departments to assist in the development
of these documents.  The General Counsel shall perform such other
duties  as  may  be assigned from time to time by  the  Board  of
Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the Board  or
the President.

                           ARTICLE V


      SECTION  5.1.  CERTIFICATES FOR SHARES. - Each  certificate
representing shares of the Corporation shall state upon the  face
(a) that the Corporation is organized under the laws of the State
of  Iowa,  (b)  the name of the person to whom  issued,  (c)  the
number and class of shares, and the designation of the series, if
any, which such certificate represents, and (d) the par value  of
each share, if any, and each such certificate shall otherwise  be
in  such  form as shall be determined by the Board of  Directors.
Such certificates shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board or
the  President and by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and
shall  be  sealed with the corporate seal or a facsimile thereof.
The  signatures  of  such  officers upon  a  certificate  may  be
facsimiles.   If  a certificate is countersigned  by  a  transfer
agent,  or  registered  by a registrar,  the  signatures  of  the
persons signing for such transfer agent or registrar also may  be
facsimiles.  In case any officer or other authorized  person  who
has signed or whose facsimile signature has been placed upon such
certificate  for  the Corporation shall have ceased  to  be  such
officer  or employee or agent before such certificate is  issued,
it  may be issued by the Corporation with the same effect  as  if
such  person were an officer or employee or agent at the date  of
its  issue.   Each certificate for shares shall be  consecutively
numbered or otherwise identified.

     All certificates surrendered to the Corporation for transfer
shall  be cancelled and no new certificate shall be issued  until
the  former  certificate for a like number of shares  shall  have
been  surrendered and cancelled, except that in case of  a  lost,
destroyed  or  mutilated certificate a  new  one  may  be  issued
therefor upon such terms and indemnity to the Corporation as  the
Board of Directors may prescribe.

      SECTION  5.2.  TRANSFER OF SHARES. - Transfer of shares  of
the Corporation shall be made only on the stock transfer books of
the  Corporation  by  the holder of record  thereof  or  by  such
person's  legal representative, who shall furnish proper evidence
of  authority to transfer, or authorized attorney,  by  power  of
attorney  duly  executed  and filed with  the  Secretary  of  the
Corporation,   and   on   surrender  for  cancellation   of   the
certificate for such shares.

      Subject to the provisions of Section 2.11 of Article II  of
these  Bylaws, the person in whose name shares stand on the books
of  the  Corporation shall be treated by the Corporation  as  the
owner  thereof  for all purposes, including all  rights  deriving
from  such  shares, and the Corporation shall  not  be  bound  to
recognize any equitable or other claim to, or interest  in,  such
shares  or rights deriving from such shares, on the part  of  any
other   person,  including  (without  limitation)  a   purchaser,
assignee  or  transferee of such shares, or rights deriving  from
such   shares,   unless  and  until  such  purchaser,   assignee,
transferee  or  other person becomes the record  holder  of  such
shares,  whether or not the Corporation shall have either  actual
or  constructive  notice  of  the  interest  of  such  purchaser,
assignee, transferee or other person.  Except as provided in said
Section  2.11 hereof, no such purchaser, assignee, transferee  or
other  person shall be entitled to receive notice of the meetings
of  shareholders,  to  vote  at such  meetings,  to  examine  the
complete record of the shareholders entitled to vote at meetings,
or  to  own,  enjoy  or  exercise any other  property  or  rights
deriving  from  such shares against the Corporation,  until  such
purchaser,  assignee, transferee or other person has  become  the
record holder of such shares.

                           ARTICLE VI


      SECTION  6.1.   INDEMNIFICATION. -  The  Corporation  shall
indemnify  its directors, officers, employees and agents  to  the
full  extent permitted by the Iowa Business Corporation  Act,  as
amended  from  time to time.  The Corporation shall purchase  and
maintain  insurance  on behalf of any person  who  is  or  was  a
director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or
was  serving  at  the request of the Corporation as  a  director,
officer,  employee, or agent of another corporation, partnership,
joint  venture, trust, or other enterprise against any  liability
asserted against and incurred by such person in any such capacity
or  arising out of such person's status as such, whether  or  not
the  Corporation  would have the power to indemnify  such  person
against such liability under the provisions of this section.

      SECTION  6.2.   FISCAL  YEAR. -  The  fiscal  year  of  the
Corporation shall be the calendar year.

      SECTION  6.3.  SEAL. - The corporate seal shall be circular
in  form  and  shall  have  inscribed thereon  the  name  of  the
Corporation and the words "CORPORATE SEAL IOWA".  Said  seal  may
be  used by causing it or a facsimile thereof to be impressed  or
affixed or reproduced or otherwise.

- -  All  contracts, checks, drafts or other orders for the payment
of  money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the
name  of  the  Corporation, shall be signed by  such  officer  or
officers,  agent or agents of the Corporation and in such  manner
as  shall  from time to time be determined by resolution  of  the
Board  of  Directors.  The Board may authorize by resolution  any
officer  or  officers to enter into and execute any  contract  or
instrument  of  indebtedness in the name of the Corporation;  and
such  authority may be general or confined to specific instances.
All  funds  of  the Corporation not otherwise employed  shall  be
deposited  from time to time to the credit of the Corporation  in
such  banks  or other depositories as the Board of Directors  may

      SECTION 6.5.  DIVIDENDS. - Subject to the provisions of the
Articles  of  Incorporation, the Board of Directors may,  at  any
regular  or  special meeting, declare dividends upon the  capital
stock  of the Corporation payable out of surplus (whether  earned
or  paid-in) or profits as and when they deem expedient.   Before
declaring  any dividend there may be set apart out of surplus  or
profits  such sum or sums as the directors from time to  time  in
their  discretion deem proper for working capital or as a reserve
fund  to  meet  contingencies or for such other purposes  as  the
directors   shall  deem  conducive  to  the  interests   of   the

      SECTION  6.6.  WAIVER OF NOTICE. - Whenever any  notice  is
required  to  be  given to any shareholder  or  Director  of  the
Corporation  under the provisions of these Bylaws  or  under  the
provisions  of  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  or  under   the
provisions of the Iowa Business Corporation Act, a waiver thereof
in  writing  signed  by the person or persons  entitled  to  such
notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be
deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice.

Subject  always  to  the  specific directions  of  the  Board  of
Directors,  any  share or shares of stock  issued  by  any  other
corporation  and  owned or controlled by the Corporation  may  be
voted  at any shareholders' meeting of such other corporation  by
the  President of the Corporation if present, or if absent by any
other  officer of the Corporation who may be present.   Whenever,
in  the  judgment of the President, or if absent, of any officer,
it is desirable for the Corporation to execute a proxy or give  a
shareholders' consent in respect to any share or shares of  stock
issued  by  any  other corporation and owned by the  Corporation,
such  proxy  or  consent shall be executed in  the  name  of  the
Corporation  by  the  President or one of  the  officers  of  the
Corporation  and  shall  be  attested  by  the  Secretary  or  an
Assistant Secretary of the Corporation without necessity  of  any
authorization by the Board of Directors.  Any person  or  persons
designated in the manner above stated as the proxy or proxies  of
the  Corporation  shall have full right, power and  authority  to
vote   the  share  or  shares  of  stock  issued  by  such  other
corporation  and owned by the Corporation in the same  manner  as
such share or shares might be voted by the Corporation.

      SECTION  6.8.  AMENDMENTS. - These Bylaws may  be  altered,
amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by the Board of
Directors  at  any regular or special meeting  of  the  Board  of