First Restated Articles Of Incorporation
            Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company

           As Restated on January 27, 1994; Original
      Articles Of Incorporation Filed February 13, 1940.

                          ARTICLE ONE

The name of this corporation is Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric
Company.  The corporation was incorporated as Peoples Light and
Power Company on February 13, 1940.  On October 17, 1941, the
name was changed to Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company.  

                          ARTICLE TWO

The address of the registered office of the corporation in the
State of Illinois at the time of restatement is 716 Seventeenth
Avenue, in the City of Moline, County of Rock Island, and the
name of its registered agent at said address at the time of
restatement is Gretta R. Knight.

                         ARTICLE THREE

The duration of the corporation is perpetual.

                         ARTICLE FOUR

The purposes for which the Corporation is organized is the
transaction of any or all lawful businesses for which
corporations may be incorporated under The Business Corporation
Act of the State of Illinois.

                         ARTICLE FIVE

     The aggregate number of shares which the corporation is
authorized to issue is divided into three classes as follows:

     400,000 Preferred Shares of the par value of $100 per
share (the Preferred Shares);

     2,386,250 Preference Shares without par value (the
Preference Shares);

     80,000,000 Common Shares of the par value of $1 per share
(the Common Shares).

     The preferences, qualifications, limitations, restrictions
and the special or relative rights in respect of the shares of
each class are as follows:

                          DIVISION I

            Provisions Relating to Preferred Shares

     (A)  Issue in Series.  The Preferred Shares may be divided
          into and issued in series, each of which series shall
          be so designated as to distinguish the shares thereof
          from the shares of all other series and classes. 
          Authority is hereby expressly vested in the Board of
          Directors to divide any or all of the Preferred
          Shares from time to time authorized into series, to
          fix the designation of each such series and, subject
          to the limitations stated herein or imposed by law,
          to fix and determine the following relative rights
          and preferences of shares of each such series:

          (1)  the rate of dividend for shares for such series;
          (2)  the price at and the terms and conditions on
               which such shares may be redeemed;

          (3)  the amount payable upon such shares in event of
               voluntary liquidation; 

          (4)  sinking fund provisions for the redemption or
               purchase of such shares, provided, however, that
               the Board of Directors shall not create a
               sinking fund in respect of any series unless
               provision for a sinking fund at least as
               beneficial to all issued and outstanding shares
               of the same class shall either then exist or be
               at the same time created; and

          (5)  the terms and conditions on which such shares
               may be converted, if the shares of such series
               are issued with the privilege of conversion.

     (B)  Dividends.  The holders of Preferred Shares of each
          series shall be entitled to receive, when and as
          declared by the Board of Directors from funds legally
          available for the payment thereof, dividends at the
          rate fixed for such series, and no more, payable
          quarterly on the first day of each of the months of
          February, May, August and November (the quarterly
          dividend payment dates), in each case with respect to
          the quarterly period ending on the day prior to such
          quarterly dividend payment date.

          Such dividends shall accrue and be cumulative with
          respect to each share of each series from and
          including the date of issue thereof. 

          No dividend shall be declared on the shares of any
          series of Preferred Shares in respect of the
          accumulations for any quarterly dividend period or
          portion thereof unless dividends shall likewise be or
          have been declared with respect to accumulations on
          all then outstanding Preferred Shares of each other
          series for the same period or portion thereof.  The
          ratios of the dividends declared to dividends
          accumulated with respect to any quarterly dividend
          period on the Preferred Shares of each series
          outstanding shall be identical.  Accumulations of
          dividends shall not bear interest.

          So long as any Preferred Shares are outstanding, no
          dividend shall be paid or declared, or other
          distribution made, on Junior Shares, nor shall any
          Junior Shares be purchased, redeemed, retired or
          otherwise acquired for a consideration if
          Preferential Dividends on outstanding Preferred
          Shares for the current and all past quarterly
          dividend periods or portions thereof shall not have
          been paid, or declared and set apart for payment, or
          if the Corporation shall be in default or deficient
          under any requirement of a sinking fund established
          with respect to outstanding Preferred Shares of any
          series for any period then elapsed; provided,
          however, that the restrictions of this paragraph
          shall not apply to the declaration and payment of
          dividends on Junior Shares if payable solely in
          Junior Shares, nor to the acquisition of any Junior
          Shares through the application of the proceeds of any
          Junior Shares sold at or about the time of such
          acquisition, nor shall such restrictions prevent the
          transfer of any amount from surplus to stated
     (C)  Liquidation Preferences.  In the event of involuntary
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
          Corporation, the holders of Preferred Shares of each
          series outstanding shall be entitled to receive out
          of the assets of the Corporation an amount per share
          equivalent to the par value thereof, plus an amount
          equivalent to Preferential Dividends at the rate
          fixed and determined for such series accrued and
          unpaid to the date fixed for payment, but no more.

          In the event of voluntary dissolution, liquidation or
          winding up of the Corporation, the holders of
          Preferred Shares of each series outstanding shall be
          entitled to receive out of the assets of the
          Corporation such amount per share as shall have been
          fixed and determined for such series by the Board of
          Directors, plus an amount equivalent to Preferential
          Dividends at the rate fixed and determined for such
          series accrued and unpaid to the date fixed for
          payment, but no more.
          Until payment to the holders of outstanding Preferred
          Shares as aforesaid, or until moneys or other assets
          sufficient for such payment shall have been set apart
          for payment by the Corporation, separate and apart
          from its other funds and assets for the account of
          such holders so as to be and continue to be available
          for payment to such holders, no payment or
          distribution shall be made to holders of Junior
          Shares in connection with or upon such dissolution,
          liquidation or winding up.

          Neither a consolidation nor merger of the Corporation
          with or into any other corporation, nor a merger of
          any other corporation into the Corporation, nor the
          purchase or redemption of all or any part of the
          outstanding shares of any class or classes of the
          Corporation, nor the sale or transfer of the property
          and business of the Corporation as or substantially
          as an entirety, shall be construed to be a
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
          Corporation within the meaning of the foregoing

     (D)  Redemptions.  The Corporation may at its option
          expressed by vote of the Board of Directors, at any
          time or from time to time, redeem the whole or any
          part of the Preferred Shares, or of any series
          thereof, at the redemption price or prices at the
          time in effect, any such redemption of Preferred
          Shares to be at such time and at such place in the
          City of Chicago, State of Illinois, as shall likewise
          be determined by vote of the Board of Directors. 
          Notice of any proposed redemption of Preferred Shares
          shall be given by the Corporation by mailing a copy
          of such notice, not more than 40 nor less than 30
          days prior to the time fixed for redemption, to the
          holders of record of Preferred Shares to be redeemed,
          at their respective addresses then appearing on the
          books of the Corporation.  It shall not be necessary
          that the holders of record of any Preferred Shares to
          be redeemed shall actually have received notice of
          redemption thereof, provided the same shall have been
          mailed as aforesaid.  In case less than all of the
          Preferred Shares of any series are to be redeemed,
          the shares so to be redeemed shall be determined by
          lot in such manner as may be prescribed by the Board
          of Directors, and the certificates evidencing such
          shares shall be specified by number in the notice of
          such redemption.  By the time so fixed for
          redemption, the Corporation shall, and at any time
          within 40 days prior to such time may, deposit in
          trust, for the account of the holders of Preferred
          Shares to be redeemed, funds necessary for such
          redemption with a bank or trust company in good
          standing, organized under the laws of the United
          States of America or of the State of Illinois,
          located in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and having
          a combined capital, surplus and undivided profits of
          at least $5,000,000, which shall be designated in
          such notice of redemption.  Notice of redemption
          having been mailed and funds necessary for such
          redemption having been deposited as aforesaid so that
          such funds shall be forthwith available to holders of
          Preferred Shares to be redeemed upon surrender of
          certificates evidencing such shares, then,
          notwithstanding that the time fixed for such
          redemption as aforesaid may not yet have occurred or
          the certificates evidencing shares to be redeemed may
          not have been surrendered for cancellation,
          nevertheless all shares to be redeemed shall be
          deemed no longer to be outstanding for any purpose,
          and all voting and other rights with respect to such
          shares shall thereupon cease and terminate, excepting
          only the right of the holders of the certificates for
          such shares to receive, out of funds so deposited in
          trust, the redemption funds, without interest, to
          which they are entitled, and the right to exercise
          any privilege of conversion not theretofore expiring,
          the Corporation to be entitled to the return of any
          funds deposited for redemption of shares converted
          pursuant to such privilege.  Any interest accrued on
          funds so deposited shall be paid to the Corporation
          from time to time.  In case the holder of Preferred
          Shares which shall have been called for redemption
          shall not, within six years after the redemption
          date, claim the amount deposited with respect to the
          redemption of such shares, the bank or trust company
          in which such deposit was made shall upon demand pay
          over to the Corporation such unclaimed amount and
          thereupon such bank or trust company shall be
          relieved of all responsibility in respect thereof to
          such holder.

     (E)  Repurchases; Limitations on Reacquisitions.  Subject
          to applicable law and the provisions of this Division
          I, the Corporation may from time to time purchase or
          otherwise acquire outstanding Preferred Shares at a
          price per share not exceeding the amount at the time
          payable in the event of redemption thereof otherwise
          than through the operation of the applicable sinking
          fund, if any.
          No Preferred Shares shall be purchased, redeemed,
          retired or otherwise acquired for a valuable
          consideration if all accumulations of dividends on
          the Preferred Shares of all series for all past
          quarterly dividend periods or portions thereof shall
          not have been paid, or declared and a sum sufficient
          for the payment thereof set apart, or if the
          Corporation shall be in default or deficient under
          any requirement of a sinking fund established with
          respect to outstanding Preferred Shares of any series
          for any period then elapsed.

     (F)  Restrictions on Certain Corporate Action.

          (1)  The Corporation shall not, without the consent
               (given by vote at an annual meeting or a special
               meeting called for that purpose) of the holders
               of at least a majority of the total number of
               Preferred Shares then outstanding, issue any
               bonds, notes, debentures or other securities
               representing indebtedness, or assume any such
               indebtedness, other than:

               (a)  indebtedness with a maturity not more than
                    12 months from date of issue (short-term
                    indebtedness) up to an aggregate at any
                    time outstanding which does not exceed 10%
                    of the sum of items (d) and (e)below,

               (b)  indebtedness issued for purposes of the
                    refunding, reacquisition, redemption or
                    other retirement of any outstanding
                    indebtedness theretofore issued or assumed
                    by the Corporation with a maturity date
                    beyond 12 months from date of issue of the
                    indebtedness being refunded, reacquired,
                    redeemed or retired, or

               (c)  indebtedness issued for purposes of the
                    reacquisition, redemption or other
                    retirement of all or any part of
                    outstanding Preferred Shares, Parity Shares
                    or Senior Shares,if, after giving effect to
                    such issue or assumption, the total
                    principal amount of all bonds, notes,
                    debentures or other securities representing
                    indebtedness issued or assumed by the
                    Corporation to be outstanding (but
                    excluding short-term indebtedness, as above
                    defined, in an amount not exceeding 10% of
                    the sum of items (d) and (e) below) would
                    exceed 65% of the aggregate of

               (d)  the total principal amount of all bonds,
                    notes, debentures or other securities
                    representing  indebtedness maturing in more
                    than 12 months from date of issue issued or
                    assumed by the Corporation and then to be
                    outstanding, and

               (e)  the capital and surplus of the Corporation
                    as then to be stated on the books of
                    account of the Corporation.

          (2)  The Corporation shall not, without the consent
               (given by vote at an annual meeting or a special
               meeting called for that purpose) of the holders
               of at least two-thirds of the total number of
               Preferred Shares then outstanding, issue, sell
               or otherwise dispose of any additional Preferred
               Shares, or any Parity Shares or Senior Shares,
               unless the gross income of the Corporation
               determined in accordance with such system of
               accounts as may be prescribed by governmental
               authorities having jurisdiction in the premises,
               or, in the absence thereof, in accordance with
               sound accounting practices (but in any event
               after deducting the amount charged by the
               Corporation on its books for depreciation
               expense and all taxes), for a period of 12
               consecutive calendar months within the 15
               calendar months immediately preceding the
               issuance, sale or disposition of such shares
               available for the payment of interest shall have
               been at least 1 1/2 times the sum of (a) the
               annual interest charges on all interest-bearing
               indebtedness of the Corporation and (b) the
               annual dividend requirement on all outstanding
               Preferred Shares, Parity Shares and Senior
               Shares, including the shares proposed to be
               issued; provided that there shall be excluded
               from the foregoing computation interest charges
               on all indebtedness and dividends on all shares
               which are to be retired in connection with the
               issue of such additional Preferred Shares,
               Parity Shares or Senior Shares.  In determining
               such gross income, the Board of Directors shall
               make such adjustment, by way of increase or
               decrease in such gross income, as shall, in its
               opinion, be necessary to give effect, for the
               entire 12 months for which such gross income is
               determined, to any acquisition or disposition of
               property the income from which can be separately

     (G)  Preemptive Rights.  No holder of Preferred Shares
          shall have any preemptive right to subscribe for or
          acquire additional shares of the Corporation of the
          same or any other class, whether such shares are now
          or hereafter authorized.

     (H)  Cancellation.  Except as may otherwise be provided in
          this Article Five or in any resolution of the Board
          of Directors providing for the issue of any
          particular series of Preferred Shares, Preferred
          Shares redeemed or otherwise retired by the
          Corporation may be reissued in the same manner as
          authorized but unissued Preferred Shares undesignated
          as to series until and unless canceled pursuant to
          applicable law.

     (I)  Definitions.  In this Division I and in any
          resolution of the Board of Directors adopted pursuant
          to this Division I establishing a series of Preferred
          Shares and fixing the designation and terms thereof,
          the meanings below assigned shall control:

          "Senior Shares" shall mean shares of any class
          ranking prior to Preferred Shares as to dividends or
          upon the dissolution, liquidation or winding up of
          the Corporation.
          "Parity Shares" shall mean shares of any class
          ranking on a parity with, but not prior to, Preferred
          Shares as to dividends or upon the dissolution,
          liquidation or winding up of the Corporation.

          "Junior Shares" shall mean shares of any class
          ranking subordinate to Preferred Shares both as to
          dividends and upon the dissolution, liquidation or
          winding up of the Corporation, including Preference
          Shares and Common Shares.

          "Preferential Dividends" accrued and unpaid on a
          Preferred Share to any particular date shall mean an
          amount per share at the annual dividend rate
          applicable to such share for the period beginning
          with the date from and including which dividends on
          such share are cumulative and concluding with the day
          prior to such particular date, less the aggregate of
          all dividends paid with respect to such share during
          such period. 

                          DIVISION II

           Provisions Relating to Preference Shares

     (A)  Issue in Series.  The Preference Shares may be
          divided into and issued in series, each of which
          shall be so designated as to distinguish the shares
          thereof from the shares of all other series and
          classes.  Authority is hereby expressly vested in the
          board of directors to divide any or all of the
          Preference Shares from time to time authorized into
          series, to fix the designation of each such series
          and, subject to the limitations stated herein or
          imposed by law, to fix and determine the following as
          to each such series:

          (1)  the dividend rate or rates for the shares of
               such series, or the facts ascertainable outside
               the Articles of Incorporation of the
               Corporation, or the resolution of the board of
               directors establishing such series, providing
               the basis for determining such dividend rate or
               rates, which may vary according to a formula
               based upon market rates or rating agency ratings
               for such series or other designated securities
               and/or be determined periodically by auctions,
               remarketing or other methods, but only if the
               manner in which such facts are to operate upon
               such dividend rate or rates shall be clearly and
               expressly set forth in such Articles of
               Incorporation or such resolution; the date or
               dates on which such dividends may be payable;
               and the date from which dividends on shares of
               such series shall be cumulative;

          (2)  the price or prices at which, and the terms and
               conditions on which, such shares may be

          (3)  the amount payable upon each of such shares in
               the event of the voluntary or involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

          (4)  sinking fund provisions, if any, for the
               redemption or purchase of such shares; and

          (5)  the terms and conditions on which such shares
               may be converted into Common Shares, if such
               shares are to be issued with such privilege of

     (B)  Dividends.  Subject to the preferential rights of the
          holders of Preferred Shares with respect to the
          payment of dividends, as set forth in subdivision (B)
          of Division I, the holders of Preference Shares of
          each series shall be entitled to receive, when and as
          declared by the board of directors from funds legally
          available for the payment thereof, dividends at the
          rate fixed for such series, and no more, payable
          quarterly on the first day of each of the months of
          February, May, August and November in each year (the
          "quarterly dividend payment dates"), each such
          quarterly payment to be in respect of the quarterly
          period ending with the day next preceding the date of
          such payment, except in the case of the first
          dividend payable on shares of any series issued
          between quarterly dividend payment dates, in which
          case such dividend shall be for the period beginning
          with the date of issue of such shares or the next
          preceding quarterly dividend payment date for the
          Preference Shares, as determined by the board of
          directors, and ending with the day next preceding
          either the first or the second quarterly dividend
          payment date for the Preference Shares succeeding the
          date of issue of such shares, as determined by the
          board of directors.  Notwithstanding the immediately
          preceding sentence, if so provided in the resolution
          of the board of directors establishing a particular
          series of Preference Shares, as authorized in
          subdivision (A) of this Division II, dividends on the
          shares of such series may be declared payable on such
          dates and with respect to such periods as shall be
          set forth in such resolution.

          Except as may be otherwise provided in the resolution
          establishing a particular series of Preference
          Shares, such dividends shall accrue and be cumulative
          with respect to each share of each series from and
          including the beginning date of the period for which
          the first dividend thereon was payable.

          No dividend shall be declared in full on the
          outstanding Preference shares of any series  (the
          "Declaring Series") in respect of any dividend period
          for the Declaring Series at the dividend rate
          applicable to such dividend period unless prior
          thereto or concurrently therewith dividends in full
          shall likewise have been declared on all then
          outstanding Preference Shares of each other series
          (the "Other Series") in respect of each dividend
          period for each of the Other Series ending
          concurrently with, or prior to, the last day of the
          dividend period first above specified, at the
          respective dividend rates applicable from time to
          time to each Other Series.  Whenever less than full
          dividends shall be declared on the Declaring Series
          in respect of any dividend period for the Declaring
          Series at the dividend rate applicable to such
          dividend period, dividends on the outstanding
          Preference Shares of all series shall be declared
          ratably in accordance with the respective amounts
          which would be payable on all such outstanding
          Preference Shares if all dividends, including
          accumulated dividends, if any, were declared in full
          on the declaration date.  Accumulations of dividends
          shall not bear interest.

          So long as any Preference Shares are outstanding, no
          dividend shall be paid or declared, or other
          distribution made, on Junior Shares, nor shall any
          Junior Shares be purchased, redeemed, retired or
          otherwise acquired for a consideration, unless
          dividends on the outstanding Preference Shares for
          the current and all past  dividend periods shall have
          been paid in full, or declared and set apart for
          payment, or if the Corporation shall be in default or
          deficient under any requirement or a sinking fund
          established with respect to outstanding Preference
          Shares of any series for any period then elapsed;
          provided, however, that the restrictions of this
          paragraph shall not apply to the declaration and
          payment of dividends on Junior Shares if payable
          solely in Junior Shares, nor to the acquisition of
          any Junior Shares through the application of the
          proceeds of any Junior Shares sold at or about the
          time of such acquisition, nor shall such restrictions
          prevent the transfer of any amount from surplus to
          stated capital.

     (C)  Liquidation Preferences.  In the event of
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
          Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, the
          holders of Preference Shares of each series
          outstanding shall be entitled to receive out of the
          assets of the Corporation, before any payment or
          distribution shall be made to the holders of any
          Junior Shares, such amount per share as shall have
          been fixed by the Board of Directors as the voluntary
          liquidation price or the involuntary liquidation
          price, as the case may be, for the shares of such
          series; provided, however, that no such payment to
          the holders of Preference Shares shall be made until
          payment in full shall have been made to the holders
          of Preferred Shares, or moneys or other assets
          sufficient for such payment shall have been set apart
          for payment by the Corporation, separate and apart
          from its other funds and assets for the account of
          such holders, in accordance with the provisions of
          subdivision (C) of Division I.  If upon any such
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up the assets of
          the Corporation available for payment to shareholders
          are not sufficient to make payment in full to the
          holders of Preference Shares as above provided,
          payment shall be made to such holders ratably in
          accordance with the numbers of shares held by them
          respectively, and in case there shall then be
          outstanding more than one series of Preference
          Shares, ratably in accordance with the respective
          distributive amounts to which such holders shall be

          Neither a consolidation nor merger of the Corporation
          with or into any other corporation, nor a merger of
          any other corporation into the Corporation, nor the
          purchase or redemption of all or any part of the
          outstanding shares of any class or classes of the
          Corporation, nor the sale or  transfer of the
          property and business of the Corporation as or
          substantially as an entirety, shall be construed to
          be a dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
          Corporation within the meaning of the foregoing

     (D)  Redemption and Repurchases.  Subject to the
          limitations stated in subdivision (B) of Division I
          and in this subdivision (D), and except as may be
          otherwise provided by the Board of Directors in the
          resolution establishing a particular series,
          Preference Shares of any one or more series may be
          called for redemption and redeemed, at the option of
          the Corporation, in whole at any time or in part from
          time to time, by the payment therefor in cash of the
          then applicable optional redemption price or prices
          fixed by the Board of Directors for the shares of
          such series, each redemption to be effected upon
          notice the same as that provided in subdivision (D)
          of Division I in respect of the redemption of
          Preferred Shares.  All other provisions of said
          subdivision (D) with respect to the method and effect
          of redemption of Preferred Shares shall be applicable
          to the redemption of Preference Shares in the same
          manner and with the same force and effect as though
          such provisions were set forth in full in this
          subdivision (D).

          Subject to applicable law, to the provisions of
          subdivision (B) of Division I and to the provisions
          of this Division II, the Corporation may from time to
          time purchase or otherwise acquire outstanding
          Preference Shares at a price per share not exceeding
          the amount at the time payable in the event of
          redemption thereof otherwise than through the
          operation of the applicable sinking fund, if any.
          If and so long as the Company shall be in default in
          the payment of any quarterly dividend on Preference
          Shares of any series, or shall be in default in the
          payment of funds into or the setting aside of funds
          for any sinking fund created for any series of the 
          Preference Shares, the Corporation shall not (other
          than by the use of unapplied funds, if any, paid into
          or set aside for a sinking fund or funds prior to
          such default):

          (1)  redeem any Preference Shares unless all shares
               thereof are redeemed, or

          (2)  purchase or otherwise acquire for a valuable
               consideration any Preference Shares, except
               pursuant to offers of sale made by the holders
               of Preference Shares in response to an
               invitation for tenders given by mail by the
               Corporation simultaneously to the holders of
               record of all Preference Shares then
               outstanding, at their respective addresses then
               appearing on the books of the Corporation.

     (E)  Restrictions on Certain Corporate Action.  So long as
          any Preference Shares shall be outstanding, the
          Corporation shall not, without the affirmative vote
          or the written consent of the holders of at least
          two-thirds of the Preference Shares at the time
          outstanding, or as of a record date fixed by the
          Board of Directors, create or authorize any shares of
          any class, other than the Preferred Shares (whether
          now or hereafter authorized), ranking prior to or on
          a parity with the Preference Shares with respect to
          the payment of dividends or the distribution of
          assets upon the dissolution, liquidation or winding
          up of the Corporation.

     (F)  Preemptive Rights.  No holder of Preference Shares
          shall have any preemptive right to subscribe for or
          acquire additional shares of the Corporation of the
          same or any other class, whether such shares are now
          or hereafter authorized.

     (G)  Cancellation.  All Preference Shares which shall be
          redeemed or repurchased pursuant to any sinking fund
          created for any series of Preference Shares, or
          applied in lieu of the payment of funds into or the
          setting aside of funds for any such sinking fund, and
          all Preference Shares issued with the privilege of
          conversion into Common Shares which shall be so
          converted, shall be retired and canceled and shall
          not be reissued.  Preference Shares otherwise
          redeemed, purchased or acquired by the Corporation
          may be reissued in the same manner as authorized but
          unissued Preference Shares undesignated as to series
          until and unless canceled by the Board of Directors
          pursuant to applicable law.

     (H)  Definitions.  In this Division II and in any
          resolution of the Board of Directors adopted pursuant
          to this Division II establishing a series of
          Preference Shares and fixing the designation and
          terms thereof, the meanings below assigned shall

          "Junior Shares" shall mean shares of any class
          ranking subordinate to the Preference Shares both as
          to dividends and upon the dissolution, liquidation or
          winding up of the Corporation, including Common

                         DIVISION III

             Provisions Relating to Common Shares

     (A)  Dividends.  Subject to the preferential rights of the
          holders of Preferred Shares and Preference Shares
          with respect to the payment of dividends, as set
          forth in subdivision (B) of Division I and
          subdivision (B) of Division II, respectively, the
          holders of Common Shares shall be entitled to receive
          dividends when and as declared by the Board of
          Directors, from funds legally available for the
          payment thereof.

     (B)  Liquidation Preferences.  In the event of the
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
          Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, the
          holders of Common Shares shall be entitled to
          receive, ratably in accordance with the numbers of
          shares held by them respectively, the assets of the
          Corporation remaining available for payment to
          shareholders after payment in full shall have been
          made to the holders of Preferred Shares and
          Preference Shares, in accordance with the provisions
          of subdivision (C) of Division I and subdivision (C)
          of Division II, respectively.

     (C)  Preemptive Rights.  No holder of Common Shares shall
          have any preemptive right to subscribe for or acquire
          additional shares of the Corporation of the same or
          any other class, whether such shares are now or 
          hereafter authorized, or any securities convertible
          into any such shares of the Corporation.

     (D)  Consideration for Common Shares.  The entire
          consideration received upon the issuance of Common
          Shares shall be credited to stated capital, and this
          requirement may not be eliminated or amended without
          the affirmative vote or consent of the holders of at
          least two-thirds of the Common Shares at the time

                          ARTICLE SIX

At the time of restatement, the class and number of shares
issued by the corporation and the paid-in capital (expressed in
dollars) received by the corporation therefor, are:

     Class          Series              Shares Issued

     Preferred      $4.36 Cumulative         60,000
                    $4.22 Cumulative         40,000
                    $7.50 Cumulative         98,288

     Preference     $5.25                   100,000
                    $7.80                   400,000

     Common                              29,352,612

     Paid-In Capital                   $349,966,271

                         ARTICLE SEVEN

Any vacancies in the membership of the board of directors
arising between meetings of shareholders by reason of an
increase in the number of directors or otherwise may be filled
by vote of a majority of the directors then in office, any
director so elected to serve until the next annual meeting of
shareholders; provided, however, that at no time shall the
number of directors so elected exceed 33-1/3% of the total
membership of the board of directors.

                         ARTICLE EIGHT

A holder of or subscriber to shares of the corporation shall be
under no obligation to the corporation or its creditors with
respect to such shares other than the obligation to pay to the
corporation the full consideration for which said shares were
issued or to be issued.

                         ARTICLE NINE

1.   It was estimated that the value of all property to be
     owned by the corporation for the year following the
     execution of the original Articles of Incorporation,
     wherever located, would be $18,550,000.00.

2.   It was estimated that the value of the property to be
     located within the State of Illinois during the year
     following the execution of the original Articles of
     Incorporation would be $12,900,000.00

3.   It was estimated that the gross amount of business which
     would be transacted by the corporation during the year
     following the execution of the original Articles of
     Incorporation would be $7,200,000.00

4.   It was estimated that the gross amount of business which
     would be transacted in the State of Illinois during the
     following year would be $4,000,000.00.

                          ARTICLE TEN

At any meeting of shareholders, a majority of the outstanding
shares entitled to vote, represented in person or by proxy,
shall constitute a quorum; provided that less than such quorum
shall have the right successively to adjourn the meeting to a
specified date not longer than 90 days after such adjournment
and no notice need be given to the shareholders not present at
the meeting.

In all elections for directors of this Company every
shareholder shall have the right to vote, in person or by
proxy, for the number of shares owned by him, for as many
persons as there are directors to be elected, or to cumulate
said shares and give one candidate as many votes as the number
of directors multiplied by the number of his shares shall
equal, or to distribute them, on the same principle, among as
many candidates as he shall think fit.

The Articles of Incorporation of this Company may be amended in
accordance with and upon the vote prescribed by the laws of the
State of Illinois, provided, however, that in no event shall
any such amendment be adopted, after this amendment becomes
effective, without receiving the affirmative vote of at least a
majority of the outstanding shares of this Company entitled to

                        ARTICLE ELEVEN

1.   Any person made a party to or involved in any litigation
     (which term shall include any actual or threatened civil,
     criminal, administrative or arbitration action,
     proceeding, claim, suit or appeal therefrom) by reason of
     the fact that such person at any time was or is a
     director, officer or employee of the Corporation, or by
     reason of the fact that, at the request of the
     Corporation, such person served or is serving as a
     director, officer or employee of any business corporation,
     not-for-profit corporation, joint venture, trade
     association or other entity, shall be indemnified by the
     Corporation against all liabilities, judgments, fines and
     amounts paid in settlement and all expenses (including
     attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by such
     person arising out of or in connection with any such
     litigation, if such person acted in good faith and in a
     manner which such person reasonably believed to be in, or
     not opposed to, the best interests of the Corporation or
     any such business corporation, not-for-profit corporation,
     joint venture, trade association or other entity and, in
     the case of criminal litigation, such person had no
     reasonable cause to believe that his or her conduct was
     unlawful; provided, however, that such person shall not be
     indemnified hereunder if, in the case of litigation by or
     in the right of the Corporation, it shall  be finally
     determined in such litigation that such person breached
     his or her duty to the Corporation or any such business
     corporation, not-for-profit corporation, joint venture,
     trade association or other entity unless, and then only to
     the extent that, a court shall finally determine that,
     despite such breach of duty, such person, in view of all
     the circumstances relating to such litigation, is fairly
     and reasonably entitled to indemnification under this
     paragraph 1.

2.   Any action taken or omitted to be taken by any such
     director, officer or employee in good faith and in
     compliance with or pursuant to any order, determination,
     approval or permission made or given by a commission,
     board, official or other agency of the United States or of
     any state or other governmental authority with respect to
     the property or affairs of the Corporation or any such
     business corporation, not-for-profit corporation, joint
     venture, trade association or other entity over which such
     commission, board, official or agency has jurisdiction or
     authority or purports to have jurisdiction or authority
     shall be deemed prima facie to be in compliance with the
     applicable standard of conduct set forth in paragraph 1,
     whether or not it may thereafter be determined that such
     order, determination, approval or permission was
     unauthorized, erroneous, unlawful or otherwise improper.

3.   Unless finally determined as provided in paragraph 1, the
     termination of any litigation, whether by judgment,
     settlement, conviction or upon a plea of nolo contendere,
     or its equivalent, shall not create a presumption that the
     person seeking indemnification did not meet the applicable
     indemnification standard set forth in paragraph 1.

4.   Except where a person has been successful on the merits
     with respect to any such litigation, any indemnification
     hereunder shall be made only after (a) the Board of
     Directors (acting by a quorum consisting only of directors
     who were not involved in such litigation) determines that
     such person met the applicable indemnification standard
     set forth in paragraph 1 or (b) in the absence of such a
     quorum, a panel (selected in the following manner)
     determines that such person met the applicable
     indemnification standard set forth in paragraph 1: one
     member of such panel shall be selected by the members of
     the Board of Directors who were not involved in such
     litigation, or, if there should be no such directors, then
     by the senior-ranking officer of the Corporation who was
     not involved in such litigation; one member of such panel
     shall be selected by the person seeking indemnification;
     and the third member of such panel shall be selected by
     the first two members or, in the event such two panel
     members cannot agree within 30 days, by the President of
     the Illinois State Bar Association.  Such panel shall make
     its determination by arbitration in accordance with the
     laws of the State of Illinois.  Judgment upon the award
     rendered by such panel may be entered in any court having
     jurisdiction thereof.

5.   Advances may be made by the Corporation against costs,
     expenses and fees arising out of, or in connection with,
     any such litigation at the discretion of, and upon such
     terms (but always subject to the final determination of a
     person's right to indemnification) as may be determined
     by, the Board of Directors.

6.   The Corporation shall have power to purchase and maintain
     insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a
     director, officer or employee of the Corporation, or is or
     was serving, at the request of the Corporation, as a
     director, officer or employee of any business corporation,
     not-for-profit corporation, joint venture, trade
     association or other entity, against any liability
     asserted against such person which was incurred in any
     such capacity, or arising out of such person's status as
     such, whether or not the Corporation would have the power
     to indemnify such person against any such liability under
     the provisions of this Article.

7.   The right of indemnification provided hereunder shall not
     be deemed exclusive of any other right to indemnification
     to which any person may be entitled, or of any other
     indemnification which may lawfully be granted to any
     person in addition to the indemnification provided
     hereunder.  Indemnification provided hereunder shall, in
     the case of the death of the person entitled to
     indemnification, inure to the benefit of such person's
     heirs, executors or other lawful representatives.

8.   The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of
     this Article shall not affect the validity or
     enforceability of any other provision of this Article.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused
these Articles of Amendment in the form of the First Restated
Articles of Incorporation to be executed in its name by its
Vice President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed,
attested by its Assistant Secretary, this 14th day of February,

                    Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company

                                   Lance E. Cooper
                              Vice President-Finance


          Barbara A. Ven Horst
          Assistant Secretary 



     I, Karen K. Thode, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that
on the 14th day of February, 1994, Lance E. Cooper personally
appeared before me and,  being first duly sworn by me,
acknowledged that he signed the foregoing document in the
capacity therein set forth; that the adoption of these Articles
of Amendment in the form of the First Restated Articles of
Incorporation is the free act and deed of Iowa-Illinois Gas and
Electric Company; and that the statements therein obtained are

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal
the day and year before written.

                                   Notary Public