Rule  424(b)(3)
                                                           File  Nos.  333-78717

(to Prospectus dated November 15, 1999
and Prospectus Supplement dated November 15, 1999)

Medium Term Notes, Series E, Tranche 1

Trade Date:                     May 9, 2001

Principal Amount:               $150,000,000

Original Issue Date:            May 14, 2001

Maturity Date:                  May 15, 2006

Interest Rate:                  6.45% per annum, accruing from May 14, 2001

Interest Payment Dates:         May 15 and November 15, commencing
                                November 15, 2001

Agents' Discounts or
Commissions:                    $900,000

Proceeds to Company:            $148,795,500

Additional Terms:               $75,000,000 of the principal amount of the Notes
                                has  been   sold  to   Morgan   Stanley   &  Co.
                                Incorporated  and  $75,000,000  of the principal
                                amount of the Notes has been sold to J.P. Morgan
                                Securities  Inc., each as principal,  for resale
                                to  the  public  at  a  price  of  99.797%.   In
                                addition,  Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and
                                J.P.  Morgan  Securities  Inc.  have  agreed  to
                                reimburse   certain  expenses  incurred  by  the
                                Company in  connection  with the offering of the

                                The  Agents  and  their  affiliates   engage  in
                                various    general    financing    and   banking
                                transactions    with   the   Company   and   its
                                affiliates.  In  particular an affiliate of J.P.
                                Morgan  Securities  Inc.  is  a  lender  to  the
                                Company.  The Company  will use a portion of the
                                net proceeds to repay amounts  outstanding under
                                a  credit  facility  and an  affiliate  of  J.P.
                                Morgan Securities Inc. will receive a portion of

                                amounts repaid thereunder. Because more than 10%
                                of the net  proceeds may be paid to an affiliate
                                of one of the  agents,  the  offering  is  being
                                conducted  pursuant  to Rule  2710(c)(8)  of the
                                Conduct Rules of the NASD.

                                Certain  legal  matters  will be passed upon for
                                the  Company by Thelen Reid & Priest LLP and for
                                the underwriters by Pillsbury Winthrop LLP.

Optional Redemption:            The Notes will be  redeemable,  as a whole or in
                                part,  at the Company's  option,  at any time or
                                from time to time, on at least 30 days,  but not
                                more than 60 days,  prior  notice  mailed to the
                                registered  address of each holder of the Notes.
                                The  redemption  prices  will  be  equal  to the
                                greater of (1) 100% of the  principal  amount of
                                the Notes to be  redeemed  or (2) the sum of the
                                present   values  of  the  Remaining   Scheduled
                                Payments  (as defined  below)  discounted,  on a
                                semiannual   basis   (assuming  a  360-day  year
                                consisting of twelve 30-day  months),  at a rate
                                equal  to  the  sum  of the  Treasury  Rate  (as
                                defined below) and 20 basis points. In each case
                                accrued   interest   will  be   payable  to  the
                                redemption date.

                                "Treasury  Rate"  means,  with  respect  to  any
                                redemption date, the rate per annum equal to the
                                semiannual  equivalent  yield to maturity of the
                                Comparable Treasury Issue,  assuming a price for
                                the Comparable  Treasury  Issue  (expressed as a
                                percentage of its principal amount) equal to the
                                Comparable  Treasury  Price for such  redemption

                                "Comparable  Treasury  Issue"  means the  United
                                States   Treasury   security   selected   by  an
                                Independent   Investment   Banker  as  having  a
                                maturity comparable to the remaining term of the
                                Notes  that  would be  utilized,  at the time of
                                selection  and  in  accordance   with  customary
                                financial  practice,  in  pricing  new issues of
                                corporate debt securities of comparable maturity


                                the remaining  term of such Notes.  "Independent
                                Investment  Banker"  means one of the  reference
                                Treasury Dealers appointed by the Company.

                                "Comparable  Treasury Price" means, with respect
                                to  any  redemption  date,  the  average  of the
                                Reference Treasury Dealer Quotations. "Reference
                                Treasury Dealer  Quotations" means, with respect
                                to  each  Reference   Treasury  Dealer  and  any
                                redemption  date, the average,  as determined by
                                the Senior  Note  Trustee,  of the bid and asked
                                prices  for  the   Comparable   Treasury   Issue
                                (expressed  in each case as a percentage  of its
                                principal  amount)  quoted  in  writing  to  the
                                Senior Note Trustee by such  Reference  Treasury
                                Dealer at 3:30 p.m.,  New York City time, on the
                                third  business day  preceding  such  redemption

                                "Senior  Note  Trustee"  shall  mean the  United
                                States   Trust   Company  of  New  York  or  its

                                "Reference Treasury Dealer" means each of Morgan
                                Stanley  &  Co.  Incorporated  and  J.P.  Morgan
                                Securities Inc. and their respective successors.
                                If any  of the  foregoing  shall  cease  to be a
                                primary  U.S.  Government  securities  dealer (a
                                "Primary  Treasury  Dealer"),  the Company shall
                                substitute   another    nationally    recognized
                                investment   banking  firm  that  is  a  Primary
                                Treasury Dealer.

                                "Remaining   Scheduled   Payments"  means,  with
                                respect  to  each  Note  to  be  redeemed,   the
                                remaining scheduled payments of principal of and
                                interest  on such Note  that  would be due after
                                the  related   redemption   date  but  for  such
                                redemption.  If such  redemption  date is not an
                                interest payment date with respect to such Note,
                                the  amount  of the  next  succeeding  scheduled
                                interest payment on such Note will be reduced by
                                the amount of  interest  accrued on such Note to
                                such redemption date.


                                On and after the redemption date,  interest will
                                cease to accrue on the Notes or any  portion  of
                                the Notes  called  for  redemption  (unless  the
                                Company   defaults   in  the   payment   of  the
                                redemption  price and accrued  interest).  On or
                                before the  redemption  date,  the Company  will
                                deposit  with a paying agent (or the Senior Note
                                Trustee) money  sufficient to pay the redemption
                                price of and accrued interest on the Notes to be
                                redeemed  on such  date.  If less  than  all the
                                Notes  of any  series  are to be  redeemed,  the
                                Notes to be  redeemed  shall be  selected by the
                                Senior Note Trustee by such method as the Senior
                                Note Trustee shall deem fair and appropriate.
