(As Amended May 25, 1993)




        1.   The  principal office of  the corporation  shall be
 located at Madison Avenue  at Punch Bowl Road, in  the Township
 of Morris, County of Morris, State  of New Jersey or such other
 place within the State of New Jersey  as the Board of Directors
 by a  two-thirds vote may  from time  to time  designate.   The
 corporation may  also have offices at such other places, either
 within or  without the  State of  New Jersey, as  the Board  of
 Directors may from  time to time  designate or the business  of
 the corporation may require.


        2.   The corporate seal shall have inscribed thereon the
 name of the corporation,  the year of its organization  and the
 words  "CORPORATE  SEAL, N.J.".    The  corporate seal  may  be
 affixed to any certificates of  stock, bonds, debentures, notes
 or  other engraved,  lithographed  or  printed instruments,  by
 engraving, lithographing  or printing  thereon such  seal or  a
 facsimile  thereof,  and  such  seal  or facsimile  thereof  so
 engraved, lithographed or  printed thereon shall have  the same
 force and effect, for  all purposes, as if such  corporate seal
 had been affixed thereto by indentation.

                             STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS

        3.   All meetings of the stockholders shall be held at     Amended by
 the principal office of the corporation or at such other place    Board of
 in the same municipality in which the principal office is         Directors
 located as may from time to time be designated by the Board of    9-7-72
 Directors, or  in  New York  City,  at a  place therein  to  be
 designated from  time to  time by  the Board  of Directors  and
 stated in  the notice  of the  meeting.   All  meetings of  the
 stockholders  shall  be presided  over by  the Chairman  of the
 Board if the  Board of Directors  has elected such Chairman  as
 provided herein, or, if  there has been no such  appointment or
 in the event of his absence or disability, by the President or,
 if he be absent or disabled, by any Vice President, except when
 by statute, the  Certificate of Incorporation or  any amendment
 thereof the election of a presiding officer by the stockholders
 present at the meeting is required.

        4.   The annual meeting of stockholders shall be held on
 the third Tuesday  in May of each year, if not a legal holiday,
 and  if  a  legal  holiday,  then  on  the  next  business  day

 at 11:30 o'clock A.M.   At the annual meeting  the stockholders
 shall  elect  a  Board  of Directors  of  the  corporation  and
 transact such other business as may properly  be brought before
 the  meeting.   Notice of the  time and place  thereof shall be
 given by mail at least ten  (10) days prior to the meeting,  to
 each stockholder  of record  entitled to  vote thereat,  at his
 address  as  the  same  shall  appear   on  the  books  of  the

        5.   The holders of a  majority of the stock issued  and
 outstanding and entitled to vote  thereat, present in person or
 represented  by  proxy,  shall  be   requisite  for  and  shall
 constitute a quorum at all meetings of the stockholders for the
 transaction of business,  except as otherwise provided  by law,
 by the Certificate  of Incorporation or any  amendment thereto,
 or by these By-Laws.  If, however, the holders of a majority of
 such stock shall not  be present or represented at  any meeting
 of the stockholders, the stockholders entitled to vote thereat,
 present in person or by proxy, shall have power, by  a majority
 vote of those present, to adjourn the meeting from time to time
 not exceeding  ten (10)  days at  any one  time without  notice
 other than announcement  at the meeting,  until the holders  of
 the amount of stock  requisite to constitute a quorum  shall be
 present in  person or by  proxy.  At  any adjourned  meeting at
 which  a quorum shall  be present, in  person or by  proxy, any
 business may be transacted which might have been  transacted at
 the meeting as originally noticed.

        6.   At   all   meetings  of   the   stockholders   each
 stockholder having the right to vote  shall be entitled to vote
 in person or  by proxy appointed  by an instrument executed  in
 writing by such stockholder, or by his duly appointed attorney,
 but no  proxy shall be  voted upon  after three years  from its
 date.  Each holder of record of stock having voting power shall
 be entitled to one vote for each share of stock standing in his
 name on the  books of the corporation; provided,  however, that
 (except where the  transfer books of the corporation shall have
 been closed, or a date shall  have been fixed as a record  date
 for the determination of the stockholders entitled  to vote, as
 hereinafter provided), no share of stock  shall be voted at any
 election of directors which  has been transferred on the  books
 of the corporation within twenty  (20) days next preceding such
 election.  The vote for directors,  and upon the demand of  any
 stockholder or  his duly authorized  proxy, the  vote upon  any
 question before the meeting, shall be by ballot.  All elections
 shall be determined  and all questions  decided by a  plurality
 vote,   except   when  by   statute   or  the   Certificate  of
 Incorporation  or any amendments  thereto a larger  vote of the
 stockholders shall be required.

        7.   A  complete list  of the  stockholders  entitled to
 vote at the  ensuing election, arranged in  alphabetical order,
 with the

 residence of  each, and  the number  of voting  shares held  by
 each,  shall  be prepared  by the  Secretary  and filed  in the
 office where the election is to be held at least ten  (10) days
 before every election, and shall at all times, during the usual
 hours for business, and during the whole time of said election,
 be open to the examination of any stockholder.

        8.   Special  meetings  of  the  stockholders  for   any
 purpose or purposes, unless otherwise  prescribed by statute or
 by the Certificate  of Incorporation or any  amendment thereto,
 may be called by the President,  or by a majority of the  Board
 of Directors or by  a majority of the Executive  Committee, and
 shall  be  called by  the  President  or the  Secretary  at the
 request in  writing of the  stockholders holding a  majority in
 amount of  the entire capital  stock of the  corporation issued
 and  outstanding  and entitled  to  vote, upon  ten  (10) days'
 written  or  printed  notice  to  each  stockholder  of  record
 entitled to vote  thereat, stating the  place, day and hour  of
 such  meeting  and  the  business  proposed  to  be  transacted
 thereat.   No  business shall  be transacted  at such  meetings
 except  with  respect  to  matters  specified  in  the  notice,
 provided  however,  that   if  all  the  stockholders   of  the
 corporation entitled to vote  shall be present in person  or by
 proxy any business pertaining to the affairs of the corporation
 may be transacted.


        9.   The property and business of the corporation shall    Amended by
 be managed by its Board of Directors, which shall consist of      Board of
 not less than five (5) nor more than eleven (11) directors as     Directors
 shall be fixed from time to time by a resolution adopted by a     9-27-82
 majority of the  entire Board of Directors;  provided, however,
 that no  decrease in the  number of directors  constituting the
 entire Board  of  Directors  shall  shorten  the  term  of  any
 incumbent director.   Directors need not be stockholders.  Each
 director  shall  be elected  to  serve  until the  next  annual
 meeting  of  stockholders  and  until  his successor  shall  be
 elected and shall qualify.

       10.   In addition to the powers and authorities by these    Amended by
 By-Laws expressly conferred upon them, the Board may exercise     Board of
 all such powers of the corporation and do all such lawful acts    Directors
 and things as are not by statute or by the Certificate of         2-23-93
 Incorporation  or  any amendment  thereto  or by  these By-Laws
 directed  or   required  to  be   exercised  or  done   by  the

       Unless otherwise required by law, in the absence of fraud
 no contract or  transaction between the corporation  and one or
 more of its directors  or officers, or between  the corporation


 any domestic or foreign corporation, firm or association of any
 type or  kind  in  which  one or  more  of  its  directors  are
 directors  or  are  otherwise  interested,  shall  be  void  or
 voidable  solely  by  reason  of  such common  directorship  or
 interest,  or  solely because  such  director or  directors are
 present  at  or participate  in  the  meeting of  the  Board or
 committee thereof which authorizes the contract or transaction,
 or  solely  because his  or their  votes  are counted  for such
 purposes if:

       (a)   the contract or transaction is fair  and reasonable
 as to the corporation as at the time it is authorized, approved
 or ratified; or

       (b)   the fact of the  common directorship or interest is
 disclosed  or known to the Board or  committee and the Board or
 committee  authorizes, approves,  or ratifies  the contract  or
 transaction by unanimous written consent, provided at least one
 director so consenting is disinterested, or by affirmative vote
 of a majority  of the disinterested directors,  even though the
 disinterested directors be less than a quorum; or

       (c)   the  fact of  common  directorship or  interest  is
 disclosed or  known to  the stockholders,  and they  authorize,
 approve or ratify the contract or transaction.

       The interest  of  any  director or  officer in  any  such
 contract  or  transaction  shall  be  fully disclosed  at  such
 meeting and a director who  is so interested may be counted  at
 any such meeting for the  purpose of determining the  existence
 of  a  quorum  to  consider  and  vote  upon  any  contract  or
 transaction in which he is so interested.

       No director or officer shall be  liable to account to the
 corporation for any profit realized by  him from or through any
 such  contract or transaction  of the corporation  by reason of
 his interest as  aforesaid in such  contract or transaction  if
 such contract or  transaction shall be authorized,  approved or
 ratified as aforesaid.

       Nothing  herein  shall  create liability  in  any  of the
 events   described   in  this   Section   10  or   prevent  the
 authorization, ratification  or approval,  in any other  manner
 provided by  law, of any  contract or transaction  described in
 this Section 10.

                              MEETINGS OF THE BOARD

       11.   At all meetings of the Board of Directors, a          Amended by
 majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum for the       Board of
 transaction of business, and the act of a majority of the         Directors
 directors present at any meeting at which there is a quorum       9-26-78


 shall be the  act of the Board  of Directors, except as  may be
 otherwise  specifically   provided   by  statute   or  by   the
 Certificate of  Incorporation or  any amendment  thereto or  by
 these By-Laws.

       Any or all directors may participate in a meeting of the    Amended by
 Board by means of conference telephone or any means of            Board of
 communication by which all persons participating in the meeting   Directors
 are able to hear each other and when so participating shall be    5-10-77
 deemed to be present.

       12.   The first meeting  of the  Board of  Directors held
 next  after  the  annual  meeting   of  stockholders  at  which
 directors  shall  have  been elected,  shall  be  held  for the
 purpose  of  organization,  the election  of  officers  and the
 transaction of any  other business  which may  come before  the

       13.   Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be
 held at such time and place and  on such notice as the Board of
 Directors may from time to time determine.

       14.   Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be     Amended by
 called by the Chairman of the Board or by the President or, in    Stockholders
 the absence or disability of the Chairman of the Board and the    5-15-56
 President, by a  Vice President, or  by any two directors,  and
 may be held  at the time and  place designated in the  call and
 notice  of  the  meeting.   The  Secretary,  or  other  officer
 performing his duties,  shall give notice either  personally or
 by mail or  by telegram at  least twenty-four hours before  the
 meeting.  Meetings  may be held at  any time and  place without
 such notice  if all the directors  are present or if  those not
 present waive notice  in writing,  either before  or after  the

       15.   Any regular or special  meeting may be adjourned to
 any other time at the  same or any other place by a majority of
 the directors present at  the meeting, whether or not  a quorum
 shall  be  present  at  such  meeting,  and no  notice  of  the
 adjourned meeting shall be required  other than announcement at
 the meeting.


       16.   Directors, other than salaried officers of the GPU    Amended by
 System shall receive compensation for their services as           Board of
 directors, at such rate, as shall be fixed from time to time      Directors
 by the Board, and shall be reimbursed for their reasonable        11-8-82
 expenses,  if  any, of  attendance at  each regular  or special
 meeting  of  the  Board  of  Directors.    Such  directors  may
 participate in any business travel  accident insurance plan and
 voluntary group accident insurance plan maintained by the


 corporation for  its employees,  and the  corporation may  make
 premium contributions for directors under  any such plan on the
 same basis as for officers of the corporation.

       Such directors  who are members  of any committee  of the
 Board shall  receive compensation  for their  services as  such
 members as shall  be fixed from time  to time by the  Board and
 shall  be reimbursed for their reasonable  expenses, if any, in
 attending  meetings of such  committee or  otherwise performing
 their duties as members of such committee.


       17.   The Board of Directors may by vote of a majority of   Amended by
 the whole Board create an Executive Committee consisting of       Board of
 three or more of their own number to hold office for such         Directors
 period as the Board shall determine.  The Chairman of the Board   9-7-72
 and  the President shall be  members of the Executive Committee
 and the Chairman of  the Board shall be Chairman  thereof.  The
 remaining member or members shall be elected by a majority vote
 of the whole Board of Directors.   The Board by a majority vote
 of the  whole Board  may fill  any vacancies  in the  Executive
 Committee and may  designate one or more  alternate members who
 shall serve on  the Executive Committee  in the absence of  any
 regular member or members of such Committee.

       Such Executive Committee  shall advise  with and aid  the
 officers  of  the  corporation in  all  matters  concerning its
 interest and the management of its business, and shall, between
 meetings of the Board  of Directors, have all the  power of the
 Board  of  Directors  in the  management  of  the  business and
 affairs of the  corporation, and shall have  power to authorize
 the seal of the  corporation to be affixed to all  papers which
 may require  it.  The  taking of  any action  by the  Executive
 Committee  shall  be  conclusive  evidence  that the  Board  of
 Directors was not at the time of such action in session.

 The Executive Committee shall cause to be kept regular minutes    Corrected by
 of its proceedings, which may be transcribed in the regular       Stockholders
 minute book of the corporation, and all such proceedings shall    5-15-56
 be reported to  the Board of  Directors at its next  succeeding
 meeting, and shall be subject to  revision or alteration by the
 Board of Directors,  provided that no  rights of third  persons
 shall be affected by  such revision or alteration.   A majority
 of  the Executive Committee  shall constitute  a quorum  at any
 meeting.    The Executive  Committee  may, from  time  to time,
 subject to  the approval of  the Board of  Directors, prescribe
 rules and regulations  for the calling and  conduct of meetings
 of the Committee, and  other matters relating to  its procedure
 and the


 exercise of its powers.  Any or all members of the Executive      Amended by
 Committee may participate in a meeting thereof by means of        Board of
 conference telephone or any means of communication by which       Directors
 all persons participating in the meeting are able to hear each    5-10-77
 other and when so participating shall be deemed to be present.

       From time to time the Board of Directors may appoint any    Amended by
 other committee or committees for any purpose or purposes,        Board of
 which committee or committees shall have such powers and such     Directors
 tenure of office as shall be specified in the resolution of       9-24-85
 appointment.  The  chief executive  officer of the  corporation
 shall be a  member ex officio of  all committees of the  Board,
 unless  the  resolution   appointing  a  particular   committee
 specifically excludes such  ex officio membership by  the chief
 executive officer.


       18.   The officers of the corporation shall be chosen by    Amended by
 the Board of Directors and shall be a Chairman of the Board       Board of
 (if one be elected as provided herein), a President, one or       Directors
 more Vice Presidents, a Secretary, one or more Assistant          9-7-72
 Secretaries, a Treasurer, one or more Assistant Treasurers, and
 a Comptroller.   The Board of Directors may  also choose one or
 more Assistant Comptrollers.  The Board of Directors may at any
 regular or special meeting elect from among their own number, a
 Chairman of the Board.

       19.   The Board of Directors, at its first meeting after    Amended by
 the election of Directors by the stockholders, shall choose a     Stockholders
 President from among their own number, and a Secretary, a         5-23-63
 Treasurer,  a Comptroller  and such Vice  Presidents, Assistant
 Secretaries, Assistant Treasurers and Assistant Comptrollers as
 it shall deem necessary,  none of whom  need be members of  the
 Board of  Directors.   Such officers  of the corporation  shall
 hold office until the  first meeting of the Board  of Directors
 after the next  succeeding annual  meeting of stockholders  and
 until their successors are chosen and qualified in their stead.
 The President may not occupy any other such office.   Except as
 to  the President, any two  of such offices  may be occupied by
 the same person, but  no officer shall execute,  acknowledge or
 verify any instrument in more than one capacity.

       20.   The  Board of  Directors  may  appoint  such  other
 officers and agents as it shall  deem necessary, who shall hold
 their offices for such terms and shall exercise such powers and
 perform such duties as shall be determined from time to time by
 the Board of Directors.


       21.   The salary or other compensation of the officers      Amended by
 other than assistant officers shall be fixed by the Board of      Board of
 Directors.  The salaries or other compensation of the assistant   Directors
 officers and all other employees shall, in the absence of any     12-19-89
 action by the Board,  be fixed by the  President or such  other
 officers or executives as may be designated by the President.

       22.   Any officers or agents  elected or appointed by the
 Board  of Directors may be removed at any time, with or without
 cause, by vote of a majority of the whole Board of Directors.

                              CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD

       23.   In the event that the Board of Directors shall        Amended by
 elect a Chairman of the Board as herein provided, he shall,       Board of
 unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors, be the       Directors
 chief executive officer of the corporation with authority,        9-7-72
 among other things,  to sign in the  name and on behalf  of the
 corporation   any  and  all  contracts,  agreements  and  other
 instruments and documents pertaining to  matters which arise in
 the  normal conduct  or  ordinary  course  of business  of  the
 corporation, shall hold office until the next annual meeting of
 stockholders, shall  preside at  all meetings  of the  Board of
 Directors and shall  have and  exercise such  other powers  and
 perform such other duties as may be assigned and conferred upon
 him by these By-Laws or by the Board of Directors.


       24.   The President, in the absence, or during the          Amended by
 disability, of a Chairman of the Board functioning as the         Board of
 chief executive officer of the corporation, shall be the chief    Directors
 executive officer of the corporation.  He shall, except as        9-7-72
 otherwise provided herein or by law, preside at all meetings of
 the  Board  of  Directors,  the  Executive  Committee  and  the
 stockholders.  Subject to the control of the Board of Directors
 and  any Chairman of  the Board functioning  as chief executive
 officer of the corporation, he  shall have general supervision,
 direction  and  control  of the  business  and  affairs  of the
 corporation.    He shall  have such  powers  and duties  as are
 usually vested in the office of President of a corporation, and
 shall perform such other and further duties as may from time to
 time be assigned to him by the Board of Directors.  He may sign
 in  the name  and  on behalf  of  the corporation  any and  all
 contracts,  agreements  and  other  instruments  and  documents
 pertaining to  matters  which arise  in the  normal conduct  or
 ordinary course of business of the corporation.



       25.   If there be one Vice President he shall, at the       Amended by
 request or in the absence or disability of the President, have    Board of
 supervision, direction and control of the business of the         Directors
 corporation and exercise the duties and functions of the          6-26-58
 President.  He  shall also  have such powers  and perform  such
 other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by law, the
 Certificate of  Incorporation  or any  amendment  thereof,  the
 By-Laws, the Board  of Directors or the President.  If there be
 more  than one  Vice President,  the Board  of Directors  shall
 assign to each  of them the  general scope of their  respective
 duties, subject  to detailed  specification  thereof made  from
 time to time, by  the President, and the Board  shall designate
 which Vice President shall exercise the duties and functions of
 the President during his  absence or disability, and  the Board
 may  designate  such  Vice  President  as  the  Executive  Vice
 President.   Any Vice  President may  sign in  the name  and on
 behalf  of  the  corporation  contracts,  agreements  or  other
 instruments, and documents pertaining to matters which arise in
 the  normal  conduct  or  ordinary course  of  business  of the
 corporation, except in cases where the signing thereof shall be
 expressly and exclusively  delegated by the Board  of Directors
 or the Executive  Committee to some  other officer or agent  of
 the corporation.


       26.   The  Secretary shall  attend  all meetings  of  the
 Board   of  Directors,   the  Executive   Committee,  and   the
 stockholders, and shall record all votes and the minutes of all
 proceedings in  a book  or books  to be  kept by  him for  that
 purpose,  and  shall  perform  like  duties  for  the  standing
 committees when required.  He shall give, or cause to be given,
 notice  of  all meetings  of  the  stockholders,  the Board  of
 Directors and the  Executive Committee, and shall  perform such
 other duties as may  be prescribed by the Board of Directors or
 President.  He shall be sworn  to the faithful discharge of his
 duty.  Any  records kept by  him shall be  the property of  the
 corporation in case  of his  death, resignation, retirement  or
 removal from office.  He shall be the custodian of the  seal of
 the corporation and when  authorized by the Board  of Directors
 or by the  President or a Vice President, shall  affix the seal
 to all  instruments  requiring it  and  shall attest  the  same
 and/or the execution of such instruments as required.  He shall
 have control  of the stock  ledger, stock certificate  book and
 other formal records  and documents  relating to the  corporate
 affairs of the corporation.

       The Assistant  Secretary or  Assistant Secretaries  shall
 assist the Secretary in the performance of his duties, and shall


 exercise and perform  his powers and  duties in his absence  or
 disability, and shall  also exercise such powers  and duties as
 may be conferred  or required by the Board  of Directors, or by
 the President.


       27.   The  Treasurer  shall  have  the   custody  of  the
 corporate funds and  securities, shall  keep full and  accurate
 accounts of receipts  and disbursements  in books belonging  to
 the  corporation,  and  shall  deposit  all  moneys  and  other
 valuable  effects  in  the  name  and  to  the  credit  of  the
 corporation in  such depositories as  may be designated  by the
 Board of Directors.

       He shall  disburse the funds  of the corporation  in such
 manner as  may be  ordered by  the Board  of Directors,  taking
 proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the
 President and directors at the regular meetings of the Board of
 Directors, or whenever  they may require  it, a report of  cash
 receipts  and  disbursements   and  an   account  of  all   his
 transactions as Treasurer.

       He shall give  the corporation  a bond,  in such sum  and
 with  such  sureties as  may be  satisfactory  to the  Board of
 Directors,  for the faithful  performance of the  duties of his
 office, and for the restoration to  the corporation, in case of
 his death, resignation,  retirement or removal from  office, of
 all  books,  papers,  vouchers,  money  and other  property  of
 whatever kind in his possession or under his control  belonging
 to the corporation.

       The Assistant  Treasurer or  Assistant  Treasurers  shall
 assist  the Treasurer  in  the performance  of his  duties, and
 shall exercise and perform his powers and duties in his absence
 or  disability and shall also  exercise and perform such duties
 as  may be conferred or required by  the Board of Directors, or
 by the President.


       28.   The Comptroller of the corporation shall have full    Adopted by
 control of all the books of account of the corporation and keep   Stockholders
 a true and accurate record of all property owned by it, of its    5-23-63
 debts  and  its  revenues  and  expenses  and  shall  keep  all
 accounting records of  the corporation, other than  the records
 of receipts and disbursements and those relating to the deposit
 or custody  of money  and securities  of the  corporation which
 shall be kept by the Treasurer, and shall also make  reports to
 the President and directors whenever they may require them.


       The Assistant Comptroller or Assistant Comptrollers shall
 assist the  Comptroller in  the performance  of his  duties and
 shall exercise and perform his powers and duties in his absence
 or disability  and shall also exercise such  powers and perform
 such duties as  may be  conferred or required  by the Board  of
 Directors, or by the President.


       29.   If the  office of  any director  becomes vacant  by
 reason of death,  resignation, retirement, disqualification, or
 otherwise, the  directors then in office, although  less than a
 quorum,  by   a  majority  vote,  may  choose  a  successor  or
 successors, who  shall hold  office for  the unexpired  term in
 respect  of which such vacancy occurred.   If the office of any
 officer of the corporation shall become vacant for  any reason,
 the Board of Directors by  a majority vote of those present  at
 any  meeting  at  which  a  quorum  is present,  may  choose  a
 successor  or  successors,  who  shall   hold  office  for  the
 unexpired term in respect of which such vacancy occurred.


       30.   Any officer or any  director of the corporation may
 resign at any time,  such resignation to be made in writing and
 to take effect from the time of its receipt by the corporation,
 unless some time  be fixed  in the resignation,  and then  from
 that time.


       31.   In  case  of the  absence  of any  officer  of  the
 corporation, or for any other reason the Board of Directors may
 deem  sufficient, the Board of  Directors may delegate, for the
 time  being, the  powers or  duties, or  any of  them,  of such
 officer to any other officer.

                               INDEMNIFICATION OF

       32.   (a) The corporation shall indemnify any person who    Amended by
 was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any      Board of
 threatened, pending or completed civil, criminal, administrative  Directors
 or arbitrative action, suit or proceeding, and any appeal         4-28-87
 therein and any  inquiry or investigation  which could lead  to
 such action, suit or proceeding, other  than a proceeding by or
 in the right of the corporation, by reason of the fact  that he
 was a


 director,  officer  or  employee of  the  corporation  (and may
 indemnify any person who was an agent of the corporation), or a
 person serving at the request of the corporation as a director,
 officer,  trustee, employee  or  agent of  another corporation,
 partnership,   joint   venture,  sole   proprietorship,  trust,
 employee benefit plan  or other enterprise, whether  or not for
 profit,  to  the  fullest extent  permitted  by  law, including
 without limitation indemnification against liabilities (amounts
 paid or  incurred  in satisfaction  of settlements,  judgments,
 fines   and   penalties)   and   expenses  (reasonable   costs,
 disbursements  and  counsel fees)  incurred  by such  person in
 connection with such proceeding, if

       (i)   such person acted in good  faith and in a manner he
             reasonably believed to be in  or not opposed to the
             best interest of the corporation; and

       (ii)  with  respect  to  any  criminal  proceeding,  such
             person  had  no  reasonable  cause  to believe  his
             conduct was unlawful.

 The  termination   of  any   proceeding  by  judgment,   order,
 settlement, conviction or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its
 equivalent, shall not of itself  create a presumption that such
 person did not  meet the  applicable standards  of conduct  set
 forth in Section 32(a)(i) or in Section 32(a)(ii).

             (b) The corporation  shall pay  the expenses  of  a
 person in connection with any proceeding by or  in the right of
 the  corporation  to  procure  a judgment  in  its  favor which
 involves  such person by reason  of his being  or having been a
 director, officer or employee  of the corporation (and may  pay
 the expenses  of an agent  of the  corporation) if he  acted in
 good faith and in  a manner he reasonably believed to  be in or
 not opposed to the best interests of the corporation.  However,
 in  such  proceeding no  indemnification  shall be  provided in
 respect of any claim, issue  or matter as to which  such person
 shall  have been  adjudged  to be  liable  to the  corporation,
 unless and  only to the extent  that the Superior Court  or the
 court in which such proceeding was brought shall determine upon
 application that despite the adjudication  of liability, but in
 view of all  circumstances of the  case, such person is  fairly
 and reasonably entitled to  indemnity for such expenses  as the
 Superior Court or such other court shall deem proper.

             (c) The  corporation  shall  indemnify a  corporate
 agent, as defined in N.J.S. 14A:3-5(1), against expenses to the
 extent  that such corporate  agent has  been successful  on the
 merits or otherwise in any proceeding referred to in Section 32
 (a)  and (b)  or  in  defense of  any  claim,  issue or  matter


             (d) Any indemnification under  Section 32 (a)  and,
 unless ordered by a court, under Section 32 (b), may be made by
 the corporation only  as authorized in  a specific case upon  a
 determination   that   indemnification   is   proper   in   the
 circumstances because the director,  officer, employee or agent
 met the applicable standard conduct  set forth therein.  Unless
 otherwise  provided  in  the  Certificate of  Incorporation  or
 By-Laws, such determination shall be made

       (i)   by the Board  of Directors or  a committee thereof,
             acting by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of
             directors  who  were not  parties  to  or otherwise
             involved in the proceeding; or

       (ii)  if such  a quorum  is not  obtainable, or,  even if
             obtainable  and  such  quorum   of  the  Board   of
             Directors or committee  by a  majority vote  of the
             disinterested directors so  directs, by independent
             legal counsel,  in a written  opinion, such counsel
             to be designated by the Board of Directors.

             (e) Expenses incurred by a director, officer or       Amended by
 employee in connection with such a proceeding shall (and          Board of
 expenses incurred by an agent in connection with such a           Directors
 proceeding may) be paid by the corporation in advance of the      5-25-93
 final disposition of the proceeding as authorized by  the Board
 of Directors upon receipt  of an undertaking by or on behalf of
 such person  to repay  such amount  if it  shall ultimately  be
 determined  that  he  is  not entitled  to  be  indemnified  as
 provided in this section.

             (f) The indemnification and advancement of            Amended by
 expenses provided by or granted pursuant to the other             Board of
 subsections of this section shall not exclude any other rights,   Directors
 including the right to be indemnified against liabilities and     5-25-93
 expenses incurred  in proceedings  by or  in the  right of  the
 corporation,  to  which  a  person  may be  otherwise  entitled
 provided that no indemnification shall be  made to or on behalf
 of a person if  a judgment or other final  adjudication adverse
 to such person establishes that his acts or omissions  (a) were
 in  breach of  his duty of  loyalty to  the corporation  or its
 shareholders, as  defined in subsection  (3) of N.J.S. 14A:2-7,
 (b) were not in good  faith or involved a knowing  violation of
 law or (c) resulted  in receipt  by the corporate  agent of  an
 improper personal benefit.

             (g) The  corporation   shall  have  the   power  to
 purchase  and  maintain insurance  on  behalf of  any director,
 officer,  employee  or  agent of  the  corporation  against any
 expenses  incurred   in  any  proceeding  and  any  liabilities
 asserted against  him by  reason of  his being  or having  been
 such, whether or  not the corporation  would have the power  to
 indemnify him against


 such  expenses  and liabilities  under  the provisions  of this
 section.  The corporation may  purchase such insurance from, or
 such insurance  may be  reinsured in whole  or in  part by,  an
 insurer owned by or otherwise  affiliated with the corporation,
 whether or not such insurer does business with other insureds.

             (h) For  purposes   of  this   section:     (i) the
 corporation  shall  be  deemed to  have  requested  an officer,
 director,  employee or agent to serve as fiduciary with respect
 to  an  employee benefit  plan  where the  performance  by such
 person of duties to the corporation  also imposes duties on, or
 otherwise involves services by, such person as a fiduciary with
 respect to the plan; (ii) excise taxes assessed with respect to
 any transaction with an  employee benefit plan shall be  deemed
 "fines"; and (iii) action taken or  omitted by such person with
 respect  to  an employee  benefit  plan in  the  performance of
 duties for a purpose reasonably believed  to be in the interest
 of  the participants  and beneficiaries  of  the plan  shall be
 deemed to be  for a purpose  which is not  opposed to the  best
 interests of the corporation.

             (i) All  rights  of   indemnification  under   this
 section shall  be deemed a contract between the corporation and
 the  person  entitled  to indemnification  under  this  section
 pursuant to which the  corporation and each such  person intend
 to be  legally bound.   Any repeal,  amendment or  modification
 thereof shall be prospective only and  shall not limit, but may
 expand, any rights  or obligations in respect of any proceeding
 whether commenced prior to  or after such change to  the extent
 such  proceeding  pertains  to  actions   or  failures  to  act
 occurring prior to such change.

             (j) The indemnification and advancement of expenses
 provided  by,  or  granted  pursuant  to,  this  section  shall
 continue  as to  a  person who  has  ceased to  be an  officer,
 director, employee or agent in respect of matters arising prior
 to such  time, and  shall inure  to the benefit  of the  heirs,
 executors and administrators of such person.

                           STOCK OF OTHER CORPORATIONS

       33.   The Board  of Directors  shall  have the  right  to
 authorize  any  officer  or  other  person  on  behalf  of  the
 corporation  to  attend,  act  and  vote  at  meetings  of  the
 stockholders of any corporation in  which the corporation shall
 hold or  own stock,  and to exercise  thereat any  and all  the
 rights and powers incident  to the ownership of such  stock and
 to  execute  waivers  of  notice  of  such  meetings  and calls
 therefor;  and authority  may  be given  to  exercise the  same
 either on one or more designated occasions, or generally on all
 occasions until revoked


 by the Board  of Directors.   In  the event that  the Board  of
 Directors shall fail to give such authority, such authority may
 be exercised by the  President in person or by  proxy appointed
 by him on behalf of the corporation.

                              CERTIFICATES OF STOCK

       34.   (a) Shares of the stock of the corporation shall      Amended by
 be represented by certificates or, except as limited by law,      Board of
 uncertificated shares.                                            Directors
             (b) The certificates  of stock  of the  corporation
 shall be  numbered and  shall be entered  in the  books of  the
 corporation as  they are  issued.   They  shall  be in  a  form
 approved by the  Board of  Directors.  They  shall exhibit  the
 holder's name and  number of shares and shall be  signed by the
 President or a Vice President and the Treasurer or an Assistant
 Treasurer  or the Secretary or  an Assistant Secretary, and the
 seal  of  the  corporation  shall be  affixed  thereto.    Such
 certificates may, in addition to the  foregoing, be signed by a
 transfer agent or an assistant transfer  agent or by a transfer
 clerk on  behalf of  the corporation  and by  a registrar,  who
 shall have been duly appointed for the purpose by  the Board of
 Directors.  When  such certificates  are signed  by a  transfer
 agent or  an assistant transfer agent or by a transfer clerk on
 behalf of the corporation and by  a registrar, the signature of
 the President, Vice President,  Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer,
 Secretary or Assistant Secretary upon any such certificates may
 be affixed by  engraving, lithographing, or printing  thereon a
 facsimile of  such signature, in lieu of  actual signature, and
 such facsimile  signature so engraved,  lithographed or printed
 thereon  shall  have the  same  force  and effect,  as  if such
 officer had actually signed the same.   In case any officer who
 has  signed, or whose facsimile signature  has been affixed to,
 any such certificate shall cease to be such officer before such
 certificate shall have been delivered  by the corporation, such
 certificate may nevertheless be issued  and delivered as though
 the  person  who signed  such  certificate, or  whose facsimile
 signature has been affixed  thereto, had not ceased to  be such
 officer of the corporation.

             (c) Uncertificated  shares  may   be  issued   upon
 initial issuance  of shares  or upon  transfer of  certificated
 shares  after surrender thereof  to the corporation.   Within a
 reasonable   time   after   the   issuance   or   transfer   of
 uncertificated  shares,  the  corporation  shall  send  to  the
 registered  owner  thereof  a  written  notice  containing  the
 information required to be set forth or stated on  certificates
 by subsections  14A:7-11(2) and  14A:7-11(3), and if  required,
 14A:7-12(2), of the New Jersey  Business Corporation Act as the
 same may be amended from time to time.


                               TRANSFERS OF STOCK

       35.   Transfers of stock shall  be made  on the books  of
 the corporation, only by the person named in the certificate or
 by  attorney,   lawfully  constituted  in  writing,   and  upon
 surrender of the certificate therefor.

                                   CLOSING OF

       36.   The Board of Directors may close the stock transfer
 books of the corporation for a  period not exceeding fifty days
 preceding the date of any meetings of stockholders, or the date
 for the  payment of any dividend, or the date for the allotment
 of  rights,  or  the date  when  any  change  or conversion  or
 exchange of  capital stock shall  go into effect,  during which
 period no  transfer of stock shall be made  on the books of the
 corporation.  In lieu  of so closing the stock  transfer books,
 the Board of Directors may fix in advance a date, not exceeding
 fifty days preceding the date  of any meeting of  stockholders,
 or the date  for the payment of  any dividend, or the  date for
 the  allotment  of  rights, or  the  date  when  any change  or
 conversion or exchange  of capital stock shall  go into effect,
 as a record date for the determination of stockholders entitled
 to  notice  of,  and  to vote  at,  any  such  meeting and  any
 adjournment thereof, or entitled to receive payment of any such
 dividend, or to  any such allotment  of rights, or to  exercise
 the  rights  in  respect  to any  such  change,  conversion  or
 exchange of capital stock, and  in such case only  stockholders
 (of the class  or classes  entitled to vote  or participate  in
 such dividend, allotment  of rights,  or change, conversion  or
 exchange of  capital stock, as the  case may be), of  record on
 the date so fixed  shall be entitled to such notice  of, and to
 vote at,  such  meeting  and  any adjournment  thereof,  or  to
 receive  payment of such dividend, or to receive such allotment
 of rights,  or to  exercise such  rights, as the  case may  be,
 notwithstanding  any transfer  of  stock on  the  books of  the
 corporation, or the original issue of any such stock, after any
 such record date fixed as aforesaid.

                             REGISTERED STOCKHOLDERS

       37.   The  corporation  shall be  entitled  to  treat the
 holder of record of any share or  shares of stock as the holder
 in fact thereof and accordingly shall not be bound to recognize
 any equitable  or other claim to, or interest in, such share on
 the part  of any  other person,  whether or  not it shall  have
 express or  other notice thereof, save as expressly provided by
 the statutes of the State of New Jersey.


                                LOST CERTIFICATES

       38.   Any person claiming a certificate of  a stock to be
 lost  or destroyed  shall make an  affidavit or  affirmation of
 that fact, whereupon  a new  certificate may be  issued of  the
 same tenor and for the same number of shares as the one alleged
 to be lost or  destroyed; provided, however, that the  Board of
 Directors may require, as a condition to the issuance of  a new
 certificate, a  bond of  indemnity in an  amount sufficient  to
 indemnify the corporation  against any claim  that may be  made
 against it on account of the alleged loss or destruction of any
 such certificate or the issuance  of any such new  certificate,
 and may also  require the  advertisement of such  loss in  such
 manner as the Board of Directors may prescribe.

                               INSPECTION OF BOOKS

       39.   The  Board   of  Directors  shall   have  power  to
 determine whether  and to  what extent,  and at  what time  and
 places and under what conditions  and regulations, the accounts
 and books of the corporation (other  than the books required by
 statute to be open  to the inspection of stockholders),  or any
 of them, shall be  open to the inspection of  stockholders, and
 no stockholders shall have any right  to inspect any account or
 book or document of  the corporation, except as such  right may
 be conferred  by the statutes of the State  of New Jersey or by
 resolution of the Board of Directors or of the stockholders.

                              CHECKS, NOTES, BONDS,

       40.   All checks or demands for money (other than transfer  Amended by
 to other bank accounts of the company or its affiliates) and      Board of
 notes of the corporation shall be signed by such person or        Directors
 persons (who may but need not be an officer or officers of the    7-31-63
 corporation) as the Board of Directors may from time to time      and
 designate, either directly or through such officers of the        4-23-70
 corporation as shall, by resolution of the Board of  Directors,
 be  authorized  to  designate  such  person  or  persons.    If
 authorized by  the Board of  Directors, the signatures  of such
 persons, or  any of  them, upon any  checks for the  payment of
 money  may  be  made by  engraving,  lithographing  or printing
 thereon a  facsimile  of such  signatures,  in lieu  of  actual
 signatures, and such  facsimile signatures shall have  the same
 force and effect as the manual signatures of such persons.   If
 authorized  by  the  Board  of  Directors, transfers  of  funds
 between bank  accounts of the company or  between bank accounts
 of  the  company and  bank accounts  of  its affiliates  may be
 effected without signatures or in any


 other manner deemed appropriate, and  such transfers shall have
 the  same  force  and effect  as  if  executed  with manual  or
 facsimile signatures.

       All bonds,  debentures, mortgages  and other  instruments
 requiring a  seal, when authorized  by the Board  of Directors,
 shall be signed on  behalf of the corporation by  the President
 or a  Vice President, and the seal  of the corporation shall be
 thereunto  affixed  and  attested  by   the  signature  of  the
 Secretary or an Assistant Secretary.   When a bond or debenture
 bears a trustee's certificate of authentication, the signatures
 of such officers, or  of any of them, upon any  such instrument
 may be made by engraving, lithographing or printing a facsimile
 thereof,  in  lieu  of manual  signatures,  and  such facsimile
 signatures so engraved, lithographed  or printed thereon  shall
 have the same force and effect as the manual signatures of such

       Interest coupons on bonds and  debentures shall be signed
 on behalf of the  corporation by the Treasurer or  an Assistant
 Treasurer.    Such   signatures  may  be  made   by  engraving,
 lithographing  or   printing  a  facsimile  thereof,  and  such
 facsimile signatures  shall have the  same force and  effect as
 the manual signatures of such officers.

       In case  any officer who  has signed, or  whose facsimile
 signature has been affixed to any  instrument shall cease to be
 such officer before  said instrument shall have  been delivered
 by the corporation,  the instrument may nevertheless  be issued
 and  delivered  as though  the person  who  signed it  or whose
 facsimile signature has been affixed thereto, had not ceased to
 be such officer of the corporation.

                             RECEIPT FOR SECURITIES

       41.   All receipts for stocks, bonds  or other securities
 received by the corporation shall be signed by the Treasurer or
 an Assistant Treasurer, or  by such other person or  persons as
 the Board of Directors or Executive Committee shall designate.

                                   FISCAL YEAR

       42.   The  fiscal  year  shall  begin  the  first  day of
 January in each year.


       43.   Dividends upon the capital stock of the corporation
 may be declared by the Board of Directors at any regular or


 special  meeting,  out   of  surplus  or  net  profits  of  the
 corporation legally available for such purpose.

       The  Board  of Directors  shall  have  power to  fix  and
 determine, and  from time  to time  to vary,  the amount to  be
 reserved as working  capital; to determine whether  any, and if
 any,  what part of  any, surplus shall be  declared and paid as
 dividends,  to determine the date or  dates for the declaration
 or payment of  dividends; and to  direct and determine the  use
 and disposition of any surplus.  Before payment of any dividend
 or making any  distribution of surplus  there may be set  aside
 out of  the surplus of the corporation such  sum or sums as the
 directors  from  time to  time,  in their  absolute discretion,
 think proper as  a reserve fund  to meet contingencies, or  for
 equalizing  dividends, or  for  repairing  or  maintaining  any
 property of the corporation,  or for such other purpose  as the
 directors  shall  think  conducive  to  the  interests  of  the

                           DIRECTORS' ANNUAL STATEMENT

       44.   As soon  as practicable  after  the close  of  each
 fiscal  year  the  Board  of  Directors  shall  submit  to  the
 stockholders a full  and clear  statement of  the business  and
 result  of  operations  of the  corporation  for  such previous
 fiscal  year and of its financial condition  at the end of such


       45.   Whenever  under  the  provisions  of  these By-Laws
 notice is  required to  be given  to any  director, officer  or
 stockholder,  it  shall not  be  construed to  require personal
 notice, but such notice  may be given  in writing, by mail,  by
 depositing a copy of  the same in a post office,  letter box or
 mail  chute maintained  by  the Post  Office  Department, in  a
 postpaid sealed wrapper, addressed to such stockholder, officer
 or director at his address as the  same appears on the books or
 records of the  corporation.   Such notice shall  be deemed  to
 given as of the date of such deposit as herein provided.

       A stockholder, director  or officer may waive  any notice
 required to be given to him under these By-Laws.

                             INSPECTORS OF ELECTION

       46.   At  every  meeting  of  the  stockholders  for  the
 election of  directors, two  inspectors shall  be appointed  to
 conduct such election.  No candidate for the office of director
 shall act as


 inspector at any  such election.   The inspectors so  appointed
 shall, before entering  upon the discharge of  their duties, be
 sworn  to faithfully execute  the duties  of inspector  at such


       47.   These By-Laws may be  added to, altered, amended or
 repealed by the  stockholders at any annual or special meeting,
 or by the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting;
 provided,  however,  that  any  By-Laws made  by  the  Board of
 Directors may be altered or repealed by the stockholders.

 May 25, 1993
