Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K/A

                                 Amendment No. 1

(Mark One)
      ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001

      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934    For the transition period from ____ to ____

                          Commission file number 1-4717

               (Exact name of Company as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                                     44-0663509
(State or other jurisdiction of             (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

      114 West 11th Street, Kansas City,               Missouri 64105
  (Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

         Company's telephone number, including area code (816) 983-1303

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12 (b) of the Act:

                                                    Name of each exchange on
         Title of each class                             which registered
- ----------------------------------------            ------------------------
Preferred Stock, Par Value $25 Per Share,           New York Stock Exchange
         4%, Noncumulative

Common Stock, $.01 Per Share Par Value              New York Stock Exchange

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12 (g) of the Act: None

Indicate by check mark whether the Company (1) has filed all reports required to
be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the  Company  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

YES [X]                    NO [ ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of Company's  knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy or  information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [ ]

Company  Stock.  The  Company's  common  stock is listed  on the New York  Stock
Exchange  under the  symbol  "KSU." As of March 8,  2002,  59,985,142  shares of
common stock and 242,170 shares of voting preferred stock were  outstanding.  On
such date, the aggregate  market value of the voting and  non-voting  common and
preferred stock held by non-affiliates  of the Company was approximately  $937.5
million  (amount  computed based on closing prices of preferred and common stock
on New York Stock Exchange).


Portions of the following  documents are  incorporated  herein by reference into
Part of the Form 10-K as indicated:

Document                               Part of Form 10-K into which incorporated
- ------------------------------------   -----------------------------------------
Company's Definitive Proxy Statement                               Parts I, III
for the 2002 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders, which will be filed
no later than 120 days after
December 31, 2001

Explanatory Note

In the first amendment to the Registrant's Form 10-K for the year ended December
31,  2001,  the  Registrant  hereby  amends the  unnumbered  item in Part III to
correct certain dates related to the Company's  annual meeting of  stockholders.
The  Registrant  also amends Item  14(a)(1) to correct the reference to the KPMG
LLP report date to March 28, 2002.

                                    Part III

The Company has incorporated by reference certain responses to the Items of this
Part III pursuant to Rule 12b-23 under the Exchange Act and General  Instruction
G(3) to Form 10-K.  The  Company's  definitive  proxy  statement  for the annual
meeting of stockholders  scheduled for May 2, 2002 ("Proxy  Statement")  will be
filed no later than 120 days after December 31, 2001.

Item 10.          Directors and Executive Officers of the Company

(a)   Directors of the Company

The  information  set forth in response to Item 401 of Regulation  S-K under the
heading "Proposal 1 - Election of Two Directors" and "The Board of Directors" in
the Company's  Proxy  Statement is  incorporated  herein by reference in partial
response to this Item 10.

(b)   Executive Officers of the Company

The  information  set  forth in  response  to Item 401 of  Regulation  S-K under
"Executive  Officers of the Company," an unnumbered  Item in Part I (immediately
following Item 4, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders),  of this
Form 10-K is incorporated  herein by reference in partial  response to this Item

(c)   Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act

The  information  set forth in response to Item 405 of Regulation  S-K under the
heading  "Section  16(a)  Beneficial  Ownership  Reporting  Compliance"  in  the
Company's  Proxy  Statement  is  incorporated  herein by  reference  in  partial
response to this Item 10.

Item 11.    Executive Compensation

The  information  set  forth in  response  to Item 402 of  Regulation  S-K under
"Management  Compensation"  and  "The  Board of  Directors  --  Compensation  of
Directors" in the Company's Proxy  Statement,  (other than the  Compensation and
Organization   Committee   Report  on  Executive   Compensation  and  the  Stock
Performance Graph), is incorporated by reference in response to this Item 11.

Item 12.    Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

The  information  set forth in response to Item 403 of Regulation  S-K under the
heading  "Principal  Stockholders and Stock Owned  Beneficially by Directors and
Certain  Executive   Officers"  in  the  Company's  Proxy  Statement  is  hereby
incorporated by reference in response to this Item 12.

The Company has no knowledge of any  arrangement the operation of which may at a
subsequent date result in a change of control of the Company.

Item 13.    Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

The  information  set forth in response to Item 404 of Regulation  S-K under the
heading "Compensation  Committee Interlocks and Insider  Participation;  Certain
Relationships  and Related  Transactions"  in the Company's  Proxy  Statement is
incorporated by reference in response to this Item 13.

Page 1

                                     Part IV

Item 14.    Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K

(a)   List of Documents filed as part of this Report

(1)   Financial Statements

The financial statements and related notes, together with the report of KPMG LLP
dated  March 28, 2002 and the report of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP dated March
22, 2001, appear in Part II Item 8, Financial Statements and Supplementary Data,
of the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001.

(2)   Financial Statement Schedules

The  schedules  and  exhibits  for  which  provision  is made in the  applicable
accounting  regulation of the Securities and Exchange  Commission appear in Part
II Item 8,  Financial  Statements  and  Supplementary  Data,  under the Index to
Financial Statements of the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001.

(3)   List of Exhibits

(a)   Exhibits

The Company has  incorporated by reference  herein certain exhibits as specified
below pursuant to Rule 12b-32 under the Exchange Act.

(2)   Plan of acquisition, reorganization, arrangement, liquidation or
      succession (Inapplicable)

(3)   Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

      Articles of Incorporation

      3.1   Exhibit  3.1 to the  Company's  Registration  Statement  on Form S-4
            originally filed January 25, 2001 (Registration No.  333-54262),  as
            amended  and  declared   effective  on  March  15,  2001  (the  "S-4
            Registration Statement"),  Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as
            amended, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 3.1


      3.2   Exhibit 3.2 to the  Company's  Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March
            31, 2001 (Commission  File No. 1-4717),  The Company's  By-Laws,  as
            amended  and  restated  to May 2, 2001,  is hereby  incorporated  by
            reference as Exhibit 3.2

(4)   Instruments Defining the Right of Security Holders, Including Indentures

      4.1   The Fourth, Seventh, Eighth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth,
            Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth paragraphs of Exhibit 3.1 hereto
            are incorporated by reference as Exhibit 4.1

      4.2   Article I, Sections 1, 3 and 11 of Article II, Article V and Article
            VIII of Exhibit 3.2 hereto are  incorporated by reference as Exhibit

Page 2

      4.3   The Indenture,  dated July 1, 1992 between the Company and The Chase
            Manhattan Bank (the "1992 Indenture") which is attached as Exhibit 4
            to  the  Company's  Shelf  Registration  of  $300  million  of  Debt
            Securities  on Form  S-3  filed  June  19,  1992  (Registration  No.
            33-47198) and as Exhibit 4(a) to the Company's  Form S-3 filed March
            29, 1993  (Registration  No.  33-60192)  registering $200 million of
            Debt Securities, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 4.3

      4.3.1 Exhibit 4.5.1 to the  Company's  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
            December  31,  1999  (Commission  File  No.  1-4717),   Supplemental
            Indenture dated December 17, 1999 to the 1992 Indenture with respect
            to the 7.875%  Notes Due July 1, 2002  issued  pursuant  to the 1992
            Indenture, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 4.3.1

      4.3.2 Exhibit 4.5.2 to the  Company's  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
            December  31,  1999  (Commission  File  No.  1-4717),   Supplemental
            Indenture dated December 17, 1999 to the 1992 Indenture with respect
            to the 6.625%  Notes Due March 1, 2005  issued  pursuant to the 1992
            Indenture, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 4.3.2

      4.3.3 Exhibit 4.5.3 to the  Company's  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
            December  31,  1999  (Commission  File  No.  1-4717),   Supplemental
            Indenture dated December 17, 1999 to the 1992 Indenture with respect
            to the 8.8%  Debentures Due July 1, 2022 issued pursuant to the 1992
            Indenture, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 4.3.3

      4.3.4 Exhibit 4.5.4 to the  Company's  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
            December  31,  1999  (Commission  File  No.  1-4717),   Supplemental
            Indenture dated December 17, 1999 to the 1992 Indenture with respect
            to the 7%  Debentures  Due December 15, 2025 issued  pursuant to the
            1992 Indenture, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 4.3.4

      4.4   Exhibit  99 to  the  Company's  Form  8-A  dated  October  24,  1995
            (Commission  File  No.  1-4717),  which  is the  Stockholder  Rights
            Agreement  by and between  the Company and Harris  Trust and Savings
            Bank dated as of  September  19,  1995,  is hereby  incorporated  by
            reference as Exhibit 4.4

      4.5   Exhibit   4.1   to  the   Company's   S-4   Registration   Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262),  the Indenture,  dated as of September
            27,  2000,  among the  Company,  The Kansas  City  Southern  Railway
            Company ("KCSR"),  certain other subsidiaries of the Company and The
            Bank of New York,  as  trustee  (the  "2000  Indenture"),  is hereby
            incorporated by reference as Exhibit 4.5

      4.5.1 Exhibit   4.1.1  to  the  Company's   S-4   Registration   Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262),  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as of
            January 29, 2001, to the 2000  Indenture,  among the Company,  KCSR,
            certain other  subsidiaries of the Company and The Bank of New York,
            as trustee, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 4.5.1

      4.6   Form of Exchange Note (included as Exhibit B to Exhibit 4.5.1

      4.7   Exhibit 4.3 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262), the Exchange and Registration Rights
            Agreement, dated as of September 27, 2000, among the Company, KCSR,
            certain other subsidiaries of the Company, is hereby incorporated by
            reference as Exhibit 4.7

(9)   Voting Trust Agreement

Page 3

(10)  Material Contracts

    10.1    Form of Officer Indemnification Agreement is attached to the Form
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 as Exhibit 10.1

    10.2    Form of  Director  Indemnification  Agreement  is attached to the
            Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 as Exhibit 10.2

    10.3    The 1992 Indenture (See Exhibit 4.3)

    10.4.1  Supplemental  Indenture dated December 17, 1999 to the 1992
            Indenture with respect to the 7.875%  Notes Due July 1, 2002 issued
            pursuant to the 1992 Indenture (See Exhibit 4.3.1)

    10.4.2  Supplemental Indenture dated December 17, 1999 to the 1992 Indenture
            with respect to the 6.625%  Notes Due March 1, 2005 issued  pursuant
            to the 1992 Indenture (See Exhibit 4.3.2)

    10.4.3  Supplemental Indenture dated December 17, 1999 to the 1992 Indenture
            with respect to the 8.8% Debentures Due July 1, 2022 issued pursuant
            to the 1992 Indenture (See Exhibit 4.3.3)

    10.4.4  Supplemental Indenture dated December 17, 1999 to the 1992 Indenture
            with  respect to the 7%  Debentures  Due  December  15,  2025 issued
            pursuant to the 1992 Indenture (See Exhibit 4.3.4)

    10.5    Exhibit 10.1 to the  Company's  Form 10-Q for the period ended March
            31, 1997  (Commission  File No.  1-4717),  The Kansas City  Southern
            Railway Company  Directors'  Deferred Fee Plan as adopted August 20,
            1982 and the  amendment  thereto  effective  March 19,  1997 to such
            plan, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.5

    10.6    Exhibit  10.4 to the  Company's  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
            December 31, 1990 (Commission  File No. 1-4717),  Description of the
            Company's 1991 incentive  compensation plan, is hereby  incorporated
            by reference as Exhibit 10.6

    10.7    Exhibit  10.18 to the  Company's  Form  10-K/A  for the  year  ended
            December 31, 1996 (Commission File No. 1-4717),  Directors  Deferred
            Fee Plan,  adopted August 20, 1982, amended and restated February 1,
            1997, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.7

    10.8    Exhibit 4.4 to the Company's Form S-8 filed April 4, 2001
            (Registration No. 333-58250), Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc.
            1991 Amended and Restated Stock Option and Performance Award Plan,
            as amended and restated effective as of February 27, 2001, is hereby
            incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.8

    10.9    Exhibit 10.8 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262), Tax Disaffiliation Agreement, dated
            October 23, 1995, by and between the Company and DST Systems, Inc.,
            is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.9

    10.10   Exhibit 4.8 to the Company's Form S-8 filed on December 14, 2000
            (Registration No. 333-51854), the Kansas City Southern Industries,
            Inc. 401(k) and Profit Sharing Plan, is hereby incorporated by
            reference as Exhibit 10.10

    10.11   Exhibit 10.10 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262), the Assignment, Consent and Acceptance
            Agreement, dated August 10, 1999, by and among the Company, DST
            Systems, Inc. and Stilwell Financial, Inc., is hereby incorporated
            by reference as Exhibit 10.11

Page 4

    10.12   Employment Agreement, as amended and restated January 1, 2001, by
            and among the Company, KCSR and Michael R. Haverty, is attached to
            the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 as Exhibit 10.12

    10.13   Exhibit 10.14 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262), Employment Agreement, dated January 1,
            1999, by and among the Company, KCSR and Gerald K. Davies, is hereby
            incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.13

    10.13.1 Amendment to Employment Agreement, dated as of January 1, 2001, by
            and among the Company, KCSR and Gerald K. Davies is attached to the
            Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 as Exhibit 10.13.1

    10.14   Employment Agreement, as amended and restated January 1, 2001, by
            and between the Company and Robert H. Berry, is attached to the Form
            10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 as Exhibit 10.14

    10.15   Employment Agreement, as amended and restated effective as of
            January 1, 2001, between the Company, KCSR and Albert W. Rees is
            attached to the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001
            as Exhibit 10.15

    10.16   Employment  Agreement  dated as of August 1, 2001, as amended by the
            Amendment to Employment Agreement dated as of August 1, 2001, by and
            among the Company,  KCSR and William J. Pinamont, is attached to the
            Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 as Exhibit 10.16

    10.17   Exhibit 10.18 to the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December
            31, 1998 (Commission File No. 1-4717), Kansas City Southern
            Industries, Inc. Executive Plan, as amended and restated effective
            November 17, 1998, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit

    10.18   Exhibit 10.19 to the Company's Form 10-K/A for the year ended
            December 31, 1998 (Commission File No. 1-4717), Stock Purchase
            Agreement, dated April 13, 1984, by and among Kansas City Southern
            Industries, Inc., Thomas H. Bailey, William C. Mangus, Bernard E.
            Niedermeyer III, Michael Stolper, and Jack R. Thompson is hereby
            incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.18

    10.18.1 Exhibit 10.19.1 to the Company's Form 10-K/A for the year ended
            December 31, 1998 (Commission File No. 1-4717), Amendment to Stock
            Purchase Agreement, dated January 4, 1985, by and among Kansas City
            Southern Industries, Inc., Thomas H. Bailey, Bernard E. Niedermeyer
            III, Michael Stolper, and Jack R. Thompson is hereby incorporated by
            reference as Exhibit 10.18.1

    10.18.2 Exhibit 10.19.2 to the Company's Form 10-K/A for the year ended
            December 31, 1998 (Commission File No. 1-4717), Second Amendment to
            Stock Purchase Agreement, dated March 18, 1988, by and among Kansas
            City Southern Industries, Inc., Thomas H. Bailey, Michael Stolper,
            and Jack R. Thompson is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit

    10.18.3 Exhibit 10.19.3 to the Company's Form 10-K/A for the year ended
            December 31, 1998 (Commission File No. 1-4717), Third Amendment to
            Stock Purchase Agreement, dated February 5, 1990, by and among
            Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc., Thomas H. Bailey, Michael
            Stolper, and Jack R. Thompson is hereby incorporated by reference as
            Exhibit 10.18.3

    10.18.4 Exhibit 10.19.4 to the Company's Form 10-K/A for the year ended
            December 31, 1998 (Commission File No. 1-4717), Fourth Amendment to
            Stock Purchase Agreement, dated January 1, 1991, by and among Kansas
            City Southern Industries, Inc., Thomas H. Bailey, Michael Stolper,
            and Jack R. Thompson is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit

    10.18.5 Exhibit 10.19.5 to the Company's Form 10-K/A for the year ended
            December 31, 1998 (Commission File No. 1-4717), Assignment and
            Assumption Agreement and Fifth Amendment to Stock Purchase
            Agreement, dated November 19, 1999, by and among Kansas City
            Southern Industries, Inc., Stilwell Financial, Inc., Thomas H.
            Bailey and Michael Stolper  is hereby incorporated by reference as
            Exhibit 10.18.5

    10.19   Exhibit 10.19 to the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December
            31, 1999 (Commission File No. 1-4717),  Credit Agreement dated as of
            January 11, 2000 among Kansas City Southern  Industries,  Inc.,  The
            Kansas City Southern  Railway  Company and the lenders named therein
            (the "Credit  Agreement"),  is hereby  incorporated  by reference as
            Exhibit 10.19

Page 5

    10.19.1 Exhibit  10.20.1  to the  Company's  S-4  Registration  Statement
            (Registration  No.   333-54262),   First  Amendment  to  the  Credit
            Agreement,  dated as of June 30, 2000, among the Company,  KCSR, the
            lenders   parties   thereto  and  The  Chase   Manhattan   Bank,  as
            administrative  agent,  collateral agent, issuing bank and swingline
            lender, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.19.1

    10.20   Exhibit 10.20 to Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,
            1999 (Commission File No. 1-4717),  364-day  Competitive Advance and
            Revolving  Credit  Facility  Agreement  dated as of January 11, 2000
            among Kansas City  Southern  Industries,  Inc. and the lenders named
            therein (the "Revolving Credit Facility"), is hereby incorporated by
            reference as Exhibit 10.20

    10.21   Exhibit 10.21 to Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,
            1999 (Commission File No. 1-4717), Assignment, Assumption and
            Amendment Agreement dated as of January 11, 2000, among Kansas City
            Southern Industries, Inc., Stilwell Financial, Inc. and The Chase
            Manhattan Bank, as agent for the lenders named in the Revolving
            Credit Facility, is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit

    10.22   The 2000 Indenture (See Exhibit 4.5)

    10.23   Supplemental Indenture, dated as of January 29, 2001, to the 2000
            Indenture (See Exhibit 4.5.1)

    10.24   Exhibit 10.23 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262), Intercompany Agreement, dated as of
            August 16, 1999, between the Company and Stilwell Financial Inc., is
            hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.24

    10.25   Exhibit 10.24 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262), Tax Disaffiliation Agreement, dated as
            of August 16, 1999, between the Company and Stilwell Financial Inc.,
            is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.25

    10.26   Exhibit 10.25 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333- 54262), Pledge Agreement, dated as of January
            11, 2000,  among the Company,  KCSR, the  subsidiary  pledgors party
            thereto  and The Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  as  Collateral  Agent (the
            "Pledge Agreement"),  is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit

    10.27   Exhibit 10.26 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration  No.  333-54262),  Guarantee  Agreement,  dated  as of
            January 11, 2000, among the Company, the subsidiary guarantors party
            thereto  and The Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  as  Collateral  Agent (the
            "Guarantee  Agreement"),  is hereby  incorporated  by  reference  as
            Exhibit 10.27

    10.28   Exhibit   10.27  to  the  Company's   S-4   Registration   Statement
            (Registration  No.  333-54262),  Security  Agreement,  dated  as  of
            January 11, 2000, among the Company, KCSR, the subsidiary guarantors
            party thereto and The Chase Manhattan Bank, as Collateral Agent (the
            "Security  Agreement"),  is  hereby  incorporated  by  reference  as
            Exhibit 10.28

    10.29   Exhibit 10.28 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration   No.   333-54262),    Indemnity,    Subrogation   and
            Contribution  Agreement,  dated as of January  11,  2000,  among the
            Company, KCSR, the subsidiary guarantors party thereto and The Chase
            Manhattan Bank, as Collateral Agent (the "Indemnity, Subrogation and
            Contribution  Agreement"),  is hereby  incorporated  by reference as
            Exhibit 10.29

    10.30   Exhibit 10.29 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262), Supplement No. 1, dated as of January
            29, 2001, to the Pledge Agreement, among PABTEX GP, LLC, SIS Bulk
            Holding, Inc. and The Chase Manhattan Bank, as Collateral Agent, is
            hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.30

Page 6

    10.31   Exhibit 10.30 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262), Supplement No. 1, dated as of January
            29, 2001, to the Guarantee Agreement, among PABTEX GP, LLC, SIS Bulk
            Holding, Inc. and The Chase Manhattan Bank, as Collateral Agent, is
            hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.31

    10.32   Exhibit 10.31 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262), Supplement No. 1, dated as of January
            29, 2001, to the Security Agreement, among PABTEX GP, LLC, SIS Bulk
            Holding, Inc. and The Chase Manhattan Bank, as Collateral Agent, is
            hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit 10.32

    10.33   Exhibit 10.32 to the Company's S-4 Registration Statement
            (Registration No. 333-54262), Supplement No. 1, dated as of January
            29, 2001, to the Indemnity, Subrogation and Contribution Agreement,
            among PABTEX GP, LLC, SIS Bulk Holding, Inc. and The Chase Manhattan
            Bank, as Collateral Agent, is hereby incorporated by reference as
            Exhibit 10.33

    10.34   Lease  Agreement,  as  amended,  between  The Kansas  City  Southern
            Railway Company and Broadway Square Partners LLP dated June 26, 2001
            is attached to the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001
            as Exhibit 10.34

(11)  Statement Re Computation of Per Share Earnings

(12)  Statements Re Computation of Ratios

      12.1  The  Computation  of Ratio of  Earnings  to Fixed  Charges  prepared
            pursuant to Item  601(b)(12)  of  Regulation  S-K is attached to the
            Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 as Exhibit 12.1

(13)  Annual Report to Security Holders, Form 10-Q or Quarterly Report to
      Security Holders

(16)  Letter Re Change in Certifying Accountant

      16.1  The  information  set forth  under  Item 4 and  Exhibit  16.1 of the
            Company's Form 8-K dated June 20, 2001  (Commission File No. 1-4717)
            prepared  pursuant  to Item  304  (a) of  Regulation  S-K is  hereby
            incorporated by reference as Exhibit 16.1

(18)  Letter Re Change in Accounting Principles

(21)  Subsidiaries of the Company

      21.1  The list of the Subsidiaries of the Company prepared pursuant to
            Item 601(b)(21) of Regulation S-K is attached to the Form 10-K for
            the year ended December 31, 2001 as Exhibit 21.1

(22)  Published Report Regarding Matters Submitted to Vote of Security Holders

Page 7

(23)  Consents of Experts and Counsel

      23.1  The Consents of Independent Accountants prepared pursuant to Item
            601(b)(23) of Regulation S-K are attached to the Form 10-K for the
            year ended December 31, 2001 as Exhibit 23.1

(24)  Power of Attorney

(99)  Additional Exhibits

      99.1  The  consolidated   financial  statements  of  Grupo  Transportacion
            Ferroviaria Mexicana,  S.A. de C.V. (including the notes thereto and
            the Report of  Independent  Accountants  thereon) as of December 31,
            2001 and 2000 and for each of the three  years in the  period  ended
            December 31, 2001 as listed under Item 14(a)(2)  herein,  are hereby
            included in the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 as
            Exhibit 99.1

(b)   Reports on Form 8-K

      The Company  furnished a Current Report on Form 8-K dated October 10, 2001
      announcing  the  date of its  third  quarter  2001  earnings  release  and
      conference  call. The information  included in this Current Report on Form
      8-K was furnished pursuant to Item 9 and shall not be deemed to be filed.

      The Company  furnished a Current Report on Form 8-K dated October 31, 2001
      reporting  its third  quarter  2001  operating  results.  The  information
      included in this Current Report on Form 8-K was furnished pursuant to Item
      9 and shall not be deemed to be filed.

      The Company filed a Current Report on Form 8-K on December 11, 2001, under
      Item 5 of such form, providing  cautionary  statements for purposes of the
      "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities  Legislation Reform Act
      of 1995.

      The Company  furnished a Current  Report on Form 8-K dated January 7, 2002
      announcing  the date of its fourth  quarter and year end earnings  release
      and conference  call. The  information  included in this Current Report on
      Form 8-K was  furnished  pursuant  to Item 9 and shall not be deemed to be

      The Company filed a Current Report on Form 8-K on January 15, 2002,  under
      Item 5 of such form,  announcing  that Mexican  courts have agreed to hear
      the legal  actions  initiated by a subsidiary  of the Company  challenging
      certain resolutions adopted by Grupo TFM.

      The Company  furnished a Current Report on Form 8-K dated January 31, 2002
      reporting its fourth quarter and year to date 2001 operating results.  The
      information  included  in this  Current  Report on Form 8-K was  furnished
      pursuant to Item 9 and shall not be deemed to be filed.

Page 8


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Company
has duly  caused  this  report  to be signed  on its  behalf by the  undersigned
thereunto duly authorized and in the capacities indicated on April 2, 2002.

Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc.

                              /s/ Louis G. Van Horn
                                Louis G. Van Horn

                         Vice President and Comptroller

                         (Principal Accounting Officer)

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