Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc.

                        1991 Amended and Restated Stock Option
                              and Performance Award Plan

                 (as amended and restated effective as of May 6, 1999)


                                   Table of Contents

Article                                                                    Page

1.  Amendment and Restatement, Effective Date, Objectives and Duration.........1

2.  Definitions................................................................1

3.  Administration.............................................................8

4.  Shares Subject to the Plan and Maximum Awards.............................10

5.  Eligibility and General Conditions of Awards..............................11

6.  Stock Options.............................................................15

7.  Stock Appreciation Rights and Limited Stock Appreciation Rights...........17

8.  Restricted Shares.........................................................19

9.  Performance Units and Performance Shares..................................20

10.  Bonus Shares.............................................................21

11.  Beneficiary Designation..................................................21

12.  Deferrals................................................................21

13.  Rights of Employees/Directors/Consultants................................21

14.  Change of Control........................................................22

15.  Amendment, Modification, and Termination.................................23

16.  Withholding..............................................................23

17.  Successors...............................................................24

18.  Additional Provisions....................................................25

                         KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN INDUSTRIES, INC.
                        1991 AMENDED AND RESTATED STOCK OPTION
                              AND PERFORMANCE AWARD PLAN

Article I.  Amendment and Restatement, Effective Date, Objectives and Duration

        1.1  Amendment  and  Restatement  of  the  Plan.  Kansas  City  Southern
Industries,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  hereby  amends,
restates and combines the Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. 1991 Amended and
Restated Stock Option and Performance  Award Plan (as amended through  September
18, 1997),  the Kansas City Southern  Industries,  Inc.  1993  Directors'  Stock
Option Plan (the "1993 Plan"),  the Kansas City Southern  Industries,  Inc. 1987
Stock  Option Plan (as amended  September  26,  1996) (the "1987  Plan") and the
Kansas  City  Southern  Industries,  Inc.  1983 Stock  Option  Plan (as  amended
September 26, 1996) (the "1983 Plan"), as set forth herein,  and as the same may
be amended from time to time (the "Plan"). The Plan, as so amended, restated and
combined,  has been  adopted  by the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company  (the
"Board") and approved by the stockholders of the Company, and shall be effective
as of July 15, 1998 (the "Effective Date").

        1.2  Objectives  of the Plan.  The Plan is intended to allow  employees,
directors  and  consultants  of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  to acquire or
increase equity ownership in the Company, thereby strengthening their commitment
to the  success of the Company and  stimulating  their  efforts on behalf of the
Company,  and to assist the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  in  attracting  new
employees, directors and consultants and retaining existing employees, directors
and  consultants.  The Plan also is intended to optimize the  profitability  and
growth of the Company through incentives which are consistent with the Company's
goals; to provide  employees,  directors and  consultants  with an incentive for
excellence in individual  performance;  and to promote teamwork among employees,
directors and consultants.

        1.3 Duration of the Plan.  The Plan shall  remain in effect,  subject to
the right of the Board to amend or  terminate  the Plan at any time  pursuant to
Article 15 hereof,  until all Shares  subject to it shall have been purchased or
acquired  according  to the  Plan's  provisions.  However,  in no  event  may an
Incentive  Stock Option be granted  under the Plan on or after the date 10 years
following the earlier of (i) the date the Plan was adopted and (ii) the date the
Plan was approved by the stockholders of the Company.

Article 2.  Definitions

        Whenever used in the Plan,  the following  terms shall have the meanings
set forth below:

        2.1 "Article" means an Article of the Plan.

        2.2  "Award"  means  Options   (including   Incentive   Stock  Options),
Restricted Shares, Bonus Shares, stock appreciation rights (SARs), limited stock
appreciation  rights (LSARs),  Performance  Units or Performance  Shares granted
under the Plan.


        2.3 "Award  Agreement"  means the  written  agreement  by which an Award
shall be evidenced.

        2.4 "Board" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.1.

        2.5 "Bonus  Shares"  means Shares that are awarded to a Grantee  without
cost and  without  restrictions  in  recognition  of past  performance  (whether
determined  by  reference  to another  employee  benefit  plan of the Company or
otherwise)  or as an incentive to become an employee,  director or consultant of
the Company or a Subsidiary.

        2.6    "Cause" means, unless otherwise defined in an Award Agreement,

               (i) before the occurrence of a Change of Control, any one or more
of the following, as determined by the Committee:

                      (A) a  Grantee's  commission  of a  crime  which,  in  the
        judgment of the Committee,  resulted or is likely to result in damage or
        injury to the Company or a Subsidiary;

                      (B) the  material  violation  by the  Grantee  of  written
policies of the Company or a Subsidiary;

                      (C) the habitual  neglect or failure by the Grantee in the
        performance  of his or her duties to the  Company or a  Subsidiary  (but
        only if such  neglect  or failure is not  remedied  within a  reasonable
        remedial  period  after  Grantee's  receipt of written  notice  from the
        Company which describes such neglect or failure in reasonable detail and
        specifies the remedial period); or

                      (D) action or inaction by the Grantee in  connection  with
        his or her  duties to the  Company  or a  Subsidiary  resulting,  in the
        judgment  of the  Committee,  in  material  injury to the  Company  or a
        Subsidiary; and

               (ii) from and after the  occurrence  of a Change of Control,  the
occurrence of any one or more of the following,  as determined in the good faith
and reasonable judgment of the Committee:

                      (A) Grantee's  conviction  for committing an act of fraud,
        embezzlement,  theft, or any other act  constituting a felony  involving
        moral  turpitude  or causing  material  damage or injury,  financial  or
        otherwise, to the Company;

                      (B) a  demonstrably  willful and deliberate act or failure
        to act which is committed in bad faith,  without  reasonable belief that
        such action or inaction is in the best  interests of the Company,  which
        causes material damage or injury, financial or otherwise, to the Company
        (but only if such act or  inaction  is not  remedied  within 15 business
        days of


        Grantee's  receipt of written  notice  from the  Company  which
        describes the act or inaction in reasonable detail); or

                      (C) the  consistent  gross neglect of duties or consistent
        wanton  negligence  by the Grantee in the  performance  of the Grantee's
        duties (but only if such neglect or negligence is not remedied  within a
        reasonable  remedial  period after  Grantee's  receipt of written notice
        from  the  Company  which   describes  such  neglect  or  negligence  in
        reasonable detail and specifies the remedial period).

        2.7  "Change of Control" means, unless otherwise defined in an Award
Agreement, any one or more of the following:

               (i) the  acquisition or holding by any person,  entity or "group"
(within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the 1934 Act), other than
by the Company or any Subsidiary or any employee  benefit plan of the Company or
a Subsidiary,  of beneficial  ownership  (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under
the  1934  Act) of 20% or  more  of the  then-outstanding  Common  Stock  or the
then-outstanding Voting Power of the Company; provided,  however, that no Change
of Control shall occur solely by reason of any such acquisition by a corporation
with  respect  to  which,  after  such  acquisition,  more  than 60% of both the
then-outstanding  common  shares and the  then-outstanding  Voting Power of such
corporation are then beneficially owned, directly or indirectly,  by the persons
who were the beneficial owners of the  then-outstanding  Common Stock and Voting
Power of the Company  immediately before such acquisition,  in substantially the
same  proportions  as  their  respective  ownership,   immediately  before  such
acquisition,  of the  then-outstanding  Common  Stock  and  Voting  Power of the
Company; or

               (ii)  individuals  who, as of the Effective Date,  constitute the
Board (the "Incumbent Board") cease for any reason to constitute at least 75% of
the  Board;  provided  that any  individual  who  becomes a  director  after the
Effective  Date whose  election or  nomination  for  election  by the  Company's
stockholders  was approved by at least 75% of the Incumbent Board (other than an
election or nomination of an individual whose initial assumption of office is in
connection  with an actual or  threatened  "election  contest"  relating  to the
election of the  directors of the Company (as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11
under the 1934 Act) or "tender  offer" (as such term is used in Section 14(d) of
the 1934 Act) or a proposed Extraordinary  Transaction (as defined below)) shall
be deemed to be a member of the Incumbent Board; or

               (iii) approval by the  stockholders  of the Company of any one or
more of the following:

                      (A) a merger,  reorganization,  consolidation  or similar
transaction (any of the foregoing, an "Extraordinary Transaction") with respect
to which persons who were the respective beneficial owners of the then-
outstanding  Common  Stock and Voting  Power of the  Company immediately  before
such   Extraordinary   Transaction   would  not,  if  such Extraordinary
Transaction  were  to  be  consummated  immediately  after  such stockholder
approval (but otherwise in accordance with the terms presented in writing to the
stockholders  of the Company for their


approval),  beneficially own, directly or indirectly,  more than 60% of both the
then-outstanding  common  shares and the  then-outstanding  Voting  Power of the
corporation resulting from such Extraordinary Transaction,  in substantially the
same  proportions  as  their  respective  ownership,   immediately  before  such
Extraordinary Transaction, of the then-outstanding Common Stock and Voting Power
of the Company,

                      (B) a liquidation or dissolution of the Company, or

                      (C) the sale or other  disposition of all or substantially
all of the assets of the Company in one transaction or a series of related

        2.8    "Change of Control Value" means the Fair Market Value of a Share
on the date of a Change of Control.

        2.9 "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time
to time,  and  regulations  and rulings  thereunder.  References to a particular
section of the Code include  references  to successor  provisions of the Code or
any successor code.

        2.10 "Committee,"  "Plan Committee" and "Management  Committee" have the
meaning set forth in Article 3.

        2.11 "Common Stock" means the common stock, $.01 par value, of the

        2.12 "Company" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.1.

        2.13  "Covered  Employee"  means a Grantee  who, as of the date that the
value of an Award is  recognizable  as  taxable  income,  is one of the group of
"covered employees," within the meaning of Code Section 162(m).

        2.14 "Disability" means, unless otherwise defined in an Award Agreement,
for purposes of the exercise of an Incentive  Stock Option after  Termination of
Affiliation,  a disability  within the meaning of Section  22(e)(3) of the Code,
and for all other purposes, means total disability as determined for purposes of
the long term disability plan of KCSI or any Subsidiary or other employer of the
Grantee and disability  shall be deemed to occur for purposes of the Plan on the
date such determination of disability is made.

        2.15 "Disqualifying Disposition" has the meaning set forth in Section

        2.16 "Effective Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.1.

        2.17 "Eligible Person" means (i) any employee (including any officer) of
the Company or any Subsidiary, including any such employee who is on an approved
leave of absence,  layoff,  or has been subject to a  disability  which does not
qualify as a Disability,  (ii) any director of the Company or any Subsidiary and
(iii) any person  performing  services  for the Company or a


Subsidiary  in the capacity of a consultant.

        2.18  "Exchange  Act"  means the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
amended from time to time.  References  to a particular  section of the Exchange
Act include references to successor provisions.

        2.19  "Extraordinary  Transaction"  has the meaning set forth in Section

        2.20 "Fair Market  Value"  means (A) with respect to any property  other
than Shares,  the fair market value of such property  determined by such methods
or procedures as shall be established  from time to time by the  Committee,  and
(B) with respect to Shares, unless otherwise determined by the Committee,  as of
any date,  (i) the  average  of the high and low  trading  prices on the date of
determination  on the New York  Stock  Exchange  (or,  if no sale of Shares  was
reported for such date, on the next preceding date on which a sale of Shares was
reported); (ii) if the Shares are not listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the
average of the high and low trading  prices of the Shares on such other national
exchange  on which the  Shares  are  principally  traded or as  reported  by the
National Market System,  or similar  organization,  or if no such quotations are
available,  the  average  of the  high  bid  and  low  asked  quotations  in the
over-the-counter   market  as  reported  by  the   National   Quotation   Bureau
Incorporated or similar organizations; or (iii) in the event that there shall be
no  public  market  for the  Shares,  the fair  market  value of the  Shares  as
determined by the Committee.

        2.21  "Freestanding  SAR" means an SAR that is granted  independently of
any other Award.

        2.22  "Good  Reason"  means,   unless  otherwise  defined  in  an  Award
Agreement,  the occurrence after a Change of Control,  without a Grantee's prior
written consent, of any one or more of the following:

               (i) the assignment to the Grantee of any duties which result in a
        material  adverse change in the Grantee's  position  (including  status,
        offices,  titles,  and reporting  requirements),  authority,  duties, or
        other  responsibilities  with the  Company,  or any other  action of the
        Company which  results in a material  adverse  change in such  position,
        authority, duties, or responsibilities,  other than an insubstantial and
        inadvertent  action  which is  remedied by the  Company  promptly  after
        receipt of notice thereof given by the Grantee,

               (ii) any  relocation  of the  Grantee of more than 40 miles from
        the place  where the Grantee was located at the time of the Change of
        Control, or

               (iii) a material reduction or elimination of any component of the
        Grantee's  rate of  compensation,  including  (x) base  salary,  (y) any
        incentive  payment or (z) benefits or perquisites  which the Grantee was
        receiving immediately prior to a Change of Control.

        2.23 "Grant Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 5.2.


        2.24 "Grantee" means an individual who has been granted an Award.

        2.25 "Incentive Stock Option" means an option granted under Article 6 of
the Plan that is intended to meet the requirements of Section 422 of the Code or
any successor provisions thereto.

        2.26 "including" or "includes" means "including, without limitation," or
"includes, without limitation," respectively.

        2.27 "LSAR" means a limited stock appreciation right.

        2.28 "Mature  Shares" means Shares for which the holder thereof has good
title,  free and clear of all  liens and  encumbrances,  and which  such  holder
either  (i) has held for at least six months or (ii) has  purchased  on the open

        2.29 "Minimum  Consideration"  means $.01 per Share or such other amount
that is from time to time  considered  to be capital for purposes of Section 154
of the Delaware General Corporation Law.

        2.30   "Option" means an option granted under Article 6 of the Plan.

        2.31   "Option Price" means the price at which a Share may be purchased
by a Grantee pursuant to an Option.

        2.32  "Option  Term" means the period  beginning on the Grant Date of an
Option and ending on the  expiration  date of such  Option,  as specified in the
Award  Agreement for such Option and as may,  consistent  with the provisions of
the Plan, be extended from time to time by the Committee prior to the expiration
date of such Option then in effect.

        2.33   "Outside Director" means a member of the Board who is not an
employee of the Company or any Subsidiary.

        2.34 "Performance-Based Exception" means the performance-based exception
from the tax deductibility limitations of Code Section 162(m).

        2.35 "Performance Period" has the meaning set forth in Section 9.2.

        2.36 "Performance Share" or "Performance Unit" has the meaning set forth
in Article 9.

        2.37 "Period of Restriction"  means the period during which the transfer
of  Restricted  Shares is  limited in some way (the  length of the period  being
based on the passage of time, the achievement of performance  goals, or upon the
occurrence of other events as determined by the  Committee),  and the Shares are
subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture, as provided in


Article 8.

        2.38  "Person"  shall have the meaning  ascribed to such term in Section
3(a)(9)  of the  Exchange  Act and used in  Sections  13(d) and  14(d)  thereof,
including a "group" as defined in Section 13(d) thereof.

        2.39 "Plan" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.1.

        2.40 "Required Withholding" has the meaning set forth in Article 16.

        2.41 "Restricted  Shares" means Shares that are subject to forfeiture if
the Grantee does not satisfy the  conditions  specified  in the Award  Agreement
applicable to such Shares.

        2.42 "Retirement" means for any Grantee who is an employee,  Termination
of  Affiliation  by the  Grantee  upon  either  (i)  having  both  attained  age
fifty-five  (55) and  completed  at least  ten (10)  years of  service  with the
Company  or a  Subsidiary  or (ii)  meeting  such other  requirements  as may be
specified by the Committee.

        2.43 "Rule  16b-3"  means Rule  16b-3  promulgated  by the SEC under the
Exchange Act, as amended from time to time, together with any successor rule, as
in effect from time to time.

        2.44 "SAR" means a stock appreciation right.

        2.45 "SEC" means the United States  Securities and Exchange  Commission,
or any successor thereto.

        2.46 "Section" means, unless the context otherwise  requires,  a Section
of the Plan.

        2.47   "Section  16 Person"  means a person who is subject to potential
liability  under  Section 16(b)  of the 1934 Act with respect to transactions
involving equity securities of the Company.

        2.48 "Share" means a share of Common Stock.

        2.49 "Strike Price" of any SAR shall equal,  for any Tandem SAR (whether
such Tandem SAR is granted at the same time as or after the grant of the related
Option), the Option Price of such Option, or for any other SAR, 100% of the Fair
Market  Value  of a Share  on the  Grant  Date of such  SAR;  provided  that the
Committee may specify a higher Strike Price in the Award Agreement.

        2.50  "Subsidiary"  means,  for  purposes of grants of  Incentive  Stock
Options,  a  corporation  as  defined  in  Section  424(f) of the Code (with the
Company  being  treated  as  the  employer  corporation  for  purposes  of  this
definition) and, for all other purposes,  a United States or foreign corporation
with respect to which the Company  owns,  directly or  indirectly,  50% (or such


percentage as the Committee may specify,  which  percentage  may be changed from
time to time and may be different for different  entities) or more of the Voting
Power of such corporation.

        2.51  "Tandem  SAR" means an SAR that is granted  in  connection  with a
related Option, the exercise of which shall require cancellation of the right to
purchase a Share under the related  Option (and when a Share is purchased  under
the related Option, the Tandem SAR shall similarly be canceled).

        2.52  "Termination of  Affiliation"  occurs on the first day on which an
individual is for any reason no longer providing  services to the Company or any
Subsidiary  in the  capacity of an  employee,  director or  consultant,  or with
respect to an individual  who is an employee or director of, or consultant to, a
corporation  which is a  Subsidiary,  the  first day on which  such  corporation
ceases to be a Subsidiary.

        2.53 "10% Owner" means a person who owns capital stock  (including stock
treated as owned under Section 424(d) of the Code)  possessing  more than 10% of
the total  combined  voting power of all classes of capital stock of the Company
or any Subsidiary.

        2.54   "Voting   Power"   means  the   combined   voting  power  of  the
then-outstanding  securities of a corporation  entitled to vote generally in the
election of directors.

Article 3.  Administration

        3.1 Committee.

               (a) Subject to Article 15, and to Section  3.2, the Plan shall be
administered by the Board,  or a committee  appointed by the Board to administer
the Plan ("Plan  Committee").  To the extent the Board considers it desirable to
comply with or qualify under Rule 16b-3 or meet the Performance-Based Exception,
the Plan Committee shall consist of two or more directors of the Company, all of
whom qualify as "outside  directors" as defined for purposes of the  regulations
under Code Section  162(m) and  "non-employee  directors"  within the meaning of
Rule 16b-3.  The number of members of the Plan Committee shall from time to time
be increased or decreased, and shall be subject to such conditions, in each case
as the Board deems appropriate to permit  transactions in Shares pursuant to the
Plan to  satisfy  such  conditions  of  Rule  16b-3  and  the  Performance-Based
Exception as then in effect.

               (b) The Board or the Plan  Committee  may appoint and delegate to
another  committee  ("Management  Committee") any or all of the authority of the
Board or the Plan Committee,  as applicable,  with respect to Awards to Grantees
other than  Grantees  who are Section 16 Persons at the time any such  delegated
authority is exercised.

               (c) Any references  herein to  "Committee"  are references to the
Board, or the Plan Committee or the Management Committee, as applicable.


        3.2 Powers of Committee.  Subject to the express provisions of the Plan,
the Committee has full and final authority and sole discretion as follows:

               (i) to  determine  when,  to whom and in what  types and  amounts
Awards should be granted and the terms and conditions  applicable to each Award,
including the benefit  payable under any SAR,  Performance  Unit or  Performance
Share,  and whether or not specific  Awards shall be granted in connection  with
other specific Awards, and if so whether they shall be exercisable  cumulatively
with, or alternatively to, such other specific Awards;

               (ii) to determine  the amount,  if any,  that a Grantee shall pay
for  Restricted  Shares,  whether  to  permit or  require  the  payment  of cash
dividends thereon to be deferred and the terms related thereto,  when Restricted
Shares  (including  Restricted  Shares  acquired upon the exercise of an Option)
shall be forfeited and whether such shares shall be held in escrow;

               (iii)  to  construe  and  interpret  the  Plan  and to  make  all
determinations necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan;

               (iv) to make,  amend,  and  rescind  rules  relating to the Plan,
including  rules with respect to the  exercisability  and  nonforfeitability  of
Awards upon the Termination of Affiliation of a Grantee;

               (v) to determine the terms and conditions of all Award Agreements
(which need not be identical) and, with the consent of the Grantee, to amend any
such Award  Agreement at any time,  among other things,  to permit  transfers of
such Awards to the extent  permitted by the Plan;  provided  that the consent of
the Grantee shall not be required for any amendment which (A) does not adversely
affect  the  rights  of the  Grantee,  or  (B) is  necessary  or  advisable  (as
determined  by the  Committee) to carry out the purpose of the Award as a result
of any new or change in existing applicable law;

               (vi) to  cancel,  with the  consent of the  Grantee,  outstanding
Awards and to grant new Awards in substitution therefor;

               (vii) to accelerate the exercisability  (including exercisability
within a period  of less than six  months  after  the  Grant  Date)  of,  and to
accelerate or waive any or all of the terms and  conditions  applicable  to, any
Award or any group of  Awards  for any  reason  and at any  time,  including  in
connection with a Termination of Affiliation;

               (viii)  subject to Sections 1.3 and 5.3, to extend the time
during which any Award or group of Awards may be exercised;

               (ix) to make  such  adjustments  or  modifications  to  Awards to
Grantees  working  outside  the United  States as are  advisable  to fulfill the
purposes of the Plan or to comply with applicable local law;


               (x) to  impose  such  additional  terms and  conditions  upon the
grant,  exercise  or  retention  of  Awards  as the  Committee  may,  before  or
concurrently with the grant thereof,  deem appropriate,  including  limiting the
percentage of Awards which may from time to time be exercised by a Grantee; and

               (xi) to  take  any  other  action  with  respect  to any  matters
relating to the Plan for which it is responsible.

        All  determinations  on all  matters  relating  to the Plan or any Award
Agreement may be made in the sole and absolute discretion of the Committee,  and
all such determinations of the Committee shall be final,  conclusive and binding
on all  Persons.  No member of the  Committee  shall be liable for any action or
determination made with respect to the Plan or any Award.

Article 4.  Shares Subject to the Plan and Maximum Awards

        4.1 Number of Shares  Available  for Grants.  Subject to  adjustment  as
provided in Section 4.2, the number of Shares hereby reserved for issuance under
the Plan shall be equal to the sum of (i)  25,200,000  and (ii) the total number
of Shares subject to Awards granted under the 1993 Plan, 1987 Plan and 1983 Plan
that are  outstanding  as of the  Effective  Date;  and the number of Shares for
which  Awards may be granted to any Grantee on any Grant Date,  when  aggregated
with the number of Shares for which Awards have  previously been granted to such
Grantee in the same  calendar  year,  shall not  exceed  the  greater of (i) one
percent  (1%) of the total  Shares  outstanding  as of such  Grant  Date or (ii)
1,300,000;  provided,  however, that the total number of Shares for which Awards
may be granted to any Grantee in any calendar  year shall not exceed  2,000,000.
If any Shares subject to an Award granted  hereunder are forfeited or such Award
otherwise   terminates   without  the  issuance  of  such  Shares  or  of  other
consideration  in lieu of such Shares,  the Shares subject to such Award, to the
extent of any such forfeiture or termination  shall again be available for grant
under the Plan.  If any Shares  (whether  subject to or received  pursuant to an
Award granted  hereunder,  purchased on the open market, or otherwise  obtained)
are withheld, applied as payment, or sold pursuant to procedures approved by the
Committee and the proceeds  thereof  applied as payment in  connection  with the
exercise of an Award or the withholding of taxes related  thereto,  such Shares,
to the extent of any such  withholding  or payment,  shall again be available or
shall increase the number of Shares  available,  as applicable,  for grant under
the  Plan.  The  Committee  may  from  time to time  determine  the  appropriate
methodology  for  calculating  the number of Shares issued pursuant to the Plan.
Shares  issued  pursuant  to the Plan may be  treasury  Shares  or  newly-issued

        4.2  Adjustments in Authorized  Shares.  In the event that the Committee
determines that any dividend or other distribution (whether in the form of cash,
Shares,  other securities,  or other property),  recapitalization,  stock split,
reverse  stock  split,  subdivision,  consolidation  or  reduction  of  capital,
reorganization, merger, scheme of arrangement, split-up, spin-off or combination
involving  the Company or  repurchase  or exchange of Shares or other  rights to
purchase Shares or other securities of the Company,  or other similar  corporate
transaction  or event affects the Shares such that any  adjustment is determined
by the Committee to be appropriate  in order to


prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential  benefits  intended
to be made available under the Plan, then the Committee shall, in such manner as
it may deem  equitable,  adjust  any or all of (i) the number and type of Shares
(or other  securities or property)  with respect to which Awards may be granted,
(ii) the number and type of Shares (or other securities or property)  subject to
outstanding  Awards,  and (iii) the grant or exercise  price with respect to any
Award or, if deemed appropriate, make provision for a cash payment to the holder
of an outstanding Award or the substitution of other property for Shares subject
to an outstanding Award;  provided,  in each case that with respect to Awards of
Incentive  Stock  Options no such  adjustment  shall be authorized to the extent
that such adjustment  would cause the Plan to violate  Section  422(b)(1) of the
Code or any successor provision thereto;  and provided further,  that the number
of Shares  subject to any Award  denominated  in Shares  shall always be a whole

Article 5.  Eligibility and General Conditions of Awards

        5.1 Eligibility.  The Committee may grant Awards to any Eligible Person,
whether or not he or she has previously received an Award.

        5.2 Grant  Date.  The Grant Date of an Award  shall be the date on which
the Committee grants the Award or such later date as specified by the Committee.

        5.3 Maximum Term.  The Option Term or other period during which an Award
may be outstanding shall under no circumstances  extend more than 10 years after
the Grant Date, and shall be subject to earlier  termination as herein provided;
provided,  however,  that any  deferral of a cash  payment or of the delivery of
Shares that is  permitted  or required by the  Committee  pursuant to Article 12
may, if so  permitted  or required by the  Committee,  extend more than 10 years
after the Grant Date of the Award to which the deferral relates.

        5.4 Award Agreement.  To the extent not set forth in the Plan, the terms
and  conditions  of each Award (which need not be the same for each grant or for
each Grantee) shall be set forth in an Award Agreement.

        5.5 Restrictions on Share Transferability. The Committee may impose such
restrictions  on any Shares  acquired  pursuant to the exercise or vesting of an
Award as it may deem advisable,  including restrictions under applicable federal
securities laws.

        5.6 Termination of Affiliation. Except as otherwise provided in an Award
Agreement,  and subject to the  provisions of Section 14.1,  the extent to which
the Grantee  shall have the right to  exercise,  vest in, or receive  payment in
respect of an Award following  Termination of Affiliation shall be determined in
accordance with the following provisions of this Section 5.6.

               (a) For Cause.  If a Grantee has a Termination of Affiliation for
Cause, (i) the Grantee's  Restricted Shares that are forfeitable shall thereupon
be forfeited,  subject to the  provisions of Section 8.4 regarding  repayment of
certain amounts to the Grantee;  and (ii) any unexercised  Option,  LSAR or SAR,
and any  Performance  Share or  Performance  Unit  with


respect  to which the  Performance  Period  has not ended as of the date of such
Termination of Affiliation,  shall  terminate  effective  immediately  upon such
Termination of Affiliation.

               (b) On  Account  of  Death  or  Disability.  If a  Grantee  has a
Termination of Affiliation on account of death or Disability, then:

                      (i) the Grantee's  Restricted Shares that were forfeitable
shall thereupon become nonforfeitable;

                      (ii)  any  unexercised  Option  or  SAR,  whether  or  not
exercisable on the date of such Termination of Affiliation, may be exercised, in
whole or in  part,  within  the  first  12  months  after  such  Termination  of
Affiliation  (but only during the Option  Term) by the Grantee or,  after his or
her death, by (A) his or her personal  representative  or the person to whom the
Option or SAR, as applicable,  is transferred by will or the applicable  laws of
descent  and  distribution,  or (B)  the  Grantee's  beneficiary  designated  in
accordance with Article 11; and

                      (iii) the benefit  payable with respect to any Performance
Share or Performance Unit with respect to which the
Performance  Period  has  not  ended  as of the  date  of  such  Termination  of
Affiliation  on account of death or Disability  shall be equal to the product of
the  Fair  Market  Value  of a  Share  as of the  date of  such  Termination  of
Affiliation  or the  value  of  the  Performance  Unit  specified  in the  Award
Agreement  (determined as of the date of such  Termination of  Affiliation),  as
applicable, multiplied successively by each of the following:

                             (1) a fraction,  the  numerator of which is the
number of  months  (including  as a whole  month any  partial  month)  that have
elapsed  since the beginning of such  Performance  Period until the date of such
Termination of Affiliation  and the denominator of which is the number of months
(including as a whole month any partial month) in the Performance Period; and

                             (2) a percentage  determined by the Committee  that
would be earned under the terms of the applicable Award Agreement  assuming that
the rate at which the  performance  goals have been  achieved  as of the date of
such Termination of Affiliation  would continue until the end of the Performance
Period,  or, if the Committee elects to compute the benefit after the end of the
Performance Period, the Performance Percentage,  as determined by the Committee,
attained during the Performance Period.

               (c) On Account of  Retirement.  If a Grantee has a Termination of
Affiliation on account of Retirement, then:

                      (i) the Grantee's  Restricted Shares that were forfeitable
shall thereupon become nonforfeitable;

                      (ii)  any  unexercised  Option  or  SAR,  whether  or  not
exercisable on the date of such Termination of Affiliation, may be exercised, in
whole or in part, within the first five years


after such  Termination of Affiliation  (but only during the Option Term) by the
Grantee or, after his or her death, by (A) his or her personal representative or
the person to whom the Option or SAR, as  applicable,  is transferred by will or
the  applicable  laws  of  descent  and  distribution,   or  (B)  the  Grantee's
beneficiary designated in accordance with Article 11; and

                      (iii) the benefit  payable with respect to any Performance
Share or Performance  Unit with respect to which the Performance  Period has not
ended as of the date of such Termination of Affiliation on account of Retirement
shall be equal to the product of the Fair Market Value of a Share as of the date
of  such  Termination  of  Affiliation  or the  value  of the  Performance  Unit
specified in the Award Agreement  (determined as of the date of such Termination
of  Affiliation),  as  applicable,   multiplied  successively  by  each  of  the

                             (1) a fraction,  the  numerator of which is the
number of  months  (including  as a whole  month any  partial  month)  that have
elapsed  since the beginning of such  Performance  Period until the date of such
Termination of Affiliation  and the denominator of which is the number of months
(including as a whole month any partial month) in the Performance Period; and

                             (2) a percentage  determined by the Committee  that
would be earned under the terms of the applicable Award Agreement  assuming that
the rate at which the  performance  goals have been  achieved  as of the date of
such Termination of Affiliation  would continue until the end of the Performance
Period,  or, if the Committee elects to compute the benefit after the end of the
Performance Period, the Performance Percentage,  as determined by the Committee,
attained during the Performance Period.

               (d)  Any  Other  Reason.  If  a  Grantee  has  a  Termination  of
Affiliation  for  any  reason  other  than  for  Cause,  death,   Disability  or
Retirement, then:

                      (i) the Grantee's  Restricted  Shares,  to the extent
forfeitable on the date of the Grantee's  Termination of  Affiliation,  shall be
forfeited on such date;

                      (ii)  any  unexercised   Option  or  SAR,  to  the  extent
exercisable immediately before the Grantee's Termination of Affiliation,  may be
exercised  in  whole  or in  part,  not  later  than  three  months  after  such
Termination of Affiliation  (but only during the Option Term) by the Grantee or,
after his or her death, by (A) his or her personal  representative or the person
to whom  the  Option  or  SAR,  as  applicable,  is  transferred  by will or the
applicable laws of descent and  distribution,  or (B) the Grantee's  beneficiary
designated in accordance with Article 11; and

                      (iii) any  Performance  Shares or  Performance  Units with
respect to which the Performance Period has not ended as
of the date of such Termination of Affiliation shall terminate  immediately upon
such Termination of Affiliation.


        5.7    Nontransferability of Awards.

               (a) Except as provided in Section 5.7(c) below,  each Award,  and
each right under any Award,  shall be exercisable only by the Grantee during the
Grantee's  lifetime,  or, if permissible  under applicable law, by the Grantee's
guardian  or  legal  representative  or by a  transferee  receiving  such  Award
pursuant to a qualified  domestic  relations  order (a "QDRO") as defined in the
Code or Title I of the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of 1974,  as
amended ("ERISA"), or the rules thereunder.

               (b) Except as provided in Section  5.7(c) below,  no Award (prior
to the time, if applicable,  Shares are issued in respect of such Award), and no
right under any Award, may be assigned,  alienated,  pledged,  attached, sold or
otherwise  transferred  or encumbered by a Grantee  otherwise than by will or by
the laws of descent and  distribution (or in the case of Restricted  Shares,  to
the  Company)  or  pursuant  to a  QDRO,  and  any  such  purported  assignment,
alienation,  pledge, attachment, sale, transfer or encumbrance shall be void and
unenforceable  against  the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary;  provided,  that  the
designation of a beneficiary  shall not  constitute an  assignment,  alienation,
pledge, attachment, sale, transfer or encumbrance.

               (c) To the extent and in the manner  permitted by the  Committee,
and subject to such terms,  conditions,  restrictions or limitations that may be
prescribed  by the  Committee,  a Grantee may  transfer an Award  (other than an
Incentive Stock Option) to (i) a spouse,  sibling,  parent,  child (including an
adopted child) or grandchild (any of which, an "Immediate Family Member") of the
Grantee; (ii) a trust, the primary beneficiaries of which consist exclusively of
the Grantee or Immediate Family Members of the Grantee;  or (iii) a corporation,
partnership or similar  entity,  the owners of which consist  exclusively of the
Grantee or Immediate Family Members of the Grantee.

        5.8  Cancellation  and Rescission of Awards.  Unless the Award Agreement
specifies otherwise,  the Committee may cancel, rescind,  suspend,  withhold, or
otherwise limit or restrict any unexercised  Award at any time if the Grantee is
not in compliance with all applicable  provisions of the Award Agreement and the
Plan or if the Grantee has a Termination of Affiliation for Cause.

        5.9 Loans and Guarantees.  The Committee may, subject to applicable law,
(i) allow a Grantee to defer payment to the Company of all or any portion of the
Option Price of an Option or the purchase  price of Restricted  Shares,  or (ii)
cause the Company to loan to the Grantee, or guarantee a loan from a third party
to the Grantee  for,  all or any portion of the Option Price of an Option or the
purchase  price  of  Restricted  Shares  or  all  or any  portion  of any  taxes
associated with the exercise of, nonforfeitability of, or payment of benefits in
connection with, an Award. Any such payment  deferral,  loan or guarantee by the
Company shall be on such terms and conditions as the Committee may determine.


Article 6.  Stock Options

        6.1 Grant of Options.  Subject to the terms and  provisions of the Plan,
Options  may be granted to any  Eligible  Person in such  number,  and upon such
terms,  and at any  time and from  time to time as  shall be  determined  by the
Committee.  Without in any manner limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the
Committee  may grant to any Eligible  Person,  or permit any Eligible  Person to
elect  to  receive,  an  Option  in lieu  of or in  substitution  for any  other
compensation  (whether  payable  currently or on a deferred  basis,  and whether
payable under this Plan or otherwise) which such Eligible Person may be eligible
to receive from the Company or a Subsidiary.

        6.2 Award  Agreement.  Each Option  grant shall be evidenced by an Award
Agreement  that shall specify the Option Price,  the Option Term,  the number of
shares to which the  Option  pertains,  the time or times at which  such  Option
shall be exercisable and such other provisions as the Committee shall determine.

        6.3 Option Price. The Option Price of an Option under this Plan shall be
determined by the Committee, and shall be equal to or more than 100% of the Fair
Market Value of a Share on the Grant Date;  provided,  however,  that any Option
that  is  (x)  granted  to  a  Grantee  in  connection   with  the   acquisition
("Acquisition"),  however  effected,  by the Company of another  corporation  or
entity ("Acquired Entity") or the assets thereof,  (y) associated with an option
to  purchase  shares of stock of the  Acquired  Entity or an  affiliate  thereof
("Acquired  Entity  Option")  held by such  Grantee  immediately  prior  to such
Acquisition,  and (z) intended to preserve for the Grantee the economic value of
all or a portion of such Acquired  Entity Option  ("Substitute  Option") may, to
the extent necessary to achieve such  preservation of economic value, be granted
with an Option  Price that is less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a Share
on the Grant Date.

        6.4 Grant of Incentive  Stock  Options.  At the time of the grant of any
Option,  the Committee  may designate  that such Option shall be made subject to
additional  restrictions to permit it to qualify as an "incentive  stock option"
under the  requirements of Section 422 of the Code. Any Option  designated as an
Incentive Stock Option shall, to the extent required by Section 422 of the Code:

               (i) if  granted  to a 10%  Owner,  have an Option  Price not less
than 110% of the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on its Grant Date;

               (ii) be exercisable  for a period of not more than 10 years (five
years in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option granted to a 10% Owner) from its
Grant Date, and be subject to earlier  termination as provided  herein or in the
applicable Award Agreement;

               (iii) not have an  aggregate  Fair Market  Value (as of the Grant
Date of each  Incentive  Stock  Option)  of the  Shares  with  respect  to which
Incentive  Stock  Options  (whether  granted  under the Plan or any other  stock
option  plan of the  Grantee's  employer  or any  parent or  Subsidiary  thereof
("Other  Plans")) are  exercisable for the first time by such Grantee during any


calendar  year,  determined in accordance  with the provisions of Section 422 of
the Code, which exceeds $100,000 (the "$100,000 Limit");

               (iv) if the aggregate Fair Market Value of the Shares (determined
on the  Grant  Date)  with  respect  to the  portion  of  such  grant  which  is
exercisable  for the first time during any calendar year  ("Current  Grant") and
all  Incentive  Stock  Options  previously  granted under the Plan and any Other
Plans which are  exercisable  for the first time during the same  calendar  year
("Prior Grants") would exceed the $100,000 Limit be exercisable as follows:

                      (A) the portion of the Current  Grant  which  would,  when
        added to any Prior Grants,  be exercisable  with respect to Shares which
        would  have  an  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value  (determined  as of  the
        respective  Grant Date for such options) in excess of the $100,000 Limit
        shall,  notwithstanding  the terms of the Current Grant,  be exercisable
        for the first time by the Grantee in the first subsequent  calendar year
        or years in which it  could be  exercisable  for the  first  time by the
        Grantee when added to all Prior Grants  without  exceeding  the $100,000
        Limit; and

                      (B) if,  viewed as of the date of the Current  Grant,  any
        portion of a Current  Grant could not be exercised  under the  preceding
        provisions of this Section during any calendar year  commencing with the
        calendar year in which it is first exercisable through and including the
        last  calendar  year in which it may by its  terms  be  exercised,  such
        portion of the Current Grant shall not be an Incentive Stock Option, but
        shall be exercisable as an Option which is not an Incentive Stock Option
        at such date or dates as are provided in the Current Grant;

               (v) be granted  within  10 years  from the  earlier of the date
the Plan is adopted or the date the Plan is  approved by the stockholders of the
Company; and

               (vi) by its terms not be assignable or transferable other than by
will or the laws of descent and  distribution  and may be exercised,  during the
Grantee's lifetime,  only by the Grantee;  provided,  however,  that the Grantee
may,  in any  manner  permitted  by the Plan  and  specified  by the  Committee,
designate in writing a beneficiary to exercise his or her Incentive Stock Option
after the Grantee's death.

        Any Option  designated  as an Incentive  Stock Option shall also require
the Grantee to notify the  Committee  of any  disposition  of any Shares  issued
pursuant to the exercise of the Incentive  Stock Option under the  circumstances
described  in Section  421(b) of the Code  (relating  to  certain  disqualifying
dispositions) (any such circumstance, a "Disqualifying Disposition"),  within 10
days of such Disqualifying Disposition.

        Notwithstanding  the foregoing and Section  3.2(v),  the Committee  may,
without the consent of the Grantee, at any time before the exercise of an Option
(whether or not an Incentive Stock Option), take any action necessary to prevent
such Option from being treated as an Incentive Stock Option.


        6.5 Payment.  Options granted under this Article 6 shall be exercised by
the delivery of a written  notice of exercise to the Company,  setting forth the
number  of  Shares  with  respect  to  which  the  Option  is to  be  exercised,
accompanied  by  full  payment  for  the  Shares  made by any one or more of the
following means subject to the approval of the Committee:

               (a)    cash, personal check or wire transfer;

               (b) Mature Shares,  valued at their Fair Market Value on the date
of exercise;

               (c) Restricted Shares held by the Grantee for at least six months
prior to the  exercise of the Option,  each such Share valued at the Fair Market
Value of a Share on the date of exercise;

               (d) subject to applicable law, pursuant to procedures approved by
the Committee, through the sale of the Shares acquired on exercise of the Option
through a broker-dealer to whom the Grantee has submitted an irrevocable  notice
of exercise and irrevocable  instructions to deliver promptly to the Company the
amount of sale or loan  proceeds  sufficient  to pay for such  Shares,  together
with,  if  requested  by the  Company,  the amount of federal,  state,  local or
foreign withholding taxes payable by Grantee by reason of such exercise; or

               (e) when permitted by the Committee,  payment may also be made in
accordance with Section 5.9.

If any  Restricted  Shares  ("Tendered  Restricted  Shares") are used to pay the
Option Price, a number of Shares acquired on exercise of the Option equal to the
number of Tendered  Restricted  Shares shall be subject to the same restrictions
as the Tendered Restricted Shares,  determined as of the date of exercise of the

Article 7.  Stock Appreciation Rights and Limited Stock Appreciation Rights

        7.1 Grant of SARs. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, SARs
may be granted to any Eligible Person at any time and from time to time as shall
be determined by the  Committee.  The  Committee  may grant  Freestanding  SARs,
Tandem SARs, or any combination thereof.

        The Committee shall determine the number of SARs granted to each Grantee
(subject to Article 4), the Strike Price thereof,  and,  consistent with Section
7.2 and the other  provisions  of the  Plan,  the  other  terms  and  conditions
pertaining to such SARs.

        7.2  Exercise of Tandem SARs.  Tandem SARs may be  exercised  for all or
part of the Shares  subject to the related Award upon the surrender of the right
to exercise the  equivalent  portion of the related  Award.  A Tandem SAR may be
exercised  only with  respect to the Shares for which its related  Award is then


        Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Plan to the contrary,  with
respect  to a Tandem  SAR,  (i) the  Tandem  SAR will  expire no later  than the
expiration of the underlying  Option;  (ii) the value of the payout with respect
to the Tandem  SAR may be for no more than 100% of the  difference  between  the
Option  Price of the  underlying  Option and the Fair Market Value of the Shares
subject to the  underlying  Option at the time the Tandem SAR is exercised;  and
(iii) the Tandem SAR may be  exercised  only when the Fair  Market  Value of the
Shares subject to the Option exceeds the Option Price of the Option.

        7.3 Payment of SAR Amount. Upon exercise of an SAR, the Grantee shall be
entitled  to  receive  payment  from the  Company  in an  amount  determined  by

               (a) the excess of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of
exercise over the Strike Price;


               (b) the  number  of  Shares  with  respect  to  which  the SAR is

provided that the Committee may provide in the Award  Agreement that the benefit
payable on  exercise  of an SAR shall not  exceed  such  percentage  of the Fair
Market Value of a Share on the Grant Date as the  Committee  shall  specify.  As
determined  by the  Committee,  the payment upon SAR exercise may be in cash, in
Shares which have an aggregate  Fair Market Value (as of the date of exercise of
the SAR) equal to the amount of the payment, or in some combination  thereof, as
set forth in the Award Agreement.

        7.4 Grant of LSARs.  Subject  to the terms and  conditions  of the Plan,
LSARs may be granted to any Eligible Person at any time and from time to time as
shall be determined by the Committee. Each LSAR shall be identified with a Share
subject to an Option or SAR held by the Grantee,  which may include an Option or
SAR  previously   granted  under  the  Plan.  Upon  the  exercise,   expiration,
termination,  forfeiture or cancellation of the Option or SAR with which an LSAR
is identified, such LSAR shall terminate.

        7.5 Exercise of LSARs. Each LSAR shall automatically be exercised upon a
Change of  Control  which has not been  approved  by the  Incumbent  Board.  The
exercise of an LSAR shall result in the  cancellation  of the Option or SAR with
which such LSAR is identified, to the extent of such exercise.

        7.6 Payment of LSAR Amount.  Within 10 business  days after the exercise
of an LSAR,  the Company  shall pay to the Grantee,  in cash, an amount equal to
the difference between:

               (a)    the greatest of (i) the Change of Control Value,  (ii) the
                      Fair Market Value of a Share on the date occurring  during
                      the 180-day period  immediately  preceding the date of the
                      Change of Control on which such Fair  Market  Value is the

                      greatest, or (iii) such other valuation amount, if any, as
                      may  be  determined  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of the
                      applicable Award Agreement;


               (b)    either  (i) in the  case  of an  LSAR  identified  with an
                      Option,  the  Option  Price of such  Option or (ii) in the
                      case of an LSAR  identified  with an SAR, the Strike Price
                      of such SAR.

Article 8.  Restricted Shares

        8.1 Grant of Restricted  Shares.  Subject to the terms and provisions of
the Plan, the Committee, at any time and from time to time, may grant Restricted
Shares to any Eligible Person in such amounts as the Committee shall determine.

        8.2 Award Agreement.  Each grant of Restricted Shares shall be evidenced
by an Award  Agreement  that shall  specify the  Period(s) of  Restriction,  the
number of Restricted Shares granted,  and such other provisions as the Committee
shall determine. The Committee may impose such conditions and/or restrictions on
any  Restricted  Shares granted  pursuant to the Plan as it may deem  advisable,
including  restrictions based upon the achievement of specific performance goals
(Company-wide,    divisional,   Subsidiary   and/or   individual),    time-based
restrictions on vesting, and/or restrictions under applicable securities laws.

        8.3  Consideration.  The Committee shall  determine the amount,  if any,
that a Grantee  shall pay for  Restricted  Shares,  which shall be (except  with
respect to  Restricted  Shares  that are  treasury  shares) at least the Minimum
Consideration  for each Restricted  Share. Such payment shall be made in full by
the Grantee  before the delivery of the shares and in any event no later than 10
business days after the Grant Date for such shares.

        8.4 Effect of Forfeiture. If Restricted Shares are forfeited, and if the
Grantee was required to pay for such shares or acquired such  Restricted  Shares
upon the exercise of an Option,  the Grantee shall be deemed to have resold such
Restricted  Shares  to the  Company  at a price  equal to the  lesser of (x) the
amount paid by the Grantee for such  Restricted  Shares,  or (y) the Fair Market
Value of a Share on the date of such  forfeiture.  The Company  shall pay to the
Grantee  the  required  amount as soon as is  administratively  practical.  Such
Restricted  Shares shall cease to be outstanding,  and shall no longer confer on
the Grantee  thereof any rights as a stockholder of the Company,  from and after
the date of the event causing the forfeiture, whether or not the Grantee accepts
the Company's tender of payment for such Restricted Shares.

        8.5 Escrow; Legends. The Committee may provide that the certificates for
any Restricted Shares (x) shall be held (together with a stock power executed in
blank by the  Grantee)  in escrow by the  Secretary  of the  Company  until such
Restricted  Shares become  nonforfeitable or are forfeited and/or (y) shall bear
an appropriate legend restricting the transfer of such Restricted Shares. If any
Restricted Shares become  nonforfeitable,  the Company shall


cause certificates for such shares to be issued without such legend.

Article 9.  Performance Units and Performance Shares

        9.1 Grant of Performance  Units and Performance  Shares.  Subject to the
terms of the Plan, Performance Units or Performance Shares may be granted to any
Eligible  Person in such  amounts and upon such terms,  and at any time and from
time to time, as shall be determined by the Committee.

        9.2 Value/Performance Goals. Each Performance Unit shall have an initial
value  that  is  established  by  the  Committee  at the  time  of  grant.  Each
Performance  Share shall have an initial value equal to the Fair Market Value of
a Share on the date of grant.  The Committee shall set performance  goals which,
depending  on the extent to which  they are met,  will  determine  the number or
value of Performance  Units or  Performance  Shares that will be paid out to the
Grantee.  For  purposes  of this  Article 9, the time  period  during  which the
performance goals must be met shall be called a "Performance Period."

        9.3 Earning of Performance Units and Performance Shares.  Subject to the
terms of this Plan,  after the  applicable  Performance  Period  has ended,  the
holder of Performance Units or Performance Shares shall be entitled to receive a
payout based on the number and value of Performance Units or Performance  Shares
earned  by the  Grantee  over the  Performance  Period,  to be  determined  as a
function of the extent to which the  corresponding  performance  goals have been

        If a Grantee is promoted, demoted or transferred to a different business
unit of the  Company  during a  Performance  Period,  then,  to the  extent  the
Committee  determines the performance goals or Performance  Period are no longer
appropriate, the Committee may adjust, change or eliminate the performance goals
or the applicable  Performance  Period as it deems  appropriate in order to make
them appropriate and comparable to the initial  performance goals or Performance

        9.4 Form and  Timing of  Payment of  Performance  Units and  Performance
Shares.  Payment of earned Performance Units or Performance Shares shall be made
in a lump sum  following the close of the  applicable  Performance  Period.  The
Committee may pay earned  Performance Units or Performance Shares in the form of
cash or in Shares (or in a  combination  thereof)  which have an aggregate  Fair
Market Value equal to the value of the earned  Performance  Units or Performance
Shares at the close of the  applicable  Performance  Period.  Such Shares may be
granted subject to any  restrictions  deemed  appropriate by the Committee.  The
form of  payout  of such  Awards  shall  be set  forth  in the  Award  Agreement
pertaining to the grant of the Award.

        As determined by the Committee, a Grantee may be entitled to receive any
dividends  declared  with respect to Shares which have been earned in connection
with grants of Performance  Units or Performance  Shares but not yet distributed
to the Grantee. In addition,  a


Grantee may, as determined by the Committee,  be entitled to exercise his or her
voting rights with respect to such Shares.

Article 10.  Bonus Shares

        Subject to the terms of the Plan,  the  Committee may grant Bonus Shares
to any Eligible  Person,  in such amount and upon such terms and at any time and
from time to time as shall be  determined  by the  Committee.  The terms of such
Bonus Shares shall be set forth in the Award  Agreement  pertaining to the grant
of the Award.

Article 11.  Beneficiary Designation

        Each Grantee under the Plan may, from time to time, name any beneficiary
or  beneficiaries  (who may be named  contingently or  successively) to whom any
benefit  under the Plan is to be paid in case of his or her  death  before he or
she receives any or all of such benefit.  Each such designation shall revoke all
prior  designations  by the same Grantee,  shall be in a form  prescribed by the
Company,  and will be  effective  only when filed by the Grantee in writing with
the  Company  during  the  Grantee's  lifetime.  In  the  absence  of  any  such
designation,  benefits  remaining unpaid at the Grantee's death shall be paid to
the Grantee's estate.

Article 12.  Deferrals

        The  Committee  may permit or require a Grantee to defer  receipt of the
payment of cash or the delivery of Shares that would  otherwise be due by virtue
of the  exercise of an Option or SAR, the lapse or waiver of  restrictions  with
respect to Restricted Shares, the satisfaction of any requirements or goals with
respect  to  Performance  Units or  Performance  Shares,  or the  grant of Bonus
Shares.  If any such  deferral is required or  permitted,  the  Committee  shall
establish rules and procedures for such deferrals.  Except as otherwise provided
in an Award  Agreement,  any  payment  or any  Shares  that are  subject to such
deferral  shall  be  made  or  delivered  to  the  Grantee  upon  the  Grantee's
Termination of Affiliation.

Article 13.  Rights of Employees/Directors/Consultants

        13.1  Employment.  Nothing in the Plan shall  interfere with or limit in
any  way the  right  of the  Company  to  terminate  any  Grantee's  employment,
directorship  or  consultancy at any time, nor confer upon any Grantee the right
to continue in the employ or as a director or consultant of the Company.

        13.2 Participation.  No employee,  director or consultant shall have the
right to be  selected  to receive an Award  under the Plan,  or,  having been so
selected, to be selected to receive a future Award.


Article 14.  Change of Control

        14.1   Change of Control.  Except as otherwise provided in an Award
Agreement, if a Change of Control occurs, then:

               (i) the Grantee's  Restricted  Shares that were forfeitable shall
thereupon become nonforfeitable;

               (ii) any unexercised Option or SAR, whether or not exercisable on
the date of such Change of Control, shall thereupon be fully exercisable and may
be exercised, in whole or in part; and

               (iii) the Company  shall  immediately  pay to the  Grantee,  with
respect to any Performance  Share or Performance  Unit with respect to which the
Performance  Period has not ended as of the date of such  Change of  Control,  a
cash payment equal to the product of (A) in the case of a Performance Share, the
Change of Control Value or (B) in the case of a Performance  Unit,  the value of
the Performance Unit specified in the Award Agreement, as applicable, multiplied
successively by each of the following:

                      (1) a fraction,  the numerator of which is the number of
whole and  partial  months  that have  elapsed  between  the  beginning  of such
Performance Period and the date of such Change of Control and the denominator of
which is the number of whole and partial months in the Performance Period; and

                      (2) a percentage  equal to a greater of (x) the target
percentage,  if any,  specified  in the  applicable  Award  Agreement or (y) the
maximum  percentage,  if any,  that  would  be  earned  under  the  terms of the
applicable Award Agreement assuming that the rate at which the performance goals
have been achieved as of the date of such Change of Control would continue until
the end of the Performance Period.

        14.2 Pooling of Interests Accounting. If the Committee determines, prior
to a sale or merger of the Company that the  Committee  determines is reasonably
likely to occur,  that the grant or  exercise  of  Options,  SARs or LSARs would
preclude  the use of  pooling  of  interests  accounting  ("pooling")  after the
consummation  of such sale or merger and that such  preclusion  of pooling would
have a material  adverse  effect on such sale or merger,  the  Committee may (a)
make any adjustments in such Options,  SARs or LSARs prior to the sale or merger
that will permit  pooling after the  consummation  of such sale or merger or (b)
cause the Company to pay the  benefits  attributable  to such  Options,  SARs or
LSARs  (including  for this  purpose  not only the spread  between the then Fair
Market Value of the Shares subject to such Options, SARs or LSARs and the Option
Price or Strike Price applicable thereto,  but also the additional value of such
Options,  SARs,  or  LSARs  in  excess  of such  spread,  as  determined  by the
Committee) in the form of Shares if such payment would not cause the transaction
to  remain  or  become  ineligible  for  pooling;  provided,  however,  no  such
adjustment  or payment may be made that would  adversely  affect in any material
way any such Options, SARs or LSARs without the consent of


the affected Grantee.

Article 15.  Amendment, Modification, and Termination

        15.1 Amendment,  Modification, and Termination.  Subject to the terms of
the Plan, the Board may at any time and from time to time, alter, amend, suspend
or terminate  the Plan in whole or in part without the approval of the Company's
stockholders.  The Board may  delegate to the Plan  Committee  any or all of the
authority of the Board under  Section 15.1 to alter,  amend suspend or terminate
the Plan.

        15.2  Adjustment  of Awards Upon the  Occurrence  of Certain  Unusual or
Nonrecurring  Events.  The  Committee  may make  adjustments  in the  terms  and
conditions of, and the criteria included in, Awards in recognition of unusual or
nonrecurring  events  (including the events  described in Section 4.2) affecting
the  Company  or the  financial  statements  of the  Company  or of  changes  in
applicable laws, regulations,  or accounting principles,  whenever the Committee
determines that such adjustments are appropriate in order to prevent dilution or
enlargement of the benefits or potential  benefits intended to be made available
under the Plan;  provided  that no such  adjustment  shall be  authorized to the
extent that such  authority  would be  inconsistent  with the Plan's meeting the
requirements of the Performance-Based Exception.

        15.3 Awards Previously  Granted.  Notwithstanding any other provision of
the Plan to the contrary, no termination, amendment, or modification of the Plan
shall adversely  affect in any material way any Award  previously  granted under
the Plan, without the written consent of the Grantee of such Award.

Article 16.  Withholding

        16.1   Withholding

               (a)  Mandatory Tax Withholding.

                      (1)  Whenever  under the Plan,  Shares are to be delivered
               upon  exercise or payment of an Award or upon  Restricted  Shares
               becoming  nonforfeitable,  or any other  event  with  respect  to
               rights and benefits  hereunder,  the Company shall be entitled to
               require  (i) that the  Grantee  remit an  amount  in cash,  or if
               determined by the Committee, Mature Shares, sufficient to satisfy
               all   federal,   state,   local  and  foreign   tax   withholding
               requirements related thereto ("Required  Withholding"),  (ii) the
               withholding  of  such  Required   Withholding  from  compensation
               otherwise  due to the Grantee or from any Shares or other payment
               due to the Grantee under the Plan or (iii) any combination of the


                      (2) Any Grantee who makes a  Disqualifying  Disposition or
               an election  under  Section  83(b) of the Code shall remit to the
               Company an amount  sufficient to satisfy all  resulting  Required
               Withholding;  provided  that,  in lieu of or in  addition  to the
               foregoing,  the  Company  shall have the right to  withhold  such
               Required  Withholding  from  compensation  otherwise  due  to the
               Grantee or from any Shares or other  payment  due to the  Grantee
               under the Plan.

               (b)  Elective Share Withholding.

                      (1) Subject to subsection 16.1(b)(2),  a Grantee may elect
               the withholding ("Share Withholding") by the Company of a portion
               of the Shares subject to an Award upon the exercise of such Award
               or upon Restricted Shares becoming non-forfeitable or upon making
               an election  under  Section  83(b) of the Code (each,  a "Taxable
               Event")  having a Fair  Market  Value  equal  to (i) the  minimum
               amount  necessary  to  satisfy  Required  Withholding   liability
               attributable  to the Taxable Event;  or (ii) with the Committee's
               prior  approval,  a greater  amount,  not to exceed the estimated
               total amount of such  Grantee's tax liability with respect to the
               Taxable Event.

                      (2) Each Share  Withholding  election  shall be subject to
the following conditions:

                             (A) any Grantee's  election shall be subject to the
Committee's  discretion to revoke the Grantee's right to elect Share Withholding
at any time before the  Grantee's  election if the  Committee  has  reserved the
right to do so in the Award Agreement;

                             (B) the Grantee's  election must be made before the
date (the "Tax Date") on which the amount of tax to be  withheld is  determined;

                             (C) the Grantee's election shall be irrevocable.

        16.2  Notification  Under  Code  Section  83(b).  If  the  Grantee,   in
connection with the exercise of any Option,  or the grant of Restricted  Shares,
makes the election  permitted under Section 83(b) of the Code to include in such
Grantee's gross income in the year of transfer the amounts  specified in Section
83(b) of the Code,  then such Grantee  shall notify the Company of such election
within 10 days of filing the notice of the election  with the  Internal  Revenue
Service,  in  addition  to any  filing and  notification  required  pursuant  to
regulations  issued  under  Section  83(b) of the Code.  The  Committee  may, in
connection with the grant of an Award or at any time thereafter prior to such an
election  being  made,  prohibit a Grantee  from making the  election  described

Article 17.  Successors

        All  obligations  of the Company  under the Plan with  respect to Awards
granted hereunder


shall be binding on any successor to the Company,  whether the existence of such
successor is the result of a direct or indirect purchase, merger, consolidation,
or otherwise of all or  substantially  all of the business  and/or assets of the

Article 18.  Additional Provisions

        18.1 Gender and Number. Except where otherwise indicated by the context,
any masculine term used herein also shall include the feminine, the plural shall
include the singular and the singular shall include the plural.

        18.2  Severability.  If any part of the Plan is declared by any court or
governmental   authority  to  be  unlawful  or  invalid,  such  unlawfulness  or
invalidity  shall not invalidate any other part of the Plan. Any Section or part
of a Section so  declared  to be  unlawful or invalid  shall,  if  possible,  be
construed  in a manner  which will give  effect to the terms of such  Section or
part of a Section to the fullest  extent  possible  while  remaining  lawful and

        18.3  Requirements  of Law.  The  granting of Awards and the issuance of
Shares  under the Plan shall be  subject  to all  applicable  laws,  rules,  and
regulations,  and to  such  approvals  by any  governmental  agencies  or  stock
exchanges as may be required.  Notwithstanding  any provision of the Plan or any
Award,  Grantees shall not be entitled to exercise,  or receive  benefits under,
any Award, and the Company shall not be obligated to deliver any Shares or other
benefits to a Grantee, if such exercise or delivery would constitute a violation
by the Grantee or the Company of any applicable law or regulation.

        18.4   Securities Law Compliance.

               (a) If the  Committee  deems  it  necessary  to  comply  with any
applicable  securities law, or the requirements of any stock exchange upon which
Shares may be  listed,  the  Committee  may  impose  any  restriction  on Shares
acquired  pursuant  to  Awards  under  the  Plan as it may deem  advisable.  All
certificates  for Shares  delivered  under the Plan pursuant to any Award or the
exercise  thereof  shall be  subject  to such  stop  transfer  orders  and other
restrictions  as the Committee may deem advisable  under the rules,  regulations
and other requirements of the SEC, any stock exchange upon which Shares are then
listed,  any applicable  securities law, and the Committee may cause a legend or
legends to be put on any such certificates to make appropriate reference to such
restrictions.  If so requested by the Company,  the Grantee shall make a written
representation  to the Company that he or she will not sell or offer to sell any
Shares unless a registration  statement  shall be in effect with respect to such
Shares under the  Securities Act of 1993, as amended,  and any applicable  state
securities law or unless he or she shall have furnished to the Company  evidence
satisfactory to the Company that such registration is not required.

               (b)  If  the   Committee   determines   that  the   exercise   or
nonforfeitability  of, or  delivery  of  benefits  pursuant  to, any Award would
violate any applicable  provision of securities laws or the listing requirements
of any stock  exchange upon which any of the  Company's  equity


securities  are listed,  then the  Committee  may  postpone  any such  exercise,
nonforfeitability  or delivery,  as  applicable,  but the Company  shall use all
reasonable  efforts to cause such  exercise,  nonforfeitability  or  delivery to
comply with all such provisions at the earliest practicable date.

        18.5 No Rights as a Stockholder.  A Grantee shall not have any rights as
a stockholder  of the Company with respect to the Shares (other than  Restricted
Shares)  which may be  deliverable  upon exercise or payment of such Award until
such shares have been delivered to him or her.  Restricted Shares,  whether held
by a Grantee or in escrow by the  Secretary of the Company,  shall confer on the
Grantee all rights of a stockholder of the Company, except as otherwise provided
in the Plan or Award Agreement. At the time of a grant of Restricted Shares, the
Committee may require the payment of cash dividends  thereon to be deferred and,
if the Committee so  determines,  reinvested in  additional  Restricted  Shares.
Stock  dividends and deferred cash  dividends  issued with respect to Restricted
Shares shall be subject to the same restrictions and other terms as apply to the
Restricted Shares with respect to which such dividends are issued. The Committee
may provide for payment of interest on deferred cash dividends.

        18.6 Nature of Payments.  Awards shall be special incentive  payments to
the  Grantee  and shall not be taken  into  account in  computing  the amount of
salary or  compensation  of the Grantee for purposes of determining any pension,
retirement,   death  or  other  benefit  under  (a)  any  pension,   retirement,
profit-sharing,  bonus,  insurance or other employee benefit plan of the Company
or any Subsidiary or (b) any agreement between (i) the Company or any Subsidiary
and (ii) the Grantee, except as such plan or agreement shall otherwise expressly

        18.7 Performance  Measures.  Unless and until the Committee proposes for
stockholder  vote and stockholders  approve a change in the general  performance
measures set forth in this Section 18.7, the  performance  measure(s) to be used
for purposes of such Awards shall be chosen from among the following:

        (a) Earnings (either in the aggregate or on a per-share basis);

        (b) Net income (before or after taxes);

        (c) Operating income;

        (d) Cash flow;

        (e) Return measures (including return on assets, equity, or sales);

        (f) Earnings  before or after  either,  or any  combination  of,  taxes,
            interest or depreciation and amortization;

        (g) Gross revenues;


        (h) Share price (including growth measures and stockholder  return or
            attainment  by the Shares of a  specified  value for a  specified
            period of time);

        (i) Reductions  in  expense  levels in each case,  where  applicable,
            determined  either on a  Company-wide  basis or in respect of any
            one or more business units;

        (j) Net economic value; or

        (k) Market share.

        Any of the foregoing  performance measures may be applied, as determined
by the Committee,  on the basis of the Company as a whole,  or in respect of any
one or more Subsidiaries or divisions of the Company or any part of a Subsidiary
or division of the Company that is specified by the Committee.

        The Committee may adjust the  determinations of the degree of attainment
of the preestablished  performance goals;  provided,  however, that Awards which
are designed to qualify for the Performance-Based  Exception may not be adjusted
upward  without the approval of the Company's  stockholders  (the  Committee may
adjust such Awards downward).

        In the event that applicable tax and/or securities laws change to permit
Committee  discretion  to  alter  the  governing  performance  measures  without
obtaining  stockholder  approval  of such  changes,  and still  qualify  for the
Performance-Based  Exception,  the Committee  shall have sole discretion to make
such changes without obtaining stockholder approval.

        18.8 Governing Law. The Plan,  and all  agreements  hereunder,  shall be
construed in  accordance  with and governed by the laws of the State of Delaware
other than its laws respecting choice of law.