September 16, 1999

Mr. Marc Byron
Chief Executive Officer
Paradigm Direct LLC
Two Executive Drive
Fort Lee, NJ 07024


Dear Marc:

This  is to set  forth  the  letter  of  intent  between  Protection  One  Alarm
Monitoring,  Inc., 600 Corporate  Pointe,  Suite 1200,  Culver City,  California
90230 (herein  "Protection One") and Paradigm Direct,  LLC, Two Executive Drive,
Fort Lee,  New Jersey  07024  (herein  "Paradigm")  with respect to the proposed
marketing  relationship  which will be memorialized in a more  comprehensive and
final agreement  ("Marketing  Agreement')  between  Protection One and Paradigm.
However,  in order to allow the  parties to  commence a pilot  program,  we have
committed to putting forth our intentions in this letter.

1.       Name: Paradigm would conduct business under the Marketing Agreement
under the name Protection One Marketing Services ("POMS").

2. Term:  The term of the  Marketing  Agreement  would be for three  years (each
referred to herein as a "Marketing  Year") following the completion of the Pilot
Program as  described  below.  The first  Marketing  Year would start  following
completion  of the  Pilot  Program,  which  would be such time as  Paradigm  has
delivered 2,500 accounts to Protection One;  Paradigm would use its best efforts
to produce these first 2,500 sales within the 5 month time frame or sooner.

3. New Accounts: Protection One currently anticipates that it could accept up to
50,000 new  accounts  during the first year.  Protection  One would pay Paradigm
$775.00 per installed account with monthly recurring revenue of $32.95 per month
and  meeting  the  criteria  set forth in the  Marketing  Agreement  ("Qualified
Account(s)").  A sample of customary account criteria for installed  accounts is
attached  to this  letter as  Exhibit  A, and  Exhibit  A shall be the  required
account  criteria  during the Pilot Program.  No later than ninety days prior to
the end of the first  Marketing  Year the parties  would  agree on the  targeted
number of sales,  the  minimum  monthly  recurring  revenue  per account and the
amount  to be paid for those  sales  for the  second  Marketing  Year.  The same
process would occur with respect to the third Marketing Year.

4.  Termination:  Protection One would be free to terminate the agreement in the
event the Pilot Program is not concluded within 5 months from the
effective date of this letter of intent.

Marc Byron, Letter of Intent
September 16, 1999, p.2

Additionally,  Protection  One would be free to cancel the  agreement  after the
first year in any of the following circumstances:

      Paradigm does not deliver the targeted number of accounts for the previous
         Marketing Year (or any lesser minimum  established by Protection  One),
         subject to a 10% cushion for the targeted number, or

      in the event attrition on accounts delivered by Paradigm exceeds by 25% or
         greater,  that of a  statistically  valid random  sample of  Protection
         One's traditional dealer business over a similar period of time, or

      in the event  either Marc Byron or David Graf are no longer  employees  of
         either Paradigm or an organization that owns a controlling  interest in
         Paradigm;  or are no longer actively involved in the management of POMS
         or the program created by the Marketing Agreement.

Management  Fee:  Upon  signing  of this  letter of intent,  Paradigm  will bill
Protection One in full for a $1million  management  fee,  which will  constitute
payment in full for all  services  provided by Paradigm  during  June,  July and
August of 1999.  Protection  One will pay the  management fee upon the sooner of
the signing of the Marketing Agreement or thirty (30) days following the signing
of this  Letter  of  Intent.  The  parties  intend to enter  into the  Marketing
Agreement no later than the end of September, and earlier if possible.

6.  Pre-payment of Pilot Programs:  Protection One would prepay Paradigm for the
2,500 Pilot Program Qualified Accounts in the amount of $856.70 per account,  or
an aggregate of $2,141,750.  One-half of this amount would be billed in November
of 1999 and the balance would be billed in January of 2000. These invoices would
be due net 30 days.  In the event the  program is  terminated  as  provided  for
above,  and the 2500 Pilot Program accounts have not been delivered by Paradigm,
then  Protection One shall be entitled to a refund of the full purchase price of
$856.70 for each such  Qualified  Account  less than 2500,  that is delivered to
Protection  One.  Such refund would be due net 30 days from  termination  of the

7. Continuing Fees:  Protection One would pay Paradigm $20 for each account that
remains an account in good  standing  (paid  through  the term) for each  twelve
month period of time for the life of the account,  regardless  of whether or not
the  Marketing  Agreement is in effect.  Protection  One would provide a list of
such  active and current  accounts  to Paradigm at the end of each twelve  month
period,  and Paradigm will bill  Protection One for those accounts for which the
$20 payment is due. Provided that the Marketing Agreement remains in

effect and Paradigm is not in breach of any of the terms thereof, Protection One
would  allow  a  limited-term  grace  period  (to be  defined  in the  Marketing
Agreement)  following the  expiration  of each year,  for the accounts to become
current.  If upon the  expiration  of such grace period,  such  accounts  become
current,  then  Paradigm  would be entitled to the $20 payment for such account.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this section, in the event
the Marketing Agreement is terminated,

Marc Byron, Letter of Intent
September 16, 1999, p.3

Protection  One would  have the  option to make a one time lump sum  payment  of
$75.00  per  account  at the  time of  termination  in lieu of any  further  $20
obligations.  Additionally, Paradigm would have the option to request a one time
lump sum payment of $60.00 per account at the time of termination in lieu of any
further $20 obligations,  provided, however, that such lump sum payment does not
cause  Protection  One to  default  on its debt  covenants.  Payment of the lump
payment would be due within 30 days of the effective time of termination.

8.  Overhead:  Protection  One would pay Paradigm,  for the Pilot Period and the
First  Marketing  Year,  the  Overhead,  plus 10%, for the  marketing  personnel
reallocated  from  Protection  One to  Paradigm/POMS.  For the  purposes of this
letter of  intent,  "Overhead"  is  defined as  current  salary  plus  benefits,
however, the 10% mark up shall apply to base salaries only. Ninety days prior to
the end of the first year and  similarly  in each rolling  twelve month  period,
Paradigm and Protection One would agree upon the appropriate  employee headcount
that  Protection  One will  reimburse to Paradigm (plus the 10% mark-up) for the
succeeding  year.  Paradigm  would have sole  discretion as to whether or not to
continue the  employment  of any persons  whose  Overhead is not  reimbursed  by
Protection  One.  Paradigm  would conduct  normal  course of business  personnel
reviews  every six months for each  employee to  determine  appropriateness  for
raises,  bonuses,  new  assignments  or other normal  course of business  review
procedures.  The Marketing  Agreement  would  include a specific  listing of all
personnel and salaries at that time who will be transitioned  to  Paradigm/POMS,
and also  would  include  some  specific  benchmarks  for salary  increases  and
benefits.  Those  reallocated  employees  who would have been  eligible had they
remained  Protection  One  employees,  will be  eligible  for  participation  in
Protection One's short term incentive plans for 1999 and 2000,  provided,
however,  such  employees will be subject to the same criteria for pay out under
those  plans as  regular  Protection  One  employees.  Additionally,  for  those
reallocated employees who have been awarded stock options under Protection One's
stock option or long term incentive plans, continuing employment with POMS shall
be treated as  continuing  employment  with  Protection  One for the  purpose of
determining  vesting under those plans. The reallocation of personnel will occur
upon  signing of this Letter and  Overhead  charges will accrue as of that date.
Protection One shall pay the Overhead  payments  monthly,  in advance,  with the
first  payment,  including  sums  incurred  prior to such  date,  being due upon
signing of the Marketing Agreement.

9.    Leads Management:  Paradigm would generate qualified leads for sale to

Protection  One.  In order to qualify  for sale,  a lead must be (a)  subject to
taped verification of customer's  agreement to a sales  appointment;  (b) within
the service  territory  of  Protection  One, as amended  from time to time;  (c)
credit scored at a minimum of 600 FICO score. Protection One's service territory
will be defined in the Marketing Agreement but would generally be described as a
geographic  territory  within  a  certain  radius  of  existing  Protection  One
operations facilities. Paradigm would sell the qualified leads to Protection One
for $115.00 each.  Payment would be due net 30. Leads generated during the Pilot
Period will be subject to the terms of this paragraph.

Marc Byron, Letter of Intent
September 16, 1999, p.4

10.      Miscellaneous:

      A) Agency and consulting fees: Any agency or consultancy fees sought to be
      reimbursed by Paradigm from  Protection One would require  pre-approval in
      writing.  Protection  One would  establish in advance a minimum budget per
      quarter for such expenses.

      B) Paradigm would submit a plan for monthly  sales.  In the event Paradigm
      wishes to exceed that  forecast by more than 20%,  Paradigm  would  obtain
      prior consent in writing from Protection One.

      C) ADEMCO rebate: Protection One would retain the rebate in full.

      D) Management of dealer program: Protection One would retain management of
      its dealer program.

      E) Credit  scoring:  The Marketing  Agreement would contain credit scoring
      criteria  for  POMS  new  customers,  with  a  floor  of  FICO  600 or the
      equivalent.  POMS would obtain  Protection  One's prior  written  approval
      before marketing to the sub 600 marketplace.

      F) The Marketing  Agreement  would provide a budget for certain  specified
      direct  expenses  incurred by POMS to be billed directly to Protection One
      and  paid  net 30  days.  90 days  prior  to the  end of each  year of the
      Marketing Agreement,  a budget for such expenses would be provided by POMS
      to Protection One for approval.

      G) The Marketing Agreement shall contain such indemnities as are customary
      to contracts of that type and during the Pilot  Period,  the parties agree
      that each of them shall hold  harmless and indemnify the other and each of
      their  parent,  subsidiary,  or affiliated  companies and their  officers,
      directors, shareholders, employees, attorneys and agents, from all claims,
      demands,  causes  of  action  and  liabilities  of every  kind or  nature,
      including  reasonable  attorneys  fees,  arising out of or related to this
      Letter or the Marketing Agreement, asserted by any past, present or future
      officer, director, shareholder, employee,

      attorney, agent or creditor of the indemnifying party, any of such party's
      affiliated  companies,  any prospective or actual customer of the services
      contemplated by this letter, and any other third parties,  except any such
      claims, demands, causes of action or liabilities arising solely out of the
      action or inaction of such party seeking indemnification.

      H)  Paradigm  agrees  that for as long as this  Letter  and the  Marketing
      Agreement  are in effect,  it will not enter into any  marketing  or other
      relationship  with any  other  security  alarm  service  company  or other
      competitor  of  Protection  One offering  the same or similar  services to
      those of  Protection  One.  Additionally,  the  Marketing  Agreement  will
      contain  provisions  customary in the industry  regarding  solicitation of
      customer accounts.

Marc Byron, Letter of Intent
September 16, 1999, p.5

      I) Each party  agrees  that it will keep the terms of this  Letter and the
      Marketing  Agreement  confidential  and will  only  disclose  the  details
      thereof to those  persons  associated  with each party that have a need to
      know  or as  necessary  to  comply  with  applicable  law.  The  Marketing
      Agreement will contain such further terms  regarding  confidentiality  and
      disclosure  as are agreed to by the parties.  Neither party shall make any
      press  releases  concerning  the  subject  matter  of this  Letter  or the
      Marketing  Agreement  without  the  express  written  consent of the other

11.  Approvals:  Except as  specifically  set  forth in  section  12 below,  the
transactions contemplated by this letter of intent are subject to:

      the approval of the transactions contemplated hereby by the Boards of
         Directors of each party, and,

      the negotiation, execution and delivery of the Marketing Agreement by
         Protection One and Paradigm upon mutually agreeable terms and
         conditions, and

      theapproval  and  or  licensing  as may be  required  by any  governmental
         agency or  administrative  body  necessary to lawfully  consummate  the
         transactions contemplated hereby.

12. Failure to Agree:  In the event the Marketing  Agreement is not entered into
by December 31, 1999 for any reason, the following shall occur:

      Paradigm shall be entitled to retain the $1,000,000 management fee,

      Protection One shall  reimburse  Paradigm  for each Pilot  Period  account
         delivered to Protection One during such period at the rate set forth in
         paragraph 6 above,

      Protection One shall reimburse  Paradigm for each qualified lead delivered
         to Protection One during such period at the rate set forth in paragraph
         9 above,

      Thepersonnel   reallocated   to  POMS  would  return  to  Protection   One
         employment,  and accrued but unpaid Overhead,  if any, would be paid to

      Other than as set forth in A, B, C and D above,  neither  party shall have
         any further obligation to the other.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this letter of intent is entered  into by each of
the parties as set forth below, to be effective as of September 15, 1999.

Protection One Alarm Monitoring, Inc.            Paradigm Direct, LLC

By:/s/ Annette Beck                              By:/s/ Marc Byron
Title:    President & COO                        Title:       CEO

Marc Byron, Letter of Intent
September 16, 1999, p.6

                                    EXHIBIT A


Each Customer Account offered to Protection One must comply with the following:

      theinstallation  of the  alarm  system  to be  installed  pursuant  to the
         applicable  Dealer  Contract and P-ONE  Contract shall be completed and
         the alarm system shall be fully operational, capable of being monitored
         by Protection  One's monitoring  facility,  and capable of being billed
         for monitoring and repair  services by Protection  One, with Protection
         One having a reasonable expectation of payment therefor;

      Protection  One  shall  have  received,  in it's  reasonable  judgment,  a
         satisfactory result from it's telephone survey to the Customer;

      the Customer Account shall have met the criteria set forth in the
         definition of Customer Account;

      alloriginal  documentation  (including  monitoring  codes,  upload  codes,
         download codes,  installer codes and programming codes) shall have been
         delivered to Protection One;

      thealarm  system  shall  have  sent  test  signals  to  Protection   One's
         monitoring  facility in a manner  reasonably  acceptable  to Protection

      the Customer shall have paid or financed: (i) the complete sales price
         for the alarm system or (ii) the complete installation and labor
         charges for a non-sold system;

      theCustomer  shall have met Protection  One's minimum credit  requirements
         as set forth in the Letter of Intent dated  September  15, 1999, at the
         time such Customer's credit score was run by Paradigm; and

      theinstallation  of the alarm system shall be compliant  with the standard
         as set forth in the P-ONE Installation Manual.