WESTERN RESOURCES, INC.
                            PROTECTION ONE, INC.

         THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT (together with one or more Exhibits which may be
incorporated into this agreement from time to time, the "Agreement") is made and
entered into as of this 1st day of April, 1999 by and between WESTERN RESOURCES,
INC., a Kansas  corporation,  ("Western")  and PROTECTION  ONE, INC., a Delaware
corporation ("Protection One").

         WHEREAS,  Protection  One  has  requested  that  Western  assist  it by
providing  to  Protection  One and certain of its  subsidiaries  and  affiliates
identified in the respective individual Exhibits which may, from time to time be
attached hereto (each such entity a "Client Group Member",  and collectively the
"Client Group") the services  described in the Exhibits hereto (the "Services"),
and Western has agreed to provide such Services to Client Group Members, subject
to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

         NOW THEREFORE,  for and in  consideration  of the mutual  covenants set
forth herein, as well as other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

         1.  Services.  Protection  One  hereby  retains  Western  to cause  the
Services described in Section 1 of each Exhibit to this Agreement to be provided
to each  Client  Group  Member  (as  defined  in  Section  3 of such  respective
Exhibit),  and Western agrees to cause such Services to be provided,  subject to
the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

         2. Payment for Services.  In exchange for the Services,  Protection One
shall cause Western to be paid in accordance with the terms set forth in Section
4 of each respective  Exhibit to this Agreement.  Protection One shall be solely
responsible,  without right of  reimbursement,  for the satisfaction of any tax,
other than income tax, imposed by a state or local taxing authority with respect
to, or arising out of, the  Services  provided  under this  Agreement or payment
thereof ("Transaction Taxes").

         3. Term and Termination.  The term for which a particular Service shall
be provided shall be set forth in Section 2 of each  respective  Exhibit to this

         4. Notices.  All notices which are required or may be given pursuant to
the terms of this  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be sufficient in all
respects  if given in writing  and  delivered  personally  or by  registered  or
certified mail, return receipt requested,  and such notice shall be deemed to be
given on the date hand-delivered or on the third day after the date deposited in
the United States mail, or other comparable  commercial  delivery  system,  with
postage or delivery charges thereon prepaid, addressed as follows:

      If to Western:                       If to Protection One:

      Rita A. Sharpe                       John E. Mack III
      818 South Kansas                     600 Corporate Pointe, 12th Floor
      Topeka, Kansas 66612                 Culver City, California 90230

      with copy to:                        with copy to:
      General Counsel

         5.  Governing  Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed
according  to the  internal  laws of, and  without  regard to  conflicts  of law
provisions, the State of Kansas.

         6. Amendment.  This Agreement may be amended only by a writing executed
with the same formality as this Agreement.

         7. Contractual Arrangement. It is expressly acknowledged by the parties
hereto that Western is an independent  contractor.  Nothing  contained herein is
intended  or shall be  construed  to create an  employer-employee  relationship,
joint  venture or  partnership  between  Western and  Protection  One and/or any
Client Group Member. The parties  acknowledge and agree that Protection One will
not withhold  from the  compensation  payable to Western  hereunder any sums for
income tax, employment insurance, workers compensation,  Social Security, or any
other  withholding  pursuant to any state or federal law or  requirement  of any
governmental agency.

         8.  Limitations  on Liability  for Work  Performed.  Western  agrees to
perform the work in a good and  workmanlike  manner  consistent with the customs
and practices of the industry  providing services  substantially  similar to the

         9.  Indemnification.  Protection One shall  indemnify and hold Western,
its members, directors,  officers, employees, parents, affiliates,  subsidiaries
and independent contractors ("Indemnitees") harmless against any and all claims,
losses, costs, damages and expenses,  including,  but not limited to Transaction
Taxes and  attorney  fees,  arising out of or in  connection  with the  services
provided to each Client Group Member by Western  hereunder or from any breach by
Western of any provision of this Agreement,  or any act,  omission or neglect by
Western, or any Indemnitee.

         10. Confidential Information.  Western and Protection One, on behalf of
itself and of each Client Group Member  agree that any  information  received by
either in connection with this contract, which concerns the confidential

personal,  financial  or other  affairs  of the other  will be  treated  in full
confidence and will not be revealed to any other persons, firms or organizations
except as may be required by judicial process, applicable law or regulation.

         11. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement contains the entire agreement and
understanding  between  Protection  One and  Western  and  supersedes  all prior
agreements and  understandings,  if any,  relating to the subject matter hereof.
Except for those set forth in this  Agreement,  the parties hereby agree that no
obligation or contractual commitment of any kind, other than as specifically set
out in this  Agreement,  (or  definitive  agreement(s)  as may be  entered  into
between the parties,  if any,  including  agreements  with respect to Additional
Services),  shall be deemed to exist  between the  parties,  and with respect to
subject matter hereof,  and none of Protection One, and any Client Group Member,
or Western shall be under any legal  obligation of any kind  whatsoever to enter
into any transaction or agreement by virtue of this Agreement.

         12. Third Party Beneficiaries.  There are no third party beneficiaries,
express or implied, intended or unintended, to this Agreement.

         13.  Binding Effect and  Assignment.  This Agreement and the rights and
obligations  under this Agreement shall not be assignable or transferable by the
parties   (including  by  operation  of  law  in   connection   with  a  merger,
consolidation or sale of all or substantially all the assets of a party) without
the prior  written  consent of the other party  hereto,  except that Western may
assign and transfer all its rights and  obligations  under this  Agreement to an
affiliate of Western without such written consent;  provided any such assignment
or transfer shall not release Western  Resources of its  obligations  hereunder.
Western will provide prompt notice to Protection One of any such  assignment and
transfer.  All the terms and provisions of this Agreement  shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the respective  successors and
assigns of the parties hereto, whether so expressed or not.

         14.  Prior   Negotiations.   This   Agreement   supersedes   all  prior
negotiations  and  agreements   between  the  parties  hereto  relative  to  the
transaction   contemplated  by  this   Agreement,   which  contains  the  entire
understanding of the parties hereto.

         15. Waiver of Breach. The waiver by any party hereto of a breach of any
provision of this Agreement  shall not operate as or be construed to be a waiver
of any subsequent breach by any party.

         16.  Dispute  Resolution.  Each of Protection  One, for itself and each
Client Group Member, and Western hereby agrees that (i) it shall,  promptly upon
its  dispute  of a matter  arising  under  this  Agreement  which may  involve a
claim(s)  against the other,  or a Client Group  member,  as the case may be, of
more that $5,000 or injunctive relief,  provide appropriate written notification
("Notice") of such dispute  ("Dispute") to such other  party(ies),  (ii) it will
attempt in good faith to resolve the Dispute through  meeting(s) and discussions
("Discussions") with the other party(ies) to the Dispute, such Discussions to be
held from time to time during the 30 calendar days immediately after the date of
the  Notice,  and (iii) it shall  designate  in the  Notice  appropriate  senior
management to actively participate in the Discussions for the purpose of
resolving the Dispute, proposed alternative dates

and locations of such meetings, and the nature of the Dispute.

         Protection  One, for itself and each Client Group  Member,  and Western
each hereby  agree that none of  Protection  One,  Western,  or any Client Group
Member, shall bring a legal action against any Client Group Member,  Western, or
Protection  One, as the case may be,  without  first  having  complied  with the
provisions set forth in this Section 16.

         17. Venue. Any dispute not resolved  pursuant to paragraph 16 above, if
raised in litigation, shall be brought in state or federal court having situs in
Shawnee  County,  Kansas,  as the parties agree that venue for all such disputes
shall be in Shawnee County, Kansas.

         18.  Invalid  Provision.  The  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of any
provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other  provisions  hereof,  and
this  Agreement  shall  be  construed  in all  respects  as if such  invalid  or
unenforceable provision were omitted.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day
and year first-above written.


Signature:    /s/                          Signature:    /s/
By:   Rita A. Sharpe                       By:   John E. Mack III
Its:  Vice President Shared Services       Its:  Chief Financial Officer
Date: 5/3/99                               Date: 5/3/99

                                  EXHIBIT 3

         This  Exhibit 3 is  incorporated  as of  October14,  1999  ("Exhibit  3
Effective Date") to that certain Service  Agreement  ("Service  Agreement") made
and entered into as of the 3rd day of May 1999 ("Effective Date") by and between
WESTERN RESOURCES,  INC., a Kansas corporation ("Western"),  and PROTECTION ONE,
INC., a Delaware corporation ("Protection One"). For purposes of this Exhibit 3,
the term "Agreement"  means, and is limited to, the Service  Agreement  together
with this Exhibit 3.

Section 1.        SERVICES INCLUDED.

         Western  shall cause the Services  described  below to be provided upon
Protection One's reasonable  request for itself, and for its more than 50% owned
subsidiaries  that are  identified in Section 3 (each a "Client  Group  Member",
and, collectively "Client Group").

         Generally. Western will, as more specifically set forth in this Exhibit
3,  provide,  or cause to be  provided,  Services  to one or more  Client  Group
Members.  Unless expressly indicated  otherwise,  all references to Sections and
subsections  in this Exhibit 3 are  references to such  respective  Sections and
subsections in this Exhibit 3.

         Certain Definitions.

         "Accounting Services" means accounting oversight, tax compliance,  cash
management, general leger financial reporting, and similar services.

         "Facilities  Services"  means  facility  management  services,  project
services,  duplication services, mail services,  real estate services,  facility
administration services, facility services, and other similar services.

         "Human Resources  Services" means employment  administration,  benefits
administration, training services, payroll services, and other similar services.

         "Information Technology Services" means

         (i)   Help Desk Call Center Support including

            1.    single point of contact end user support on a 24 x 7 basis,
            2.    high quality, responsive support according to defined
                  service levels,
            3.    escalation of issues to Western Resources and third
                  party resources,
            4.    management of service levels provided by Western Resources and
                  third party resources,
            5.    performance  and analysis  reporting, 6. end user satisfaction
                  surveys performed by a third
                  party organization;

                                  EXHIBIT 3

         (ii)  IT Asset Leasing including procurement,  leased asset procurement
               services, lease administration services and coordination of lease
              expiration functions;

         (iii)Budget/SLA  Development  and Management  including  development of
              the annual budget and service  level  agreements,  monthly  budget
              analysis and development of special budget reports;

         (iv)   Technical Support including technical services requested via the
                Help  Desk  Call  Center,   the  e-mail  request   system,   and
              for the following products and services:

              (a) PC, telephone and related peripherals adds/moves/changes,  (b)
              software and hardware installations and modifications, (c) provide
              high quality, skilled technicians and electronic
                   workflow management;

         (v)  Internet services including access to the Internet through Western
              Resources firewall;

         (vi) Support  and  administration  of Lotus  Notes  SmartSuite  desktop
              clients, and

         (vii)telephone  services  including  access to Company  network,  voice
              mail,  toll free  dialing to all network  locations  and all other
              ISDN features.

              1.  These services will be billed at the monthly rate of $5.00 per
                  phone number.
              2.  Phoneset   hardware  and  PBX  port  charges  will  be  billed
              3.  Actual long  distance  usage and calling  card charges will be
                  billed on a monthly basis.

         "Legal Services" means legal  representation  and counseling  services,
and other similar services.

         "Supply Chain Services" means accounts payable management  services and
oversight,  accounts payable transition activities,  processing invoices,  check
printing,  invoice  document  services,  credit card (travel and  entertainment,
procurement  and  fleet)  related  activities,   strategic  sourcing  management
services and oversight,  procurement of goods and services  related  activities,
materials management services and oversight, supply chain related administrative
services (budget, SLAs, etc.) and similar services.

         "Services" means one or more of services composing Accounting Services,
Facilities Services, Human Resources Services, Information Technology Services,
Legal Services, and Supply Chain Services.

                                  EXHIBIT 3

                             ADDITIONAL SERVICES

         Additional  Services  shall be provided  only  pursuant to a definitive
written agreement,  if any, as may be entered into between Western Resources and
Protection One. For purposes of this Exhibit 3, the term  "Additional  Services"
means services  constituted or represented by any material increase,  expansion,
or broadening of Western's  obligations  hereunder,  relative to the Services to
otherwise be provided hereunder by Western to Client Group.

         Protection  One,  for itself,  and for each Client  Group  Member,  and
Western  hereby  agree,  with  respect  to  Additional  Services,  if any,  that
Protection  One and Western  shall,  from time to time,  attempt to negotiate in
good faith a mutually agreeable definitive agreement for the performance of such
Additional  Services  by  Western  for  Protection  One  and  Client  Group,  as
contemplated  by  Section 1;  provided,  except as  expressly  set forth in this
Exhibit 3, nothing  shall be deemed to create any legal  obligation  of any kind
whatsoever upon any party to enter into any agreement with respect to Additional

Section 2.    TERM.

              a.  Unless  terminated  pursuant to Section 2(b),  this  Agreement
                  shall be effective from the Exhibit 3 Effective Date and shall
                  automatically terminate upon the earlier of (i) June 30, 2000,
                  unless  thereafter  extended by written mutual  agreement on a
                  month to month basis or (ii) Closing, as defined in the merger
                  agreement dated March 18, 1998 between Western Resources, Inc.
                  and Kansas City Power & Light Company
                  ("Merger Agreement"), of the Merger Agreement.

              b. Termination. This Agreement may also terminate:

                   i.   At any time by written mutual agreement of the
                        parties; or

                   iii. Upon sixty (60) calendar days prior written  notice from
                        one party to the other stating that party's intent to
                          terminate this Agreement for "cause." For the purposes
                        of  this  Agreement,  the  term  "cause"  means,  and is
                        limited  to, a  material  breach  of this  Agreement  by
                        either  party which  remains  uncured  more than 30 days
                        after written notice of such breach has been provided.

Section 3.    CLIENT GROUP.

         For purposes of providing the Services described in Section 1, the term
"Client Group" means, and is limited to:

                                  EXHIBIT 3

Protection One Alarm Monitoring, Inc.      Protection One, Inc.
Security Monitoring Services, Inc.         Comsec Narragansett Security, Inc
Protection One International, Inc.         Comsec Systems, Inc.
P-1 Merger Sub (Del)                       Network Multifamily Security
                                           Corporation, Inc.
P-1 Merger Sub (Mass)                      Protection One Investments, Inc.
Protection One Canada, Inc.                Canguard, Inc.
Protection One U.K., Inc.                  Compagnie Euorpeenne de
                                           Telesecurete, S.A.
CET Benelux, S.A.                          CET Swisse
CET Technishe Sicherheirsdienste GmbH      Eurocontact
Europ Telesecurite                         Grance Reseau Telesecurite
Actar                                      Aldis
Servelance Electroreque de France          Croese Larroch
E.S. Beveliging                            Protection One Acquisition Holding
Protection One Alarm Monitoring of         Corporation, Inc.
Mass, Inc.


         (a) Subject to Sections  4(b),  (c), (d), and (e)  Protection One shall
cause to be paid in cash to Western,  in exchange  for the  Services,  an amount
equal to the sum of

            (i)  the  aggregate  of  the  mathematical  products  of  the  total
                 Chargeable  Hours for such Services and the  respective  hourly
                 rate(s) set forth on Attachment A to this Exhibit 3;

           (ii)  Western's  out-of-pocket  costs including  without  limitation,
                 travel, lodging meals, long distance charges and overnight mail
                 as itemized on a statement; and

          (iii)  any  other  costs for  services  and/or  products  that are not
                 susceptible to hourly rate pricing which are directly  provided
                 or contracted out by Western to be provided to Protection One.

         Any amount due under  Section 4 shall be paid by the 10th  calendar day
of the month  coinciding with or next following the date on which Protection One
receives  from Western a statement  itemizing  such amounts due. For purposes of
this Exhibit 3, the term "Chargeable  Hour" means an actual labor hour worked by
a person in the classification of personnel set forth on Attachment A.

         (b) Each of the parties hereby agrees that, notwithstanding anything to
the contrary in this Agreement,  if Western Resources determines during the term
of  this  Agreement  that  the  aggregate  amount  paid  or  payable  as of such
determination  by  Protection  One under  Section  4(a) is less than 90% (ninety
percent) of the actual costs incurred and as documented by Western in

                                  EXHIBIT 3

providing the related  Services,  then the amount  payable by Protection One for
Services provided after such determination  shall be automatically  increased as
described in Section 4(c).

         (c) The  amount  payable  by  Protection  One  for  Services  shall  be
increased, if at all, as contemplated by Section 4(b), such that the amount then
payable by Protection One for Services provided after any such  determination is
at least 90%  (ninety  percent)  of the  actual  costs  incurred  by  Western in
providing Services under this Agreement after such determination.

         (d) Any change in the  organizational  structure  of either  Western or
Protection  One which also  results  in a change of  Services  contrary  to this
Agreement, will result in negotiations to determine the proper payable amount in
light of those changes.

         (e)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this Exhibit 3, in no
event shall the  aggregate  amount  payable by  Protection  One under  Section 4
exceed $3.5 million (three million five hundred thousand dollars).

         Unless  otherwise  agreed to in writing all  payments  shall be made by
wire transfer to the account identified immediately below.

                         Bank of America, Dallas, Texas
                             Western Resources, Inc.
                                  Acct # 375-095-4775
                              Routing No. 111000012

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Exhibit 3 on the day
and year first-above written.


Signature:/s/ Rita A. Sharpe              Signature:/s/ Annette Beck
By:    Rita A. Sharpe                     By:    Annette Beck
Title: Vice President Shared Services     Title: President
Date:                                     Date:  October 29, 1999

                                 Attachment A
                                 to Exhibit 3

                   DESCRIPTION                 HOURLY RATE

                   Clerical                         $24

                   Staff                            $38

                   Senior Staff                     $55

                   Manager                          $66

                   Director                         $82

                   Executive Director               $95

                                  EXHIBIT 4

This  Exhibit 4 is  incorporated  as of October 14,  1999  ("Exhibit 4 Effective
Date") to that certain Service Agreement ("Service  Agreement") made and entered
into as of the 3rd day of May 1999  ("Effective  Date") by and  between  WESTERN
RESOURCES,  INC., a Kansas corporation ("Western"),  and PROTECTION ONE, INC., a
Delaware  corporation  ("Protection  One").  For purposes of this Exhibit 4, the
term "Agreement"  means, and is limited to, the Service Agreement  together with
this Exhibit 4.

Section 1.        SERVICES.

         Western  will,  as more  specifically  set  forth  in this  Exhibit  4,
provide,  or cause to be  provided,  SSMS to one or more Client  Group  Members.
Unless expressly indicated otherwise, all references to Sections and subsections
in this Exhibit 4 are references to such respective  Sections and subsections in
this Exhibit 4.

         Generally.  Western shall cause the Shared Services Management Services
("SSMS") to be provided upon Protection One's reasonable request for itself, and
for its more than 50% owned  subsidiaries that are identified in Section 3 (each
a "Client Group Member", and, collectively "Client Group").

         Certain Definitions.

         "Services" has the meaning ascribed to such term in Exhibit 3 to the
Service Agreement.

         "Shared  Services  Management  Services"  means,  and  is  limited  to,
oversight and  coordination  of the provision of any one or more of the Services
and/or  supervision  of Protection  One employees  engaged in providing  similar

         Additional  Services.   Additional  Services  shall  be  provided  only
pursuant to a  definitive  written  agreement,  if any,  as may be entered  into
between  Western and  Protection  One.  For purposes of this Exhibit 4, the term
"Additional  Services" means services constituted or represented by any material
increase,  expansion, or broadening of Western's obligations hereunder, relative
to the SSMS to otherwise be provided hereunder by Western to Client Group.

         Protection  One,  for itself,  and for each Client  Group  Member,  and
Western  hereby  agree,  with  respect  to  Additional  Services,  if any,  that
Protection  One and Western  shall,  from time to time,  attempt to negotiate in
good faith a mutually agreeable definitive agreement for the performance of such
Additional  Services  by  Western  for  Protection  One  and  Client  Group,  as
contemplated  by  Section 1;  provided,  except as  expressly  set forth in this
Exhibit 4, nothing  shall be deemed to create any legal  obligation  of any kind
whatsoever upon any party to enter into any agreement with respect to Additional

                                  EXHIBIT 4

Section 2.   TERM.

         a.Unless  terminated  pursuant to Section 2(b), this Agreement shall be
           effective from the Exhibit 4 Effective  Date and shall  automatically
           terminate  upon the earlier of (i) June 30, 2000,  unless  thereafter
           extended by written  mutual  agreement on a month to month basis,  or
           (ii) Closing, as defined in the merger agreement dated March 18, 1998
           between Western Resources, Inc. and Kansas City Power & Light Company
           ("Merger Agreement"), of the Merger Agreement.

         b.   Termination.  This Agreement may also terminate

           i.    at any time by written mutual agreement of the parties; or

           ii.   upon sixty (60)  calendar  days prior  written  notice from one
                 party to the other  stating  that  party's  intent to terminate
                 this Agreement for "cause." For the purposes of this Agreement,
                 the term "cause" means, and is limited to, a material breach of
                 this Agreement by either party which remains  uncured more than
                 30 days after written notice of such breach has been provided.

Section 3.   CLIENT GROUP.

         For  purposes of  providing  the SSMS  described in Section 1, the term
"Client Group" means, and is limited to:

Protection One Alarm Monitoring, Inc.      Protection One, Inc.
Security Monitoring Services, Inc.         Comsec Narragansett Security, Inc.
Protection One International, Inc.         Comsec Sytems, Inc.
P-1 Merger Sub (Del)                       Network MultiFamily Security
                                           Corporation, Inc.
P-1 Merger Sub (Mass)                      Protection One Investments, Inc.
Protection One Canada, Inc.                Canguard, Inc.
Protection One U.K., Inc.                  Compagnie Euorpeenne de
                                           Telesecurete, S.A.
CET Benelux, S.A.                          CET Swisse
CET Technishe Sicherheirsdienste GmbH      Eurocontact
Europ Telesecurite                         Grance Reseau Telesecurite
Actar                                      Aldis
Servelance Electoreque de France           Croese Larroch
E.S. Beveliging                            Protection One Acquisition Holding
Protection One Alarm Monitoring of         Corporation, Inc.
Mass, Inc.

                                  EXHIBIT 4


      (a) Subject to Sections 4(b), (c), (d), and (e) Protection One shall cause
to be paid in cash to Western,

             (i)    in  exchange  for the  SSMS,  $54,000  (fifty-four  thousand
                    dollars)  per  month  in  1999  and  $38,000   (thirty-eight
                    thousand  dollars)  per  month in 2000 for each  month  this
                    Agreement is in effect.  In the event this Agreement extends
                    past 2000,  the amount due each month in  exchange  for SSMS
                    will be determined by mutual written agreement; and

            (ii)    Western's  out-of-pocket costs including without limitation,
                    travel,  lodging meals,  long distance charges and overnight
                    mail as itemized on a statement.

         Any amount due under  Section 4 shall be paid by the 10th  calendar day
of the month  coinciding with or next following the date on which Protection One
receives from Western a statement itemizing such amounts due.

         (b) Each of the parties hereby agrees that, notwithstanding anything to
the contrary in this Agreement,  if Western  determines  during the term of this
Agreement that the aggregate amount paid or payable as of such  determination by
Protection  One under  Section  4(a) is less than 90%  (ninety  percent)  of the
actual costs  incurred  and as  documented  by Western in providing  the related
SSMS,  then the amount  payable by Protection  One for SSMS provided  after such
determination shall be automatically increased as described in Section 4(c).

         (c) The amount  payable by Protection  One for SSMS shall be increased,
if at all, as contemplated by Section 4(b), such that the amount then payable by
Protection  One for SSMS provided after any such  determination  is at least 90%
(ninety percent) of the actual costs incurred by Western in providing SSMS under
this Agreement after such determination.

         (d) Any change in the  organizational  structure  of either  Western or
Protection  One which also  results  in a change of  Services  contrary  to this
Agreement, will result in negotiations to determine the proper payable amount in
light of those changes.

         (e)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this Exhibit 4, in no
event shall the  aggregate  amount  payable by  Protection  One under  Section 4
exceed $1.5 million (one million five hundred thousand dollars).

                                  EXHIBIT 4

         Unless  otherwise  agreed to in writing all  payments  shall be made by
wire transfer to the account identified immediately below.

                         Bank of America, Dallas, Texas
                             Western Resources, Inc.
                                  Acct # 375-095-4775
                              Routing No. 111000012

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Exhibit 4 on the day
and year first above written.


Signature:/s/ Rita A. Sharpe              Signature:/s/ Annette Beck
By:    Rita A. Sharpe                     By:    Annette Beck
Title: Vice President Shared Services     Title: President
Date:                                     Date:  October 29, 1999