Exhibit 10.1

                                 KELLOGG COMPANY

                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN
                           FOR NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS

                 (As Amended and Restated as of April 24, 2003)


     The name of this Plan (as amended and restated,  the "Plan") is the Kellogg
     Company Deferred Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors.  Its purpose
     is to provide non-employee Directors of Kellogg Company (the "Company) with
     an opportunity to defer compensation earned as a Director.


     The Plan was  originally  effective  on August  1, 1986 and was  previously
     amended  and  restated  as of May 21,  1993 and July 26,  2002.  This third
     amendment and restatement is effective as of April 24, 2003.

     Any Director of the Company who is not an employee of the Company or of a
     subsidiary of the Company shall be eligible to participate in the Plan. Any
     such person who elects to participate in the Plan is hereinafter called a
     "Participant". The Plan shall establish for each Participant an unfunded
     deferred compensation account.


(A)  On or before  December 31 of any year  during  which the Plan is in effect,
     each Director  shall be entitled to make an  irrevocable  election to defer
     receipt  of  all  or  a  specified   portion  of  each   component  of  the
     Participant's  cash  compensation   (exclusive  of  expense  reimbursement)
     otherwise payable during the following  February 1 to January 31 period for
     service on the Board of  Directors  of the Company  (the  "Board") and on a
     Committee  of the Board and for service as a  Chairperson  of a  Committee.
     Such  compensation   shall  be  credited  to  the  Participant's   deferred
     compensation  account on the date the  compensation  is  otherwise  payable
     pursuant  to the  Compensation  Policy  of the  Kellogg  Company  Board  of
     Directors (the "Compensation Policy").

(B)  A  newly-elected  Director  may  elect to  participate  in the Plan for the
     remainder of the calendar  year and the month of January of the  succeeding
     year in which such Director  joins the Board.  Any such  election  shall be
     made within two months following the date on which such Director is elected
     to the Board and shall be effective with respect to compensation  allocable
     to the quarterly  period following the date on which such election is made.
     It shall be made in the same manner as in Section IV(A) above.

(C)  Each annual election shall include an irrevocable election as to the method
     by which and the form in which the amounts  deferred are to be  distributed
     in accordance with Section VI below.

(D)  Such annual notice shall be delivered to the Company on or before  December
     31 of the year  preceding  the first year to which such  election  relates,
     except that notice from  newly-elected  Directors  may be  delivered at any
     time within two months  following the date of their  election to the Board.
     The elections set forth in such notice shall be given continuing effect for
     subsequent years until a new notice  specifying a different  election shall
     be  delivered  to the  Company.  Any such new  notice  shall  apply only to
     compensation  for years  (February 1 through  January 31) subsequent to the
     calendar year in which such new notice is delivered.


(A)  An account shall be established and maintained for each  Participant in the
     Plan.  Units,  including  fractional  Units,  shall  be  credited  to  each
     Participant's  account to the extent of compensation  deferred  pursuant to
     the Plan in accordance  with the  following  procedures:  (1)  compensation
     otherwise  payable to the Participant,  but deferred  pursuant to the Plan,
     arising  from payment of quarterly  (or other)  installments  of the annual
     standard retainer payable to all non-employee  members of the Board,  shall
     be credited to the  Participant's  account as Units,  including  fractional
     Units,  with the  actual  payment  date of such  installments  being  those
     specified  in the  Compensation  Policy (or, if any such day is a Saturday,
     Sunday or legal holiday, the next business day); (2) compensation otherwise
     payable to the Participant, but deferred pursuant to the Plan, arising from
     payment of fees  attributable to service on Committee(s) of the Board or as
     the Chairperson of any Committee(s), shall be credited to the Participant's
     account  as  Units,  including  fractional  Units,  on  the  payment  dates
     specified  in the  Compensation  Policy (or, if any such day is a Saturday,
     Sunday  or  legal  holiday,  the  next  business  day);  and  (3)  dividend
     equivalents  earned on the basis of whole Units previously  credited to the
     Participant's  account  shall be credited to the  Participant's  account as
     Units,  including  fractional Units, on the date any such dividend has been
     declared  to be  payable  on shares of Common  Stock of the  Company by the
     Board. Units,  excluding  fractional Units, shall earn dividend equivalents
     from the date of crediting  until the date of final  valuation of the Units
     on the  last  day of the  Participant's  service  as a  Director.  Dividend
     equivalents shall be computed by multiplying the dividend paid per share of
     Common  Stock of the  Company  during the period  Units are  credited  to a
     Participant's  account  times the number of whole  Units so  credited,  but
     Units,  excluding  fractional Units,  shall earn such dividend  equivalents
     only as, if and when  dividends  are  declared  and paid on the on  Company
     Common Stock.

(B)  Each Unit  shall  have an  initial  value and be  credited  in  respect  of
     deferred  compensation,  equal to one  hundred  percent  (100%) of the Fair
     Market Value (as defined below) of one share of Common Stock of the Company
     on the date earned under the Compensation Policy. The Fair Market Value per
     Unit shall be the average  between the  highest and lowest  quoted  selling
     price per share of common  stock on the New York Stock  Exchange  Composite
     Transactions Tape. If there should be no sale of the shares of common stock
     of the Company on such date,  then the price per share shall be the average
     between the highest and lowest quoted  selling price on the Composite  Tape
     on the next preceding day on which there shall have been a sale.


(A)  No distribution of deferred  compensation may be made except as provided in
     this Section VI.

(B)  The  final  value  of such  Units,  including  fractional  Units,  shall be
     computed on and as of the last day of a Participant's service as a Director
     in  accordance  with the  provisions  of the second and third  sentences of
     Section V.(B). The value of Units,  including fractional Units, credited to
     a Participant's  deferred compensation account for each year may be payable
     in whole or part in cash,  or in shares of Company  Common  Stock  having a
     Fair Market  Value  (determined  on such last day of service)  equal to the
     final Fair Market Value of the Units,  and either in a lump sum or in up to
     ten annual installments. Any fractional share of Company Common Stock shall
     be paid in cash with the first installment or lump sum. Payment of the lump
     sum or the first annual installment shall be made or shall commence, as the
     case may be, as soon as  practicable,  but not later than fifteen (15) days
     following  the  date on  which  the  Participant's  service  as a  Director
     terminates.  If annual installments are elected for any year, the amount of
     the first  payment  shall be a fraction of the amount of the  Participant's
     deferred  compensation  account  for  such  year  as of the  last  day of a
     Participant's service as a Director,  the numerator of which is one and the
     denominator  of which is the total  number  of  installments  elected.  The
     amount of each  subsequent  payment shall be a fraction of the amount as of
     December 31 of the year preceding each subsequent payment, the numerator of
     which  is one  and  the  denominator  of  which  is  the  total  number  of
     installments elected minus the number of installments previously paid.

(C)  Each  distribution  of  deferred  compensation,  subsequent  to  the  first
     distribution,  in annual installments,  shall be made on January 10 (or, if
     that date is a Saturday,  Sunday or holiday,  the next business day) of the
     year, or years, as the case may be, of distribution.

(D)  At the written request of a Participant, the Company's ERISA Administrative
     Committee, in its sole discretion, may authorize the cessation of deferrals
     by  such  Participant   under  the  Plan  or  accelerate   payment  of  any
     installments at any time after the sixth month following such Participant's
     termination  of service  as a  Director,  upon a showing  of  unforeseeable
     emergency  by  such  Participant.  If the  ERISA  Administrative  Committee
     authorizes any such distribution,  valuation of the Units to be distributed
     shall be determined on the date of such  authorization  in accordance  with
     the second and third  sentences  of Section  VI.(B).  For  purposes of this
     paragraph,   "unforeseeable  emergency"  is  defined  as  severe  financial
     hardship  resulting  from  extraordinary  and  unanticipated  circumstances
     arising as a result of one or more recent  events beyond the control of the
     Participant.  In any  event,  payment  may not be made to the  extent  such
     emergency is or may be relieved:  (1) through reimbursement or compensation
     by insurance or otherwise;  (2) by liquidation of the Participant's assets,
     to the extent the  liquidation  of such  assets  would not,  itself,  cause
     severe  financial  hardship;  and (3) by cessation  of deferrals  under the
     Plan.  Examples of what are not considered to be unforeseeable  emergencies
     include the need to send a Participant's  child to college or the desire to
     purchase a home.

(E)  The account will be credited with dividend  equivalents in accordance  with
     the  Plan  up to  the  date  of  hardship  distribution  on  account  of an
     unforeseeable emergency, or the last date of the Participant's service as a
     Director, whichever first occurs.

(F)  In the case of Units being paid in cash installments, interest shall accrue
     and be payable each succeeding  January 10 (or, if that date is a Saturday,
     Sunday or holiday, the next business day), on and with respect to the total
     amount credited to a Participant's account on and as of the final valuation
     of such  account  on each  Participant's  last day of service as a Director
     through the date of initial  distribution and until the subsequent  January
     10 (or, if that date is a Saturday,  Sunday or holiday,  the next  business
     day) on the total amount less the initial distribution. Such interest shall
     accrue at the prime corporate rate in effect (at Morgan Guaranty,  New York
     City) on the last day of service. Regardless, if the Participant receives a
     lump sum distribution in cash, such lump sum distribution shall include the
     interest  accrued  through such date.  Thereafter,  interest will accrue on
     remaining  principal  amounts  at the prime  corporate  rate in effect  (at
     Morgan Guaranty,  New York City) on January 10 of each succeeding year, and
     be payable in full on each  immediately  following  January 10 (or, in each
     case, if such date is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the next business day)
     until all principal amounts in the Participant's  account have been paid in
     accordance with his or her cash election  regarding lump sum or installment
     payments of deferred amounts.

(G)  In the case of Units  being  paid in  shares  of  Company  Common  Stock in
     installments,  dividend  equivalents  shall be  earned  and  credited  to a
     Participant's  account on and with  respect to the total  amount of Company
     Common  Stock in a  Participant's  account  on the date  earned  until such
     account is paid in full.  Such  dividend  equivalents  shall be computed as
     provided in Section V.(A) above.


If   any Participant dies while a Director, or thereafter,  before receiving all
     amounts  credited  to  his  or  her  account,  the  unpaid  amount  in  the
     Participant's  account  shall be paid in one lump sum on the last  business
     day of the  month  following  the  month  of death  to any  beneficiary  or
     beneficiaries  designated  by the  Participant  by  written  notice  to the
     Company  or, in the  absence  of such  designation,  to such  Participant's


A    Participant  shall not have any interest in any amounts  credited to his or
     her account until it is  distributed  in accordance  with the Plan. Any and
     all cash payments made to a Participant  pursuant to the Plan shall be made
     only from the general assets of the Company. All amounts deferred under the
     Plan shall remain the sole  property of the Company,  subject to the claims
     of its general  creditors and  available for its use for whatever  purposes
     are desired.  With respect to amounts  deferred,  a Participant is merely a
     general  creditor  of the  Company;  and  the  obligation  of  the  Company
     hereunder is purely  contractual  and shall not be funded or secured in any


     The rights of a  Participant  to the  payment of deferred  compensation  as
     provided  in the  Plan  shall  not be  assigned,  transferred,  pledged  or
     encumbered or be subject in any manner to alienation  or  anticipation.  No
     Participant  may borrow  against  Units or  fractional  Units.  No Units or
     fractional   Units  shall  be  subject  in  any  manner  to   anticipation,
     alienation,  sale,  transfer,  assignment,  pledge,  encumbrance,   change,
     garnishment,   execution  or  levy  of  any  kind,   whether  voluntary  or
     involuntary  prior to distribution  of deferred  compensation in accordance
     with Section VI.


     Statements  will be sent to  Participants  at least  twice a year as to the
     balance in their deferred compensation accounts.


     The administrator of this Plan shall be the Company's ERISA  Administrative
     Committee.  The ERISA Administrative  Committee shall consist of up to (but
     may be less than) three (3) persons who are not and cannot be  Participants
     in the Plan. The ERISA Administrative  Committee shall be appointed by, and
     may include,  the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.  The
     ERISA  Administrative  Committee  shall have  authority  to adopt rules and
     regulations  for  carrying  out the Plan  and to  interpret,  construe  and
     implement the provisions thereof.


     The Plan may, at any time, be amended,  modified or terminated by the Board
     of Directors or the Nominating and  Governance  Committee of the Board.  No
     amendment,  modification  or  termination  shall,  without the consent of a
     Participant,  adversely  affect such  Participant's  rights with respect to
     amounts accrued in his or her deferred compensation account.


     All notices to the Company hereunder shall be delivered to the attention of
     the Secretary of the Company.


     Subject to the adjustments  described, a total of 150,000 shares of Company
     Common  Stock are  available  for use under this Plan.  Such  shares may be
     authorized but un-issued  shares or treasury  shares.  No shares of Company
     Common  Stock may be issued  under legal  counsel for the Company  believes
     such  issuance  complies  with  all  applicable  laws  and  stock  exchange
     regulations.  If any change is made in the shares of Company  Common Stock,
     whether through merger,  consolidation,  reorganization,  recapitalization,
     stock  dividend,  split-up,  combination  of  shares,  change in  corporate
     structure or otherwise,  the ERISA  Administrative  Committee,  in its sole
     discretion,  may make  appropriate  adjustments  in the number and value of
     outstanding  Units,  or fractional  Units,  and the shares  subject to this
     Plan. The decision of the ERISA  Administrative  Committee as to whether to
     make any such  adjustments,  and their amount and timing, if made, shall be