Exhibit  (10)m

                          KIMBERLY-CLARK CORPORATION
                        2001 EQUITY PARTICIPATION PLAN
                     (AS ADOPTED EFFECTIVE APRIL 26, 2001)


     This  2001  Equity  Participation  Plan  (the  "Plan")  of Kimberly-Clark
Corporation (the "Corporation") is intended to aid in attracting and retaining
highly  qualified  personnel  and  to encourage those employees who materially
contribute, by managerial, scientific or other innovative means to the success
of the Corporation or of an Affiliate, to acquire an ownership interest in the
Corporation,  thereby  increasing  their  motivation  for  and interest in the
Corporation's  or  Affiliate's  long-term  success.


     The Plan is effective as of April 26, 2001 upon (a) approval of the Board
and  (b)  approval  by  the stockholders of the Corporation at the 2001 Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders.


     "Affiliate"  means  any company in which the Corporation owns 20% or more
of  the  equity  interest  (collectively,  the  "Affiliates").

     "Award"  has  the  meaning  set  forth  in  Section  6  of  this  Plan.

     "Award Agreement" means an agreement entered into between the Corporation
and  a  Participant  setting  forth the terms and conditions applicable to the
Award  granted  to  the  Participant.

     "Board"  means  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Corporation.

     "Cause"  means  any  of  the  following:    (i)  the  commission  by  the
Participant  of a felony;  (ii) the Participant's dishonesty, habitual neglect
or incompetence in the management of the affairs of the Corporation; or  (iii)
the refusal or failure by the Participant to act in accordance with any lawful
directive  or  order  of  the  Corporation, or an act or failure to act by the
Participant which is in bad faith and which is detrimental to the Corporation.

     "Change  of Control" means an event deemed to have taken place if:  (i) a
third  person,  including  a  "group"  as  defined  in section 13(d)(3) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, acquires shares of the Corporation having 20%
or  more  of  the  total  number of votes that may be cast for the election of
directors  of  the  Corporation;  or  (ii) as the result of any cash tender or
exchange  offer,  merger  or  other  business  combination,  sale of assets or
contested  election,  or  any  combination  of  the  foregoing transactions (a
"Transaction"),  the  persons who were directors of the Corporation before the
Transaction  shall  cease  to  constitute  a  majority  of  the  Board  of the
Corporation  or  any  successor  to  the  Corporation.

     "Code"  means  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986 and the regulations
thereunder,  as  amended  from  time  to  time.

     "Committee"  means the Compensation Committee of the Board, provided that
if  the  requisite  number  of  members  of the Compensation Committee are not
Disinterested  Persons,  the Plan shall be

administered by a committee, all of whom  are  Disinterested Persons, appointed
by the Board and consisting of two or  more  directors  with  full  authority
to  act  in  the matter.  The term "Committee"  shall  mean the Compensation
Committee or the committee appointed by  the  Board,  as  the  case may be.
Furthermore, the term "Committee" shall include  any delegate to the extent
authority is delegated pursuant to Section 4  hereunder.

     "Committee  Rules"  means  the  interpretative guidelines approved by the
Committee  providing  the  foundation  for  administration  of  this  Plan.

     "Common  Stock" means the common stock, par value $1.25 per share, of the
Corporation and shall include both treasury shares and authorized but unissued
shares  and  shall  also  include  any  security  of the Corporation issued in
substitution,  in  exchange  for,  or  in  lieu  of  the  Common  Stock.

     "Disinterested  Person"  means  a person who is a "Non-Employee Director"
for purposes of rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act, or any successor provision,
and  who  is  also an "outside director" for purposes of section 162(m) of the
Code  or  any  successor  section.

     "Exchange  Act"  means  the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules
and  regulations  thereunder,  as  amended  from  time  to  time.

     "Fair Market Value" means the reported closing price of the Common Stock,
on the relevant date as reported on the composite list used by The Wall Street
Journal for reporting stock prices, or if no such sale shall have been made on
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that  day,  on  the  last  preceding  day  on  which  there  was  such a sale.

     "Incentive Stock Option" means an Option which is so defined for purposes
of  section  422  of  the  Code  or  any  successor  section.

     "Nonqualified  Stock  Option"  means any Option which is not an Incentive
Stock  Option.

     "Option" means a right to purchase a specified number of shares of Common
Stock  at  a  fixed option price equal to no less than 100% of the Fair Market
Value  of  the  Common  Stock  on  the  date  the  Award  is  granted.

     "Option Price" has the meaning set forth in subsection 7(b) of this Plan.

     "Participant"  means an employee who the Committee selects to participate
in  and  receive  Awards  under  the  Plan (collectively, the "Participants").

     "Qualified  Termination  of  Employment"  means  the  termination  of  a
Participant's employment with the Corporation and/or its Affiliates within the
two  (2)  year period following a Change of Control of the Corporation for any
reason (whether voluntary or involuntary) unless such termination is by reason
of  death  or  disability or unless such termination is (i) by the Corporation
for  Cause  or  (ii)  by  the Participant without Good Reason.  Subject to the
definition  of  "Termination by the Participant for Good Reason," transfers of
employment  for  administrative  purposes  among  the  Corporation  and  its
Affiliates  shall  not  be  deemed  a  Qualified  Termination  of  Employment.

     "Restricted  Period"  shall  mean  the  period  of  time during which the
Transferability  Restrictions  applicable  to  Awards  will  be  in  force.

     "Restricted  Share"  shall  mean a share of Common Stock which may not be
traded  or  sold,  until  the  date  the  Transferability Restrictions expire.

     "Restricted  Share  Unit"  means the right, as described in Section 9, to
receive  an amount, payable in either cash or shares of Common Stock, equal to
the  value  of  a specified number of shares of Common Stock.  No certificates
shall be issued with respect to such Restricted Share Unit, except as provided
in  subsection  9(d), and the Corporation shall maintain a bookkeeping account
in  the  name  of  the  Participant  to  which the Restricted Share Unit shall

     "Retirement"  and  "Retires"  means  the  termination of employment on or
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after the date the Participant is entitled to receive immediate payments under
a  qualified  retirement  plan  of  the Corporation or an Affiliate; provided,
however,  if  the Participant is not eligible to participate under a qualified
retirement  plan  of  the  Corporation or its Affiliates then such Participant
shall  be  deemed  to  have  retired if his termination of employment is on or
after  the  date  such  Participant  has  attained  age  55.

     "Stock  Appreciation Right (SAR)" has the meaning set forth in subsection
7(i)(i)  of  this  Plan.

     "Termination  by  the  Participant  for  Good  Reason"  shall  mean  the
occurrence  (without  the Participant's express written consent) of any one of
the  following acts by the Corporation, or failures by the Corporation to act,
unless,  in the case of any act or failure to act described below, such act or
failure  to  act  is  corrected  prior  to the Participant's termination date:

          (a)     the assignment to the Participant of any duties inconsistent
      with the Participant's  status  with  the  Corporation or a substantial
      adverse alteration  in the nature or status of the Participant's
      responsibilities from those in effect immediately prior to the Change of
      Control other than such alteration  primarily attributable to the fact
      that the Corporation may no longer  be  a  public  company;

          (b)     a reduction by the Corporation of the Participant's annual
      base salary by five percent or more as in effect immediately prior to the
      Change of Control, except for across-the-board salary reductions similarly
      affecting all similarly  situated  employees  of  the  Corporation;

          (c)     the  Corporation  requiring the Participant to be based at a
      location more than 50 miles from the location of the Participant's office
      as of the date of the Change of Control except for required travel on the
      Corporation's business to an extent substantially  consistent  with  the
      Participant's business travel obligations as of the date of the Change of

          (d)     the failure of the Corporation to pay as soon as
      administratively feasible,  after notice from the Participant, any portion
      of the Participant's current  compensation;

          (e)     the  failure  of  the  Corporation to continue in effect any
      compensation plan in which the Participant participates immediately prior
      to the Change of Control which is  material  to  the  Participant's  total
      compensation, including but not limited to the Corporation's stock option,
      incentive compensation, and bonus plans, or any substitute plans adopted
      prior to the Change of Control, unless an equitable arrangement (which is
      embodied in an ongoing  substitute or alternative plan but which need not
      provide the Participant  with  equity-based incentives) has been made with
      respect to such plan,  or  the  failure  by  the  Corporation to continue
      the Participant's  participation therein (or in such substitute or
      alternative plan) on a basis not  materially  less  favorable  than  the
      benefits  provided  to  other participants;  or

          (f)     the  failure  by  the Corporation to continue to provide the
      Participant with benefits substantially similar to those  enjoyed by the
      Participant under any of the Corporation's pension, life insurance,
      medical, health  and  accident,  or  disability  plans  in  which  the
      Participant was

      participating  at  the time of the Change of Control, the taking of any
      action by the Corporation which would directly or indirectly materially
      reduce any of such benefits or deprive the Participant of any material
      fringe benefit enjoyed  by  the  Participant  at  the  time  of the Change
      of Control, or the failure  by the Corporation to provide the Participant
      with the number of paid vacation days to which the Participant is
      entitled on the basis of years of service  with  the  Corporation  in
      accordance  with the Corporation's normal vacation  policy  in  effect
      at  the  time  of  the  Change  of  Control.

     The  Participant's  right  to  terminate the Participant's employment for
Good  Reason  shall  not  be  affected  by the Participant's incapacity due to
physical  or mental illness.  The Participant's continued employment shall not
constitute  consent  to,  or  a  waiver  of rights with respect to, any act or
failure  to  act  constituting  Good  Reason  hereunder.

     "Total  and  Permanent Disability" means Totally and Permanently Disabled
as  defined  in  the  Kimberly-Clark  Corporation  Pension  Plan.

     "Transferability  Restrictions" means the restrictions on transferability
imposed  on  Awards  of  Restricted  Shares  or  Restricted  Share  Units.


     The Plan and all Awards granted pursuant thereto shall be administered by
the Committee. The Committee, in its absolute discretion, shall have the power
to  interpret  and  construe  the  Plan  and  any  Award Agreements; provided,
however,  that  no  such  action  or  determination may increase the amount of
compensation payable that would otherwise be due in a manner that would result
in  the disallowance of a deduction to the Corporation under section 162(m) of
the  Code or any successor section.  Any interpretation or construction of any
provisions  of  this  Plan  or  the Award Agreements by the Committee shall be
final  and  conclusive  upon  all  persons.    No  member  of the Board or the
Committee  shall be liable for any action or determination made in good faith.

     Within 60 days following the close of each calendar year that the Plan is
in  operation,  the  Committee  shall  make a report to the Board.  The report
shall  specify  the  employees  who  received Awards under the Plan during the
prior  year,  the form and size of the Awards to the individual employees, and
the  status  of  prior  Awards.

     The  Committee  shall  have  the  power to promulgate Committee Rules and
other guidelines in connection with the performance of its obligations, powers
and  duties  under the Plan, including its duty to administer and construe the
Plan  and  the  Award  Agreements.

     The  Committee  may authorize persons other than its members to carry out
its  policies  and directives subject to the limitations and guidelines set by
the  Committee,  and  may  delegate  its  authority  under the Plan, provided,
however,  the  delegation  of  authority  to  grant Awards shall be limited to
grants  by the Chief Executive Officer to newly hired employees, or to respond
to  special  recognition  or  retention  needs,  and  any such grants shall be
limited  to  eligible  Participants  who  are not subject to section 16 of the
Exchange  Act.    The delegation of authority shall be limited as follows: (a)
with respect to persons who are subject to section 16 of the Exchange Act, the
authority  to  grant  Awards,  the  selection  for  participation,  decisions
concerning the timing, pricing and amount of a grant or Award and authority to
administer  Awards  shall  not  be delegated by the Committee; (b) the maximum
number of shares of Common Stock covered by Awards which may be granted by the
Chief  Executive  Officer  within  any  calendar  year period shall not exceed
200,000;  (c) any delegation shall satisfy all applicable requirements of rule
16b-3  of  the  Exchange  Act,  or  any  successor  provision; and (d) no such
delegation  shall result in

the disallowance of a deduction to the Corporation under section 162(m) of the
Code or any successor section.  Any person to whom such  authority  is  granted
shall  continue to be eligible to receive Awards under  the  Plan.


     The  Committee shall from time to time select the Participants from those
employees  whom  the  Committee  determines  either  to  be  in  a position to
contribute  materially  to  the  success of the Corporation or Affiliate or to
have  in  the  past  so  contributed.   Only employees (including officers and
directors  who  are  employees)  of  the  Corporation  and  its Affiliates are
eligible  to  participate  in  the  Plan.


     All  Awards  under  the  Plan  shall  be  made  in  the  form of Options,
Restricted  Shares  or  Restricted  Share  Units,  or any combination thereof.
Notwithstanding  anything  in  this  Plan  to  the  contrary, any Awards shall
contain  the  restriction on assignability in subsection 16(g) of this Plan to
the  extent  required  under  rule  16b-3  of  the  Exchange  Act.


     The  Committee or its delegate shall determine and designate from time to
time  those  Participants  to whom Options are to be granted and the number of
shares of Common Stock to be optioned to each and the periods the Option shall
be exercisable.  Such Options may be in the form of Incentive Stock Options or
in the form of Nonqualified Stock Options.  The Committee in its discretion at
the  time  of grant may establish performance goals that may affect the grant,
exercise  and/or  settlement  of  an  Option.    After granting an Option to a
Participant,  the  Committee shall cause to be delivered to the Participant an
Award  Agreement  evidencing  the granting of the Option.  The Award Agreement
shall  be  in such form as the Committee shall from time to time approve.  The
terms  and  conditions  of  all Options granted under the Plan need not be the
same,  but all Options must meet the applicable terms and conditions specified
in  subsections  7(a)  through  7(h).

          (a)     Period of Option.  The Period of each Option shall be no
      more  than  10  years  from  the  date  it  is  granted.

          (b)     Option Price.  The Option price shall be determined by the
      Committee, but shall not in any instance be less than the Fair Market
      Value of the  Common Stock at the time that the Option is granted (the
      "Option Price").

          (c)     Limitations  on  Exercise.    The  Option  shall not be
      exercisable  until  at  least  one  year has expired after the granting
      of the Option,  during  which  time the Participant shall have been in
      the continuous employ  of the Corporation or an Affiliate; provided,
      however, that the Option shall  become  exercisable immediately in the
      event of a Qualified Termination of Employment of a Participant, without
      regard to the limitations set forth below  in  this subsection 7(c).
      Unless otherwise determined by the Committee or  its  delegate  at  the
      time of grant, at any time during the period of the Option  after the
      end of the first year, the Participant may purchase up to 30 percent of
      the shares covered by the Option; after the end of the second year, an
      additional  30 percent; and after the end of the third year, the remaining
      40  percent  of  the  total  number of shares covered by the Option;
      provided, however,  that  if  the  Participant's employment is terminated
      for any reason other  than  death,  Retirement  or Total and Permanent
      Disability, the Option shall be exercisable only for three months
      following such termination and only for the

      number of shares of Common Stock which were exercisable on the date of
      such termination. In no event, however, may an Option be exercised more
      than 10  years  after  the  date  of  its  grant.

          (d)     Exercise after Death, Retirement, or Disability. Unless
      otherwise determined by the Committee or its delegate at the time of
      grant, if a Participant dies, becomes Totally and Permanently Disabled,
      or Retires without  having  exercised  the  Option in full, the remaining
      portion of such Option may be exercised, without regard to the limitations
      in subsection 7(c), as follows.  If a Participant dies or becomes Totally
      and Permanently Disabled the  remaining  portion of such Option may be
      exercised within (i) three years from  the  date  of any such event or
      (ii) the remaining period of the Option, whichever is earlier.  Upon a
      Participant's death, the Option may be exercised by the person or persons
      to whom such Participant's rights under the Option shall pass by will or
      by applicable law or, if no such person has such rights, by his executor
      or  administrator.  If a Participant Retires the remaining portion of such
      Option may be exercised within (i) five years from the date of any such
      event  or  (ii)  the  remaining  period of the Option, whichever is

          (e)     Non-transferability.  During the Participant's lifetime,
      Options  shall  be exercisable only by such Participant.  Options shall
      not be transferable  other  than by will or the laws of descent and
      distribution upon the  Participant's death.  Notwithstanding anything in
      this subsection 7(e) to the  contrary, the Committee may grant to
      designated Participants the right to transfer Nonqualified Stock Options,
      to the extent allowed under rule 16b-3 of the  Exchange Act, subject to
      the terms and conditions of the Committee Rules.

          (f)     Exercise; Notice Thereof.  Options shall be exercised by
      delivering  to  the  Corporation,  at the office of the Treasurer at the
      World Headquarters, written notice of the number of shares with respect
      to which Option  rights  are  being exercised and by paying in full the
      Option Price of the  shares  at the time being acquired.  Payment may be
      made in cash, a check payable  to  the  Corporation or in shares of
      Common Stock transferable to the Corporation  and  having a Fair Market
      Value on the transfer date equal to the amount payable to the Corporation.
      The date of exercise shall be deemed to be the  date  the  Corporation
      receives the written notice and payment for the shares being purchased.
      A  Participant shall have none of the rights of a stockholder  with
      respect  to  shares  covered  by  such  Option  until  the Participant
      becomes  the  record  holder  of  such  shares.

          (g)     Purchase  for  Investment.  It is contemplated that the
      Corporation  will  register  shares  sold to Participants pursuant to
      the Plan under  the  Securities  Act  of  1933.    In  the  absence  of
      an  effective registration,  however,  a  Participant  exercising an
      Option hereunder may be required  to  give a representation that he/she
      is acquiring such shares as an investment  and  not  with  a  view  to
      distribution  thereof.

          (h)     Limitations  on  Incentive  Stock  Option  Grants.

                      (i)     An Incentive Stock Option shall be granted only
          to an individual who,  at  the  time  the Option is granted, does not
          own stock possessing more than 10 percent of the total combined voting
          power of all classes of stock of the Corporation or  Affiliates.

                      (ii)    The aggregate Fair Market Value of all shares with
          respect to which  Incentive  Stock Options are exercisable by a
          Participant for the first time during  any  year  shall not exceed
          $100,000. The aggregate Fair Market Value of such shares shall be
          determined at the time the Option is granted.

          (i)     Election  to  Receive  Cash  Rather  than  Stock.

                      (i)     At the same time as Nonqualified Stock Options are
          granted the Committee  may  also  grant to designated Participants the
          right to convert a specified number of shares of Common Stock covered
          by such Nonqualified Stock Options to cash, subject to the terms and
          conditions of this subsection 7(i). For  each  such  Option  so
          converted,  the  Participant shall be entitled to receive cash equal
          to the difference between the Participant's Option Price and the Fair
          Market Value of the Common Stock on the date of conversion.  Such a
          right  shall  be  referred to herein as a Stock Appreciation Right
          ("SAR"). Participants  to  whom an SAR has been granted shall be
          notified of such grant and of the Options to which such SAR pertains.
          An SAR may be revoked by the Committee, in its sole discretion, at
          any time, provided, however, that no such revocation may be taken
          hereunder if such action would result in the disallowance of a
          deduction to the Corporation under section 162(m) of the Code or any
          successor section.

                      (ii)    A person who has been granted an SAR may exercise
          such SAR during such periods as provided for in the rules promulgated
          under section 16 of the Exchange Act.  The SAR shall expire when the
          period of the subject Option  expires.

                      (iii)   At the time a Participant converts one or more
          shares of Common Stock  covered  by an Option to cash pursuant to an
          SAR, such Participant must exercise one or more Nonqualified Stock
          Options, which were granted at the same time as the Option subject to
          such SAR, for an equal number of shares of Common Stock. In the event
          that the number of shares and the Option Price per share of all shares
          of Common Stock subject to outstanding Options is adjusted as provided
          in the Plan, the above SARs shall automatically be adjusted in the
          same ratio which reflects the adjustment to the number of shares and
          the Option Price per share of all shares of Common Stock subject to
          outstanding Options.

          (j)        Deferral of Award Payment.  The Committee may establish one
     or more  programs  under the Plan to permit selected Participants the
     opportunity to  elect to defer receipt of consideration upon exercise of an
     Award or other event  that  absent  the  election would entitle the
     Participant to payment or receipt of Common Stock or other consideration
     under an Option.  The Committee may  establish  the  election  procedures,
     the  timing of such elections, the mechanisms for payments of, and accrual
     of interest or other earnings, if any, on  amounts  of  Common  Stock  so
     deferred, and such other terms, conditions, rules and procedures that the
     Committee deems advisable for the administration of any such deferral


     The  Committee  or  its  delegate  may  from time to time designate those
Participants  who  shall  receive  Restricted  Share  Awards.  Each  grant  of
Restricted  Shares  under  the  Plan  shall be evidenced by an agreement which
shall be executed by the Corporation and the Participant.  The agreement shall
contain such terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the Plan, as shall be
determined by the Committee and shall indicate the number of Restricted Shares
awarded  and  the  following  terms  and  conditions  of  the  award.

         (a)         Grant of Restricted Shares. The Committee shall determine
     the number  of  Restricted  Shares  to  be included in the grant and the
     period or periods  during  which  the  Transferability  Restrictions
     applicable to the Restricted Shares will be in force (the  "Restricted

     Period").  Unless otherwise determined by  the  Committee at the time of
     grant, the Restricted Period  shall be for a minimum of three years and
     shall not exceed ten years from  the  date of grant, as determined by the
     Committee at the time of grant. The Restricted Period may be the same for
     all Restricted Shares granted at a particular  time  to  any  one
     Participant or may be different with respect to different  Participants
     or  with  respect to various of the Restricted Shares granted  to  the
     same Participant, all as determined by the Committee at the time of grant.

         (b)         Transferability Restrictions. During the Restricted Period,
     Restricted Shares may not be sold, assigned, transferred or otherwise
     disposed of,  or mortgaged, pledged or otherwise encumbered.  Furthermore,
     a Participant's  right,  if any, to receive Common Stock upon termination
     of the Restricted Period may not be assigned or transferred except by will
     or by the laws of descent and distribution.  In order to enforce the
     limitations imposed upon  the Restricted Shares the Committee may (i)
     cause a legend or legends to be placed on any such certificates,  and/or
     (ii)  issue  "stop transfer" instructions  as  it  deems  necessary  or
     appropriate.  Holders of Restricted Shares  limited  as  to sale under
     this subsection 8(b) shall have rights as a shareholder  with respect to
     such shares to receive dividends in cash or other property  or  other
     distribution  or rights in respect of such shares, and to vote such shares
     as the record owner thereof.   With respect to each grant of Restricted
     Shares, the Committee shall determine the  Transferability Restrictions
     which will apply to the Restricted Shares for all or part of the
     Restricted  Period.  By way of illustration but not by way of limitation,
     the Committee may provide (i) that the Participant will not be entitled to
     receive any shares of Common Stock unless he or she is still employed by
     the Corporation  or its Affiliates at the end of the Restricted Period,
     (ii) that the  Participant  will  become  vested  in  Restricted  Shares
     according to a schedule  determined  by  the  Committee,  or under other
     terms and conditions determined  by  the  Committee, and (iii) how any
     Transferability Restrictions will  be  applied, modified or accelerated
     in the case of the Participant's death or Total and Permanent Disability.

         (c)         Manner of Holding and Delivering Restricted Shares. Each
     certificate issued for Restricted Shares shall be registered in the name
     of the  Participant  and  deposited  with the Corporation or its designee.
     These certificates shall remain in the possession of the Corporation or
     its designee until  the  end  of  the applicable Restricted Period or, if
     the Committee has provided for earlier termination of the Transferability
     Restrictions following a  Participant's  death,  Total and Permanent
     Disability or earlier vesting of the shares of Common Stock, such earlier
     termination of the Transferability Restrictions.   At whichever time is
     applicable, certificates representing the number  of shares to which the
     Participant is then entitled shall be delivered to  the  Participant free
     and  clear  of  the  Transferability Restrictions; provided  that in the
     case of a Participant who is not entitled to receive the full  number  of
     Shares evidenced by the certificates then being released from escrow
     because  of the application of the Transferability Restrictions, those
     certificates shall be returned to the Corporation and canceled and a new
     certificate  representing the shares of Common Stock, if any, to which the
     Participant is entitled pursuant to the Transferability Restrictions shall
     be issued and delivered to the Participant, free and clear of the
     Transferability Restrictions.


     The  Committee  or  its  delegate shall from time to time designate those
Participants  who  shall  receive Restricted Share Unit Awards.  The Committee
shall  advise  such  Participants  of  their Awards by a letter indicating the
number  of  Restricted  Share  Units  awarded  and  the  following  terms  and
conditions  of  the  award.

        (a)     Restricted Share Units may be granted to Participants as of the
    first day of a Restricted Period. The number of Restricted Share Units to be
    granted to each Participant and the Restricted Period shall be determined by
    the  Committee  in  its  sole  discretion.

        (b)     Transferability  Restrictions. During the Restricted Period,
    Restricted Share Units may not be sold, assigned, transferred or otherwise
    disposed of, or mortgaged, pledged or otherwise encumbered. Furthermore, a
    Participant's right, if any, to receive cash or Common Stock upon
    termination of the Restricted Period may not be assigned or transferred
    except by will or by  the  laws  of  descent  and  distribution.  With
    respect to each grant of Restricted Share Units, the Committee  hall
    determine the Transferability Restrictions which will apply to the
    Restricted Share Units for all or part of the  Restricted  Period.
    By way of illustration but not by way of limitation, the Committee may
    provide (i) that the Participant will forfeit any Restricted Share  Units
    unless  he  or  she  is still employed by the Corporation or its
    Subsidiaries at the end of the Restricted Period, (ii) that the Participant
    will become vested in Restricted Share Units  according  to  a  schedule
    determined by the Committee, or under other terms and conditions determined
    by the Committee, and (iii) how any Transferability Restrictions will be
    applied, modified  or  accelerated  in the case of the Participant's death
    or Total and Permanent  Disability.

        (c)     During the Restricted Period, Participants will be credited with
    dividends, equivalent in value to those declared and paid on shares of
    Common Stock, on all Restricted Share Units granted to them.  These
    dividends will be regarded  as  having  been reinvested in Restricted Share
    Units on the date of the Common Stock dividend payments based on the then
    Fair Market Value of the Common Stock thereby increasing the number of
    Restricted Share Units held by a Participant. Holders of Restricted Share
    Units under this subsection 9(c) shall  have  none  of the rights of a
    shareholder with respect to such shares. Holders  of  Restricted  Share
    Units are not entitled to receive dividends in cash or  other  property,
    nor other distribution of rights in respect of such shares, nor to vote
    such  shares  as  the  record  owner  thereof.

        (d)     Payment of Restricted Share Units.  The payment of Restricted
    Share  Units shall be made in cash or shares of Common Stock, or a
    combination of  both, as determined by the Committee at the time of grant.
    The payment of Restricted  Share  Units shall be made within 90 days
    following the end of the Restricted  Period.


        (a)     In the event the Participant's employment with the Corporation
    or an  Affiliate is terminated by reason of a shutdown or divestiture of
    all or a portion  of the Corporation's or its Affiliate's business, a
    proportion of the Restricted  Shares  or Restricted Share Unit Award shall
    be considered to vest as  of  the Participant's termination of employment.
    The number of shares that shall vest shall be prorated for the number of
    full years of employment during the  Restricted  Period  prior to the
    Participant's termination of employment.

        (b)     In  the  event of a Qualified Termination of Employment of a
    Participant, all of the Options, Restricted Shares or Restricted Share
    Unit Awards  shall  be  considered  to  vest  immediately.

        (c)     An authorized leave of absence, or qualified military leave in
    accordance with section 414(u) of the Code, shall not be deemed to be a
    termination of employment for purposes of the Plan. A termination of
    employment with the Corporation or an Affiliate to  accept  immediate
    reemployment with the Corporation or an Affiliate likewise shall not be
    deemed to be a termination of employment for purposes of the Plan.  A
    Participant who is  classified  as  an

    intermittent employee shall be deemed to have a termination of employment
    for  purposes  of  the  Plan.


     The number of shares of Common Stock available with respect to all Awards
granted under this Plan shall not exceed 30,000,000 in the aggregate, of which
not  more than 30,000,000 shall be available for option and sale, and of which
not  more than 3,000,000 shall be available for grant as Restricted Shares and
Restricted  Share  Units,  subject  to  the  adjustment provision set forth in
Section 13 hereof.  The shares of Common Stock subject to the Plan may consist
in  whole  or in part of authorized but unissued shares or of treasury shares,
as the Board may from time to time determine.  Shares subject to Options which
become  ineligible  for  purchase,  Restricted  Share  Units which are retired
through  forfeiture or maturity, other than those Restricted Share Units which
are  retired  through the payment of Common Stock, and Restricted Shares which
are  forfeited  during  the  Restricted  Period  due  to  any  applicable
Transferability  Restrictions  will  be available for Awards under the Plan to
the  extent  permitted  by  section  16  of the Exchange Act (or the rules and
regulations  promulgated  thereunder)  and  to  the  extent  determined  to be
appropriate  by  the  Committee.


     The  maximum number of shares of Common Stock covered by Awards which may
be  granted to any Participant within any two consecutive calendar year period
shall  not  exceed  1,500,000  in  the  aggregate. If an Option which had been
granted  to  a  Participant  is canceled, the shares of Common Stock which had
been  subject to such canceled Option shall continue to be counted against the
maximum  number of shares for which Options may be granted to the Participant.
In  the  event  that the number of Options which may be granted is adjusted as
provided  in the Plan, the above limits shall automatically be adjusted in the
same  ratio  which  reflects the adjustment to the number of Options available
under  the  Plan.


     In  the  event  there  are  any  changes  in  the  Common  Stock  or  the
capitalization of the Corporation through a corporate transaction, such as any
merger,  any  acquisition  through  the  issuance  of  capital  stock  of  the
Corporation, any consolidation, any separation of the Corporation (including a
spin-off  or  other  distribution  of  stock  of  the  Corporation),  any
reorganization  of  the  Corporation (whether or not such reorganization comes
within the definition of such term in section 368 of the Code), or any partial
or  complete liquidation by the Corporation, recapitalization, stock dividend,
stock  split  or  other  change  in  the  corporate  structure,  appropriate
adjustments  and  changes  shall  be  made  by  the  Committee,  to the extent
necessary  to  preserve the benefit to the Participant contemplated hereby, to
reflect  such  changes  in  (a)  the aggregate number of shares subject to the
Plan,  (b)  the  maximum number of shares subject to the Plan, (c) the maximum
number  of  shares for which Awards may be granted to any Participant, (d) the
number  of shares and the Option Price per share of all shares of Common Stock
subject  to  outstanding  Options,  (e) the maximum number of shares of Common
Stock  covered  by  Awards which may be granted by the Chief Executive Officer
within  any  calendar  year period, (f) the maximum number of shares of Common
Stock  available  for  option  and  sale and available for grant as Restricted
Shares  and  Restricted  Share  Units, (g) the number of Restricted Shares and
Restricted  Share Units awarded to Participants, and (h) such other provisions
of  the  Plan  as  may  be  necessary and equitable to carry out the foregoing
purposes,  provided,  however that no such adjustment or change may be made to
the extent that such adjustment or change will result in the disallowance of a
deduction to the Corporation under section 162(m) of the Code or any successor


     All  payments  and  benefits  under  the  Plan  shall  constitute special
compensation  and  shall  not  affect  the  level  of  benefits provided to or
received  by any Participant (or the Participant's estate or beneficiaries) as
part  of  any  employee  benefit plan of the Corporation or an Affiliate.  The
Plan  shall  not  be construed to affect in any way a Participant's rights and
obligations under any other plan maintained by the Corporation or an Affiliate
on  behalf  of  employees.


     The  term  of  the Plan shall be ten years, beginning April 26, 2001, and
ending  April  25,  2011,  unless  the Plan is terminated prior thereto by the
Committee.    No  Award  may  be  granted  or  awarded after  the  termination
date  of  the Plan, but Awards theretofore granted or awarded  shall  continue
in  force  beyond that date pursuant to their terms.


         (a)     Designated Beneficiary.  Each Participant who shall be granted
     Restricted Shares and/or Restricted Share Units under the Plan may
     designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries with the Committee; provided that
     no such designation  shall  be  effective  unless  so filed prior to the
     death of such Participant.

         (b)     No Right of Continued Employment.  Neither the establishment of
     the Plan nor the  payment  of  any benefits hereunder nor any action of the
     Corporation, its Affiliates, the Board of Directors of the Corporation or
     its Affiliates,  or  the  Committee  shall be held or construed to confer
     upon any person any legal right to be continued in the employ of the
     Corporation or its Affiliates, and the Corporation and its Affiliates
     expressly reserve the right to  discharge  any  Participant  without
     liability  to  the  Corporation, its Affiliates, the Board of Directors of
     the Corporation or its Affiliates or the Committee,  except  as  to  any
     rights which may be expressly conferred upon a Participant under the Plan.

         (c)     Binding Effect.  Any decision made or action taken by the
     Corporation, the  Board  or  by the Committee arising out of or in
     connection with  the  construction, administration, interpretation and
     effect of the Plan shall  be  conclusive  and  binding  upon  all  persons.

         (d)     Modification of Awards.  The Committee may in its sole and
     absolute discretion, by written notice to a Participant, (i) limit the
     period in  which  an Option may be exercised to a period ending at least
     three months following  the  date  of  such  notice,  (ii) limit or
     eliminate the number of shares subject to Option after a period ending at
     least three months following the  date  of  such notice, and/or (iii)
     accelerate the Restricted Period with respect to the Restricted Share and
     Restricted Share Unit Awards granted under this Plan.  Notwithstanding
     anything in this subsection 16(d) to the contrary, the  Committee  may  not
     take any action to the extent that such action would result  in  the
     disallowance  of a deduction to the Corporation under section 162(m) of the
     Code  or  any  successor  section.

         (e)     Nonresident  Aliens.   In the case of any Award granted to a
     Participant who is not a resident of the United States or who is employed
     by an  Affiliate  other than an Affiliate that is incorporated, or whose
     place of business is, in a State of the United States, the Committee may
     (i) waive or alter the terms and conditions

     of any Awards to the extent that such action is necessary to conform such
     Award to applicable foreign law, (ii) determine which Participants,
     countries and Affiliates are eligible to participate in the  Plan, (iii)
     modify the terms  and conditions of any Awards granted to Participants
     who  are  employed outside  the  United  States, (iv) establish subplans,
     each of which shall be attached as an appendix hereto, modify Option
     exercise  procedures and other terms and procedures to the extent such
     actions may be necessary or advisable, and (v) take any action, either
     before or after the  Award  is made, which is deems advisable to obtain
     approval of such Award by  an  appropriate governmental entity; provided,
     however, that no action may be  taken  hereunder if such action would (i)
     materially increase any benefits accruing  to  any Participants  under the
     Plan, (ii) increase the number of securities  which may be issued under the
     Plan, (iii) modify the requirements for  eligibility to participate  n the
     Plan,  (iv) result in a failure to comply with applicable provisions of the
     Securities Act of 1933, the Exchange Act  or  the  Code  or (v)  result  in
     the disallowance of a deduction to the Corporation under section  162(m) of
     the  Code  or  any successor section.

         (f)     No Segregation of Cash or Stock. The Restricted Share Unit
     accounts established for Participants are merely a bookkeeping convenience
     and neither the Corporation nor its Affiliates shall be required to
     segregate any cash  or  stock  which  may  at  any time be represented by
     Awards.  Nor shall anything  provided  herein  be  construed  as  providing
     for such segregation. Neither the Corporation, its Affiliates, the Board
     nor the Committee shall, by any provisions of the Plan, be deemed to be a
     trustee of any property, and the liability  of the Corporation or its
     Affiliates to any Participant pursuant to the  Plan  shall be those of a
     debtor pursuant to such contract obligations as are created by the Plan,
     and no such obligation of the Corporation or its Affiliates shall be
     deemed to be secured by any pledge or other encumbrance on any  property
     of  the  Corporation  or  its  Affiliates.

         (g)     Inalienability  of  Benefits  and  Interest.  Except as
     otherwise provided in this Plan, no benefit payable under or interest in
     the Plan shall be subject in any manner to anticipation, alienation, sale,
     transfer, assignment, pledge, encumbrance or charge, and any such
     attempted action  shall  be  void and no such benefit or interest shall
     be in any manner liable  for or subject to debts, contracts, liabilities,
     engagements, or torts of  any  Participant  or  beneficiary.

         (h)     Delaware Law to Govern.  All questions pertaining to the
     construction, interpretation, regulation, validity and effect of  the
     provisions of the Plan shall be determined in accordance with the laws of
     the State of Delaware.

         (i)     Purchase  of  Common  Stock.    The Corporation and its
     Affiliates may purchase from time to time shares of Common Stock in such
     amounts as they may determine for purposes of the Plan. The Corporation and
     its Affiliates shall have no obligation to  etain, and  hall have the
     unlimited right to sell or otherwise deal with for their own account, any
     shares of Common Stock purchased pursuant to this paragraph.

         (j)     Use of Proceeds.  The proceeds received by the Corporation
     from the sale of Common Stock pursuant to the exercise of Options shall be
     used for general corporate purposes.

         (k)     Withholding.  The Committee shall require the withholding of
     all taxes as required by law. In the case of payments of Awards in shares
     of Common  Stock or other securities, withholding shall be as required by
     law and in  the  Committee  Rules.  A Participant may elect to have any
     portion of the federal,  state  or  local  income tax withholding required
     with respect to an exercise  of  a  Nonqualified  Stock  Option  satisfied
     by  tendering  to the Corporation shares of Common Stock, which, in the
     absence of such an election, would  have  been issued to such Participant
     in connection with such exercise. In the event that the value of the shares
     of Common Stock tendered to satisfy the withholding tax required with
     respect to an exercise

     exceeds the amount of such tax, the excess of such market value over the
     amount of such tax shall be returned to the Participant, to the extent
     possible, in whole shares of Common Stock,  and  the  remainder  in  cash.
     The value of a share of Common Stock tendered  pursuant  to  this
     subsection shall be the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on the date
     on which such shares are tendered to the Corporation. An election pursuant
     to this subsection shall be made in writing and signed by the  Participant.
     An election pursuant to this subsection is irrevocable. A Participant who
     exercises an Option may satisfy the income tax withholding due in  respect
     of such exercise pursuant to this subsection only to meet required tax
     withholding and shares of Common Stock cannot be withheld in excess of the
     minimum  number  required  for  tax withholding.  Notwithstanding  any
     other provision  of  the Plan, the number of shares of Common Stock or the
     amount of cash  to be delivered may, in the discretion of the Corporation,
     be net of the number of shares of Common Stock or the amount of cash
     required to be withheld to  meet  all  applicable  tax withholding

         (l)     Amendments.  The Committee may at any time amend, suspend,
     or  discontinue  the  Plan  or  alter  or  amend  any  or all Awards and
     Award Agreements under the Plan to the extent (1) permitted by law, (2)
     permitted by the  rules  of  any  stock  exchange  on  which  the Common
     Stock or any other security  of  the  Corporation  is  listed,  (3)
     permitted  under  applicable provisions  of  the  Securities Act of 1933,
     as  amended, the Exchange Act (including  rule  16b-3  thereof) and (4)
     that such action would not result in the disallowance of a deduction to the
     Corporation under section 162(m) of the Code or any successor section
     (including the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder);  provided,
     however,  that  if  any of the foregoing requires the approval by
     stockholders of any such amendment, suspension or discontinuance, then the
     Committee  may  take  such  action  subject  to the approval of the
     stockholders.  Except as provided  in  subsections 16(d) and 16(e) no such
     amendment, suspension, or termination of the Plan shall, without the
     consent of the Participant, adversely alter or change any of the rights or
     obligations under  any  Awards  or  other  rights  previously  granted
     the Participant.