DILLON COMPANIES, INC.
                           DECEMBER 31, 1993

Report of Independent Accountants

Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
  at December 31, 1993

Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
  at December 31, 1992

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
  For the Year Ended December 31, 1993

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
  For the Year Ended December 31, 1992

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
  For the Year Ended December 31, 1991

Notes to Financial Statements

Schedule of Investments


The Administration Committee of
     Dillon Companies, Inc. Employees'
     Stock Ownership and Savings Plan

We have audited the financial statements and the financial statement
schedule of Dillon Companies, Inc. Employees' Stock Ownership and
Savings Plan as listed in the accompanying index.  These financial
statements and financial statement schedule are the responsibility of
the Administration Committee of Dillon Companies, Inc. Employees'
Stock Ownership and Savings Plan.  Our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these financial statements and financial statement
schedule based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for plan
benefits of Dillon Companies, Inc. Employees' Stock Ownership and
Savings Plan as of December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the changes in its
net assets available for plan benefits for each of the three years in
the period ended December 31, 1993, in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.  In addition, in our opinion, the
financial statement schedule referred to above, when considered in
relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole, presents
fairly, in all material respects, the information required to be
included therein.

Cincinnati, Ohio
April 22, 1994

                                   DILLON COMPANIES, INC. EMPLOYEES' STOCK OWNERSHIP AND SAVINGS PLAN         
                                          Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits       
                                                           December 31, 1993         
                                                             (In Thousands)          

                                                 401(k)                                    ESOP
                                   Balanced  Index    Fixed    Stock       Balanced  Index      Fixed   Stock
                                    Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund         Fund     Fund       Fund    Fund   Total
                                   --------  -----    -----    -----       --------  -----      -----   ------ -----


   State Street Research and
     Management                    $10,167                                 $266                                  $10,433

   Mellon Capital Opening Stock
    Index Fund                               $5,588                                  $161                          5,749

   Fixed Income Securities                            $52,565                                   $1,814            54,379

   The Kroger Co. Common Stock
      401(k) Cost - $39,113
      ESOP Cost  - $23,530                                     $64,845                                  $42,569   107,414
                                   ------     ------  -------  -------     ----      ----       ------  -------  ---------

        Total Investments          10,167      5,588   52,565   64,845      266       161        1,814   42,569   177,975
Contributions Receivables and Other 1,015        207    1,121                27         6           38              2,414
                                   ------      -----   ------   ------     ----      ----       ------  -------   -------

 PLAN BENEFITS                    $11,182     $5,795  $53,686  $64,845     $293      $167       $1,852  $42,569   $180,389
                                  =======     ======  =======  =======     ====      ====       ======  =======   ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                          Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
                                                           December 31, 1992
                                                             (In Thousands)

                                                         401(k)                                   ESOP
                                        Balanced    Index      Fixed     Stock    Balanced    Index   Fixed    Stock
                                         Fund       Fund       Fund      Fund      Fund       Fund    Fund     Fund     Total
                                       ---------    -----      -----     -----    --------    -----   -----    -----    -----



   State Street Research
     and Management                    $6,522                                     $132                                  $   6,654

   Mellon Capital Opening
     Stock Index Fund                               $4,760                                    $136                          4,896

   Fixed Income Securities                                     $41,538                                $1,086               42,624

   The Kroger Co. Common Stock
      401(k) Cost - $35,435
      ESOP Cost  - $24,853                                               $44,637                               $32,732     77,369

      Temporary Cash Investment                                                                                     19         19
                                       ------       ------     -------   -------  ----        ----    ------   -------  ---------
        Total Investments               6,522        4,760      41,538    44,637   132         136     1,086    32,751  $ 131,562 


   Employer Contributions                                                    782                                              782

                                        -----       -----      ------     ------  ----        -----   -------  -------- ----------
        Total Assets                    6,522       4,760      41,538     45,419   132         136     1,086    32,751    132,344


Excess Participants Contribution            4           5          22         79                                    19        129
                                       ------      ------     -------    -------  ----        -----   -------  -------  ---------
NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN BENEFITS $6,518      $4,755     $41,516    $45,340  $132        $136    $1,086   $32,732   $132,215
                                       ======      ======     =======    =======  ====        =====   =======  =======  =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                     Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
                                                           December 31, 1993
                                                             (In Thousands)

                                                              401(k)                                ESOP
                                       ----------------------------------------    --------------------------------------
                                        Balanced    Index      Fixed     Stock     Balanced    Index       Fixed   Stock
                                          Fund      Fund       Fund      Fund        Fund      Fund        Fund    Fund     Total
                                       ----------   -----      -----    -------    --------    -----       -----   -----    -----

Employee Contributions                    $1,393    $1,022     $7,423    $8,484                                             $ 18,322

Employer Contributions                                                    1,713                                                1,713

Transfers from (to) Other Funds            2,619      (134)     3,036    (5,521)      $155        $24       $ 729   ($908)         0
                                          ------    ------     ------    ------       ----       -----     ------  ------   --------
                                           4,012       888     10,459     4,676        155         24         729    (908)    20,035

Investment Income:

   State Street Research and Management      945                                        20                                       965

   Mellon Capital Stock Index Fund                     480                                         12                            492

   Interest                                                     3,956                                         131              4,087

   Net Appreciation                                                      17,472                                     11,692    29,164
                                          ------    ------    -------    ------       ----       ----      ------  -------  --------
       Total Additions                     4,957     1,368     14,415    22,148        175         36         860   10,784    54,743

Expenses                                       5         4         31                                           1                 41
Distributions to Participants                288       324      2,214     2,643         14          5          93      947     6,528
                                           -----     -----     ------    ------       ----       ----      ------  -------  --------
       Net Increase                        4,664     1,040     12,170    19,505        161         31         766    9,837    48,174

Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits:

   Beginning of Year                       6,518     4,755     41,516    45,340        132        136       1,086   32,732   132,215
                                         -------    ------    -------   -------       ----      -----     ------- -------- ---------
   End of Year                           $11,182    $5,795    $53,686   $64,845       $293       $167      $1,852  $42,569  $180,389
                                         =======    ======    =======   =======       ====      =====     ======= ======== =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                     Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
                                                           December 31, 1992
                                                             (In Thousands)

                                                          401(k)                                        ESOP
                                        ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------
                                        Balanced    Index      Fixed     Stock   Balanced    Index       Fixed      Stock
                                          Fund      Fund       Fund      Fund      Fund      Fund        Fund       Fund    Total
                                        --------    -----      -----     -----   --------    -----       -----      -----   -----

Employee Contributions                    $1,094      $856     $6,764    $7,975                                             $ 16,689

Employer Contributions                                                      782                                                  782

Transfers from (to) Other Funds              304        33     (2,361)    2,024    $ 64      $ 47        $  112     ($223)         0
                                          ------      ----     ------    ------    ----      ----        ------     -----   --------
                                           1,398       889      4,403    10,781      64        47           112     (223)    17,471

Investment Income:

    State Street Research and Management     525                                     10                                         535

    Mellon Capital Stock Index Fund                    319                                     10                               329

       Interest                                                 3,404                                        96               3,500

       Net Depreciation                                                 (12,597)                                 (11,897)   (24,494)
                                           -----     -----      -----   -------      --     -----       -------  --------  --------
         Total Additions (Deductions)      1,923     1,208      7,807    (1,816)     74        57           208  (12,120)    (2,659)

Distributions to Participants                232       194      1,952     1,779       8         8            60      640      4,873
                                           -----     -----      -----   -------      --     -----       -------  -------   --------


         Net Increase (Decrease)           1,691     1,014      5,855    (3,595)     66        49           148  (12,760)   (7,532)

Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits:

   Beginning of Year                       4,827     3,741     35,661    48,935      66        87           938   45,492    139,747
                                          ------    ------    -------   -------    -----    -----       -------  -------   --------
   End of Year                            $6,518    $4,755    $41,516   $45,340    $132     $ 136       $ 1,086  $32,732   $132,215
                                          ======    ======    =======   =======    ====     =====       =======  =======   ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                     Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
                                                           December 31, 1991
                                                             (In Thousands)

                                                          401(k)                                    ESOP
                                       ----------------------------------------    -----------------------------------------
                                        Balanced    Index      Fixed     Stock     Balanced    Index     Fixed     Stock
                                          Fund      Fund       Fund      Fund        Fund      Fund      Fund      Fund    Total
                                       ---------    -----      -----     ------    --------    -----     -----     -----   -----
Employee Contributions                    $894        $650      $6,292    $7,188                                           $15,024
Employer Contributions                                                       699                                     $3        702
Transfers from (to) Other Funds           (828)        293        (529)    1,064    $2        ($19)       $355      (338)        0
                                        ------      ------     -------    ------   ---         ----       ----    ------  -------- 
                                            66         943       5,763     8,951     2         (19)        355      (335)   15,726

Investment Income:

   State Street Research and Management    940                                      15                                          955 

   Mellon Capital Stock Index Fund                     700                                     20                               720

   Interest                                                      3,067                                      86                3,153

   Net Appreciation                                                        11,621                                   12,336    23,957
                                        ------       ------     ------    -------   --         ----        ----     ------- --------
     Total Additions                     1,006        1,643      8,830     20,572   17           1         441       12,001   44,511
Distributions to Participants              181          181      1,809      2,232   13           1          52        1,159    5,628
                                        ------       ------     ------    -------   --         ----        ---      ------- --------
     Net Increase                          825        1,462      7,021     18,340    4           0         389       10,842   38,883

Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits:

   Beginning of Year                     4,002        2,279      28,640    30,595   62          87         549       34,650  100,864
                                        ------       ------     -------   -------  ---         ---        ----      ------- --------
   End of Year                          $4,827       $3,741     $35,661   $48,935  $66         $87        $938      $45,492 $139,747
                                        ======       ======     =======   =======  ===         ===        ====      ======= ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                        DILLON COMPANIES, INC.

                     Notes to Financial Statements


     The following describes the significant policies followed in the
     preparation of these financial statements.


     Investments in securities (common and preferred stock) traded on
     a national securities exchange are valued at the last reported
     sales price on the last business day of the year.  Guaranteed
     Investment Contracts (GICs) with Insurance Companies are valued
     at contract value.  Benefit Accessible Securities Investment
     Contracts (BASICs) are carried in the financial statements at
     amortized cost.  Investments in the Index and Balanced Funds are
     valued at their fair value on the last business day of the year. 
     Investment in Pacific Investment Management Company is valued
     at amortized cost.


     Purchases and sales of securities are reflected on a trade date
     In accordance with the policy of stating investments at fair
     value, the Plan presents in the Statement of Changes in Net
     Assets the net appreciation (depreciation) in the fair value of
     its investments which consists of the realized gains or losses
     and the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on those


     At December 31, 1993, the approximate number of employees,
     including former employees with remaining balances,
     participating by investment direction was:

                                                  401(k)     ESOP
                                                  ------     ----

     Stock Fund                                    2,903    12,312
     GIC Fund                                        913       249
     Balanced Fund                                    64         7
     Index Fund                                       27         6
     Stock Fund and GIC Fund                       6,221       379
     Stock Fund and Balanced Fund                    427         6
     Stock Fund and Index Fund                       284         7
     GIC Fund and Balanced Fund                      169        20
     GIC Fund and Index Fund                          55         7
     Balanced Fund and Index Fund                     39         3
     Participation in three or more funds          2,990        25
                                                  ------    -------

     Total participants                           14,092     13,021
                                                  ======    ======= 

     Employees of Dillon Companies, Inc. and its subsidiaries
     (Company) with one year of service and who have attained age 21
     are eligible to become a participant as of the earliest January
     1 or July 1 following completion of said eligibility

     The interest of all participants in the Plan are fully vested at
     all times and are not subject to forfeiture or cancellation
     under any circumstances.  Plan assets are for participants only
     and may never revert to the employer.

     Plan income and expenses for each period are allocated to the
     participants' accounts in the ratio that the balance in the
     account of each participant bears to the balance of all the
     participants' accounts immediately before the allocation.  ESOP
     employer contributions are allocated based on participants'
     salaries as stated in the Plan.

     All distributions to participants are in cash or in whole shares
     of The Kroger Co. common stock (cash is paid for fractional
     shares).  Participants and beneficiaries individually exercise
     voting rights on the shares of The Kroger Co. common stock
     allocated to their account.

     Under the 401(k) salary reduction provision, each participant
     may make an election to have the Company contribute to the Plan
     on their behalf from two percent (2%) to twenty percent (20%) of
     the qualifying compensation that would otherwise be payable to
     them for the Plan year.

     A basic matching employer contribution is allocated to
     participants of the Stock Fund equal to ten percent (10%) of
     salaries directed by participants.  A supplemental employer
     contribution is allocated in proportion to all participants'
     salaries directed to all investments.  The supplemental
     contribution is based on the annual financial results as set by
     the Board of Directors of The Kroger Co. and ranges from none to
     twenty percent (20%) of participant contributions.  For 1993,
     the Company made both a basic matching contribution and a
     supplemental contribution; for 1992 and 1991, the Company made
     only the basic matching contribution.

     The Company currently has discontinued contributions to the ESOP
     portion of the Plan and has no present intentions to resume such

     Further information about the Plan, including vesting,
     allocation and benefit provisions, and employer and employee
     contributions is contained in the Plan, and Plan amendments. 
     Copies of these documents are available from the Company's
     Personnel Department.


     The Plan's investments are held by the Dillon Companies, Inc.
     Employee Master Trust (the Trust) and are administered by the
     Dillon Companies, Inc. Trust Committee.  The Trust Committee has
     selected investment managers, State Street Research and
     Management Company and the Mellon Capital Management Corp., to
     manage some of the fund assets.  The State Street Research and
     Management Company is granted discretionary authority concerning
     investment of assets they manage.  The Mellon Capital Stock
     Index Fund is directed by the Trust Committee to maintain a
     portfolio which performs comparable to the Standard & Poor's 500
     Index.  The net change in funds managed by investment managers
     includes revenue earned, unrealized and realized gains and
     losses on investments, and fiduciary expenses.

     The Plan transfers shares of The Kroger Co. common stock (at
     fair market value) to and from the other employee benefit
     plans of the Company participating in the Trust.  The cost of
     the shares recorded by the Plan is the original cost of the
     shares of the transferring employee benefit plan.  The resulting
     difference between the cost recorded and amount paid for the
     purchased shares is included in the determination of the net
     appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of the Plan's
     investments, which was $(1,474) in 1993, $(631) in 1992, and
     $1,075 in 1991.  

     The Plan's investments (including investments bought, sold and
     held during the period), appreciated (depreciated) in value as

          Kroger Stock     401(k)      ESOP         Total
          ------------     ------      -----        -----

              1991        $ 11,621   $ 12,336      $ 23,957
              1992         (12,597)  (11,897)       (24,494)
              1993          17,472    11,692         29,164 


     The Fund constitutes a qualified trust under Section 401 of
     the Internal Revenue Code and is therefore exempt from federal
     income taxes under the provisions of Section 501(a).

     Participant contributions and earnings of the Plan are not
     subject to federal income tax until distribution, at which time
     they are taxable to the recipient.

                                                         DILLON COMPANIES, INC.
                                              EMPLOYEES' STOCK OWNERSHIP AND SAVINGS PLAN
                                                        SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                                       December 31, 1993 and 1992
                                                             (In Thousands)

                                                    1993                                 1992
                                        -----------------------------     -----------------------------
                                        Number of                         Number of
                                        Shares or                         Shares or
                                        Principal                         Principal
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue         Amount     Cost       Value       Amount      Cost      Value 
- - ---------------------------------       ---------    ----       -----     ---------     ----      -----

 State Street Research and Management
    401(k)                               $10,167   $10,167    $10,167       $6,522     $6,522     $6,522 
    ESOP                                    $266       266        266         $132        132        132 

 Mellon Capital Stock Index Fund
    401(k)                                $5,588     5,588      5,588       $4,760      4,760      4,760 
    ESOP                                    $161       161        161         $136        136        136 

 Contracts with Insurance Companies,
    Benefit Accessible Securities 
    Investment Contracts, and Pacific
    Investment Management Company  
      401(k)                             $52,565    52,565     52,565      $41,538     41,538     41,538 
      ESOP                                $1,814     1,814      1,814       $1,086      1,086      1,086 

 The Kroger Co. Common Shares
    401(k)                                 3,222    39,113     64,845        3,052     35,435     44,637 
    ESOP                                   2,115    23,530     42,569        2,238     24,853     32,732 

 Temporary Cash Investments
    ESOP                                     --        --         --           $19         19         19
                                                  --------   --------                --------   --------
                                                  $133,204   $177,975                $114,481   $131,562
                                                  ========   ========                ========   ========