DALLAS, TEXAS  . .  . October  23, 1995  .  . .  Valhi, Inc.
          (NYSE: VHI) reported  net income of  $13.7 million,  or $.12  per
          share, for the third  quarter of 1995, up  from $4.6 million,  or
          $.04 per share, in 1994.  Net income for the first nine months of
          1995 was $43.5 million, or $.38 per share, up from $6.9  million,
          or $.06 per share, in the first nine months of 1994.

              Operating income of  $62.2 million  in the third  quarter of
          1995 was  up 29%  on an  8%  increase in  sales to  $494  million
          (% comparisons to 1994 pro forma results). Year-to-date operating
          income increased 46% to  $196 million as  sales increased 14%  to
          $1.5 billion.  Overall operating income  margins were 13% in  the
          first nine months of  1995 compared to 10%  in 1994 as  chemicals
          improvements more than offset other declines.

              The Company's improved  sales  and  earnings  were driven by 
          higher  titanium   dioxide  pigments   ("TiO2")  prices   at   NL
          Industries.  Average TiO2 selling prices for the quarter were  up
          18% from the 1994  period and were 2%  higher than in the  second
          quarter of this  year.  TiO2 shipments in  the third quarter  of
          1995 were 6%  below third quarter  1994 volume, and  year-to-date
          volume was slightly  lower than last  year.  Economies  worldwide
          have continued to grow  in 1995, but at  a slower pace than  last
          year, which factors contributed to the somewhat lower TiO2  sales
          volume in 1995 compared to 1994.

              Higher refined sugar production costs, due partly to adverse
          weather conditions, for  the crop year  ended September 30,  1995
          more than  offset  slightly  higher  selling  prices  and  higher
          volumes.  Average  selling prices for  medium density  fiberboard
          ("MDF") during the quarter  were up 4% from  the 1994 period  but
          were down 7% from the second  quarter of this year. Increases  in
          industry capacity, particularly  in Europe,  and slower  economic
          growth in North America and Europe are contributing to lower  MDF
          selling prices and operating  rates.  General corporate  expenses
          were lower  than  1994 pro  forma  due to  reduced  environmental
          remediation costs.

              Valhi, Inc. is a major producer  of TiO2, refined sugar, MDF
          and other products.

                                      * * * * *

                            VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

                          SUMMARY OF CONTINUING OPERATIONS


                   Three months ended September 30, 1994 and 1995
                      (In millions, except earnings per share)

                                                      1994         1995

                                              Actual   Pro forma* Actual
                                             --------  ------------------

          Net sales
            Chemicals                        $  -       $225.2   $255.4
            Refined sugar                     137.4      137.4    144.0
            Building products                  49.6       49.6     46.2
            Other                              45.6       45.6     48.9
                                             ------     ------   ------

                                             $232.6     $457.8   $494.5
                                             ======     ======   ======

          Operating income
            Chemicals                        $  -       $ 22.1   $ 45.2
            Refined sugar                       8.5        8.5      6.0
            Building products                  10.8       10.8      4.5
            Other                               6.8        6.8      6.5
                                             ------     ------   ------

            Total operating income             26.1       48.2     62.2
          Equity in NL Industries prior to
           consolidation                       (5.5)       -        -
          General corporate items, net         (1.8)     (10.4)    (5.9)
          Interest expense                     (8.2)     (29.2)   (30.8)
                                             ------     ------   ------

              Income before income taxes       10.6        8.6     25.5
          Income taxes                          3.3        3.1     12.0
          Minority interest                      -          .1      (.2)
                                              ------    ------   ------

              Income from continuing          $  7.3    $  5.4   $ 13.7
                                              ------    ------   ------

          Earnings per common share            $.06       $.05     $.12
                                               ====       ====     ====


          *  Pro  forma 1994 results  assume NL  Industries (the  Company's
          chemicals subsidiary) was consolidated during the 1994 period. 

                            VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES



                    Nine months ended September 30, 1994 and 1995
                      (In millions, except earnings per share)

                                                      1994          1995

                                              Actual   Pro forma*  Actual
                                             --------  ---------- --------

          Net sales
            Chemicals                        $  -      $  664.2  $  789.7
            Refined sugar                     353.9       353.9    387.8
            Building products                 143.0       143.0    154.2
            Other                             135.4       135.4     143.9
                                             ------    --------  --------

                                             $632.3    $1,296.5  $1,475.6
                                             ======    ========  ========

          Operating income
            Chemicals                        $  -      $   61.2  $  134.2
            Refined sugar                      25.0        25.0     18.7
            Building products                  27.5        27.5     23.1
            Other                              20.8        20.8      20.0
                                             ------    --------  --------

            Total operating income             73.3       134.5    196.0
          Equity in NL Industries prior to
           consolidation                      (23.5)        -        -
          General corporate items, net         (6.7)      (32.9)   (16.3)
          Interest expense                    (26.0)      (89.1)    (96.0)
                                             ------    --------  --------

              Income before income taxes       17.1        12.5     83.7
          Income taxes                          5.6         9.6     39.9
          Minority interest                      -           .6        .3
                                              ------   --------  --------

              Income from continuing          $ 11.5   $    2.3  $   43.5
                                              ------   --------  --------

          Earnings per common share           $.10         $.02     $.38
                                              ====         ====     ====


          *  Pro  forma 1994 results  assume NL  Industries (the  Company's
          chemicals subsidiary) was consolidated during the 1994 period.

                            VALHI, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS


                      (In millions, except earnings per share)

                                       Three months      Nine months
                                       ended             ended
                                       September 30,     September 30,
                                       ----------------   ---------------

                                       1994*   1995        1994*   1995
                                       ----    ----        ----    ----

          Net sales                    $232.6  $494.5     $632.3  $1,475.6
                                       ======  ======     ======  ========

          Operating income             $ 26.1   $62.2     $ 73.3  $  196.0
          General corporate items,       (1.8)   (5.9)      (6.7)   (16.3)
          Interest expense               (8.2)  (30.8)     (26.0)    (96.0)
                                       ------  ------     ------  --------

                                         16.1    25.5       40.6     83.7

          Equity in NL Industries
          prior to                       (5.5)    -        (23.5)     -
                                       ------  ------     ------  --------
           consolidation (*)

              Income before income       10.6    25.5       17.1     83.7
          Income taxes                    3.3    12.0        5.6     39.9
          Minority interest              -        (.2)       -          .3
                                      ------   ------     ------  --------

              Income from continuing
               operations                 7.3    13.7       11.5     43.5

          Discontinued operations        (2.7)    -         (4.6)     -
                                       ------  ------     ------  --------

              Net income               $  4.6  $ 13.7     $  6.9  $   43.5
                                       ======  ======     ======  ========

          Earnings per common share:
            Continuing operations      $ .06     $.12      $ .10     $.38
            Discontinued operations     (.02)      -        (.04)      -
                                       -----     ----      -----     ----

              Net income               $ .04     $.12      $ .06     $.38
                                       =====     ====      =====     ====

          Weighted average common
          shares                       114.3    114.4      114.3    114.4
                                       -----    -----      -----    -----

          * NL Industries' chemicals operations, consolidated in 1995, were
          reported by
            the equity method in 1994.