Exhibit 10(a)            

                          LINCOLN NATIONAL CORPORATION
                1986 STOCK OPTION INCENTIVE PLAN (As Amended and
                     Restated Effective as of May 12, 1994)

                                    SECTION 1


  1.1.  Purpose.  The purpose of the  LINCOLN  NATIONAL  CORPORATION  1986 STOCK
OPTION  INCENTIVE  PLAN (the  "Plan")  is to  promote  the  long-term  financial
performance  of  Lincoln  National  Corporation  ("LNC") by (a)  attracting  and
retaining key employees,  agents and brokers by providing incentive compensation
opportunities which are competitive with those of other major corporations;  (b)
motivating  such  persons  to  further  the  long-range  goals  of LNC;  and (c)
furthering  the  identity of interests of  participating  employees,  agents and
brokers and LNC shareholders  through  opportunities for increased  ownership of
LNC Common Stock, thereby  strengthening their concern for the welfare of LNC by
enhancing its profitable growth.

  1.2.  Definitions.  The following definitions shall be applicable throughout
the Plan:

 (a) "Award" means, individually or collectively, any Option, Restricted Stock
      Award, Performance Award, Stock Appreciation Right, Incentive Award or
      Dividend Equivalent Right.

 (b) "Board" means the Board of Directors of Lincoln National Corporation.

 (c)  "Change  of  Control"  has the  same  meaning  as in the  LNC  Executives'
      Severance  Benefit Plan on the date  immediately  preceding  the Change of

 (d)  "Code" means the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986.  Reference in the Plan to
      any  section  of the Code  shall be deemed to include  any  amendments  or
      successor  provisions  to such  section  and any  regulations  under  such

 (e)  "Committee"  means  not less  than  three  members  of the  Board  who are
      selected by the Board as provided in subsection 1.4.

 (f) "Common Stock" means the common stock of Lincoln National Corporation.

 (g)  "Company"  means,  collectively,  Lincoln  National  Corporation  and  its

 (h)  "Dividend Equivalent Right" or "DER" means the right of the holder thereof
      to  receive,  pursuant  to the  terms  of the DER,  credits  based on cash
      dividends that would be paid in shares specified by the DER if such shares
      were held by the Holder, as more particularly described in Section 8.

 (i) "Fair Market Value" means,  as of any  specified  date,  the average of the
     highest and lowest quoted selling prices of the Common Stock as reported on
     the Composite  Tape for issues listed on the New York Stock Exchange on the
     first  business day that the Common Stock was traded on that Exchange which
     next  precedes the date as of the Award,  or, if no sales were  reported on
     the Composite Tape on such specified date, the average of the
    highest and lowest quoted
     selling  prices of the Common  Stock on the nearest  dates before and after
     such specified date on which sales of the Common Stock were so reported.

(j)  "Holder"  means an  employee,  agent or broker of the  Company who has been
     granted an Option, a Restricted Stock Award, a Performance Award,  Dividend
     Equivalent Right, Stock Appreciation Right or an Incentive Award.

(k) "Incentive Award" means an Award granted under Section 6 of the Plan.

(l)  "Incentive  Stock  Option"  means an Option  within the  meaning of section
     422(b) of the Code.

(m)  "Option"  means an Award  under  Section  3 of the Plan and  includes  both
     Nonqualified  Stock Options and Incentive  Stock Options to purchase Common

(n) "Performance Award" means an Award granted under Section 7 of the Plan.

(o)  "Personal  Representative" means the person who upon the death,  disability
     or incompetency of a Holder shall have acquired,  by will or by the laws of
     descent  and  distribution  or by other  legal  proceedings,  the  right to
     exercise an Option or the right to any Restricted Stock Award,  Performance
     Award,  Dividend  Equivalent Right or Incentive Award therefore  granted or
     made to such Holder.

(p)  "Plan" means the Lincoln  National  Corporation 1986 Stock Option Incentive
     Plan (As Amended and Restated Effective as of May 12, 1994).

(q) "Restricted Stock Award" means an Award granted under Section 5 of the Plan.

(r) "Stock Appreciation Right" or "SAR" means an Award granted under Section

     4 of the Plan.

(s) "Subsidiary"  means any  corporation at any date that LNC owns directly,  or
    indirectly  through an  unbroken  chain of  subsidiary  corporations,  stock
    possessing a majority of the total  combined  voting power of all classes of
    stock of that corporation.

1.3.  Effective  Date and Duration of Plan.  The amended and restated Plan shall
become effective following adoption by the Board and approval of shareholders of
Lincoln  National  Corporation  at its 1994 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.  No
further  Awards may be granted  under the Plan after ten years from the date the
amended and  restated  Plan becomes  effective.  The Plan shall remain in effect
until all  Options  granted  under the Plan have been  exercised  or  expired by
reason of lapse of time, all  restrictions on Restricted  Stock Awards have been
eliminated, and all DER's and SAR's satisfied.

1.4. Plan  Administration.  The Plan shall be administered by the Committee.  In
addition to those  rights,  duties,  and powers vested in the Committee by other
provisions  of the  Plan,  the  Committee  shall  have  sole  authority,  in its
discretion, to:

(a) determine which employees, agents and brokers of the Company, shall receive
    an Award;

(b) construe the Plan and respective agreements executed thereunder;

(c) adopt, amend and rescind rules and regulations for the administration of the

(d) ensure that awards  continue to qualify  under Rule 16b-3 of the  Securities
    Exchange Act of 1934, as the same may be hereafter amended; and

(e) make all other determinations  deemed by it to be necessary or advisable for
    the administration of the Plan;

provided that the Committee  shall exercise its authority in accordance with the
provisions  of the Plan.  The  Committee  may  correct  any defect or supply any
omission or reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan or in any agreement relating
to an Award in the manner and to the extent it shall deem  expedient to carry it
into effect.  The  determinations of the Committee on the matters referred to in
this subsection 1.4 shall be conclusive.

The  Committee may not exercise its authority at any time that it has fewer than
three  members.  The Committee  shall  exercise its authority only by a majority
vote of its members at a meeting or by a writing without meeting. At any date,

the  members  of the  Committee  shall  be  those  members  of the  Compensation
Committee  of the  Board  who are not  eligible  and who have not been  eligible
within one year preceding that date to participate in the Plan or any other plan
of LNC or a Subsidiary  under which stock,  stock options or stock  appreciation
rights of LNC or a Subsidiary may be granted. In the event that fewer than three
members of the Compensation  Committee of the Board are eligible to serve on the
Committee,  the Board may  appoint  one of its other  members  who is  otherwise
eligible  to serve on the  Committee  until  such time as three  members  of the
Compensation Committee are eligible to serve.

1.5. Shares  Available.  The aggregate number of shares of LNC Common Stock that
may be issued  under the Plan shall not exceed the sum of (a)  5,000,000  shares
originally  authorized by shareholders in 1986 (formerly  2,500,000 prior to the
two for one stock split effected through a stock dividend  declared by the Board
on May 13,  1993),  less the  aggregate  number of shares  issued under the Plan
prior  to the  effective  date  of its  amendment  and  restatement  and  (b) an
additional 5,000,000 shares. In addition to the foregoing limit on the aggregate
number of shares that may be issued under all Awards,  the  aggregate  number of
Restricted Stock Awards that may be granted during any calendar year (or portion
thereof) after the effective date of the amendment and restatement of this Plan,
shall not exceed  three-tenths  of one percent (0.3%) of the number of shares of
Common Stock  outstanding  as of December 31 of the prior year. If the number of
shares of Common Stock  awarded as  Restricted  Stock Awards in any year is less
than the  number of shares  that could  have been so  granted  pursuant  to this
subsection, the balance of such unused shares may be added to the maximum number
of shares of  Restricted  Stock that may be  effectively  awarded  in  following
years. To the extent that an Award lapses or the rights of its Holder  terminate
or the Award is paid in cash,  any shares of Common Stock  subject to such Award
shall  again be  available  for the  grant of an Award  and not be  included  in
calculating shares available under this subsection.

1.6. Individual Dollar Limitations. The aggregate Fair Market Value of shares of
Common Stock with respect to which Awards  (excluding the underlying  shares for
Dividend  Equivalent  Rights) may be made to any  individual in any one calendar
year cannot exceed $5,000,000.

1.7. Stock Offered.  The shares of Common Stock to be offered, pursuant to the
grant of an Award shall be authorized but unissued shares.

1.8  Change in  Corporate  Structure.  In the event of a merger,  consolidation,
reorganization,  combination, exchange, recapitalization,  stock dividend, stock
split or other similar change in the corporate  structure or  capitalization  of
LNC which  affects  the Common  Stock,  outstanding  Awards  shall be subject to
adjustment  by the  Committee  at its  discretion  as to the number and price of
shares of Common Stock or other consideration subject to such Awards. In the

event of such changes in the corporate  structure or  capitalization of LNC, the
aggregate  number  of  shares  available  under  the Plan  may be  appropriately
adjusted by the Committee, whose determination shall be conclusive.

1.9.  Amendment and  Termination  of Plan.  The Board may amend or terminate the
Plan at any time except that,  without the approval of the holders of a majority
of LNC stock entitled to vote at a duly held meeting of such  shareholders,  the
Board may not:

 (a) increase the number of shares of Common Stock which may be issued under the
     Plan, except as provided in subsection 1.8;

 (b) reduce the minimum  option  price  under any Option,  except as provided in
     subsection 1.8;

 (c) increase  the  maximum  period  during  which  Options  and  related  Stock
     Appreciation Rights or related Dividend Equivalent Rights may be exercised;

 (d) extend the maximum  period  during  which  Awards may be granted  under the

 (e) amend the standards for eligibility described in Section 2; and

 (f) materially increase the benefits accruing to employees under the Plan.

Amendment or  termination  of the Plan shall not affect the validity or terms of
any Award  previously made to a Holder in any way which is adverse to the Holder
without the consent of the Holder.

1.10.  Amendment  to Awards.  Any Award which was  granted  under the 1982 Stock
Option  Incentive  Plan,  or which was  granted  under  this  Plan  prior to the
effective  date  of  the  amendment  and   restatement,   may,  subject  to  any
requirements  of  applicable  law or  regulation,  be  amended  by action of the
Committee  so as to  incorporate  in that  award any terms  that might have been
incorporated in an award under this Plan as amended and restated.

                                    SECTION 2

                         ELIGIBILITY; EFFECT OF THE PLAN

2.1. Participation Designations.  The Committee may, at any time, make Awards to
any key  executive,  managerial,  supervisory  or  professional  employee of the
Company or any person  holding  either an agent's or  broker's  contract  with a
Subsidiary. Awards may not be granted to (i) any director who is not an

employee of the Company or (ii) any person who  immediately  after such grant is
the owner,  directly or indirectly of more than 10% of the total combined voting
power of all classes of stock of LNC.

The right to select eligible  employees,  agents, and brokers who are subject to
Rule 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Reporting  Persons") and all
decisions regarding Awards to such Reporting Persons are reserved exclusively to
the Committee. The right to select individuals who are not Reporting Persons for
participation in the Plan is reserved to the Committee,  but such reserved right
may be  delegated in whole or in part by the  Committee  to the chief  executive
officer or chief operating officer of LNC.

2.2.  Participation  Not Contract of Employment.  The Plan does not constitute a
contract of employment. Participation in the Plan does not give any employee the
right to be retained in the employ of LNC or a  Subsidiary  nor does it limit in
any  way  the  right  of  LNC  or  a   Subsidiary   to  change   the  duties  or
responsibilities of any employee, agent or broker.

2.3. Multiple Awards. An Award may be made on more than one occasion to the same
person, and such Award may include an Incentive Stock Option, Nonqualified Stock
Option,  Restricted Stock Award, Stock Appreciation  Right,  Dividend Equivalent
Right, Performance Award, Incentive Award, or any combination thereof.

2.4.  Withholding  Taxes on Plan  Benefits.  The Company shall have the right to
deduct  from any cash  payment  made  pursuant to the Plan the amount of any tax
required by law to be withheld  from that  payment.  The Company  shall have the
right to require  payment  from any person  entitled  to  receive  Common  Stock
pursuant  to the Plan of the amount of any tax  required  by law to be  withheld
with  respect  to that  stock  prior to its  delivery.  A Holder  may elect with
respect to any Option, any Stock Appreciation or Dividend Equivalent Right which
is paid in whole or in part in Common Stock and any Restricted Stock,  Incentive
or Performance  Award to surrender  shares of Common Stock the Fair Market Value
of which  on the  date of  surrender  satisfies  all or part of the  withholding
requirements. Such election must be made by filing a Stock Surrender Withholding
Election with the Secretary of LNC which meets the  following  requirements  and

 (a) Any Stock Surrender Withholding Election shall be in writing and be

 (b) The Committee  shall have the right with respect to any or all  outstanding
     awards to terminate or suspend for any period the right of a Holder to make
     a Stock Surrender  Withholding  Election at any time prior to the making of
     such election;

 (c) Any Stock  Surrender  Withholding  Election  must be made prior to the date
     that the amount of tax to be withheld is determined (the "Tax Date"); and

 (d) If a Holder is a Reporting Person, the Stock Surrender Withholding Election
     must be made:

    (i) more than six months  after the date of grant of the Award with  respect
        to which such election is made (except whenever such election is made by
        a disabled Holder or the estate or personal representative of a deceased
        Holder); and

    (ii) either at least six months  prior to the Tax Date or during the ten day
         "window  period"  beginning on the third day  following the release for
         publication  of LNC's  summary  statement  of earnings for a quarter or
         fiscal year.

2.5. Awards to Employees Who Are Foreign  Nationals.  Without amending the Plan,
the Committee may, subject to the limitations in subsections 1.5 and 1.9, grant,
amend,  administer,  annul or  terminate  awards to  employees  who are  foreign
nationals on such terms and  conditions  different  from those  specified in the
Plan as may in the judgment of the Committee be necessary or desirable to foster
and promote achievement of the purposes of the Plan.

                                    SECTION 3

                                  STOCK OPTIONS

3.1.  Grantees.  The Committee may, at any time, award an Incentive Stock Option
or Nonqualified Stock Option to an eligible  employee,  agent, or broker whether
or not such individual has previously received a grant under the Plan.

3.2.  Stock  Option  Agreement.  Each  Option  granted  under the Plan  shall be
evidenced by an agreement  between the Holder and LNC.  The  Provisions  of each
agreement shall be determined by the Committee in accordance with the provisions
of the Plan. LNC shall notify a Holder of any grant of an Option,  and a written
option  agreement or  agreements  shall be duly executed and delivered by LNC to
the Holder.

3.3. Shareholder Rights and Privileges. A Holder shall be entitled to all rights
and privileges of a shareholder only with respect to such shares of Common Stock
as have been purchased on exercise of the Option and for which  certificates  of
stock have been registered in the Holder's name.

3.4.  Individual Limitations.  In the case of Incentive Stock Options, the
aggregate Fair Market Value (determined as of the time the Option is granted

according  to  Section  422(d)(1)  of the Code) of shares of Common  Stock  with
respect to which are  exercisable for the first time in any one calendar year by
any one individual  cannot exceed $100,000 (or such other  individual  limits as
may be in effect  under the Code on the date of grant).  In the case of Options,
the maximum number of Options  awarded to one  individual  cannot exceed 100,000

3.5. Exercise of Options and Payment. The price at which a share of Common Stock
may be purchased  upon  exercise of an Option shall not be less than 100% of the
Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock when the Option is granted.  During
any period that an Option is  exercisable,  it may be exercised by delivering an
irrevocable  notice of exercise which  specifies the number of shares  purchased
and full payment of the purchase  price to the Secretary of LNC.  Payment may be
made in cash,  in shares of Common  Stock with an  aggregate  Fair Market  Value
equal to the  purchase  price,  or in any  combination  of cash and such shares,
provided,  however,  payment of the exercise price may only be made in shares of
Common Stock which have been owned by the Holder for at least six months.

3.6.  Limitations on Exercise of Option.An  Option shall be exercisable in whole
or in such  installments  and at such times,  commencing  not  earlier  than six
months  from the date of  grant,  as  determined  by the  Committee.  Generally,
Options  granted  to a  Holder  shall  not be  exercisable  prior  to the  first
anniversary  of the grant date except,  in the  discretion  of the Committee and
subject to the  limitations of subsection  3.4, if the Holder`s  employment with
LNC  and  all  Subsidiaries  terminates  by  reason  of  death,  Disability,  or
retirement (as described in subsection 3.7(d)).

3.7.  Option  Period.  Each Option shall  terminate  and not be  exercisable  as
specified  by the  Committee  which date shall not be later than the earliest of
(a) the tenth anniversary of the grant date; (b) the last day of the three month
period  beginning on the date the Holder's service with LNC and all Subsidiaries
terminates for reasons other than  described in (c), (d) or (e)  following;  (c)
the first  anniversary  of the date of Holder's  termination of service with LNC
and  all  Subsidiaries  on  account  of  death  or  Disability;  (d)  the  fifth
anniversary of the Holder's  retirement at or after age 65 or, with the approval
of the  Holder's  employer,  early  retirement  at either age 55 with 5 years of
service or under the terms of a retirement  plan of LNC or a Subsidiary,  or (e)
the sixth  anniversary of the Holder's  termination of service after a Change of
Control of LNC.

3.8. Transferability. An Option shall not be transferable except by will or
the laws of descent and distribution, and may be exercisable during the
Holder's lifetime only by the Holder; provided, however, to the extent

permitted  under Rule  16b-3  under the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  the
Committee may develop rules to permit the transfer of Nonqualified Options to an
immediate family member of the Holder or to a family trust.

 3.9.  Surrender of Options.  The Committee  (concurrently  with the grant of an
Option or  subsequent  to such grant) may in its sole  discretion,  grant to any
Option  Holder the right upon  written  request;  to surrender  any  exercisable
Option or portion thereof in exchange for cash,  whole shares of Common Stock or
a combination thereof, as determined by the Committee, with a value equal to the
Fair Market Value, as of the date of such request,  of one share of Common Stock
over the Option price for such share  multiplied by the number of Shares covered
by the Option or  portion  thereof  to be  surrendered.  In the case of any such
surrender  right which is granted with an  Incentive  stock  Option,  such right
shall be exercisable only when the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock exceeds
the price specified therefor in the Option or portion thereof to be surrendered.
In the event of the  exercise of any  surrender  right  granted  hereunder;  the
number of shares  reserved  under the Plan shall be  reduced  only to the extent
that shares of Common Stock are actually  issued in connection with the exercise
of such surrender  right.  Additional  terms and  conditions  governing any such
surrender  rights may from time to time be  prescribed  by the  Committee in its
sole discretion.

                                    SECTION 4

                            STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS

  4.1. Holders.  The Committee may, at the time an Award is made, designate that
a Holder be granted,  in conjunction with that Award, a Stock Appreciation Right
("SAR").  No SAR  may be  granted  in  conjunction  with  a  previously  granted
Incentive  Stock Option without the written consent of the affected  Holder.  No
more than 100,000 SARs may be awarded to one  participant  in one calendar year.
For purposes of the Plan, the term "Stock  Appreciation  Right" means a right to
surrender all or a portion of an Option and receive,  in exchange,  payment of a
cash amount no greater  than the excess of the Fair Market  Value of one or more
shares of LNC common  stock over the Fair Market  Value of such option  share on
the date the related Option was granted.  Each Stock  Appreciation Right granted
under the Plan shall be evidenced  by an  agreement  between the Holder and LNC.
The  provisions  of each  agreement  shall be  determined  by the  Committee  in
accordance with the provisions of the Plan.

4.2. Terms of SARs. The Committee shall determine the number of shares of Common
Stock and the  percentage  (not more than 100 percent) or maximum  amount of the
increase in the Fair Market Value of those shares over the relevant  period upon
which  payment  of  each  SAR at  exercise  shall  be  based.  Each  SAR  may be
exercisable at any date with respect to no more than the number of shares

for which the related  Option is  exercisable  on that date.  Each SAR issued in
conjunction  with an Incentive  Stock Option may be exercisable  only when there
has been an  increase  in Fair  Market  Value of the  shares  over the  relevant
period.  If a Holder to whom an SAR has been granted is subject to Section 16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Committee may, at any time,
impose  such  conditions  and  limitations  to such SAR as the  Committee  deems
necessary or desirable for the Holder to comply with or obtain an exemption from
such Section 16 and applicable  rules and  regulations.  The terms of an SAR may
include such other conditions and limitations on exercise as the Committee deems

    4.3.  Exercise  of  SARs  and  Payment.  During  any  period  that  a SAR is
exercisable,  it may be exercised by delivering an irrevocable written notice to
the  Secretary  of LNC  which  specifies  the  extent  to which the SAR is being
exercised.  Payment to the  Holder  shall be made as soon as  practicable  after
exercise of the SAR and may be made in cash,  in shares of Common  Stock with an
aggregate  Fair Market  Value on the date of exercise  equal to the amount to be
paid,  or in any  combination  of cash  and such  shares  as  determined  by the
Committee.  Upon  exercise of an SAR, the right to exercise  the related  Option
shall automatically be terminated to the same extent that the SAR was exercised.
Upon exercise of a SAR attached to a Restricted Stock Award, the restrictions on
the Restricted Stock Award shall lapse.

4.4.  Termination of SARs. Each SAR shall terminate and not be exercisable after
the same date that the related Award terminates.

4.5.  Transferability.  Each SAR granted to a Holder  shall not be  transferable
except by will or the laws of descent and distribution;  provided,  however,  to
the extent permitted under Rule 16b-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Committee may develop rules to permit the transfer of the SAR together with
the  related  Option  and only to the  extent  that the  related  Option  may be

                                    SECTION 5

                             RESTRICTED STOCK AWARDS

5.1.  Holders.  The Committee may, at any time,  designate a Holder to receive a
Restricted Stock Award whether or not the Holder has previously received a grant
under the Plan.  For  purposes of the Plan,  the term  "Restricted  Stock Award"
means  the  right to  receive,  at  specified  times and  subject  to  specified
conditions,  shares of Common Stock which may bear such restrictive endorsements
as the  Committee  determines.  Each  Restricted  Stock Award  ("RSA")  shall be
evidenced by an agreement between the Holder and LNC. The

provisions of each agreement  shall be determined by the Committee in accordance
with the provisions of the Plan.

5.2.  Grants of  Restricted  Stock  Awards.  The  Committee  shall,  subject  to
subsection  1.5 and this  Section  5,  determine  the number of shares of Common
Stock which may be awarded, the time or times the shares may be awarded, and the
conditions  which must be met for award and delivery of the shares to the Holder
under each RSA granted under the Plan. An RSA may provide,  in the discretion of
the  Committee,for the crediting to the Holder,on each dividend payment date, of
an amount equal to the product of the  dividend  paid on a share of Common Stock
multiplied  by the number of shares which may be awarded under that RSA, and for
the payment in cash to the Holder of the amounts so credited at such time as the
Committee may determine.An RSA may provide,  in the discretion of the Committee,
for the issuance of the shares which may be awarded under the RSA in the name of
the Holder subject to the following restrictions:

(a)   the shares may not be issued earlier than six months after the grant of
      the RSA;

(b)   the shares may not be sold, transferred,  pledged or otherwise assigned or

(c)   each stock  certificate  shall be registered in the name of the Holder and
      deposited with the Secretary of LNC;

(d)   if dividends  are paid on the shares,  they shall be paid to the Holder at
      such times as the Committee shall determine; and

 (e)    the shares and any dividends  accumulated shall be subject to forfeiture
        in accordance with subsection 5.4.

Subject to the foregoing  restrictions,  the Holder shall have all of the rights
of a holder of Common  Stock with  respect  to the  shares  issued to him or her
under this subsection 5.2.

5.3.  Distribution of Shares.  Subject to the provisions of subsection 5.4, each
RSA shall  provide for the  distribution  of the awarded  shares of Common Stock
free of all  restrictions  to the Holder or, in the event of the Holder`s death,
the  person or persons  to whom the RSA was  transferred  by will or the laws of
descent and  distribution.  Distribution  shall be provided  for at such time or
times during the period beginning on the first  anniversary of the date of grant
of the RSA and ending on a date as the Committee shall  determine;  except that,
in the  discretion of the Committee,  distribution  may be provided for prior to
such first  anniversary  if the Holder's  service with LNC and all  Subsidiaries
terminates on account of death, Disability, or retirement (as described in

subsection 3.7(d)).

 5.4. Forfeiture.  Each RSA shall provide that a Holder shall forfeit all rights
under the RSA, all shares of Common  Stock issued  pursuant to the RSA which had
not  been  distributed  to  the  Holder  free  of  all  restrictions,   and  all
undistributed  amounts  credited to the Holder with respect to dividends paid on
Common Stock pursuant to the RSA if:

  (a)  the Holder`s  service with LNC and all  Subsidiaries  terminates  for any
       reason  other  than  death,  Disability,   retirement  (as  described  in
       subsection  3.7(d)),  or other reasons  determined by the Committee which
       should not cause forfeiture; or

  (b)  the  conditions,  if any,  specified  in the RSA are not fully  satisfied
       within the prescribed time.

5.5.  Transferability.  Each RSA granted to a Holder may not be transferred
by the Holder except by will or the laws of descent and distribution.

                                    SECTION 6

                                INCENTIVE AWARDS

6.1 General.  An Incentive Award may be granted hereunder in the form of shares.
Incentive   shares  may  be  granted  to  an  eligible   employee  for  no  cash
consideration,  for such  minimum as may be required by  applicable  law, or for
such  other  consideration  as may be  specified  by the  grant.  The  terms and
conditions of incentive shares shall be specified by the grant.

6.2 Terms of Incentive Awards.  Incentive shares may be paid to the grantee in a
single  installment or in  installments  and may be paid at the time of grant or
deferred to a later date or dates.  Each grant shall specify the time and method
of payment as determined by the Committee,  provided that no such  determination
shall authorize  delivery of shares to be made later than the tenth  anniversary
of the Holder's date of  termination.  The Committee,  by amendment of the grant
prior to delivery,  can modify the method of payment for any  incentive  shares,
provided that the delivery of any incentive  shares shall be completed not later
than the tenth anniversary of the Holder's date of termination.

 6.3 Distribution of Incentive Awards. If any incentive shares are payable after
the Holder dies,  such shares  shall be payable (a) to the  Holder's  designated
beneficiary or, if there is no designated beneficiary,

to the Holder's personal representative, and (b) either in the form specified by
the Award or  otherwise,  as may be  determined  in the  individual  case by the
Committee under this Plan.

6.4  Forfeiture.  Any grant of incentive  shares is  provisional,  as any share,
until delivery of the certificate  representing  such share. If, while the grant
is provisional,

 (a)  the grantee terminates, but does not terminate normally, or

 (b) the grantee is determined to have engaged in detrimental activity,

      the grant shall be annulled as of the date of termination or, the date of
      such determination, as the case may be.

6.5.  Management  Incentive  Plan II.  The  Committee  may,  in its  discretion,
designate  that a Holder who is eligible for a cash award under the terms of the
LNC  Management  Incentive  Plan II (the "MIP II Plan")  receive such award as a
grant of  restricted  stock in lieu of all or a portion  of the MIP II Plan cash
award,  such RSA shall be made  subject  to  subsection  1.5 and  Section 5. The
amount, if any, of the MIP II award which is not paid as an RSA shall be paid in
cash. This cash payment shall be determined by subtracting  from the MIP II Plan
award the total  Fair  Market  Value,  on the date of the RSA,  of the shares of
Common Stock represented by the RSA without discount for any restrictions.

6.6.  Executive  Value  Sharing  Plan.  The  Committee  may, in its  discretion,
designate  that a Holder who is eligible for a cash award under the terms of the
LNC Executive  Value Sharing Plan (the "EVS Plan") receive such award as a grant
of restricted  stock in lieu of all or a portion of the EVS Plan cash award.  If
the Committee decides to make an RSA in lieu of all or a portion of the EVS Plan
cash award,  such RSA shall be made subject to subsection 1.5 and Section 5. The
amount,  if any, of the EVS Plan award which is not paid as an RSA shall be paid
in cash.

6.7. Career Stock.  The Committee may, in its discretion,  designate  Restricted
Stock Awards,  subject to subsection  1.5 and section 5, to employees of LNC and
its subsidiaries who make an irrevocable  election to waive participation in and
any benefits under designated retirement programs maintained by the Company. The
Committee may also, in its sole discretion,  award shares of Restricted Stock to
individuals  who become officers after the effective date of the Plan in lieu of
participation in certain retirement programs maintained by the Company.

                                    SECTION 7

                            PERFORMANCE AWARDS

7.1  General.  Performance  awards  may  be  granted  hereunder  to an  eligible
employee,  for no cash  consideration,  for such  minimum as may be  required by
applicable  law,  or for such other  consideration  as may be  specified  by the
grant.  The  terms and  conditions  of  performance  awards,  which may  include
provisions establishing performance periods, performance criteria to be achieved
during a performance period, and vesting dates shall be specified by the award.

7.2 Terms of Performance Awards.  Performance awards shall be credited as of the
date of the award to a bookkeeping reserve account maintained by LNC ("Account")
in units  which  are  equivalent  in value to Shares  of  Common  Stock  ("Stock
Units"). Performance awards may be paid in cash, shares, or other consideration,
or any  combination  thereof.  The  extent to which any  applicable  performance
criteria have been achieved shall be  conclusively  determined by the Committee.
Performance awards may be payable in a single payment or in installments and may
be payable at a specified date or dates or upon attaining performance criteria.

 7.3  Forfeiture.  Except as  otherwise  specified  by the award,  if the Holder
terminates,  but  does  not  terminate  on  account  of  death,  Disability,  or
retirement,   as  defined  in  subsection   1.7(d),  any  performance  award  or
installment  thereof  not  vested  prior to the  Holder's  termination  shall be
annulled as of the date of termination.

 7.4  Executive  Value  Sharing  Plan.  The  Committee  may, in its  discretion,
designate  that a person who is  eligible  to receive a cash award under the EVS
Plan receive such award in Stock Units as a Performance Award. The Committee may
also  in its  sole  discretion  convert  outstanding  RSAs  to  Stock  Units  as
Performance Awards.

 7.5 Transferability. Each Performance Award shall not be transferable except by
will or the laws of descent and distribution.

                                    SECTION 8


 8.1  Dividend  Equivalent  Right.  A  Dividend  Equivalent  Right or DER may be
granted hereunder to an eligible employee, as a component of another award or as
a separate  award.  The terms and  conditions  of DERs shall be specified by the
grant.  Dividend  equivalents  credited  to the  holder  of a DER  may  be  paid
currently or may be deemed to be  reinvested  in  additional  shares  (which may
thereafter accrue additional dividend equivalents). Any such reinvestment

shall be at Fair Market Value at the time  thereof.  DERs may be settled in cash
or shares or combination thereof, in a single installment or installments. A DER
granted as a  component  of  another  award may  provide  that such DER shall be
settled upon exercise,  settlement,  or payment of, or lapse of restrictions on,
such other  award,  and that such DER shall  expire or be  forfeited or annulled
under the same conditions as such other awards.  A DER granted as a component of
another award may also contain terms and  conditions  different  from such other

 8.2 Interest  Crediting.  Any award under this Plan that is settled in whole or
in part in cash on a  deferred  basis may  provide,  as  determined  in the sole
discretion  of the  Committee,  for  interest  equivalents  to be credited  with
respect to such cash payment.  Interest  equivalents may be compounded and shall
be paid upon such terms and conditions as may be specified by the grant.

                                    SECTION 9

                            POSTPONEMENT OF EXERCISE

The  Committee  may postpone  any  exercise of an Option or SAR or  distribution
pursuant to an RSA for such time as the  Committee  in its  discretion  may deem
necessary in order to permit LNC (a) to effect or maintain  registration  of the
Plan or Common Stock  issuable  pursuant to the Plan under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, or the securities laws of any applicable jurisdiction;  (b) to
take any action necessary to comply with restrictions or regulations incident to
the maintenance of a public market for Common Stock; or (c) to determine that no
action  referred  to in (a) or (b)  above  needs to be  taken.  LNC shall not be
obligated to issue shares upon  exercise of any Option or SAR or to issue shares
pursuant to an RSA in  violation  of any law.  Any such  postponement  shall not
extend the term of an Award.  Neither LNC nor its  directors  or officers  shall
have any  obligation  or  liability  to any Holder (or  successor  in  interest)
because  of  the  loss  or  rights  under  any  Award  under  the  Plan  due  to
postponements pursuant to this Section 10.