Schedule to Exhibit 10.47

Exhibit 10.47 references three material contracts:

     Firm No Notice Transportation Agreement between Texas Gas
     Transmission Corporation and LG&E (8-Year Term), effective
     November 1, 1993, for the transmission of natural gas (the "8-
     Year Agreement").

     Firm No Notice Transportation Agreement between Texas Gas
     Transmission Corporation and LG&E (2-Year Term), effective
     November 1, 1993, for the transmission of natural gas (the "2-
     Year Agreement").

     Firm No Notice Transportation Agreement between Texas Gas
     Transmission Corporation and LG&E (5-Year Term), effective
     November 1, 1993, for the transmission of natural gas (the "5-
     Year Agreement").

Pursuant to Item 601(a) and the instructions thereto, as all of the
listed contracts are substantially similar in all material
respects, except as to the initial term (length in years) of the
contracts, only the 8-Year Agreement has been filed with this
Annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1993. 
The 2-Year Agreement and the 5-Year Agreement, while listed in the
Exhibit Index, have not been filed as Exhibits hereto.

As stated above, each contract is identical in all material
respects, save for the initial term (length in years) as specified
in "Article V. Term of Agreement."  Under Article V, each contract
became effective November 1, 1993, and each shall be automatically
extended for an additional term of five years upon expiration of
the initial term.  The initial term of the 8-Year Agreement is
eight years, expiring on October 31, 2001, while the initial term
of the 5-Year Agreement is five years, expiring on October 31,
1998, and the initial term of the 2-Year Agreement is two years,
expiring on October 31, 1995.

Contract No.  NO415





                           (8-YEAR TERM)


                         November 1, 1993

                         Rate Schedule NNS

     THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of
November, 1993, by and between Texas Gas Transmission Corporation,
a Delaware corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Texas Gas," and
Louisville Gas and Electric Company, a Kentucky corporation,
hereinafter referred to as "Customer,"


     WHEREAS, Customer was receiving a firm, bundled city-gate
sales service from Texas Gas on May 18, 1992, under provisions of
a sales service agreement effective November 1, 1992; and

     WHEREAS, Customer desires to continue receiving the equivalent
transportation service formerly embedded in its bundled sales
service, or portion thereof, as no-notice service; and

     WHEREAS, Texas Gas desires to provide and Customer desires to
receive such no-notice service under its NNS Rate Schedule on the
terms and conditions set forth herein;

     NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the
mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto covenant and
agree as follows:

                      ARTICLE I.  DEFINITIONS

1.1  The definitions in Section 3 of Rate Schedule NNS, as well as
Section 1 of the General Terms and Conditions of Texas Gas's FERC
Gas Tariff, are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of
this Agreement.

                       ARTICLE II.  QUANTITY

2.1  Pursuant to Texas Gas's Rate Schedule NNS and subject to the
terms and provisions of this Agreement, Customer agrees to deliver
or cause to be delivered to Texas Gas at the Point(s) of Receipt in
Exhibit "A" hereunder, gas for transportation and Texas Gas agrees
to receive, transport, and re-deliver to Customer at the Point(s)
of Delivery in Exhibit "B" hereunder, the daily and seasonal
quantities of gas set forth herein.  The parties agree that the
transportation service provided hereunder shall be a firm service
provided by combining pipeline capacity (the "Nominated" portion of
the service) and storage capacity (the "Unnominated" portion of the
service) into a single transportation service.

2.2  The maximum daily quantity of gas which Texas Gas shall be
obligated to transport and re-deliver to Customer, and which
Customer shall be obligated to receive, is Customer's applicable
Contract Demand expressed on a seasonal basis as set forth below:

     Contract Demand                                MMBtu/d

     Winter                                         61,634
     Summer                                         45,000
     Shoulder Month (April)                         57,480
     Shoulder Month (October)                       61,634

2.3  The above Contract Demands consist of a Nominated Daily
Quantity, for which Customer is responsible for scheduling the
delivery of gas supplies into Texas Gas's system, and an
Unnominated Daily Quantity, which is automatically delivered from
storage by Texas Gas to meet Customer's requirements.  Those
quantities, expressed on a seasonal basis, are set forth below:

     Nominated Daily Quantity                       MMBtu/d

     Winter                                         49,000
     Summer (except October)                        45,000
     October                                        49,000

     Unnominated Daily Quantity                     MMBtu/d

     Winter                                        12,634
     Shoulder Month (April)                         6,317
     Shoulder Month (October)                       8,844

2.4  Customer's Excess Unnominated Daily Quantity shall be 6,163
MMBtu per day, which is ten percent (10%) of its Winter Contract

2.5  The maximum seasonal quantities of gas which Texas Gas shall
be obligated to transport and deliver to Customer, and which
Customer shall be obligated to receive, are Customer's Seasonal
Quantity Entitlements as set forth below:

     Quantity Entitlement                     MMBtu

          Winter                              8,740,000
          Summer                              7,026,667

2.6  A portion of Customer's Winter Quantity Entitlement consists
of unnominated quantities of gas delivered by Texas Gas from
storage.  The maximum net quantity of gas Texas Gas is obligated to
deliver to Customer from storage during any Winter Season is
Customer's Unnominated Seasonal Quantity, which is 1,516,000 MMBtu. 
In addition to scheduling the receipt of Customer's Summer Quantity
Entitlement, Customer is also responsible for the re-delivery each
summer of that portion of Customer's Unnominated Seasonal Quantity
actually used the prior winter, as more fully set forth herein.

2.7  Customer shall reimburse Texas Gas for the Quantity of Gas
required for fuel, company use, and unaccounted for associated with
the transportation service hereunder in accordance with Section 16
of the General Terms and Conditions of Texas Gas's FERC Gas Tariff. 
Texas Gas may adjust the fuel retention percentage as operating
circumstances warrant pursuant to Section 16 of the General Terms
and Conditions; however, such change shall not be retroactive. 
Texas Gas agrees to give Customer thirty (30) days written notice
before changing such percentage.

2.8  Texas Gas, at its sole option, may, if tendered by Customer,
transport daily quantities in excess of Customer's Contract Demand.

2.9  In order to protect its system, the delivery of gas to its
customers and/or the safety of its operations, Texas Gas shall have
the right to vent excess natural gas delivered to Texas Gas by
Customer or Customer's supplier(s) in that part of its system
utilized to transport gas received hereunder.  Prior to venting
excess gas, Texas Gas will use its best efforts to contact Customer
or Customer's supplier in an attempt to correct such excess
deliveries to Texas Gas.  Texas Gas may vent such excess gas solely
within its reasonable judgment and discretion without liability to
Customer, and a pro rata share of any gas so vented shall be
allocated to Customer.  Customer's pro rata share shall be
determined by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the
quantity of gas delivered to Texas Gas at the Point of Receipt by
Customer or Customer's suppliers in excess of Customer's confirmed
nomination and the denominator of which shall be the total quantity
of gas in excess of total confirmed nominations flowing in that
part of the Texas Gas's system utilized to transport gas,
multiplied by the total quantity of gas vented or lost hereunder.

2.10   Customer shall have the right to elect to reduce its Daily
Contract Demand by an amount up to the Daily Contract Demand which
was contracted for by Customer to serve any end use customer of
Customer which is bypassed to Texas Gas.  Any such reduction right,
if exercised by customer providing thirty (30) days prior written
notice, shall be effective on the day which such end use Customer
commences receipt of direct or indirect deliveries of natural gas
from Texas Gas.  To the extent that Texas Gas bypasses an end-use
customer of Customer and Texas Gas enters into a firm contract with
the end-use customer pursuant to which the end-use customer shall
be responsible for the transition costs associated with such
Contract Demand, Texas Gas shall adjust any Order 636 transition
costs billed to Customer to reflect Customer's loss of such end-use
customer load.  If Customer recommences service to any such end-use
customer, in whole or in part, Customer's Daily Contract Demand may
be increased, at Customer's request, by an amount up to the prior
such reduction made for that particular end-use customer, subject
to the availability of capacity and FERC authorization, if

                    ARTICLE III. SCHEDULING OF

3.1  This Article III only applies to the scheduling of the
Nominated Daily Quantity portion of Customer's Contract Demand and
not to the Unnominated Daily Quantity of Unnominated Seasonal
Quantity delivered from storage.

3.2  Customer shall be obligated five (5) working days prior to the
end of each month to furnish Texas Gas with a schedule of the
estimated daily quantity(ies) of gas it desires to be received,
transported, and redelivered for the following month.  Such
schedules will show the quantity(ies) of gas Texas Gas will receive
from Customer at the Point(s) of Receipt, along with the identity
of the supplier(s) that is delivering or causing to be delivered to
Texas Gas quantities for Customer's account at each Point of
Receipt for which a nomination has been made.

3.3  Customer shall give Texas Gas, after the first of the month,
twenty-four (24) hours notice prior to the commencement of any day
in which Customer desires to change the quantity(ies) of gas it has
scheduled to be delivered to Texas Gas at the Point(s) of Receipt.
If Customer's nomination change does not require Texas Gas to
interrupt service to another customer, Texas Gas will agree to
waive this 24-hour prior notice and implement nomination changes
requested by customer to commence in such lesser time frame subject
to Texas Gas's being able to confirm and verify such nomination
change at both receipt and delivery points, and receive PDA's
reflecting this nomination change at both receipt and delivery
points.  Texas Gas will use its best efforts to make the nomination
change effective at the time requested by customer; however, if
Texas Gas is unable to do so, the nomination change will be
implemented as soon as confirmation is received.


4.1  Customer shall deliver or cause to be delivered natural gas to
Texas Gas at the Point(s) of Receipt specified in Exhibit "A"
attached hereto and Texas Gas shall redeliver gas to Customer or
for the account of Customer at the Point(s) of Delivery specified
in Exhibit "B" attached hereto, in accordance with Sections 7 and
15 of the General Terms and Conditions of Texas Gas's FERC Gas

4.2  Customer's preferential capacity rights on each of Texas Gas's
supply laterals shall be as set forth in Exhibit "C" attached
hereto, in accordance with Section 34 of the General Terms and
Conditions of Texas Gas's FERC Gas Tariff.

                   ARTICLE V. TERM OF AGREEMENT

5.1  This Agreement shall become effective November 1, 1993, and
shall remain in full force and effect for a primary term of eight
(8) years ending October 31, 2001.  At the end of such primary
term, or any subsequent rollover term, this Agreement shall
automatically be extended for an additional rollover term of five
(5) years, unless Customer terminates this Agreement at the end of
such primary or rollover term by giving Texas Gas at least 365 days
advance written notice prior to the expiration of the primary term
or any subsequent rollover term.


6.1  The gas shall be measured or caused to be measured by Customer
and/or Texas Gas at the Point(s) of Measurement which shall be as
specified in Exhibits A, A-I, and B herein. In the event of a line
loss or leak between the Point of Measurement and the Point of
receipt, the loss shall be determined in accordance with the
methods described in Section 3, "Measuring and Measuring
Equipment," contained in the General Terms and Conditions of First
Revised Volume No. 1 of Texas Gas's FERC Gas Tariff.

                      ARTICLE VII. FACILITIES

7.1  Texas Gas and Customer agree that any facilities required at
the Point(s) of receipt, Point(s) of Delivery, and Point(s) of
Measurement, shall be installed, owned, and operated as specified
in Exhibits A, A-I, and B herein.  Customer may be required to pay
or cause Texas Gas to be paid for the installed cost of any new
facilities required as contained in Sections 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 of
Texas Gas's FT Rate Schedule.  Customer shall only be responsible
for the installed cost of any new facilities described in this
Section if agreed to in writing between Texas Gas and Customer.


8.1  Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Texas Gas and
Customer, Customer shall pay to Texas Gas each month a Reservation
Charge which shall consist of the applicable Contract Demand as
specified in this Agreement multiplied by the applicable demand
rate per MMBtu.  The Reservation Charge shall be billed as of the
effective date of this Agreement.  Unless otherwise agreed to in
writing by Texas Gas and Customer, Customer shall also pay Texas
Gas the Maximum Commodity Rate per MMBtu of gas delivered by Texas
Gas for no-notice transportation services rendered to Customer up
to Customer's applicable Contract Demand.  For all gas quantities
delivered in excess of Customer's applicable Contract Demand on any
day, Customer shall pay the NNS Overrun Rate per MMBtu, as
described in the NNS Rate Schedule.  In addition, Customer shall
pay any and all currently effective demand or commodity surcharges,
including but not limited to, the GRI Funding Unit, the FERC ACA

Unit Charge, Texas Gas's Take-or-Pay surcharge, and Order 636
Transition Costs surcharge.

     If Texas Gas declares force majeure which renders it unable to
perform service for Customer under this Agreement either in whole
or part, then Customer shall be relieved 

of its obligation to pay NNS demand charges for that part of its
NNS contract demand affected by such force majeure event until the
force majeure event is remedied.

     Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Texas Gas and
Customer, Texas Gas may, from time to time, and at any time
selectively after negotiation, adjust the rate(s) applicable to any
individual Customer; provided, however, that such adjusted rate(s)
shall not exceed the applicable Maximum Rate(s) nor shall they be
less than the Minimum Rate(s) set forth in the currently effective
Sheet No. 10 of Texas Gas's FERC Gas Tariff.  If Texas Gas so
adjusts any rates to any Customer, Texas Gas shall file with the
Commission any and all required reports respecting such adjusted

8.2  In the event Customer utilizes a Secondary Point(s) of
Delivery for transportation service herein, Customer will continue
to pay the monthly reservation charges as described in Section 8.1
above.  In addition, Customer will pay the maximum commodity charge
applicable to the zone in which gas is delivered up to Customer's
applicable Contract Demand and the maximum overrun commodity charge
for any quantities delivered by Texas Gas in excess of Customer's
Seasonal Quantity Entitlement.  Customer also agrees to pay the
ACA, Take-or-Pay Surcharge, GRI charges, fuel retention charge, and
any other effective surcharges, if applicable, as described in
Section 8.1 above.

8.3  It is further agreed that Texas Gas may seek authorization
from the Commission and/or other appropriate body for such changes
to any rate(s) and terms set forth herein or in Texas Gas's tariff,
as may be found necessary to assure Texas Gas just and reasonable
rates.  Nothing herein contained shall be construed to deny
Customer any rights it may have under the Natural Gas Act, as
amended, including the right to participate fully in rate
proceedings by intervention or otherwise to contest increased rates
in whole or in part.

8.4  Customer agrees to fully reimburse Texas Gas for all filing
fees, if any, associated with the service contemplated herein which
Texas Gas is required to pay to the Commission or any agency having
or assuming jurisdiction of the transactions contemplated herein.

8.5  Customer agrees to execute or cause its supplier or processor
to execute a separate agreement with Texas Gas providing for the
transportation of any liquids and/or liquefiables, and agrees to

pay or reimburse Texas Gas, or cause Texas Gas to be paid or
reimbursed, for any applicable rates or charges associated with the
transportation of such liquids and/or liquefiables, as specified in
Section 24 of the General Terms and Conditions of Texas Gas' FERC
Gas Tariff.

                    ARTICLE IX. WINTER SERVICE

9.1  Customer will only be required to nominate into Texas Gas's
system a quantity of gas up to the Nominated Daily Quantity.

9.2  In addition to the Nominated Daily Quantity actually scheduled
by Customer, Texas Gas will adjust deliveries from storage up to
Customer's Unnominated Daily Quantity to meet Customer's city-gate
requirements up to Customer's Winter Contract Demand.

9.3       In addition, Customer may exceed its Unnominated Daily
Quantity by a quantity equal to its Excess Unnominated Daily
Quantity (i.e. 10% of its Winter Contract Demand) for up to two
consecutive gas days without a penalty; however, total deliveries
to the Customer may not exceed the Customer's Winter Contract
Demand.  Texas Gas will notify the Customer within four (4) hours
of the end of the gas day in which Customer has exceeded its
Unnominated Daily Quantity.  If the Customer does not cease taking
such Excess Unnominated Daily Quantity from Texas Gas's storage
after two consecutive gas days, then pipeline may assess a penalty
of $15 per MMBtu of such excess gas taken and may issue an
operational flow order requiring Customer to immediately inject
additional gas supply and/or reduce city-gate deliveries so that
the customer is no longer exceeding his Unnominated Daily Quantity.

9.4  Monthly Maximum Withdrawal: No more than 50% of Customer's
Unnominated Seasonal Quantity shall be withdrawn in any consecutive
thirty (30) day period.

9.5  Seasonal Minimum and Maximum Withdrawal: No more than 105% of
Customer's Unnominated Seasonal Quantity shall be withdrawn by
March 1; provided further, that no less than 68% and no more than
100% of Customer's Unnominated Seasonal Quantity shall be withdrawn
by April 1 (the end of the Winter Season).

9.6  Adjusted Unnominated Daily Quantity: As Customer's Unnominated
Seasonal Quantity (USQ) is withdrawn, that portion of Customer's
Unnominated Daily Quantity (UDQ) available to Customer shall be
adjusted.  Customer's Adjusted Unnominated Daily Quantity (UDQ)
shall be equal to the greater of its average winter daily
unnominated quantity (i.e., Customer's USQ divided by the total
number of Winter days the UDQ is available) or the applicable
percentage of its Unnominated Daily Quantity (UDQ) as set forth in
the following table:

          % USQ Withdrawn                % UDQ Available

               75%                            90%
               80%                            85%
               85%                            80%
               90%                            75%

     Notwithstanding the adjustments described above, Customer's
UDQ shall be available for a total of 120 days each Winter Season.

9.7  During the Winter Season, Texas Gas will also inject gas into
storage on a best efforts basis as part of NNS service.  Although
such injections will be done on a best efforts basis, Texas Gas
will be presumed, unless it gives notice to the contrary, to be
able to inject into storage such quantities of gas as to take into
account routine variations in no-notice deliveries.  If Texas Gas
is unable to make such best efforts injections, it will advise
Customer by posting on its electronic bulletin board.  However, no
presumption will exist for non-routine situations (e.g. injections
in excess of 15% of Customer's Winter Contract Demand or sustained
injections of more than five days) and Customer must give 24 hours
advance written notice to Texas Gas of quantities it desires to
inject into storage, so that Texas Gas can determine the extent to
which it can make such injections and adjust its operations

                     ARTICLE X. SUMMER SERVICE

10.1  Texas Gas shall deliver to Customer at the city-gate during
each Summer Season up to the Customer's Summer Contract Demand and
Summer Quantity Entitlement as nominated by Customer.

10.2  Pursuant to the provisions set forth below, Customer shall
deliver in kind to Texas Gas during each Summer Season a quantity
of gas equal to that portion of Customer's Unnominated Seasonal
Quantity actually utilized by Customer (including any in-field
transfers pursuant to Section 25.8(c) of the General Terms and
Conditions of this tariff) during the prior Winter Season (as well
as any Shoulder Month quantities delivered to customer during the
Summer Season).  Customer shall reserve and utilize such portion of
its Summer Contract Demand as necessary to redeliver such volumes
into storage.

10.3  Maximum Daily Injection Quantity: To protect the storage
formations and allow uniform filling of the storage reservoirs,
Customer will be required to adhere to certain injection limits
(calculated as a percentage of the Unnominated Seasonal Quantity),
throughout the summer injection period.  During the Summer Season
Customer may, on a daily basis, inject according to the following

     % of Unnominated               Maximum Available
     Seasonal Quantity              Injection Rate
         Injected                       % of USQ        

          0% - 65%                       1.3%
          65% - 90%                      1.1%
          > 90%                          0.6%

10.4  Inventory verification tests will be conducted on a
semiannual basis.  These tests require the temporary suspension of
individual storage field activities (injections and withdrawals)
for a period of approximately two weeks.  If conditions will not
permit the full maximum daily injection or withdrawal quantity,
Texas Gas may temporarily adjust the limit and allow make-up
quantities on succeeding days.  Texas Gas will provide at least 45
days prior notice in regard to the scheduling of these shut-in

10.5  During the Summer Season (except as provided in Section 11
below), Texas Gas will also withdraw gas from storage on a best
efforts basis as part of the NNS service. Although such withdrawals
will be done on a best efforts basis, Texas Gas will be presumed,
unless it gives notice to the contrary, to be able to withdraw from
storage such quantities of gas as to take into account routine
variations in no-notice services. If Texas Gas is unable to make
such best efforts withdrawals, it will advise Customer by posting
on its electronic bulletin board.  However, no presumption will
exist for non-routine situations (e.g.  withdrawals in excess of
10% of Customer's Winter Contract Demand or sustained withdrawals
of more than five days) and Customer must give 24 hours advance
written notice to Texas Gas of quantities it desires to withdraw
from storage, so that Texas Gas can determine the extent to which
it can make such withdrawals and adjust its operations accordingly.

10.6  To assist Texas Gas's operational and maintenance scheduling
through the Summer Season, Customer will notify Texas Gas by April
1 of each year, with updates monthly, of the quantities it intends
to inject monthly during the immediately upcoming Summer Season;
such injection schedule provided by Customer is a best efforts
estimate and may be revised as necessary.  Texas Gas will use its
reasonable efforts to coordinate its test, maintenance, alteration
and repair activities during such Summer Season to accommodate
Customer's request.


11.1  During the Shoulder Months of April and October, Texas Gas
will deliver to Customer at the city-gate the Customer's Shoulder
Month Contract Demand, which shall, unless otherwise agreed, be the
sum of Customer's Summer Contract Demand, Customer's Excess 

Unnominated Quantity and the applicable percentage as set forth
below of Customer's Unnominated Daily Quantity for the Winter

     Shoulder Month  Percent of Unnominated Daily Quantity

       April                        50%
       October                      70%

     In the event that Customer's Unnominated Seasonal Quantity is
available in quantities sufficient to support additional access to
Customer's Unnominated Daily Quantity the applicable percentage
available to Customer during such Shoulder Month will be as

                     % of Unnominated               % of Unnominated
Shoulder Month       Seasonal Quantity Withdrawn    Daily Quantity

April/October                  75%                    90%
                               80%                    85%
                               85%                    80%
                               90%                    75%
                               95%                    70%

     Although such Shoulder Month Contract Demand shall be
available during any day of the Shoulder Month, it shall only be
available for a maximum of fifteen (15) gas days during such month. 
However, Customer shall neither exceed nor be billed in excess of
the applicable Winter Daily Contract Demand set forth in Article

11.2   In the event that Customer's Unnominated Seasonal Quantity
has been exhausted prior to the April Shoulder Month period,
Customer shall retain access to fifty (50) percent of its
Unnominated Daily Quantity up to an aggregate monthly total
equivalent to ten (10) percent of Customer's Unnominated Seasonal
Quantity, as set forth above from that date until April 30.

                    ARTICLE XII. MISCELLANEOUS

12.1   Texas Gas's Transportation Service hereunder shall be
subject to receipt of all requisite regulatory authorizations from
the Commission, or any successor regulatory authority, and any
other necessary governmental authorizations, in a manner and form
acceptable to Texas Gas.  The parties agree to furnish each other
with any and all information necessary to comply with any laws,
orders, rules, or regulations.

12.2   Except as may be otherwise provided, any notice, request,
demand, statement, or bill provided for in this Agreement or any
notice which a party may desire to give the other shall be in
writing and mailed by regular mail, or by postpaid registered mail,

effective as of the postmark date, to the post office address of
the party intended to receive the same, as the case may be, or by
facsimile transmission, as follows:

                             Texas Gas
Texas Gas Transmission Corporation
3800 Frederica Street
Post Office Box 1160
Owensboro, Kentucky 42302

Attention:   Gas Revenue Accounting (Billings and Statements)
             Nomination & Allocation (Nominations)
             Transportation & Exchange (Contractual Matters)
             Marketing Services (Other Matters)
             Fax #: 502/926-8686


Louisville Gas and Electric Company
220 West Main Street
Post Office Box 32010
Louisville, Kentucky  40232
Attention: Gas Supply Department

     The address of either party may, from time to time, be changed
by a party mailing, by certified or registered mail, appropriate
notice thereof to the other party.  Furthermore, if applicable,
certain notices shall be considered duly delivered when posted to
Texas Gas's Electronic Bulletin Board, as specified in Texas Gas's

12.3   This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of

12.4   Each party agrees to file timely all statements, notices,
and petitions required under the Commission's Regulations or any
other applicable rules or regulations of any governmental authority
having jurisdiction hereunder and to exercise due diligence to
obtain all necessary governmental approvals required for the
implementation of this Transportation Agreement.

12.5   All terms and conditions of Rate Schedule NNS and the
attached Exhibits A, A-I, B, and C are hereby incorporated to and
made a part of this Agreement.

12.6   This contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit
of the successors, assigns, and legal representatives of the
parties hereto.

12.7   Neither party hereto shall assign this Agreement or any of
its rights or obligations hereunder without the consent in writing
of the other party.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party
may assign its right, title and interest in, to and by virtue of
this Agreement including any and all extensions, renewals,
amendments, and supplements thereto, to a trustee or trustees,

individual or corporate, as security for bonds or other obligations
or securities, without such trustee or trustees assuming or
becoming in any respect obligated to perform any of the obligations
of the assignor and, if any such trustee be a corporation, without
its being required by the parties hereto to qualify to do business
in the state in which the performance of this Agreement may occur,
nothing contained herein shall require consent to transfer this
Agreement by virtue of merger or consolidation of a party hereto or
a sale of all or substantially all of the assets of a party hereto,
or any other corporate reorganization of a party hereto.

12.8   This Agreement insofar as it is affected thereby, is subject
to all valid rules, regulations, and orders of all governmental
authorities having jurisdiction.

12.9   No waiver by either party of any one or more defaults by the
other in the performance of any provisions hereunder shall operate
or be construed as a waiver of any future default or defaults
whether of a like or a different character.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
Agreement to be signed by their respective representatives
thereunto duly authorized, as indicated below.


___________________________    By_________________________________
Secretary                             Vice President

Date of Execution by Texas Gas:



___________________________    By  WENDY C. HECK
                                      Vice President

___________________________    Attest:  BEVERLY J. BRADFORD

Date of Execution by Customer:


              Firm No-Notice Transportation Agreement
                            Exhibit "A"
                     Firm Point(s) of Receipt


       Meter                                        Daily Firm
Zone   Number  Name                           Capacity (MMBtu)
1      2145    Claiborne                            13,455
1      9303    Helena #2                            10,000
1      8063    Pineville (LIG)                      20,000
1      2631    Calhoun Plant                         5,000
1      2020    Arkla-Perryville                     10,000
1      8760    Lonewa                               15,000
1      2102    Champlin                             16,715
3      9868    U.Cities-Barnsley (ref. #9404)       12,000
3      2399    ANR-Slaughters (ref. #8082)          20,000
SL     2774    Vermillon 256D                          951
SL     9342    Vermillon 255/256E                      225
SL     2776    S.S. 248D                             4,811
SL     2781    S.S. 247F                             3,592
SL     2782    Vermillon 267C                        1,254
SL     9446    NGPL - Lowry                          6,161
SL     9003    Egan                                 19,379
SL     9044    EDC-N. Parcperdue                     3,040
SL     9135    WC167/HIOS Mainline                   3,800
SL     2770    Vermillon 267F                        2,116
SL     2840    Unical - N Fresh Bayou               15,789
SL     2550    EI 293/308/315                       11,592
SL     2845    Lake Pagie                            3,007
SL     9471    Sohio                                 5,743
SL     9887    HIA-555/A-557A/A-556                  2,000
SL     2859    HIA-573B COMPLEX                     17,743
SL     9383    WC 293/HI 167/HI 167-166              4,819
SL     8147    Mamou (ref. #8046)                    2,092
SL     2790    Henry Hub                            26,682

Notes:  1)     Please refer to Sheet No. 14 in Texas Gas's FERC Gas
               Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1 for Fuel
               Retention Percentages.

         2)    Further information on Receipt Point Description,
               Facilities, and MAOP can be found under the Receipt
               Point tab in Texas Gas's Gas Quest Manual.


                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt


LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT

North Louisiana
  Carthage - Haughton

                                2102                 Champlin
                                9805                 Delhi
                                9051                 Grigsby
                                9860                 Nelson- 
                                8116                 Texas Eastern
                                9884                 Valero-Carthage
  Haughton - Sharon
                                8003                 Barksdale
                                2455                 Beacon
                                9866                 Cornerstone-Ada
                                2173                 Crystal Oil-West
                                2340                 F.E. Hargraves
                                2186                 LGI #1
                                2456                 McCormick
                                2459                 Minden Pan
                                                     -Am #1
                                2457                 Minden-Hunt
                                9819                 Nelson-Sibley
                                9461                 Olin-McGoldrick
                                2760                 Sligo Plant
                                9834                 Texaco-Athens
                                                     Sharon - East
                                2631                 Calhoun Plant
                                2202                 Ergon-Monroe
                                8760                 Lonewa
                                8020                 MRT-Bastrop
                                9302                 Munce
                                9812                 Par
                                9823                 Reliance-Bernice
                                2612                 Reliance-West
                                2634                 Southwest-Guthrie

                                2145                 Claiborne
                                2010                 Fina Oil-HICO
                                9818                 PGC-Bodcaw

                              Exhibit "A-1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt
LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT
  Sharon (Cont.)
                                2757                 Texas Eastern -
                                2756                 Texas Eastern -

                                (Master List)
                                2091                 Caribbean-
                                                     China #1
                                2092                 Caribbean-
                                                     China #2
                                2093                 Caribbean-
                                                     China #3
                                9038                 Coastal/ANR-Iowa
                                9839                 Great Southern
                                                     - Woodlawn
                                8170                 Iowa
                                9445                 Kilroy Riseden-
                                9890                 Source Petroleum
                                                     -S. Elton #1
                                9896                 Source Petroleum
                                                     -S. Elton #2
                                2883                 Tee Oil-Woodlawn
                                9802                 Trimble No. 1

  Mallard Bay-Woodlawn

                                2140                 California Co.
                                                     -South Thornwell
                                2615                 Caroline Hunt
                                2170                 Cockrell-North Chalkley
                                9828                 Denovo-Lake
                                2207                 Franks
                                9028                 Gas Energy
                                2355                 Humble-Chalkley
                                2383                 IMC Wintershall-
                                9848                 Lamson Onshore-
                                                     Mallard Bay

                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt

LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT
West (Cont.)
                                8071                 LRC-Mallard Bay
                                9813                 Rio Bravo
                                2701                 Samedan-N
                                2635                 Shell-Chalkley
                                2266                 South Mallard-
                                2822                 Superior-S.
                                9879                 Total Minatone
                                                     -Bell City
                                2885                 Union Texas
                                2853                 Welsh Field
  East Cameron-Lowry
                                2581                 E.C. 14
                                9872                 E.C. 9A
                                2033                 Little Chenlere
                                2034                 Little Chenlere
                                2392                 LRC-Grand

                                2860                 Lake Arthur
                                9843                 Mobile-Lowry
                                9446                 NGPL - Lowry
                                2438                 Willis Meter
                                2431                 Fletcher
                                2432                 Fletcher
                                2433                 Fletcher-IAMS
                                2434                 Fletcher-
                                2436                 Caddo County,
                                2437                 Washita County,
                                9851                 Booher-Iota
                                9003                 Egan
             Offshore points
             entering at Egan   9130                 E.I. 278/S.S.

                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt

LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT
             Offshore points    9131                 E.I. 278/S.S.
             entering at Egan                        248D
                                9128                 E.I. 299/S.S.
                                9129                 E.I. 299/S.S.
                                9122                 E.I. 320/325A
                                9123                 E.I. 342/366A
                                2793                 E.I. 342/372A
                                9399                 E.I. 342/384A
                                2787                 E.I. 342A
                                2767                 E.I. 342C
                                2786                 E.I. 343B
                                9363                 E.I. 349/349A
                                9364                 E.I.
                                9369                 E.I. 365A/365A/
                                2781                 S.S. 247F
                                2776                 S.S. 248D
                                2778                 S.S. 271A
                                2785                 S.S.
                                2788                 E.I. 365
                                9342                 Vermillion
                                2774                 Vermillion
                                9105                 Vermillion
                                9340                 Vermillion
                                9341                 Vermillion
                                9374                 Vermillion
                                2782                 Vermillion 267C
                                2770                 Vermillion 267F
                                9159                 Vermillion
  Lafayette - Eunice
                                2153                 Branch-Cox
                                2125                 Calif. Co.-North
                                2137                 California Co.
                                                     -South Bosco #1

                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt

LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT
Southeast (Cont.)
                                2138                 California Co.
                                                     -South Bosco #2
                                2600                 Cayman-anslem
                                9852                 CNG-South Rayne
                                2389                 Duson
                                9837                 Excel-Judice
                                8068                 Exch. O&G-No.
                                2601                 Fina Oil-anslem
                                8041                 Florida
                                2290                 Gulf Transport
                                                     -Church Pt
                                2148                 Maurice Cox
                                9906                 Quintana-South
                                9005                 Rayne-Columbia
                                2045                 Riceland-North
                                8067                 South Scott
                                2810                 Tidewater-North
                                8053                 Youngsville
                                8190                 Faustina-Henry
                                2790                 Henry Hub
                                9822                 Cities Service
  Maurice - Freshwater          
                                2147                 CNG-Hell Hole
                                2203                 Deck Oil
                                9808                 Duhon/Parcperdue
                                9044                 EDC-N.
                                9160                 LLOG-Abbeville
                                2394                 LRC-Theall
                                9800                 May Petroleum
                                2424                 Mccain-Maurice
                                2748                 Parc Perdue
                                2749                 Parc Perdue 2
                                9830                 R&R Res-Abbeville
                                2706                 Sun Ray
                                2840                 Unical-N Fresh

                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt

LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT
Southeast (Cont.)
  Morgan City - Lafayette
                                2064                 Amoco-Charenton
                                9803                 Atlantic
                                9809                 BH Petroleum-SE
                                2080                 Bayou Sale
                                                     -British Am
                                2085                 British
                                9425                 Charenton
                                9047                 Florida Gas-E.B.
                                2454                 FMP/Bayou
                                2750                 FMP/S Bayou
                                8059                 Franklin
                                2208                 Frantzen
                                9898                 Hadson-East
                                                     Bayou Pigeon
                                2188                 Lamson
                                9811                 Lanaux-Jeff
                                9854                 Linder Oil-Bayou
                                9853                 Linder Oil-
                                                     Garden City
                                2189                 Rutledge Deas
                                2636                 Shell-Bayou
                                9902                 Smith
                                2035                 Southwest
                                9895                 Texaco-Bayou
                                8205                 Transco-Myette
                                9829                 Trunkline
  Morgan City - Lafayette
                                2832                 Union Oil-Bayout
                                9350                 Vulcan
                                9835                 W.T. Burton-Lake
                                9040                 ANR-Calumet

                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt

LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT
Southeast (Cont.)

             Offshore points
             entering at Calumet
                                2583                 EI 273A
                                2158                 EI
                                2584                 EI 273B
                                2834                 EI 276C
                                2771                 EI 287D
                                2151                 EI 292B
                                9339                 EI 292B/286I
                                2550                 EI 293/308/315
                                2773                 EI 307E
                                2154                 EI 309C
                                2155                 EI 309G
                                2157                 EI 309H
                                9886                 EI
                                2156                 EI
                                2780                 SMI 11C
                                2425                 SMI 161
                                2783                 SS 204/219
  Blk. 8-Morgan City            
                                2198                 Bois D'Arc
                                9142                 Bois D'Arc
                                                     -Pelican Lake
                                2109                 Chevron-Block
                                2638                 Coon Point
                                2845                 Lake Pagle
                                9817                 Linder Oil-Bayou
                                2460                 Peltex Deep
                                                     Saline #1
                                2480                 SS 41
                                9471                 Sohio
                                9888                 Star Oil & Gas
                                                     -Bay Junop
                                2755                 Texaco-Bay Junop
                                9836                 Texaco-Dog Lake
                                2463                 Toce Oil
                                2850                 Union Oil-N.
                                                     Lake Pagle
                                9883                 Zelt-Lake Pagle
  City                          2250                 A. Glassell 
                                2047                 Alliance
                                9029                 Coastal

                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt

LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT
Southeast (Cont.)

             City (Cont.)
                                2835                 Lake Palourde
                                9873                 Linder Oil
                                2440                 Magna-
                                                     Chacahoula #1
                                2445                 Magna-St.
                                                     John #2
                                2470                 Patterson
                                2135                 Simon Pass
                                2015                 Amerada Hess
                                2016                 Amerada Hess
                                2385                 D.B.
                                                     Mcclinton #1
                                2240                 Faul Energy
                                9844                 Germany Oil
                                                     -Church Point
                                2288                 Great
                                                     Mowata #2
                                9804                 Great
                                                     Mowata #3
                                2289                 Great
                                8145                 Ritchie
                                9119                 Sevarg
                                2740                 Superior-Pure
HIOS         Offshore points
             entering at
             ANR-Eunice         9035                 ANR-Eunice
                                9135                 WC 167/HIOS
                                                     Main Line

                                                     HI 247
                                2868                 HIA-244A/

                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt

LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT
HIOS         Offshore points
             entering at ANR-Eunice
             (Cont.)                                 HI 283
                                9894                 HIA-283/

                                2855                 HIA-285/A-282

                                                     HI 303
                                2858                 HIA A-302/

                                2863                 HIA-334A/
                                9327                 HIA-345/

                                2536                 HIA-498/462/
                                2867                 HIA-462
                                9375                 HIA-477/
                                2534                 HIA-498/A-489
                                2533                 HIA-498/
                                2535                 HIA-498/
                                9371                 HIA-498/A-490
                                2856                 HIA-498/A-517

                                2537                 HIA-539/A-480
                                9365                 HIA-539/A-511
                                9376                 HIA-539/A-532
                                9328                 HIA-539/A-550
                                9901                 HIA-539/
                                9889                 HIA-539/
                                2539                 HIA-539/A-567
                                9380                 HIA-539/A-568

                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt

LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT
HIOS         Offshore points
             entering at ANR-
             Eunice (Cont.)                          HIA-555
                                2857                 HIA-531A
                                2861                 HIA-536C
                                2862                 HIA-537B
                                9127                 HIA-537B/
                                9308                 HIA-555
                                9125                 HIA-555/
                                9887                 HIA-555/

                                2859                 HIA-573B
                                9909                 HIA-573/
                                                     A-384/GB 224
                                2542                 HIA-595CF

                                9165                 HIA-582/
                                9133                 HIA-582/
                                                     EB 110
                                9134                 HIA-582/
                                                     EB 165
                                9377                 HIA-582/EB-
W.C. 294
                                9026                 WC 167/132
                                9396                 WC 293/
                                                     HI 120/
                                                     HI 120-128
                                9383                 WC 293/
                                                     HI 167/
                                                     HI 167-166
                                2838                 WC 294
                                9136                 WC 167/
                                                     Near Shore

                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt

LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT

                                2020                 Arkla-
                                9870                 Channel
                                                     Chicksaw Creek
                                9826                 Delhi-Ewing
                                8112                 Evangeline
                                2361                 Guffrey
                                9877                 Hadson-Olla/
                                9814                 Hogan-Davis
                                8147                 Mamou
                                8063                 Pineville
                                3800                 Pooling
                                                     Zone O

                                9832                 Wintershall
                                2399                 ANR-
                                2061                 BeeHunter
                                2072                 Blair
                                8125                 Dyersburg
                                2373                 HarKen/
                                                     G #1
                                2352                 HarKen/Cox
                                2376                 HarKen/I.C.C.
                                2379                 HarKen/I.C.C.
                                2022                 HarKen/I.C.C.
                                2381                 HarKen/I.C.C.
                                2367                 HarKen/I.C.C.
                                9530                 HarKen/Murray
                                2362                 HarKen/P.
                                                     Est. #1
                                2351                 HarKen/Qualls
                                2966                 HarKen/
                                                     Stearman #1
                                2960                 HarKen/W. Ky.

                             Exhibit "A - 1"
                       Secondary Points of Receipt

LATERAL      SEGMENT            METER NO.            SUPPLY POINT
Mainline (Cont.)

                                2962                 HarKen/W. Ky.
                                2375                 HarKen/W. Ky.
                                2087                 Heathville
                                9303                 Helena #2
                                9876                 Hux Oil
                                1715                 Lebanon-
                                1247                 Lebanon-
                                1859                 Lebanon-Texas
                                9527                 Liberty-South
                                3801                 Pooling
                                                     Zone 1
                                9525                 Pride Energy 
                                                     No. 1
                                9931                 Reynolds-
                                2648                 Spears
                                5700                 Storage
                                9868                 United Cities

                                              EXHIBIT "B"
                                       FIRM POINT(S) OF DELIVERY

                                  LOUISVILLE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY

Point  Meter                                                                  MAOP      MDP*
No.    No.        Name/Description                               Facilities   (psig)    (psig)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.     1529       Louisville Gas and Electric Company Z-4
                  BARDSTOWN ROAD - LON 85-36-0, LAT 38-12-0,
                    Jefferson County, KY (#1524)                 (1)          675       400
                  BEDFORD-LG&E - LON 85-18-15, LAT 38-34-30,
                    Trimble Countym, KY (#1523)                  (1)          810       400
                  CRESTWOOD - LON 85-25-15, LAT 38-20-0,
                    Oldham County, KY (#1525)                    (1)          810       400
                  DOE RUN - LON 86-2-30, LAT 37-55-30,
                    Meade County, KY (#1526)                     (1)          810       400
                  ELDER PARK - LON 85-25-0, LAT 38-22-0,
                    Oldham County, KY  (#1527)                   (1)          810       400
                  ELLINGSWORTH LANE - LON 85-33-0, LAT 38-13-15,
                    Jefferson County, KY (#1528)                 (1)          810       350
                  LAGRANGE - LON 85-24-15, LAT 38-24-0, 
                    Oldham County, KY (#1531)                    (1)          810       400
                  PENILE ROAD - LON 85-47-0, LAT 38-6-0, 
                    Jefferson County, KY (#1535)                 (1)          674       400
                  PRESTON STREET ROAD - LON 85-41-30, LAT 38-9-45,
                    Jefferson County, KY (#1536)                 (1)          674       400

*      Minimum Delivery Pressure
(1)    Measurement facilities are owned, operated, and maintained by Texas Gas Transmission


             Firm No.-Notice Transportation Agreement

                            Exhibit "C"
                      Supply Lateral Capacity


                               Preferential Rights
Supply Lateral                             MMBtu/d

Zone 1 Supply Lateral(s)
- ------------------------

North Louisiana Leg:                        50,170
           Total Zone 1:                    50,170

Zone SL Supply Lateral(s)
- -------------------------

East Leg:                                        0
Southeast Leg:                              65,853
South Leg:                                  32,328
Southwest Leg:                              22,648
West Leg:                                        0
WC-294:                                      4,819
HIOS:                                       23,543

           Total Zone SL:                  149,191

           Grand Total:                    199,361