FORM 10-K FOR YEAR ENDING 12/31/93]

                                                  SERVICE PACKAGE NO. 2025
                                                           AMENDMENT NO. 0
                          GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT
                       (For Use Under FT-A Rate Schedule)
THIS  AGREEMENT  is  made and entered into as  of  the  1st  day  of
September,  1993, by and between TENNESSEE GAS PIPELINE  COMPANY,  a
Delaware  Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Transporter"  and
COLONIAL  GAS CO, a MASSACHUSETTS Corporation, hereinafter  referred
to  as  "Shipper."  Transporter and Shipper  shall  collectively  be
referred to herein as the "Parties."

                                    ARTICLE I
1.1  TRANSPORTATION  QUANTITY (TQ) - shall mean  the  maximum  daily
      quantity  of  gas  which  Transporter agrees  to  receive  and
      transport  on a firm basis, subject to Article II herein,  for
      the  account of Shipper hereunder on each day during each year
      during the term hereof, which shall be 25,196 dekatherms.  Any
      limitations of the quantities to be received from  each  Point
      of Receipt and/or delivered to each Point of Delivery shall be
      as specified on Exhibit "A"  attached hereto.

1.2  EQUIVALENT QUANTITY - shall be as defined in Article I  of  the
      General Terms and Conditions of Transporter's FERC Gas Tariff.

                                   ARTICLE II
Transportation Service -  Transporter agrees to accept  and  receive
daily  on  a firm basis, at the Point(s) of Receipt from Shipper  or
for  Shipper's  account  such  quantity  of  gas  as  Shipper  makes
available  up to the Transportation Quantity, and to deliver  to  or
for the account of Shipper to the Point(s) of Delivery an Equivalent
Quantity of gas.

                                   ARTICLE III
                        POINT(S) OF RECEIPT AND DELIVERY
The  Primary Point(s) of Receipt and Delivery shall be those  points
specified on Exhibit "A" attached hereto.

                                   ARTICLE IV
All  facilities are in place to render the service provided  for  in
this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE V
   For  all  gas  received, transported and delivered hereunder  the
   Parties  agree  to the Quality Specifications and  Standards  for
   Measurement  as specified in the General Terms and Conditions  of
   Transporter's FERC Gas Tariff Volume No. 1.  To the  extent  that
   no  new  measurement facilities are installed to provide  service
   hereunder, measurement operations will continue in the manner  in
   which they have previously been handled.  In the event that  such
   facilities  are  not  operated  by Transporter  or  a  downstream
   pipeline,  then responsibility for operations shall be deemed  to
   be Shipper's.
                                   ARTICLE VI
  6.1   TRANSPORTATION  RATES - Commencing upon the  effective  date
         hereof,  the rates, charges, and surcharges to be  paid  by
         Shipper  to  Transporter  for  the  transportation  service
         provided  herein shall be in accordance with  Transporter's
         Rate Schedule FT-A and the General Terms and Conditions  of
         Transporter's FERC Gas Tariff.

  6.2   INCIDENTAL   CHARGES   -   Shipper   agrees   to   reimburse
         Transporter for any filing or similar fees, which have  not
         been  previously  paid  for by Shipper,  which  Transporter
         incurs in rendering service hereunder.

   6.3  CHANGES   IN  RATES  AND  CHARGES  -  Shipper  agrees   that
         Transporter  shall have the unilateral right to  file  with
         the  appropriate  regulatory authority and  make  effective
         changes  in (a) the rates and charges applicable to service
         pursuant to Transporter's Rate Schedule FT-A, (b) the  rate
         schedule(s)   pursuant  to  which  service   hereunder   is
         rendered,  or  (c) any provision of the General  Terms  and
         Conditions applicable to those rate schedules.  Transporter
         agrees   that   Shipper   may  protest   or   contest   the
         aforementioned filings, or may seek authorization from duly
         constituted  regulatory authorities for such adjustment  of
         Transporter's  existing FERC Gas Tariff  as  may  be  found
         necessary to assure Transporter just and reasonable rates.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                              BILLINGS AND PAYMENTS
   Transporter  shall  bill  and Shipper shall  pay  all  rates  and
   charges  in  accordance with Articles V and VI, respectively,  of
   the  General  Terms  and  Conditions of  Transporter's  FERC  Gas
                                  ARTICLE VIII
                          GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS
   This  Agreement shall be subject to the effective  provisions  of
   Transporter's  Rate Schedule FT-A and to the  General  Terms  and
   Conditions  incorporated therein, as the same may be  changed  or
   superseded  from time to time in accordance with  the  rules  and
   regulations of the FERC.
                                   ARTICLE IX
   9.1  This  Agreement  shall  be subject  to  all  applicable  and
         lawful governmental statutes, orders, rules and regulations
         and  is contingent upon the receipt and continuation of all
         necessary regulatory approvals or authorizations upon terms
         acceptable  to Transporter.  This Agreement shall  be  void
         and  of  no  force  and effect if any necessary  regulatory
         approval  is  not  so obtained or continued.   All  Parties
         hereto  shall cooperate to obtain or continue all necessary
         approvals  or authorizations, but no Party shall be  liable
         to  any other Party for failure to obtain or continue  such
         approvals or authorizations.
  9.2   The   transportation  service  described  herein  shall   be
         provided  subject  to Subpart G,  Part  284,  of  the  FERC

                                    ARTICLE X
   Except  as  herein specified, the responsibility for  gas  during
   transportation  shall  be  as stated in  the  General  Terms  and
   Conditions of Transporter's FERC Gas Tariff Volume No. 1.
                                   ARTICLE XI
   11.1 In  addition  to the warranties set forth in Article  IX  of
         the  General Terms and Conditions of Transporter's FERC Gas
         Tariff, Shipper warrants the following:
      (a)  Shipper   warrants  that  all  upstream  and   downstream
            transportation arrangements are in place, or will be  in
            place as of the requested effective date of service, and
            that   it   has  advised  the  upstream  and  downstream
            transporters  of the receipt and delivery  points  under
            this  Agreement  and any quantity limitations  for  each
            point  as  specified  on Exhibit "A"   attached  hereto.
            Shipper   agrees  to  indemnify  and  hold   Transporter
            harmless for refusal to transport gas hereunder  in  the
            event  any upstream or downstream transporter  fails  to
            receive   or  deliver  gas  as  contemplated   by   this
      (b)  Shipper   agrees   to  indemnify  and  hold   Transporter
            harmless  from  all  suits,  actions,  debts,  accounts,
            damages,   costs,   losses   and   expenses   (including
            reasonable attorneys fees) arising from or out of breach
            of any warranty by Shipper herein.
   11.2 Transporter  shall not be obligated to provide  or  continue
         service hereunder in the event of any breach of warranty.
                                   ARTICLE XII
   12.1 This  Agreement  shall be effective as of  the  1st  day  of
         September, 1993, and shall remain in force and effect until
         the  1st  day of November, 2000,("Primary Term") and  on  a
         month to month basis thereafter unless terminated by either
         Party  upon at least thirty (30) days prior written  notice
         to  the other Party; provided, however, that if the Primary
         Term  is one year or more, then unless Shipper elects  upon
         one year's prior written notice to Transporter to request a
         lesser  extension  term, the Agreement shall  automatically
         extend  upon the expiration of the Primary Term for a  term
         of five years and shall automatically extend for successive
         five  year terms thereafter unless Shipper provides  notice
         described  above  in  advance  of  the  expiration   of   a
         succeeding  term;  provided further, if the FERC  or  other
         governmental  body  having jurisdiction  over  the  service
         rendered  pursuant to this Agreement authorizes abandonment
         of  such  service,  this Agreement shall terminate  on  the
         abandonment  date  permitted by  the  FERC  or  such  other
         governmental body.
   12.2 Any portions of this Agreement necessary to resolve or cash-
         out  imbalances  under this Agreement as  required  by  the
         General  Terms  and  Conditions of Transporter's  FERC  Gas
         Tariff Volume No. 1, shall survive the other parts of  this
         Agreement  until  such  time as  such  balancing  has  been
         accomplished; provided, however, that Transporter  notifies
         Shipper of such imbalance no later than twelve months after
         the termination of this Agreement.
   12.3 This  Agreement  will terminate automatically  upon  written
         notice  from Transporter in the event Shipper fails to  pay
         all  of  the  amount  of any bill for service  rendered  by
         Transporter  hereunder  in  accord  with  the   terms   and
         conditions  of  Article  VI  of  the  General   Terms   and
         Conditions of Transporter's FERC Tariff.
                                  ARTICLE XIII
   Except  as otherwise provided in the General Terms and Conditions
   applicable  to  this Agreement, any notice under  this  Agreement
   shall be in writing and mailed to the post office address of  the
   Party intended to receive the same, as follows:
              TRANSPORTER:  Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company
                               P. O. Box 2511
                               Houston, Texas  77252-2511
                         Attention:  Transportation Marketing


              NOTICES:   COLONIAL GAS CO
                         40 MARKET STREET
                         P.O. BOX 3064

                      LOWELL, MA  01852-3064
                      Attention:  JAMES M. STEPHENS

              BILLING:   COLONIAL GAS CO
                         40 MARKET STREET
                         P.O. BOX 3064

                      LOWELL, MA  01852-3064
                      Attention:  MARTIN DEBRUIN

   or  to  such  other  address as either Party shall  designate  by
   formal written notice to the other.
                                   ARTICLE XIV
   14.1  Either  Party  may assign or pledge this Agreement  and  all
         rights  and  obligations hereunder under the provisions  of
         any mortgage, deed of trust, indenture, or other instrument
         which  it has executed or may execute hereafter as security
         for  indebtedness.   Either Party  may,  without  relieving
         itself  of its obligation under this Agreement, assign  any
         of  its  rights  hereunder to a company with  which  it  is
         affiliated.   Otherwise,  Shipper  shall  not  assign  this
         Agreement or any of its rights hereunder, except in  accord
         with  Article  III,  Section 11 of the  General  Terms  and
         Conditions of Transporter's FERC Gas Tariff.
   14.2  Any  person  which  shall succeed by  purchase,  merger,  or
         consolidation  to  the  properties,  substantially  as   an
         entirety, of either Party hereto shall be entitled  to  the
         rights  and  shall  be subject to the  obligations  of  its
         predecessor in interest under this Agreement.
                                   ARTICLE XV
   15.1  The  interpretation and performance of this Agreement  shall
         be  in  accordance with and controlled by the laws  of  the
         State  of  Texas, without regard to the doctrines governing
         choice of law.
   15.2  If  any  provisions of this Agreement is declared  null  and
         void,  or  voidable, by a court of competent  jurisdiction,
         then  that provision will be considered severable at either
         Party's   option;  and  if  the  severability   option   is
         exercised, the remaining provisions of the Agreement  shall
         remain in full force and effect.
   15.3  Unless  otherwise  expressly provided in this  Agreement  or
         Transporter's Gas Tariff, no modification of or  supplement
         to  the terms and provisions stated in this agreement shall
         be  or  become  effective  until Shipper  has  submitted  a
         request  for  change through the TENN-SPEED 2  System  and
         Shipper   has  been  notified  through  TENN-SPEED   2   of
         Transporter's agreement to such change.
   15.4  Exhibit  "A"  attached  hereto  is  incorporated  herein  by
         reference and made a part hereof for all purposes.
      IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties  hereto  have  caused  this
   Agreement  to  be duly executed as of the date first  hereinabove
                            TENNESSEE GAS PIPELINE COMPANY

                            Agent and Attorney-in-Fact

                            COLONIAL GAS CO

                            BY:     John P. Harrington
                            TITLE:  Vice President, Gas Supply

                            DATE:   8/27/93

                         GAS  TRANSPORTATION  AGREEMENT
                       (For Use Under FT-A Rate Schedule)
                                   EXHIBIT "A"
                            DATED September 1st, 1993
                         TENNESSEE GAS PIPELINE COMPANY
                                 COLONIAL GAS CO


Meter Number   Meter Name                        Total        Billable
                                                Quantity      Quantity      

010008         UNION-WARDNER COASTAL PLT D         2,284        2,284 
010031         UNION-E TEXAS PLT DEHYD             1,323        1,323
011306         CHANNEL-AQUA DULCE EXCH             5,212        5,212
011366         CHEVRON-VERMILION BLK 245E DE       8,215        8,215
012272         UNION-SHIP SHOAL BLK 180            2,871        2,871
018034         NEWFIELD-VERMILION 155              3,920        3,920
050136         TENNECO-UTOS JOHNSON BAYOU          1,371        1,371


Meter Number   Meter Name                        Total        Billable
                                                Quantity      Quantity 

020139         COLONIAL-TEWKSBURY MASS            25,196       25,196
020532         COLONIAL-WILMINGTON MASS           12,312       12,312
020572         COLONIAL-DRACUT MASS               12,312       12,312
020578         PENN-NFG-ANDREWS SETTLEMENT        13,679       13,679
060018         TGP-NORTHERN STORAGE INJECT         7,026        7,026


                FORM 10-K FOR YEAR ENDING 12/31/93]