EXHIBIT 28c SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D. C. 20549 FORM 11-K ANNUAL REPORT Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993 Commission File No. 33-34067 LOWELL DIVISION OF COLONIAL GAS COMPANY SAVINGS PLAN FOR LOCAL 12008 UNITED STEELWORKERS OF AMERICA AFL-CIO-CLC (Full title of the plan) COLONIAL GAS COMPANY (Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan) 40 MARKET STREET LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS 01852 (address of plan and principal executive office of issuer) Financial Statements and Schedules The Lowell Division of Colonial Gas Company Savings Plan for Local 12008 United Steelworkers of America AFL-CIO-CLC (the "Plan") is established and maintained as a retirement program in full compliance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"). The following plan financial statements and schedules were prepared in accordance with financial reporting requirements of ERISA and are filed herewith in lieu of the requirements of Items 1-3. SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Plan Administrator and Barbara A. Field have duly caused this annual report to be signed by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. LOWELL DIVISION OF COLONIAL GAS COMPANY SAVINGS PLAN FOR LOCAL 12008 UNITED STEELWORKERS OF AMERICA AFL-CIO-CLC (Name of Plan) By: Barbara A. Field, Manager of the Plan's Operations Date: April 7, 1994 COLONIAL GAS COMPANY Plan Administrator, By: C. O. Swanson, President Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants Colonial Gas Company Administrator of Lowell Division of Colonial Gas Company Savings Plan for Local 12008 We have audited the statements of financial condition of Lowell Division of Colonial Gas Company Savings Plan for Local 12008 as of December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the related statements of income and changes in fund equity for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1993. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also incudes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, a well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects the financial condition of Lowell Division of Colonial Gas Company Savings Plan for Local 12008 as of December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the income and changes in fund equity for each of three years in the period ended December 31, 1993, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. GRANT THORNTON Boston, Massachusetts April 7, 1994 LOWELL DIVISION OF COLONIAL GAS COMPANY SAVINGS PLAN FOR LOCAL 12008 STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION December 31, 1993 Colonial Gas Money Company Common Market Savings ASSETS Stock Fund Fund Fund Investments (Notes A and C) Common Stock of Colonial Gas Company at market value - 18,111 shares (cost $350,666) $407,498 $ - $ - Secured Notes (Note C) - - - Other (Note F) - 71,998 62,897 Total investments 407,498 71,998 62,897 Cash 10 41 - Receivable from Colonial Gas Company Participant deposits 10,235 2,156 1,731 Other 8 284 359 Due from Other Funds 1,303 - 173 Total assets $419,054 $74,479 $65,160 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Due to Other Funds $ - $2,699 $ 763 Due to Other Plans 3,109 569 - Plan Equity - including net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments (Notes A and G) 415,945 71,211 64,397 Total liabilities and equity $419,054 $74,479 $65,160 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. December 31, 1993 Equity Loan ASSETS Fund Fund Total Investments (Notes A and C) Common Stock of Colonial Gas Company at market value - 18,111 shares (cost $350,666) $ - $ - $407,498 Secured Notes (Note C) - 33,073 33,073 Other (Note F) 68,458 - 203,353 Total investments 68,458 33,073 643,924 Cash - - 51 Receivable from Colonial Gas Company Participant deposits 2,408 - 16,530 Other 139 - 790 Due from Other Funds 1,709 2,093 5,278 Total assets $72,714 $35,166 $666,573 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Due to Other Funds $ - $1,816 $5,278 Due to Other Plans - - 3,678 Plan Equity - including net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments (Notes A and G) 72,714 33,350 657,617 Total liabilities and equity $72,714 $35,166 $ 666,573 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. LOWELL DIVISION OF COLONIAL GAS COMPANY SAVINGS PLAN FOR LOCAL 12008 STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION December 31, 1992 Colonial Gas Money Company Common Market Savings ASSETS Stock Fund Fund Fund Investments (Notes A and C) Common Stock of Colonial Gas Company at market value - 12,534 shares (cost $219,747) $266,348 $ - $ - Secured Notes (Note C) - - - Other (Note F) - 72,855 53,384 Total investments 266,348 72,855 53,384 Cash - - 88 Receivable from Colonial Gas Company Participant deposits 7,483 2,317 1,405 Other 2 199 269 Due from Other Funds 992 47 - Total assets $274,825 $75,418 $55,146 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Due to Other Funds $ - $ - $ - Plan Equity - including net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments (Notes A and G) 274,825 75,418 55,146 Total liabilities and equity $274,825 $75,418 $55,146 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. December 31, 1992 Equity Loan ASSETS Fund Fund Total Investments (Notes A and C) Common Stock of Colonial Gas Company at market value - 12,534 shares (cost $219,747) $ - $ - $266,348 Secured Notes (Note C) - 17,676 17,676 Other (Note F) 34,602 - 160,841 Total investments 34,602 17,676 444,865 Cash 61 - 149 Receivable from Colonial Gas Company Participant deposits 1,700 - 12,905 Other 62 - 532 Due from Other Funds 422 - 1,461 Total assets $36,847 $17,676 $459,912 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Due to Other Funds $ - $1,461 $1,461 Plan Equity - including net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments (Notes A and G) 36,847 16,215 458,451 Total liabilities and equity $36,847 $17,676 $459,912 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. LOWELL DIVISION OF COLONIAL GAS COMPANY SAVINGS PLAN FOR LOCAL 12008 STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY Year Ended December 31, 1993 Colonial Gas Money Company Common Market Savings ASSETS Stock Fund Fund Fund Investment income: Dividends on Colonial Gas Company Common Stock $18,760 $ - $ - Dividends - - 3,040 Interest 47 2,710 555 Total investment income 18,807 2,710 3,595 Net realized gain on disposition of investments (Note H) - - 789 Unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of investments (Notes A and G) 10,231 - (1,028) Contributions (Note C): Participants 97,802 25,647 17,948 Other - 12 - Total contributions 97,802 25,659 17,948 Total net additions 126,840 28,369 21,304 Net increase Transfers to Other Plans (3,109) (2,093) (763) Plan equity: Beginning of year 274,825 75,418 55,146 Inter-fund transfers 17,389 (30,483) (11,290) End of year $415,945 $71,211 $64,397 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. Year Ended December 31, 1993 Equity Loan ASSETS Fund Fund Total Investment income: Dividends on Colonial Gas Company Common Stock $ - $ - $18,760 Dividends 1,058 - 4,098 Interest 46 1,037 4,395 Total investment income 1,104 1,037 27,253 Net realized gain on disposition of investments (Note H) 5,025 - 5,814 Unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of investments (Notes A and G) (291) - 8,912 Contributions (Note C): Participants 20,374 - 161,771 Other - - 12 Total contributions 20,374 - 161,783 Total net additions 26,212 1,037 203,762 Net increase Transfers to Other Plans 1,369 - (4,596) Plan equity: Beginning of year 36,847 16,215 458,451 Inter-fund transfers 8,286 16,098 - End of year $72,714 $33,350 $657,617 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. LOWELL DIVISION OF COLONIAL GAS COMPANY SAVINGS PLAN FOR LOCAL 12008 STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY Year Ended December 31, 1992 Colonial Gas Money Company Common Market Savings ASSETS Stock Fund Fund Fund Investment income: Dividends on Colonial Gas Company Common Stock $11,228 $ - $ - Interest 88 2,529 2,703 Total investment income 11,316 2,529 2,703 Net realized gain on disposition of investments (Note H) 1,164 - 4 Unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of investments (Notes A and G) 29,988 - 56 Contributions (Note C): Participants 67,909 25,648 12,209 Other 10,525 5,263 5,263 Total contributions 78,434 30,911 17,472 Total net additions 120,902 33,440 20,235 Net increase 120,902 33,440 20,235 Plan equity: Beginning of year 122,774 72,421 35,567 Inter-fund transfers 31,149 (30,443) (656) End of year $274,825 $75,418 $55,146 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. Year Ended December 31, 1992 Equity Loan ASSETS Fund Fund Total Investment income: Dividends on Colonial Gas Company Common Stock $ - $ - $11,228 Interest 860 3,530 9,710 Total investment income 860 3,530 20,938 Net realized gain on disposition of investments (Note H) 2,353 - 3,521 Unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of investments (Notes A and G) (1,364) - 28,680 Contributions (Note C): Participants 20,510 - 126,276 Other - - 21,051 Total contributions 20,510 - 147,327 Total net additions 22,359 3,530 200,466 Net increase 22,359 3,530 200,466 Plan equity: Beginning of year 22,469 4,754 257,985 Inter-fund transfers (7,981) 7,931 - End of year $36,847 $16,215 $458,451 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. LOWELL DIVISION OF COLONIAL GAS COMPANY SAVINGS PLAN FOR LOCAL 12008 STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY Year Ended December 31, 1991 Colonial Gas Money Company Common Market Savings Stock Fund Fund Fund Investment income: Dividends on Colonial Gas Company Common Stock $ 6,309 $ - $ - Interest 41 3,937 2,044 Total investment income 6,350 3,937 2,044 Net realized gain on disposition of investments (Note H) - - 11 Unrealized appreciation of investments (Notes A and G) 13,516 - 411 Contributions (Note C): Participants 47,512 32,087 12,603 Other 3,688 3,688 - Total contributions 51,200 35,775 12,603 Total net additions 71,066 39,712 15,069 Transfers to other plans (9,127) - - Withdrawals - (2,839) - Total deductions (9,127) (2,839) - Net increase (decrease) 61,939 36,873 15,069 Plan equity: Beginning of year 53,442 53,387 22,534 Inter-fund transfers 7,393 (17,839) (2,036) End of year $122,774 $72,421 $35,567 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. LOWELL DIVISION OF COLONIAL GAS COMPANY SAVINGS PLAN FOR LOCAL 12008 STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY 		Year Ended December 31, 1991	 	 	 Equity Loan Fund Fund Total Investment income: Dividends on Colonial Gas Company Common Stock	 $ - $ - $6,309 Interest				 468	 94 6,584 Total investment income	 468	 94 12,893 Net realized gain on disposition of investments (Note H)	 1,382	 - 1,393 Unrealized appreciation of investments (Notes A and G)	 4,398	 - 18,325 Contributions (Note C): Participants	 7,234	 - 99,436 Other		 -	 - 7,376 	Total contributions	 7,234	 - 106,812 	Total net additions	 13,482	 94 139,423 Transfers to other plans	 (13,538) - (22,665) Withdrawals		 	 -	 - (2,839) 	Total deductions (13,538)	 - (25,504) 	 Net increase (decrease)	 (56)	 94 113,919 Plan equity: 	Beginning of year	 14,797	 1,339 145,499 	Inter-fund transfers		 7,728	 4,754	 - 	End of year		 $22,469	 $6,187 $259,418 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. LOWELL DIVISION OF COLONIAL GAS COMPANY SAVINGS PLAN FOR LOCAL 12008 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1993, 1992 AND 1991 NOTE A - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting Principles The financial statements of the Lowell Division of Colonial Gas Company Savings Plan for Local 12008 United Steelworkers of America AFL-CIO-CLC have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles as applied to Employee Benefit Plans and in accordance with the terms of the Trust Agreement. Valuation of Investments Investments are held by a bank-administered trust fund and are stated at their approximate market value. The change in the difference between market value and the cost of the investment is reflected in the statement of income and changes in fund equity as unrealized appreciation or (depreciation) of investments. NOTE B - SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS Effective Date: September 1, 1988 and as amended. Plan Year: January 1 through December 31. Coverage: All employees of Colonial Gas Company, whose terms of employment are governed by a collective bargaining agreement with Local 12008 and who satisfy the eligibility requirements. Eligibility: Employees are eligible for membership on either January or July 1 coincident with or next following the date on which they have both: (1)Attained the age of 21, and (2)Completed six months of credited service. Normal Retirement The normal retirement date of a Date: member is the first day of the month coinciding with or immediately following his 65th birthday. Normal Retirement The normal retirement benefit of a Benefit: member on his normal retirement date is equal to 100% of the amount standing to the credit of his accounts as of the valuation date immediately preceding or coinciding with his normal retirement date. NOTE B - SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS - Continued Normal Form of The Plan offers members three methods Payment: of payment: (1) a lump sum, (2) periodic installments of substantially equal amounts over a 5, 10, or 15 year period or (3) purchase of a single premium nontransferable annuity contract from a legal reserve life insurance company. Early Retirement: A member may retire early if he has attained the age of 55 and has completed at least five years of credited service. The benefit payable upon early retirement is equal to the vested portion of the amount standing to the credit of his accounts as of the valuation date immediately preceding or coinciding with his early retirement date. Deferred Retirement: A member who works past age 65 has all the rights under the Plan that he would have prior to his normal retirement age and, upon retirement, shall be entitled to receive 100% of the amount standing to the credit of his accounts. Vesting: A member who terminates employment prior to becoming eligible for benefits has a vested right to 100% of the amount which he contributed. Forfeiture: A member who terminates his employment prior to becoming eligible for benefits and does not have a 100% vested right to Company contributions forfeits the amount not vested. Such forfeited Company contributions will be used to reduce future required Company contributions. Pre-Retirement In the event of the death of a Death: member, his designated beneficiary will be entitled to receive 100% of the amount standing to the credit of his accounts as of the valuation date coincident with or immediately preceding the member's death. Disability Benefit: A member who becomes disabled to the extent that he no longer remains in the employ of the Company is entitled to receive 100% of the amount standing to the credit of his accounts as of the valuation date immediately preceding or coinciding with the date of the member's termination of employment due to disability. Plan Administrator: Colonial Gas Company is the Plan's Administrator and will determine the benefits payable. NOTE C - CONTRIBUTIONS AND INVESTMENT PROGRAMS The investment programs of the plan are as follows: Participant contributions - upon enrollment or re-enrollment, each participant shall direct that his contributions are to be invested in accordance with any of the following investment options: (a) 100% in the Colonial Gas Company Common Stock Fund (Colonial Gas Company, $3.33 Par Value Common Stock). (b) 100% in the Money Market Fund ("BayFunds Money Market Porfolio") maintained by BayBank. This Fund consists of short-term investments including Bankers Acceptances, Certificates of Deposit and Repurchase Agreements. (c) 100% in the Equity Fund ("BayFunds Equity Porfolio") maintained by BayBank. This fund is composed of 100 - 120 common stocks meeting certain minimum requirements. (d) 100% in the Savings Fund ("BayFunds Short Term Yield Porfolio") maintained by BayBank. This Fund involves long-term investing, with maturities of 4 years or less. These investments include U.S. Treasury and Federal Agency Obligations, Certificates of Deposit and Commercial Paper. (e) In each of the above funds in multiples of 5%. Such direction may be revised on 30 day prior notice effective January 1, April 1, July 1 or October 1 of any year (prior to 1994, revisions were only allowed effective on April 1 or October 1). (f) Upon a participant's application, the Plan Administrator may lend a participant an amount which, when aggregated with all of his other outstanding loans under the Plan, is not in excess of the lesser of $50,000 or 50% of the participant's accounts as of the date on which the loan is approved. The minimum loan permissible is $1,000. The $50,000 limit is reduced by the highest outstanding loan balance in the prior twelve month period. Colonial Gas Company contributions - Colonial Gas Company shall match contributions to the Plan, at the rate of 50 cents on the dollar, for the first 5% of an employee's contribution as of April 15, 1995. The number of participants in each fund was as follows: December 31, 1993 1992 Colonial Gas Company Common Stock Fund 55 47 Money Market Fund 21 20 Equity Fund 21 15 Savings Fund 16 15 Loan Fund 10 5 The total number of participants in the Plan was 64 and 58 at December 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively, which is less than the sum of the number of participants shown above because many were participating in more than one fund. Amounts contributed to the participants' accounts are taxable to the participants in the year of distribution. Contributions made by the participants are deductible for Federal income tax purposes up to specified limits. NOTE D - STATUS OF PLAN The Plan received a favorable determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service dated October 1, 1992, granting a qualified tax status. NOTE E - PRIORITIES UPON TERMINATION OF PLAN In the event of termination, partial termination, or discontinuance of contributions to the Plan by the Company, the rights of all members to amounts theretofore credited to their accounts shall be fully vested and nonforfeitable. In the event of termination, the Trustee shall distribute to the persons entitled thereto the balances of any undistributed accounts of terminated or retired members and the accounts of each member who continues in the employ of the Company either immediately or at such later date, no later than the termination of such employment, as the Trustee in its discretion may determine. Any distribution under this Section shall be in one lump sum. Distribution may be made wholly or partly in cash or in kind, provided that no person shall be required to accept distribution in any form other than cash. NOTE F - INVESTMENTS - OTHER December 31, 1993 Approximate Market Units Cost Value Money Market Fund: BayFunds Money Market Portfolio 71,998 $71,998 $71,998 $71,998 $71,998 Pooled Savings Fund: BayFunds Short Term Yield Portfolio 6,347 $63,392 $62,897 $63,392 $62,897 Pooled Equity Fund: BayFunds Equity Portfolio 6,235 $64,502 $68,458 $64,502 $68,458 December 31, 1992 Approximate Market Units Cost Value Money Market Fund: BayFunds Money Market Portfolio 72,855 $72,855 $72,855 $72,855 $72,855 Pooled Savings Fund: BayFunds Money Market Portfolio 6,692 $6,692 $6,692 BayBank Employee Benefit Money Market Plus 4,587 46,159 46,692 $52,851 $53,384 Pooled Equity Fund: BayBank Money Market Portfolio 1,784 $1,784 $1,784 BayBank Pooled Equity Fund 118 28,571 32,818 $30,355 $34,602 NOTE G - NET UNREALIZED APPRECIATION/(DEPRECIATION) OF INVESTMENTS Colonial Gas Company Common Savings Equity Stock Fund Fund Fund Total Balance at December 31, 1990 $3,097 $ 66 $1,213 $4,376 Change for the year 1991 13,516 411 4,398 18,325 Balance at December 31, 1991 16,613 477 5,611 22,701 Change for the year 1992 29,988 56 (1,364) 28,680 Balance at December 31, 1992 46,601 533 4,247 51,381 Change for the year 1993 10,231 (1,028) (291) 8,912 Balance at December 31, 1993 $56,832 $(495) $3,956 $60,293 NOTE H - NET REALIZED GAIN ON DISPOSITION OF INVESTMENTS Year Ended December 31, 1993 Colonial Gas Company Common Savings Equity Stock Fund Fund Fund Total Amount Realized $ - $85,859 $52,459 $138,318 Cost at Average - 85,070 47,434 132,504 Net realized gain $ - $ 789 $5,025 $ 5,814 Year Ended December 31, 1992 Colonial Gas Company Common Savings Equity Stock Fund Fund Fund Total Amount Realized $ 79,139 $14,591 $89,454 $183,184 Cost at Average 77,975 14,587 87,101 179,663 Net realized gain $ 1,164 $ 4 $2,353 $ 3,521 Year Ended December 31, 1991 Colonial Gas Company Common Savings Equity Stock Fund Fund Fund Total Amount Realized $ - $15,806 $33,613 $49,419 Cost at Average - 15,795 32,231 48,026 Net realized gain $ - $ 11 $1,382 $1,393 [END OF EXHIBIT 28c TO FORM 10-K/A]