[EXHIBIT 10tt TO COLONIAL GAS COMPANY 10-K FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996] SERVICE AGREEMENT #001734 (FSS Service) AGREEMENT made this 12th day of April, 1996, by and between NATIONAL FUEL GAS SUPPLY CORPORATION, hereinafter called "Transporter" and COLONIAL GAS COMPANY, hereinafter called "Shipper." WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree that Transporter will store natural gas for Shipper during the term, at the rates and on the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. ARTICLE I Quantities Beginning on the date on which storage service is commenced hereunder and thereafter for the remaining term of this Agreement, and subject to the provisions of Transporter's FSS Rate Schedule, Transporter agrees to receive, cause to be injected into storage for Shipper's account, store, withdraw from storage, and deliver to Shipper quantities of natural gas as follows: Maximum Storage Quantity (MSQ) of 930,450 Dekatherms (Dth) Maximum Daily Injection Quantity (MDIQ) of 4,652 Dth Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity (MDWQ) of 6,203 Dth ARTICLE II Rates Unless otherwise mutually agreed in a written amendment to this Agreement, for the service provided by Transporter hereunder, Shipper shall pay Transporter the maximum rate provided under Rate Schedule FSS set forth in Transporter's effective FERC Gas Tariff. In the event that the Transporter places on file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("Commission") another rate schedule which may be applicable to transportation service rendered hereunder, then Transporter, at its option, may from and after the effective date of such rate schedule, utilize such rate schedule in performance of this Agreement. Such a rate schedule(s) or superseding rate schedule(s) and any revisions thereof which shall be filed and become effective shall apply to and be part of this Agreement. Transporter shall have the right to propose, file and make effective with the Commission, or other body having jurisdiction, changes and revisions of any effective rate schedule(s), or to propose, file, and make effective superseding rate schedules, for the purpose of changing the rate, charges, and other provisions thereof effective as to Shipper. Shipper does not hereby waive its right to protest or contest the aforementioned filings. ARTICLE III Term of Agreement This Agreement shall be effective as of the effective date of an amendment to the Underground Storage Service Agreement between Transporter and Shipper, pursuant to Transporter's Rate Schedule SS-1, that reduces the Annual Storage Volume thereunder from 2,000,000 Mcf to 1,098,350 Mcf. This Agreement shall continue in effect until March 31, 2000 [BY 12/1/96 AMENDMENT; PREVIOUSLY MARCH 31,1998], and shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter until terminated by either Transporter or Shipper upon not less than 12 months' prior written notice to the other specifying as a termination date the end of such period or any subsequent anniversary thereof. The Injection Period shall commence April 1st of each year and end the following October 31st. The Withdrawal Period shall commence November 1st of each year and end the following March 31st. ARTICLE IV Receipt and Delivery Points The Point of Receipt for all gas that may be received for Shipper's account for storage by Transporter shall be Transporter's System Storage. The Point of Delivery for all gas to be delivered by Transporter for Shipper's account shall be Transporter's System Storage. ARTICLE V Incorporation by Reference of Tariff Provisions To the extent not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this agreement, the provisions of Rate Schedule FSS, or any effective superseding rate schedule or otherwise applicable rate schedule, including any provisions of the General Terms and Conditions incorporated therein, and any revisions thereof that may be made applicable to and part hereof by reference. ARTICLE VI Miscellaneous 1. No change, modification or alteration of this Agreement shall be or become effective until executed in writing by the parties hereto, and no course of dealing between the parties shall be construed to alter the terms hereof, except as expressly stated herein. 2. No waiver by any party of any one or more defaults by the other in the performance of any provisions of this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any other default or defaults, whether of a like or of a different character. 3. Any company which shall succeed by purchase, merger or consolidation of the gas related properties, substantially as an entirety, of Transporter or of Shipper, as the case may be entitled to the rights and shall be subject to the obligations of its predecessor in title under this Agreement. Transporter may, without relieving itself of its obligations under this Agreement, assign any of its rights hereunder to a company with which it is affiliated, but otherwise, no assignment of this Agreement or of any of the rights or obligations hereunder shall be made unless there first shall have been obtained the consent thereto in writing of the other party. Consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 4. Except as herein otherwise provided, any notice, request, demand, statement or bill provided for in this Agreement, or any notice which either party may desire to give the other, shall be in writing and shall be considered as duly delivered when mailed by registered or certified mail to the Post Office address of the parties hereto, as the case may be, as follows: 	Transporter:	National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation Gas Supply - Transportation Room 1200 10 Lafayette Square Buffalo, New York 14203 	Shipper: 	Colonial Gas Company 40 Market Street Lowell, Massachusetts 01853 Attn.: John P. Harrington Senior Vice President, Gas Supply or at such other address as either party shall designate by formal written notice. Routine communications, including monthly statements, shall be considered as duly delivered when mailed by either registered, certified, or ordinary mail, electronic communication, or telecommunication. 5. This Agreement and the respective obligations of the parties hereunder are subject to all present and future valid laws, orders, rules and regulations of constituted authorities having jurisdiction over the parties, their functions or gas supply, this Agreement or any provision hereof. Neither party shall be held in default for failure to perform hereunder if such failure is due to compliance with laws, orders, rules or regulations of any such duly constituted authorities. 6. The subject headings of the articles of this Agreement are inserted for the purpose of convenient reference and are not intended to be part of the Agreement nor considered in any interpretation of the same. 7. No presumption shall operate in favor of or against either party hereto as a result of any responsibility either party may have had for drafting this Agreement. 8. The interpretation and performance of this Agreement shall be in accordance with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, without recourse to the law regarding the conflict of laws. The parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective Presidents or Vice Presidents thereunto duly authorized the day and year first above written. 	National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation (Transporter) 			_______William A. Ross________________ Vice President Colonial Gas Company (Shipper) 			_________John P. Harrington____________ 			_____Senior Vice President-Gas Supply__ 		Title AMENDMENT I 		 	Amendment to FSS Service Agreement # 001734 		and FST Service Agreement #N01733 between 	NATIONAL FUEL GAS SUPPLY CORPORATION ("TRANSPORTER") AND 		 		COLONIAL GAS COMPANY ("SHIPPER") 			EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1996 1. The rates to be charged to Shipper under the above-referenced agreements shall be calculated to recover the revenues that would have been collected from the Shipper had the Shipper entered into a new SS-2 Service Agreement for an Annual Storage Volume of 901,650 Mcf. To arrive at rates that recover such revenues, Transporter shall discount the following components, only as necessary, in the following sequence: 		FSS GRI Reservation 		FST GRI Reservation 		FSS GRI Commodity 		FST GRI Commodity 		FSS Injection/Withdrawal 		FSS Storage Capacity 		FSS Storage Demand As of the effective date of this Amendment, the rates to be charged under the above-captioned Agreements are as follows: FSS (Dth basis) 		Storage Demand		$2.1556 		Storage Capacity	$0.0413 		Injection		$0.0000 		Withdrawal		$0.0000 		ACA Commodity		$0.0022 		GRI Reservation		$0.0000 		GRI Commodity		$0.0000 FST (Dth basis) 		Reservation		$3.5637 		Gathering Surcharge 			-Reservation	$0.1486 		Commodity		$0.0064 		ACA Commodity		$0.0022 		GRI Reservation		$0.0000 		GRI Commodity		$0.0000 The attached table shows the methodology used to arrive at the rates set forth above. If the rates under Rate Schedule SS-2, FSS or FST change during the term of these agreements, the rates shown above shall be adjusted, using the same methodology as that shown on the attached table. This methodology shall continue to be used to determine the rates applicable to Shipper even if Transporter places on file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission a superseding rate schedule, as described in Article II of the FSS and FST Service Agreement, and elects to utilize such superseding rate schedule in performance of the services governed by such agreement. 2. Tranporter shall retain the full Surface Operating Allowance under the FSS Rate Schedule. With respect to the service provided under the FST Rate Schedule, no fuel, loss and company-use retention shall be applied to quantities transported between the primary points set forth in the service agreement, or between the primary injection delivery point or primary withdrawal receipt point and the following secondary points: 		Tennessee at Ellisburg		Meter 020527 		Transco at Wharton		Meter 6325 		CNG at Ellisburg		Meter 41202 		TransCanada at Niagara		Meter 010902 		Texas Eastern at Bristoria	Meter 70015 Otherwise, the full fuel, loss and company-use retention shall be applied. 			NATIONAL FUEL GAS SUPPLY CORPORATION 			___William A. Ross______________ 			By:_____________________________ 			Title:__Vice President__________ 			COLONIAL GAS COMPANY 			____John P. Harrington__________ 			By:_____________________________ 			Title:__Senior Vice President___ 				Gas Supply Colonial Gas Rates 		Capacity 		930,450 Dth 		Deliverability		6,203 Dth/day 				SS-2 		 SS-2 or FSS: 		Rate 		Annual Cost Storage Demand 		$8.1470 	$606,430 Storage Capacity 	$0.0260		$290,300 Injection 		$0.0106 	$9,863 Withdrawal 		$0.0106 	$9,863 Surface operating allowance charge 	$0.0106 	$276 ACA commodity		$0.0000 GRI reservation 	$0.0000 GRI commodity $0.0000 FST: Reservation 	 Gathering surcharge reservation Commodity ACA commodity GRI Resrcation GRI commodity TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS 			$916,732 UNIT RATE (per Dth) 			$0.9853 				Maximum FSS/FST SS-2 or FSS:		Maximum Rate	Annual Cost Storage Demand		$2.1556		$160,454 Storage Capacity	$0.0432		$482,345 Injection		$0.0139		$12,933 Withdrawal		$0.0139		$12,933 Surface operating allowance charge ACA commodity		$0.0022		$2,047 GRI reservation		$0.0000 GRI commodity		$0.0000 FST: Reservation		$3.5637		$265,268 Gathering surcharge reservation		$0.1486		$11,061 Commodity		$0.0064		$11,910 ACA commodity		$0.0022		$4,094 GRI Reservation		$0.0000		 GRI commodity		$0.0000 TOTAL ANNUAL COST			$963,046 UNIT RATE (per Dth)			$1.0350 				Discounted FSS/FST SS-2 or FSS:		Rate		Annual Cost Storage Demand		$2.1556		$160,454 Storage Capacity	$0.0432		$461,131 Injection		$0.0000		$0 Withdrawal		$0.0000		$0 Surface operating allowance charge	 ACA commodity		$0.0022		$2,047 GRI reservation		$0.0000		 GRI commodity		$0.0000 FST: Reservation		$3.5637		$265,268 Gathering surcharge reservation		$0.1486		$11,061 Commodity		$0.0064		$11.910 ACA commodity		$0.0022		$4,094 GRI Reservation		 GRI commodity TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS			$915,965 UNIT RATE (per Dth)			$0.9844 [END OF EXHIBIT 10tt]