(Rule 14a-101)
                    SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
   Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
             Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.   )

Filed by the Registrant _x_

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant __

Check the appropriate box:

__   Preliminary Proxy Statement    

__   Confidential, for Use of the  Commission
     Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

_x_  Definitive Proxy Statement

__   Definitive Additional Materials

__   Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or 
     Rule 14a-12

                    COLONIAL GAS COMPANY
        (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other 
                 Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

___     No Fee Required.

___     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 
       14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

       1)  Title of each class of Securities to which transaction

       2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction

       3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount 
on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was 

       4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

       5)  Total fee paid:
_x__   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

____   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
the offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous
filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule
and the date of its filing.

     1)  Amount Previously Paid: 

     2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3)  Filing Party:

     4)  Date Filed:

                       [END OF SCHEDULE 14A]

                     HOLDING COMPANY SUMMARY]

                      COLONIAL GAS COMPANY
                        40 MARKET STREET
                   LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS 01852

March 10, 1998

Dear Stockholder:

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of Colonial Gas Company (the "Company") on
Wednesday, April 15, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. Boston Time at
BankBoston, 100 Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

At the meeting you will be asked to consider and vote on a
proposal to form a holding company.  The Board of Directors and
management of the Company consider this change to be in the best
interests of the Company and its stockholders.  The new structure
will help the Company respond more effectively and efficiently to
competitive changes occurring in the natural gas industry,
particularly as regulatory changes accelerate.  The restructuring
will also facilitate the separation of regulated and unregulated
lines of business so as to allow the holding company to take
greater advantage of new business opportunities that may arise
from these and other changes.

The attached series of questions and answers provides information
on the proposed holding company, what it is and how it would
affect the individual stockholder.  The enclosed Proxy
Statement/Prospectus contains a more extensive discussion of the

The Board of Directors and management of the Company unanimously
recommend approval of the holding company structure and urge you
to vote for the proposed restructuring.  The vote of the holders
of two-thirds of the outstanding shares is required to approve
the proposal, and therefore your vote is critical to achieving a
successful outcome.

At the meeting, you also will be asked to vote on the election of
four Class II directors and the approval of the Executive
Performance and Equity Incentive Plan adopted by the Board of
Directors.  Your vote on the business at the Annual Meeting is
important, regardless of the number of shares that you own.  Your
broker cannot vote your shares on the proposed restructuring; you
must vote your shares.  Whether or not you plan to attend the
meeting, please sign, date and return your proxy as soon as
possible in the envelope provided.  During the Annual Meeting,
management will report on operations and other matters affecting
the Company, and will respond to stockholder questions.


F.L. Putnam, Jr.
Chairman and Senior
Executive Officer

This year's proxy statement includes a discussion of a proposal
to form a holding company structure for Colonial Gas Company
("Colonial Gas").  This proposal is briefly summarized below.
Each answer is cross-referenced to the page or pages of the Proxy
Statement/Prospectus in which the topic is discussed.


The Board of Directors proposes to form a holding company, a
structure which is commonly used throughout the energy industry,
including in Massachusetts.  The restructuring would result in
Colonial Gas becoming a subsidiary of the new holding company.
It is also contemplated that Colonial Gas will transfer ownership
of its energy trucking subsidiary, Transgas Inc., to the holding
company so that Transgas and Colonial Gas will become sister
subsidiaries of the holding company. Current holders of Colonial
Gas common stock would automatically become owners of the holding
company's common shares instead of stock in Colonial Gas itself.
(Please see pages ___ to ___ of the Proxy

The charts below depict Colonial Gas' current structure and the
proposed holding company structure:

                        CURRENT STRUCTURE

                     HOLDERS OF COMMON STOCK

                          Colonial Gas


                       PROPOSED STRUCTURE


                    HOLDERS OF COMMON SHARES

                         Holding Company

                  Colonial Gas        Transgas


In recent years, the Massachusetts Department of
Telecommunications and Energy (formerly the Department of Public
Utilities) has initiated inquiries into unbundling and
restructuring gas utilities, with the goal of promoting
competition and extending to all customers the option of choosing
their own gas suppliers.

Accordingly, Colonial Gas has identified the need to increase its
long-term growth potential through investment in related energy
businesses.  The move to greater deregulation of gas utilities,
together with the changes in the energy industries generally, has
created new opportunities for energy service providers like
Colonial Gas in non-utility business ventures.  Pursuit of these
new opportunities is an important part of Colonial Gas' strategy
for long-term growth to benefit its stockholders and customers.

The holding company structure is a well-established form of
organization for companies conducting multiple lines of business,
particularly entities engaging in both regulated and unregulated
activities. The holding company structure would provide increased
financial, managerial and organizational flexibility in order to
better position Colonial Gas to operate in the changing natural
gas industry.  For example, if the holding company structure is
approved by the Massachusetts DTE,  investments could then be
made in non-utility businesses, and securities could then be
issued for the purpose of financing such investments, without
obtaining additional approvals of the Massachusetts DTE, thereby
enhancing the company's ability to respond to competitive forces.
Moreover, the new structure would separate the new holding
company's regulated and unregulated lines of business, allowing
for greater flexibility.  (Please see pages ___ to ___ of the
Proxy Statement/Prospectus.)


The primary focus of the holding company would be to maintain the
strength of Colonial Gas' core business of serving the natural
gas needs of its utility customers.  In addition, the holding
company would work to develop new, non-utility business
opportunities involving natural gas service and related products
and services..


Owners of Colonial Gas common stock automatically would become
owners of the holding company's common shares on a share-for-
share basis.  It is expected that the holding company's common
shares would be traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the
same ticker symbol "CLG".  (Please see page ___ of the Proxy


While future dividends on the new holding company's common shares
would depend primarily upon the earnings, financial condition and
capital requirements of its subsidiaries, it is currently
contemplated that the holding company will initially make
dividend payments on its common shares at the rate currently
applicable to Colonial Gas common stock.  In addition, it is
expected that such dividends of the holding company would be
declared and paid on approximately the same schedule of dates as
that now followed by Colonial Gas with respect to its common
stock dividends.  (Please see page ___ of the Proxy


No.  It would not be necessary for holders of Colonial Gas common
stock to exchange their stock certificates. Certificates for
Colonial Gas common stock automatically would represent the same
number of common shares of the holding company.  New certificates
bearing the name of the holding company would be issued in the
future as outstanding certificates are presented for transfer.
(Please see page ___ of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus.)


It would not.  There would be no gain or loss to you for federal
income tax purposes on the conversion of your shares of Colonial
Gas common stock into the holding company shares pursuant to the
restructuring.  For capital gain purposes, the tax basis of the
holding company shares received in exchange for shares of
Colonial Gas common stock would be the same as the tax basis of
your shares in Colonial Gas, and the holding period of the
holding company shares would include the holding period of your
shares of Colonial Gas common stock, provided such stock is held
as a capital asset at the time of the exchange.  (Please see page
___ of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus.)


The new holding company would be called "Colonial Energy."


The Board of Directors and certain of the executive officers of
Colonial Gas would also serve as the trustees and executive
officers of the holding company upon completion of the
restructuring.  (Please see pages ___ to ___ of the Proxy


The new holding company would be formed as a Massachusetts
business trust rather than a corporation due to the potential
Massachusetts income tax savings to the trust and the lower
filing fees payable by it in connection with its authorized
capital stock.  The parent holding companies of most other
investor-owned Massachusetts utility holding systems are also
organized as business trusts. (Please see pages ___ to ___ of the
Proxy Statement/Prospectus.)


Management's goal is to have the holding company structure in
place by the end of 1998. After stockholder approval, it is
necessary to obtain the approval of the Massachusetts Department
of Telecommunications and Energy.  Although it is anticipated
that the required approval will be granted by the end of 1998, it
is possible it may take somewhat longer.  (Please see page ___ of
the Proxy Statement/Prospectus.)


In order for the holding company proposal to be approved under
Massachusetts law, it must receive the favorable vote, in person
or by proxy, of the holders of two-thirds of the outstanding
shares of Colonial Gas common stock.  (Please see page ___ of the
Proxy Statement/Prospectus.)


Your broker may not vote your shares because the New York Stock
Exchange considers a vote to form a holding company as "non-
discretionary."  Only you can vote your shares. Your vote on the
business at the Annual Meeting is important regardless of the
number of shares that you own.  Whether or not you plan to
attend, please sign, date and return your proxy card as soon as
possible in the envelope provided so that your shares can be
voted in accordance with your instructions.

                   HOLDING COMPANY SUMMARY]

                    [NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING]
                        COLONIAL GAS COMPANY
                          40 MARKET STREET
                    LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS 01852


To the Stockholders:

       You  are  hereby  notified  that  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders of Colonial Gas Company (the "Company") will be held
at  BankBoston,  100  Federal Street, Boston,  Massachusetts,  on
Wednesday,  April  15, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.  Boston  time  for  the
following purposes:

          1.   To elect four Class II Directors of the Company to
          serve for a term of three years;

          2.   To approve the Company's Executive Performance and
          Equity Incentive Plan;

          3.    To  approve a proposal to adopt a holding company
          structure for the Company; and

          4.    To  transact such other business as may  properly
          come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     Stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual
Meeting  are  holders of Common Stock of record at the  close  of
business on Friday, February 27, 1998, as fixed by action of  the
Board of Directors.

      The  Company's Proxy Statement/Prospectus is enclosed  with
this Notice.

      It  is  sincerely  hoped that you will  attend  the  Annual
IN  PERSON.   A self-addressed postage paid envelope is  enclosed
for  this  purpose.   Your proxy is revocable by  giving  written
notice to the Clerk or Transfer Agent of the Company and will not
affect  your right to vote in person in the event you attend  the
Annual Meeting.

                                    By order of the Board of

                                     CAROL E. ELDEN
March 10, 1998



                      COLONIAL GAS COMPANY
                        40 MARKET STREET
                   LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS 01852
      This  Proxy Statement/Prospectus is furnished in connection
with  the  solicitation of proxies by the Board of  Directors  of
Colonial Gas Company ("Colonial Gas" or the "Company") for use at
the  Annual Meeting of the holders of its Common Stock, $3.33 par
value  per share, to be held on Wednesday, April 15, 1998 at  the
time  and  place  set forth in the Notice of  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  and  at any adjournments thereof.  The  approximate
date  on which this Proxy Statement/Prospectus and form of  proxy
are first being sent to stockholders is March 10, 1998.

      At  the  Annual Meeting, the stockholders will be asked  to
approve,  among other things, the formation of a holding  company
structure for the Company.  The holding company structure will be
created  through  an  Agreement and Plan of Merger  (the  "Merger
Agreement")   among  the  Company,  Colonial  Energy   ("Colonial
Energy"),  a  Massachusetts business  trust  formed  through  the
Company's  existing subsidiary, Transgas Inc.  ("Transgas"),  and
CLG  Mergeco Gas Company ("Mergeco"), a Massachusetts corporation
formed  by  Colonial Energy.  Pursuant to the  Merger  Agreement,
Mergeco  will merge with and into the Company (the "Merger")  and
each  outstanding share of the common stock of the Company, $3.33
par  value per share ("Company Common Stock"), will automatically
be  converted into one common share of Colonial Energy, $3.33 par
value  per share ("Colonial Energy Common Shares").  As a  result
of  the  Merger, Colonial Energy will become the sole  holder  of
Company  Common Stock and the Company will become a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of Colonial Energy.  As part of the restructuring,  it
is  contemplated  that  the Company will transfer  its  ownership
interest  in  Transgas to Colonial Energy so that  Transgas  will
become  a wholly-owned subsidiary of Colonial Energy and a sister
corporation  to  the  Company.  See  "Proposal  No.  3:  Plan  of

      If  the  restructuring  is  implemented,  it  will  not  be
necessary for holders of Company Common Stock to surrender  their
existing   stock   certificates   for   Colonial   Energy   share
certificates.  See  "Proposal  No.  3:  Plan  of  Restructuring--
Exchange of Certificates Not Required."

       This   Proxy  Statement/Prospectus  also  serves  as   the
prospectus for Colonial Energy under the Securities Act of  1933,
as  amended (the "Securities Act"), with respect to the  issuance
of up to 8,707,497 Common Shares of Colonial Energy in connection
with the restructuring. Further information concerning the shares
offered  hereby  is  contained  in  "Proposal  No.  3:  Plan   of
Restructuring--Colonial  Energy's  Declaration   of   Trust   and
Comparative Shareholders' Rights" and "Proposal No.  3:  Plan  of
Restructuring--Colonial       Energy       Common        Shares."

      The  Company's Board of Directors set February 27, 1998  as
the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting. As of such date, the
Company  had  issued and outstanding 8,707,497 shares  of  Common
Stock.  Holders  of  record of Common  Stock  on  such  date  are
entitled  to  one  vote per share at the Annual Meeting  and  any
adjournment thereof. The representation, in person or  by  proxy,
of  at least a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock
entitled  to  vote is necessary to constitute a  quorum  for  the
transaction  of business.  Abstentions and broker non-votes  will
be  considered as shares present for purposes of determining  the
existence of a quorum.

      The  costs  of  proxy solicitation shall be  borne  by  the
Company. Such costs will include a $12,500 fee to Morrow  &  Co.,
Inc., which has been retained to assist with proxy solicitations,
as  well  as  reimbursement for postage and clerical expenses  to
brokerage  houses, custodians, nominees or other fiduciaries  for
forwarding documents to beneficial owners of Common Stock held in
their  names.  In addition, Directors, officers and employees  of
the Company (none of whom will receive any extra compensation for
their  activities) may solicit proxies by telephone or in person,
the expense of which is anticipated to be nominal.

      If the enclosed proxy is properly executed and returned, it
will  be voted in the manner directed by the stockholder.  If  no
instructions are specified with respect to any particular  matter
to  be  acted  upon, proxies will be voted in favor thereof.  The
proxy may be revoked by the stockholder at any time prior to  the
voting  thereof, by written notice of revocation  to  either  the
Clerk  of  the Company or Boston EquiServe, L.P., P.O. Box  9378,
Boston,  Massachusetts 02205, attn: Joshua McGinn or by attending
and voting in person at the meeting.

      The  principal executive offices of the Company are located
at  40  Market  Street,  Lowell, Massachusetts  01852  (telephone
number (978) 322-3000).

                       TABLE OF CONTENTS



     Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors
     Proposal No. 2: Approval  of  the   Executive
                     Performance and Equity Incentive Plan
     Proposal No. 3: Plan of Restructuring
     Proposed Restructuring
     Special Considerations Applicable to the Restructuring
     Reasons for the Restructuring
     Certain Effects on Stockholders
     Vote Required
     Exchange of Certificates
     Stock Exchange Listing
     Conditions to the Restructuring
     Dividend Policy
     Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences
     No Appraisal Rights


          Meetings of the Directors
          Directors' Compensation
          Committees of the Directors

          Beneficial  Owners of More Than 5% of  Outstanding
          Management Ownership

          Summary Compensation Table
          Pension Plan Table
          Change In Control Agreements
          Performance Graphs



          Purpose of the Plan
          Terms and Conditions
          Change in Control
          United States Federal Income Tax Consequences
            Restricted Stock
     Holding Company Assumption

          Business of the Company
          Reasons for the Restructuring
          Benefits of Holding Company Structure
          Special Considerations   Applicable to the
          Recommendations of the Board
          Vote Required
          Exchange of Certificates Not Required
          Merger Agreement
          Amendment or Termination of Plan of Merger
          Effectiveness of the Restructuring
          Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences
          Treatment of Indebtedness
          Dividend Policy
          Stock Exchange Listing
          Regulatory Approval of the Restructuring
          Regulatory Matters
          Colonial   Energy's  Declaration  of   Trust   and
          Comparative Shareholders' Rights
          Colonial Energy Common Shares
          Trustees and Management of Colonial Energy
          No Appraisal Rights
          Stock Plan










                      AVAILABLE INFORMATION

      The Company is subject to the informational requirements of
the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the  "Exchange
Act"),   and   in  accordance  therewith  files  reports,   proxy
statements and other information with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "SEC").  Such reports, proxy statements and other
information  may be inspected and copied at the Public  Reference
Facilities  maintained by the SEC at Judiciary Plaza,  450  Fifth
Street, N.W., Room 1024, Washington, D.C. 20549 and at the  SEC's
regional  offices at 7 World Trade Center, Suite 1300, New  York,
New  York  10048  and  at Northwestern Atrium  Center,  500  West
Madison  Street,  Suite 1400, Chicago, Illinois 60661-2511.   The
SEC also maintains a Web site located at that
contains  reports,  proxy and information  statements  and  other
information  of  the  Company.  Copies of such  material  may  be
obtained at prescribed rates from the Public Reference Facilities
maintained by the SEC at Judiciary Plaza, 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,
Room 1024, Washington, D.C. 20549. The Company's Common Stock  is
listed  on  the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE"), where  reports,
proxy statements and other information concerning the Company may
also be inspected.  Following completion of the Merger, both  the
Company  and  Colonial Energy will file such  reports  and  other
information as required under the Exchange Act and the  rules  of
the NYSE.

      Colonial  Energy  has  filed with the  SEC  a  registration
statement on Form S-4 (together with all amendments and  exhibits
thereto,  the "Registration Statement") under the Securities  Act
of  1933,  as  amended  (the "Securities Act"),  registering  the
Colonial  Energy  Common Shares that will be issued  in  lieu  of
shares  of  Company Common Stock pursuant to the Merger described
herein.  See "Proposal No. 3: Plan of Restructuring."  This Proxy
Statement/Prospectus,   which   constitutes   a   part   of   the
Registration  Statement, does not contain all of the  information
set  forth in the Registration Statement, certain items of  which
are  contained  in  schedules and exhibits  to  the  Registration
Statement as permitted by the rules and regulations of  the  SEC.
Statements  made  in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus  as  to  the
contents of any contract, agreement or other document referred to
are not necessarily complete. With respect to each such contract,
agreement  or  other  document  filed  as  an  exhibit   to   the
Registration  Statement, reference is made to the exhibit  for  a
more  complete description of the matter involved, and each  such
statement  shall  be  deemed qualified in its  entirety  by  such
reference.   Items  and  information  omitted  from  this   Proxy
Statement/Prospectus but contained in the Registration  Statement
may  be  inspected and copied at the Public Reference  Facilities
maintained by the SEC at Judiciary Plaza, 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,
Room 1024, Washington, D.C. 20549.

      Upon  completion of the Merger, the Colonial Energy  Common
Shares  will be listed on the NYSE.  At the time of such listing,
the  Company  Common  Stock will be withdrawn  from  listing  and
registration under Section 12 of the Exchange Act.


This Proxy Statement/Prospectus incorporates by reference certain
documents  which are not presented herein or delivered  herewith.
Copies  of  any  such  documents, other  than  exhibits  to  such
documents unless they are specifically incorporated by reference,
are  available  without  charge  to  any  person,  including  any
beneficial  owner,  to  whom this Proxy  Statement/Prospectus  is
delivered  upon  written or oral request to:  Timothy  A.  Clark,
Assistant Clerk, Colonial Gas Company, 40 Market Street,  Lowell,
Massachusetts  01852,  telephone: (978) 322-3206.   In  order  to
ensure  timely delivery of the documents, any request  should  be
made by April 1, 1998.

      The following documents filed with the SEC pursuant to  the
Exchange  Act  are  incorporated by  reference  into  this  Proxy

      1.   Colonial Gas Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K  for
the year ended December 31, 1996, which was filed with the SEC on
March 25, 1997;

     2. Colonial Gas Company's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for
the  quarters ended March 31, 1997, June 30, 1997, and  September
30, 1997; and

      3.  Colonial Gas Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated
July 22, 1997.

      All  other  documents  filed by  the  Company  pursuant  to
Sections 13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act subsequent
to  the date of this Proxy Statement/Prospectus and prior to  the
termination  of the offering made hereby shall be  deemed  to  be
incorporated by reference herein and to be a part hereof from the
date of filing such documents.  Any statement contained herein or
in  any  document  incorporated or deemed to be  incorporated  by
reference herein shall be deemed to be modified or superseded for
purposes of this Proxy Statement/Prospectus to the extent that  a
statement contained herein or in any subsequently filed  document
which also is or is deemed to be incorporated by reference herein
modifies  or  supersedes such statement.  Any such  statement  so
modified or superseded shall not be deemed, except as so modified
or   superseded,   to   constitute   a   part   of   this   Proxy


      Reference is made to, and this summary is qualified in  its
entirety by, the more detailed information contained in, attached
to    or    incorporated    by   reference    in    this    Proxy
Statement/Prospectus and the Appendices hereto.  Stockholders are
urged  to read this Proxy Statement/Prospectus and the Appendices
in their entirety.

     Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors


      Four  persons have been nominated for election as Class  II
Directors  of  the  Company for a term  expiring  at  the  Annual
Meeting  to  be held in the year 2001 and until their  successors
are duly chosen and qualified.  Only holders of record of Company
Common  Stock  as of the close of business on February  27,  1998
(the  "Record  Date") are entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting
and  any  adjournments thereof.  The four nominees receiving  the
highest  number  of  affirmative votes of the shares  present  or
represented at the meeting and entitled to vote shall be  elected
as Class II Directors.  If the proposed restructuring is approved
and  consummated, the persons elected as Directors of the Company
also will become trustees of Colonial Energy.  See "Proposal  No.
3:  Plan  of Restructuring -- Trustees and Management of Colonial

      Proposal No. 2:  Approval of the Executive Performance  and
Equity Incentive Plan


     The Board of Directors has adopted the Executive Performance
and  Equity  Incentive Plan (the "Plan"), subject to approval  of
the  stockholders, in order to attract and retain employees in  a
position to make contributions to the success of the Company,  to
reward   employees  for  such  contributions,  and  to  encourage
employees  to  take into account the long-term interests  of  the
Company  through  stock based awards. The Plan  reserves  200,000
shares  of Company Common Stock for issuance to key employees  of
the  Company and its subsidiaries.  Awards granted under the Plan
may be in cash or a combination of cash and restricted stock.  No
more than 70% of any award may be payable in restricted stock and
any  stock granted shall be subject to vesting over a three  year
period unless otherwise specified.  See "Proposal No. 2: Approval
of the Executive Performance and Equity Incentive Plan."

      If  the restructuring is approved and implemented, Colonial
Energy  will be the successor to the Company under the  Plan  and
shares issued under it will be Colonial Energy Common Shares.

      Proposal No. 2 requires the affirmative vote of a  majority
of  the  shares  present  and entitled to  vote  on  the  matter.
Abstentions  are  included in the number of  shares  present  and
entitled  to vote and, accordingly, have the effect of a negative
vote.    Broker   non-votes  are  not  considered  present   and,
therefore,  have the practical effect of reducing the  number  of
affirmative votes required to achieve a majority by reducing  the
total  number  of shares from which the majority  is  calculated.
See  "Proposal No. 2:  Adoption of the Executive Performance  and
Equity Incentive Plan."

     Proposal No. 3: Plan of Restructuring


     Proposed Restructuring

      The Company's Board of Directors has authorized, subject to
stockholder  and  regulatory approval, a plan to restructure  the
corporate organization of the Company and its subsidiary to  form
a  holding  company  structure.  The result of the  restructuring
will  be  to have the Company become a separate subsidiary  of  a
parent holding company, Colonial Energy.  The present holders  of
Company  Common  Stock  will become holders  of  Colonial  Energy
Common Shares.  The formation of a holding company structure will
be  achieved  by way of the merger with and into the  Company  of
Mergeco,  a  newly  formed subsidiary of  Colonial  Energy,  with
holders  of  Company  Common Stock exchanging  their  shares  for
Colonial  Energy  Common  Shares on a share-for-share  basis  and
Colonial Energy becoming the sole holder of Company Common Stock.
The  Company  will  thereby become a wholly-owned  subsidiary  of
Colonial Energy.  All indebtedness of the Company will remain  as
obligations  of  the  Company and will not  be  affected  by  the

      As  part of the restructuring, it is contemplated that  the
Company  will  transfer  its ownership interest  in  Transgas  to
Colonial  Energy  so  that Transgas will  become  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  of  Colonial Energy and a sister corporation  to  the
Company.   (These proposed changes to the corporate structure  of
the  Company and Transgas are generally referred to in this Proxy
Statement/Prospectus as the "restructuring.")

     Special Considerations Applicable to the Restructuring

      The restructuring proposal involves certain special factors
that should be considered by stockholders.  See "Proposal No.  3:
Plan of Restructuring -- Special Considerations Applicable to the

     Reasons for the Restructuring

      In  recent years, many state utility commissions, including
the  Massachusetts  Department of Telecommunications  and  Energy
(the  "Massachusetts  DTE"), formerly the  Department  of  Public
Utilities, have initiated proceedings to unbundle and restructure
gas utility activities with the goal of promoting competition and
extending to all customers the option of choosing their  own  gas
suppliers.   In particular, the Massachusetts DTE has  identified
the  legal or functional separation of the natural gas supply and
distribution  businesses as an essential element  of  creating  a
competitive market for natural gas.

      The Company anticipates that Massachusetts regulations  may
soon  require that the gas utility business be primarily  limited
to  distributing  natural  gas.   Accordingly,  the  Company  has
identified  the  need to increase its long-term growth  potential
through  investment in related energy businesses. The move  to  a
competitive  natural gas industry, together with the  changes  in
energy  industries  generally, has created new opportunities  for
energy service providers like the Company in non-utility business
ventures.   Positioning itself to pursue these new  opportunities
is  an  important  part of the Company's strategy  for  long-term
growth to benefit its stockholders and customers.

      The holding company structure is a well-established form of
organization for companies conducting multiple lines of business,
particularly entities engaging in both regulated and  unregulated
activities. The holding company structure would provide increased
financial, managerial and organizational flexibility in order  to
better  position the Company to operate in this changing  natural
gas  industry.   See "Proposal No. 3:  Plan of  Restructuring  --
Reasons  for  the Restructuring" and "Proposal  No.  3:  Plan  of
Restructuring -- Benefits of Holding Company Structure."

     Certain Effects on Stockholders

      Colonial Energy has been formed as a Massachusetts business
trust  due  to the potential Massachusetts income tax savings  to
the  trust  and the lower filing fees payable by it in connection
with   its  authorized  capital  stock.   In  addition,  Colonial
Energy's  shareholders  will  have rights  and  protections  from
liability  generally  comparable to those of  stockholders  of  a
corporation.   Pursuant to certain decisions of the Massachusetts
courts,  shareholders  who exercise too  much  control  over  the
affairs  of a Massachusetts business trust may be held personally
liable  as  partners for the obligations of  such  trust  to  the
extent  not  satisfied by the trust.  Even if, however,  Colonial
Energy  were  held  to be a partnership, the possibility  of  its
shareholders  incurring  financial loss  is  remote  because  (a)
Colonial  Energy's  Declaration  of  Trust  (as  defined   below)
contains an express disclaimer of shareholder liability  for  the
obligations  of  Colonial Energy, requires that  notice  of  such
disclaimer  be given in each agreement, obligation or  instrument
entered into or executed by Colonial Energy and provides that  no
person  has  authority to enter into an agreement, obligation  or
instrument  except  in  accordance with those  requirements,  (b)
Colonial  Energy  will  seek  adequate  insurance  against   tort
liability,  (c)  most  of Colonial Energy's  operations  will  be
conducted  by incorporated subsidiaries such that the  activities
of Colonial Energy will be limited to the ownership of securities
rather  than  the operation of physical assets and  (d)  Colonial
Energy's Declaration of Trust provides for indemnification out of
the trust property for any shareholder held personally liable for
the   obligations  of  Colonial  Energy.   Because  of  its   tax
advantages   and  because  it  is  generally  comparable   to   a
corporation in protecting shareholders from liability,  the  most
common form for utility holding companies in Massachusetts is the
Massachusetts  business trust.  See "Proposal  No.  3:   Plan  of
Restructuring  -  Colonial  Energy's  Declaration  of  Trust  and
Comparative Stockholders' Rights."

     Vote Required

      Only  holders of record of Company Common Stock as  of  the
Record Date will be entitled to receive notice of and vote at the
Annual  Meeting  and  any adjournments thereof  with  respect  to
approval of the Merger Agreement and the restructuring.   Holders
of  Company Common Stock entitled to vote will have one vote  for
each share held.  In order for the holding company proposal to be
approved  under Massachusetts law, it must receive the  favorable
vote, in person or by proxy, of the holders of two-thirds of  the
outstanding   shares   of  Company  Common  Stock.    Accordingly
abstentions  and broker non-votes have the same effect  as  votes
against  the  restructuring proposal.  As  of  the  Record  Date,
8,707,497  shares  of  Company  Common  Stock  were  issued   and
outstanding.   To  the knowledge of management,  no  person  owns
beneficially  more  than  5  percent of  the  outstanding  voting
securities  of  the Company, other than LaSalle  National  Trust,
N.A.,  which  beneficially owned 6.8 percent of  the  outstanding
Company Common Stock as Trustee under the Company's Savings  Plan
pursuant  to which participating employees direct the  voting  of
shares  of  Company  Common Stock held in  their  accounts.   See
"Proposal No. 3: Plan of Restructuring -- Vote Required."

     Exchange of Certificates

     If the new holding company structure is implemented, it will
not be necessary for holders of Company Common Stock to surrender
their  existing  stock  certificates for Colonial  Energy  Common
Share  certificates.   Certificates representing  Company  Common
Stock  will automatically represent the corresponding  number  of
Colonial  Energy Common Shares upon consummation of  the  Merger.
See  "Proposal  No.  3:   Plan of Restructuring  --  Exchange  of
Certificates Not Required."

     Stock Exchange Listing

       Shares of Company Common Stock are currently traded on the
New York Stock Exchange under the stock symbol "CLG." Application
will  be  made  to list Colonial Energy Common Shares  under  the
symbol "CLG"  on the NYSE and to delist the Company Common  Stock
(all  outstanding shares being held by Colonial  Energy)  on  the
effective  date  of the Merger.  See "Proposal  No.  3:  Plan  of
Restructuring -- Stock Exchange Listing."

     Conditions to the Restructuring

      The Merger Agreement provides that the consummation of  the
Merger and the restructuring into a holding company is subject to
approval  of  the  Merger Agreement by the  stockholders  of  the
Company, Colonial Energy and Mergeco, as is set forth more  fully
below  under  "Proposal  No. 3: Plan  of  Restructuring  --  Vote
Required,"  and  to the approval by the NYSE of  Colonial  Energy
Common  Shares for listing upon official notice of issuance.   If
the  stockholders of the Company approve the Merger, the  Company
will  then cause the shares of Colonial Energy and Mergeco to  be
voted in favor of the restructuring into a holding company.

      In  addition, the decision to proceed with the  Merger  and
restructuring is subject to, among other things, the receipt,  on
terms  satisfactory to the Board of Directors of the Company,  of
(i)  authorization from the Massachusetts DTE to form  a  holding
company structure for the Company, (ii) other required regulatory
authorizations and (iii) such other consents and approvals as the
Board   may   deem  necessary  or  appropriate.   Following   the
restructuring,  Colonial Energy is expected  to  qualify  for  an
exemption  under the Public Utility Holding Company Act  of  1935
(the  "Holding  Company  Act").  See "Proposal  No.  3:  Plan  of
Restructuring  --  Regulatory Approval of the Restructuring"  and
"Proposal No. 3:  Plan of Restructuring -- Regulatory Matters."

     Dividend Policy

     While future dividends on Colonial Energy Common Shares will
depend  primarily  upon  the earnings,  financial  condition  and
capital requirements of its subsidiaries, it is currently 
contemplated that Colonial Energy initially will make dividend 
payments on Colonial Energy  Common Shares at the rate currently 
applicable to Company Common Stock. In addition, it is expected 
that such dividends  of Colonial  Energy  will be declared and 
paid on approximately  the same  schedule of dates as that now 
followed by the Company  with respect  to  Company  Common Stock 
dividends.   The  most  recent quarterly  dividend  declared by 
the Board of  Directors  of  the Company was $0.335 per share of 
Company Common Stock and will  be payable  on  March 13, 1998 
to holders of record on February  27, 1998.    See  "Proposal 
No. 3: Plan of Restructuring --  Dividend Policy."

     Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

      For  Federal income tax purposes, no gain or loss  will  be
recognized  by  the Company, Colonial Energy or  the  holders  of
shares  of  Company Common Stock whose shares are  exchanged  for
Colonial  Energy  Common Shares as a result of the  Merger.   See
"Proposal No. 3: Plan of Restructuring -- Certain Federal  Income
Tax Consequences."

     No Appraisal Rights

      Under Chapter 164 of the Massachusetts General Laws,  which
governs  the  proposed  Merger, a dissenting  holder  of  Company
Common Stock does not have a right to demand payment of the  fair
value of his or her shares if the Merger is consummated.


       The  Board  of  Directors  currently  consists  of  twelve
Directors,  divided  into three equal-sized classes.  Charles  O.
Swanson,  who  is currently a Class II Director,  has  chosen  to
retire  from  the  Board and not to stand for reelection.   As  a
consequence,  the Board has determined to reduce  the  number  of
Directors to eleven and, in order to comply with the requirements
of   the  Company's  Articles  of  Organization  regarding  Board
classification,  has  nominated  for  election  as  a  Class   II
Director,  along  with the other three Class II  Directors  whose
terms expire, Frederic L. Putnam, Jr., who is currently a Class I

      The  four  Class II Directors to be elected at  the  Annual
Meeting  shall  serve until the 2001 Annual Meeting  or  until  a
successor is duly elected and qualified.

     It is the intention of the persons named in the accompanying
form  of proxy to vote at the Annual Meeting for the election  of
the  four  nominees  indicated in the following  table.  All  the
nominees  are  presently  serving as Directors.  If  any  nominee
should  be  unable  to serve, an event not now  anticipated,  the
proxies  will  be  voted  for such person,  if  any,  as  may  be
designated by the Board of Directors to replace such nominee.

      Directors  will  be  elected by a plurality  of  the  votes
properly  cast  at the meeting. Abstentions and broker  non-votes
will not be treated as votes cast for this purpose.


     The names of the nominees for election as Class II Directors
and the names of the other Directors whose current terms continue
after  the Annual Meeting are shown below, together with  certain
information relating to principal occupation during the last five
years and other business experience.

                                                     Served as
                         Principal Occupation        Director
   Name and Age        and Other Directorships        of the
Directors of Class II to be elected for a term expiring in 2001:

John P. Harrington   Director; Senior Vice             1993
(55)*                President - Gas Supply and
                     Assistant to the President
                     of the Company since
                     February 1995; previously,
                     Vice President - Gas Supply
                     of the Company from August
Frederic L.          Director; Chairman of the         1973
Putnam, Jr. (73)*    Board of Directors and
                     Senior Executive Officer of
                     the Company since February
                     1995; previously, Chairman
                     of the Board of Directors
                     and Chief Executive Officer
                     of the Company from April
John F. Reilly,      Director; President, Chief        1985
Jr. (65)             Executive Officer and
                     Director of Fred C. Church,
                     Inc., Lowell, Massachusetts,
                     a general insurance agency;
                     Mr. Reilly is also a
                     Director of Family Bank, a
                     wholly-owned subsidiary of
                     People's Heritage Financial
                     Group Inc.
Margaret M.          Director; Vice President of       1983
Stapleton (61)       John Hancock Mutual Life
                     Insurance Company, Boston,
                     Massachusetts; Miss
                     Stapleton is also a Trustee
                     of Eastern Utilities

Directors of Class I to continue in office until 2000:

Howard C. Homeyer    Director; Independent energy      1989
(65)                 consultant: retired Senior
                     Vice President of Texas
                     Eastern Corporation, an
                     interstate natural gas
                     company, Houston, Texas.
Richard L. Hull      Director; Consultant to and       1973
(73)                 Director and retired
                     President of Big Sandy
                     Management Company, Inc.,
                     coal lessors, Boston,
Nickolas             Director; Executive Vice          1993
Stavropoulos (40)*   President - Finance,
                     Marketing and Chief
                     Financial Officer of the
                     Company since February 1995;
                     previously, Vice President -
                     Finance and Chief Financial
                     Officer of the Company from
                     August 1989.

Directors of Class III to continue in office until 1999:

Victor W. Baur      Director; President of            1993
(54)*               Transgas Inc., the Company's
                    energy trucking subsidiary,
                    since July 1990.
Frederic L.         Director; President and           1991
Putnam, III (52)*   Chief Executive Officer of
                    the Company since February
                    1995; previously, President
                    of the Company from May
                    1994; Executive Vice
                    President and General
                    Manager of the Company from
                    April 1993 until May 1994;
                    and before that, Vice
                    President and General
                    Manager of the Company.  Mr.
                    Putnam, III is Mr. Putnam,
                    Jr.'s son.
Richard A. Perkins  Director; Retired;                1997
(56)                previously, President of
                    Algonquin Gas Transmission
                    Company; and Chairman of
                    PanEnergy Development
Andrew B. Sides,    Director; Retired;                1978
Jr. (72)            previously, Chairman and
                    Treasurer until 1984 of
                    Rhode Island Tool Company,
                    Inc. Providence, Rhode
                    Island; Mr. Sides is also a
                    Director of L.S. Starrett
*   Member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.

     Meetings of the Directors

     In 1997, the Directors held four Board meetings. Each of the
Directors  who  served  in 1997 attended  at  least  75%  of  the
aggregate  number of meetings of the Board and of the  committees
of the Board on which he or she served which were held during the
time  he or she served, except F.L. Putnam, Jr. who attended 100%
of  the  Board  meetings  and 67% of  such  aggregate  number  of

     Directors' Compensation

      Directors  who  are not salaried officers  of  the  Company
received an annual fee of $9,000 in 1997 payable quarterly,  plus
$600   for   each  Board  of  Directors'  meeting  attended   and
reimbursement  of  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with  such

     Members of the Audit, Compensation and Nominating Committees
of the Board of Directors received a fee of $600 in 1997 for each
committee meeting attended and reimbursement of expenses incurred
in connection with such attendance.

     The Company has a plan which allows the members of the Board
of  Directors to defer receipt of all or part of their  fees  for
services as a Director, if the amount deferred is at least $1,000
per  year. Interest is credited on the amount deferred. The  plan
provides  for an election to receive the deferred fees in  either
one  lump sum or in semi-annual installments over a period of  up
to  15  years. The amount deferred under this plan  in  1997  was

     Committees of the Directors

      The Audit Committee of the Directors, consisting of Richard
L.  Hull (Chairman), Howard C. Homeyer and Margaret M. Stapleton,
held  four  meetings  in  1997.  The  duties  of  this  Committee
encompass  making  recommendations  on  the  selection   of   the
Company's  independent auditors; conferring  with  such  auditors
regarding,  among  other things, the scope of their  examination,
with  particular emphasis on areas where special attention should
be  directed;  reviewing the accounting principles and  practices
being  followed by the Company as they relate to those prevailing
in  the utility industry; assessing the adequacy of the Company's
interim  and annual financial statements; reviewing the Company's
internal   controls;  performing  such  other   duties   as   are
appropriate  to monitor the accounting and auditing policies  and
procedures  of  the Company; and reporting to the Directors  from
time to time.

      The Compensation Committee of the Directors, consisting  of
Andrew B. Sides, Jr. (Chairman), Richard L. Hull, John F. Reilly,
Jr.  and  Margaret M. Stapleton, met three times  in  1997.   The
duties   of   this   Committee  include   studying   and   making
recommendations  to the Directors with respect  to  salaries  and
other  benefits  to be paid to the officers of the  Company.  The
"Compensation  Committee  Report on  Executive  Compensation"  is
included in this Proxy Statement.

      The  Nominating Committee of the Directors,  consisting  of
Andrew B. Sides, Jr. (Chairman), Howard C. Homeyer and Charles O.
Swanson,  held  three meetings in 1997. The Nominating  Committee
will  consider recommendations for Director nominations submitted
timely  by  stockholders in writing to the Clerk of the  Company.
The   Company's   By-Laws   contain   provisions   dealing   with
requirements   for  nomination  of  Directors  by   stockholders,
including  the  time when such nominations may be  made  and  the
information required to be submitted.


     Beneficial Owners of More Than 5% of Outstanding Securities

      The  following table sets forth information as of  December
31, 1997 with respect to any person or group known to the Company
to  be  the  beneficial owner of more than five  percent  of  the
Common Stock.

                                   (A)         (B)     Percentage
                               Sole Voting    Shared       of
   Name and Address     Title      and        Voting   Aggregate
 of Beneficial Owner     of    Investment      and       Common
                        Class     Power     Investment   Stock
LaSalle National        Common   589,641(b)      0         6.8%
Trust, N.A. (a)       

          (a)   Information herein is based solely on a  Schedule
          13G  report dated February 10, 1998 as filed by LaSalle
          National Trust, N.A ("LaSalle") with the Securities and
          Exchange Commission.

          (b)   These shares are held by LaSalle as Trustee under
          the   Company's   Savings  Plan   pursuant   to   which
          participating employees direct how they wish to  invest
          their  individual  accounts among the plan  investments
          and  how  they  wish to have voted the  shares  of  the
          Company's Common Stock allocated to their accounts.

     Management Ownership

      The following table sets forth (i) the number of shares  of
Common  Stock beneficially owned as of December 31, 1997 by  each
of  the  Company's  Directors, by each  of  the  named  executive
officers  listed  in the Summary Compensation Table  and  by  the
Company's Directors and executive officers as a group,  and  (ii)
the  percentage  which such shares bear to the  total  number  of
outstanding shares as of that date

                         Amount and           
Name of Individual        Nature of           Percent
   or Number of          Beneficial           of
     Persons in         Ownership of          Common
     Group              Common Stock          Stock
Frederic L. Putnam,                           
     Individually            29,480 (b)               *
     By Corporation         218,898 (c)           2.52%
Frederic L. Putnam, III       8,909 (d)               *
Victor W. Baur                5,016 (e)               *
John P. Harrington            3,433 (f)               *
Nickolas  Stavropoulos        5,784 (f)               *
Howard C. Homeyer             1,104 (g)               *
Richard L. Hull               1,302 (g)               *
Richard A. Perkins              203 (g)               *
John F. Reilly, Jr.           1,324 (g)               *
Andrew B. Sides, Jr.         14,106 (g)               *
Margaret M. Stapleton           433 (g)               *
Charles O. Swanson            4,645 (h)               *
2 other executive             9,767                   *
officers of the
Directors and               304,404               3.51%
executive officers
of the Company as a
group (14 persons)
     *Less than 1%

          (a)  Number of shares based on information furnished to
          the  Company by its Directors and officers and  by  the
          Trustee of the Company's Savings Plan.

          (b)   Consisting of: 1,526 shares owned  solely;  4,811
          shares owned jointly with spouse; 1,500 shares owned of
          record  by  spouse over which Mr. Putnam,  Jr.  has  or
          shares  the  power to direct voting or disposition,  or
          both;  21,643 shares held in trust for Mr. Putnam,  Jr.
          under the Company's Savings Plan pursuant to which  Mr.
          Putnam, Jr. has the power to direct the disposition and
          the  voting of such shares; and the results of a  small
          acquisition and bona fide gift transactions  which  Mr.
          Putnam, Jr. made in 1997.

          (c)   These  shares are held by F. L. Putnam Securities
          Company,  Inc., of which Mr. Putnam, Jr. is a  director
          and  owner (as Trustee without beneficial interest)  of
          approximately 16% of the voting common stock.  Brothers
          of   Mr.  Putnam,  Jr.  are  the  other  directors  and
          stockholders  of  that  corporation.  Mr.  Putnam,  Jr.
          disclaims beneficial ownership of these shares.

          (d)   Consisting of 8,894 shares held in trust for  Mr.
          Putnam,  III under the Company's Savings Plan  pursuant
          to  which  Mr. Putnam, III has the power to direct  the
          disposition and the voting of such shares and 15 shares
          held  by  Mr.  Putnam, III as custodian for  his  minor
          child  pursuant to which Mr. Putnam, III has the  power
          to  direct  the  disposition and  the  voting  of  such

          (e)  Consisting of 97 shares owned jointly with spouse,
          over  which Mr. Baur has or shares the power to  direct
          voting  or disposition, or both, and 4,919 shares  held
          in  trust for Mr. Baur under the Company's Savings Plan
          pursuant to which Mr. Baur has the power to direct  the
          disposition and the voting of such shares.

          (f)   These  shares  are held in trust  for  the  named
          individual under the Company's Savings Plan pursuant to
          which the named individual has the power to direct  the
          disposition and the voting of such shares.

          (g)   Owner  of record with sole voting and  investment

          (h)   Consisting  of  2,305 shares owned  jointly  with
          spouse, over which Mr. Swanson has or shares the  power
          to  direct  voting or disposition, or both,  and  2,340
          shares over which Mr. Swanson exercises sole voting and
          investment power.

                     EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

      Shown below is the compensation paid by the Company and its
wholly-owned subsidiary, Transgas Inc., during each of the  years
ending  December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995 for the Company's  Chief
Executive  Officer  and  the four other most  highly  compensated
executive   officers   of  the  Company  whose   aggregate   cash
compensation  exceeded  $100,000 during the  most  recent  fiscal

                   Summary Compensation Table
                      Annual Compensation
                                                 All Other
Name and Principal  Year    Salary     Bonus    Compensation (f)
F. L. Putnam Jr.,   1997   $123,553      -           $7,312
Chairman and        1996    139,169      -            8,755
Senior Executive    1995    186,018      -            8,468

F. L. Putnam, III,  1997   $211,935   $7,500 (a)     $5,746
President and       1996    199,000   $5,000 (a)      5,649
Chief Executive     1995    191,360    3,000 (a)      4,850
Officer, and                           

Stavropoulos,       1997    197,610   $7,500 (a)     $3,285
Executive Vice      1996    185,600    5,953 (d)      3,106
President -         1995    175,993    3,000 (a)      2,930
Finance, Marketing
and Chief
Financial Officer,
and Director

Charles W. Sawyer,  1997   $177,185   $7,500 (a)     $5,428
Executive Vice      1996    130,189    5,000 (a)      4,372
President-          1995    127,303    3,000 (a)      3,741
Operations and                          
Chief Operating                         

Victor W. Baur,     1997   $157,548    $  --         $5,348   
President of        1996    148,000    19,000 (e)     4,491        
Transgas Inc., and  1995    139,622     2,710 (b)     4,320
John P. Harrington, 1997   $146,579    $7,500 (a)    $5,173
Senior Vice         1996    137,668     5,000 (a)     4,059
President - Gas     1995    129,875     8,144 (c)     4,027
Supply and                          
Assistant to the                        
President, and

          (a)    Represents  a  bonus  in  connection  with   the
          incentive  program  for  rate  increase  deferral,   as
          described  in  the  "Compensation Committee  Report  on
          Executive Compensation".

          (b)   Represents a merit lump sum bonus in  lieu  of  a
          merit percentage increase to salary.

          (c)   Represents a merit lump sum bonus in  lieu  of  a
          merit  percentage increase to salary of  $5,144  and  a
          $3,000  bonus  in  connection with  the  rate  deferral
          incentive program.

          (d)   Represents a merit lump sum bonus in  lieu  of  a
          merit  percentage  increase to salary  of  $953  and  a
          $5,000  bonus  in  connection with  the  rate  deferral

          (e)    Represents  a  special  bonus   based   on   the
          performance of Transgas Inc.

          (f)   Includes  (i) the Company's matching contribution
          to  the  account  of  the executive  in  the  Company's
          Savings  Plan (ranging from $2,964 to $4,500  in  1997)
          and  (ii)  Company-provided group term  life  insurance
          coverage  in  excess  of the Internal  Revenue  Service
          Code's  non-taxable amount of $50,000 (valued  at  from
          $321 to $4,106 in 1997).

      The following table sets forth the current estimated annual
benefits  payable upon retirement to participants in the Colonial
Gas   Company  Retirement  Plan  (the  "Retirement   Plan")   and
Supplemental  Executive  Retirement Plan  ("SERP")  in  specified
compensation  and years of service classifications, assuming  (i)
continued service until retirement at normal retirement age under
the  Retirement Plan, and (ii) retirement occurred in 1997 at age

                       Pension Plan Table

             ANNUAL BENEFITS (Based on Years of Service)
   Annual       15        20       25       30        35

 $100,000    $25,230   $33,640  $42,050  $47,050  $52,050
  125,000     32,730    43,640   54,550   60,800   67,050
  150,000     40,230    53,640   67,050   74,550   82,050
  175,000     47,730    63,640   79,550   88,300   97,050
  200,000     55,230    73,640   92,050  102,050  112,050
  225,000     62,730    83,640  104,550  115,800  127,050

      The  Company  maintains the Retirement Plan  for  non-union
employees, including all officers, who have attained the  age  of
21  and  who  have completed one thousand hours of service  in  a
year.  The  formula  for determining annual  benefits  under  the
Retirement Plan's life annuity option for employees with at least
25  years  of  service is 50% of the employee's  highest  average
annual  earnings (salary and merit lump sum payment) received  in
any  60  consecutive months during the last  10  years  prior  to
retirement  plus  an additional 1% of final average  compensation
for each year of service in excess of 25, less 50% of the primary
social  security benefit, as defined in the Retirement  Plan.  An
employee   with   less   than  25  years  of   service   receives
proportionately  less according to the ratio of actual  years  of
service to 25 years.

      Messrs.  Putnam, Jr., Putnam, III, Sawyer, and Stavropoulos
participate  in the SERP, which was adopted in 1994 and  replaces
all  other  supplemental retirement benefit plans and agreements.
Under  the  SERP,  participants will receive upon  retirement  an
annual  benefit equal to the benefit that would be paid from  the
Retirement  Plan  if the qualified plan benefit and  compensation
restrictions did not apply, less the actual benefit paid from the
Retirement Plan. The SERP also provides an annual accrual while a
participant is actively employed equal to the amount  of  Company
match that would have been credited to the participant under  the
Savings  Plan  if  the  qualified plan benefit  and  compensation
restrictions  did  not  apply,  less  the  actual  Company  match
credited under the Savings Plan. In addition, the participant may
defer under the SERP the amount of compensation that could not be
deferred  in  the Savings Plan due to the qualified plan  benefit
and  compensation restrictions. The annual accruals and deferrals
are  credited with interest each year and paid to the participant
at retirement.

      As  of January 1, 1998, the credited years of service under
the Retirement Plan and, if applicable, the SERP were as follows:
Mr.  Putnam,  Jr.,  44  years; Mr. Putnam,  III,  22  years;  Mr.
Stavropoulos, 18 years; Mr. Sawyer, 21 years; Mr. Baur, 25 years;
and Mr. Harrington, 31 years.

      Mr.  Putnam, Jr.'s average annual compensation for the most
recent  60  month period for purposes of determining his  benefit
under  the  Retirement Plan is considered to  be  $249,746.   The
difference between this amount and the amounts set forth  in  the
Summary  Compensation Table is attributable to salary  which  Mr.
Putnam,  Jr.  was authorized to receive but did not  accept.  The
average  annual amount of salary he declined during  that  period
was $87,795.

     Change In Control Agreements

     The Company has entered into agreements with a number of its
key employees, including each of the six executive officers named
in the Summary Compensation Table, providing that in the event of
termination  of employment within a specified period following  a
Change  in  Control  (as  defined) of  the  Company  (other  than
termination  for  cause,  death, disability  or  retirement),  or
termination  by  the  employee  for  Good  Reason  (as   defined)
following a Change in Control, the employee will become  entitled
to   certain  severance  payments,  service  credits  under   the
Retirement Plan based on anticipated salary increases to the date
of  normal  retirement if terminated after the  executive  is  55
years  old,  and  certain  other  benefits.  All  the  agreements
continue  in  effect unless terminated by the  Company  before  a
Change in Control upon 90 days' prior notice. In the case of  Mr.
Putnam, Jr., the agreement covers termination within a three year
period  following a Change in Control and the amount  payable  is
equal  to  three  years' salary. In the cases of Messrs.  Putnam,
III,  Stavropoulos, Sawyer, Baur and Harrington,  the  applicable
period is two years and the amount payable is equal to two years'
salary.  In all cases there is a limitation on total benefits  so
as  to  conform  to the limitation on the deductibility  of  such
termination benefits imposed by the Federal tax laws.

     Performance Graphs

     As required by SEC regulations, the graph below compares the
cumulative  total  return, based on stock price appreciation  and
reinvested dividends, of Colonial Gas Company's Common  Stock  to
the  Standard  &  Poor's (S&P) 500 Stock Index  and  the  S&P  40
Utilities  Index  for the years ended December 31,  1993  through
1997. These calculations assume $100 invested on January 1, 1993.


           1992     1993     1994     1995      1996     1997
Colonial   100      111      101      113       126      181

S&P 500    100      110      112      153       188      251

S&P 40     100      114      105      149       154      192

      In  addition  to  the requirements of the SEC  regulations,
Colonial  Gas  also presents the graph below which  compares  the
cumulative  total  return, based on stock price appreciation  and
reinvested dividends, of Colonial Gas Company's Common  Stock  to
the  Standard  &  Poor's (S&P) 500 Stock Index  and  the  S&P  40
Utilities  Index  for the years ended December 31,  1988  through
1997. These calculations assume $100 invested on January 1, 1988.


        1987  1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Colonial 100   120  147  162  204  263  293  266  298  331  475 
S&P 500  100   117  154  149  194  209  230  233  320  394  525

S&P  40  100   118  174  170  195  210  241  222  314  324  404


      The  duties of the Compensation Committee of the  Board  of
Directors  include evaluating and making recommendations  to  the
Directors with respect to salaries and other benefits to be  paid
to  the Company's officers, including its executive officers. The
Compensation Committee met three times in 1997.

      In its evaluation process, the Compensation Committee works
within   the   Company's  Performance  Planning   and   Incentive
Compensation  Program  (the "Program") for determining  salaries.
The  Program's components include salary ranges based on position
descriptions, individual annual performance reviews and ranges of
available merit increases.

       Under  the  Program,  a  position  description  has   been
established for all non-union positions at the Company, including
executive officer positions. Salary ranges are assigned  to  each
position  using a point system which measures (i)  the  knowledge
required  to  perform  the  job, (ii)  the  range  of  discretion
inherent within the job, and (iii) the financial or other type of
impact   of   the   job   on   the   Company's   performance   or
accomplishments. The Compensation Committee periodically  reviews
surveys  of comparable positions at other utilities as a  way  of
checking  on the fairness, reasonableness and competitiveness  of
the  Company's  executive pay practices. The other utilities  are
not  necessarily  those included in the S&P  40  Utilities  Index
shown   in  the  Performance  Graphs  included  with  this  Proxy
Statement/Prospectus. In addition, information is  also  gathered
from  other  outside  sources and reviewed  by  the  Compensation
Committee   to   ensure   the   fairness,   reasonableness    and
competitiveness  of  the  Company's  compensation  program.   The
Compensation  Committee reviewed and approved the  salary  ranges
utilized for the Company's executive officers in 1997.

      The  Program also includes annual performance  reviews  for
executive  officers, other than the Chairman and Senior Executive
Officer (the "Chairman"). These performance reviews are conducted
by  the  executive  officer to whom the  officer  reports,  which
generally  is the President and Chief Executive Officer.  In  the
case of the President, his performance is first evaluated by  the
Chairman  who  then  reports to the Compensation  Committee.  The
Chairman's   performance  is  evaluated   by   the   Compensation
Committee.  Each  executive  officer's  1996  annual  performance
review  was  used  as a factor in determining  where  within  the
applicable salary range the executive officer's compensation  was
set for 1997.

      As  part  of  the Program, the Compensation Committee  also
examines  the  total  amount  of funds  available  for  non-union
personnel,   including   executive  officers.   The   amount   of
compensation increases to be made from these funds  is  based  in
part  upon studies of comparable positions at utilities and other
companies and, like the total amount available, is also based  in
part upon overall Company performance (adjusting that performance
for  uncontrollable events such as weather). In  determining  the
total  amount  of funds available for compensation increases  for
1997,  the  Compensation Committee considered  such  factors  as:
2.9%  customer growth in 1996 and cost containment efforts  which
led  to  virtually  no  increase in  operations  and  maintenance
expenses from 1995 to 1996.  Given the aforementioned studies and
the  Company's performance and accomplishments, the  Compensation
Committee  recommended merit raises or bonuses for the  Company's
executive  officers, including the merit raises and  bonuses  for
the named executive officers as shown in the Summary Compensation

      In  determining  the President's salary,  the  Compensation
Committee  took into account the evaluation by the  Chairman,  as
well as the Company's performance and accomplishments in 1996  as
described in the preceding paragraph.

      As  part of its ongoing evaluation of compensation for  the
Company's   officers,  the  Compensation  Committee  periodically
reviews the Company's incentive programs. Effective in 1995,  the
Company  established an incentive compensation program to  reward
individuals  who have direct control over budgetary  expenditures
for  each year that the Company is able to defer a rate increase.
Messrs. Putnam, III, Stavropoulos, Sawyer and Harrington received
$7,500 each in 1997 under the incentive program for rate increase
deferrals.  In 1997, the Compensation Committee considered  other
incentive programs to replace the rate increase deferral plan and
recommended the adoption of the Executive Performance and  Equity
Incentive Plan described below (see "Proposal No. 2:  Approval of
Executive  Performance and Equity Incentive  Plan").   That  Plan
would, subject to stockholder approval, take effect in 1998.   As
a means of transitioning to that Plan, the Company put in place a
supplemental incentive plan for executives under which they  will
be eligible to receive cash bonuses (smaller than those available
under  the Executive Performance and Equity Incentive Plan) based
on  the  Company's 1997 operations and maintenance  expenditures,
return on equity and total stockholder return.

      The  Company does not expect to have compensation exceeding
the  $1 million limitation for deductibility under Section 162(m)
of the Internal Revenue Code.

          By the Compensation Committee,

          Andrew B. Sides, Jr. (Chairman)
          Richard L. Hull
          John F. Reilly, Jr.
          Margaret M. Stapleton


      Based  solely  on  the Company's review  of  reports  under
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 received  by
it and certain written representations, the Company believes that
during  1997 all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable  to
persons required to report under that section were complied  with
except  that Mr. Perkins did not timely file an Initial Statement
of Beneficial Ownership on Form 3 upon his becoming a director in
July, 1997.  Mr. Perkins did not own any shares of Company Common
Stock  at  that  time but subsequently purchased 200  shares  and
reported  such purchase, as well as his initial ownership  of  no
shares, on a timely filed Form 5.

                         INCENTIVE PLAN
      The Board of Directors has concluded that an incentive plan
for  key  employees  that permits the award of  cash  and  up  to
200,000  shares  of Common Stock should be available  for  future
grants.  Accordingly, the Board adopted the Executive Performance
and   Equity   Incentive  Plan,  subject  to  approval   by   the
stockholders.  Approval of the Plan requires the affirmative vote
of  the  holders of a majority of the shares present and entitled
to  vote at the meeting.  Abstentions are included in the  number
of  shares present and entitled to vote and have the effect of  a
negative vote.  Broker non-votes are not considered present  and,
therefore,  have the practical effect of reducing the  number  of
affirmative votes required to achieve a majority by reducing  the
total number of shares from which the majority is calculated.

     The following is a summary description of the Plan, which is
qualified  in its entirety by reference to the complete  text  of
the Plan which is attached as Appendix A to this Proxy Statement.

     Purpose of the Plan

      The  purpose of the Plan is to provide long-term  financial
incentives  to  selected key employees of  the  Company  and  its
subsidiaries  for achieving specified objectives.   The  Plan  is
designed  to  recognize  and  reward  success  relative  to  Plan
objectives  and permit participants to acquire shares of  Company
Common Stock.  By encouraging share ownership, the Company  seeks
to attract, retain and motivate employees of training, experience
and ability and continue the Company's success and progress.   No
incentive  awards (each an "Award") have been granted  under  the
Plan to date.


      The  Plan provides for the grant of Awards to key employees
of  the Company or any of its subsidiaries as are selected by the
Compensation   Committee   of  the  Board   of   Directors   (the
"Committee").   The Plan will be administered by  the  Committee,
whose  members  may  not participate in the  Plan.   Non-employee
directors of the Company are not eligible to participate  in  the

     Terms and Conditions

      Awards  granted under the Plan may be paid in  cash,  or  a
combination of cash and restricted shares of Company Common Stock
("Grant Shares").  The combination of cash and Grant Shares is in
the  Committee's  sole discretion, provided  that  no  more  than
seventy  percent  (70%) of any Award shall be  payable  in  Grant
Shares.   The  number of Grant Shares issued to each  participant
shall  be  determined by dividing the amount of  a  participant's
earned  Award  to be paid in Grant Shares by the average  closing
price  of  the Company Common Stock during the last five business
days  in January of the fiscal year following the fiscal year  in
which  the Award was granted.  In addition, by the terms  of  the
Plan,  no Grant Shares shall be issued prior to January 1,  1999.
Furthermore,  the award of any Grant Shares by the Company  would
be  subject  to  obtaining Massachusetts DTE  approval  of  their
issuances; provided, however, that if the proposal to restructure
the  Company to form a holding company is approved, such approval
would  not  be necessary for awards of Grant Shares  by  Colonial

      The portion of an Award payable in cash shall be paid in  a
lump-sum  as soon as practicable following the close of the  year
in  which the Award was granted ("Plan Year").  The portion of an
Award  payable  in  Grant Shares will become vested  three  years
after  the  date on which such Award was issued unless  otherwise
specified by the Committee.

      The  Committee will base its selection of award recipients,
and  its determination of the size of the Award, on the Company's
results relative to pre-set performance standards, including, but
not  limited to, efficiency of the Company's operations, lowering
of the Company's cost of service, the Company's net income, total
stockholder return, and Committee discretion.


     The Committee will have full power to construe and interpret
the   Plan  and  to  establish,  amend  and  rescind  rules   and
regulations    for    its   administration.    The    Committee's
determination  as  to  any provision of the  Plan  is  final  and
conclusive.   The Committee may suspend, amend or  terminate  the
Plan  provided  that  any  amendment  that  would  increase   the
aggregate  number of Grant Shares that may be issued,  materially
increase  the  benefits  accruing to participants  or  materially
modify requirements as to eligibility for participation, will  be
subject  to  stockholder  approval.  No suspension,  termination,
modification or amendment of the Plan may, without the consent of
a  participant, adversely affect a participant's rights under  an
Award already granted.

     Change in Control

      In  order to preserve a participant's rights under an Award
in  the  event of a change in control of the Company,  any  Grant
Shares  awarded in a previous Plan Year shall become  immediately

     United States Federal Income Tax Consequences

      The  following is a brief description of the federal income
tax  consequences that may accrue under the Plan to  the  Company
and  to participants who are residents of the United States.   It
is  based on the provisions of the Code as in effect on the  date
of  this  Proxy  Statement  Prospectus, current  regulations  and
existing  administrative rulings of the Internal Revenue Service.
It  is  not  intended to be a complete discussion of all  of  the
federal income tax consequences of the Plan.  In addition,  there
may  be  consequences  under state and local  tax  laws  and  any
applicable tax laws of foreign jurisdictions.

      Cash.   Whenever payments under an Award are made in  cash,
that  cash will be taxable to the participant as ordinary income.
The  Company  will  withhold therefrom an  amount  sufficient  to
satisfy  all  taxes required to be withheld by the Company.   The
Company  will  be entitled to a federal income tax deduction  for
cash Awards that are paid.

      Restricted  Stock.   Generally, upon  the  award  of  Grant
Shares, the participant will not be taxed until the Grant  Shares
vest,  with the excess of the then fair market value of the Grant
Shares  being taxed as ordinary income.  The holding  period  for
determining whether subsequent gain or loss will be a short-term,
mid-term or long-term capital gain or loss begins when the  Grant
Shares vest.  The short-term holding period is one year or  less;
the  mid-term holding period is more than one year but  not  more
than 18 months; and the long-term holding period is more than  18

      However, a participant may file a written election with the
Internal Revenue Service under Section 83(b) of the Code,  within
30  days after award of the Grant Shares, to be taxed at the time
of  the Award.  In that case, the fair market value of the  Grant
Shares at the time of the award will be taxed as ordinary income.
Copies  of the election statement must also be furnished  to  the
Company  and  filed  with the participant's tax  return  for  the
taxable year of exercise.  When the participant realizes ordinary
income,  the  Company will receive a tax deduction equal  to  the
amount  of  that ordinary income, subject to the satisfaction  of
applicable reporting requirements.

      In  connection  with  the taxation  of  Grant  Shares,  the
participant must pay to the Company any taxes required by law  to
be  withheld  in  respect of such taxation.  In  the  Committee's
discretion, the participant may elect to pay such tax  obligation
in  whole  or in part by delivery of previously acquired  Company
Common Stock or by authorizing the Company to retain Grant Shares
with  such Company Common Stock being valued at fair market value
on the date the Award is taxable.  The Company may, to the extent
permitted  by  law,  deduct  any such tax  obligations  from  any
payment of any kind otherwise due to the participant.

     Holding Company Assumption

       If   the  stockholders  approve  the  Plan  and   if   the
restructuring is approved and implemented, Colonial  Energy  will
be the Company's successor under the Plan and will issue Colonial
Energy Common Shares under the Plan.  If the stockholders approve
the restructuring, their approval of the Plan will also be deemed
to constitute approval of the Plan on behalf of Colonial Energy.



      The  Board  of  Directors  and management  of  the  Company
consider  it to be in the best interests of the Company  and  its
stockholders to change into a holding company structure in  which
the Company will become a separate, wholly-owned subsidiary of  a
new  parent  company; Colonial Energy.  The  present  holders  of
Company  Common  Stock will become the shareholders  of  Colonial
Energy.   In  connection  with the restructuring,  the  Company's
subsidiary, Transgas, will become a subsidiary of Colonial Energy
and a sister corporation of the Company.

      The holding company structure is a well-established form of
organization   for   companies  conducting  multiple   lines   of
businesses, particularly entities engaging in both regulated  and
unregulated    activities.   The   majority   of   investor-owned
Massachusetts electric and gas utilities are currently  organized
in a holding company structure.  The holding company structure is
intended  to provide increased financial, managerial and organiza
tional  flexibility in order to better position  the  Company  to
operate in the changing gas utility industry.  Specifically,  the
new  structure would enable Colonial Energy to separate regulated
and  unregulated  lines  of  business  and  pursue  with  greater
flexibility non-utility business ventures.  Although the  Company
could  continue  to  pursue  non-utility  business  opportunities
through  Transgas,  it is limited in its ability  to  do  so  and
cannot  invest Company funds without Massachusetts DTE  approval.
Accordingly, the Board of Directors and management believe it  is
in  the  best  interests of the Company and its  stockholders  to
conduct  such  non-utility activities through a  holding  company

     Business of the Company

     The Company was incorporated in 1849 under Massachusetts law
as an investor-owned public utility.  The Company is primarily  a
regulated  natural  gas  distribution utility,  and  serves  over
151,000  utility customers in 24 municipalities located northwest
of  Boston  and on Cape Cod.  The Company's combined natural  gas
distribution  service areas cover approximately 622 square  miles
with  a  year-round  population of approximately  500,000,  which
increases  by  approximately 350,000 during  the  summer  tourist
season  on  Cape  Cod.   Through its  subsidiary,  Transgas,  the
Company  also provides over-the-road transportation of  liquified
natural gas ("LNG"), propane and other commodities.

      As  a regulated gas utility, the Company is subject to  the
jurisdiction  and  regulatory authority of the Massachusetts  DTE
with  respect  to  retail rates for gas sales  and  distribution,
accounting,  issuance of securities, investment  in  subsidiaries
and other entities, and related matters.

      The  current  corporate structure  of  the  Company  is  as

                     HOLDERS OF COMMON STOCK
                          COLONIAL GAS

       To  carry  out  the  restructuring,  Colonial  Energy,   a
Massachusetts business trust, and Colonial Energy's  wholly-owned
subsidiary,  Mergeco, a Massachusetts utility  corporation,  have
been  formed, neither of which entities has any present  business
or properties of its own.  The outstanding Colonial Energy Common
Shares  are  presently  owned by Transgas, while  the  authorized
stock  of Mergeco is presently subscribed for by Colonial  Energy
and  will  be  issued  to Colonial Energy upon  approval  of  the
Massachusetts DTE.  Prior to the Merger, Transgas will distribute
the Colonial Energy Common Shares to the Company, making Colonial
Energy  a  direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of the  Company.   The
Company, Mergeco and Colonial Energy have entered into the Merger
Agreement  under  which,  subject  to  stockholder  approval   as
required  by  Massachusetts  law,  the  Company  will  become   a
subsidiary of Colonial Energy through the merger of Mergeco  with
and  into  the Company.  In the Merger, the Company Common  Stock
will  be  exchanged  share-for-share for Colonial  Energy  Common
Shares.  A copy of the Merger Agreement is attached to this Proxy
Statement as Appendix B.

      Immediately following the Merger, the Company will transfer
the  stock of Transgas to Colonial Energy, resulting in  Transgas
becoming  a  wholly-owned subsidiary of  Colonial  Energy  and  a
sister  corporation  of  the Company.  After  the  restructuring,
Colonial  Energy  will engage in non-utility business  activities
through Transgas and through such additional subsidiaries  as  it
may  establish  in  the  future  to  engage  in  new  non-utility
businesses. If the proposed restructuring is consummated,  it  is
intended  that  advances to and other investments in  non-utility
businesses will be made primarily by Colonial Energy rather  than
by the Company and that the proceeds of financings by the Company
will be used entirely in the conduct of its gas utility business.

      The  reorganized  corporate structure  of  Colonial  Energy
immediately after the Merger and restructuring is expected to  be
as follows:

                    HOLDERS OF COMMON SHARES
                         COLONIAL ENERGY

                    COLONIAL GAS    TRANSGAS

     Reasons for the Restructuring

      General.   The  holding company structure  is  intended  to
provide   increased  financial,  managerial  and   organizational
flexibility in order to better position the Company to operate in
the changing natural gas industry.  The holding company structure
will  permit  Colonial  Energy to take advantage  of  non-utility
business opportunities in a more timely manner.  In addition, the
holding company structure will clearly separate Colonial Energy's
regulated and non-utility lines of business.  The holding company
structure   is  a  well-established  form  of  organization   for
companies  conducting multiple lines of businesses,  particularly
entities engaging in both regulated and unregulated activities.

     Industry Restructuring.  In recent years, many state utility
commissions,  including  the Massachusetts  DTE,  have  initiated
proceedings  to  unbundle and restructure gas utility  activities
with  the  goal  of  promoting competition and extending  to  all
customers  the  option of choosing their own  gas  provider.   In
particular,  the Massachusetts DTE has identified the  separation
of  the  natural  gas supply and distribution  businesses  as  an
essential  element of creating a competitive market  for  natural
gas.  The Company anticipates that Massachusetts regulations  may
soon  require  that  its utility business  consist  primarily  of
distributing   natural  gas.   Accordingly,   the   Company   has
identified  the  need to increase its long-term growth  potential
through   investing  in  related  businesses.  The  move   to   a
competitive  natural gas industry, together with the  changes  in
the  energy  industry in general, have created new  opportunities
for  energy  service  providers like the Company  in  non-utility
business  ventures.   Pursuit of these new opportunities  is  far
easier  under  the  holding company structure as  such  structure
allows  for a more timely response to business opportunities  and
more flexible financing arrangements.

     Initially, and for the foreseeable future, the Company's gas
utility  business is expected to constitute the predominant  part
of  Colonial  Energy's earnings power.  The Company's  operations
will  be conducted with the same assets and same management,  and
will   continue  to  be  subject  to  the  jurisdiction  of   the
Massachusetts DTE.  The primary focus of Colonial Energy will  be
on  the  development of non-utility business activities involving
natural  gas service and related products and services.  Although
the  Company has not yet identified other significant  investment
opportunities  for Colonial Energy, it is expected that  Colonial
Energy  will  develop or acquire other businesses  which  provide
such products and services.

     Benefits of Holding Company Structure

      The holding company structure is a well-established form of
organization   for   companies  conducting  multiple   lines   of
businesses, particularly entities engaging in both regulated  and
unregulated  activities.  Many electric and  gas  utilities  have
been  organized  as holding companies for many  years,  and  many
other  utilities  have recently changed their organization  to  a
holding company structure.  The Board of Directors and management
believe  it  is  desirable to conduct the  Company's  non-utility
activities through a holding company structure.  The benefits  of
a holding company structure may be summarized as follows:

      Timely  Response  to Business Opportunities.   The  holding
company structure, by separating Transgas and any other new  non-
utility   businesses  into  corporations   that   will   not   be
subsidiaries  of  the  Company, will enable  Colonial  Energy  to
pursue  non-utility  business opportunities  without  the  delays
inherent  in  the regulatory process.  For example,  the  holding
company structure will enable Colonial Energy to make investments
in  non-utility  businesses,  and to  issue  securities  for  the
purpose  of  financing  such investments, without  obtaining  the
approval  of  the  Massachusetts DTE.  This will  allow  Colonial
Energy  to  respond to competitive forces and pursue  non-utility
businesses  in a timely fashion.  The ability of Colonial  Energy
to  engage  in  these  activities  in  a  timely  manner  without
regulatory  approval will make Colonial Energy a more  attractive
joint venture partner.

      Flexible  Financing  Opportunities.   The  holding  company
structure  also will permit the use of financing techniques  that
are   more   directly  suited  to  the  particular  requirements,
characteristics  and  risks  of  non-utility  operations  without
affecting  the  capital  structure  or  creditworthiness  of  the
Company.  The holding company structure will allow the design and
implementation  of  capitalization  ratios  appropriate  for  the
capital  and  business  requirements of each  industry  in  which
Colonial Energy is engaged.

      Separation.  The holding company structure will  facilitate
the clearer separation of the Company's gas utility business from
the non-utility businesses of other Colonial Energy subsidiaries.
In  addition,  the holding company structure will facilitate  the
analysis and valuation of the holding company's individual  lines
of  business  by  the investment community.  The holding  company
structure also will mitigate the potential impact on the Company,
its debt security holders and its customers, of the risks of non-
utility businesses.

       Equity   Incentive  Arrangements.   The  holding   company
structure  will  permit greater flexibility in  providing  equity
incentives to attract, retain and motivate key employees than  is
now  possible  with  the Company because of the  need  to  obtain
Massachusetts DTE approval for the issuance of capital stock.

     Special Considerations Applicable to the Restructuring

      Non-Utility Business Activities May Involve More Risk.  The
future  performance of Colonial Energy Common  Shares  cannot  be
predicted.  Following consummation of the restructuring, Colonial
Energy will be able to make investments in non-utility businesses
and   issue   securities  for  the  purpose  of  financing   such
investments   without  obtaining  the  prior  approval   of   the
Massachusetts  DTE.  The restructuring, therefore,  will  provide
Colonial   Energy  with  more  flexibility  to  pursue   business
opportunities  that might involve a higher degree  of  risk  than
would  be  permitted  for  a  regulated  utility,  but  with  the
possibility  of higher potential returns commensurate  with  such
risk.  Pursuit of business opportunities with greater risk could,
in turn, have either a positive or an adverse effect on the value
of a shareholder's investment, depending upon the return actually
realized  from  such opportunities.  Such business  opportunities
may   encounter  competitive  and  other  business  factors   not
previously experienced by the Company to the same degree and  may
have  different, and perhaps greater, investment risk than  those
involved  in  the Company's regulated gas distribution  business.
There can be no assurance that such businesses will be successful
or, if unsuccessful, that they will not have a direct or indirect
adverse  effect on Colonial Energy.  Any losses incurred by  such
businesses  will  not  be recoverable in the Company's  regulated
rates.   As Colonial Energy becomes increasingly engaged in  non-
utility  business  activities,  such  activities  will  have   an
increasing impact on the market price of Colonial Energy's Common

      Dilution.   The holding company structure will  enable  the
Board  to issue capital stock to obtain financing, acquire  other
businesses, provide equity incentives to employees and for  other
purposes without obtaining prior Massachusetts DTE approval.  Any
additional issuance of capital stock could result in dilution  in
the ownership of existing Stockholders.

      Colonial Energy Dividends Dependent on Dividends  from  the
Company.   For a period of time following the restructuring,  the
funds  required by Colonial Energy to enable it to pay  dividends
on  Colonial  Energy's Common Shares are expected to  be  derived
primarily  from the dividends paid by the Company.   Accordingly,
the  ability  of  Colonial Energy to pay  such  dividends,  as  a
practical matter, will be governed by the ability of the  Company
to   pay   dividends  on  its  Common  Stock.   It  is  currently
contemplated that Colonial Energy will initially make payments on
its  Common  Shares at the rate currently applicable to  Colonial
Gas Common Stock.

     Recommendations of the Board

      The  Board  of  Directors  and management  of  the  Company
recommend  the approval of the restructuring as proposed  in  the
accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors and
management believe that the restructuring is in the best interest
of  the Company and its stockholders.  In making its decision  to
recommend  the restructuring to the stockholders,  the  Board  of
Directors  considered  many factors, including  the  factors  set
forth  above under "Reasons for the Restructuring," "Benefits  of
Holding Company Structure" and "Special Considerations Applicable
to the Restructuring."

     Vote Required

      In order for the restructuring into a holding company to be
approved  under  Massachusetts law,  it  must  receive  favorable
votes, in person or by proxy, of the holders of two-thirds of the
outstanding  shares  of the Company Common  Stock.   Accordingly,
abstentions  and broker non-votes will have the effect  of  votes
against the restructuring proposal.  See "Other Matters -- Voting

      The  persons named in the accompanying proxy intend to vote
such proxy in favor of the restructuring unless a contrary choice
is indicated thereon.

     Exchange of Certificates Not Required

     If the proposed restructuring is consummated, it will not be
necessary  for holders of Company Common Stock to exchange  their
existing   stock   certificates   for   Colonial   Energy   share
certificates.  Holders of Company Common Stock will automatically
become holders of Colonial Energy Common Shares, and their  stock
certificates will automatically represent Colonial Energy  Common
Shares.   After the restructuring, whenever presently outstanding
certificates are presented for transfer, new certificates bearing
the  name  of  Colonial Energy will be issued. Certificates  also
presented  for transfer to a name other than that  in  which  the
surrendered certificate is registered must be properly  endorsed,
with  the  signature guaranteed, and accompanied by  evidence  of
payment of any applicable stock transfer taxes.

     Merger Agreement

      The Merger Agreement has been approved by the Boards of the
Company,  Colonial  Energy and Mergeco, and  is  subject  to  the
approval  by  vote of the Company's stockholders as  required  by
Massachusetts  law  and described herein.  The  Merger  Agreement
provides that:

          (a)   each  outstanding share of Company Common  Stock,
          $3.33  par value per share, will be converted into  one
          Colonial  Energy  Common Share,  $3.33  par  value  per

          (b)   each  outstanding share of Mergeco Common  Stock,
          $3.33  par value per share, will be converted into  one
          new  share of Company Common Stock, $3.33 par value per
          share,  all  of  which will then be owned  by  Colonial
          Energy; and

          (c)   the  Colonial Energy Common Shares  held  by  the
          Company will be canceled.

      The Company will be the surviving corporation in the Merger
and become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Colonial Energy.  All  of
the  Colonial Energy Common Shares outstanding immediately  after
the  Merger will be owned by the holders of Company Common  Stock
outstanding at the effective time of the Merger.

     If and when the Merger becomes effective, holders of Company
Common Stock will automatically become holders of Colonial Energy
Common  Shares.  The outstanding debt securities of  the  Company
and  the  terms thereof will not be altered in the Merger.   Such
debt  securities will remain outstanding and will continue to  be
obligations of the Company as the survivor of the Merger.

     Amendment or Termination of Plan of Merger

     By mutual consent of their respective Boards of Directors or
trustees,  the  Company, Colonial Energy and Mergeco  may  amend,
modify  or supplement the Merger Agreement in such manner as  may
be  agreed  upon by them in writing at any time before  or  after
approval  of  the  Merger Agreement by the  stockholders  of  the
Company;  provided, however, that no such amendment, modification
or  supplement  shall,  in  the sole judgment  of  the  Board  of
Directors  of  the Company, materially and adversely  affect  the
rights of the holders of Company Common Stock.

     The Merger Agreement provides that it may be terminated, and
the  Merger  and other transactions incident to the restructuring
plan abandoned, at any time, whether before or after approval  of
the  Merger  Agreement by the stockholders  of  the  Company,  by
action  of  the Board of Directors of the Company  if  the  Board
determines that the consummation of the restructuring  would  for
any  reason  be inadvisable or not in the best interests  of  the
Company  or  its  stockholders.  The Board of  Directors  of  the
Company expects to terminate and abandon the restructuring if the
Company  has  not  received,  within a  reasonable  period  after
stockholder approval, approval of the Merger by the Massachusetts
DTE as required by Massachusetts law or other regulatory agencies
with  jurisdiction over the transaction (see "Regulatory Approval
of the Restructuring") or approval for listing of Colonial Energy
Common  Shares  on the NYSE (see "Stock Exchange Listing").   The
Company  is unable to predict under what other circumstances  the
restructuring would be terminated and abandoned.

     Effectiveness of the Restructuring

      The  Merger  Agreement contemplates that  the  Merger  will
become  effective, and all other steps in the restructuring  plan
will  be  completed,  as  soon as practical  after  the  required
stockholder  and  regulatory approvals and listing  authorization
for  Colonial Energy Common Shares have been received, unless the
Board  of  Directors of the Company theretofore  has  elected  to
abandon such plan.

     Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

       General.   The  following  general  discussion  summarizes
certain federal income tax considerations relating to the Merger.
This  summary is provided for general information only, and  does
not  discuss all aspects of income taxation that may be  relevant
to  a  particular holder of Company Common Stock in light of  the
holder's  personal  tax  circumstances or  to  certain  types  of
holders  of  Company  Common Stock subject to  special  treatment
under  the income tax laws of any jurisdiction, including persons
who  are  not United States persons, dealers in securities,  tax-
exempt  entities and stockholders who do not hold Company  Common
Stock  as "capital assets" within the meaning of Section 1221  of
the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986, as amended  (the  "Internal
Revenue Code").

      The legal conclusions set forth in this summary reflect the
opinion of Palmer & Dodge LLP, the Company's outside counsel.  No
ruling  has  been  requested from the Internal  Revenue  Service.
Each  holder of Company Common Stock should consult such holder's
own tax advisor as to the specific tax consequences of the Merger
to  such holder, including the application and effect of foreign,
state or local income and other tax laws.

      The  following  discussion is based on  existing  statutes,
existing  and  proposed  regulations and existing  administrative
interpretations   and   court  decisions.   Future   legislation,
regulations,  administration interpretations or  court  decisions
could  significantly change such authorities either prospectively
or  retroactively,  and  could affect the legal  conclusions  set
forth in the following discussions.

      For federal income tax purposes, the Merger is intended  to
qualify  as  a tax-free exchange pursuant to Section 351  of  the
Internal Revenue Code.

      Tax  Implications to the Holders.  For federal  income  tax
purposes,  no gain or loss will be recognized by the  holders  of
Company  Common Stock on their exchange of Company  Common  Stock
for  Colonial Energy Common Shares pursuant to the  Merger.   For
federal income tax purposes, the tax basis of the Colonial Energy
Common Shares received by each such holder pursuant to the Merger
will  be  the same as the holder's basis in Company Common  Stock
surrendered  in  the  Merger,  and the  holding  period  of  such
Colonial  Energy  Common Shares will include  the  period  during
which  such holder held Company Common Stock surrendered  in  the
Merger,  provided that such Company Common Stock was  held  as  a
capital asset on the date of the exchange.

     Tax Implications to Colonial Energy.  For federal income tax
purposes, no gain or loss will be recognized by Colonial Energy.

      Other  Tax  Aspects.   Apart from the  federal  income  tax
consequences of the Merger discussed herein, no attempt has  been
made  to  determine the tax consequences to a holder  of  Company
Common   Stock   under  the  laws  of  any  country,   state   or
jurisdiction. Holders of Company Common Stock may be  subject  to
special  federal income tax treatment or to other taxes, such  as
state  or  local  income  taxes that may be  imposed  by  various
jurisdictions,  and  also may be subject to intangible  property,
estate  and  inheritance taxes in their state of  domicile.  Each
holder  of  Company Common Stock should consult the holder's  own
tax  advisors to determine the particular tax consequences of the
Merger to the holder.

     Treatment of Indebtedness

      All  of  the Company's indebtedness outstanding immediately
prior  to  the Merger, which is expected to consist primarily  of
multiple  series of first mortgage bonds, as well as bank  credit
facilities, will continue to be outstanding indebtedness  of  the
Company  after  the Merger.  Such indebtedness  will  neither  be
assumed nor guaranteed by Colonial Energy in connection with  the
restructuring.   The  decision to have the  indebtedness  of  the
Company  continue as obligations of the Company is based  upon  a
desire  not  to  alter, or potentially alter, the nature  of  the
investment  represented  by  such obligations,  namely  a  direct
investment in a regulated utility.

     Dividend Policy

     While future dividends on Colonial Energy Common Shares will
depend  primarily  upon  the earnings,  financial  condition  and
capital requirements of its subsidiaries, it is currently 
contemplated that Colonial Energy initially will make dividend 
payments on Colonial Energy  Common Shares at the rate currently 
applicable to Company Common Stock. In addition, it is expected 
that such dividends  of Colonial  Energy  will be declared and
paid on approximately  the same  schedule of dates as that now 
followed by the Company  with respect  to  Company  Common Stock 
dividends.   The  most  recent quarterly  dividend  declared by 
the Board of  Directors  of  the Company was $0.335 per share of 
Company Common Stock and will  be payable  on  March 13, 1998 to 
holders of record on February  27, 1998.

     Subject to the availability of earnings and the needs of its
gas  utility  business, the Company intends to make regular  cash
payments  to Colonial Energy in the form of dividends on  Company
Common  Stock  in  amounts  which, to the  extent  not  otherwise
provided  by Colonial Energy's other subsidiaries, if any,  would
be  sufficient  for  Colonial Energy to  pay  cash  dividends  on
Colonial Energy Common Shares as referred to above, for operating
expenses  of Colonial Energy and for such other purposes  as  the
trustees of Colonial Energy may determine.  The Company does  not
contemplate any material loans or advances to Colonial Energy  in
the  near  future  and would not be free to make  such  loans  or
advances  without prior approval of the Massachusetts  DTE.   The
Company  is not party to any agreement or subject to any laws  or
regulations which materially restrict the payment of dividends by
it  to Colonial Energy, except that the Company's ability to make
dividends is restricted by certain negative covenants related  to
the  financial performance of the Company contained  in  (i)  the
Second Amended and Restated First Mortgage Indenture, dated as of
June  15,  1992,  between the Company and State Street  Bank  and
Trust  Company, as trustee, as supplemented and amended and  (ii)
the Company's credit agreement with its bank lenders.

     Stock Exchange Listing

      Colonial  Energy  plans to apply to  list  Colonial  Energy
Common Shares on the NYSE.  It is expected that such listing will
become effective on the effective date of the Merger, subject  to
the  rules  of  such  exchange.  At the time of  the  listing  of
Colonial  Energy  Common Shares, Company  Common  Stock  will  be
delisted  from trading on the NYSE (all outstanding shares  being
held by Colonial Energy).

     Regulatory Approval of the Restructuring

      The  proposed  Merger of the Company and  Mergeco  must  be
approved  by  the Massachusetts DTE before the restructuring  can
become  effective.  Under applicable state law,  the  application
for approval by the Massachusetts DTE cannot be filed until after
the  holders  of Company Common Stock have approved  the  Merger.
Upon  filing  of  the application, the Massachusetts  DTE,  after
notice  and a public hearing, must determine that the Merger  and
the  terms thereof are consistent with the public interest.   See
"Proposal No. 3: Plan of Restructuring -- Regulatory Matters."

     Regulatory Matters

      After  the  restructuring, the  Company  will  continue  to
operate  a  gas  utility  business and  will  remain  subject  to
regulation  by the Massachusetts DTE.  Colonial Energy,  however,
will  not  be  subject to such regulation, except  that  Colonial
Energy  will be required to file an annual statement of ownership
of  the Company with the Massachusetts DTE, which may examine the
books,  accounts,  contracts, records and memoranda  of  Colonial
Energy and may require it to furnish reports and information with
respect  to  its  relations and dealings with  the  Company.   In
addition,  the  reasonableness of any payment, charge,  contract,
purchase,  sale,  obligation  or other  arrangement  between  the
Company  and  Colonial  Energy or between  the  Company  and  any
subsidiary  of Colonial Energy may come into question  in  retail
rate making and finance proceedings before the Massachusetts DTE.
In  that  event, the Company will have the burden of establishing
and  proving such reasonableness.  The Massachusetts DTE also has
the  power  to terminate any such contract relating  to  services
rendered  to  the  Company  if  it appears  that  the  amount  of
compensation called for in the contract is excessive, even if  no
bad faith is found.

      After the restructuring is completed, Colonial Energy  will
be  a  public  utility holding company under the Holding  Company
Act.   Nevertheless, upon the filing of an appropriate  exemption
statement  pursuant  to  Rule U-2 under Section  3(a)(1)  of  the
Holding  Company  Act  (and  subject  to  the  filing  of  annual
exemption  statements  thereafter),  Colonial  Energy   will   be
entitled to an exemption from regulation as a "registered holding
company"  under  the  Holding Company  Act.   The  basis  of  the
exemption  is that the Company, as Colonial Energy's only  public
utility  subsidiary, is organized in the same state  as  Colonial
Energy  (i.e. Massachusetts), and is predominantly intrastate  in
character and carries on its business substantially in its  state
of incorporation.  The exemption will be available as long as the
utility  business of the Company, and of any other public utility
subsidiary from which Colonial Energy derives a material  portion
of   its  income,  are  organized  in  Massachusetts  and  remain
predominantly intrastate in character.

     The exemption from the provisions of the Holding Company Act
may be revoked on a finding by the SEC that such exemption may be
detrimental to the public interests or the interest of  investors
or  consumers.  The prior approval of the SEC under  the  Holding
Company  Act would be required if Colonial Energy or the  Company
proposed the acquisition or creation, directly or indirectly,  of
additional  utility subsidiaries.  Moreover, there  also  may  be
limits on the extent to which Colonial Energy and any non-utility
subsidiaries  can  diversify  without  raising  questions   about
Colonial  Energy's exempt status.  Current SEC policies regarding
the  scope  of permissible non-utility activities are subject  to
change.   Neither Colonial Energy nor the Company has any present
intention  of  becoming a registered holding company  subject  to
regulation by the SEC under the Holding Company Act.

      In  June  1995,  the SEC Division of Investment  Management
issued a report recommending significant revisions to, or limited
repeal  of,  the  Holding Company Act.  Colonial Energy  and  the
Company,  however, cannot predict whether Congress will take  any
such  action.   Pending such action, the SEC  indicated  that  it
would  revise  its  rules and interpretations  to  modernize  and
simplify  holding  company regulation.  At  this  time,  however,
Colonial  Energy  and the Company cannot predict the  likelihood,
timing or impact of such actions.

      Following the restructuring, both Colonial Energy  and  the
Company  will  be  subject to the reporting requirements  of  the
Exchange Act by virtue of having classes of securities registered

      Colonial  Energy's  Declaration of  Trust  and  Comparative
Shareholders' Rights

      Colonial  Energy  has been organized as  an  unincorporated
voluntary  association  with transferable  shares  of  beneficial
interest  subject  to  Chapter 182 of the  Massachusetts  General
Laws,  commonly referred to as a "Massachusetts business  trust."
Colonial Energy was organized as a Massachusetts business  trust,
rather than a corporation, because of the potential Massachusetts
income tax savings to the trust and the lower filing fees payable
by  it in connection with its authorized capital stock.  While  a
publicly  traded parent holding company formed as a Massachusetts
business  trust would be taxed as a corporation for  federal  tax
purposes,   it  would  not  be  treated  as  a  corporation   for
Massachusetts tax purposes and therefore would not be subject  to
tax   with  respect  to  its  income  or  net  worth  under   the
Massachusetts  corporate  excise,  or  subject  to  the   utility
franchise tax on income.  Although Massachusetts business  trusts
are  generally subject to the Massachusetts personal income  tax,
the  personal income tax does not apply at the entity level to  a
Massachusetts  business  trust  that  qualifies  as  a   "holding
company"   under  Massachusetts  law  (the  Board  of   Directors
currently intends to operate Colonial Energy so that it  will  so
qualify).   Instead,  dividends  paid  by  such  a  trust   would
generally  be  subject to tax.  This entity-level  tax  treatment
contrasts  with  the  Massachusetts tax  treatment  of  a  parent
corporate holding company, which would be subject to a tax on  5%
of  dividends received from subsidiaries and on 100% of any other
income (in each case after apportionment, which in the case of  a
holding  company  for  the Company, would  likely  be,  at  least
initially, at or near 100% in Massachusetts).  The rate of tax on
income  applicable  to corporations is 9.5%.   Corporate  holding
companies  are also subject to a "net worth" tax at the  rate  of
$2.60  per  $1,000, but net worth is computed, in general,  after
deducting   investment   in   80%  or   more   owned   subsidiary
corporations.  Management believes that the extent  of  potential
savings   associated  with  organizing  Colonial  Energy   as   a
Massachusetts  business  trust could be  significant  since  they
depend,  in  large  part,  upon the  amount  and  nature  of  any
dividends  received  by Colonial Energy  from  the  Company.   As
previously  described,  at least initially,  dividends  from  the
Company  will be Colonial Energy's primary source of  income  for
the  payment of dividends to its shareholders.  The lower  filing
fees arise from the fact that under Massachusetts law the fee for
filing articles of organization of a corporation is one tenth  of
one  percent of the total amount of its authorized capital  stock
with  par  value,  and  such  fee is subject  to  change  by  the
Massachusetts Secretary of State.  There are no fees payable by a
business trust based upon its authorized capital shares.

      The following summary should be read in the context of, and
is  qualified  by reference to, Colonial Energy's Declaration  of
Trust (the "Declaration of Trust"), a copy of which substantially
in  the form it will be in as of the effective date of the Merger
is  attached as Appendix B to this Proxy Statement/Prospectus and
incorporated herein by reference.

      The  rights of holders of Company Common Stock are governed
by  Chapter  164  of  the  Massachusetts General  Laws  governing
electric  and  gas  utilities, and by the Company's  Articles  of
Incorporation  and  Bylaws.  If the Merger  is  consummated,  the
rights  of the present holders of Company Common Stock thereafter
will be determined by Colonial Energy's Declaration of Trust  and
Bylaws.  Except as noted below, the rights of holders of Colonial
Energy  Common Shares will be virtually the same as  the  present
rights of the holders of Company Common Stock.

      Pursuant to certain decisions of the Massachusetts  courts,
shareholders who exercise too much control over the affairs of  a
Massachusetts  business trust may be held  personally  liable  as
partners  for  the  obligations of a  trust  to  the  extent  not
satisfied  by  the  trust, with respect to tort claims,  contract
claims  (where shareholder liability is not negated as  described
below), claims for taxes and certain statutory liabilities.  Even
if,  however, Colonial Energy were held to be a partnership,  the
possibility  of  its  shareholders incurring  financial  loss  is
remote  because  (a)  Colonial  Energy's  Declaration  of   Trust
contains an express disclaimer of shareholder liability  for  the
obligations  of  Colonial Energy, requires that  notice  of  such
disclaimer  be given in each agreement, obligation or  instrument
entered into or executed by Colonial Energy and provides that  no
person  has  authority to enter into an agreement, obligation  or
instrument  except  in  accordance with those  requirements,  (b)
Colonial  Energy  will  seek  adequate  insurance  against   tort
liability,  (c)  most  of Colonial Energy's  operations  will  be
conducted  by incorporated subsidiaries such that the  activities
of Colonial Energy will be limited to the ownership of securities
rather  than  the operation of physical assets and  (d)  Colonial
Energy's Declaration of Trust provides for indemnification out of
the trust property for any shareholder held personally liable for
the   obligations  of  Colonial  Energy.   Because  of  its   tax
advantages   and  because  it  is  generally  comparable   to   a
corporation in protecting shareholders from liability,  the  most
common form for utility holding companies in Massachusetts is the
Massachusetts business trust.

      Colonial  Energy's Declaration of Trust provides  that  the
property and affairs of Colonial Energy will be held and  managed
by  its  trustees who will have all of the powers  and  authority
necessary and convenient to carry out Colonial Energy's business.
The  trustees  may  appoint officers  and  agents  to  carry  out
Colonial  Energy's  business.  See  "Proposal  No.  3:   Plan  of
Restructuring -- Trustees and Management of Colonial Energy." The
powers  and  responsibilities of the  trustees  and  officers  of
Colonial  Energy  will be comparable to those  of  directors  and
officers  of  a  corporation with no material  differences.   The
trustees  will  be selected by a plurality of  the  vote  of  the
holders  of  Colonial Energy Common Shares properly  cast  at  an
annual meeting.

     Colonial Energy's Declaration of Trust will contain the same
"fair  price" and "classified board" provisions that were adopted
by  the  Company's stockholders (see "Proposal  No.  3:  Plan  of
Restructuring  -- Colonial Energy Common Shares" below)  and  the
same  indemnification  and limitations  on  directors'  liability
provisions (applicable to the trustees) that were adopted by  the
Company's  stockholders  to  enhance  the  Company's  ability  to
attract and retain qualified directors and officers. In addition,
the Company's Shareholder Rights Plan, under which each holder of
a share of Company Common Stock has one right to purchase one one-
hundredth  of  a  share of Junior Participating  Preferred  Stock
which  become  exercisable  only upon  certain  change-of-control
triggering  events, will become the Shareholder  Rights  Plan  of
Colonial  Energy  and  such rights will attach  to  the  Colonial
Energy Common Shares.

      Under  Chapter 164, the Company may be merged with  another
utility  subject to Chapter 164 upon a two-thirds  vote  of  each
class  of  stock outstanding and entitled to vote on the  matter,
and  the approval of the Massachusetts DTE. Subject to the  "fair
price"  provisions in the Declaration of Trust, Colonial  Energy,
like  a  Massachusetts business corporation, may be  merged  with
another trust or corporation, or terminated and liquidated,  upon
an  eighty  percent  (80%)  vote of the  shares  outstanding  and
entitled  to  vote  thereon (except that a change  of  form  into
another trust or into a corporation may be done on approval of  a
majority of the common shareholders).

      Under  Chapter  164, stockholders of a gas utility  company
have no appraisal rights.  Colonial Energy's Declaration of Trust
provides that shareholders of Colonial Energy who dissent from  a
merger or similar transaction (other than a transaction to change
form into another trust or a corporation) will have substantially
the same rights of appraisal, subject to the same procedures,  as
would a stockholder of a Massachusetts business corporation.

      Under  Chapter  164,  the Articles of Organization  of  the
Company  may  be  amended  upon a majority  vote  of  the  common
stockholders, except with respect to certain provisions requiring
a  two-thirds  vote  of  the Company's common  stockholders.  The
Colonial Energy Declaration of Trust may be amended by a  written
instrument signed by a majority of the trustees then in office if
such amendment has been authorized by a majority vote of Colonial
Energy's common shareholders, provided that amendments which,  in
the judgment of the trustees, are of a fundamental character must
be  approved  by  a  vote of the holders  of  two-thirds  of  the
outstanding  Colonial  Energy  Common  Shares.   The   provisions
governing  the number and classes of trustees and their election,
nomination,  resignation and removal can only be amended  upon  a
vote  of eighty percent (80%) of the outstanding Colonial  Energy
Common  Shares unless such amendment is authorized or recommended
by  eighty  percent (80%) or more of the trustees.  The amendment
of  the  provisions  requiring eighty-percent  (80%)  shareholder
approval   for  certain  business  combinations   can   only   be
accomplished  with the approval of eighty-percent  (80%)  of  the
outstanding   Colonial  Energy  Common  Shares.   Certain   other
provisions  cannot  be  changed  without  a  two-thirds  vote  as
provided in the Declaration of Trust.  Amendments for the purpose
of  changing  the  name of Colonial Energy or  of  supplying  any
ambiguity or curing, correcting or supplementing any defective or
inconsistent  provision  contained in the  Declaration  of  Trust
shall not require authorization by vote of the shareholders.

      Under  Massachusetts law, the authority to adopt, amend  or
repeal  the  bylaws  of  a Massachusetts corporation  is  in  the
stockholders,  provided that if authorized  by  the  articles  of
organization, the bylaws may provide that the directors may  also
make,  amend or repeal the bylaws.  The Company's Bylaws  provide
such  authority  to  the Board of Directors.   Colonial  Energy's
Declaration of Trust authorizes the trustees:  to adopt Bylaws in
order  to  set  the fiscal year and regulate the affairs  of  the
trustees; provide for such committees as the trustees shall  deem
appropriate,  including  an executive committee  which  shall  be
vested  with  all of the powers and authorities of  the  trustees
when the trustees are not in session; provide for the appointment
of   a  chairman of the trustees, a president, one or  more  vice
presidents, a treasurer, a clerk and such other officers  as  the
trustees   may  deem  appropriate,  and  the  manner   of   their
appointment and removal, and their respective powers and  duties;
provide  for  the manner in  which documents shall  be  executed,
including  share  certificates; provide for  the  appointment  of
transfer  agents  and registrars; and to set forth  such  further
provisions relating to the above matters or otherwise, incidental
or in addition to but not inconsistent with the provisions of the
Declaration  of  Trust, as the trustees shall  deem  appropriate.
The Bylaws may only be amended by the trustees.

      Under Massachusetts law and the Company's Bylaws, the Board
of  Directors can act without a meeting only by majority  written
consent.   Under  Colonial  Energy's Declaration  of  Trust,  the
trustees  may  act  without a meeting by a consent  signed  by  a
majority of the trustees.

      As  with  any Massachusetts business corporation,  Colonial
Energy's  Declaration of Trust provides that  no  action  may  be
brought  by a shareholder on behalf of Colonial Energy  unless  a
prior  demand regarding such matter has been made on the trustees
and the shareholders.

     Colonial Energy's Declaration of Trust, like the Articles of
Incorporation  of the Company, contains certain  provisions  that
may  be  viewed  as  having  an anti-takeover  effect,  including
provisions  establishing classes of trustees, shareholder  notice
requirements,  and  requiring  a  super-majority  vote   of   the
disinterested   shareholders   to   approve   certain    business
transactions  with  a  shareholder owning more  than  5%  of  the
outstanding  Colonial Energy Common Shares.  Colonial  Energy  is
also  subject to Chapter 110F of the Massachusetts General  Laws,
which,  in  general,  provides that  for  three  years  after  an
acquiror  has  purchased 5% or more of the  stock  of  a  company
without   its  approval,  the  acquiror  may  not  complete   the
acquisition  of that company through merger, sell or  pledge  the
assets   of   that  company,  or  engage  in  other  self-dealing
transactions.  The Colonial Energy Declaration of Trust will also
contain  a  provision (substantially the same  as  provisions  of
Massachusetts  law currently applicable to the Company)  allowing
trustees  to  consider various constituencies and  community  and
societal  considerations, as well as the long-term and short-term
interests  of  Colonial Energy, in determining what the  trustees
reasonably  believe  to  be  in the best  interests  of  Colonial
Energy.   In addition, like the current provisions governing  the
Company,  the  Colonial Energy Declaration of Trust will  provide
that  the  request of the holders of forty percent (40%)  of  the
outstanding  Colonial Energy Common Shares will  be  required  in
order for shareholders to call a special meeting of shareholders.

     Colonial Energy Common Shares

      Colonial  Energy will issue shares of beneficial  interest,
referred  to  in this Proxy Statement as "Colonial Energy  Common
Shares,"  and  may  in  the future issue other  equity  and  debt
securities.   The  initial authorized capital stock  of  Colonial
Energy  will  be  15,000,000 common shares, par value  $3.33  per
share,  and  1,000,000 preferred shares.  The authorized  capital
shares  may  be issued from time to time by the trustees  without
the necessity of obtaining further consent of the shareholders or
any  approvals  from  the  Massachusetts  DTE.   Colonial  Energy
capital shares may be issued for money, services or property,  or
as  a  distribution to shareholders, and upon such terms  as  the
trustees  may  in  their  absolute  discretion  determine.   Upon
consummation  of  the Merger, the number of outstanding  Colonial
Energy  Common  Shares  will  be  the  same  as  the  number   of
outstanding shares of Company Common Stock immediately  prior  to
the  Merger  and  no  Colonial Energy preferred  shares  will  be

      Colonial  Energy  preferred shares may  be  issued  by  the
trustees  in  one or more classes or series within  a  class  and
shall  have such designations, preferences, voting rights, voting
powers,  full  or  limited, or no voting  rights,  participating,
optional  or  other  special rights, and  such  relative  rights,
qualifications,  limitations  or  restrictions,  all  as  may  be
determined by the trustees.  Authorization of preferred shares in
addition to the shares initially authorized in the Declaration of
Trust  requires  the vote of the holders of  a  majority  of  the
Colonial Energy shares outstanding and entitled to vote thereon.

     The holders of the Colonial Energy Common Shares, subject to
any  prior  rights  or preferences of Colonial  Energy  preferred
shares  outstanding  at  the  time,  will  be  entitled  to  such
dividends  thereon  as the trustees in their discretion  lawfully
declare (see "Dividend Policy" above) and will be vested with all
voting  rights.   Each  Colonial  Energy  Common  Share  will  be
entitled to one vote.  The Colonial Energy Common Shares will not
have  cumulative voting rights in the election of  trustees.   In
the event of voluntary or involuntary liquidation or dissolution,
the  holders of the Colonial Energy Common Shares, subject to any
prior  rights or preferences of Colonial Energy preferred  shares
outstanding  at  the time, will share ratably in  the  assets  of
Colonial Energy.  Colonial Energy will have no right to call  the
Colonial Energy Common Shares for redemption.  The holders of the
Colonial  Energy Common Shares will have no preemptive rights  to
subscribe to additional shares issued by Colonial Energy.

      Colonial Energy has no agreement, understanding or plan for
the  issuance  of  any Colonial Energy Common Shares,  except  in
connection with the proposed Merger and except in connection with
the  Company's Savings Plan and, if approved by the  stockholders
and  when  assumed by Colonial Energy, the Executive  Performance
and  Equity  Incentive  Plans.   Colonial  Energy  also  has   no
agreement, understanding or plan for the issuance of any Colonial
Energy  preferred  shares.   Colonial  Energy  will  assume   and
maintain  the  Company's Dividend Reinvestment and  Common  Stock
Savings Plan.  Colonial Energy may issue and sell Colonial Energy
Common  Shares  in connection with the acquisition  of  stock  or
assets of other companies, to finance expenditures, additions and
improvements to the property of the Company, Transgas or  any  of
Colonial  Energy's  other  subsidiaries,  which  have  not   been
financed  with other permanent securities and for other corporate
purposes,  or  to  repay  or refinance outstanding  indebtedness.
Dividend  requirements  and  any  redemption,  sinking  fund   or
conversion  provisions  pertaining to Colonial  Energy  preferred
shares,  if authorized and issued, may have an adverse effect  on
the  availability of earnings for distribution to holders of  the
Colonial  Energy Common Shares and for use with respect to  other
corporate purposes.  See also "Stock Plans" below for information
concerning   Colonial  Energy's  intention  to  issue  additional
Colonial Energy Common Shares pursuant to such plans.

     Trustees and Management of Colonial Energy

      The  Class II Directors of the Company elected at its  1998
Annual  Meetings  of Stockholders, together with  the  continuing
Class I and Class III Directors, will be the trustees of Colonial
Energy  upon  the  completion  of  the  restructuring  plan.   In
approving  the restructuring, stockholders will be considered  to
have  ratified  the  election  of such  persons  as  trustees  of
Colonial  Energy.  Subject to their continuing qualification  for
office,  such persons will continue as both trustees of  Colonial
Energy and directors of the Company.

     The initial officers of Colonial Energy, are as follows:

NAME                             OFFICE

F.L. Putnam, Jr.                 Chairman of the Trustees
F.L. Putnam, III                 President
Dennis W. Carroll                Treasurer
Nickolas Stavropoulos            Vice President
John P. Harrington               Vice President
Timothy A. Clark                 Clerk

      Following  the  restructuring, the present members  of  the
Company's  Board of Directors will continue to serve as Directors
of  the Company, and the present officers of the Company will, at
least initially, continue to hold their present offices and enjoy
substantially  the  same remuneration and employee  benefits  now
afforded.   In the future, Colonial Energy may have trustees  and
officers who are not Directors or officers of the Company.

      Initially,  Colonial Energy does not  expect  to  have  any
employees  of its own and does not expect to render  services  to
the Company, Transgas or any other subsidiary, although it may do
so  in the future.  For the immediate future, the Company will be
reimbursed  by  Colonial  Energy for the  time  expended  by  the
Company's  officers  and  employees on the  affairs  of  Colonial
Energy  and  its  other  subsidiaries and  for  the  use  of  the
Company's  facilities  by Colonial Energy,  and  the  offices  of
Colonial  Energy will be located at the principal office  of  the

     No Appraisal Rights

      Under Chapter 164 of the Massachusetts General Laws,  which
governs  the  proposed  Merger, a dissenting  holder  of  Company
Common Stock does not have a right to demand payment of the  fair
value of his or her shares if the Merger is consummated.

     Stock Plan

      Following the effectiveness of the restructuring,  Colonial
Energy  will  assume the Company's existing Dividend Reinvestment
and  Common  Stock  Purchase  Plan  (the  "DRIP  Plan")  and  the
Company's  existing Savings Plan (the "Savings Plan").  The  DRIP
Plan presently enables participants to reinvest cash dividends in
shares  of  Company  Common  Stock, and  to  make  optional  cash
investments   in  such  shares  without  paying   any   brokerage
commissions   or   charges.   Upon  the  effectiveness   of   the
restructuring,  participants in the DRIP Plan  will  be  able  to
reinvest  cash  dividends and make optional cash  investments  in
Colonial  Energy  Common Shares.  The Savings Plan,  a  qualified
plan  under  Sections 401(a) and 401(k) of the  Internal  Revenue
Code  of  1986,  as amended, enables participating  employees  to
contribute a portion of earnings to several investment  accounts,
including  an account for Company Common Stock, with the  Company
also  contributing 50% of the participants contributions up to  a
certain  percentage of the participant's compensation  (presently
6%  and  increasing to 7% effective April 16,  1998).   Upon  the
effectiveness  of the restructuring, it will be  Colonial  Energy
administering  the Savings Plan instead of the Company;  Colonial
Energy  Common  Shares  will become available  as  an  investment
account option instead of Company Common Stock; and contributions
to participants' accounts will be made at the same levels.

      If the Company's Executive Performance and Equity Incentive
Plan  is  approved  by  the stockholders (see  "Proposal  No.  3:
Approval of Executive Performance and Equity Compensation Plan"),
upon consummation of the Merger, Colonial Energy will assume such
Plan.   In approving the restructuring and the Plan, stockholders
will  be  considered  to  have approved the  Plan  on  behalf  of
Colonial Energy.


     Boston EquiServe, L.P., the Transfer Agent and Registrar of
the Company Common Stock, will serve in the same capacities for
the Colonial Energy Common Shares.

                      FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     No consolidated financial statements of Colonial Energy are
presented herein since Colonial Energy presently has no assets or
liabilities other than the stock of Mergeco, and any pro forma
consolidated financial statements of Colonial Energy would
reflect no change from the financial statements of Colonial Gas
prior to implementation of the restructuring plan.

                          LEGAL OPINION

     The validity of the Colonial Energy Common Shares to be
issued upon consummation of the Merger is being passed upon by
Palmer & Dodge LLP, One Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts


     The consolidated balance sheets of Colonial Gas as of
December 31, 1996, and the consolidated statements of income,
retained earnings and cash flows for each of the three years in
the period ended December 31, 1997, incorporated by reference in
this Proxy Statement/Prospectus, have been incorporated herein in
reliance on the report of Grant Thornton LLP, independent
accountants, given on the authority of that firm as experts in
accounting and auditing.

                     STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

      Any  stockholder  proposals for the Company's  1999  annual
meeting  of stockholders must be received by the Company  at  its
principal  executive office by November 9, 1998 in  order  to  be
included  in  the  proxy  statement  for  that  meeting.  To   be
considered  for  inclusion the proposals also  must  comply  with
applicable statutes and regulations and the provisions of the by-
laws  of the Company which include requirements relating  to  the
time  when  proposals may be submitted and the  information  that
must be provided.

                         OTHER MATTERS

      Management  is aware of no other matters which  are  to  be
presented  for  action  at the meeting. If,  however,  any  other
business  should  properly come before the meeting,  the  persons
named  in  the  enclosed  proxy intend  to  vote  said  proxy  in
accordance with their best judgment.

                      INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

      Grant  Thornton  LLP  is the independent  certified  public
accountants  for the Company.  Representatives of Grant  Thornton
LLP are expected to be available to make statements or respond to
appropriate questions at the Annual Meeting.

                                    By  Order  of  the  Board  of

                                   CAROL E. ELDEN
March 10, 1998

                                                       APPENDIX A
                      Colonial Gas Company
         Executive Performance and Equity Incentive Plan

I.   Purpose.   The  purpose  of this  Plan  is  to  advance  the
     interests  of  Colonial  Gas  Company  (the  "Company")   by
     providing  long-term financial incentives  to  selected  key
     employees  of the Company and its subsidiaries for achieving
     specified objectives.  The Plan is designed to recognize and
     reward  success  relative  to  Plan  objectives  and  permit
     participants  to  acquire  common  shares  of  the   Company
     ("shares").   By  encouraging  such  share  ownership,   the
     Company  seeks to attract, retain and motivate employees  of
     training, experience and ability.

II.  Plan  Term.  This Plan shall become effective on January  1,
     1998 (the "effective date") provided the Plan is approved by
     the  shareholders at the next annual meeting of shareholders
     of  the  Company following such adoption of the Plan by  the
     Board of Directors of the Company.  If such approval is  not
     granted,  any  awards under the Plan shall become  null  and

III. Administration.   The  Plan shall  be  administered  by  the
     Compensation  Committee of the Board  of  Directors  of  the
     Company  (the  "committee"), the members of  which  may  not
     participate in the Plan.  Subject to the provisions of  this
     Plan,  the  committee shall have full power to construe  and
     interpret the Plan and to establish, amend and rescind rules
     and  regulations for its administration.  The interpretation
     and  construction by the committee of any provisions of  the
     Plan or an award ("incentive award") granted pursuant to the
     Plan and any determination by the committee pursuant to  any
     provision of the Plan or any such incentive award  shall  be
     final  and  conclusive, and binding on both the  participant
     and the Company.

     The committee shall hold meetings at such time and places as
     it  may  determine.  A majority of members of the  committee
     shall constitute a quorum and actions approved by a majority
     of  the  members of the committee at a meeting  at  which  a
     quorum  is  present, or actions reduced to  or  approved  in
     writing by a majority of the members of the committee, shall
     be valid actions of the committee.

IV.  Eligible Employees.  Incentive awards may be granted to such
     key  employees of the Company or of any of its  subsidiaries
     (including  members of the Board of Directors who  are  also
     employees of the Company or any of its subsidiaries) as  are
     selected  by  the committee (any such selected  employee,  a

V.   Shares Subject to the Plan.  The maximum aggregate number of
     shares  in respect of which incentive awards may be  granted
     under  the  Plan,  subject  to  adjustment  as  provided  in
     paragraph XII of the Plan, during the term in which the Plan
     is  effective shall be 200,000 shares of the common stock of
     the  Company.  Shares that are forfeited uder the provisions
     specified in paragraph X(f) (1) may again be subjected to an
     incentive award under the Plan.

VI.  Incentive  Award Potential.  Participants will  be  assigned
     threshold,  target  and maximum incentive award  potentials,
     each  expressed as a percentage of the  annual mid point  of
     the  respective participant's salary range at the  beginning
     of  the  Plan  Year.  Incentive award potential  percentages
     shall be established by the committee from time to time,  at
     its  sole  discretion.  For 1998, the Plan  incentive  award
     potentials are in accordance with Table 1 following.

                             TABLE 1

                 1998 Incentive Award Potential

                                   PERCENT OF MIDPOINT
Level    Eligible Employees   Threshold   Target     Maximum
  1      Executive (V.P.        12.5%      25%        50%
         and Above)

     Each  participant's actual incentive award will depend  upon
     the  Company's  achievements during  the  Plan  Year  and  a
     discretionary  assessment of the participant's  contribution
     relative  to  specific key results as  made  by  either  the
     committee  (for the President and CEO) or the President  and
     CEO  for  other Plan participants as set forth in  paragraph
     VII  and  subject to the satisfaction of the  provisions  in
     paragraph VIII.

VII. Performance  Evaluation.   The  committee  shall   establish
     whether any incentive award shall be granted under the  Plan
     during  the  Plan  Year  based  on  Company  results  and  a
     discretionary  assessment as shown in  these  three  success

     Ratepayer interests
     Shareholder interests

     Ratepayer  interests shall consist of one  or  more  Company
     performance objectives directed at promoting the achievement
     of  such considerations as enhancing the efficiency  of  the
     Company's  operations,  lowering  the  Company's   cost   of
     service, improving the Company's cost standing against  peer
     companies, or other such Company operational factors as  may
     be approved by the committee.  The committee shall establish
     the  Plan  Year performance standards for threshold,  target
     and  maximum  levels  of achievement and  the  proportionate
     weight   given  to  each  of  the  operational   performance
     criteria.   For  1998, the Plan shall utilize one  ratepayer
     criterion:   cost of operations and maintenance expense  per
     customer  on  a  three-year  rolling  average  basis.    The
     ratepayer   category  shall  constitute  thirty-five   (35%)
     percent of a participant's target incentive award potential.

     Shareholder   interests  shall  consist   of   two   Company
     performance criteria directed at achieving the Company's net
     income  objective and promoting a level of total shareholder
     return which aligns with the Company's stated objective,  or
     other  such Company criteria as may be established  annually
     by  the  committee.  The committee shall establish the  Plan
     Year performance standards for threshold, target and maximum
     levels of achievement and the proportionate weight given  to
     each  of the financial performance criteria.  For 1998,  the
     Plan  shall utilize two performance criteria:  the Company's
     annual  return  on equity versus an E. D. Jones  peer  group
     index  (representing 30 investor-owned gas  utilities)   and
     annual  total shareholders return versus such  index.   Each
     shareholder  performance criterion will  be  weighted  as  a
     percent of a participant's target incentive award potential.
     For fiscal year 1998, the return on equity criterion will be
     weighted twenty-five (25%) percent and the total shareholder
     return  criterion twenty (20%) percent of the  participant's
     target award.

     The  discretionary  component shall represent  a  designated
     percentage  of  a  participant's incentive  award  potential
     during  the  Plan  Year  as  established  annually  by   the
     committee.   The committee shall exercise its discretion  in
     determining  what  portion,  if any,  of  the  discretionary
     component shall be awarded to the President and CEO  at  the
     close  of the Plan Year.  The discretionary component  shall
     consist  of 3 to 5 key results specified for the participant
     for  the  Plan  Year.   The President and  CEO,  subject  to
     committee approval, shall establish what portion, if any, of
     the  discretionary component shall be awarded to other  plan
     participants at the close of the Plan Year.  For 1998, Table
     2 displays the performance categories and their weightings.

                             TABLE 2

          Category     Weight          Criteria

         Ratepayer       35%     Operations & Maintenance
        Shareholder      25%     Return on Equity
                         20%     Total Shareholder Return
         Individual      20%     Key Results

           TOTAL        100%     

     The  success  criteria  operate  independently,  such  that,
     achievement of threshold results on a single criterion  will
     produce   a   payout  assuming  the  shareholder  protection
     criteria specified in paragraph VIII have been satisfied.

VIII.  Shareholder  Protection.  The grant  of  an  incentive
       award  under the Plan for the Plan Year shall be subject  to
       the  committee's  determination that  the  Company's  common
       stock  dividends have not been reduced or eliminated  during
       the  Plan  Year.  In no event shall any incentive  award  be
       granted  if the dividend is reduced or eliminated,  earnings
       available  for common stock do not equal or exceed dividends
       declared  on  common  stock for the Plan  Year,  or  to  any
       individual  whose  personal  performance  results  fail   to
       achieve at least a satisfactory rating.

IX.  Incentive Award Grants.  Each participant's actual incentive
     award, if any, will depend on the Company's results relative
     to  stated  Plan Year ratepayer and shareholder  performance
     objectives  and the individual rating.  The committee  shall
     determine any earned awards relative to the Company's actual
     results  for  the  Plan  Year  against  the  ratepayer   and
     shareholder  threshold,  target and  maximum  standards  and
     individual component.  Results occurring between performance
     standards for the ratepayer and shareholder criteria will be
     found using interpolation.

     Incentive  awards shall be payable in cash, or a combination
     of  cash  and restricted common shares ("grant shares"),  as
     the  committee  in  its  sole  discretion  shall  determine,
     provided however that no more than seventy (70%) percent  of
     any  incentive  award shall be payable in grant  shares  and
     provided  that  no  grant shares shall be  issued  prior  to
     January 1, 1999.  In any event, no grant share may be issued
     prior  to  obtaining appropriate state regulatory approvals,
     if   any.   The  proportion,  if  any,  of  a  participant's
     incentive award payable in cash shall be paid in a  lump-sum
     as soon as practical following the close of the Plan Year.

X.   Terms  and Conditions of Grant Shares.  Grant shares  issued
     under  this Plan shall be issued according to the terms  and
     conditions which follow:

     a. Price.   Grant  shares shall be issued for no  additional
        consideration  (subject  to  any  applicable   regulatory
     b. Number  of Shares.  The number of grant shares issued  to
        each   participant,  if  any,  shall  be  determined   by
        dividing  (i)  the  amount  of  a  participant's   earned
        incentive  award  for a Plan Year to  be  paid  in  grant
        shares,  by  (ii)  the  average  closing  price  of   the
        Company's  common  stock during the  last  five  business
        days in January of the succeeding year.
     c. Forfeiture  of Grant Shares.  Grant shares  issued  under
        this   Plan   shall  be  subject  to  vesting  provisions
        specified in paragraph X(f) (1).
     d. Non-Transferability.  Any grant shares which are  subject
        to  the vesting provisions in paragraph X(f) (1) shall be
        non-transferable  by  the participant,  and  may  not  be
        pledged, hypothecated or otherwise encumbered.
        Notwithstanding  the  preceding  sentence,  grant  shares
        may, with the consent of the committee, be registered  in
        the  name of a trust established by such participant  for
        members   of  his  or  her  immediate  family;  provided,
        however,  that  all of the terms of the  Plan  including,
        without  limitation, the forfeiture provisions  shall  be
        binding upon the trustee of any such trust.
     e. Withholding Taxes.  Whenever payments under an  incentive
        award  are  made  in  cash,  the  Company  will  withhold
        therefrom  an  amount  sufficient to  satisfy  all  taxes
        required  to  be withheld by the Company.  When  payments
        are   made  in  grant  shares,  as  a  condition  of  the
        Company's  obligation to deliver a certificate  for  such
        grant  shares  to the participant, the participant  shall
        pay  to  the  Company at the time of  their  issuance  an
        amount equal to all taxes required to be withheld by  the
        Company  for the account of the participant as  a  result
        of  such  issuance;  or, in lieu  of  such  payment,  the
        Company  may,  at  its sole option,  accept  the  written
        authorization of the participant to withhold  such  taxes
        from  compensation  thereafter becoming  payable  to  the
        participant  by  the Company.  If the  participant  shall
        elect  under  Section 83(b) of the Internal Revenue  Code
        of  1986,  as  amended, to accelerate the recognition  of
        income  attributable to the receipt of grant shares,  the
        participant  shall furnish the Company  with  a  copy  of
        such  election  concurrently with  its  filing  with  the
        Internal  Revenue Service and shall pay  to  the  Company
        the  amount  of  taxes required to be  withheld  for  the
        account of the participant by reason of such election.
     f. Vesting.
        1. The  interest of a participant in grant shares shall
           vest  on  the date three (3) years from the date  such
           grant  shares  were issued to the participant,  except
           as  provided  in subparagraph 2 below,  provided  that
           the  participant shall have remained employed  by  the
           Company  and/or  one  of its subsidiaries  during  the
           three  (3) year period immediately following the  date
           the grant shares were issued to such participant.   If
           the  participant fails to complete such three (3) year
           employment  requirement and his  or  her  interest  in
           grant   shares   is   not   otherwise   vested   under
           subparagraph  2, below, the participant shall  forfeit
           to  the Company all un-vested grant shares theretofore
           issued  to such participant and the participant  shall
           thereafter  have  no further rights  with  respect  to
           such grant shares.
        2. Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  a   participant's
           interest in grant shares may become vested at  a  date
           earlier than three (3) years from their date of  issue
           for  such reason as may be specified by the committee,
           in  its  sole discretion, at the time of or subsequent
           to  the  award of such grant shares, and such interest
           shall  become  immediately  vested  upon  any  of  the
           following occurrences:
           (a) The  participant's employment by the Company or any
               of  its subsidiaries terminates by reason of  such
               participant's death or disability (as  defined  in
               Section 72 (m)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code  of
               1986, as amended); or
           (b) There  is a "change in control" of the Company.   A
               "change  in control" shall mean the occurrence  of
               any of the following:
              (1) the  acquisition by any individual,  entity  or
                  group  (within the meaning of Section  13(d)(3)
                  or  14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act  of
                  1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act")   (a
                  "Person")  of beneficial ownership (within  the
                  meaning  of  Rule 13d-3 promulgated  under  the
                  Exchange Act) of twenty (20%) percent  or  more
                  of  the  combined  voting  power  of  the  then
                  outstanding  voting securities of  the  Company
                  entitled  to vote generally in the election  of
                  directors  (the  "Outstanding  Company   Voting
                  Securities");  provided,  however,   that   for
                  purposes  of this subsection (1), the following
                  acquisitions shall not constitute a  change  of
                  control:   (a)  any acquisition  directly  from
                  the   Company,  (b)  any  acquisition  by   the
                  Company,  (c)  any acquisition by any  employee
                  benefit  plan  (or related trust) sponsored  or
                  maintained  by  the  Company  or  any   Company
                  controlled   by   the  Company   or   (d)   any
                  acquisition  by  any  company  pursuant  to   a
                  transaction  that  complies with  clauses  (a),
                  (b) and (c) of subsection (3) below; or
              (2) individuals   who,  as  of  the  date   hereof,
                  constitute  the  Board (the "Incumbent  Board")
                  cease  for any reason to constitute at least  a
                  majority of the Board; provided, however,  that
                  any  individual becoming a Director  subsequent
                  to   the   date   hereof  whose  election,   or
                  nomination   for  election  by  the   Company's
                  shareholders,  was approved by  a  vote  of  at
                  least   a   majority  of  the  Directors   then
                  comprising   the  Incumbent  Board   shall   be
                  considered  as  though such individual  were  a
                  member  of  the Incumbent Board, but excluding,
                  for  this  purpose, any such  individual  whose
                  initial  assumption  of  office  occurs  as   a
                  result  of  an  actual  or threatened  election
                  contest   with  respect  to  the  election   or
                  removal   of  Directors  or  other  actual   or
                  threatened solicitation of proxies or  consents
                  by  or  on  behalf of a Person other  than  the
                  Board; or
              (3) the  approval by the shareholders of  the
                  Company   of   a  reorganization,   merger   or
                  consolidation  or sale or other disposition  of
                  all  or substantially all of the assets of  the
                  Company   ("Business   Combination")   or,   if
                  consummation  of such Business  Combination  is
                  subject,  at  the  time  of  such  approval  by
                  shareholders, to the consent of any  government
                  or  governmental agency, the obtaining of  such
                  consent  (either  explicitly or  implicitly  by
                  consummation);  excluding,  however,   such   a
                  Business Combination pursuant to which (a)  all
                  or  substantially  all of the  individuals  and
                  entities who were the beneficial owners of  the
                  Outstanding    Company    Voting     Securities
                  immediately  prior to such Business Combination
                  beneficially own, directly or indirectly,  more
                  than  a  majority  of, respectively,  the  then
                  outstanding  shares  of common  stock  and  the
                  combined  voting power of the then  outstanding
                  voting  securities entitled to  vote  generally
                  in  the election of Directors, as the case  may
                  be,   of   the  Company  resulting  from   such
                  Business   Combination   (including,    without
                  limitation, a company that as a result of  such
                  transaction  owns  the  Company   or   all   or
                  substantially  all  of  the  Company's   assets
                  either   directly  or  through  one   or   more
                  subsidiaries)   in   substantially   the   same
                  proportions  as  their  ownership,  immediately
                  prior  to  such  Business  Combination  of  the
                  Outstanding Company Voting Securities,  (b)  no
                  person  (excluding  any employee  benefit  plan
                  (or  related  trust)  of the  Company  or  such
                  company    resulting   from    such    Business
                  Combination)  beneficially  owns,  directly  or
                  indirectly,  twenty (20%) percent or  more  of,
                  respectively,  the then outstanding  shares  of
                  common  stock  of  the Company  resulting  from
                  such   Business  Combination  or  the  combined
                  voting  power  of  the then outstanding  voting
                  securities  of  such  Company  except  to   the
                  extent  that  such ownership existed  prior  to
                  the  Business Combination and (c)  at  least  a
                  majority  of  the  members  of  the  Board   of
                  Directors  of the company resulting  from  such
                  Business  Combination  were  members   of   the
                  Incumbent  Board at the time of  the  execution
                  of  the initial agreement, or of the action  of
                  the   Board,   providing  for   such   Business
                  Combination; or
              (4) approval by the shareholders of the Company
                  of  a  complete  liquidation or dissolution  of
                  the Company.
           3. If a participant's employment by the Company  or
              one  of  its subsidiaries terminates during the  three
              (3)  year  employment  period described  in  paragraph
              X(f)(1)  by  reason  of  his or  her  retirement,  and
              participant retires on or after attaining age 65,  the
              interest  of the participant in any grant shares  then
              subject  to  forfeiture shall become fully  vested  at
              the  time  of retirement.  If the participant retires,
              as  determined  by the committee, prior  to  attaining
              age  65,  there shall be deemed vested in his  account
              an  additional  number of grant shares  determined  by
              multiplying   the   number  of   shares   subject   to
              forfeiture  for each year in which grant  shares  were
              awarded  during  the three (3) year employment  period
              by  a  fraction the numerator of which  shall  be  the
              number  of  full  months preceding  the  participant's
              retirement that shall have elapsed since the  date  of
              the  award of such shares and the denominator of which
              shall  be  60.  The committee may, in its  discretion,
              specify  that the interest of the participant  in  any
              remaining  grant  shares then  subject  to  forfeiture
              shall  become  vested at that time, at a future  date,
              or  upon  the  completion of such other conditions  as
              the committee may provide.
XI.  Rights  as  a Shareholder.  Except as otherwise provided  in
     paragraphs  X and XIV, a participant shall have all  of  the
     rights of a shareholder of the Company with respect to grant
     shares registered in his or her name, including the right to
     vote  such  grant  shares and receive  dividends  and  other
     distributions  paid  or  made with  respect  to  such  grant

XII. Share   Dividends;   Share   Splits;   Share   Combinations;
     Recapitalizations.  The Board of Directors  of  the  Company
     may  make  appropriate adjustment in the maximum  number  of
     shares  subject  to  the  Plan  to  adjust  for  any   share
     dividends,     share     splits,     share     combinations,
     recapitalizations and other similar changes in  the  capital
     structure of the Company.  The provisions contained  in  the
     Plan shall apply to any other shares of capital stock of the
     Company  or  other securities which may be acquired  by  the
     participant  as a result of a share dividend,  share  split,
     share   combination,  or  exchange  for   other   securities
     resulting from any recapitalization, reorganization  or  any
     other transaction affecting the grant shares.

XIII. No  Employment  Commitment.  Nothing herein  contained
      shall  be  deemed  to  be  or  constitute  an  agreement  or
      commitment by the Company to continue the participant in its
      employ or the employ of any subsidiary of the Company.

XIV. Custody of Grant Shares.  The grant shares shall be held  in
     certificated  or  uncertificated form as determined  by  the
     committee,  by an escrow agent designated by the  committee.
     At the time all forfeiture provisions relating to such grant
     shares shall terminate, the Company will, upon the making of
     arrangements under paragraph X(e), deliver such  certificate
     to the participant, together with the assignment referred to
     above, without restrictions except for such restrictions  as
     may  be required to ensure compliance with federal and state
     securities laws.  Any such restrictions may at the Company's
     discretion  be  noted or referred to conspicuously  on  such
     certificate prior to its delivery to the participant.

XV.  Termination or Amendment of Plan.

     a. Except  as provided in subparagraph b, the Board  of
        Directors  may  at any time suspend, amend  or  terminate
        the  Plan  without  further action on  the  part  of  the
        shareholders of the Company, provided;
        1. that  no  such  suspension, amendment  or  termination
           shall  adversely  affect or impair  the  rights  of  a
           participant  to any then issued and outstanding  grant
           shares without the consent of such participant; and
       2.  that  no such amendment which (a) increases  the
           maximum number of grant shares subject to this  plan,
           (b)  materially  increases the benefits  accruing  to
           participants  under  the  Plan,  or  (c)   materially
           modifies  the  requirement  as  to  eligibility   for
           participation in the Plan, may be made without  first
           obtaining shareholder approval.
     b. In  the  event  of  a change in control  (as  defined  in
        paragraph  X  (f)  (2) (b)), the Board of  Directors  may
        neither terminate the Plan nor reduce benefits under  the
        Plan   with   respect  to  those  individuals   who   are
        participants as of the date of the change in control.

XVI. Governing  Law.  This Plan shall be subject to and construed
     in accordance with the laws of Massachusetts.

XVII. Indemnification  of Committee Members.  In  connection
      with  the  Plan,  or any incentive award  granted  or  other
      action  or  failure  to  act  thereunder,  members  of   the
      committee shall be entitled to any and all rights of defense
      and  indemnification  as  are provided  to  members  of  the
      Company's Board of Directors and committees thereof pursuant
      to  the  Company's  Restated Articles  or  Organization,  as
      amended from time to time, and its By-Laws.

                                                       APPENDIX B

     THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER (the "Agreement") dated as
of  March  4, 1998, is by and among Colonial Gas  Company  (the
"Company"), a Massachusetts gas utility corporation, Colonial Gas
Mergeco,  Inc. ("Mergeco"), a Massachusetts utility  corporation,
and Colonial Energy ("Colonial Energy"), a Massachusetts business


     1.   The Company has an authorized capitalization consisting
of  (i)  15,000,000 shares of Common Stock, par value  $3.33  per
share  (the "Company Common Stock"), of which 8,707,497 shares
are  issued and outstanding and 519,262 shares  have  been
reserved  for issuance; (ii) 547,559 shares of Class A  Preferred
Stock,  par value $25.00 per share, no shares of which are issued
and  outstanding and of which 100,000 shares have been designated
a  series  of  Junior Preferred Stock and reserved  for  issuance
under  the  Company's Shareholder Rights Plan; and (iii)  370,000
shares of Class B Preferred Stock, par value $1.00 per share,  of
which  no shares are issued and outstanding (the number of shares
of  issued and outstanding Company Common Stock being subject  to
increase  to  the  extent that shares reserved for  issuance  are
issued  prior  to the Effective Time (as defined  below)  of  the

      2.   Mergeco has an authorized capitalization consisting of
200,000  shares of common stock, par value $1.00 per  share  (the
"Mergeco Common Stock"), of which 100 shares have been subscribed
for  by  Colonial Energy and, once the issuance thereof has  been
approved  by  the  Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications
and  Energy  as  required by law, will be  issued  to  and  owned
beneficially and of record by Colonial Energy.

      3.    Colonial  Energy  has  an  authorized  capitalization
consisting  of (i) 15,000,000 shares of beneficial interest,  par
value  $3.33  per share (the "Colonial Energy Common Shares"  and
each  a "Colonial Energy Common Share"), of which 100 shares  are
issued  and outstanding and owned beneficially and of  record  by
Transgas,  Inc.  ("Transgas"),  a Massachusetts  corporation  and
wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company, and will, prior  to  the
Effective Time of the Merger, be owned beneficially and of record
by  the Company by virtue of the transfer thereof by Transgas  to
the Company; and (ii) 1,000,000 Preferred Shares, par value $1.00
per share, of which no shares are issued and outstanding.

     4.   The Board of Directors or trustees, as the case may be,
of  the  respective parties hereto deem it advisable and  in  the
best  interests  of  the  Company and its stockholders  to  merge
Mergeco  with  and into the Company (the "Merger") in  accordance
with  Section 96 of Chapter 164 of the Massachusetts General Laws
and  pursuant  to  this  Agreement and  the  Articles  of  Merger
attached   hereto  as  ANNEX  I  and  incorporated  herein   (the
"Articles"), whereby the holders of shares of the Company  Common
Stock  will  exchange  their shares for  Colonial  Energy  Common
Shares  and the Company will become a wholly-owned subsidiary  of
Colonial Energy.

      NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises  and  the
representations, warranties and agreements herein contained,  the
parties  hereto agree that Mergeco shall be merged with into  the
Company, which shall be the corporation surviving the Merger, and
that the terms and conditions of the Merger, the mode of carrying
it  into  effect,  and  the manner of converting  and  exchanging
shares shall be as follows:

                            ARTICLE I
                           THE MERGER

      (a)   Subject  to and in accordance with the provisions  of
this  Agreement, the Articles shall be executed and  acknowledged
by  each  of the Company and Mergeco and thereafter delivered  to
the  Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts  for
filing,  as  provided  in Section 102A  of  Chapter  164  of  the
Massachusetts General Laws.  The Merger shall become effective at
such  time as the Articles are filed as required by law with  the
Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts  or  such
date, not more than thirty (30) days after such filing, as may be
specified  in  the  Articles  (the  "Effective  Time").   At  the
Effective Time, the separate existence of Mergeco shall cease and
Mergeco  shall be merged with and into the Company  (Mergeco  and
the  Company being sometimes referred to collectively  herein  as
the  "Constituent Corporations" and the Company, the  corporation
designated  in  the Articles as the surviving corporation,  being
sometimes referred to herein as the "Surviving Corporation");

     (b)  Prior to and after the Effective Time, Colonial Energy,
the  Company  and  Mergeco, respectively,  shall  take  all  such
actions as may be necessary or appropriate in order to effectuate
the  Merger.  In this connection, Colonial Energy shall issue the
Colonial  Energy Common Shares which the holders of  the  Company
Common  Stock are entitled to receive as provided in  Article  II
hereof.   In the event that at any time after the Effective  Time
any  further  action is necessary or desirable to carry  out  the
purposes  of this Agreement and to vest the Surviving Corporation
with  full  title  to all properties, assets, rights,  approvals,
immunities   and   franchises  of  either  of   the   Constituent
Corporations,  the  officers  and  directors  of  each   of   the
Constituent Corporations as of the Effective Time shall take  all
such further action.

                           ARTICLE II
                     TERMS OF CONVERSION AND
                       EXCHANGE OF SHARES

At the Effective Time:

       (a)   Each  share  of  Company  Common  Stock  issued  and
outstanding  immediately prior to the Merger thereupon  shall  be
changed  and  converted into one Colonial  Energy  Common  Share,
which thereupon shall be issued, fully paid and non-assessable;

      (b)  Each share of Junior Participating Preferred Stock  of
the Company reserved for issuance immediately prior to the Merger
shall  be  changed and converted into one share of  a  series  of
Colonial  Energy Preferred Shares designated Junior Participating
Preferred  Shares with, as near as practicable, the  same  terms,
conditions,  rights,  preferences and privileges,  and  shall  be
similarly reserved for issuance;

       (c)   Each  share  of  Mergeco  Common  Stock  issued  and
outstanding  immediately prior to the Merger shall  be  converted
into  one  share  of  Common Stock of the Surviving  Corporation,
which  thereupon  shall be issued, fully paid and non-assessable;

       (d)    Each  Colonial  Energy  Common  Share  issued   and
outstanding immediately prior to the Merger shall be canceled.

                           ARTICLE III

      From  and  after  the Effective Time, and until  thereafter
amended as provided by law, the Restated Articles of Organization
of the Company as in effect immediately prior to the Merger shall
be  and  continue to be the Restated Articles of Organization  of
the   Surviving  Corporation.   The  purposes  of  the  Surviving
Corporation,  the total number of shares and par  value  of  each
class  of stock which the Surviving Corporation is authorized  to
issue and a description of each class of stock authorized at  the
Effective   Time,   with   the   preferences,   voting    powers,
qualifications,  special or relative rights or privileges  as  to
each class and any series thereof then established, are as stated
in  such  Restated Articles of Organization, which  are  attached
hereto  as Annex II and incorporated herein.  From and after  the
Effective  Time, the Bylaws of the Company shall be and  continue
to  be  the Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation until amended  in
accordance with law.

                           ARTICLE IV
                     DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS

      The  persons who are directors and officers of the  Company
immediately  prior to the Merger shall continue as directors  and
officers,  respectively, of the Surviving Corporation  and  shall
continue  to  hold  office  as provided  in  the  Bylaws  of  the
Surviving Corporation.  If, at or following the Effective Time, a
vacancy  shall exist in the Board of Directors or in the position
of  any officer of the Surviving Corporation, such vacancy may be
filled  in  the  manner provided in the Bylaws of  the  Surviving

                            ARTICLE V
                       STOCK CERTIFICATES

      Following the Effective Time, each holder of an outstanding
certificate  or certificates theretofore representing  shares  of
the  Company  Common  Stock may, but shall not  be  required  to,
surrender  the  same  to  Colonial  Energy  for  cancellation  or
transfer, and each such holder or transferee will be entitled  to
receive  certificates representing the same  number  of  Colonial
Energy  Common  Shares  as  shares of the  Company  Common  Stock
previously  represented  by the surrendered  stock  certificates.
Until  so surrendered or presented for transfer, each outstanding
certificate  which, prior to the Effective Time, represented  the
Company  Common  Stock  shall  be  deemed  and  treated  for  all
corporate purposes to represent the ownership of the same  number
of  Colonial  Energy Common Shares as though  such  surrender  or
transfer and exchange had taken place.  The stock transfer  books
for  the Company Common Stock shall be deemed to be closed at the
Effective  Time  and  no transfer of outstanding  shares  of  the
Company  Common  Stock outstanding prior to  the  Effective  Time
shall be made thereafter on such books.

                           ARTICLE VI
                    CONDITIONS OF THE MERGER

     Consummation of the Merger is subject to the satisfaction of
the following conditions:

      (a)   The  Merger shall have received the approval  of  the
holders of each class of common stock outstanding and entitled to
vote  thereupon  of  each  of  the  Constituent  Corporations  as
required  by  Section  96  of Chapter 164  of  the  Massachusetts
General Laws.

      (b)   The  issuance of Mergeco Common Stock and the  Merger
shall  have  been  approved  by the Massachusetts  Department  of
Telecommunications and Energy as required by Chapter 164  of  the
Massachusetts  General  Laws and all other governmental  agencies
whose approval is necessary, appropriate or desirable.

      (c)  The Colonial Energy Common Shares to be issued and  to
be  reserved for issuance pursuant to the Merger shall have  been
approved  for listing, upon official notice of issuance,  by  the
New York Stock Exchange.

      (d)   Palmer  & Dodge LLP shall have delivered an  opinion,
satisfactory  to  the  Board of Directors of  the  Company,  with
respect to the tax consequences of the Merger.

                           ARTICLE VII

      The  parties  hereto by mutual consent of their  respective
Boards  of  Directors or trustees may amend, modify or supplement
this  Agreement in such manner as may be agreed upon by  them  in
writing,  at any time before or after approval of this  Agreement
by  the  stockholders of the Company; provided, however, that  no
such  amendment, modification or supplement shall,  in  the  sole
judgment of the Board of Directors of the Company, materially and
adversely affect the rights of the stockholders of the Company.

      This  Agreement may be terminated and the Merger and  other
transactions  herein provided for abandoned at any time,  whether
before or after approval of this Agreement by the stockholders of
the  Company, by action of the Board of Directors of the  Company
if  said  Board of Directors determines for any reason  that  the
consummation  of the transactions provided for herein  would  for
any  reason  be inadvisable or not in the best interests  of  the
Company or its stockholders.

                          ARTICLE VIII

      Subject to the prior satisfaction of the conditions of  the
Merger  set  forth  in  Article VI hereof and  the  authority  to
terminate this Agreement as set forth in Article VII hereof,  the
Constituent  Corporations and Colonial Energy shall do  all  such
acts  and  things as shall be necessary or desirable in order  to
make the Effective Time occur as soon thereafter as practicable.

                           ARTICLE IX
     Colonial Energy shall take all required action to assume the
Company's  obligations  and to become  the  successor  under  the
following  plans: (i) the Dividend Reinvestment and Common  Stock
Purchase  Plan,  (ii)  the Company Savings  Plan  and  (iii)  the
Executive Performance and Equity Incentive Plan.

                            ARTICLE X

      This  Agreement  may be executed in counterparts,  each  of
which  when  so  executed shall be deemed to be an original,  and
such  counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, pursuant to approval
and  authorization  duly given by resolutions  adopted  by  their
respective Boards of Directors or trustees, have each caused this
Agreement and Plan of Merger to be executed as of the date  first
written above by its President or one of its Vice Presidents  and
Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer and its corporate or common seal
to be affixed hereto and attested by its Clerk, Assistant Clerk
or Secretary.

ATTEST:                       COLONIAL GAS COMPANY

[THE CORPORATE SEAL]	      By:   /s/F.L. Putnam, III and
                              Name:    F.L. Putnam III
/s/Timothy A. Clark           Title:   President and Chief 
   Timothy A. Clark                    Executive Officer
   Assistant Clerk
                              By:   /s/Dennis W. Carroll
                              Name:    Dennis W. Carroll
                              Title:   Vice President and Treasurer

ATTEST:                       COLONIAL GAS MERGECO, INC.

[THE CORPORATE SEAL]	      By:   /s/F.L. Putnam, III and
                              Name:    F.L. Putnam, III
/s/Timothy A. Clark           Title:   President
   Timothy A. Clark

                              By:   /s/Dennis W. Carroll
                              Name:    Dennis W. Carroll
                              Title:   Treasurer

ATTEST:                       COLONIAL ENERGY

[THE TRUST SEAL]	      By:    /s/F.L. Putnam, III and
                              Name:     F.L. Putnam, III
                              Title:    President
/s/Timothy A. Clark              
   Timothy A. Clark
                              By:   /s/Dennis W. Carroll
                              Name:    Dennis W. Carroll
                              Title:   Treasurer

                                                       APPENDIX C
                      DECLARATION OF TRUST



                         COLONIAL ENERGY


                       Dated March 3, 1998
                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.1  Name
1.2  Purpose of Trust
1.3  Place of Business
1.4  Legal Ownership of Trust Estate
1.5  Definitions

2.1  Limitations on Liability
2.2  Nonassessability of Shareholders
2.3  Express Exculpatory Provisions
2.4  Persons Dealing with Trustees, Officers, Employees or Agents

3.1  Powers of Trustees
3.2  Number and Election
3.3  Notification of Nominations
3.4  Resignation; Vacancies; Removals
3.5  Vesting In New Trustees
3.6  Compensation
3.7  Action By Board; Quorum
3.8  By-Laws
3.9  Certifications

4.1  Trustees and Officers
4.2  Liability
4.3  Books and Reports
4.4  Advance of Expenses
4.5  Rights Not Exclusive; Definitions
4.6  Shareholders
4.7  Determinations
4.8  Payments; Rights

5.1  Transactions Between Trustees, Officers, Employees or Agents
     and the Company
5.2  Right of Trustees, Officers, Employees and Agents to Own
     Shares or Other Property and to Engage in Other Business
5.3  Authorization or Ratification by Shareholders
5.4  Reliance

6.1   Number; Nonassessable
6.2   Preferred Shares
6.3   Shares Personal Property; Trust Only
6.4   Rights of Shareholders; Limitation on Rights of Action
6.5   Additional Shares
6.6   All Other Changes in Shares
6.7   Consideration for Issue
6.8   Surplus
6.9   No Preemptive or Preferential Rights of Subscription
6.10  Dividends
6.11  Treasury Shares
6.12  Transfer Books
6.13  Transfer Agent
6.14  Share Certificates
6.15  Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Share Certificates
6.16  Transfer of Shares
6.17  Transfers by Operation of Law
6.18  Joint Owners
6.19  No Duty to Examine into Trusts, Pledges, etc., To  Which
      Shares are Subject

7.1  Annual Meeting
7.2  Special Meetings
7.3  Presiding Officer
7.4  Business to be Transacted
7.5  Notices
7.6  Voting; Quorum
7.7  Adjournment of Meeting
7.8  Requisite Vote to Act
7.9  Record Date for Voting, Dividends and Offerings

8.1  Duration of Trust
8.2  Death of Shareholder or Trustee not to Terminate Trust
8.3  Termination; Combination; Affiliation
8.4  Certain Business Combinations
8.5  Control Share Acquisitions
8.6  Amendments
8.7  Certificate of Termination or Amendment
8.8  Disposition of Trust Estate on Termination

9.1  Filing
9.2  Securities Held by Trust
9.3  Authority of the Trustees to Construe Terms Hereof
9.4  Effect of Captions and Table of Contents
9.5  Counterparts
9.6  Governing Law
9.7  Successors in Interest
9.8  Inspection of Record
9.9  Provisions in Conflict with Laws or Regulations

1.1   Authorized Amount and Designation
1.2   Dividends and Distributions
1.3   Voting
1.4   Certain Restrictions
1.5   Reacquired Shares
1.6   Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding Up
1.7   Consolidation, Merger, Etc
1.8   Redemption
1.9   Rank
1.10  Amendment
1.11  Fractional Shares

      This  DECLARATION OF TRUST (this "Declaration") is made  in
the  City  of Lowell in the County of Middlesex, The Commonwealth
of  Massachusetts, on March 3, 1998 by the undersigned  Trustees.
It  is  entered into in order to create, under and in  accordance
with  the  provisions of this Declaration, a  voluntary  business
association  with  transferable shares  for  the  acquisition  of
property and the conduct of business as hereinafter set forth;

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  by this Declaration,  the  Trustees,  for
themselves,  their  heirs, executors, administrators,  successors
and  assigns,  do  hereby declare that they and their  successors
from  time to time, as Trustees hereunder, will hold, manage  and
dispose of the trust estate (as hereinafter defined) in trust  in
the  manner  and  with and subject to the powers  and  provisions
hereinafter contained concerning the same, for the benefit of the
Shareholders (as hereinafter defined) according to the number and
kind of shares held by them respectively.

                            ARTICLE I


1.1  Name.  The trust established hereunder shall be designated
"ColonialEnergy" and, so far as may be practicable, the Trustees
shall conduct all of the Company's activities, execute all
documents and sue or be sued under that name, which name (and all
references herein to "Colonial Energy" or the "Company," except
where the context otherwise requires) shall refer to the Trustees
as trustees and not to the officers, agents, employees or
Shareholders of the Company or of such Trustees.  The Company
shall be a trust of the type that is commonly termed a
Massachusetts business trust.

1.2  Purpose of Trust.  The purpose of the Company is to engage,
either directly or through direct or indirect Subsidiaries or
Persons, in any manufacturing, mercantile, selling, management,
service or other business, operation or activity related to the
production, sale and distribution of natural gas and other
sources or forms of energy and the provision of energy services
of all types, or any other manufacturing, mercantile, selling,
management, service or other business, operation or activity,
whether or not related to the forgoing enumerated areas, for
which a corporation could be organized under Chapter 156B of the
Massachusetts General Laws.

1.3  Place of Business.  The principal place of business of the
Company shall be 40 Market Street, Lowell, Massachusetts 01853-
3064, or at such other place in Massachusetts as the Trustees
shall from time to time determine.  The Company may have such
other places of business in or outside Massachusetts as the
Trustees may from time to time determine.

1.4  Legal Ownership of Trust Estate.  The legal ownership of the
Trust Estate and the right to conduct the business of the Company
are vested exclusively in the Trustees (subject to Section
3.1(g)), and the Shareholders shall have no interest therein
other than beneficial interest in the Company conferred by their
Shares issued hereunder.

1.5  Definitions.  Except where the context otherwise requires,
the following terms when used herein shall mean/the following:

     (a)  "Beneficial Owner" means any Other Person or any
"affiliate" or "associate" of such Other Person (as those terms
are defined in Rule 12b-2 promulgated under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time (15 U.S.C. 78a-
78jj)) which, directly or indirectly, controls the voting of
Shares of the Company or has any options, warrants, conversion or
other rights to acquire such Shares.

     (b)  "Declaration" or "this Declaration" means this
Declaration of Trust, as amended, restated or modified from time
to time.  References in this Declaration to "herein" and
"hereunder" shall be deemed to refer to this Declaration and
shall not be limited to the particular text, article or section
in which such words appear.

     (c)  "Other Person" means any Person, other than a
Subsidiary of the Company, which is the Beneficial Owner of ten
percent (10%) or more of the Shares of the Company entitled to
vote for the election of Trustees.

     (d)  "Person" means and includes individuals, corporations,
limited liability companies or partnerships, limited
partnerships, general partnerships, joint stock companies or
associations, joint ventures, business trusts, or other entities
and governments and agencies and political subdivisions thereof.

     (e)  "Securities" means any stock, shares, voting trust
certificates, bonds, debentures, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness or in general any instruments commonly known as
"securities" or any certificates of interest, shares or
participation in temporary or interim certificates for, receipts
for, guarantees of, or warrants, options or rights to subscribe
to, purchase or acquire any of the foregoing.

     (f)  "Shareholder" or "Shareholders" mean the Person or
Persons at the time registered as the holder or holders of the
Shares and, except to the extent limited by any subscription or
by any subscription certificate or part-paid Shares accepted or
issued, include the Person or Persons, at the time registered as
the holder or holders of such subscription certificates and part-
paid Shares.

     (g)  "Share" or "Shares" mean the transferable share or
shares of beneficial interest provided for in Section 6.1 and
include any subscription certificate or part-paid Share issued
except to the extent limited in such subscription certificate or
part-paid Share.

     (h)  "Subsidiary" means any Person in which the Company
owns, directly or indirectly, more than fifty percent (50%) of
the voting securities.

     (i)  "Substantial Amount" means any Securities of the
Company having a then fair market value of more than $500,000.

     (j)  "Trustee" or "Trustees" means, as of any particular
time, the original signatories hereto as long as they hold office
hereunder as trustees but not in their individual or personal
capacities, and additional and successor trustees, and shall not
include the officers, employees or agents of the Company or the
Shareholders.  Nothing herein shall be deemed to preclude the
Trustees from also serving as officers, employees or agents of
the Company or owning Shares.

     (k)  "Trust Estate" means all property, real, personal or
otherwise, tangible or intangible, at any time received by the
Trustees or otherwise acquired and held on behalf of the Company
as hereinafter provided, including all rents, income, profits and
gains therefrom.

                           ARTICLE II

                     RIGHTS OF THIRD PERSONS

2.1  Limitations on Liability.  All obligations and liabilities
incurred in the carrying on of the business of the Company shall
be liabilities of the Trust Estate.  No Trustee shall have any
liability whatsoever for the payment of any sum of money, or for
damages or otherwise under any contract, obligation or
undertaking made, entered into or issued by the Company or by any
Trustee, officer, agent or representative thereof, or in tort or
otherwise, and no such contract, obligation or undertaking shall
be enforceable against the Trustees, the Shareholders, or the
officers, agents or other representatives of the Company or any
of them in their, his or her individual capacities or capacity
and all such contracts, obligations and undertakings shall be
enforceable only against the Company; and every Person shall look
only to the Trust Estate for the payment or satisfaction of any
liability, damages, claim or demand.

2.2  Nonassessability of Shareholders.  No Trustee, officer,
agent or representative of the Company shall be entitled to look
to the Shareholders personally for indemnity against any
liability incurred by them in the execution of this trust or to
call upon the Shareholders for the payment of any sum of money or
any assessment whatever, except when and to the extent that
Shares are by their express terms issued part-paid and

2.3  Express Exculpatory Provisions.  Any written agreement or
instrument creating an obligation of the Company shall include a
reference to this Declaration and provide that neither the
Shareholders nor the Trustees nor officers, employees, agents or
other representatives of the Company shall be liable thereunder
and that all Persons shall look solely to the Trust Estate for
the payment of any claim thereunder or for the performance
thereof; provided that, the omission of such provision from any
such instrument shall not render the Shareholders or any Trustee,
officer, employee, agent or representative of the Company liable
nor shall the Trustees or any officer, employee or agent of the
Company be liable to anyone for such omission.

2.4  Persons Dealing with Trustees, Officers, Employees or
Agents.  Any act of the Trustees, officers, employees or
authorized agents purporting to be done in their capacity as
such, shall, as to any Persons dealing with such Trustees,
officers, employees or authorized agents, be conclusively deemed
to be within the purposes of this Trust and within the powers of
the Trustees, officers, employees or authorized agents.  No
Person dealing with the Trustees or any of them, or with the
officers, employees or authorized agents of the Trust, shall be
bound to see to the application of any funds or property passing
into their hands or control.  The receipt of the Trustees or any
of them, or of authorized officers, employees or agents of the
Trust, of moneys or other consideration, shall be binding upon
the Trust.

                           ARTICLE III

                          THE TRUSTEES

3.1  Powers of Trustees.  The Trustees, subject only to the
specific limitations contained in this Declaration, shall have,
without further or other authorization, and free from any power
or control on the part of the Shareholders, full, absolute and
exclusive power, control and authority over the Trust Estate and
over the business and affairs of the Company to the same extent
as if the Trustees were the sole owners thereof in their own
right, and may do all such acts and things as in their sole
judgment and discretion are necessary for or incidental to or
desirable for the carrying out of any of the purposes of the
Company or the conducting of the business of the Company.  Any
determination made in good faith by the Trustees of the purposes
of the Company or the existence of any power or authority
hereunder shall be conclusive.  In construing the provisions of
this Declaration, a presumption shall favor the grant of powers
and authority to the Trustees.  The enumeration of any specific
power or authority herein shall not be construed as limiting the
general powers or authority or any other specified power or
authority conferred herein upon the Trustees.  Subject to the
provisions and conditions contained herein, the Trustees shall
have power from time to time, in addition to the specific powers
and authorities herein expressly granted, or which the Trustees
may have by virtue of any present or future statute, rule or law,
to take any action which they deem to be necessary or convenient
to carry out the business of the Company, including without
limitation of the generality of the foregoing, the powers
hereinafter specified:

     (a)  Property; Investments.  To retain, invest and reinvest
the capital or other funds of the Company in, and to acquire,
purchase or own interests in real or personal property of any
kind, all without regard to whether any such property is
authorized by law for the investment of Company funds or whether
any investments may mature before the possible termination of the
Company, and to possess and exercise all the rights, powers, and
privileges appertaining to the ownership of the Trust Estate and
to increase the capital of the Company at any time by the
issuance of additional Shares for such consideration as they deem

     (b)  Exercise Powers of Holder of Investments.  To exercise
any and all powers and rights belonging to the holder of any
Securities, property or obligations forming part of the Trust
Estate, whether by voting or by giving any consent, request or
notice, or otherwise, either in person or by proxy or attorney,
and to give proxies or powers of attorney therefor, with or
without power of substitution;

     (c)  Borrow.  To borrow money and give negotiable or
non-negotiable instruments therefor; to guarantee, indemnify or
act as surety with respect to payment or performance of
obligations of third parties; to enter into other obligations on
behalf of the Company; and to assign, convey, transfer, mortgage,
subordinate, pledge, grant security interests in, encumber or
hypothecate the Trust Estate to secure any indebtedness of the
Company or any other of the foregoing obligations of the Company;

     (d)  Assume Obligations.  To assume any obligations or
liabilities of any Person and to discharge or liquidate such
obligations or liabilities;

     (e)  Lending.  To lend money, whether secured or unsecured;

     (f)  Sell.  To sell at public auction or by private contract
or otherwise use and deal in and with the whole or any part of
the Trust Estate, and to convert, exchange or refund the whole or
any part of the Trust Estate for or into any Securities or
obligations, property or effects in which the Company might,
under the provisions hereof, invest any moneys; provided,
however, that except as provided in Sections 3.1(h), 8.4 or 8.7,
no sale or other disposition of the Trust Estate as a whole or
substantially as a whole shall be made without authorization or
approval by vote, at a meeting duly called and held, of the
holders of sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the
Shares outstanding and entitled to vote thereon, but this proviso
shall not apply to any disposition pursuant to any mortgage,
pledge or charge;

     (g)  Transfer Property Into Names of Others.  To cause any
real or personal property, including, without limitation,
Securities forming all or part of the Trust Estate, to be
transferred into the name of the Company or, under circumstances
under which the Trustees determine that the use of such name is
not practicable or under circumstances in which the Trustees are
contractually bound to change the name, to use such other
designation or to adopt another name under which the Company may
hold property or conduct its activities;

     (h)  Transfer To New Trust Or Corporation.  When authorized
by the holders of a majority of the Shares outstanding and
entitled to vote thereon, to sell as a going concern all the
property and assets of the Company to any Person organized by the
Trustees for the purpose of acquiring the same and organized with
the same authorized classes of shares as the Company shall then
have with the same or substantially the same preferences, voting
powers, restrictions and qualifications thereof as attach to the
Shares of the Company, the consideration for such sale and
conveyance to be the assumption by such new Person of all
liabilities and obligations of the Company then outstanding and
the issuance and delivery by such new Person to the Company, or
upon its order, for distribution as provided in Article VIII, of
such shares as will enable the Company to exchange its Shares,
share for share and class for class, for the shares of such new
Person and when such exchange is made, the Company will be
terminated; and each Shareholder of the Company agrees to receive
and accept the exchanged shares of any such new Person as a full
and final distributive share of the proceeds in liquidation of
such sale and conveyance, and further agrees that in such case
his Shares in the Company shall thereafter have no rights and
privileges whatsoever except the right and privilege of being
exchanged for shares of such new Person as set forth in this
Section 3.1(h);

     (i)  Delegate Powers.  To employ and act through and to
delegate any or all of the powers and discretions of the Company
to, and to permit any or all of such powers and discretions to be
exercised by, any of the officers, agents or representatives of
the Company or of the Trustees, including without limitation the
officers, employees, agents and representatives referred to in
the last paragraph of this Section 3.1;

     (j)  Collect Funds.  To collect, sue for and receive all
sums of money coming due to the Company, to consent to the
extension of the time for payment, or to the renewal, of any
Securities, property or obligations of the Company, and to
prosecute, defend, compound, compromise, abandon or adjust, by
arbitration or otherwise, any actions, suits, proceedings,
disputes, claims, demands and things relating to the Trust
Estate, and to extend time, with or without security, for the
payment or delivery of any debts or property and to execute and
enter into releases, modifications, agreements and other
instruments and to pay or satisfy any debts or claims upon any
evidence that the Trustees shall think sufficient;

     (k)  Deposit Funds.  To deposit any moneys included in the
Trust Estate in any bank or trust company or other depository,
with or without interest, which moneys shall be subject to
withdrawal on such terms and in such manner and by such Person or
Persons (including any one or more of the Trustees, officers,
agents or representatives of the Company) as the Trustees may
determine, and to entrust to any such bank, trust company or
depository for safekeeping any of the Securities, property or
obligations and any documents and papers comprising or relating
to the Trust Estate;

     (l)  Establish Surplus Funds.  To set apart, from time to
time, as surplus funds, such sums as the Trustees may deem proper
out of any sources which according to generally accepted
accounting principles may be considered surplus, which surplus
funds shall be applicable to any purposes to which money forming
part of the capital or income of the Trust Estate may be applied,
including the payment of dividends;

     (m)  Allocations.  To determine whether moneys, Securities
or other assets received by the Company shall be charged or
credited to income or capital or allocated between income and
capital, including the power to amortize or fail to amortize any
part or all of any premium or discount, to treat any part or all
the profit resulting from the maturity or sale of any asset,
whether purchased at a premium or at a discount, as income or
capital, or to apportion the same between income and capital; to
apportion the sales price of any asset between income and
capital, and to determine in what manner any expenses or
disbursements are to be borne as between income and capital,
whether or not in the absence of the power and authority
conferred by this subsection such monies, Securities or other
assets would be regarded as income or as capital or such expense
or disbursement would be charged to income or to capital; to
treat any dividend or other distribution on any investment as
income or capital or apportion the same between income and
capital; to provide or fail to provide reserves for depreciation,
amortization or obsolescence in respect of all or any part of the
Trust Estate subject to depreciation, amortization or
obsolescence in such amounts and by such methods as they shall
determine; to allocate to the share of beneficial interest
account less than all of the consideration received for the
Shares and to allocate the balance thereof to capital surplus,
and to determine the method or form in which the accounts and
records of the Company shall be kept and to change from time to
time such method or form; and every such determination, whether
express or implied in the acts or proceedings of the Trustees,
shall be conclusive and binding upon all Persons interested;

     (n)  Securities.  To issue Shares, bonds, debentures, notes
or other evidences of indebtedness which may be secured or
unsecured and may be subordinated to any indebtedness of the
Company and may be convertible into Shares and which include
options, warrants and rights to subscribe to, purchase or acquire
any of the foregoing, all without vote of or other action by the
Shareholders to such Persons for such cash, property or other
consideration (including Securities issued or created by, or
interests in any Person) at such time or times and on such terms
as the Trustees in their sole discretion and in good faith may
deem advisable and to list any of the foregoing Securities issued
by the Company on any securities exchange and to purchase or
otherwise acquire, hold, cancel, reissue, sell and transfer any
of such Securities, and to cause the instruments evidencing such
Securities to bear an actual or facsimile imprint of the seal of
the Company and to be signed by manual or facsimile signature or
signatures (and to issue such Securities, whether or not any
Person whose manual or facsimile signature shall be imprinted
thereon shall have ceased to occupy the office with respect to
which such signature was authorized), provided that, where only
facsimile signatures for the Company are used, the instrument
shall be countersigned manually by a transfer agent, registrar or
other authentication agent;

     (o)  Dividends.  To declare dividends out of the net
earnings of the Trust Estate or out of the earned surplus or
capital surplus, payable out of the Trust Estate, at any date
fixed by the Trustees, in cash or property, including without
limitation Securities of the Company, and for that purpose to
capitalize all or any part of the earned surplus;

     (p)  Value of Securities.  To determine from time to time,
the value of all or any part of the Trust Estate and of any
services, Securities, assets or other consideration to be
furnished to or acquired by the Company, and from time to time to
revalue all or any part of the Trust Estate in accordance with
such appraisals or other information as are, in the Trustees'
sole judgment, necessary and/or satisfactory;

     (q)  Pay Taxes.  To pay any and all taxes or liens of
whatever nature or kind imposed upon or against the Company or
the Trustees in connection with the Trust Estate, or upon or
against the Trust Estate or any part thereof;

     (r)  Purchase Insurance.  To take out and maintain insurance
or establish self- insurance programs in such amounts and of such
kinds and in such companies and through such brokers and agents
as may be necessary, convenient or desirable, insuring the Trust
Estate against any and all risks and insuring the Company against
any and all claims and liabilities of every nature asserted by
any Person, including insurance policies insuring the Trustees,
the Shareholders, officers, employees and agents of the Company
against claims and liabilities of every nature arising by reason
of holding, being or having held any such office or position, or
by reason of any action alleged to have been taken or omitted by
any such Person as a Trustee, officer, employee or agent,
including any action taken or omitted that may be determined to
constitute negligence, whether or not the Company would have the
power to indemnify such Person against such liability;

     (s)  Establish Pension And Other Compensation Plans.  To
establish and carry out pension, profit-sharing, share bonus,
share purchase, share option, savings, thrift and other
retirement, incentive, health, welfare and benefit plans, trusts
and provisions for any or all of the Trustees, officers,
employees, agents and consultants of the Company or of any of its

     (t)  Joint Venture; Partnership.  To enter into or become
partners or members in joint ventures, general or limited
partnerships, limited liability companies, participation or
agency arrangements and any other combinations or associations;

     (u)  Fiscal Year.  To adopt a fiscal year for the Company,
and from time to time to change such fiscal year without the
approval of the Shareholders;

     (v)  Adopt Seal.  To adopt and use a common seal (but the
use of a seal shall not be required for the execution of
instruments or obligations of the Company); and

     (w)  Perform Other Necessary Things.  To do each and every
thing necessary, suitable, desirable, convenient or proper for
the accomplishment of any of the purposes or the attainment of
any one or more of the objects hereinbefore enumerated or
incidental to the powers herein named and, without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, to deal with the Trust Estate and
manage and conduct the business of the trust hereunder as fully
as if the Company were the absolute owner of the Trust Estate and
in so doing to execute all contracts, agreements, deeds,
covenants and instruments, and do all such things as the Trustees
may deem proper for the purposes of the Company, whether or not
involving action of a kind or extent legal or customary for a
trustee or for the management of trust funds.

     The powers and authority, whether discretionary or
otherwise, conferred upon the Trustees by this Article III and
elsewhere in this Declaration may be delegated to committees of
Trustees, officers, employees, agents and representatives of the
Company, and shall not be deemed to be mandatory but shall,
together with any and all implied powers and discretions, be
exercised by the Trustees from time to time to the extent deemed
to be advantageous to the Company, and may be exercised either
alone or in association with others and to the same extent and as
fully as individuals might or could do as principals, agents,
contractors or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with
or in partnership with others, and both within and without the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  The acts of any committee,
officers and agents, within the scope of their respective
authorities, shall be as agents and delegates of the Trustees,
and shall be deemed to be the acts of the Trustees and not of the
Shareholders.  When authorized by the Trustees, mortgages,
conveyances and other instruments of transfer of real or other
property may be executed by any officer of the Company on behalf
of the Trustees or such of them as are residents of

3.2  Number and Election.  The Persons signing this Declaration
shall be the original Trustees.  The Trustees need not be
Shareholders.  At such time as the outstanding shares of the
Company are not wholly owned by either Transgas Inc. or Colonial
Gas Company (the "Transition Date"), the following provisions
shall apply.  The number of Trustees shall be determined from
time to time by the Trustees, but shall not be less than three
nor more than fifteen, shall be divided into classes and elected
for terms as set forth below, and shall be elected at the annual
meeting of the Shareholders by such Shareholders as have the
right to vote at such election.  The number of Trustees may be
increased at any time or from time to time to any number not more
than fifteen by vote of a majority of the Trustees then in
office.  The number of Trustees may be decreased to any number
not less than three at any time or from time to time by a vote of
a majority of the Trustees then in office, but only to eliminate
vacancies existing by reason of the death, resignation or removal
as permitted hereunder of one or more Trustees.

     The Trustees shall be divided into three classes as nearly
equal in number as may be: Class I, Class II and Class III.  The
number of Trustees in each class shall be the whole number
contained in the quotient arrived at by dividing the authorized
number of Trustees by three and, if a fraction is also contained
in such quotient, then if such fraction is one-third the extra
Trustee shall be a member of Class III and if the fraction is
sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) one of the Trustees
shall be a member of Class III and the other shall be a member of
Class II. Each Trustee shall serve for a term ending at the third
annual meeting thereafter ensuing following the annual meeting at
which such Trustee was elected; provided, however, that the
Trustees first elected to Class I shall serve for a term ending
at the annual meeting next ensuing, the Trustees first elected to
Class II shall serve for a term ending at the second annual
meeting thereafter ensuing and the Trustees first elected to
Class III shall serve a term ending at the third annual meeting
thereafter ensuing.  The foregoing notwithstanding, each Trustee
shall serve until his successor shall have been duly elected and
qualified, unless he shall die, retire, resign, become
disqualified or disabled or shall otherwise be removed.

     At each annual election, the Trustees chosen to succeed
those whose terms then expire shall be identified as being of the
same class as the Trustees they succeed.  If for any reason the
number of Trustees in the various classes shall not conform with
the formula set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Trustees
may redesignate any Trustee into a different class in order that
the balance of Trustees in such classes shall conform thereto.

     This provision is subject to the rights of holders of the
Preferred Shares and any other class or series of preferred
shares which may be created to elect Trustees of the Company
pursuant to the provisions of this Declaration applicable to each
such class or series of preferred shares.

3.3  Notification of Nominations.  Subject to the rights of
holders of any class or series of Shares having a preference over
the Common Shares as to dividends or upon liquidation to elect
Trustees under specified circumstances, nominations for the
election of Trustees may be made by the Trustees or a committee
appointed by the Trustees or by any Shareholder entitled to vote
in the election of Trustees generally.  However, any Shareholder
entitled to vote in the election of Trustees generally may
nominate one or more persons for election as Trustees at a
meeting only if written notice of such Shareholder's intent to
make such nomination or nominations has been timely given to the
clerk of the Company.  To be timely, a Shareholder's notice must
be delivered to or mailed and received at the principal executive
offices of the Company not less than sixty (60) days nor more
than ninety (90) days prior to the meeting; provided, however,
that (except as to an annual meeting held on the date specified
in this Declaration, such date not having been changed since the
last annual meeting), if less than seventy (70) days' notice or
prior public disclosure of the date of the meeting is given or
made to Shareholders, notice by the Shareholder to be timely must
be so received not later than the close of business on the 10th
day following the day on which such notice of the date of the
meeting was mailed or such public disclosure was made.  Each such
notice shall set forth (a) the name and address of the
Shareholder who intends to make the nomination and of the person
or persons to be nominated, (b) a representation that the
Shareholder is a holder of record of Shares of the Company
entitled to vote at such meeting and intends to appear in person
or by proxy at the meeting to nominate the person or persons
specified in the notice, (c) a description of all arrangements or
understandings between the Shareholder and each nominee and any
other person or persons (naming such person or persons) pursuant
to which the nomination or nominations are to be made by the
Shareholder, (d) such other information regarding each nominee
proposed by such Shareholder as would be required to be included
in a proxy statement filed pursuant to the proxy rules of the
Securities and Exchange Commission, and (e) the consent of each
nominee to serve as a Trustee of the Company if so elected.  The
chairman of the meeting may refuse to acknowledge the nomination
of any person not made in compliance with the foregoing

3.4  Resignation; Vacancies; Removals.  A Trustee may resign by
presenting his or her resignation in writing at a meeting of the
Trustees or delivering the same at the principal office of the
Company, addressed to the chairman, president, treasurer or clerk
of the Company, and its acceptance by the Trustees shall not be
required unless so stated in the resignation.  Any member of any
committee of Trustees may resign by giving written notice either
as set forth in the preceding sentence or to the committee of
which he or she is a member or to its chairman. Newly created
trusteeships resulting from any increase in the authorized number
of Trustees or any vacancies resulting from death, retirement,
resignation, disability, removal or other cause shall be filled
by a majority vote of the Trustees then in office (even if less
than a quorum). Any Trustees so chosen shall continue in office
for the remainder of the full term of the class of Trustees in
which the new trusteeship was created or the vacancy occurred and
until his or her successor, if there be one, is chosen and
qualified.  The remaining Trustees may act notwithstanding any
vacancy in their numbers.  Subject to the other provisions of
this Declaration, a Trustee (including persons elected by the
Trustees to fill any vacancies) may be removed from office: (i)
for cause by vote of a majority of the Trustees then in office or
(ii) without cause by the vote of eighty percent (80%) of the
Shares issued and outstanding and entitled to vote generally in
the election of Trustees considered for proposes of this
provision as a single class.  A Trustee may be removed for cause
only after reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard before
the body proposing to remove him or her.  Except where a right to
receive compensation shall be expressly provided in a duly
authorized written agreement with the Company, no Trustee
resigning or removed shall have any right to any compensation as
such Trustee for any period following his or her resignation or
removal, or any right to damages on account of such removal,
whether his or her compensation be by the month or by the year or
otherwise, unless the body acting on the removal, shall in their
or its discretion provide for compensation.

3.5  Vesting In New Trustees.  Upon the resignation or removal of
a Trustee hereunder and upon the election or appointment of a new
Trustee hereunder, such instruments shall be executed,
acknowledged and delivered as the remaining Trustees or the new
Trustees shall deem necessary or convenient for confirming or
providing evidence of the vesting of the Trust Estate in the
Trustees for the time being who are residents of Massachusetts.
At least one Trustee shall be a resident of Massachusetts.
Notwithstanding the failure to execute any conveyance, the Trust
Estate shall always (not restricting the same to the above
enumerated cases) vest in the Trustees for the time being
hereunder and the Trust Estate shall always vest in such Trustees
as are residents of Massachusetts.

3.6  Compensation.  Each Trustee shall receive such reasonable
compensation as the Trustees may determine, and shall not be
limited by any provision of law with regard to the compensation
of trustees of an express trust.  Any such compensation shall be
subject to revision or amendment by the Shareholders.

3.7  Action By Board; Quorum.  The action of the Trustees in
respect of any matter shall be by vote passed by the Trustees at
a meeting or by a written vote without a meeting (with or without
notice to the other Trustees) signed by at least a majority of
the Trustees.  At any meeting of the Trustees, three Trustees
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business but a
smaller number may adjourn finally or from time to time without
further notice until a quorum is secured.  Any meeting may be
adjourned from time to time by a majority of the Trustees in
attendance (although less than a quorum), and the meeting may be
held as adjourned without further notice.  Except as herein
otherwise provided, when a quorum is present at any meeting a
majority of the Trustees in attendance thereat shall decide any
questions before such meeting.  Nothing in this Section 3.7 shall
be construed as limiting the delegation of any power to a
committee of the Trustees.

3.8  By-Laws.  The Trustees may by vote of a majority of the
Trustees then in office, adopt, make and from time to time amend,
add to or rescind by-laws for the Company (the "By- laws").  The
By-laws may, subject to the provisions of this Declaration: (a)
fix the fiscal year; (b) regulate the affairs of the Trustees;
(c) provide for such committees as the Trustees shall deem
appropriate, including an executive committee which shall be
vested with all of the powers and authorities of the Trustees in
the intervals between meetings of the Trustees; (d) provide for
the appointment of a chairman of the Trustees, a president, one
or more vice presidents, a treasurer, a clerk and such other
officers as the Trustees may deem appropriate, and the manner of
their appointment and removal, and their respective powers and
duties; (e) provide for the manner in which documents shall be
executed, including Share certificates; (f) provide for the
appointment of transfer agents or officers and registrars, and
(g) contain such further provisions relating to the above matters
or otherwise, incidental or in addition to but not inconsistent
with the provisions of this Declaration, as the Trustees shall
deem appropriate.

3.9  Certifications.  A certificate signed by the chairman, the
president, the treasurer, the clerk or any assistant or temporary
clerk, or one or more of the Trustees, shall be final and
conclusive evidence, in favor of every Person acting in good
faith in reliance thereon, as to

     (a)  a vacancy among the Trustees by reason of resignation,
removal, increase in the number of Trustees, incapacity, death or

     (b)  the individuals holding office as Trustees or officers
at any particular time;

     (c)  a copy of this Declaration or of the By-laws as true
and correct copy thereof as then in force;

     (d)  the contents of any vote of the Trustees, or any
committee thereof, or
the contents of any vote of the Shareholders;

     (e)  all matters in such certificate contained relating to
the meeting, if any, at which any of the foregoing votes is
therein certified to have been passed, including the regularity
of such meeting and the passage of any vote thereat; and

     (f)  all other matters and things stated in such

and no Person shall be obligated to make any inquiry as to any of
such matters, or as to the election or appointment of any person
acting as a Trustee at such meeting, or as to the holding of any
Shares by any Person acting as a Shareholder at such meeting, or
be affected by actual or implied notice of any irregularity
whatsoever therein.

                           ARTICLE IV


4.1  Trustees and Officers.  To the extent legally permissible,
each of the Company's Trustees and officers, as defined in
Section 4.5, shall be indemnified by the Trust Estate against any
loss, liability or expense, including amounts paid in
satisfaction of judgments, in compromise or as fines and
penalties, and counsel fees, imposed upon or reasonably incurred
by such person in connection with the defense or disposition of
any action, suit or other proceeding (other than a proceeding
voluntarily initiated by such person unless he or she is
successful on the merits, the proceeding was authorized by the
Company or the proceeding seeks only a declaratory judgment
regarding his or her own conduct), whether civil or criminal, in
which such person may be involved or with which such person may
be threatened, while in office or thereafter, by reason of such
person's being or having been such a Trustee or officer, except
with respect to any matter as to which such person shall have
been finally adjudicated in such action, suit or proceeding not
to have acted in good faith in the reasonable belief that his or
her action was in the best interests of the Company; provided,
however, that as to any matter disposed of by a compromise
payment by such Trustee or officer, pursuant to a consent decree
or otherwise, no indemnification either for such payment or for
any other expenses shall be provided unless such compromise shall
be approved by the Company in writing, which approval shall not
unreasonably be withheld, or by a court of competent

4.2  Liability.  No Trustee, officer or agent of the Company
shall be liable except for acts or failures to act which at the
time would impose liability on him or her if the Company were a
Massachusetts business corporation and he or she were a director,
officer or agent thereof, respectively.  In determining what he
or she reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the
Company, a Trustee may consider the interests of the Company's
employees, suppliers, creditors and customers, the economy of the
state, region and nation, community and societal considerations,
and the long-term and short-term interests of the Company, its
subsidiaries and its Shareholders, including the possibility that
these interests may best be served by the continued independence
of the Company.  Notwithstanding any provision of law or this
Section 4.2 or any other provision of this Declaration, a Trustee
shall not be liable to the Company or any Shareholder for
monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a Trustee except
that, to the extent provided by applicable law, this provision
shall not eliminate or limit the liability of a Trustee with
respect to any matter as to which he or she shall have been
adjudicated (i) to have breached his or her duty of loyalty to
the Company or its Shareholders, (ii) to have acted not in good
faith, or omitted to act in good faith, (iii) to have knowingly
violated the law or intentionally engaged in misconduct, or (iv)
to have derived any improper personal benefit from a transaction.
No amendment to or repeal of this Section 4.2 shall apply to or
have any effect on the liability or alleged liability of any
Trustee for or with respect to any acts or omissions of such
Trustee occurring prior to such amendment or repeal.

4.3  Books and Reports.  In discharging his or her duties a
Trustee or officer of the Company, when acting in good faith,
shall be fully protected in relying upon the books of account of
the Company or of another organization in which he or she serves
as contemplated by Section 4.5, reports made to the Company or to
such other organization by any of its officers or employees or by
counsel, accountants, appraisers or other experts or consultants
selected with reasonable care by the Trustees or similar
governing body of such other organization, or upon other records
of the Company or of such other organization.

4.4  Advance of Expenses.  Expenses, including counsel fees,
reasonably incurred by any Trustee or officer with respect to the
defense or disposition of any action, suit or proceeding referred
to in Section 4.1 shall be advanced by the Company prior to the
final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding, upon
receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the recipient to
repay such amount unless it is ultimately determined that he or
she is entitled to indemnification, which undertaking may be
accepted without regard to the financial ability of such person
to make repayment.

4.5  Rights Not Exclusive; Definitions.  The rights of
indemnification provided in Section 4.1 shall not be exclusive of
or affect any other rights to which any Trustee or officer may be
entitled and such rights shall inure to the benefit of his or her
successors, heirs, executors, administrators and other legal
representatives.  Such other rights shall include all powers,
immunities and rights of reimbursement which would be allowed
under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts were the
Company a business corporation organized under such laws.  As
used in this Article IV, the terms "Trustee" and "officer"
include persons who serve at the request of the Company as
directors, officers or trustees of another organization or
employee benefit plan in which the Company has any direct or
indirect interest as a shareholder, creditor, sponsor, employer
or otherwise.  Such person shall be deemed to have acted in good
faith in the reasonable belief that his or her action was in the
best interests of the Company if he acted in good faith in the
reasonable belief that his action was in the best interests of
such other organization or plan or of the participants or
beneficiaries of, or other persons with interests in, such other
organization or plan to whom he or she had a fiduciary duty.
Nothing contained in this Article IV shall affect any rights to
indemnification to which Company personnel other than Trustees
and officers may be entitled by contract or otherwise under law.
No Trustee shall be obligated to give any bond or other security
for the performance of any of his or her duties.

4.6  Shareholders.  In case any Shareholder shall at any time for
any reason be held to or be under any personal liability solely
by reason of his or her being or having been a Shareholder and
not by reason of his or her acts or omissions as a Shareholder,
then such Shareholder (or his or her heirs, executors,
administrators or other legal representatives) shall be entitled
out of the Trust Estate to be held harmless from, and indemnified
against, all loss, liability or expense by reason of such

4.7  Determinations.  Any authorization or approval by the
Company under this Article IV shall be conclusively deemed to
have been obtained, and in any case where a Trustee approves the
payment of indemnification, such Trustee shall be wholly
protected, if:

          (i) the payment has been approved or ratified (1) by a
     majority of the Trustees consisting of persons who are not
     at that time parties to the proceeding, (2) by a majority
     vote of a committee of two or more Trustees who are not at
     that time parties to the proceeding and are selected for
     this purpose by the Trustees (in which selection Trustees
     who are parties may participate), or (3) by the holders of a
     majority of the Shares outstanding and entitled to vote for
     Trustees, voting as a single class, exclusive of Shares
     owned by Trustees or offices who are at that time parties to
     the parties to the proceeding; or

          (ii) the action is taken in reliance upon the opinion
     of independent legal counsel (who may be counsel to the
     Company) appointed for the purpose by vote of the Trustees
     or in the manner specified in clauses (1), (2) or (3) of
     subparagraph (i); or

          (iii) the payment is approved by a court of competent
     jurisdiction; or

          (iv) the Trustees have otherwise acted in accordance
     with the standard of conduct applicable to directors of a
     Massachusetts business corporation.

4.8  Payments; Rights.  Any indemnification or advance of
expenses under this Article IV shall be paid promptly, and in any
event within thirty (30) days, after the receipt of the Company
of a written request therefor from the person to be indemnified,
unless with respect to a claim for indemnification the Company
shall have determined that the person is not entitled to
indemnification.  If the Company denies the request or if payment
is not made within such 30-day period, the person seeking to be
indemnified may at any time thereafter seek to enforce his rights
hereunder in a court of competent jurisdiction and, if successful
in whole or in part, he or she shall be entitled also to
indemnification for the expenses of prosecuting such action.
Unless otherwise provided by law, the burden of proving that the
person is not entitled to indemnification shall be on the
Company.  The right of indemnification under this Article IV
shall be a contract right inuring to the benefit of the Trustees,
officers and other persons entitled to be indemnified hereunder
and no amendment or repeal of this Article IV shall adversely
affect any right of such Trustees, officer or other person
existing at the time of such amendment or repeal.

                            ARTICLE V


5.1  Transactions Between Trustees, Officers, Employees or Agents
and the Company.  Except as otherwise provided by this
Declaration, and in the absence of fraud, a contract, act or
other transaction, between the Company and any other Person, or
in which the Company is interested, shall be valid and no
Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the Company shall have any
liability as a result of entering into any such contract, act or
transaction, even though (a) one or more of the Trustees,
officers, employees or agents are directly or indirectly
interested in or connected with, or are trustees, partners,
directors, employees, officers or agents of such other Person, or
(b) one or more of the Trustees, officers, employees or agents of
the Company, individually or jointly with others, is a party or
are parties to, or directly or indirectly interested in, or
connected with, such contract, act or transaction, provided that
(i) such interest or connection is disclosed or known to the
Trustees and thereafter the Trustees authorize or ratify such
contract, act or other transaction by affirmative vote of a
majority of the Trustees who are not interested or (ii) such
interest or connection is disclosed or known to the Shareholders,
and thereafter such contract, act or transaction is approved by
Shareholders holding a majority of the Shares then outstanding
and entitled to vote thereon or (iii) such contract, act or
transaction was fair to the Company.

5.2  Right of Trustees, Officers, Employees and Agents to Own
Shares or Other Property and to Engage in Other Business.  Any
Trustee or officer, employee or agent of the Company may acquire,
own, hold and dispose of Shares in the Company, for his
individual account, and may exercise all rights of a Shareholder
to the same extent and in the same manner as if he were not a
Trustee or officer, employee, or agent of the Company.  Except as
otherwise required by the Trustees, any Trustee or officer,
employee or agent of the Company may, in his personal capacity or
in a capacity of trustee, officer, director, stockholder,
partner, member, advisor or employee of any Person or otherwise,
have business interests and engage in business activities similar
to or in addition to those relating to the Company, which
interests and activities may be similar to and competitive with
those of the Company.  Each Trustee, officer, employee and agent
of the Company shall be free of any obligation to present to the
Company any investment opportunity which comes to him in any
capacity other than solely as Trustee, officer, employee or agent
of the Company, even if such opportunity is of a character which,
if presented to the Company, could be taken by the Company.
Subject to the provisions of Section 5.1, any Trustee or officer,
employee or agent of the Company may be interested as trustee,
officer, director, stockholder, partner, member, advisor or
employee of, or otherwise have a direct or indirect interest in,
any Person who may be engaged to render advice or services to the
Company, and may receive compensation from such Person as well as
compensation as Trustee, officer, employee or agent or otherwise
hereunder.  None of these activities shall be deemed to conflict
with his duties and powers as Trustee or officer, employee or
agent of the Company.

5.3  Authorization or Ratification by Shareholders.  Regardless
of whether the foregoing provisions have or have not been
complied with, any agreement, dealing, relationship or
arrangement entered into by or on behalf of the Company or by the
Trustees, officers, agents or other representatives of the
Company, or by or on behalf of any company in which the Company
or the Trustees shall be interested as stockholder, or otherwise,
shall not be voided by reason of the interest therein of any
Shareholder, Trustee, officer, agent or other representative nor
shall any Shareholder, Trustee, officer, agent or other
representative being so interested be liable to account to the
Company or to the Trustees, officers or Shareholders, or
otherwise, for any profit or benefit realized through any such
agreement, dealing, relationship or arrangement by reason of such
Shareholder, Trustee, officer, agent or other representative
holding that position or of the fiduciary relation thereby
established, if such agreement, dealing, relationship or
arrangement shall have been authorized or ratified by the
Shareholders or by the stockholders of any such company, as the
case may be, after notice of the fact of the interest therein
(including a general statement of the nature and extent of such
interest) of such Shareholder, Trustee, officer, agent or other
representative, except that if such agreement, dealing,
relationship or arrangement was with a Shareholder or
Shareholders the authorization or ratification shall be by a
majority vote of disinterested Shareholders at a meeting.

5.4  Reliance.  The Trustees and the officers, employees and
agents of the Company may consult with counsel (which may be a
firm in which one or more of the Trustees or the officers,
employees or agents of the Company is or are members) and the
advice or opinion of such counsel shall be full and complete
personal protection to all the Trustees and the officers,
employees and agents of the Company in respect of any action
taken or suffered by them in good faith and in reliance on or in
accordance with such advice or opinion.  In discharging their
duties, Trustees or officers, employees or agents of the Company,
when acting in good faith, may rely upon financial statements of
the Company represented to them to fairly present the financial
position of the Company by the chief executive officer of the
Company or the officer of the Company having charge of its books
of account, or stated in a written report by an independent
certified public accountant fairly to present the financial
position of the Company. The Trustees and the officers, employees
and agents of the Company may rely, and shall be personally
protected in acting, upon any instrument or other document
believed by them to be genuine.

                           ARTICLE VI


6.1  Number; Nonassessable.    The entire beneficial interest in
the Trust Estate and in all business conducted by the Company and
all profits earned by it shall be, and during the continuance of
this trust shall remain, in the owners from time to time of
transferable shares of beneficial interest.  The authorized
shares of beneficial interest shall consist of (i) 15,000,000
common shares all of the same class and each with a par value of
$3.33 per Share (the "Common Shares") and (ii) 1,000,000
preferred shares (the "Preferred Shares") of which 100,000 Shares
have been designated as "Series A-1 Junior Participating
Preferred Shares" with the designations, powers, preferences and
rights as set forth in Appendix A attached hereto.  All Shares,
whether Common or Preferred, may be issued from time to time by
the Trustees without the necessity of obtaining the consent of
the Shareholders.  As provided in Section 6.2 below, the Trustees
are authorized to issue Preferred Shares in one or more series
and may amend this Declaration to set forth the designations,
powers, preferences and rights of each such series.

     (a)  Subject to the powers, preferences and rights of any
Preferred Shares, including any series thereof, having any
preference or priority over, or rights superior to, the Common
Shares and except as otherwise provided by law, the holders of
the Common Shares shall have and possess all powers and voting
and other rights pertaining to the Shares of this Company and
each Common Share shall be entitled to one vote.

     (b)  All Shares issued and to be issued shall be fully paid
and nonassessable except to the extent otherwise specifically
provided in the certificates representing such Shares.

     (c)  In any issue of Common Shares, fractional shares may be
issued if authorized by the Trustees; and in lieu thereof the
Trustees may issue transferable or nontransferable instruments
representing or relating to fractional interests (on such terms
and in such form as the Trustees shall determine) and may appoint
an exchange agent or exchange agents to assist Shareholders in
buying or selling such fractional interests.

6.2  Preferred Shares; Series.    The Preferred Shares may from
time to time be divided into and issued in series.  The different
series shall be established and designated, and the variations in
the relative rights and preferences as between the different
series shall be fixed and determined, by the Trustees as
hereinafter provided.  In all other respects all Preferred Shares
shall be identical.

     (a)  The Trustees are hereby expressly authorized, subject
to the provisions of this Declaration, to establish series of
Preferred Shares, and, with respect to such series, to fix and
determine by vote providing for the issue of such series:

          (1)  The distinctive designation of such series and the
     number of Shares which shall constitute such series, which
     number may be increased (except where otherwise provided by
     the Trustees in creating such series) or decreased (but not
     below the number of Shares then outstanding) from time to
     time by the Trustees;

          (2)  The dividend rate or rates and preferences, if
     any, to which the Shares of such series shall be entitled,
     the times at and conditions upon which dividends shall be
     paid, any limitations, restrictions or conditions on the
     payment of dividends, and whether dividends shall be
     cumulative and, if cumulative, the terms upon and dates from
     which such dividends shall be cumulative, which dates may
     differ for Shares of any one series issued at different
          (3)  Whether or not the Shares of such series shall be
     redeemable, and, if redeemable, the redemption prices which
     the Shares of such series shall be entitled to receive and
     the terms and manner of redemption;
          (4)  The preferences, if any, and the amounts which the
     Shares of such series shall be entitled to receive and all
     other special or relative rights of the Shares of such
     series, upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
     dissolution or winding up of, or upon any distribution of
     the assets of, the Company;
          (5)  The obligation, if any, of the Company to maintain
     a purchase, retirement or sinking fund for Shares of such
     series and the provisions with respect thereto;
          (6)  The terms, if any, upon which the Shares of such
     series shall be convertible into, or exchangeable for,
     Shares of any other class or classes or of any other series
     of the same or any other class or classes of Shares of the
     Company, including the price or prices or the rate or rates
     of conversion or exchange and the terms of adjustments, if
          (7)  The terms and conditions of the voting rights, if
     any, of the holders of the Shares of such series, including
     the conditions under which the Shares of such series shall
     vote as a separate class; and
          (8)  Such other designating, preferences, powers,
     qualifications and special or relative rights or privileges
     of such series to the full extent now or hereafter permitted
     by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for
     business corporations.

6.3  Shares Personal Property; Trust Only.  The Shares shall be
personal property entitling the holders only to the rights and
interest in the Trust Estate set forth in this Declaration.  The
Company is not intended to be, shall not be deemed to be, and
shall not be treated as a general partnership, limited
partnership, joint venture, corporation, limited liability
company or joint stock company nor shall the Trustees or
Shareholders or any of them for any purposes be, nor be deemed to
be, nor be treated in any way whatsoever to be, liable or
responsible hereunder as partners or joint venturers.  The
relationship of the Shareholders to the Trustees shall be solely
that of beneficiaries of the Company in accordance with the
rights conferred upon them by this Declaration.  The Shareholders
shall have no right to compel any partition, division, dividend
or distribution of the Company or any of the Trust Estate.

6.4  Rights of Shareholders; Limitation on Rights of Action.  No
Shareholder shall have or acquire at any time any interest in any
specific property, real or personal, at any time forming part of
the Trust Estate, or any right to any division or partition
thereof or any other rights with reference thereto, except to
have such property dealt with as herein provided, to receive
dividends therefrom, as herein provided, and to share in the
distribution of the cash proceeds thereof, or distributions in
kind, or both, upon the termination of the trust, as herein
provided.  No action may be brought by a Shareholder on behalf of
the Company unless a prior demand regarding such matter has been
made on the Trustees and the Shareholders of the Company unless
such demand is excused as a matter of law.

6.5  Additional Shares.  Additional Common Shares or Preferred
Shares or shares of any other class may be authorized from time
to time, by vote, at a meeting duly called and held, of holders
of a majority of the Shares outstanding and entitled to vote
thereon.  Additional Common Shares shall rank equally and be in
all respects identical with the Common Shares originally
authorized.  Additional Shares may be issued from time to time by
the Trustees without the necessity of obtaining the consent of
the Shareholders except as otherwise provided in this Declaration
or the Shareholders vote authorizing such additional Shares.

6.6  All Other Changes in Shares.  Any authorized Shares, whether
issued or unissued, may by vote at a meeting duly called and held
of the holders of a majority of the Shares outstanding and
entitled to vote thereon, be changed by increasing or decreasing
their par value, be reduced in number, be changed into the same
or a different number of Shares of any class or classes with or
without par value, or be classified or reclassified.  In
connection with any of the foregoing, the Trustees may increase,
decrease or adjust the capital accounts of the Company.

6.7  Consideration for Issue.  Unless otherwise prescribed by
vote of the Shareholders, all shares may be issued for money,
services or property (including other Shares or Securities of the
Company at the time outstanding or a note), or as a distribution
to Shareholders, and upon such terms as to valuation of Shares,
services or property and otherwise, as the Trustees may in its
absolute discretion determine.

6.8  Surplus.  Unless the Trustees otherwise specify, the excess
of the consideration for any Share with par value issued by it
over such par value shall be paid-in surplus.  The Trustees may
allocate to capital stock less than all of the consideration for
any share without par value issued by it, in which case the
balance of such consideration shall be paid-in surplus.  All
surplus shall be available for any corporate purpose, including
the payment of dividends.

6.9  No Preemptive or Preferential Rights of Subscription.  No
holder of Shares of any class and no holder of other Securities
of the Company, convertible or otherwise, shall have any
preemptive or preferential right of subscription to, or purchase
of, any Securities of the Company.

6.10 Dividends.  Except as otherwise set forth herein or in any
designation of any series of Preferred Shares, no Shareholder
shall have any right to any dividends except when and as the same
are declared by the Trustees, and no Trustee or Shareholder,
officer, agent or representative of the Company shall be liable
therefor, and any Shareholder entitled thereto shall look only to
the Trust Estate for the payment of any such dividends.  The
Company shall pay and distribute dividends declared by the
Trustees to the Shareholders according to the number of Shares
held by them respectively.

6.11 Treasury Shares.  Shares in the Company acquired by the
Company may be canceled and the number of shares issued may
thereby be reduced, or such shares may be held in the treasury
and be disposed of by the Company, when authorized by the
Trustees, as the Trustees may from time to time determine; but
such Shares while so held in the treasury shall not be entitled
to any voting rights or to any dividends and shall not be deemed
outstanding in computing proportions or percentages of Shares
hereunder or for any other purpose hereof. Shares canceled
pursuant to this Section 6.11 shall have the status of authorized
but unissued shares.

6.12 Transfer Books.  A register or registers shall be kept under
the direction of the Trustees, which shall contain the names and
addresses of the Shareholders and the number and kind of Shares
held by them respectively and a record of all transfers thereof.
No Shareholder shall be entitled to receive payment of any
dividend declared, nor to have any notice given to him or her as
herein provided, until he or she has given his or her address to
the transfer agent, or such other officer or agent of the Company
as shall keep such register, for entry thereon.

6.13 Transfer Agent.  The Company, when authorized by the
Trustees, may employ a transfer agent or transfer agents and a
registrar or registrars.  The transfer agent or transfer agents
shall keep such registers and record therein the transfers of any
of such Shares and countersign Share certificates issued to the
Persons entitled to the same.  The transfer agents and registrars
shall perform the duties usually performed by transfer agents and
registrars of certificates of stock in a corporation, except as
modified by the Trustees.

6.14 Share Certificates.  No certificates certifying the
ownership of Shares need be issued unless the Trustees otherwise
determine from time to time.  The Trustees may make such rules as
they consider appropriate for the issuance of share certificates,
the form thereof, and similar matters.

6.15 Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Share Certificates.  In the event
the Trustees authorize the issuance of Share certificates, a new
certificate may be issued to replace any certificate previously
issued, on satisfactory evidence that such certificate previously
issued has been worn out, mutilated, lost or destroyed and on
such terms, if any, as to indemnity and otherwise, as the
Trustees shall deem proper.

6.16 Transfer of Shares.  Every transfer of any certificated
Shares (otherwise than by operation of law) shall be signed by
the transferor or by his or her agent thereunto duly authorized
in writing, and upon delivery thereof to the Company or a
transfer agent of the Company, accompanied by the existing
certificate for such Shares and such evidence of the genuineness
of such transfer, authorization and other matters as may
reasonably be required, shall be recorded in the register, and a
new certificate therefor shall be issued to the transferee, and
in case of a transfer of only a part of the Shares represented by
any certificate a new certificate for the residue thereof shall
be issued to the transferor.  A Shareholder of record shall be
deemed to be the holder of the Share or Shares represented
thereby for all purposes hereof, and neither the Trustees nor any
transfer agent or registrar nor any officer or agent of the
Company shall be affected by any notice of a transfer until due
presentment of the certificate for such Shares or Shares for
registration of transfer.  The Trustees may determine from time
to time procedures for the transfer of uncertificated Shares.

6.17 Transfers by Operation of Law.  Any Person becoming entitled
to any Shares in consequence of the death, bankruptcy or
insolvency of any Shareholder, or otherwise by operation of law,
shall be recorded in the register as the holder of such Shares,
and receive a new certificate for the same, upon production of
the proper evidence thereof and delivery of the existing
certificate to the Company or a transfer agent of the Company.
Until such production of evidence and delivery of the existing
certificate, the Shareholder of record shall be deemed to be the
holder of such Shares for all purposes hereof, and neither the
Trustees nor any transfer agent or registrar nor any officer or
agent of the Company shall be affected by any notice of such
death, bankruptcy, insolvency or other event.  The Trustees may
determine from time to time procedures for the transfer by
operation of law of uncertificated Shares.

6.18 Joint Owners.  Any two or more Persons in whose names any
Share is registered shall be treated as joint owners of the
entire interest therein, and no entry shall be made in the
register or in any certificate that any Person is entitled to any
future, limited or contingent interest in any Share.  However,
any Person registered as a holder of any Share may, subject to
the provisions hereinafter contained, be described in the
register or in any certificate as a trustee or fiduciary of any
kind, and appropriate words may be added to the description to
identify such trust.

6.19 No Duty to Examine into Trusts, Pledges, etc., To Which
Shares are Subject. The Company shall not, nor shall the Trustees
or the Shareholders or any officer of the Company or any transfer
agent or other agents of the Company, or the Trustees, be bound
to take notice or be affected by notice of any trust, whether
express, implied or constructive, or of any charge, pledge or
equity to which any of such Shares or the interest of any of the
Shareholders in this trust may be subject, or to ascertain or
inquire whether any sale or transfer of any such Shares or
interest by any such Shareholder or his or her personal
representatives is authorized by such trust, charge, pledge or
equity, or to recognize any Person as having any interest
therein, except the Persons registered as such Shareholders.  The
receipt of the Person in whose name any Share is registered, or,
if such Share is registered in the names of more than one Person,
the receipt of any one of such Persons, or the receipt of the
duly authorized agent of any such Person, shall be a sufficient
discharge for all dividends and other money and for all shares,
bonds, obligations and other property payable, issuable or
deliverable in respect of such Share and from all liability to
see to the application thereof.

                           ARTICLE VII

                    MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS

7.1  Annual Meeting.  An annual meeting of the Shareholders shall
be held on the third Wednesday of April in every year, if not a
legal holiday, and if a legal holiday, then on the next preceding
Wednesday not a legal holiday, or on such other date within six
months after the close of the fiscal year as the Trustees or the
chairman or the president may from time to time fix, at the
principal office of the Company or at such other place in or
outside Massachusetts as may be designated by the Trustees, the
chairman or the president, for the purpose of electing Trustees
and for such other purposes as may be prescribed by law and
hereby or as may be specified in the notice by the Trustees or by
the chairman or by the president of the Company.  If such annual
meeting is not held on the day herein provided for, a special
meeting may be held in lieu thereof, and any business transacted
or election held at such special meeting shall have the same
effect as if transacted or held at such annual meeting.

7.2  Special Meetings.  The Trustees, chairman, president or a
vice president of the Company may, whenever any of them think
fit, call or direct any officer of the Company to call a special
meeting of the Shareholders to be held at the principal office of
the Company or, in their discretion, at any other place in or
outside Massachusetts, and such special meeting shall be so
called by the clerk, or in the case of the death, incapacity or
refusal of the clerk, by another officer, upon written
application of one or more Shareholders who hold at least forty
percent (40%) in interest of the Shares entitled to vote at such
special meeting.

7.3  Presiding Officer.  The chairman or, if there is no chairman
or the chairman is absent, the president shall preside at every
meeting of the Shareholders, but if neither the chairman nor the
president is present at the commencement of the meeting or, being
present, shall not be willing to preside, unless the Trustees
shall have designated another person to preside, the Shareholders
present in person or by proxy shall choose the chairman of such

7.4  Business to be Transacted.  At any meeting of the
Shareholders, only such business shall be conducted as shall have
been properly brought before the meeting.  To be brought properly
before a meeting of Shareholders, business must be either (a)
specified in the notice of meeting (or any supplement thereto)
given by or at the direction of the Trustees, (b) otherwise
properly brought before the meeting by or at the direction of the
Trustees, or (c) otherwise properly brought before the meeting by
a Shareholder.  In addition to any other applicable requirements
for business to be brought properly before a meeting by a
Shareholder, the Shareholder must have given timely notice
thereof in writing to the clerk.  To be timely, a Shareholder's
notice must be delivered to or mailed and received at the
principal executive offices of the Company not less than sixty
(60) days nor more than ninety (90) days prior to the meeting;
provided, however, that (except as to an annual meeting held on
the date specified in this Declaration, such date not having been
changed since the last annual meeting), if less than seventy (70)
days' notice or prior public disclosure of the date of the
meeting is given or made to Shareholders, notice by the
Shareholder to be timely must be so received not later than the
close of business on the 10th day following the day on which such
notice of the date of the meeting was mailed or such public
disclosure was made.  A Shareholder's notice shall set forth as
to each matter the Shareholder proposes to bring before the
meeting (i) a brief description of the business desired to be
brought before the meeting, (ii) the name and record address of
the Shareholder proposing such business, (iii) the class or
series and number of Shares which are beneficially owned by the
Shareholder, and (iv) any material interest of the Shareholder in
such business.  Notwithstanding anything in the Declaration to
the contrary, no business shall be conducted at any meeting of
Shareholders except in accordance with the procedures set forth
in this section.  The chairman of the meeting may determine
whether any business was properly brought before the meeting in
accordance with the provisions of this section, and any such
business not properly brought before the meeting shall not be

7.5  Notices.  A written or printed notice of each meeting of the
Shareholders, whether annual or special, specifying the time,
place and purposes thereof, shall be given as hereinafter
provided by the clerk or any assistant clerk or by an officer
designated by the Trustees at least seven (7) days (including
Sundays and holidays) before such meeting to each of the
Shareholders entitled to vote thereat and to each Shareholder who
is entitled to such notice.  Every notice to any Shareholder
required or provided for herein may be given to him or her
personally or by leaving such notice with him or her at his or
her residence or usual place of business or by mailing it to him
or her, postage prepaid, at his or her address specified in the
records of the Company.  Notice shall be deemed to have been
given at the time when it is so mailed. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, in the case of any special meeting call upon the
written application of Shareholders, such meeting shall be called
not less than sixty (60) days nor more than ninety (90) days
after such application is received by the Company and written
notice thereof shall be given in accordance with the first
sentence of this Section 7.5 at least twenty (20) days before
such meeting.  In respect of any Share held jointly by more than
one Person, notice so given to any one of them shall be
sufficient notice to all of them.  Any notice so sent to the
address of any Shareholder shall be deemed to have been duly sent
in respect of any such Share whether held by him or her solely or
jointly with others, notwithstanding he or she be then deceased
or be bankrupt or insolvent or legally incompetent, and whether
the Trustees or any Person sending such notice have knowledge or
not of his or her death, bankruptcy or insolvency or legal
incompetence, until some other Person or Persons shall be
registered as holders.  The certificate of the Person or Persons
giving such notice shall be sufficient evidence thereof, and
shall protect all Persons acting in good faith in reliance on
such certificate.  Whenever notice of meeting is required to be
given to a Shareholder under any provision of Massachusetts law
applicable to the Company or of this Declaration, a written
waiver thereof, executed before or after the meeting by such
Shareholder or such Shareholder's attorney thereunto authorized
and filed with the records of the meeting, shall be deemed
equivalent to such notice.

7.6  Voting; Quorum.  At all meetings every Shareholder shall,
subject to the provisions of Section 7.9 and except as otherwise
provided with respect to any class or series of Shares, have one
vote for each Share held by him or her and may vote at any
meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof in person or
by proxy in writing dated not more than six months before the
meeting named therein (unless a proxy coupled with an interest
sufficient at law to support an irrevocable power), which proxies
shall be filed with the clerk or other person responsible to
record the proceedings of the meeting before being voted; and,
except as otherwise provided herein, the holders of a majority of
all the Shares issued and outstanding and entitled to vote at a
meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business.  The placing of a Shareholder's name on a proxy
pursuant to telephonic or electronically transmitted instructions
obtained pursuant to procedures reasonably designed to verify
that such instructions have been authorized by such Shareholders
shall constitute execution of such proxy by or on behalf of such
Shareholder.  Shares owned directly or indirectly by the Company,
if any, shall not be deemed outstanding for this purpose, and the
Company shall not, directly or indirectly, vote any of its own
Shares.  When any Share is held jointly by more than one Person,
any one of them may vote at any meeting in person or by proxy in
respect of such Share, but if more than one of them shall be
present at such meeting in person or by proxy, and such joint
owners or their proxies so present disagree as to any vote to be
cast, such vote shall not be received in respect of such Share.
If the holder of any Share is a minor or a person of unsound
mind, or subject to guardianship or to the legal control of any
other Person as regards the charge or management of such Share,
he or she may vote by his or her guardian or such other Person
appointed or having such control, and such vote may be given in
person or by proxy.  Any election of Trustees by the Shareholders
shall be by ballot if so requested by a Shareholder present or
represented at the meeting and entitled to vote in the election.
Whenever Shareholders are required or permitted to take any
action, such action may be taken without a meeting by written
consents setting forth the action so taken, signed by all the
holders of the issued and outstanding Shares that would be
entitled to vote thereon at a meeting. Such consents shall be
treated for all purposes as a vote at a meeting.

7.7  Adjournment of Meeting.  Any meeting (or portion thereof)
may be adjourned from time to time by a majority of the votes
properly cast upon the question, whether or not a quorum is
present, and the meeting (or portion thereof) may be held as
adjourned without further notice.

7.8  Requisite Vote to Act.  Except as otherwise herein provided,
when a quorum is present at any meeting, a plurality of votes
properly cast for election to any office shall elect to such
office, and a majority of the Shares represented at the meeting
and entitled to vote upon any question properly brought before
the meeting shall decide such question.  Provisions hereunder for
a majority vote of Shareholders at a meeting mean a vote of the
holders of a majority of those Shares entitled to vote thereon
which are represented in person or by proxy at such meeting.

7.9  Record Date for Voting, Dividends and Offerings.  For the
purpose of determining the Shareholders who are entitled to vote
or act at any meeting or any adjournment thereof, or who are
entitled to receive payment of any dividend or of any other
distribution or offering, the Trustees may from time to time fix
in advance a time, which shall be not more than sixty (60) days
before the date of any meeting of Shareholders or the date for
the payment of any dividend or of any other distribution or the
date of the offering, as the record date for determining the
Shareholders having the right to notice of and to vote at such
meeting and any adjournment thereof or the right to receive such
dividend or distribution or such offering, and in such case only
Shareholders of record on such record date shall have such right,
notwithstanding any transfer of Shares on the books of the
Company after the record date; or without fixing such record date
the Trustees may for any of such purposes close the register or
transfer books for all or any part of such period.  If no record
date is fixed and the transfer books are not closed, (i) the
record date for determining Shareholders having the right to
notice of or to vote at a meeting of Shareholders shall be at the
close of business on the date next preceding the day on which
notice is given, and (ii) the record date for determining
Shareholders for any other purpose shall be at the close of
business on the day on which the Trustees acts with respect
                          ARTICLE VIII

                     COMBINATION; AMENDMENTS

8.1  Duration of Trust.  Unless terminated as provided in
Section 3.1(h) or Section 8.3, the Company shall have perpetual
existence and shall continue in such manner that the Trustees
shall have all the powers and discretions, express and implied,
conferred upon them by law or by this Declaration without
limitation as to time.

8.2  Death of Shareholder or Trustee not to Terminate Trust.  The
death of a Trustee hereunder or of a Shareholder or the
dissolution of a Shareholder hereunder during the continuance of
this trust shall not operate to terminate this trust, nor shall
it entitle the legal representatives of any such Trustee or
Shareholder to an accounting or to take any action in the courts
or otherwise.

8.3  Termination; Combination; Affiliation.  Except as provided
in Section 8.4 below, the Trustees may terminate this trust at
any time, or may cause the Company to be merged, combined,
consolidated or otherwise affiliated with another Person, if such
termination, merger, combination, consolidation, or affiliation
has been authorized by vote, at a meeting duly called and held,
of the holders of sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of
the Shares outstanding and entitled to vote thereon or has been
authorized pursuant to Section 3.1(h).  Such termination, merger,
combination, consolidation or affiliation shall become effective
only upon presentation to the Trustees, as required by Section
8.7, of the counterpart of the certificate referred to in Section
8.7, or at such later time as may be specified in the vote
effecting such action.  In respect of any such merger,
combination, consolidation or affiliation (other than as provided
in Section 3.1(h)), the agreement in respect thereof shall confer
on the holders of all Shares of the Company who dissent from such
transaction within the time and in the manner provided in the
Massachusetts statute applicable to business corporations,
substantially those rights they would have if the Company were at
the time a Massachusetts business corporation.  Such rights shall
be the Shareholders' exclusive remedy in respect of such holders'
dissent from any such actions.

8.4  Certain Business Combinations.    (a)  Except as set forth
in Section 8.4(b), the affirmative vote or consent of the holders
of at least eighty percent (80%) of the Shares of all classes of
the Company entitled to vote for the election of Trustees,
considered for purposes of this provision as one class, shall be
required; (i) for the adoption of any agreement for the merger,
combination, or consolidation of the Company with or into any
Other Person, (ii) to authorize any sale, lease, exchange,
mortgage, pledge or other disposition of all, or substantially
all, of the assets of the Company to any Other Person, (iii) to
authorize the issuance or transfer by the Company of any
Substantial Amount (as hereinafter defined) of Securities of the
Company in exchange for the Securities or assets of any Other
Person or (iv) to engage in any other transaction the effect of
which is to combine the assets and business of the Company with
any Other Person.  Such affirmative vote or consent shall be in
addition to whatever vote or consent of the holders of the Shares
of the Company may otherwise be required by law, this
Declaration or any agreement or contract to which the Company
shall be a party.

     (b)  The provisions of Section 8.4(a) shall not be
applicable to any transaction described therein if such
transaction is approved by the Trustees; provided that the
Trustees voting in favor of such transaction include a majority
of the persons who were duly elected and acting Trustees prior to
the time any such Other Person became a Beneficial Owner of ten
percent (10%) or more of the Shares of the Company entitled to
vote for the election of Trustees.  In considering such
transaction, the Trustees shall give due consideration to all
relevant factors, including without limitation the social and
economic effect on the employees, customers, suppliers and other
constituents of the Company and on the communities in which the
Company and its Subsidiaries operate or are located.

     (c)  The Trustees shall have the power and duty to determine
for the purposes of this provision, on the basis of information
known to them, if and when any Other Person is the Beneficial
Owner of ten percent (10%) or more of the outstanding Shares of
the Company entitled to vote for the election of Trustees.  Any
such determination, if made in good faith, shall be conclusive
and binding for all purposes of this provision.

     (d)  This Section 8.4 cannot be amended, altered or repealed
without the approval of the holders of at least eighty percent
(80%) of the Shares of all classes of the Company entitled to
vote for the election of Trustees, considered for the purposes of
this provision as a single class.

     (e)  The provisions of this Section 8.4 shall be in addition
to the provisions of Chapter 110F of the Massachusetts General
Laws, Business Combinations with Interested Shareholders.

8.5  Control Share Acquisitions.    The provisions of Chapter
110D of the Massachusetts General Laws, Regulation of Control
Share Acquisitions, shall not apply to control Share acquisitions
of the Company.

     (a)  If the provisions of Chapter 110D of the Massachusetts
General Laws, Regulation of Control Share Acquisitions, shall at
any time apply to control Share acquisitions of the Company, the
Company shall be authorized to redeem, at its option but without
requiring the agreement of the Person who has made a control
Share acquisition, all but not less than all Shares acquired in
such control Share acquisition under the circumstances and
pursuant to the provisions set forth in section 6 of such Chapter
110D, as amended from time to time.

8.6  Amendments.  This Declaration may be altered, amended, added
to or rescinded by an instrument in writing signed by a majority
of the Trustees, if the same has been authorized by majority vote
of the Shareholders at a meeting, and such other vote, if any, as
may be required by the rights or preferences relating to any
class or series of Shares; provided that if such alteration,
amendment, addition or rescission shall in the judgment of the
Trustees be of a fundamental character it shall require
authorization by vote, at such a meeting, of the holders of sixty-
six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the Shares outstanding
and entitled to vote thereon; and provided further that any
alteration, amendment, addition or rescission of any provision
requiring a vote of the holders of a specified percentage of the
Shares shall be only by vote of the holders of such percentage;
and provided further that the provisions of Sections 2.1 and 2.2
exempting from personal liability the Shareholders, Trustees,
officers, agents and other representatives of the Company may be
amended only by unanimous vote of the holders of all Shares
entitled to vote at the time such vote is taken and such
amendment shall take effect only prospectively.  Such alteration,
amendment, addition or rescission shall become effective at such
time as may be specified in the vote effecting such action.
Notwithstanding anything preceding in this section to the
contrary but subject to the provisions of Section 8.4, the vote
of the holders of eighty percent (80%) of the Shares issued and
outstanding and entitled to vote generally in the election of
Trustees considered for proposes of this provision as a single
class shall be required for any alteration, amendment or repeal
of Sections 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4; provided, however, that such eighty
percent (80%) vote shall not be required for any alteration,
amendment or repeal adopted or recommended by eighty percent
(80%) of the Trustees then in office.  Amendments for the purpose
of changing the name of the Company or of supplying any omission,
curing any ambiguity or curing, correcting or supplementing any
defective or inconsistent provision contained in this Declaration
shall not require authorization by vote of the Shareholders.

8.7  Certificate of Termination or Amendment.  In case this trust
shall be terminated or any merger, combination, consolidation or
affiliation shall be effected, or any of the terms, powers and
provisions herein contained shall be altered, amended, added to
or rescinded, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 3.1(h), 8.3
or 8.5 or other authority, a certificate in any number of
counterparts deemed desirable, setting forth such termination,
alteration, amendment, addition or rescission or the terms of
such merger, combination, consolidation or affiliation and either
that the Shareholders have authorized the same in accordance with
the provisions of Sections 3.1(h), 8.3 or 8.5, or the other
authority pursuant to which the same has been made, shall be
signed by the chairman or president and by the clerk or any
assistant clerk and shall be acknowledged by either the chairman
or president signing the same and shall be recorded or filed in
the various public offices, if any, in which this Declaration is
then recorded or filed and at the principal office of the Company
and in such places as may be required by law, but failure to
record or file any such vote or resolution shall not affect the
validity thereof.

8.8  Disposition of Trust Estate on Termination.  Upon the
termination of this trust the Trustees shall, upon such terms as
shall be determined by the Trustees, sell and convert into money
or into shares, bonds or other Securities or obligations, whether
of the purchaser or otherwise, the whole or any part of the Trust
Estate and shall apportion the proceeds thereof and any property
forming part of the Trust Estate excepted from such sale among
all the Shareholders in accordance with their respective rights
ratably according to the number and kind of Shares held by them
respectively.  In making any sale under this provision the
Trustees shall have power to sell by public auction or private
contract and to buy in or rescind or vary any contract of sale
and to resell, without being answerable for loss, and for such
purposes to execute or cause to be executed all proper deeds and
instruments and to do all proper things. The Trustees may, after
the distribution of the full amounts of money, if any, due upon
liquidation or termination on any Preferred Shares of any class
or series which may be outstanding, divide the whole or any part
of the remaining Trust Estate in its actual state of investment
among the Shareholders in accordance with their respective rights
ratably according to the number and kind of Shares held by them
respectively, and for such purposes the Trustees shall have power
to determine the values of the property comprising the remaining
Trust Estate.

                           ARTICLE IX


9.1  Filing.  This Declaration and any amendment hereto shall be
filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and
in such other places as may be required under the laws of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and may also be filed or recorded
in such other places as the Trustees deem appropriate.  Unless
any such amendment sets forth some later time for the
effectiveness of such amendment, such amendment shall be
effective upon its filing with the Secretary of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts.  A restated Declaration of Trust, integrating
into a single instrument all of the provisions of this
Declaration which are then in effect and operative, may be
executed from time to time by the Trustees and shall, upon filing
with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, be
conclusive evidence of all amendments contained therein and may
hereafter be referred to in lieu of this Declaration and the
various amendments thereto.

9.2  Securities Held by Trust.  No Person shall be affected by
notice that any of its shares or bonds or other Securities or
obligations are subject to this trust or be bound to see to the
execution of this trust or to ascertain or inquire whether any
transfer of any such shares, bonds or Securities or obligations
by the Company is authorized, notwithstanding such authority may
be disputed by some other Person.

9.3  Authority of the Trustees to Construe Terms Hereof.  The
Trustees shall have the authority to construe any of the terms,
powers and provisions herein contained and to act on any such
construction, and its construction of the same and any action
taken pursuant thereto by the Trustees, or any committee, officer
or agent in good faith shall be final and conclusive.

9.4  Effect of Captions and Table of Contents.  The captions and
Table of Contents are inserted for convenience of reference, and
are not to be taken as any part of this Declaration or to control
or affect the meaning, construction or effect of the same.

9.5  Counterparts.  This Declaration may be simultaneously
executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed
to be an original, and such counterparts, together, shall
constitute one and the same instrument, which shall be
sufficiently evidenced by any such original counterpart.

9.6  Governing Law.  This Declaration is executed by the original
Trustees and delivered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and
with reference to the statutes and law thereof, and the rights of
all parties and the construction and effect of every provision
hereof shall be subject to and construed according to the
statutes and laws (without regard to conflicts of laws) of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

9.7  Successors in Interest.  This Declaration and the By-laws
shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the undersigned
Trustees and its successors, assigns, heirs, distributees and
legal representatives, and every Shareholder and his successors,
assigns, heirs, distributees and legal representatives.

9.8  Inspection of Records.  Trust records shall be available for
inspection by Shareholders at the same time and in the same
manner and to the extent that comparable records of a
Massachusetts business corporation would be available for
inspection by Shareholders under the laws of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts.  Except as specifically provided for in this
Declaration, Shareholders shall have no greater right than
Shareholders of a Massachusetts business corporation to require
financial or other information from the Company, the Trustees or
officers of the Company.

9.9  Provisions in Conflict with Laws or Regulations.  The
provisions of this Declaration are severable, and if the Trustees
shall determine, with the advice of counsel, that any of such
provisions would be inconsistent with any of the conditions
necessary for qualification of the Company as an exempted holding
company within the meaning of the Public Utility Holding Company
Act of 1935, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder
or is inconsistent with other applicable laws and regulations,
such provision shall be deemed never to have constituted a part
of this Declaration; provided that such determination shall not
affect any of the remaining provisions of this Declaration or
render invalid or improper any action taken or omitted prior to
such determination.  If any provision of this Declaration shall
be held invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such
invalidity or unenforceability shall attach only to such
provision in such jurisdiction and shall not in any manner affect
such provision in any other jurisdiction or any other provision
of this Declaration in any jurisdiction, and this Declaration
shall be carried out as if any such invalid or unenforceable
provision were not contained herein.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto executed this Declaration
of Trust under seal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on the
date first above mentioned.

                                   S/F.L. Putnam, III
                                      F.L. Putnam

                                   S/Nickolas Stavropoulos
                                      Nickolas Stavropoulos

                                   S/John P. Harrington
                                     John P. Harrington

                             ANNEX A


1.1  Authorized Amount and Designation.  There shall be
designated a series of Preferred Shares known as "Series A-1
Junior Participating Preferred Shares" (the "Junior Preferred
Shares").  The number of Shares constituting such series shall be
100,000 Shares. Such number of Shares may be increased or
decreased by resolution of the Trustees; provided, that no
decrease shall reduce the number of Shares of Junior Preferred
Shares to a number less than the number of Shares then
outstanding plus the number of Shares reserved by issuance upon
the exercise of outstanding options, rights or warrants or upon
the conversion of any outstanding securities issued by the
Company convertible into Junior Preferred Shares.

1.2  Dividends and Distributions.

     (a)  Subject to the prior and superior rights of the holders
of any Preferred Shares ranking prior and superior to the Junior
Preferred Shares with respect to dividends, the holders of Junior
Preferred Shares, in preference to the holders of Common Shares,
and of any other junior shares, shall be entitled to receive,
when, as and if declared by the Trustees out of funds legally
available for the purpose, quarterly dividends payable in cash on
the first day of March, June, September and December in each year
(each such date being referred to herein as a "Quarterly Dividend
Payment Date"), commencing on the first quarterly Dividend
Payment Date after the first issuance of a share or fraction of a
share of Junior Preferred Shares, in an amount per Share (rounded
to the nearest cent) equal to the greater of (1) $1.00 or (2)
subject to the provision for adjustment hereinafter set forth,
100 times the aggregate per Share amount of all cash dividends,
and 100 times the aggregate per Share amount (payable in kind) of
all non- cash dividends or other distributions, other than a
dividend payable in Common Shares or a subdivision of the
outstanding Common Shares (by reclassification or otherwise),
declared on the Common Shares since the immediately preceding
Quarterly Dividend Payment Date or, with respect to the first
Quarterly Dividend Payment Date, since the first issuance of any
Share or fraction of a Share of Junior Preferred Shares.  In the
event the Company shall at any time declare or pay any dividend
on the Common Shares payable in Common Shares, or effect a
subdivision or combination or consolidation of the outstanding
Common Shares (by reclassification or otherwise than by payment
of a dividend in Common Shares) into a greater or lesser number
of Common Shares, then in each such case the amount to which
holders of Junior Preferred Shares were entitled immediately
prior to such event under clause (2) of the preceding sentence
shall be adjusted by multiplying such amount by a fraction, the
numerator of which is the number of Common Shares outstanding
immediately after such event and the denominator of which is the
number of Common Shares that were outstanding immediately prior
to such event.

     (b)  The Company shall declare a dividend or distribution on
the Junior Preferred Shares as provided in Section 1.2(a) of this
Annex A immediately after it declares a dividend or distribution
on the Common Shares (other than a dividend payable in Common
Shares); provided that, in the event no dividend or distribution
shall have been declared on the Common Shares during the period
between any Quarterly Dividend Payment Date and the next
subsequent Quarterly Dividend Payment Date, a dividend of $1.00
per Share on the Junior Preferred Shares shall nevertheless be
payable on such subsequent Quarterly Dividend Payment Date.

     (c)  Dividends shall begin to accrue and be cumulative on
outstanding Shares of Junior Preferred Shares from the Quarterly
Dividend Payment Date next preceding the date of issue of such
Shares, unless the date of issue of such Shares is prior to the
record date for the first Quarterly Dividend Payment Date, in
which case dividends on such Shares shall begin to accrue from
the date of issue of such Shares, or unless the date of issue is
a Quarterly Dividend Payment Date or is a date after the record
date for the determination of holders of Junior Preferred Shares
entitled to receive a quarterly dividend and before such
Quarterly Dividend Payment Date, in either of which events such
dividends shall begin to accrue and be cumulative from such
Quarterly Dividend Payment Date.  Accrued but unpaid dividends
shall not bear interest.  Dividends paid on the Junior Preferred
Shares in an amount less than the total amount of such dividends
at the time accrued and payable on such Shares shall be allocated
pro rata on a Share-by-Share basis among all such Shares at the
time outstanding.  The Trustees may fix a record date for the
determination of holders of Junior Preferred Shares entitled to
receive payment of a dividend or distribution, declared thereon,
which record date shall not be more than sixty (60) days prior to
the date fixed for the payment thereof.

1.3  Voting Rights.   The holders of Shares of Junior Preferred
Shares shall have the following voting rights:

     (a)  Subject to the provision for adjustment hereinafter set
forth, each Junior Preferred Share shall entitle the holder
thereof to 100 votes on all matters submitted to a vote of the
Shareholders of the Company.  In the event the Company shall at
any time declare or pay any dividend on the Common Shares payable
in Common Shares, or effect a subdivision or combination or
consolidation of the outstanding Common Shares (by
reclassification or otherwise than by payment of a dividend in
Common Shares) into a greater or lesser number of Common Shares,
then in each such case the number of votes per share to which
holders of Shares of Junior Preferred Shares were entitled
immediately prior to such event shall be adjusted by multiplying
such number by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number
of Common Shares outstanding immediately after such event and the
denominator of which is the number of Common Shares that were
outstanding immediately prior to such event.

     (b)  Except as otherwise provided herein, in any other
resolution of the Trustees of the Company creating a series of
Preferred Shares, or by law, the holders of Junior Preferred
Shares and the holders of Common Shares and any other Shares of
the Company having general voting rights shall vote together as
one class on all matters submitted to a vote of Shareholders of
the Company.

     (c)  Except as set forth herein or as otherwise provided by
law, holders of Junior Preferred Shares shall have no voting

1.4  Certain Restrictions.

     (a)  Whenever quarterly dividends or other dividends or
distributions payable on the Junior Preferred Shares as provided
in Section 1.2 of this Annex A are in arrears, thereafter and
until all accrued and unpaid dividends and distributions, whether
or not declared, on Junior Preferred Shares outstanding shall
have been paid in full, the Company shall not:

          (1)  declare or pay dividends, or make any other
     distributions, on any Shares of stock ranking junior (either
     as to dividends or upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
     up) to the Junior Preferred Shares;
          (2)  declare or pay dividends, or make any other
     distributions, on any Shares of stock ranking on a parity
     (either as to dividends or upon liquidation, dissolution or
     winding up) with the Junior Preferred Shares, except
     dividends paid ratably on the Junior Preferred Shares and
     all such parity shares on which dividends are payable or in
     arrears in proportion to the total amounts to which the
     holders of all such Shares are then entitled;
          (3)  redeem or purchase or otherwise acquire for
     consideration Shares of any stock ranking junior (either as
     to dividends or upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up)
     to the Junior Preferred Shares; provided that the Company
     may at any time redeem, purchase or otherwise acquire any
     such junior Shares in exchange for Shares of the Company
     ranking junior (either as to dividends or upon dissolution,
     liquidation or winding up) to the Junior Preferred Shares;
          (4)  redeem, purchase or otherwise acquire for
     consideration any Junior Preferred Shares, or any Shares
     ranking on a parity with the Junior Preferred Shares, except
     in accordance with the purchase offer made in writing or by
     publication (as determined by the Trustees) to all holders
     of such Shares upon such terms as the Trustees, after
     consideration of the respective annual dividend rates and
     other relative rights and preferences of the respective
     series and classes, shall determine in good faith will
     result in fair and equitable treatment among the respective
     series or classes.

     (b)  The Company shall not permit any Subsidiary of the
Company to purchase or otherwise acquire for consideration any
Shares of stock of the Company unless the Company could, under
this Section 1.4 purchase or otherwise acquire such Shares at
such time and in such manner.

1.5  Reacquired Shares.  Any Junior Preferred Shares purchased or
otherwise acquired by the Company in any manner whatsoever shall
be retired and cancelled promptly after the acquisition thereof.
All such Shares shall upon their cancellation become authorized
but unissued Preferred Shares and may be reissued as part of a
new series of Preferred Shares, subject to the conditions and
restrictions on issuance set forth herein, in any other
resolution of the Trustees of the Company creating a series of
Preferred Shares, or as otherwise required by law.

1.6  Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding Up.  Upon any
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, no
distribution shall be made (1) to the holders of Shares of
ranking junior (either as to dividends or upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up) to the Junior Preferred Shares unless,
prior thereto, the holders of Junior Preferred Shares shall have
received $100.00 per share, plus an amount equal to accrued and
unpaid dividends and distributions thereon, whether or not
declared, to the date of such payment; provided that the holders
of Junior Preferred Shares shall be entitled to receive, to the
extent greater than the foregoing, an aggregate amount per share,
subject to the provision for adjustment hereinafter set forth,
equal to 100 times the aggregate amount to be distributed per
share to holders of Common Shares, or (2) to the holders of
Shares ranking on a parity (either as to dividends or upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up) with the Junior Preferred
Shares, except distributions made ratably on the Junior Preferred
Shares and all other such parity Shares in proportion to the
total amounts to which the holders of all such Shares are
entitled upon such liquidation, dissolution or winding up.  In
the event the Company shall at any time declare or pay any
dividend on the Common Shares payable in Common Shares, or effect
a subdivision or combination or consolidation of the outstanding
Common Shares (by reclassification or otherwise than by payment
of a dividend in Common Shares) into a greater or lesser number
of Common Shares, then in each such case the aggregate amount to
which holders of Junior Preferred Shares were entitled
immediately prior to such event under the proviso in clause (2)
of the preceding sentence shall be adjusted by multiplying such
amount by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of
Common Shares outstanding immediately after such event and the
denominator of which is the number of Common Shares that were
outstanding immediately prior to such event.

1.7  Consolidation, Merger, Etc.  In case the Company shall enter
into any consolidation, merger, combination or other transaction
in which the Common Shares are exchanged for or changed into
other stock or Securities, cash and/or any other property, then
in any such case each Junior Preferred Share shall at the same
time be similarly exchanged or changed into an amount per Share
(subject to the provision for adjustment hereinafter set forth)
equal to 100 times the aggregate amount of stock, Securities,
cash and/or any other property (payable in kind), as the case may
be, into which or for which each Common Share is changed or
exchanged.  In the event the Company shall at any time declare or
pay any dividend on Common Shares payable in Common Shares, or
effect a subdivision or combination or consolidation of the
outstanding Common Shares (by reclassification or otherwise than
by payment of a dividend in Common Shares) into a greater or
lesser number of Common Shares, then in each such case the amount
set forth in the preceding sentence with respect to the exchange
or change of Junior Preferred Shares shall be adjusted by
multiplying such amount by a fraction, the numerator of which is
the number of Common Shares outstanding immediately after such
event and the denominator of which is the number of Common Shares
that were outstanding immediately prior to such event.

1.8  Redemption.  The Junior Preferred Shares shall not be

1.9  Rank.  The Junior Preferred Shares shall rank junior with
respect to the payment of dividends and the distribution of
assets to all series of Preferred Shares that specifically
provide that they shall rank prior to the Junior Preferred
Shares.  Nothing herein shall preclude the Trustees from creating
any series of Preferred Shares ranking on a parity with or prior
to the Junior Preferred Shares as to the payment of dividends or
the distribution of assets.

1.10 Amendment.  This Annex A shall not be amended in any manner
which would materially alter or change the powers, preferences or
rights of the Junior Preferred Shares so as to affect them
adversely without the affirmative vote of the holders of at least
sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the outstanding
Junior Preferred Shares, voting together as a single series.

1.11 Fractional Shares.  The Junior Preferred Shares may be
issued in fractions of a Share which shall entitle the holder, in
proportion to such holder's fractional Shares, to exercise voting
rights, receive dividends, participate in distributions and to
have the benefit of all other rights of holders of the Junior
Preferred Shares.


                          [PROXY CARD]

                      COLONIAL GAS COMPANY

      The  undersigned stockholder of Colonial Gas  Company  (the
"Company")  hereby appoints Carol E. Elden and Dennis W.  Carroll
(each  with  power  to act without the other and  with  power  of
substitution) proxies to represent the undersigned at the  Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders of the Company to be held on  Wednesday
April   15,  1998  at  BankBoston,  100  Federal  Street,  Boston
Massachusetts and at any adjournment thereof, with all the  power
the  undersigned would possess if personally present, and to vote
as  designated below, all shares of Common Stock of  the  Company
which  the  undersigned may be entitled to vote at said  Meeting,
hereby revoking any proxy heretofore given.  In their discretion,
the  proxies  are authorized to vote upon such other business  as
may properly come before the meeting.

      The  matters referred to on the reverse side are more fully
described in the Notice of and Proxy Statement/Prospectus for the
Annual  Meeting,  receipt of which is hereby  acknowledged.   THE

                   REVERSE SIDE)


Dear Fellow Shareholder,

Below is your proxy card.  Please detach, sign, date and return 
it in the postage-paid return envelope.

Your vote is important, especially since brokers cannot vote on
the proposed holding company structure and an abstention is
considered a vote against that proposal.

The  Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" election  to  the
Board  of  the  nominees  listed below,  "FOR"  approval  of  the
Executive  Performance  and  Equity  Incentive  Plan  and   "FOR"
approval of the adoption of a holding company structure.

     1.  Election of Directors.

          NOMINEES: J.P. Harrington, F.L. Putnam, Jr.,
                    J.F. Reilly, Jr., M.M. Stapleton.

                 FOR                    WITHHELD
                 ALL                    FROM ALL
                 NOMINEES               NOMINEES
                __________              _________

For all nominees except as noted:__________________

      2.   To  approve  the Company's Executive  Performance  and
Equity Incentive Plan.

               FOR        AGAINST      ABSTAIN
               _____       _____        _____

      3.   To  approve  the proposal to adopt a  holding  company
structure for the company.

               FOR        AGAINST      ABSTAIN
               _____       _____        _____

      4.   To  transact such other business as may properly  come
before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

          MARK HERE                     MARK HERE
          FOR ADDRESS                   IF YOU PLAN
          CHANGE AND                    TO ATTEND
          NOTE AT LEFT   _____          THE MEETING   _____

NOTE:   Please  sign  name exactly as your name(s)  appears.   If
shares  are held jointly, both holders should sign.  When signing
as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please
give  full title as such.  If a corporation, please sign in  full
corporate  name by president or other authorized officer.   If  a
partnership,  please  sign  in  partnership  name  by  authorized

Signature ________________________________ Date________________

Signature ________________________________ Date________________