EXHIBIT 10 (q)

                                 Execution Copy

Sagasco Amadeus Pty Limited (ACN 056 420 396)

Magellan Petroleum Corporation (ABN 97 099 695 093)

Share sale agreement

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]
          Levels 22-35 No. 1 O'Connell Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
                   PO Box H3 Australia Square Sydney NSW 1215
                    Tel + 61 2 9353 4000 Fax + 61 2 8220 6700
                 Our ref - 169/21724160 Contact - Graham Taylor

            Sydney o Melbourne o Brisbane o Perth o Canberra o Darwin

 Liability limited by the Solicitors Scheme approved under the Professional
                            Standards Act 1994 (NSW)

Table of contents

1.          Definitions and interpretation..................................1

            1.1         Definitions.........................................1
            1.2         Interpretation......................................2
            1.3         Governing law.......................................2

2.          Sale of MPA Shares..............................................2

3.          Condition precedent.............................................3

4.          Completion......................................................3

            4.1         Time and place for Completion.......................3
            4.2         Delivery of documents by Sagasco....................3
            4.3         Delivery of documents by MPC........................3
            4.4         Interdependence of obligations......................3
            4.5         Sagasco's obligations until registration............3
            4.6         MPC's obligations to register.......................4

5.          Sagasco's warranties............................................4

6.          MPC's warranties................................................4

7.          Compliance with U.S. securities laws............................4

8.          General.........................................................6

            8.1         Further acts........................................6
            8.2         Notices.............................................6
            8.3         Jurisdiction........................................8
            8.4         Amendment...........................................7
            8.5         Waiver..............................................7
            8.6         Assignment..........................................8
            8.7         Counterparts........................................8
            8.8         Stamp duties........................................8
            8.9         Merger..............................................9
            8.10        Entire agreement....................................9
            8.11        Confidentiality and public announcements............9
            8.12        Expenses...........................................10
            8.13        No representation or reliance......................10
            8.14        Indemnities........................................10

Schedule 1 Transfer of MPA Shares..........................................11

Annexure A Registration Rights Agreement...................................14

Share sale agreement made on July 10, 2003

Parties                 Sagasco Amadeus Pty Limited (ACN 056 420 396) of Level
                        39, AMP Centre, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000

                        Magellan Petroleum Corporation (ABN 97 099 695 093) of
                        Unit 31, Oak Park, 149 Durham Road, Madison,
                        Connecticut, USA, 06443 ("MPC")


A.          Magellan Petroleum Australia Limited (ACN 009 728 581) is a company
            limited by shares registered in Australia with its registered office
            at Level 10, 145 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000 ("MPA").

B.          Sagasco is the legal and beneficial owner of 1,200,000 fully paid
            ordinary shares in the issued share capital of MPA ("MPA Shares").

C.          Sagasco has agreed to sell and MPC has agreed to purchase the MPA
            Shares upon the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.

The parties agree
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.          Definitions and interpretation

1.1         Definitions

            In this Agreement:

            "Agreement" means this Share Sale Agreement, including Schedule 1
            and Annex A attached hereto.

            "Business Day" means a day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or public
            holiday in the State.

            "Completion" means completion of the sale and purchase of the MPA
            Shares in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

            "Completion Date" means the fifth Business Day following the receipt
            of all approvals required under clause 3 of this Agreement or such
            other date as Sagasco and MPC shall agree.

            "Constitution" means the constitution of MPA.

            "Encumbrance" means any mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, encumbrance,
            assignment, hypothecation, security interest, title retention,
            preferential right, trust arrangement, contractual right of set-off
            or any other security agreement or arrangement in favour of any

            "FATA" means the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975.

            "FIRB Approval" means the unconditional approval pursuant to FATA of
            the Treasurer to the Proposal or the approval of the Treasurer
            subject to conditions which are acceptable to MPC acting reasonably.

            "MPA" has the meaning given in Recital A.

            "MPA Shares" has the meaning given in Recital B.

            "MPC Shares" means the common shares in the capital of MPC.

            "Proposal" means the acquisition of the MPA Shares by MPC under this

            "Related Body Corporate" has the meaning given in section 9 of the
            Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

            "Share Consideration" has the meaning given in clause 2.

            "State" means the State of New South Wales.

1.2         Interpretation

            In this Agreement:

            (a)         headings are for convenience only and do not affect
                        interpretation; and unless the context indicates a
                        contrary intention:

            (b)         an obligation or liability assumed by, or a right
                        conferred on, 2 or more parties binds or benefits all of
                        them jointly and each of them severally;

            (c)         the expression "person" includes an individual, the
                        estate of an individual, a corporation, an authority, an
                        association or a joint venture (whether incorporated or
                        unincorporated), a partnership and a trust;

            (d)         a reference to any party includes that party's
                        executors, administrators, successors and permitted
                        assigns, including any person taking by way of novation;

            (e)         a reference to any document (including this Agreement)
                        is to that document as varied, novated, ratified or
                        replaced from time to time;

            (f)         a reference to any statute or to any statutory provision
                        includes any statutory modification or re-enactment of
                        it or any statutory provision substituted for it, and
                        all ordinances, by-laws, regulations, rules and
                        statutory instruments (however described) issued under

            (g)         words importing the singular include the plural (and
                        vice versa), and words indicating a gender include every
                        other gender;

            (h)         references to parties, clauses, schedules, exhibits or
                        annexures are references to parties, clauses, schedules,
                        exhibits and annexures to or of this Agreement, and a
                        reference to this Agreement includes any schedule,
                        exhibit or annexure to this Agreement;

            (i)         where a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any
                        other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or
                        phrase has a corresponding meaning;

            (j)         references to payments to any party to this Agreement
                        include payments to another person upon the direction of
                        such party;

            (k)         all payments to be made under this Agreement will be
                        made by unendorsed bank cheque or other immediately
                        available funds;

            (l)         the word "includes" in any form is not a word of
                        limitation; and

            (m)         a reference to "$" or "dollar" is to Australian

1.3         Governing law

            This Agreement is governed by and will be construed according to the
            laws of the State.

                                      - 2 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.          Sale of MPA Shares

            (a)  Sagasco agrees to sell to MPC, and MPC agrees to purchase from
            Sagasco, the MPA Shares (including any additional shares issued
            between the date of this Agreement and the Completion Date,
            inclusive, as a result of a stock split, stock dividend,
            recapitalisation or the like) free of any Encumbrance in
            consideration for the issue of 1,300,000 MPC Shares (as such number
            of MPC Shares may be increased pursuant to clause 2(b), the "Share
            Consideration") by MPC to Sagasco, on the Completion Date in
            accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this

            (b)  In the event that between the date of this Agreement and the
            Completion Date, inclusive, MPC issues to the holders of MPC Shares
            additional MPC Shares as a result of a stock split, stock dividend,
            recapitalisation or the like, the Share Consideration to be issued
            to Sagasco pursuant to this clause 2 shall be increased by the
            number of MPC Shares that Sagasco would have received had it held
            the Share Consideration at the time of the distribution.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.          Conditions precedent

            (a) FIRB Approval is a condition precedent to the obligations of
                MPC and Sagasco under clauses 2 and 4.

            (b) MPC must do all things pursuant to FATA which are reasonably
                necessary to obtain FIRB Approval promptly after the execution
                of this Agreement.

            (c) FIRB Approval is taken to have been granted:

                (i)     if a notice is issued pursuant to FATA stating that the
                        Commonwealth Government does not object to the Proposal;

                (ii)    if notice of the Proposal has been given to the
                        Treasurer pursuant to FATA and the Treasurer is, by
                        reason of lapse of time, not empowered to make an order
                        under Part II of FATA in relation to the Proposal.

            (d) In the event that between the date of this Agreement and the
                Completion Date, inclusive, MPC issues to the holders of MPC
                Shares cash dividends or other distributions (other than in the
                form of additional MPC Shares), Sagasco may at its option refuse
                to perform its obligations under clauses 2 and 4.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.          Completion

4.1         Time and place for Completion

            Completion will take place on the Completion Date at the offices of
            Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane
            4000 Queensland, Australia.

4.2         Delivery of documents by Sagasco

            On Completion Sagasco will deliver or cause to be delivered to MPC:

            (a) a duly executed transfer form for the transfer of the MPA Shares
                from Sagasco to MPC in substantially the form set out in
                schedule 1; and

            (b) a Registration Rights Agreement in the form set out in
                annexure A duly executed by Sagasco.

                                      - 3 -

4.3         Delivery of documents by MPC

            On Completion MPC will issue the Share Consideration and will
            deliver or cause to be delivered to Sagasco:

            (a) the stock certificate(s) for the Share Consideration; and

            (b) a Registration Rights Agreement in the form set out in annexure
                A duly executed by MPC.

4.4         Interdependence of obligations

            The obligations of Sagasco and MPC under clauses 4.2 and 4.3 are

4.5         Sagasco's obligations until registration

            After Completion and until the MPA Shares are registered by MPA in
            the name of MPC, Sagasco must take all action as registered holder
            of the MPA Shares as MPC may reasonably require from time to time by

4.6         MPC's obligations to register
            MPC must ensure that registration of the transfer of the MPA Shares
            takes place as soon as is reasonably possible after Completion.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.          Sagasco's warranties

            As part of the terms of the sale and purchase of the MPA Shares,
            Sagasco warrants to MPC as at a time immediately before Completion

            (a) Sagasco is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the MPA Shares
                which are free of any Encumbrance, and Sagasco has complete and
                unrestricted power and right to sell, assign and transfer the
                MPA Shares to MPC;

            (b) the MPA Shares are fully paid up;

            (c) there are no outstanding options, contracts, calls, first
                refusals, commitments, rights or demands of any kind relating to
                the MPA Shares, nor does any person have any rights of
                pre-emption in respect of any of the MPA Shares;

            (d) the execution and performance of this Agreement and the
                Registration Rights Agreement by Sagasco have been duly and
                validly authorised by all necessary corporate action on its

            (e) this Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement are, or
                will be, valid and binding agreements on Sagasco enforceable in
                accordance with their terms and conditions; and

            (f) the MPA Shares are fully tradeable on the Australian Stock

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.          MPC's warranties

            As part of the terms of the sale and purchase of the MPA Shares, MPC
            warrants to Sagasco as at a time immediately before Completion that:

                                      - 4 -

            (a) the Share Consideration will be issued to Sagasco free of any
                Encumbrance, and MPC has complete and unrestricted power and
                right to issue the MPC Shares to Sagasco;

            (b) the Share Consideration will be issued as fully paid up
                MPC Shares;

            (c) there will be no outstanding options, contracts, calls,
                first refusals, commitments, rights or demands of any kind
                relating to the Share Consideration, nor will any person have
                any rights of pre-emption in respect of any of the Share

            (d) the execution and performance of this Agreement and the
                Registration Rights Agreement by MPC have been duly and
                validly authorised by all necessary corporate action on its

            (e) this Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement are, or
                will be, valid and binding agreements on MPC enforceable in
                accordance with their terms and conditions; and

            (f) the Share Consideration will be of the same class as the MPC
                Shares that are currently traded on the NASDAQ SmallCap Market.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.          Compliance with U.S. securities laws

            (a) Representations and Warranties of Sagasco. Sagasco represents
                and warrants to MPC that it:

                (i)     understands that the Share Consideration to be issued in
                        accordance with clauses 2 and 4.3 have not been, and, as
                        of the date of issuance, will not be, registered under
                        the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
                        "Securities Act"), or under any U.S. state securities
                        laws, and are being issued pursuant to a "safe harbor"
                        exemption from registration contained in Regulation S
                        promulgated under the Securities Act based, in part,
                        upon the representations and warranties of Sagasco
                        contained herein.

                (ii)    has received certain information concerning MPC and has
                        had the opportunity to obtain additional information as
                        desired in order to evaluate the merits and the risks
                        inherent in holding shares of MPC's common stock;

                (iii)   is able to bear the economic risk and lack of liquidity
                        inherent in holding MPC Shares;

                (iv)    is an "Accredited Investor" as defined in Regulation D
                        promulgated under the Securities Act;

                (v)     (A) is not a "U.S.  Person" (as that term is defined in
                        Rule 902 of  Regulation S under the Securities Act); (B)
                        is not acquiring the Share  Consideration  for the
                        account or benefit of any U.S. Person and has not
                        pre-arranged  any resale of any of  the  Share
                        Consideration  with  any  buyer  located  in the  United
                        States or  otherwise  with a U.S.  Person;  and (C) was
                        not  offered  the Share Consideration  in the  United
                        States,  and at the  time of  execution  of this
                        Agreement  and of any offer to purchase the Share
                        Consideration  received from MPC hereunder, was located
                        outside the United States;

                (vi)    is not engaged in the business of distributing
                                      - 5 -

                (vii)   will not engage in hedging transactions with regard to
                        the Share Consideration unless in compliance with the
                        Securities Act; and

                (viii)  has not engaged and will not engage, nor have any of its
                        affiliates or any person acting on behalf of it or any
                        of them engaged in or will engage in, any "directed
                        selling efforts" with respect to the Share Consideration
                        within the meaning of Rule 902(c) of Regulation S
                        adopted under the Securities Act.

            (b) Representation and Warranty by MPC. MPC represents and warrants
                that neither it, nor any of its affiliates or any person acting
                on behalf of any of them, has engaged or will engage in any
                "directed selling efforts" with respect to the Share
                Consideration within the meaning of Rule 902(c) of Regulation S
                adopted under the Securities Act, and it, its affiliates and any
                person acting on behalf of any of them have complied and will
                comply with the offering restrictions requirement of Regulation
                S under the Securities Act.

            (c) Legending and Stop Transfer Requirements.

                (i)     The stock certificate delivered by MPC to Sagasco in
                        accordance with clause 4.3 representing the Share
                        Consideration will be imprinted with a legend
                        substantially in the following form:

                        "The shares represented by this certificate have not
                        been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as
                        amended (the "Securities Act") and have been issued
                        pursuant to an exemption from registration under
                        Regulation S promulgated under the Securities Act. Such
                        shares are "restricted securities" as defined in Rule
                        144 promulgated under the Securities Act and may not be
                        offered for sale, sold, delivered after sale,
                        transferred, pledged, or hypothecated except: (i) in
                        accordance with the provisions of Regulation S under the
                        Securities Act; (ii) pursuant to registration under the
                        Securities Act; or (iii) pursuant to an opinion of
                        counsel reasonable satisfactory to Magellan Petroleum
                        Corporation that such shares may be transferred without
                        registration under the Securities Act. Hedging
                        transactions involving the shares represented by this
                        certificate may not be conducted unless in compliance
                        with the Securities Act."

                (ii)    MPC shall refuse to register any transfer of the Share
                        Consideration that is not made in accordance with:
                        (A) the provisions of this Agreement; and (B) the
                        provisions of Regulation S, pursuant to registration
                        under the Securities Act, or pursuant to an available
                        exemption from registration under the Securities Act.

            (d) Resales of the Share Consideration. Sagasco shall make, or cause
                to be made, any resales of the Share Consideration pursuant to
                one of the following methods:

                (i)         "offshore transactions" (as such term is
                            defined in Regulation S) pursuant to the
                            resale safe harbor of Rule 904 of Regulation
                            S adopted under the Securities Act;

                (ii)        any resale registration statement on Form
                            S-3 (or such other form as may be available
                            for the registration of such resales) that
                            may be filed by MPC with the U.S. Securities
                            and Exchange Commission following Completion
                            as required under the Registration Rights
                            Agreement between Sagasco and MPC in the
                            form set out in annexure A;

                                      - 6 -

                (iii)       Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act; or

                (iv)        any other available exemption under the Securities
                            Act; provided that, in the case of (iii) and (iv),
                            Sagasco shall first furnish MPC with a written
                            opinion reasonably satisfactory to MPC in form and
                            substance from counsel reasonably satisfactory to
                            MPC by reason of experience to the effect that
                            Sagasco may transfer such shares as desired without
                            registration under the Securities Act (each such
                            resale described in (i)-(iv), a "Permitted Resale"
                            and collectively, the "Permitted Resales"). Any such
                            Permitted Resales shall be made in offshore
                            transactions or in transactions in the United States
                            on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market or otherwise.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.          General

8.1         Further acts

            Each party will promptly do and perform all further acts and execute
            and deliver all further documents (in form and content reasonably
            satisfactory to each party) required by law or reasonably requested
            by any other party to give effect to this Agreement.

8.2         Notices

            Any communication under or in connection with this Agreement:

            (a)  must be in writing;

            (b)  must be addressed as shown below:

                (i)         in the case of Sagasco:

                            Name:   Sagasco Amadeus Pty Limited

                            Address:Level 39, AMP Centre, 50 Bridge Street,
                                    Sydney, 2000

                            Fax no: +612 9235 1661

                            For the attention of: Company Secretary

                            With a copy to:

                            Name:   Graham Taylor, Esq.

                            Address:Clayton Utz, Levels 22-35, No. 1 O'Connell
                                    Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

                            Fax no: +612 8220 6700

                            (or as otherwise notified by that party to the other
                            party from time to time); and

                                      - 7 -

                (ii)        in the case of MPC:

                            Name: Magellan Petroleum Corporation

                            Address:c/o G&O'D Inc. Box 1146, Madison,
                                    Connecticut, USA, 06443-1146

                            Fax no: +1 203 245 8290

                            For the attention of:  James R. Joyce, President

                            With a copy to:

                            Name:   Timothy L. Largay, Esq.

                            Address:Murtha Cullina LLP, 185 Asylum Street,
                                    Hartford, Connecticut, USA, 06103-3469

                            Fax no: + 1 860 240 6150

                            (or as otherwise notified by that party to the other
                            party from time to time);

            (c)  must be signed by the party making the communication or (on its
                 behalf) by the solicitor for, or by any attorney, director,
                 secretary, or authorised agent of, that party;

            (d)  must be delivered or posted by prepaid post to the address, or
                 sent by fax to the number, of the addressee, in accordance with
                 clause 8.2(b); and

            (e)  will be deemed to be received by the addressee:

                (i)         (in the case of prepaid post) on the third business
                            day after the date of posting within Australia to an
                            address within Australia, and on the fifth business
                            day after the date of posting either within
                            Australia to an address outside Australia or
                            outside Australia to an address within Australia;

                (ii)        (in the case of fax) at the local time (in the place
                            of receipt of that fax) which then equates to the
                            time at which that fax is sent as shown on the
                            transmission report which is produced by the machine
                            from which that fax is sent and which confirms
                            transmission of that fax in its entirety, unless
                            that local time is a non business day, or is after
                            5.00 pm on a business day, in which event that
                            communication will be deemed to be received at 9.00
                            am on the next business day; and

                (iii)       (in the case of delivery by hand) on delivery at the
                            address of the addressee as provided in clause
                            8.2(b), unless that delivery is made on a non
                            business day, or after 5.00 pm on a business day,
                            when that communication will be deemed to be
                            received at 9.00 am on the next business day,

                and where "business day" means a day which is not a Saturday,
                Sunday or public holiday in the place of receipt of that

                                      - 8 -

8.3         Jurisdiction

            (a) Each party irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive
                jurisdiction of the courts of the State, and the courts
                competent to determine appeals from those courts, with respect
                to any proceedings which may be brought at any time relating in
                any way to this Agreement.

            (b) Each party irrevocably waives any objection it may now or in
                the future have to the venue of any proceedings, and any claim
                it may now or in the future have that any proceedings have been
                brought in an inconvenient forum, where that venue falls within
                (a) of this clause.

8.4         Amendment

            This Agreement may only be varied by a document signed by or on
            behalf of each of the parties.

8.5         Waiver

            (a) Failure to exercise or enforce or a delay in exercising or
                enforcing or the partial exercise or enforcement of any right,
                power or remedy provided by law or under this Agreement by any
                party will not in any way preclude, or operate as a waiver of,
                any exercise or enforcement, or further exercise or enforcement
                of that or any other right, power or remedy provided by law or
                under this Agreement.

            (b) Any waiver or consent given by any party under this Agreement
                will only be effective and binding on that party if it is given
                or confirmed in writing by that party.

            (c) No waiver of a breach of any term of this Agreement will
                operate as a waiver of another breach of that term or of a
                breach of any other term of this Agreement.

8.6         Assignment

            A party cannot assign, novate or otherwise transfer any of its
            rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written
            consent of each other party.

8.7         Counterparts

            (a) This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts
                and by the parties on separate counterparts. Each counterpart
                constitutes an original of this Agreement, all of which
                together constitute one agreement.

            (b) A party may execute this Agreement or any counterpart and
                exchange it by fax and the fax will be accepted as an original.

8.8         Stamp duties

            (a) MPC will:

                (i)         pay all stamp duties (apart from financial
                            institutions duties or bank account debit taxes
                            which will lie between the parties as they fall) and
                            any related fines and penalties in respect of this
                            Agreement, the performance of this Agreement and
                            each transaction effected by or made under or
                            pursuant to this Agreement; and

                                      - 9 -

                (ii)        indemnify Sagasco against any liability arising from
                            failure to comply with clause 8.8(a)(i).

            (b) MPC is authorised to make any application for and retain the
                proceeds of any refund due in respect of any stamp duty paid
                under this clause.

8.9         Merger

            No right or obligation of any party will merge on completion of any
            transaction under this Agreement. All rights and obligations under
            this Agreement survive the execution and delivery of any transfer or
            other document which implements any transaction under this

8.10        Entire agreement

            To the extent permitted by law, in relation to the subject matter of
            this Agreement, this Agreement:

            (a) embodies the entire understanding of the parties, and
                constitutes the entire terms agreed on between the parties; and

            (b) supersedes any prior written or other agreement between the

8.11        Confidentiality and public announcements

            (a) Confidentiality

                Subject to clauses 8.11(b) and 8.11(c), each party must keep the
                terms of this Agreement confidential.

            (b) Exceptions

                A party may make any disclosure in relation to this Agreement:

                (i)         to any professional adviser, financial adviser,
                            banker, financier or auditor where  that person is
                            obliged to keep the information confidential;

                (ii)        to comply with any applicable law, or any
                            requirement of any regulatory body
                            (including any relevant stock exchange);

                (iii)       to any of its employees to whom it is
                            necessary to disclose the information;

                (iv)        to obtain the consent of any third party to
                            any term of, or to any act pursuant to, this

                (v)         to enforce its rights or to defend any claim
                            or action under this Agreement;

                (vi)        to a Related Body Corporate, on receipt of
                            an undertaking to keep the information
                            confidential; or

                (vii)       where the information has come into the
                            public domain through no fault of that

            (c) Public announcements

                                      - 10 -

                Except as required by applicable law or the requirements
                of any regulatory body (including any relevant stock
                exchange), all press releases and other public
                announcements in relation to this Agreement must be in
                terms reasonably agreed by the parties.

            (d) Return of information on rescission or termination

                If this Agreement is rescinded or terminated, MPC will
                cease using and return to Sagasco all information and
                documents disclosed or provided to it or to any Related
                Body Corporate of it or to the directors, secretary or
                professional advisers of MPC or of any Related Body
                Corporate of MPC in connection with the sale of the MPA

8.12        Expenses

            Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each party will pay
            its own costs and expenses in connection with the negotiation,
            preparation, execution, and performance of this Agreement.

8.13        No representation or reliance

            (a) Each party acknowledges that no party (nor any person
                acting on its behalf) has made any representation or
                other inducement to it to enter into this Agreement,
                except for representations or inducements expressly set
                out in this Agreement.

            (b) Each party acknowledges and confirms that it does not
                enter into this Agreement in reliance on any
                representation or other inducement by or on behalf of
                any other party, except for any representation or
                inducement expressly set out in this Agreement.

8.14        Indemnities

            (a) Each indemnity in this Agreement is a continuing
                obligation, separate and independent from the other
                obligations of the parties, and survives termination,
                completion or expiration of this Agreement.

            (b) It is not necessary for a party to incur expense or to
                make any payment before enforcing a right of indemnity
                conferred by this Agreement.

                                      - 11 -

Schedule 1
Transfer of MPA Shares

[See over page]

                                      - 12 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               SHARE TRANSFER FORM
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For non-Market Transactions        Transfer Ident. Number:

                                   Impress stamp duty here
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   ACN 009 728 581
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES:         Ordinary shares    Fully paid?  Y

                                   If not fully paid, paid to:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QUANTITY:                          1,200,000 (one million two hundred thousand)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   ACN 056 420 396
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONSIDERATION:                     Refer to clause 2 of the Share      Date of
                                   Sale Agreement between the          purchase:
                                   Transferor and Transferee
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   ABN 97 099 695 093
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FULL ADDRESS OF TRANSFEREE:        c/o G&O'D Inc., Box 1146, Madison,
                                   Connecticut, USA, 06443-1146
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHANGE REQUEST                     Please enter this transfer in the Company's
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The transferor as registered holder transfers to the transferee the securities
registered in the transferor's name in the register of the corporation, subject
to the conditions on which the transferor holds the securities. The transferee
accepts the securities on the conditions on which the transferor held them. If
transfer is signed under a power of attorney, the attorney states that the
attorney has not received any notice of the revocation of the power of attorney
under which this transfer is signed.

The transferee states that upon registration of this transfer the transferee
will hold the securities beneficially.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Date signed:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Signed as an agreement.

The Common Seal of Sagasco Amadeus Pty
Limited (ACN 056 420 396) was affixed in
the presence of:

- --------------------------------        --------------------------------------

Signature of Director                   Signature of Secretary/other Director

- --------------------------------        --------------------------------------
Name of Director in full                Name of Secretary/other Director in full

Signed on behalf of Magellan
Petroleum Corporation (ABN 97
099 695 093) by:

/s/ James R. Joyce                      /s/ Timothy L. Largay
- --------------------------------        ----------------------------------------
Signature                               Signature

James R. Joyce, President               Timothy L. Largay, Secretary