Washington, D.C.  20549

                           CURRENT REPORT

               Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                   Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                      Date of Report: April, 1999

                    MAINE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY            
                    (Exact name of registrant as
                    specified in its charter)

       Maine                        1-3429         01-0113635      
(State, or other jurisdiction    (Commission     (IRS Employer
      of incorporation)           File Number)    Identification No.)

     209 State Street, Presque Isle, Maine           04769  
     (Address of principal executive offices)       (Zip Code)

Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code  207-768-5811

Current Report, Form 8-K for                                     Date of Report
Maine Public Service Company                                     April, 1999

Item 5(a) Other Material Events - Sale of Generating Assets 

          Reference is made to the Company's Form 8-K, Item 5(a) of April 9,
          1999, where the Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) Order in
          Docket No. 97-670 dated April 5, 1999, approving the sale of        
          the Company's generating assets to WPS Power Development, Inc.
          (WPS-PDI) for $37.4 million is discussed.  In addition, a Stipulation
          among the parties in the Docket resolving certain market power issues
          in northern Maine is also discussed.

          The basis for this Stipulation is a Products and Service Agreement
          reached in principal between The New Brunswick Power Corporation (NB
          Power), on the one hand, and the Company, Houlton Water Company,
          Eastern Maine Electric Cooperative, Inc. and the Van Buren Light and
          Power District (collectively, "the northern Maine utilities"), on the
          other (the "P&SA").  Under this Agreement, NB Power agrees to
          supply: (i) tie-line interruption service, on a firm or non-firm
          basis, to any northern Maine utility requiring it; (ii) ancillary
          services to any northern Maine utility; (iii) transmission
          services through the Province of New Brunswick, Canada (NB) to any
          northern Maine utility at a fixed rate that can be increased only by
          authorization of the proper NB regulatory authority; and (iv) bona
          fide offers of energy and capacity and other electric products and
          service to any customer of any northern Maine utility.  It is 
          understood that northern Maine utilities will transfer these services
          at cost to competitive electricity providers.  In the April 9, 1999
          Form 8-K, the Company reported a misunderstanding on some terms
          of the P&SA.  That misunderstanding has now been resolved and all of
          the parties have executed the P&SA.  

          In an April 14, 1999 Order, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
          (FERC) authorized the sale of the Company's generating assets
          concluding that "the proposed transaction is consistent with the
          public interest."  The Company has therefore received all of the major
          regulatory approvals necessary to permit the transfer of its
          generating assets to WPS-PDI.

                                  MAINE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

Dated: April 28, 1999             /s/   Larry E. LaPlante                     
                                  Larry E. LaPlante, Vice President,
                                  Finance, Administration and Treasurer
