ST. LOUIS, February 10, 2000 -- The May Department Stores
Company [NYSE:MAY] today announced the company's 25th consecutive
year of record sales and earnings per share for fiscal 1999, which
ended January 29, 2000. Diluted earnings per share increased 13.0%
to a record $2.60, versus $2.30 in 1998. Net earnings increased to
$927 million from $849 million a year ago. Sales for fiscal 1999
increased 6.3% to $13.87 billion, versus $13.05 billion in 1998.
Comparable-store sales were up 2.6% for the fiscal 1999 year. May
discontinued its consumer electronics business in 1999, which
penalized sales comparisons by about 1% for the year.

     Fiscal 1999 included a record fourth quarter. Diluted earnings
per share for the 13 weeks were $1.45, up 10.7% compared with $1.31
a year ago. Net earnings for the quarter were $513 million,
compared with $478 million in the same period in 1998. Fourth
quarter sales were $4.70 billion, an increase of 4.0% compared with
$4.52 billion in 1998.

     May's board of directors authorized a 4.5% increase in May's
annual dividend rate payable March 15, 2000, to shareowners of
record as of March 1, 2000. The new annual dividend rate is 93
cents per share versus 89 cents per share in 1999. This is the 25th
consecutive year of dividend increases, and marks 89 years of
uninterrupted dividends.

     The board also authorized the company to repurchase an
additional $650 million of May's shares. This continuing program
has authorized May to purchase more than $2.5 billion of stock
since 1996. In addition to the $650 million authorization, $139
million of the 1999 repurchase program remains to be executed. The
company expects to make the purchases through open-market

     In announcing the results, Gene Kahn, May's president and
chief executive officer, said, "In addition to the record results

we reported for the fourth quarter and year, 1999 was also
significant because:

     -- "May achieved a 24.1% return on equity. The return
continues to place May well in the top quartile of the retail

     -- "Our cash flow of $1.4 billion and strong financial
position are significant assets, giving us the ability to take full
advantage of the right opportunities to make acquisitions, add new
stores, expand existing stores, and purchase our stock. The board
authorized a stock repurchase of up to $650 million of May's
shares, for a total of more than $2.5 billion in purchase
authorizations since 1996.

     -- "We opened 18 department stores in 1999: five Lord & Taylor
stores, two Hecht's stores, one Strawbridge's store, two
Robinsons-May stores, two Filene's stores, two Kaufmann's stores,
three Famous-Barr stores, and one The Jones Store location. The
stores added 2.5 million square feet of selling space.

     -- "The Meier & Frank division also opened 13 ZCMI stores on
January 31, 2000, bringing us to a total of 421 stores. In addition
to the ZCMI stores, we will open 10 new stores in 2000 -- four Lord
& Taylor stores, four Foley's stores, a Kaufmann's store, and a
Famous-Barr store -- for a total of 23 new stores and 3.3 million
square feet of new selling space.

     -- "In terms of our management team, we named John L. Dunham
a vice chairman in 1999, and last week we promoted Richard W.
Bennet III and William P. McNamara to vice chairmen of May. Anthony
J. Torcasio continues as a vice chairman until his retirement at
the end of September. Rick, Bill, and Tony will supervise the
company's store divisions. Judith K. Hofer was promoted to
president and chief executive officer of May Merchandising Company.
We are fortunate to have these talented, career May executives
prepared to take on these important responsibilities."

     Continuing, Mr. Kahn emphasized, "May will concentrate its
efforts on becoming a more merchandise-driven, sales-driven
company. Our important initiatives of capturing the younger
shoppers and addressing the casualization of the American consumer
will be propelled by building stronger, more interesting selections
and better values that communicate youth, newness, fun, and
excitement to a broad range of customers."

     The May Department Stores Company operates 421 department
stores in 36 states and the District of Columbia.


                                        52 Weeks Ended
                            January 29, 2000      January 30, 1999
(dollars in millions,                   % to                  % to
except per share)              $      Revenues       $    Revenues
Net retail sales            $13,869               $13,048
Revenues                    $14,224               $13,413
Cost of sales (A)             9,728    68.4%        9,224    68.8%
Selling, general and
  administrative expenses     2,686     18.9        2,516     18.7
Interest expense, net           287      2.0          278      2.1
Earnings before income taxes  1,523     10.7        1,395     10.4
Provision for income taxes      596     39.1*         546     39.1*
Net earnings                $   927      6.5%      $  849      6.3%
Diluted earnings per share  $  2.60               $  2.30
Dividends paid per
    common share            $   .89               $   .84-2/3
Diluted average shares
  and equivalents             355.6                 367.4

                                         13 Weeks Ended
                            January 29, 2000      January 30, 1999
(dollars in millions,                   % to                  % to
except per share)              $      Revenues       $    Revenues

Net retail sales            $ 4,698              $ 4,517
Revenues                    $ 4,789              $ 4,618
Cost of sales (A)             3,123    65.2%       3,042     65.9%
Selling, general and
  administrative expenses       757    15.8          720     15.6
Interest expense, net            74     1.6           77      1.6
Earnings before income tax      835    17.4          779     16.9
Provision for income taxes      322    38.5*         301     38.5*
Net earnings                $   513    10.7%     $   478     10.4%
Diluted earnings per share  $  1.45              $  1.31
Dividends paid per
  common share              $   .22-1/4          $   .21-1/6
Diluted average shares
  and equivalents             352.6                359.3

* Percent represents effective income tax rate.

(A) Merchandise inventories are stated on the LIFO (last-in,
first-out) cost basis. The 1999 LIFO provision decreased cost of
sales by $30 million, or 0.2% of revenues, versus a $28 million
decrease, or 0.2% of revenues in 1998. The 1999 fourth quarter LIFO
provision decreased cost of sales by $50 million, or 1.0% of
revenues, versus a $48 million decrease, or 1.0% of revenues in the
1998 fourth quarter.

     Cost of sales excluding the impact of LIFO (on a first-in,
first-out basis) was 68.6% of revenues in 1999, versus 69.0% of
revenues in 1998. The 1999 fourth quarter cost of sales excluding
the impact of LIFO was 66.2% of revenues, versus 66.9% of
revenues in the 1998 fourth quarter.

      Net Retail Sales - Percent Increase from Prior Year

Net retail sales represent the sales of stores operating at the end
of the latest period. Consumer electronics was discontinued at the
beginning of 1999. This penalized sales by about 1% throughout
1999. Sales exclude finance charge revenues and the sales of stores
that have been closed and not replaced. Store-for-store sales
represent sales of those stores open during both periods.

                            52 Weeks Ended      13 Weeks Ended
                           January 29, 2000    January 29, 2000
                                Store-for-            Store-for-
                            Total    Store     Total       Store
                             6.3%      2.6%     4.0%        1.6%


(dollars in millions)
                            January 29,               January 30,
ASSETS                            2000                      1999
Cash                          $     16                  $     15
Cash equivalents                    25                        97
Accounts receivable, net         2,173                     2,144
Merchandise inventories          2,817                     2,655
Other current assets                84                        76
Total Current Assets             5,115                     4,987

Property and equipment, net      4,769                     4,513
Goodwill and other assets        1,051                     1,033

Total Assets                  $ 10,935                  $ 10,533

LIABILITIES AND             January 29,               January 30,
SHAREOWNERS' EQUITY               2000                      1999
Current maturities
  of long-term debt          $     259                  $     98
Accounts payable                 1,030                       965
Accrued expenses                   892                       807
Income taxes payable               234                       189
Total Current Liabilities        2,415                     2,059

Long-term debt                   3,560                     3,825
Deferred income taxes              540                       482
Other liabilities                  314                       309
ESOP Preference Shares             315                       327
Unearned compensation             (286)                     (305)
Shareowners' equity              4,077                     3,836

Total Liabilities and
Shareowners' Equity           $ 10,935                  $ 10,533


Inventories. Merchandise inventories are stated on the LIFO
(last-in, first-out) cost basis. The LIFO provision was a credit of
$30 million in 1999 compared with a credit of $28 million in 1998.
The accumulated LIFO provision was $35 million and $65 million in
1999 and 1998, respectively.

Acquisition. On December 31, 1999, May completed the acquisition of
Zions Co-operative Mercantile Institution (ZCMI) stores. May's
Meier & Frank division opened the 13 ZCMI stores, located in Utah
and Idaho, on January 31, 2000. The transaction, which was
accounted for as a purchase, did not have a material impact on
May`s financial statements.

Stock Repurchase program. During 1999, the board of directors
authorized the repurchase of up to $552 million of May shares. As
of January 29, 2000, the company has purchased $413 million of

common stock, or approximately 11.5 million shares at an average
price of $36 per share, which included $240 million of common stock
purchases in the fourth quarter. On February 9, 2000, the board of
directors authorized the company to repurchase up to $650 million
May common shares as market conditions allow.

Reclassification. Certain prior-period amounts have been
reclassified to conform with the current-year presentation.

                     FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

(Millions, except
per share)                                1999      1998     1997
Net retail sales                       $13,869   $13,048  $12,265
Revenues                               $14,224   $13,413  $12,685
Operating earnings                     $ 1,810   $ 1,673  $ 1,578
  Memo: LIFO provision (credit)
    included in operating earnings         (30)      (28)      (5)
Percent of Revenues                       12.7%     12.5%    12.5%
  Memo: LIFO provision (credit)           (0.2)     (0.2)    (0.1)
Interest expense, net                     (287)     (278)    (299)
Earnings before income taxes             1,523     1,395    1,279
Provision for income taxes                (596)     (546)    (500)
Net earnings                           $   927   $   849  $   779
Diluted earnings per share             $  2.60   $  2.30  $  2.07
Net earnings as a percent of revenues      6.5%      6.3%     6.1%
Return on beginning net assets            20.7%     19.8%    18.5%
Return on shareowners'
  beginning equity                        24.1%     22.2%    21.2%
Dividends paid per common share        $   .89   $   .85  $   .80
Annual dividend rate per common
  share effective March 15, 2000       $   .93

(Millions, except per share)              1996      1995      1994
Net retail sales                       $11,465   $10,347   $ 9,643
Revenues                               $12,000   $10,952   $10,107
Operating earnings                     $ 1,509   $ 1,410   $ 1,312
  Memo: LIFO provision (credit)
    included in operating earnings         (20)      (53)      (46)
Percent of revenues                       12.6%     12.9%     13.0%
  Memo: LIFO provision (credit)           (0.2)     (0.5)     (0.4)
Interest expense, net                     (277)     (250)     (233)
Earnings before income taxes             1,232     1,160     1,079
Provision for income taxes                (483)     (460)     (429)

Net earnings                           $   749   $   700   $   650
Diluted earnings per share             $  1.87   $  1.75   $  1.62
Net earnings as a percent of revenues      6.2%      6.4%      6.4%
Return on beginning net assets            18.8%     20.1%     20.1%
Return on shareowners'
  beginning equity                        19.4%     20.8%     21.3%
Dividends paid per common share        $   .77   $   .74   $   .67

All years are 52-week fiscal years, except 1995 which included 53
weeks. Net retail sales for 1995 are shown on a 52-week basis for