(NEWTON, IOWA, NOV. 1, 1995)--Maytag Corporation announced today
it has entered into a letter of intent to sell the business and
assets of its Dixie-Narco, Inc., manufacturing operation in
Eastlake, Ohio, to a private investor for an undisclosed amount. 
The facility, which designs and manufactures currency validators
and electronic components used in the gaming and vending
industries, employs approximately 300.  Dixie-Narco's
headquarters and vending machine manufacturing facility in
Williston, S.C., are not affected by the asset sale at Eastlake.
     "Going forward, Dixie-Narco's management resources and
capital investments will be focused on our core business of
designing, manufacturing, and marketing vending machines and
glass front merchandisers," explained Dixie-Narco President
Robert W. Downing.  "We believe this focus is the best way for us
to meet the changing needs of our customers worldwide and to
reach our own targets for growth."
     Maytag Corporation expects the transaction to close in the
next 60 to 90 days and will take a non-cash book loss of
approximately $6-7 million on the asset sale.  
     Dixie-Narco is a subsidiary of Maytag Corporation.  Dixie-
Narco is the leading producer of cold-drink can and bottle
vending machines.  Its reported 1994 sales were $192 million and
operating income was $22 million.

Media contact:  Tom Schwartz at Maytag  515-791-6342