Exhibit 99
News Release                                          For Immediate Release

FirstEnergy Corp.
76 South Main St.
Akron, Ohio  44308

News Media Contact:
Ralph J. DiNicola
(330) 384-5939

        FirstEnergy Statement Regarding Commonwealth Court of PA Decision

FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE:FE) issued the following statement regarding yesterday's
Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania decision on issues related to the company's
merger with the former GPU, Inc.:

FirstEnergy disagrees with the findings of the Court. While the Court affirmed
the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission's approval of the merger, it ruled
that Metropolitan Edison Company (Met-Ed) and Pennsylvania Electric Company
(Penelec) could not recover, either on a current or deferred basis, power costs
related to their provider of last resort obligation to Pennsylvania retail
customers beyond those already reflected in rates. Related costs that had been
deferred through December 31, 2001, total approximately $219 million.

We believe that the Court failed to correctly consider the applicable law, as
well as the extensive factual record before the Commission and in the
Stipulation of Settlement approved by the Commission.

FirstEnergy is considering its options regarding the Court decision, which could
include asking the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to review the decision. The
company has 30 days to appeal.

