Exhibit 99.1

[Letterhead of Entergy]              [Letterhead of KOCH Industries Inc.]

                                                   NEWS RELEASE

Date:          April 24, 2000

For Release:   Immediate

Contacts:      Kelle Barfield  (News Media)      Mary Beth Jarvis
               Entergy Corp.                     Koch Industries, Inc.
               501-576-2547                      316-828-3756
               e-mail: kbarfie@entergy.com       e-mail: jarvism@kochind.com

               Renae Conley (Investor Relations)
               Entergy Corp.
               e-mail: econley@entergy.com

   Entergy, Koch Industries Contributing Key Energy Businesses
                To Create Top-Tier Energy Company

Houston - Entergy Corporation (NYSE: ETR) and privately held Koch
Industries, Inc. today announced plans to form Entergy-Koch L.P.,
a new company that would be one of the leading energy companies
in North America and Europe.  Entergy-Koch L.P. will deliver,
market and trade power, natural gas and other energy-related
commodities, including weather derivatives, through wholly owned
subsidiaries, including a pipeline company, which will operate
the interstate natural gas pipeline system now called Koch

     Entergy-Koch L.P. will be among the nation's top ten energy
commodity traders, in terms of combined volumes of electricity
and natural gas traded.  The new company will have total assets
of approximately $1 billion, including the 10,000-mile Koch
Gateway Pipeline, one of the largest natural gas transmission
systems in the Gulf South, and the Bisteneau gas storage

     The new company will be the first venture between Koch, one
of the nation's most successful energy traders, and Entergy, the
third-largest U.S. generator of electric power and the nation's
largest natural gas-fired generating fleet. The attributes of
Entergy-Koch L.P., which will have its asset base in the Gulf
South and a trading presence in North America and Europe, clearly
set it apart from its competitors.


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     In addition to the Koch Gateway Pipeline Company interstate
pipeline system and related storage assets, Koch Industries will
also contribute the capabilities of its affiliate Koch Energy
Trading, which markets and trades gas, power and weather
derivatives.  Entergy will contribute to the venture its power
marketing and trading businesses - consisting of Entergy Power
Marketing Corporation in the United States, and Entergy Trading
and Marketing in Europe - and also cash. Entergy estimates this
cash contribution at approximately $350 million, $150 million of
which would be funded with equity and $200 million with debt.

 "The complementary strengths being contributed by Entergy
and Koch - in natural gas and in the marketing and trading of
power and other energy commodities - bring a unique set of
resources to the new company," said J. Wayne Leonard, Entergy's
chief executive officer.  "Entergy-Koch will have the assets and
the scale to compete and grow.  It will trade volumes in excess
of 100 million MWh of electricity annually and 5 Bcf of gas daily
- - a scale that is generally recognized as necessary for ongoing
profitability. For Entergy, the new company will not only
contribute to our earnings growth on its own but will offer risk-
management tools to our existing businesses."

      "This innovative new company promises to add value for all
energy customers," said Joe Moeller, president of Koch
Industries. "Entergy-Koch would offer customers a variety of
services to mitigate risk, helping them minimize potential
volatility in the marketplace as deregulation continues to
transform the gas and electric power industries.  Entergy's
trading groups bring significant capabilities in physical power
markets in North America and Europe that would be key to the
success of the venture.  We're pleased to be working with Entergy
and are enthusiastic about furthering our vision for building a
world-class energy marketing and trading company."

Benefits to Member Companies

     Entergy-Koch L.P. will benefit from Koch Energy Trading's
leading position in energy commodities markets, including weather
derivatives, and from Koch Energy Trading's highly disciplined
commodity trading controls, policies, procedures, systems and
infrastructure.  The new company will also benefit from Entergy's
capabilities in domestic and international power marketing and
trading. Entergy-Koch L.P. will be able to provide customers a
broad range of commodity sources and options, including gas, oil,
coal and power, weather derivatives and additional risk
management tools.


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     Entergy-Koch L.P. will also market the power and provide
risk management and trading services for Entergy's existing and
future merchant plants.  Entergy will retain its growing merchant
generation fleet, enabling it to establish a singular focus on
developing profitable merchant plants, while benefiting from its
relationship with Entergy-Koch's skilled trading and risk
management team. Entergy Corp. is expecting the venture to
contribute $0.25 to $0.30 to its earnings in the venture's first
full year of operation.

     The expanded scope and resources of the new venture are
expected to create additional growth opportunities for weather
derivatives - financial instruments designed to enable utilities
and other businesses to hedge their risks of cost or sales volume
fluctuations associated with temperature changes.  Koch Energy
Trading is now a market leader in that area, currently accounting
for about 30 percent of such trades.

Management, Governance and Location

Entergy-Koch L.P. will be headed by Kyle Vann, currently
senior vice president, Koch Industries, Inc.  Kyle has a broad
range of leadership experience in the energy industry, including
leadership roles as diverse as refinery management, products
trading, oil field services, and economic and acquisitions
management.  Mr. Vann joined Koch in 1979 and currently leads the
company's power, gas and gas liquids businesses, including
management of these highly successful marketing and trading
businesses and related assets.

     An eight-member Board of Directors - four each from Koch and
Entergy, will govern Entergy-Koch L.P.  Entergy Corporation's
board chairman, Robert v.d. Luft, would also be the chairman of
the board of Entergy-Koch L.P.  In addition to Luft, Entergy's
board members would include Wayne Leonard, Entergy's CEO, Don
Hintz, Entergy's president, and John Wilder, Entergy's CFO.
Koch's board members would include Charles Koch, Koch Industries'
chairman and CEO, Joe Moeller, Koch Industries' president and
COO, Bill Hanna, Koch Industries' vice chairman, and Sam Soliman,
Koch Industries' incoming CFO.

     The venture will be headquartered in Houston.

Required Approvals

     The formation of the new company is subject to completion of
some final documentation, and the venture will require board


Entergy, Koch Creating Top-Tier Energy Company
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approvals. Creation of the new company will also require approval
by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Securities
and Exchange Commission.  It is anticipated that the regulatory
approval process will take approximately six to nine months.

Background on Members

     Entergy owns, manages or invests in power plants generating
nearly 30,000 megawatts of electricity domestically and
internationally and delivers electricity to about 2.5 million
customers in portions of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and
Texas. Entergy is a major global energy company engaged in power
production, distribution operations, and related diversified
services, with more than 12,000 employees. It is also a leading
provider of wholesale energy marketing and trading services.  The
Entergy futures contract on the New York Mercantile Exchange
(NYMEX) is one of the largest electricity trading points in the
United States.

     Koch Industries, Inc., through its subsidiaries, employs
approximately 12,000 people worldwide and is involved in
virtually all phases of the oil and gas industry, as well as in
chemicals, plastics, energy services, chemical and environmental
technology products, asphalt products, metals and mineral
services, ranching, financial services, and ventures.

     Entergy's Web site can be found at www.entergy.com. For more
information on Koch, refer to www.kochind.com.

                             -- 30--

The  following  constitutes a "Safe Harbor" statement  under  the
Private  Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Investors  are
cautioned  that  forward-looking  statements  contained  in   the
foregoing   release  with  respect  to  the  revenues,  earnings,
performance,  strategies,  prospects and  other  aspects  of  the
business   of   Entergy  Corporation  may   involve   risks   and
uncertainties.  A number of factors could cause actual results or
outcomes  to  differ  materially from  those  indicated  by  such
forward-looking statements.  These factors include, but  are  not
limited  to, risks and uncertainties relating to: the effects  of
weather,  the  performance of generating units  and  transmission
systems,  the  possession of nuclear materials, fuel  prices  and
availability, the effects of regulatory decisions and changes  in
law,  litigation,  capital spending requirements,  the  onset  of
competition,  advances  in  technology,  changes  in   accounting
standards,   corporate  restructuring  and  changes  in   capital
structure,  movements  in the markets for electricity  and  other
energy-related  commodities, changes in  interest  rates  and  in
financial  and  foreign  currency markets generally,  changes  in
corporate strategies, and other factors.