Exhibit 99.3

                                                   For further information:
                                    E. Renae Conley, VP, Investor Relations
                                             Phone 504/576-4947, Fax - 2897

April 24, 2000


NEW   ORLEANS   -    Entergy  Corporation  announced  first  quarter   2000
consolidated earnings per share of $0.42, compared with $0.25 in 1999.   On
an  operational  basis,  Entergy earned $0.48 per  share,  a  record  first
quarter  and  up  129% when compared with $0.21 in 1999.   Weather  had  an
equally unfavorable impact on earnings in both years, reducing earnings  by
$(0.08) per share in each period.

"Entergy  had  an  outstanding  first  quarter,"  said  J.  Wayne  Leonard,
Entergy's  chief  executive  officer.   "We  continue  to  deliver  on  the
commitments we have made over the last couple of years, including:  growing
earnings  8  to 10% a year, maintaining financial integrity and discipline,
and  improving service to our customers.  Today's announcement of an energy
commodity venture with Koch Industries further solidifies our position as a
formidable   competitor  in  the  wholesale  power  market.   The   venture
transforms  our  price risk management group into not  only  an  integrated
energy  services business, but also a credible and significant addition  to
our earnings growth strategy."
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 1:  Entergy Corporation Consolidated Results
First Quarter 2000 vs.1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in U.S. $)

                                   2000      1999     Change
As Reported
      U.S. Utility                 0.33      0.29      0.04
      Parent & Other                 -      (0.01)     0.01
      Competitive Businesses       0.09     (0.03)     0.12
  Consolidated Earnings            0.42      0.25      0.17

Less Special Items
      U.S. Utility                (0.06)       -      (0.06)
      Parent & Other                 -         -         -
      Competitive Businesses         -       0.04     (0.04)
  Total                           (0.06)     0.04     (0.10)

      U.S. Utility                 0.39      0.29      0.10
      Parent & Other                 -      (0.01)     0.01
      Competitive Businesses       0.09     (0.07)     0.16
  Consolidated Earnings            0.48      0.21      0.27

Weather Impact                    (0.08)    (0.08)       -

Consolidated Operational           0.56      0.29      0.27
Earnings Excluding Weather
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Table 2 provides a first quarter 2000 vs. 1999 reported earnings variance
analysis for "U.S. Utility, Parent & Other," "Competitive Businesses,"  and

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 2: Entergy Corporation As Reported Earnings Variance Analysis
First Quarter 2000 vs. 1999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in U.S. $, sorted in consolidated
column, most to least favorable)

                              U. S. Utility        Competitive
                              Parent & Other (a)   Businesses     Consolidated
1999 as reported earnings          0.28               (0.03)            0.25
Net Revenue                       (0.03)     (b)       0.23    (c)      0.20
Miscellaneous - net                0.02                0.01             0.03
Depreciation/amortization          0.01                0.01             0.02
Share repurchase impact            0.02                 -               0.02
Taxes other than income taxes      0.01                 -               0.01
Interest and other charges         0.01               (0.01)              -
Other O&M                          0.01      (d)      (0.03)   (e)     (0.02)
Gain on sale of assets              -                 (0.02)   (f)     (0.02)
Income taxes - other                -                 (0.07)   (g)     (0.07)
                                  -----               -----            -----
2000 as reported earnings          0.33                0.09             0.42
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

First  quarter 2000 revenues were up more than 10% over the same period  in
1999.  Sales from the Pilgrim plant resulted in a 17% rise in revenues from
the competitive businesses.  Utility revenues increased 9% in 2000, largely
due  to  higher  fuel cost recovery driven by higher gas  prices  and  fuel
surcharges.  Higher gas prices in first quarter 2000 also explain increased
fuel  expenses.   Purchased power in first quarter 2000 was unchanged  from
1999.  A River Bend refueling outage increased the utility's 2000 purchased
power expenses, but reduced energy trading activity lowered purchased power
expenses  at  the competitive businesses.  Other O&M increased slightly  in
first  quarter 2000 as Pilgrim operating expenses were partially offset  by
lower  utility  spending.  The resulting EBITDA was up over  20%  in  2000,
driven by the competitive businesses' improved results.

Other  income  was down $8.8 million in the first quarter of 2000,  as  the
recent  period  did  not include gains from the sale of retail  assets  and
losses  from  Parent  charges that were included  in  first  quarter  1999.
Interest  on long-term debt was lower in 2000, but other interest increased
primarily  due  to the interest associated with the SERI refund  adjustment
made in the second quarter of 1999.  The effective tax rate was 43% in  the
first quarter of 2000, compared with 38% in the year earlier period, due to
foreign  tax credits recorded in 1999.  Net income was up 59% in the  first
quarter  of  2000, while earnings per share were up 68%, because  of  fewer
shares outstanding.

(a) "Other" for 2000 includes the remaining carrier-of-carriers telecom
     business  and  other  assets from the Retail Group, most  of  which
     were divested  in  1999.   Investment income on the funds remaining
     from  the gains  on sales of international assets is also included
     in this grouping for both 2000 and 1999.

(b)  Net revenue decreased primarily as a result of regulatory and reserve
     adjustments of $(0.06) per share (included as a Special Item in Table 4).
     This decrease was partially offset by favorable sales growth of $0.03 per
     share.  There were no significant regulatory revenue reductions in either

(c)  Net revenue increased as a result of the inclusion of operations from
     the  Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (acquired in July 1999) of  $0.13  per
     share,  and  favorable trading operations at Entergy Wholesale Operations
     of $0.10 per share.

(d)  Other  O&M at the utility decreased $0.04 per share as a result  of
     lower   information   technology,  nuclear   insurance,   and   incentive
     compensation expenses.  This decrease was partially offset by  a  $(0.03)
     per share increase at Parent & Other, due in part to the inclusion of the
     remaining retail operations in 2000 results (see Note "a").

(e)  Other  O&M  increased primarily as a result  of  the  inclusion  of
     operations  at  Pilgrim  Station, $(0.07) per share.  This  increase  was
     offset  in  part  by  the  elimination of O&M expenses  from  the  Retail
     businesses divested in 1999.

(f)  Gain  on sale of assets decreased, as there were no asset sales  in
     2000.   First  quarter  1999  results included  a  $0.02  purchase  price
     adjustment for the 1998 CitiPower sale.

(g)  Income statement line items are tax-affected at the statutory rate.
     Differences  between the statutory and effective rates are  reflected  in
     the  "Income  tax  -  other"  line.  Income  taxes  for  the  competitive
     businesses  were  affected in part by foreign tax credits  in  the  first
     quarter of 1999.

U.S. Utility

In  the  first quarter of 2000, the utility business reported  earnings  of
$0.33  per  share,  compared  with $0.29  in  1999.   Weather  was  equally
unfavorable in both years, with an $(0.08) impact per share in each period.
Earnings per share for the 2000 period were negatively impacted $(0.06)  by
regulatory and reserve adjustments.  This charge has been identified  as  a
special  item  (see Table 4).  On an operational basis, quarterly  earnings
per share were $0.39 in 2000, 34% above 1999 operational earnings of $0.29.
Strong  retail sales growth and lower O&M expenses were the primary reasons
for increased operational earnings.

Parent & Other

Parent  &  Other  earnings per share were zero in first  quarter  2000,  as
compared  with  $(0.01)  in first quarter 1999.   In  first  quarter  2000,
investment  income  was roughly equal to 1999 levels, while  first  quarter
2000 parent charges were lower than in the same period in 1999.

Competitive Businesses

On  an  as  reported basis, earnings per share from competitive  businesses
were $0.09, as compared with a loss of $(0.03) in 1999.  First quarter 1999
results  included $0.04 of special items (see Table 4).  On an  operational
basis,  first  quarter 2000 earnings per share were $0.09 compared  with  a
$(0.07) loss in 1999.

Entergy Wholesale Operations, on an operational basis, contributed $0.04 to
earnings  per  share  in 2000 as compared with a loss  of  $(0.05)  in  the
previous  year.  In 2000, trading operations in both the U.S. and the  U.K.
contributed strong earnings, while earnings from Latin American investments
largely offset project development costs.  Entergy Nuclear earned $0.05 per
share  in  2000 compared with zero in 1999, primarily due to operations  at
the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.

Table  3  provides a 2000 vs. 1999 comparison of contributions by  business
for the first quarter, on both an as reported and operational basis.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 3:  Competitive Businesses Earnings
First Quarter 2000 vs.1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in U.S. $)
                                  2000       1999       $ Change
As Reported
Entergy Wholesale Operations      0.04       (0.06)       0.10
Entergy Nuclear                   0.05         -          0.05
Divested Businesses                -          0.03       (0.03)
Total                             0.09       (0.03)       0.12

Less Special Items (see Table 4)
Entergy Wholesale Operations       -         (0.01)       0.01
Entergy Nuclear                    -           -           -
Divested Businesses                -          0.05       (0.05)
Total                              -          0.04       (0.04)

Entergy Wholesale Operations      0.04       (0.05)       0.09
Entergy Nuclear                   0.05         -          0.05
Divested Businesses                -         (0.02)       0.02
Total                             0.09       (0.07)       0.16
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Share Repurchase Program

For  the  first quarter of 2000, 7.4 million shares were repurchased  at  a
total  cost  of  $156  million.   Since the share  repurchase  program  was
initiated  in July 1999, $385 million of the $750 million Board  authorized
share repurchase program had been utilized to purchase 15.3 million shares.
The program is expected to be complete by the end of 2000.

Earnings Review and Outlook

"Financial results were strong in the first quarter," said C. John  Wilder,
Entergy's  chief  financial officer.  "The utility performed  well  in  our
traditionally mild winter months, while the competitive businesses  made  a
very significant contribution, accounting for over 18% of total operational
earnings.   We  are  pleased to be well on our way to  achieving  our  2000
earnings target of $2.35 - $2.45 per share."

Table 4 lists special items by business for the first quarters of 2000  and
1999.  Special items are those events that are non-routine, are related  to
prior  periods, or result from discontinued operations.  The intent  is  to
separate  out  the  earnings impact of special events in  order  to  report
solely the results of the company's ongoing operations.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 4:  Entergy Special Items [shown as positive / (negative) impact
on earnings]
First Quarter 2000 vs.1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in U.S. $)
                                                2000    1999    Change
U.S. Utility Special Items
      Regulatory and reserve adjustments (h)   (0.06)    -      (0.06)
Total                                          (0.06)    -      (0.06)

Parent Special Items                             -       -        -

Competitive Businesses Special Items
      Divested Businesses - foreign tax          -      0.03    (0.03)
      Divested Businesses - CitiPower            -      0.02    (0.02)
        purchase price adjustment
      EPG - write-off of start up costs (i)      -     (0.01)    0.01
Total                                            -      0.04    (0.04)
Total Special Items                            (0.06)   0.04    (0.10)

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


(h)  Regulatory and reserve adjustments were made in the first quarter of
     2000 for potential rate actions, rate refunds, and ongoing litigation.
(i)  The  new  accounting standard is AICPA Statement of Position  98-5,
     "Recording the Costs of Start-Up Operations."

Table 5 provides Entergy's projection of 2000 earnings per share.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 5: 2000 Earnings Guidance
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in U.S. $)

            1999          Changes in 2000                         2000      1Q 2000
         Operational                                            Guidance    Operati
                                                                  Range       onal
                                               Range of Impact
Utility                 Regulatory reductions     (0.02)   -
  (w/o weather)   2.17         Total              (0.02)   -    2.15   2.17   0.47

ENI                     Full year of Pilgrim       0.10   0.12
                  0.06         Total               0.10   0.12  0.16   0.18   0.05

                        No Edesur sale            (0.07) (0.07)
                        U.K. projects              0.05   0.08
                        Improved trading and JV    0.08   0.09
                  0.05         Total               0.06   0.10  0.11   0.15   0.04

Parent & Other          Expense reductions         0.23   0.24
                        Reduced investment income (0.11) (0.10)
                        Other                      0.01   0.01
                 (0.20)        Total               0.13   0.15 (0.07) (0.05)   -

1999 Total        2.08                             0.27   0.37  2.35   2.45   0.56
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Projected  2000  earnings from the U.K. power plants have been  reduced  to
reflect  the  previously announced construction delay at  Saltend  and  the
reduction  in U.K. electricity pool prices.  The strength of first  quarter
earnings   helps  ensure  that  projected  2000  earnings  per  share   are
comfortably within the $2.35 - $2.45 range.

Other Performance Highlights

Operating cash flow increased substantially in the first quarter  of  2000,
primarily  due  to increased cash flows from the competitive businesses  as
their earnings improved.

Cash  return  on average investment declined for the twelve  months  ending
March 2000.  This decline was a result of a reduction in assets due to  the
sale  of  the  international assets and a corresponding decline  in  EBITDA
because  of  the lost operating income associated with those  assets.   The
return  on average common equity improved, reflecting strong income  growth
in  the  twelve  months  ending March 2000.   Finally,  with  fewer  shares
outstanding,  book value per share rose in the twelve months  ending  March
2000.   The  book value of common equity was largely unchanged between  the
two periods as a $300 million increase in retained earnings was offset by a
$373  million  reduction in common equity due to increased  treasury  stock
with the share repurchase.

Table 6 provides some key financial performance metrics.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 6:  Entergy Corporation Key Financial Performance Metrics
First Quarter 2000 vs.1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             2000     1999   Change
For the first quarter:
Operating cash flow ($millions)              $311     $210    $101
Operating cash flow per share                $1.31   $0.85   $0.46

For 12 months ending March 31:
Cash return on average investment (j)        6.83%   7.80%  (0.97)%
Return on average common equity (k)          8.36%   7.13%   1.23%
Book value per share (l)                    $30.13   $28.76  $1.37
End of period shares outstanding (millions)  232.2   246.7   (14.5)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


  Entergy's common stock is listed on the New York, Chicago, and Pacific
                     exchanges under the symbol "ETR".

      Entergy Corporation's on-line address is http://www.entergy.com

The  following  constitutes  a "Safe Harbor" statement  under  the  Private
Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995: Investors  are  cautioned  that
forward-looking statements contained in the foregoing release with  respect
to  the  revenues, earnings, performance, strategies, prospects  and  other
aspects  of  the  business of Entergy Corporation  may  involve  risks  and
uncertainties.  A number of factors could cause actual results or  outcomes
to   differ   materially  from  those  indicated  by  such  forward-looking
statements.   These  factors include, but are not  limited  to,  risks  and
uncertainties  relating  to:  the effects of weather,  the  performance  of
generating  units  and  transmission systems,  the  possession  of  nuclear
materials,   fuel  prices  and  availability,  the  effects  of  regulatory
decisions  and  changes in law, litigation, capital spending  requirements,
the  onset  of  competition, advances in technology, changes in  accounting
standards,  corporate  restructuring  and  changes  in  capital  structure,
movements   in   the  markets  for  electricity  and  other  energy-related
commodities,  changes  in  interest rates  and  in  financial  and  foreign
currency  markets  generally, changes in corporate  strategies,  and  other

(j)  "Cash  return on average investment" is 12-months rolling  EBITDA
     divided  by  average  total  assets plus  accumulated  depreciation  less
     current  liabilities.  This metric is a measure of Entergy's  ability  to
     generate cash relative to its gross investments.
(k)  "Return on average common equity" is 12-months rolling net income
     divided  by  average common equity - 1999 net income excludes  the  gains
     from sales of London Electricity and CitiPower.  This metric is a measure
     of Entergy's ability to generate profits from equity received from common
(l)  "Book  value  per  share"  is common  equity  divided  by  shares
     outstanding.  This metric is a measure of the book value of Entergy's net
     assets per share.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
March 31, 2000
(Dollars in thousands)

                                                     U.S.         Parent       Competitive Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                   Utilities      Company       Businesses

 Cash and cash equivalents:
    Cash                                           $  40,392     $       1    $   72,973    $        -      $   113,365
     Temporary cash investments - at cost,
      which approximates market                      276,246        34,836     1,255,546             -        1,566,629
    Special deposits                                       -             -         6,102             -            6,102
              Total cash and cash equivalents        316,638        34,837     1,334,621             -        1,686,096
Other temporary investments                                -             -             -             -                -
Notes receivable                                       1,572             -         2,064             -            3,635
Accounts receivable:
   Customer                                          257,638             -            91             -          257,729
   Allowance for doubtful accounts                    (6,943)            -        (2,564)            -           (9,507)
   Associated companies                                7,744       203,065         2,339      (213,149)               -
   Other                                              65,390           (57)      169,614             -          234,947
   Accrued unbilled revenues                         274,202             -             -             -          274,202
     Total receivables                               598,032       203,009       169,481      (213,149)         757,371
Deferred fuel costs                                  208,035             -             -             -          208,035
Fuel inventory - at average cost                     114,417             -         3,456          (240)         117,633
Materials and supplies - at average cost             371,865           (13)       21,874             -          393,726
Rate deferrals                                        27,450             -             -             -           27,450
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs               47,180             -             -             -           47,180
Prepayments and other                                 74,048         2,316        14,884             -           91,248
TOTAL                                              1,759,235       240,149     1,546,380      (213,389)       3,332,374


Investment in subsidiary companies - at equity           214     6,763,236             -    (6,763,235)             214
Decommissioning trust funds                          817,732             -       429,676             -        1,247,408
Non-utility property - at cost
  (less accumulated depreciation)                    220,748             -       101,237             -          321,984
Non-regulated investments                                  -         1,000       245,240             -          246,240
Other - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)       17,479             -             -             -           17,480
TOTAL                                              1,056,172     6,764,236       776,153    (6,763,235)       1,833,326


Electric                                          23,077,731         4,340       155,486             -       23,237,556
Plant acquisition adjustment                         402,563             -           300             -          402,863
Property under capital lease                         774,184             -             -             -          774,184
Natural gas                                          187,632             -             -             -          187,632
Construction work in progress                        812,599           790       955,813             -        1,769,202
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                     268,220             -             -             -          268,220
Nuclear fuel                                          66,478             -        44,432             -          110,910
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT                               25,589,407         5,130     1,156,031             -       26,750,567
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization  10,993,419         2,459        84,375             -       11,080,253
UTILITY PLANT - NET                               14,595,988         2,671     1,071,655             -       15,670,314


Regulatory assets:
    Rate deferrals                                    12,130             -             -             -           12,130
    SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                1,044,438             -             -             -        1,044,438
    Unamortized loss on reacquired debt              197,092             -             -             -          197,092
    Other regulatory assets                          665,179             -             -             -          665,179
  Long-term receivables                               31,625             -             -             -           31,625
  Other                                              194,629       402,514       380,651      (402,046)         575,749
TOTAL                                              2,145,093       402,514       380,651      (402,046)       2,526,213
TOTAL ASSETS                                     $19,556,488    $7,409,570    $3,774,840   $(7,378,671)   $  23,362,227

* Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
March 31, 2000
(Dollars in thousands)

                                                    U.S.         Parent       Competitive Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                 Utilities      Company       Businesses

 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                -
  Currently maturing long-term debt               $108,408      $      -       $67,000     $       -         $175,408
Notes payable:
  Other                                                716       350,000             -             -          350,716
Account payable:
  Associated companies                              32,508           769        15,576       (48,853)               -
  Other                                            426,028         1,022       164,081             -          591,132
Customer deposits                                  166,931             -             -             -          166,931
Taxes accrued                                      326,528         8,135       160,755             -          495,418
Accumulated deferred income taxes                   59,833             -            20             -           59,853
Nuclear refueling outage costs                       9,246             -             -             -            9,246
Interest accrued                                   101,112           462         1,113             -          102,687
Co-owner advances                                   11,549             -             -        (8,129)           3,420
Obligations under capital lease                    176,530             -             -             -          176,530
Other                                              137,086         6,918        19,600        (8,310)         155,292
TOTAL                                            1,556,474       367,306       428,143       (65,291)       2,286,633


Accumulated deferred income taxes                3,396,755       (16,676)     (103,156)            -        3,276,922
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits        513,009             -             -             -          513,009
Obligations under capital lease                    184,751             -             -             -          184,751
FERC settlement - refund obligation                 35,765             -             -             -           35,765
Other regulatory liabilities                       200,607             -             -             -          200,607
Decommisioning                                     275,053             -       439,476             -          714,529
Transition to competition                          164,486             -             -             -          164,486
Regulatory reserves                                398,195             -             -             -          398,195
Accumulated provisions                             279,263             -           (71)            -          279,192
Other                                              639,460        52,433       357,541      (394,157)         655,277
TOTAL                                            6,087,344        35,757       693,790      (394,157)       6,422,733

Long-term debt                                   5,929,184             -     1,112,505     (155,987)        6,885,702
Preferred stock with sinking fund                   69,650             -             -             -           69,650
Preference stock                                   150,000             -             -             -          150,000
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trust
  holding solely junior subordinated
  deferrable debentures                            215,000             -             -             -          215,000


Preferred stock without sinking fund               335,961             -             -             -          335,961
  Common stock                                   2,225,870         2,472       659,574    (2,885,444)           2,472
       Authorized shares        500,000,000
       Issued shares CY         247,172,239
  Paid-in capital                                1,779,381     4,636,475       845,100    (2,624,482)       4,636,474
  Retained earnings                              1,207,625     2,814,499       121,174    (1,328,798)       2,814,499
Accumulated other comprehensive income:
  Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustment     -       (69,489)      (69,489)       69,489          (69,489)
  Net unrealized investment gains (losses)               -             -        (9,958)            -           (9,958)
  Less - treasury stock, at cost                         -       377,450         6,000        (6,000)         377,450
       Shares CY                 14,962,294

TOTAL                                            5,548,837     7,006,507     1,540,401    (6,763,235)       7,332,509

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     $19,556,488    $7,409,570    $3,774,840  $ (7,378,671)     $23,362,227

* Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
December 31, 1999
(Dollars in thousands)

                                                     U.S.         Parent       Competitive Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                   Utilities      Company       Businesses

 Cash and cash equivalents:
    Cash                                           $  35,970     $      14    $   72,214    $        -      $   108,198
     Temporary cash investments - at cost,
      which approximates market                      101,199        16,479       987,843             -        1,105,521
    Special deposits                                       -             -             -             -                -
              Total cash and cash equivalents        137,169        16,493     1,060,057             -        1,213,719
Other temporary investments                                -             -       321,351             -          321,351
Notes receivable                                          97             -         2,064             -            2,161
Accounts receivable:
   Customer                                          290,240             -            91             -          290,331
   Allowance for doubtful accounts                    (6,943)            -        (2,564)            -           (9,507)
   Associated companies                               16,293       177,501          (319)     (193,476)               -
   Other                                              55,190           (51)      152,759             -          207,898
   Accrued unbilled revenues                         298,616             -             -             -          298,616
     Total receivables                               653,397       177,450       149,967      (193,476)         787,338
Deferred fuel costs                                  240,661             -             -             -          240,661
Fuel inventory - at average cost                      87,362             -         7,424          (366)          94,419
Materials and supplies - at average cost             370,681           (18)       21,741             -          392,403
Rate deferrals                                        30,394             -             -             -           30,394
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs               58,119             -             -             -           58,119
Prepayments and other                                 52,836         2,100        23,628             -           78,567
TOTAL                                              1,630,717       196,025     1,586,232      (193,841)       3,219,132


Investment in subsidiary companies - at equity           214     6,707,894             -    (6,707,894)             214
Decommissioning trust funds                          815,014             -       431,009             -        1,246,023
Non-utility property - at cost
  (less accumulated depreciation)                    217,622             -        99,544             -          317,165
Non-regulated investments                                  -             -       198,003             -          198,003
Other - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)       16,714             -             -             -           16,714
TOTAL                                              1,049,563     6,707,894       728,556    (6,707,894)       1,778,119


Electric                                          23,003,335         4,340       155,486             -       23,163,161
Plant acquisition adjustment                               -       406,630           300             -          406,929
Property under capital lease                         768,500             -             -             -          768,500
Natural gas                                          186,041             -             -             -          186,041
Construction work in progress                        708,431           688       791,498             -        1,500,617
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                     286,476             -             -             -          286,476
Nuclear fuel                                          39,506             -        48,186             -           87,693
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT                               24,992,289       411,658       995,470             -       26,399,417
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization  10,813,031         2,242        83,387             -       10,898,661
UTILITY PLANT - NET                               14,179,258       409,415       912,083             -       15,500,756


Regulatory assets:
    Rate deferrals                                    16,581             -             -             -           16,581
    SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                1,068,006             -             -             -        1,068,006
    Unamortized loss on reacquired debt              198,631             -             -             -          198,631
    Other regulatory assets                          637,870             -             -             -          637,870
  Long-term receivables                               32,260             -             -             -           32,260
  Other                                              143,863        47,574       342,294             -          533,732
TOTAL                                              2,097,211        47,574       342,294             -        2,487,080

TOTAL ASSETS                                     $18,956,750    $7,360,908    $3,569,164   $(6,901,735)   $  22,985,087

* Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
December 31, 1999
(Dollars in thousands)

                                                    U.S.         Parent       Competitive Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                 Utilities      Company       Businesses

 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                -
  Currently maturing long-term debt               $194,555      $      -       $     -     $       -         $194,555
Notes payable:
  Other                                                716       120,000             -             -          120,715
Account payable:
  Associated companies                               1,604         2,165        21,807       (25,577)               -
  Other                                            468,278        17,786       221,614             -          707,678
Customer deposits                                  161,909             -             -             -          161,909
Taxes accrued                                      270,644         9,142       165,891             -          445,677
Accumulated deferred income taxes                   72,640             -             -             -           72,640
Nuclear refueling outage costs                      11,216             -             -             -           11,216
Interest accrued                                   126,177           148         2,702             -          129,028
Co-owner advances                                   15,147             -             -        (8,129)           7,018
Obligations under capital lease                    178,247             -             -             -          178,247
Other                                              213,583         6,251        24,054      (118,139)         125,749
TOTAL                                            1,714,717       155,493       436,067      (151,845)       2,154,432


Accumulated deferred income taxes                3,443,734       (16,165)     (160,568)            -        3,267,001
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits        519,910             -             -             -          519,910
Obligations under capital lease                    205,464             -             -             -          205,464
FERC settlement - refund obligation                 37,337             -             -             -           37,337
Other regulatory liabilities                       199,139             -             -             -          199,139
Decommisioning                                     268,697             -       478,095             -          746,792
Transition to competition                          157,034             -             -             -          157,034
Regulatory reserves                                378,307             -             -             -          378,307
Accumulated provisions                             222,008        57,938          (522)            -          279,425
Other                                              250,338        39,216       237,840         7,763          535,156
TOTAL                                            5,681,969        80,989       554,845         7,763        6,325,565

Long-term debt                                   5,623,974             -     1,038,370       (49,760)       6,612,583
Preferred stock with sinking fund                   69,650             -             -             -           69,650
Preference stock                                   150,000             -             -             -          150,000
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trust
  holding solely junior subordinated
  deferrable debentures                            215,000             -             -             -          215,000


Preferred stock without sinking fund               338,455             -             -             -          338,455
  Common stock                                   2,225,870         2,471       659,561    (2,885,431)           2,471
       Authorized shares        500,000,000
       Issued shares CY         247,082,345
  Paid-in capital                                1,779,316     4,636,163       835,400    (2,614,718)       4,636,163
  Retained earnings                              1,157,800     2,786,467       124,726    (1,282,527)       2,786,467
Accumulated other comprehensive income:
  Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustment     -       (68,782)      (68,782)       68,782          (68,782)
  Net unrealized investment gains (losses)               -             -        (5,023)            -           (5,023)
  Less - treasury stock, at cost                         -       231,894         6,000        (6,000)         231,894
       Shares CY                  8,045,434

TOTAL                                            5,501,441     7,124,426     1,539,883    (6,707,893)       7,457,857

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     $18,956,750    $7,360,908    $3,569,164  $ (6,901,735)     $22,985,087

* Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
March 31, 2000 vs December 31, 1999
(Dollars in thousands)

                                                     U.S.         Parent       Competitive Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                   Utilities      Company       Businesses

 Cash and cash equivalents:
    Cash                                           $   4,422     $     (13)   $      759    $        -      $     5,168
     Temporary cash investments - at cost,
      which approximates market                      175,047        18,357       267,703             -          461,107
    Special deposits                                       -             -         6,102             -            6,102
              Total cash and cash equivalents        179,469        18,344       274,564             -          472,377
Other temporary investments                                -             -      (321,351)            -         (321,351)
Notes receivable                                       1,474             -             -             -            1,474
Accounts receivable:
   Customer                                          (32,602)            -             -             -          (32,602)
   Allowance for doubtful accounts                         -             -             -             -                -
   Associated companies                               (8,549)       25,564         2,658       (19,673)               -
   Other                                              10,200            (6)       16,855             -           27,049
   Accrued unbilled revenues                         (24,414)            -             -             -          (24,414)
     Total receivables                               (55,365)       25,558        19,514       (19,673)         (29,967)
Deferred fuel costs                                  (32,626)            -             -             -          (32,626)
Fuel inventory - at average cost                      27,055             -        (3,968)          125           23,213
Materials and supplies - at average cost               1,184             6           133             -            1,323
Rate deferrals                                        (2,945)            -             -             -           (2,945)
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs              (10,940)            -             -             -          (10,940)
Prepayments and other                                 21,211           216        (8,744)            -           12,686
TOTAL                                                128,518        44,124       (39,852)      (19,548)         113,244


Investment in subsidiary companies - at equity             -        55,342             -       (55,342)               -
Decommissioning trust funds                            2,717             -        (1,332)            -            1,385
Non-utility property - at cost
  (less accumulated depreciation)                      3,126             -         1,693             -            4,819
Non-regulated investments                                  -         1,000        47,237             -           48,237
Other - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)          766             -             -             -              766
TOTAL                                                  6,609        56,342        47,597       (55,342)          55,207


Electric                                              74,396             -             -             -           74,396
Plant acquisition adjustment                         402,563      (406,630)            -             -           (4,066)
Property under capital lease                           5,684             -             -             -            5,684
Natural gas                                            1,591             -             -             -            1,591
Construction work in progress                        104,168           102       164,315             -          268,585
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                     (18,257)            -             -             -          (18,257)
Nuclear fuel                                          26,972             -        (3,754)            -           23,217
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT                                  597,117      (406,528)      160,561             -          351,150
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization     180,388           217           988             -          181,593
UTILITY PLANT - NET                                  416,729      (406,745)      159,573             -          169,557


Regulatory assets:
    Rate deferrals                                    (4,451)            -             -             -           (4,451)
    SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                  (23,568)            -             -             -          (23,568)
    Unamortized loss on reacquired debt               (1,539)            -             -             -           (1,539)
    Other regulatory assets                           27,309             -             -             -           27,309
  Long-term receivables                                 (635)            -             -             -             (635)
  Other                                               50,766       354,941        38,357      (402,046)          42,017
TOTAL                                                 47,882       354,941        38,357      (402,046)          39,133

TOTAL ASSETS                                     $   599,738    $   48,662    $  205,676   $  (476,935)   $     377,141

* Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
March 31, 2000 vs December 31, 1999
(Dollars in thousands)

                                                    U.S.         Parent       Competitive Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                 Utilities      Company       Businesses

  Currently maturing long-term debt               $(86,147)     $      -       $67,000     $       -         $(19,147)
Notes payable:
  Other                                                  -       230,000             -             -          230,001
Account payable:
  Associated companies                              30,903        (1,397)       (6,231)      (23,276)               -
  Other                                            (42,250)      (16,764)      (57,534)            -         (116,547)
Customer deposits                                    5,022             -             -             -            5,022
Taxes accrued                                       55,884        (1,008)       (5,136)            -           49,741
Accumulated deferred income taxes                  (12,808)            -            20             -          (12,788)
Nuclear refueling outage costs                      (1,970)            -             -             -           (1,970)
Interest accrued                                   (25,065)          314        (1,589)            -          (26,341)
Co-owner advances                                   (3,599)            -             -             -           (3,599)
Obligations under capital lease                     (1,717)            -             -             -           (1,717)
Other                                              (76,497)          667        (4,454)      109,829           29,543
TOTAL                                             (158,243)      211,813        (7,924)       86,553          132,198


Accumulated deferred income taxes                  (46,980)         (511)       57,411             -            9,921
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits         (6,901)            -             -             -           (6,901)
Obligations under capital lease                    (20,713)            -             -             -          (20,713)
FERC settlement - refund obligation                 (1,572)            -             -             -           (1,572)
Other regulatory liabilities                         1,468             -             -             -            1,468
Decommisioning                                       6,356             -       (38,619)            -          (32,263)
Transition to competition                            7,453             -             -             -            7,453
Regulatory reserves                                 19,888             -             -             -           19,888
Accumulated provisions                              57,255       (57,938)          451             -             (233)
Other                                              389,122        13,218       119,702      (401,920)         120,121
TOTAL                                              405,375       (45,232)      138,945      (401,920)          97,169

Long-term debt                                     305,210             -        74,136      (106,227)         273,120
Preferred stock with sinking fund                        -             -             -             -                -
Preference stock                                         -             -             -             -                -
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trust
  holding solely junior subordinated
  deferrable debentures                                  -             -             -             -                -


Preferred stock without sinking fund                (2,493)            -             -             -           (2,493)
  Common stock                                           -             1            13           (13)               1
  Paid-in capital                                       65           311         9,700        (9,765)             311
  Retained earnings                                 49,825        28,032        (3,552)      (46,272)          28,032
Accumulated other comprehensive income:
  Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustment     -          (706)         (707)          707             (706)
  Net unrealized investment gains (losses)               -             -        (4,935)            -           (4,935)
  Less - treasury stock, at cost                         -       145,556             -             -          145,556

TOTAL                                               47,396      (117,919)          519       (55,342)        (125,346)

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     $   599,738    $   48,662    $  205,676  $   (476,935)     $   377,141

* Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Year to Date March 31, 2000
(Dollars in thousands)
                                                    U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
                                                  Utilities     Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                            $1,355,562    $       -     $      -    $   (2,666)   $ 1,352,896
     Natural gas                                      45,881            -            -             -         45,881
     Steam products                                        -            -            -             -              -
     Competitive businesses                                -        5,762      416,246        (9,294)       412,715
                         Total                     1,401,444        5,762      416,246       (11,959)     1,811,492

      Operating and Maintenance:
          Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas       419,189            -       78,564             -        497,754
            purchased for resale
          Purchased power                            136,241            -      243,414       (10,112)       369,544
          Nuclear refueling outage expenses           18,557            -            -             -         18,557
          Other operation and maintenance            300,443       19,940       59,320        (2,292)       377,410
     Decommissioning                                  10,938            -            -             -         10,938
     Taxes other than income taxes                    77,965          277        1,376             -         79,618
                         Total                       963,333       20,217      382,674       (12,404)     1,353,821

AND AMORTIZATION                                     438,111      (14,455)      33,571           445        457,671

     Depreciation and amortization                   175,748          717        1,811             -        178,276
     Other regulatory charges (credits)              (14,605)           -            -             -        (14,605)
     Amortization of rate deferrals                    7,396            -            -             -          7,396
                        Total                        168,539          717        1,811             -        171,067

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                              269,572      (15,172)      31,760           445        286,604

     Allowance for equity funds used during            7,695            -            -             -          7,695
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net                 514            3            -             -            517
     Miscellaneous - net                               4,398       20,791        7,489        (3,698)        28,982
                          Total                       12,607       20,794        7,489        (3,698)        37,194

     Interest on long-term debt                      114,342            -          126          (810)       113,659
     Other interest - net                             10,687        4,647        7,391        (2,443)        20,283
     Distributions on preferred securities             4,709            -            -             -          4,709
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used                (6,088)           -            -             -         (6,088)
       during construction
                         Total                       123,651        4,647        7,518        (3,253)       132,563

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    158,529          974       31,732             -        191,235

INCOME TAXES                                          71,191          534       11,101             -         82,825

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                        87,338          440       20,632             -        108,410

AND OTHER                                              9,550            -            -             -          9,550
EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $   77,788    $     440   $   20,632     $       -        $98,860
EARNINGS PER AVERAGE COMMON SHARE                      $0.33        $0.00        $0.09                        $0.42
AVERAGE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING                                                             236,608,445

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Year to Date March 31, 1999
(Dollars in thousands)
                                                       U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
                                                    Utilities      Other      Businesses
     Domestic electric                               $1,240,676    $       -   $        -      $ (2,092)  $  1,238,583
     Natural gas                                         37,731            -            -             -         37,731
     Steam products                                       8,296            -            -             -          8,296
     Competitive businesses                                   -            -      356,534        (1,222)       355,312
                         Total                        1,286,703            -      356,534        (3,315)     1,639,922

      Operating and Maintenance:
          Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas          344,597            -       58,376             -        402,973
            purchased for resale
          Purchased power                                81,348            -      294,313        (1,862)       373,799
          Nuclear refueling outage expenses              19,685            -            -             -         19,685
          Other operation and maintenance               318,025        6,844       44,927        (2,165)       367,632
     Decommissioning                                     12,674            -            -             -         12,674
     Taxes other than income taxes                       82,296          224          549             -         83,068
                         Total                          858,624        7,068      398,166        (4,026)     1,259,831

AND AMORTIZATION                                        428,078       (7,068)     (41,632)          712        380,091

     Depreciation and amortization                      179,484          551        4,333             -        184,368
     Other regulatory charges (credits)                 (16,125)           -            -             -        (16,125)
     Amortization of rate deferrals                       8,413            -            -             -          8,413
                        Total                           171,772          551        4,333             -        176,656

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                                 256,307       (7,618)     (45,965)          712        203,435

     Allowance for equity funds used during               5,411            -            -             -          5,411
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net                    445            -       20,138             -         20,583
     Miscellaneous - net                                  5,254       10,636        4,940          (879)        19,952
                          Total                          11,111       10,636       25,078          (879)        45,946

     Interest on long-term debt                         121,338            -        1,192             -        122,531
     Other interest - net                                 3,679        3,403        1,626          (167)         8,541
     Distributions on preferred securities                4,709            -            -             -          4,709
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used during            (4,479)           -            -             -         (4,479)
                         Total                          125,247        3,403        2,818          (167)       131,302

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                       142,170         (385)     (23,705)            -        118,079

INCOME TAXES                                             59,594        1,158      (15,579)            -         45,173

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                           82,576       (1,543)      (8,127)            -         72,906

AND OTHER                                                10,725            -            -             -         10,725

EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK           $   71,851     $ (1,543)   $  (8,127)    $       -      $  62,181
EARNINGS PER AVERAGE COMMON SHARE                         $0.29       ($0.01)      ($0.03)                       $0.25
AVERAGE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING                                                                246,579,198

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Year to Date March 31, 2000 vs 1999
(Dollars in thousands)
                                                   U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations   Consolidated
                                                Utilities      Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                           $  114,887    $       -    $       -     $     (573)     $ 114,313
     Natural gas                                      8,150            -            -              -          8,150
     Steam products                                  (8,296)           -            -              -         (8,296)
     Competitive businesses                               -        5,762       59,712         (8,071)        57,403
                         Total                      114,741        5,762       59,712         (8,644)       171,570

      Operating and Maintenance:
          Fuel, fuel related expenses,               74,593            -       20,188              -         94,781
            and gas purchased for resale
          Purchased power                            54,893            -      (50,899)        (8,250)        (4,255)
          Nuclear refueling outage expenses          (1,128)           -            -              -         (1,128)
          Other operation and maintenance           (17,582)      13,096       14,393           (128)         9,779
     Decommissioning                                 (1,736)           -            -              -         (1,736)
     Taxes other than income taxes                   (4,331)          54          827              -         (3,452)
                         Total                      104,708       13,149      (15,492)        (8,378)        93,989

AND AMORTIZATION                                     10,033       (7,387)      75,203           (267)        77,581

     Depreciation and amortization                   (3,736)         167       (2,522)             -         (6,091)
     Other regulatory charges (credits)               1,519            -            -              -          1,519
     Amortization of rate deferrals                  (1,017)           -            -              -         (1,017)
                        Total                        (3,233)         167       (2,522)             -         (5,589)

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                              13,266       (7,554)      77,726           (267)        83,170

     Allowance for equity funds used                  2,284            -            -              -          2,284
       during construction
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net                 69            3      (20,138)             -        (20,066)
     Miscellaneous - net                               (856)      10,155        2,549         (2,820)         9,029
                          Total                       1,496       10,158      (17,589)        (2,820)        (8,753)

     Interest on long-term debt                      (6,996)           -       (1,066)          (810)        (8,872)
     Other interest - net                             7,008        1,244        5,766         (2,276)        11,742
     Distributions on preferred securities                0            -            -              -              0
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used               (1,609)           -            -              -         (1,609)
       during construction
                          Total                      (1,597)       1,244        4,699         (3,086)         1,261

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    16,359        1,360       55,437              -         73,156

INCOME TAXES                                         11,597         (624)      26,679              -         37,652

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                        4,762        1,983       28,758              -         35,504

AND OTHER                                            (1,175)           -            -              -         (1,175)

EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $   5,937    $   1,983    $  28,758    $         -      $  36,679
EARNINGS PER AVERAGE COMMON SHARE                     $0.04        $0.01        $0.12                         $0.17

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Twelve Months Ended March 31, 2000
(Dollars in thousands)
                                                    U.S.       Parent &     Competitive   Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                 Utilities       Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                           $ 6,403,303   $         -   $         -   $    (17,575)    $ 6,385,728
     Natural gas                                     118,520             -             -              -         118,520
     Steam products                                    7,541             -             -              -           7,541
     Competitive businesses                                -         5,762     2,457,719        (24,885)      2,438,595
                         Total                     6,529,364         5,762     2,457,719        (42,460)      8,950,384

      Operating and Maintenance:
          Fuel, fuel related expenses, and         1,746,668             -       431,707           (719)      2,177,656
            gas purchased for resale
          Purchased power                            748,095             -     1,720,229        (30,096)      2,438,228
          Nuclear refueling outage expenses           74,928             -             -              -          74,928
          Other operation and maintenance          1,387,626        72,034       274,673        (13,424)      1,720,909
     Decommissioning                                  44,252             -             -              -          44,252
     Taxes other than income taxes                   330,503           641         4,689              -         335,834
                         Total                     4,332,072        72,675     2,431,299        (44,240)      6,791,807

AND AMORTIZATION                                   2,197,292       (66,913)       26,420          1,780       2,158,577

     Depreciation and amortization                   681,984         1,605         8,727              -         692,316
     Other regulatory charges (credits)                9,266             -             -              -           9,266
     Amortization of rate deferrals                  122,170             -             -              -         122,170
                        Total                        813,421         1,605         8,727              -         823,752

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                            1,383,871       (68,519)       17,693          1,780       1,334,825

     Allowance for equity funds used                  31,575             -             -              -          31,575
       during construction
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net               2,115          (830)       50,574              -          51,859
     Miscellaneous - net                              38,717        49,577        83,565         (8,406)        163,453
                          Total                       72,407        48,747       134,139         (8,406)        246,887

     Interest on long-term debt                      467,649             -         1,166           (810)        468,005
     Other interest - net                             72,653         7,388        19,989         (5,816)         94,213
     Distributions on preferred securities            18,838             -             -              -          18,838
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used               (24,193)            -             -              -         (24,194)
       during construction
                         Total                       534,946         7,388        21,155         (6,626)        556,862

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    921,332       (27,159)      130,677              -       1,024,850

INCOME TAXES                                         363,045        32,367        (1,092)             -         394,320

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                       558,286       (59,526)      131,769              -         630,530

AND OTHER                                             41,392             -             -              -          41,392

EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK       $   516,894      $(59,526)   $  131,769   $          -     $   589,138
EARNINGS PER AVERAGE COMMON SHARE                      $2.13        ($0.24)        $0.54                          $2.43
AVERAGE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING                                                                 242,652,359

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Twelve Months Ended March 31, 1999
(Dollars in thousands)
                                                    U.S.        Parent &     Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
                                                  Utilities       Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                           $  6,070,476    $        -    $        -   $   (15,623)   $ 6,054,853
     Natural gas                                      102,661             -             -             -        102,661
     Steam products                                    43,063             -             -             -         43,063
     Competitive businesses                                 -             -     4,640,663       (19,638)     4,621,025
                         Total                      6,216,200             -     4,640,663       (35,261)    10,821,602

      Operating and Maintenance:
          Fuel, fuel related expenses, and          1,551,750             -       209,808        (1,520)     1,760,038
            gas purchased for resale
          Purchased power                             558,963             -     3,644,533       (22,926)     4,180,569
          Nuclear refueling outage expenses            80,896             -             -             -         80,896
          Other operation and maintenance           1,337,257        49,108       498,480       (12,861)     1,871,984
     Decommissioning                                   47,401             -             -             -         47,401
     Taxes other than income taxes                    335,810         1,159        12,458             -        349,427
                         Total                      3,912,077        50,267     4,365,279       (37,307)     8,290,315

AND AMORTIZATION                                    2,304,123       (50,267)      275,384         2,046      2,531,287

     Depreciation and amortization                    716,593         2,068       165,358             -        884,019
     Other regulatory charges (credits)                51,869             -             -             -         51,870
     Amortization of rate deferrals                   165,615             -             -             -        165,615
                        Total                         934,077         2,068       165,358             -      1,101,504

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                             1,370,046       (52,335)      110,026         2,046      1,429,783

     Allowance for equity funds used                   15,527             -             -             -         15,527
       during construction
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net                1,883             -       279,214             -        281,097
     Miscellaneous - net                               33,862         4,086        53,310        (2,834)        88,424
                          Total                        51,272         4,086       332,524        (2,834)       385,048

     Interest on long-term debt                       495,369             -       171,187             -        666,556
     Other interest - net                              33,663        14,958        15,653          (788)        63,486
     Distributions on preferred securities             18,838             -        17,321             -         36,159
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used                (13,360)            -             -             -        (13,360)
       during construction
                         Total                        534,510        14,958       204,161          (788)       752,841

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                     886,808       (63,207)      238,389             -      1,061,990

INCOME TAXES                                          339,737         2,871       (79,099)            -        263,509

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                        547,071       (66,078)      317,488             -        798,481

AND OTHER                                              45,509             -             -             -         45,509

EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $   501,562    $  (66,078)  $   317,488     $       -      $ 752,972
EARNINGS PER AVERAGE COMMON SHARE                       $2.03        ($0.27)        $1.29                        $3.05
AVERAGE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING                                                                246,558,908

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Twelve Months Ended March 31, 2000 vs 1999
(Dollars in thousands)
                                                   U.S.       Parent &     Competitive  Eliminations   Consolidated
                                                Utilities       Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                           $  332,827    $        -    $        -    $   (1,952)    $ 330,875
     Natural gas                                     15,859             -             -             -        15,859
     Steam products                                 (35,522)            -             -             -       (35,522)
     Competitive businesses                               -         5,762    (2,182,944)       (5,247)   (2,182,430)
                         Total                      313,163         5,762    (2,182,944)       (7,199)   (1,871,218)

      Operating and Maintenance:
          Fuel, fuel related expenses, and          194,917             -       221,899           801       417,617
            gas purchased for resale
          Purchased power                           189,132             -    (1,924,304)       (7,170)   (1,742,341)
          Nuclear refueling outage expenses          (5,968)            -             -             -        (5,968)
          Other operation and maintenance            50,369        22,926      (223,807)         (563)     (151,075)
     Decommissioning                                 (3,149)            -             -             -        (3,149)
     Taxes other than income taxes                   (5,307)         (518)       (7,769)            -       (13,593)
                         Total                      419,995        22,408    (1,933,980)       (6,933)   (1,498,509)

AND AMORTIZATION                                   (106,831)      (16,646)     (248,964)         (266)     (372,709)

     Depreciation and amortization                  (34,609)         (463)     (156,631)            -      (191,703)
     Other regulatory charges (credits)             (42,603)            -             -             -       (42,603)
     Amortization of rate deferrals                 (43,445)            -             -             -       (43,445)
                        Total                      (120,657)         (463)     (156,631)            -      (277,751)

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                              13,826       (16,184)      (92,333)         (266)      (94,958)

     Allowance for equity funds used                 16,047             -             -             -        16,047
       during construction
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net                233          (830)     (228,640)            -      (229,237)
     Miscellaneous - net                              4,855        45,491        30,255        (5,572)       75,029
                          Total                      21,134        44,661      (198,385)       (5,572)     (138,161)

     Interest on long-term debt                     (27,720)            -      (170,021)         (810)     (198,551)
     Other interest - net                            38,990        (7,570)        4,336        (5,028)       30,727
     Distributions on preferred securities               (0)            -       (17,321)            -       (17,321)
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used              (10,833)            -             -             -       (10,834)
       during construction
                          Total                         437        (7,570)     (183,006)       (5,838)     (195,979)

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    34,523        36,048      (107,712)            -       (37,140)

INCOME TAXES                                         23,308        29,496        78,007             -       130,811

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                       11,215         6,552      (185,719)            -      (167,951)

AND OTHER                                            (4,117)            -             -             -        (4,117)

EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK       $   15,333    $    6,552    $ (185,719)     $      -     $(163,834)
EARNINGS PER AVERAGE COMMON SHARE                     $0.10         $0.03        ($0.75)                     ($0.62)

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

U.S. Utility Electric Energy Sales & Customers

                             Year to Date March
                                                                      %     % Weather
                                             2000          1999   Reported  Adjusted
                                             (Millions of kwh)
     Residential                             6,512         6,417     1.5      0.7
     Commercial                              5,280         5,169     2.1      2.2
     Governmental                              587           589    (0.3)    (0.3)
     Industrial                             10,617        10,216     3.9      3.9
                                            ------        ------
       Total to Ultimate Customers          22,996        22,391     2.7      2.4
      Wholesale                              2,272         2,209     2.8
                                            ------        ------
                Total Sales                 25,268        24,600     2.7
                                            ======        ======

                          Twelve Months Ended March

                                          2000          1999          %
                                                   (Millions of kwh)
     Residential                            30,726        31,112    (1.2)
     Commercial                             23,886        23,518     1.6
     Governmental                            2,562         2,620    (2.2)
     Industrial                             43,950        43,257     1.6
                                           -------       -------
       Total to Ultimate Customers         101,124       100,507     0.6
      Wholesale                              9,777        11,466   (14.7)
                                           -------       -------
                Total Sales                110,901       111,973    (1.0)
                                           =======       =======


                                          2000          1999          %

     Residential                         2,195,536     2,167,336     1.3
     Commercial                            286,013       278,500     2.7
     Governmental                           14,219        13,866     2.5
     Industrial                             39,716        39,194     1.3
                                         ---------     ---------
       Total to Ultimate Customers       2,535,484     2,498,896     1.5
      Wholesale                                 43            42     1.6
                                         ---------     ---------
                Total Sales              2,535,527     2,498,938     1.5
                                         =========     =========