Exhibit 10(a)81

                   RETENTION AGREEMENT

     THIS AGREEMENT, executed on November 21, 2000 effective  as
of  October  27,  2000,  by and between Entergy  Corporation,  a
Delaware   corporation  ("Company"),  and   J.   Wayne   Leonard
("Executive"),  which  agreement  shall  govern  the  terms  and
conditions  of  Executive's employment until such  time  as  the
Employment   Agreement  between  Executive   and   WCB   Holding
Corporation  dated  as of July 30, 2000 shall become  effective,
except as specifically provided herein;

     WHEREAS,   Executive  is  currently  employed  by   Entergy
Services, Inc., a System employer, and serves in the position of
Chief Executive Officer of Company;

     WHEREAS, Company has entered into an Agreement and Plan  of
Merger, by and among Company, FPL Group, Inc., WCB Holding Corp.
(the   "Merged  Entity"),  Ranger  Acquisition  Corp.  and  Ring
Acquisition  Corp., dated as of July 30, 2000 (the  "Ring-Ranger
Merger Agreement");

     WHEREAS,  Company wishes to encourage Executive  to  remain
employed  by  a  System  employer and provide  services  to  the
System; and

     WHEREAS,  Executive wishes to remain in  the  employ  of  a
System employer and to provide services to the System;

     NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises  and  the
mutual  covenants herein contained, Company and Executive hereby
agree as follows:

1.Defined  Terms. The definitions of capitalized terms  used  in
  this Agreement are provided in the last Section hereof.

2.Covenants  Summarized.  Company  and  Executive  covenant   as

   2.1 Company's  Covenants.  In  order to  induce  Executive  to
       remain  within  the  System, Company  agrees,  under  the
       conditions   described  herein,  to  pay  Executive   the
       payments   and   benefits  described  herein   upon   the
       circumstances  described in Sections 3, 4  and  6  below.
       This  Agreement  shall not be construed  as  creating  an
       express or implied contract of employment and, except  as
       otherwise   agreed  in  writing  between  Executive   and
       Company,  Executive  shall  not  have  any  right  to  be
       retained in the employ of any System Company.

   2.2 Executive's Covenants. Executive agrees to the following:

       (A)  For  a  period of two years following  the  Date  of
            Termination,  Executive  shall  not  engage  in  any
            employment  or  other activity  (without  the  prior
            written consent of Company) either in his individual
            capacity   or   together  with  any  other   person,
            corporation, governmental agency or body,  or  other
            entity, that is (i) listed in the Standard &  Poor's
            Electric Index or the Dow Jones Utilities Index;  or
            (ii)  in competition with, or similar in nature  to,
            any  business conducted by any System Company at any
            time   during  such  period,  where  such  competing
            employer  is  located in, or servicing  in  any  way
            customers located in, those parishes and counties in
            which  any System Company services customers  during
            such  period.  In  the  event of  any  violation  by
            Executive  of this paragraph (A) of subsection  2.2,
            Executive shall repay to Company, within 5  business
            days  of  Company's  written request  therefor,  any
            amounts   previously  paid  to   him   pursuant   to
            subsections 3.4 and 3.6, and Executive shall have no
            further   entitlement  to  receive  any   additional
            payments or benefits under such subsections.

       (B)  For  a  period of two years following  the  Date  of
            Termination, Executive agrees not to take any action
            or  make  any  statement, written or  oral,  to  any
            current or former employee of any System Company, or
            to  any  other person, which disparages  any  System
            Company,  its management, directors or shareholders,
            or its practices, or which disrupts or impairs their
            normal operations, including actions or statements
            (i)   that  would harm the reputation of any  System
            Company  with  its clients, suppliers, employees  or
            the  public;  or  (ii)  that  would  interfere  with
            existing  or  prospective contractual or  employment
            relationships  with  any  System  Company   or   its
            clients, suppliers or employees. In the event of any
            violation by Executive of this paragraph (B) of this
            subsection  2.2, Executive shall repay  to  Company,
            within  5 business days of Company's written request
            therefor,  any amounts in respect of the Three-Times
            Severance  Payment  or Five-Times Severance  Payment
            previously  paid to him pursuant to subsections  3.4
            and   3.6,  and  Executive  shall  have  no  further
            entitlement  to receive any additional  payments  or
            benefits under such subsections.

3.Compensation  Upon Certain Events. This Section 3  sets  forth
  the  entitlement  of  Executive  or  his  beneficiary(ies)  to
  certain  payments  and benefits under specified  circumstances
  described  in  each  subsection, and, with  the  exception  of
  subsection   3.1,  in  no  event  shall  Executive   and   his
  beneficiary(ies)  be entitled to payments and  benefits  under
  more than one such subsection.

   3.1 Physical  or  Mental  Illness.  During  any  period   that
       Executive  fails to perform Executive's full-time  duties
       within  the  System  as  a result of  incapacity  due  to
       physical or mental illness, his System employer shall pay
       Executive's  full  salary to Executive  at  the  rate  in
       effect  at the commencement of any such period,  together
       with  all  compensation and benefits payable to Executive
       under  the  terms  of any compensation or  benefit  plan,
       program  or arrangement (other than Company's  short-  or
       long-term  disability plan, as applicable) maintained  by
       Company  during such period, until Executive's employment
       is terminated by his System employer for Disability.

   3.2 Termination  of  Employment  by  Executive  Without   Good

       (a) On  or After Attainment of Age 55. If Executive's
           employment  with  the  System  is  terminated  for  any
           reason,  other than termination by Company  for  Cause,
           Executive   shall  be  entitled  to  the   Supplemental
           Retirement Benefit without Company permission.

       (b) Without  Company-Permission - Prior to Attainment
           of   Age   55.  If  Executive  should  terminate   his
           Employment  with  the System without Good  Reason  and
           without  Company permission at any time prior  to  his
           attainment of age 55, he shall forfeit all rights to a
           Supplemental  Retirement Benefit. Executive  shall  be
           entitled  only to Executive's Accrued Obligations  and
           Normal Post-Termination Compensation and Benefits.

       (c) With Company Permission - Prior to Attainment  of
           Age  55.  If Executive should terminate his Employment
           with  the System without Good Reason, but with Company
           permission, at any time prior to his attainment of age
           55,   he   shall   be  entitled  to  the  Supplemental
           Retirement Benefit, but reduced at the annual rate  of
           6.5%  per  year  for  each year  Executive's  Date  of
           Termination precedes the date of his attainment of age
           55.   Such  reduced  Supplemental  Retirement  Benefit
           shall  become  payable upon Executive's attainment  of
           age  62  (or  upon  Executive's prior  death,  to  his
           surviving   spouse,  if  applicable).   In   addition,
           Executive  shall  be  entitled to Executive's  Accrued
           Obligations  and Normal Post-Termination  Compensation
           and Benefits.

3.3  Termination of Employment by Company For Cause at Any Time.
     If Company should terminate Executive's employment with the
     System  for Cause at any time, Executive shall be  entitled
     only  to  Executive's Accrued Obligations and Normal  Post-
     Termination  Compensation  and  Benefits.  Executive  shall
     forfeit all rights to the Supplemental Retirement Benefit.

3.4  Qualifying   Termination.  If  Executive's  employment   is
     terminated due to a Qualifying Termination that  is  not  a
     Merger-Related   Termination,  then  Executive   shall   be
     entitled   to  Normal  Post-Termination  Compensation   and
     Benefits,  Executive's  Accrued  Obligations,  EAIP   Bonus
     Award, Three-Times Severance Payment, Target LTIP Award and
     Other  EOP  Awards.  In  addition,  Executive  shall:   (a)
     immediately  vest  in the Supplemental  Retirement  Benefit
     (determined as if Executive had remained employed with  the
     System until attainment of age 55), subject, however to the
     forfeiture  and repayment provisions of Section 2.2(A)  and
     (B)  of  this  Agreement, and (b) be entitled  to  elect  a
     benefit  commencement  date  without  the  consent  of  the
     Company,  which  shall be on the first  day  of  any  month
     following Executive's attainment of age 55.

3.5  Termination   On   Account  of  Death  or  Disability.   If
     Executive's employment should terminate on account of death
     or  Disability  prior  to the earlier  of  the  Closing  or
     termination  of  the  Merger Agreement,  Executive  or  his
     personal     or    legal    representatives,     executors,
     administrators,  successors, heirs, distributees,  devisees
     and   legatees  (in  the  event  of  death)  shall  receive
     Executive's  Accrued  Obligations, Normal  Post-Termination
     Compensation  and  Benefits, EAIP Bonus Award,  Three-Times
     Severance Payment, Target LTIP Award and Other EOP Awards.

     In  addition, in the event of Executive's death at any time
     prior  to  termination of his System employment,  or  after
     Executive's   retirement   but  before   his   Supplemental
     Retirement Benefit income commencement date, his  surviving
     spouse,  if  any,  shall  be  entitled  to  a  Supplemental
     Retirement  Benefit death benefit payable monthly  for  her
     lifetime,  and commencing as of the first day of the  month
     next  following  the  later  of:  (a)  the  date  on  which
     Executive would have attained age 55 had he lived,  or  (b)
     the  date  of  Executive's death. The amount of  each  such
     monthly  benefit shall be in the same amount as the  spouse
     would  have received after Executive's subsequent death  if
     he  had  not  died on his actual date of death but  instead
     had:  (v) separated from System Company service on his date
     of  death;  (w) survived to age 55; (x) retired at  age  55
     with  the  same Final Monthly Earnings as of  his  date  of
     death; (y) elected the 50% joint and survivor annuity  form
     of payment; and (z) then died immediately thereafter.

          If  Executive  becomes Disabled at any time  prior  to
          termination  of  his  System  employment,   then   for
          purposes   of  determining  his  eligibility   for   a
          Supplemental  Retirement Benefit, Executive  shall  be
          treated  as if he remained employed by the System  for
          any   year   for  which  Executive  receives   monthly
          disability  payments  under  the  Company's  sponsored
          long-term disability plan then in effect.

3.6  Merger  Related  Termination. If Executive's  employment  is
     terminated due to a Merger Related Termination prior to the
     earlier  of  the  Closing  or  termination  of  the  Merger
     Agreement, then Executive shall be entitled to Normal Post-
     Termination Compensation and Benefits, Executive's  Accrued
     Obligations,   EAIP   Bonus  Award,  Five-Times   Severance
     Payment,  Maximum  LTIP  Award and  Other  EOP  Awards.  In
     addition,  Executive  shall: (a) immediately  vest  in  the
     Supplemental Retirement Benefit (determined as if Executive
     had  remained employed with the System until attainment  of
     age  55),  subject, however to the forfeiture and repayment
     provisions of Section 2.2(A) and (B) of this Agreement, and
     (b)  be  entitled  to  elect  a benefit  commencement  date
     without the consent of the Company, which shall be  on  the
     first day of any month following Executive's attainment  of
     age 55.

4.   Gross-Up Payment.

     4.1 Regardless  of  whether Executive becomes  entitled  to
         any  payments or benefits under this Agreement, if  any
         of  the payments or benefits received or to be received
         by  Executive  (whether pursuant to the terms  of  this
         Agreement  or any other plan, arrangement or  agreement
         with  any  System  Company)  (all  such  payments   and
         benefits,   excluding  the  Gross-Up   Payment,   being
         hereinafter  referred to as the "Total Payments")  will
         be  subject  to the Excise Tax, Company  shall  pay  to
         Executive   an   additional   amount   (the   "Gross-Up
         Payment")   such  that  the  net  amount  retained   by
         Executive,  after deduction of any Excise  Tax  on  the
         Total  Payments and any federal, state and local income
         and  employment taxes and Excise Tax upon the  Gross-Up
         Payment, shall be equal to the Total Payments.

     4.2 For  purposes of determining whether any of  the  Total
         Payments  will  be subject to the Excise  Tax  and  the
         amount  of  such  Excise Tax,  (i)  all  of  the  Total
         Payments  shall  be  treated  as  "parachute  payments"
         (within the meaning of section 280G(b)(2) of the  Code)
         unless,  in the opinion of tax counsel ("Tax  Counsel")
         reasonably acceptable to Executive and selected by  the
         accounting  firm which was, immediately  prior  to  the
         Closing,    Company's    independent    auditor    (the
         "Auditor"), such payments or benefits (in whole  or  in
         part)  do  not constitute parachute payments, including
         by  reason  of section 280G(b)(4)(A) of the Code,  (ii)
         all  "excess parachute payments" within the meaning  of
         section  280G(b)(l)  of the Code shall  be  treated  as
         subject  to  the Excise Tax unless, in the  opinion  of
         Tax  Counsel, such excess parachute payments (in  whole
         or  in  part)  represent  reasonable  compensation  for
         services  actually  rendered  (within  the  meaning  of
         section  280G(b)(4)(B) of the Code) in  excess  of  the
         Base  Amount allocable to such reasonable compensation,
         or  are  otherwise not subject to the Excise  Tax,  and
         (iii)  the  value  of  any  non-cash  benefits  or  any
         deferred payment or benefit shall be determined by  the
         Auditor  in accordance with the principles of  sections
         280G(d)(3)  and  (4)  of  the  Code.  For  purposes  of
         determining   the  amount  of  the  Gross-Up   Payment.
         Executive shall be deemed to pay federal income tax  at
         the  highest  marginal rate of federal income  taxation
         in  the calendar year in which the Gross-Up Payment  is
         to  be  made  and state and local income taxes  at  the
         highest  marginal  rate of taxation in  the  state  and
         locality  of  Executive's  residence  on  the  Date  of
         Termination  (or  if there is no Date  of  Termination,
         then  the  date  on  which  the  Gross-Up  Payment   is
         calculated for purposes of this Section 4), net of  the
         maximum  reduction in federal income taxes which  could
         be  obtained  from deduction of such  state  and  local

      4.3 In  the event that the Excise Tax is finally determined
          to   be  less  than  the  amount  taken  into  account
          hereunder   in   calculating  the  Gross-Up   Payment,
          Executive  shall  repay to Company,  within  five  (5)
          business  days following the time that the  amount  of
          such   reduction   in  the  Excise  Tax   is   finally
          determined,  the  portion  of  the  Gross-Up   Payment
          attributable  to such reduction plus that  portion  of
          the  Gross-Up Payment attributable to the  Excise  Tax
          and  federal,  state and local income  and  employment
          taxes imposed on the Gross-Up Payment being repaid  by
          Executive,  to the extent that such repayment  results
          in  a  reduction in the Excise Tax and  a  dollar-for-
          dollar  reduction  in Executive's taxable  income  and
          wages  for purposes of federal, state and local income
          and  employment taxes, plus interest on the amount  of
          such repayment at 120% of the rate provided in section
          1274(b)(2)(B)  of  the Code. In  the  event  that  the
          Excise  Tax  is determined to exceed the amount  taken
          into  account  hereunder in calculating  the  Gross-Up
          Payment  (including  by  reason  of  any  payment  the
          existence  or amount of which cannot be determined  at
          the  time of the Gross-Up Payment), Company shall make
          an  additional  Gross-Up Payment in  respect  of  such
          excess  (plus  any  interest, penalties  or  additions
          payable  by  Executive with respect  to  such  excess)
          within five (5) business days following the time  that
          the  amount  of  such  excess is  finally  determined.
          Executive  and Company shall each reasonably cooperate
          with  the  other in connection with any administrative
          or  judicial  proceedings concerning the existence  or
          amount of liability for Excise Tax with respect to the
          Total Payments.

5.Rabbi  Trust: Timing of Payments. No later than 180 days  from
  the  execution of this Agreement, Company shall deposit in the
  Trust  for  Deferred  Payments  of  Entergy  Corporation   and
  Subsidiaries (`Trust") an amount as determined by the  Auditor
  (as defined in Section 4.2) to be necessary to pay all amounts
  that   would   be  due  under  this  Agreement  if   Executive
  experienced a Qualifying Termination event December 31,  2000.
  Company shall deposit such additional amounts as determined by
  the  Auditor from time to time to be necessary to pay  amounts
  due  under  the Agreement. Except as otherwise provided  under
  the  terms  of  this  Agreement with  respect  to  Executive's
  Supplemental  Retirement  Benefit, the  payments  provided  in
  Sections 3 and 4 hereof shall be made no later than the  fifth
  business  day  following  the Date of  Termination;  provided,
  however,  that  if  the  amounts of such  payments  cannot  be
  finally determined on or before such day, Company shall pay to
  Executive on such day an estimate, as determined in good faith
  by  Executive  or,  in the case of payments  under  Section  4
  hereof,  in  accordance with Section 4 hereof, of the  minimum
  amount of such payments to which Executive is clearly entitled
  and  shall  pay the remainder of such payments (together  with
  interest  on the unpaid remainder (or on all such payments  to
  the  extent Company fails to make such payments when  due)  at
  120%  of  the  rate provided in section 1274(b)(2)(B)  of  the
  Code) as soon as the amount thereof can be determined, but  in
  no  event  later  than the thirtieth day  after  the  Date  of
  Termination.  In  the event that the amount of  the  estimated
  payments  exceeds the amount subsequently determined  to  have
  been  due,  such excess shall constitute a loan by Company  to
  Executive, payable on the fifth business day after  demand  by
  Company  (together with interest at 120% of the rate  provided
  in  section  1274(b)(2)(B) of the  Code).  At  the  time  that
  payments are made under this Agreement, Company shall  provide
  Executive with a written statement setting forth the manner in
  which  such  payments were calculated and the basis  for  such
  calculations  including, without limitation, any  opinions  or
  other  advice  Company  has received  from  Tax  Counsel,  the
  Auditor  or  other  advisors  or  consultants  (and  any  such
  opinions  or advice which are in writing shall be attached  to
  the statement).

6.Legal Fees. Company also shall pay to Executive all legal fees
  and  expenses incurred by Executive in disputing in good faith
  any issue hereunder relating to the termination of Executive's
  employment, in seeking in good faith to obtain or enforce  any
  benefit  or  right provided by this Agreement or in connection
  with any tax audit or proceeding to the extent attributable to
  the application of section 4999 of the Code to any payment  or
  benefit  provided hereunder. Any such payments shall  be  made
  within  five  (5) business days after delivery of  Executive's
  written request for payment accompanied with such evidence  of
  fees and expenses incurred as Company reasonably may require.

7.Superceded  Agreements and Benefits. This Agreement supercedes
  any  other  agreements or representations, oral or  otherwise,
  express or implied, with respect to the subject matter  hereof
  which  have  been  made by Executive or  any  System  Company,
  including,  but  not  limited to the  March  13,  1998  letter
  agreement  between Executive and Company, as  amended  through
  the  Amendment to Employment Agreement execution by  Executive
  on  March  27, 2000 (and by Entergy Corporation on  April  26,
  2000),  and any other offers or agreements preceding execution
  of  this  Agreement, but with the exception of  the  agreement
  dated  July 30, 2000 between Executive and the Merged  Entity,
  which agreement shall supersede and replace this Agreement  on
  the  date of Closing of the Ring-Ranger Merger Agreement, with
  the  exception  of  the  Supplemental  Retirement  Benefit  in
  Section  16.30, which section shall remain in full  force  and
  effect, and with the exception of any compensation, equity  or
  equity-based benefits that remain unfulfilled at  Closing  and
  are  not  assumed  under the agreement  dated  July  30,  2000
  between  Executive and the Merged Entity. Notwithstanding  any
  other  provision to the contrary, Executive acknowledges  that
  benefits  provided  under  this  Agreement  are  in  lieu   of
  participation  in, and any payment that might  otherwise  have
  been  payable under, the System Executive Continuity  Plan  of
  Entergy  Corporation  and Subsidiaries and  any  other  System
  severance  or retention plan, and Executive hereby waives  any
  right to participate in such plans.

8.Termination Procedures and Compensation During Dispute.

  8.1 Notice  of  Termination.  Any  purported  termination   of
      Executive's  employment (other than by  reason  of  death)
      shall  be  communicated by written Notice  of  Termination
      from  one  party  hereto  to the  other  party  hereto  in
      accordance  with  this  Section 8. For  purposes  of  this
      Agreement, a "Notice of Termination" shall mean  a  notice
      which  shall  indicate the specific termination  provision
      in  this  Agreement  relied upon and shall  set  forth  in
      reasonable  detail the facts and circumstances claimed  to
      provide  a basis for termination of Executive's employment
      under  the  provision so indicated. Further, a  Notice  of
      Termination for Cause pursuant to clauses (i) or  (ii)  of
      Section  16.6  is  required  to  include  a  copy   of   a
      resolution  duly adopted by the affirmative  vote  of  not
      less  than  three-quarters (3/4) of the entire  membership
      of  the  Board at a meeting of the Board which was  called
      and  held  for the purpose of considering such termination
      (after  reasonable notice to Executive and an  opportunity
      for  Executive, together with Executive's counsel,  to  be
      heard  before the Board) finding that, in the  good  faith
      opinion of the Board, Executive was guilty of conduct  set
      forth  in  clause (i) or (ii) of the definition  of  Cause
      herein, and specifying the particulars thereof in detail.

  8.2 Date  of  Termination. "Date of Termination,"  shall  mean
      (i)   if   Executive's  employment   is   terminated   for
      Disability,  thirty (30) days after Notice of  Termination
      is  given (provided that Executive shall not have returned
      to  the full-time performance of Executive's duties during
      such  thirty  (30)  day period), and (ii)  if  Executive's
      employment  is terminated for any other reason,  the  date
      specified  in  the Notice of Termination  (which,  in  the
      case  of a termination by Company, shall not be less  than
      thirty (30) days (except in the case of a termination  for
      Cause)  and,  in the case of a termination  by  Executive,
      shall  not  be less than fifteen (15) days nor  more  than
      sixty  (60) days, respectively, from the date such  Notice
      of Termination is given).

  8.3 Dispute  Concerning  Termination. If within  fifteen  (15)
      days  after  any Notice of Termination is  given,  or,  if
      later,  prior  to the Date of Termination  (as  determined
      without  regard to this Section 8.3), the party  receiving
      such  Notice of Termination notifies the other party  that
      a  dispute exists concerning the termination, the Date  of
      Termination shall be extended until the date on which  the
      dispute  is  finally resolved, either  by  mutual  written
      agreement of the parties or by a final judgment, order  or
      decree   of   an  arbitrator  or  a  court  of   competent
      jurisdiction (which is not appealable or with  respect  to
      which  the  time for appeal therefrom has expired  and  no
      appeal  has been perfected); provided, however,  that  the
      Date  of  Termination shall be extended  by  a  notice  of
      dispute  given by Executive only if such notice  is  given
      in  good  faith  and Executive pursues the  resolution  of
      such dispute with reasonable diligence.

  8.4 Compensation  During  Dispute. If a purported  termination
      occurs  and  the  Date  of  Termination  is  extended  in
      accordance   with  Section  8.3  hereof,  Company   shall
      continue to pay Executive the full compensation in effect
      when  the  notice  giving rise to the dispute  was  given
      (including,  but  not  limited to, salary)  and  continue
      Executive  as a participant in all compensation,  benefit
      and  insurance plans in which Executive was participating
      when  the  notice giving rise to the dispute  was  given,
      until   the   Date  of  Termination,  as  determined   in
      accordance  with Section 8.3 hereof. Amounts  paid  under
      this Section 8.4 are in addition to all other amounts due
      under  this  Agreement  (other than  Executive's  Accrued
      Obligations)  and shall not be offset against  or  reduce
      any other amounts due under this Agreement.

9.No  Mitigation. Company agrees that Executive is  not  required
  to  seek  other employment or to attempt in any way  to  reduce
  any  amounts  payable  to  Executive  by  Company  pursuant  to
  Sections 3, 4, or 6 hereof or Section 8.4 hereof. Further,  the
  amount  of  any  payment  or  benefit  provided  for  in   this
  Agreement  shall not be reduced by any compensation  earned  by
  Executive  as the result of employment by another employer,  by
  retirement  benefits, by offset against any amount  claimed  to
  be  owed  by  Executive  to Company, or  otherwise  (except  as
  otherwise provided in subsection 16.30 and subsection  2.2  (A)
  and (B)).

10. Successors: Binding Agreement.

   10.1 In  addition  to any obligations imposed by law  upon  any
        successor  to Company, Company will require any successor
        (whether   direct  or  indirect,  by  purchase,   merger,
        consolidation  or otherwise) to all or substantially  all
        of  the  business and/or assets of Company  to  expressly
        assume  and agree to perform this Agreement in  the  same
        manner  and  to  the same extent that  Company  would  be
        required  to perform it if no such succession  had  taken
        place.  Failure of Company to obtain such assumption  and
        agreement  prior  to  the  effectiveness  of   any   such
        succession shall be a breach of this Agreement and  shall
        entitle  Executive to compensation from  Company  in  the
        same  amount and on the same terms as Executive would  be
        entitled  to hereunder if Executive were to experience  a
        Qualifying  Termination, except  that,  for  purposes  of
        implementing  the foregoing, the date on which  any  such
        succession becomes effective shall be deemed the Date  of

   10.2 This  Agreement  shall  inure to the  benefit  of  and  be
        enforceable    by   Executive's   personal    or    legal
        representatives,  executors, administrators,  successors,
        heirs,  distributees, devisees and legatees. If Executive
        shall  die  while any amount would still  be  payable  to
        Executive hereunder (other than amounts which,  by  their
        terms,   terminate  upon  the  death  of  Executive)   if
        Executive had continued to live, all such amounts, unless
        otherwise  provided herein, shall be paid  in  accordance
        with  the  terms  of  this Agreement  to  the  executors,
        personal representatives or administrators of Executive's

11. Notices.  For the purpose of this Agreement, notices  and
    all  other  communications provided for in the Agreement  shall
    be  in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when
    delivered  or  mailed by United States registered mail,  return
    receipt  requested, postage prepaid, to the  following  address
    shown  below  or  thereafter to such other  address  as  either
    party  may have furnished to the other in writing in accordance
    herewith,  except  that notice of change of  address  shall  be
    effective only upon actual receipt:

    If to Company:                           If to Executive:
    Michael G. Thompson                      J. Wayne Leonard
    General Counsel, Entergy Corporation     81 English Turn Drive
    639 Loyola Avenue                        New Orleans, LA 70131
    New Orleans, LA 70113-3 125

12. Miscellaneous.  No  provision of  this  Agreement  may  be
    modified,  waived or discharged unless such waiver, modification
    or  discharge  is agreed to in writing and signed  by  Executive
    and  such  officer  as  may be specifically  designated  by  the
    Board.  No  waiver by either party hereto at  any  time  of  any
    breach  by  the  other  party hereto  of,  or  of  any  lack  of
    compliance  with, any condition or provision of  this  Agreement
    to  be performed by such other party shall be deemed a waiver of
    similar  or dissimilar provisions or conditions at the  same  or
    at  any prior or subsequent time. This Agreement supersedes  any
    other  agreements or representations, oral or otherwise, express
    or  implied,  with  respect to the subject matter  hereof  which
    have  been  made  by  either party. The laws  of  the  State  of
    Delaware    shall    govern   the   validity,    interpretation,
    construction  and performance of this Agreement. All  references
    to  sections  of the Code shall be deemed also to refer  to  any
    successor  provisions  to such sections. Any  payments  provided
    for  hereunder  shall be paid net of any applicable  withholding
    required  under  federal, state or local law and any  additional
    withholding to which Executive has agreed.

13. Validity.  The  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of  any
    provision  of  this Agreement shall not affect the  validity  or
    enforceability  of any other provision of this Agreement,  which
    shall remain in full force and effect.

14. Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed  in  several
    counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be  an  original
    but  all  of  which together will constitute one  and  the  same

15. Settlement of Disputes; Arbitration.

  15.1 All  claims  by Executive for benefits under this  Agreement
       shall  be  directed to and determined by the Committee  and
       shall be in writing. Any denial by the Committee of a claim
       for  benefits  under this Agreement shall be  delivered  to
       Executive  in  writing  and shall set  forth  the  specific
       reasons for the denial and the specific provisions of  this
       Agreement  relied  upon.  The  Committee  shall  afford   a
       reasonable  opportunity to Executive for a  review  of  the
       decision  denying a claim and shall further allow Executive
       to  appeal  to  the Committee a decision of  the  Committee
       within  sixty (60) days after notification by the Committee
       that Executive's claim has been denied.

  15.2 Any  further  dispute  or controversy arising  under  or  in
       connection with this Agreement shall be settled exclusively
       by  arbitration in the metropolitan area in which Executive
       resides  on the Date of Termination (or the date  that  the
       Merger   Agreement   is  terminated,  as   applicable)   in
       accordance  with  the  rules of  the  American  Arbitration
       Association  then  in effect; provided, however,  that  the
       evidentiary  standards set forth in  subsections  16.6  and
       16.19   of   this  Agreement  shall  be  applied   by   the
       arbitrator(s). Judgment may be entered on the  arbitrator's
       award in any court having jurisdiction. Notwithstanding any
       provision  of  this  Agreement to the  contrary,  Executive
       shall   be   entitled  to  seek  specific  performance   of
       Executive's  right to be paid until the Date of Termination
       during  the pendency of any dispute or controversy  arising
       under or in connection with this Agreement.

16. Definitions.  For  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  the
    following terms shall have the meanings indicated below:

  16.1 Accrued  Obligations shall mean Executive's Annual  Base
       Salary  through the Date of Termination to  the  extent
       not   theretofore  paid,  together  with   all   unpaid
       compensation and benefits, payable to Executive through
       the  later  of the Date of Termination or  the  Service
       Bridge  under  the terms of Company's compensation  and
       benefit  plans, programs or arrangements as  in  effect
       immediately  prior  to the Date of Termination  or,  if
       more  favorable to Executive, as in effect  immediately
       prior   to   the  first  occurrence  of  an  event   or
       circumstance constituting Good Reason.

  16.2 Annual Base Salary shall mean the highest rate of annual
       base  salary payable to Executive by the System  at  any
       time  after July 29, 2000, the date on which  the  Board
       authorized  the Chief Executive Officer  of  Company  to
       enter this Agreement with Executive.

  16.3 Auditor shall have the meaning set forth in Section  4.2

  16.4 Base  Amount shall have the meaning set forth in section
       280G(b) (3) of the Code.

  16.5 Board shall mean the Board of Directors of Company.

  16.6 Cause   for   termination  by  Company  of   Executive's
       employment  shall  mean  (i) the willful  and  continued
       failure    by   Executive   to   substantially   perform
       Executive's  System duties (other than any such  failure
       resulting from Executive's incapacity due to physical or
       mental illness or any such actual or anticipated failure
       after  the issuance of a Notice of Termination for  Good
       Reason by Executive pursuant to Section 8.1 hereof) that
       has not been cured within 30 days after a written demand
       for substantial performance is delivered to Executive by
       the  Board,  which  demand specifically  identifies  the
       manner  in  which the Board believes that Executive  has
       not substantially performed Executive's duties; (ii) the
       willful  engaging  by  Executive  in  conduct  which  is
       demonstrably  and  materially  injurious  to  a   System
       Company, monetarily or otherwise, and which results in a
       conviction  of or entrance of a plea of guilty  or  nolo
       contendere  to  a  felony; or (iii) Executive's  willful
       failure,   as  determined  by  J.  Wayne  Leonard,   the
       Company's Chief Executive Officer as of the date hereof,
       to   support   and  use  Executive's  best  efforts   to
       facilitate   the   consummation  of   the   transactions
       contemplated by the Merger Agreement (until  the  Merger
       Agreement may be terminated) in accordance with  Company
       directives;  provided, however, that  it  shall  not  be
       Cause  for  termination  under  this  clause  (iii)  for
       Executive, in good faith, to discuss with members of the
       Board of Directors or peer senior executives of Company,
       Executive's  concerns  with, suggestions  regarding,  or
       proposed  improvements  to,  the  merger  implementation
       process. For purposes of clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) of
       this  definition,  (x) no act, or  failure  to  act,  on
       Executive's part shall be deemed "willful" unless  done,
       or  omitted  to be done, by Executive in bad  faith  and
       without  reasonable  belief  that  Executive's  act,  or
       failure  to act, was in the best interest of the System;
       (y) in the event of a dispute concerning the application
       of this provision, no claim by Company that Cause exists
       shall be given effect unless Company establishes to  the
       Committee  (and  to the arbitrator(s) in  the  event  of
       arbitration  of a dispute or controversy  hereunder)  by
       clear and convincing evidence that Cause exists; and (z)
       no  acts of Executive that occurred before execution  of
       this Agreement shall be deemed justification for a Cause
       claim  by  Company  unless said  acts  were  unknown  to
       Company  management  and involved the  commission  of  a
       felony injurious to a System Company.

 16.7  Closing  shall  mean  the  earlier  to  occur   of   (i)
       consummation  of  the transactions contemplated  by  the
       Ring-Ranger Merger Agreement or (ii) the occurrence of a
       "Change  in Control' (as defined in Company's  Executive
       Continuity Plan in effect on the date hereof).

 16.8 Code  shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of  1986,  as
      amended from time to time.

 16.9 Committee  shall mean (i) the individuals  who,  on  the
      date  hereof, constitute the Personnel Committee of  the
      Board,  plus  (ii)  in the event that fewer  than  three
      individuals  are available from the group  specified  in
      clause (i) above for any reason, such individuals as may
      be   appointed  by  the  individual  or  individuals  so
      available (including for this purpose any individual  or
      individuals  previously so appointed under  this  clause

16.10 Company  shall mean Entergy Corporation and  shall
      include  any  successor  to its business  and/or  assets
      which  assumes and agrees to perform this  Agreement  by
      operation of law, or otherwise.

16.11 Date  of  Termination shall have the  meaning  set
      forth in Section 8.2 hereof.

16.12 Disability  shall  be deemed the  reason  for  the
      termination   by   a  System  employer  of   Executive's
      employment,  if,  as a result of Executive's  incapacity
      due  to physical or mental illness, Executive shall have
      been   absent   from   the  full-time   performance   of
      Executive's duties with the System for a period  of  six
      (6)   consecutive  months,  Company  shall  have   given
      Executive  a Notice of Termination for Disability,  and,
      within thirty (30) days after such Notice of Termination
      is given, Executive shall not have returned to the full-
      time performance of Executive's duties.

16.13 EAJP shall mean Executive Annual Incentive Plan of
      Entergy  Corporation and Subsidiaries, or any  successor
      or replacement plan.

16.14 EAIP Bonus Award shall mean the product of (1) the
      maximum annual bonus opportunity under the EAIP for the
      year in which the Date of Termination occurs and (2) a
      fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days
      in the fiscal year that includes the Date of
      Termination and that are prior to the Date of
      Termination, and the denominator of which is 365.

16.15 EOP shall mean the Equity Ownership Plan of
      Entergy Corporation and Subsidiaries, or any successor
      or replacement plan.

16.16 Excise Tax shall mean any excise tax imposed under
      section 4999 of the Code.

16.17 Executive shall mean the individual named in the
      first paragraph of this Agreement.

16.18 Final Monthly Compensation shall mean "Final
      Monthly Compensation" as defined under the System
      Executive Retirement Plan of Entergy Corporation and
      Subsidiaries, as in effect on the date of this
      Agreement and as applicable to individuals who became
      participants in such Plan after March 25, 1998.

16.19 Five-Times Severance Payment shall mean the
      payment of a lump sum retention payment, in cash, equal
      to five times the sum of (i) Executive's Annual Base
      Salary and (u) Executive's highest maximum annual bonus
      opportunity under the LAIP for any fiscal year ending
      after the date hereof, which Five-Times Severance
      Payment shall in no event be less than $10,200,000.00.
      The Five-Times Severance Payment shall be in lieu of
      any further salary payments to Executive for periods
      subsequent to the Date of Termination (if any) and in
      lieu of any retention, severance, termination or
      similar benefit otherwise payable to Executive under
      any plan, program, arrangement or agreement of or with
      any System Company.

16.20 Good Reason for termination by Executive of
      Executive's employment shall mean the occurrence
      (without Executive's express written consent), prior to
      the earlier of the termination of the Merger Agreement
      or such time as the Employment Agreement between
      Executive and WCB Holding Corporation dated as of July
      30,2000 shall become effective, of any one of the
      following acts by Company, or failure by Company to
      act, unless, in the case of any act or failure to act
      described in paragraph (E), (F), or (G) below, such act
      or failure to act is corrected prior to the Date of
      Termination specified in the Notice of Termination
      given in respect thereof:

      (A)the substantial reduction or alteration in the
         nature or status of Executive's duties or
         responsibilities from those in effect on the date of
         this Agreement, other than an insubstantial and
         inadvertent act that is remedied by Company promptly
         after receipt of notice thereof given by Executive
         and other than any such alteration primarily
         attributable to the fact that Company may no longer
         be a public company;

      (B) a  reduction  by Company in Executive's annual  base
          salary  as in effect on the date hereof or  as  the
          same may be increased from time to time;

      (C) the  relocation  of Executive's principal  place  of
          employment  to a location more than 20  miles  from
          Executive's  principal place of employment  on  the
          date hereof or Company's requiring Executive to  be
          based  anywhere other than such principal place  of
          employment (or permitted relocation thereof) except
          for  required  travel on Company's business  to  an
          extent  substantially consistent  with  Executive's
          present business travel obligations;

      (D) the  failure  by  Company to pay  to  Executive  any
          portion of Executive's current compensation, or  to
          pay  to Executive any portion of an installment  of
          deferred    compensation   under    any    deferred
          compensation program of Company, within  seven  (7)
          days of the date such compensation is due;

      (E) the  failure  by Company to continue in  effect  any
          compensation  plan in which Executive  participates
          on  or  after the date hereof which is material  to
          Executive's total compensation, unless an equitable
          arrangement  (embodied in an ongoing substitute  or
          alternative  plan) has been made  with  respect  to
          such  plan,  or the failure by Company to  continue
          Executive's  participation  therein  (or  in   such
          substitute  or  alternative plan) on  a  basis  not
          materially  less favorable, both in  terms  of  the
          amount  or  timing of payment of benefits  provided
          and the level of Executive's participation relative
          to  other  participants, as  existed  on  the  date
          hereof  (or as the same may be improved  after  the
          date hereof);

      (F) the  failure  by  Company  to  continue  to  provide
          Executive  with benefits substantially  similar  to
          those  enjoyed by Executive under any of  Company's
          pension,  savings, life insurance, medical,  health
          and   accident,  or  disability  plans   in   which
          Executive participates on or after the date hereof,
          the  taking  of  any other action by Company  which
          would directly or indirectly materially reduce  any
          of  such  benefits  or  deprive  Executive  of  any
          material fringe benefit enjoyed by Executive on  or
          after the date hereof, or the failure by Company to
          provide  Executive with the number of paid vacation
          days to which Executive is entitled on the basis of
          years  of  service with Company in accordance  with
          Company's normal vacation policy in effect  on  the
          date  hereof (or as the same may be improved  after
          the date hereof); or

      (G) any  purported termination of Executive's employment
          that  is  not  effected pursuant  to  a  Notice  of
          Termination satisfying the requirements of  Section
          8.1 hereof; for purposes of this Agreement, no such
          purported termination shall be effective.

      Executive's  right to terminate Executive's  employment
      for  Good  Reason shall not be affected by  Executive's
      incapacity   due   to  physical  or   mental   illness.
      Executive's  continued employment shall not  constitute
      consent to, or a waiver of rights with respect to,  any
      act   or   failure  to  act  constituting  Good  Reason
      hereunder. For purposes of any determination  regarding
      the  existence of Good Reason, any claim  by  Executive
      that Good Reason exists shall be presumed to be correct
      unless Company establishes to the Committee (and to the
      arbitrator(s) in the event of arbitration of a  dispute
      or  controversy  hereunder)  by  clear  and  convincing
      evidence that Good Reason does not exist.

16.21Gross-Up  Payment shall have the meaning  set  forth  in
     Section 4.1 hereof.

16.22LTIP  shall mean the Long Term Incentive Program of  the
     EOP, or any successor or replacement long-term incentive

16.23Maximum  LTIP Award shall mean the number of performance
     shares  or performance share units, as applicable,  that
     Executive  shall be entitled to receive under  the  LTIP
     with  respect to any performance period (as  defined  in
     the  applicable program or plan) that includes the  Date
     of  Termination,  such number to  be  determined  as  if
     Executive    satisfied    the   remaining    performance
     requirements  and was entitled to the  maximum  pay  out
     level under the long term incentive program with respect
     to such performance periods.

16.24Merger  Agreement  shall  mean  the  Ring-Ranger  Merger
     Agreement  or  any other agreement, the consummation  of
     the  transactions contemplated by which would constitute
     a  "Change  in  Control" under the  Company's  Executive
     Continuity Plan, as in effect on the date hereof

16.25Merger-Related  Termination shall mean a termination  of
     Executive's  employment by Company prior to the  Closing
     and  prior  to  the termination of the Merger  Agreement
     upon  determination by the Board of Directors of Company
     that  for  reasons  other than Cause  and  in  the  best
     interests  of  the shareholders in connection  with  the
     consummation  of  the  Merger,  it  is  necessary   that
     Executive  no  longer  serve in the  position  of  Chief
     Executive Officer of Company.

16.26Normal Post-Termination Compensation and Benefits  shall
     mean  Executive's  normal post-termination  compensation
     and benefits as such payments become due, and determined
     under,   and   paid   in  accordance   with,   Company's
     retirement, insurance and other compensation or  benefit
     plans,   programs   and  arrangements   as   in   effect
     immediately prior to the Date of Termination or, if more
     favorable  to Executive, as in effect immediately  prior
     to  the  occurrence of the first event  or  circumstance
     constituting Good Reason.

16.27Notice  of Termination shall have the meaning set  forth
     in Section 8.1 hereof.

16.28Other  EOP  Awards shall mean (a) the  vesting  of,  and
     lapse  of restrictions on, all restricted shares,  stock
     options,  and other awards (excluding awards  under  the
     LTIP), as applicable, granted to Executive prior to  the
     Date  of Termination, to the extent such shares, options
     or  other awards have not already vested or restrictions
     thereon have not yet lifted and (b) the extension of the
     period  during which stock options shall be  exercisable
     for  the  remainder of the ten-year term extending  from
     the  grant  date.  "Other  EOP  Awards"  shall  include,
     without  limitation,  those  restricted  shares   (since
     converted  to restricted units) granted to Executive  by
     Company  pursuant to letter agreement  dated  March  13,
     1998,  to  the  extent such restrictions  have  not  yet

16.29Qualifying  Termination  shall  mean  a  termination  of
     Executive's  employment prior  to  the  earlier  of  the
     termination of the Merger Agreement or such time as  the
     Employment  Agreement between Executive and WCB  Holding
     Corporation  dated  as  of July 30,  2000  shall  become
     effective (i) by Executive for Good Reason, or  (ii)  by
     Company other than for Cause.

16.30Supplemental Retirement Benefit, in the event  Executive
     remains  employed with the System through his attainment
     of  age 55, shall mean a supplemental retirement benefit
     calculated  as  a single life annuity for  the  life  of
     Executive only, commencing at Executive's attainment  of
     age 55 and equal to:

     (A) sixty   percent   (60%)   of   his   Final   Monthly
         Compensation; less

     (B) the amount of any benefit (expressed in the form of a
         single life annuity) which Executive earned (i) under any
         other qualified or non-qualified defined benefit retirement
         income or pension plan, trust, or other arrangement sponsored
         by any System Company, or (ii) under any the qualified
         defined benefit pension plan sponsored by Cinergy, or their
         successor or assigns, regardless of whether Executive
         receives a paid up benefit or a cash payment under such plans
         in lieu thereof. For purposes of this paragraph 16.30(B), the
         Cinergy offset shall be as follows:

           Executive's Age     Monthly Lifetime
           At Retirement       Cinergy Offset
                55           $7,717.64
                56           $8,147.26
                57           $8,575.59
                58           $9,432.25
                59          $10,290.19
                60          $11,148.14
                61          $12,004.80
                62 or later $12,862.74

         The  monthly benefit calculated above shall be  paid
         for the life of Executive and thereafter 50% of such
         monthly  benefit amount shall be paid to Executive's
         surviving   spouse,  if  any,  for   her   remaining

         Executive  may choose among an actuarial  equivalent
         single-sum  distribution or the  optional  forms  of
         payment set forth in the System Executive Retirement
         Plan  of Entergy Corporation and Subsidiaries as  in
         effect prior to March 25, 1998, subject, however, to
         the  terms and conditions set forth in such Plan for
         electing an optional form of payment.

         The  Supp1ementaLRetirement Benefit under this Agreement
         supercedes  and replaces any non-qualified  supplemental
         retirement benefits that might otherwise be provided  to
         Executive under the System Executive Retirement Plan  of
         Entergy   Corporation  and  Subsidiaries,  the   Pension
         Equalization    Plan   of   Entergy   Corporation    and
         Subsidiaries,  the  Supplemental  Retirement   Plan   of
         Entergy  Corporation  and Subsidiaries,  and  the  Post-
         Retirement Plan of Entergy Corporation and Subsidiaries,
         and  as  a  result of any supplemental credited  service
         previously granted Executive under such plans, and as  a
         result   of   any  subsidized  supplemental   retirement
         benefits previously granted Executive by agreement dated
         March 13, 1998.

  16.31 System shall mean Company and all other System Companies.

  16.32 System  Companv(ies)  shall mean  Company  and  any  other
        corporation 80% or more of whose stock (based  on  voting
        power  or  value)  is  owned directly  or  indirectly  by
        Company and any partnership or trade or business which is
        80%  of  more  controlled,  directly  or  indirectly,  by
        Company, and any successor to the business and/or  assets
        of any such entity.

  16.33 Tax  Counsel  shall have the meaning set forth in  Section
        4.2 hereof.

  16.34 Three-Times Severance Payment shall mean the payment
        of  a  lump sum retention payment, in cash, equal to three
        times  the  sum of (i) Executive's Annual Base Salary  and
        (ii)  Executive's  target annual bonus  opportunity  under
        the  EAIP  for  any  fiscal year  ending  after  the  date
        hereof,  which Three-Times Severance Payment shall  in  no
        event   be   less  than  $4,335,000.00.  The   Three-Times
        Severance  Payment shall be in lieu of any further  salary
        payments  to Executive for periods subsequent to the  Date
        of  Termination  (if any) and in lieu  of  any  retention,
        severance,   termination  or  similar  benefit   otherwise
        payable  to Executive under any plan, program, arrangement
        or agreement of or with any System Company.

  16.35 Total  Payments shall mean those payments so described  in
        Section 4.1 hereof.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement
as  of  the date first above written and effective as of  October
27,  2000  in  accordance with the Resolution  of  the  Board  of
Directors of Entergy Corporation of that same date.


By:/s/ Michael G. Thompson               /s/ J. Wayne Leonard
   Michael G. Thompson                   J. Wayne Leonard
   General Counsel and Secretary         Chief Executive Officer,
                                         Entergy Corporation