                              UNITED STATES
                         Washington, D.C. 20549

                              FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)

          For the Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 2002


          For the transition period from ____________ to ____________

Commission      Registrant, State of Incorporation,    I.R.S. Employer
File Number     Address of Principal Executive         Identification No.
                Offices and Telephone Number

1-11299         ENTERGY CORPORATION                    72-1229752
                (a Delaware corporation)
                639 Loyola Avenue
                New Orleans, Louisiana 70113
                Telephone (504) 576-4000

1-10764         ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC.                 71-0005900
                (an Arkansas corporation)
                425 West Capitol Avenue, 40th Floor
                Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
                Telephone (501) 377-4000

1-27031         ENTERGY GULF STATES, INC.              74-0662730
                (a Texas corporation)
                350 Pine Street
                Beaumont, Texas 77701
                Telephone (409) 838-6631

1-8474          ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.                72-0245590
                (a Louisiana corporation)
                4809 Jefferson Highway
                Jefferson, Louisiana 70121
                Telephone (504) 840-2734

0-320           ENTERGY MISSISSIPPI, INC.              64-0205830
                (a Mississippi corporation)
                308 East Pearl Street
                Jackson, Mississippi 39201
                Telephone (601) 368-5000

0-5807          ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC.              72-0273040
                (a Louisiana corporation)
                1600 Perdido Street, Building 505
                New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
                Telephone (504) 670-3674

1-9067          SYSTEM ENERGY RESOURCES, INC.          72-0752777
                (an Arkansas corporation)
                Echelon One
                1340 Echelon Parkway
                Jackson, Mississippi 39213
                Telephone (601) 368-5000

       Indicate by check mark whether the registrants (1) have filed  all
reports  required  to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter
period that the registrants were required to file such reports), and  (2)
have been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes     X      No

Common Stock Outstanding                     Outstanding at April 30, 2002
Entergy Corporation        ($0.01 par value)          224,278,357

      Entergy  Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Inc., Entergy Gulf  States,
Inc.,  Entergy  Louisiana, Inc., Entergy Mississippi, Inc.,  Entergy  New
Orleans,  Inc.,  and System Energy Resources, Inc. separately  file  this
combined  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q.  Information  contained  herein
relating  to any individual company is filed by such company on  its  own
behalf.  Each company reports herein only as to itself and makes no other
representations  whatsoever  as  to any  other  company.   This  combined
Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q supplements and updates the Annual  Report
on  Form 10-K for the calendar year ended December 31, 2001, filed by the
individual  registrants with the SEC, and should be read  in  conjunction

                       Forward-Looking Information

      The  following  constitutes  a "Safe Harbor"  statement  under  the
Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act  of  1995:   Investors   are
cautioned  that forward-looking statements contained herein with  respect
to  the revenues, earnings, performance, strategies, prospects and  other
aspects  of the business of Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas,  Inc.,
Entergy  Gulf States, Inc., Entergy Louisiana, Inc., Entergy Mississippi,
Inc.,  Entergy New Orleans, Inc., and System Energy Resources,  Inc.  and
their affiliated companies may involve risks and uncertainties.  A number
of  factors  could cause actual results or outcomes to differ  materially
from  those indicated by such forward-looking statements.  These  factors
include,  but  are not limited to, risks and uncertainties  relating  to:
the   effects  of  weather,  the  performance  of  generating  units  and
transmission  systems,  the  possession of nuclear  materials,  fuel  and
purchased  power  prices  and availability,  the  effects  of  regulatory
decisions  and changes in law, litigation, capital spending  requirements
and the availability of capital, the onset of competition, the ability to
recover  net  regulatory assets and other potential stranded  costs,  the
effects  of recent developments in the California electricity  market  on
the  utility  industry  nationally, advances in  technology,  changes  in
accounting  standards,  corporate restructuring and  changes  in  capital
structure,  the success of new business ventures, changes in the  markets
for  electricity and other energy-related commodities, including the  use
of  financial  and derivative instruments and volatility  of  changes  in
market  prices,  changes in interest rates and in financial  and  foreign
currency  markets generally, the economic climate and growth in Entergy's
service  territories, changes in corporate strategies, actions of  rating
agencies, and other factors.

                             March 31, 2002
                                                        Page Number

Definitions                                                 1
Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis -
  Significant Factors and Known Trends                      3
Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis -
  Liquidity and Capital Resources                           6
Results of Operations and Financial Statements:
  Entergy Corporation and Subsidiaries:
     Results of Operations                                  9
     Consolidated Statements of Operations                 13
     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                 14
     Consolidated Balance Sheets                           16
     Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings,
       Comprehensive Income (Loss), and Paid-In Capital    18
     Selected Operating Results                            19
  Entergy Arkansas, Inc.:
     Results of Operations                                 20
     Income Statements                                     23
     Statements of Cash Flows                              25
     Balance Sheets                                        26
     Selected Operating Results                            28
  Entergy Gulf States, Inc.:
     Results of Operations                                 29
     Income Statements                                     31
     Statements of Cash Flows                              33
     Balance Sheets                                        34
     Selected Operating Results                            36
  Entergy Louisiana, Inc.:
     Results of Operations                                 37
     Income Statements                                     39
     Statements of Cash Flows                              41
     Balance Sheets                                        42
     Selected Operating Results                            44
  Entergy Mississippi, Inc.:
     Results of Operations                                 45
     Income Statements                                     47
     Statements of Cash Flows                              49
     Balance Sheets                                        50
     Selected Operating Results                            52
  Entergy New Orleans, Inc.:
     Results of Operations                                 53
     Statements of Operations                              55
     Statements of Cash Flows                              57
     Balance Sheets                                        58
     Selected Operating Results                            60
  System Energy Resources, Inc.:
     Results of Operations                                 61
     Income Statements                                     63
     Statements of Cash Flows                              65
     Balance Sheets                                        66
Notes to Financial Statements for Entergy Corporation
  and Subsidiaries                                         68
Part II:
  Item 1.  Legal Proceedings                               78
  Item 5.  Other Information                               78
  Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                79
Signature                                                  82


Certain abbreviations or acronyms used in the text are defined below:

   Abbreviation or Acronym        Term

ADEQ                     Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
AFUDC                    Allowance for Funds Used During Construction
ALJ                      Administrative Law Judge
ANO 1 and 2              Units  1 and 2 of Arkansas Nuclear One Steam
                         Electric Generating Station (nuclear)
APSC                     Arkansas Public Service Commission
BCF                      One billion cubic feet of natural gas
BCF/D                    One  billion cubic feet of natural  gas  per
Board                    Board of Directors of Entergy Corporation
Cajun                    Cajun Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
capacity factor          The  percentage of the period that the plant
                         generates  power calculated by dividing  the
                         output  by the capacity and normalizing  the
                         time period
CitiPower                CitiPower  Pty.,  an  electric  distribution
                         company  serving  Melbourne,  Australia  and
                         surrounding  suburbs,  which  was  sold   by
                         Entergy effective December 31, 1998
Council                  Council   of   the  City  of  New   Orleans,
DOE                      United States Department of Energy
domestic utility
 companies               Entergy   Arkansas,  Entergy  Gulf   States,
                         Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi,  and
                         Entergy New Orleans, collectively
electricity marketed     Total  physical GWH volumes marketed in  the
                         U.S. during the period
electricity volatility   Average  volatility  of  into-Entergy  power
                         prices for the period
EPA                      United   States   Environmental   Protection
EPDC                     Entergy Power Development Corporation
EWO                      Entergy    Wholesale    Operations,    which
                         primarily consists of Entergy's global power
                         development business
Entergy                  Entergy  Corporation and its various  direct
                         and indirect subsidiaries
Entergy Arkansas         Entergy Arkansas, Inc.
Entergy Gulf States      Entergy  Gulf  States, Inc.,  including  its
                         wholly    owned   subsidiaries   -   Varibus
                         Corporation, GSG&T, Inc., Prudential  Oil  &
                         Gas, Inc., and Southern Gulf Railway Company
Entergy-Koch             Entergy-Koch, L.P., a joint venture  equally
                         owned by Entergy and Koch Industries, Inc.
Entergy London           Entergy  London  Investments  plc,  formerly
                         Entergy  Power UK plc (including its  wholly
                         owned  subsidiary, London Electricity  plc),
                         which was sold by Entergy effective December
                         4, 1998
Entergy Louisiana        Entergy Louisiana, Inc.
Entergy Mississippi      Entergy Mississippi, Inc.
Entergy New Orleans      Entergy New Orleans, Inc.
Entergy Power            Entergy Power, Inc.
FERC                     Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Fitzpatrick              James  A.  Fitzpatrick nuclear power  plant,
                         825  MW  facility located near  Oswego,  New
                         York, purchased in November 2000, from  NYPA
                         by  Entergy's  domestic non-utility  nuclear
Form 10-K                The  combined Annual Report on Form 10-K for
                         the year ended December 31, 2001 of Entergy,
                         Entergy   Arkansas,  Entergy  Gulf   States,
                         Entergy   Louisiana,  Entergy   Mississippi,
                         Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy
gain/loss days           Ratio  of  days where trading gains exceeded
                         trading  losses in the aggregate across  all
gas marketed             Physical BCF/D volumes marketed in the  U.S.
                         during the period

Abbreviation or Acronym            Term

gas volatility           Average volatility of Henry Hub spot  prices
                         for the period
Grand Gulf 1             Unit   No.  1  of  the  Grand  Gulf  Nuclear
                         Generation Plant
GGART                    Grand Gulf Accelerated Recovery Tariff
GWH                      Gigawatt  hour(s), which equals one  million
Indian Point 2           Indian  Point Energy Center Unit 2 - nuclear
                         power  plant  970  MW  facility  located  in
                         Westchester  County, New York, purchased  in
                         September  2001 from Consolidated Edison  by
                         Entergy's   domestic   non-utility   nuclear
Indian Point 3           Indian  Point 3 nuclear power plant, 980  MW
                         facility located in Westchester County,  New
                         York,  purchased in November 2000 from  NYPA
                         by  Entergy's  domestic non-utility  nuclear
KWH                      kilowatt-hour(s)
LDEQ                     Louisiana    Department   of   Environmental
LPSC                     Louisiana Public Service Commission
miles of pipeline        Total  miles  of transmission and  gathering
MMBTU                    One million British Thermal Units
MPSC                     Mississippi Public Service Commission
MW                       Megawatt(s),   which  equals  one   thousand
Net MW in operation      Installed capacity owned or operated
Net revenue              Operating revenue net of fuel, fuel-related,
                         and    purchased   power   expenses;   other
                         regulatory credits; and amortization of rate
NRC                      Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NYPA                     New York Power Authority
production cost          Cost  in  $/MMBTU associated with delivering
                         gas, excluding cost of gas
PUCT                     Public Utility Commission of Texas
PUHCA                    Public Utility Holding Company Act of  1935,
                         as amended
River Bend               River Bend Steam Electric Generating Station
SEC                      Securities and Exchange Commission
SFAS                     Statement  of Financial Accounting Standards
                         as  promulgated by the Financial  Accounting
                         Standards Board
storage capacity         Working gas storage capacity
System Agreement         Agreement,  effective January  1,  1983,  as
                         modified,   among   the   domestic   utility
                         companies   relating  to  the   sharing   of
                         generating   capacity   and   other    power
System Energy            System Energy Resources, Inc.
System Fuels             System Fuels, Inc.
throughput               Gas  in  BCF/D  transported by the  pipeline
                         during the period
Unit Power Sales
 Agreement               Agreement,  dated as of June  10,  1982,  as
                         amended  and approved by FERC, among Entergy
                         Arkansas,    Entergy   Louisiana,    Entergy
                         Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System
                         Energy, relating to the sale of capacity and
                         energy  from System Energy's share of  Grand
                         Gulf 1
Waterford 3              Unit No. 3 (nuclear) of the Waterford Plant
weather-adjusted usage   electric  usage  excluding  the  effects  of
                         weather deviations




SIGNIFICANT  FACTORS  AND  KNOWN  TRENDS"  in  the  Form   10-K   for
discussions  of  Entergy's  three  business  segments;  its  critical
accounting  policies;  the  status  of  the  transition   to   retail
competition  of  the  domestic  utility  segment  and  the  continued
application  of SFAS 71 to that business; state, local,  and  federal
regulatory  proceedings  that  could  affect  the  domestic   utility
segment;  the  market risks that each of Entergy's business  segments
are  exposed to; and other significant issues affecting Entergy.  Set
forth  below are updates to the significant factors and known  trends
discussed in the Form 10-K.

Entergy Wholesale Operations

      In the first quarter of 2002, Entergy recorded a $401.4 million
charge  to  operating expenses ($260.9 million net  of  tax)  in  the
energy  commodity services segment to reflect the effect of Entergy's
decision  to  discontinue  additional  EWO  greenfield  power   plant
development  and  to  reflect asset impairments  resulting  from  the
deteriorating  economics of wholesale power  markets  in  the  United
States and the United Kingdom.  The charge consists of the following:

       - LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES" in the Form 10-K, EWO's power
       development business obtained contracts in October 1999 to acquire
       36 turbines from General Electric.  Entergy's rights and obligations
       under  the  contracts for 22 of the turbines were sold  to  an
       independent special-purpose entity in May 2001.  $216.2 million of
       the charge is a provision for Entergy's estimate of the impairments
       resulting from the decline in the value of the turbines subject to
       purchase commitments with the special-purpose entity.  Entergy's
       total potential impairment under this arrangement is limited to the
       costs of cancellation of these turbines;
    o  $152.5 million of the charge results from the write-off of EWO's
       equity investment in the Damhead Creek project and the impairment of
       the values of the Warren Power power plant and the Crete project.
       This portion of the charge reflects Entergy's estimate of the effects
       of continued declining spark spreads in the United States and the
       United Kingdom; and
    o  $32.7 million of the charge results from the write-off  of
       capitalized project development costs for projects that will not be

In  addition, Entergy expects to record a restructuring charge of  up
to  $45  million net of tax for the EWO business after  the  specific
details  of EWO's restructuring plan are finalized, probably  in  the
second  quarter  of  2002.  It is possible  that  future  events  and
transactions related to EWO's assets and commitments could result  in
changes to the estimates described above.

      Also  in  the first quarter of 2002, EWO sold its interests  in
projects  in  Argentina, Chile, and Peru for net proceeds  of  $135.5
million.  The proceeds include notes receivable totaling $86 million.
After impairment provisions recorded for these interests in 2001, the
net  loss  realized  on  the sale in the first  quarter  of  2002  is




     After   the   decision  to  discontinue  additional   greenfield
development  and  the  sale  of the Latin American  investments,  EWO
continues to operate or construct the following power plants:

    Investment                              Percent         Status

United Kingdom - Damhead Creek, 800 MW        100%         operational
U.S. (AR)- Ritchie Unit 2, 544 MW             100%         operational
U.S. (AR)- Independence Unit 2, 842 MW        14%          operational
U.S. (MS)- Warren Power, 300 MW               100%         operational
U.S. (IA)- Top of Iowa Wind Farm, 80 MW       99%          operational
U.S. (LA)- RS Cogen, 425 MW                   50%          under construction
U.S. (IL)- Crete, 320 MW                      50%          under construction
U.S. (TX)- Harrison County, 550 MW            70%          under construction

Domestic Utility Transition to Competition


      As  discussed  in  the  Form 10-K, a  PUCT-approved  settlement
delayed  the  implementation of retail open access  in  Entergy  Gulf
States'  Texas service territory until at least September  15,  2002.
Given  current  FERC  and  PUCT activities, management  expects  that
retail open access in Entergy Gulf States' territory is not likely to
begin before May 2003.

Market Risks Disclosure

     Following are sections from the "Market Risks Disclosure" in the
Form 10-K that have significant updates as of March 31, 2002.

Commodity Price Risk

Power Generation

      As discussed in the Form 10-K, energy commodity services enters
into  forward power sale agreements to hedge its exposure  to  market
price  fluctuations.   The  following represents  the  percentage  of
planned  electricity output sold forward under physical or  financial
contract for energy commodity services' generation facilities updated
as of March 31, 2002:

                2002                      2003
                    % sold                     % sold
     Planned GWH   forward      Planned GWH   forward
         6,024       89%            8,908        70%




Marketing and Trading

      As  discussed in the Form 10-K, Entergy-Koch Trading (EKT)  and
Entergy  use  VAR models as one measure of a loss in fair  value  for
EKT's  natural  gas and power trading portfolio and energy  commodity
services' mark-to-market portfolio.  EKT's daily VAR for its  trading
portfolio at March 31, 2002 was $9.5 million, with a daily average of
$7.7  million  for  the  first quarter  of  2002.   Energy  commodity
services'   consolidated   subsidiaries'   VAR   for   mark-to-market
derivative instruments was approximately $4.5 million as of March 31,

Mark-to-market Accounting

     As discussed in the Form 10-K, Entergy and Entergy-Koch mark-to-
market  commodity  instruments held by  them  for  trading  and  risk
management purposes that are considered derivatives under SFAS 133 or
energy  trading contracts under EITF 98-10.  Following  are  the  net
mark-to-market assets and the period within which the assets would be
realized  in cash if they are held to maturity and market prices  are

                                  Net mark-to-
                                  market asset
                                  at March 31,
                                      2002      Cumulative cash realization period
                                                   2002       2003     2004-2005
Entergy consolidated subsidiaries  $68 million     35%        97%       100%
Entergy-Koch                      $164 million     23%        88%       100%

Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Risk

      As  discussed  in  the Form 10-K, System  Fuels  and  Entergy's
domestic  non-utility nuclear business entered into foreign  currency
forward  contracts to hedge the Euro-denominated payments  due  under
certain  purchase  contracts.  As of March  31,  2002,  the  notional
amounts  of the foreign currency forward contracts are 283.4  million
Euro  and  the forward currency rates range from .8636 to .8981  (the
weighted  average  of the rates is .8731).  The maturities  of  these
forward  contracts depend on the purchase contract payment dates  and
range  in  time  from  June  2002 to May  2005.   The  mark-to-market
valuation  of  the  forward contracts at March 31,  2002  was  a  net
liability of $1.8 million.  The counterparty banks obligated on these
agreements are rated by Standard and Poor's Rating Services at AA  on
their senior debt obligations as of March 31, 2002.




Cash Flow


      Net  cash  flow provided by (used in) operating activities  for
Entergy,  the domestic utility companies, and System Energy  for  the
first quarter of 2002 and 2001 was as follows:

                                First        First
             Company           Quarter      Quarter
                                2002         2001
                                   (In Millions)

      Entergy                   $353.9      $184.6
      Entergy Arkansas           $59.0       $30.5
      Entergy Gulf States       $130.1       $90.7
      Entergy Louisiana         $101.6       $49.0
      Entergy Mississippi         $4.3      ($70.7)
      Entergy New Orleans       ($22.9)     ($20.6)
      System Energy              $63.4       $72.7

      Entergy's  consolidated  net cash flow  provided  by  operating
activities increased in 2002 primarily due to a $191 million increase
in  operating  cash  flow  provided by  the  domestic  utility.   The
increase  for  the domestic utility was primarily due to  the  effect
that   payments  for  higher  fuel  costs  and  Arkansas  ice   storm
restoration costs had on 2001 operating cash flow.

AND CAPITAL RESOURCES" in  the  Form  10-K  for  discussion of  a tax
accounting election made by Entergy Louisiana in 2001.  The  election
is now expected to provide a cash flow benefit in 2002  and 2003, and
is expected to reverse in the years 2004 through 2031.

      Money  pool activity also affected the operating cash flows  of
the domestic utility companies and System Energy.  The money pool  is
an  inter-company funding arrangement designed to reduce the domestic
utility companies' and System Energy's dependence on external  short-
term  borrowings.  The money pool provides a means  by  which,  on  a
daily  basis,  the excess funds of Entergy Corporation, the  domestic
utility  companies,  and System Energy may be used  by  the  domestic
utility  companies  or  System  Energy  to  fulfill  short-term  cash
requirements.   The  following  table  shows  the  domestic   utility
companies and System Energy's receivables from and (payables) to  the
money  pool  as  of the indicated date.  An increase in  a  company's
(payable) to the money pool increases the operating cash flow of that
company.   An increase in a company's receivable from the money  pool
decreases the operating cash flow of that company.

                    March 31,  December 31,   March 31,   December 31,
      Company         2002        2001          2001         2000
                                     (In Millions)

Entergy Arkansas      $25.8       $23.8        ($75.8)       ($30.7)
Entergy Gulf States   $17.4       $27.7        ($45.9)        $23.4
Entergy Louisiana    ($40.2)       $3.8         $37.3         $22.9
Entergy Mississippi   $10.9       $11.5         ($1.0)       ($33.3)
Entergy New Orleans    $4.2        $9.2         ($8.9)        ($5.7)
System Energy         $29.7       $13.9        $175.7        $155.3

CAPITAL  RESOURCES - Capital Resources - Sources of Capital"  in  the
Form 10-K for a discussion of the limitations on these borrowings.




Investing Activities

     Net cash used in investing activities decreased in 2002
primarily due to:

     o cash contributions of approximately $414 million made in 2001 in
       the formation of Entergy-Koch; and
     o the  maturity  in 2002 of $150 million of other  temporary

Financing Activities

     Financing activities used cash in 2002 compared to providing
cash in 2001 primarily due to:

     o retirements of long-term debt by the domestic utility exceeding
       issuances of long-term debt by $338 million in 2002, compared to
       issuances exceeding retirements by $66 million in 2001; and
     o a reduction in the amount of draws made on short-term credit
       facilities in 2002. Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, and Entergy
       Mississippi all obtained credit facilities during the first quarter
       of 2001 and borrowed under these facilities to their full capacity
       during the first quarter of 2001.

Capital Resources

RESOURCES  - Capital Resources" in the Form 10-K for a discussion  of
Entergy's uses and sources of capital.  The following are updates  to
the Form 10-K.

Entergy Wholesale Operations

       As  discussed  in  "MANAGEMENT'S  DISCUSSION  AND  ANALYSIS  -
LIQUIDITY  AND  CAPITAL  RESOURCES" in the  Form  10-K,  EWO's  power
development business obtained contracts in October 1999 to acquire 36
turbines  from General Electric Company.  The rights and  obligations
under  the  contracts  for  22  of  the  turbines  were  sold  to  an
independent special-purpose entity in May 2001.  In conjunction  with
Entergy's obligations related to this sale, Entergy retained  certain
rights  to  reacquire turbines or to cancel the construction  of  the
turbines.  Thus far, EWO has placed 17 of the original 36 turbines at
sites  that  are either operating, under construction, or  sold.   In
addition, as allowed by the May 2001 sale agreement, cancellation  of
four  turbines is pending.  As discussed in "MANAGEMENT'S  DISCUSSION
recorded a $216.2 million provision in the first quarter of 2002  for
Entergy's  estimate of the impairments resulting from the decline  in
the  value of the turbines subject to purchase commitments  with  the
special-purpose  entity.  Entergy's total potential impairment  under
this  arrangement  is limited to the costs of cancellation  of  these

     In April 2002, Entergy paid a total of $351 million to reacquire
the rights to the turbines.  $83 million of the payments were for the
turbines  to  be  placed  in the Harrison  County  project.   Entergy
expects to receive reimbursement from General Electric of $55 million
of  the  payments.  Cancellation is now pending for the  15  turbines
remaining  from  the  original 36 turbines  that  were  not  sold  or
previously  cancelled.  With the reacquisition of the rights  to  the
turbines, EWO's obligations to the special-purpose entity and Entergy
Corporation's  guarantee of up to $309 million in  support  of  those
obligations are terminated.




Sources of Capital

      As  discussed  in  the Form 10-K, Entergy Corporation,  Entergy
Arkansas,   and   Entergy  Mississippi  each   have  364-day   credit
facilities  which  expire  in May 2002.   The  facility  for  Entergy
Corporation terminates on May 16, 2002, and Entergy expects to  renew
and  possibly  increase the facility prior to  its  expiration.   The
facilities for Entergy Arkansas and Entergy Mississippi terminate May
31,  2002,  and it is expected that these facilities will be  renewed
prior to expiration.



                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

     Entergy's consolidated loss applicable to common stock was $78.9
million  for the three months ended March 31, 2002.  The  changes  in
earnings (loss) applicable to common stock by operating segments  for
the  first quarter of 2002 compared to the first quarter of 2001 were
as follows:

                                       First Quarter
Operating Segments                  Increase/(Decrease)
                                      (In Thousands)

Domestic Utility                         ($11,417)
Domestic Non-Utility Nuclear               10,105
Energy Commodity Services                (233,471)
Other, including parent company             1,705
   Total                                ($233,078)

       Entergy's  income  (loss)  before  taxes  is  discussed  below
according to the operating segments listed above.  See Note 6 to  the
financial  statements for further discussion of  Entergy's  operating
segments and their financial results in the first quarter of 2002.

ORLEANS,  INC." which follow each company's financial  statements  in
this  report  for  further  information  with  respect  to  operating

Domestic Utility

      The  decrease in earnings for the domestic utility in the first
quarter  of  2002  compared  with 2001  was  primarily  due  to  less
favorable  sales  volume and weather, increased other  operation  and
maintenance  expenses, and decreased other income.  The  decrease  in
earnings  was  partially  offset by increased  unbilled  revenue  and
decreased interest expense.

Electric operating revenues

      The  changes  in electric operating revenues for  the  domestic
utility  for  the  first quarter of 2002 compared with  2001  are  as

                                          First Quarter
Description                           Increase/(Decrease)
                                          (In Millions)

Base rate differences                           $5.7
Rate riders                                    (15.2)
Fuel cost recovery                            (467.7)
Sales volume/weather                           (21.7)
Unbilled revenue                                57.7
Other revenue                                   22.4
Sales for resale                               (52.7)
   Total                                     ($471.5)



                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Fuel cost recovery

      The  domestic utility companies are allowed to recover  certain
fuel  and  purchased power costs through fuel mechanisms included  in
electric rates that are recorded as fuel cost recovery revenues.  The
difference between revenues collected and current fuel and  purchased
power costs is recorded as deferred fuel costs on Entergy's financial
statements  such  that these costs generally have no  net  effect  on

      The decrease in fuel cost recovery revenue in the first quarter
of  2002  is  the  result of lower fuel and purchased power  expenses
primarily  due  to decreases in the market price of natural  gas  and
purchased power.

     Corresponding  to  the decrease in fuel cost  recovery  revenue,
fuel and purchased power expenses related to electric sales decreased
by  $466.8  million  in the first quarter of 2002  primarily  due  to
decreases in the market price of natural gas and purchased  power  in

Sales volume/weather

      Lower  electric  sales  volume reduced revenues  in  the  first
quarter of 2002 due to decreased usage of 806 GWH primarily from  the
loss of an industrial customer at Entergy Gulf States.  The effect of
milder  weather conditions in the first quarter of 2002  compared  to
the  first quarter of 2001 also caused a slight decrease in  electric
sales.   Electric  sales  volume in the domestic  utility  companies'
service  territories decreased 152 GWH due to the impact  of  weather
conditions in the first quarter of 2002.  The number of customers  in
the  domestic  utility companies' service territories increased  only
slightly during these periods.

Unbilled revenue

     As  discussed in Note 1 to the financial statements in the  Form
10-K,  unbilled revenues are estimated monthly and are  reversed  the
following  month.  Unbilled revenues for the first quarters  of  2002
and  2001 include the reversal of the estimates for December 2001 and
December  2000, respectively.  The increase in unbilled revenues  for
the  first quarter of 2002 compared to the first quarter of  2001  is
due  to  the effect on the March 2001 unbilled calculation of  higher
unbilled revenue in December 2000 caused by volume/weather.

Other revenue

     Other  revenue increased in the first quarter of 2002  primarily
due  to  the provision for rate refund recorded at System  Energy  in
2001  related  to  its proposed rate increase.  See  Note  2  to  the
financial  statements in the Form 10-K for discussion  of  the  final
FERC order related to this rate proceeding.

Sales for resale

      Sales  for  resale  decreased for the  first  quarter  of  2002
primarily  due  to a decrease in the average price of energy  coupled
with  a  decrease  in  sales  volume to  municipal  and  co-operative
customers and adjoining utility systems.

Gas operating revenues

      Natural  gas  revenues decreased $64.0  million  in  the  first
quarter of 2002 primarily due to a substantial decrease in the market
price of natural gas.



                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Other effects on results of operations

     Results  for the first quarter of 2002 for the domestic  utility
were also affected by the following:

     o an increase in other operation and maintenance expenses of $35.7
       million, which is explained below;
     o a decrease in other income of $12.7 million, which is primarily
       due to decreased interest income on deferred fuel balances; and
     o a  decrease in interest expense of $21.3 million, which is
       explained below.

     The  increase in other operation and maintenance expenses  is
primarily due to:

     o an increase of $6.7 million due to lower nuclear insurance
       premium refunds than in 2001;
     o an increase in incentive compensation expense of $11.3 million,
       including incentive compensation accrual true-ups;
     o an increase in plant maintenance expense of $3.8 million at
       Entergy Mississippi due to an unscheduled outage at a fossil plant in
       2002; and
     o an increase of $4.6 million in injuries and damages expense.

      The  decrease  in  interest expense is  primarily  due  to  the

     o a  decrease of $12.7 million in interest on long-term debt
       primarily due to the retirement of long-term debt in late 2001 and
       early 2002; and
     o a decrease of $8.6 million in other interest expense primarily
       due to interest recorded on System Energy's reserve for rate refund
       in 2001.

Domestic Non-Utility Nuclear

      The  increase in earnings in the first quarter of 2002 for  the
domestic  non-utility  nuclear business  was  primarily  due  to  the
operation  of Indian Point 2, which was purchased in September  2001.
Following  are  key  performance measures  for  domestic  non-utility
nuclear operations during the first quarters of 2002 and 2001:

                                     2002    2001

Net MW in operation at March 31     3,445   2,475
Generation in GWH for the quarter   7,509   5,258
Capacity factor for the quarter    100.3%   98.3%

      The  following  fluctuations in the results of  operations  for
domestic  non-utility  nuclear in the  first  quarter  of  2002  were
primarily caused by the acquisition of Indian Point 2:

     o operating revenues increased $99.5 million to $278.9 million;
     o fuel expenses increased $10.0 million to $26.5 million;
     o nuclear refueling outage expenses increased $9.6 million to $9.6
     o other operation and maintenance expenses increased $50.4 million
       to $140.7 million;
     o taxes other than income taxes increased $5.9 million to $16.4
       million; and
     o depreciation and amortization increased $5.6 million to $8.1



                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Energy Commodity Services

     The  decrease in earnings for energy commodity services  in  the
first quarter of 2002 was primarily due to the $401.4 million ($260.9
million net of tax) charge, discussed in "MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND
Operations,"  to reflect the impairment of certain assets,  including
impairments  related  to  EWO's turbine  acquisition  plans,  and  to
reflect the change in EWO's development plans.  The pre-tax charge is
reflected  in  operation and maintenance expenses in the Consolidated
Statement of Operations.

     Revenues   decreased   for   energy   commodity   services    by
$352.2  million  in  the first quarter of 2002  primarily  due  to  a
decrease  of $208.1 million resulting from the sale of EWO's interest
in  Highland Energy in the fourth quarter of 2001.  Also contributing
to  the  decrease in revenues for energy commodity services  was  the
contribution  of substantially all of Entergy's power  marketing  and
trading  business  to Entergy-Koch in February 2001.   Earnings  from
Entergy-Koch  are  reported as equity in earnings  of  unconsolidated
equity  affiliates in the financial statements.  As a result, in  the
first  quarter  of 2002, revenues from this activity  were  lower  by
$131.5  million compared to the first quarter of 2001  and  purchased
power  expenses were lower by $132.5 million.  The net income  effect
in  the  first  quarter of 2002 of the lower revenue  was  more  than
offset  by the equity in earnings from Entergy's interest in Entergy-
Koch.   Entergy's earnings from this activity increased in the  first
quarter  of  2002  as a result of a full quarter's contribution  from
Entergy-Koch versus only two months in the first quarter of 2001,  as
well  as  strong  results in trading.  Following are key  performance
measures for Entergy-Koch's operations in the first quarters of  2002
and 2001:

                                   2002     2001

Entergy-Koch Trading
  Gas volatility                    79%      87%
  Electricity volatility            46%      73%
  Gas marketed (BCF/D)              5.3      7.2
  Electricity marketed (GWH)     39,828   31,009
  Gain/loss days                    2.1      2.2
Gulf South Pipeline
  Throughput (BCF/D)               2.66     2.46
  Miles of pipeline               8,800    8,800
  Storage capacity (BCF)             68       68
  Production cost ($/MMBTU)      $0.077   $0.090

As  discussed  in the Form 10-K, the partnership agreement  allocates
profits  on a disproportionate basis.  Substantially all of  Entergy-
Koch's  profits  were allocated to Entergy in the  first  quarter  of

      Also  partially offsetting the decrease in earnings for  energy
commodity  services was a net increase in earnings  of  $7.3  million
($5.0  million  net  of  tax) related to the  mark-to-market  of  the
Damhead Creek power and gas contracts.

Income taxes

      The  effective income tax rates for the first quarters of  2002
and  2001  were 26.2% and 40.3%, respectively.  The decrease  in  the
effective  income  tax rate was primarily due  to  the  pre-tax  loss
decreasing the effect of book and tax timing differences.

          For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                      2002           2001
                                                            (In Thousands, Except Share Data)
                    OPERATING REVENUES
Domestic electric                                                 $1,401,009     $1,872,545
Natural gas                                                           46,377        110,384
Competitive businesses                                               413,448        669,498
                                                                  ----------     ----------
TOTAL                                                              1,860,834      2,652,427
                                                                  ----------     ----------

                    OPERATING EXPENSES
Operating and Maintenance:
   Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and
     gas purchased for resale                                        468,861      1,125,863
   Purchased power                                                   169,486        363,879
   Nuclear refueling outage expenses                                  25,187         17,207
   Provision for turbine commitments and asset impairments           401,373              -
   Other operation and maintenance                                   524,352        470,459
Decommissioning                                                        8,193          8,901
Taxes other than income taxes                                        102,370        102,463
Depreciation and amortization                                        205,124        203,077
Other regulatory charges (credits) - net                               1,563           (389)
                                                                  ----------     ----------
TOTAL                                                              1,906,509      2,291,460
                                                                  ----------     ----------

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                                              (45,675)       360,967
                                                                  ----------     ----------

                       OTHER INCOME
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                    6,682          4,943
Gain on sale of assets - net                                             665            588
Interest and dividend income                                          23,525         47,476
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated equity affiliates                75,065         25,064
Miscellaneous - net                                                  (11,072)         7,917
                                                                  ----------     ----------
TOTAL                                                                 94,865         85,988
                                                                  ----------     ----------

Interest on long-term debt                                           123,527        128,971
Other interest - net                                                  25,473         47,914
Distributions on preferred securities of subsidiaries                  4,709          4,709
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction                 (5,638)        (3,939)
                                                                  ----------     ----------
TOTAL                                                                148,071        177,655
                                                                  ----------     ----------

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                    (98,881)       269,300

Income taxes                                                         (25,898)       108,429
                                                                  ----------     ----------

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                                       (72,983)       160,871

Preferred dividend requirements and other                              5,940          6,716
                                                                  ----------     ----------

COMMON STOCK                                                        ($78,923)      $154,155
                                                                  ==========     ==========
Earnings (loss) per average common share:
    Basic                                                             ($0.36)         $0.70
    Diluted                                                           ($0.36)         $0.69
Dividends declared per common share                                    $0.33          $0.32

Average number of common shares outstanding:
    Basic                                                        221,943,451    219,917,139
    Diluted                                                      221,943,451    223,785,716
    Including potential common shares in 2002 (see Note 9)       226,165,792              -

See Notes to Financial Statements.

           For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                               2002        2001
                                                                                (In Thousands)
                           OPERATING ACTIVITIES
Consolidated net income (loss)                                                ($72,983)   $160,871
Noncash items included in net income (loss):
  Reserve for regulatory adjustments                                             9,718      28,791
  Other regulatory charges (credits) - net                                       1,563        (389)
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning                              213,317     211,978
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits                            (193,180)      7,665
  Allowance for equity funds used during construction                           (6,682)     (4,943)
  Gain on sale of assets - net                                                    (665)       (588)
  Equity in earnings of unconsolidated equity affiliates                       (75,065)    (25,064)
  Provision for turbine commitments and asset impairments                      401,373           -
Changes in working capital:
  Receivables                                                                   73,913     112,551
  Fuel inventory                                                               (13,232)    (48,407)
  Accounts payable                                                             (68,720)   (365,644)
  Taxes accrued                                                                131,838      67,693
  Interest accrued                                                             (32,415)    (33,367)
  Deferred fuel                                                                 45,164     105,184
  Other working capital accounts                                               (82,101)      4,182
Provision for estimated losses and reserves                                     (1,169)      2,326
Changes in other regulatory assets                                              (1,277)    (73,755)
Other                                                                           24,506      35,470
                                                                             ---------   ---------
Net cash flow provided by operating activities                                 353,903     184,554
                                                                             ---------   ---------

                           INVESTING ACTIVITIES
Construction/capital expenditures                                             (267,110)   (264,946)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                              6,682       4,943
Nuclear fuel purchases                                                         (85,143)    (36,753)
Proceeds from sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel                                    92,136      33,740
Proceeds from sale of businesses                                                38,848           -
Investment in other non-regulated/non-utility properties                        (9,793)    (73,990)
Decrease (increase) in other investments                                        39,754    (365,067)
Proceeds from other temporary investments                                      150,000           -
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized change in trust assets        (15,747)    (16,406)
Other regulatory investments                                                         -     (53,637)
Other                                                                            3,343      24,936
                                                                             ---------   ---------
Net cash flow used in investing activities                                     (47,030)   (747,180)
                                                                             ---------   ---------

See Notes to Financial Statements.

            For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                               2002        2001
                                                                                (In Thousands)
                           FINANCING ACTIVITIES
Proceeds from the issuance of:
  Long-term debt                                                               240,017      99,506
  Common stock                                                                  66,369      15,724
Retirement of long-term debt                                                  (577,934)    (77,363)
Redemption of preferred stock                                                   (1,403)     (1,999)
Changes in short-term borrowings - net                                          56,333     231,000
Other                                                                                -      16,673
Dividends paid:
  Common stock                                                                 (73,225)    (66,655)
  Preferred stock                                                               (5,948)     (4,785)
                                                                             ---------   ---------
Net cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities                      (295,791)    212,101
                                                                             ---------   ---------

Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents                              640      (2,068)
                                                                             ---------   ---------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                            11,722    (352,593)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                               751,573   1,382,424
                                                                             ---------   ---------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                    $763,295  $1,029,831
                                                                             =========  ==========
  Cash paid during the period for:
    Interest - net of amount capitalized                                      $180,072    $206,176
    Income taxes                                                                $2,090      $1,406
  Noncash investing and financing activities:
     Change in unrealized depreciation of
       decommissioning trust assets                                           ($11,579)    ($8,914)
     Net assets contributed to Entergy-Koch                                          -     $80,145
     Long-term debt refunded with proceeds from
       long-term debt issued in prior period                                  ($47,000)          -

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                 March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                           2002          2001
                                                                              (In Thousands)
                         CURRENT ASSETS
Cash and cash equivalents:
  Cash                                                                     $158,188      $129,866
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,
   which approximates market                                                604,688       618,327
  Special deposits                                                              419         3,380
                                                                        -----------   -----------
     Total cash and cash equivalents                                        763,295       751,573
                                                                        -----------   -----------
Other temporary investments                                                       -       150,000
Notes receivable                                                             47,904         2,137
Accounts receivable:
  Customer                                                                  271,697       294,799
  Allowance for doubtful accounts                                           (19,186)      (19,255)
  Other                                                                     225,118       286,671
  Accrued unbilled revenues                                                 278,260       268,680
                                                                        -----------   -----------
     Total receivables                                                      755,889       830,895
                                                                        -----------   -----------
Deferred fuel costs                                                         127,280       172,444
Accumulated deferred income taxes                                            32,038         6,488
Fuel inventory - at average cost                                            110,729        97,497
Materials and supplies - at average cost                                    465,143       460,644
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs                                      61,768        79,755
Prepayments and other                                                        94,754       129,251
                                                                        -----------   -----------
TOTAL                                                                     2,458,800     2,680,684
                                                                        -----------   -----------

Investment in affiliates - at equity                                        677,211       766,103
Decommissioning trust funds                                               1,773,676     1,775,950
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)              294,845       295,616
Other                                                                       441,850       495,542
                                                                        -----------   -----------
TOTAL                                                                     3,187,582     3,333,211
                                                                        -----------   -----------

Electric                                                                 26,411,761    26,359,376
Property under capital lease                                                750,950       753,310
Natural gas                                                                 203,812       201,841
Construction work in progress                                             1,008,507       882,829
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                                            279,621       265,464
Nuclear fuel                                                                196,039       232,387
                                                                        -----------   -----------
TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                                      28,850,690    28,695,207
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization                         11,961,391    11,805,578
                                                                        -----------   -----------
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT - NET                                      16,889,299    16,889,629
                                                                        -----------   -----------

Regulatory assets:
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                                           943,918       946,126
  Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                                       164,020       166,546
  Other regulatory assets                                                   710,923       707,439
Long-term receivables                                                        27,270        28,083
Goodwill                                                                    377,472       377,472
Other                                                                       750,572       781,121
                                                                        -----------   -----------
TOTAL                                                                     2,974,175     3,006,787
                                                                        -----------   -----------

TOTAL ASSETS                                                            $25,509,856   $25,910,311
                                                                        ===========   ===========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                       CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                  March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                           2002          2001
                                                                              (In Thousands)
                       CURRENT LIABILITIES
Currently maturing long-term debt                                          $570,176      $682,771
Notes payable                                                               407,351       351,018
Accounts payable                                                            523,016       592,529
Customer deposits                                                           190,594       188,230
Taxes accrued                                                               830,699       700,133
Nuclear refueling outage costs                                                5,125         2,080
Interest accrued                                                            159,993       192,420
Obligations under capital leases                                            149,300       149,352
Other                                                                       198,580       345,387
                                                                        -----------   -----------
TOTAL                                                                     3,034,834     3,203,920
                                                                        -----------   -----------

Accumulated deferred income taxes                                         3,410,282     3,574,664
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits                                 465,290       471,090
Taxes accrued                                                               250,000       250,000
Obligations under capital leases                                            191,879       181,085
Other regulatory liabilities                                                172,547       135,878
Decommissioning                                                           1,205,125     1,194,333
Transition to competition                                                   233,099       231,512
Regulatory reserves                                                          47,308        37,591
Accumulated provisions                                                      614,691       425,399
Other                                                                       818,463       852,269
                                                                        -----------   -----------
TOTAL                                                                     7,408,684     7,353,821
                                                                        -----------   -----------

Long-term debt                                                            7,058,904     7,321,028
Preferred stock with sinking fund                                            24,781        26,185
Preferred stock without sinking fund                                        334,337       334,337
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trusts holding
  solely junior subordinated deferrable debentures                          215,000       215,000

                      SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
Common stock, $.01 par value, authorized 500,000,000
  shares; issued 248,174,087 shares in 2002 and in 2001                       2,482         2,482
Paid-in capital                                                           4,663,931     4,662,704
Retained earnings                                                         3,486,122     3,638,448
Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                        (27,679)      (88,794)
Less - treasury stock, at cost (24,964,112 shares in 2002 and
  27,441,384 shares in 2001)                                                691,540       758,820
                                                                        -----------   -----------
TOTAL                                                                     7,433,316     7,456,020
                                                                        -----------   -----------

Commitments and Contingencies

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                              $25,509,856   $25,910,311
                                                                        ===========   ===========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                               AND PAID-IN CAPITAL
              For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                         2002                     2001
                                                                                (In Thousands)
                   RETAINED EARNINGS
Retained Earnings - Beginning of period                       $3,638,448                $3,190,639

    Add  - Earnings (loss) applicable to common stock            (78,923)   ($78,923)      154,155     $154,155

        Dividends declared on common stock                        73,263                    69,246
        Capital stock and other expenses                             140                         -
                                                              ----------                ----------
              Total                                               73,403                    69,246
                                                              ----------                ----------

Retained Earnings - End of period                             $3,486,122                $3,275,548
                                                              ==========                ==========

             INCOME (LOSS) (Net of Taxes):
Balance at beginning of period
  Accumulated derivative instrument fair value changes          ($17,973)                        -
  Other accumulated comprehensive income (loss) items            (70,821)                 ($75,033)
                                                              ----------                ----------
     Total                                                       (88,794)                  (75,033)
                                                              ----------                ----------

Cumulative effect to January 1, 2001 of accounting
  change regarding fair value of derivative instruments                -           -       (18,021)           -

Net derivative instrument fair value changes
  arising during the period                                          342         342       (24,492)     (24,492)

Foreign currency translation adjustments                          65,956        (378)       (2,027)      (2,027)

Net unrealized investment gains (losses)                          (5,183)     (5,183)        1,605        1,605
                                                              ----------    --------    ----------    ---------
Balance at end of period:
  Accumulated derivative instrument fair value changes           (17,631)                  (42,513)
  Other accumulated comprehensive income (loss) items            (10,048)                  (75,455)
                                                              ----------                ----------
    Total                                                       ($27,679)                ($117,968)
                                                              ==========    --------    ==========    ---------
  Comprehensive Income (Income)                                             ($84,142)                 $ 129,241
                                                                            ========                  =========

                    PAID-IN CAPITAL
Paid-in Capital - Beginning of period                         $4,662,704                $4,660,483

    Add:  Common stock issuances related to stock plans            1,227                     3,440
                                                              ----------                ----------
Paid-in Capital - End of period                               $4,663,931                $4,663,923
                                                              ==========                ==========

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                      SELECTED OPERATING RESULTS
            For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

          Description              2002        2001      (Decrease)      %
                                          (In Millions)
Domestic Electric Operating Revenues:
  Residential                      $ 501.6     $ 635.0     ($133.4)    (21)
  Commercial                         356.8       451.4       (94.6)    (21)
  Industrial                         396.1       653.6      (257.5)    (39)
  Governmental                        38.6        53.5       (14.9)    (28)
    Total retail                   1,293.1     1,793.5      (500.4)    (28)
  Sales for resale                    69.8       122.5       (52.7)    (43)
  Other                               38.1       (43.5)       81.6     188
    Total                        $ 1,401.0   $ 1,872.5     ($471.5)    (25)
Billed Electric Energy
 Sales (GWH):
  Residential                        7,274       7,537        (263)     (3)
  Commercial                         5,598       5,574          24       -
  Industrial                         9,590      10,311        (721)     (7)
  Governmental                         617         615           2       -
    Total retail                    23,079      24,037        (958)     (4)
  Sales for resale                   2,181       2,449        (268)    (11)
    Total                           25,260      26,486      (1,226)     (5)

                       ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Net Income

     Net income decreased for the first quarter of 2002 compared with
2001  primarily  due  to  increased other operation  and  maintenance
expenses, decreased interest income, and decreased sales for  resale.
The  overall  decrease  was partially offset  by  increased  unbilled
revenue and a lower effective income tax rate.

Revenues and Sales

     The changes in electric operating revenues for the first quarter
of 2002 compared with 2001 are as follows:

                             First Quarter
     Description         Increase/(Decrease)
                            (In Millions)

Base rate differences            $6.3
Rate riders                      (8.5)
Fuel cost recovery               15.2
Sales volume/weather             (8.2)
Unbilled revenue                 11.6
Other revenue                     0.5
Sales for resale                (32.9)
   Total                       ($16.0)

Base rate differences

      Base  rate differences increased revenues for the first quarter
of  2002  primarily due to the effect of block rates  on  residential
customers  and higher effective prices for commercial and  industrial
customers due to decreased KWH usage.

Rate riders

      Rate  rider  revenues  have no material effect  on  net  income
because specific incurred expenses offset them.

      Rate  rider  revenues decreased for the first quarter  of  2002
primarily  due  to a decrease in the Grand Gulf rate rider  effective
January  2002 compared to the rate rider in effect during  the  first
quarter  of 2001.  The Grand Gulf rate rider allows Entergy  Arkansas
to recover 78% of its share of operating costs for Grand Gulf 1.

Fuel cost recovery

      Entergy  Arkansas  is  allowed  to  recover  certain  fuel  and
purchased  power costs through fuel mechanisms included  in  electric
rates  that  are  recorded  as  fuel  cost  recovery  revenues.   The
difference between revenues collected and current fuel and  purchased
power  costs is recorded as deferred fuel costs on Entergy  Arkansas'
financial  statements  such that these costs generally  have  no  net
effect on earnings.

                       ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

      Fuel cost recovery revenues increased for the first quarter  of
2002  primarily due to an increase in the energy cost recovery  rider
that  became effective in April 2001.  The rider utilizes prior  year
energy  costs and projected energy sales for the twelve month  period
commencing  on April 1 of each year to develop an energy  cost  rate,
which  is  redetermined annually and includes  a  true-up  adjustment
reflecting  the  over-recovery or under-recovery, including  carrying
charges,  of  the  energy  cost for the  prior  calendar  year.   The
increase in the energy cost recovery rider allows Entergy Arkansas to
recover  previously  under-recovered fuel  expenses.   The  rider  is
discussed further in Note 2 to the financial statements in  the  Form

Sales volume/weather

      For  the  first  quarter of 2002, lower electric  sales  volume
decreased  revenues  due  to  decreased  usage  of  95  GWH  in   the
residential  and commercial sectors after adjusting for  the  weather
effect  and  54  GWH in the industrial sector.  The  decreased  usage
resulted  in  higher  effective  rates  in  each  sector,  which  are
reflected  in  base rate differences.  The effect of  less  favorable
weather in the first quarter of 2002 compared to the first quarter of
2001 decreased electric sales volume by 57 GWH in the residential and
commercial sectors.

Unbilled revenue

      Unbilled  revenue  increased for  the  first  quarter  of  2002
primarily  due to the effect of more favorable weather in March  2002
on the unbilled revenue calculation.

Sales for resale

      Sales for resale decreased for the first quarter of 2002 due to
a  decrease  in  sales  volume  to municipalities  and  co-operatives
coupled  with  a  decrease in the average price  of  energy  sold  to
wholesale customers.


Fuel and purchased power

      Fuel  and  purchased  power expenses decreased  for  the  first
quarter of 2002 primarily due to:

     o decreased market prices of natural gas and purchased power; and
     o decreased purchased power volume as a result of displacement by
       lower priced coal and nuclear generation.

Other operation and maintenance

     Other operation and maintenance expenses increased for the first
quarter of 2002 primarily due to:

     o lower nuclear insurance refunds of $3 million;
     o recording  of 2000 ice storm expenses of $2.7  million  as
       recommended by the APSC staff; and
     o an increase in incentive compensation expense of $2.4 million.

                       ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Other regulatory credits - net

     Other regulatory credits decreased for the first quarter of 2002
primarily due to a decrease in Grand Gulf demand charges as a  result
of  the  final  FERC order in System Entergy's 1995 rate  proceeding.
See  Note 2 of the financial statements in the Form 10-K for  further
discussion of the FERC order.


Other income

     Other  income decreased for the first quarter of 2002  primarily
due  to  a decrease in interest income recorded on the deferred  fuel
balance  resulting from an increase in fuel cost recovery revenue  as
mentioned above.

Income taxes

     The effective income tax rates for the first quarter of 2002 and
2001  were  27.1%  and  42.2%, respectively.   The  decrease  in  the
effective tax rate was primarily due to updating book and tax  timing
differences related to research and experimental expenses  consistent
with amended tax returns.

                          ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC.
                            INCOME STATEMENTS
          For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                               2002        2001
                                                                 (In Thousands)
                   OPERATING REVENUES
Domestic electric                                             $377,823    $393,800
                                                              --------    --------
                   OPERATING EXPENSES
Operation and Maintenance:
   Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and
     gas purchased for resale                                  104,253      70,748
   Purchased power                                              71,674     124,098
   Nuclear refueling outage expenses                             6,862       6,821
   Other operation and maintenance                              82,035      71,545
Taxes other than income taxes                                   11,187       8,764
Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning                 46,485      46,632
Other regulatory credits - net                                    (404)     (6,455)
                                                              --------    --------
TOTAL                                                          322,092     322,153
                                                              --------    --------

OPERATING INCOME                                                55,731      71,647
                                                              --------    --------

                      OTHER INCOME
Allowance for equity funds used during construction              1,339       1,091
Interest and dividend income                                       978       4,921
Miscellaneous - net                                               (991)     (1,114)
                                                              --------    --------
TOTAL                                                            1,326       4,898
                                                              --------    --------

Interest on long-term debt                                      22,468      22,436
Other interest - net                                             2,932       3,390
Distributions on preferred securities of subsidiary              1,275       1,275
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction             (947)       (711)
                                                              --------    --------
TOTAL                                                           25,728      26,390
                                                              --------    --------

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                      31,329      50,155

Income taxes                                                     8,491      21,177
                                                              --------    --------

NET INCOME                                                      22,838      28,978

Preferred dividend requirements and other                        1,944       1,944
                                                              --------    --------

COMMON STOCK                                                   $20,894     $27,034
                                                              ========    ========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                          ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC.
                         STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
           For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                        2002         2001
                                                                          (In Thousands)

                     OPERATING ACTIVITIES
Net income                                                              $22,838      $28,978
Noncash items included in net income:
  Other regulatory credits - net                                           (404)      (6,455)
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning                        46,485       46,632
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits                      (40,621)      19,910
  Allowance for equity funds used during construction                    (1,339)      (1,091)
Changes in working capital:
  Receivables                                                            14,061       46,501
  Fuel inventory                                                        (19,794)     (12,143)
  Accounts payable                                                      (24,675)    (132,596)
  Taxes accrued                                                          56,560        4,880
  Interest accrued                                                       (4,854)      (2,397)
  Deferred fuel costs                                                    51,058       19,888
  Other working capital accounts                                          8,555       18,541
Provision for estimated losses and reserves                              (3,319)      (3,589)
Changes in other regulatory assets                                      (10,947)     (25,470)
Changes in other deferred credits                                        (5,274)      22,254
Other                                                                   (29,342)       6,704
                                                                      ---------    ---------
Net cash flow provided by operating activities                           58,988       30,547
                                                                      ---------    ---------

                     INVESTING ACTIVITIES
Construction expenditures                                               (44,733)     (67,383)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                       1,339        1,091
Nuclear fuel purchases                                                  (30,451)     (19,099)
Proceeds from sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel                             30,451       19,099
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized
    change in trust assets                                               (2,823)      (2,270)
Changes in other temporary investments - net                             38,397            -
Other regulatory investments                                                  -      (19,921)
                                                                      ---------    ---------
Net cash flow used in investing activities                               (7,820)     (88,483)
                                                                      ---------    ---------

                     FINANCING ACTIVITIES
Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt                             94,742            -
Retirement of long-term debt                                           (170,000)           -
Changes in short-term borrowings                                           (667)      63,000
Dividends paid:
  Common stock                                                           (5,600)        (300)
  Preferred stock                                                        (1,944)           -
                                                                      ---------    ---------
Net cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities                (83,469)      62,700
                                                                      ---------    ---------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                    (32,301)       4,764

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                        103,466        7,838
                                                                      ---------    ---------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                              $71,165      $12,602
                                                                      =========    =========
Cash paid/(received) during the period for:
  Interest - net of amount capitalized                                  $30,236      $28,237
  Income taxes                                                          ($3,873)         ($3)
 Noncash investing and financing activities:
  Change in unrealized depreciation of
   decommissioning trust assets                                         ($6,138)     ($3,826)
  Long-term debt refunded with proceeds from
   long-term debt issued in prior period                               ($47,000)           -

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC.
                           BALANCE SHEETS
                 March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                        2002        2001
                                                                           (In Thousands)
                      CURRENT ASSETS
Cash and cash equivalents:
  Cash                                                                   $8,645      $18,331
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,
    which approximates market                                            62,520       85,135
                                                                     ----------   ----------
        Total cash and cash equivalents                                  71,165      103,466
                                                                     ----------   ----------
Other temporary investments                                                   -       38,397
Accounts receivable:
  Customer                                                               75,001       80,719
  Allowance for doubtful accounts                                        (1,667)      (1,667)
  Associated companies                                                   57,466       65,102
  Other                                                                  22,845       20,889
  Accrued unbilled revenues                                              59,644       62,307
                                                                     ----------   ----------
    Total accounts receivable                                           213,289      227,350
                                                                     ----------   ----------
Deferred fuel costs                                                           -       17,246
Accumulated deferred income taxes                                        42,826       22,698
Fuel inventory - at average cost                                         24,166        4,372
Materials and supplies - at average cost                                 76,630       75,499
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs                                   8,106       14,508
Prepayments and other                                                     7,304       53,386
                                                                     ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                   443,486      556,922
                                                                     ----------   ----------

Investment in affiliates - at equity                                     11,217       11,217
Decommissioning trust funds                                             347,799      351,114
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)            1,464        1,465
Other - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)                           2,976        2,976
                                                                     ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                   363,456      366,772
                                                                     ----------   ----------

                      UTILITY PLANT
Electric                                                              5,421,884    5,399,294
Property under capital lease                                             34,997       35,604
Construction work in progress                                           169,790      157,994
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                                         91,081       65,556
Nuclear fuel                                                              7,174        8,156
                                                                     ----------   ----------
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT                                                   5,724,926    5,666,604
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization                      2,646,584    2,615,013
                                                                     ----------   ----------
UTILITY PLANT - NET                                                   3,078,342    3,051,591
                                                                     ----------   ----------

Regulatory assets:
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                                       179,285      164,146
  Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                                    41,571       40,817
  Other regulatory assets                                               256,343      260,535
Other                                                                    20,409       10,797
                                                                     ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                   497,608      476,295
                                                                     ----------   ----------

TOTAL ASSETS                                                         $4,382,892   $4,451,580
                                                                     ==========   ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                           ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC.
                              BALANCE SHEETS
                    March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                      2002        2001
                                                                        (In Thousands)
                   CURRENT LIABILITIES
Currently maturing long-term debt                                    $100,000      $85,000
Notes payable                                                               -          667
Accounts payable:
  Associated companies                                                 24,559       32,868
  Other                                                                70,670       87,036
Customer deposits                                                      33,449       32,589
Taxes accrued                                                         160,841      104,281
Interest accrued                                                       25,690       30,544
Deferred fuel costs                                                    33,812            -
Obligations under capital leases                                       52,074       51,973
System Energy refund                                                   11,462       53,732
Other                                                                  15,833       17,221
                                                                   ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                 528,390      495,911
                                                                   ----------   ----------

Accumulated deferred income taxes                                     807,360      809,742
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits                            81,987       83,239
Obligations under capital leases                                       74,005       49,187
Transition to competition                                             154,001      152,414
Accumulated provisions                                                 38,096       41,415
Other                                                                 102,150      107,424
                                                                   ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                               1,257,599    1,243,421
                                                                   ----------   ----------

Long-term debt                                                      1,177,475    1,308,075
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trust holding
  solely junior subordinated deferrable debentures                     60,000       60,000

                  SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
Preferred stock without sinking fund                                  116,350      116,350
Common stock, $0.01 par value, authorized 325,000,000
  shares; issued and outstanding 46,980,196 shares in 2002
  and 2001                                                                470          470
Paid-in capital                                                       591,127      591,127
Retained earnings                                                     651,481      636,226
                                                                   ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                               1,359,428    1,344,173
                                                                   ----------   ----------
Commitments and Contingencies

               TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY          $4,382,892   $4,451,580
                                                                   ==========   ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                                 ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC.
                               SELECTED OPERATING RESULTS
                   For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

             Description                   2002       2001     (Decrease)    %
                                                  (In Millions)
Electric Operating Revenues:
  Residential                            $ 137.2    $ 140.0       ($2.8)    (2)
  Commercial                                72.1       68.4         3.7      5
  Industrial                                81.7       78.3         3.4      4
  Governmental                               4.0        3.5         0.5     14
    Total retail                           295.0      290.2         4.8      2
  Sales for resale
     Associated companies                   41.7       49.6        (7.9)   (16)
     Non-associated companies               34.8       59.8       (25.0)   (42)
  Other                                      6.3      (5.8)        12.1    209
    Total                                $ 377.8    $ 393.8      ($16.0)    (4)
Billed Electric Energy
 Sales (GWH):
  Residential                              1,721      1,854        (133)    (7)
  Commercial                               1,131      1,150         (19)    (2)
  Industrial                               1,606      1,660         (54)    (3)
  Governmental                                62         57           5      9
    Total retail                           4,520      4,721        (201)    (4)
  Sales for resale
     Associated companies                  2,082      1,128         954     85
     Non-associated companies              1,014      1,331        (317)   (24)
    Total                                  7,616      7,180         436      6

                      ENTERGY GULF STATES, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Net Income

     Net income decreased for the first quarter of 2002 compared with
2001  primarily  due to decreased sales for resale,  increased  other
operation  and  maintenance expenses, and decreased interest  income,
partially offset by decreased interest expense.

Revenues and Sales

Electric operating revenues

     The changes in electric operating revenues for the first quarter
of 2002 compared with 2001 are as follows:

                              First Quarter
     Description          Increase/(Decrease)
                             (In Millions)

Base rate differences            ($0.4)
Fuel cost recovery              (208.0)
Sales volume/weather             (10.9)
Unbilled revenue                  (2.0)
Other revenue                      0.9
Sales for resale                 (31.2)
   Total                       ($251.6)

Fuel cost recovery

     Entergy  Gulf  States  is allowed to recover  certain  fuel  and
purchased  power costs through fuel mechanisms included  in  electric
rates  that  are  recorded  as  fuel  cost  recovery  revenues.   The
difference between revenues collected and current fuel and  purchased
power  costs  is  recorded as deferred fuel  costs  on  Entergy  Gulf
States' financial statements such that these costs generally have  no
net effect on earnings.

     Fuel  cost  recovery revenues decreased $154.8  million  in  the
Louisiana jurisdiction due to the current period recovery through the
fuel  adjustment clause of lower fuel and purchased power costs  from
prior  months.  In the Louisiana jurisdiction, these fuel  costs  are
recovered  on a two-month lag.  In the Texas jurisdiction, fuel  cost
recovery  revenues decreased $53.2 million due to a decrease  in  the
fixed fuel factor in March 2002 and due to the termination of a  fuel
recovery surcharge in February 2002.

Sales volume/weather

      Lower  electric  sales volume reduced revenues  for  the  first
quarter  of  2002 primarily due to decreased usage in the  industrial
sector as a result of the loss of an industrial customer.  Under  the
terms  of  the  contract with this industrial customer, Entergy  Gulf
States was also required to purchase the electricity produced by  the
industrial customer's generating units.  As a result of the relief of
the  purchased power obligation, the loss of this customer  will  not
have a negative impact on Entergy Gulf States' earnings.

                      ENTERGY GULF STATES, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Sales for resale

     Sales  for  resale  for  the  first quarter  of  2002  decreased
primarily  due  to  a  decrease  in  the  average  price  of   resale

Gas operating revenues

     Gas  operating revenues decreased for the first quarter of  2002
primarily due to the substantially decreased market price of  natural


Fuel and purchased power

      Fuel  and  purchased power expenses decreased  for  the  first
quarter  of  2002  primarily due decreases in the market  prices  of
natural gas and purchased power.

Other operation and maintenance

     Other operation and maintenance expenses increased for the first
quarter of 2002 due to:

     o an increase in incentive compensation expense of $3.4 million;
     o an increase in nuclear operation and maintenance expenses of
       $2.9 million.

     The   increase   was   partially  offset  by   a   decrease   in
environmental provisions of $2.2 million.


Other income

      Other  income decreased for the first quarter of 2002 primarily
due  to  decreased  interest income recorded  on  the  deferred  fuel
balance due to recovery of some of the balance.

Interest and other charges

      Interest  on long-term debt decreased for the first quarter  of
2002  primarily  due  to  the retirement of  $148  million  of  First
Mortgage Bonds in January 2002 and lower interest expense on variable-
rate First Mortgage Bonds.

Income taxes

     The effective income tax rates for the first quarter of 2002 and
2001 were 38.5% and 37.1%, respectively.

                        ENTERGY GULF STATES, INC.
                            INCOME STATEMENTS
            For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                             2002        2001
                                                               (In Thousands)
                  OPERATING REVENUES
Domestic electric                                           $447,251    $698,876
Natural gas                                                   16,653      35,600
                                                            --------    --------
TOTAL                                                        463,904     734,476
                                                            --------    --------

                  OPERATING EXPENSES
Operation and Maintenance:
   Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and
     gas purchased for resale                                139,854     293,166
   Purchased power                                            65,829     141,953
   Nuclear refueling outage expenses                           3,056       3,090
   Other operation and maintenance                            97,575      93,254
Decommissioning                                                1,573       1,562
Taxes other than income taxes                                 30,638      30,996
Depreciation and amortization                                 50,293      49,761
Other regulatory charges (credits) - net                         600      (5,488)
                                                            --------    --------
TOTAL                                                        389,418     608,294
                                                            --------    --------

OPERATING INCOME                                              74,486     126,182
                                                            --------    --------

                     OTHER INCOME
Allowance for equity funds used during construction            2,225       1,825
Gain on sale of assets                                           663         585
Interest and dividend income                                   2,321       7,933
Miscellaneous - net                                           (1,095)     (1,412)
                                                            --------    --------
TOTAL                                                          4,114       8,931
                                                            --------    --------

Interest on long-term debt                                    31,847      38,793
Other interest - net                                           1,597       2,336
Distributions on preferred securities of subsidiary            1,859       1,859
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction         (2,258)     (1,714)
                                                            --------    --------
TOTAL                                                         33,045      41,274
                                                            --------    --------

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                    45,555      93,839

Income taxes                                                  17,517      34,793
                                                            --------    --------

NET INCOME                                                    28,038      59,046

Preferred dividend requirements and other                      1,234       1,310
                                                            --------    --------

COMMON STOCK                                                 $26,804     $57,736
                                                            ========    ========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                           ENTERGY GULF STATES, INC.
                           STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
               For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                  2002         2001
                                                                    (In Thousands)
                  OPERATING ACTIVITIES
Net income                                                        $28,038      $59,046
Noncash items included in net income:
  Reserve for regulatory adjustments                                2,517        2,073
  Other regulatory charges (credits) - net                            600       (5,488)
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning                  51,866       51,323
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits                (21,724)      35,990
  Allowance for equity funds used during construction              (2,225)      (1,825)
  Gain on sale of assets                                             (663)        (585)
Changes in working capital:
  Receivables                                                      37,958       30,298
  Fuel inventory                                                   (1,872)     (12,574)
  Accounts payable                                                (33,225)     (95,746)
  Taxes accrued                                                    31,828       (7,338)
  Interest accrued                                                    963        3,030
  Deferred fuel costs                                              13,781       23,481
  Other working capital accounts                                   14,295       11,818
Provision for estimated losses and reserves                        (1,629)      (1,332)
Changes in other regulatory assets                                  3,562      (10,298)
Other                                                               6,058        8,798
                                                                 --------     --------
Net cash flow provided by operating activities                    130,128       90,671
                                                                 --------     --------

                  INVESTING ACTIVITIES
Construction expenditures                                         (68,038)     (60,860)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                 2,225        1,825
Nuclear fuel purchases                                            (21,733)      (3,937)
Proceeds from sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel                       21,923        3,937
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized
    change in trust assets                                         (2,610)      (2,807)
Changes in other temporary investments - net                       44,643            -
Other regulatory investments                                            -      (33,716)
                                                                 --------     --------
Net cash flow used in investing activities                        (23,590)     (95,558)
                                                                 --------     --------

                  FINANCING ACTIVITIES
Retirement of long-term debt                                     (148,000)           -
Redemption of preferred stock                                      (1,403)      (1,999)
Dividends paid:
  Common stock                                                    (14,800)     (19,000)
  Preferred stock                                                  (1,242)      (1,323)
                                                                 --------     --------
Net cash flow used in financing activities                       (165,445)     (22,322)
                                                                 --------     --------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                         (58,907)     (27,209)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                  123,728       68,279
                                                                 --------     --------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                        $64,821      $41,070
                                                                 ========     ========
Cash paid during the period for:
  Interest - net of amount capitalized                            $33,001      $38,649
 Noncash investing and financing activities:
  Change in unrealized depreciation of
   decommissioning trust assets                                   ($1,556)     ($2,674)

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        ENTERGY GULF STATES, INC.
                             BALANCE SHEETS
                   March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                    2002           2001
                                                                      (In Thousands)
                       CURRENT ASSETS
Cash and cash equivalents:
  Cash                                                               $17,067       $19,503
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,
    which approximates market                                         47,754       104,225
                                                                  ----------    ----------
        Total cash and cash equivalents                               64,821       123,728
                                                                  ----------    ----------
Other temporary investments                                                -        44,643
Accounts receivable:
  Customer                                                            74,258        81,136
  Allowance for doubtful accounts                                     (2,131)       (2,131)
  Associated companies                                                21,677        34,032
  Other                                                               33,098        53,249
  Accrued unbilled revenues                                           86,170        84,744
                                                                  ----------    ----------
    Total accounts receivable                                        213,072       251,030
                                                                  ----------    ----------
Deferred fuel costs                                                  112,949       126,730
Fuel inventory - at average cost                                      55,883        54,011
Materials and supplies - at average cost                              94,322        95,674
Prepayments and other                                                 10,892        22,373
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                                551,939       718,189
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Decommissioning trust funds                                          246,436       245,382
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)       194,466       194,830
Other                                                                 16,918        15,970
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                                457,820       456,182
                                                                  ----------    ----------

                       UTILITY PLANT
Electric                                                           7,712,243     7,694,226
Property under capital lease                                          26,342        28,087
Natural gas                                                           59,552        59,100
Construction work in progress                                        258,925       221,730
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                                      61,024        67,688
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT                                                8,118,086     8,070,831
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization                   3,787,191     3,750,770
                                                                  ----------    ----------
UTILITY PLANT - NET                                                4,330,895     4,320,061
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Regulatory assets:
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                                    424,459       426,623
  Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                                 33,513        34,321
  Other regulatory assets                                            199,931       201,329
Long-term receivables                                                 25,768        26,576
Other                                                                 24,264        26,460
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                                707,935       715,309
                                                                  ----------    ----------

TOTAL ASSETS                                                      $6,048,589    $6,209,741
                                                                  ==========    ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                           ENTERGY GULF STATES, INC.
                                BALANCE SHEETS
                    March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                    2002           2001
                                                                      (In Thousands)
                    CURRENT LIABILITIES
Currently maturing long-term debt                                    $39,000      $147,921
Accounts payable:
  Associated companies                                                37,372        38,728
  Other                                                              103,154       135,023
Customer deposits                                                     44,999        45,876
Taxes accrued                                                        122,432        90,604
Accumulated deferred income taxes                                     11,181        21,412
Nuclear refueling outage costs                                         5,125         2,080
Interest accrued                                                      44,377        43,414
Obligations under capital leases                                      36,515        36,668
Other                                                                 20,280        20,995
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                                464,435       582,721
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Accumulated deferred income taxes                                  1,217,727     1,227,084
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits                          161,925       163,766
Obligations under capital leases                                      50,851        60,163
Decommissioning                                                      145,480       144,926
Transition to competition                                             79,098        79,098
Regulatory reserves                                                   36,108        33,591
Accumulated provisions                                                62,182        63,811
Other                                                                 98,320        93,719
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                              1,851,691     1,866,158
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Long-term debt                                                     1,919,956     1,958,897
Preferred stock with sinking fund                                     24,781        26,185
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trust holding
  solely junior subordinated deferrable debentures                    85,000        85,000

                    SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
Preferred stock without sinking fund                                  47,327        47,327
Common stock, no par value, authorized 200,000,000
  shares; issued and outstanding 100 shares in 2002 and 2001         114,055       114,055
Paid-in capital                                                    1,157,459     1,157,459
Retained earnings                                                    383,885       371,939
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                              1,702,726     1,690,780
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Commitments and Contingencies

             TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY           $6,048,589    $6,209,741
                                                                  ==========    ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        ENTERGY GULF STATES, INC.
                        SELECTED OPERATING RESULTS
           For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

          Description             2002        2001     (Decrease)     %
                                         (In Millions)
Electric Operating Revenues:
  Residential                     $ 144.8    $ 188.5     ($ 43.7)    (23)
  Commercial                        108.9      145.3       (36.4)    (25)
  Industrial                        144.0      280.6      (136.6)    (49)
  Governmental                        7.7        9.9        (2.2)    (22)
    Total retail                    405.4      624.3      (218.9)    (35)
  Sales for resale
     Associated companies             4.5       12.4        (7.9)    (64)
     Non-associated companies        27.8       51.1       (23.3)    (46)
  Other                               9.6       11.1        (1.5)    (14)
    Total                         $ 447.3    $ 698.9    ($ 251.6)    (36)
Billed Electric Energy
 Sales (GWH):
  Residential                       2,102      2,126         (24)     (1)
  Commercial                        1,776      1,744          32       2
  Industrial                        3,644      4,252        (608)    (14)
  Governmental                        111        111           -       -
    Total retail                    7,633      8,233        (600)     (7)
  Sales for resale
     Associated companies             104        107          (3)     (3)
     Non-associated companies       1,057        959          98      10
    Total                           8,794      9,299        (505)     (5)

                       ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Net Income

     Net income increased for the first quarter of 2002 compared with
2001  primarily  due  to an increase in unbilled  revenue,  partially
offset by an increase in other operation and maintenance expenses.

Revenues and Sales

     The changes in electric operating revenues for the first quarter
of 2002 compared with 2001 are as follows:

                               First Quarter
      Description           Increase/(Decrease)
                               (In Millions)

Fuel cost recovery                ($223.3)
Sales volume/weather                 (0.4)
Unbilled revenue                     45.1
Other revenue                         2.9
Sales for resale                     (3.3)
   Total                          ($179.0)

Fuel cost recovery

     Entergy  Louisiana  is  allowed  to  recover  certain  fuel  and
purchased  power costs through fuel mechanisms included  in  electric
rates  that  are  recorded  as  fuel  cost  recovery  revenues.   The
difference between revenues collected and current fuel and  purchased
power costs is recorded as deferred fuel costs on Entergy Louisiana's
financial  statements  such that these costs generally  have  no  net
effect on earnings.

      Fuel  cost recovery revenues decreased due to recovery, through
the  fuel  adjustment  clause,  of lower  fuel  and  purchased  power
expenses  primarily due to decreases in the market price  of  natural
gas and purchased power.

Unbilled revenue

      As  discussed in Note 1 to the financial statements in the Form
10-K,  unbilled revenues are estimated monthly and are  reversed  the
following  month.   Unbilled revenue for 2002 and 2001  includes  the
reversal  of  the  estimates for December  2001  and  December  2000,
respectively.  The increase in unbilled revenue for the first quarter
of 2002 compared to the first quarter of 2001 is due to the effect on
the  March  2001 unbilled calculation of higher unbilled  revenue  in
December 2000 caused by volume/weather.

                       ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS


Fuel and purchased power

      Fuel  and  purchased power expenses decreased  for  the  first
quarter  of  2002 primarily due to a 59.8% decrease  in  the  market
price  of natural gas, in addition to decreases in the market  price
of purchased power and oil.

Other operation and maintenance

      Other  operation  and maintenance expenses increased  for  the
first quarter of 2002 primarily due to:

     o lower nuclear insurance refunds of $1.2 million;
     o an increase in incentive compensation expense of $4.7 million;
     o an increase in employee pension and benefits expense of $1.1

Other regulatory charges - net

      Other  regulatory charges increased for the first  quarter  of
2002   primarily  due  to  the  amortization  of  capacity   charges
associated  with  power  purchases  in  the  summer  of  2000.   The
amortization of these charges will occur through July  2002.   Refer
to  Note  2  to  the financial statements for further discussion  of
deferred capacity charges.


Other income

      Interest  income  decreased  for  the  first  quarter  of  2002
primarily  due to lower interest recorded on deferred fuel costs  and
money pool investments.

Interest and other charges

      Interest  on long-term debt decreased for the first quarter  of
2002  due  to  the refinancing and net redemption of  First  Mortgage
Bonds  in  the amounts of $18.7 million in 2001 and $63.0 million  in
the first quarter of 2002.

     Other interest decreased for the first quarter of 2002 primarily
due to interest accrued in 2001 on reserves provided for fuel-related
refunds that were made in the summer of 2001.

Income taxes

     The effective income tax rates for the first quarter of 2002 and
2001  were  41.4%  and  48.4%, respectively.   The  decrease  in  the
effective  income tax rate is primarily due to higher pre-tax  income
reducing the effect of book and tax timing differences.

                        ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.
                           INCOME STATEMENTS
          For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                           2002         2001
                                                            (In Thousands)
                 OPERATING REVENUES
Domestic electric                                         $369,963     $548,914
                                                          --------     --------
                 OPERATING EXPENSES
Operation and Maintenance:
   Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and
     gas purchased for resale                               62,980      234,423
   Purchased power                                          79,763      135,505
   Nuclear refueling outage expenses                         3,050        3,262
   Other operation and maintenance                          78,466       69,813
Decommissioning                                              2,606        2,606
Taxes other than income taxes                               18,433       18,552
Depreciation and amortization                               45,462       44,946
Other regulatory charges - net                               3,315          540
                                                          --------     --------
TOTAL                                                      294,075      509,647
                                                          --------     --------

OPERATING INCOME                                            75,888       39,267
                                                          --------     --------

                    OTHER INCOME
Allowance for equity funds used during construction          1,068          935
Interest and dividend income                                   235        2,669
Miscellaneous - net                                           (879)        (733)
                                                          --------     --------
TOTAL                                                          424        2,871
                                                          --------     --------

Interest on long-term debt                                  23,441       24,456
Other interest - net                                         1,839        3,518
Distributions on preferred securities of subsidiary          1,575        1,575
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction         (861)        (709)
                                                          --------     --------
TOTAL                                                       25,994       28,840
                                                          --------     --------

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                  50,318       13,298

Income taxes                                                20,824        6,439
                                                          --------     --------

NET INCOME                                                  29,494        6,859

Preferred dividend requirements and other                    1,678        2,378
                                                          --------     --------

COMMON STOCK                                               $27,816       $4,481
                                                          ========     ========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                         ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.
                         STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
          For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                   2002         2001
                                                                     (In Thousands)
                    OPERATING ACTIVITIES
Net income                                                         $29,494       $6,859
Noncash items included in net income:
  Reserve for regulatory adjustments                                     -          250
  Other regulatory charges - net                                     3,315          540
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning                   48,068       47,552
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits                   5,682      (32,902)
  Allowance for equity funds used during construction               (1,068)        (935)
Changes in working capital:
  Receivables                                                       10,151       27,171
  Accounts payable                                                  14,999     (104,832)
  Taxes accrued                                                     26,918       49,557
  Interest accrued                                                 (11,121)     (10,899)
  Deferred fuel costs                                              (28,606)      63,264
  Other working capital accounts                                     2,549        2,198
Provision for estimated losses and reserves                            755        1,820
Changes in other regulatory assets                                   7,705       (4,465)
Other                                                               (7,238)       3,807
                                                                  --------     --------
Net cash flow provided by operating activities                     101,603       48,985
                                                                  --------     --------

                    INVESTING ACTIVITIES
Construction expenditures                                          (44,156)     (42,193)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                  1,068          935
Nuclear fuel purchases                                             (39,762)           -
Proceeds from sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel                        39,762            -
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized
    change in trust assets                                          (5,506)      (5,637)
Changes in other temporary investments - net                         6,152            -
                                                                  --------     --------
Net cash flow used in investing activities                         (42,442)     (46,895)
                                                                  --------     --------

                    FINANCING ACTIVITIES
Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt                       145,275            -
Retirement of long-term debt                                      (228,968)     (16,388)
Changes in short-term borrowings                                         -       30,000
Dividends paid:
  Common stock                                                      (2,800)           -
  Preferred stock                                                   (1,678)      (2,378)
                                                                  --------     --------
Net cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities           (88,171)      11,234
                                                                  --------     --------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents               (29,010)      13,324

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                    42,408       43,959
                                                                  --------     --------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                         $13,398      $57,283
                                                                  ========     ========
Cash paid during the period for:
  Interest - net of amount capitalized                             $36,460      $38,950
 Noncash investing and financing activities:
  Change in unrealized depreciation of
   decommissioning trust assets                                    ($1,457)     ($1,224)

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                         ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.
                             BALANCE SHEETS
                   March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                    2002           2001
                                                                     (In Thousands)
                       CURRENT ASSETS
Cash and cash equivalents:
  Cash                                                               $13,398       $28,768
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,
    which approximates market                                              -        13,640
                                                                  ----------    ----------
        Total cash and cash equivalents                               13,398        42,408
                                                                  ----------    ----------
Other temporary investments                                                -         6,152
Notes receivable                                                           8             8
Accounts receivable:
  Customer                                                            48,317        48,640
  Allowance for doubtful accounts                                     (1,771)       (1,771)
  Associated companies                                                 9,483         9,090
  Other                                                               22,744        47,965
  Accrued unbilled revenues                                           86,200        71,200
                                                                  ----------    ----------
    Total accounts receivable                                        164,973       175,124
                                                                  ----------    ----------
Accumulated deferred income taxes                                     30,531        42,566
Materials and supplies - at average cost                              75,888        77,523
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs                                3,452         4,096
Prepayments and other                                                 10,843         9,000
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                                299,093       356,877
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Investment in affiliates - at equity                                  14,230        14,230
Decommissioning trust funds                                          123,712       119,663
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)        21,625        21,671
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                                159,567       155,564
                                                                  ----------    ----------

                        UTILITY PLANT
Electric                                                           5,463,466     5,456,093
Property under capital lease                                         239,395       239,395
Construction work in progress                                        132,892       110,792
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                                      72,487        70,316
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT                                                5,908,240     5,876,596
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization                   2,569,602     2,538,964
                                                                  ----------    ----------
UTILITY PLANT - NET                                                3,338,638     3,337,632
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Regulatory assets:
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                                    176,779       179,368
  Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                                 27,116        28,341
  Other regulatory assets                                             68,638        73,754
Long-term receivables                                                  1,503         1,515
Other                                                                 18,969        16,650
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                                293,005       299,628
                                                                  ----------    ----------

TOTAL ASSETS                                                      $4,090,303    $4,149,701
                                                                  ==========    ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                           ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.
                              BALANCE SHEETS
                    March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                    2002           2001
                                                                     (In Thousands)
                     CURRENT LIABILITIES
Currently maturing long-term debt                                    $71,659      $185,627
Accounts payable:
  Associated companies                                                74,455        73,208
  Other                                                              107,212        93,460
Customer deposits                                                     62,030        61,359
Taxes accrued                                                         47,328        20,410
Interest accrued                                                      23,403        34,524
Deferred fuel costs                                                   38,887        67,493
Obligations under capital leases                                      34,171        34,171
Other                                                                 15,561        14,119
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                                474,706       584,371
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Accumulated deferred income taxes                                    770,762       776,610
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits                          110,591       111,942
Obligations under capital leases                                      38,316        36,144
Accumulated provisions                                                69,277        68,522
Other                                                                 77,287        82,780
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                              1,066,233     1,075,998
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Long-term debt                                                     1,126,394     1,091,329
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trust holding
  solely junior subordinated deferrable debentures                    70,000        70,000

                    SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
Preferred stock without sinking fund                                 100,500       100,500
Common stock, no par value, authorized 250,000,000
  shares; issued and outstanding 165,173,180 shares in 2002
  and 2001                                                         1,088,900     1,088,900
Capital stock expense and other                                       (1,718)       (1,718)
Retained earnings                                                    165,288       140,321
                                                                  ----------    ----------
TOTAL                                                              1,352,970     1,328,003
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Commitments and Contingencies

             TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY           $4,090,303    $4,149,701
                                                                  ==========    ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.
                       SELECTED OPERATING RESULTS
          For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

           Description              2002        2001     (Decrease)      %
                                            (In Millions)
Electric Operating Revenues:
  Residential                       $ 119.4    $ 184.7     ($ 65.3)    (35)
  Commercial                           81.0      121.2       (40.2)    (33)
  Industrial                          129.5      245.2      (115.7)    (47)
  Governmental                          8.0       12.3        (4.3)    (35)
    Total retail                      337.9      563.4      (225.5)    (40)
  Sales for resale
     Associated companies               3.3        4.1        (0.8)    (20)
     Non-associated companies           3.3        5.8        (2.5)    (43)
  Other                                25.4      (24.4)       49.8     204
    Total                           $ 369.9    $ 548.9     ($179.0)    (33)
Billed Electric Energy
 Sales (GWH):
  Residential                         1,922      1,944         (22)     (1)
  Commercial                          1,222      1,217           5       -
  Industrial                          3,578      3,574           4       -
  Governmental                          128        128           -       -
    Total retail                      6,850      6,863         (13)      -
  Sales for resale
     Associated companies                85         53          32      60
     Non-associated companies            53         96         (43)    (45)
    Total                             6,988      7,012         (24)      -

                      ENTERGY MISSISSIPPI, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Net Income

     Net income increased for the first quarter of 2002 compared with
2001  primarily  due  to increased net revenue, partially  offset  by
increased  other  operation and maintenance  expenses  and  decreased
interest income.

Revenues and Sales

     The changes in electric operating revenues for the first quarter
of 2002 compared with 2001 are as follows:

                                       First Quarter
         Description                Increase/(Decrease)
                                       (In Millions)

Base rate differences                       $2.8
Grand Gulf rate rider                       (6.7)
Fuel cost recovery                          (9.6)
Sales volume/weather                        (3.2)
Unbilled revenue                             2.3
Other revenue                                2.4
Sales for resale                           (52.5)
   Total                                  ($64.5)

Grand Gulf rate rider

      Rate  rider  revenues  have no material effect  on  net  income
because specific incurred expenses offset them.

     Grand Gulf rate rider revenue decreased for the first quarter of
2002  as  a result of a lower rate which became effective in  October

Fuel cost recovery

     Entergy  Mississippi  is  allowed to recover  certain  fuel  and
purchased  power costs through fuel mechanisms included  in  electric
rates,  recorded  as  fuel  cost recovery revenues.   The  difference
between revenues collected and current fuel and purchased power costs
is recorded as deferred fuel costs on Entergy Mississippi's financial
statements  such  that these costs generally have no  net  effect  on

      Fuel cost recovery revenues decreased for the first quarter  of
2002  primarily due to lower fuel and purchased power expenses  as  a
result  of decreases in the market price of natural gas and purchased

                      ENTERGY MISSISSIPPI, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Sales for resale

      Sales  for  resale  decreased for the  first  quarter  of  2002
primarily due to a decrease in volume to affiliated customers.


Fuel and purchased power

      Fuel  and  purchased  power expenses decreased  for  the  first
quarter  of  2002 primarily due to the displacement of oil generation
by  lower priced gas generation and the decrease in the market  price
of  purchased power.  Oil generation was used in the first quarter of
2001 due to significant increases in the market price of natural gas.
The  decrease was partially offset by an over-recovery of fuel costs,
including the effect of increased recoveries approved by the MPSC  to
recover previous under-recoveries.

Other operation and maintenance

     Other operation and maintenance expenses increased for the first
quarter of 2002 primarily due to:

     o an increase in plant maintenance expense of $3.8 million due to
       an unscheduled outage at a fossil plant in 2002;
     o an increase in injuries and damages expense of $1.1 million; and
     o an insurance reimbursement of $1.4 million received in 2001 in
       connection with a turbine generator failure.

Other regulatory credits

     Other regulatory credits increased for the first quarter of 2002
primarily due a greater under-recovery of Grand Gulf 1-related  costs
due to a lower rate implemented in October 2001.


Other income

      Interest  income  decreased  for  the  first  quarter  of  2002
primarily  due to interest recorded in the first quarter of  2001  on
the  deferred  System Energy costs that Entergy Mississippi  was  not
recovering through rates.  The deferral of these costs ceased in  the
third quarter of 2001 as a result of a final FERC order.  See Note  2
to  the  financial statements in the Form 10-K for further discussion
of the System Energy rate proceeding and FERC order.

Income taxes

     The effective income tax rates for the first quarter of 2002 and
2001  were  32.8%  and  35.8%, respectively.   The  decrease  in  the
effective  income tax rate for 2002 was primarily  due  to  a  larger
AFUDC tax adjustment in the first quarter of 2002.

                        ENTERGY MISSISSIPPI, INC.
                           INCOME STATEMENTS
          For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                               2002       2001
                                                                (In Thousands)
Domestic electric                                            $191,690    $256,158
                                                             --------    --------
                   OPERATING EXPENSES
Operation and Maintenance:
   Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and
     gas purchased for resale                                  50,568     110,059
   Purchased power                                             75,336      83,464
   Other operation and maintenance                             40,900      33,248
Taxes other than income taxes                                  11,733      11,273
Depreciation and amortization                                  13,506      13,274
Other regulatory credits - net                                (17,281)     (9,684)
                                                             --------    --------
TOTAL                                                         174,762     241,634
                                                             --------    --------

OPERATING INCOME                                               16,928      14,524
                                                             --------    --------

                      OTHER INCOME
Allowance for equity funds used during construction             1,069         423
Interest and dividend income                                    1,042       4,693
Miscellaneous - net                                              (734)       (547)
                                                             --------    --------
TOTAL                                                           1,377       4,569
                                                             --------    --------

Interest on long-term debt                                      9,962      11,144
Other interest - net                                              621       1,233
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction            (946)       (347)
                                                             --------    --------
TOTAL                                                           9,637      12,030
                                                             --------    --------

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                      8,668       7,063

Income taxes                                                    2,839       2,528
                                                             --------    --------

NET INCOME                                                      5,829       4,535

Preferred dividend requirements and other                         842         842
                                                             --------    --------

COMMON STOCK                                                   $4,987      $3,693
                                                             ========    ========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        ENTERGY MISSISSIPPI, INC.
                        STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
        For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                     2002         2001
                                                                      (In Thousands)
                    OPERATING ACTIVITIES
Net income                                                            $5,829      $4,535
Noncash items included in net income:
  Other regulatory credits - net                                     (17,281)     (9,684)
  Depreciation and amortization                                       13,506      13,274
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits                    (3,752)      4,805
  Allowance for equity funds used during construction                 (1,069)       (423)
Changes in working capital:
  Receivables                                                         11,193      25,186
  Fuel inventory                                                       1,916      (3,547)
  Accounts payable                                                   (10,177)    (73,374)
  Taxes accrued                                                      (15,896)    (23,597)
  Interest accrued                                                      (822)      2,062
  Deferred fuel costs                                                 14,548     (12,807)
  Other working capital accounts                                      (4,666)     (4,563)
Provision for estimated losses and reserves                             (524)       (784)
Changes in other regulatory assets                                   (12,599)     (9,010)
Other                                                                 24,110      17,250
                                                                    --------    --------
Net cash flow provided by (used in) operating activities               4,316     (70,677)
                                                                    --------    --------

                    INVESTING ACTIVITIES
Construction expenditures                                            (39,535)    (22,163)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                    1,069         423
Changes in other temporary investments - net                          18,566           -
                                                                    --------    --------
Net cash flow used in investing activities                           (19,900)    (21,740)
                                                                    --------    --------

                    FINANCING ACTIVITIES
Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt                               -      69,689
Changes in short-term borrowings                                           -      25,000
Dividends paid:
  Common stock                                                        (1,700)     (2,000)
  Preferred stock                                                       (842)       (842)
                                                                    --------    --------
Net cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities              (2,542)     91,847
                                                                    --------    --------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                            (18,126)       (570)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                      54,048       5,113
                                                                    --------    --------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                           $35,922      $4,543
                                                                    ========    ========
Cash paid during the period for:
  Interest - net of amount capitalized                               $10,806      $9,779

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        ENTERGY MISSISSIPPI, INC.
                              BALANCE SHEETS
                   March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                          2002        2001
                                                                           (In Thousands)
                       CURRENT ASSETS
Cash and cash equivalents:
  Cash                                                                     $9,431      $12,883
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,
    which approximates market                                              26,491       41,165
                                                                       ----------   ----------
        Total cash and cash equivalents                                    35,922       54,048
                                                                       ----------   ----------
Other temporary investments                                                     -       18,566
Accounts receivable:
  Customer                                                                 43,343       50,370
  Allowance for doubtful accounts                                          (1,044)      (1,044)
  Associated companies                                                     14,003       14,201
  Other                                                                     2,924        2,892
  Accrued unbilled revenues                                                26,300       30,300
                                                                       ----------   ----------
    Total accounts receivable                                              85,526       96,719
                                                                       ----------   ----------
Deferred fuel costs                                                        91,610      106,158
Fuel inventory - at average cost                                            2,908        4,824
Materials and supplies - at average cost                                   17,263       16,896
Prepayments and other                                                       6,891        8,521
                                                                       ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                     240,120      305,732
                                                                       ----------   ----------

Investment in affiliates - at equity                                        5,531        5,531
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated depreciation)              6,690        6,723
                                                                       ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                      12,221       12,254
                                                                       ----------   ----------

                       UTILITY PLANT
Electric                                                                1,956,233    1,939,182
Property under capital lease                                                  202          211
Construction work in progress                                             125,740      110,450
                                                                       ----------   ----------
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT                                                     2,082,175    2,049,843
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization                          747,742      741,892
                                                                       ----------   ----------
UTILITY PLANT - NET                                                     1,334,433    1,307,951
                                                                       ----------   ----------

Regulatory assets:
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                                          22,674       22,387
  Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                                      13,625       13,925
  Other regulatory assets                                                  25,815       13,503
Other                                                                       6,527        7,274
                                                                       ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                      68,641       57,089
                                                                       ----------   ----------

TOTAL ASSETS                                                           $1,655,415   $1,683,026
                                                                       ==========   ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        ENTERGY MISSISSIPPI, INC.
                             BALANCE SHEETS
                   March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                          2002        2001
                                                                           (In Thousands)
                    CURRENT LIABILITIES
Currently maturing long-term debt                                        $255,000      $65,000
Accounts payable:
  Associated companies                                                     41,459       45,554
  Other                                                                    21,301       27,383
Customer deposits                                                          30,813       29,421
Taxes accrued                                                              15,588       31,484
Accumulated deferred income taxes                                          11,591       19,277
Interest accrued                                                           16,845       17,667
Obligations under capital leases                                               37           36
System Energy Refund                                                        7,418       14,836
Other                                                                       2,061        1,964
                                                                       ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                     402,113      252,622
                                                                       ----------   ----------

Accumulated deferred income taxes                                         271,881      266,498
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits                                17,555       17,908
Obligations under capital leases                                              165          175
Accumulated provisions                                                      7,103        7,627
Other                                                                      42,706       37,678
                                                                       ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                     339,410      329,886
                                                                       ----------   ----------

Long-term debt                                                            399,849      589,762

                    SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
Preferred stock without sinking fund                                       50,381       50,381
  Common stock, no par value, authorized 15,000,000
     shares; issued and outstanding 8,666,357 shares in 2002
  and 2001                                                                199,326      199,326
Capital stock expense and other                                               (59)         (59)
Retained earnings                                                         264,395      261,108
                                                                       ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                     514,043      510,756
                                                                       ----------   ----------

Commitments and Contingencies

                  TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY           $1,655,415   $1,683,026
                                                                       ==========   ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                          ENTERGY MISSISSIPPI, INC.
                         SELECTED OPERATING RESULTS
             For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

           Description              2002        2001     (Decrease)        %
                                          (In Millions)
Electric Operating Revenues:
  Residential                        $ 73.0     $ 80.9      ($ 7.9)    (10)
  Commercial                           64.1       67.6        (3.5)     (5)
  Industrial                           36.2       41.3        (5.1)    (12)
  Governmental                          6.4        6.7        (0.3)     (4)
    Total retail                      179.7      196.5       (16.8)     (9)
  Sales for resale
     Associated companies               5.2       56.6       (51.4)    (91)
     Non-associated companies           3.4        4.4        (1.0)    (23)
  Other                                 3.4       (1.3)        4.7     362
    Total                           $ 191.7    $ 256.2     ($ 64.5)    (25)
Billed Electric Energy
 Sales (GWH):
  Residential                         1,126      1,215         (89)     (7)
  Commercial                            963        975         (12)     (1)
  Industrial                            672        734         (62)     (8)
  Governmental                           87         90          (3)     (3)
    Total retail                      2,848      3,014        (166)     (6)
  Sales for resale
     Associated companies                45        874        (829)    (95)
     Non-associated companies            47         51          (4)     (8)
    Total                             2,940      3,939        (999)    (25)

                      ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Net Income (Loss)

      Entergy New Orleans experienced a net loss in the first quarter
of  2002  primarily due to accruals for potential  rate  actions  and

Revenues and Sales

Electric operating revenues

     The changes in electric operating revenues for the first quarter
of 2002 compared with 2001 are as follows:

                                First Quarter
     Description            Increase/(Decrease)
                               (In Millions)

Base rate differences              ($3.0)
Fuel cost recovery                 (42.0)
Sales volume/weather                 1.0
Unbilled revenue                     0.7
Other revenue                       (5.9)
Sales for resale                    (6.8)
   Total                          ($56.0)

Fuel cost recovery

      Entergy  New  Orleans is allowed to recover  certain  fuel  and
purchased  power costs through fuel mechanisms included  in  electric
rates,  recorded  as  fuel  cost recovery revenues.   The  difference
between revenues collected and current fuel and purchased power costs
is  recorded as deferred fuel costs on Entergy New Orleans' financial
statements  such  that these costs generally have no  net  effect  on

      Fuel cost recovery revenues decreased for the first quarter  of
2002  primarily due to recovery, through the fuel adjustment  clause,
of lower fuel and purchased power expenses.  The decrease in fuel and
purchased  power expenses was a result of decreased market prices  of
natural gas and purchased power.

Other revenue

     Other revenue decreased for the first quarter of 2002 primarily
due to accruals for potential rate actions and refunds.

Sales for resale

      Sales  for  resale  decreased for the  first  quarter  of  2002
primarily due to a decrease in the average price of energy.

                      ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Gas operating revenues

     Gas  operating revenues decreased for the first quarter of  2002
due  to  the  decreased  market price of  natural  gas  coupled  with
decreased sales volume.


Fuel and purchased power

      Fuel  and  purchased power expenses decreased  for  the  first
quarter of 2002 primarily due to a 74% decrease in the market  price
of  natural  gas  in addition to a decrease in the market  price  of
purchased power.

Taxes other than income taxes

     Taxes other than income taxes decreased for the first quarter of
2002 primarily due to a decrease in local
franchise taxes as a result of lower retail revenue.


Other income

      Other  income decreased for the first quarter of 2002 primarily
due  to  interest recorded in the first quarter of 2001  on  deferred
System  Energy  costs  that Entergy New Orleans  was  not  recovering
through  rates.   The  deferral of these costs ceased  in  the  third
quarter of 2001 as a result of a final FERC order.  See Note 2 to the
financial statements in the Form 10-K for further discussion  of  the
System Energy rate proceeding and FERC order.

Income taxes

     The effective income tax rates for the first quarter of 2002 and
2001  were  33.8% and 56.3%, respectively.  The decrease in  the  tax
rate  for  the first quarter of 2002 is primarily due to the  pre-tax
loss decreasing the effect of book and tax timing differences.

                         ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC.
                         STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
             For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                2002         2001
                                                                    (In Thousands)
                   OPERATING REVENUES
Domestic electric                                               $73,223     $129,231
Natural gas                                                      29,724       74,784
                                                               --------     --------
TOTAL                                                           102,947      204,015
                                                               --------     --------

                   OPERATING EXPENSES
Operation and Maintenance:
   Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and
     gas purchased for resale                                    28,657      108,827
   Purchased power                                               35,509       48,467
   Other operation and maintenance                               21,912       20,960
Taxes other than income taxes                                     9,292       13,686
Depreciation and amortization                                     6,843        6,326
Other regulatory charges - net                                    2,409        1,531
                                                               --------     --------
TOTAL                                                           104,622      199,797
                                                               --------     --------

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                                          (1,675)       4,218
                                                               --------     --------

                      OTHER INCOME
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                 430          398
Interest and dividend income                                        274        1,106
Miscellaneous - net                                                (460)        (413)
                                                               --------     --------
TOTAL                                                               244        1,091
                                                               --------     --------

Interest on long-term debt                                        4,468        4,118
Other interest - net                                                451          426
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction              (394)        (320)
                                                               --------     --------
TOTAL                                                             4,525        4,224
                                                               --------     --------

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                (5,956)       1,085

Income taxes                                                     (2,016)         611
                                                               --------     --------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                (3,940)         474

Preferred dividend requirements and other                           241          241
                                                               --------     --------

COMMON STOCK                                                    ($4,181)        $233
                                                               ========     ========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC.
                        STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
          For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                              2002           2001
                                                                  (In Thousands)
Net income (loss)                                              ($3,940)         $474
Noncash items included in net income (loss):
  Other regulatory charges - net                                 2,409         1,531
  Depreciation and amortization                                  6,843         6,326
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits              (1,829)       (4,608)
  Allowance for equity funds used during                          (430)         (398)
Changes in working capital:
  Receivables                                                    9,545        (5,036)
  Fuel inventory                                                 3,020         3,942
  Accounts payable                                               1,060       (18,690)
  Taxes accrued                                                      -         3,560
  Interest accrued                                              (4,518)       (3,753)
  Deferred fuel costs                                           (5,617)       11,358
  Other working capital accounts                               (35,351)      (10,275)
Provision for estimated losses and reserves                         63        (2,243)
Changes in other regulatory assets                                  12        (3,093)
Other                                                            5,843           320
                                                              --------      --------
Net cash flow used in operating activities                     (22,890)      (20,585)
                                                              --------      --------

Construction expenditures                                      (13,324)      (11,194)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                430           398
Changes in other temporary investments - net                    14,859             -
                                                              --------      --------
Net cash flow provided by (used in) investing activities         1,965       (10,796)
                                                              --------      --------

Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt                         -        29,817
Dividends paid:
  Preferred stock                                                 (241)         (241)
                                                              --------      --------
Net cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities          (241)       29,576
                                                              --------      --------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                      (21,166)       (1,805)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                38,184         6,302
                                                              --------      --------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                     $17,018        $4,497
                                                              ========      ========
Cash paid during the period for:
  Interest - net of amount capitalized                          $9,306        $7,758

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                      ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC.
                           BALANCE SHEETS
                March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                     2002        2001
                                                                      (In Thousands)
                    CURRENT ASSETS
Cash and cash equivalents:
  Cash                                                                $6,865      $5,237
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,
    which approximates market                                         10,153      32,947
                                                                    --------    --------
         Total cash and cash equivalents                              17,018      38,184
                                                                    --------    --------
Other temporary investments                                                -      14,859
Accounts receivable:
  Customer                                                            29,806      33,827
  Allowance for doubtful accounts                                     (2,234)     (2,234)
  Associated companies                                                 5,184      10,527
  Other                                                                4,500       4,511
  Accrued unbilled revenues                                           19,857      20,027
                                                                    --------    --------
    Total accounts receivable                                         57,113      66,658
                                                                    --------    --------
Accumulated deferred income taxes                                      2,823       4,882
Fuel inventory - at average cost                                          61       3,081
Materials and supplies - at average cost                               8,325       8,273
Prepayments and other                                                 35,500      26,239
                                                                    --------    --------
TOTAL                                                                120,840     162,176
                                                                    --------    --------

Investment in affiliates - at equity                                   3,259       3,259
                                                                    --------    --------

                     UTILITY PLANT
Electric                                                             605,277     597,575
Natural gas                                                          144,260     142,741
Construction work in progress                                         45,460      43,166
                                                                    --------    --------
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT                                                  794,997     783,482
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization                     401,074     396,535
                                                                    --------    --------
UTILITY PLANT - NET                                                  393,923     386,947
                                                                    --------    --------

Regulatory assets:
  Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                                    708         761
  Other regulatory assets                                             10,831      10,843
Other                                                                  1,900       2,051
                                                                    --------    --------
TOTAL                                                                 13,439      13,655
                                                                    --------    --------

TOTAL ASSETS                                                        $531,461    $566,037
                                                                    ========    ========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                           ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC.
                                BALANCE SHEETS
                     March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                     2002        2001
                                                                      (In Thousands)
                  CURRENT LIABILITIES
Currently maturing long-term debt                                    $25,000       $ -
Accounts payable:
  Associated companies                                                19,820      18,199
  Other                                                               23,079      23,640
Customer deposits                                                     19,080      18,931
Interest accrued                                                       2,514       7,032
Deferred fuel costs                                                    4,579      10,196
System Energy Refund                                                       -      33,614
Other                                                                  9,226       1,799
                                                                    --------    --------
TOTAL                                                                103,298     113,411
                                                                    --------    --------

Accumulated deferred income taxes                                     18,437      25,326
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits                            5,236       5,361
SFAS 109 regulatory liability - net                                   23,492      19,868
Accumulated provisions                                                 5,865       5,802
Other                                                                 24,757      16,735
                                                                    --------    --------
TOTAL                                                                 77,787      73,092
                                                                    --------    --------

Long-term debt                                                       204,120     229,097

                 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
Preferred stock without sinking fund                                  19,780      19,780
Common stock, $4 par value, authorized 10,000,000
    shares; issued and outstanding 8,435,900 shares in 2002
    and 2001                                                          33,744      33,744
Paid-in capital                                                       36,294      36,294
Retained earnings                                                     56,438      60,619
                                                                    --------    --------
TOTAL                                                                146,256     150,437
                                                                    --------    --------

Commitments and Contingencies

             TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY             $531,461    $566,037
                                                                    ========    ========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                         ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC.
                        SELECTED OPERATING RESULTS
           For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

          Description             2002        2001     (Decrease)      %
                                          (In Millions)
Electric Operating Revenues:
  Residential                      $ 27.2     $ 41.0     ($ 13.8)     (34)
  Commercial                         30.8       48.9       (18.1)     (37)
  Industrial                          4.6        8.3        (3.7)     (45)
  Governmental                       12.5       20.9        (8.4)     (40)
    Total retail                     75.1      119.1       (44.0)     (37)
  Sales for resale
     Associated companies             0.3        7.0        (6.7)     (96)
     Non-associated companies         0.5        0.6        (0.1)     (17)
  Other                              (2.7)       2.5        (5.2)    (208)
    Total                          $ 73.2    $ 129.2     ($ 56.0)     (43)
Billed Electric Energy
 Sales (GWH):
  Residential                         403        397           6        2
  Commercial                          505        488          17        3
  Industrial                           89         91          (2)      (2)
  Governmental                        230        227           3        1
    Total retail                    1,227      1,203          24        2
  Sales for resale
     Associated companies              16         63         (47)     (75)
     Non-associated companies          10         13          (3)     (23)
    Total                           1,253      1,279         (26)      (2)

                    SYSTEM ENERGY RESOURCES, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Net Income

     Net income increased for the first quarter of 2002 compared with
2001 primarily due to decreased interest charges, partially offset by
decreased   interest  income  and  increased  other   operation   and
maintenance expenses.


     Operating revenues recover operating expenses, depreciation, and
capital  costs  attributable to Grand  Gulf  1.   Capital  costs  are
computed by allowing a return on System Energy's common equity  funds
allocable  to its net investment in Grand Gulf 1 and adding  to  such
amount System Energy's effective interest cost for its debt.

      Operating revenues decreased for the first quarter of 2002 as a
result  of the suspension of the GGART for Entergy Arkansas  in  July
2001.   The  net income impact of the suspended tariff is  offset  in
other  regulatory charges.  See further discussion of  the  GGART  in
Note 2 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K.


Other operation and maintenance

     Other operation and maintenance expenses increased for the first
quarter of 2002 primarily due to:

     o lower nuclear insurance refunds of $1.7 million; and
     o an increase in incentive compensation expense of $0.8 million.

Depreciation and amortization

      Depreciation and amortization expenses decreased for the  first
quarter  of 2002 primarily due to a lower depreciation rate  used  in
2002  as  mandated  by FERC.  See further discussion  of  the  System
Energy  rate proceeding in Note 2 to the financial statements in  the
Form 10-K.

Other regulatory charges - net

     Other regulatory charges decreased for the first quarter of 2002
primarily due to the suspension of the GGART for Entergy Arkansas  in
July 2001.


Other income

      Interest  income decreased for the first quarter of 2002  as  a
result of decreased interest earned on System Energy's investments in
the money pool due to lower advances to the money pool in 2002.

                    SYSTEM ENERGY RESOURCES, INC.


                        RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Interest and other charges

      Interest  on long-term debt decreased for the first quarter  of
2002  due  to  the  retirement of $135 million of long-term  debt  in
August 2001.

      Other interest expense decreased for the first quarter of  2002
due  to interest recorded in 2001 on System Energy's reserve for rate
refund.  The refund was made in December 2001.

Income taxes

     The effective income tax rates for the first quarter of 2002 and
2001  were  40.5%  and  45.8%, respectively.   The  decrease  in  the
effective tax rate was primarily due to updating book and tax  timing
differences related to research and experimental expenses  consistent
with amended tax returns.

                      SYSTEM ENERGY RESOURCES, INC.
                           INCOME STATEMENTS
          For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                               2002        2001
                                                                 (In Thousands)
                   OPERATING REVENUES
Domestic electric                                             $142,330    $151,166
                                                              --------    --------
                   OPERATING EXPENSES
Operation and Maintenance:
   Fuel, fuel-related expenses, and
     gas purchased for resale                                    9,604      10,072
   Nuclear refueling outage expenses                             2,620       4,034
   Other operation and maintenance                              19,213      16,374
Decommissioning                                                  4,014       4,736
Taxes other than income taxes                                    6,716       6,708
Depreciation and amortization                                   27,297      29,481
Other regulatory charges - net                                  12,926      19,167
                                                              --------    --------
TOTAL                                                           82,390      90,572
                                                              --------    --------

OPERATING INCOME                                                59,940      60,594
                                                              --------    --------

                      OTHER INCOME
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                550         270
Interest and dividend income                                       480       5,101
Miscellaneous - net                                               (361)        (30)
                                                              --------    --------
TOTAL                                                              669       5,341
                                                              --------    --------

Interest on long-term debt                                      15,107      19,011
Other interest - net                                               785       8,706
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction             (232)       (137)
                                                              --------    --------
TOTAL                                                           15,660      27,580
                                                              --------    --------

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                      44,949      38,355

Income taxes                                                    18,222      17,557
                                                              --------    --------

NET INCOME                                                     $26,727     $20,798
                                                              ========    ========

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        SYSTEM ENERGY RESOURCES, INC.
                          STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
              For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                     2002         2001
                                                                     (In Thousands)
                   OPERATING ACTIVITIES
Net income                                                           $26,727      $20,798
Noncash items included in net income:
  Reserve for regulatory adjustments                                       -       27,644
  Other regulatory charges - net                                      12,926       19,167
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning                     31,311       34,217
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits                   (12,124)     (24,524)
  Allowance for equity funds used during construction                   (550)        (270)
Changes in working capital:
  Receivables                                                         (3,000)     (37,157)
  Accounts payable                                                    (1,192)      13,389
  Taxes accrued                                                       14,918       26,464
  Interest accrued                                                   (28,374)     (23,111)
  Other working capital accounts                                      (1,338)         905
Provision for estimated losses and reserves                             (273)        (164)
Changes in other regulatory assets                                     8,646       10,306
Other                                                                 15,699        5,072
                                                                    --------     --------
Net cash flow provided by operating activities                        63,376       72,736
                                                                    --------     --------

                   INVESTING ACTIVITIES
Construction expenditures                                             (7,551)      (7,607)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                      550          270
Nuclear fuel purchases                                                     -      (10,704)
Proceeds from sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel                               -       10,704
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized
    change in trust assets                                              (785)      (5,692)
Changes in other temporary investments - net                          22,354            -
                                                                    --------     --------
Net cash flow provided by (used in) investing activities              14,568      (13,029)
                                                                    --------     --------

                   FINANCING ACTIVITIES
Retirement of long-term debt                                         (30,891)     (16,800)
Dividends paid:
  Common stock                                                       (23,600)     (22,800)
                                                                    --------     --------
Net cash flow used in financing activities                           (54,491)     (39,600)
                                                                    --------     --------

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             23,453       20,107

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                      49,579      202,218
                                                                    --------     --------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                           $73,032     $222,325
                                                                    ========     ========
Cash paid during the period for:
  Interest - net of amount capitalized                               $43,211      $49,725
 Noncash investing and financing activities:
  Change in unrealized depreciation of
   decommissioning trust assets                                      ($2,428)     ($1,190)

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        SYSTEM ENERGY RESOURCES, INC.
                                BALANCE SHEETS
                    March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                         2002        2001
                                                                          (In Thousands)
                      CURRENT ASSETS
Cash and cash equivalents:
  Cash                                                                    $1,141          $15
  Temporary cash investments - at cost,
    which approximates market                                             71,891       49,564
                                                                      ----------   ----------
        Total cash and cash equivalents                                   73,032       49,579
                                                                      ----------   ----------
Other temporary investments                                                    -       22,354
Accounts receivable:
  Associated companies                                                    73,778       70,755
  Other                                                                    1,170        1,193
                                                                      ----------   ----------
    Total accounts receivable                                             74,948       71,948
                                                                      ----------   ----------
Materials and supplies - at average cost                                  52,171       51,665
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs                                    6,127        8,728
Prepayments and other                                                      5,233        1,631
                                                                      ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                    211,511      205,905
                                                                      ----------   ----------

Decommissioning trust funds                                              136,903      138,546
                                                                      ----------   ----------

                       UTILITY PLANT
Electric                                                               3,099,276    3,098,446
Property under capital lease                                             450,014      450,014
Construction work in progress                                             43,510       36,868
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                                          55,028       61,905
                                                                      ----------   ----------
TOTAL UTILITY PLANT                                                    3,647,828    3,647,233
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization                       1,442,571    1,416,337
                                                                      ----------   ----------
UTILITY PLANT - NET                                                    2,205,257    2,230,896
                                                                      ----------   ----------

Regulatory assets:
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                                        164,213      173,470
  Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                                     47,487       48,381
  Other regulatory assets                                                158,560      157,949
Other                                                                      9,520        8,894
                                                                      ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                    379,780      388,694
                                                                      ----------   ----------

TOTAL ASSETS                                                          $2,933,451   $2,964,041
                                                                      ==========   ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                        SYSTEM ENERGY RESOURCES, INC.
                                BALANCE SHEETS
                    March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001

                                                                         2002        2001
                                                                          (In Thousands)
                    CURRENT LIABILITIES
Currently maturing long-term debt                                        $81,375     $100,891
Accounts payable:
  Associated companies                                                     2,642        2,404
  Other                                                                   12,886       14,316
Taxes accrued                                                            127,440      112,522
Accumulated deferred income taxes                                          1,350        2,360
Interest accrued                                                          18,721       47,095
Obligations under capital leases                                          26,503       26,503
Other                                                                      1,752        1,583
                                                                      ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                    272,669      307,674
                                                                      ----------   ----------

Accumulated deferred income taxes                                        483,177      498,404
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits                               85,171       86,040
Obligations under capital leases                                          28,525       35,401
Other regulatory liabilities                                             172,547      135,878
Decommissioning                                                          140,888      140,103
Accumulated provisions                                                       432          705
Other                                                                     37,554       39,117
                                                                      ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                    948,294      935,648
                                                                      ----------   ----------

Long-term debt                                                           818,681      830,038

                   SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY
Common stock, no par value, authorized 1,000,000 shares;
 issued and outstanding 789,350 shares in 2002 and 2001                  789,350      789,350
Retained earnings                                                        104,457      101,331
                                                                      ----------   ----------
TOTAL                                                                    893,807      890,681
                                                                      ----------   ----------

Commitments and Contingencies

                 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY           $2,933,451   $2,964,041
                                                                      ==========   ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.




Capital  Requirements  and Financing  (Entergy  Corporation,  Entergy
Arkansas,   Entergy   Gulf   States,   Entergy   Louisiana,   Entergy
Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy)

      See  Note  9 to the financial statements in the Form  10-K  for
information   on   Entergy's   estimated  construction   expenditures
(including  nuclear  fuel but excluding AFUDC),  long-term  debt  and
preferred stock maturities, and cash sinking fund requirements.

Sales Warranties and Indemnities   (Entergy Corporation)

      See  Note  9 to the financial statements in the Form  10-K  for
information on certain warranties made by Entergy or its subsidiaries
in  the Entergy London and CitiPower sales transactions.  See Note 14
to  the  financial  statements in the Form 10-K  for  information  on
certain warranties made by Entergy or its subsidiaries in the Saltend
sale transaction.

Nuclear  Insurance,  Spent  Nuclear Fuel, and  Decommissioning  Costs
(Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Gulf States,  Entergy
Louisiana,  Entergy  Mississippi, Entergy  New  Orleans,  and  System

      See  Note  9 to the financial statements in the Form  10-K  for
information  on  nuclear liability, property  and  replacement  power
insurance,  related NRC regulations, the disposal  of  spent  nuclear
fuel,  other high-level radioactive waste, and decommissioning  costs
associated with Entergy's nuclear power plants.

Environmental Issues

(Entergy Arkansas)

      In  previous years, Entergy Arkansas has received notices  from
the  EPA  and  the  ADEQ alleging that Entergy Arkansas,  along  with
others,  may  be a potentially responsible party (PRP)  for  clean-up
costs  associated with a site in Arkansas.  As of March 31,  2002,  a
remaining  recorded liability of approximately $5.0  million  existed
related to the cleanup of that site.

(Entergy Gulf States)

     Entergy Gulf States has been designated as a PRP for the cleanup
of  certain hazardous waste disposal sites.  Entergy Gulf  States  is
currently  negotiating  with the EPA and state authorities  regarding
the  cleanup  of  these  sites.  As of March 31,  2002,  a  remaining
recorded liability of approximately $13.3 million existed related  to
the  cleanup  of the remaining sites at which the EPA has  designated
Entergy Gulf States as a PRP.

(Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans)

      During  1993,  the  LDEQ  issued  new  rules  for  solid  waste
regulation, including regulation of wastewater impoundments.  Entergy
Louisiana  and  Entergy New Orleans have determined that  certain  of
their  power  plant  wastewater impoundments were affected  by  these
regulations  and  have  chosen to upgrade  or  close  them.  Recorded
liabilities in the amounts of $5.8 million for Entergy Louisiana  and
$0.5  million for Entergy New Orleans existed at March 31,  2002  for
wastewater  upgrades  and  closures.   Completion  of  this  work  is
awaiting LDEQ approval.

City Franchise Ordinances   (Entergy New Orleans)

      Entergy  New Orleans provides electric and gas service  in  the
City   of  New  Orleans  pursuant  to  franchise  ordinances.   These
ordinances contain a continuing option for the City of New Orleans to
purchase Entergy New Orleans' electric and gas utility properties.

Waterford 3 Lease Obligations  (Entergy Louisiana)

      On  September  28, 1989, Entergy Louisiana entered  into  three
separate  but substantially identical transactions for the  sale  and
leaseback of undivided interests (aggregating approximately 9.3%)  in
Waterford  3,  which were refinanced in 1997. Upon the occurrence  of
certain  events  Entergy Louisiana may be obligated  to  pay  amounts
sufficient  to permit the Owner Participants to withdraw  from  these
lease  transactions  and  may be required to assume  the  outstanding
bonds  issued  to finance, in part, the lessors' acquisition  of  the
undivided  interests in Waterford 3.  See Note 10  to  the  financial
statements in the Form 10-K for further information.

Off Balance Sheet Turbine Financing Arrangement (Entergy Corporation)

      As  discussed in Note 9 to the financial statements in the Form
10-K,  EWO obtained contracts in October 1999 to acquire 36  turbines
from  General Electric.  Entergy's rights and obligations  under  the
contracts for 22 of the turbines were sold to an independent special-
purpose  entity in May 2001.  In the first quarter of  2002,  Entergy
recorded  a $216.2 million ($140.5 million net of tax) provision  for
Entergy's  estimate of the impairments resulting from the decline  in
the  value of the turbines subject to purchase commitments  with  the
special-purpose  entity.  Entergy's total potential impairment  under
this  arrangement  is limited to the costs of cancellation  of  these
turbines.  The Consolidated Statement of Operations reflects the pre-
tax effect of this liability in operation and maintenance expenses.

Employment Litigation (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy
Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, and Entergy  New

      Entergy  Corporation, Entergy Arkansas,  Entergy  Gulf  States,
Entergy  Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, and Entergy New Orleans  are
defendants  in numerous lawsuits filed by former employees  asserting
that they were wrongfully terminated and/or discriminated against  on
the  basis  of  age, race, and/or sex.  The defendant  companies  are
vigorously  defending  these suits and  deny  any  liability  to  the
plaintiffs.   Nevertheless, no assurance  can  be  given  as  to  the
outcome of these cases.

Asbestos  and  Hazardous Material Litigation  (Entergy  Gulf  States,
Entergy Louisiana, and Entergy New Orleans)

     Numerous lawsuits have been filed in federal and state courts in
Texas  and  Louisiana primarily by contractor employees in the  1950-
1980  timeframe  against Entergy Gulf States, Entergy Louisiana,  and
Entergy  New Orleans, as premises owners of power plants, for damages
caused  by  alleged exposure to asbestos or other hazardous material.
See  Note 9 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for  further

Litigation   (Entergy  Corporation, Entergy  Arkansas,  Entergy  Gulf
States,  Entergy  Louisiana,  Entergy Mississippi,  and  Entergy  New

      In addition to those proceedings discussed elsewhere herein and
in  the  Form  10-K, Entergy and the domestic utility  companies  are
involved  in  a number of other legal proceedings and claims  in  the
ordinary  course of their businesses.  While management is unable  to
predict  the outcome of these other legal proceedings and claims,  it
is  not  expected  that  their  ultimate resolution  individually  or
collectively  will have a material adverse effect on the  results  of
operations, cash flows, or financial condition of these entities.


Electric Industry Restructuring and the Continued Application of SFAS

      Previous  developments  and  information  related  to  electric
industry  restructuring  are presented in Note  2  to  the  financial
statements in the Form 10-K.


(Entergy Corporation and Entergy Gulf States)

      Retail  open access legislation is in place in Texas,  but  the
implementation of retail open access in Entergy Gulf States'  service
territory  is  delayed until at least September 15, 2002,  and  given
current FERC and PUCT activities, retail open access in Entergy  Gulf
States'  territory is not likely to begin before May  2003.   Several
proceedings  necessary  to implement retail  open  access  are  still
pending, including the proceeding to set the price-to-beat fuel  rate
that  will  be charged by Entergy's retail electric service provider.
In   addition,   the  LPSC  has  not  approved  for   the   Louisiana
jurisdictional operations the transfer of generation assets to, or  a
power  purchase  agreement with, Entergy's Texas generation  company.
Therefore,   neither  the  necessary  regulatory  actions   nor   the
reasonable determinability of the effect of deregulation has occurred
for  Entergy Gulf States to discontinue the application of regulatory
accounting principles to its Texas generation operations.

Retail Rate Proceedings

Filings with the APSC  (Entergy Corporation and Entergy Arkansas)

March 2002 Settlement Agreement

     As  discussed in the Form 10-K, in March 2002, Entergy Arkansas,
the  APSC  staff,  and  the  Arkansas Attorney  General  submitted  a
settlement  agreement  to  the  APSC  for  approval.   The  agreement
resolves  issues  discussed in the Form 10-K  under  "Retail  Rates,"
"Transition  Cost  Account,"  and  "December  2000  Ice  Storm   Cost
Recovery."   Arkansas  Electric Energy Consumers,  Inc.  opposed  the
settlement.  A hearing before the APSC to consider the settlement was
held  on April 11, 2002.  No assurance can be given as to the  timing
or outcome of the proceedings before the APSC.

Fuel Cost Recovery

     In  March 2002, Entergy Arkansas filed its annually redetermined
energy  cost  rate  with the APSC, including a new energy  allocation
factor.  The filing reflected that a decrease was warranted due to  a
decrease  in  fuel  and  purchased  power  costs  in  2001  and   the
accumulated over-recovery of 2001 energy costs.  The decreased energy
cost rate is effective April 2002 through March 2003.

Filings with the PUCT and Texas Cities  (Entergy Corporation and
Entergy Gulf States)

Recovery of River Bend Costs

      In March 1998, the PUCT disallowed recovery of $1.4 billion  of
company-wide  abeyed River Bend plant costs which have been  held  in
abeyance  since  1988.   Entergy  Gulf  States  appealed  the  PUCT's
decision on this matter to the Travis County District Court in Texas.
In June 1999, subsequent to the settlement agreement discussed in the
Form  10-K,  Entergy Gulf States removed the reserve for  River  Bend
plant  costs  held  in abeyance and reduced the value  of  the  plant
asset.   The  settlement agreement limits potential recovery  of  the
remaining  plant  asset, less depreciation, to  $115  million  as  of
January  1,  2002.  In a settlement in its transition to  competition
proceedings,  and  consistent with the June 1999 settlement,  Entergy
Gulf States agreed not to prosecute its appeal until January 1, 2002.
Entergy Gulf States also agreed that it will not seek recovery of the
abeyed plant costs through any additional charge to Texas ratepayers.
Entergy  Gulf States is now prosecuting its appeal, and the  argument
on  the appeal occurred in March 2002. In its interim order approving
this  settlement,  however, the PUCT recognized that  any  additional
River Bend investment found prudent, subject to the $115 million cap,
could  be  used  as  an  offset  against  stranded  benefits,  should
legislation  be  passed  requiring  Entergy  Gulf  States  to  return
stranded  benefits to retail customers.  In April  2002,  the  Travis
County  District Court issued an order affirming the PUCT's order  on
remand.   Entergy Gulf States has appealed this ruling to  the  Third
District  Court of Appeals.  The financial statement  impact  of  the
retail  rate  settlement  agreement on the abeyed  plant  costs  will
ultimately   depend  on  several  factors,  including  the   possible
discontinuance  of  SFAS  71  accounting  treatment  for  the   Texas
generation  business,  the  determination  of  the  market  value  of
generation assets, and any future legislation in Texas addressing the
pass-through  or  sharing  of  any  stranded  benefits   with   Texas
ratepayers.   No assurance can be given that additional  reserves  or
write-offs will not be required in the future.

PUCT Fuel Cost Review

     As determined in the June 1999 retail rate settlement agreement,
Entergy  Gulf States adopted a methodology for calculating its  fixed
fuel  factor  based  on  the  market  price  of  natural  gas.   This
calculation  and any necessary adjustments occur semi-annually.   The
settlement that delayed implementation of retail open access in Texas
for  Entergy  Gulf  States  provides that Entergy  Gulf  States  will
continue the use of this methodology until retail open access begins.
The  amounts  collected under Entergy Gulf States' fixed fuel  factor
until  the  date  retail open access commences are  subject  to  fuel
reconciliation  proceedings before the PUCT.  The  interim  surcharge
discussed  below  will  also be subject to  the  fuel  reconciliation

     In January 2001, Entergy Gulf States filed a fuel reconciliation
case  covering  the  period  from March  1999  through  August  2000.
Entergy Gulf States is reconciling approximately $583 million of fuel
and  purchased  power  costs.  As part of this filing,  Entergy  Gulf
States  requested a surcharge to collect $28 million, plus  interest,
of  under-recovered fuel and purchased power costs.  A hearing on the
merits concluded in August 2001, and the ALJ has recommended that the
surcharge  be reduced to $7 million.  The PUCT considered  the  ALJ's
recommendation in February 2002, but did not reach a final  decision.
The  PUCT remanded certain issues related to the eligibility of costs
for  Entergy  Gulf States 30% non-regulated share of River  Bend  for
further consideration by the State Office of Administrative Hearings.
No assurance can be given as to the outcome of this proceeding.

     In  November 2001, Entergy Gulf States filed an application with
the PUCT requesting an interim surcharge to collect $71 million, plus
interest,  of  under-recovered  fuel  and  purchased  power  expenses
incurred  from September 2000 through September 2001.   Entergy  Gulf
States  made  the  application pursuant to one of the  terms  of  the
settlement  agreement  that  delayed implementation  of  retail  open
access in Texas for Entergy Gulf States.  In March 2002, Entergy Gulf
States  revised its request to collect $30.3 million, plus  interest,
of  under-recovered fuel and purchased power expenses  incurred  from
September  2000 through February 2002.  Entergy Gulf States requested
that  the  surcharge  begin in April 2002 and extend  through  August
2002, or until the fuel cost is fully recovered, whichever is sooner.
In March 2002, the PUCT issued an order approving the surcharge.  The
surcharge was implemented in the first billing cycle of April 2002.

Filings with the LPSC

Annual  Earnings  Reviews   (Entergy  Corporation  and  Entergy  Gulf

     In May 2001, Entergy Gulf States filed its eighth required post-
merger  earnings analysis with the LPSC.  This filing is  subject  to
review  by  the LPSC and may result in a change in rates.   In  April
2002,  the  LPSC staff filed testimony recommending a  $16.5  million
rate  refund  and  a $40.1 million prospective rate  reduction.   The
prospective reduction includes a recommended reduction in  return  on
equity that would not take effect until the later of June 2003 or the
date of the LPSC's order.  Hearings were held in April 2002.

Formula Rate Plan Filings (Entergy Corporation and Entergy Louisiana)

       In   May  1997,  Entergy  Louisiana  made  its  second  annual
performance-based formula rate plan filing with the LPSC for the 1996
test  year.   This  filing  resulted in a  total  rate  reduction  of
approximately $54.5 million, which was implemented in July 1997.   At
the  same time, rates were reduced by an additional $0.7 million  and
by  an additional $2.9 million effective March 1998.  Upon completion
of  the  hearing process in December 1998, the LPSC issued  an  order
requiring  an  additional  rate reduction and  refund,  although  the
resulting  amounts  were not quantified.  Entergy Louisiana  appealed
this  order  and  obtained a preliminary injunction pending  a  final
decision  on  appeal.  The Louisiana Supreme Court  rendered  a  non-
unanimous decision in April 2002 affirming the LPSC's order.  Entergy
Louisiana has filed an application for rehearing.

     In  May  2000,  Entergy  Louisiana submitted  its  fifth  annual
performance-based formula rate plan filing for the  1999  test  year.
As  a  result of this filing, Entergy Louisiana implemented  a  $24.8
million  base rate reduction in August 2000.  In September 2001,  the
LPSC  approved  a  settlement in which Entergy  Louisiana  agreed  to
increase  to  $28.2 million the total base rate reduction,  effective
August 2000.  The additional rate reduction and the associated credit
were  implemented  in  September 2001.  The settlement  resolved  all
issues in the proceeding except for Entergy Louisiana's claim for  an
increase in its allowed return on common equity from 10.5% to  11.6%.
A  hearing to address the return on common equity issue was  held  in
March 2002.

     In  April  2001,  Entergy Louisiana submitted its  sixth  annual
performance-based formula rate plan filing, which used  a  2000  test
year.   The  filing indicated that an immaterial base rate  reduction
might  be  appropriate.  Subsequently, Entergy  Louisiana  agreed  to
implement an additional $3.4 million rate reduction effective  August
2001.  This stipulation resolved all issues relating to the 2000 test
year,  except issues relating to its return on common equity and  the
treatment of certain capacity costs in the formula rate plan process.
These issues will be addressed in a hearing scheduled for June 2002.

Filings with the MPSC  (Entergy Corporation and Entergy Mississippi)

Formula Rate Plan Filings

      In   March  2002,  Entergy  Mississippi  submitted  its  annual
performance-based formula rate plan filing for the  2001  test  year.
The  submittal  indicated  that  a $2.8  million  rate  increase  was
appropriate  under the formula rate plan.  In April  2002,  the  MPSC
Staff  and Entergy Mississippi entered into a stipulation, which  the
MPSC  approved,  that  provides  for an  increase  of  $1.95  million
effective in May 2002.

Filings  with  the  Council   (Entergy Corporation  and  Entergy  New

Natural Gas

     In  a  resolution  adopted in August 2001, the  Council  ordered
Entergy New Orleans to account for $36 million of certain natural gas
costs  charged  to  its  gas distribution customers  from  July  1997
through May 2001.  The resolution suggests that refunds may be due to
the  gas distribution customers if Entergy New Orleans cannot account
satisfactorily for these costs.  Entergy New Orleans filed a response
to  the Council in September 2001. Entergy New Orleans has documented
a  full  reconciliation for the natural gas costs during that period.
The  ultimate outcome of the proceeding cannot be predicted  at  this

Fuel Adjustment Clause Litigation

      In  April 1999, a group of ratepayers filed a complaint against
Entergy  New  Orleans,  Entergy Corporation,  Entergy  Services,  and
Entergy Power in state court in Orleans Parish purportedly on  behalf
of  all  Entergy New Orleans ratepayers.  The plaintiffs seek  treble
damages  for  alleged  injuries arising from the defendants'  alleged
violations  of Louisiana's antitrust laws in connection with  certain
costs passed on to ratepayers in Entergy New Orleans' fuel adjustment
filings  with  the  Council.  In particular, plaintiffs  allege  that
Entergy  New  Orleans  improperly  included  certain  costs  in   the
calculation  of fuel charges and that Entergy New Orleans imprudently
purchased  high-cost fuel from other Entergy affiliates.   Plaintiffs
allege  that  Entergy  New  Orleans and the other  defendant  Entergy
companies  conspired  to make these purchases  to  the  detriment  of
Entergy  New  Orleans'  ratepayers and to the  benefit  of  Entergy's
shareholders, in violation of Louisiana's antitrust laws.  Plaintiffs
also seek to recover interest and attorneys' fees.  Exceptions to the
plaintiffs' allegations were filed by Entergy, asserting, among other
things,  that jurisdiction over these issues rests with  the  Council
and  FERC.  If necessary, at the appropriate time, Entergy will  also
raise its defenses to the antitrust claims.  At present, the suit  in
state court is stayed by stipulation of the parties.

      Plaintiffs also filed this complaint with the Council in  order
to  initiate  a review by the Council of the plaintiffs'  allegations
and  to force restitution to ratepayers of all costs they allege were
improperly  and imprudently included in the fuel adjustment  filings.
Testimony was filed on behalf of the plaintiffs in this proceeding in
April   2000   and   has  been  supplemented.   The   testimony,   as
supplemented, asserts, among other things, that Entergy  New  Orleans
and  other  defendants  have engaged in fuel  procurement  and  power
purchasing practices and included costs in Entergy New Orleans'  fuel
adjustment  that  could have resulted in New Orleans customers  being
overcharged  by more than $100 million over a period  of  years.   In
June 2001, the Council's advisors filed testimony on these issues  in
which  they allege that Entergy New Orleans ratepayers may have  been
overcharged by more than $32 million, the vast majority of  which  is
reflected  in  the  plaintiffs' claim.   However,  it  is  not  clear
precisely  what  periods  and  damages  are  being  alleged  in   the
proceeding.   Entergy intends to defend this matter vigorously,  both
in  court and before the Council.  Hearings were held in February and
March  2002.   The  ultimate outcome of the lawsuit and  the  Council
proceeding cannot be predicted at this time.

Purchased Power for Summer 2000, 2001, and 2002 (Entergy Corporation,
Entergy  Arkansas,  Entergy Gulf States, Entergy  Louisiana,  Entergy
Mississippi, and Entergy New Orleans)

     The domestic utility companies filed applications with the APSC,
the  LPSC, the MPSC, and the Council to approve the sale of power  by
Entergy  Gulf States from its unregulated, undivided 30% interest  in
River  Bend  formerly  owned by Cajun to the other  domestic  utility
companies  during  the  summer  of  2000.   These  applications  were
approved  subject  to  subsequent  prudence  reviews.   In  addition,
Entergy  Gulf States and Entergy Louisiana filed an application  with
the  LPSC  for authorization to purchase capacity and electric  power
from  third  parties  for the summer of 2000,  and  filed  a  similar
application  for  the  summer  of  2001.   The  LPSC  approved  these
applications, with reservations of its rights to review the  prudence
of  the purchases and the appropriate categorization of the costs  as
either capacity or energy charges for purposes of recovery.

      The  LPSC  reviewed the 2000 purchases and found  that  Entergy
Louisiana's  and Entergy Gulf States' costs were prudently  incurred,
but decided that approximately 34% of the costs should be categorized
as  capacity charges, and therefore should be recovered through  base
rates  and not through the fuel adjustment clause.  In November 2000,
the  LPSC ordered refunds of $11.1 million for Entergy Louisiana  and
$3.6  million for Entergy Gulf States, for which adequate  provisions
were  made.   In  May 2001, the LPSC determined that 24%  of  Entergy
Louisiana's  and Entergy Gulf States' costs relating to  summer  2001
purchases should be categorized as capacity charges, and has reviewed
certain prudence issues related to the 2001 purchases.  The LPSC  has
questioned  the system's contract mix and raised issues  relating  to
potential uprates at nuclear facilities, and hearings on those issues
are  scheduled  for  May 2002.  Those costs that are  categorized  as
capacity  charges will be included in the costs of  service  used  to
determine  the  base  rates  of Entergy Louisiana  and  Entergy  Gulf
States.  In 2001, these companies recorded a regulatory asset for the
capacity  charges  incurred  in both 2000  and  2001.   The  capacity
charges  for  2000 are being amortized through May 2002  for  Entergy
Gulf  States  and  through  July 2002  for  Entergy  Louisiana.   The
capacity  charges  for  2001 will be amortized  over  a  twelve-month
period beginning in June 2002 for Entergy Gulf States and August 2002
for Entergy Louisiana.

     In  March 2002, Entergy Louisiana filed an application with  the
LPSC for the summer of 2002 similar to the applications filed for the
summers of 2000 and 2001.  A preliminary procedural schedule has been
adopted for that docket.  Hearings on the issues of the percentage of
the  costs  that  should be categorized as capacity charges  and  the
establishment of a regulatory asset will be conducted  in  June  2002
with  the  expectation that the LPSC will render a decision on  those
issues  at its July 2002 public meeting.  Any other issues associated
with the summer 2002 application will be addressed in proceedings  to
be conducted later in 2002.

System  Energy's 1995 Rate Proceeding  (Entergy Corporation,  Entergy
Arkansas,   Entergy  Louisiana,  Entergy  Mississippi,  Entergy   New
Orleans, and System Energy)

     As  discussed  in  the  Form  10-K,  FERC  denied  requests  for
rehearing in the System Energy rate increase proceeding and the  July
2000  order  became  final.  System Energy made a  compliance  tariff
filing  in August 2001 and it was accepted by FERC in November  2001.
System  Energy  made  refunds to the domestic  utility  companies  in
December  2001.   A  portion of the refund to  the  domestic  utility
companies  has  been  or  will  be refunded  to  customers.   Entergy
Arkansas  refunded  $54.3 million, including  interest,  through  the
issuance  of  refund checks in March 2002 as approved  by  the  APSC.
Entergy  Mississippi  is  refunding $14.8 million  to  its  customers
through  credits  to  the Grand Gulf Riders.  The  credits  began  in
October  2001  and  will occur through September 2002.   Entergy  New
Orleans  refunded $27.0 million to its customers through the issuance
of refund checks in the first quarter of 2002.

NOTE 3.  COMMON STOCK  (Entergy Corporation)

       During   the  three  months  ended  March  31,  2002,  Entergy
Corporation  issued  2,477,272 shares of its  previously  repurchased
common stock to satisfy stock options exercised.


(Entergy Arkansas)

     On  March  1,  2002, Entergy Arkansas retired, at maturity,  $85
million of 7% Series First Mortgage Bonds.

     On March 28, 2002, Entergy Arkansas issued $100 million of 6.70%
Series First Mortgage Bonds due April 1, 2032.  A portion of the  net
proceeds  was used to satisfy the annual replacement fund requirement
under the mortgage relating to the bonds by redeeming $85 million  of
8.75%  Series First Mortgage Bonds due March 1, 2026.  The  remaining
net  proceeds will be used to replace a portion of the cash that  was
used to meet the maturity of the $85 million 7% Series First Mortgage
Bonds retired on March 1, 2002 discussed above.

(Entergy Gulf States)

      On  January 1, 2002, Entergy Gulf States retired, at  maturity,
$148  million  of  8.21% Series First Mortgage Bonds with  internally
generated funds.

(Entergy Louisiana)

      On January 1, 2002, Entergy Louisiana retired, at maturity, $23
million  of  7.5%  Series First Mortgage Bonds.  On  March  1,  2002,
Entergy  Louisiana retired, at maturity, $75 million of 5.80%  Series
First Mortgage Bonds.

     On  March  27,  2002, Entergy Louisiana issued $150  million  of
7.60%  Series First Mortgage Bonds due April 1, 2032.  A  portion  of
the  net  proceeds  was used to satisfy the annual  replacement  fund
requirement  under  the mortgage relating to the bonds  by  redeeming
$115  million of 8.75% Series First Mortgage Bonds due March 1, 2026.
The  remaining  net proceeds will be used to reduce  short-term  debt
which, among other things, was incurred to meet the maturities of the
First Mortgage Bonds discussed above.

NOTE 5.  RETAINED EARNINGS  (Entergy Corporation)

      On  April  10, 2002, Entergy Corporation's Board  of  Directors
declared a common stock dividend of $0.33 per share, payable on  June
1, 2002, to holders of record as of May 14, 2002.


      Entergy's reportable segments as of March 31, 2002 are domestic
utility, domestic non-utility nuclear, and energy commodity services.
"All  Other"  includes the parent company, Entergy  Corporation,  and
other business activity, which is principally gains or losses on  the
sales of businesses and the earnings on the proceeds of those sales.

     Entergy's segment financial information for the first quarter of
2002 and 2001 is as follows (in thousands):

                                   Domestic   Domestic Non-   Energy    All Other*   Eliminations Consolidated
                                    Utility     Utility     Commodity
                                                Nuclear*    Services*
Operating Revenues                 $1,447,799     $278,896    $125,760       $9,002        ($623)   $1,860,834
Equity in earnings of
 unconsolidated equity affiliates           -            -      75,065            -             -       75,065
Income Taxes (Benefit)                 65,376       26,253    (113,386)      (4,141)            -      (25,898)
Net Income (Loss)                     108,244       40,064    (215,126)      (6,165)            -      (72,983)
Total Assets                       19,944,025    3,452,783   2,357,299      591,921      (836,172)  25,509,856

Operating Revenues                 $1,983,707     $179,375    $477,946      $12,390         ($991)  $2,652,427
Equity in earnings of
 unconsolidated equity affiliates           -            -      25,064            -             -       25,064
Income Taxes (Benefit)                 85,505       19,919       7,596       (4,591)            -      108,429
Net Income (Loss)                     120,437       29,959      18,345       (7,870)            -      160,871
Total Assets                       20,562,033    1,874,783   2,666,089      983,934      (895,080)  25,191,759

Businesses  marked  with  *  are  sometimes  referred   to   as   the
"competitive  businesses," with the exception of the parent  company,
Entergy   Corporation.    Eliminations  are  primarily   intersegment

      Energy commodity services' net loss for the quarter includes  a
$401.4  million charge to operating expenses ($260.9 million  net  of
tax)  to  reflect  the  effect of Entergy's decision  to  discontinue
additional  EWO  greenfield power plant development  and  to  reflect
asset  impairments  resulting  from the  deteriorating  economics  of
wholesale power markets in the United States and the United  Kingdom.
The charge consists of the following:

     o as discussed in Note 1, $216.2 million of the charge is  a
       provision for Entergy's estimate of the impairments resulting from
       the  decline in the value of the turbines subject to  purchase
       commitments with a special-purpose entity.  Entergy's total potential
       impairment under this arrangement is limited to the  costs  of
       cancellation of the turbines that the special-purpose entity was
       formed to acquire;
     o $152.5 million of the charge results from the write-off of EWO's
       equity investment in the Damhead Creek project ($55.0 million) and
       the impairment of the values of the Warren Power power plant ($34.2
       million) and the Crete project ($63.3 million).  This portion of the
       charge reflects Entergy's estimate of the effects of continued
       declining spark spreads in the United States and the United Kingdom;
     o $32.7 million of the charge results from the write-off  of
       capitalized project development costs for projects that will not be


      As  discussed in the Form 10-K, Entergy implemented  SFAS  142,
"Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets" and SFAS 144, "Accounting  for
the Impairment or Disposal of Long-lived Assets" effective January 1,
2002.   The  implementation of SFAS 142 resulted in the cessation  of
the  amortization  of  the  remaining  plant  acquisition  adjustment
recorded in conjunction with its acquisition of Entergy Gulf  States;
this will increase Entergy's annual net income by approximately $16.3
million.   Entergy  will  also perform  an  impairment  test  on  the
remaining  acquisition adjustment, which is recorded as  goodwill  on
the  balance  sheet effective January 1, 2002.  As SFAS  142  allows,
Entergy  will complete this impairment test in the second quarter  of
2002.   Entergy does not believe an impairment will result from  this
test  when  it is completed.  The following table is a reconciliation
of  reported  earnings (loss) applicable to common stock to  earnings
(loss)  applicable to common stock without goodwill amortization  for
the three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001.

                                                             2002           2001
                                                               (In Thousands,
                                                             Except Share Data)
Reported earnings (loss) applicable to common stock         ($78,923)     $154,155
Add back:  Goodwill amortization                                   -         4,066
							   ---------	  --------
Earnings (loss) applicable to common stock without
goodwill amortization                                       ($78,923)     $158,221
							   =========      ========
Basic earnings (loss) per average common share:
Reported earnings (loss) applicable to common stock           ($0.36)        $0.70
Goodwill amortization                                              -          0.02
							   ---------	  --------
Earnings (loss) applicable to common stock without
goodwill amortization                                         ($0.36)        $0.72
							   =========      ========

Diluted earnings (loss) per average common share:
Reported earnings (loss) applicable to common stock           ($0.36)        $0.69
Goodwill amortization                                              -          0.02
							   ---------	  --------
Earnings (loss) applicable to common stock without
goodwill amortization                                         ($0.36)        $0.71
							   =========      ========

     The implementation of SFAS 144 did not have a significant effect
on Entergy's financial position or results of operations.


     See  Note 13 to the financial statements in the Form 10-K for  a
discussion of Entergy's equity method investments.

     In the first quarter of 2002, EWO sold its interests in projects
in  Argentina,  Chile, and Peru, including Generandes Peru  S.A.  and
Compania  Electrica San Isidro S.A.  EWO had $100.8 million reflected
in  "Investments in affiliates - at equity" for these investments  as
of  December  31,  2001,  and reported $11.6 million  of  "Equity  in
earnings  of unconsolidated equity affiliates" from these investments
for  the  year ended December 31, 2001.  After impairment  provisions
recorded  for these interests in 2001, the net loss realized  on  the
sale in the first quarter of 2002 is insignificant. Approximately $66
million  of cumulative translation adjustments were realized  in  the

     As  discussed  in Note 6, in the first quarter of  2002  Entergy
recorded an impairment of $63.3 million against the book value of its
investment in Crete Energy Ventures, LLC.

NOTE 9.  EARNINGS PER SHARE  (Entergy Corporation)

      In  accordance with SFAS 128, "Earnings per Share," because  of
the  loss incurred for the three months ended March 31, 2002  Entergy
did not include potential common shares in the computation of diluted
earnings  per share for that period.  Nevertheless, potential  common
shares related to Entergy's stock option and other stock compensation
plans do exist and the average number of shares outstanding including
these  potential  common  shares  is presented  in  the  Consolidated
Statements  of  Operations  for  the period  ended  March  31,  2002.
Including  these  potential  common  shares  in  the  calculation  of
earnings per share for the three months ended March 31, 2002  results
in a loss per share of $0.35 for that period.


     In the opinion of the management of Entergy Corporation, Entergy
Arkansas,   Entergy   Gulf   States,   Entergy   Louisiana,   Entergy
Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and System Energy, the accompanying
unaudited  condensed  financial statements  contain  all  adjustments
(consisting    primarily   of   normal   recurring    accruals    and
reclassification of previously reported amounts to conform to current
classifications) necessary for a fair statement of  the  results  for
the interim periods presented.  However, the business of the domestic
utility   companies  and  System  Energy  is  subject   to   seasonal
fluctuations  with  the  peak  periods  occurring  during  the  third
quarter.  The results for the interim periods presented should not be
used as a basis for estimating results of operations for a full year.

                     PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

      See  "PART I, Item 1, Other Regulation and Litigation"  in  the
Form 10-K for a discussion of legal proceedings affecting Entergy.

Item 5.  Other Information

Environmental Regulation  (Entergy Gulf States)

       The  State  of  Louisiana  is  implementing  emission  control
strategies to address continued ozone non-attainment status of  areas
in and around Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  In March 2002, the LDEQ issued
a  rule  for control of NOx as part of the State Implementation  Plan
(SIP)  to  bring this area into attainment with the National  Ambient
Air  Quality  standards  for ozone by May  2005.   It  simultaneously
issued   a  proposed  revision  to  this  rule.   The  rule  contains
provisions  that  would  lead  to installation  of  new  NOx  control
equipment  at  Entergy  Gulf  States generating  units.   Preliminary
analyses  indicate compliance costs may be as much as $72 million  in
new capital spending.  The proposed revision would reduce these costs
by  at least $9 million.  Most of the capital expenditures would take
place  in  2003 and 2004.  The final revision is expected  to  be  in
place  by  May  2002.  Cost estimates will be refined as  engineering
studies  progress  before  and after promulgation  of  the  NOx  rule
revisions  and approval of the SIP by the EPA.  Entergy  Gulf  States
will  be  required to obtain revised operating permits from the  LDEQ
and  meet new, lower emission limits for NOx. In March 2002, however,
a  federal  district  court issued a judgement ordering  the  EPA  to
determine  the  ozone non-attainment status of the Baton  Rouge  area
and,  if  appropriate,  reclassify  the  area  as  a  result  of  the
determination.   The  judgement may result in a  downgrade  from  the
current    status    of   "serious"   to   "severe"    non-attainment
classification.  If this occurs, the LDEQ ozone SIP rulemakings could
be  affected, especially in terms of scheduling.  The specific impact
of  the judgement on Entergy Gulf States will depend on the timing of
the EPA approval of the SIP.

Earnings  Ratios   (Entergy Arkansas, Entergy  Gulf  States,  Entergy
Louisiana,  Entergy  Mississippi, Entergy  New  Orleans,  and  System

     The domestic utility companies and System Energy have calculated
ratios  of  earnings  to  fixed charges and  ratios  of  earnings  to
combined  fixed charges and preferred dividends pursuant to Item  503
of Regulation S-K of the SEC as follows:

                         Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges
                                 Twelve Months Ended
                                    December 31,           March 31,
                       1997    1998    1999   2000  2001      2002

Entergy Arkansas       2.54   2.63    2.08    3.01  3.29      3.16
Entergy Gulf States    1.42   1.40    2.18    2.60  2.36      2.15
Entergy Louisiana      2.74   3.18    3.48    3.33  2.76      3.13
Entergy Mississippi    2.98   3.12    2.44    2.33  2.14      2.21
Entergy New Orleans    2.70   2.65    3.00    2.66   (b)       (c)
System Energy          2.31   2.52    1.90    2.41  2.12      2.28

                            Ratios of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges
                                   and Preferred Dividends
                                     Twelve Months Ended
                                         December 31,            March 31,
                           1997    1998    1999    2000   2001      2002

Entergy Arkansas           2.24   2.28    1.80    2.70    2.99      2.89
Entergy Gulf States (a)    1.23   1.20    1.86    2.39    2.21      2.01
Entergy Louisiana          2.36   2.75    3.09    2.93    2.51      2.85
Entergy Mississippi        2.69   2.80    2.18    2.09    1.96      2.03
Entergy New Orleans        2.44   2.41    2.74    2.43    (b)        (c)

(a)  "Preferred Dividends" in the case of Entergy Gulf States  also
     include  dividends on preference stock for the  twelve  months
     ended 1997, 1998, and 1999.
(b)  Earnings  for the twelve months ended December 31,  2001,  for
     Entergy  New Orleans were not adequate to cover fixed  charges
     and  combined  fixed charges and preferred dividends  by  $6.6
     million and $9.5 million, respectively.
(c)  Earnings  for  the  twelve months ended March  31,  2002,  for
     Entergy  New Orleans were not adequate to cover fixed  charges
     and  combined fixed charges and preferred dividends  by  $13.6
     million and $16.3 million, respectively.

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

      (a) Exhibits*

   4(a) -    Fifty-sixth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of March  1,
             2002,  to Entergy Louisiana's Mortgage and Deed of Trust,
             dated  as of April 1, 1944 (A-2(d) to Rule 24 Certificate
             dated April 4, 2002 in 70-9141).

   4(b) -    Fifty-seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as  of  March
             1, 2002, to Entergy Arkansas' Mortgage and Deed of Trust,
             dated  as of October 1, 1944 (C-2(a) to Form U5S for  the
             year ended December 31, 2001).

   10(a) -   Amendment,  effective  December 10,  2001,  to  the  1998
             Equity   Ownership  Plan  of  Entergy   Corporation   and

   10(b) -   Amendment,  effective December 10, 2001, to  the  Entergy
             Corporation and Subsidiaries Equity Awards Plan.

   10(c) -   Amendment, effective December 10, 2001, to the  Executive
             Deferred  Compensation  Plan of Entergy  Corporation  and

   99(a) -   Entergy  Arkansas' Computation of Ratios of  Earnings  to
             Fixed  Charges and of Earnings to Combined Fixed  Charges
             and Preferred Dividends, as defined.

   99(b) -   Entergy Gulf States' Computation of Ratios of Earnings to
             Fixed  Charges and of Earnings to Combined Fixed  Charges
             and Preferred Dividends, as defined.

   99(c) -   Entergy Louisiana's Computation of Ratios of Earnings  to
             Fixed  Charges and of Earnings to Combined Fixed  Charges
             and Preferred Dividends, as defined.

   99(d) -   Entergy  Mississippi's Computation of Ratios of  Earnings
             to  Fixed  Charges  and  of Earnings  to  Combined  Fixed
             Charges and Preferred Dividends, as defined.

   99(e) -   Entergy New Orleans' Computation of Ratios of Earnings to
             Fixed  Charges and of Earnings to Combined Fixed  Charges
             and Preferred Dividends, as defined.

   99(f) -   System  Energy's  Computation of Ratios  of  Earnings  to
             Fixed Charges, as defined.

Pursuant   to   Item  601(b)(4)(iii)  of  Regulation   S-K,   Entergy
Corporation  agrees  to furnish to the Commission  upon  request  any
instrument  with respect to long-term debt that is not registered  or
listed  herein  as an Exhibit because the total amount of  securities
authorized  under  such  agreement does not  exceed  ten  percent  of
Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis.

 *   Reference  is  made to a duplicate list of  exhibits  being
     filed as a part of this report on Form 10-Q for the quarter
     ended  March  31, 2002, which list, prepared in  accordance
     with  Item  102  of Regulation S-T of the SEC,  immediately
     precedes the exhibits being filed with this report on  Form
     10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2002.

**   Incorporated herein by reference as indicated.

     (b)   Reports on Form 8-K

     Entergy Corporation

           A  Current Report on Form 8-K, dated January 8, 2002,
           was  filed with the SEC on January 8, 2002, reporting
           information under Item 7. "Financial Statements,  Pro
           Forma Financial Statements and Exhibits" and Item  9.
           "Regulation FD Disclosure".

     Entergy Corporation

           A Current Report on Form 8-K, dated January 31, 2002,
           was filed with the SEC on January 31, 2002, reporting
           information under Item 7. "Financial Statements,  Pro
           Forma Financial Statements and Exhibits" and Item  9.
           "Regulation FD Disclosure".

     Entergy Corporation

           A  Current Report on Form 8-K, dated March  5,  2002,
           was  filed  with the SEC on March 5, 2002,  reporting
           information under Item 7. "Financial Statements,  Pro
           Forma Financial Statements and Exhibits" and Item  9.
           "Regulation FD Disclosure".

     Entergy Arkansas

           A  Current Report on Form 8-K, dated March 25,  2002,
           was  filed  with the SEC on March 25, 2002, reporting
           information under Item 5. "Other Events" and Item  7.
           "Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Statements
           and Exhibits".

     Entergy Arkansas

           A  Current Report on Form 8-K, dated March 26,  2002,
           was  filed  with the SEC on March 26, 2002, reporting
           information under Item 5. "Other Events" and Item  7.
           "Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Statements
           and Exhibits".

     Entergy Corporation

           A  Current Report on Form 8-K, dated April 11,  2002,
           was  filed  with the SEC on April 11, 2002, reporting
           information under Item 7. "Financial Statements,  Pro
           Forma Financial Statements and Exhibits" and Item  9.
           "Regulation FD Disclosure".

     Entergy Corporation

           A  Current Report on Form 8-K, dated April 25,  2002,
           was  filed  with the SEC on April 25, 2002, reporting
           information under Item 7. "Financial Statements,  Pro
           Forma Financial Statements and Exhibits" and Item  9.
           "Regulation FD Disclosure".

     Entergy Corporation

           A  Current Report on Form 8-K, dated May 1, 2002, was
           filed   with  the  SEC  on  May  1,  2002,  reporting
           information   under   Item  5.  "Other   Events   and
           Regulation FD Disclosure".


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act  of
1934, each registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf  by  the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.  The signature
for  each  undersigned  company shall be deemed  to  relate  only  to
matters having reference to such company or its subsidiaries.

                         ENTERGY CORPORATION
                         ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC.
                         ENTERGY GULF STATES, INC.
                         ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.
                         ENTERGY MISSISSIPPI, INC.
                         ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS, INC.
                         SYSTEM ENERGY RESOURCES, INC.

                                   /s/ Nathan E. Langston
                                      Nathan E. Langston
                             Senior Vice President and Chief
				Accounting Officer
                             (For each Registrant and for each as
                                Principal Accounting Officer)

Date:     May 10, 2002