[Logo of Entergy]                             For further information:
				Nancy Morovich, VP, Investor Relations
				  Phone 504/576-5506, Fax 504/576-2897
INVESTOR NEWS                                      nmorovi@entergy.com

							  Exhibit 99.1
October 30, 2002


NEW ORLEANS -   Entergy Corporation reported record third quarter 2002
operational  earnings of $1.50 per share compared with  $1.24  in  the
same  period  of  2001, reflecting increased contributions  from  both
utility operations and Entergy's non-utility nuclear business.  The 21
percent  increase in operational earnings in third quarter  follows  a
ten  percent  increase  achieved in second quarter  2002.   On  an  as
reported  basis, Entergy reported income of $1.59 per share for  third
quarter  2002, or 14 percent higher than one year ago.  Third  quarter
2002 reported results reflected a special item related primarily to  a
gain on the sale of two development projects in Spain.  Operating cash
flow  for  third  quarter 2002 compared to the same period  last  year
increased  $239 million to $867 million due primarily  to  higher  net
income  and  lower fuel payments at utility operations and higher  net
income at the non-utility nuclear business.

"Operating results reflect fundamentally strong performance across our
businesses," said J. Wayne Leonard, Entergy's chief executive officer.
"Over  the past four years we made tough decisions that were necessary
to  position  our company to withstand some of the most severe  market
conditions our industry has ever endured.  While we are now  realizing
some of the benefits of those decisions, there is much work left to be
done.   We  are  committed to remaining sharply focused  on  operating
excellence,  risk  management  and the  execution  of  our  investment
strategies  which  we believe will position us to continue  delivering
superior value to all of our stakeholders."

Table  1 provides a comparative summary of earnings per share for
third quarter and year-to-date 2002.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 1:  Entergy Corporation Consolidated Results
Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2002 vs. 2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in U.S. $)

				 Third Quarter        Year-to-Date
			      2002   2001    $     2002   2001    $
					   Change               Change
As Reported
   U.S. Utility               1.07   0.99   0.08   2.38   2.25   0.13
   Parent & Other            (0.02) (0.06)  0.04  (0.07) (0.07)    -
   Competitive Businesses     0.54   0.46   0.08  (0.01)  0.96  (0.97)
 Consolidated Earnings        1.59   1.39   0.20   2.30   3.14  (0.84)

Less Special Items
   U.S. Utility                 -      -      -      -   (0.01)  0.01
   Parent & Other               -      -      -      -   (0.05)  0.05
   Competitive Businesses     0.09   0.15  (0.06) (1.17)  0.15  (1.32)
 Total                        0.09   0.15  (0.06) (1.17)  0.09  (1.26)

   U.S. Utility               1.07   0.99   0.08   2.38   2.26   0.12
   Parent & Other            (0.02) (0.06)  0.04  (0.07) (0.02) (0.05)
   Competitive Businesses     0.45   0.31   0.14   1.16   0.81   0.35
 Consolidated Earnings        1.50   1.24   0.26   3.47   3.05   0.42

Weather Impact               (0.04) (0.04)    -   (0.02)  0.01  (0.03)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

I. U.S. Utility

In  third  quarter 2002, as reported and operational utility  earnings
were  $1.07 per share, compared to $0.99 in third quarter  2001.   The
increase in earnings quarter to quarter resulted primarily from higher
revenues due to increased sales volume reflecting both customer growth
and  higher  usage  levels.   In addition, operation  and  maintenance
expenses  were lower during third quarter 2002 due primarily to  lower
plant  outage costs in fossil generation as the result of fewer forced
outages,  as  well as lower spending in distribution operations  which
reflects  the utility's ongoing efforts to aggressively manage  costs.
Utility  operating cash flow for third quarter 2002  compared  to  the
same  period  last  year increased $124 million to  $727  million  due
primarily  to higher net income and lower fuel payments  in  the  2002
period compared to third quarter 2001.

Higher  electricity usage in third quarter 2002 increased  residential
sales  by  3 percent, compared to third quarter 2001.  Commercial  and
governmental  sales  were  up  2 percent, reflecting  increased  usage
across  all  commercial  customer  classes,  while  industrial   sales
experienced   an   increase  of  4  percent  quarter   over   quarter.
Significantly higher usage in the chemical sector, which accounts  for
more  than 40 percent of industrial sales, was the primary contributor
to  the  increase in industrial usage.  The increase in  sales  across
retail  customer  classes, which totaled 3 percent,  as  well  as  the
growth  in the number of customers during the quarter, demonstrates  a
continuation  of  the economic recovery that began in  second  quarter
2002 across the Entergy service territory.  A summary of sales volumes
by customer class is included in Appendix A to this release.

Table  2  provides a summary of the utility's key operational measures
with quarter-to-quarter and year-to-date comparisons.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 2:  Utility Operational Performance Measures
Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2002 vs. 2001 (see appendix C for
definitions of measures)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
				   Third Quarter           Year-to-Date
			      2002    2001     %    2002       2001      %
					    Change                     Change
Generation in GWh            26,635  28,081   -5%  70,364     73,365     -4%
GWh billed
   Residential               10,827  10,502    3%  25,303     24,771      2%
   Commercial and Gov't       8,240   8,073    2%  21,221     20,800      2%
   Industrial                10,839  10,457    4%  30,770     31,478     -2%
Operation & maintenance exp. $14.01  $14.17   -1%  $18.02     $14.42     25%
   SAIFI                       2.10    2.12   -1%
   SAIDI                      161.2   164.1   -2%
   Reliability complaints        58      38   53%      96         97     -1%
   Safety                         9      11  -18%      27         24     13%
Number of customers
   Residential                                  2,236,611  2,217,728      1%
   Commercial & Gov't                             316,665    310,467      2%
   Industrial                                      41,486     41,587      -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The  utility  continues  to  pursue the approval  of  rate  plans  and
mechanisms  that  provide  increased certainty  as  to  the  allowable
earnings  levels as well as incentives to reward operating excellence.
Appendix  B  provides  a summary of the utility's  pending  regulatory
events and regulatory recovery mechanisms by operating subsidiary.

II. Parent & Other

Parent  &  Other recorded an as reported loss per share of $(0.02)  in
third  quarter 2002, compared with a loss of  $(0.06) in third quarter
2001.   The  improved  results were due primarily to  higher  interest
income, lower interest expenses and reduced corporate expenses in  the
current quarter compared to the same period last year.

III. Competitive Businesses

As  reported  earnings  were  $0.54  per  share  for  the  competitive
businesses in third quarter 2002 compared to $0.46 in the same  period
of  2001.   Third quarter 2002 results include a special item totaling
$0.09  which is comprised primarily of a gain recorded on the sale  of
two  development projects, Castelnou and Morautu de Tajuna, in  Spain.
Excluding  this  special  item,  operational  earnings  increased   45
percent, from $0.31 per share in third quarter 2001 to $0.45 in  third
quarter 2002 primarily due to additional nuclear capacity acquired  by
Entergy  Nuclear.   Operating cash flow at the competitive  businesses
for third quarter 2002 compared to the same period last year increased
by  $109  million to $131 million due primarily to higher  net  income
from non-utility nuclear operations in third quarter 2002 compared  to
third quarter 2001.

Table  3  provides  a  2002 vs. 2001 comparison  of  contributions  by
competitive business for third quarter and year-to-date,  on  both  as
reported and operational bases.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 3:  Competitive Businesses Contributions to Earnings Per Share
Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2002 vs. 2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in U.S. $)
			       Third Quarter       Year-to-Date
			    2002  2001      $   2002   2001     $
					 Change               Change
As Reported
Entergy Nuclear             0.32  0.16   0.16   0.74   0.44   0.30
Energy Commodity Services
  Non-nuclear wholesale
   assets                   0.07  0.14  (0.07) (1.17)  0.09  (1.26)
  Entergy-Koch Trading      0.12  0.12     -    0.28   0.32  (0.04)
  Gulf South Pipeline       0.03  0.04  (0.01)  0.14   0.11   0.03
    Total Energy Commodity  0.22  0.30  (0.08) (0.75)  0.52  (1.27)
Total                       0.54  0.46   0.08  (0.01)  0.96  (0.97)

Less Special Items
Entergy Nuclear              -      -      -      -      -      -
Energy Commodity Services
  Non-nuclear wholesale
   assets                   0.09  0.15  (0.06) (1.17)  0.15  (1.32)
  Entergy-Koch Trading       -      -      -      -      -      -
  Gulf South Pipeline        -      -      -      -      -      -
    Total Energy Commodity  0.09  0.15  (0.06) (1.17)  0.15  (1.32)
Total                       0.09  0.15  (0.06) (1.17)  0.15  (1.32)

Entergy Nuclear             0.32  0.16   0.16   0.74   0.44   0.30
Energy Commodity Services
  Non-nuclear wholesale
   assets                  (0.02)(0.01) (0.01)    -   (0.06)  0.06
  Entergy-Koch Trading      0.12  0.12     -    0.28   0.32  (0.04)
  Gulf South Pipeline       0.03  0.04  (0.01)  0.14   0.11   0.03
    Total Energy Commodity  0.13  0.15  (0.02)  0.42   0.37   0.05
Total                       0.45  0.31   0.14   1.16   0.81   0.35
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Table 4 provides a summary of Entergy's non-utility generation in  MWh
sold forward for the years 2002, 2003, and 2004.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 4:  Competitive Businesses Percent of Generation Sold Forward
Years 2002 and 2004 (see appendix C for definitions of measures)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
								     2002    2003   2004
Entergy Nuclear
Planned TWh of generation                                               6      33    33
Percent of total planned generation                                   92%     91%   91%
Percent of EN's total planned generation sold forward                100%    100%   92%
Average realizable and assumed contract price per MWh                 $37    $37    $38
Energy Commodity Services
Planned TWh of generation                                             0.6     3       3
Percent of total planned generation                                    8%     9%     9%
Percent of ECS' total planned generation sold forward (a)             38%    25%    17%
Average realizable contract spark spread per MWh                      $11    $10    $10
Average assumed market spark spread per MWh                            $1     $0     $0
Percent of Competitive Businesses' planned generation sold forward    95%    94%    85%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) Effective second quarter 2002, Damhead Creek, an 800 MW
    gas-fired unit in the U.K., was no longer included in sold forward
    table consistent with Entergy's first quarter 2002
    restructuring announcement.

Entergy Nuclear

Entergy Nuclear (EN) earned $0.32 per share compared to $0.16 in third
quarter  2001.   The increase was due primarily to the full  quarter's
contribution  in  2002  of  Indian Point  2,  which  was  acquired  in
September  2001,  as well as the contribution for a portion  of  third
quarter 2002 of Vermont Yankee, which was acquired at the end of  July
2002.  EN's average capacity factor was 96.8 percent for third quarter
2002  as  compared to 97.5 percent for the same period in  2001.   The
earnings contributions in third quarter 2002 from Indian Point 2,  and
to  a  lesser extent Vermont Yankee, were the primary reasons for  the
increase  of  $73  million in operating cash flow at EN  this  quarter
compared to the same period last year.

EN   continues  to  achieve  excellent  operational  performance.   EN
expanded  its production capacity by 15 percent and its output  by  38
percent  quarter  over  quarter.  Average production  costs  increased
quarter  to  quarter  due  primarily to  the  inclusion  of  amortized
refueling  outage  costs in 2002 for the Pilgrim and  Indian  Point  3
units.   Currently,  EN  has sold 100 percent of  the  output  of  its
generating assets, excluding any uprated capacity, through the end  of
2003 at prices that range from $29 to $49 per megawatt hour.

Table  5  provides  a  summary of Entergy  Nuclear's  key  operational
measures with quarter-to-quarter and year-to-date comparisons.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 5:  Entergy Nuclear Operational Performance Measures
Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2002 vs. 2001 (see appendix C
for definitions of measures)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
			      Third Quarter         Year-to-Date
			   2002   2001     %    2002    2001     %
					Change                Change
Entergy Nuclear
Net MW in operation       3,955  3,445    15%
Average realized price    42.59  34.62    23%
 per MWh
Production cost per MWh   18.49  17.06     8%   18.27   17.24    6%
Generation in GWh         8,152  5,887    38%  23,110  15,354   51%
Capacity factor           96.8%  97.5%    -1%   98.5%   91.5%  7.7%
Refueling outage duration

No refueling outages completed during the quarter
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Energy Commodity Services

Energy  Commodity Services (ECS) includes earnings contributions  from
Entergy-Koch  L.P.  and Entergy's non-nuclear wholesale  assets.   ECS
recorded earnings of $0.22 per share in third quarter 2002 compared to
earnings  of  $0.30 in the same period last year.  The lower  earnings
reported in 2002 compared to last year is due primarily to the  impact
of  special items in each period as detailed in Table 10.  Operational
earnings  in  third quarter 2002 were $0.13 compared to $0.15  in  the
same  period  of  2001, with both quarters' earnings coming  primarily
from  solid  performance in the energy trading business.  As  was  the
case  in the first two quarters of 2002, the income sharing mechanisms
that  are  part  of  the Entergy-Koch partnership agreement  allocated
substantially all of the partnership's income to Entergy in the  third
quarter of this year.

Entergy-Koch L.P. contributed slightly lower operational  earnings  in
third quarter 2002 compared to the same period in 2001 primarily as  a
result of lower volumes of gas transported and higher production costs
at   Gulf   South  Pipeline.   Earnings  from  Entergy-Koch's  trading
operations, EKT, were flat compared to prior year.  Volumes of gas and
electricity traded in third quarter 2002 were both up over 20  percent
compared  to  third  quarter  2001.  Current  quarter  energy  trading
results showed marked improvement when compared to second quarter 2002
results.   This  improvement resulted from improved liquidity  in  the
market during the period, following months when many competitors  were
exiting the trading business, causing market prices to disconnect from
market fundamentals. In addition, EKT was successful in obtaining  new
physical optimization customers representing approximately 11  billion
cubic  feet of gas storage, and its customer-based derivative activity
continued  to improve, showing a year to date increase of  80  percent
based on notional trade value.

Consistent  with EKT's rigorous risk management practices and  trading
discipline,  average daily Earnings at Risk during the  third  quarter
was  $11  million  and  the  duration of  the  trading  book  remained
relatively  short,  with  82  percent of  the  mark  to  market  value
converting  to cash by the end of 2003.   Further, 80 percent  of  the
total  market  value  of EKT's mark to market portfolio  is  based  on
actively   quoted  prices  and  approximately  81  percent  of   EKT's
counterparty  credit  exposure  is  associated  with  companies   that
currently  have  investment grade credit  ratings.   Lastly,  mark  to
market  earnings  comprised just 8 percent of  Entergy's  consolidated
operational earnings for third quarter 2002.

A  special  item  of  $0.09 per share was recorded at  Entergy's  non-
nuclear   wholesale  assets  business.   This  special  item  consists
primarily  of  the  gain  on the sale of two development  projects  in

Table  6  provides  a  summary  of  Energy  Commodity  Services'   key
operational   measures   with   quarter-to-quarter  and   year-to-date

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 6:  Energy Commodity Services Operational Performance Measures
Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2002 vs. 2001 (see appendix C
for definitions of measures)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
				  Third Quarter             Year-to-Date
			      2002    2001      %      2002    2001     %
					     Change                  Change
Entergy-Koch Trading
Electricity volatility         57%     75%    -24%      50%     88%   -43%
Gas volatility                 58%     69%    -16%      64%     69%    -7%
Electricity marketed (GWh)  29,982  24,873     21%   96,643  82,268    17%
Gas marketed (Bcf/d)           1.6     1.3     23%      1.8     1.5    20%
Gain/loss days                 2.0     3.3    -39%      1.9     3.0   -37%
Daily average Earnings
  at Risk                     11.4     6.2     84%     10.0     6.8    47%

Gulf South Pipeline
Throughput                    2.27    2.56    -11%     2.40    2.43    -1%
Miles of pipeline            8,800   8,800      -
Storage capacity (Bcf)          68      68      -
Production cost             $0.096  $0.088      9%   $0.088  $0.091    -3%

Non-Nuclear Wholesale Assets
Net MW in operation(b)       1,209   2,330    -48%
Generation in GWh              274     240     14%
Average realized price
 per MWh                        49      35     40%
Net MW under construction      597     373     60%

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) Effective second quarter 2002, Damhead Creek, an 800 MW gas-fired
    unit in the U.K., was no longer included in net MW in operation
    consistent with Entergy's first quarter 2002 restructuring

Table  7  provides  a  summary of Entergy-Koch's  mark-to-
market impact with quarter-to-quarter comparisons.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 7:  Entergy-Koch Mark-to-Market Detail
Third Quarter 2002 vs. 2001 (see appendix C for definitions of measures)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

							   Third Quarter
						       2002   2001   % Change
Entergy Koch's mark-to-market earnings as
 percent of Entergy's consolidated earnings               8%     10%     -20%
Balance Sheet ($ in millions)
Mark-to-market accounting detail:
   Open equity at end of period                         115     113        2%
Partners' Capital                                     1,149   1,002       15%
Open equity as percent of partners' capital              10%     11%      -9%

							    End of Year
						       2002     2003  2004-2005
Cash Realization                                       ------------------------
   Cumulative percentage of mark-to-market realization   2%      82%     100%

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IV. Variance Analysis

Table  8 below and table 9 on the following page provide third quarter
and year-to-date 2002 vs. 2001 reported earnings variance analyses for
"U.S.   Utility,  Parent  &  Other,"  "Competitive  Businesses,"   and

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 8: Entergy Corporation Reported Earnings Per Share Variance Analysis
Third Quarter 2002 vs. 2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in U.S. $, sorted in consolidated column, most to least
					Parent &     Competitive
					Other         Businesses   Consolidated

2001 earnings                             0.93          0.46           1.39
Net revenue                               0.28  (c)     0.15  (d)      0.43
Interest expense and other charges        0.16  (e)    (0.01)          0.15
Asset impairments and restructuring
  charges                                   -           0.09  (q)      0.09
Other income (deductions)                 0.04  (f)    (0.02)          0.02
Taxes other than income taxes            (0.01)          -            (0.01)
Share repurchase/dilution effect         (0.01)          -            (0.01)
Other operation & maintenance expense     0.07  (g)    (0.10) (h)     (0.03)
Interest and dividend income             (0.05) (i)    (0.01)         (0.06)
Income taxes - other                     (0.05) (j)    (0.01)         (0.06)
Decommissioning expense                  (0.08) (k)      -            (0.08)
Depreciation/amortization expense        (0.23) (l)    (0.01)         (0.24)
					 -----         -----          -----
2002 earnings                             1.05          0.54           1.59
					 -----         -----          -----
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 9: Entergy Corporation Reported Earnings Per Share Variance Analysis
Year-to-Date 2002 vs. 2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in U.S. $, sorted in consolidated column, most to least

					Parent &     Competitive
					Other (a)     Businesses   Consolidated

2001 earnings                             2.18          0.96           3.14
Net revenue                               0.89  (c)     0.62  (d)      1.51
Interest expense and other charges        0.30  (e)      -             0.30
Income taxes - other                     (0.03) (j)     0.08  (j)      0.05
Taxes other than income taxes             0.03  (m)    (0.02)          0.01
Nuclear refueling outage expense          0.02         (0.04) (n)     (0.02)
Share repurchase/dilution effect         (0.03)          -            (0.03)
Other income (deductions)                 0.06  (f)    (0.10) (o)     (0.04)
Decommissioning expense                  (0.08) (k)      -            (0.08)
Interest and dividend income             (0.14) (i)      -            (0.14)
Depreciation/amortization expense        (0.28) (l)    (0.02)         (0.30)
Other operation & maintenance expense    (0.61) (p)    (0.32) (h)     (0.93)
Asset impairments and restructuring
  charges                                   -          (1.17) (q)     (1.17)
					 -----         -----          -----
2002 earnings                             2.31         (0.01)          2.30
					 -----         -----          -----
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(c)  Net  revenue increased in  third quarter  2002  due  primarily  to
     the absence  of the impact of the  Federal  Energy  Regulatory
     Commission   order issued   in    third   quarter   2001, resolving
     a rate application  made  by System  Energy Resources, Inc.,  which
     reduced  net revenues in that  period.  Also,  higher sales volumes
     reflecting continued economic recovery positively impacted net
     revenues  in third  quarter 2002.  For the year-to-date   period,
     net   revenues   were favorably  impacted by  the  recording in
     current  revenue  the  previously deferred  revenues at Entergy
     Arkansas per   the   Transition  Cost   Account mechanism.   The
     ice storm  settlement with the Arkansas Public Service Commission
     authorized previously deferred  amounts to  be  recorded  as revenue.
     In  addition,  net  revenue for  the year-to-date period increased
     due  to  the  impact of  higher  sales volumes noted above. Also,
     fluctuations  in  fuel   prices   that positively  impacted unbilled
     revenue for  the  year-to-date period  led  to higher  net revenue.
     This  impact  is included  in Other on the Net  Revenue Analysis.

	Utility Net Revenue Variance Analysis, 2002 vs. 2001 ($ EPS)
	     Third Quarter                Year-to-Date
	Weather                   -      Weather                 (0.03)
	Regulatory settlements   0.02    Regulatory settlements   0.51
	SERI refund              0.18    SERI refund              0.18
	Sales growth/pricing     0.07    Sales growth/pricing     0.12
	Other                    0.01    Other                    0.11
	Total                    0.28    Total                    0.89

(d)  Net  revenue increased primarily as a result of the inclusion  of
     operations of Indian Point 2 which was acquired in September 2001 and
     Vermont Yankee, acquired July 31, 2002.
(e)  Interest expense & other charges decreased due to the prior year's
     recording of the effects of the FERC order addressing System  Energy
     Resources, Inc.'s 1995 rate application, as well as decreases due to
     the retirement and refinancing of long-term debt and the absence  of
     interest expense in 2002 on System Energy's reserve for rate  refund
     which was finalized in late 2001.
(f)  Other  income  (deductions)  increased  due  primarily  to   the
     suspension  of  any  goodwill amortization in  accordance  with  new
     accounting rules.
(g)  Other operation & maintenance expense decreased primarily due  to
     lower  fossil generation expenses offset by higher nuclear  expenses
     resulting primarily from recording radwaste disposal liabilities.
(h)  Other operation & maintenance expense increased due primarily  to
     the  inclusion  of operations of Indian Point 2 and  Vermont  Yankee
     partially offset by lower expenses in Entergy's non-nuclear wholesale
     assets business.
(i)  Interest  and dividend income decreased due to recording  in  the
     prior  year the effects of the FERC order addressing System Energy's
     1995  rate  application.  The year-to-date period also included  the
     impact  of  lower  interest income earned as a result  of  declining
     deferred fuel balances on which interest is accrued.
(j)  Income  statement line items are tax effected  at  the statutory
     rate.  Any difference between the statutory and effective tax rate is
     reflected in the "Income taxes-other" line.
(k)  Decommissioning expense increased due primarily to recording  the
     effects  of  the  FERC order addressing System  Energy's  1995  rate
     application in third quarter 2001.
(l)  Depreciation expense increased primarily as a result of recording
     the  effects of the FERC order addressing System Energy's 1995  rate
     application in third quarter 2001.
(m)  Taxes  other  than income taxes decreased due  primarily  to  the
     elimination of Entergy Louisiana's franchise tax reserve  associated
     with capital leases in accordance with a recent state court finding.
(n)  Nuclear  refueling  outage expense increased  due  to  initiating
     amortization of this cost in June 2001 for Pilgrim and Indian Point 3.
(o)  Other  income (deductions) decreased due primarily to the absence
     in  2002  of liquidated damages from Damhead Creek plant  and  lower
     equity earnings from affiliates, primarily Entergy-Koch.
(p)  Other operation & maintenance expense increased due primarily  to
     Entergy  Arkansas'  ice storm settlement, prior year's  reversal  of
     Entergy Arkansas' storm damage expenses, and higher nuclear operation
     expenses combined with lower nuclear insurance program distributions.
     Overall expenses were partially offset by no merger related expenses
     in 2002.
(q)  Asset impairments and restructuring charges reflect the impact of
     recording the costs of restructuring the non-nuclear wholesale assets

Table 10 lists special items by business with quarter-to-quarter and year-
to-date comparisons.  Special items are those events that are not routine,
related to prior periods, or related to discontinued operations.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 10:  Entergy Corporation Special Items [shown as positive / (negative)
impact on earnings]
Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2002 vs. 2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in U.S. $)
					 Third Quarter        Year-to-Date
				     2002   2001    $     2002    2001    $
						  Change               Change
U.S. Utility Special Items
  Merger expenses                      -     -      -      -     (0.01)  0.01

Parent & Other Special Items
  Merger expenses                      -     -      -      -     (0.05)  0.05

Competitive Businesses Special Items
  Energy Commodity Services -
    Gain on disposition of assets     0.09  0.15  (0.06)  0.09    0.15  (0.06)
    Asset impairments                  -     -      -    (0.48)    -    (0.48)
    Turbine commitment                 -     -      -    (0.52)    -    (0.52)
    Development costs                  -     -      -    (0.09)    -    (0.09)
    Restructuring                      -     -      -    (0.17)    -    (0.17)
Total                                 0.09  0.15  (0.06) (1.17)   0.15  (1.32)

Total Special Items                   0.09  0.15  (0.06) (1.17)   0.09  (1.26)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

V. Other Financial Performance Highlights

Entergy  generated  $867 million in operating cash  in  third  quarter
2002,  a  significant increase of 38 percent compared to third quarter
2001.   At  the  end of third quarter 2002, Entergy had  approximately
$949 million of cash and cash equivalents.

Operational net margin was 9.9 percent, its highest level in more than
six years and the fifth consecutive quarter of improvement.  Return on
equity increased to 10.8 percent for the eighth consecutive quarter of

The  capital structure ratio remains within Entergy's target range  of
45  to  50  percent  with a net debt ratio of under  48  percent.  The
current  level  of  cash  along  with significant  borrowing  capacity
continues  to provide considerable financial flexibility  to  Entergy.
The off-balance sheet debt, exclusive of operating leases, equals just
$325 million and constitutes about 2 percent of total capitalization.
Table  11  provides a summary of financial measures  with  quarter-to-
quarter and year-to-date comparisons.

Table 11 provides a summary of financial measures with quarter-to-quarter
and year-to-date comparisons.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 11:  Entergy Corporation Key Financial Performance Measures
Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2002 vs. 2001 (see appendix C for
definitions of measures)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
				  Third Quarter           Year-to-Date
				2002  2001  Change    2002    2001 Change
For 3 months ending September 30
Operating cash flow ($ millions)   867   628    239    1,670   1,229    441
Operating cash flow per share ($) 3.82  2.79   1.03     7.34    5.47   1.87

For 12 months ending September 30              2002     2001   Change
Return on average invested capital             7.27%   7.44%  (0.17)%
Return on average common equity               10.82%  10.38%   0.44%
Net margin - operational                       9.94%   7.34%   2.6%
FFO interest coverage                           5.12    3.96   1.16
Book value per share                           35.18   33.97   1.21
End of period shares outstanding (millions)    222.3   221.0    1.3

As of September 30 ($ millions)                2002     2001   Change
Revolver capacity                               823      378     445
Total gross liquidity                         1,772    1,279     493
Total debt                                    8,081    8,738    (657)
Off-balance sheet liabilities:
 Project debt                                     -      211    (211)
 Debt on joint ventures-Entergy's share         325      344     (19)
 Leases-Entergy's share                         395      398      (3)
Total off-balance sheet liabilities             720      953    (233)
 Rating or other contingent liabilities           -       14     (14)
 Net debt to net capital                      47.6%    50.6%   (3.0)%
 Net debt including off-balance
  sheet liabilities                           49.8%    53.1%   (3.3)%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash and Liquidity

At  the end of third quarter 2002, Entergy's combined cash balance and
unused  capacity  on  bank  revolvers was  $1.77  billion.   Entergy's
current  refinancing plan calls for a significant portion of the  $1.2
billion of utility debt which matures through 2003 to be refinanced in
advance,  with $809 million planned to be refinanced on an accelerated
basis prior to year-end 2002.  Utility debt makes up approximately  75
percent  of Entergy's current debt structure. Entergy's $1.45  billion
corporate revolver, $735 million of which was undrawn at September 30,
2002,  has  a  stated termination date of May 14,  2003,  but  can  be
extended  to a one year note at Entergy's discretion through  a  "term
out" provision.  Entergy's liquidity averages approximately $2 billion
through 2004 assuming the corporate revolver is renewed or termed out.
In   addition,  Entergy  has  numerous  liquidity  levers  that  could
potentially  generate  more than $1 billion  of  additional  liquidity
should  it be required.  These levers include the issuance of  Entergy
Corporation  term debt, reduced capital and operation and  maintenance
spending and increasing net debt at the Utility.

Table 12 provides a summary of liquidity sources and uses from September 30,
2002 through December 31, 2004.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 12:  Entergy Corporation Liquidity-Sources and Uses Through 2004
($ in billions)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
				      From        From         From
				    9/30/2002    9/30/2002   9/30/2002
				     through      through     through
				    12/31/2002  12/31/2003   12/31/2004
Cash                                    0.9          0.9         0.9
Entergy Corp. credit revolver
 - unused portion                       0.7          0.7         0.7
Operating cash flow                     0.5          2.2         4.2
Planned refinancing                     0.9          1.5         1.9
  Total liquidity sources               3.0          5.3         7.7
Debt maturities                         0.1          1.5         2.6
Capital expenditures                    0.4          1.5         2.6
Dividends                               0.1          0.3         0.7
  Total liquidity uses                  0.6          3.3         5.9
Net liquidity                           2.4          2.0         1.8
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Debt Refinancing

In  anticipation of the utility's transition to competition which  was
previously  expected  to  occur  in the 2003-2004  timeframe,  Entergy
executed  a  capital  formation plan in  recent  years  that  included
maturities of utility debt consistent with such timeframe.  Given  the
continuing  delay  in  competition  across  nearly  all  of  Entergy's
jurisdictions,  the  company currently expects to  refinance  maturing
utility  debt   for periods up to 30 years, consistent with  the  long
term nature of utility assets.

Table 13 provides details on Entergy's debt maturities and refinancing

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 13: Entergy Corporation and Subsidiaries Debt Maturity and
Refinancing Schedule (r)
($ in millions)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maturities                   4Q 2002    2003   2004-2007  2008-2011   2012+
U. S. Utility                     15   1,197       1,482        511   3,008
Parent                             -       -         775          -       -
Entergy Nuclear                  108     113         402         85      53
Energy Commodity Services          -      83           -          -     488
     Total                       123   1,393       2,659        596   3,549

Planned Refinancings through 2003
U. S. Utility                    809     566
Parent                             -       -
Entergy Nuclear                    -       -
Energy Commodity Services         83       -
     Total                       892     566
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

(r) Long-term debt, including current portion.

Capital Expenditures

Entergy will continue to invest both in its core utility and wholesale
energy  businesses and in growth opportunities aimed at expanding  and
leveraging the advantages offered by its integrated business strategy.
The  expenditures  below reflect capital associated with  maintenance,
fuel procurement, nuclear power uprates, turbine contract cancellation
costs  as  well  as investments in growth opportunities  in  Entergy's
competitive businesses.

Table 14 provides a summary of planned capital expenditures for the
period 2002 through 2004.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 14:  Entergy Corporation Planned Capital Expenditures  2002-2004
($ in billions)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
			       2002    2003    2004    Total
Maintenance capital
  U. S. Utility                 1.0     0.9     0.9     2.8
  Entergy Nuclear               0.2     0.2     0.1     0.5
  Energy Commodity Services      -       -       -       -
    Subtotal                    1.2     1.1     1.0     3.3

Other capital commitments
  U. S. Utility                  -       -       -       -
  Entergy Nuclear               0.2      -       -      0.2
  Energy Commodity Services     0.3      -      0.1     0.4
    Subtotal                    0.5      -      0.1     0.6

Total Planned Capital           1.7     1.1     1.1     3.9
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash Sources and Uses

Entergy  expects  to have a significant amount of cash  available  for
investment  through  the period 2004 primarily  as  a  result  of  its
existing strong cash position together with solid operating cash  flow
over this period.

Table 15 provides a summary of projected sources and uses of cash  for
the  years  2002  through  2004  in  accordance  with  Entergy's  2002
financial plan as disclosed in the 2001 Form 10-K.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 15: Entergy Corporation Projected Sources and Uses of Cash
Years 2002-2004
($ in billions)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sources of cash
    Beginning cash 1/1/02                                       0.8
    Operating cash flow
	Net income                2.3
	Depr. & amort.            2.7
	Other                     0.5
      Total operating cash flow                                 5.5
  Additional debt capacity (50/50 capital structure)            1.4
Total cash available                                            7.7
Less maintenance capital expenditures                           3.3
Less dividends                                                  0.9
Less investment commitment (s)                                  0.6
Cash available for investment                                   2.9

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(s) Includes turbine contract cancellation costs.

VI. Earnings Guidance

"Continued  emphasis  on operating excellence  supported  by  a  solid
financial  plan  produced another quarter of very  positive  results,"
said  C.  John Wilder, Entergy's chief financial officer.  "The  first
nine  months  of  2002 produced many challenges for  Entergy  and  the
results  we've achieved in an extremely tough market provide  evidence
that our business fundamentals are sound and our strategic initiatives
are on track.  The benefits of disproportionate sharing of profit from
the  Entergy-Koch venture, $0.14 in earnings per share  through  third
quarter,  slightly  offset by the year-to-date impact  of  unfavorable
weather,  supports  increasing  our  operational  earnings  per  share
guidance to the $3.60 to $3.70 range for full year 2002."

Entergy's  2002  earnings  guidance is  detailed  in  Table  16.   Key
assumptions reflected in the earnings ranges are as follows:
- - Approximately  70  percent of 2002 earnings are  expected  from  the
  utility.  Earnings guidance is based on existing rate plans and fuel
  recovery mechanisms.  The incremental increase expected in 2002 is the
  result of modest sales growth and operational improvements, the full
  impact of the cessation of goodwill amortization, and the assumption
  of a normal level of allocated tax benefits from Parent.
- - More than 20 percent of earnings are expected from Entergy Nuclear,
  where prices are set by power purchase agreements that cover 100
  percent of the megawatt hours generated.  The increase in nuclear
  earnings is expected to be provided by: a full-year's contribution at
  Indian Point 2; the addition of Vermont Yankee, which was acquired on
  July 31, 2002; and increased pricing of power sold under the power
  purchase agreement at Pilgrim.  The capacity factor assumption for the
  overall fleet is 90 to 93 percent, and Fall 2002 refueling outages are
  reflected at FitzPatrick, Indian Point 2 and Vermont Yankee.
- - Energy Commodity Services' guidance is based on a full year's
  contribution from Entergy-Koch with Entergy receiving substantially
  all of the partnership income for the first three quarters of 2002,
  (based on actual amounts received from a disproportionate sharing
  arrangement), and a 50% share of income in fourth quarter, consistent
  with Entergy's economic ownership.  In addition, guidance reflects
  adjustments for no earnings impact from Damhead Creek consistent with
  Entergy's decision in first quarter 2002 to write-off its equity
  investment in the plant.  Finally, guidance reflects the continued
  impact of depressed spark spreads on Entergy's remaining non-nuclear
  wholesale assets.
- - Parent & Other's guidance is adjusted for a normal level of
  allocated tax benefits, as well as reduced levels of interest income
  due to lower investment balances.

Table  16  provides Entergy's projection of 2002 operational  earnings
per share with 2001 operational earnings as its data starting point.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Table 16:  2002 Earnings Per Share Guidance
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (Per share in US $)

			   2001                                               2002 Guidance
		       Operational      Changes in 2002                            Range
							       Range of Impact
Utility excluding weather        Operational improvement & other  0.08   0.10
				 Weather impact                  (0.02) (0.02)
				 Allocation of parent's tax
				  benefits                       (0.08) (0.08)
				 Suspension of goodwill
				  amortization                    0.07   0.07
			   2.46     Total                         0.05   0.07   2.51   2.53

Entergy Nuclear                  Indian Point 2 (full year) /
				  Vermont Yankee (partial year,
				  including outage)               0.13   0.14
				 Increased revenue due to
				  Pilgrim PPA                     0.05   0.06
				 Capacity factor normalization/
				  outage differences              0.05   0.06
			   0.57     Total                         0.23   0.26   0.80   0.83

Entergy Commodity                Entergy-Koch (first quarter
 Services                         through third quarter 2002
				  based on actual disproportionate
				  sharing of income; fourth
				  quarter based on 50/50
				  sharing)                        0.07   0.10
				 No Saltend operating losses
				  and no Damhead Creek
				  liquidated damages income       0.05   0.05
				 Non-nuclear wholesale assets
				  (post-restructuring)           (0.06) (0.06)
			   0.38     Total                         0.06   0.09   0.44   0.47

Parent & Other                   Allocation of parent's tax
				  benefits                        0.10   0.10
				 Other corporate expenses        (0.01)   -
				 Net interest income/(expense)   (0.06) (0.05)
			  (0.18)    Total                         0.03   0.05  (0.15) (0.13)
Total                      3.23                                   0.37   0.47   3.60   3.70
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Entergy's 2002 operational earnings guidance with September 2002 year-
to-date  actual results as its starting point is detailed in Table  17
below.   This table reflects the projected earnings contributions  for
each of Entergy's businesses for the remainder of 2002.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 17: 2002 Earnings Per Share Guidance Based on September 2002 Year-To-Date
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in US $)
		    September 2002
		       Year-To-                                             2002 Guidance
			 Date              October-December 2002                Range

							     Range of Impact
Utility excluding               Base operations (normal
 weather                         weather)                       0.12   0.14
				Suspension of goodwill
				 amortization                   0.01   0.01
			 2.38     Total                         0.13   0.15   2.51   2.53

Entergy Nuclear                 Pilgrim, IP3, Fitzpatrick,
				 IP2, Vermont Yankee (98%
				 non-outage capacity factor)    0.17   0.17
				IP2, FitzPatrick, and Vermont
				 Yankee refueling outage
				 impact                        (0.11) (0.08)
			 0.74     Total                         0.06   0.09   0.80   0.83

Entergy Commodity               Entergy-Koch (fourth quarter at
 Services                        50% sharing)                   0.04   0.06
				Non-nuclear wholesale assets
				 (post-restructuring) and lower
				 project income                (0.02) (0.01)
			 0.42     Total                         0.02   0.05   0.44   0.47

Parent & Other                  Net interest income/(expense)  (0.03) (0.02)
				Other corporate expenses       (0.05) (0.04)
			(0.07)    Total                        (0.08) (0.06) (0.15) (0.13)
Total                    3.47                                   0.13   0.23   3.60   3.70
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Entergy's  2003  earnings  guidance is  detailed  in  Table  18.   Key
assumptions reflected in the earnings ranges are as follows:
- - Approximately  70  percent of 2003 earnings are  expected  from  the
  utility.  Earnings guidance is based on existing rate plans for  all
  utility   operating  subsidiaries  with  the  exception  of  Entergy
  Mississippi  and Entergy New Orleans, where increased  earnings  are
  assumed  based on pending rate filings, as discussed in Appendix  B.
  Current  fuel  recovery mechanisms are assumed  for  all  companies.
  Incremental earnings expected in 2003 are also the result of  modest
  rate base increases earning returns in the 11-12% range with a full-
  year impact of 2002 rate actions in Arkansas and Mississippi as well
  as some increase in overall sales growth.
- - More  than 20 percent of earnings are expected from Entergy Nuclear,
  where  prices set by power purchase agreements will average $37/MWh.
  Increases will result from the full year impact of Vermont Yankee, and
  reduced overall operating costs.  Capacity factor assumption for the
  fleet ranges from 93 to 95 percent.  Spring 2003 refueling outages are
  assumed at the Pilgrim and Indian Point 3 units.
- - Energy  Commodity Services' guidance is based on contributions  from
  Entergy-Koch  at  a  50 percent sharing of income,  consistent  with
  Entergy's  ownership share.  Modest growth in trading, and pipeline,
  along with savings from the restructured non-nuclear wholesale assets
  business, will add to earnings at ECS.
- - Parent  &  Other's guidance is based on corporate expenses estimated
  at  approximately $30 million partially offset by interest income on
  invested cash.

Table  18  provides Entergy's projection of 2003 operational  earnings
per  share  with 2002 operational earnings guidance mid-point  as  its
data starting point.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 18: 2003 Earnings Per Share Guidance
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Per share in US $)
			  2002 Guidance                                               2003 Guidance
			     Mid-Pt.       Changes in 2003                                Range
								      Range of Impact
Utility excluding weather                Operational improvements
					  and revenues enhancements     0.04   0.07
					 Normal sales growth            0.09   0.11
								       -----  -----
			       2.52        Total                        0.13   0.18    2.65    2.70

Entergy Nuclear                          Increased generation and
					  lower PPA price               0.04   0.06
					 Increased outage
					  amortization expense         (0.08) (0.08)
					 Lower production cost/
					  other                         0.07   0.10
								       -----  -----
			       0.82        Total                        0.03   0.08    0.85    0.90

Entergy Commodity                        Commodity trading
 Services                                 growth                        0.01   0.03
					 Pipeline growth                 -     0.01
					 Entergy-Koch year-to-date
					  2002 disproportionate
					  sharing                      (0.14) (0.14)
					 Reduced overhead/non-nuclear
					  wholesale assets restructuring/
					  other                         0.03   0.05
								       -----  -----
			       0.45        Total                       (0.10) (0.05)   0.35    0.40

Parent & Other                           Net interest income/(expense)  0.03   0.05
					 Reduced corporate expense/
					  retail earnings               0.01   0.04
									----- -----
			      (0.14)       Total                        0.04   0.09   (0.10)  (0.05)
Total                          3.65                                     0.10   0.30    3.75    3.95
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Entergy anticipates growing earnings at an average annual rate of 8 to
10  percent  beyond  2003 and has acknowledged  that  such  growth  is
achievable  only if new investments can be made over the next  several
years.    Entergy  continues  to  remain  confident  that   investment
opportunities  will  be  available and as such believes  the  targeted
level of earnings growth is achievable beyond 2003.

Appendix  A provides details of kwh sales and customer statistics  for
the Utility.

Appendix A:  Utility Electric Energy Sales & Customers
     Three Months Ended September
						      % Weather
				   2002   2001    %    Adjusted
				   (Millions of kwh)
   Residential                    10,827  10,502   3.1    3.1
   Commercial                      7,509   7,351   2.1    1.6
   Governmental                      731     722   1.2   (0.1)
   Industrial                     10,839  10,457   3.7    3.7
     Total to Ultimate Customers  29,906  29,032   3.0    2.9
   Wholesale                       2,823   2,373  19.0
	 Total Sales              32,729  31,405   4.2

   Year to Date September

				  2002   2001    %
			      (Millions of kwh)
  Residential                    25,303  24,771  2.1
  Commercial                     19,219  18,834  2.0
  Governmental                    2,002   1,967  1.8
  Industrial                     30,770  31,478 (2.2)
    Total to Ultimate Customers  77,294  77,050  0.3
  Wholesale                       7,480   7,004  6.8
    Total Sales                  84,774  84,054  0.9

		    Twelve Months Ended September

					2002         2001        %
					(Millions of kwh)
Electric Energy Sales:
Residential                              31,612     31,826      (0.7)
Commercial                               25,091     24,753       1.4
Governmental                              2,628      2,606       0.8
Industrial                               40,869     42,548      (3.9)
				       --------    -------
    Total to Ultimate Customers         100,200    101,733      (1.5)
Wholesale                                 9,372      9,917      (5.5)
				       --------    -------
    Total Sales                         109,572    111,650      (1.9)
				       ========   ========


				      2002            2001           %
Electric Customers  (Year to date average):
Residential                          2,236,611       2,217,728        0.9
Commercial                             301,737         295,823        2.0
Governmental                            14,928          14,644        1.9
Industrial                              41,486          41,587       (0.2)
				    ----------      ----------
    Total to Ultimate Customers      2,594,762       2,569,782        1.0
Wholesale                                   40              39        2.6
				    ----------      ----------
    Total Customers                  2,594,802       2,569,821        1.0
				    ==========      ==========

Appendix B provides a summary of the utility's pending regulatory
events and regulatory recovery mechanisms by operating subsidiary.

Appendix B:  Utility Regulatory Summary Table
Third Quarter 2002
    Company       Allowed   Pending Cases/Events      Fuel Recovery
		    ROE                                 Mechanism
Entergy            11.0%    No   cases   pending.  Annual reset  based
Arkansas                    TCA mechanism expired  on   prior   year's
			    on 12/31/01.           cost

Entergy Gulf       10.95%   Base   rates   frozen  Fuel   Factor  with
States - TX                 since      Settlement  semi-annual   reset
			    order issued in  June  based    on     gas
			    1999.   Freeze   will  prices.   Surcharge
			    likely extend  to  at  and refund material
			    least  January  2004,  under-  and   over-
			    current      earliest  recoveries    semi-
			    expected   date   for  annually  based  on
			    retail open access.    actual cost.

Entergy Gulf       11.1%    Awaiting           an  Monthly reset  with
States - LA                 administrative    law  60 day lag based on
			    judge's                prior   two  months
			    recommendation in the  actual   fuel   and
			    8th  earnings  review  purchased     power
			    (2001).   Also,   the  costs plus 1/12  of
			    2002  revenue  review  unrecovered    fuel
			    (9th) and prospective  balance.
			    revenue   study   are
			    currently     pending
			    before     commission
			    with hearings set for
			    July    2003.      In
			    conjunction      with
			    commission     staff,
			    EGSI  is  pursuing  a
			    formula   rate   plan
			    proposal  that  could
			    be in place in 2003.

Entergy            9.7%-    Settlement   approved  Monthly reset  with
Louisiana         11.3%(t)  by  LPSC in July 2002  60 day lag based on
			    covering  the   fifth  prior   two  months
			    and sixth annual rate  actual   fuel   and
			    reviews  and   future  purchased     power
			    rate      regulation.  costs plus 1/12  of
			    Included  small  rate  unrecovered    fuel
			    reduction         and  balance.
			    reaffirmed        ROE
			    midpoint  of   10.5%.
			    ELI  will  work  with
			    the      LPSC      on
			    developing a  formula
			    rate plan and neither
			    party will initiate a
			    base  rate proceeding
			    prior    to   January
			    2003.  If by June 30,
			    2003, the parties are
			    not able to agree  on
			    a  formula rate plan,
			    and   no  base   rate
			    proceeding  has  been
			    filed,  ELI would  be
			    required  to  file  a
			    revenue analysis with
			    the commission.

Entergy            8.82%-   Annual  formula  rate  Quarterly     reset
Mississippi      11.32%(t)  plan in place.  Filed  based on forecasted
			    a rate case in August  costs   plus    any
			    2002 requesting a $69  deferred       fuel
			    million rate increase  balance  (over   or
			    which   includes    a  under-recovery)
			    requested increase in  from   the   second
			    the ROE mid-point  to  prior quarter.
			    12.34%.  An order  is
			    expected  in December

Entergy New        11.4%    Rate  case  filed  in  Monthly reset  with
Orleans                     May  2002  requesting  60 day lag based on
			    an  increase  of  $44  prior   two  months
			    million.   Resolution  actual   fuel   and
			    expected in mid 2003.  purchased     power
						   costs   plus   1/12
						   unrecovered    fuel

System Energy      10.94%   No cases pending.      Actual costs billed
Resources, Inc.                                    as incurred.

(t) If Entergy Louisiana Inc. and Entergy Mississippi Inc. earn outside
of the bandwidth range, rates will be adjusted on a prospective basis.
For ELI, if earnings are above the bandwidth range, rates are reduced
by 60 percent of the overage, and if below, increased by 60 percent of
the shortfall.  Entergy Mississippi Inc. has a similar provision
except the rate increase or decrease is 50 percent of any overage or
shortfall outside of the bandwidth range.

Appendix C provides definitions of certain operational and financial
performance measures referenced in this release.

 Appendix  C:   Definitions  of Operational and  Financial  Performance
 Operational Measures
 Generation in GWh         Total  number of GWh produced by all utility
			   generation facilities
 GWh billed                Total  number of GWh billed to all  customer
 Operation & maintenance   Operation   and  maintenance   and   nuclear
 expense                   refueling   expenses  per   MWh   generated,
			   excluding fuel
 SAIFI                     System average interruption frequency index
 SAIDI                     System average interruption duration index
 Reliability complaints    Number    of    complaints   to   regulators
			   concerning reliability issues
 Safety                    Number  of accidents resulting in lost  work
 Number of customers       Year-to-date average number of customers
 Competitive Businesses
 Planned TWh of            Amount of output expected to be generated by
 generation                Entergy Nuclear for nuclear units, or by non-
			   nuclear wholesale assets for fossil and wind
			   units,     considering    plant    operating
			   characteristics,   outage   schedules,   and
			   expected  market  conditions  which   impact
 Percent of planned        Percent   of   planned  generation   output,
 generation sold forward   excluding   output  associated  with   plant
			   uprates,   sold   forward   under   capacity
			   contract,   forward  physical  contract   or
			   forward financial contract, consistent  with
			   assumptions used in earnings guidance
 Average realized and      Price/spark   spread  at  which   generation
 assumed contract          output  is  expected to  be  sold  to  third
 price/spark spread per    parties,   given  existing  and  anticipated
 MWh                       contracts/market  prices based  on  expected
 Entergy Nuclear
 Net MW in operation       Installed  capacity  owned  or  operated  by
			   Entergy Nuclear
 Average  realized  price  As  reported  revenue per MWh generated  for
 per MWh                   all non-utility nuclear operations
 Production cost per MWh   Operation and maintenance expenses per MWh
 Generation in GWh         Total  number of GWh produced  by  all  non-
			   utility nuclear facilities
 Capacity factor           The  percentage of the period that the plant
			   generates  power calculated by dividing  the
			   output  by the capacity and normalizing  the
			   time period
 Refueling         outage  Number  of  generation  days  lost   for   a
 duration                  scheduled   refueling   outage   that    was
			   completed during the quarter
 Energy         Commodity
 Entergy-Koch Trading
 Electricity volatility    Average  volatility  of  into-Entergy  power
			   prices  for  the  period.   The  changes  in
			   volatility numbers for the comparative prior
			   year  periods are the result of a refinement
			   of  the definition of the initial month used
			   in  the time period selected over which  the
			   calculation of power and gas volatilities is
 Gas volatility            Average volatility of Henry Hub spot  prices
			   for  the  period.  (See note to  Electricity
			   Volatility immediately above.
 Electricity     marketed  Total  physical GWh volumes marketed in  the
 (GWh)                     U.S. during the period
 Gas marketed (Bcf/d)      Physical Bcf/d volumes marketed in the  U.S.
			   during the period
 Gain/loss days            Ratio  of  days where trading gains exceeded
			   trading  losses in the aggregate across  all
 Daily  average  Earnings  Daily  value at risk in millions of  dollars
 at Risk                   for the period
 Gulf South Pipeline
 Throughput                Gas  in  Bcf/d  transported by the  pipeline
			   during the period
 Miles of pipeline         Total  miles  of transmission and  gathering
			   pipeline in miles
 Storage capacity          Working gas storage capacity
 Production cost           Cost  in  $/mmbtu associated with delivering
			   gas, excluding cost of gas
 Non-nuclear    Wholesale
 Net MW in operation       Total MW owned and operated
 Generation in GWh         Total  number of GWh produced  by  all  non-
			   nuclear wholesale generating assets
 Average  realized  price  As  reported  revenue per MWh generated  for
 per MWh                   all non-nuclear wholesale generating assets
 Net       MW       under  Total MW owned and under construction
 Mark-to-market earnings   After-tax   net   income  of   projects   or
 as percent of             businesses   with  mark-to-market   earnings
 consolidated earnings     divided by consolidated operational earnings
 Open  equity at  end  of  Mark-to-market assets (excluding physical
 period                    gas assets) minus mark-to-market liabilities
 Cumulative percentage of  Percentage  of  mark-to-market  assets   and
 mark-to-market            liabilities expected to be realized in  cash
 realization               assuming  held to maturity and no change  in
			   market price

Appendix  C:   Definitions  of Operational and  Financial  Performance
Measures (continued)
 Financial Measures
 Return on average          12-months rolling operational net  income
 invested capital           adjusted  to include preferred  dividends
			    and tax-effected interest expense divided
			    by average invested capital
 Return on average common   12-months rolling operational net  income
 equity                     divided by average common equity
 Net margin - operational   12-months rolling net income adjusted  to
			    exclude  the  impact  of  special   items
			    divided by 12 months rolling revenue
 FFO interest coverage      12-months rolling operational net  income
			    plus noncash items included in net income
			    plus  interest paid, divided by  interest
			    expense; reflects adjustments provided to
			    rating agencies
 Revolver capacity          Amount  of undrawn capacity remaining  on
			    corporate and subsidiary revolvers
 Total gross liquidity      Sum of cash and revolver capacity
 Total debt                 Sum  of short-term and long-term debt and
			    capital leases on the balance sheet  less
			    non-recourse debt
 Project debt               Financing  at  subsidiaries  to   support
			    specific projects
 Debt of joint ventures     Debt issued for Entergy-Koch L.P. and  RS
 (Entergy share)            Cogen joint ventures
 Leases (Entergy share)     Operating  leases  held  by  subsidiaries
			    capitalized at implicit interest rate
 Rating or other            Parent   guarantees   for   which    cash
 contingent liabilities     collateral  may be required in  event  of
			    downgrade below investment grade
 Net debt to net capital    Gross debt less cash and cash equivalents
			    divided by total capitalization less cash
			    and cash equivalents
 Net debt including off-    Sum  of gross debt and off-balance  sheet
 balance sheet liabilities  debt   less  cash  and  cash  equivalents
			    divided by total capitalization less cash
			    and cash equivalents

Entergy's common stock is listed on the New York, Chicago, and Pacific
		   exchanges under the symbol "ETR".

      Additional investor information can be accessed on-line at

Teleconference and Webcast Details
Entergy's senior management team will host an earnings conference call
at  10:00  a.m.  CST, Wednesday, October 30, 2002.  The  call  can  be
accessed  by  dialing 719-457-2641, the confirmation code  is  737934.
Please call no more than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
The  call can also be accessed and the presentation slides viewed  via
Entergy's  web  site at www.entergy.com/webcasts.   A  replay  of  the
teleconference will be available through Wednesday, November  6,  2002
by  dialing  719-457-0820, confirmation code 737934.  The replay  will
also be available on Entergy's web site at www.entergy.com/webcasts.

The  following constitutes a "Safe Harbor" statement under the Private
Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995:  Investors  are  cautioned
that  forward-looking statements contained herein with respect to  the
revenues,  earnings,  performance,  strategies,  prospects  and  other
aspects  of  the  business of Entergy Corporation,  Entergy  Arkansas,
Inc.,  Entergy  Gulf  States, Inc., Entergy Louisiana,  Inc.,  Entergy
Mississippi,  Inc.,  Entergy  New Orleans,  Inc.,  and  System  Energy
Resources, Inc. and their affiliated companies may involve  risks  and
uncertainties.   A  number of factors could cause  actual  results  or
outcomes  to  differ materially from those indicated by such  forward-
looking  statements.  These factors include, but are not  limited  to,
risks  and  uncertainties relating to:  the effects  of  weather,  the
performance   of  generating  units  and  transmission  systems,   the
possession  of nuclear materials, fuel and purchased power prices  and
availability, the effects of regulatory decisions and changes in  law,
litigation,  capital  spending requirements, and the  availability  of
capital,  the  onset  of  competition,  the  ability  to  recover  net
regulatory  assets and other potential stranded costs, the effects  of
the  California electricity market on the utility industry nationally,
advances  in  technology, changes in accounting  standards,  corporate
restructuring  and changes in capital structure, the  success  of  new
business  ventures, changes in the markets for electricity  and  other
energy-related  commodities,  including  the  use  of  financial   and
derivative  instruments and volatility of changes  in  market  prices,
changes  in  the number of participants and the risk profile  of  such
participants in the energy marketing and trading business, changes  in
interest   rates  and  in  financial  and  foreign  currency   markets
generally,  the  economic  climate and  growth  in  Entergy's  service
territories, changes in corporate strategies, and other factors.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
September 30, 2002
(Dollars in thousands)

							U.S.     Parent &    Competitive Eliminations   Consolidated
						     Utilities     Other      Businesses

 Cash and cash equivalents:
    Cash                                               $166,462     $ 4,761     $ 33,961      $      -     $ 205,184
    Temporary cash investments - at cost,
     which approximates market                          219,341      28,657      495,347             -       743,344
    Special deposits                                          -          35          282             -           318
      Total cash and cash equivalents                   385,803      33,453      529,590             -       948,846
Other temporary investments                                   -           -            -             -             -
Notes receivable                                             13     547,253      175,198      (720,387)        2,077
Accounts receivable:
   Customer                                             438,393       1,463            -             -       439,856
   Allowance for doubtful accounts                       (8,847)     (2,064)     (11,126)            -       (22,036)
   Associated companies                                   5,333     154,110     (122,918)      (36,525)            -
   Other                                                121,130       1,865      163,057             -       286,052
   Accrued unbilled revenues                            365,000         158            -             -       365,157
     Total receivables                                  921,009     155,532       29,013       (36,525)    1,069,029
Deferred fuel costs                                     131,708           -            -             -       131,708
Accumulated deferred income taxes                        37,084           8            -       (14,157)       22,936
Fuel inventory - at average cost                         95,542           -        2,129            18        97,690
Materials and supplies - at average cost                331,037          41      183,611             -       514,688
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs                  29,410           -       39,321             -        68,732
Prepayments and other                                    63,251       3,222       28,251             -        94,724
TOTAL                                                 1,994,857     739,509      987,113      (771,051)    2,950,430


Investment in affiliates - at equity                        216   8,879,167      756,466    (8,879,167)      756,682
Decommissioning trust funds                             822,430           -    1,209,938             -     2,032,368
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated
  depreciation)                                         221,979      71,174          620             -       293,773
Other                                                    20,687      31,755      243,323             -       295,765
		       TOTAL                          1,065,312   8,982,096    2,210,347    (8,879,167)    3,378,588


Electric                                             24,917,929       6,270    2,027,322             -    26,951,520
Property under capital lease                            745,063           -            -             -       745,063
Natural gas                                             209,800           7            -             -       209,808
Construction work in progress                           917,156      20,655      341,625        (4,114)    1,275,323
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                        291,720           -            -             -       291,720
Nuclear fuel                                             10,138           -      248,086             -       258,224
	 TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT         27,091,806      26,932    2,617,033        (4,114)   29,731,658
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization     12,105,238       4,821      165,264             -    12,275,323
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT - NET                  14,986,568      22,111    2,451,769        (4,114)   17,456,335


Regulatory assets:
  SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                       920,352           -            -             -       920,352
  Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                   157,578           -            -             -       157,578
  Other regulatory assets                               526,709           -            -             -       526,709
Long-term receivables                                    25,588           -            -             -        25,588
Goodwill                                                374,099           -        3,073             -       377,172
Other                                                   123,827     489,818      845,900      (475,303)      984,241
TOTAL                                                 2,128,153     489,818      848,973      (475,303)    2,991,640

TOTAL ASSETS                                        $20,174,890 $10,233,534   $6,498,202  $(10,129,635)  $26,776,993
*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
September 30, 2002
(Dollars in thousands)

							U.S.     Parent &    Competitive Eliminations   Consolidated
						     Utilities     Other      Businesses


Currently maturing long-term debt                       863,851           -      102,893             -       966,744
Notes payable:
  Associated companies                                        -     162,500      554,362      (716,862)            -
  Other                                                  15,047           -          304             -        15,351
Account payable:
  Associated companies                                  (11,094)    131,140      (99,537)      (20,509)            -
  Other                                                 553,184       2,278      106,799             -       662,261
Customer deposits                                       196,347          74          162             -       196,583
Taxes accrued                                           780,646       3,451       13,224             -       797,321
Accumulated deferred income taxes                             -           -       14,157       (14,157)            -
Nuclear refueling outage costs                           11,199           -            -             -        11,199
Interest accrued                                        145,780       4,353       47,557             -       197,690
Obligations under capital leases                        150,731           -            -             -       150,731
Other                                                    75,013       8,603      119,125       (18,766)      183,974
TOTAL                                                 2,780,704     312,399      859,046      (770,294)    3,181,854


Accumulated deferred income taxes                     3,469,729     (32,376)     (26,411)            -     3,410,943
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits             453,712           -            -             -       453,712
Taxes accrued                                            50,000     600,000            -             -       650,000
Obligations under capital leases                        196,556           -           15             -       196,572
Other regulatory liabilities                            172,203           -            -             -       172,203
Decommisioning                                          295,727           -    1,248,363             -     1,544,090
Transition to competition                                79,098           -            -             -        79,098
Regulatory reserves                                      48,357           -            -             -        48,357
Accumulated provisions                                  291,742          (4)     127,221             -       418,959
Other                                                   821,772      22,312      583,981      (439,664)      988,403
TOTAL                                                 5,878,896     589,932    1,933,169      (439,664)    7,962,337

Long-term debt                                        5,235,406     830,492    1,246,733       (73,492)    7,239,139
Preferred stock with sinking fund                        24,327           -            -             -        24,327
Preferred stock without sinking fund                    334,337           -            -             -       334,337
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trust holding
  solely junior subordinated deferrable debentures      215,000           -            -             -       215,000


Common stock                                          2,225,870       1,360    1,448,095    (3,672,843)        2,482
  Authorized shares 500,000,000
  Issued shares CY 248,174,087
Paid-in capital                                       1,784,097   5,550,821      941,095    (3,609,060)    4,666,953
Retained earnings                                     1,682,273   3,696,184      156,752    (1,593,969)    3,941,240
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)            13,980      (2,134)     (58,072)        1,071       (45,156)
Less - treasury stock, at cost                                -     745,520       28,616       (28,616)      745,520
  Shares CY 25,910,490
TOTAL                                                 5,706,220   8,500,711    2,459,254    (8,846,185)    7,819,999

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY          $20,174,890 $10,233,534   $6,498,202  $(10,129,635)  $26,776,993
*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
December 31, 2001
(Dollars in thousands)

							 U.S.       Parent &    Competitive  Eliminations   Consolidated
						      Utilities     Other       Businesses

 Cash and cash equivalents:
    Cash                                              $   94,340     $ 2,638     $  32,888      $      -     $  129,866
    Temporary cash investments - at cost,
    which approximates market                            360,491      25,239       232,598             -        618,327
    Special deposits                                           -         267         3,113             -          3,380
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
     Total cash and cash equivalents                     454,831      28,144       268,599             -        751,573
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Other temporary investments                              145,218       4,782             -             -        150,000
Notes receivable                                              73     293,621       239,678      (531,235)         2,137
Accounts receivable:
   Customer                                              294,691         108            (1)            -        294,799
   Allowance for doubtful accounts                        (8,847)     (2,064)       (8,345)            -        (19,255)
   Associated companies                                   26,876      94,578       (77,107)      (44,347)             -
   Other                                                 146,143       4,240       135,339           950        286,671
   Accrued unbilled revenues                             268,578           -           102             -        268,680
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
     Total receivables                                   727,441      96,862        49,988       (43,397)       830,895
Deferred fuel costs                                      172,444           -             -             -        172,444
Accumulated deferred income taxes                         27,098           8             -       (20,618)         6,488
Fuel inventory - at average cost                          95,863           -         1,615            18         97,497
Materials and supplies - at average cost                 325,713          30       134,900             -        460,644
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs                   27,332           -        52,424             -         79,755
Prepayments and other                                    100,423       3,444        25,385             -        129,251
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
TOTAL                                                  2,076,436     426,891       772,589      (595,232)     2,680,684
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------


Investment in affiliates - at equity                         216   8,781,346       765,889    (8,781,347)       766,103
Decommissioning trust funds                              854,705           -       921,245             -      1,775,950
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated
    depreciation)                                        224,688      41,307        29,621             -        295,616
Other                                                     18,946      69,693       430,060       (23,158)       495,542
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
TOTAL                                                  1,098,555   8,892,346     2,146,815    (8,804,505)     3,333,211
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------


Electric                                              24,491,170       5,758     1,862,448             -     26,359,376
Property under capital lease                             753,310           -             -             -        753,310
Natural gas                                              201,841           -             -             -        201,841
Construction work in progress                            711,670       9,214       168,224        (6,278)       882,829
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                         265,464           -             -             -        265,464
Nuclear fuel                                              36,611           -       195,775             -        232,387
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                   26,460,066      14,972     2,226,447        (6,278)    28,695,207
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization      11,674,308       4,167       127,103             -     11,805,578
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT - NET                   14,785,758      10,805     2,099,344        (6,278)    16,889,629
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------


Regulatory assets:
    SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                      946,126           -             -             -        946,126
    Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                  166,546           -             -             -        166,546
    Other regulatory assets                              707,439           -             -             -        707,439
  Long-term receivables                                   28,091          (8)            -             -         28,083
  Goodwill                                               374,099           -         3,373             -        377,472
  Other                                                  126,644     460,927       659,060      (465,511)       781,121
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
TOTAL                                                  2,348,945     460,919       662,433      (465,511)     3,006,787
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
TOTAL ASSETS                                         $20,309,695  $9,790,961   $ 5,681,181   $(9,871,526)   $25,910,311
						     ===========  ==========   ===========   ===========    ===========
*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
December 31, 2001
(Dollars in thousands)

							 U.S.       Parent &    Competitive  Eliminations   Consolidated
						      Utilities     Other       Businesses

Currently maturing long-term debt                    $   584,438    $      -    $   98,333    $        -      $ 682,771
Notes payable:
  Associated companies                                         -     229,444       302,774      (532,218)             -
  Other                                                      713     350,001           304             -        351,018
Account payable:
  Associated companies                                    (3,677)     96,911       (62,040)      (31,194)             -
  Other                                                  508,333       6,147        78,049             -        592,529
Customer deposits                                        188,176          53             -             -        188,230
Taxes accrued                                            350,178     183,270        16,685             -        550,133
Accumulated deferred income taxes                              -           -        20,618       (20,618)             -
Nuclear refueling outage costs                             2,080           -             -             -          2,080
Interest accrued                                         180,276       2,239         9,905             -        192,420
Obligations under capital leases                         149,352           -             -             -        149,352
Other                                                    176,907       9,357       171,325       (12,203)       345,387
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
TOTAL                                                  2,136,777     877,422       635,953      (596,233)     3,053,920
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------


Accumulated deferred income taxes                      3,558,937     (35,485)       51,212             -      3,574,664
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits              471,090           -             -             -        471,090
Taxes accrued                                                  -     400,000             -             -        400,000
Obligations under capital leases                         181,070           -            15             -        181,085
Other regulatory liabilities                             135,878           -             -             -        135,878
Decommisioning                                           285,029           -       909,304             -      1,194,333
Transition to competition                                231,512           -             -             -        231,512
Regulatory reserves                                       37,591           -             -             -         37,591
Accumulated provisions                                   291,192          (4)      134,210             -        425,399
Other                                                    852,388      44,437       397,272      (441,828)       852,269
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
TOTAL                                                  6,044,687     408,948     1,492,013      (441,828)     7,503,821
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------

Long-term debt                                         6,007,199      15,307     1,360,464       (61,942)     7,321,028
Preferred stock with sinking fund                         26,185           -             -             -         26,185
Preferred stock without sinking fund                     334,337           -             -             -        334,337
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trust holding
  solely junior subordinated deferrable debentures       215,000           -             -             -        215,000


Common stock                                           2,225,870     402,665     1,566,689    (4,192,740)         2,482
     Authorized shares  500,000,000
     Issued shares CY  248,174,087
Paid-in capital                                        1,784,097   5,528,328       578,083    (3,227,805)     4,662,704
Retained earnings                                      1,535,757   3,387,557       164,110    (1,448,978)     3,638,448
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)               (214)    (70,447)      (87,516)       69,383        (88,794)
Less - treasury stock, at cost                                 -     758,820        28,616       (28,616)       758,820
       Shares CY  27,441,384
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
TOTAL                                                  5,545,510   8,489,283     2,192,750    (8,771,524)     7,456,020
						     -----------  ----------   -----------   -----------    -----------

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY           $20,309,695  $9,790,961    $5,681,181   $(9,871,526)   $25,910,311
						     ===========  ==========   ===========   ===========    ===========

* Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
September 30, 2002 vs December 31, 2001
(Dollars in thousands)

							     U.S.     Parent &  Competitive Eliminations   Consolidated
							  Utilities   Other     Businesses

 Cash and cash equivalents:
    Cash                                                    $ 72,122   $  2,123   $   1,073     $       -    $  75,318
    Temporary cash investments - at cost,
    which approximates market                               (141,150)     3,418     262,749             -      125,017
    Special deposits                                               -       (232)     (2,831)            -       (3,063)
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
      Total cash and cash equivalents                        (69,028)     5,309     260,991             -      197,273
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
Other temporary investments                                 (145,218)    (4,782)          -             -     (150,000)
Notes receivable                                                 (60)   253,632     (64,480)     (189,152)         (60)
Accounts receivable:
   Customer                                                  143,702      1,355           1             -      145,057
   Allowance for doubtful accounts                                 -          -      (2,781)            -       (2,781)
   Associated companies                                      (21,543)    59,532     (45,811)        7,822            -
   Other                                                     (25,013)    (2,375)     27,718          (950)        (619)
   Accrued unbilled revenues                                  96,422        158        (102)            -       96,477
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
     Total receivables                                       193,568     58,670     (20,975)        6,872      238,134
Deferred fuel costs                                          (40,736)         -           -             -      (40,736)
Accumulated deferred income taxes                              9,986          -           -         6,461       16,448
Fuel inventory - at average cost                                (321)         -         514             -          193
Materials and supplies - at average cost                       5,324         11      48,711             -       54,044
Deferred nuclear refueling outage costs                        2,078          -     (13,103)            -      (11,023)
Prepayments and other                                        (37,172)      (222)      2,866             -      (34,527)
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
TOTAL                                                        (81,579)   312,618     214,524      (175,819)     269,745
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------


Investment in affiliates - at equity                               -     97,821      (9,423)      (97,820)      (9,421)
Decommissioning trust funds                                  (32,275)         -     288,693             -      256,418
Non-utility property - at cost (less accumulated
  depreciation)                                               (2,709)    29,867     (29,001)            -       (1,843)
Other                                                          1,741    (37,938)   (186,737)       23,158     (199,777)
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
		   TOTAL                                     (33,243)    89,750      63,532       (74,662)      45,377
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------


Electric                                                     426,759        512     164,874             -      592,144
Property under capital lease                                  (8,247)         -           -             -       (8,247)
Natural gas                                                    7,959          7           -             -        7,967
Construction work in progress                                205,486     11,441     173,401         2,164      392,494
Nuclear fuel under capital lease                              26,256          -           -             -       26,256
Nuclear fuel                                                 (26,473)         -      52,311             -       25,837
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                          631,740     11,960     390,586         2,164    1,036,451
Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization             430,930        654      38,161             -      469,745
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT - NET                          200,810     11,306     352,425         2,164      566,706
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------


Regulatory assets:
    SFAS 109 regulatory asset - net                          (25,774)         -           -             -      (25,774)
    Unamortized loss on reacquired debt                       (8,968)         -           -             -       (8,968)
    Other regulatory assets                                 (180,730)         -           -             -     (180,730)
  Long-term receivables                                       (2,503)         8           -             -       (2,495)
  Goodwill                                                         -          -        (300)            -         (300)
  Other                                                       (2,817)    28,891     186,840        (9,792)     203,120
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
TOTAL                                                       (220,792)    28,899     186,540        (9,792)     (15,147)
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
TOTAL ASSETS                                             $  (134,805) $ 442,573  $  817,021   $  (258,109) $   866,682
							 =========== ==========  ==========   ===========  ===========
*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Balance Sheet
September 30, 2002 vs December 31, 2001
(Dollars in thousands)

							     U.S.     Parent &  Competitive Eliminations   Consolidated
							  Utilities    Other     Businesses


Currently maturing long-term debt                          $ 279,413  $       -    $  4,560      $      -   $  283,973
Notes payable:
  Associated companies                                             -    (66,944)    251,588      (184,644)           -
  Other                                                       14,334   (350,001)          -             -     (335,667)
Account payable:
  Associated companies                                        (7,417)    34,229     (37,497)       10,685            -
  Other                                                       44,851     (3,869)     28,750             -       69,732
Customer deposits                                              8,171         21         162             -        8,353
Taxes accrued                                                430,468   (179,819)     (3,461)            -      247,188
Accumulated deferred income taxes                                  -          -      (6,461)        6,461            -
Nuclear refueling outage costs                                 9,119          -           -             -        9,119
Interest accrued                                             (34,496)     2,114      37,652             -        5,270
Obligations under capital leases                               1,379          -           -             -        1,379
Other                                                       (101,894)      (754)    (52,200)       (6,563)    (161,413)
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
TOTAL                                                        643,927   (565,023)    223,093      (174,061)     127,934
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------


Accumulated deferred income taxes                            (89,208)     3,109     (77,623)            -     (163,721)
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits                  (17,378)         -           -             -      (17,378)
Taxes accrued                                                 50,000    200,000           -             -      250,000
Obligations under capital leases                              15,486          -           -             -       15,487
Other regulatory liabilities                                  36,325          -           -             -       36,325
Decommisioning                                                10,698          -     339,059             -      349,757
Transition to competition                                   (152,414)         -           -             -     (152,414)
Regulatory reserves                                           10,766          -           -             -       10,766
Accumulated provisions                                           550          -      (6,989)            -       (6,440)
Other                                                        (30,616)   (22,125)    186,709         2,164      136,134
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
TOTAL                                                       (165,791)   180,984     441,156         2,164      458,516
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------

Long-term debt                                              (771,793)   815,185    (113,731)      (11,550)     (81,889)
Preferred stock with sinking fund                             (1,858)         -           -             -       (1,858)
Preferred stock without sinking fund                               -          -           -             -            -
Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trust holding
  solely junior subordinated deferrable debentures                 -          -           -             -            -


  Common stock                                                     -   (401,305)   (118,594)      519,897            -
       Authorized shares
       Issued shares CY
  Paid-in capital                                                  -     22,493     363,012      (381,255)       4,249
  Retained earnings                                          146,516    308,627      (7,358)     (144,991)     302,792
  Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)               14,194     68,313      29,444       (68,312)      43,638
  Less - treasury stock, at cost                                   -    (13,300)          -             -      (13,300)

							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------
TOTAL                                                        160,710     11,428     266,504       (74,661)     363,979
							 ----------- ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY               $  (134,805) $ 442,573  $  817,021   $  (258,109) $   866,682
							 =========== ==========  ==========   ===========  ===========

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Three Months Ended September 30, 2002
(Dollars in thousands)
						    U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
						  Utilities     Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                            $2,038,364    $       -     $      -    $     (407)   $ 2,037,957
     Natural gas                                      18,953            -            -             -         18,953
     Competitive businesses                                -        8,780      403,297          (113)       411,965
			 Total                     2,057,317        8,780      403,297          (520)     2,468,875

      Operating and Maintenance:
	  Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas       632,167            -       40,050             -        672,217
	    purchased for resale
	  Purchased power                            226,547          441       (4,188)         (327)       222,472

      Gross Margin                                 1,198,603        8,339      367,435          (193)     1,574,186
      Margin %                                         58.3%        95.0%        91.1%          37.0%         63.8%

	  Nuclear refueling outage expenses           14,295            -        9,888             -         24,183
	  Provision for turbine commitments,
	    asset impairments and restructuring
	    charges                                        -            -      (27,985)            -        (27,985)
	  Other operation and maintenance            358,903       17,429      188,882          (452)       564,762
     Decommissioning                                   8,198            -            -             -          8,198
     Taxes other than income taxes                    95,368          635       11,186             -        107,189
			 Total                     1,335,478       18,505      217,833          (780)     1,571,036

AND AMORTIZATION                                     721,839       (9,725)     185,464           260        897,839

Margin %                                               35.1%      (110.8%)       46.0%        (50.0%)         36.4%

     Depreciation and amortization                   195,340        1,280       17,788             -        214,408
     Other regulatory charges (credits)               19,742            -            -             -         19,742
			Total                        215,082        1,280       17,788             -        234,150

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                              506,757      (11,005)     167,676           260        663,689

Margin %                                               24.6%      (125.3%)       41.6%        (50.0%)         26.9%

     Allowance for equity funds used during            8,726            -            -             -          8,726
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net                 706            -            -             -            705
     Interest and dividend income                      4,217        9,409       17,671       (10,609)        20,688
     Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
       equity affiliates                                   -            -       50,159             -         50,159
     Miscellaneous - net                               4,533          634        2,929          (260)         7,837
			  Total                       18,182       10,043       70,759       (10,869)        88,115

     Interest on long-term debt                      115,067            -       16,838             -        131,905
     Other interest - net                              4,200        7,825       24,844       (10,609)        26,260
     Distributions on preferred securities             4,709            -            -             -          4,709
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used                (6,548)           -            -             -         (6,548)
       during construction
			 Total                       117,428        7,825       41,682       (10,609)       156,326

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    407,512       (8,786)     196,753             -        595,478

INCOME TAXES                                         157,886       (4,582)      75,374             -        228,678

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                       249,626       (4,205)     121,380             -        366,800

AND OTHER                                              5,924            -            -             -          5,924
EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $  243,702    $  (4,205)  $  121,380     $       -       $360,876

Margin %                                               11.8%       (47.9%)       30.1%             -          14.6%

  BASIC                                                $1.09       $(0.02)       $0.54                        $1.61
  DILUTED                                              $1.07       $(0.02)       $0.54                        $1.59

  BASIC                                                                                                 223,714,449
  DILUTED                                                                                               227,054,321

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Three Months Ended September 30, 2001
(Dollars in thousands)
						    U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
						  Utilities     Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                            $1,986,831    $       -     $      -    $     (493)   $ 1,986,338
     Natural gas                                      18,212            -            -             -         18,212
     Competitive businesses                                -        5,969      566,696          (326)       572,339
			 Total                     2,005,043        5,969      566,696          (819)     2,576,889

      Operating and Maintenance:
	  Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas       694,248            -      231,204             -        925,452
	    purchased for resale
	  Purchased power                            252,160            -       27,430          (530)       279,060

      Gross Margin                                 1,058,635        5,969      308,062          (289)     1,372,377
      Margin %                                         52.8%       100.0%        54.4%          35.3%         53.3%

	  Nuclear refueling outage expenses           15,436            -        8,848             -         24,284
	  Provision for turbine commitments,
	    asset impairments and restructuring
	    charges                                        -            -            -             -              -
	  Other operation and maintenance            382,377       18,577      150,118          (734)       550,339
     Decommissioning                                 (22,553)           -            -             -        (22,553)
     Taxes other than income taxes                    92,164          488       10,940             -        103,593
			 Total                     1,413,832       19,065      428,540        (1,264)     1,860,175

AND AMORTIZATION                                     591,211      (13,096)     138,156           445        716,714

Margin %                                               29.5%      (219.4%)       24.4%        (54.3%)         27.8%

     Depreciation and amortization                   112,631        1,108       13,911             -        127,650
     Other regulatory charges (credits)              (18,592)           -            -             -        (18,592)
			Total                         94,039        1,108       13,911             -        109,058

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                              497,172      (14,204)     124,245           445        607,656

Margin %                                               24.8%      (238.0%)       21.9%        (54.3%)         23.6%

     Allowance for equity funds used during            7,672            -            -             -          7,672
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net                 622           77          213             -            913
     Interest and dividend income                     28,695        4,372       16,864        (6,708)        43,223
     Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
       equity affiliates                                   -            -       58,414             -         58,414
     Miscellaneous - net                              (7,222)        (239)       2,327          (445)        (5,580)
			  Total                       29,767        4,210       77,818        (7,153)       104,642

     Interest on long-term debt                      117,144            -        9,526             -        126,670
     Other interest - net                             57,631       10,407       23,122        (6,708)        84,452
     Distributions on preferred securities             4,709            -            -             -          4,709
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used                (6,287)           -            -             -         (6,287)
       during construction
			 Total                       173,197       10,407       32,648        (6,708)       209,544

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    353,742      (20,401)     169,415             -        502,754

INCOME TAXES                                         125,218       (7,454)      67,536             -        185,300

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                       228,524      (12,947)     101,879             -        317,454

AND OTHER                                              4,970            -            -             -          4,970
EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $  223,554    $ (12,947)  $  101,879     $       -       $312,484

Margin %                                               11.1%      (216.9%)       18.0%             -          12.1%

  BASIC                                                $1.01       $(0.06)       $0.46                        $1.41
  DILUTED                                              $0.99       $(0.06)       $0.46                        $1.39

  BASIC                                                                                                 221,675,578
  DILUTED                                                                                               224,830,056

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Three Months Ended September 30, 2002 vs. 2001
(Dollars in thousands)
						    U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
						  Utilities     Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                            $   51,533    $       -     $      -    $       86    $    51,620
     Natural gas                                         741            -            -             -            741
     Competitive businesses                                -        2,811     (163,399)          213       (160,375)
			 Total                        52,274        2,811     (163,399)          299       (108,014)

      Operating and Maintenance:
	  Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas       (62,081)           -     (191,154)            -       (253,235)
	    purchased for resale
	  Purchased power                            (25,613)         441      (31,618)          203        (56,588)

      Gross Margin                                   139,968        2,370       59,373            96        201,809
      Margin %                                          5.5%        (5.0%)        36.7%          1.8%          10.5%

	  Nuclear refueling outage expenses           (1,141)           -        1,040             -           (101)
	  Provision for turbine commitments,
	    asset impairments and restructuring
	    charges                                        -            -      (27,985)            -        (27,985)
	  Other operation and maintenance            (23,474)      (1,148)      38,764           282         14,423
     Decommissioning                                  30,751            -            -             -         30,751
     Taxes other than income taxes                     3,204          147          246             -          3,596
			 Total                       (78,354)        (560)    (210,707)          484       (289,140)

AND AMORTIZATION                                     130,628        3,371       47,308          (185)       181,126

Margin %                                                5.6%       108.6%        21.6%          4.4%           8.6%

     Depreciation and amortization                    82,709          172        3,877             -         86,758
     Other regulatory charges (credits)               38,334            -            -             -         38,334
			Total                        121,043          172        3,877             -        125,092

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                                9,585        3,199       43,431          (185)        56,034

Margin %                                               (0.2%)      112.6%        19.7%          4.4%           3.3%

     Allowance for equity funds used during            1,054            -            -             -          1,054
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net                  84          (77)        (213)            -           (206)
     Interest and dividend income                    (24,478)       5,037          807        (3,901)       (22,535)
     Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
       equity affiliates                                   -            -       (8,255)            -         (8,255)
     Miscellaneous - net                              11,755          873          602           185         13,415
			  Total                      (11,585)       5,833       (7,059)       (3,716)       (16,527)

     Interest on long-term debt                       (2,077)           -        7,312             -          5,235
     Other interest - net                            (53,431)      (2,582)       1,722        (3,901)       (58,192)
     Distributions on preferred securities                 -            -            -             -              -
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used                  (261)           -            -             -           (261)
       during construction
			 Total                       (55,769)      (2,582)       9,034        (3,901)       (53,218)

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                     53,769       11,614       27,338             -         92,724

INCOME TAXES                                          32,668        2,873        7,838             -         43,378

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                        21,101        8,741       19,501             -         49,346

AND OTHER                                                954            -            -             -            954
EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $   20,147    $   8,741   $   19,501     $       -       $ 48,392

Margin %                                                0.7%        169.0%       12.1%            -            2.5%

  BASIC                                                $0.08         $0.04       $0.08            -           $0.20
  DILUTED                                              $0.08         $0.04       $0.08            -           $0.20

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Year to Date September 30, 2002
(Dollars in thousands)
						    U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
						  Utilities     Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                            $5,127,052    $       -     $      -    $   (1,330)   $ 5,125,722
     Natural gas                                      90,313            -            -             -         90,313
     Competitive businesses                                -       30,594    1,181,870        (2,210)     1,210,254
			 Total                     5,217,365       30,594    1,181,870        (3,540)     6,426,289

      Operating and Maintenance:
	  Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas     1,452,183            -      160,307             -      1,612,490
	    purchased for resale
	  Purchased power                            567,016          865       60,337        (2,742)       625,476

      Gross Margin                                 3,198,166       29,729      961,226          (798)     4,188,323
      Margin %                                         61.3%        97.2%        81.3%          22.5%         65.2%

	  Nuclear refueling outage expenses           44,682            -       29,375             -         74,057
	  Provision for turbine commitments,
	    asset impairments and restructuring
	    charges                                        -            -      391,557             -        391,557
	  Other operation and maintenance          1,223,404       57,215      537,088        (1,576)     1,816,131
     Decommissioning                                  24,589            -            -             -         24,589
     Taxes other than income taxes                   256,742        1,958       33,054             -        291,753
			 Total                     3,568,616       60,038    1,211,718        (4,319)     4,836,053

AND AMORTIZATION                                   1,648,749      (29,444)     (29,848)          779      1,590,236

Margin %                                               31.6%       (96.2%)       (2.5%)       (22.0%)         24.7%

     Depreciation and amortization                   573,385        4,095       47,928             -        625,407
     Other regulatory charges (credits)             (149,340)           -            -             -       (149,340)
			Total                        424,045        4,095       47,928             -        476,067

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                            1,224,704      (33,539)     (77,776)          779      1,114,169

Margin %                                               23.5%      (109.6%)       (6.6%)       (22.0%)         17.3%

     Allowance for equity funds used during           23,730            -            -             -         23,730
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net               2,377            2            -             -          2,379
     Interest and dividend income                     19,566       25,368       53,413       (26,423)        71,924
     Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
       equity affiliates                                   -            -      142,964             -        142,964
     Miscellaneous - net                              (5,395)       5,772       (2,945)         (779)        (3,346)
			  Total                       40,279       31,142      193,432       (27,202)       237,651

     Interest on long-term debt                      327,004            -       49,821             -        376,825
     Other interest - net                             23,881       24,721       64,452       (26,423)        86,630
     Distributions on preferred securities            14,128            -            -             -         14,128
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used               (18,478)           -            -             -        (18,478)
       during construction
			 Total                       346,535       24,721      114,273       (26,423)       459,105

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    918,448      (27,118)       1,383             -        892,715

INCOME TAXES                                         359,798      (12,258)       3,775             -        351,314

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                       558,651      (14,859)      (2,391)            -        541,401

AND OTHER                                             17,796            -            -             -         17,796
EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $  540,855    $ (14,859)  $   (2,391)    $       -       $523,605

Margin %                                               10.4%       (48.6%)       (0.2%)            -           8.1%

  BASIC                                                $2.42       ($0.07)      ($0.01)                       $2.34
  DILUTED                                              $2.38       ($0.07)      ($0.01)                       $2.30
  BASIC                                                                                                 223,336,005
  DILUTED                                                                                               227,402,737

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Year to Date September 30, 2001
(Dollars in thousands)
						    U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
						  Utilities     Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                            $5,851,961    $       -     $      -    $   (2,240)   $ 5,849,720
     Natural gas                                     159,144            -            -             -        159,144
     Competitive businesses                                -       26,451    1,567,650          (814)     1,593,287
			 Total                     6,011,105       26,451    1,567,650        (3,054)     7,602,151

      Operating and Maintenance:
	  Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas     2,281,176            -      788,736             -      3,069,912
	    purchased for resale
	  Purchased power                            711,484            -       51,843          (912)       762,415

      Gross Margin                                 3,018,445       26,451      727,071        (2,142)     3,769,824
      Margin %                                         50.2%       100.0%        46.4%          70.1%         49.6%

	  Nuclear refueling outage expenses           50,629            -       13,938             -         64,567
	  Provision for turbine commitments,
	    asset impairments and restructuring
	    charges                                        -            -            -             -              -
	  Other operation and maintenance          1,007,430       50,601      402,031        (3,155)     1,456,908
     Decommissioning                                  (4,749)           -            -             -         (4,749)
     Taxes other than income taxes                   266,095        1,953       27,669             -        295,717
			 Total                     4,312,066       52,554    1,284,218        (4,068)     5,644,770

AND AMORTIZATION                                   1,699,039      (26,103)     283,432         1,014      1,957,381

Margin %                                               28.3%       (98.7%)       18.1%        (33.2%)         25.7%

     Depreciation and amortization                   472,480        3,261       38,358             -        514,099
     Other regulatory charges (credits)               (5,894)           -            -             -         (5,894)
			Total                        466,586        3,261       38,358             -        508,205

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                            1,232,453      (29,364)     245,074         1,014      1,449,176

Margin %                                               20.5%      (111.0%)       15.6%        (33.2%)         19.1%

     Allowance for equity funds used during           19,259            -            -             -         19,259
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net               1,967           77          217             -          2,261
     Interest and dividend income                     67,999       29,758       57,202       (30,665)       124,294
     Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
       equity affiliates                                   -            -      153,957             -        153,957
     Miscellaneous - net                             (23,620)       5,885       21,847        (1,014)         3,068
			  Total                       65,605       35,690      233,223       (31,679)       302,839

     Interest on long-term debt                      358,429            -       27,945             -        386,373
     Other interest - net                             91,152       31,993       91,272       (30,665)       183,752
     Distributions on preferred securities            14,128            -            -             -         14,128
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used               (15,718)           -            -             -        (15,718)
       during construction
			 Total                       447,991       31,993      119,217       (30,665)       568,535

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    850,067      (25,666)     359,079             -      1,183,480

INCOME TAXES                                         325,951      (10,726)     144,348             -        459,573

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                       524,116      (14,940)     214,731             -        723,907

AND OTHER                                             18,363            -            -             -         18,363
EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $  505,753    $ (14,940)  $  214,731     $       -       $705,544

Margin %                                                8.4%       (56.5%)       13.7%             -           9.3%

  BASIC                                                $2.29       ($0.07)       $0.97                        $3.19
  DILUTED                                              $2.25       ($0.07)       $0.96                        $3.14
  BASIC                                                                                                 220,908,546
  DILUTED                                                                                               224,780,449

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Year to Date September 30, 2002 vs. 2001
(Dollars in thousands)
						    U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
						  Utilities     Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                            $ (724,909)   $       -     $      -    $      910    $  (723,998)
     Natural gas                                     (68,831)           -            -             -        (68,831)
     Competitive businesses                                -        4,143     (385,780)       (1,396)      (383,033)
			 Total                      (793,740)       4,143     (385,780)         (486)    (1,175,862)

      Operating and Maintenance:
	  Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas      (828,993)           -     (628,429)            -     (1,457,422)
	    purchased for resale
	  Purchased power                           (144,468)         865        8,494        (1,830)      (136,939)

      Gross Margin                                   179,721        3,278      234,155         1,344        418,499
      Margin %                                         11.1%        (2.8%)       35.0%         (47.6%)        15.6%

	  Nuclear refueling outage expenses           (5,947)           -       15,437             -          9,490
	  Provision for turbine commitments,
	    asset impairments and restructuring
	    charges                                        -            -      391,557             -        391,557
	  Other operation and maintenance            215,974        6,614      135,057         1,579        359,223
     Decommissioning                                  29,338            -            -             -         29,338
     Taxes other than income taxes                    (9,353)           5        5,385             -         (3,964)
			 Total                      (743,450)       7,484      (72,500)         (251)      (808,717)

AND AMORTIZATION                                     (50,290)      (3,341)    (313,280)         (235)      (367,145)

Margin %                                                3.3%         2.4%       (20.6%)        11.2%          (1.0%)

     Depreciation and amortization                   100,905          834        9,570             -        111,308
     Other regulatory charges (credits)             (143,446)           -            -             -       (143,446)
			Total                        (42,541)         834        9,570             -        (32,138)

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                               (7,749)      (4,175)    (322,850)         (235)      (335,008)

Margin %                                                3.0%         1.4%       (22.2%)        11.2%          (1.7%)

     Allowance for equity funds used during            4,471            -            -             -          4,471
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net                 410          (75)        (217)            -            118
     Interest and dividend income                    (48,433)      (4,390)      (3,789)        4,242        (52,370)
     Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
       equity affiliates                                   -            -      (10,993)            -        (10,993)
     Miscellaneous - net                              18,226          (83)     (24,792)          235         (6,414)
			  Total                      (25,327)      (4,548)     (39,791)        4,477        (65,188)

     Interest on long-term debt                      (31,426)           -       21,876             -         (9,549)
     Other interest - net                            (67,271)      (7,272)     (26,820)        4,242        (97,122)
     Distributions on preferred securities                 -            -            -             -              -
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used                (2,760)           -            -             -         (2,760)
       during construction
			 Total                      (101,457)      (7,272)      (4,944)        4,242       (109,430)

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                     68,381       (1,451)    (357,696)            -       (290,766)

INCOME TAXES                                          33,847       (1,532)    (140,573)            -       (108,259)

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                        34,534           81     (217,123)            -       (182,507)

AND OTHER                                               (567)           -            -             -           (567)
EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $   35,101    $      81   $ (217,123)    $       -      $(181,940)

Margin %                                                2.0%          7.9%      (13.9%)         0.0%          (1.1%)

  BASIC                                                $0.13        $0.00       ($0.98)                      ($0.85)
  DILUTED                                              $0.13        $0.00       ($0.97)                      ($0.84)

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Twelve Months Ended September 30, 2002
(Dollars in thousands)
						    U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
						  Utilities     Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                            $6,522,109    $       -     $      -    $   (1,280)   $ 6,520,829
     Natural gas                                     117,071            -            -             -        117,071
     Competitive businesses                                -       40,683    1,638,571        (5,558)     1,673,697
			 Total                     6,639,180       40,683    1,638,571        (6,838)     8,311,597

      Operating and Maintenance:
	  Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas     1,940,925            -      276,311             -      2,217,236
	    purchased for resale
	  Purchased power                            665,981          909       96,950        (5,766)       758,074

      Gross Margin                                 4,032,274       39,774    1,265,310        (1,072)     5,336,287
      Margin %                                         60.7%        97.8%        77.2%          15.7%         64.2%

	  Nuclear refueling outage expenses           59,805            -       38,830             -         98,634
	  Provision for turbine commitments,
	    asset impairments and restructuring
	    charges                                        -            -      391,557             -        391,557
	  Other operation and maintenance          1,621,367       94,143      797,837        (2,382)     2,510,966
     Decommissioning                                  32,526            -            -             -         32,526
     Taxes other than income taxes                   342,846        2,618       50,421             -        395,885
			 Total                     4,663,450       97,670    1,651,906        (8,148)     6,404,878

AND AMORTIZATION                                   1,975,730      (56,987)     (13,335)        1,310      1,906,719

Margin %                                               29.8%      (140.1%)       (0.8%)       (19.2%)         22.9%

     Depreciation and amortization                   765,050        5,352       61,940             -        832,341
     Other regulatory charges (credits)             (163,957)           -            -             -       (163,957)
			Total                        601,093        5,352       61,940             -        668,384

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                            1,374,637      (62,339)     (75,275)        1,310      1,238,335

Margin %                                               20.7%      (153.2%)       (4.6%)       (19.2%)         14.9%

     Allowance for equity funds used during           30,680            -            -             -         30,680
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net               3,020          (30)       2,355             -          5,345
     Interest and dividend income                     31,269       32,913       73,360       (30,107)       107,435
     Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
       equity affiliates                                   -            -      161,222             -        161,222
     Miscellaneous - net                             (21,138)       4,974       (3,043)       (1,309)       (20,517)
			  Total                       43,831       37,857      233,894       (31,416)       284,165

     Interest on long-term debt                      443,597            -       91,775             -        535,372
     Other interest - net                             36,993       34,288       59,342       (30,107)       100,517
     Distributions on preferred securities            18,837            -            -             -         18,837
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used               (24,179)           -            -             -        (24,179)
       during construction
			 Total                       475,248       34,288      151,117       (30,107)       630,547

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    943,220      (58,770)       7,502             -        891,953

INCOME TAXES                                         334,131         (595)      13,898             -        347,434

ACCOUNTING CHANGE                                    609,089      (58,174)      (6,396)            -        544,519

  taxes)                                                   -            -       23,482             -         23,482
CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                       609,089      (58,174)      17,086             -        568,001

AND OTHER                                             23,744            -            -             -         23,744
EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $  585,345    $ (58,174)  $   17,086     $       -       $544,257

Margin %                                                8.8%      (143.0%)        1.0%             -           6.5%

  BASIC                                                $2.63       ($0.27)       $0.08                        $2.44
  DILUTED                                              $2.58       ($0.26)       $0.08                        $2.40
  BASIC                                                                                                 222,759,877
  DILUTED                                                                                               226,646,942

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Twelve Months Ended September 30, 2001
(Dollars in thousands)
						    U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
						  Utilities     Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                            $7,672,390    $       4     $      -    $   (5,640)   $ 7,666,754
     Natural gas                                     228,908            -            -             -        228,908
     Competitive businesses                                -       27,801    1,936,428       (19,275)     1,944,954
			 Total                     7,901,298       27,805    1,936,428       (24,915)     9,840,616

      Operating and Maintenance:
	  Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas     2,965,672            -      960,243          (302)     3,925,613
	    purchased for resale
	  Purchased power                            972,765            -       79,985       (21,350)     1,031,400

      Gross Margin                                 3,962,861       27,805      896,200        (3,263)     4,883,603
      Margin %                                         50.2%       100.0%        46.3%          13.1%         49.6%

	  Nuclear refueling outage expenses           67,516            -       13,938             -         81,454
	  Provision for turbine commitments,
	    asset impairments and restructuring
	    charges                                        -            -            -             -              -
	  Other operation and maintenance          1,438,360      110,146      525,071        (4,870)     2,068,707
     Decommissioning                                   6,124            -            -             -          6,124
     Taxes other than income taxes                   363,894        2,466       33,356             -        399,716
			 Total                     5,814,331      112,612    1,612,593       (26,522)     7,513,014

AND AMORTIZATION                                   2,086,967      (84,807)     323,835         1,607      2,327,602

Margin %                                               26.4%      (305.0%)       16.7%         (6.4%)         23.7%

     Depreciation and amortization                   665,253        4,159       44,821             -        714,233
     Other regulatory charges (credits)              (24,908)           -            -             -        (24,908)
			Total                        640,345        4,159       44,821             -        689,325

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                            1,446,622      (88,966)     279,014         1,607      1,638,277

Margin %                                               18.3%      (320.0%)       14.4%         (6.4%)         16.6%

     Allowance for equity funds used during           26,383            -            -             -         26,383
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net               2,711           77          217             -          3,005
     Interest and dividend income                     86,192       49,343       65,722       (32,540)       168,717
     Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
       equity affiliates                                   2            -      153,957             -        153,959
     Miscellaneous - net                             (32,299)       3,452       22,721        (1,607)        (7,733)
			  Total                       82,989       52,872      242,617       (34,147)       344,331

     Interest on long-term debt                      477,963            -       31,898             -        509,861
     Other interest - net                            105,512       36,611       93,576       (32,540)       203,159
     Distributions on preferred securities            18,838            -            -             -         18,838
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used               (21,079)           -            -             -        (21,079)
       during construction
			 Total                       581,234       36,611      125,474       (32,540)       710,779

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    948,377      (72,705)     396,157             -      1,271,829

INCOME TAXES                                         370,978      (29,246)     156,146             -        497,878

ACCOUNTING CHANGE                                    577,399      (43,459)     240,011             -        773,951

taxes)                                                     -            -            -             -              -

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                       577,399      (43,459)     240,011             -        773,951

AND OTHER                                             25,098            -            -             -         25,098
EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $  552,301    $ (43,459)  $  240,011     $       -       $748,853

Margin %                                                7.0%      (156.3%)       12.4%             -           7.6%

  BASIC                                                $2.51       ($0.20)       $1.09                        $3.40
  DILUTED                                              $2.46       ($0.20)       $1.07                        $3.33
  BASIC                                                                                                 220,574,276
  DILUTED                                                                                               224,689,451

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidating Income Statement
Twelve Months Ended September 30, 2002 vs. 2001
(Dollars in thousands)
						    U.S.       Parent &   Competitive   Eliminations  Consolidated
						  Utilities     Other      Businesses

     Domestic electric                           $(1,150,281)   $      (4)    $      -    $    4,360    $(1,145,925)
     Natural gas                                    (111,837)           -            -             -       (111,837)
     Competitive businesses                                -       12,882     (297,857)       13,717       (271,258)
			 Total                    (1,262,118)      12,878     (297,857)       18,077     (1,529,020)

      Operating and Maintenance:
	  Fuel, fuel related expenses, and gas    (1,024,747)           -     (683,932)          302     (1,708,377)
	    purchased for resale
	  Purchased power                           (306,784)         909       16,965        15,584       (273,326)

      Gross Margin                                    69,413       11,969      369,110         2,191        452,684
      Margin %                                         10.6%        (2.2%)       30.9%           2.6%         14.6%

	  Nuclear refueling outage expenses           (7,711)           -       24,892             -         17,180
	  Provision for turbine commitments,
	    asset impairments and restructuring
	    charges                                        -            -      391,557             -        391,557
	  Other operation and maintenance            183,007      (16,003)     272,766         2,488        442,259
     Decommissioning                                  26,402            -            -             -         26,402
     Taxes other than income taxes                   (21,048)         152       17,065             -         (3,831)
			 Total                    (1,150,881)     (14,942)      39,313        18,374     (1,108,136)

AND AMORTIZATION                                    (111,237)      27,820     (337,170)         (297)      (420,883)

Margin %                                                3.3%       164.9%       (17.5%)       (12.7%)         (0.7%)

     Depreciation and amortization                    99,797        1,193       17,119             -        118,108
     Other regulatory charges (credits)             (139,049)           -            -             -       (139,049)
			Total                        (39,252)       1,193       17,119             -        (20,941)

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                              (71,985)      26,627     (354,289)         (297)      (399,943)

Margin %                                                2.4%       166.7%       (19.0%)       (12.7%)         (1.7%)

     Allowance for equity funds used during            4,297            -            -             -          4,297
     Gain/(loss) on sale of assets - net                 309         (107)       2,138             -          2,340
     Interest and dividend income                    (54,923)     (16,430)       7,638         2,433        (61,282)
     Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
       equity affiliates                                  (2)           -        7,265             -          7,263
     Miscellaneous - net                              11,161        1,522      (25,764)          298        (12,784)
			  Total                      (39,158)     (15,015)      (8,723)        2,731        (60,166)

     Interest on long-term debt                      (34,366)           -       59,877             -         25,511
     Other interest - net                            (68,519)      (2,324)     (34,234)        2,434       (102,643)
     Distributions on preferred securities                (1)           -            -             -             (1)
       of subsidiaries
     Allowance for borrowed funds used                (3,100)           -            -             -         (3,100)
       during construction
			 Total                      (105,986)      (2,324)      25,643         2,434        (80,233)

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                     (5,157)      13,936     (388,655)            1       (379,876)

INCOME TAXES                                         (36,847)      28,651     (142,248)            -       (150,444)

ACCOUNTING CHANGE                                     31,690      (14,715)    (246,407)            -       (229,432)

taxes)                                                     -            -       23,482             -         23,482

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME (LOSS)                        31,690      (14,715)    (222,925)            -       (205,950)

AND OTHER                                             (1,354)           -            -             -         (1,354)
EARNINGS (LOSS) APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK        $   33,044    $ (14,715)  $ (222,925)    $       -      $(204,596)

Margin %                                                1.8%         13.3%      (11.4%)            -          (1.1%)

  BASIC                                                $0.12       ($0.07)      ($1.01)                      ($0.96)
  DILUTED                                              $0.12       ($0.06)      ($0.99)                      ($0.93)

*Totals may not foot due to rounding.

Entergy Corporation

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Year to Date September 30, 2002 vs. 2001
(Dollars in thousands)

											2002          2001        Variance

Consolidated net income                                                                $541,401      $723,907     ($182,506)
Noncash items included in net income:
  Reserve for regulatory adjustments                                                     10,767      (357,880)      368,647
  Other regulatory charges (credits) - net                                             (149,340)       (5,894)     (143,446)
  Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning                                       649,997       509,350       140,647
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits                                     (169,905)      (53,037)     (116,868)
  Allowance for equity funds used during construction                                   (23,730)      (19,259)       (4,471)
  (Gain) loss on sale of assets - net                                                    (2,379)       (2,261)         (118)
  Equity in undistributed earnings of subsidiaries and unconsolidated affiliates       (140,964)     (145,312)        4,348
  Provision for turbine commitments, asset impairments and restructuring charges        391,557             -       391,557
Changes in working capital:
  Receivables                                                                          (233,194)       33,355      (266,549)
  Fuel inventory                                                                           (193)      (24,898)       24,705
  Accounts payable                                                                       68,004      (467,749)      535,753
  Taxes accrued                                                                         496,789       457,995        38,794
  Interest accrued                                                                        5,158        10,289        (5,131)
  Deferred fuel                                                                          85,998       367,105      (281,107)
  Other working capital accounts                                                        (83,990)      (11,291)      (72,699)
Provision for estimated losses and reserves                                                 198       (10,706)       10,904
Changes in other regulatory assets                                                      206,503        61,583       144,920
Other                                                                                    17,600       163,459      (145,859)
										     ----------    ----------     ---------
Net cash flow provided by operating activities                                        1,670,277     1,228,756       441,521
										     ----------    ----------     ---------

Construction/capital expenditures                                                    (1,053,000)     (939,662)     (113,338)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction                                      23,730        19,259         4,471
Nuclear fuel purchases                                                                 (217,398)     (119,277)      (98,121)
Proceeds from sale/leaseback of nuclear fuel                                            160,062        60,679        99,383
Proceeds from sale of businesses                                                        244,578       805,945      (561,367)
Investment in other nonregulated/nonutility properties                                 (200,119)     (565,333)      365,214
Decrease (increase) in other investments                                                 38,964      (632,548)      671,512
Changes in other temporary investments - net                                            150,000      (250,600)      400,600
Decommissioning trust contributions and realized change in trust assets                 (49,458)      (79,047)       29,589
Other regulatory investments                                                            (45,262)      (36,461)       (8,801)
Other                                                                                   116,654       (12,200)      128,854
										     ----------    ----------     ---------
Net cash flow used in investing activities                                             (831,249)   (1,749,245)      917,996
										     ----------    ----------     ---------

  Proceeds from the issuance of:
    Long-term debt                                                                      368,589       489,295      (120,706)
    Common stock                                                                        115,569        62,335        53,234
  Retirement of:
    Long-term debt                                                                   (1,166,412)     (877,088)     (289,324)
  Repurchase of common stock                                                           (103,579)      (36,895)      (66,684)
  Redemption of preferred stock                                                          (1,858)      (39,574)       37,716
  Changes in credit line borrowings - net                                               379,333       662,997      (283,664)
  Dividends paid:
     Common stock                                                                      (221,215)     (202,112)      (19,103)
     Preferred stock                                                                    (17,796)      (20,281)        2,485
										     ----------    ----------     ---------
Net cash flow used in financing activities                                             (647,369)       38,677      (686,046)
										     ----------    ----------     ---------

Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents                                     5,614           664         4,950
										     ----------    ----------     ---------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                    197,273      (481,148)      678,421

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                        751,573     1,382,424      (630,851)
										     ----------    ----------     ---------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                             $948,846      $901,276       $47,570
										     ==========    ==========     =========