Exhibit 4(b)

                  8% Series due March 1, 2006

            (See legend at the end of this bond for
      restrictions on transferability and change of form)

                                            CUSIP No. 647770 AR 7
No. R-1
       NEW  ORLEANS  PUBLIC  SERVICE  INC.,  a  corporation  duly
organized  and existing under the laws of the State of  Louisiana
(hereinafter  called  the Company), for  value  received,  hereby
promises  to  pay  to Cede & Co., or registered assigns,  at  the
office  or  agency of the Company in The City of  New  York,  New
York, the principal sum of Forty Million Dollars ($40,000,000) on
March  1, 2006, in such coin or currency of the United States  of
America as at the time of payment is legal tender for public  and
private debts, and to pay in like manner to the registered  owner
hereof interest thereon from March 26, 1996, if the date of  this
bond  is prior to September 1, 1996, or, if the date of this bond
is on or after September 1, 1996, from the September 1 or March 1
next  preceding the date of this bond to which interest has  been
paid (unless the date hereof is an interest payment date to which
interest  has been paid, in which case from the date hereof),  at
the  rate  of  eight per centum (8%) per annum in  like  coin  or
currency  on March 1 and September 1 in each year and at maturity
until  the principal of this bond shall have become due and  been
duly  paid or provided for, and to pay interest (before and after
judgment) on any overdue principal, premium, if any, and (to  the
extent  permitted by law) on any overdue interest at the rate  of
nine (9%) per annum.  Interest on this bond shall be computed  on
the  basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day  months.
Interest on this bond in respect of a portion of a month shall be
calculated based on the actual number of days elapsed.

      The  interest so payable on any interest payment date will,
subject   to   certain  exceptions  provided  in   the   Mortgage
hereinafter referred to, be paid to the person in whose name this
bond  is  registered at the close of business on the day (whether
or  not  a  business  day)  immediately preceding  such  interest
payment date.  At the option of the Company, interest may be paid
by  check mailed on or prior to such interest payment date to the
address  of  the  person entitled thereto as such  address  shall
appear on the register of the Company.

     This bond shall not become obligatory until Bank of Montreal
Trust  Company, the Trustee under the Mortgage, or its  successor
thereunder,   shall  have  signed  the  form  of   authentication
certificate endorsed hereon.

      This  bond  is  one  of a series of bonds  of  the  Company
issuable  in series and is one of a duly authorized series  known
as  its General and Refunding Mortgage Bonds, 8% Series due March
1,  2006 (herein called bonds of the Ninth Series), all bonds  of
all  series  issued under and equally secured by a  Mortgage  and
Deed  of  Trust (herein, together with any indenture supplemental
thereto,  called  the Mortgage), dated as of May  1,  1987,  duly
executed by the Company to Bank of Montreal Trust Company and  Z.
George  Klodnicki (Mark F. McLaughlin, successor),  as  Trustees.
Reference  is  made  to  the Mortgage for a  description  of  the
mortgaged and pledged property, assets and rights, the nature and
extent   of  the  lien  and  security,  the  respective   rights,
limitations  of  rights,  covenants,  obligations,   duties   and
immunities  thereunder of the Company, the holders of  bonds  and
the  Trustees and the terms and conditions upon which  the  bonds
are,  and  are  to  be,  secured, the circumstances  under  which
additional  bonds  may  be issued and the definition  of  certain
terms  herein  used, to all of which, by its acceptance  of  this
bond, the holder of this bond agrees.

     The principal hereof may be declared or may become due prior
to the maturity date hereinbefore named on the conditions, in the
manner  and  at  the  time set forth in the  Mortgage,  upon  the
occurrence  of  a  Default  as  in the  Mortgage  provided.   The
Mortgage provides that in certain circumstances and upon  certain
conditions,  such a declaration and its consequences  or  certain
past  defaults and the consequences thereof may be waived by such
affirmative  vote  of  holders of bonds as is  specified  in  the

      The Mortgage contains provisions permitting the Company and
the  Trustee  to  execute  supplemental indentures  amending  the
Mortgage  for certain specified purposes without the  consent  of
holders  of  bonds.  With the consent of the Company and  to  the
extent  permitted by and as provided in the Mortgage, the  rights
and  obligations of the Company and/or the rights of the  holders
of  the bonds of the Ninth Series and/or the terms and provisions
of  the  Mortgage may be modified or altered by such  affirmative
vote  or  votes of the holders of bonds then Outstanding  as  are
specified in the Mortgage.

      Any  consent  or waiver by the holder of this bond  (unless
effectively  revoked  as  provided  in  the  Mortgage)  shall  be
conclusive  and  binding upon such holder  and  upon  all  future
holders  of  this  bond and of any bonds issued  in  exchange  or
substitution herefor, irrespective of whether or not any notation
of  such  consent or waiver is made upon this bond or such  other

     No reference herein to the Mortgage and no provision of this
bond  or of the Mortgage shall alter or impair the obligation  of
the  Company,  which is absolute and unconditional,  to  pay  the
principal of (and premium, if any) and interest on this  bond  in
the  manner,  at  the respective times, at the rate  and  in  the
currency herein prescribed.

      The  bonds are issuable as registered bonds without coupons
in  the  denominations of $1,000 and integral multiples  thereof.
At  the  office or agency to be maintained by the Company in  The
City of New York, New York, and in the manner and subject to  the
provisions  of the Mortgage, bonds may be exchanged  for  a  like
aggregate   principal  amount  of  bonds  of   other   authorized
denominations,  without payment of any charge other  than  a  sum
sufficient  to  reimburse  the  Company  for  any  tax  or  other
governmental  charge incident thereto.  This bond is transferable
as  prescribed in the Mortgage by the registered owner hereof  in
person,  or  by  his duly authorized attorney, at the  office  or
agency  of  the Company in The City of New York, New  York,  upon
surrender  of  this bond, and upon payment, if the Company  shall
require it, of the transfer charges provided for in the Mortgage,
and,  thereupon, a new fully registered bond of the  same  series
for  a like principal amount will be issued to the transferee  in
exchange hereof as provided in the Mortgage. The Company and  the
Trustees may deem and treat the person in whose name this bond is
registered  as  the  absolute owner hereof  for  the  purpose  of
receiving  payment  and for all other purposes  and  neither  the
Company nor the Trustees shall be affected by any notice  to  the

      This  bond is redeemable at the option of the Company under
certain circumstances in the manner and at such redemption prices
as are provided in the Mortgage.  This bond is also redeemable at
the  option  of the owner upon the events, in the manner  and  at
such redemption prices as are specified in the Mortgage.

     No recourse shall be had for the payment of the principal of
or  interest on this bond against any incorporator or  any  past,
present  or  future subscriber to the capital stock, stockholder,
officer  or  director  of the Company or of  any  predecessor  or
successor  corporation, as such, either directly or  through  the
Company  or any predecessor or successor corporation,  under  any
rule of law, statute or constitution or by the enforcement of any
assessment  or  otherwise, all such liability  of  incorporators,
subscribers, stockholders, officers and directors being  released
by  the holder or owner hereof by the acceptance of this bond and
being likewise waived and released by the terms of the Mortgage.

      As provided in the Mortgage, this bond shall be governed by
and  construed in accordance with the laws of the  State  of  New

      IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, New Orleans Public Service  Inc.  has
caused  this  bond  to  be signed in its corporate  name  by  its
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, President or  one
of  its  Vice Presidents by his signature or a facsimile thereof,
and  its  corporate seal to be impressed or imprinted hereon  and
attested by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries  by
his signature or a facsimile thereof.

March 26, 1996

                                        NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC SERVICE INC.

                                        BY: _________________________
                                                William J. Regan, Jr.
                                            Vice President and Treasurer


Title: Assistant Secretary

                        [FORM OF TRUSTEE'S



     This bond is one of the bonds, of the series herein designated, 
described or provided for in the within-mentioned mortgage.

                                BANK OF MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY,
                                as Trustee,

                                By: __________________________
                                    Authorized Signature


     Unless and until this bond is exchanged in whole or in part for
certificated bonds registered in the names of the various beneficial
holders hereof as then certified to the Trustee by The Depository Trust
Company or its successor (the "Depositary"), this bond may not be 
transferred except as a whole by the Depositary to a nominee of the 
Depositary or by a nominee of the Depositary to the Depositary or another
nominee of the Depositary or by the Depositary or any such nominee to 
a successor Depositary or a nominee of such successor Depositary.

     Unless this certificate is presented by an authorized representative
of the Depositary to the Company or its agent for registration of
transfer, exchange or payment, and any certificate to be issued is 
registered in the name of Cede & Co., or such other name as requested 
by an authorized representative of the Depositary and any amount payable
thereunder is made payable to Cede & Co., or such other name, ANY
PERSON IS WRONGFUL since the registered owner hereof, Cede & Co., has an
interest herein.

     This bond may be exchanged for certificated bonds registered in the 
names of the various beneficial owners hereof if (a) the Depositary is 
at any time unwilling or unable to continue as depositary and a successor
depositary is not appointed by the Company within 90 days, or (b) the
Company elects to issue certificated bonds to beneficial owners (as 
certified to the Company by the Depositary).