Exhibit 2


IN RE:                             )
                                   )  CASE NO. 94-11474
CAJUN ELECTRIC POWER               )
  COOPERATIVE, INC.,               )    Chapter 11
DEBTOR.                            )  USDC NO. 94-CV-2763

                   COMMITTEE, SWEPCO AND GSU

      The Cajun Electric Members Committee ("Members Committee"),
Southwestern  Electric Power Company ("SWEPCO") and  Gulf  States
Utilities Company ("GSU") (collectively the "Proponents")  hereby
propose  the following plan of reorganization ("Plan") for  Cajun
Electric Power Cooperative, Inc., the debtor herein ("Debtor"  or

                    INTRODUCTION TO THE PLAN

      This Plan produces a total value for creditors estimated to
be   between  $1.177  billion  and  $1.247  billion,   which   is
substantially more than the $804 million established by the  LPSC
as  the  maximum  value  of  Cajun's  assets  in  1994.   Equally
significant,  this Plan ends the GSU litigation by  incorporating
the terms of a global settlement negotiated by the Proponents. <FN1>

     This Plan is feasible and confirmable because: (i) it is not
contingent  on financing; (ii) it is the only plan that  has  the
support  of the Members, which is required of any plan; (iii)  it
is  the  only  plan  that  avoids litigation  over  the  Members'
contract rights; and (iv) it is the only plan that reduces  rates
to  a competitive level and is therefore supportable by the LPSC,
which must approve any plan.

      This  Plan  does not contain any "break-up"  fee  or  other
pecuniary imposition on the Cajun estate.

      The  distinguishing attribute of this Plan is that it  will
produce competitive wholesale rates to cooperatives serving  over
one  million  Louisiana residents and maximize the value  of  the
Cajun estate.  The cooperatives cannot and will not remain viable
at  non-competitive  rates, as evidenced  by  the  bankruptcy  of
Washington St. Tammany, the insolvency and acquisition of BREMCO,
the  agreement  of  the Teche Board to sell to CLECO,  and  other
cooperatives   that  are  experiencing  financial   difficulties.
Cajun's  current  rates to the Members exceed SWEPCO's  wholesale
rates  by  over 45 percent.  This Plan would reduce the  Members'
wholesale  rates to an above-market, but reasonably  competitive,
level  of  approximately  37.5  mills,  which  would  immediately
provide  significant  rate relief to Louisiana  ratepayers  while
also  maximizing the value of the estate.  Any plan that proposes
higher,  non-competitive rates in an effort to extract  excessive
value  from  Louisiana ratepayers would not provide  a  permanent
solution  to  the substantial rate disparity between cooperatives
on  the  one hand, and investor-owned and municipal utilities  on
the  other  hand,  and additional cooperative insolvencies  would
result.   This  Plan  recognizes the  fact  that  competition  is
forthcoming  in the utility industry and, very significantly,  it
allows  creditors  to  share in the benefit  of  rate  reductions
through  a secure dedicated payment stream that will escalate  as
the revitalized cooperatives experience load growth.

      The  ultimate cost of the River Bend project in which Cajun
invested  caused  problems for all involved.  The  Rural  Utility
Services ("RUS") has made direct and guaranteed loans that,  with
interest,  exceed  $4.2 billion, a significant portion  of  which
relates  to River Bend.  The Members have had rates imposed  that
make   them   non-competitive  and  jeopardize  their   continued
existence.   GSU  has  been subjected to  numerous,  lengthy  and
expensive  lawsuits resulting from River Bend and its contractual
relations  with  Cajun.   Finally,  employees,  suppliers,  trade
creditors  and  others  who  have dealt  with  Cajun  have  faced
uncertainties resulting from the pending bankruptcy.

      The  Proponents  submit  this  Plan  to  resolve  the  many
difficulties  that  have plagued Cajun over the  past  16  years,
starting with the decision to invest in a nuclear power plant.

      To  put  an  end to Cajun's Chapter 11 case,  a  plan  must
satisfy the following four (4) criteria:

          1.    It  must  provide  a  mechanism  to  resolve  the
          pervasive  litigation  in  which  Cajun  and  GSU   are

          2.    It must provide a payment to creditors consistent
          with  the  mandates  of  the Louisiana  Public  Service
          Commission ("LPSC").

          3.    It  must provide Cajun's 12 Members with  a  long
          term, reliable, competitively priced source of power.

          4.    It  must  maximize the value of  Cajun's  assets,
          consistent with the foregoing criteria.

      This  Plan meets these criteria.  Further, this Plan  meets
the dictates of, and should be acceptable to the LPSC because  it
pays  the fair value of the used and useful assets of Cajun while
maintaining a competitive rate level.

                      SUMMARY OF THE PLAN

     The Plan provides for an enterprise (hereinafter "SWECO") to
be  formed by SWEPCO as a wholly owned subsidiary or affiliate to
acquire  Cajun's non-nuclear assets (hereinafter the  "Generation
and  Transmission Assets"), except the liquid assets.  The  total
consideration  to creditors made available under this  Plan  will
be:   $405  million  in cash from SWECO for  the  Generation  and
Transmission  Assets;  cash  and  liquid  assets  in  the  estate
estimated  to  be  $125 million (as of December, 1996);  Deferred
Payments  from  the  Members with a net  present  value  of  $497
million  to $567 million, payment of which will be assured  by  a
subordination of SWECO's right to payments from the Members;  and
the  segregated  funds claimed by the Members  (the  "Ratepayers'
Trust  Fund")  estimated to provide an additional  $150  million.
This  provides a net present value to the estate of approximately
$1.2 billion.

      The  Members  and SWECO shall enter into new  power  supply
agreements, with a 20 year term, whereby SWECO shall be obligated
to  supply and the Members shall be obligated to purchase all  of
their power requirements up to the capacity of the Generation and
Transmission Assets.  The terms and conditions of the  new  power
supply agreements shall be mutually agreeable to SWECO on the one
hand  and the Members on the other.  The parties shall also enter
into agreements whereby the Members will dedicate 5.875 mills  to
the  RUS  for  every kilowatt hour of electricity purchased  from
SWECO  up  to  the  capacity of the Generation  and  Transmission
Assets.  The obligation to purchase power, along with a dedicated
payment stream, will result in gross payments to the RUS over  20
years  of  a  sum exceeding $1 billion, which stream  has  a  net
present value estimated between $497 million and $567 million.

      Cajun's  involvement  in  River  Bend  and  prior  business
dealings  with  GSU,  as well as the resulting  bankruptcy,  have
spawned  much  litigation with more threatened.   The  filed  and
threatened litigation includes:

           1.    River  Bend Contract and Fraud Suit.   In  1989,
     Cajun sued GSU for fraud and breach of contract arising  out
     of Cajun's River Bend investment.  Cajun seeks rescission of
     the River Bend JOA and return of all funds invested in River
     Bend.   The  litigation  is pending  in  the  United  States
     District  Court for the Middle District of Louisiana,  Cause
     No.  89-474-B.   On  October 25, 1995,  the  District  Court
     denied Cajun's fraud claim, and the suit remains pending.

           2.    River  Bend Nullity Suit.  Certain  Members  and
     Cajun  have filed suit against GSU alleging that  the  River
     Bend  JOA  is  an absolute nullity because the contract  was
     never  approved  by  the LPSC.  The nullity  suit  has  been
     stayed  until resolution of the fraud portion of  the  River
     Bend litigation.

          3.   Prudency/Used and Useful Order.  On June 17, 1994,
     in   Order  No.  U-17735-C,  the  LPSC  ruled  that  Cajun's
     investment  in River Bend was imprudent and that  the  River
     Bend  capacity  is  not used or useful.  This  order  is  on
     appeal to the 19th Judicial District Court.

           4.    Rate Order.  On December 16, 1994, in Order  No.
     U-17735-E,  the  LPSC  ordered Cajun to  reduce  its  annual
     revenues   by   $30.2  million,  which  lowered   rates   to
     approximately  48.8  mills.   Cajun  filed  an   appeal   in
     opposition  to the rate decrease, and certain Members  filed
     appeals  contending that rates should be further  decreased.
     The appeals are pending at the 19th Judicial District Court.

           5.    Preemption Litigation.  Following entry  of  the
     LPSC's Rate Order, the RUS sent a letter advising Cajun that
     the  Rate  Order was implicitly preempted.  On December  21,
     1994, Cajun filed a complaint for declaratory judgment as to
     whether its rates were regulated by the RUS or the LPSC.  On
     July  20,  1995, the District Court entered a judgment  that
     the  LPSC retained jurisdiction to regulate Cajun.  RUS  has
     appealed to the Fifth Circuit (95-30941).

           6.    River Bend JOA/Big Cajun II, Unit 3, JOA.  Cajun
     and GSU are involved in litigation both in the U.S. District
     Court, Middle District of Louisiana (No. 91-1091) and in the
     bankruptcy  case  regarding  their  respective  rights   and
     obligations under the River Bend JOA and the Big  Cajun  II,
     Unit  3,  JOA.   Cajun has ceased paying  any  O&M  expenses
     relating  to River Bend, and has moved to reject  the  River
     Bend  JOA pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 365.  GSU contends that  the
     River  Bend  JOA  is  not an executory contract  subject  to
     rejection.   GSU  has obtained injunctive  relief  mandating
     Cajun to deliver 42% of the power from Big Cajun II, Unit 3,
     to  GSU,  and  allowing  GSU to deposit  its  share  of  O&M
     expenses relating to Big Cajun II, Unit 3, into the registry
     of the court.  GSU claims ownership of the deposited funds.

           7.    GSU Subordination Action Against RUS.  GSU filed
     an  adversary proceeding against RUS in the bankruptcy court
     (now  pending  in  District Court  under  Civil  Action  No.
     95-00080-B-M-2), contending that the claims and liens of RUS
     against  Cajun are subordinated under bankruptcy  and  state

           8.    Challenges to Liens and Claims of RUS and CoBank
     Preserved  by  Creditors Committee,  Members  Committee  and
     Cajun.   Pursuant to the bankruptcy court's cash  collateral
     order, on May 10, 1995, the Creditors Committee asserted and
     preserved numerous challenges to the claims and liens of RUS
     and  CoBank.   Most  significantly, the Creditors  Committee
     asserts  that all obligations of Cajun to the RUS or CoBank,
     and  any security therefor, are an absolute nullity  to  the
     extent  that  such  obligations were  incurred  without  the
     required   prior  approval  of  the  LPSC.   The   Creditors
     Committee  has also reserved a subordination action  against
     RUS.   On  May  9,  1995, the Members Committee  and  Debtor
     raised similar objections to the claims and liens of RUS and

           9.    Challenges  to the Supply Contracts.   Southwest
     Louisiana   Electric   Membership   Corporation   ("SLEMCO")
     contends  that its Supply Contract is a nullity because  the
     Supply  Contract  was never approved by  the  LPSC.   SLEMCO
     first  entered into its Supply Contract with Cajun in  1976,
     at  a  time when the LPSC had jurisdiction over SLEMCO,  but
     the LPSC never approved the contract as required by law.  In
     addition, the other Members executed new, superseding Supply
     Contracts  in  1976 that may also be a nullity  under  state
     law.   Besides  the  nullity issue,  the  Members  Committee
     contends  that  the  Supply  Contracts  are  not  assignable
     without  the consent of the Members.  See Matter  of  Wabash
     Valley Power Ass'n, Inc., 72 F.3d 1305 (7th Cir. 1995), pet.
     reh'g den'd (April 2, 1996).

           10.   Claims  for  River  Bend Decommissioning  Costs.
     There  are  serious issues involving Cajun's  liability  for
     River  Bend  decommissioning costs, the computation  of  any
     such  liability,  and whether any such  liability  would  be
     treated as a post-petition administrative claim.

           11.   Transmission  and  Other Regulatory  Litigation.
     There  is  substantial  litigation  between  Cajun  and  GSU
     pending  before  the  Federal Energy  Regulatory  Commission
     relating  to  transmission issues and matters involving  the
     GSU/Entergy merger pending before FERC, the SEC and the NRC.

      The  Plan includes settlements that eliminate the need  for
the  court  to  hear  and  determine  the  filed  and  threatened
litigation.   A key element in the settlement is GSU's  agreement
to  assume responsibility for Cajun's 30% interest in River  Bend
(at  the  option of the RUS), and resolution of all other  claims
between Cajun and GSU.

      Another  key  feature  of the Plan  is  resolution  of  the
objections  raised by the Creditors Committee to the  claims  and
liens  of  RUS  and  CoBank.   The Plan  resolves  the  Creditors
Committee's  objections  by paying the  general  unsecured  trade
creditors  a minimum of seventy-five (75%) of the allowed  amount
of their claims (up to a maximum of $6 million).

      The Plan would also render moot the nullity contentions  of
SLEMCO and the other Members regarding their Supply Contracts, in
addition  to the other contract issues identified in  the  Wabash
Valley case.

      Also  rendered moot by the Plan is the Debtor's efforts  to
reject  the River Bend JOA, the preemption litigation pending  at
the  5th Circuit Court of Appeals and the various appeals of  the
LPSC's Rate Order.

                       TERMS OF THE PLAN

                    Article I:  Definitions.

     I.1  "Allowed Claim" means any Claim against the Debtor, (i)
the  proof of which was filed on or before the Bar Date; or  (ii)
that was scheduled by the Debtor as liquidated in amount and  not
disputed  or  contingent; and (iii) in either case,  a  Claim  to
which  no objection is timely filed or that is allowed by a Final
Order of the Court.

      I.2  "Allowed Secured Claim" means any Allowed Claim to the
extent  it  is secured by (i) a lien on the Debtor's  assets,  or
(ii) a right of set-off under Code Section 553.

      I.3   "Allowed Unsecured Claim" means any Allowed Claim  to
the  extent  it is not secured either by a lien on  the  Debtor's
assets or a right of set-off under Code Section 553.

      I.4   "Bar Date" means October 1, 1995, the date designated
by  the Court in its Order dated August 21, 1995 as the last  day
for filing a proof of Claim.

     I.5  "Cash Payment" means the $405 million to be paid on the
Effective  Date  by  SWECO  for the Generation  and  Transmission

     I.6  "Claim" means a claim as defined in Code Section 101(5)
against Cajun.

     I.7  "CoBank" means National Bank for Cooperatives.

      I.8   "Code  Section" means a section of the United  States
Bankruptcy  Code,  11  U.S.C. 101 et  seq.,  as  in  effect  with
respect to the Reorganization Case.

      I.9   "Confirmation  Order" means the order  of  the  Court
confirming this Plan.

      I.10 "Court" means the United States District Court for the
Middle  District of Louisiana, exercising its original bankruptcy
jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1334.

      I.11 "Creditors Committee" means the official committee  of
unsecured creditors approved by the Court.

      I.12  "Decommissioning Trust Fund" means a segregated trust
fund   to   be   established  to  satisfy  its  obligations   for
Decommissioning Costs (as defined in Section 6.1 below).

      I.13  "Deferred Payments" means the 20 year payment  stream
having  a  present value estimated between $497 million and  $567
million, which will be paid directly by the Members to the RUS in
consideration  of the release of the lien of RUS  on  the  Supply

     I.14 "Disbursement Fund" means that certain interest bearing
escrow  account  to be established under the supervision  of  the
Trustee,  into which cash proceeds are deposited and  from  which
Plan disbursements shall be made.

       I.15  "Effective  Date"  means  a  date  selected  by  the
Proponents  for this Plan to become effective, and for  documents
to  be  executed to implement the provisions of the  Plan,  which
date shall be not later than 90 days after the Confirmation Order
becomes  a  Final Order and the required approvals set  forth  in
Article  XI are obtained.  The Proponents may waive, in  writing,
the  requirement that the Confirmation Order become a Final Order
prior to the Plan becoming effective, in which case the Effective
Date shall be a date selected by the Proponents.

      I.16  "FFB" means the Federal Financing Bank of the  United
States Department of the Treasury.

     I.17 "FIBA" means First Interstate Bank of Arizona, N.A., as

      I.18  "Final Order" means an order or judgment  (a)  as  to
which  the time has expired within which a proceeding for  review
(whether  by way of rehearing, appeal, certiorari (or  otherwise)
may  be  commenced,  without  any  such  proceeding  having  been
commenced,  or (b) which, if such a review proceeding was  timely
commenced,  has  been affirmed by the highest tribunal  in  which
review  was  sought  or  remains in effect  without  modification
following termination of such proceeding for review, and the time
has expired within which any further proceeding for review may be

      I.19 "Generation and Transmission Assets" means all of  the
assets  owned  by  the Debtor on the Effective Date,  except  the
following: (i) River Bend, which is being transferred to GSU, RUS
or  a  third party; (ii) the River Bend Litigation and all  other
claims  against  GSU, which are being settled; (iii)  the  Liquid
Assets; and (iv) any assets identified in writing by SWECO  prior
to confirmation as an asset not to be acquired.  In addition, the
Decommissioning  Trust Fund, Ratepayer Trust  Fund  and  Registry
Trust Fund do not constitute Generation and Transmission Assets.

     I.20 "GSU" means Gulf States Utilities Company.

       I.21   "GSU  Subordination  Action"  means  the  adversary
proceeding filed by GSU requesting subordination of RUS'  claims,
Civil Action No. 95-00080-B-M-2.

      I.22 "Initial Distribution Date" shall mean a date no later
than  30  days after the Effective Date when the initial payments
to Allowed Claims, as set forth in this Plan, shall be made.

      I.23 "Liquid Assets" means all of Debtor's cash, investment
accounts,  and other liquid assets categorized as current  assets
on   Debtor's   balance   sheet,  but  does   not   include   the
Decommissioning Trust Fund, Ratepayer Trust Fund, Registry  Trust
Fund or Debtor's fuel, material and supply inventory.

     I.24 "LPSC" means the Louisiana Public Service Commission.

      I.25 "Members" means Beauregard Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
Claiborne   Electric   Cooperative,  Inc.,   Concordia   Electric
Cooperative,   Inc.,   Dixie  Electric  Membership   Corporation,
Jefferson  Davis Electric Cooperative, Inc., Northeast  Louisiana
Power   Cooperative,  Inc.,  Pointe  Coupee  Electric  Membership
Corporation,  South  Louisiana Electric Cooperative  Association,
Southwest   Louisiana  Electric  Membership  Corporation,   Teche
Electric    Cooperative,   Inc.,   Valley   Electric   Membership
Corporation and Washington-St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc.

      I.26  "Members  Committee" means  an  unofficial  committee
comprised  of  the  following  10  Members:  Beauregard  Electric
Cooperative,  Inc., Concordia Electric Cooperative,  Inc.,  Dixie
Electric   Membership  Corporation,  Jefferson   Davis   Electric
Cooperative,  Inc., Northeast Louisiana Power Cooperative,  Inc.,
Pointe  Coupee  Electric Membership Corporation, South  Louisiana
Electric  Cooperative Association, Southwest  Louisiana  Electric
Membership  Corporation, Valley Electric  Membership  Corporation
and Washington-St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc.

     I.27 "NRC" means the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

     I.28 "Petition Date" means December 21, 1994.

      I.29  "Proponents" means the Members Committee, SWEPCO  and

      I.30  "RUS"  means  the United States  of  America,  acting
through   the  Rural  Utilities  Service  (formerly   the   Rural
Electrification  Administration), an  agency  within  the  United
States Department of Agriculture.

     I.31 "Ratepayer Trust Fund" means the excess funds collected
by  Cajun that are accumulating in a segregated fund pursuant  to
the   Order  Concerning  Use  Of  Cash  Collateral  And  Adequate
Protection approved by the bankruptcy court on February 13, 1995,
and all interest thereon.

     I.32 "Registry Trust Fund" means the fund established by the
Court whereby GSU deposits its share of operating and maintenance
expense for Big Cajun II, Unit 3, with the registry of the Court.

      I.33  "Reorganization Case" means this Chapter 11  case  of
Cajun (Case No. 94-11474; USDC No. 94-CV-2763).

      I.34  "River Bend" or the "Cajun River Bend Interest" means
Cajun's  30%  interest  in  the  River  Bend  nuclear  generating
facility   constructed  by  GSU,  including  all  related   fuel,
accessories, spare parts and appurtenances.

      I.35  "River Bend JOA" means the River Bend Joint Operating
Agreement between GSU and Cajun.

      I.36 "River Bend Litigation" means the contract, fraud  and
nullity  litigation  between the Debtor and GSU  pending  in  the
United   States  District  Court  for  the  Middle  District   of
Louisiana, under cause numbers 89-474-B, 91-1091 and 93-395.

      I.37  "Subsequent Distribution Dates" shall  mean  periodic
dates  selected  by  the Trustee for payments to  Allowed  Claims
after the Initial Distribution Date.

     I.38 "Supply Contracts" means the long term all-requirements
contracts between the Debtor and each of its Members.

      I.39 "SWECO" means Southwestern Wholesale Electric Company,
a  new entity formed as a wholly owned subsidiary or affiliate by
SWEPCO to acquire the Generation and Transmission Assets.

      I.40 "SWEPCO" means Southwestern Electric Power Company,  a
Louisiana based investor owned utility.

     I.41 "Trustee" means the Chapter 11 trustee appointed herein
by  the  Court, or any successor Trustee that may be subsequently
appointed by the Court.

         Article II:  Treatment of Unclassified Claims.

      II.1 Treatment of Administrative Claims.  The Trustee shall
pay  in  cash on the Initial Distribution Date or, if later,  the
date  payable in the ordinary course of business, the full amount
of  each Allowed Unsecured Claim entitled to priority under  Code
Section  507(a)(1)  that is outstanding on  the  Effective  Date;
provided,  however,  that  in  the  case  of  any  Claim   by   a
professional  for  compensation  or  reimbursement  of  expenses,
payment of such Claim shall be subject to Court approval.

      II.2  Treatment of Pre-Petition, Priority Tax Claims.   The
Trustee  shall pay in cash on the Initial Distribution  Date  the
full  amount of each Allowed Unsecured Claim entitled to priority
under Code Section 507(a)(8).

     Article III:  Classification of Claims and Interests.

       Claims  required  to  be  classified  under  Code  Section
1123(a)(1) and Member Interests are classified as follows:

      III.1     Class 1.  All Other Priority Claims.  All Allowed
Unsecured  Claims entitled to priority under Code Section  507(a)
(other than 507(a)(1), (8)) shall be dealt with in Class 1.

      III.2     Class 2.  Allowed Secured Claim of RUS, including
Guaranties  of FFB, CoBank and FIBA.  RUS' Allowed Secured  Claim
shall be dealt with in Class 2.  The total RUS Claim is scheduled
at  approximately $4.2 billion, and is comprised of the following
elements:  (a)  direct  loans;  (b)  guarantied  CoBank  loan  of
approximately  $500  million;  (c)  guarantied   FIBA   loan   of
approximately  $1  billion; and (d) guarantied  FFB  loans.   RUS
asserts  a  first  priority  lien on  substantially  all  of  the
Debtor's assets; however, a number of parties, including GSU, the
Members  Committee, the Creditors Committee and the  Debtor  have
raised  certain issues, defenses and claims that may  effect  the
amount  and  priority of the RUS Claim.  Under any scenario,  the
RUS Claim is undersecured and must be bifurcated pursuant to Code
Section 506(a).

      III.3      Class  3.  Allowed Claims of Members  for  Post-
Petition  Overpayments.  The Members' Allowed  Claims  for  post-
petition overpayments shall be dealt with in Class 3.  Subsequent
to  the Petition Date, the Members have overpaid Cajun for power,
and  said  overpayments have accumulated in the  Ratepayer  Trust
Fund  pursuant  to  a  Court order.  It  is  estimated  that  the
Ratepayer Trust Fund will have $150 million as of December, 1996.
The  Members  Committee  asserts,  alternatively,  that  (a)  the
Ratepayer  Trust  Fund is held in trust for the  benefit  of  the
Members  (and ultimately the ratepayers), and is not property  of
the  Cajun  estate;  (b) the Class 3 Claims are  secured  by  the
Ratepayer  Trust  Fund;  and/or  (c)  the  Class  3  Claims   are
administrative claims.

      III.4      Class  4.   Allowed  Secured  Claim  of  CoBank.
CoBank's  Allowed Secured Claim shall be dealt with in  Class  4.
CoBank  has a secured Claim arising out of two letters of  credit
issued in favor of Clorox and Kodak, respectively.  Said Claim is
secured by (a) Debtor's pledge of CoBank Class E Stock and (b)  a
mortgage   shared  with  the  RUS  that  purports   to   encumber
substantially all of Debtor's assets.

      III.5     Class 5.  Allowed Secured Claim of Hibernia Bank.
Hibernia  Bank's  Allowed Secured Claim shall be  dealt  with  in
Class  5.   Hibernia Bank is scheduled as having a secured  Claim
arising  out of the issuance of Industrial Development  Bonds  to
finance  construction  of Debtor's headquarters  building.   Said
Claim is secured by the headquarters building.

      III.6      Class 6.  All Claims of GSU.  GSU asserts Claims
exceeding $171 million, including FERC judgments of approximately
$55  million and pre-petition and post-petition defaults by Cajun
on  River  Bend  and transmission facility obligations.   All  of
GSU's  Claims  shall be dealt with in Class 6 including,  without
limitation, any Claim for damages arising out of the rejection of
the River Bend JOA.

      III.7      Class  7.   Allowed Unsecured  Claims  of  Trade
Creditors.   The Allowed Unsecured Claims for goods  or  services
provided prior to the Petition Date shall be dealt with in  Class
7.   Class  7  does  not include any Claims  arising  under  Code
Sections 365(g) and 502(g).

      III.8      Class 8.  Allowed Unsecured Claims  of  Members.
All  Allowed Unsecured Claims of the Members shall be dealt  with
in  Class 8.  The Members on the Members Committee filed proof of
claims  exceeding $1 billion that include the following types  of
Claims, in the aggregate:

          (a)  capital credits:  $31,993,761.00;
          (b)  pre-petition overpayments:  $132,982,606.00;
          (c)  1994 incentives and rebates:  $193,115,00
          (d)  substation obligations:  $1,329,904.04;
          (e)  miscellaneous:  $37,412.76; and
          (f)  contingent third party claims relating
               to LPSC Docket No. U-19943:  $1,165,569,000.00.

      III.9     Class 9.  All Other Allowed Unsecured Claims  not
otherwise Classified.  The Allowed Unsecured Claims of all  other
creditors not otherwise classified shall be dealt with  in  Class

      III.10    Class 10. Interests of Members.  The interests of
the Members in the Debtor shall be dealt with in Class 10.

           Article IV:  Classes Impaired by the Plan.

      Class 1 is not impaired by the Plan.  All other Classes are
impaired by the Plan, pursuant to Code Section 1124.

               Article V:  Treatment of Classes.

     V.1  Class 1.  All Other Priority Claims.  The Trustee shall
pay  in cash on the Initial Distribution Date the full amount  of
each Allowed Unsecured Claim in Class 1.

      V.2   Class 2.  Allowed Secured Claim of RUS.  The Class  2
Allowed  Secured Claim shall be treated as provided in paragraphs
A and B below:

          A.   (i)  On the Initial Distribution Date, SWECO shall
     make  a  Cash  Payment of $405 million to the  Trustee,  who
     shall  deposit the same in the Disbursement  Fund.   On  the
     Initial Distribution Date, the Trustee shall pay to the  RUS
     $405  million  less the following amounts:  (a)  those  sums
     necessary  to pay Allowed Claims in Sections 2.1,  2.2,  5.1
     and  5.7,  (b) the amount necessary to bring the balance  in
     the  Decommissioning Trust Fund to $125 million as  provided
     in  Section  6.1 to pay the Decommissioning  Costs  and  (c)
     reserves  for  disputed Claims and reorganization  expenses;

           (ii)  On  the Initial Distribution Date,  and  on  the
     Subsequent  Distribution Dates, as applicable,  the  Trustee
     shall  pay to the RUS the cash portion of the Liquid  Assets
     (total Liquid Assets estimated to be $125 million); and

           (iii) RUS will receive the Deferred Payments estimated
     to have a net present value of between $497 million and $567
     million.  The Deferred Payments shall be generated and  paid
     to RUS as described in Section 7.3 below; and

          (iv) RUS may make the election described in Section 6.2
     below with respect to the disposition of River Bend.

     B.   Additional Payment or Collateral.  It is estimated that
the  balance  of  the Ratepayer Trust Fund will be  approximately
$175 million in December, 1996.  If the RUS accepts this Plan, on
the  Initial Distribution Date the RUS shall also receive  as  an
additional  payment  all but $25 million  of  the  funds  in  the
Ratepayer Trust Fund.  If the RUS does not accept this Plan,  all
but $25 million of the funds in the Ratepayer Trust Fund shall be
held  by  an  entity,  designated by the  Members  Committee  and
approved by the Court, in a security fund as collateral to assure
that  the Deferred Payments under this Plan received by  the  RUS
aggregate  to a net present value of $497 million.  At such  time
as  RUS receives Deferred Payments having a net present value  of
$497  million,  the  Ratepayer Trust Fund shall  be  released  as
security and disposed of as provided in Section 5.3 below.  If at
anytime  during which the Ratepayer Trust Fund serves as security
as  provided herein, a Member defaults in making its  portion  of
the  Deferred Payments to the RUS, or if the RUS fails to receive
total  Deferred  Payments over the 20-year period  having  a  net
present value of at least $497 million, the Ratepayer Trust  Fund
shall be available to cure such default.

      V.3   Class 3.  Allowed Claims of Members for Post-Petition
Overpayments.  Each Member has an Allowed Class 3 Claim equal  to
its   percentage  of  the  funds  in  the  Ratepayer  Trust  Fund
(estimated  to contain $175 million by December, 1996).   If  RUS
accepts  this  Plan, the Members agree to release  all  of  their
interest in the Ratepayer Trust Fund except for $25 million.   If
RUS  does  not  accept  this Plan and the  Ratepayer  Trust  Fund
ultimately  is  released as security for the  Deferred  Payments,
then  at  such  time  a docket shall be opened  at  the  LPSC  to
determine  the  most  appropriate procedures for  allocating  and
refunding  the funds in the Ratepayer Trust Fund to the  Members,
for  ultimate  distribution of said refunds back  to  the  retail
consumers.  Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary,
$25 million of the funds in the Ratepayer Trust Fund will be used
for the benefit of the Members to (1) reimburse them for expenses
and  to pay expenses incurred in conjunction with this bankruptcy
proceeding, and (ii) for the purpose of advancing and  developing
the Members' marketing and rural economic development efforts.

      V.4  Class 4.  Allowed Secured Claim of CoBank.  SWECO will
acquire  the Debtor's undivided interest in Big Cajun 2, Unit  3,
and  the Debtor's ownership of equity in CoBank, subject  to  the
Tax  Benefit Transfer Agreements with Kodak and Clorox.   On  the
Effective  Date,  SWECO will enter into a Letter  of  Credit  and
Reimbursement Agreement, Pledge Agreement (for any CoBank  stock,
cash dividends, revolvements etc.) and other related documents in
a  form mutually acceptable to SWECO and CoBank. On the Effective
Date,  CoBank  shall  issue new letters of credit  to  Kodak  and
Clorox with declining maximum draw amounts as required by the Tax
Benefit  Transfer Agreements.  SWECO's reimbursement  obligations
shall  be  secured  by  SWECO's ownership  of  equity  in  CoBank
acquired from Cajun (including but not limited to Class E  stock,
replacement    stock,    uncertified    equities,    retirements,
revolvements, patronage refunds and cash collateral).  All  other
liens  held  by  CoBank shall be deemed released,  cancelled  and
discharged  on the Effective Date.  SWECO and CoBank may  execute
such other documents as are necessary and appropriate to avoid  a
disqualifying  event  under the Tax Benefit  Transfer  Agreements
from occurring, and to otherwise implement the provisions of this

      V.5  Class 5.  Allowed Secured Claim of Hibernia Bank.  The
Allowed   Secured   Claim  of  Hibernia  Bank  representing   the
Industrial  Development Bonds, secured by  the  Debtor's  current
headquarters  building  and  land,  shall  be  paid  in  full  in
accordance  with the payment schedule required by such Industrial
Development  Bonds.   Any payment defaults,  and  any  reasonable
fees,  costs or charges payable under Code Section 506(b),  shall
be  cured  on the Effective Date, as an administrative  Claim  in
Section  2.1.   SWECO  shall cause the  future  payments  on  the
Industrial  Development Bonds to be made to  Hibernia  Bank,  but
shall  have no personal liability or recourse for such  payments.
Hibernia  Bank shall retain its lien on the headquarters building
and  land, and may enforce such lien in the event of any  default
after  the  Effective Date.  On the Effective  Date,  the  Debtor
shall convey title to the headquarters and land to SWECO, subject
to  the lien of Hibernia Bank, but free and clear of any and  all
other  liens, claims, and encumbrances including, but not limited
to, the liens of the RUS.

      V.6   Class  6.  All Claims of GSU.  GSU's Class  6  Claims
shall be satisfied pursuant to a settlement between GSU and Cajun
of  all  outstanding litigation and claims between  the  parties,
which  settlement is more particularly described  in  Article  VI

      V.7  Class 7.  Allowed Unsecured Claims of Trade Creditors.
The Class 7 Allowed Unsecured Claims shall be paid by the Trustee
from the Disbursement Fund an amount equal to 100% of the allowed
amount of such Claims, which payment shall be made within 15 days
after the later of the date the Confirmation Order is entered  or
the date the Claim is allowed; provided, however, that if the RUS
objects  to the foregoing treatment of Class 7 creditors in  this
and any competing plan, the above designated percentage shall  be
reduced  from 100% to 75%, which represents a fair compromise  of
the   objections  asserted  by  the  Creditors  Committee.    The
Creditors Committee shall be deemed to have waived all challenges
to the claims and liens of the RUS and CoBank, including, without
limitation,   objections  based  on  nullity  and   subordination
theories.   Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary:  (i)
the  maximum  aggregate amount paid to Class 7 Allowed  Unsecured
Claims  shall  not  exceed $6 million (and  if  Class  7  Allowed
Unsecured  Claims  to be paid hereunder exceed  $6  million  such
claims must share pro-rata in the sum of $6 million), and (ii) no
Class   7   Claims  shall  receive  any  post-petition  or   post
confirmation interest.

      V.8   Allowed  Unsecured Claims of Members.   The  Class  8
Allowed  Unsecured  Claims shall be paid by the  Trustee  on  the
Subsequent Distribution Dates pro-rata with the Class  9  Allowed
Unsecured  Claims from unencumbered monies, if any, deposited  in
the  Disbursement Fund after payment of Claims in  Sections  2.1,
2.2, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.7.

      V.9   Class  9.  All  Other Allowed  Unsecured  Claims  Not
Otherwise Classified.  The Class 9 Allowed Unsecured Claims shall
be  paid by the Trustee on Subsequent Distribution Dates pro-rata
with  the  Class  8  Allowed Unsecured Claims  from  unencumbered
monies,  if any, deposited in the Disbursement Fund after payment
of Claims in Sections 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.7.

      V.10  Interests of Members.  The interests of  the  Members
shall be canceled on the Effective Date.

        Article VI:  Settlement of Litigation and Claims
                    Among Cajun, GSU and the Members

       The   Proponents  agree  that  the  following   settlement
provisions  contained in Article VI are in the best  interest  of
the estate and are submitted for approval as an integral part  of
this Plan to occur on the Effective Date:

     6.1    Funding of Decommissioning Costs.

          (a)   The  Trustee  will set aside in a decommissioning
          trust  fund  or other appropriate vehicle  the  sum  of
          $125,000,000  (in 1995 dollars).  This  Decommissioning
          Trust Fund will be made up of Cajun's new contribution,
          and  the  amount  in  Cajun's existing  decommissioning
          trust  fund.   The establishment of the Decommissioning
          Trust  Fund  will  absolve Cajun (but  not  others  who
          succeed  to  Cajun's  River  Bend  Interest)   of   all
          responsibility for River Bend Decommissioning Costs  as
          defined  below.   SWEPCO, SWECO and the  Members  shall
          have no responsibility or liability for Decommissioning
          Costs or for any other costs or obligations of any type
          or nature related to River Bend.

                "Decommissioning"  means  all  actions  taken  to
          render  the  River Bend nuclear power plant permanently
          inactive, inoperable and free of radioactive materials.
          The   term   decommissioning   is   intended   to    be
          comprehensive  and  include,  without  limitation,  the
          entombment, decontamination, dismantlement, removal and
          disposal of structures, systems and components  of  the
          River  Bend nuclear power plant in order to permanently
          cease   the  nuclear  generation  of  electric  energy,
          including all actions necessary to bring the plant site
          to "greenfield" status and any other item included in a
          study  accepted and approved by regulatory  authorities
          of   competent   jurisdiction  as  a  basis   for   the
          termination of operations under the license to  own  or
          operate River Bend.  The term also includes preparation
          for  decommissioning,  such as  engineering  and  other
          planning  activities, and all associated activities  to
          be  performed  after  the actual dismantlement  occurs,
          such  as  physical  security and radiation  monitoring.
          The term also includes activities associated with spent
          fuel  storage,  disposal, transfer, transportation  and
          removal   and  low  level  radioactive  waste  storage,
          disposal, transfer, transportation and removal, as well
          as   Cajun's   future  obligations  with   respect   to
          decontamination  and decommissioning of  DOE's  uranium
          enrichment   facilities.    Also   included   is    the
          preparation  of  studies  and supporting  documentation
          required by regulatory authorities.

                "Decommissioning Costs" means the funds  expended
          to  perform  the Decommissioning as well  as  necessary
          fees  and  expenses for:  (i) administrative and  other
          expenses  of  the  Trust  Fund;  (ii)  terminating  and
          transferring  licenses to own  and  operate  all  or  a
          portion of River Bend; (iii) demolishing equipment  and
          structures which are not radioactive; (iv) removing and
          disposing of equipment and structures which are or  may
          be  radioactive; and (v) the handling and  disposal  of
          any  and  all  salvage.  The term includes expenditures
          whether  they are treated as capital items  or  expense
          items  for  regulatory, financial,  or  tax  accounting

                The foregoing listings are not intended to form a
          basis  for  excluding any action or  cost  legitimately
          part  of  decommissioning and  returning  the  site  to
          "greenfield"   status  because  of   the   failure   to
          separately  identify  or  to  fall  within  a  category
          specifically identified.

               The definitions stated herein shall be included in
          the document creating the Decommissioning Trust Fund.

          (b)   If, upon the completion of Decommissioning of the
          River  Bend, the Decommissioning Trust Fund,  and  such
          additional amounts as have been added to it as a result
          of  the  investment  and management of  funds  included
          therein, is not exhausted by the prudent expenditure of
          funds   necessary   to  complete  the   Decommissioning
          attendant  to  the  Cajun  River  Bend  interest,   the
          remainder will be remitted to RUS.

          (c)   Upon the transfer of Cajun's River Bend Interest,
          the  Trustee shall deliver title free and clear of  all
          liens  and encumbrances except those agreed to  by  the
          purchaser.   In the event the River Bend is transferred
          to RUS, its liens and encumbrances shall be merged with
          the  title  which it obtains.  In the event  the  River
          Bend  is  transferred  to any other  person,  RUS  will
          release all of its liens and encumbrances on the  River

     6.2  Disposition of River Bend and River Bend JOA.

          (a)  In the sole discretion of RUS, River Bend will  be
          transferred  under  one of the two  options  set  forth
          below.   The  RUS must timely exercise one of  the  two
          options prior to approval of a disclosure statement for
          this  Plan, by filing a written notice of its  election
          with the Court and concurrently serving said notice  on
          each  of  the Proponents.  The RUS is entitled to  make
          this  election  regardless of whether the  RUS  accepts
          this  Plan  or  any other plan.  If the  RUS  fails  to
          timely  elect either option below, River Bend shall  be
          transferred to GSU as provided herein.

                In  connection with such transfers, GSU will make
          available to all prospective bidders records, personnel
          and   facilities  such  that  prospective  bidders  can
          conduct an appropriate due diligence evaluation  before
          making  their bid.  GSU may subject the examination  of
          personnel,   records  and  facilities   to   reasonable
          confidentiality and business requirements.

                 RUS   shall  have  substantial  flexibility   in
          exercising  its discretion to arrange for the  transfer
          of  the River Bend.  In furtherance of that end,  RUS's
          flexibility shall include, but shall not be limited to,
          being permitted to establish a reserve price which must
          be met before consummating a sale at auction, not being
          required  to  accept  the highest bid  received  at  an
          auction  and taking title to the River Bend itself  for
          subsequent reconveyance.

          (b)  Option 1

               River Bend and Cajun's interest in River Bend fuel
          and  spare  parts will be auctioned off to the  highest
          bidder, with net proceeds remitted to RUS.  The highest
          bidder  will become obligated to fully comply with  the
          Cajun  NRC  license requirements, all other  applicable
          laws  and  regulations and the provisions of the  River
          Bend  JOA, commencing with the date of the transfer  of
          River  Bend.  The highest bidder also will be, required
          to fully reimburse GSU for such fuel, regardless of its
          stage  of  fabrication,  as GSU purchased  for  Cajun's
          account which is necessary for the continued operations
          of  the plant, which has not been paid for by Cajun  on
          or  before  the passage of title and which has  neither
          been   consumed   nor  spent  for  the  production   of
          electrical power and which is available for future use.
          All of Cajun's interest and obligations under the River
          Bend JOA, the NRC license and any recorded documents of
          transfer  between GSU and Cajun relating to River  Bend
          will  be  canceled  and terminated  as  to  Cajun  and,
          subject  to the provisions in this paragraph,  will  be
          assumed  by  the  purchaser, who shall  have  financial
          resources adequate to give reasonable assurance of  its
          ability   to  perform  all  assumed  obligations.    In
          addition, the highest bidder will accept and succeed to
          all  such  responsibilities as Cajun may have  for  its
          ratable  share of River Bend Decommissioning  Costs  in
          excess  of  the  Decommissioning Trust Fund.   As  used
          herein,  the  non-fuel obligations under  the  JOA  for
          which  a  successor shall be obligated shall be limited
          to  obligations  for  operations  commencing  with  the
          closing  of  this  settlement  and  shall  not  include
          unfulfilled or unpaid obligations which Cajun  incurred
          while  it was still the owner.  GSU may elect to become
          a bidder.

     (c)  Option 2

               River Bend and Cajun's interest in River Bend fuel
          and  spare  parts will be assigned to  RUS  which  will
          become  obligated to fully comply with  the  Cajun  NRC
          license  requirements, all other  applicable  laws  and
          regulations and the provisions of the River  Bend  JOA,
          commencing  with  the date of its succession  to  River
          Bend.  RUS also will be required to fully reimburse GSU
          for   all  such  fuel,  regardless  of  its  stage   of
          fabrication, as GSU purchased for Cajun's account which
          is necessary for the continued operations of the plant,
          which  has not been paid for by Cajun on or before  the
          passage  of  title and which has neither been  consumed
          nor  spent  for the production of electrical power  and
          which  is  available for future use.   All  of  Cajun's
          interest and obligations under the River Bend JOA,  the
          NRC  license  and  any recorded documents  of  transfer
          between  GSU and Cajun relating to River Bend  will  be
          canceled and terminated as to Cajun and will be assumed
          by  RUS.   In addition, RUS will accept and succeed  to
          all  such  responsibilities as Cajun may have  for  its
          ratable  share of River Bend Decommissioning  Costs  in
          excess  of  the  Decommissioning Trust Fund.   As  used
          herein,  the  non-fuel obligations under  the  JOA  for
          which  a  successor shall be obligated shall be limited
          to  obligations  for  operations  commencing  with  the
          closing  of  this  settlement  and  shall  not  include
          unfulfilled or unpaid obligations which Cajun  incurred
          while it was still the owner.

          (d)  RUS will receive from GSU and Cajun, Cajun's share
          of  all net cash payments resulting from the litigation
          presently  being conducted against General Electric  in
          connection  with  claims  alleging  River  Bend  design
          defects.   Cajun's share of all payments  in  kind  and
          other non-cash consideration received or promised as  a
          result  of the litigation will be payable to the  owner
          of  River  Bend at the time such payments  in  kind  or
          other non-cash consideration become due.

                The same allocation shall be made between RUS and
          a  transferee of River Bend of refunds or other benefit
          related  to the payment by Cajun to the U.S. Government
          to  fund  the  decontaminating and  decommissioning  of
          DOE's uranium enrichment facilities.

               (e)        In  the event that no bidder submits  a
               bid  accepted by RUS under Option 1 above  and  in
               the  further event that RUS elects not to  acquire
               Cajun's  interest  in River Bend  under  Option  2
               above,  the  Trustee  shall convey  and  GSU  will
               accept  title  to River Bend at no  cost  to  GSU,
               subject  to  Cajun  having fulfilled  all  of  its
               obligations under this settlement.

     6.3  Transmission and Certain Other Issues

          (a)  Pursuant to existing FERC decisions, the claim due
          GSU  for  past  transmission services  under  the  CTOC
          credits  and  QTF  Dockets amounts to $55,000,000  (the
          "Liquidated   Transmission  Debt").    The   Liquidated
          Transmission Debt consists of $32,000,000 due under the
          QTF  Docket and $23,000,000 due under the CTOC  Credits
          Docket.  As partial consideration for the settlement of
          all  claims,  GSU  waives  its  right  to  collect  the
          Liquidated Transmission Debt from Cajun.

          (b)   Post-petition transmission underpayments  in  the
          liquidated amount of $58,000 per month will be paid  by
          the  Trustee  to GSU as an administrative  Claim  under
          Section  2.1 in the Plan from the Petition  Date  until
          the Effective Date.

          (c)   Upon the Effective Date of this Plan and upon the
          closing of this settlement, transmission services under
          Entergy's   Network   Service  Tariff   and   Entergy's
          Transmission Service Tariff will be in place for  Cajun
          or  SWECO.   Neither GSU nor Entergy  will  oppose  the
          entitlement  of  SWECO  or  the  Members'   group,   as
          transferees of Cajun's assets, to transmission  service
          thereunder or its effectiveness at such date.

          (d)   All  previous  transmission  agreements  existing
          between  Cajun and Entergy, GSU, LP&L or MP&L  will  be
          terminated upon the commencement of services  described
          in paragraph (c) hereinabove.

      6.4   Transfer  of  Transmission Assets to  GSU  and  other
Transmission  Issues.  Cajun presently owns certain  transmission
assets  having  a  depreciated book value  of  approximately  $26
million.   On  the  Effective Date after the  conveyance  of  the
transmission  assets by the Trustee to SWECO, SWECO  shall  cause
said  transmission assets to be transferred to GSU, or at SWECO's
direction,  the  Trustee  shall convey  the  transmission  assets
directly  to  GSU  free  and clear of all  liens  and  interests;
provided, however, the transfer of the transmission assets  shall
not  effect  the  eligibility of SWECO for  transmission  service
available under tariffs of GSU and Entergy on file with FERC.

     6.5  Settlement of all Claims and Disputes

          (a)   Any and all claims of any nature or kind, whether
          or  not now pending in Court, whether known or unknown,
          whether founded in law, equity or otherwise, whether or
          not  already asserted for any and all acts or omissions
          between  Cajun and GSU or Entergy, except the unsecured
          non-priority    claim   of   LP&L   for    pre-petition
          transmission  service,  and  between  RUS  and  GSU  or
          Entergy,  will be dismissed with prejudice and released
          and  satisfied in full, including, but not limited  to,
          all   claims   for  the  River  Bend  Litigation,   the
          Liquidated Transmission Debt, the fraud and  breach  of
          contract  case, the antitrust case, the  nullity  case,
          the  service water litigation, any claims of  equitable
          subordination of RUS's rights, all pending cases before
          any  regulatory agency or on appeal from any regulatory
          agency (such as the transmission cases before FERC, the
          merger appeals before FERC, the SEC and NRC and any and
          all other matters pending before any regulatory agency)
          and  any and all other claims or disputes between Cajun
          and  GSU or Entergy, and between RUS and GSU or Entergy
          of any nature whatsoever, whether or not in litigation.
          (The foregoing does not include resolution of claims of
          RUS  against Cajun that are not specifically identified
          as  resolved  in  this paragraph.)   Judgment  will  be
          rendered  in favor of RUS in GSU's adversary proceeding
          asserting  claims of equitable subordination  of  RUS's
          rights.  Any and all claims Cajun may have against  RUS
          for  equitable subordination, whether known or unknown,
          will  be released.  Cajun will use its best efforts  to
          obtain waiver of all claims held by its members against
          GSU  or  Entergy under the nullity case  and  antitrust

          (b)   The  preliminary injunction issued  by  the  U.S.
          District Court in the service water litigation  between
          GSU  and  Cajun will continue in full force and  effect
          until  the  closing of this settlement  and  upon  such
          date,  all funds paid and to be paid into the  Registry
          of  the Court pursuant to said injunction shall be paid
          over to GSU, together with all interest earned thereon.

      6.6   All required regulatory approvals will be sought  and
obtained  promptly.  The settlement may be modified  structurally
to   account   for  regulatory  or  tax  concerns  provided   the
modification  does  not adversely affect another  party  to  this

           Article VII:  Means for Implementing Plan.

      VII.1      Sale  of Generation and Transmission  Assets  to
SWECO.    On  the  Effective  Date,  SWECO  shall  purchase   the
Generation and Transmission Assets and make the $405 million Cash
Payment to the Trustee for deposit in the Disbursement Fund.   On
the  Effective Date, the Generation and Transmission Assets shall
be  transferred  by the Trustee to SWECO free and  clear  of  all
liens,  claims and interests, except as provided in Sections  5.4
(CoBank) and 5.5 (Hibernia Bank).  The purchase by SWECO shall be
subject  to  the  terms  and conditions  of  a  definitive  asset
purchase  agreement acceptable to SWECO, which shall include  the
terms  for  such purchase set forth in this Plan and  normal  and
customary  provisions for a commercial transaction of  this  size
and  nature. The asset purchase agreement shall be filed with the
Court prior to the confirmation hearing, and the Trustee shall be
deemed  to  have entered into such purchase agreement as  of  the
date of the Confirmation Order.

     VII.2     Disbursement Fund.  The Disbursement Fund shall be
established  under  the  supervision of the  Trustee.   The  Cash
Payment from SWECO, the Liquid Assets, and all other proceeds (if
any) from the liquidation, sale or collection of assets shall  be
deposited in the Disbursement Fund.  Unless otherwise provided in
the   Plan,  all  Plan  distributions  shall  be  made  from  the
Disbursement Fund.

      Payments  under the Plan will be made from the Disbursement
Fund in the following order:

          (1)     payments    required   under    Sections    2.1
          (Administrative Claims) and 2.2 (Priority Tax Claims);

     (2)  payment of the Class 1 Allowed Priority Claims;

     (3)  payment of the Class 7 Allowed Unsecured Claims;

          (4)   payment  of  the amount necessary  to  bring  the
          balance  in  the  Decommissioning Trust  Fund  to  $125
          million   to  satisfy  the  Decommissioning  Costs   as
          specified in Section 6.1;

          (5)   payment of the Class 2 Allowed Secured  Claim  of
          the RUS as provided in Section 5.2; and

          (6)   payment  of remaining unencumbered  proceeds  (if
          any)  to  Class  8  (Members) and  9  (Other  Unsecured
          Claims) Claims on a pro-rata basis.

     VII.3     Deferred Payments; New Power Supply Contracts with

      (a)   On  the  Effective Date, SWECO and the Members  shall
enter  into  new,  20  year power supply  contracts  whereby  the
Members would purchase power from SWECO upon terms and conditions
mutually  acceptable to SWECO and the Members.   The  new  supply
contracts  shall  supersede  and  replace  the  existing   Supply
Contracts by and between the Members and the Debtor.

     (b)  The new supply contracts shall provide that the Members
will make a direct periodic payment to the RUS of 5.875 mills for
every kilowatt hour of electricity purchased from SWECO up to the
capacity  of the Generation and Transmission Assets.   This  will
result  in  Deferred Payments to RUS over 20 years having  a  net
present  value  estimated between $497 million and $567  million.
The new supply contracts shall further provide that SWECO's right
to  payment for power shall be subordinate to the RUS's right  to
the   Deferred  Payments  from  the  Members,  in  the  following
circumstances.   In the event that (i) the RUS does  not  receive
its  direct  payment from a Member(s) for any payment period  and
(ii)  SWECO  has  actually received payment from such  defaulting
Member(s)  for power purchased in the corresponding time  period,
then  SWECO, upon demand from the RUS, shall turn over sufficient
funds  to  make such direct payment to the RUS.  Failure  of  any
Member  to  make its direct periodic payments to  the  RUS  shall
constitute a default under the new supply contracts.   A  default
covered by the aforementioned subordination shall include but not
be  limited to one that is voluntary, involuntary or that results
from the action of any regulatory authority.  Upon payment of any
direct periodic payments by SWECO to the RUS as set forth herein,
SWECO  shall be subrogated to the rights of the RUS with  respect
to the entitlement to such payment.

      VII.4     Implementation.  Pursuant to Code Section 1142(b)
and  Bankruptcy  Rule 7070, the Court confirming  this  Plan  may
direct the Trustee to execute or deliver any and all documents or
instruments,  or to perform any other act necessary to  implement
or  consummate this Plan.  If the Trustee refuses to comply  with
such  direction, the Court may direct the U.S. Trustee to appoint
a new trustee to implement and consummate this Plan.

              Article VIII:  Executory Contracts.

      VIII.1    Supply Contracts.  Pursuant to Section 7.3 above,
on  the  Effective Date, SWECO and the Members shall execute  new
all-requirements  contracts to replace and supersede  the  Supply
Contracts  with  the Debtor.  This effectively  moots  the  legal
challenges  to the Supply Contracts and preserves the market  for
the benefit of creditors.

     VIII.2    River Bend JOA.  Disposition of the River Bend JOA
depends on which option RUS elects under Section 6.2 above.  If a
transferee (other than GSU) or RUS acquires River Bend, the River
Bend JOA will be assumed by Cajun and assigned to such transferee
or  RUS,  as the case may be.  If GSU is the transferee of  River
Bend, Cajun shall be deemed to have rejected the River Bend JOA.

      VIII.3     All Other Executory Contracts.  On the Effective
Date, the Trustee shall be deemed to have assumed and assigned to
SWECO  all  other executory contracts of the Debtor,  except  for
executory  contracts identified on a list of executory  contracts
to be rejected which shall be filed by SWEPCO on or before twenty
days  prior  to the date of the hearing on confirmation  of  this
Plan.   The  contracts so identified shall be deemed rejected  on
the  Effective Date.  All payments necessary to cure any defaults
on  contracts to be assumed and assigned to SWECO, shall be  paid
as  administrative  Claims  under  Section  2.1  on  the  Initial
Distribution Date.

             Article IX:  Miscellaneous Provisions.

      IX.1  Voting.  Pursuant to Code Section 1126,  all  of  the
classes (except Class 1) are eligible to vote on the Plan.

      IX.2 Cramdown.  In the event any class of creditors that is
impaired  does  not accept the Plan as provided in  Code  Section
1129(a)(8)(A), the Proponents request that the Court confirm  the
Plan pursuant to Code Section 1129(b).

      IX.3 Modifications of the Plan.  The Proponents may jointly
modify the Plan in accordance with Code Section 1127.

       IX.4   Charter  Amendment.   Pursuant  to   Code   Section
1123(a)(6),  Debtor's Articles of Incorporation shall  be  deemed
amended  as  of  the  Effective Date  and  for  so  long  as  any
obligation  of  Cajun  under  the Plan  remains  unperformed,  to
prohibit  (a)  the issuance of non-voting equity securities,  (b)
the  creation of a class of equity securities having a preference
over  any  other  class  of  equity securities  with  respect  to
dividends  unless adequate provision is made for the election  of
directors  representing the preferred class in  the  event  of  a
default in the payment of its dividends, and (c) the creation  of
any  other  class  of  equity securities  unless  an  appropriate
distribution of voting power is made among all such classes.

      IX.5  U.S.  Trustee Fees.  All fees payable by  the  Debtor
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1930 have been paid or shall be paid as  of
the Effective Date.

   Article X:  Reservation of Rights and Property; Discharge.

      X.1  Causes of Action.  Except for claims expressly settled
in this Plan, and claims set forth in the following sentence, the
Trustee shall retain all causes of action it may have under state
or  federal law including the United States Bankruptcy Code,  and
the Debtor shall be authorized to prosecute such actions as fully
and  completely as if the same were being prosecuted by a Trustee
in bankruptcy.  All claims and causes of actions of any nature or
kind,  known or unknown, asserted or unasserted which arise  from
or relate to the assets purchased by and conveyed to SWECO, shall
on the Effective Date be deemed assigned and conveyed to SWECO.

     X.2  Claims Adjudication.  Each Claim as to which a proof of
claim  has been filed prior to the Bar Date or that is listed  as
undisputed, liquidated and non-contingent in the Schedules  filed
by  the Debtor shall be allowed without order of the Court unless
an  objection thereto is filed in accordance with Bankruptcy Rule
3007   no   later   than  9  days  after  the   Effective   Date.
Notwithstanding any term contained in the Plan requiring  payment
or  issuance of any instrument on account of any particular Claim
on  any particular date, such payment or issuance shall not  take
place except to the extent that (a) in the case of a Claim  by  a
professional   person  for  compensation  and  reimbursement   of
expenses,  such Claim has been allowed by order of the court,  or
(b)  in  the case of any other Claim, such Claim has been allowed
by  Final  Order  of the Court or by operation of  the  preceding

      X.3  Vesting of Property in Cajun and SWECO.  Upon entry of
the Confirmation Order, all of the property of the estate that is
not  sold  to  SWECO,  if any, or otherwise liquidated  shall  be
vested  in  Cajun, free and clear of all Claims and interests  of
creditors except as provided for in the Plan, and Cajun shall  be
entitled to manage its affairs without further order of the Court
pursuant  to Code Section 1141(b).  All assets conveyed to  SWECO
(i.e.  the Generation and Transmission Assets) shall be  conveyed
free  and clear of all liens, claims, interests and encumbrances,
whether  lien claims or otherwise, unless specifically authorized
by  this Plan.  The conveyance to SWECO shall further be free and
clear  of any claims of successorship liability, and SWECO  shall
have  no successor liability as a result of its purchase  of  the
Generation  and  Transmission Assets,  or  as  a  result  of  any
provisions of this Plan.

      X.4  Discharge.  On the Effective Date, the Debtor shall be
discharged of all its debts and obligations except as provided in
this Plan.

           Article XI.  Required Regulatory Approval.

       The  effectiveness of the Plan and the obligations of  the
Proponents hereunder are subject to regulatory approvals by Final
Order,  including  FERC, the Securities and Exchange  Commission,
the   LPSC,   the  NRC,  and  possibly  other  state   regulatory
commissions.   The  Boards of Directors of  the  Proponents  have
authorized  the  filing of the Plan, but  reserve  the  right  to
approve all final closing documents.

            Article XII.  Retention of Jurisdiction.

      XII.1     Retention of Jurisdiction.  After confirmation of
the  Plan,  the Court shall retain jurisdiction for the following

          (1)   For the classification of Claims and for the  re-
          examination  of any Claims that have been  allowed  for
          purposes  of  voting,  and the  determination  of  such
          objections  as may be filed to Claims.  The failure  to
          object  to  or to examine any Claim for the purpose  of
          voting shall not be deemed to be a waiver of the  right
          to  object to, or re-examine the Claim in whole  or  in

          (2)   For  determination of all questions and  disputes
          regarding   title  to  the  assets   of   the   estate,
          determination  of all causes of action,  controversies,
          disputes,  or  conflicts, whether  or  not  subject  to
          action pending as of the date the Confirmation Order is
          entered,  between  the  Debtor  and  any  other  party,
          including but not limited to, any rights of the  Debtor
          to  recover  assets pursuant to the provisions  of  the
          Bankruptcy Code;

          (3)   For  the correction of any defect, the curing  of
          any    omission,   or   the   reconciliation   of   any
          inconsistency in this Plan or the Confirmation Order as
          may  be  necessary to carry out the purposes and intent
          of this Plan;

          (4)   To consider any matters brought before the  Court
          by  an  interested  party necessary to  carry  out  the
          terms, conditions and intent of this Plan;

          (5)    For   the  modification  of  this   Plan   after
          confirmation pursuant to the Bankruptcy Rules  and  the
          Bankruptcy Code;

          (6)   To enforce and interpret the terms and conditions
          of this Plan;

          (7)    To   enter  any  order,  including  injunctions,
          necessary  to enforce the title, rights and  powers  of
          the    Debtor   and   to   impose   such   limitations,
          restrictions,  terms  and  conditions  of  such  title,
          rights, and powers as this Court may deem necessary;

          (8)   To determine whether a default has occurred under
          the  Plan,  and  make such orders as  the  Court  deems
          necessary to enforce the provisions of the Plan; and

    (9)   To enter an order concluding and terminating this case.

     Respectfully submitted on this 19th day of April, 1996.

                              CAJUN ELECTRIC MEMBERS COMMITTEE

                                   David H. Kleiman, One of its

                                   James P. Moloy, One of its         

David H. Kleiman (Indiana Bar No. 5244-49)
James P. Moloy (Indiana Bar No. 10301-49)
DANN PECAR NEWMAN & KLEIMAN, Professional Corporation
One American Square, Suite 2300
Indianapolis, Indiana  46282
(317) 632-3232

                                   John M. Sharp, Local Counsel

John M. Sharp (Bar No. 19149)
A Professional Law Corporation
14481 Old Hammond Highway, Suite 2
Baton Rouge, LA 70816

                              SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER
                              COOPERATIVE, INC.

                                   Bobby S. Gilliam, One of its

Bobby S. Gilliam (Bar No. 6227)
Wilkinson, Carmody & Gilliam
1700 Beck Building
Shreveport, La 71166

Myron M. Sheinfeld
Henry J. Kaim
Sheinfeld Maley & Kay
1001 Fannin, Suite 3700
Houston, TX 77002

                              GULF STATES UTILITIES COMPANY

                                   Tom F. Phillips, One of its

Tom F. Phillips (Bar No. 7532)
Taylor, Porter, Brooks & Phillips, L.L.P.
P. O. Box 2471
Baton Rouge, LA 70821

<FN1> After arduous negotiations the Proponents reached a settlement
      of the GSU litigation.  Despite the complexity of the issues,
      the settlement is fair and will facilitate the confirmation
      of a plan.  The Proponents urge the Trustee to support the
      settlement and this Plan.