As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 1, 1996
                                             Registration No. 333-3567

                        WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                            AMENDMENT NO. 2
                               FORM S-3
                        REGISTRATION STATEMENT
                      THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933
                                       ENTERGY LOUISIANA CAPITAL I
   (Exact name of registrant as       ENTERGY LOUISIANA CAPITAL III
    specified in its charter)        (Exact name of each registrant
                                          as specified in Trust
            Louisiana                          Agreements)
 (State or other jurisdiction of                    
  incorporation or organization)                Delaware
                                     (State or other jurisdiction of
            72-0245590              incorporation or organization of
 (I.R.S. Employer Identification            each registrant)
                                         Each to be Applied for
        639 Loyola Avenue            (I.R.S. Employer Identification
  New Orleans, Louisiana  70113                 Numbers)
          (504) 529-5262                            
(Address, including zip code, and      c/o Entergy Louisiana, Inc.
 telephone number, including area           639 Loyola Avenue
 code, of registrant's principal      New Orleans, Louisiana  70113
        executive offices)                   (504) 529-5262
                                      (Address, including zip code,
                                     and telephone number, including
                                     area code, of each registrants'
                                      principal executive offices)
         JOHN J. CORDARO                  WILLIAM J. REGAN, JR.
            President                 Vice President and Treasurer
     Entergy Louisiana, Inc.             Entergy Louisiana, Inc.
        639 Loyola Avenue                   639 Loyola Avenue
  New Orleans, Louisiana  70113       New Orleans, Louisiana  70113
           504-576-5851                       504-576-4308
     LAURENCE M. HAMRIC, Esq.           THOMAS J. IGOE, JR., Esq.
     DENISE C. REDMANN, Esq.               KEVIN STACEY, Esq.
      Entergy Services, Inc.                Reid & Priest LLP
        639 Loyola Avenue                  40 West 57th Street
  New Orleans, Louisiana  70113         New York, New York  10019
           504-576-2272                       212-603-2000
   (Names, addresses, including zip codes, and telephone numbers,
            including area codes, of agents for service)

         __________________________ Preferred Securities
 ___% Cumulative Quarterly Income Preferred Securities, Series A
       (Liquidation preference $25 per preferred security)
   Fully and unconditionally guaranteed as set forth herein by
                     ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.
      The  ___% Cumulative Quarterly Income Preferred Securities,
Series  A  (the "Series A Preferred Securities"), offered  hereby
represent undivided beneficial interests in the assets of Entergy
Louisiana Capital I, a trust created under the laws of the  State
of  Delaware  (the "Series A Issuer").  Entergy  Louisiana,  Inc.
(formerly   Louisiana  Power  &  Light  Company),   a   Louisiana
corporation (the "Company"), will be the owner of the  beneficial
interests represented by common securities of the Series A Issuer
(the "Series A Common Securities").  The Bank of New York is  the
Property  Trustee of the Series A Issuer.  The  Series  A  Issuer
exists  for  the sole purpose of issuing the Series  A  Preferred
Securities  and the Series A Common Securities and investing  the
proceeds  thereof in ___% Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest
Debentures, Series A, Due _____ (the "Series A Debentures") to be
issued  by the Company.  The  Series A Preferred Securities  will
have  a  preference under certain circumstances with  respect  to
cash distributions and amounts payable on liquidation, redemption
or   otherwise   over  the  Series  A  Common  Securities.    See
"Description  of  Preferred Securities--Subordination  of  Common
Securities" in the accompanying Prospectus.
                                         (Continued on next page)

      See  "Risk  Factors"  beginning on page  S-___  hereof  for
certain  information relevant to an investment in  the  Series  A
Preferred Securities.
                                                 Proceeds to
                          Initial    Underwritin  the Series
                          Public          g           A
                         Offering    Commission   Issuer (2)
                           Price         (1)         (3)
Per Series A Preferred           $       (2)               $
Total.................  $                (2)     $
Information  contained  herein  is  subject  to  completion  or  amendment.    A
registration  statement relating to these securities has  been  filed  with  the
Securities  and Exchange Commission.  These securities may not be sold  nor  may
offers  to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement  becomes
effective.  This Prospectus Supplement and the accompanying Prospectus shall not
constitute  an  offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy  nor  shall
there  be  any  sale  of  these securities in any State  in  which  such  offer,
solicitation  or  sale would be unlawful prior to registration or  qualification
under the securities laws of any such State.

(1) The  Series  A  Issuer  and  the  Company  have  agreed  to
    indemnify   the   several  Underwriters   against   certain
    liabilities,  including liabilities  under  the  Securities
    Act of 1933, as amended.  See "Underwriting" .
(2) In  view of the fact that the proceeds of the sale  of  the
    Series A Preferred Securities will be used to purchase  the
    Series  A  Debentures, the Underwriting Agreement  provides
    that   the  Company  will  pay  to  the  Underwriters,   as
    compensation  ("Underwriters'  Compensation")   for   their
    arranging  the investment therein of such proceeds,  $_____
    per   Series  A  Preferred  Security  (or  $    __  in  the
    aggregate).  See "Underwriting" .
(3) Expenses  of  the  offering,  which  are  payable  by   the
    Company, are estimated to be $________.

     The Series A Preferred Securities offered hereby are offered
severally by the Underwriters, as specified herein and subject to
receipt  and  acceptance by them and subject to  their  right  to
reject  any  order  in  whole or in part.  It  is  expected  that
delivery  of the Series A Preferred Securities will be made  only
in book-entry form through the facilities of The Depository Trust
Company  in  New  York, New York on or about  ___________,  1996,
against payment therefor in immediately available funds.
*QUIPS is a servicemark of Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Goldman, Sachs & Co.                         
 The date of this Prospectus Supplement is _____________________.


(Continued from previous page)

    Holders of the Series A Preferred Securities will be entitled
to  receive  preferential cumulative cash distributions  accruing
from  the  date  of  original issuance and payable  quarterly  in
arrears  on  March 31, June 30, September 30 and December  31  of
each year, commencing _____ , 1996, at the annual rate of ___% of
the liquidation preference of $25 per Series A Preferred Security
("Distributions").   The  Company has  the  right  to  defer  the
payment  of  interest on the Series A Debentures at any  time  or
from  time  to time for one or more periods (each, an  "Extension
Period"), provided that such Extension Period, together with  all
previous and further extensions thereof prior to its termination,
does  not  exceed  20 consecutive quarters and  does  not  extend
beyond  the  maturity  of  the Series  A  Debentures.   Upon  the
termination of any such Extension Period and the payment  of  all
amounts  then due, the Company may elect to begin a new Extension
Period subject to the requirements set forth herein.  If interest
payments   on   the   Series  A  Debentures  are   so   deferred,
Distributions on the Series A Preferred Securities will  also  be
deferred  and  the  Company  will not be  permitted,  subject  to
certain  exceptions set forth herein, to declare or pay any  cash
distributions with respect to the Company's capital stock or debt
securities  that rank pari passu with or junior to the  Series  A
Debentures  or  make any guarantee payments with respect  to  the
foregoing.  During an Extension Period, interest on the Series  A
Debentures  will continue to accrue (and the Series  A  Preferred
Securities  will accumulate additional Distributions  thereon  at
the rate of ___% per annum, compounded quarterly), and holders of
Series A Preferred Securities will be required to accrue interest
income  for  United States Federal income tax purposes  prior  to
receipt  of  cash related to such interest income.  See  "Certain
Terms  of  the  Series A Debentures--Option  to  Extend  Interest
Payment  Period"  and "Certain United States Federal  Income  Tax
Considerations--Potential Extension of  Interest  Payment  Period
and Original Issue Discount".
    The Company has, through the Series A Guarantee, the Series A
Trust  Agreement,  the  Series  A Debentures,  the  Corresponding
Indenture  and  the Series A Expense Agreement (each  as  defined
herein),  taken  together, fully, irrevocably and unconditionally
guaranteed  all  of the Series A Issuer's obligations  under  the
Series  A  Preferred Securities.  The Series A Guarantee  of  the
Company  guarantees the payment of Distributions and payments  on
liquidation of the Series A Issuer or redemption of the Series  A
Preferred  Securities as set forth below, in  each  case  out  of
funds held by the Series A Issuer, to the extent described herein
(the  "Series A Guarantee").  See "Description of Guarantees"  in
the  accompanying  Prospectus.  If  the  Company  does  not  make
interest payments on the Series A Debentures held by the Series A
Issuer, the Series A Issuer will have insufficient funds  to  pay
Distributions on the Series A Preferred Securities.  The Series A
Guarantee does not cover payment of Distributions when the Series
A   Issuer   does  not  have  sufficient  funds   to   pay   such
Distributions.  The obligations of the Company under the Series A
Guarantee are subordinate and junior in right of payment  to  all
Senior  Debt  (as defined in "Description of Junior  Subordinated
Debentures--Subordination" in the accompanying Prospectus) of the

    The  Series  A Preferred Securities are subject to  mandatory
redemption, in whole or in part, upon repayment of the  Series  A
Debentures at maturity or their earlier redemption in  an  amount
equal  to  the amount of related Series A Debentures maturing  or
being  redeemed  at  a redemption price equal  to  the  aggregate
liquidation preference of such Series A Preferred Securities plus
accumulated  and  unpaid Distributions thereon  to  the  date  of
redemption.   The  Series A Debentures are  redeemable  prior  to
maturity   at  the  option  of  the  Company  (i)  on  or   after
___________________, 2001, in whole at any time or in  part  from
time  to  time,  at a redemption price equal to the  accrued  and
unpaid  interest  on the Series A Debentures so redeemed  to  the
date  fixed  for  redemption plus 100% of  the  principal  amount
thereof,  or  (ii) at any time, in whole (but not in part),  upon
the  occurrence and continuation of a Special Event  (as  defined
herein),  at a redemption price equal to the accrued  and  unpaid
interest on the Series A Debentures so redeemed to the date fixed
for  redemption plus 100% of the principal amount  thereof.   See
"Description  of Junior Subordinated Debentures--Redemption"  and
"Description     of     Corresponding     Junior     Subordinated
Debentures--Optional Redemption" in the accompanying Prospectus.
    At any time, the Company will have the right to terminate the
Series  A  Issuer  and  cause  the  Series  A  Debentures  to  be
distributed  to the holders of the Series A Preferred  Securities
and the Series A Common Securities in liquidation of the Series A
Issuer.   See  "Certain Terms of Series A Preferred  Securities--
Distribution of Series A Debentures".

    The  Series A Debentures are subordinate and junior in  right
of  payment to all Senior Debt of the Company.  As of  March  31,
1996,  the Company had approximately $1.6 billion of Senior  Debt
outstanding.   The  terms of the Series  A  Debentures  place  no
limitation  on the amount of Senior Debt that may be incurred  by
the Company.  See "Description of Junior Subordinated Debentures-
- -Subordination" in the accompanying Prospectus.
    In the event of the liquidation of the Series A Issuer, after
satisfaction of liabilities to creditors of the Series A  Issuer,
if  any, as provided by applicable law, the holders of the Series
A  Preferred Securities will be entitled to receive a liquidation
preference   of   $25  per  Series  A  Preferred  Security   plus
accumulated  and  unpaid Distributions thereon  to  the  date  of
payment,  which  may  be in the form of a  distribution  of  such
amount  in  Series  A Debentures, subject to certain  exceptions.
See    "Description    of    Preferred    Securities--Liquidation
Distribution Upon Termination" in the accompanying Prospectus.

    Application  will  be  made to list the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities on the New York Stock Exchange (the "NYSE").   If  the
Series  A  Debentures are distributed to the holders of Series  A
Preferred Securities upon the liquidation of the Series A Issuer,
the  Company  will  use its best efforts to  list  the  Series  A
Debentures  on  the NYSE or such other stock exchanges  or  other
organizations, if any, on which the Series A Preferred Securities
are then listed.

    The  Series A Preferred Securities will be represented by one
or  more  global  certificates registered  in  the  name  of  The
Depository  Trust  Company ("DTC") or  its  nominee.   Beneficial
interests in the Series A Preferred Securities will be shown  on,
and  transfers  thereof  will be effected only  through,  records
maintained  by participants in DTC.  Except as described  in  the
accompanying   Prospectus,  Series  A  Preferred  Securities   in
certificated form will not be issued in exchange for  the  global
certificates.       See      "Description      of       Preferred
Securities--Book-Entry Issuance" in the accompanying Prospectus.

    The  following information supplements, and to the extent  is
inconsistent  with, replaces, the information  contained  in  the
accompanying  Prospectus,  and  should  be  read  in  conjunction
therewith.   As  used  herein, (i) the "Corresponding  Indenture"
means  the  Indenture for Unsecured Subordinated Debt  Securities
relating  to  Trust Securities, as the same may  be  amended  and
supplemented from time to time, between the Company and The  Bank
of  New  York,  as Corresponding Debenture Trustee,  pursuant  to
which  the  Series  A  Debentures will be issued,  and  (ii)  the
"Series  A Trust Agreement" means the Amended and Restated  Trust
Agreement, among the Company, as Depositor, The Bank of New York,
as Property Trustee, The Bank of New York (Delaware), as Delaware
Trustee,   and   the   Administrative  Trustees   named   therein
(collectively,  with  the  Property  Trustee  and  the   Delaware
Trustee,  the "Issuer Trustees").  Each of the other  capitalized
terms  used  in  this  Prospectus Supplement  and  not  otherwise
defined  in this Prospectus Supplement has the meaning set  forth
in  the Corresponding Indenture, the Series A Trust Agreement  or
the accompanying Prospectus.

                          RISK FACTORS

    Prospective  purchasers of the Series A Preferred  Securities
should  carefully review the information contained  elsewhere  in
this Prospectus Supplement and in the accompanying Prospectus and
should particularly consider the following matters.
Obligations  Under  the  Series A  Guarantee  and  the  Series  A
Debentures are Unsecured and Subordinate to Senior Debt

    The  obligations of the Company under the Series A  Guarantee
issued by the Company for the benefit of the holders of Series  A
Preferred  Securities  are  unsecured and  rank  subordinate  and
junior  in  right of payment to all Senior Debt of  the  Company.
The  obligations of the Company under the Series A Debentures are
subordinate  and  junior in right of payment to all  such  Senior
Debt.   At  March 31, 1996, Senior Debt of the Company aggregated
approximately $1.6 billion.  None of the Corresponding Indenture,
the  Series A Guarantee or the Series A Trust Agreement place any
limitation on the amount of secured or unsecured debt,  including
Senior   Debt,  that  may  be  incurred  by  the  Company.    See
"Description   of  Guarantees--Status  of  the  Guarantees"   and
"Description of Junior Subordinated Debentures--Subordination" in
the accompanying Prospectus.
    The  ability of the Series A Issuer to pay amounts due on the
Series  A  Preferred  Securities is  solely  dependent  upon  the
Company  making payments on the Series A Debentures as  and  when

Option to Extend Interest Payment Period; Tax Consequences;
Potential Market Volatility During Extension Period

    The  Company has the right under the Corresponding  Indenture
to  defer  the payment of interest on the Series A Debentures  at
any  time or from time to time for one or more Extension Periods,
each  of which, together with all previous and further extensions
of such Extension Period prior to its termination, may not exceed
20 consecutive quarters and may not extend beyond the maturity of
the  Series A Debentures.  As a consequence of any such election,
quarterly  Distributions  on the Series  A  Preferred  Securities
would  be  deferred (but would continue to accumulate  additional
Distributions  thereon at the rate of ___% per annum,  compounded
quarterly)  by  the  Series A Issuer during  any  such  Extension
Period.   In  the  event that the Company exercises  this  right,
during any such Extension Period, the Company may not (i) declare
or  pay  any dividends or distributions on, or redeem,  purchase,
acquire,  or make a liquidation payment with respect to,  any  of
the  Company's  capital  stock  or  (ii)  make  any  payment   of
principal,  interest or premium, if any, on or repay,  repurchase
or   redeem   any   debt  securities  (including   other   Junior
Subordinated Debentures ) that rank pari passu with or junior  in
interest  to  the  Series  A Debentures  or  make  any  guarantee
payments  with respect to the foregoing (other than (a) dividends
or  distributions in common stock of the Company and (b) payments
under  any  Guarantee).  Upon the termination  of  any  Extension
Period  and the payment of all amounts then due, the Company  may
elect  to  begin  a new Extension Period, subject  to  the  above
requirements.   Consequently, there could be  multiple  Extension
Periods  of varying lengths throughout the term of the  Series  A
Debentures.   See  "Certain  Terms  of  the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities--Distributions" and "Certain Terms  of  the  Series  A
Debentures--Option to Extend Interest Payment Period".

    Should  an  Extension  Period occur, a  holder  of  Series  A
Preferred  Securities will continue to accrue interest income  in
respect of its pro rata share of the Series A Debentures held  by
the  Series  A  Issuer  for  United  States  Federal  income  tax
purposes.  As a result, a holder of Series A Preferred Securities
will  include  such  interest in gross income for  United  States
Federal  income tax purposes in advance of the receipt  of  cash,
and  will  not receive the cash related to such income  from  the
Series  A Issuer if the holder disposes of the Series A Preferred
Securities   prior  to  the  record  date  for  the  payment   of
Distributions.   See  "Certain United States Federal  Income  Tax
Considerations--Potential Extension of  Interest  Payment  Period
and Original Issue Discount" and "--Sale, Exchange and Redemption
of the Series A Preferred Securities".
    In  the  event  the Company elects to exercise its  right  to
defer payments of interest on the Series A Debentures, the market
price  of  the  Series A Preferred Securities  is  likely  to  be
affected.   A  holder  that disposes of its  Series  A  Preferred
Securities  during  an  Extension Period,  therefore,  might  not
receive  the  same  return on its investment  as  a  holder  that
continues  to  hold  its  Series  A  Preferred  Securities.    In
addition, as a result of the existence of the Company's right  to
defer  interest  payments,  the market  price  of  the  Series  A
Preferred   Securities  (which  represent   preferred   undivided
beneficial  interests  in the Series A Debentures)  may  be  more
volatile  than  the  market prices of other securities  on  which
original  issue  discount accrues that are not  subject  to  such

Special Event Redemption; Adverse Effect of Possible Tax Law

    Upon  the occurrence and continuation of a Special Event,  as
described  in  "Description of Preferred Securities--Redemption--
Special Event Redemption or Distribution of Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures"  in  the accompanying  Prospectus,  the
Company has the right to redeem the Series A Debentures in  whole
(but not in part) and thereby cause a mandatory redemption of the
Series A Preferred Securities and Series A Common Securities at a
redemption price equal to the accrued and unpaid interest on  the
Series  A Debentures so redeemed to the date fixed for redemption
plus  100%  of  the  principal amount  thereof,  within  90  days
following the occurrence of such Special Event,
    On  March 19, 1996, the Revenue Reconciliation Bill  of  1996
(the  "Bill"), the revenue portion of President Clinton's  budget
proposal,  was  released.  The Bill would,  among  other  things,
generally  deny interest deductions for interest on an instrument
issued  by  a  corporation  that has a maximum  weighted  average
maturity  of  more than 40 years.  The Bill would also  generally
treat as equity an instrument, issued by a corporation, that  has
a  maximum  term of more than 20 years and that is not  shown  as
indebtedness  on  the separate balance sheet of  the  issuer  or,
where  the instrument is issued to a related party (other than  a
corporation), where the holder or some other related party issues
a  related  instrument that is not shown as indebtedness  on  the
issuer's   consolidated  balance  sheet.    The   above-described
provisions   were   proposed  to  be  effective   generally   for
instruments  issued  on or after December  7,  1995.   If  either
provision  were to apply to the Series A Debentures, the  Company
would  be  unable to deduct interest on the Series A  Debentures.
However,  on  March 29, 1996, the Chairmen of the Senate  Finance
and  House Ways and Means Committees issued a joint statement  to
the effect that it was their intention that the effective date of
the  President's legislative proposals, if adopted, would  be  no
earlier than the date of appropriate Congressional action.  There
can  be no assurance, however, that current or future legislative
proposals or final legislation will not affect the ability of the
Company  to  deduct  interest on the  Series  A  Debentures.   If
legislation  were  enacted limiting, in whole  or  in  part,  the
deductibility  by  the  Company  of  interest  on  the  Series  A
Debentures  for  United States Federal income tax purposes,  such
enactment  could  give rise to a Tax Event  or  a  Debenture  Tax
Event.   A  Tax  Event  would  permit  the  Company  to  cause  a
redemption  of  the Series A Preferred Securities,  as  described
more fully under "Description of Preferred Securities--Redemption-
- -Special Event Redemption or Distribution of Corresponding Junior
Subordinated  Debentures"  in  the  accompanying  Prospectus.   A
Debenture Tax Event would permit the Company to redeem the Series
A  Debentures,  as  described more fully  under  "Description  of
Corresponding     Junior     Subordinated    Debentures--Optional
Redemption"  and "Description of Junior Subordinated Debentures--
Redemption" in the accompanying Prospectus.

Distribution of the Series A Debentures
    At  any  time,  the  Company has the right to  terminate  the
Series  A  Issuer  and,  after  satisfaction  of  liabilities  to
creditors,  if  any,  of  the Series  A  Issuer  as  provided  by
applicable  law, cause Series A Debentures to be  distributed  to
the  holders  of the Series A Preferred Securities in liquidation
of the Series A Issuer.

    There  can be no assurance as to the market prices for Series
A  Preferred  Securities  or Series  A  Debentures  that  may  be
distributed  in exchange for Series A Preferred Securities  if  a
liquidation  of the Series A Issuer were to occur.   Accordingly,
the  Series A Preferred Securities that an investor may purchase,
whether  pursuant  to the offer made hereby or in  the  secondary
market,  or  the Series A Debentures that a holder  of  Series  A
Preferred Securities may receive on liquidation of the  Series  A
Issuer,  may  trade at a discount to the price that the  investor
paid  to  purchase  the  Series  A Preferred  Securities  offered
hereby.   Because  holders of Series A Preferred  Securities  may
receive Series A Debentures if the Company exercises its right to
terminate the Series A Issuer, prospective purchasers of Series A
Preferred Securities are also making an investment decision  with
regard to the Series A Debentures and should carefully review all
the  information  regarding  the Series  A  Debentures  contained
herein.   See  "Description of Preferred Securities--Redemption--
Special Event Redemption or Distribution of Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated Debentures" and "Description of Corresponding Junior
Subordinated Debentures--General" in the accompanying Prospectus.

Rights under the Series A Guarantee; Limitation as to Funds
Available to the Series A Issuer

    The  Series  A  Guarantee will be qualified as  an  indenture
under the Trust Indenture Act.  The Bank of New York will act  as
Guarantee  Trustee for the purposes of compliance with the  Trust
Indenture  Act  and  will hold the Series  A  Guarantee  for  the
benefit of the holders of the Series A Preferred Securities.  The
Bank of New York will also act as Corresponding Debenture Trustee
for  the  Series A Debentures and as Property Trustee  under  the
Series  A Trust Agreement.  The Bank of New York (Delaware)  will
act  as Delaware Trustee under the Series A Trust Agreement.  The
Series  A  Guarantee guarantees to the holders of  the  Series  A
Preferred  Securities the following payments, to the  extent  not
paid  by  the  Series  A Issuer: (i) any accumulated  and  unpaid
Distributions  required  to be paid on  the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities, to the extent that the Series A Issuer has  funds  on
hand  available therefor, (ii) the redemption price with  respect
to any Series A Preferred Securities called for redemption to the
extent  that  the  Series A Issuer has funds  on  hand  available
therefor,  and (iii) upon a voluntary or involuntary dissolution,
winding  up  or  liquidation of the Series A Issuer  (unless  the
Series  A  Debentures are distributed to holders of the Series  A
Preferred  Securities), the lesser of (a) the  aggregate  of  the
liquidation  preference  amount and all  accumulated  and  unpaid
Distributions to the date of payment and (b) the amount of assets
of  the  Series A Issuer remaining available for distribution  to
holders of the Series A Preferred Securities.  The holders of not
less  than a majority in aggregate liquidation preference  amount
of the Series A Preferred Securities have the right to direct the
time,  method  and  place of conducting any  proceeding  for  any
remedy  available  to the Guarantee Trustee  in  respect  of  the
Series  A Guarantee or to direct the exercise of any trust  power
conferred  upon  the  Guarantee  Trustee  under  the   Series   A
Guarantee.   Any holder of the Series A Preferred Securities  may
institute  a  legal proceeding directly against  the  Company  to
enforce  its  rights under the Series A Guarantee  without  first
instituting  a legal proceeding against the Series A Issuer,  the
Guarantee Trustee or any other person or entity.  If the  Company
were  to  default on its obligation to pay amounts payable  under
the Series A Debentures, the Series A Issuer would lack funds for
the payment of Distributions or amounts payable on redemption  of
the  Series  A  Preferred Securities or otherwise, and,  in  such
event, holders of the Series A Preferred Securities would not  be
able  to  rely  upon the Series A Guarantee for payment  of  such
amounts.   If  the Property Trustee fails to enforce  its  rights
under the Series A Debentures or the Series A Trust Agreement,  a
holder  of  Series A Preferred Securities may institute  a  legal
proceeding  directly against the Company to enforce the  Property
Trustee's  rights under the Series A Debentures or the  Series  A
Trust  Agreement, to the fullest extent permitted by law, without
first  instituting  any  legal proceeding  against  the  Property
Trustee  or  any  other  person or entity.   Notwithstanding  the
foregoing, a holder of Series A Preferred Securities may directly
institute a proceeding for enforcement of payment to such  holder
of  principal of or interest on the Series A Debentures having  a
principal  amount  equal to the aggregate liquidation  preference
amount of the Series A Preferred Securities of such holder on  or
after  the  due dates specified in the Series A Debentures.   See
"Description  of  Preferred Securities", "Description  of  Junior
Subordinated Debentures" and "Description of Guarantees"  in  the
accompanying  Prospectus.  The Series A Trust Agreement  provides
that  each holder of Series A Preferred Securities, by acceptance
thereof,  agrees to the provisions of the Series A Guarantee  and
the Corresponding Indenture.

Limited Voting Rights

    Holders of Series A Preferred Securities will generally  have
limited  voting rights relating only to the modification  of  the
Series A Preferred Securities and the dissolution, winding-up  or
termination  of  the  Series  A  Issuer.   Holders  of  Series  A
Preferred  Securities will not be entitled to  vote  to  appoint,
remove  or replace the Property Trustee or the Delaware  Trustee,
which  voting rights are vested exclusively in the holder of  the
Series  A Common Securities except upon the occurrence of certain
events.   The Administrative Trustees and the Company  may  amend
the  Series A Trust Agreement to ensure that the Series A  Issuer
will  be classified for United States Federal income tax purposes
as  a "grantor trust" without the consent of holders, unless such
action adversely affects in any material respect the interests of
holders.    See   "Description  of  Preferred  Securities--Voting
Rights;  Amendment of Trust Agreement" and "--Removal  of  Issuer
Trustees" in the accompanying Prospectus.
Trading Price of Series A Preferred Securities May Not Reflect
Value of Accrued But Unpaid Interest

    Application  will  be  made to list the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities  on the NYSE.  If approved for listing, the  Series  A
Preferred  Securities may trade at a price that  does  not  fully
reflect the value of accrued but unpaid interest with respect  to
the  underlying  Series  A Debentures.   A  holder  of  Series  A
Preferred  Securities  who disposes of  its  Series  A  Preferred
Securities  will  be required to include in income  (as  ordinary
income)  accrued but unpaid interest on the Series  A  Debentures
through  the date of disposition for Federal income tax  purposes
and to add such amount to its adjusted tax basis in its Series  A
Preferred  Securities disposed of.  Such holder will recognize  a
capital loss to the extent that the selling price (which may  not
fully  reflect the value of accrued but unpaid interest) is  less
than  its  adjusted  tax basis (which will  include  accrued  but
unpaid interest).  Subject to certain limited exceptions, capital
losses  cannot  be applied to offset ordinary income  for  United
States  Federal income tax purposes.  See "Certain United  States
Federal  Income Tax Considerations--Sale, Exchange and Redemption
of the Series A Preferred Securities".


    Entergy  Louisiana  Capital I is a statutory  business  trust
created  under  Delaware law pursuant to (i)  a  trust  agreement
executed by the Company, as depositor of the Series A Issuer, the
Property  Trustee,  the  Delaware Trustee and  an  Administrative
Trustee who is an officer of the Company and (ii) the filing of a
certificate of trust with the Delaware Secretary of State.   Such
trust  agreement  will be amended and restated  in  its  entirety
substantially  in the form of the Series A Trust Agreement  filed
as  an  exhibit  to  the  Registration Statement  of  which  this
Prospectus  Supplement is a part.  The Series A  Trust  Agreement
will  be qualified as an indenture under the Trust Indenture Act.
The  Series A Issuer's business and affairs will be conducted  by
five  Issuer Trustees: The Bank of New York, as Property Trustee,
The  Bank of New York (Delaware), as Delaware Trustee, and  three
individual Administrative Trustees who are employees or  officers
of  or  affiliated with the Company.  The Series A Issuer  exists
for  the exclusive purposes of (i) issuing and selling the Series
A Preferred Securities and Series A Common Securities, (ii) using
the  proceeds from the sale of  such securities to acquire Series
A  Debentures  issued by the Company and (iii) engaging  in  only
those   other  activities  necessary,  convenient  or  incidental
thereto.   Accordingly, the Series A Debentures will be the  sole
assets  of the Series A Issuer, and payments under the  Series  A
Debentures will be the sole revenue of the Series A Issuer.   All
of  the  Series A Common Securities will be owned by the Company.
The Series A Common Securities will rank pari passu, and payments
will  be  made  thereon  pro rata, with the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities, except that upon the occurrence and continuance of an
event  of  default  under the Series A Trust Agreement  resulting
from  a Debenture Event of Default, the rights of the Company  as
holder of the Series A Common Securities to payment in respect of
Distributions  and  payments  upon  liquidation,  redemption   or
otherwise  will be subordinated to the rights of the  holders  of
the Series A Preferred Securities.  See "Description of Preferred
Securities--Subordination   of   Common   Securities"   in    the
accompanying  Prospectus.   The Company  will  acquire  Series  A
Common Securities having an aggregate liquidation amount equal to
3%  of  the total capital of the Series A Issuer.  The  Series  A
Issuer  has  a term of approximately 54 years, but may  terminate
earlier  as  provided  in  the Series  A  Trust  Agreement.   The
principal  executive office of the Series A Issuer is 639  Loyola
Avenue,  New  Orleans, LA 70113, Attention:  Treasurer,  and  its
telephone  number is (504) 576-4308.  See "The  Issuers"  in  the
accompanying Prospectus.

                         USE OF PROCEEDS

    All  of  the proceeds from the sale of the Series A Preferred
Securities  will be invested by the Series A Issuer in  Series  A
Debentures.   The  Company intends to use the proceeds  from  the
sale  of  such  Series  A  Debentures to  redeem  shares  of  its
preferred stock as follows: [              ].
                     (Dollars in Thousands)

      The selected financial information of the Company set forth
below  has  been  derived from and should be read in  conjunction
with  the  financial  statements and other financial  information
contained in the Incorporated Documents.

                                For the Twelve Months Ended
                                        December 31
                31,      1995     1994     1993      1992      1991
  Operating    $1,739    $1,67   $1,710    $1,731   $1,553    $1,528
Revenues....     ,180    4,875     ,415      ,541     ,745      ,934
  Operating    335,59    332,2   343,12    321,61   318,28    332,49
Income.......       0       69        0         2        0         6
 .              133,36    134,8   133,97    135,20   140,62    167,29
  Interest          4       85        7         9        8         1
Expense        206,00    201,5   213,83    188,80   182,98    166,57
(net).              5       37        9         8        9         2
Income.......    3.26     3.18     2.91      3.06     2.79      2.40
  Ratio of
Earnings to

                     (Dollars in Thousands)

    The    following   table   sets   forth   the    consolidated
capitalization  of  the  Company  as  of  March  31,  1996.   The
following  data  is qualified in its entirety  by  the  financial
statements  of  the  Company  and  other  information   contained
elsewhere  in  this  Prospectus Supplement and  the  accompanying
Prospectus or incorporated herein or therein by reference.

                                    As of March 31, 1996
                                  Actual          As Adjusted (1)
Balance Sheet Data:         Amount       Perce    Amount     Perce
                                           nt                 nt
     Common Stock and      $ 1,084,0       38.9 %  $               %
Paid-in Capital                   20
     Retained Earnings        57,564        2.1                   
             Total Common    1,141,5       41.0                   
Shareholder's Equity              84

     Preferred Stock         160,500        5.8                   
(without sinking fund)
     Preferred Stock          92,509        3.3                   
(with sinking fund)
     Company Obligated                                            
Preferred Securities         -           -
        of Subsidiary
Trust (2)
     First Mortgage Bonds    614,907       22.1                   
     Other Long-Term Debt    774,376       27.8                   
               Total       $ 2,783,8      100.0 %  $         100.0 %
Capitalization                    76

(1)Adjusted  to  give effect to the consummation of the  offering
   of  _____ Series A Preferred Securities and the application of
   the  estimated  net  proceeds therefrom to  redeem  shares  of
   preferred stock.

(2)As  described herein, all of the assets of the Series A Issuer
   will  be  $_____ million of the Series A Debentures issued  by
   the  Company to the Series A Issuer.  The Series A  Debentures
   will  bear  interest  at  the  annual  rate  of  ___%  of  the
   principal  amount  thereof  and  will  mature  on  __________,
   _____.    The  Company  owns  all  of  the  Series  A   Common
   Securities of the Series A Issuer.

(3)Excludes current maturities of First Mortgage Bonds and  Other
   Long-Term   Debt  that  totaled  $111  million  and  $257,900,

                      ACCOUNTING TREATMENT
    For financial reporting purposes, the Series A Issuer will be
treated  as  a  subsidiary of the Company and,  accordingly,  the
accounts  of  the  Series  A  Issuer  will  be  included  in  the
consolidated financial statements of the Company.  The  Series  A
Preferred Securities will be presented as a separate line item in
the  consolidated balance sheet of the Company entitled  "Company
Obligated   Mandatorily   Redeemable  Preferred   Securities   of
Subsidiary  Trust  Holding  Solely  Company  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures"  and  appropriate  disclosures  about  the  Series  A
Preferred  Securities, the Series A Guarantee and  the  Series  A
Debentures  will  be  included in the notes to  the  consolidated
financial  statements.   For financial  reporting  purposes,  the
Company  will  record  Distributions  payable  on  the  Series  A
Preferred Securities as an expense.


    The  following summary of certain terms and provisions of the
Series  A  Preferred Securities supplements, and, to  the  extent
inconsistent  with, replaces, the description of  the  terms  and
provisions  of  the  Preferred  Securities  set  forth   in   the
accompanying   Prospectus  under  the  heading  "Description   of
Preferred  Securities", to which description reference is  hereby
made.  This summary of certain terms and provisions of the Series
A  Preferred  Securities does not purport to be complete  and  is
subject  to, and qualified in its entirety by reference  to,  the
Series  A  Trust  Agreement.  The form  of  the  Series  A  Trust
Agreement  has  been  filed  as an exhibit  to  the  Registration
Statement  of  which this Prospectus Supplement and  accompanying
Prospectus are a part.

    The   Series  A  Preferred  Securities  represent   undivided
beneficial  interests in the assets of the Series  A  Issuer  and
Distributions on each Series A Preferred Security will be payable
at  the  annual rate of ___% of the stated liquidation preference
amount of $25, payable quarterly in arrears on March 31, June 30,
September  30  and December 31 of each year.  Distributions  that
are  in  arrears  for  more  than  one  quarter  will  accumulate
additional Distributions thereon at the rate per annum of  _____%
thereof,  compounded quarterly ("Additional Amounts").  The  term
"Distributions" as used herein shall include any such  Additional
Amounts.  Distributions will accumulate from ____________,  1996,
the  date  of original issuance.  The first Distribution  payment
date  for  the Series A Preferred Securities will be _______  __,
1996,  and such Distribution will be cumulative from the date  of
original issuance.  The amount of Distributions payable  for  any
period  will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve
30-day   months.   See  "Description  of  Preferred  Securities--
Distributions" in the accompanying Prospectus.
    So   long  as  no  Debenture  Event  of  Default  under   the
Corresponding  Indenture  has occurred  and  is  continuing,  the
Company has the right under the Corresponding Indenture to  defer
the  payment of interest on the Series A Debentures at  any  time
and from time to time, for one or more Extension Periods, each of
which, together with all previous and further extensions of  such
Extension  Period  prior to its termination, may  not  exceed  20
consecutive  quarters and may not extend beyond the  maturity  of
the  Series A Debentures.  As a consequence of any such election,
quarterly  Distributions  on the Series  A  Preferred  Securities
would  be  deferred (but would continue to accumulate  additional
Distributions  thereon at the rate of ___% per annum,  compounded
quarterly)  by  the  Series A Issuer during  any  such  Extension
Period.   In  the  event that the Company exercises  this  right,
during any such Extension Period, the Company may not (i) declare
or  pay  any dividends or distributions on, or redeem,  purchase,
acquire or make a liquidation payment with respect to, any of the
Company's  capital stock or (ii) make any payment  of  principal,
interest  or premium, if any, on or repay, repurchase  or  redeem
any   debt   securities  (including  other  Junior   Subordinated
Debentures)  that rank pari passu with or junior in  interest  to
the  Series  A  Debentures  or make any guarantee  payments  with
respect   to   the  foregoing  (other  than  (a)   dividends   or
distributions  in  common stock of the Company and  (b)  payments
under any Guarantee).  Upon the termination of any such Extension
Period  and the payment of all amounts then due, the Company  may
elect  to  begin  a new Extension Period, subject  to  the  above
requirements.   See "Certain Terms of the Series  A  Debentures--
Option  to  Extend Interest Payment Period" and  "Certain  United
States  Federal Income Tax Consequences--Potential  Extension  of
Interest Payment Period and Original Issue Discount".
    The  Company has no current intention of exercising its right
to  defer payments of interest by extending the interest  payment
period on the Series A Debentures.


    Upon the repayment or redemption, in whole or in part, of the
Series   A  Debentures,  whether  at  maturity  or  upon  earlier
redemption  as  provided  in  the  Corresponding  Indenture,  the
proceeds  from such repayment or redemption shall be  applied  by
the  Property  Trustee to redeem a Like Amount of  the  Series  A
Preferred Securities, upon not less than 30 nor more than 60 days
notice,  at a Redemption Price equal to the aggregate liquidation
preference of such Series A Preferred Securities plus accumulated
and  unpaid  Distributions thereon to the Redemption  Date.   See
"Description   of   Preferred  Securities--Redemption"   in   the
accompanying  Prospectus  and "Certain  Terms  of  the  Series  A
Debentures--Redemption".  The Company  will  have  the  right  to
redeem the Series A Debentures (i) on or after ___________, 2001,
in  whole  at  any  time  or in part from  time  to  time,  at  a
redemption price equal to the accrued and unpaid interest on  the
Series  A Debentures so redeemed to the date fixed for redemption
plus  100% of the principal amount thereof, or (ii) at any  time,
in  whole  (but not in part), upon the occurrence  of  a  Special
Event,  at  a  redemption price equal to the accrued  and  unpaid
interest on the Series A Debentures so redeemed to the date fixed
for  redemption plus 100% of the principal amount  thereof.   See
"Description  of Junior Subordinated Debentures--Redemption"  and
"Description  of  Corresponding Junior Subordinated  Debentures--
Optional Redemption" in the accompanying Prospectus.
Distribution of Series A Debentures

    At any time, the Company will have the right to terminate the
Series  A  Issuer and, after satisfaction of the  liabilities  of
creditors  of the Series A Issuer as provided by applicable  law,
cause the Series A Debentures to be distributed to the holders of
the  Series  A  Preferred  Securities and  the  Series  A  Common
Securities  in liquidation of the Series A Issuer.  See  "Certain
Terms  of  the  Series  A Debentures--Distribution  of  Series  A
Debentures".  Under current United States Federal income tax law,
provided  the Series A Issuer is treated as a "grantor trust"  at
the  time of such distribution, such distribution would not be  a
taxable  event  to holders of the Series A Preferred  Securities.
See  "Certain  United States Federal Income Tax  Considerations--
Receipt  of Series A Debentures or Cash Upon Liquidation  of  the
Series A Issuer".

Liquidation Value

    The  amount  payable on the Series A Preferred Securities  in
the  event of any liquidation of the Series A Issuer is  $25  per
Series   A   Preferred  Security  plus  accumulated  and   unpaid
Distributions,   unless,  subject  to  certain   exceptions,   in
connection  with  such liquidation, the Series A  Debentures  are
distributed  to the holders of the Series A Preferred Securities.
See    "Description    of    Preferred    Securities--Liquidation
Distribution upon Termination" in the accompanying Prospectus.



    The  following summary of certain terms and provisions of the
Series  A  Debentures supplements, and to the extent inconsistent
with,  replaces, the description of the terms and  provisions  of
the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures set forth in the
accompanying Prospectus under the headings "Description of Junior
Subordinated Debentures" and "Description of Corresponding Junior
Subordinated  Debentures",  to  which  description  reference  is
hereby made.  The summary of certain terms and provisions of  the
Series  A  Debentures  set forth below does  not  purport  to  be
complete  and  is  subject to, and qualified in its  entirety  by
reference  to,  the  Corresponding Indenture.  The  Corresponding
Indenture  has  been  filed  as an exhibit  to  the  Registration
Statement  of  which this Prospectus Supplement and  accompanying
Prospectus are a part.
    Concurrently  with  the issuance of the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities, the Series A Issuer will invest the proceeds  thereof
and the consideration paid by the Company for the Series A Common
Securities in the Series A Debentures issued by the Company.  The
Series  A  Debentures will bear interest at the  annual  rate  of
____%  of  the  principal amount thereof,  payable  quarterly  in
arrears  on  March 31, June 30, September 30 and December  31  of
each  year  (each, an "Interest Payment Date"), commencing  _____
__, 1996, to the person in whose name each Series A Debenture  is
registered,  subject to certain exceptions, as of  the  close  of
business  on  the  Business Day (as defined in the  Corresponding
Indenture)  next  preceding  such Interest  Payment  Date.   Each
Series  A  Debenture  will be held in the name  of  the  Property
Trustee  in trust for the benefit of the holders of the Series  A
Preferred  Securities.  The amount of interest  payable  for  any
period  will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve
30-day  months.  In the event that any date on which interest  is
payable  on the Series A Debentures is not a Business  Day,  then
payment of the interest payable on such date will be made on  the
next  succeeding  day which is a Business Day  (and  without  any
interest  or other payment in respect of any such delay),  except
that,  if  such  Business Day is in the next succeeding  calendar
year,  such  payment  shall be made on the immediately  preceding
Business Day, in each case with the same force and effect  as  if
made  on  the date such payment was originally payable.  Interest
that is in arrears for more than one quarter will bear additional
interest on the amount thereof (to the extent permitted  by  law)
at the rate per annum of ___% thereof, compounded quarterly.  The
term  "interest" as used herein shall include quarterly  interest
payments, interest on quarterly interest payments in arrears  and
Additional Interest, as applicable.

    The  Series  A  Debentures will be  issued  as  a  series  of
Corresponding   Junior   Subordinated   Debentures   under    the
Corresponding Indenture.  The Series A Debentures will mature  on
____________, _____.  The Series A Debentures will  be  unsecured
and  will  rank junior and be subordinate in right of payment  to
all Senior Debt of the Company.  The Corresponding Indenture does
not  limit  the  incurrence  or  issuance  of  other  secured  or
unsecured  debt  of the Company, whether under the  Corresponding
Indenture, any other indenture that the Company may enter into in
the future or otherwise.  See "Description of Junior Subordinated
Debentures--Subordination" in the accompanying Prospectus.
Option to Extend Interest Payment Period

    So   long  as  no  Debenture  Event  of  Default  under   the
Corresponding  Indenture  has occurred  and  is  continuing,  the
Company  has the right under the Corresponding Indenture  at  any
time  during  the term of the Series A Debentures  to  defer  the
payment of interest at any time or from time to time for  one  or
more Extension Periods, each of which, together with all previous
and  further  extensions of such Extensions Period prior  to  its
termination, may not exceed 20 consecutive quarters and  may  not
extend  beyond the maturity of the Series A Debentures.   At  the
end  of  such Extension Period, the Company must pay all interest
then  accrued and unpaid (together with interest thereon  at  the
annual rate of _____% to the extent permitted by applicable law).
During an Extension Period, interest will continue to accrue  and
holders  of  Series  A  Debentures will  be  required  to  accrue
interest  income for United States Federal income  tax  purposes.
See  "Certain  United  States Federal Income Tax  Considerations-
Potential Extension of Interest Payment Period and Original Issue
    In  the  event that the Company exercises this right,  during
any such Extension Period, the Company may not (i) declare or pay
any  dividends or distributions on, or redeem, purchase, acquire,
or  make  a  liquidation  payment with respect  to,  any  of  the
Company's  capital stock or (ii) make any payment  of  principal,
interest  or premium, if any, on or repay, repurchase  or  redeem
any   debt   securities  (including  other  Junior   Subordinated
Debentures)  that rank pari passu with or junior in  interest  to
the  Series  A  Debentures  or make any guarantee  payments  with
respect   to   the  foregoing  (other  than  (a)   dividends   or
distributions  in  common stock of the Company and  (b)  payments
under any Guarantee).  Upon the termination of any such Extension
Period  and the payment of all amounts then due, the Company  may
elect  to  begin  a new Extension Period, subject  to  the  above
requirements.   No  interest shall be due and payable  during  an
Extension  Period, except at the end thereof.  The  Company  must
give  the Property Trustee, the Administrative Trustees  and  the
Corresponding Debenture Trustee notice of its selection  of  such
Extension  Period at least one Business Day prior to the  earlier
of  (i)  the  date  the Distributions on the Series  A  Preferred
Securities  are  payable  and (ii) the  date  the  Administrative
Trustees  are  required  to give notice  to  the  NYSE  or  other
applicable  self-regulatory organization or to  holders  of  such
Series A Preferred Securities of the record date or the date such
Distributions  are payable, but in any event not  less  than  one
Business  Day  prior  to  such record  date.   An  Administrative
Trustee shall give notice of the Company's election to begin such
Extension  Period  to  the  holders of  the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities  within  five business days of the receipt  of  notice
thereof.   See  "Description of Junior Subordinated  Debentures--
Option  to  Extend  Interest Payment Period" in the  accompanying


    The  Series A Debentures are redeemable prior to maturity  at
the  option  of  the Company (i) on or after ________,  2001,  in
whole  at  any time or in part from time to time, at a redemption
price  equal to the accrued and unpaid interest on the  Series  A
Debentures so redeemed to the date fixed for redemption plus 100%
of  the  principal amount thereof, or (ii) at any time, in  whole
(but  not in part), upon the occurrence of a Special Event, at  a
redemption price equal to the accrued and unpaid interest on  the
Series  A Debentures so redeemed to the date fixed for redemption
plus  100% of the principal amount thereof.  See "Description  of
Junior  Subordinated Debentures--Redemption" and "Description  of
Corresponding     Junior     Subordinated    Debentures--Optional
Redemption" in the accompanying Prospectus.
Distribution of Series A Debentures

    At  any  time,  the  Company has the right to  terminate  the
Series A Issuer, and, in such event, Series A Debentures will  be
distributed  to the holders of the Series A Preferred  Securities
in  liquidation  of  the  Series A Issuer after  satisfaction  of
liabilities  to creditors of the Series A Issuer as  provided  by
applicable law.  If distributed to holders of Series A  Preferred
Securities in liquidation, the Series A Debentures will initially
be  issued in the form of one or more global securities and  DTC,
or   any   successor  depositary  for  the  Series  A   Preferred
Securities,  will act as depositary for the Series A  Debentures.
It is anticipated that the depositary arrangements for the Series
A  Debentures would be substantially identical to those in effect
for  the  Series  A  Preferred  Securities.   If  the  Series   A
Debentures  are distributed to the holders of Series A  Preferred
Securities  upon  the  liquidation of the Series  A  Issuer,  the
Company will use its best efforts to list the Series A Debentures
on the NYSE or such other stock exchanges or other organizations,
if  any,  on  which  the Series A Preferred Securities  are  then
listed.  There can be no assurance as to the market price of  any
Series  A  Debentures that may be distributed to the  holders  of
Series A Preferred Securities.  For a description of DTC and  the
terms  of  the  depositary  arrangements  relating  to  payments,
transfers, voting rights, redemption and other notices and  other
matters,  see  "Description  of Preferred  Securities--Book-Entry
Issuance" in the accompanying Prospectus.


      The  following  summary  describes  certain  United  States
Federal   income  tax  consequences  relevant  to  the  purchase,
ownership and disposition of the Series A Preferred Securities as
of  the  date hereof and represents the opinion of Reid &  Priest
LLP, counsel to the Company, insofar as it relates to matters  of
law or legal conclusions.  Except where noted, it deals only with
Series A Preferred Securities held as capital assets and does not
deal  with  special  situations, such  as  those  of  dealers  in
securities or currencies, financial institutions, life  insurance
companies, persons holding Series A Preferred Securities as  part
of  a  hedging  or  conversion transaction or a straddle,  United
States Holders (as defined herein) whose "functional currency" is
not  the  United  States dollar, or persons who  are  not  United
States  Holders.  In addition, this discussion does  not  address
the  tax  consequences to persons who purchase Series A Preferred
Securities  other  than pursuant to their  initial  issuance  and
distribution.   Furthermore, the discussion below is  based  upon
the  provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
and regulations, rulings and judicial decisions thereunder as  of
the date hereof, and such authorities may be repealed, revoked or
modified  at  any time so as to result in United  States  Federal
income  tax  consequences different from those  discussed  below.
These  authorities are subject to various interpretations and  it
is  therefore possible that the United States Federal income  tax
treatment  of the Series A Preferred Securities may  differ  from
the treatment described below.


United States Holders

      As  used herein, a "United States Holder" means a Series  A
Preferred Security holder that is a citizen or a resident of  the
United States, a corporation, partnership or other entity created
or  organized  in or under the laws of the United States  or  any
political  subdivision thereof, or an estate or trust the  income
of  which  is  subject to United States Federal  income  taxation
regardless of its source.

Classification of Entergy Louisiana Capital I

      Reid & Priest LLP, counsel to the Company and the Series  A
Issuer,  is  of the opinion that, under current law and  assuming
full compliance with the terms of the Corresponding Indenture and
the  instruments  establishing the Series A Issuer  (and  certain
other  documents), the Series A Issuer will be  classified  as  a
"grantor trust" for United States Federal income tax purposes and
will   not  be  classified  as  an  association  taxable   as   a
corporation.  Each United States Holder will be treated as owning
an  undivided  beneficial interest in the  Series  A  Debentures.
Accordingly,  each  United  States Holder  will  be  required  to
include  in  its gross income interest (in the form  of  original
issue  discount  ("OID")) accrued with respect to  its  allocable
share  of  Series  A Debentures as described  below.   No  amount
included  in  income  with  respect to  the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities will be eligible for the dividends received deduction.
Investors  should be aware that the opinion of Reid & Priest  LLP
is not binding on the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") or the

Classification of the Series A Debentures

     Based on the advice of its counsel, the Company believes and
intends  to  take the position that the Series A Debentures  will
constitute  indebtedness  for United States  Federal  income  tax
purposes.  No assurance can be given that such position will  not
be  challenged by the IRS, or, if challenged, that such challenge
will  not  be successful.  By purchasing and accepting  Series  A
Preferred Securities, each holder thereof covenants to treat  the
Series  A  Debentures as indebtedness and the Series A  Preferred
Securities as evidence of an indirect beneficial ownership in the
Series  A  Debentures.  The remainder of this discussion  assumes
that  the  Series A Debentures will be classified as indebtedness
of the Company for United States Federal income tax purposes.

Possible Tax Law Changes

      On  March 19, 1996, the Revenue Reconciliation Bill of 1996
(the  "Bill"), the revenue portion of President Clinton's  budget
proposal,  was  released.  The Bill would,  among  other  things,
generally  deny interest deductions for interest on an instrument
issued  by  a  corporation  that has a maximum  weighted  average
maturity  of  more than 40 years.  The Bill would also  generally
treat as equity an instrument, issued by a corporation, that  has
a  maximum  term of more than 20 years and that is not  shown  as
indebtedness  on  the separate balance sheet of  the  issuer  or,
where  the instrument is issued to a related party (other than  a
corporation), where the holder or some other related party issues
a  related  instrument that is not shown as indebtedness  on  the
issuer's   consolidated  balance  sheet.    The   above-described
provisions   were   proposed  to  be  effective   generally   for
instruments  issued  on or after December  7,  1995.   If  either
provision  were to apply to the Series A Debentures, the  Company
would  be  unable to deduct interest on the Series A  Debentures.
However,  on  March 29, 1996, the Chairmen of the Senate  Finance
and  House Ways and Means Committees issued a joint statement  to
the effect that it was their intention that the effective date of
the  President's legislative proposals, if adopted,  will  be  no
earlier than the date of appropriate Congressional action.  There
can  be no assurance, however, that current or future legislative
proposals or final legislation will not affect the ability of the
Company  to  deduct  interest on the  Series  A  Debentures.   If
legislation  were  enacted limiting, in whole  or  in  part,  the
deductibility  by  the  Company  of  interest  on  the  Series  A
Debentures  for  United States Federal income tax purposes,  such
enactment  could  give rise to a Tax Event  or  a  Debenture  Tax
Event.   A  Tax  Event  would  permit  the  Company  to  cause  a
redemption of the Series A Preferred Securities as described more
fully  under  "Description  of Preferred  Securities--Redemption-
Special Event Redemption or Distribution of Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures"  in  the  accompanying  Prospectus.   A
Debenture Tax Event would permit the Company to redeem the Series
A  Debentures,  as  described more fully  under  "Description  of
Corresponding     Junior     Subordinated    Debentures--Optional
Redemption"  and "Description of Junior Subordinated Debentures--
Redemption" in the accompanying Prospectus.

Potential Extension of Interest Payment Period and Original Issue

      Under the terms of the Series A Debentures, the Company has
the option to defer payments of interest for up to 20 consecutive
quarterly  interest payment periods and to pay as a lump  sum  at
the  end  of  such  period all of the interest that  has  accrued
during   such   period.   During  any  such   Extension   Period,
Distributions on the Series A Preferred Securities will  also  be
deferred.  Because of this option to extend the interest  payment
periods,  the Series A Debentures will be treated as having  been
issued  with  OID for United States Federal income tax  purposes.
As  a  result, United States Holders will be required  to  accrue
interest income (in the form of OID) on an economic accrual basis
even if they use the cash method of accounting.  In the event  of
an  Extension Period, a United States Holder will be required  to
continue to include OID in income notwithstanding that the Series
A Issuer will not make any Distribution on the Series A Preferred
Securities during such Extension Period.  As a result, any United
States Holder who disposes of Series A Preferred Securities prior
to  the  record  date for the payment of Distributions  following
such  Extension Period will include interest in gross income  but
will  not  receive  any Distributions related  thereto  from  the
Series  A Issuer.  The tax basis of a Series A Preferred Security
will  be  increased by the amount of any OID that is included  in
income,  and  will  be  decreased when and if  Distributions  are
subsequently received from the Series A Issuer by such holders.

Receipt  of Series A Debentures or Cash Upon Liquidation  of  the
Series A Issuer

      At  any  time the Company has the right to cause  Series  A
Debentures  to  be distributed to holders of Series  A  Preferred
Securities in exchange for the Series A Preferred Securities  and
in  liquidation of the Series A Issuer.  Under current  law,  for
United States Federal income tax purposes, if the Series A Issuer
is treated as a "grantor trust" at the time of distribution, such
distribution  would  be treated as a non-taxable  event  to  each
United States Holder, and each United States Holder would receive
an  aggregate tax basis in the Series A Debentures equal to  such
Holder's   aggregate  tax  basis  in  its  Series   A   Preferred
Securities.   A  United States Holder's holding  period  for  the
Series  A  Debentures received in liquidation  of  the  Series  A
Issuer would include the period during which such holder held the
Series A Preferred Securities.

      Under certain circumstances, as described under the caption
"Description   of   Preferred  Securities--Redemption"   in   the
accompanying Prospectus, the Series A Debentures may be  redeemed
for  cash  and  the  proceeds of such redemption  distributed  to
holders  of  Series A Preferred Securities in redemption  of  the
Series  A  Preferred  Securities.   Under  current  law,  such  a
redemption would, for United States Federal income tax  purposes,
constitute  a  taxable  disposition of  the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities,  and a United States Holder would recognize  gain  or
loss  as if such holder had sold such redeemed Series A Preferred
Securities.  See "Sale, Exchange and Redemption of the  Series  A
Preferred Securities" below.

Sale,   Exchange  and  Redemption  of  the  Series  A   Preferred

      Upon the sale, exchange or redemption of Series A Preferred
Securities,  a United States Holder will recognize gain  or  loss
equal  to  the  difference between the amount realized  upon  the
sale, exchange or redemption and such holder's adjusted tax basis
in  the  Series A Preferred Securities.  A United States Holder's
adjusted  tax basis will, in general, be the issue price  of  the
Series  A  Preferred Securities, increased by the OID  previously
included in income by the United States Holder and reduced by any
Distributions on the Series A Preferred Securities.  Such gain or
loss  will be capital gain or loss and will be long-term  capital
gain or loss if at the time of sale, exchange or redemption,  the
Series  A  Preferred Securities have been held for more than  one
year.   Under current law, net capital gains of individuals  are,
under  certain circumstances, taxed at lower rates than items  of
ordinary income.  The deductibility of capital losses is  subject
to limitations.

Information Reporting and Backup Withholding

      Subject to the qualification discussed below, income on the
Series A Preferred Securities will be reported to holders on Form
1099,  which  should  be  mailed to such holders  by  January  31
following each calendar year.

      The Series A Issuer will be obligated to report annually to
Cede  &  Co.,  as  holder  of record of the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities,  the  OID  related to the Series  A  Debentures  that
accrued  during the year.  The Series A Issuer currently  intends
to  report  such  information on Form 1099 prior  to  January  31
following each calendar year.  The Underwriters have indicated to
the  Series A Issuer that, to the extent that they hold Series  A
Preferred  Securities  as nominees for beneficial  holders,  they
currently  expect  to  report the OID  that  accrued  during  the
calendar  year  on  such Series A Preferred  Securities  to  such
beneficial  holders  on Form 1099 by January  31  following  each
calendar  year.  Under current law, holders of Series A Preferred
Securities who hold as nominees for beneficial holders  will  not
have   any   obligation  to  report  information  regarding   the
beneficial holders to the Series A Issuer.  The Series A  Issuer,
moreover,  will not have any obligation to report  to  beneficial
holders  who  are  not  also  record holders.   Thus,  beneficial
holders of Series A Preferred Securities who hold their Series  A
Preferred Securities through the Underwriters will receive  Forms
1099 reflecting the income on their Series A Preferred Securities
from such Underwriters rather than from the Series A Issuer.

      Payments made in respect of, and proceeds from the sale of,
Series A Preferred Securities (or Series A Debentures distributed
to  holders  of Series A Preferred Securities) may be subject  to
"backup"  withholding tax of 31% unless the holder complies  with
certain  identification  requirements  or  if  such  holder   has
previously failed to report in full dividend and interest income.
Any  withheld  amounts will be allowed as a refund  or  a  credit
against  the holder's United States Federal income tax liability,
provided the required information is provided to the IRS.

     These information reporting and backup withholding tax rules
are  subject to temporary Treasury Regulations.  Accordingly, the
application  of  such rules to the Series A Preferred  Securities
could be changed.


    Subject  to  the  terms and conditions  of  the  Underwriting
Agreement,  the Company and the Series A Issuer have agreed  that
the  Series A Issuer will sell to each of the Underwriters  named
below,  and each of such Underwriters, for whom Goldman, Sachs  &
Co., __________________________ and _________________________ are
acting as representatives, has severally agreed to purchase  from
the  Series A Issuer the respective number of Series A  Preferred
Securities set forth opposite its name below:

                                          Number of
                                          Series A
                Underwriter              Securities
            Goldman, Sachs & Co.                    

    Subject  to  the  terms  and  conditions  set  forth  in  the
Underwriting  Agreement, the Underwriters are committed  to  take
and  pay  for  all  such  Series A Preferred  Securities  offered
hereby,   if   any  are  taken,  provided,  that  under   certain
circumstances  involving a default of one or  more  Underwriters,
less  than  all  of  the  Series A Preferred  Securities  may  be
purchased.  Default by one Underwriter would not relieve any non-
defaulting  Underwriter from its several obligation, and  in  the
event  of such a default, the non-defaulting Underwriters may  be
required  by  the  Company to purchase  the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities  that  it  has severally agreed to  purchase  and,  in
addition, to purchase the Series A Preferred Securities that  the
defaulting  Underwriter  or Underwriters  shall  have  failed  to
purchase  up  to  an amount equal to one-ninth of  the  Series  A
Preferred  Securities  that  such non-defaulting  Underwriter  or
Underwriters have otherwise agreed to purchase.
    The  Underwriters  propose to offer the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities  in part directly to the public at the initial  public
offering  price  set forth on the cover page of  this  Prospectus
Supplement,  and  in part to certain securities dealers  at  such
price  less  a  concession of $_______  per  Series  A  Preferred
Security.   The  Underwriters may allow,  and  such  dealers  may
reallow,  a  concession not in excess of $_______  per  Series  A
Preferred  Security  to certain brokers and dealers.   After  the
Series  A  Preferred  Securities are released  for  sale  to  the
public, the offering price and other selling terms may from  time
to time be varied by the representatives.

    In  view of the fact that the proceeds from the sale  of  the
Series A Preferred Securities will be used to purchase the Series
A  Debentures,  the  Underwriting  Agreement  provides  that  the
Company   will   pay  as  Underwriters'  Compensation   for   the
Underwriters arranging the investment therein of such proceeds an
amount  of  $  _______ per Series A Preferred  Security  for  the
accounts of the several Underwriters.
    The  Company and the Series A Issuer have agreed that, during
the  period beginning from the date of the Underwriting Agreement
and   continuing  to  and  including  the  earlier  of  (i)   the
termination  of  trading restrictions on the Series  A  Preferred
Securities, as determined by the Underwriters, and (ii)  30  days
after  the  closing date, they will not offer, sell, contract  to
sell  or  otherwise dispose of any Series A Preferred Securities,
any  other  beneficial interests in the assets of  the  Series  A
Issuer,  or  any preferred securities or any other securities  of
the Series A Issuer or the Company that are substantially similar
to  the Series A Preferred Securities, including any guarantee of
such   securities,   or  any  securities  convertible   into   or
exchangeable  for  or  that  represent  the  right   to   receive
securities,   preferred  securities  or  any  such  substantially
similar  securities of either the Series A Issuer or the Company,
without the prior written consent of the representatives,  except
for  the  Series  A  Preferred Securities, the  Series  A  Common
Securities and the Series A Guarantee.

    Prior  to this offering, there has been no public market  for
the  Series A Preferred Securities.  Application will be made  to
list the Series A Preferred Securities on the NYSE.  In order  to
meet  one  of the requirements for listing the Series A Preferred
Securities on the NYSE, the Underwriters will undertake  to  sell
lots of 100 or more Series A Preferred Securities to a minimum of
400  beneficial  holders.   Trading of  the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities on the NYSE is expected to commence within a seven-day
period  after  the  initial delivery of the  Series  A  Preferred
Securities.  The representatives of the Underwriters have advised
the  Company  that they intend to make a market in the  Series  A
Preferred  Securities prior to commencement  of  trading  on  the
NYSE,  but are not obligated to do so and may discontinue  market
making at any time without notice.  No assurance can be given  as
to the liquidity of the trading market for the Series A Preferred
    The  Company and the Series A Issuer have agreed to indemnify
the  several Underwriters against certain liabilities,  including
liabilities under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  or  to
contribute  to payments that the Underwriters may be required  to
make in respect thereof.

    Certain of the Underwriters or their affiliates have provided
from  time  to  time,  and  expect  to  provide  in  the  future,
investment or commercial banking services to the Company and  its
affiliates, for which such Underwriters or their affiliates  have
received or will receive customary fees and commissions.
      The  Company's balance sheets as of December 31,  1995  and
1994  and  the statements of income, retained earnings, and  cash
flows  and the related financial statement schedule for  each  of
the  two years ended December 31, 1995, incorporated by reference
in  the Prospectus accompanying this Prospectus Supplement,  have
been incorporated by reference therein in reliance on the reports
of  Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P., independent accountants,  given  on
the authority of that firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

    The  statements of income, retained earnings, and cash  flows
and  the related financial statement schedule for the year  ended
December  31,  1993, incorporated in the Prospectus  accompanying
this  Prospectus Supplement by reference to the Company's  Annual
Report  on  Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995,  have
been  audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent auditors,  as
stated   in   their  reports  dated  February  11,   1994,   also
incorporated  by reference therein and have been so  included  in
reliance upon the reports of such firm given upon their authority
as experts in accounting and auditing.

                         LEGAL OPINIONS

    Certain  matters of Delaware law relating to the validity  of
the  Series  A  Preferred Securities, the enforceability  of  the
Series  A Trust Agreement and the creation of the Series A Issuer
are being passed upon by Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A., special
Delaware  counsel to the Company and the Series  A  Issuer.   The
validity  of  the Series A Guarantee and the Series A  Debentures
will  be passed upon for the Company by Denise C. Redmann, Senior
Counsel -- Corporate and Securities of Entergy Services, Inc. and
by  Reid  & Priest LLP, New York counsel to the Company.  Matters
pertaining to New York law will be passed upon by Reid  &  Priest
LLP,  New York counsel to the Company, and matters pertaining  to
Louisiana  law  will be passed upon by Denise C. Redmann,  Senior
Attorney  -  Corporate and Securities of Entergy Services,  Inc.,
Louisiana counsel to the Company.  Certain legal matters will  be
passed  upon for the Underwriters by Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam  &
Roberts, New York, New York.  Certain matters relating to  United
States Federal income tax considerations are being passed upon by
Reid  & Priest LLP, special counsel to the Company and the Series
A Issuer.

               SUBJECT TO COMPLETION, DATED JULY 1, 1996


                                  ENTERGY LOUISIANA CAPITAL I
                                  ENTERGY LOUISIANA CAPITAL II
Junior Subordinated Deferrable    Preferred Securities fully and
      Interest Debentures         unconditionally guaranteed as
                                  set forth herein by
                                  ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.

      Entergy Louisiana, Inc. (formerly Louisiana Power  &  Light
Company), a Louisiana corporation (the "Company"), may from  time
to  time  offer  in  one or more series or issuances  its  junior
subordinated   deferrable   interest  debentures   (the   "Junior
Subordinated  Debentures") to be issued under the  Indenture  for
Unsecured  Subordinated Debt Securities, which will be  qualified
under  and subject to the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as amended
(the  "Trust Indenture Act").  The Junior Subordinated Debentures
will  be unsecured and subordinate and junior in right of payment
to Senior Debt (as defined in "Description of Junior Subordinated
Debentures -- Subordination") of the Company.  If provided in  an
accompanying  Prospectus Supplement, the Company  will  have  the
right  to  defer  payments of interest on any  series  of  Junior
Subordinated Debentures by extending the interest payment  period
thereon  at  any  time or from time to time for  such  number  of
consecutive  interest  payment periods (which  shall  not  extend
beyond  the maturity of the Junior Subordinated Debentures)  with
respect  to  each  deferral period as may be  specified  in  such
Prospectus   Supplement  (each,  an  "Extension  Period").    See
"Description  of  Junior  Subordinated Debentures  --  Option  to
Extend  Interest Payment Period" and "--Certain Covenants of  the
      Entergy  Louisiana Capital I, Entergy Louisiana Capital  II
and  Entergy  Louisiana Capital III, each  a  statutory  business
trust  created under the laws of the State of Delaware (each,  an
"Issuer", and collectively, the "Issuers"), may severally  offer,
from  time  to  time,  its respective preferred  securities  (the
"Preferred   Securities")   representing   preferred    undivided
beneficial  interests in the assets of each Issuer.  The  Company
will   be  the  owner  of  the  common  securities  (the  "Common
Securities")  representing common undivided beneficial  interests
in  the  assets  of  each Issuer.  The payment of  periodic  cash
distributions  ("Distributions") with respect  to  the  Preferred
Securities  of  each  Issuer  and  payments  on  liquidation   or
redemption  with  respect to such Preferred Securities,  in  each
case  out  of  funds  held by such Issuer, are  each  irrevocably
guaranteed by the Company to the extent described herein (each, a
"Guarantee",   and   collectively,   the   "Guarantees").     See
"Description  of  Guarantees".  The obligations  of  the  Company
under  each Guarantee will be subordinate and junior in right  of
payment to all Senior Debt of the Company.  Concurrently with the
issuance  by  an Issuer of its Preferred Securities, such  Issuer
will  invest the proceeds thereof and any contributions  made  in
respect of the Common Securities in a corresponding series of the
Company's  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  (the  "Corresponding
Junior Subordinated Debentures") to be issued under the Indenture
for  Unsecured  Subordinated Debt Securities  relating  to  Trust
Securities   dated  as  of  July  1,  1996  (the   "Corresponding
Indenture"),  which will be qualified under and  subject  to  the
Trust  Indenture Act, with terms corresponding to  the  terms  of
that  Issuer's  Preferred Securities.  The  Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures will be the sole assets of each  Issuer,
and   payments   under  the  Corresponding  Junior   Subordinated
Debentures and the Expense Agreement (as defined herein) will  be
the  only revenue of each Issuer.  Upon the occurrence of certain
events  as  described  herein and in an  accompanying  Prospectus
Supplement,  the  Company  may redeem  the  Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  or,  at  any  time,  the  Company   may
terminate  each Issuer and, after satisfaction of liabilities  to
creditors of each Issuer, if any, as provided by applicable  law,
cause  the  Corresponding Junior Subordinated  Debentures  to  be
distributed to the holders of Preferred Securities in liquidation
of  their interest in such Issuer.  See "Description of Preferred
Securities -- Liquidation Distribution Upon Termination".
      Holders  of  the Preferred Securities will be  entitled  to
receive  preferential cumulative Distributions accruing from  the
date  of  original issuance and payable periodically as specified
in  an  accompanying Prospectus Supplement.  If  provided  in  an
accompanying  Prospectus Supplement, the Company  will  have  the
right   to   defer  payments  of  interest  on  any   series   of
Corresponding  Junior Subordinated Debentures  by  extending  the
interest payment period thereon at any time or from time to  time
for  one or more Extension Periods (which shall not extend beyond
the   maturity   of   the   Corresponding   Junior   Subordinated
Debentures).  If interest payments are so deferred, Distributions
on  the corresponding series of Preferred Securities will also be
deferred  and  the  Company  will not be  permitted,  subject  to
certain  exceptions set forth herein, to declare or pay any  cash
distributions with respect to the Company's capital stock or debt
securities   that  rank  pari  passu  with  or  junior   to   the
Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures   or   make   any
guarantee  payments  with respect to the  foregoing.   During  an
Extension   Period,   interest  on   the   Corresponding   Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  will  continue  to  accrue   (and   the
Preferred  Securities  will accumulate  additional  Distributions
thereon)  at  the  rate  per  annum  set  forth  in  the  related
Prospectus  Supplement.  See "Description of Junior  Subordinated
Debentures -- Option to Extend Interest Payment Period"  and  "--
Certain Covenants of the Company".

      The Junior Subordinated Debentures and Preferred Securities
may  be  offered  in  amounts, at  prices  and  on  terms  to  be
determined  at the time of offering provided, however,  that  the
aggregate   initial   public  offering  price   of   all   Junior
Subordinated   Debentures   (other  than   Corresponding   Junior
Subordinated   Debentures)  and  Preferred   Securities    issued
pursuant  to the Registration Statement of which this  Prospectus
forms  a  part  shall not exceed $150,000,000.  Certain  specific
terms   of   the  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  or  Preferred
Securities in respect of which this Prospectus is being delivered
will  be  described  in  an accompanying  Prospectus  Supplement,
including  without  limitation and where applicable  and  to  the
extent   not  set  forth  herein,  (a)  in  the  case  of  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures,  the  specific  designation,  aggregate
principal  amount,  denominations,  maturity,  interest   payment
dates,  interest rate (which may be fixed or variable) or  method
of  calculating interest, applicable Extension Period or interest
deferral terms, if any, place or places where principal, premium,
if  any,  and  interest, if any, will be payable,  any  terms  of
redemption, any sinking fund provisions, terms for any conversion
or  exchange into other securities, initial offering or  purchase
price,  methods of distribution and any other special terms,  and
(b)  in  the  case of Preferred Securities, the identity  of  the
Issuer,  specific  title,  aggregate amount,  stated  liquidation
preference,  number of securities, Distribution rate,  applicable
Extension Period or Distribution deferral terms, if any, place or
places  where  Distributions  will  be  payable,  any  terms   of
redemption,  initial  offering  or  purchase  price,  methods  of
distribution and any other special terms.

      As  more fully described herein, the Company will,  through
each   Guarantee,   each   Trust  Agreement,   each   series   of
Corresponding  Junior Subordinated Debentures, the  Corresponding
Indenture  and  each  Expense Agreement, taken  together,  fully,
irrevocably  and unconditionally guarantee all of  each  Issuer's
obligations under each series of Preferred Securities.

      An  accompanying  Prospectus Supplement also  will  contain
information,  as applicable, about certain United States  Federal
income  tax  considerations relating to the  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures or Preferred Securities.

      The Junior Subordinated Debentures and Preferred Securities
may   be  sold  to  or  through  underwriters,  through  dealers,
remarketing  firms  or  agents involved in  the  sale  of  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures or Preferred Securities  in  respect  of
which this Prospectus is being delivered and any applicable  fee,
commission or discount arrangements with them will be  set  forth
in   an  accompanying  Prospectus  Supplement.   Such  Prospectus
Supplement  will state whether the Junior Subordinated Debentures
or Preferred Securities will be listed on any national securities
exchange.   If  the Junior Subordinated Debentures  or  Preferred
Securities  are  not listed on any national securities  exchange,
there  can  be no assurance that there will be a liquid secondary
market  for  the  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  or  Preferred

      This  Prospectus  may not be used to  consummate  sales  of
Junior  Subordinated  Debentures or Preferred  Securities  unless
accompanied by a Prospectus Supplement.

        The date of this Prospectus is                  , 1996.
Information  contained  herein  is  subject  to  completion  or  amendment.    A
registration  statement relating to these securities has  been  filed  with  the
Securities  and Exchange Commission.  These securities may not be sold  nor  may
offers  to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement  becomes
effective.   This  Prospectus shall not constitute  an  offer  to  sell  or  the
solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of these  securities
in  any State in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful  prior
to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such State.
                         AVAILABLE INFORMATION

    The  Company is subject to the informational requirements  of  the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"),  and
in  accordance  therewith, files reports, proxy statements  and  other
information  with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the  "Commis
sion").  Such reports, proxy statements and other information  can  be
inspected  and  copied  at  the  public reference  facilities  of  the
Commission  at  Room  1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,  Judiciary  Plaza,
Washington, D.C.  20549 and at the regional offices of the  Commission
located at 7 World Trade Center, 13th Floor, Suite 1300, New York, New
York  10048  and  Suite 1400, Citicorp Center, 14th  Floor,  500  West
Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois 60661.  Copies of such material  can
also  be  obtained  at  prescribed rates  by  writing  to  the  Public
Reference  Section  of  the  Commission at  450  Fifth  Street,  N.W.,
Judiciary Plaza, Washington, D.C.  20549.  In addition, such  reports,
proxy  statements and other information concerning the Company can  be
inspected  at  the  offices of The New York Stock Exchange,  Inc.,  20
Broad Street, New York, New York 10005 (the "NYSE").
    The  Company  and  the Issuers have filed with  the  Commission  a
Registration  Statement on Form S-3 (together with all amendments  and
exhibits  thereto, the "Registration Statement") under the  Securities
Act  of  1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), with respect to  the
securities offered hereby.  This Prospectus does not contain  all  the
information  set forth in the Registration Statement and the  exhibits
thereto,  certain portions of which have been omitted as permitted  by
the  rules and regulations of the Commission.  For further information
with  respect  to the Company, the Issuers and the securities  offered
hereby,  reference  is  made  to the Registration  Statement  and  the
exhibits and the financial statements, notes and schedules filed as  a
part  thereof  or  incorporated by reference  therein,  which  may  be
inspected at the public reference facilities of the Commission, at the
addresses  set  forth  above.   Statements  made  in  this  Prospectus
concerning  the contents of any documents referred to herein  are  not
necessarily  complete,  and  in each instance  are  qualified  in  all
respects by reference to the copy of such document filed as an exhibit
to the Registration Statement.

    No  separate financial statements of any Issuer have been included
herein.   The  Company  and  the Issuers do  not  consider  that  such
financial  statements would be material to holders  of  the  Preferred
Securities  because  each  Issuer is a newly  formed  special  purpose
entity, has no operating history or independent operations and is  not
engaged  in and does not propose to engage in any activity other  than
its  holding,  as trust assets, the Corresponding Junior  Subordinated
Debentures of the Company and its issuance of the Preferred and Common
Securities.  The Issuers intend not to file separate reports under the
Exchange  Act  but  must  apply  for and  be  granted  relief  by  the
Commission  to avoid the requirement to file such reports.   See  "The
Issuers",  "Description  of  Preferred  Securities",  "Description  of
Guarantees"  and  "Description  of Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated


    The  following documents filed by the Company with the  Commission
are incorporated into this Prospectus by reference:
    1. The  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the  year  ended
       December 31, 1995.
    2. The  Company's  Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for  the  quarter
       ended March 31, 1996.

    In addition, each document or report filed by the Company pursuant
to  Section  13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act  after  the
date  hereof  and  prior to the termination of the offering  described
herein  shall  be  deemed to be incorporated by  reference  into  this
Prospectus and to be a part of this Prospectus from the date of filing
of  such document (such documents, and the documents enumerated above,
being  herein referred to as "Incorporated Documents").  Any statement
contained  herein,  or  in a document all or a  portion  of  which  is
incorporated  or deemed to be incorporated by reference herein,  shall
be   deemed  to  be  modified  or  superseded  for  purposes  of   the
Registration  Statement  and this Prospectus  to  the  extent  that  a
statement contained herein or in any other subsequently filed document
which  also  is  or  is deemed to be incorporated by reference  herein
modifies or supersedes such statement.  Any such statement so modified
or   superseded  shall  not  be  deemed,  except  as  so  modified  or
superseded, to constitute a part of the Registration Statement or this
    The Company will provide without charge to any person to whom this
Prospectus  is  delivered, on the written  or  oral  request  of  such
person,  a  copy of any or all of the foregoing documents incorporated
by reference herein (other than exhibits not specifically incorporated
by  reference  into the texts of such documents).  Requests  for  such
documents  should  be directed to:  Christopher T.  Screen,  P.O.  Box
61000, New Orleans, Louisiana 70161, telephone:  (504) 576-4212.

                              THE COMPANY

      Entergy  Louisiana,  Inc.  (formerly  Louisiana  Power  &  Light
Company) was incorporated under the laws of the State of Louisiana  on
October  15,  1974  and is the successor by merger  to  a  predecessor
Louisiana Power & Light Company, which was incorporated under the laws
of  the  State  of  Florida in 1927.  The merger became  effective  on
February  28,  1975.   The Company's principal executive  offices  are
located  at  639  Loyola Avenue, New Orleans,  Louisiana  70113.   Its
telephone number is 504-529-5262.

       The   Company  is  an  electric  public  utility  company  with
substantially all of its operations in the State of Louisiana.  All of
the  outstanding  common  stock of the Company  is  owned  by  Entergy
Corporation  ("Entergy"),  a  Delaware  corporation.   Entergy  is   a
registered  public  utility holding company under the  Public  Utility
Holding  Company  Act  of  1935,  as amended.   The  Company,  Entergy
Arkansas,  Inc., Entergy Gulf States, Inc., Entergy Mississippi,  Inc.
and   Entergy  New  Orleans,  Inc.  are  operating  electric   utility
subsidiaries of Entergy.  Entergy also owns, among other  things,  all
of  the  common stock of System Energy Resources, Inc.,  a  generating
company,  Entergy  Operations,  Inc., a  nuclear  management  services
company,  CitiPower  Ltd.,  a  retail  electric  distribution  company
serving  Melbourne, Australia and surrounding suburbs, Entergy  Power,
Inc., a wholesale power company and Entergy Enterprises, Inc., a  non-
utility company.

      The  Company, Entergy Arkansas, Inc., Entergy Mississippi,  Inc.
and  Entergy New Orleans, Inc. own all of the capital stock of  System
Fuels,  Inc.,  a  special  purpose  company  which  implements  and/or
maintains  certain programs for the procurement, delivery and  storage
of  fuel  supplies  for  certain Entergy subsidiaries,  including  the

      The  foregoing  information relating to  the  Company  does  not
purport  to  be  comprehensive and should be read  together  with  the
financial   statements  and  other  information   contained   in   the
Incorporated Documents.

                              THE ISSUERS

    Each  Issuer is a statutory business trust created under  Delaware
law  pursuant  to  (i) a trust agreement executed by the  Company,  as
depositor  of  each  Issuer, the Property  Trustee  and  the  Delaware
Trustee  (each  as defined herein) and an Administrative  Trustee  (as
defined herein) of each Issuer and (ii) the filing of a certificate of
trust with the Delaware Secretary of State.  Each trust agreement will
be  amended  and  restated in its entirety (each, as  so  amended  and
restated,   a   "Trust   Agreement"  and  collectively,   the   "Trust
Agreements")  substantially in the forms  filed  as  exhibits  to  the
Registration  Statement of which this Prospectus forms a  part.   Each
Trust  Agreement  will be qualified as an indenture  under  the  Trust
Indenture Act.  Each Issuer exists for the exclusive purposes  of  (i)
issuing  and  selling its Preferred Securities and Common  Securities,
(ii) using the proceeds from the sale of such Preferred Securities and
Common  Securities  to  acquire the related  series  of  Corresponding
Junior Subordinated Debentures and (iii) engaging in only those  other
activities   necessary  or  incidental  thereto.    Accordingly,   the
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures will be the  sole  assets
of   each   Issuer,  and  payments  under  the  Corresponding   Junior
Subordinated  Debentures and the Corresponding Expense Agreement  will
be the sole source of revenue of each Issuer.

    All  of  the Common Securities will be owned by the Company.   The
Common Securities of an Issuer will rank pari passu, and payments will
be  made  thereon  pro  rata, with the Preferred  Securities  of  such
Issuer, except that upon the occurrence and continuance of an event of
default  under a Trust Agreement resulting from a Debenture  Event  of
Default,  the rights of the Company as holder of the Common Securities
to  payment in respect of Distributions and payments upon liquidation,
redemption  or  otherwise will be subordinated to the  rights  of  the
holders  of the Preferred Securities of such Issuer.  See "Description
of  Preferred  Securities--Subordination of Common  Securities".   The
Company  will  acquire  Common Securities in an aggregate  liquidation
amount equal to not less than 3% of the total capital of each Issuer.
    Unless   otherwise   specified  in   the   applicable   Prospectus
Supplement, each Issuer has a term of approximately 54 years, but  may
terminate earlier as provided in the applicable Trust Agreement.  Each
Issuer's  business  and affairs are conducted by  its  trustees,  each
appointed by the Company as holder of the Common Securities: The  Bank
of  New  York,  as the Property Trustee (the "Property Trustee"),  The
Bank  of  New York (Delaware), as the Delaware Trustee (the  "Delaware
Trustee"),   and   three  individual  trustees  (the   "Administrative
Trustees")  who  are employees or officers of or affiliated  with  the
Company (collectively, the "Issuer Trustees").  The Bank of New  York,
as  Property  Trustee, will act as sole indenture trustee  under  each
Trust  Agreement  for purposes of compliance with the Trust  Indenture
Act.   The  Bank of New York will also act as Guarantee Trustee  under
the   Guarantees,  and  Corresponding  Debenture  Trustee  under   the
Corresponding Indenture (each as defined herein).  See "Description of
Guarantees" and "Description of Junior Subordinated Debentures".   The
holder  of  the  Common Securities, or the holders of  a  majority  in
liquidation  preference  of the Preferred Securities  if  a  Debenture
Event  of Default has occurred and is continuing, will be entitled  to
appoint,  remove or replace the Property Trustee and/or  the  Delaware
Trustee.   In  no  event will the holders of the Preferred  Securities
have   the   right  to  vote  to  appoint,  remove  or   replace   the
Administrative Trustees; such voting rights are vested exclusively  in
the  holder  of the Common Securities.  The duties and obligations  of
each  Issuer  Trustee are governed by the applicable Trust  Agreement.
The  Company will pay all fees and expenses related to each Issuer and
the  offering  of the Preferred Securities and will pay,  directly  or
indirectly,  all  ongoing  costs, expenses  and  liabilities  of  each
Issuer.   The principal executive office of each Issuer is 639  Loyola
Avenue,  New Orleans, Louisiana 70113, Attention:  Treasurer, and  its
telephone number is (504) 576-4308.

                            USE OF PROCEEDS

    Except  as  otherwise  set  forth  in  the  applicable  Prospectus
Supplement, the Company intends to use the proceeds from the  sale  of
the  Junior  Subordinated Debentures (including  Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated Debentures issued to the Issuers in connection  with  the
investment  by  the Issuers of all of the proceeds from  the  sale  of
Preferred   Securities)  for  general  corporate  purposes,  including
working  capital, capital expenditures, refinancing of debt, including
outstanding  commercial paper and other short term bank  indebtedness,
the   redemption  of  outstanding  series  of  preferred  stock,   the
satisfaction of other obligations or for such other purposes as may be
specified   in  the  applicable  Prospectus  Supplement.   Except   as
otherwise  set forth in the applicable Prospectus Supplement,  all  of
the proceeds from the sale of Preferred Securities will be invested by
the  Issuers  in  Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures  to  be
issued  by  the Company.  A more detailed description of  the  use  of
proceeds of any specific offering shall be set forth in the Prospectus
Supplement pertaining to such offering.


    The Junior Subordinated Debentures are to be issued in one or more
series under the Indenture for Unsecured Subordinated Debt Securities,
dated as of July 1, 1996 (the "Indenture") between the Company and The
Bank of New York, as debenture trustee (the "Debenture Trustee").  The
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures are to be issued  in  one
or   more   series  of  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures   under   the
Corresponding Indenture between the Company and The Bank of New  York,
as  corresponding  debenture  trustee  (the  "Corresponding  Debenture
Trustee").  This summary of certain terms and provisions of the Junior
Subordinated  Debentures and the Indenture  does  not  purport  to  be
complete  and  is  subject to, and is qualified  in  its  entirety  by
reference  to the Indenture, the form of which is filed as an  exhibit
to  the Registration Statement of which this Prospectus forms a  part,
and  to the Trust Indenture Act.  Except as otherwise provided herein,
this  summary  of certain terms and provisions of Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  and the Indenture is also applicable to the  Corresponding
Junior  Subordinated Debentures and the Corresponding Indenture.   For
additional  terms and provisions applicable only to the  Corresponding
Junior  Subordinated  Debentures, see  "Description  of  Corresponding
Junior Subordinated Debentures".  Whenever particular defined terms of
the  Indenture  (as  supplemented or amended from time  to  time)  are
referred  to herein or in a Prospectus Supplement, such defined  terms
are incorporated herein or therein by reference.

    Each series of Junior Subordinated Debentures will rank pari passu
with  all  other  series of Junior Subordinated  Debentures,  will  be
unsecured and subordinate and junior in right of payment to the extent
and in the manner set forth in the Indenture to all Senior Debt of the
Company.   See "Subordination".  Except as otherwise provided  in  the
applicable  Prospectus Supplement, the Indenture does  not  limit  the
incurrence  or  issuance of other secured or  unsecured  debt  of  the
Company,  whether  under the Indenture, any other indenture  that  the
Company   may   enter   into  in  the  future   or   otherwise.    See
"Subordination" and the Prospectus Supplement relating to any offering
of Preferred Securities or Junior Subordinated Debentures.
    The Junior Subordinated Debentures will be issuable in one or more
series  pursuant to an indenture supplemental to the  Indenture  or  a
resolution of the Board of Directors or an Officer's Certificate.

    The  applicable  Prospectus Supplement or  Prospectus  Supplements
will   describe  the  following  terms  of  the  Junior   Subordinated
Debentures:  (1) the title of the Junior Subordinated Debentures;  (2)
any   limit  upon  the  aggregate  principal  amount  of  the   Junior
Subordinated Debentures; (3) the date or dates on which the  principal
of  the  Junior  Subordinated Debentures is payable or the  method  of
determination thereof; (4) the rate or rates, if any, or the method by
which  such  rate  or rates shall be determined, at which  the  Junior
Subordinated Debentures shall bear interest, if any, the date or dates
from  which any such interest will accrue, the Interest Payment  Dates
on which any such interest shall be payable, the right, if any, of the
Company  to defer or extend an Interest Payment Date, and the  Regular
Record Date for any interest payable on any Interest Payment Date  and
the  person  or  persons to whom interest on such Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  shall be payable on any Interest Payment  Date,  if  other
than  the  persons in whose names such Junior Subordinated  Debentures
are registered at the close of business on the Regular Record Date for
such interest; (5) the place or places where, subject to the terms  of
the  Indenture  as described below under "Payment and Paying  Agents",
the  principal  of  and premium, if any, and interest  on  the  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures will be payable and  where,  subject  to  the
terms  of  the  Indenture  as  described below  under  "Denominations,
Registration and Transfer", the Junior Subordinated Debentures may  be
presented  for registration of transfer or exchange and the  place  or
places where notices and demands to or upon the Company in respect  of
the  Junior  Subordinated Debentures and the Indenture may be  served;
the  Security Registrar and Paying Agents for such Junior Subordinated
Debentures and, if such is the case, that the principal of such Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  shall  be payable  without  presentation  or
surrender thereof; (6) any period or periods within, or date or  dates
on,  which,  the price or prices at which and the terms and conditions
upon which Junior Subordinated Debentures may be redeemed, in whole or
in  part,  at  the  option  of  the Company;  (7)  the  obligation  or
obligations, if any, of the Company to redeem or purchase any  of  the
Junior  Subordinated Debentures pursuant to any sinking fund or  other
analogous  mandatory redemption provisions or at the option of  holder
thereof,  and the period or periods within which, the price or  prices
at  which,  and  the  terms  and  conditions  upon  which  the  Junior
Subordinated Debentures shall be redeemed or purchased, in whole or in
part,  pursuant to such obligation, and applicable exceptions  to  the
requirements  of  a  notice of redemption in  the  case  of  mandatory
redemption  or  redemption  at  the option  of  the  holder;  (8)  the
denominations  in  which any Junior Subordinated Debentures  shall  be
issuable  if  other  than  denominations of $1,000  and  any  integral
multiple  thereof  (in the case of Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures,  the  denominations  in  which  any  Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures shall be issuable if other than denominations
of  $25 and any integral multiple thereof); (9) if other than in  U.S.
Dollars,  the currency or currencies (including composite  currencies)
in which the principal of and premium, if any and interest, if any, on
the  Junior  Subordinated Debentures shall be  payable;  (10)  if  the
principal  of  or premium, if any, or interest on any  of  the  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures is to be payable,  at  the  election  of  the
Company  or  the holder thereof, in a coin or currency other  than  in
which  such  Junior Subordinated Debentures are stated to be  payable,
the  period or periods within which and the terms and conditions  upon
which,  such  election  is to be made; (11) if  the  principal  of  or
premium or interest on such Junior Subordinated Debentures are  to  be
payable,  or  are to be payable at the election of the  Company  or  a
holder  thereof, in securities or other property, the type and  amount
of  such  securities or other property, or the methods by  which  such
amount  shall  be determined, and the period or periods within  which,
and  the terms and conditions upon which, any such election is  to  be
made;  (12)  if  the  amount payable in respect  of  principal  of  or
premium,  if  any,  or  interest on any of  such  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures may be determined with reference to an index or other  fact
ascertainable outside the Indenture, the manner in which such  amounts
are  determined; (13) if other than the principal amount thereof,  the
portion of the principal amount of Junior Subordinated Debentures that
shall  be  payable upon declaration of acceleration  of  the  Maturity
thereof;  (14) any additions to the Events of Default or covenants  of
the  Company with respect to the Junior Subordinated Debentures;  (15)
the   terms,  if  any,  pursuant  to  which  the  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  may be converted into or exchanged for shares  of  capital
stock or other securities of the Company or any other Person; (16) the
obligations  or instruments, if any, which shall be considered  to  be
Government   Obligations  in  respect  of  the   Junior   Subordinated
Debentures  denominated  in a currency other  than  Dollars  or  in  a
composite  currency, and any additional or alternative provisions  for
the  reinstatement of the Company's indebtedness in  respect  of  such
Junior  Subordinated Debentures after such satisfaction and  discharge
thereof;  (17) if the Junior Subordinated Debentures are to be  issued
in global form, any limitations on the rights of the holder or holders
of  such  Junior Subordinated Debentures to transfer or  exchange  the
same   or  to  obtain  the  registration  of  transfer  thereof,   any
limitations of the rights of the holder or holders thereof  to  obtain
certificates therefor in definitive form in lieu of a temporary Global
Security  and  any  and all other matters incidental  to  such  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures; (18) if such Junior Subordinated  Debentures
are  to be issuable as bearer securities; (19) any limitations on  the
rights  of  the  holders  of  the Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  to
transfer or exchange such Junior Subordinated Debentures or to  obtain
the registration of transfer thereof, and if a service charge will  be
made  for  the  registration of transfer or  exchange  of  the  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures,  the  amount  or  terms  thereof;  (20)  any
exceptions to the provisions governing payments due on legal  holidays
or  any  variations in the definition of Business Day with respect  of
such Junior Subordinated Debentures; (21) in the case of Corresponding
Junior Subordinated Debentures, the designation of the Issuer to which
Corresponding  Junior Subordinated Debentures are to  be  issued;  and
(22)  any  other  terms  of  the  Junior Subordinated  Debentures  not
inconsistent with the provisions of the Indenture.

    Junior  Subordinated  Debentures may  be  sold  at  a  substantial
discount  below their stated principal amount, bearing no interest  or
interest  at  a  rate which at the time of issuance  is  below  market
rates.   Certain  United States Federal income  tax  consequences  and
special  considerations  applicable to any  such  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures will be described in the applicable Prospectus Supplement.
    If the purchase price of any of the Junior Subordinated Debentures
is  payable in one or more foreign currencies or currency units or  if
any  Junior  Subordinated Debentures are denominated in  one  or  more
foreign  currencies or currency units or if the principal of, premium,
if  any, or interest, if any, on any Junior Subordinated Debentures is
payable  in  one  or  more foreign currencies or currency  units,  the
restrictions,  elections, certain Federal income  tax  considerations,
specific  terms and other information with respect to  such  issue  of
Junior  Subordinated Debentures and such foreign currency or  currency
units will be set forth in the applicable Prospectus Supplement.

    If  any  index  is  used to determine the amount  of  payments  of
principal  of,  premium, if any, or interest on any series  of  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures, special United States  Federal  income  tax,
accounting  and  other  considerations  applicable  thereto  will   be
described in the applicable Prospectus Supplement.

Denominations, Registration and Transfer

    Unless   otherwise   specified  in   the   applicable   Prospectus
Supplement,  the Junior Subordinated Debentures will be issuable  only
in  registered form without coupons in denominations of $1,000 and any
integral  multiple  thereof ($25 in the case of  Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures).   Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  of  any
series  will be exchangeable for other Junior Subordinated  Debentures
of the same series, of any authorized denominations, and of like tenor
and aggregate principal amount.

    Subject  to  the  terms  of  the  Indenture  and  the  limitations
applicable   to   Global   Junior  Subordinated   Debentures,   Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  may be presented for  exchange  as  provided
above,  and  may be presented for registration of transfer  (with  the
form   of   transfer  endorsed  thereon,  or  a  satisfactory  written
instrument  of  transfer,  duly  executed),  at  the  office  of   the
appropriate  Securities  Registrar or at the office  of  any  transfer
agent  designated by the Company for such purpose with respect to  any
series  of  Junior  Subordinated Debentures and  referred  to  in  the
applicable  Prospectus  Supplement, without service  charge,  but  the
Company  may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any  tax  or
other  governmental charge payable in connection  therewith.   If  the
applicable  Prospectus Supplement refers to any  transfer  agents  (in
addition  to  the  Securities Registrar) initially designated  by  the
Company  with respect to any series of Junior Subordinated Debentures,
the  Company  may  at  any time rescind the designation  of  any  such
transfer  agent or approve a change in the location through which  any
such  transfer  agent  acts, provided that  the  Company  maintains  a
transfer agent in each Place of Payment for such series.  The  Company
may  at any time designate additional transfer agents with respect  to
any series of Junior Subordinated Debentures.

    In  the event of any redemption, the Company shall not be required
to (i) issue, register the transfer of or exchange Junior Subordinated
Debentures  of any series during a period beginning at the opening  of
business 15 days before the day of selection for redemption of  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures of that series and ending  at  the  close  of
business on the day of mailing of the relevant notice of redemption or
(ii)  register  the  transfer or exchange of any  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  so  selected for redemption, except, in the  case  of  any
Junior  Subordinated Debentures being redeemed in  part,  any  portion
thereof not to be redeemed.

Global Junior Subordinated Debentures

    The  Junior Subordinated Debentures of a series may be  issued  in
whole or in part in the form of one or more global securities ("Global
Junior  Subordinated Debentures") that will be deposited with,  or  on
behalf   of,  a  depositary  (the  "Depositary")  identified  in   the
Prospectus   Supplement  relating  to  such  series.   Global   Junior
Subordinated  Debentures may be issued only in fully  registered  form
and  in  either temporary or permanent form.  Unless and until  it  is
exchanged  in  whole or in part for the individual Junior Subordinated
Debentures represented thereby, a Global Junior Subordinated Debenture
may  not  be transferred except as a whole by the Depositary for  such
Global  Junior Subordinated Debenture to a nominee of such  Depositary
or  by  a  nominee  of such Depositary to such Depositary  or  another
nominee  of such Depositary or by the Depositary or any nominee  to  a
successor Depositary or any nominee of such successor.
    The specific terms of the depositary arrangement with respect to a
series  of  Junior  Subordinated Debentures will be described  in  the
Prospectus   Supplement  relating  to  such   series.    The   Company
anticipates  that  the following provisions will  generally  apply  to
depositary arrangements.

    Upon  the  issuance of a Global Junior Subordinated Debenture  and
the  deposit of such Global Junior Subordinated Debenture with  or  on
behalf  of  the  Depositary, the Depositary  for  such  Global  Junior
Subordinated  Debenture or its nominee will credit on  its  book-entry
registration and transfer system, the respective principal amounts  of
the  individual  Junior Subordinated Debentures  represented  by  such
Global  Junior Subordinated Debenture to the accounts of persons  that
have  accounts  with such Depositary ("Participants").  Such  accounts
shall  be  designated  by  the dealers, underwriters  or  agents  with
respect  to  such Junior Subordinated Debentures or by the Company  if
such  Junior Subordinated Debentures are offered and sold directly  by
the  Company.   Ownership of beneficial interests in a  Global  Junior
Subordinated Debenture will be limited to Participants or persons that
may  hold  interests  through Participants.  Ownership  of  beneficial
interests in such Global Junior Subordinated Debenture will  be  shown
on,  and the transfer of that ownership will be effected only through,
records  maintained by the applicable Depositary or its nominee  (with
respect  to interests of Participants) and the records of Participants
(with  respect to interests of persons who hold through Participants).
The  laws of some states require that certain purchasers of securities
take  physical delivery of such securities in definitive  form.   Such
limits  and  such  laws may impair the ability to transfer  beneficial
interests in a Global Junior Subordinated Debenture.

    So  long  as  the  Depositary  for a  Global  Junior  Subordinated
Debenture,  or  its nominee, is the registered owner  of  such  Global
Junior Subordinated Debenture, such Depositary or such nominee, as the
case may be, will be considered the sole owner or holder of the Junior
Subordinated Debentures represented by such Global Junior Subordinated
Debenture  for all purposes under the Indenture governing such  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures.   Except  as  provided  below,   owners   of
beneficial  interests in a Global Junior Subordinated  Debenture  will
not  be  entitled  to  have any of the individual Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  of  the series represented by such Global  Junior  Subordi
nated  Debenture  registered in their names, will not  receive  or  be
entitled  to receive physical delivery of any such Junior Subordinated
Debentures  of  such  series  in  definitive  form  and  will  not  be
considered the owners or holders thereof under the Indenture.
    Payments  of  principal  of, premium,  if  any,  and  interest  on
individual  Junior  Subordinated Debentures represented  by  a  Global
Junior  Subordinated Debenture registered in the name of a  Depositary
or  its nominee will be made to the Depositary or its nominee, as  the
case may be, as the registered owner of the Global Junior Subordinated
Debenture representing such Junior Subordinated Debentures.   None  of
the Company, the Debenture Trustee, any Paying Agent or the Securities
Registrar  for  such  Junior Subordinated  Debentures  will  have  any
responsibility or liability for any aspect of the records relating  to
or  payments made on account of beneficial ownership interests in  the
Global  Junior  Subordinated Debenture for  such  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  or for maintaining, supervising or reviewing  any  records
relating to such beneficial ownership interests.

    The  Company  expects that the Depositary for a series  of  Junior
Subordinated Debentures or its nominee, upon receipt of any payment of
principal, premium or interest in respect of a permanent Global Junior
Subordinated  Debenture representing any of such  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures,  will  immediately  credit  Participants'  accounts   with
payments  in  amounts  proportionate to  their  respective  beneficial
interest  in  the principal amount of such Global Junior  Subordinated
Debenture  for  such Junior Subordinated Debentures as  shown  on  the
records  of such Depositary or its nominee.  The Company also  expects
that  payments  by Participants to owners of beneficial  interests  in
such   Global   Junior  Subordinated  Debenture  held   through   such
Participants  will be governed by standing instructions and  customary
practices, as is now the case with securities held for the accounts of
customers  in  bearer  form  or registered  in  "street  name".   Such
payments will be the responsibility of such Participants.

    Unless   otherwise   specified  in   the   applicable   Prospectus
Supplement,  if  a  Depositary  for a series  of  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures is at any time unwilling, unable or ineligible to  continue
as  depositary  and  a successor depositary is not  appointed  by  the
Company  within  90  days,  the Company will issue  individual  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  of such series in exchange  for  the  Global
Junior  Subordinated  Debenture representing  such  series  of  Junior
Subordinated Debentures.  In addition, the Company may at any time and
in  its  sole discretion, subject to any limitations described in  the
Prospectus Supplement relating to such Junior Subordinated Debentures,
determine  not  to  have any Junior Subordinated  Debentures  of  such
series   represented  by  one  or  more  Global  Junior   Subordinated
Debentures   and,   in  such  event,  will  issue  individual   Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  of such series in exchange  for  the  Global
Junior  Subordinated Debenture or Securities representing such  series
of  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures.   Further,  if  the  Company  so
specifies  with  respect to the Junior Subordinated  Debentures  of  a
series,  an  owner  of  a  beneficial  interest  in  a  Global  Junior
Subordinated Debenture representing Junior Subordinated Debentures  of
such  series  may, on terms acceptable to the Company,  the  Debenture
Trustee  and  the  Depositary  for  such  Global  Junior  Subordinated
Debenture, receive individual Junior Subordinated Debentures  of  such
series  in  exchange  for  such beneficial interest,  subject  to  any
limitations  described in the Prospectus Supplement relating  to  such
Junior Subordinated Debentures.  In any such instance, an owner  of  a
beneficial interest in a Global Junior Subordinated Debenture will  be
entitled  to  physical  delivery  of  individual  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures   of   the  series  represented  by  such   Global   Junior
Subordinated  Debenture equal in principal amount to  such  beneficial
interest and to have such Junior Subordinated Debentures registered in
its name.  Individual Junior Subordinated Debentures of such series so
issued will be issued in denominations, unless otherwise specified  by
the Company, of $1,000 and integral multiples thereof ($25 in the case
of Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures).

Payment and Paying Agents

    Unless   otherwise   indicated  in   the   applicable   Prospectus
Supplement,  payment of principal of (and premium,  if  any)  and  any
interest on Junior Subordinated Debentures will be made at the  office
of  the Debenture Trustee in The City of New York or at the office  of
such  Paying Agent or Paying Agents as the Company may designate  from
time   to  time  in  the  applicable  Prospectus  Supplement.   Unless
otherwise  indicated in the applicable Prospectus Supplement,  payment
of  any interest on Junior Subordinated Debentures will be made to the
Person  in whose name such Junior Subordinated Debenture is registered
at the close of business on the Regular Record Date for such interest,
except in the case of Defaulted Interest.  The Company may at any time
designate additional Paying Agents or rescind the designation  of  any
Paying  Agent;  however the Company will at all times be  required  to
maintain  a Paying Agent in each Place of Payment for each  series  of
Junior Subordinated Debentures.
    Any  moneys  deposited with the Debenture Trustee  or  any  Paying
Agent,  or then held by the Company in trust, for the payment  of  the
principal  of  (and  premium,  if  any)  or  interest  on  any  Junior
Subordinated  Debenture and remaining unclaimed for  two  years  after
such  principal (and premium, if any) or interest has become  due  and
payable  shall,  at  the  request of the Company,  be  repaid  to  the
Company,  and  the holder of such Junior Subordinated Debenture  shall
thereafter look, as a general unsecured creditor, only to the  Company
for payment thereof.


    Unless   otherwise   indicated  in   the   applicable   Prospectus
Supplement, Junior Subordinated Debentures will not be subject to  any
sinking  fund.  The applicable Prospectus Supplement will specify  the
period  or periods within which, the price or prices at which and  the
terms and conditions upon which the Junior Subordinated Debentures  of
any  series may be redeemed, in whole or in part, at the option of the
Company.   Except as otherwise specified in the applicable  Prospectus
Supplement, the redemption price for any Junior Subordinated Debenture
so redeemed shall equal any accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the
Redemption Date, plus 100% of the principal amount thereof.

    Except   as  otherwise  specified  in  the  applicable  Prospectus
Supplement, if a Debenture Tax Event (as defined below) in respect  of
a  series  of  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  shall  occur  and  be
continuing,  the  Company may, at its option, redeem  such  series  of
Junior Subordinated Debentures in whole (but not in part) on any  date
within  90  days of the occurrence of such Debenture Tax Event,  at  a
redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of such  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  then outstanding  plus  accrued  and  unpaid
interest to the Redemption Date.

    "Debenture  Tax  Event" means the receipt by  the  Company  of  an
opinion of counsel experienced in such matters to the effect that,  as
a  result  of  any  amendment to, or change (including  any  announced
prospective  change) in, the laws (or any regulations  thereunder)  of
the  United  States or any political subdivision or  taxing  authority
thereof  or therein affecting taxation, or as a result of any official
administrative  pronouncement  or judicial  decision  interpreting  or
applying  such  laws  or  regulations, which amendment  or  change  is
effective or such pronouncement or decision is announced on  or  after
the  date  of issuance of the applicable series of Junior Subordinated
Debentures  under  the Indenture, there is more than an  insubstantial
risk  that  interest payable by the Company on such series  of  Junior
Subordinated Debentures is not, or within 90 days of the date thereof,
will  not  be,  deductible, in whole or in  part,  for  United  States
Federal income tax purposes.

    Notice  of any redemption will be mailed at least 30 days but  not
more  than 60 days before the Redemption Date to each holder of Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  to be redeemed at  his  registered  address.
Unless the Company defaults in payment of the Redemption Price, on and
after  the  Redemption Date interest ceases to accrue on  such  Junior
Subordinated Debentures or portions thereof called for redemption.

Option to Extend Interest Payment Period

    If  provided in the applicable Prospectus Supplement, the  Company
shall have the right at any time or from time to time during the  term
of  any  series of Junior Subordinated Debentures to defer the payment
of  interest  for such number of consecutive interest payment  periods
with  respect  to  each deferred period as may  be  specified  in  the
applicable  Prospectus  Supplement  (each,  an  "Extension   Period"),
subject  to the terms, conditions and covenants, if any, specified  in
such  Prospectus Supplement, provided that such Extension  Period  may
not  extend  beyond the maturity of such series of Junior Subordinated
Debentures.  Certain United States Federal income tax consequences and
special  considerations  applicable to any  such  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures will be described in the applicable Prospectus Supplement.
    In  the  event that the Company exercises this right,  during  any
such  Extension  Period the Company may not, and may  not  permit  any
subsidiary  of  the Company to, (i) declare or pay  any  dividends  or
distributions  on, or redeem, purchase, acquire or make a  liquidation
payment  with respect to, any of the Company's capital stock  or  (ii)
make  any  payment of principal, interest or premium, if  any,  on  or
repay,  repurchase or redeem any debt securities that rank pari  passu
with  or  junior in interest to the Junior Subordinated Debentures  or
make  any guarantee payments with respect to the foregoing (other than
(a)  dividends  or  distributions in shares of capital  stock  of  the
Company and (b) payments under any Guarantee).

Modification of Indenture

    Without   the   consent  of  any  holder  of  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures, the Company and the Debenture Trustee may enter  into  one
or  more  supplemental indentures for any of the  following  purposes:
(a)  to  evidence  the assumption by any permitted  successor  to  the
Company  of the covenants of the Company in the Indenture and  in  the
Junior Subordinated Debentures; or (b) to add one or more covenants of
the  Company  or  other provisions for the benefit of the  holders  of
outstanding Junior Subordinated Debentures or to surrender  any  right
or  power conferred upon the Company by the Indenture; or (c)  to  add
any additional Debenture Events of Default with respect to outstanding
Junior  Subordinated  Debentures; or (d) to change  or  eliminate  any
provision  of  the  Indenture  or to add  any  new  provision  to  the
Indenture, provided that if such change, elimination or addition  will
adversely  affect the interests of the holders of Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  of  any  series  in  any material  respect,  such  change,
elimination  or  addition will become effective with respect  to  such
series only (1) when the consent of the holders of Junior Subordinated
Debentures  of  such series has been obtained in accordance  with  the
Indenture,  or  (2)  when no Junior Subordinated  Debentures  of  such
series  remain  outstanding under the Indenture;  or  (e)  to  provide
collateral  security  for all but not part of the Junior  Subordinated
Debentures;  or  (f)  to  establish  the  form  or  terms  of   Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  of  any other series  as  permitted  by  the
Indenture;  or (g) to provide for the authentication and  delivery  of
bearer   securities  and  coupons  appertaining  thereto  representing
interest, if any, thereon and for the procedures for the registration,
exchange and replacement thereof and for the giving of notice to,  and
the  solicitation of the vote or consent of, the holders thereof,  and
for  any  and all other matters incidental thereto; or (h) to evidence
and provide for the acceptance of appointment of a successor Debenture
Trustee  under  the Indenture with respect to the Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  of one or more series and to add to or change any  of  the
provisions of the Indenture as shall be necessary to provide for or to
facilitate  the  administration of the trusts under the  Indenture  by
more  than one trustee; or (i) to provide for the procedures  required
to  permit the utilization of a noncertificated system of registration
for the Junior Subordinated Debentures of all or any series; or (j) to
change  any place where (1) the principal of and premium, if any,  and
interest,  if  any,  on  all  or  any series  of  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  shall  be  payable,  (2)  all  or  any  series  of  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  may  be  surrendered  for  registration   of
transfer  or  exchange  and (3) notices and demands  to  or  upon  the
Company in respect of Junior Subordinated Debentures and the Indenture
may be served; or (k) to cure any ambiguity or inconsistency or to add
or  change  any other provisions with respect to matters and questions
arising under the Indenture, provided such changes or additions  shall
not   adversely  affect  the  interests  of  the  holders  of   Junior
Subordinated  Debentures of any series in any material  respect.   The
Indenture contains provisions permitting the Company and the Debenture
Trustee,  with the consent of the holders of not less than a  majority
in  principal amount of each outstanding series of Junior Subordinated
Debentures affected, to modify the Indenture in a manner affecting the
rights  of  the  holders  of such series of  the  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures;  provided,  that  no such modification  may,  without  the
consent   of  the  holder  of  each  outstanding  Junior  Subordinated
Debenture so affected, (i) change the Stated Maturity of any series of
Junior   Subordinated  Debentures,  or  reduce  the  principal  amount
thereof,  or reduce the rate or extend the time of payment of interest
thereon  (except  such  extension as is  contemplated  thereby),  (ii)
reduce  the  percentage  of principal amount  of  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures of any series, the holders of which are required to consent
to  any such modification of the Indenture, or (iii) modify certain of
the  provisions of the Indenture relating to supplemental  indentures,
waivers of certain covenants and waivers of past defaults with respect
to  the  Junior  Subordinated Debentures of any  series,  without  the
consent   of  the  holder  of  each  outstanding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures   affected  thereby,  provided  that,  in   the   case   of
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures, so long as  any  of  the
corresponding  series of Preferred Securities remain  outstanding,  no
such  modification may be made that adversely affects the  holders  of
such  Preferred  Securities, and no termination of the  Indenture  may
occur,  and  no waiver of any Debenture Event of Default or compliance
with  any  covenant under the Indenture may be effective, without  the
prior  consent of the holders of at least a majority of the  aggregate
liquidation preference amount of such Preferred Securities unless  and
until   the   principal  of  the  Corresponding  Junior   Subordinated
Debentures and all accrued and unpaid interest thereon have been  paid
in full and certain other conditions are satisfied.
Debenture Events of Default

    The  Indenture  provides that any one or  more  of  the  following
described  events  with  respect to a series  of  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures   that  has  occurred  and  is  continuing  constitutes   a
"Debenture  Event  of Default" with respect to such series  of  Junior
Subordinated Debentures:

       (i)  failure for 60 days to pay any interest on such series  of
   the  Junior Subordinated Debentures, when due and payable  (subject
   to  the  deferral  of  any interest payments  in  the  case  of  an
   Extension Period); or
       (ii)  failure to pay any principal or premium, if any, on  such
   series of Junior Subordinated Debentures when due and payable; or
       (iii)  failure  to  perform,  or breach  of,  any  covenant  or
   warranty  of  the Company contained in the Indenture  for  60  days
   after  written notice to the Company from the Debenture Trustee  or
   to  the  Company  and the Debenture Trustee by the  holders  of  at
   least  33% in principal amount of such series of outstanding Junior
   Subordinated Debentures as provided in the Indenture; or
       (iv)    certain    events   in   bankruptcy,   insolvency    or
   reorganization of the Company; or
       (v)  any other Event of Default specified with respect  to  the
   Junior Subordinated Debentures.

      If a Debenture Event of Default due to the default in payment of
principal  of,  or  interest  on, any series  of  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures or due to the default in the performance or breach  of  any
other  covenant or warranty of the Company applicable  to  the  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  of such series but  not  applicable  to  all
series occurs and is continuing, then either the Debenture Trustee  or
the  holders of not less than 33% in aggregate principal amount of the
outstanding Junior Subordinated Debentures of such series may  declare
the  principal  of all of the Junior Subordinated Debentures  of  such
series  and interest accrued thereon to be due and payable immediately
(subject to the subordination provisions of the Indenture) and, in the
case  of  Corresponding  Junior Subordinated  Debentures,  should  the
Corresponding  Debenture Trustee or such holders of such Corresponding
Junior  Subordinated  Debentures fail to make  such  declaration,  the
holders  of  at least 33% in aggregate liquidation preference  of  the
corresponding  series of Preferred Securities shall have  such  right.
If  a Debenture Event of Default due to the default in the performance
of  any  other covenants or agreements in the Indenture applicable  to
all  outstanding  Junior Subordinated Debentures  or  due  to  certain
events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization of the Company  has
occurred  and  is  continuing, either the  Debenture  Trustee  or  the
holders  of  not less than 33% in aggregate principal  amount  of  all
outstanding  Junior Subordinated Debentures (or Preferred  Securities,
as  described above), considered as one class, and not the holders  of
the  Junior Subordinated Debentures (or Preferred Securities)  of  any
one  of such series may make such declaration of acceleration (subject
to the subordination provisions of the Indenture).

     At any time after such a declaration of acceleration with respect
to  the Junior Subordinated Debentures of any series has been made and
before  a  judgment or decree for payment of the money  due  has  been
obtained, the Debenture Event or Events of Default giving rise to such
declaration  of acceleration will, without further act, be  deemed  to
have  been  waived,  and such declaration and its  consequences  will,
without further act, be deemed to have been rescinded and annulled, if

     (a)  the Company has paid or deposited with the Debenture Trustee
a sum sufficient to pay

           (1)   all  overdue  interest  on  all  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures of such series;

           (2)   the  principal of and premium, if any, on any  Junior
Subordinated Debentures of such series which have become due otherwise
than  by such declaration of acceleration and interest thereon at  the
rate   or  rates  prescribed  therefor  in  such  Junior  Subordinated

           (3)   interest upon overdue interest at the rate  or  rates
prescribed  therefor in such Junior Subordinated  Debentures,  to  the
extent that payment of such interest is lawful; and

          (4)  all amounts due to the Debenture Trustee under the

      (b)  any other Debenture Event or Events of Default with respect
to  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures of such series,  other  than  the
nonpayment  of the principal of the Junior Subordinated Debentures  of
such  series  which  has  become due solely  by  such  declaration  of
acceleration, have been cured or waived as provided in the Indenture.

    The  holders  of a majority in aggregate principal amount  of  the
Junior  Subordinated  Debentures of all series  then  outstanding  may
waive compliance by the Company with certain restrictive provisions of
the  Indenture.   The  holders of a majority in outstanding  principal
amount  of  the Junior Subordinated Debentures of any series  may,  on
behalf  of  the  holders of all the Junior Subordinated Debentures  of
such  series, waive any past default under the Indenture with  respect
to  such  series,  except  a default in the payment  of  principal  or
interest  (unless such default has been cured and a sum sufficient  to
pay  all  matured installments of interest and principal due otherwise
than by acceleration has been deposited with the Debenture Trustee) or
a  default  in  respect  of a covenant or provision  which  under  the
Indenture  cannot be modified or amended without the  consent  of  the
holder  of  each  outstanding Junior Subordinated  Debenture  of  such
series   affected.    With   respect  to  the   Corresponding   Junior
Subordinated Debentures held by an Issuer, such Issuer may  not  waive
compliance by the Company with certain restrictive provisions  of  the
Corresponding Indenture or waive any past defaults thereunder  without
the  consent of a majority in aggregate liquidation preference  amount
of the outstanding Preferred Securities issued by such Issuer.
    The  Company  is  required  to file annually  with  the  Debenture
Trustee  a  certificate  as  to whether  or  not  the  Company  is  in
compliance  with  all the conditions and covenants  applicable  to  it
under the Indenture.

      In  case  a  Debenture  Event  of Default  shall  occur  and  be
continuing  as  to  a  series  of  Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures,  the Property Trustee will have the right to  declare  the
principal   of   and   the  interest  on  such  Corresponding   Junior
Subordinated  Debentures  and  any other  amounts  payable  under  the
Corresponding  Indenture,  to be forthwith  due  and  payable  and  to
enforce  its  other  rights  as  a  creditor  with  respect  to   such
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures.  If the Property Trustee
fails  to enforce its rights with respect to the Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated Debentures or the related Trust Agreement,  a  holder  of
Preferred Securities may institute a legal proceeding directly against
the  Company to enforce the Property Trustee's rights with respect  to
the   Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  or  such  Trust
Agreement,  to  the  fullest extent permitted by  law,  without  first
instituting any legal proceeding against the Property Trustee  or  any
other   person.   See  "Description  of  Preferred  Securities--Voting
Rights; Amendment of Trust Agreement".  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
a  holder  of Preferred Securities may directly institute a proceeding
for  enforcement of payment to such holder of principal of or interest
on the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures having a principal
amount  equal  to the aggregate liquidation preference amount  of  the
Preferred  Securities  of  such holder  on  or  after  the  due  dates
specified  in  the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures.   See
"Description  of Guarantees" and "Description of Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated Debentures".

Certain Covenants of the Company

    The   Company  will  covenant,  as  to  each  series   of   Junior
Subordinated  Debentures, that it will not  (i)  declare  or  pay  any
dividends or distributions on, or redeem, purchase, acquire, or make a
liquidation  payment  with respect to, any of  the  Company's  capital
stock  or  (ii)  make any payment of principal, premium,  if  any,  or
interest  on  or  repay or repurchase or redeem  any  debt  securities
(including other Junior Subordinated Debentures) that rank pari  passu
with  or  junior in interest to the Junior Subordinated Debentures  or
make  any guarantee payments with respect to the foregoing (other than
(a) dividends or distributions in common stock of the Company, and (b)
payments  under  any Guarantee) if at such time (i) there  shall  have
occurred and be continuing a payment default (whether before or  after
expiration  of  any period of grace) or a Debenture Event  of  Default
with  respect  to Junior Subordinated Debentures of such series,  (ii)
the  Company  shall be in default with respect to its payment  of  any
obligations  under the Guarantee relating to the Preferred  Securities
of the Issuer to which Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures of
such  series  have been issued or (iii) the Company shall  have  given
notice  of  its  selection of an Extension Period as provided  in  the
Indenture  with  respect  to Junior Subordinated  Debentures  of  such
series  and  shall not have rescinded such notice, and such  Extension
Period, or any extension thereof, shall be continuing.
Consolidation, Merger, Sale of Assets and Other Transactions

    The Indenture provides that the Company shall not consolidate with
or  merge into any other corporation or convey, transfer or lease  its
properties  and  assets substantially as an entirety  to  any  person,
unless  (i)  in  case  the Company consolidates with  or  merges  into
another corporation or conveys or transfers its properties and  assets
substantially as an entirety to any person, the successor  corporation
is  organized under the laws of the United States or any State or  the
District of Columbia, and such successor corporation expressly assumes
the Company's obligations on all Junior Subordinated Debentures issued
under the Indenture; (ii) immediately after giving effect thereto,  no
Debenture Event of Default, and no event which, after notice or  lapse
of time or both, would become a Debenture Event of Default, shall have
occurred  and  be  continuing; and (iii) certain other  conditions  as
prescribed in the Indenture are met.

    The  general provisions of the Indenture do not afford holders  of
the Junior Subordinated Debentures protection in the event of a highly
leveraged  or  other  transaction  involving  the  Company  that   may
adversely affect holders of the Junior Subordinated Debentures.

Satisfaction And Discharge

      The  principal  amount  of  any series  of  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures issued under the Indenture will be deemed to have been paid
for  purposes  of  the  Indenture and the entire indebtedness  of  the
Company  in respect thereof will be deemed to have been satisfied  and
discharged,  if there shall have been irrevocably deposited  with  the
Debenture  Trustee or any Paying Agent, in trust:   (a)  money  in  an
amount which will be sufficient, or (b) in the case of a deposit  made
prior   to   the  maturity  of  the  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures,
Government  Obligations  (as defined herein),  which  do  not  contain
provisions  permitting the redemption or other prepayment  thereof  at
the option of the issuer thereof, the principal of and the interest on
which  when  due,  without  any regard to reinvestment  thereof,  will
provide moneys which, together with the money, if any, deposited  with
or  held  by  the  Debenture Trustee, will be  sufficient,  or  (c)  a
combination of (a) and (b) which will be sufficient, to pay  when  due
the principal of and premium, if any, and interest, if any, due and to
become  due on the Junior Subordinated Debentures of such series  that
are  outstanding.   For this purpose, Government  Obligations  include
direct  obligations of, or obligations unconditionally guaranteed  by,
the United States of America entitled to the benefit of the full faith
and  credit  thereof and certificates, depositary  receipts  or  other
instruments  which  evidence  a  direct  ownership  interest  in  such
obligations or in any specific interest or principal payments  due  in
respect thereof.

     It is possible that for United States Federal income tax purposes
any  deposit contemplated in the preceding paragraph could be  treated
as   a   taxable  exchange  of  the  Junior  Subordinated   Debentures
outstanding  for  an  issue of obligations of  a  trust  or  a  direct
interest  in  the cash and securities held in trust.   In  that  case,
holders  of  the  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  outstanding  would
recognize  a  gain  or  loss  for United  States  Federal  income  tax
purposes,  as  if  their share of trust obligations  or  the  cash  or
securities  deposited, as the case may be, had actually been  received
by  them  in  exchange for their Junior Subordinated  Debentures.   In
addition,  such  holders thereafter would be required  to  include  in
income  a share of the income, gain or loss of the trust.  The  amount
so  required  to  be  included in income could be different  from  the
amount  that  would  be  includable in the absence  of  such  deposit.
Prospective  investors are urged to consult their own tax advisors  as
to the specific consequences to them of such deposit.
Conversion or Exchange

    If  so  indicated  in  the applicable Prospectus  Supplement,  the
Junior  Subordinated Debentures of any series may  be  convertible  or
exchangeable  into  other  securities.  The specific  terms  on  which
Junior  Subordinated Debentures of any series may be so  converted  or
exchanged  will be set forth in the applicable Prospectus  Supplement.
Such  terms may include provisions for conversion or exchange,  either
mandatory,  at  the  option of the holder, or at  the  option  of  the
Company, in which case the number of shares of Preferred Securities or
other  securities to be received by the holders of Junior Subordinated
Debentures  would be calculated as of a time and in the manner  stated
in the applicable Prospectus Supplement.

    In  the Indenture, the Company has covenanted and agreed that  any
Junior  Subordinated Debentures issued thereunder will be  subordinate
and  junior  in  right of payment to all Senior  Debt  to  the  extent
provided in the Indenture.  Upon any payment or distribution of assets
to   creditors   upon  any  liquidation,  dissolution,   winding   up,
reorganization, assignment for the benefit of creditors, marshaling of
assets  or  any bankruptcy, insolvency, debt restructuring or  similar
proceedings in connection with any insolvency or bankruptcy proceeding
of  the Company, the holders of Senior Debt will first be entitled  to
receive  payment  in full of principal of (and premium,  if  any)  and
interest,  if  any, on such Senior Debt before the holders  of  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures will be entitled to  receive  or  retain  any
payment  in respect of the principal of premium, if any, or  interest,
if any, on the Junior Subordinated Debentures.
    In  the  event of the acceleration of the maturity of  any  Junior
Subordinated Debentures, the holders of all Senior Debt outstanding at
the  time  of  such  acceleration will first be  entitled  to  receive
payment in full of all amounts due thereon (including any amounts  due
upon   acceleration)   before  the  holders  of  Junior   Subordinated
Debentures will be entitled to receive any payment upon the  principal
of   (or  premium,  if  any)  or  interest,  if  any,  on  the  Junior
Subordinated Debentures.

    No payments on account of principal, premium, if any, or interest,
if  any, in respect of the Junior Subordinated Debentures may be  made
if  there  shall  have occurred and be continuing  a  default  in  any
payment  with  respect  to Senior Debt, or an event  of  default  with
respect  to  any  Senior  Debt resulting in the  acceleration  of  the
maturity thereof remaining uncured.
    The  term  Senior  Debt is defined in the Indenture  to  mean  all
obligations  (other than non-recourse obligations and the indebtedness
issued  under  the  Indenture) of, or guaranteed or  assumed  by,  the
Company  for  borrowed money, including both senior  and  subordinated
indebtedness  for  borrowed money (other than the Junior  Subordinated
Debentures), or for the payment of money relating to any  lease  which
is  capitalized on the consolidated balance sheet of the  Company  and
its  subsidiaries  in  accordance with generally  accepted  accounting
principles  as  in  effect from time to time, or evidenced  by  bonds,
debentures,  notes  or other similar instruments, and  in  each  case,
amendments, renewals, extensions, modifications and refundings of  any
such  indebtedness or obligations, whether existing as of the date  of
the  Indenture or subsequently incurred by the Company unless, in  the
case  of any particular indebtedness, renewal, extension or refunding,
the  instrument creating or evidencing the same or the  assumption  or
guarantee  of  the  same  expressly provides that  such  indebtedness,
renewal, extension or refunding is not superior in right of payment to
or  is  pari  passu with the Junior Subordinated Debentures;  provided
that the Company's obligations under any Guarantee shall not be deemed
to be Senior Debt.

    The  Indenture  places no limitation on the amount  of  additional
Senior  Debt that may be incurred by the Company.  The Company expects
from time to time to incur additional indebtedness constituting Senior

Governing Law
    The  Indenture  and  the Junior Subordinated  Debentures  will  be
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State  of
New York.

Information Concerning the Debenture Trustee
    The Debenture Trustee shall have, and shall be subject to, all the
duties  and  responsibilities specified with respect to  an  indenture
trustee  under  the Trust Indenture Act.  Subject to such  provisions,
the  Debenture Trustee is under no obligation to exercise any  of  the
powers  vested in it by the Indenture at the request of any holder  of
Junior Subordinated Debentures, unless offered reasonable indemnity by
such holder against the costs, expenses and liabilities which might be
incurred thereby.  The Debenture Trustee is not required to expend  or
risk its own funds or otherwise incur personal financial liability  in
the  performance  of  its duties if the Debenture  Trustee  reasonably
believes  that  repayment  or  adequate indemnity  is  not  reasonably
assured to it.


    Pursuant to the terms of the Trust Agreement for each Issuer,  the
Issuer  Trustees  on  behalf of such Issuer will issue  the  Preferred
Securities and the Common Securities.  The Preferred Securities  of  a
particular   issue  will  represent  preferred  undivided   beneficial
interests in the assets of the related Issuer and the holders  thereof
will be entitled to a preference in certain circumstances with respect
to Distributions and amounts payable on redemption or liquidation over
the  Common  Securities of such Issuer, as well as other  benefits  as
described  in  the  corresponding Trust Agreement.   This  summary  of
certain  provisions of each Trust Agreement does  not  purport  to  be
complete  and  is  subject to, and is qualified  in  its  entirety  by
reference  to,  all the provisions of each Trust Agreement,  including
the definitions therein of certain terms, and the Trust Indenture Act.
Wherever  particular defined terms of the Trust Agreement are referred
to, such defined terms are incorporated herein by reference.  The form
of   the  Trust  Agreement  has  been  filed  as  an  exhibit  to  the
Registration Statement of which this Prospectus forms a part.  Each of
the Issuers is a legally separate entity and the assets of one are not
available to satisfy the obligations of any of the others.


    The  Preferred Securities of an Issuer will rank pari  passu,  and
payments will be made thereon pro rata, with the Common Securities  of
that  Issuer  except  as  described under "--Subordination  of  Common
Securities".   Legal  title to the Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  will  be held by the Property Trustee  in  trust  for  the
benefit of the holders of the related Preferred Securities and  Common
Securities.  Each Guarantee Agreement executed by the Company for  the
benefit of the holders of an Issuer's Preferred Securities will  be  a
guarantee  on  a  subordinated  basis  with  respect  to  the  related
Preferred  Securities but will not guarantee payment of  Distributions
or  amounts  payable on redemption or liquidation  of  such  Preferred
Securities  when  the  related Issuer does  not  have  funds  on  hand
available to make such payments.  See "Description of Guarantees".

    Each  Issuer's Preferred Securities represent preferred  undivided
beneficial   interests  in  the  assets  of  such  Issuer,   and   the
Distributions  on each Preferred Security will be payable  at  a  rate
specified  in the Prospectus Supplement for such Preferred Securities.
The amount of Distributions payable for any period will be computed on
the  basis  of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months unless otherwise
specified in the applicable Prospectus Supplement.  Distributions that
are in arrears may bear interest on the amount thereof at the rate per
annum  if  and  as  specified in the applicable Prospectus  Supplement
("Additional  Amounts").   The  term "Distributions"  as  used  herein
includes any Additional Amounts unless otherwise stated.
    Distributions on the Preferred Securities will be cumulative, will
accumulate  from the date of original issuance and will be payable  on
such  dates as specified in the applicable Prospectus Supplement.   In
the  event  that  any date on which Distributions are payable  on  the
Preferred Securities is not a Business Day (as defined below), payment
of  the  Distribution payable on such date will be made  on  the  next
succeeding  day  that is a Business Day (and without any  interest  or
other  payment  in  respect to any such delay) except  that,  if  such
Business Day is in the next succeeding calendar year, payment of  such
Distribution shall be made on the immediately preceding Business  Day,
in  each  case with the same force and effect as if made on such  date
(each  date on which Distributions are payable in accordance with  the
foregoing,  a "Distribution Date").  A "Business Day" shall  mean  any
day  other  than  a  Saturday or a Sunday, or a day on  which  banking
institutions in The City of New York are authorized or required by law
or  executive  order to remain closed or a day on which the  corporate
trust  office  of the Property Trustee or the Corresponding  Debenture
Trustee is closed for business.

    If  provided in the applicable Prospectus Supplement, the  Company
has  the  right under the Corresponding Indenture to defer the payment
of  interest  on  any series of the Corresponding Junior  Subordinated
Debentures at any time or from time to time for one or more  Extension
Periods,  subject  to  the terms, conditions and  covenants,  if  any,
specified in the applicable Prospectus Supplement, provided that  such
Extension   Period  may  not  extend  beyond  the  maturity   of   the
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures.  As a consequence of any
such deferral, Distributions on the corresponding Preferred Securities
would  be  deferred  (but  would  continue  to  accumulate  additional
Distributions  thereon  at  the  rate  per  annum  set  forth  in  the
Prospectus Supplement for such Preferred Securities) by the Issuer  of
such  Preferred Securities during any such Extension Period.   In  the
event  that  the  Company exercises this right, during such  Extension
Period  the  Company  may  not (i) declare or  pay  any  dividends  or
distributions  on, or redeem, purchase, acquire or make a  liquidation
payment  with respect to, any of the Company's capital stock  or  (ii)
make  any  payment of principal, premium, if any, or  interest  on  or
repay,  repurchase or redeem any debt securities that rank pari  passu
with  or  junior in interest to the Corresponding Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  or  make  any  guarantee  payments  with  respect  to  the
foregoing  (other than (a) dividends or distributions in common  stock
of   the   Company  and  (b)  payments  under  any  Guarantee).    See
"Description  of  Junior Subordinated Debentures -- Option  to  Extend
Interest Payment Period" and "-- Certain Covenants of the Company".
    It  is  anticipated that the revenue of each Issuer available  for
distribution to holders of its Preferred Securities will be limited to
payments  under  the Corresponding Junior Subordinated  Debentures  in
which  the Issuer will invest the proceeds from the issuance and  sale
of   its   Preferred  Securities  and  its  Common  Securities.    See
"Description of Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures".  If the
Company  does not make interest payments on such Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures, the Property Trustee  will  not  have  funds
available   to  pay  Distributions  on  the  corresponding   Preferred
Securities.   The payment of Distributions (if and to the  extent  the
Issuer  has funds available for the payment of such Distributions  and
cash sufficient to make such payments) is guaranteed by the Company on
a limited basis as set forth herein under "Description of Guarantees".

    Distributions on the Preferred Securities of each Issuer  will  be
payable to the holders thereof as they appear on the register of  such
Issuer  on  the relevant record dates, which, as long as the Preferred
Securities remain in book-entry form, will be one Business  Day  prior
to the relevant Distribution Date.  Subject to any applicable laws and
regulations and the provisions of the applicable Trust Agreement, each
such  payment will be made as described under "--Book-Entry Issuance".
In  the event any Preferred Securities are not in book-entry form, the
relevant  record date for such Preferred Securities shall be the  date
15  days  prior  to  the relevant Distribution  Date,  or  as  may  be
otherwise specified in the applicable Prospectus Supplement.

    Mandatory Redemption.  Upon the repayment or redemption, in  whole
or  in  part,  of  any  Corresponding Junior Subordinated  Debentures,
whether  at  maturity or upon earlier redemption as  provided  in  the
Corresponding   Indenture,  the  proceeds  from  such   repayment   or
redemption shall be applied by the Property Trustee to redeem  a  Like
Amount  (as  defined  below) of the related Preferred  Securities  and
Common  Securities, upon not less than 30 nor more than 60 days notice
prior  to  the date fixed for repayment or redemption (the "Redemption
Date"),  at  a  redemption  price equal to the  aggregate  liquidation
preference  amount of such Preferred Securities plus  accumulated  and
unpaid  Distributions thereon to the Redemption Date and  the  related
amount of the premium, if any, paid by the Company upon the concurrent
redemption  of such Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures  (the
"Redemption   Price").   See  "Description  of  Corresponding   Junior
Subordinated Debentures--Optional Redemption".  If less  than  all  of
any  series of Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures are to  be
repaid  or redeemed on a Redemption Date, then the proceeds from  such
repayment or redemption shall be allocated to the redemption pro  rata
of  the Preferred Securities and the Common Securities.  The amount of
premium, if any, paid by the Company upon the redemption of all or any
part of any series of any Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures
to  be  repaid or redeemed on a Redemption Date shall be allocated  to
the  redemption  pro rata of the Preferred Securities and  the  Common
    The  Company  will  have  the  right  to  redeem  any  series   of
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures (i) in whole at any  time
or  in  part  from  time to time, as described under  "Description  of
Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated Debentures--Optional  Redemption",
(ii) at any time, in whole (but not in part), upon the occurrence of a
Tax  Event  or an Investment Company Event (each as defined  below,  a
"Special  Event")  or  (iii)  as may be  otherwise  specified  in  the
applicable Prospectus Supplement.
    Special  Event Redemption or Distribution of Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated Debentures.  If a Special Event in respect of a series of
Preferred  Securities  and  Common  Securities  shall  occur  and   be
continuing,  the  Company  has the right to redeem  the  Corresponding
Junior  Subordinated Debentures in whole (but not in part) and thereby
cause  a mandatory redemption of such Preferred Securities and  Common
Securities  in whole (but not in part) at the Redemption Price  within
90  days  following the occurrence of such Special Event.  Whether  or
not  a  Special Event has occurred, the Company has the right, at  any
time,  to  terminate  the related Issuer and,  after  satisfaction  of
liabilities  to  creditors of such Issuer,  if  any,  as  provided  by
applicable   law,   cause  such  Corresponding   Junior   Subordinated
Debentures  to be distributed to the holders of the related  Preferred
Securities  and Common Securities in liquidation of such  Issuer.   If
the  Company  does not elect any of the options described  above,  the
applicable series of Preferred Securities will remain outstanding and,
in  the  event a Tax Event has occurred and is continuing,  Additional
Interest  (as  described  under "Description of  Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated Debentures -- Certain Covenants of the Company") will  be
payable on the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures.

    "Tax  Event"  means  the receipt by an Issuer  of  an  Opinion  of
Counsel experienced in such matters to the effect that, as a result of
any  amendment  to,  or  change (including any  announced  prospective
change)  in,  the laws (or any regulations thereunder) of  the  United
States  or  any political subdivision or taxing authority  thereof  or
therein   affecting  taxation,  or  as  a  result  of   any   official
administrative  pronouncement  or judicial  decision  interpreting  or
applying  such  laws  or  regulations, which amendment  or  change  is
effective or which pronouncement or decision is announced on or  after
the  date  of issuance of the series of Preferred Securities  by  such
Issuer  under  the  related Trust Agreement, there  is  more  than  an
insubstantial risk that (i) such Issuer is, or will be within 90  days
of  the date thereof, subject to United States Federal income tax with
respect  to income received or accrued on the corresponding series  of
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures, (ii) interest payable by
the  Company  on  such  series  of Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures is not, or within 90 days of the date thereof, will not be,
deductible  by  the  Company, in whole or in part, for  United  States
Federal  income  tax purposes, or (iii) such Issuer  is,  or  will  be
within  90 days of the date thereof, subject to more than a de minimis
amount of other taxes, duties or other governmental charges.

    "Investment Company Event" means the occurrence of a change in law
or  regulation or a change in interpretation or application of law  or
regulation  by  any  legislative body, court, governmental  agency  or
regulatory  authority (a "Change in 1940 Act Law") to the effect  that
the an Issuer is or will be considered an "investment company" that is
required to be registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended  (the "Investment Company Act"), which Change in 1940 Act  Law
becomes  effective on or after the date of original  issuance  of  the
series of Preferred Securities issued by such Issuer.
    "Like Amount" means (i) with respect to a redemption of any series
of Preferred Securities, Preferred Securities and Common Securities of
such  series having a Liquidation Preference Amount (as defined below)
equal  to that portion of the principal amount of Corresponding Junior
Subordinated Debentures to be contemporaneously redeemed in accordance
with  the  Corresponding Indenture and the proceeds of which  will  be
used  to  pay  the Redemption Price of such Preferred  Securities  and
Common  Securities,  and  (ii)  with  respect  to  a  distribution  of
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures to holders of any  series
of   Preferred  Securities  in  connection  with  a  termination   and
liquidation  of the related Issuer, Corresponding Junior  Subordinated
Debentures   having  a  principal  amount  equal  to  the  Liquidation
Preference  Amount of the Preferred Securities of the holder  to  whom
such  Corresponding  Junior Subordinated Debentures  are  distributed.
"Liquidation  Preference Amount" means the stated amount  of  $25  per
Preferred Security and Common Security.
    After   the  liquidation  date  fixed  for  any  distribution   of
Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  for  any  series   of
Preferred Securities (i) such series of Preferred Securities  will  no
longer  be deemed to be outstanding, (ii) The Depository Trust Company
("DTC")  or  its  nominee,  as the record holder  of  such  series  of
Preferred Securities, will receive a registered global certificate  or
certificates   representing  the  Corresponding  Junior   Subordinated
Debentures  to be delivered upon such distribution, (iii) the  Company
will  use  its  reasonable  efforts to list the  Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated Debentures on the NYSE or such other exchanges  or  other
organizations,  if  any, on which the Preferred  Securities  are  then
listed or traded and (iv) any certificates representing such series of
Preferred Securities not held by DTC or its nominee will be deemed  to
represent  the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures  having  a
principal  amount equal to the stated liquidation preference  of  such
series  of  Preferred  Securities,  and  bearing  accrued  and  unpaid
interest in an amount equal to the accrued and unpaid Distributions on
such  series  of  Preferred  Securities until  such  certificates  are
presented  to the Administrative Trustees or their agent for  transfer
or reissuance.
    There  can  be  no  assurance  as to the  market  prices  for  the
Preferred   Securities  or  the  Corresponding   Junior   Subordinated
Debentures   that  may  be  distributed  in  exchange  for   Preferred
Securities  if  a  dissolution and liquidation of an  Issuer  were  to
occur.   Accordingly, the Preferred Securities that  an  investor  may
purchase, or the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures that the
investor may receive on dissolution and liquidation of an Issuer,  may
trade  at  a discount to the price that the investor paid to  purchase
the Preferred Securities offered hereby.

Redemption Procedures
    Preferred  Securities redeemed on each Redemption  Date  shall  be
redeemed at the Redemption Price with the applicable proceeds from the
contemporaneous  redemption of the Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures.  Redemptions of the Preferred Securities shall be made and
the Redemption Price shall be payable on each Redemption Date only  to
the extent that the related Issuer has funds on hand available for the
payment of such Redemption Price.  See also "--Subordination of Common
    If  an  Issuer  gives a notice of redemption  in  respect  of  its
Preferred Securities, then, by 12:00 noon, New York City time, on  the
Redemption  Date,  to  the  extent funds are available,  the  Property
Trustee will deposit irrevocably with DTC funds sufficient to pay  the
applicable Redemption Price and will give DTC irrevocable instructions
and  authority  to  pay the Redemption Price to the  holders  of  such
Preferred Securities.  See "--Book-Entry Issuance".  If such Preferred
Securities are no longer in book-entry form, the Issuer, to the extent
funds  are  available, will irrevocably deposit with the paying  agent
for  such  Preferred Securities funds sufficient to pay the applicable
Redemption   Price  and  will  give  such  paying  agent   irrevocable
instructions and authority to pay the Redemption Price to the  holders
thereof upon surrender of their certificates evidencing such Preferred
Securities.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Distributions  payable  on
or  prior  to the Redemption Date for any Preferred Securities  called
for  redemption  shall  be payable to the holders  of  such  Preferred
Securities   as  of  the  relevant  record  dates  for   the   related
Distribution Dates.  If notice of redemption shall have been given and
funds  deposited as required, then upon the date of such deposit,  all
rights  of  the  holders of such Preferred Securities  so  called  for
redemption  will  cease,  except the right  of  the  holders  of  such
Preferred  Securities  to receive the Redemption  Price,  but  without
interest on such Redemption Price, and such Preferred Securities  will
cease  to  be  outstanding.  In the event  that  any  date  fixed  for
redemption of Preferred Securities is not a Business Day, then payment
of  the Redemption Price payable on such date will be made on the next
succeeding  day which is a Business Day (and without any  interest  or
other  payment  in respect of any such delay), except  that,  if  such
Business  Day  falls in the next calendar year, such payment  will  be
made  on  the immediately preceding Business Day.  In the  event  that
payment  of  the  Redemption Price in respect of Preferred  Securities
called  for redemption is improperly withheld or refused and not  paid
either  by  the  Issuer  or  by the Company pursuant  to  the  related
Guarantee    as   described   under   "Description   of   Guarantees",
Distributions on such Preferred Securities will continue to accrue  at
the   then  applicable  rate,  from  the  Redemption  Date  originally
established  by the Issuer for such Preferred Securities to  the  date
such  Redemption  Price  is actually paid, in which  case  the  actual
payment  date  will be the date fixed for redemption for  purposes  of
calculating the Redemption Price.
    Subject  to applicable law (including, without limitation,  United
States Federal securities law), the Company or its subsidiaries may at
any  time  and  from  time  to  time  purchase  outstanding  Preferred
Securities by tender, in the open market or by private agreement.
    Payment  of  the Redemption Price on the Preferred Securities  and
any  distribution of Corresponding Junior Subordinated  Debentures  to
holders  of  Preferred  Securities shall be  made  to  the  applicable
recordholders  thereof  as  they  appear  on  the  register  for  such
Preferred  Securities as of the relevant record date, which  shall  be
one  Business Day prior to the relevant Redemption Date or liquidation
date,  as  applicable; provided, however, that in the event  that  any
Preferred  Securities are not in book-entry form, the relevant  record
date for such Preferred Securities shall be the date 15 days prior  to
the  Redemption Date or liquidation date, as applicable, or as may  be
specified in the applicable Prospectus Supplement.

    If less than all of the Preferred Securities and Common Securities
issued by an Issuer are to be redeemed on a Redemption Date, then  the
aggregate  Liquidation Preference Amount of such Preferred  Securities
and Common Securities to be redeemed shall be allocated pro rata among
the  Preferred  Securities and the Common Securities.  The  particular
Preferred  Securities to be redeemed shall be selected on a  pro  rata
basis  not  more  than  60 days prior to the Redemption  Date  by  the
Property  Trustee  from  the  outstanding  Preferred  Securities   not
previously  called  for  redemption, by such method  as  the  Property
Trustee shall deem fair and appropriate and which may provide for  the
selection  for  redemption of portions (equal to $25  or  an  integral
multiple  of  $25  in  excess thereof) of the  Liquidation  Preference
Amount of Preferred Securities of a denomination larger than $25.  The
Property  Trustee  shall  promptly  notify  the  transfer  agent   and
registrar  in  writing  of  the  Preferred  Securities  selected   for
redemption  and, in the case of any Preferred Securities selected  for
partial  redemption, the Liquidation Preference Amount thereof  to  be
redeemed.   For  all  purposes  of each Trust  Agreement,  unless  the
context  otherwise requires, all provisions relating to the redemption
of  Preferred  Securities shall relate, in the case of  any  Preferred
Securities redeemed or to be redeemed only in part, to the portion  of
the  aggregate  Liquidation Preference Amount of Preferred  Securities
which has been or is to be redeemed.
    Notice  of any redemption will be mailed at least 30 days but  not
more  than  60  days  before the Redemption Date  to  each  holder  of
Preferred Securities to be redeemed at its registered address.

Subordination of Common Securities
    Payment   of  Distributions  (including  Additional  Amounts,   if
applicable)  on, and the Redemption Price of, each Issuer's  Preferred
Securities  and Common Securities, as applicable, shall  be  made  pro
rata  based  on  the Liquidation Preference Amount of  such  Preferred
Securities and Common Securities; provided, however, that  if  on  any
Distribution Date or Redemption Date, any Event of Default (as defined
below) resulting from a Debenture Event of Default shall have occurred
and   be   continuing,  no  payment  of  any  Distribution  (including
Additional Amounts, if applicable) on, or Redemption Price of, any  of
the Issuer's Common Securities, and no other payment on account of the
redemption,   liquidation  or  other  acquisition   of   such   Common
Securities,  shall  be made unless payment in  full  in  cash  of  all
accumulated and unpaid Distributions (including Additional Amounts, if
applicable)  on  all of the Issuer's outstanding Preferred  Securities
for  all Distribution periods terminating on or prior thereto,  or  in
the  case of payment of the Redemption Price the full amount  of  such
Redemption  Price  on  all  of  the  Issuer's  outstanding   Preferred
Securities,  shall  have  been made or provided  for,  and  all  funds
available  to  the  Property Trustee shall first  be  applied  to  the
payment  in  full  in cash of all Distributions (including  Additional
Amounts,  if  applicable) on, or Redemption  Price  of,  the  Issuer's
Preferred Securities then due and payable.
    In  the  case  of any Event of Default resulting from a  Debenture
Event  of  Default,  the Company, as holder of  such  Issuer's  Common
Securities,  will  be  deemed to have waived any  right  to  act  with
respect to any such Event of Default under the related Trust Agreement
until  the effect of all such Events of Default with respect  to  such
Preferred  Securities have been cured, waived or otherwise eliminated.
Until  any  such  Events of Default under such  Trust  Agreement  with
respect  to  such Preferred Securities have been so cured,  waived  or
otherwise eliminated, the Property Trustee shall act solely on  behalf
of  the holders of such Preferred Securities and not on behalf of  the
Company as holder of the related Issuer's Common Securities, and  only
the holders of such Preferred Securities will have the right to direct
the Property Trustee to act on their behalf.
Liquidation Distribution upon Termination
    Pursuant  to each Trust Agreement, each Issuer shall automatically
terminate upon expiration of its term and shall be terminated  on  the
first to occur of: (i) the occurrence of certain events of bankruptcy,
dissolution  or  liquidation of the Company; (ii) the distribution  of
the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures to the holders of its
Preferred  Securities  and  Common  Securities  if  the  Company,   as
Depositor,  has  given written direction to the  Property  Trustee  to
terminate  such Issuer (which direction is optional and wholly  within
the  discretion of the Company as Depositor of such Issuer)  (see  "--
Special  Event  Redemption  or Distribution  of  Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated Debentures); (iii) the redemption of all of such Issuer's
Preferred  Securities as described under "--Redemption"; and  (iv)  an
order for the termination of such Issuer shall have been entered by  a
court of competent jurisdiction.
    If an early termination occurs as described in clause (i), (ii) or
(iv) above, such Issuer shall be liquidated by the Issuer Trustees  as
expeditiously  as  the Issuer Trustees determine  to  be  possible  by
distributing, after satisfaction of liabilities to creditors  of  such
Issuer, if any, as provided by applicable law, to the holders of  such
Preferred  Securities  and Common Securities  a  Like  Amount  of  the
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures, unless such distribution
is  determined by the Property Trustee not to be practical,  in  which
event  such holders will be entitled to receive out of the  assets  of
such  Issuer available for distribution to holders, after satisfaction
of  liabilities  to creditors of such Issuer, if any, as  provided  by
applicable  law,  an  amount  equal to, in  the  case  of  holders  of
Preferred  Securities,  the  aggregate of the  Liquidation  Preference
Amount  plus accrued and unpaid Distributions thereon to the  date  of
payment  (such amount being the "Liquidation Distribution").  If  such
Liquidation Distribution can be paid only in part because such  Issuer
has  insufficient  assets  available to  pay  in  full  the  aggregate
Liquidation  Distribution, then the amounts payable directly  by  such
Issuer  on its Preferred Securities shall be paid on a pro rata basis.
The  holder(s) of such Issuer's Common Securities will be entitled  to
receive  distributions upon any such liquidation  pro  rata  with  the
holders of its Preferred Securities, except that if a Debenture  Event
of  Default  has occurred and is continuing, the Preferred  Securities
shall have a priority over the Common Securities.

Events of Default; Notice
    Any  one of the following events constitutes an "Event of Default"
under each Trust Agreement (an "Event of Default") with respect to the
Preferred Securities issued thereunder (whatever the reason  for  such
Event  of Default and whether it shall be voluntary or involuntary  or
be effected by operation of law or pursuant to any judgment, decree or
order  of  any  court  or  any  order,  rule  or  regulation  of   any
administrative or governmental body):
       (i)  the  occurrence of a Debenture Event of Default under  the
   Corresponding  Indenture (see "Description of  Junior  Subordinated
   Debentures--Debenture Events of Default"); or
       (ii)  default  by the Issuer in the payment of any Distribution
   when  it  becomes due and payable, and continuation of such default
   for a period of 30 days; or
       (iii)  default  by the Issuer in the payment of any  Redemption
   Price  of any Preferred Security or Common Security when it becomes
   due and payable; or
       (iv)  default  in the performance, or breach, in  any  material
   respect,  of  any  covenant or warranty of the Issuer  Trustees  in
   such  Trust Agreement (other than a covenant or warranty a  default
   in  the  performance of which or the breach of which is dealt  with
   in  clause  (ii) or (iii) above), and continuation of such  default
   or  breach  for a period of 60 days after there has been given,  by
   registered  or certified mail, to the defaulting Issuer Trustee  or
   Trustees  by  the holders of at least 10% in aggregate  Liquidation
   Preference  Amount of the outstanding Preferred Securities  of  the
   applicable  Issuer,  a written notice specifying  such  default  or
   breach  and  requiring  it to be remedied  and  stating  that  such
   notice is a "Notice of Default" under such Trust Agreement; or
       (v)  the  occurrence  of  certain  events  of  bankruptcy  with
   respect to the Issuer.
    Within  five  Business Days after the occurrence of any  Event  of
Default  known  to  the Property Trustee, the Property  Trustee  shall
transmit  notice  of  such Event of Default to  the  holders  of  such
Issuer's  Preferred Securities, the Administrative  Trustees  and  the
Company,  as depositor, unless such Event of Default shall  have  been
cured  or  waived.  The Company, as depositor, and the  Administrative
Trustees  are  required to file annually with the Property  Trustee  a
certificate as to whether or not they are in compliance with  all  the
conditions and covenants applicable to them under the Trust Agreement.
    If  a Debenture Event of Default with respect to any Corresponding
Junior  Subordinated Debentures has occurred and  is  continuing,  the
related  Preferred Securities shall have a preference over the related
Common  Securities  upon  termination  of  the  applicable  Issuer  as
described above.  See "--Liquidation Distribution upon Termination".
Removal of Issuer Trustees
    Unless   a  Debenture  Event  of  Default  with  respect  to   any
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures shall have  occurred  and
be  continuing, any Issuer Trustee may be removed at any time  by  the
holder  of  the  related Common Securities.  If a Debenture  Event  of
Default  has occurred and is continuing, the Property Trustee and  the
Delaware  Trustee  may be removed at such time by  the  holders  of  a
majority  in Liquidation Preference Amount of the outstanding  related
Preferred  Securities.  In no event will the holders of the  Preferred
Securities  have the right to vote to appoint, remove or  replace  the
Administrative Trustees, which voting rights are vested exclusively in
the Company as the holder of the Common Securities.  No resignation or
removal of an Issuer Trustee and no appointment of a successor trustee
shall  be  effective  until  the  acceptance  of  appointment  by  the
successor  trustee in accordance with the provisions of the applicable
Trust Agreement.
Co-trustees and Separate Property Trustee
    Unless  an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing,
at   any  time  or  times,  for  the  purpose  of  meeting  the  legal
requirements  of  the  Trust Indenture Act or of any  jurisdiction  in
which  any  part of the applicable Trust Property may at the  time  be
located, the Company, as the holder of the Common Securities, and  the
Property  Trustee shall have the power to appoint one or more  persons
either  to act as a co-trustee, jointly with the Property Trustee,  of
all  or any part of such Trust Property, or to act as separate trustee
of  any  such  property, in either case with such  powers  as  may  be
provided in the instrument of appointment, and to vest in such  person
or persons in such capacity any property, title, right or power deemed
necessary  or  desirable,  subject to  the  provisions  of  the  Trust
Agreement.  In case a Debenture Event of Default with respect  to  any
Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated Debentures  has  occurred  and  is
continuing, the Property Trustee alone shall have power to  make  such
Merger or Consolidation of Issuer Trustees
    Any  entity into which the Property Trustee, the Delaware  Trustee
or  any  Administrative Trustee that is not a natural  person  may  be
merged  or  converted  or with which it may be  consolidated,  or  any
entity resulting from any merger, conversion or consolidation to which
such  Trustee  shall be a party, or any entity succeeding  to  all  or
substantially all the corporate trust business of such Trustee,  shall
be  the  successor of such Trustee under any Trust Agreement, provided
such entity shall be otherwise qualified and eligible.
Mergers, Consolidations, Amalgamations or Replacements of the Issuers
    An  Issuer may not merge with or into, consolidate, amalgamate, or
be replaced by, or convey, transfer or lease its properties and assets
substantially  as  an  entirety to any corporation  or  other  person,
except  as  described below.  An Issuer may, at  the  request  of  the
Company,  with the consent of the Administrative Trustees and  without
the  consent of the holders of the related Preferred Securities, merge
with  or  into,  consolidate, amalgamate, be replaced  by  or  convey,
transfer  or  lease  its  properties and assets  substantially  as  an
entirety  to  a trust organized as such under the laws of  any  State;
provided, that (i) such successor entity either (a) expressly  assumes
all  of  the obligations of such Issuer with respect to such Preferred
Securities  or  (b)  substitutes for such Preferred  Securities  other
securities  (the  "Successor Securities") so  long  as  the  Successor
Securities rank the same as such Preferred Securities rank in priority
with   respect   to  distributions  and  payments  upon   liquidation,
redemption  and  otherwise,  (ii) the  Company  expressly  appoints  a
trustee  of  such successor entity possessing substantially  the  same
powers and duties as the Property Trustee as the holder of the related
Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated Debentures,  (iii)  the  Successor
Securities are listed or traded, or any Successor Securities  will  be
listed  or  traded  upon  notification of issuance,  on  any  national
securities  exchange  or other organization on  which  such  Preferred
Securities  are  then listed, if any, (iv) such merger, consolidation,
amalgamation,  replacement, conveyance, transfer  or  lease  does  not
cause  such  Preferred Securities (including any Successor Securities)
to  be  downgraded  by  any nationally recognized  statistical  rating
organization,    (v)   such   merger,   consolidation,   amalgamation,
replacement,  conveyance, transfer or lease does not adversely  affect
the  rights,  preferences  and  privileges  of  the  holders  of  such
Preferred  Securities  (including any  Successor  Securities)  in  any
material   respect,  (vi)  such  successor  entity   has   a   purpose
substantially  identical to that of such Issuer, (vii) prior  to  such
merger, consolidation, amalgamation, replacement, conveyance, transfer
or lease, the Company has received an opinion from independent counsel
to such Issuer experienced in such matters to the effect that (a) such
merger, consolidation, amalgamation, replacement, conveyance, transfer
or  lease  does  not  adversely  affect the  rights,  preferences  and
privileges of the holders of such Preferred Securities (including  any
Successor Securities) in any material respect, and (b) following  such
merger, consolidation, amalgamation, replacement, conveyance, transfer
or  lease,  neither  such  Issuer nor such successor  entity  will  be
required  to  register as an investment company under  the  Investment
Company  Act  and  (viii)  the Company or any permitted  successor  or
assignee  owns all of the related Common Securities of such  successor
entity  and guarantees the obligations of such successor entity  under
the  Successor  Securities  at least to the  extent  provided  by  the
related  Guarantee.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  an  Issuer  shall
not,  except  with  the  consent  of  holders  of  100%  in  aggregate
Liquidation   Preference   Amount  of   such   Preferred   Securities,
consolidate,  amalgamate, merge with or into, or  be  replaced  by  or
convey,  transfer or lease its properties and assets substantially  as
an  entirety  to  any  other  entity or permit  any  other  entity  to
consolidate,  amalgamate, merge with or into, or replace  it  if  such
consolidation,  amalgamation, merger or replacement would  cause  such
Issuer  or  the  successor entity to be classified  as  other  than  a
"grantor trust" for United States Federal income tax purposes.
Voting Rights; Amendment of Trust Agreement
    Except  as  provided below and under "Description of  Guarantees--
Amendments and Assignment" and as otherwise required by law  and  each
Trust Agreement, the holders of the Preferred Securities will have  no
voting rights.
    Each  Trust  Agreement may be amended from time  to  time  by  the
Company  and the Administrative Trustees, without the consent  of  the
holders of the Preferred Securities (i) to cure any ambiguity, correct
or  supplement  any provisions in such Trust Agreement  which  may  be
inconsistent with any other provision, or to make any other provisions
with  respect  to  matters  or  questions  arising  under  such  Trust
Agreement, that shall not be inconsistent with the other provisions of
such  Trust  Agreement,  (ii)  to modify,  eliminate  or  add  to  any
provisions  of  such  Trust  Agreement to  such  extent  as  shall  be
necessary  to  ensure that such Issuer will be classified  for  United
States  Federal income tax purposes as a grantor trust  at  all  times
that  any  of  its  Preferred  Securities and  Common  Securities  are
outstanding  or  to ensure that such Issuer will not  be  required  to
register as an "investment company" under the Investment Company  Act,
or (iii) to effect the acceptance of appointment by a successor Issuer
Trustee;  provided,  however, that in the case of  clause  (ii),  such
action  shall  not  adversely  affect  in  any  material  respect  the
interests  of  any  holder  of  such Preferred  Securities  or  Common
Securities,  and,  in the case of clause (i), any amendments  of  such
Trust Agreement shall become effective when notice thereof is given to
the holders of Preferred Securities and Common Securities.  Each Trust
Agreement  may  be  amended  by the Administrative  Trustees  and  the
Company with (i) the consent of holders representing a majority (based
upon  Liquidation  Preference  Amounts)  of  the  related  outstanding
Preferred  Securities and Common Securities and (ii)  receipt  by  the
Issuer  Trustees  of  an opinion of counsel to the  effect  that  such
amendment or the exercise of any power granted to the Issuer  Trustees
in accordance with such amendment will not affect such Issuer's status
as  a  grantor trust for United States Federal income tax purposes  or
such  Issuer's exemption from status of an "investment company"  under
the  Investment Company Act, provided that without the consent of each
holder of such Preferred Securities and Common Securities, such  Trust
Agreement may not be amended to (i) change the amount or timing of any
Distribution  on  such Preferred Securities and Common  Securities  or
otherwise adversely affect the amount of any Distribution required  to
be  made in respect of such Preferred Securities and Common Securities
as  of a specified date or (ii) restrict the right of holders of  such
Preferred Securities and Common Securities to institute suit  for  the
enforcement  of  any such payment on or after such date  as  described
    So  long  as any Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures  are
held by the Property Trustee, the Issuer Trustees shall not (i) direct
the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy
available  to  the Corresponding Debenture Trustee, or  executing  any
trust or power conferred on the Property Trustee with respect to  such
Corresponding  Junior Subordinated Debentures,  (ii)  waive  any  past
default  that  is  waiveable under Section 813  of  the  Corresponding
Indenture,  (iii) exercise any right to rescind or annul a declaration
that  the  principal  of  all  the Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  shall be due and payable or (iv) consent to any amendment,
modification  or  termination of the Corresponding Indenture  or  such
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures, where such consent shall
be  required, without, in each case, obtaining the prior  approval  of
the  holders of a majority in aggregate Liquidation Preference  Amount
of  all  related outstanding Preferred Securities; provided,  however,
that  where a consent under the Corresponding Indenture would  require
the  consent  of  each  holder  of Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  affected thereby, no such consent shall be  given  by  the
Property  Trustee  without the prior consent of  each  holder  of  the
corresponding  Preferred Securities.  The Issuer  Trustees  shall  not
revoke  any action previously authorized or approved by a vote of  the
Preferred Securities except by subsequent vote of the holders  of  the
Preferred  Securities.  The Property Trustee shall notify all  holders
of  any  series of Preferred Securities of any notice of default  with
respect  to  the related Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures.
In  addition  to obtaining the foregoing approvals of the  holders  of
such  Preferred  Securities,  prior to taking  any  of  the  foregoing
actions,  the  Issuer  Trustees shall obtain  an  Opinion  of  Counsel
experienced in such matters to the effect that the related Issuer will
be  classified as a "grantor trust" and not as an association  taxable
as  a  corporation for United States Federal income  tax  purposes  on
account of such action.
    If  the  Property  Trustee fails to enforce its rights  under  the
Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated Debentures or  the  related  Trust
Agreement,  a  holder of Preferred Securities may  institute  a  legal
proceeding  directly  against  the Company  to  enforce  the  Property
Trustee's rights with respect to the Corresponding Junior Subordinated
Debentures or such Trust Agreement, to the fullest extent permitted by
law,  without  first  instituting any  legal  proceeding  against  the
Property  Trustee or any other person.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
a  holder  of Preferred Securities may directly institute a proceeding
for  enforcement of payment to such holder of principal of or interest
on the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures having a principal
amount  equal  to the aggregate Liquidation Preference Amount  of  the
Preferred  Securities  of  such holder  on  or  after  the  due  dates
specified in the Junior Subordinated Debentures.  See "Description  of
    Any  required approval of holders of Preferred Securities  may  be
given  at  a  meeting of holders of Preferred Securities convened  for
such  purpose  or  pursuant to written consent.  The Property  Trustee
will  cause  a  notice  of any meeting at which holders  of  Preferred
Securities are entitled to vote, or of any matter upon which action by
written  consent of such holders is to be taken, to be given  to  each
holder  of record of Preferred Securities in the manner set  forth  in
each Trust Agreement.
    No  vote or consent of the holders of Preferred Securities will be
required  for an Issuer to redeem and cancel its Preferred  Securities
in accordance with the applicable Trust Agreement.
    Notwithstanding that holders of Preferred Securities are  entitled
to vote or consent under any of the circumstances described above, any
of  the Preferred Securities that are owned by the Company, the Issuer
Trustee or any affiliate of the Company or any Issuer Trustees, shall,
for  purposes of such vote or consent, be treated as if they were  not
Payment and Paying Agency
    Payments in respect of the Preferred Securities shall be  made  to
DTC, which shall credit the relevant accounts at DTC on the applicable
Distribution  Dates or, if any Issuer's Preferred Securities  are  not
held  by  DTC,  such  payments shall be made by check  mailed  to  the
address of the holder entitled thereto as such address shall appear on
the Securities Register.  Unless otherwise specified in the applicable
Prospectus  Supplement, the paying agent (the  "Paying  Agent")  shall
initially  be the Property Trustee and any co-paying agent  chosen  by
the Property Trustee and acceptable to the Administrative Trustees and
the  Company.  The Paying Agent shall be permitted to resign as Paying
Agent upon 30 days' written notice to the Administrative Trustees  and
the  Company.  In the event that the Property Trustee shall no  longer
be  the  Paying  Agent, the Administrative Trustees  shall  appoint  a
successor  to  act as Paying Agent (which shall be  a  bank  or  trust
company acceptable to the Property Trustee and the Company).
Book-Entry Issuance
    DTC  will  act  as securities depositary for all of the  Preferred
Securities.   The  Preferred  Securities  will  be  issued   only   as
fully-registered  securities registered in the  name  of  Cede  &  Co.
(DTC's  nominee).   One or more fully-registered  global  certificates
will   be   issued  for  the  Preferred  Securities  of  each  Issuer,
representing  the  aggregate total number of such  Issuer's  Preferred
Securities, and will be deposited with DTC.
    DTC  is  a limited purpose trust company organized under  the  New
York  Banking Law, a "banking organization" within the meaning of  the
New  York  Banking  Law,  a member of the Federal  Reserve  System,  a
"clearing  corporation" within the meaning of  the  New  York  Uniform
Commercial  Code, and a "clearing agency" registered pursuant  to  the
provisions  of Section 17A of the Exchange Act.  DTC holds  securities
that  its  participants ("Participants") deposit with DTC.   DTC  also
facilitates   the   settlement   among  Participants   of   securities
transactions,  such as transfers and pledges, in deposited  securities
through  electronic computerized book-entry changes  in  Participants'
accounts,  thereby  eliminating  the need  for  physical  movement  of
securities   certificates.   Direct  Participants  include  securities
brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and
certain other organizations ("Direct Participants").  DTC is owned  by
a  number  of  its Direct Participants and by the NYSE,  the  American
Stock  Exchange,  Inc.  and  the National  Association  of  Securities
Dealers,  Inc.  Access to the DTC system is also available  to  others
such as securities brokers and dealers, banks and trust companies that
clear   through  or  maintain  custodial  relationships  with   Direct
Participants, either directly or indirectly ("Indirect Participants").
The  rules applicable to DTC and its Participants are on file with the
    Purchases  of Preferred Securities within the DTC system  must  be
made  by  or through Direct Participants, which will receive a  credit
for the Preferred Securities on DTC's records.  The ownership interest
of  each  actual  purchaser  of each Preferred  Security  ("Beneficial
Owner")  is  in  turn  to  be  recorded on  the  Direct  and  Indirect
Participants'  records.  Beneficial Owners will  not  receive  written
confirmation  from DTC of their purchases, but Beneficial  Owners  are
expected  to  receive written confirmations providing details  of  the
transactions,  as well as periodic statements of their holdings,  from
the  Direct  or  Indirect Participants through  which  the  Beneficial
Owners   purchased  Preferred  Securities.   Transfers  of   ownership
interests  in  the  Preferred Securities are  to  be  accomplished  by
entries  made  on  the  books  of Participants  acting  on  behalf  of
Beneficial  Owners.   Beneficial Owners will not receive  certificates
representing their ownership interests in Preferred Securities, except
in  the  event  that  use of the book-entry system for  the  Preferred
Securities of such Issuer is discontinued.
    To   facilitate   subsequent  transfers,  all  of  the   Preferred
Securities  deposited by the Participants with DTC are  registered  in
the  name  of  DTC's  nominee, Cede & Co.  The  deposit  of  Preferred
Securities with DTC and their registration in the name of Cede  &  Co.
effect no change in beneficial ownership.  DTC has no knowledge of the
actual  Beneficial Owners of the Preferred Securities;  DTC's  records
reflect only the identity of the Direct Participants to whose accounts
such  Preferred Securities are credited, which may or may not  be  the
Beneficial  Owners.   The  Participants will  remain  responsible  for
keeping account of their holdings on behalf of their customers.
    Conveyance  of notices and other communications by DTC  to  Direct
Participants, by Direct Participants to Indirect Participants, and  by
Direct  Participants  and Indirect Participants to  Beneficial  Owners
will  be governed by arrangements among them, subject to any statutory
or regulatory requirements as may be in effect from time to time.
    Redemption  notices shall be sent to Cede & Co. as the  registered
holder  of the Preferred Securities.  If less than all of an  Issuer's
Preferred Securities are being redeemed, DTC's current practice is  to
determine by lot the amount of the interest of each Direct Participant
to be redeemed.
    Although  voting  with  respect to  the  Preferred  Securities  is
limited to the holders of record of the Preferred Securities, in those
instances in which a vote is required, neither DTC nor Cede & Co. will
itself  consent  or vote with respect to Preferred Securities.   Under
its  usual  procedures, DTC would mail an omnibus proxy (the  "Omnibus
Proxy")  to  the relevant Issuer as soon as possible after the  record
date.   The  Omnibus Proxy assigns Cede & Co.'s consenting  or  voting
rights  to  those Direct Participants to whose accounts such Preferred
Securities  are credited on the record date (identified in  a  listing
attached to the Omnibus Proxy).
    Distribution payments on the Preferred Securities will be made  to
DTC.  DTC's practice is to credit Direct Participants' accounts on the
relevant  payment  date in accordance with their  respective  holdings
shown  on DTC's records unless DTC has reason to believe that it  will
not  receive  payments on such payment date.  Payments by Participants
to  Beneficial  Owners will be governed by standing  instructions  and
customary practices and will be the responsibility of such Participant
and  not  of  DTC,  the Property Trustee, the Issuer  thereof  or  the
Company, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements as may be
in  effect from time to time.  Payment of Distributions to DTC is  the
responsibility of the relevant Issuer, disbursement of  such  payments
to Direct Participants is the responsibility of DTC, and disbursements
of  such  payments  to the Beneficial Owners is the responsibility  of
Direct and Indirect Participants.
    DTC   may   discontinue  providing  its  services  as   securities
depositary with respect to any of the Preferred Securities at any time
by  giving  reasonable notice to the relevant Issuer and the  Company.
In  the  event that a successor securities depositary is not obtained,
definitive Preferred Security certificates representing such Preferred
Securities are required to be printed and delivered.  The Company,  at
its  option, may decide to discontinue use of the system of book-entry
transfers  through DTC (or a successor depositary).  After a Debenture
Event  of Default, the holders of a majority in Liquidation Preference
Amount of Preferred Securities may determine to discontinue the system
of  book-entry  transfers through DTC.  In any such event,  definitive
certificates  for such Issuer's Preferred Securities will  be  printed
and delivered.
    The   information  in  this  section  concerning  DTC  and   DTC's
book-entry system has been obtained from sources that the Issuers  and
the  Company  believe to be accurate, but the Issuers and the  Company
assume  no  responsibility  for  the accuracy  thereof.   Neither  the
Issuers nor the Company has any responsibility for the performance  by
DTC  or  its Participants of their respective obligations as described
herein  or  under the rules and procedures governing their  respective
Registrar and Transfer Agent
    Unless   otherwise   specified  in   the   applicable   Prospectus
Supplement,  the Property Trustee will act as registrar  and  transfer
agent for the Preferred Securities.
    Registration of transfers of Preferred Securities will be effected
without charge by or on behalf of each Issuer, but upon payment of any
tax  or  other governmental charges that may be imposed in  connection
with  any  transfer or exchange.  The Issuers will not be required  to
register  or  cause to be registered the transfer of  their  Preferred
Securities  after  such  Preferred Securities  have  been  called  for
Information Concerning the Property Trustee
    The  Property  Trustee,  other  than  during  the  occurrence  and
continuance  of an Event of Default, undertakes to perform  only  such
duties  as  are  specifically set forth in each Trust  Agreement  and,
after such Event of Default, must exercise the same degree of care and
skill as a prudent person would exercise or use in the conduct of  his
or  her  own affairs.  Subject to this provision, the Property Trustee
is  under no obligation to exercise any of the powers vested in it  by
the  applicable  Trust  Agreement at the  request  of  any  holder  of
Preferred Securities unless it is offered reasonable indemnity against
the  costs,  expenses and liabilities that might be incurred  thereby.
If no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing and the Property
Trustee  is  required to decide between alternative causes of  action,
construe ambiguous provisions in a Trust Agreement or is unsure of the
application  of  any provision of the applicable Trust Agreement,  and
the  matter  is  not one on which holders of Preferred Securities  are
entitled under such Trust Agreement to vote, then the Property Trustee
shall  take such action as is directed by the Company and  if  not  so
directed, shall take such action as it deems advisable and in the best
interests  of the holders of the Preferred Securities and  the  Common
Securities  and will have no liability except for its own  bad  faith,
negligence or willful misconduct.
    The Administrative Trustees are authorized and directed to conduct
the affairs of and to operate the Issuers in such a way that no Issuer
will be deemed to be an "investment company" required to be registered
under  the  Investment  Company Act or  classified  other  than  as  a
"grantor trust" for United States Federal income tax purposes  and  so
that  the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures will be treated
as  indebtedness of the Company for United States Federal  income  tax
purposes.   In  this  connection, the Company and  the  Administrative
Trustees  are  authorized to take any action,  not  inconsistent  with
applicable law, the certificate of trust of each Issuer or each  Trust
Agreement, that the Company and the Administrative Trustees  determine
in their discretion to be necessary or desirable for such purposes, as
long as such action does not materially adversely affect the interests
of the holders of the related Preferred Securities.
    Holders  of the Preferred Securities have no preemptive or similar
    No Issuer may borrow money or issue debt or mortgage or pledge any
of its assets.
                       DESCRIPTION OF GUARANTEES
    Each  Guarantee  will  be executed and delivered  by  the  Company
concurrently  with  the  issuance by  each  Issuer  of  its  Preferred
Securities  for the benefit of the holders from time to time  of  such
Preferred  Securities.   The Bank of New York will  act  as  indenture
trustee  (the  "Guarantee  Trustee")  under  each  Guarantee  for  the
purposes of compliance with the Trust Indenture Act and each Guarantee
will be qualified as an Indenture under the Trust Indenture Act.  This
summary of certain provisions of the Guarantees does not purport to be
complete and is subject to, and qualified in its entirety by reference
to,  all of the provisions of each Guarantee Agreement, including  the
definitions  therein  of certain terms, and the Trust  Indenture  Act.
The  form  of  each  Guarantee has been filed as  an  exhibit  to  the
Registration  Statement  of  which  this  Prospectus  forms  a   part.
Reference in this summary to Preferred Securities means that  Issuer's
Preferred  Securities  to which a Guarantee  relates.   The  Guarantee
Trustee will hold each Guarantee for the benefit of the holders of the
related Issuer's Preferred Securities.
    The   Company  will  irrevocably  agree  to  pay  in  full  on   a
subordinated  basis,  to the extent set forth  herein,  the  Guarantee
Payments   (as  defined  below)  to  the  holders  of  the   Preferred
Securities,  as  and  when due, regardless of any  defense,  right  of
set-off  or  counterclaim that the related Issuer  of  such  Preferred
Securities may have or assert other than the defense of payment.   The
following  payments with respect to the Preferred Securities,  to  the
extent  not paid by or on behalf of the related Issuer (the "Guarantee
Payments"), will be subject to the Guarantee: (i) any accumulated  and
unpaid Distributions required to be paid on such Preferred Securities,
to  the  extent that such Issuer has funds on hand available therefor,
(ii)  the  Redemption  Price with respect to any Preferred  Securities
called for redemption to the extent that such Issuer has funds on hand
available   therefor,  or  (iii)  upon  a  voluntary  or   involuntary
dissolution,  winding  up or liquidation of such  Issuer  (unless  the
Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  are  distributed   to
holders of such Preferred Securities), the lesser of (a) the aggregate
of  the  liquidation preference amount and all accumulated and  unpaid
Distributions on the Preferred Securities to the date of  payment  and
(b)  the  amount  of  assets of such Issuer  remaining  available  for
distribution  to  holders  of  Preferred  Securities.   The  Company's
obligation  to  make  a Guarantee Payment may be satisfied  by  direct
payment of the required amounts by the Company to the holders  of  the
applicable  Preferred Securities or by causing the related  Issuer  to
pay such amounts to such holders.
    Each  Guarantee will be an irrevocable guarantee on a subordinated
basis   of  the  related  Issuer's  obligations  under  the  Preferred
Securities, but will apply only to the extent that such related Issuer
has funds sufficient to make such payments, and is not a guarantee  of
    If   the   Company  does  not  make  interest  payments   on   the
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures held by an Issuer, it  is
expected  that such Issuer will not pay Distributions on  the  related
Preferred Securities and will not have funds available therefor.  Each
Guarantee will rank subordinate and junior in right of payment to  all
Senior  Debt.  See "--Status of the Guarantees".  Except as  otherwise
provided  in  the  applicable  Prospectus  Supplement,  none  of   the
Guarantees  will limit the incurrence or issuance of other secured  or
unsecured  debt  of  the  Company,  whether  under  the  Corresponding
Indenture, any other indenture that the Company may enter into in  the
future or otherwise.
    The Company has, through the Guarantees, the Trust Agreements, the
Corresponding   Junior  Subordinated  Debentures,  the   Corresponding
Indenture   and   the  Expense  Agreements,  taken  together,   fully,
irrevocably  and  unconditionally  guaranteed  all  of  the   Issuers'
obligations  under  the  Preferred  Securities.   No  single  document
standing alone or operating in conjunction with fewer than all of  the
other  documents constitutes such guarantee.  It is only the  combined
operation of these documents that has the effect of providing a  full,
irrevocable  and  unconditional guarantee of the Issuers'  obligations
under the Preferred Securities.  See "Relationship Among the Preferred
Securities, the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures  and  the
Status of the Guarantees
    Each  Guarantee  will constitute an unsecured  obligation  of  the
Company  and will rank subordinate and junior in right of  payment  to
all Senior Debt.
    Each  Guarantee  will  rank pari passu with all  other  Guarantees
issued by the Company.  Each Guarantee will constitute a guarantee  of
payment  and  not  of  collection  (i.e.,  the  guaranteed  party  may
institute a legal proceeding directly against the guarantor to enforce
its  rights  under  the Guarantee without first  instituting  a  legal
proceeding  against any other person or entity).  Each Guarantee  will
be  held  for  the  benefit of the holders of  the  related  Preferred
Securities.  Each Guarantee will not be discharged except  by  payment
of  the  related Guarantee Payments in full to the extent not paid  by
the  related Issuer or upon distribution to the holders of the related
Preferred  Securities of the related Corresponding Junior Subordinated
Debentures.  None of the Guarantees places a limitation on the  amount
of  additional Senior Debt that may be incurred by the  Company.   The
Company  expects  from  time to time to incur additional  indebtedness
constituting Senior Debt.
Amendments and Assignment
    Except  with  respect  to  any  changes  that  do  not  materially
adversely  affect  the  rights of holders  of  the  related  Preferred
Securities (in which case no vote will be required), no Guarantee  may
be  amended without the prior approval of the holders of not less than
a  majority  of  the aggregate Liquidation Preference Amount  of  such
outstanding  Preferred Securities.  The manner of obtaining  any  such
approval    is    set   forth   under   "Description   of    Preferred
Securities--Voting  Rights;  Amendment  of  Trust   Agreement".    All
guarantees and agreements contained in each Guarantee shall  bind  the
successors,  assigns, receivers, trustees and representatives  of  the
Company  and shall inure to the benefit of the holders of the  related
Preferred Securities then outstanding.
Events of Default
    An  event  of  default under each Guarantee will  occur  upon  the
failure  of  the  Company  to perform any  of  its  payment  or  other
obligations  thereunder.  The holders of not less than a  majority  in
aggregate  Liquidation  Preference Amount  of  the  related  Preferred
Securities  have  the right to direct the time, method  and  place  of
conducting  any proceeding for any remedy available to  the  Guarantee
Trustee in respect of such Guarantee or to direct the exercise of  any
trust  or  power  conferred  upon the  Guarantee  Trustee  under  such
    Any  holder  of the related Preferred Securities may  institute  a
legal  proceeding directly against the Company to enforce  its  rights
under  such  Guarantee without first instituting  a  legal  proceeding
against the related Issuer, the Guarantee Trustee or any other  person
or entity.
    The  Company, as guarantor, is required to file annually with  the
Guarantee Trustee a certificate as to whether or not the Company is in
compliance  with  all the conditions and covenants  applicable  to  it
under the Guarantees.
Information Concerning the Guarantee Trustee
    The  Guarantee  Trustee,  other than  during  the  occurrence  and
continuance  of  a  default  by  the Company  in  performance  of  any
Guarantee,  undertakes to perform only such duties as are specifically
set  forth  in each Guarantee and, after default with respect  to  any
Guarantee,  must  exercise the same degree of  care  and  skill  as  a
prudent person would exercise or use in the conduct of his or her  own
affairs.   Notwithstanding this provision, the  Guarantee  Trustee  is
under no obligation to exercise any of the powers vested in it by  any
Guarantee  at  the  request of any holder of any Preferred  Securities
unless  it is offered reasonable indemnity against the costs, expenses
and liabilities that might be incurred thereby.
Termination of the Guarantees
    Each  Guarantee  will  terminate and be of no  further  force  and
effect  upon  full  payment of the Redemption  Price  of  the  related
Preferred  Securities, upon full payment of the amounts  payable  upon
liquidation  of  the  related Issuer or upon distribution  of  related
Corresponding  Junior Subordinated Debentures to the  holders  of  the
related  Preferred  Securities.  Each Guarantee will  continue  to  be
effective  or will be reinstated, as the case may be, if at  any  time
any holder of the related Preferred Securities must restore payment of
any sums paid under such Preferred Securities or such Guarantee.
Governing Law
    Each  Guarantee  will be governed by and construed  in  accordance
with the laws of the State of New York.
The Expense Agreements
    Pursuant  to  the Expense Agreements entered into by  the  Company
under  the  Trust Agreements (the "Expense Agreements"),  the  Company
will  irrevocably  and unconditionally guarantee  to  each  person  or
entity  to  whom  each  Issuer becomes indebted or  liable,  the  full
payment  of  any costs, expenses or liabilities of such Issuer,  other
than  obligations of such Issuer to pay to the holders of the  related
Preferred  Securities or other similar interests in  such  Issuer  the
amounts  due  such  holders pursuant to the terms  of  such  Preferred
Securities or such other similar interests, as the case may be.
    The  Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures are to be issued
in  one  or  more series of Junior Subordinated Debentures  under  the
Corresponding Indenture with terms corresponding to the terms  of  the
related  Preferred  Securities.  For a summary of  certain  terms  and
provisions of Junior Subordinated Debentures that, except where noted,
pertains  in  all  respects to the Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures, see "Description of Junior Subordinated Debentures".  This
summary   of   certain  additional  terms  and   provisions   of   the
Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated Debentures and  the  Corresponding
Indenture  pertains  only  to  the Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures and does not purport to be complete and is subject to,  and
is  qualified  in  its  entirety  by reference  to  the  Corresponding
Indenture,  the  form  of  which  is  filed  as  an  exhibit  to   the
Registration Statement of which this Prospectus forms a part,  and  to
the  Trust  Indenture Act.  Whenever particular defined terms  of  the
Corresponding Indenture (as supplemented or amended from time to time)
are  referred  to herein or in a Prospectus Supplement,  such  defined
terms are incorporated herein or therein by reference.

    Concurrently   with  the  issuance  of  each  Issuer's   Preferred
Securities,  the  Issuer  will invest the  proceeds  thereof  and  the
consideration  paid  by  the Company for the Common  Securities  in  a
series  of Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures issued by  the
Company   to   the  Issuer.   Each  series  of  Corresponding   Junior
Subordinated Debentures will be in the principal amount equal  to  the
aggregate   stated  Liquidation  Preference  Amount  of  the   related
Preferred Securities plus the Company's concurrent investment  in  the
Common  Securities and will rank pari passu with all other  series  of
Junior Subordinated Debentures.  The Corresponding Junior Subordinated
Debentures  will be unsecured and subordinate and junior in  right  of
payment to the extent and in the manner set forth in the Corresponding
Indenture  to  all  Senior Debt of the Company.  See  "Description  of
Junior  Subordinated  Debentures--Subordination"  and  the  Prospectus
Supplement relating to any offering of related Preferred Securities.
Optional Redemption
    The  Company  may, at its option, redeem the Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated Debentures of any series, in whole at any time or in part
from   time  to  time  as  set  forth  in  the  applicable  Prospectus
Supplement.    Except  as  otherwise  set  forth  in  the   applicable
Prospectus  Supplement,  the redemption price  for  any  Corresponding
Junior  Subordinated Debentures so redeemed shall be equal to 100%  of
the   principal  amount  of  such  Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  then outstanding plus accrued and unpaid interest  to  the
date  fixed  for redemption.  See "Description of Junior  Subordinated
    If  a  Special  Event in respect of an Issuer or a  Debenture  Tax
Event  shall occur and be continuing, the Company may, at its  option,
redeem  the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures at  any  time
within  90  days of the occurrence of such Special Event or  Debenture
Tax  Event, in whole but not in part, subject to the provisions of the
Corresponding  Indenture.  The redemption price for any  Corresponding
Junior Subordinated Debentures shall be equal to 100% of the principal
amount  of  such  Corresponding  Junior Subordinated  Debentures  then
outstanding  plus accrued and unpaid interest to the  date  fixed  for
    For  so  long as the applicable Issuer is the holder  of  all  the
outstanding  series  of Corresponding Junior Subordinated  Debentures,
the  proceeds  of any such redemption will be used by  the  Issuer  to
redeem  the  related  Preferred Securities in  accordance  with  their
terms.   The  Company  may not redeem less than all  of  Corresponding
Junior  Subordinated Debentures unless all accrued and unpaid interest
if  any, has been paid in full on all outstanding Corresponding Junior
Subordinated  Debentures for all interest periods  terminating  on  or
prior to the Redemption Date.
Certain Covenants of the Company
    The  Company  will covenant in the Corresponding Indenture  as  to
each  series of Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures, that  so
long  as  any Preferred Securities remain outstanding, if  the  Issuer
which issued such Preferred Securities shall be required to pay,  with
respect  to  its  income  derived from the interest  payments  on  the
Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  of  any  series,  any
amounts  for  or  on  account  of any taxes,  duties,  assessments  or
governmental charges of whatever nature imposed by the United  States,
or  any  other taxing authority, then, in any such case,  the  Company
will pay as interest on such series such Additional Interest as may be
necessary in order that the net amounts received and retained by  such
Issuer  after  the  payment  of  such taxes,  duties,  assessments  or
governmental charges shall result in such Issuer's having  such  funds
as  it  would  have had in the absence of the payment of  such  taxes,
duties, assessments or governmental charges.
    The Company will also covenant, as to each series of Corresponding
Junior Subordinated Debentures, (i) to maintain directly or indirectly
100%  ownership  of  the  Common Securities of  the  Issuer  to  which
Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  have   been   issued,
provided that certain successors which are permitted pursuant  to  the
Corresponding Indenture may succeed to the Company's ownership of  the
Common  Securities,  (ii)  not to voluntarily  terminate,  wind-up  or
liquidate any Issuer, except (a) in connection with a distribution  of
Corresponding  Junior Subordinated Debentures to the  holders  of  the
Preferred  Securities  in  liquidation  of  such  Issuer,  or  (b)  in
connection  with  certain  mergers,  consolidations  or  amalgamations
permitted  by  the related Trust Agreement, (iii) to remain  the  sole
depositor under the related Trust Agreement of such Issuer and  timely
perform  in  all material respects all of its duties as  depositor  of
such  Issuer, and (iv) to use its reasonable efforts, consistent  with
the terms and provisions of the related Trust Agreement, to cause such
Issuer to remain a business trust and otherwise continue to be treated
as a "grantor trust" for United States Federal income tax purposes.
    As  long as payments of interest and other payments are made  when
due  on  each  series of Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures,
such  payments  will  be sufficient to cover Distributions  and  other
payments  due  on  the  corresponding Preferred Securities,  primarily
because  (i)  the  aggregate  principal  amount  of  each  series   of
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures will be equal to the  sum
of  the  aggregate Liquidation Preference Amount of the  corresponding
Preferred  Securities  and corresponding Common Securities;  (ii)  the
interest  rate and interest and other payment dates on each series  of
Corresponding   Junior   Subordinated  Debentures   will   match   the
Distribution  rate and Distribution and other payment  dates  for  the
corresponding  Preferred Securities; (iii) the Company shall  pay  for
all  and  any  costs, expenses and liabilities of the  related  Issuer
except   such  Issuer's  obligations  to  holders  of  its   Preferred
Securities  under  such  Preferred Securities;  and  (iv)  each  Trust
Agreement  further provides that such Issuer will not  engage  in  any
activity  that  is  not consistent with the limited purposes  of  such
    Payments  of Distributions and other amounts due on the  Preferred
Securities  (to  the  extent the Issuer has funds  available  for  the
payment  of  such  Distributions) are irrevocably  guaranteed  by  the
Company  as  and  to  the  extent  set  forth  under  "Description  of
Guarantees".   Taken  together, the Company's obligations  under  each
series   of   Corresponding   Junior  Subordinated   Debentures,   the
Corresponding  Indenture,  the related Trust  Agreement,  the  related
Expense   Agreement,  and  the  related  Guarantee  provide  a   full,
irrevocable  and unconditional guarantee of payments of  distributions
and  other  amounts due on the related series of Preferred Securities.
No  single  document standing alone or operating in  conjunction  with
fewer than all of the other documents constitutes such guarantee.   It
is  only the combined operation of these documents that has the effect
of  providing a full, irrevocable and unconditional guarantee  of  the
Issuer's  obligations under the Preferred Securities.  If and  to  the
extent  that  the  Company does not make payments  on  any  series  of
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures, such Issuer will not pay
Distributions   or   other  amounts  due  on  its  related   Preferred
Securities.  The Guarantees do not cover payment of Distributions when
the  related  Issuer  does  not  have sufficient  funds  to  pay  such
Distributions.  In such event, the remedies of holders of a series  of
Preferred  Securities  are as described above  under  "Description  of
Junior  Subordinated Debentures -- Debenture Events  of  Default"  and
"Description  of Preferred Securities -- Voting Rights;  Amendment  of
Trust Agreement".  The obligations of the Company under each Guarantee
are  subordinate and junior in right of payment to all Senior Debt  of
the Company.
    Notwithstanding  anything  to the contrary  in  the  Corresponding
Indenture,  the  Company has the right to set-off any  payment  it  is
otherwise  required  to make thereunder with and  to  the  extent  the
Company  has theretofore made, or is concurrently on the date of  such
payment making, a payment under the related Guarantee.
    A  holder of any related Preferred Security may institute a  legal
proceeding  directly against the Company to enforce its  rights  under
the  related  Guarantee without first instituting a  legal  proceeding
against the Guarantee Trustee, the related Issuer or any other  person
or entity.
    Each  Issuer's  Preferred Securities evidence the  rights  of  the
holders thereof to the benefits of such Issuer, and each Issuer exists
for  the  sole purpose of issuing its Preferred Securities and  Common
Securities and investing the proceeds thereof in Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated Debentures.  A principal difference between the rights of
a  holder  of  a  Preferred Security and a holder of  a  Corresponding
Junior  Subordinated  Debenture is that a holder  of  a  Corresponding
Junior  Subordinated  Debenture is entitled to receive  the  principal
amount  of  and interest accrued on Corresponding Junior  Subordinated
Debentures held, while a holder of Preferred Securities is entitled to
receive  Distributions  only  from the related  issuer  (or  from  the
Company  under  the  applicable Guarantee) if and to  the  extent  the
related   Issuer  has  funds  available  for  the  payment   of   such
    Upon  any  voluntary  or  involuntary termination,  winding-up  or
liquidation   of   any  Issuer  involving  the  liquidation   of   the
Corresponding  Junior Subordinated Debentures, after  satisfaction  of
creditors of such Issuer, if any, as provided by applicable  law,  the
holders  of Preferred Securities will be entitled to receive,  out  of
assets held by such Issuer, the Liquidation Distribution in cash.  See
"Description  of  Preferred Securities--Liquidation Distribution  upon
Termination".   Upon  any  voluntary  or  involuntary  liquidation  or
bankruptcy  of  the Company, the Property Trustee, as  holder  of  the
Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures, would be a  subordinated
creditor  of  the  Company, subordinated in right of  payment  to  all
Senior Debt, but entitled to receive payment in full of principal  and
interest,  before any stockholders of the Company receive payments  or
distributions.   Since  the  Company  is  the  guarantor  under   each
Guarantee  and  has  agreed  to  pay  for  all  costs,  expenses   and
liabilities of each Issuer (other than the Issuer's obligations to the
holders  of  its Preferred Securities), the positions of a  holder  of
such  Preferred  Securities and a holder of such Corresponding  Junior
Subordinated   Debentures  relative  to   other   creditors   and   to
stockholders of the Company in the event of liquidation or  bankruptcy
of the Company would be substantially the same.
    A  default  or  event of default under any Senior Debt  would  not
constitute  a  default  or  Event of Default under  the  Corresponding
Indenture.   However,  in  the  event of payment  defaults  under,  or
acceleration  of,  Senior Debt, the subordination  provisions  of  the
Corresponding  Indenture  provide that no  payments  may  be  made  in
respect of the Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures until such
Senior  Debt  has been paid in full or any payment default  thereunder
has  been cured or waived.  Failure to make required payments  on  any
series   of   Corresponding  Junior  Subordinated   Debentures   would
constitute  a  Debenture  Event  of Default  under  the  Corresponding
Indenture with respect to such series.
                         PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION
    The  Junior  Subordinated Debentures and the Preferred  Securities
may be sold in a public offering to or through underwriters or dealers
designated  from time to time.  The Company and each Issuer  may  sell
their   respective  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures   and   Preferred
Securities  as  soon  as  practicable  after  effectiveness   of   the
Registration Statement of which this Prospectus is a part.  The  names
of  any  underwriters or dealers involved in the sale  of  the  Junior
Subordinated Debentures and Preferred Securities in respect  of  which
this   Prospectus  is  delivered,  the  amount  or  number  of  Junior
Subordinated  Debentures and Preferred Securities to be  purchased  by
any such underwriters and any applicable commissions or discounts will
be set forth in the Prospectus Supplement.
    Underwriters may offer and sell Junior Subordinated Debentures and
Preferred Securities at a fixed price or prices, which may be changed,
or  from time to time at market prices prevailing at the time of sale,
at  prices  related to such prevailing market prices or at  negotiated
prices.    In  connection  with  the  sale  of  Preferred  Securities,
underwriters  may  be  deemed to have received compensation  from  the
Company  and/or  the  applicable Issuer in the  form  of  underwriting
discounts   or   commissions   and  may  also   receive   commissions.
Underwriters  may  sell Junior Subordinated Debentures  and  Preferred
Securities  to  or  through  dealers, and  such  dealers  may  receive
compensation in the form of discounts, concessions or commissions from
the underwriters.
    Any  underwriting  compensation paid by  the  Company  and/or  the
applicable  Issuer to underwriters in connection with the offering  of
Junior  Subordinated  Debentures and  Preferred  Securities,  and  any
discounts, concessions or commissions allowed by such underwriters  to
participating  dealers, will be set forth in a Prospectus  Supplement.
Underwriters and dealers participating in the distribution  of  Junior
Subordinated Debentures and Preferred Securities may be deemed  to  be
underwriters, and any discounts and commissions received by  them  and
any  profit  realized  by them on resale of such  Junior  Subordinated
Debentures  and Preferred Securities may be deemed to be  underwriting
discounts and commissions, under the Securities Act.  Underwriters and
dealers  may  be  entitled, under agreement with the Company  and  the
applicable Issuer, to indemnification against and contribution  toward
certain  civil liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities
Act, and to reimbursement by the Company for certain expenses.
    In connection with the offering of the Preferred Securities of any
Issuer,  such  Issuer  may  grant to the  underwriters  an  option  to
purchase additional Preferred Securities to cover over-allotments,  if
any,  at  the  initial  public  offering  price  (with  an  additional
underwriting  commission),  as may be set forth  in  the  accompanying
Prospectus  Supplement.   If  such Issuer  grants  any  over-allotment
option,  the terms of such over-allotment option will be set forth  in
the Prospectus Supplement for such Preferred Securities.
    Underwriters  and  dealers  may engage in  transactions  with,  or
perform services for, the Company and/or the applicable Issuer  and/or
any of their affiliates in the ordinary course of business.
    The  Junior  Subordinated Debentures and the Preferred  Securities
will be a new issue of securities and will have no established trading
market.   Any underwriters to whom Junior Subordinated Debentures  and
Preferred Securities are sold for public offering and sale may make  a
market   in   such  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures   and   Preferred
Securities, but such underwriters will not be obligated to do  so  and
may  discontinue any market making at any time without  notice.   Such
Junior Subordinated Debentures and Preferred Securities may or may not
be  listed  on  a national securities exchange.  No assurance  can  be
given  as to the liquidity of or the existence of trading markets  for
any Junior Subordinated Debentures or Preferred Securities.
No  person has been authorized  to                     
give  any information or  to  make                     
any   representations  other  than        _____ Preferred Securities
those     contained    in     this                     
Prospectus   Supplement   or   the                     
Prospectus, and, if given or made,            ENTERGY LOUISIANA
such        information         or                     
representations must not be relied                CAPITAL I
upon  as  having been  authorized.                     
This Prospectus Supplement and the                     
Prospectus  do  not constitute  an                  _____%
offer to sell or a solicitation of                     
an  offer  to  buy any  securities           Cumulative Quarterly
other    than    the    securities       Income Preferred Securities,
described   in   this   Prospectus            Series A (QUIPSsm)
Supplement  and the Prospectus  or                     
an    offer   to   sell   or   the        Fully and unconditionally
solicitation  of an offer  to  buy                guaranteed
such     securities     in     any          asset forth herein by
circumstances in which such  offer                     
or   solicitation   is   unlawful.         ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.
Neither   the  delivery  of   this                     
Prospectus  Supplement   and   the                     
Prospectus  nor  any   sale   made                     
hereunder    shall,   under    any                     
circumstances,     create      any           ____________________
implication that there has been no                     
change  in  the  affairs  of   the          PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT
Company  since the date hereof  or                     
that   the  information  contained           ____________________
herein or therein is correct as of                     
any time subsequent to  its date.            Goldman, Sachs & Co.
TABLE OF CONTENTS                            ____________________
Prospectus Supplement                        ____________________
  Risk Factors                                         
  Entergy Louisiana Capital I                          
  Use of Proceeds                           Representatives of the
  Selected Financial Information                 Underwriters
  Certain Terms of the Series A
  Certain Terms of the Series A
  Certain United States Federal
Income Tax
  Legal Opinions
  Available Information
  Incorporation of Certain
Documents by Reference
  The Company
  The Issuers
  Use of Proceeds
  Description of Junior
Subordinated Debentures
  Description of Preferred
  Description of Guarantees
  Description of Corresponding
    Subordinated Debentures
  Relationship Among the Preferred
    the Corresponding Junior
    Debentures and the Guarantees
  Plan of Distribution

                                PART II


Item 14.  Other Expenses of Issuance and Distribution.

                                                 Initial    Additio
                                                  Sale        nal
 Filing Fees_Securities and Exchange                        
     Registration Statement                            $    $
 *Rating Agencies' fees                           25,000      25,000
 *Trustees' fees                                   6,000       3,000
 *Fees of Company's Counsel:                                        
     Richards, Layton & Finger,                   35,000      20,000
     Reid & Priest LLP                            50,000      30,000
 *Fees of Entergy Services, Inc.                  35,000      25,000
 *Accounting fees                                 12,000       6,000
 *Printing and engraving costs                    40,000      25,000
 *Miscellaneous expenses (including Blue-Sky      20,000      15,000
                         *Total Expenses         $274,72     $149,00
                                                       5           0

Item 15.  Indemnification of Directors and Officers.

      The  Company has insurance covering its expenditures which might
arise  in  connection with its lawful indemnification of its directors
and officers for certain of their liabilities and expenses.  Directors
and  officers  of the Company also have insurance which  insures  them
against certain other liabilities and expenses.  The corporation  laws
of  Louisiana  permit indemnification of directors and officers  in  a
variety  of  circumstances, which may include  liabilities  under  the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"),  and  under
the  Company's  Restated and Amended Articles  of  Incorporation,  its
officers and directors may generally be indemnified to the full extent
of such laws.

Item 16.  Exhibits.

***1.0  Form   of  Underwriting  Agreement  relating  to   Junior
     1  Subordinated Debentures.
***1.0  Form  of  Underwriting  Agreement relating  to  Preferred
     2  Securities.
**4.01  Amended  and  Restated Articles of Incorporation  of  the
        Company  and  amendments thereto through April  22,  1996
        (filed as Exhibit 3(c) to Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
        March 31, 1996 in 1-8474).
**4.02  By-Laws  of the Company as amended effective January  23,
        1984, and as presently in effect (filed as Exhibit A-4 in
***4.0  Form   of  Indenture  for  Unsecured  Subordinated   Debt
     3  Securities, dated as of July 1, 1996, between the Company
        and The Bank of New York as Debenture Trustee.
***4.0  Form of Indenture for Unsecured Subordinated Debt
     4  Securities relating to Trust Securities, dated as of July
        1,1996, between the Company and The Bank of New York, as
        Corresponding Debenture Trustee.
***4.0  Certificate of Trust of Entergy Louisiana Capital I.
***4.0  Trust Agreement of Entergy Louisiana Capital I.
***4.0  Certificate of Trust of Entergy Louisiana Capital II.
***4.0  Trust Agreement of Entergy Louisiana Capital II.
***4.0  Certificate of Trust of Entergy Louisiana Capital III.
***4.1  Trust Agreement of Entergy Louisiana Capital III.
***4.1  Form  of Amended and Restated Trust Agreement for Entergy
     1  Louisiana Capital I.
***4.1  Form   of  Preferred  Security  Certificate  for  Entergy
     2  Louisiana  Capital I (included as Exhibit  E  of  Exhibit
        4.11 hereto).
***4.1  Form   of  Guarantee  Agreement  in  respect  of  Entergy
     3  Louisiana Capital I.
  4.14  Form  of Amended and Restated Trust Agreement for Entergy
        Louisiana Capital II.
***4.1  Form   of  Preferred  Security  Certificate  for  Entergy
     5  Louisiana  Capital II (included as Exhibit E  of  Exhibit
        4.14 hereto).
***4.1  Form   of  Guarantee  Agreement  in  respect  of  Entergy
     6  Louisiana Capital II.
  4.17  Form of Amended and Restated Trust Agreement for Entergy
        Louisiana Capital III.
***4.1  Form of Preferred Security Certificate for Entergy
     8  Louisiana Capital III (included as Exhibit E of Exhibit
        4.17 hereto).
***4.1  Form of Guarantee Agreement in respect of Entergy
     9  Louisiana Capital III.
***4.2  Form of Officer's Certificate establishing terms of
     0  Junior Subordinated Debentures (including form of Junior
        Subordinated Debenture).
***4.2  Form of Officer's Certificate establishing terms of
     1  Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debentures (including
        form of Corresponding Junior Subordinated Debenture).
***5.0  Opinion of Denise C. Redmann, Senior Attorney - Corporate
     1  and Securities of Entergy Services, Inc., relating to the
        validity of the Junior Subordinated Debentures and the
***5.0  Opinion of Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A., special
     2  Delaware counsel, relating to the validity of the
        Preferred Securities of Entergy Louisiana Capital I.
***5.0  Opinion of Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A., special
     3  Delaware counsel, relating to the validity of the
        Preferred Securities of Entergy Louisiana Capital II.
***5.0  Opinion of Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A., special
     4  Delaware counsel, relating to the validity of the
        Preferred Securities of Entergy Louisiana Capital III.
***5.0  Opinion of Reid & Priest LLP, relating to the validity of
     5  the Junior Subordinated Debentures and the Guarantees.
***8.0  Opinion of Reid & Priest LLP, as to United States tax
     1  matters (included in Exhibit 5.05 hereto).
***12.  Statement Re: Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed
    01  Charges (filed as Exhibit 99(c) to Form 10-Q for the
        quarter ended March 31, 1996 in 1-8474).
***23.  Consent of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.
***23.  Consent of Deloitte & Touche LLP.
***23.  Consent of Denise C. Redmann, Senior Attorney - Corporate
    03  and Securities of Entergy Services, Inc. (included in
        Exhibit 5.01 hereto).
***23.  Consent of Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A., special
    04  Delaware counsel (included in Exhibit 5.02 hereto).
***23.  Consent of Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A., special
    05  Delaware counsel (included in Exhibit 5.03 hereto).
***23.  Consent of Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A., special
    06  Delaware counsel (included in Exhibit 5.04 hereto).
***23.  Consent of Reid & Priest LLP (included in Exhibit 5.05
    07  hereto).
***24.  Powers of Attorney of certain officers and directors of
    01  the Company.
***25.  Statement of Eligibility under the Trust Indenture Act of
    01  1939 of The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the
        Indenture for Unsecured Subordinated Debt Securities.
***25.  Statement of Eligibility under the Trust Indenture Act of
    02  1939 of The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the
        Indenture for Unsecured Debt Securities relating to
        Preferred Securities.
***25.  Statement of Eligibility under the Trust Indenture Act of
    03  1939 of The Bank of New York, as Property Trustee for the
        Amended and Restated Trust Agreement of Entergy Louisiana
        Capital I.
***25.  Statement of Eligibility under the Trust Indenture Act of
    04  1939 of The Bank of New York, as Guarantee Trustee for
        the Guarantee for Entergy Louisiana Capital I.
***25.  Statement of Eligibility under the Trust Indenture Act of
    05  1939 of The Bank of New York, as Property Trustee for the
        Amended and Restated Trust Agreement of Entergy Louisiana
        Capital II.
***25.  Statement of Eligibility under the Trust Indenture Act of
    06  1939 of The Bank of New York, as Guarantee Trustee for
        the Guarantee for Entergy Louisiana Capital II.
***25.  Statement of Eligibility under the Trust Indenture Act of
    07  1939 of The Bank of New York, as Property Trustee for the
        Amended and Restated Trust Agreement of Entergy Louisiana
        Capital III.
***25.  Statement of Eligibility under the Trust Indenture Act of
    08  1939 of The Bank of New York, as Guarantee Trustee for
        the Guarantee for Entergy Louisiana Capital III.
**Incorporated by reference herein.
***Previously filed.

Item 17.  Undertakings.

     The undersigned registrants hereby undertake:

      (1)   To  file, during any period in which offers or  sales  are
being made, a post-effective amendment to this registration statement;

      (i)   To include any prospectus required by Section 10(a)(3)  of
the Securities Act;

      (ii)  To  reflect in the prospectus any facts or events  arising
after  the effective date of this registration statement (or the  most
recent post-effective amendment thereof) which, individually or in the
aggregate, represent a fundamental change in the information set forth
in  this  registration statement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  any
increase  or  decrease in volume of securities offered (if  the  total
dollar  value  of securities offered would not exceed that  which  was
registered)  and  any  deviation from the  low  or  high  end  of  the
estimated  maximum  offering range may be reflected  in  the  form  of
prospectus  filed with the Commission pursuant to Rule 424(b)  if,  in
the  aggregate, the changes in volume and price represent no more than
20 percent change in the maximum aggregate offering price set forth in
the   "Calculation  of  Registration  Fee"  table  in  the   effective
registration statement; and

     (iii)     To include any material information with respect to the
plan  of  distribution not previously disclosed in  this  registration
statement  or  any  material  change  to  such  information  in   this
registration statement;

      provided, however, that paragraphs (1)(i) and (1)(ii)  above  do
not  apply  if  the  information required to be included  in  a  post-
effective  amendment  by  those paragraphs is  contained  in  periodic
reports  filed with or furnished to the Commission by the  registrants
pursuant  to  Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange  Act  of
1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange Act")  that  are  incorporated  by
reference in this registration statement.

     (2)  That, for the purpose of determining any liability under the
Securities Act, each such post-effective amendment shall be deemed  to
be  a  new  registration statement relating to the securities  offered
herein,  and  the offering of such securities at that  time  shall  be
deemed to be the initial bona fide offering thereof.

      (3)   To  remove  from registration by means of a post-effective
amendment  any of the securities being registered which remain  unsold
at the termination of the offering.

      (4)   That, for purposes of determining any liability under  the
Securities Act, each filing of the registrants' annual report pursuant
to  Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act (and, where applicable,
each  filing  of an employee benefit plan's annual report pursuant  to
Section  15(d) of the Exchange Act) that is incorporated by  reference
in   this  registration  statement  shall  be  deemed  to  be  a   new
registration statement relating to the securities offered herein,  and
the offering of such securities at that time shall be deemed to be the
initial bona fide offering thereof.

      (5)   That, for purposes of determining any liability under  the
Securities  Act, the information omitted from the form  of  prospectus
filed  as  part of this registration statement in reliance  upon  Rule
430A  and  contained in a form of prospectus filed by the  registrants
pursuant to Rule 424(b) (1) or (4) or 497(h) under the Securities  Act
shall  be deemed to be part of this registration statement as  of  the
time it was declared effective.

     (6)  That, for the purpose of determining any liability under the
Securities Act, each post-effective amendment that contains a form  of
prospectus shall be deemed to be a new registration statement relating
to  the securities offered herein, and the offering of such securities
at  that  time  shall be deemed to be the initial bona  fide  offering

      (7)  To provide to the underwriters at the closing specified  in
the  underwriting  agreements certificates in such  denominations  and
registered  in  such  names as required by the underwriter  to  permit
prompt delivery to each purchaser.

      (8)   That,  insofar as indemnification for liabilities  arising
under  the Securities Act may be permitted to directors, officers  and
controlling  persons  of  the registrants pursuant  to  the  foregoing
provisions,  or otherwise, the registrants have been advised  that  in
the  opinion of the Commission such indemnification is against  public
policy   as  expressed  in  the  Securities  Act  and  is,  therefore,
unenforceable.  In the event that a claim for indemnification  against
such  liabilities  (other  than  the payment  by  the  registrants  of
expenses incurred or paid by a director, officer or controlling person
of  the  registrants in the successful defense of any action, suit  or
proceeding)  is  asserted  by such director,  officer  or  controlling
person  in  connection  with  the  securities  being  registered,  the
registrants  will, unless in the opinion of their counsel  the  matter
has  been  settled  by controlling precedent, submit  to  a  court  of
appropriate jurisdiction the question whether such indemnification  by
them  is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act  and
will be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of  1933,  as
amended,  the  registrant  certifies that  it  has  duly  caused  this
Amendment  to  be  signed on its behalf by the undersigned,  thereunto
duly  authorized, in the City of New Orleans, State of  Louisiana,  on
the 1st day of July, 1996.

                          ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.
                          By        /s/ William J. Regan, Jr.
                                 William J. Regan, Jr.
                             Vice President and Treausurer

      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this
Amendment  to  the  Registration Statement  has  been  signed  by  the
following persons in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

     Signature                 Title                 Date
                          Chairman of the        July 1, 1996
  Edwin Lupberger             Board,
                          Chief Executive
                       Officer and Director
                       (Principal Executive
By:  /s/ William J.                                    
Regan, Jr.
 William J. Regan,                                     
                          Executive Vice         July 1, 1996
 Gerald D. McInvale          President
                          Chief Financial
                           and Director
                       (Principal Financial
By:  /s/ William J.                                    
Regan, Jr.
 William J. Regan,                                     

                        Vice President and       July 1, 1996
   Louis E. Buck         Chief Accounting
                       (Principal Accounting
By:  /s/ William J.                                    
Regan, Jr.
 William J. Regan,                                     
Michael B. Bemis   )                                   
Jerry L. Maulden   )                                   
Donald C. Hintz    )         Directors           July 1, 1996
Jerry D. Jackson   )
John J. Cordaro    )
By:  /s/ William J.                                    
Regan, Jr.
 William J. Regan,                                     

           Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933,
as  amended,  the  registrants, Entergy Louisiana Capital  I,  Entergy
Louisiana Capital II and Entergy Louisiana Capital III, each has  duly
caused  this Amendment to the Registration Statement to be  signed  on
its  behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City
of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, on the 1st day of July, 1996.

                                 Entergy Louisiana Capital I
                                 By:   Entergy  Louisiana,  Inc.,
                                 as depositor
                                 By:             /s/  William  J.
                                 Regan, Jr.
                                         Name:  William J. Regan,
                                         Title:   Vice  President
                                 and Treasurer
                                 Entergy Louisiana Capital II
                                 By:   Entergy  Louisiana,  Inc.,
                                 as depositor
                                 By:             /s/  William  J.
                                 Regan, Jr.
                                        Name:   William J. Regan,
                                         Title:   Vice  President
                                 and Treasurer
                                 Entergy Louisiana Capital III
                                 By:   Entergy  Louisiana,  Inc.,
                                 as depositor
                                 By:             /s/  William  J.
                                 Regan, Jr.
                                         Name:  William J. Regan,
                                         Title:   Vice  President
                                 and Treasurer