Washington, D.C.  20549
                       FORM 8-K/Amendment
                         CURRENT REPORT
             Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                 Securities Exchange Act of 1934
 Date of Report (Date earliest event reported) February 7, 1997
Commission   Registrant, State of Incorporation,     I.R.S. Employer
File Number  Address and Telephone Number            Identification No.
1-11299      ENTERGY CORPORATION                     72-1229752
             (a Delaware corporation)
             639 Loyola Avenue
             New Orleans, Louisiana  70113
             Telephone (504) 529-5262
 Item 7.   Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Statements

                          and Exhibits

        (a)  Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired
      In  connection  with the acquisition of London  Electricity
plc.  (London),  described in Item 2., the  financial  statements
required  by  Regulation S-X, Rule 3-05(b)  are  provided  herein
pursuant to Item 7(a) of Form 8-K.  The financial statements  are
prepared  in  accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted  in  the  United Kingdom and are  expressed  in  British

London Electricity plc Annual Report & Accounts 1995/6

Report of the Auditors
to the members of London Electricity plc

     We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets
of  London Electricity plc and subsidiaries as of March 31,  1996
and  1995  and the related consolidated profit and loss accounts,
statements  of  cash flows, statements of total recognised  gains
and  losses, note of historical cost group profits and losses and
reconciliation of movement  in shareholders' funds, together with
notes 1 to 33 to the financial statements.

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors

      The Company's directors are responsible for the preparation
of  the financial statements. It is our responsibility to form an
independent opinion, based on our audit, on those statements  and
to report our opinion to you.

Basis of opinion

     We conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards
issued  by  the  Auditing Practices Board in the United  Kingdom,
which  are  similar  to those followed in the United  States.  An
audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant
to  the amounts the disclosures in the financial statements,  and
of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the Group's
circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

      We  planned  and performed our audit as to obtain  all  the
information  and  explanations which we considered  necessary  in
order  to  provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable
assurance  that the financial statements are free  from  material
misstatement,  whether caused by fraud or other  irregularity  or
error.  In  forming  our  opinion we also evaluated  the  overall
adequacy  of  the  presentation of information in  the  financial


     In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair
view  of the state of affairs of the Company and the Group at  31
March  1996  and  of  the  profit,  total  recognised  gains  and
cashflows  of  the Group for the year then ended  and  have  been
properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985.

Coopers & Lybrand
Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors
18 June 1996

Statement of Accounting Policies

The  financial  statements have been prepared in accordance  with
applicable Accounting Standards in the United Kingdom. A  summary
of  the more important Group accounting policies, which have been
applied consistently, is set out below.

Basis of accounting
These   financial  statements  have  been  prepared   under   the
historical  cost accounting convention, modified to  include  the
investment in The National Grid Group at November 1995 valuation.

Basis of consolidation
The   Group   financial  statements  incorporate  the   financial
statements  of the Company and all subsidiary undertakings  after
eliminating intercompany transactions for the financial year.  No
profit  and loss account is presented for London Electricity  plc
in  accordance with the exemptions allowed by Section 230 of  the
Companies Act 1985.

Acquisitions of subsidiary undertakings and other businesses
The  results  of  subsidiary undertakings  and  other  businesses
acquired  during  the year are included in the Group  profit  and
loss  account  from the date that control passes.  In  accordance
with  FRS  6  and 7, on acquisition of a business,  including  an
interest in an associated undertaking, fair values are attributed
to  the  Group's share of the identifiable assets and liabilities
existing at the date of acquisition and reflecting the conditions
at that date.

Goodwill  arising on the acquisition is written  off  immediately
against  reserves. Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase
price over the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired.

Associated undertakings
An  associated  undertaking  is one  where  the  Group  exercises
significant   influence  and  has  a  long  term  interest.   The
consolidated  profit and loss account includes the Group's  share
of   the   profits  less  losses  and  taxation   of   associated
undertakings and the Group balance sheet includes the  investment
in these companies at the Group's share of their net assets other
than goodwill.

Turnover  represents the value of electricity consumption  during
the  year,  including  an estimate of the sales  value  of  units
supplied to consumers between the date of the last meter  reading
and the year end, rents and the invoice value of other goods sold
and services provided, exclusive of value added tax.

Operating leases
Rental costs under operating leases are charged to the profit and
loss account in the period in which they are incurred.

The  cost  of  providing pensions in respect of  defined  benefit
pension schemes is charged to the profit and loss account  so  as
to  spread  the  cost of pensions over employees' working  lives.
Pension  surpluses  and deficits arising are allocated  over  the
estimated average remaining service lives of current employees.

Differences  between the amounts charged in the profit  and  loss
account and payments made to the schemes are treated as assets or
liabilities in the balance sheet.

The  pension  cost is assessed in accordance with the  advice  of
qualified actuaries.

The  capital  costs of ex-gratia and supplementary  pensions  are
charged  to the profit and loss account in the accounting  period
in which they are granted.

Tangible fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less amounts provided to
write  off assets over their useful economic life. Cost  includes
staff costs where employees of the Group participate directly  in
the construction of assets.

Fixed  assets are depreciated from the date of commissioning  and
are written off over their expected useful lives. No allowance is
made  for  residual  values. The lives of  each  major  class  of
depreciable assets are as follows:


Network Assets - (Depreciation is charged at                      40
 3% for 20 years followed by 2% for the remaining
 20 years).
Freehold land                                         Not depreciated
Other buildings - freehold                                   Up to 60
Other buildings - leasehold               Lower of lease period or 60
Vehicles and mobile plant                                        5-10

Fixtures and equipment including                                     
computer hardware and software                                    3-5

Major  systems development software costs are capitalised  during
the   development  phase  and  depreciated  from  the   date   of
commissioning over a maximum period of 5 years.

Consumers'  contributions are credited to  the  profit  and  loss
account  over a 40 year period at a rate of 3% for the  first  20
years followed by 2% for the remaining 20 years.  No allowance is
made for residual values.

Fixed asset investments
Fixed asset investments are stated in the Group balance sheet  at
cost less any provision for permanent dimimution in value, except
in the case of the Group's residual interest in the National Grid
Group, which is included in the Balance Sheet at a November  1995

Current asset investments
Current asset investments are stated at the lower of cost and net
realisable value.

Stocks  are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
The  valuation of work in progress is based on the cost of labour
and  materials.   The  cost  elements of  progress  invoices  are
deducted in arriving at the amounts stated.

Profit  is taken on contracts whilst the contract is in progress,
having  regard to the proportion of the total contract which  has
been completed at the balance sheet date.  Provision is made  for
all foreseeable future losses.

Deferred taxation
Deferred  taxation arises in respect of items where  there  is  a
timing difference between their treatment for accounting purposes
and their treatment for taxation purposes.  Provision is made for
deferred  taxation using the liability method only  where  it  is
anticipated that the item will crystallise within the foreseeable

Price control
Charges  for distribution of electricity and supply to  customers
with a maximum demand under 100Kwh are subject to a price control
formula  set  out  in the Company's Public Supply  Licence  which
allows a maximum charge per unit of electricity.

Differences  in  the  charges,  or  in  the  purchase   cost   of
electricity, can result in the under or over recovery of revenues
in a particular year.

Where  there  is  an  over  recovery of  supply  or  distribution
business revenues against the regulated maximum allowable amount,
revenues  are  deferred equivalent to the over recovered  amount.
The  deferred  amount is deducted from turnover and  included  in
provisions.  Where there is an under recovery, no anticipation of
any potential future recovery is made.

Property clawback
Arrangements have been implemented which entitle HM Government to
a  proportion  of  certain  property  gains  accruing  to  London
Electricity  plc  as a result of disposals or events  treated  as
disposals  occurring after 31 March 1990 of  properties  held  at
that date. These arrangements will continue until 31 March 2000.

A provision for clawback in respect of property disposals is made
only  to  the  extent that it is probable that a  liability  will

Employee Ownership Trust (ESOP)
The  accounts  include the assets (money market  investments  and
shares in NGG) of the ESOP.

References  L, p and m denote UK pounds sterling,  UK  pence  and
millions, respectively.


      The audited consolidated annual financial statements of the
Group   are  prepared  in  conformity  with  generally   accepted
accounting  practice in the United Kingdom ("UK GAAP").  UK  GAAP
differs  in  certain  material respects from  generally  accepted
accounting  practice in the United States ("US  GAAP").  Set  out
below are certain examples of significant differences, which  may
relate to the Group, between UK GAAP and US GAAP. This is not  an
exhaustive list since it is not considered practicable to set out
a detailed and complete comparison between UK GAAP and US GAAP.

Consolidated annual financial statements presentation

      The  basic  consolidated annual financial statements  of  a
group as presented in UK and the United States are generally  the
same  although  the  format,  classification  and  sometimes  the
content  of  the  consolidated annual  financial  statements  are

      In  the  UK, consolidated profit and loss accounts ("income
statements"),  consolidated balance sheets and consolidated  cash
flow statements are required as primary statements, together with
appropriate  notes, which are formatted under  specific  headings
and sub-headings.

      In  the  United  States,  consolidated  income  statements,
consolidated   balance   sheets  and   consolidated   cash   flow
statements, together with consolidated statements of  changes  in
shareholders' funds, are required as primary statements, together
with  appropriate  notes,  which  are  formatted  under  specific
headings  and  sub-headings and are different headings  to  those
required in the UK.


       Under  UK  GAAP,  the  Company  writes  off  goodwill   on
acquisition  immediately  to reserves.  Goodwill  represents  the
excess  of the purchase price over the fair value of identifiable
net  assets  acquired.  If an acquired business  is  subsequently
sold,  the  full  amount  of the original purchased  goodwill  is
charged  against  income  in determining  the  gain  or  loss  on

      Under US GAAP, goodwill is capitalised and recorded in  the
consolidated  balance  sheets and amortised  by  charges  against
income  over its estimated useful life or a period not to  exceed
40 years. Any unamortised goodwill relating to a business sold in
the  year  is charged against income in determining the  gain  or
loss on disposal.

Deferred taxation

      Under  UK  GAAP,  deferred taxation is provided  using  the
liability  method  where  in  the  opinion  of  the  directors  a
liability will become payable in the foreseeable future.

      Under  US GAAP, deferred taxation is provided on  the  full
liability basis. A net deferred taxation asset can be recognised,
but  should be reduced by a valuation allowance if, based on  the
weight  of  available evidence, it is more likely than  not  that
some portion of all the deferred tax assets will not be realised.

Fixed assets

      Under UK GAAP, tangible fixed assets are carried at cost or
at  a valuation.  Certain land and buildings may be revalued. Any
surplus  on  the  revaluation  of land  and  buildings  is  taken
directly  to non-distributable reserves.  There is no  definitive
guidance  on  criteria for the recognition of the  impairment  of
long-lived assets.

      Under  US GAAP, such revaluations are not allowable, except
in  connection  with  the  accounting  requirements  of  business
combinations. Accordingly, land and buildings would  be  recorded
at  historical cost and depreciation charged against income based
on  the  carrying  value  of buildings.   Long-lived  assets  and
certain  intangibles  must be reviewed  for  impairment  whenever
events  or a change in circumstances indicates that the  carrying
amount  of  an  asset may not be recoverable.  When the  carrying
amount exceeds future cash flows an impairment is recognised.

Pensions and other post-retirement benefits

      Under  UK  GAAP,  the cost of pensions is  charged  against
income  so  as  to  spread the cost of pensions  over  employees'
working  lives.  Surpluses and deficits are  allocated  over  the
average remaining service lives of employees.   The Company  does
not  have  significant post-retirement benefit obligations  other
than pensions.

      Under  US  GAAP,  contributions  for  defined  contribution
pension  plans  are  charged against income as  incurred,  whilst
contributions  for  defined  benefit pension  plans  are  charged
against  income on an accruals basis at a consistent  rate  which
makes  full provision for the expected cost of the benefits  over
the  anticipated services lives of employees. For post-retirement
benefits  other than pensions, the present value of the  benefits
should  be  fully accrued for by the date the employee  is  fully
eligible  to  receive  the benefits. The cost  of  providing  the
benefits  would therefore also be recognised over the anticipated
services lives of employees.


      Under UK GAAP, final ordinary dividends and the related  UK
advance corporation tax are provided for in the financial year in
respect  of which they are recommended by the board of  directors
for approval by shareholders.

      Under US GAAP, such dividends and tax are not provided  for
until formally declared by the board of directors and approved by
the shareholders.

London Electricity plc
Group Profit and Loss
for the year ended 31 March 1996

                                      National   National
                                    Grid Group  Grid Group
                                  transactions transactions Total
                                       1995/96   1995/96   1995/96  1994/95
                                 Note     Lm       Lm       Lm       Lm
Continuing operations             2,3  1,278.6    (90.9) 1,187.7  1,209.4
Cost of sales                       2   (842.8)     8.3   (834.5)  (740.1)
                                       -------    -----  -------  -------
Gross profit                             435.8    (82.6)   353.2    469.3
Net operating expenses            1,2   (253.9)   (14.4)  (268.3)  (273.8)
Exceptional cost of restructuring   1    (20.0)            (20.0)   (33.0)
Less: use of prior year provision   1      8.3        -      8.3        -
                                       -------    -----  -------  -------
Operating Profit
continuing operations             3,4    170.2    (97.0)    73.2    162.5
Share of losses of associated
 undertakings                             (2.2)       -     (2.2)    (0.7)
Exceptional provision for losses in associated
 undertaking                        3     (4.5)       -     (4.5)       -
Exceptional profit on sale of investment in
 pumped storage business            2        -     70.1     70.1        -
                                       -------    -----  -------  -------
Profit on ordinary activities
 before interest                         163.5    (26.9)   136.6    161.8
                                       -------    -----  -------  -------
Income from investment in National
 Grid Group                         7        -    144.4    144.4     21.2
Net interest payable                8     (4.9)       -     (4.9)    (1.1)
Exceptional item - premium on redemption of
 Government debt                    9        -        -        -     (9.5)
                                       -------    -----  -------  -------
Profit on ordinary activities before
 taxation                                158.6    117.5    276.1    172.4
Taxation on profit on ordinary
 activities                        10    (36.0)   (53.4)   (89.4)   (22.5)
                                       -------    -----  -------  -------
Profit on ordinary activities
 after taxation                          122.6     64.1    186.7    149.9
  - Distribution in specie         12        -   (350.4)  (350.4)      .-
  - Special                        12   (198.7)       -   (198.7)       -
  - Interim                        12    (22.9)       -    (22.9)   (19.4)
  - Final proposed                 12    (47.3)       -    (47.3)   (38.6)
                                       -------    -----  -------  -------

Retained (loss)/profit for the
 financial year                         (146.3)  (286.3)  (432.6)    91.9
                                       =======   ======   ======   ======
Earnings per share                 13                      109.7p    83.3p
Dividends per share                                         38.5p    29.0p

London Electricity plc
Balance Sheets
as at 31 March 1996
                                                    Group        Company
                                            1996    1995    1996   1995
                                     Note    Lm      Lm      Lm     Lm
Fixed Assets
Tangible assets                       14   783.6   730.2   720.3   673.6
Investments                           15    10.6    93.4   114.6   191.7
                                          ------  ------  ------  ------ 
                                           794.2   823.6   834.9   865.3
Current assets
Stocks                                19     7.4     4.3     3.6     3.3
Debtors: amounts falling due:
    Within one year                   20   388.8   263.0   387.2   266.0
    After more than one year          20    29.4    20.5    35.3    20.5
Investments                           21    29.3    49.3    19.2    40.7
Cash at bank and in hand                     0.4     0.7     1.2       -
                                          ------  ------  ------  ------ 
                                           455.3   337.8   446.5   330.5
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Borrowings                            22   (96.1)  (59.2)  (96.1)  (59.2)
Other creditors                       23  (388.5) (284.0) (386.9) (284.9)
                                          ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Net current liabilities                    (29.3)   (5.4)  (36.5)  (13.6)
Total assets less current liabilities      764.9   818.2   798.4   851.7
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
Borrowings                            22  (197.7)  (98.6) (197.7)  (98.6)
Other creditors                       23   (13.3)  (16.1)   (9.3)  (11.6)
                                          ------  ------  ------  ------ 
                                          (211.0) (114.7) (207.0) (110.2)
Provisions for liabilities and
 charges                              24   (54.2)  (45.7)  (49.9)  (42.6)
                                          ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Net assets                                 499.7   657.8   541.5   698.9
                                          ======  ======  ======  ======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital               25   101.7    98.8   101.7    98.8
Share premium account                 27     9.6     2.9     9.6     2.9
Capital redemption reserve            27    11.0    11.0    11.0    11.0
Revaluation reserve                   27     7.6    81.9     7.6    81.9
Profit and loss account               27   369.8   463.2   411.6   504.3
                                          ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Equity shareholders' funds                 499.7   657.8   541.5   698.9
                                          ======  ======  ======  ======

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors
on 18 June 1996 and were signed on its behalf by:

Sir Bob Reid Chairman
Alan Towers Finance Director

London Electricity plc
Group Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended at 31 March 1996

                                                          1995/96 1994/95
                                                  Note    Lm      Lm
Net Cash Inflow From Operating Activities         28      102.6   155.1

Returns On Investments And Servicing Of Finance
Interest received                                          12.3    14.4
Interest paid                                             (12.4)  (13.8)
Exceptional item - premium on redemption of
 Government debt                                              -    (9.5)
Dividends received from fixed asset investments           130.9    16.4
Dividends paid                                           (260.3)  (52.5)
                                                          -----  ------
Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of
finance                                                  (129.5)  (45.0)
                                                          -----  ------

UK Corporation tax paid                                   (77.0)  (43.0)
                                                          -----  ------

Investing Activities
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                        (111.8) (105.0)
Consumer contributions received                            14.0    17.4
Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed assets                 3.8     4.6
Investment in associated undertakings                      (2.8)   (1.7)
Repayment of loan from other investment                       -     0.5
Purchase of subsidiary (net of cash acquired)    29a       (0.6)      -
Exceptional proceeds from sale of pumped storage
 business                                                  60.1       -
Loan to associated undertaking                             (4.6)      -
Purchase of fixed asset investments                       (19.1)   (2.6)
Decrease in fixed term deposits greater than
 3 months                                                  14.6   112.7
                                                          -----  ------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities       (46.4)   25.9
                                                          -----  ------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing               (150.3)   93.0

Bond issue                                                100.9       -
Expenses paid in connection with bond issue                (2.0)      -
Repayment of Government debt                                  -   (70.0)
Shares issued under option schemes                          9.6     1.2
Purchase of own shares                                     (0.8) (150.4)
                                                          -----  ------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing                  107.7  (219.2)
                                                          -----  ------
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents            29b      (42.6) (126.2)
                                                          =====  ======

London Electricity plc
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and losses
for the year ended at 31 March 1996

                                                 1995/96       1994/95
                                                 Lm            Lm
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation    186.7          149.9
Other net gains recognised in reserves:
Surplus on revaluation of NGG investment        266.2              -
                                                -----          -----
Total recognized gains relating to the year     452.9          149.9
                                                =====          =====

Note of Historical Cost Profits and losses
                                                 1995/96       1994/95
                                                 Lm            Lm
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation   276.1           172.4
Realisation of revaluation surpluses on
 NGG investment                                 340.5               -
                                               ------          ------
Historical profit on ordinary activities
 before taxation                                616.6           172.4
                                               ======          ======
Historical cost (loss)/profit for the period retained after
taxation and dividends                          (92.1)           91.9
                                               ======          ======

Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds

                                                1995/96         1994/95
                                                Lm              Lm
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation    186.7            149.9
Dividends                                12    (619.3)           (58.0)
                                               ------           ------
Retained (loss)/earnings                       (432.6)            91.9
Shares issued under option schemes                9.6              1.2
Shares repurchased and cancelled                 (0.8)          (150.4)
Goodwill on acquisition deducted from reserves   (0.5)            (1.6)
Other net recognised gains relating to the year 266.2              -
                                               ------           ------
Net decrease in equity shareholders' funds     (158.1)           (58.9)
Equity shareholders' funds at start of year     657.8            716.7
                                               ------           ------
Closing equity shareholders' funds              499.7            657.8
                                               ======           ======

London Electricity plc
Notes to the Accounts
for the year ending 31 March 1996

1 Analysis of Net Operating Expenses

                                                    NGG      Total       
                                         1995/96  1995/96   1995/96  1994/95
                                           Lm        Lm       Lm        Lm
Distribution                            115.2       2.8      118.0     114.2
Distribution: exceptional cost of         4.2         -        4.2       6.8
Less: use of prior year provision        (1.7)        -       (1.7)        -
Administrative                          138.7      11.6      150.3     159.6
Administrative: exceptional cost of      15.8         -       15.8      26.2
Less: use of prior year provision        (6.6)        -       (6.6)        -
                                        -----      ----      -----     -----
                                        265.6      14.4      280.0     306.8
                                        =====      ====      =====     =====
Operating expenses
Distribution costs
Distribution costs are the cost of maintaining the network
including appropriate depreciation, rates and NGG exit charges.
Other charges from NGG are included in cost of sales.

Administrative expenses
Administrative expenses include all other operating costs.

Exceptional cost of restructuring
The charge of L20m is in respect of the continuing restructuring
of the electricity business.  Of the L18.7m brought forward,
L8.3m has been utilized.  A provision of  L30.4m is carried
forward in the balance sheet.

Exceptional provision for losses in associated undertaking
A provision has been made for losses on gas contracts for the
period up to 31 March 1998.

2 Analysis of NGG Transactions

This relates to a  L50 discount given to residential customers
who had a point of supply as at 31 December 1995 and was part of
the agreement with HM Government following the capital
reorganization of NGG.

Cost of sales
This is in respect of the fossil fuel levy saved as a result of
the customer discount.

Operating expenses
These are exceptional costs in respect of the ESOP (L13.1m) and
professional fees for NGG transactions (L1.3m).

The ESOP was set up to purchase NGG shares to be transferred to option
holders as compensation for the loss in value of the London
Electricity shares under option.  The ESOP Trustee is funded by London
Electricity to purchase from London Electricity the appropriate number
of NGG shares required in relation to unexercised options.

Funding of the ESOP is by way of interest-free limited recourse loans
by the Company.

Exceptional profit on sale of investment in pumped storage business
As part of the changes in the capital structure of NGG, prior to
listing, the pumped storage business (First Hydro Limited) was
demerged and sold to Mission Energy.  The amount shown represents
London Electricity's share of the sale proceeds.

3 Analysis of Turnover, Operating Profit and Net Assets

                              Turnover        Operating profit      Net assets
                         1995/96   1994/95   1995/96   1994/95   1995/96   1994/95
Class of business        Lm        Lm        Lm        Lm        Lm        Lm
Distribution               357.1     379.1    147.5     136.0     686.8     621.9
Supply                   1,188.9   1,113.6      9.2      13.9      44.0      37.7
Private electrical          15.9      14.8     12.0      11.0      56.1      52.8
distribution systems
Other                       43.2      29.6      3.0       1.6      11.5      (1.0)
NGG items                  (90.9)        -    (97.0)        -         -         -
                         -------   -------    -----     -----    ------     -----
                         1,514.2   1,537.1     74.7     162.5     798.4     711.4
Less: Inter business      (326.5)   (327.7)    (1.5)        -         -         -
Unallocated net                -         -        -         -    (298.7)    (53.6)
                         -------   -------    -----     -----    ------     -----
Continuing operations    1,187.7   1,209.4     73.2     162.5     499.7     657.8
                         =======   =======    =====     =====    ======     =====

                                             Cost of   Operating
Analysis of NGG items by           Turnover  sales     costs     Total
class of business                  Lm        Lm        Lm        Lm
Distribution                          -         -       9.9       9.9
Supply                             90.9      (8.3)      2.3      84.9
Other                                 -         -       2.2       2.2
                                   ----      ----      ----      ----
                                   90.9      (8.3)     14.4      97.0
                                   ====      ====      ====      ====

The exceptional cost of restructuring the business has been
charged to the Distribution business L15m (1994/95 L30m), and to
the Supply business L5m (1994/95 L3m).

The exceptional provision for losses in associated undertaking of
L4.5m has been charged to the Other class of business.

Explanation of terminology used in the profit and loss account
Distribution business
This is the transfer of electricity from the points where it is
received in bulk across the distribution systems and its delivery
to consumers.

Supply business
This is the buying and selling of electricity as suppliers.

Private electrical distribution systems
This is the operation, maintenance and expansion of private
electrical distribution systems.

Other businesses
This includes the operation of contracting, generation, building
energy management systems, transport, property and insurance

Allocation of turnover and costs
Wherever possible turnover and costs are allocated specifically
to the business to which they relate. However, because of the
integrated nature of the Group's activities, it is necessary to
recharge or apportion certain costs.

Allocation of assets and liabilities
Operating assets and liabilities are allocated or apportioned to
the business to which they relate.

Net operating assets consist of non interest bearing operating
assets (fixed assets, stocks and debtors) less non interest
bearing operating liabilities (creditors and provisions) arising
on operating activities.

Unallocated net liabilities includes other fixed asset
investments, cash, borrowings, dividends receivable and payable
and taxation.

Geographical analysis
Turnover arises entirely in the United Kingdom.

4 Operating Profit

Operating profit is stated after charging:
                                        1995/96     1994/95
                                        Lm          Lm
Staff costs (Note 5)                    85.3        110.5
Depreciation (Note 14)                  41.1         38.3
Operating lease rentals:                            
     Land and buildings                  6.6          6.5
     Plant and machinery                 1.3          0.7
Amounts paid to Coopers & Lybrand:                  
     Remuneration as Group auditors      0.2          0.2
     Fees for other services in the      1.1          0.7
United Kingdom
and after crediting:                                
Rental income                            2.5          3.2
Profit on disposal of fixed assets       2.6          0.8

5 Staff Costs

                                               1995/96     1994/95
                                               Lm          Lm
Wages and salaries                             97.7        104.1
Social security costs                           8.1          8.5
Other pension costs (Note 31)                   1.3         16.9
                                              -----        -----
                                              107.1        129.5
Less: charged as capital expenditure          (21.8)       (19.0)
                                              -----        -----
Charged to the profit and loss account         85.3        110.5
                                              -----        -----
The average number of employees (including                 
executive directors) during the year was:                                    
Staff grades                                   2,925       3,059
 Industrial staff grades                       1,479       1,849
                                               -----       -----
                                               4,404       4,908
                                               =====       =====

6 Directors' Emoluments

The total emoluments of the directors, including pension
contributions paid, were as follows:

                                             1995/96          1994/95
                                             L               L
Fees to non-executive directors                148,000       154,493
Executive directors:                                       
   fixed remuneration                          554,738       610,287
   annual bonus payments                        66,313       106,285
   pension contributions                       237,954       255,079
   benefits in kind                             48,471        51,754
                                             ---------     ---------
                                             1,055,476     1,177,898
                                             =========     =========

The remainder of the information required by the Companies Act
and the London Stock Exchange Listing Rules is contained in the
Report of the Remuneration Committee.

7 Income From Investment In NGG

                                    1995/96    1994/95
                                    Lm         Lm
Interim dividend                      9.2         7.1
Final dividend                        0.3        14.1
NGG special dividend                113.9           -
NGG second dividend                  18.0           -
NGG rights dividend                   3.0           -
                                    -----        ----
                                    144.4        21.2
                                    =====        ====
8 Net Interest Payable

                                          1995/96   1994/95
                                          Lm        Lm
Interest receivable and similar income    11.8      13.0
Interest payable and similar charges:               
   Bank loans and overdraft               (4.7)     (2.4)
   Bonds                                 (12.0)    (11.7)
                                         -----     -----    
                                         (16.7)    (14.1)
                                         -----     -----
Net interest payable                      (4.9)     (1.1)
                                         =====     =====

9 Exceptional Item - Premium On Redemption of Government Debt

                                    1995/96      1994/95
                                    Lm           Lm
12.661% Bonds due 1999 repaid 23       -         (9.5)
August 1994                         =====        ====

10 Taxation on Profit on Ordinary Activities

                                             1995/96    1994/95
United Kingdom Corporation tax at 33%        Lm         Lm
(1994/95 33%)
Current taxation on ordinary activities      43.7        46.9
Tax on exceptional restructuring costs       (4.6)       (4.7)
Deferred tax on exceptional restructuring    (2.0)       (6.2)
Deferred tax on other provisions             (1.1)       (1.7)
Tax over-provided in prior years                -       (16.0)
                                            -----       -----
                                             36.0        18.3
                                            -----       -----
Corporation tax reduction relating to       (27.3)          -
customer discount
Tax credit on NGG special dividend           22.8           -
Tax credit on NGG ordinary dividends          1.8         4.2
Corporation tax in relation to exceptional   (3.6)          -
ESOP costs
Corporation tax charge arising from          59.7   
distribution in specie
                                            -----       -----
                                             53.4         4.2
                                            -----       -----
                                             89.4        22.5
                                            =====       =====

The taxation charge has been reduced by L12.8m (1994/95 L14.2m)
as a result of timing differences, principally capital allowances
and certain provisions.

No deferred taxation adjustment is considered necessary in
respect of these timing differences except as shown above.

11 Profit on Ordinary Activities After Taxation

The profit for the financial year is made   1995/96    1994/95
up as follows:
                                            Lm         Lm
Dealt with in the accounts of the holding   186.9      147.4
Retained by subsidiary undertakings           6.7        3.4
Retained by associated undertakings          (6.9)      (0.9)
                                            -----      -----
                                            186.7      149.9
                                            =====      =====
12 Dividends

                                                         1995/96  1994/95
                                                         Lm       Lm
Interim dividend of 11.5p per 50p ordinary share         22.9     19.4
(1994/95 9.5p; 11.lp on an equivalent basis)                           
Final proposed of 27.0p per consolidated ordinary share  47.3     38.6
(1994/95 19.5p; 22.8p on an equivalent basis)                        
                                                        -----    -----
                                                         70.2     58.0
Distribution of NGG shares by way of specie dividend    350.4        -
Special dividend of l00p per 50p ordinary share         198.7        -
                                                        -----    -----
                                                        619.3     58.0
                                                        =====    =====

13 Earnings Per Share (EPS)

                                                1995/96        1994/95
This is calculated on:
weighted average number of shares            170,208,893    180,029,001
profit on ordinary activities after taxation     L186.7m        L149.9m
resulting in EPS of (p)                            109.7           83.3

The 1994/95 weighted average number of shares has been restated for the
6 for 7 share consolidation in January 1996.

14 Tangible Fixed Assets

                                  Other      Fixtures    Vehicles     Deduct    
                     Network     land and      and       & mobile   Consumers'  
                      assets    buildings   equipment     plant   contributions   Total
Group                   Lm          Lm          Lm          Lm          Lm          Lm
At 1 April 1995      1,151.0       74.7        105.2        16.3      (189.3)     1,157.9
Subsidiary on                                                                   
  acquisition              -          -          5.4          -            -          5.4
Additions               91.6        2.9         10.0         1.8       (14.9)        91.4
Disposals               (1.2)      (0.6)        (1.8)       (2.2)          -         (5.8)
                     -------       ----        -----        ----      ------      -------
At 31 March 1996     1,241.4       77.0        118.8        15.9      (204.2)     1,248.9
                     -------       ----        -----        ----      ------      -------

At 1 April 1995        386.4       18.2         60.2         9.1       (46.2)       427.7
Subsidiary on                                                                   
 acquisition              -          -           1.1          -           -           1.1
Charge for the          30.8        1.6         11.5         2.6        (5.4)        41.1
Disposals               (0.9)      (0.1)        (1.7)       (1.9)         -          (4.6)
                     -------       ----        -----        ----      ------      -------
At 31 March 1996       416.3       19.7         71.1         9.8       (51.6)       465.3
                     -------       ----        -----        ----      ------      -------
Net book amounts                                                                
At 31 March 1996       825.1       57.3         47.7         6.1      (152.6)       783.6
                     -------       ----        -----        ----      ------      -------
At 31 March 1995       764.6       56.5         45.0         7.2      (143.1)      (730.2)
                     -------       ----        -----        ----      ------      -------

                                     Other     Fixtures   Vehicles    Deduct          
                        Network     land and      and     & mobile   Consumers'        
                        assets     buildings   equipment    plant  contributions  Total
Company:                  Lm          Lm          Lm         Lm         Lm           Lm
At 1 April 1995         1,100.6       74.2       103.8         -      (189.3)     1,089.3
Additions                  86.3        2.9         9.5         -       (14.9)        83.8
Disposals                  (0.9)      (0.6)       (1.6)        -           -         (3.1)
                        -------       ----       -----      ----      ------      -------
At 31 March 1996        1,186.0       76.5       111.7         -      (204.2)     1,170.0
                        -------       ----       -----      ----      ------      -------
At 1 April 1995           384.0       18.1        59.8         -       (46.2)       415.7
Charge for the year        29.3        1.7        11.0         -        (5.4)        36.6
Disposals                  (0.9)      (0.1)       (1.6)        -           -         (2.6)
                        -------       ----       -----      ----      ------      -------
At 31 March 1996          412.4       19.7        69.2         -       (51.6)       449.7
                        -------       ----       -----      ----      ------      -------
Net book amounts:                                                               
At 31 March 1996          773.6       56.8        42.5         -      (152.6)       720.3
                        -------       ----       -----      ----      ------      -------
At 31 March 1995          716.6       56.1        44.0         -      (143.1)       673.6
                        -------       ----       -----      ----      ------      -------
                                       Group                   Company      
                           1996        1995        1996        1995        
                            Lm          Lm          Lm          Lm       
Capital commitments                                                             
Contracted for but         91.8        58.1         83.3       57.1   
not provided for           ====        ====         ====       ====

The net book amount of other land and buildings comprises:
                                      Group              Company
                            1996      1995       1996     1995
                             Lm        Lm         Lm       Lm
Freehold                    35.8      36.5       35.3      36.1
Long leasehold (over 50      9.3       9.2        9.3       9.2
Short leasehold (50         12.2      10.8       12.2      10.8
years or less)
                            ----      ----       ----      ----          
                            57.3      56.5       56.8      56.1
                            ====      ====       ====      ====

Tangible fixed assets include the following:

                                      Group              Company
                            1996      1995       1996     1995
                             Lm        Lm         Lm       Lm
Assets in the course of      82.3      76.5       75.2      74.1
Land not depreciated         16.2      16.2       16.2      16.2
                             ----      ----       ----      ----
                             98.5      92.7       91.4      90.3
                             ====      ====       ====      ====

15 Fixed Asset Investments
                                               Group             Company
                                     1996      1995      1996     1995
                                      Lm        Lm        Lm       Lm
Subsidiary undertakings (Note 16)        -         -     103.6     108.9
Associated undertakings (Note 17)      1.4        1.4      2.9       0.7
Other investments (Note 18)            9.2       92.0      8.1      82.1
                                      ----       ----    -----     -----
                                      10.6       93.4    114.6     191.7
                                      ====       ====    =====     =====

Other investments include 3.8 million shares in NGG which are
stated at a valuation of L7.9m and are listed on the London Stock
Exchange with a market value of L7.4m at 31 March 1996.  All
other investments are unlisted.

16 Subsidiary Undertakings

                                       Shares     Loans       Total
                                         Lm         Lm          Lm
At 1 April 1995                         16.9       92.0       108.9
Additions.-                                -        7.5         7.5
Transfer to amounts owed by                -      (12.8)      (12.8)
subsidiary undertakings.
                                        ----      -----       -----
At 31 March 1996                        16.9       86.7       103.6
                                        ====      =====       =====

The principal operating subsidiaries included in the consolidated accounts
are listed below:

                             Description of       Proportion of                   
                                     shares             nominal
Name of undertaking                    held     value of shares          Principal
                                                           held         activities
                                                                     Investment in
The London Power                                                       electricity
Company Ltd.                    Ordinary L1                100%         generation
London Power Insurance                                                            
Ltd.                            Ordinary L1                100%          Insurance
Berkeley Environmental                                             Building energy
Systems Plc                     Ordinary 5p                100% management systems
London Electricity                                        Electricity distribution
Services Ltd.                   Ordinary L1                100%           projects
London Electricity                                                      Electrical          
Contracting Ltd.                Ordinary L1                100%        contracting
London Electricity                                         Provision and supply of
Transport Services Ltd.         Ordinary L1                100% transport services
Combined Power Systems                                          Supply of combined
(Southern) Ltd.                 Ordinary L1                100% heat and power units
Knight Debt Recovery                                           Debt collection and
Services Ltd.                   Ordinary L1                100%            tracing

17 Interests In Associated Undertakings

                                                      Share of     
Group                                                acquisition
                                     Shares   Loans    reserves   Total
                                       Lm       Lm        Lm       Lm
At 1 April 1995                        1.7      0.7       (1.0)    1.4
Additions                              2.8      5.0          -     7.8
Transfer to subsidiary                (0.7)       -        0.2    (0.5)
Transfer to debtors: amounts due         -     (0.4)         -    (0.4)
within one year
Share of retained losses in year         -        -       (6.9)   (6.9)
                                      ----     ----       ----    ----
At 31 March 1996                       3.8      5.3       (7.7)    1.4
                                      ====     ====       ====    ====          
                                      Shares   Loans     Totals  
Company                                 Lm       Lm        Lm    
At 1 April 1995                           -      0.7        0.7      
Additions                               1.9      0.3        2.2 
                                        ---      ---        ---
At 31 March 1996                        1.9      1.0        2.9 
                                        ===      ===        ===

                        Description         of nominal    
                          of shares           value of    
Name of undertaking            held        shares held   Principal activities
London Total Gas Ltd.   Ordinary L1                50%          Gas supply
Combined Power          Ordinary L1             30.83% Supply of combined
Systems Ltd.          Preference L1             33.33% heat and power units
Thames Valley Power     Ordinary L1              50.0%      Generation and
Ltd.                                                               supply
London Total Energy     Ordinary L1              50.0%          Gas supply

18 Other Investments

                                          Shares     Loans       Total
Group                                       Lm         Lm          Lm
At 1 April 1995                            82.1        9.9         92.0
Additions at cost                          19.1          -         19.1
Transfer to other debtors                     -       (9.9)        (9.9)
Net movement in respect of distribution                        
in specie and
  transfer to ESOP of NGG shares          (92.0)         -        (92.0)
                                          -----       ----        -----
At 31 March 1996                            9.2          -          9.2
                                          =====       ====        =====      
                                          Shares     Loans       Total
Company                                     Lm         Lm          Lm
At 1 April 1995                            82.1         -         82.1
Additions at cost                          18.0         -         18.0
Net movement in respect of distribution                        
 in specie and transfer to ESOP of 
 NGG shares                               (92.0)        -        (92.0)
                                          -----      ----        -----
At 31 March 1996                            8.1         -          8.1
                                          =====      ====        =====

Details of unlisted investments in which the Group and Company hold more
than a 10% interest:

                                         Description       of nominal
                                         of shares         value of
Name of undertaking                      held              shares held
Barking Power Ltd                        Ordinary L1          13.5%

19 Stocks
                                    Group                   Company
                          1996      1995          1996      1995
                          Lm        Lm            Lm        Lm

Raw materials and
 consumables               1.4       1.8          1.3        1.6
Work in progress           6.0       2.4          2.3        1.7
Finished goods and
 goods for resale            -       0.1            -          -
                           ---       ---          ---        ---
                           7.4       4.3          3.6        3.3
                           ===       ===          ===        ===

20 Debtors
                                        Group             Company
                                1996    1995       1996     1995
Amounts due within one year:     Lm      Lm         Lm       Lm

Trade debtors                  113.5   106.1      111.1     103.8
Unbilled consumption            77.2    68.8       77.2      68.8
Amounts owed by subsidiary
 undertakings                      -       -       16.0       6.3
Amounts owed by associated
 undertakings                    0.7     0.4        0.1       0.5
Other debtors                   52.9    21.1       38.7      20.6
Prepayments and accrued income   8.1     3.7        7.8       3.2
Advance corporation tax
 recoverable                   125.1    43.6      125.1      43.6
Deferred taxation recoverable
 (Note 24)                      11.0     7.9       10.9       7.8
Dividends receivable             0.3    11.4        0.3      11.4
                               -----   -----      -----     -----
                               388.8   263.0      387.2     266.0
                               =====   =====      =====     =====

Amounts due after more than one year:
Advance corporation tax
 recoverable                    10.0     6.7       10.0       6.7
Pension scheme prepayment       19.4     9.2       19.4       9.2
Amounts owed by subsidiary
 undertakings                      -       -        5.9         -
Amounts owed by associated
 undertakings                      -     4.6         -        4.6
                                ----    ----       ----      ----
                                29.4    20.5       35.3      20.5
                                ====    ====       ====      ====

21 Current Asset Investments
                                      Group                  Company
                          1996        1995        1996       1995
Listed                     Lm          Lm          Lm          Lm

UK investments             1.2         2.5           -           -
Overseas investments       2.9         0.4           -           -
                          ----        ----        ----        ----
                           4.1         2.9           -           -
                          ----        ----        ----        ----
Money market investments  23.2        46.4        19.2        40.7
Tax certificates of
 deposit                   2.0           -           -           -
                          ----        ----        ----        ----
                          25.2        46.4        19.2        40.7
                          ----        ----        ----        ----
                          29.3        49.3        19.2        40.7
                          ====        ====        ====        ====
Market value at 31 March was:
Listed investments         4.1         3.0           -           -
Unlisted investments      25.2        46.4        19.2        40.7

22 Borrowings
                                            Group             Company
                                   1996     1995      1996     1995
Amounts falling due within one year:Lm      Lm        Lm       Lm

Short term borrowings             96.1     59.2      96.1     59.2
                                  ====     ====      ====     ====
Amounts falling due after more than one year:
8% Eurobonds repayable 28
 March 2003                       98.9     98.6      98.9     98.6
8 5/8% Eurobonds repayable
 26 October 2005                  98.8       -       98.8       -
                                 -----     ----     -----     ----
                                 197.7     98.6     197.7     98.6
                                 =====     ====     =====     ====

The 8% Eurobonds may not be redeemed prior to 28 March 2003
except upon the occurrence of certain events. In addition, the 8
5/8% Eurobonds may be redeemed in full together with accrued
interest by either the 'Issuer' or 'Bondholders' upon the
occurrence of certain events.

Borrowing facilities
The Group had at 31 March 1996 bilateral committed borrowing
facilities of L230m of varying maturities up to seven years. The
other facilities available to the Group were short term
unsecured, uncommitted facilities of L228m and the Company has a
L150m Sterling Commercial Paper programme.

23 Creditors
                                                      Group         Company
                                             1996     1995     1996  1995
Amounts falling due within one year:         Lm       Lm       Lm     Lm

Payments received on account                11.4       7.5     7.5    6.1
Amounts owing for purchase of electricity   73.5      66.5    73.5   66.5
Amounts owed to subsidiary undertakings       -         -     12.5    7.6
Other trade creditors                       32.6      38.1    30.9   36.9
Corporation tax                             86.9      55.4    83.9   54.1
Advance corporation tax                     64.6      20.9    64.6   20.9
Other taxation and social security           3.6       3.8     3.3    3.4
Other creditors                             43.3      20.8    40.4   20.4
Advance payments on extension of VAT         5.2      14.5     5.2   14.5
Accruals and deferred income                20.1      17.9    17.8   15.9
Proposed dividends                          47.3      38.6    47.3   38.6
                                           -----     -----   -----  -----
                                           388.5     284.0   386.9  284.9
                                           =====     =====   =====  =====
Amounts falling due after more than one year:
Trade creditors                               -        1.0      -     1.0
Other creditors                             11.1       8.4     7.1    8.4
Accruals and deferred income                 0.1       4.6     0.1    0.1
Advance payments on extension of VAT         2.1       2.1     2.1    2.1
                                           -----     -----    ----   ----
                                            13.3      16.1     9.3   11.6
                                           =====     =====    ====   ====

24 Provisions For Liabilities & Charges

Group                                     Insurance  costs   Other    Total

At 1 April 1995                           16.3       18.7    10.7     45.7
Utilised in the year                      (0.6)      (8.3)   (2.6)   (11.5)
Transferred from profit and loss
 account                                   0.3       20.0    (0.3)    20.0
                                          ----       ----    ----     ----
At 31 March 1996                          16.0       30.4     7.8     54.2
                                          ====       ====    ====     ====

Company                                  Insurance   costs   Other  Total

At 1 April 1995                           13.7       18.7    10.2     42.6
Utilised in the year                      (0.6)      (8.3)   (2.6)   (11.5)
Transferred from profit and loss
 account                                  (0.8)      20.0    (0.4)    18.8
                                          ----       ----    ----     ----
At 31 March 1996                          12.3       30.4     7.2     49.9
                                          ====       ====    ====     ====

Deferred taxation
The amount provided for deferred taxation and the amounts for
which provision has not been made are as follows:
                                      Group               Company
                             1996     1995       1996     1995
Provided in accounts:       Lm        Lm        Lm       Lm

At 1 April                 (7.9)        -      (7.8)         -
Transfer from profit and
 loss                      (3.1)     (7.9)     (3.1)      (7.8)
                          -----      ----     -----       ----
At 31 March               (11.0)     (7.9)    (l0.9)      (7.8)
                          =====      ====     =====       ====

Provided in accounts:
Accelerated capital
 allowances                   -         -         -          -
Other timing differences  (11.0)     (7.9)    (10.9)      (7.8)
                          -----      ----     -----       ----
                          (11.0)     (7.9)    (10.9)      (7.8)
                          =====      ====     =====       ====

                                     Group              Company
Potential liability       1996        1995     1996        1995
 not provided:             Lm         Lm      Lm           Lm

Accelerated capital
 allowances                184.1     173.5     177.6      169.5
Other timing differences    (6.5)    (11.2)     (6.4)     (11.6)
                           -----     -----     -----      -----
                           177.6     162.3     171.2      157.9
                           =====     =====     =====      =====

Total potential deferred taxation liability is computed at a
Corporation tax rate of 33% (31 March 1995 33%).
The Directors do not consider that any deferred taxation
provision is required in respect of the revaluation of NGG

25 Share Capital
                                                          Group and Company
                                                          1996    1995
                                                          Lm      Lm

257,142,857 ordinary shares of 58 1/3p each
 (1994/95 300,000,000 ordinary shares                    150.0    150.0
 of 50p each)                                            =====    =====

Allotted, called up and fully paid
174,290,836 ordinary shares of 58 1/3p each
 (1994/95 197,695,699 ordinary shares                    101.7     98.8
 of 50p each)                                            =====    =====

Share options
During the year options were exercised on 5,104,982 (1994/95,
513,399) ordinary shares at L4.83, L3.03, L3.00, L2.61 and L1.75
for a total consideration of L9.6m (1994/95 L1.2m).

Share repurchase
The following share repurchase took place during the year:

On 18 January 1996, 839,573 shares with a nominal value of 8 1/3p
at a price of L1.00.

These fractional shares were subsequently cancelled and resulted
in a decrease of less than L0.lm in share capital which was
transferred to the capital redemption reserve. They arose from
the share consolidation of every seven existing ordinary shares
into six new ordinary shares and represented the fractional

The total repurchase cost was L0.8m which has been charged
against profit and loss reserves.

Special Rights Redeemable Preference Share
The Special Rights Redeemable Preference Share was redeemed at
par on 31 March 1995 and converted, following the resolution
passed at the Annual General Meeting held on 4 August 1995, into
two ordinary shares of 50 pence each. This share, which could
only be held by the Secretary of State for Energy or another
person acting on behalf of HM Government, did not carry any
rights to vote at general meetings but entitled the holder to
attend and speak at such meetings.

26 Share Options

(a) The Executive Share Option Scheme
An approved share option scheme for executive directors and
senior executives whereby an option to purchase the shares of the
Company is issued and may be exercised between the third and
tenth anniversaries of the date of grant.

Options have been granted to eligible employees and executive
directors to subscribe for ordinary shares in the Company in
accordance with the rules of the scheme.

(b) The Sharesave Scheme
An approved share option scheme where the options to purchase the
shares of the Company are linked to a five year savings contract.
All staff who met a qualifying period of employment prior to the
Grant Date were eligible to participate.

The rules of the Executive Share Option Scheme and Sharesave
Scheme include provisions for early exercise of the options in
certain circumstances.

                                                         Number of shares for
                                                           which rights are
                       Date Subscription                    exercisable
Options granted and
outstanding at        options   price per   Period within which       1996     1995
31 March 1996 were:   granted     share     options are exercisable     L        L
Executive share option
1                   Jan. 1991      2.61     17/1/94-17/1/2001        30,000    280,000
2                   Jan. 1992      3.00     14/1/95-14/1/2002       129,000    356,000
3                   July 1993      4.83     20/7/96-20/7/2003       475,800    512,800
4                   Mar. 1994      5.71     28/3/97-28/3/2004        22,767     22,767
5                   April 1995     5.92       3/4/98-3/4/2005        75,077          -
6                   April 1995     6.04     13/4/98-13/4/2005        14,551          -

1                   Dec. 1990      1.75      1/3/96-1/9/96          161,115  4,896,557
2                   Sept. 1992     3.03     30/12/97-30/6/98        892,282    992,658

27 Retained Profit And Reserves
                                                 Group       Company
                                                 Lm          Lm
Share premium account
At 1 April 1995                                  2.9           2.9
Premium on options exercised                     6.7           6.7
                                                 ---           ---
At 31 March 1996                                 9.6           9.6
                                                 ---           ---
Capital redemption reserve
At 1 April 1995                                 11.0          11.0
Nominal value of shares repurchased               -             -
                                                ----          ----
At 31 March 1996                                11.0          11.0
                                                ====          ====
Revaluation reserve
At 1 April 1995                                 81.9          81.9
Revaluation surplus on NGG                     266.2         266.2
Revaluation surplus transferred to profit and loss account in
respect of NGG:
   Distribution in specie                     (333.2)       (333.2)
   Sale of shares to ESOP                       (7.3)         (7.3)
                                              ------        ------
At 31 March 1996                                 7.6           7.6
                                              ======        ======
Profit and loss account
At 1 April 1995                                463.2         504.3
Revaluation surplus realised on NGG:
   Distribution in specie                      333.2         333.2
   Sale of shares to ESOP                        7.3           7.3
Shares repurchase                               (0.8)         (0.8)
Goodwill written off on investment in
 associated undertaking                         (0.5)            -
Retained loss for the year                    (432.6)       (432.4)
                                              ------        ------
At 31 March 1996                               369.8         411.6
                                              ======        ======
Total reserves at 31 March 1996                398.0         439.8
                                              ======        ======

The cumulative amount of goodwill charged to reserves is L48.6m
(1994/95 L48.1m).

The revaluation reserve is in respect of the NGG investment which
is included in other investments in Note 18.

28 Reconciliation Of Profit On Ordinary Activities Before
   Interest to Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities

                                              1995/96   1994/95
                                              Lm        Lm

Profit on ordinary activities before interest 136.6    161.8
Depreciation                                   41.1     38.3
Increase/(decrease) in provisions and
 liabilities                                    8.4     (4.4)
Gain on sale of tangible fixed assets          (2.6)    (0.8)
Exceptional profit on sale of investment in pumped storage
business                                      (70.1)      -
Share of loss of associated undertakings        6.7      0.7
Increase in pension fund prepayment           (10.1)    (2.4)
ESOP                                            7.9       -
                                              -----    -----
                                              117.9    193.2
                                              =====    =====
Movements in working capital
Decrease/(increase) in stocks                  (2.6)     0.3
Increase in trade debtors                     (15.5)   (20.3)
Increase in other debtors                     (17.0)    (5.2)
Increase/(decrease) in trade creditors          5.7     (4.9)
Increase/(decrease) in other creditors         16.2    (19.3)
Increase/(decrease) in other taxation and
 social security                               (0.2)     0.1
Increase/(decrease in accruals and
 deferred income                               (1.9)    11.2
                                              -----    -----
Total working capital movements               (15.3)   (38.1)
                                              =====    =====
Net cash inflow from operating activities     102.6    155.1
29a Purchase Of Subsidiary Undertaking        =====    =====

Net assets acquired on acquisition of Combined Power System
(Southern) Ltd were L0.9m including cash of L0.1m. Goodwill
arising on the acquisition is L0.5m. Cash consideration in
aggregate was L1.4m.

29b Analysis Of Cash And Cash Equivalents

                             1995/96  1994/95 1995/96 1994/95 1993/94          
                                                     Movements Movement
                               Lm     Lm      Lm      Lm       Lm

Cash at bank and in hand        0.4     0.7    10.5   (0.3)    (9.8)
Current asset investments      29.3    49.3   224.9  (20.0)  (175.6)
Tax certificates of deposit      -       -     (2 8)     -      2.8
Short term investments
 greater than 3 months        (16.7)  (31.3) (144.0)  14.6    112.7
Short term borrowings         (96.1)  (59.2)   (2.9) (36.9)   (56.3)
                              -----   -----  ------  -----   ------
                              (83.1)  (40.5)   85.7  (42.6)  (126.2)
                              =====   =====  ======  =====   ======

The movement in current asset investments excludes items of
greater than 3 months duration.

30 Analysis Of Changes In Financing

                                                Share    Capital
                                      Share     premium  redemption  Cash
                                      capital   account  reserve    inflow
                                      Lm        Lm       Lm         Lm

At 1 April 1995                       98.8      2.9      11.0       -
Nominal values of shares repurchased
 and cancelled                           -        -         -       -
Shares issued under option scheme      2.9      6.7         -       9.6
                                     -----      ---      ----       ---
At 31 March 1996                     101.7      9.6      11.0       9.6
                                     =====      ===      ====       ===

Cash flow movements

Shares were issued under option schemes for a total consideration
of L9.6m (1994/95 L1.2m). Shares were repurchased for a total
cost of L0.8m (1994/95 L150.4m).
                                                       1995/96    1994/95
                         1995/96   1994/95   1993/94   Movement   Movement
                          Lm        Lm        Lm       Lm         Lm

12.661% Bonds due 1999      -         -       70.0       0.0     (70.0)
8% Eurobonds due 2003     98.8      98.6      98.4       0.2       0.2
8 5/8% Bonds due 2005    100.9       -         -       100.9       -
Expenses of Bond issue    (2.0)      -         -        (2.0)      -
Issue costs amortised     (0.6)     (0.4)     (0.2)     (0.2)    (0.2)
                         -----      ----     -----      ----    -----
                         197.1      98.2     168.2      98.9    (70.0)
                         =====      ====     =====      ====    =====

31 Pension Commitments

The principal pension scheme available to employees of London Electricity
plc has been the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme (ESPS). Since April 1994
new employees have been offered membership of a defined contribution

The ESPS provides pensions and related benefits based on the final
pensionable pay of employees throughout the electricity supply industry.
The assets of the scheme are held in a separate trustee administered fund.

The scheme was unitised with effect from 31 March 1989 and an actuarial
valuation carried out at that date apportioned the assets of the ESPS
between the various participating employers (Groups). The most recent
formal actuarial valuation of the London Electricity Group for the purpose
of determining contribution rates was carried out at 31 March 1995 by Bacon
& Woodrow, consulting actuaries. The valuation method adopted was the
attained age method.

The principal assumptions were that the investment return would exceed
salary increases by 3.0% and exceed future pension increases by 4.5% per

At the valuation date, the actuarial value of the assets relating to London
Electricity Group was L672.8 million, which represented 108.1% of the
actuarial value of the accrued benefits. Accrued benefits include all
benefits for pensioners and former members as well as benefits based on
service to date for active members, allowing for future salary rises. The
resultant surplus is being used to increase benefits to members and to
facilitate reductions in employer and employee contributions.
In order to calculate the pension charge in accordance with the
Group's accounting policy, a separate actuarial valuation was
prepared by Bacon & Woodrow, consulting actuaries. This valuation
was determined using the projected unit credit method, and
resulted in a regular annual pension charge of 10.2% of
pensionable pay. This regular cost has been reduced by the
benefit of an actuarial surplus arising using this method, which
is being spread over 10 years, being the average remaining
service life of employees. The resulting net charge to profit in
the year was Lnil (1994-95 L8.5 million).

A prepayment of L19.4 million (31 March 1995 L9.2 million) is
included in debtors greater than one year, as a result of
spreading the surplus.

Executive directors and certain senior employees are also
entitled to join the London Electricity Executives pension scheme
from which further benefits based on final pensionable pay are
available. Under the Company's defined contribution scheme the
charge to profit is the contribution paid by the Company for the
year. The amount paid is not yet material.

The total net charge for pension schemes in the accounts is L0.3
million (1994-95 L8.8 million).

Contributions payable by the Company arising from ex-gratia
pensions and early retirement were L1 million (1994-95 L8.1

32 Lease Obligations

The annual commitments of the Group under non-cancellable
operating leases are as follows:

                                 Land and  1996      Land and   1995
                                 buildings Other     buildings  Other
                                 Lm        Lm        Lm         Lm

Expiring within
One year                          0.4      0.4          -       0.2
Two to five years inclusive       0.2      1.1        0.1       0.5
Over five years                   6.5        -        5.7         -
                                  ---      ---        ---       ---
                                  7.1      1.5        5.8       0.7
                                  ===      ===        ===       ===
33 Contingent Liabilities

The Group has an interest in a joint venture, Barking Power Ltd.,
a company formed to build and operate a gas fired power station.
The Group is committed to contributing up to L1.9m over a period
of one year for subordinated loan stock and equity.

Since the year end, the Group has subscribed L5m for a 11.3%
stake in London & Continental Railway and paid L5.6m to purchase
the private distribution networks at North Pole International
depot, Waterloo International station and Manchester
International depot from European Passenger Services Ltd. The
Group expects to invest, over the next seven years, between L50m
and L75m in infrastructure costs for the Channel Tunnel Rail

We may be called upon to subscribe up to a further L5m for equity
during the next few years.

Other than those noted above, there were no other material
contingent liabilities or guarantees apart from those given in
respect of certain subsidiaries in the ordinary course of

(b)  Pro Forma Financial Information

      The accompanying unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated
financial  information  has  been  prepared  in  accordance  with
generally  accepted accounting principles in the  United  States.
Amounts  are  expressed  in  U.S. dollars.   The  purchase  price
allocation  for  London Electricity plc is based  on  preliminary
information.   The  unaudited  pro  forma  financial  information
should be read in conjunction with the related notes thereto.

      The accompanying unaudited pro forma condensed statement of
consolidated income for the year ended December 31, 1996 has been
prepared  assuming  the  acquisition of  London  Electricity  plc
occurred on January 1, 1996.

     The pro forma condensed statement of consolidated income has
been  prepared for comparative purposes only and does not purport
to  be  indicative of the results of operations that  would  have
resulted  had  the  combination  been  in  effect  on  the   date
indicated,  that have resulted since the date of  acquisition  or
that may result in the future.

                           Entergy Corporation
           Pro Forma Condensed Statement of Consolidated Income
                   For the year ended December 31, 1996
                      (in thousands, except share data)
                                                 Pro-Forma    Entergy Corp.
                                      London   Adjustments   and Subsidiaries
                        Historical   (Note 1)    (Note 2)        Pro Forma
Operating Revenues      $7,163,526  $2,110,085                   $9,273,611
Operating Expenses       5,484,805   1,875,408     53,109 (a)     7,413,322
Operating Income         1,678,721     234,677    (53,109)        1,860,289
Other Income               (46,964)    (19,889)                     (66,853)
Interest Charges           790,571      28,176    137,673 (b)       956,420
Income Before              841,186     186,612   (190,782)          837,016
  Income Taxes
Income Taxes               421,159      49,345    (50,722) (c)      419,782
Net Income                $420,027    $137,267  ($140,060)         $417,234
Earnings from continuing
 operations per average
 common share               $1.83                                    $1.82
Average number of common
 shares outstanding   229,084,241                              229,084,241
                      ===========                              ===========
    1.   On  February  21,  1997,  the  Company  acquired  London
Electricity plc, for approximately $2.1 billion.  The acquisition
was  financed  with $1.7 billion of debt that is non-recourse  to
Entergy   Corporation,  and  $392  million  provided  by  Entergy
Corporation.   The  Company has accounted  for  this  acquisition
using  the  purchase  method of accounting whereby  the  purchase
price is allocated to assets and liabilities based on fair market
value,  with the remainder allocated to the distribution  license
of  London  Electricity  plc which is an identifiable  intangible

   2.  The  pro forma condensed statement of consolidated  income
reflects  the  following  adjustments in  order  to  present  the
historical  results of operations of London Electricity  plc  for
the  period prior to its inclusion in the consolidated  financial

      a)   primarily an increase in depreciation and amortization
expense resulting from applying the purchase method of accounting
to  the  London  Electricity plc fixed  assets  and  distribution

      b)   primarily additional interest expense associated  with
debt  incurred to purchase London Electricity plc at  an  average
interest rate of 7.2%;

      c)   adjustment to income tax expense to provide for a  33%
United  Kingdom statutory income tax rate for the  twelve  months
ended December 31, 1996.
      The  following  unaudited pro forma condensed  consolidated
balance  sheet as of December 31, 1996 has been prepared assuming
the  acquisition of London Electricity plc occurred  on  December
31, 1996.

                        Entergy Corporation
          Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
                         December 31, 1996
                           (in thousands)
                                                     Pro Forma        Entergy
                                                    Adjustments        Corp.
         Assets             Historical    London     (Note 1)        Pro Forma
Current Assets               $2,362,533    $618,056  ($100,000) (a)  $2,880,589
Other Property and                                                             
  Investments                   930,073      26,574                     956,647
Utility Plant, net           16,223,123   1,417,445     865,647 (b)  18,506,215
Deferred Debits and Other                                                   
  Assets                      3,450,565           -   1,565,478 (b)   5,016,043
Total Assets                $22,966,294  $2,062,075  $2,331,125     $27,359,494
Liabilities and    
 Shareholders' Equity
Current Liabilities          $1,882,567    $640,108    ($42,823) (c) $2,479,852
Deferred Credits and Other
  Liabilities                 5,924,067     153,939   1,232,544  (d)  7,310,550
Long Term Debt                7,590,804     339,145   2,070,287  (e) 10,000,236
Preferred Securities            927,941           -                     927,941
Common Shareholders'                                                       
  Equity                      6,640,915     928,883    (928,883) (f)  6,640,915
Total Liabilities and       $22,966,294  $2,062,075  $2,331,125     $27,359,494
Shareholders' Equity        ===================================================

1.    The pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet reflects
the  following  adjustments in order to  present  the  historical
financial  position  of  London  Electricity  plc  prior  to  its
inclusion in the consolidated financial statements:

(a)  To record cash portion of purchase price.
(b)  Primarily allocation of purchase price to assets and
     liabilities based on fair market value, in accordance with
     purchase accounting principles.
(c)  Adjustment of London Electricity plc's accounting
     policies and presentations to that of the Company.
(d)  Primarily the deferred tax effect of the step-ups to
     fair market value.
(e)  To record acquisition indebtedness.
(f)  To eliminate shareholder's equity in London Electricity

Item 7.   Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Statements
and Exhibits,

          (c)  Exhibits

          23.1 Consent of Coopers & Lybrand, Chartered
               Accountants and Registered Auditors.



     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                         ENTERGY CORPORATION

                         By:          /s/Louis E. Buck
                                       Louis E. Buck
                              Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer

Dated:  April 21, 1997